The Glenville Mercury AND JU:MIND YOUs
The Glenville Mercury AND JU:MIND YOUs
The Glenville Mercury AND JU:MIND YOU s A:aan This Yur The PionH.l'"S Are Sweepmg A Clean Slate: They·.-., UndefeatN Student Newa.p aper--Glenville State Teacher• College-Publiahed Weekly APRECIS OF --Newa - - Unclassified 'JB£, .COLUMB1A Broadusting a,.tem in a colleriate news ser..... aaya that Profcsaor Quiz, ....... <W'Ith Bob Tl'out. on CBS, ha.' _.., aevtr~l tours around thc. ANOTHER ANNIVERSARY FOR TWO GREAT AMERICANS REGISTRATION FOR SECOND SEMESTER IS 394; NUMBER INCLUDES THIRTY-THREE ~ NEW STUDENTS; COURSES CHANGED E. T. OFFER ON COLLEGEFACULTY Enrollrne.nt th e. P .. t Seme•t• Wa s 402 ; Seven Pe nowu Comple te Work __.try. And, believe it or not, the ...aenta Goldie C. J amea ha\·e won fifteen times. -rJte faculty is doing great Whf!n tt. No. 1 r:nan .scoru as high a.s t.hto ,.,..t 5tudenL etrered is: BULLETIN ~t:l! Goldie Clare James returned Saturday from a Cl.1rksburg hospital, where she b.a.s been a patit.nt for several weeks. She rnumed charge of her classes thlt momin~: • The uplanalion lltudenU know less a.nd as a re.alt have mor~> hmher minds, eas- tb' .,dapted for quia.lnr. .,..tnt Btch school students are the pT'Oiblt-m on a quiz pro.- .,... They know atill leu, their ,.... or mort. lmiber a nd thl!'y a n_.. ao many que$tiona eorTeclly tllat Otbu look silly. DL FRA.."'J K STAN'I"ON, OBS .._tor of reaear~~ findJ that colJIIw etadenb lt:arr. what they b ear a per ent faster :b.l.n what. they ...t. . .Fum famlliu li.lte.n to t111tr ndios an n t:n.Je of 5 hours. 21 atDat.u a cby. C:l)' folk listen 1 alaal.ft lua... Larru t sehool in the tWorld is Columbit 's School of tJt. Air: 8,000,000 bo7s and girls Ia 100,000 dauroo:u attend dantal'h their radios eYI:'rY wee.k- .ao.-n .. . . F R OM THE NYA ol'fices in Waalrington comM this informatloo : NYA l:''mployes the yen MrHd nearly 19 m illion hot lunch• to .Kbool ehildren. T he)' conelnlct.ed or improved 1526 pint .ad tree nurserit:e. 3639 -bird and pme sanctuaries and 108 fu:h . .teheries. I!LLtNO lS W"ESLEY A~ Un iv l'~ football manager , w h o doM>n't take chancH, r ecen t l)· '11\re.d President R oosevelt: ·•t und '•ndred.a of ot her root'ba ll mana.. pn over tM: country would like to Ia!._. the exaet d ale for T hanks. Ping in 194 0." A presidential tecretary 'l"'ired baek : "The datt. will be November 21. 1940." ltty'a T AKES A hu.p of thinking to dil' ou t t'fto ugh reading matter 1or t he publk. For no othl:r rea.a than t.o eu apace in 50me pu.bliatioa, .aomun e fl«ured out t his l*ttern for !-bt: typical coed: She's .,.e f eet. ei{ht. weiChs 11 8. bu ~onde hair p od teeth, a 'l"ftdy 1 .ule, ls 'lO, att"r-acti•.,., a nd of COliNe m•ast be a fe rru~ l•. And the eha'ftces are 1be'a headed East to ln t.o aomto Broad,.....y show. [I" 'JIIIER.E'S NO hann in read ing what othera h ave to uy. even though you can't get. aU adither ~ the adeu. T he ~·uetary of • national chu rch council mainta bu that "college• cannot talk dtmoeracy a nd t hen r efuse to alJow dtmoeratlc principlu and m ethods to +be used on their own .. Facuhlu and student liodies m ust aee d1:1nocracy as a way of life het-e a n d everywbue." A ND THES along comes Dr. F . ·P . K~l. Cunel"le CorpGTAlion president. with t his admonition: ••we must work with the individual 'hamar. bei ng. • .and understand that be can't. .be subdi\., oed eith('r. l t "1W'o n 't do to dtal with his intel1l' aide a lone a nd nrglect his b~l th an d mora le; we must reckon with his e1thetic a nd ~m otional .Sde a nd .by intelligent ,-u idance belp him to adjust h imself to the l"tal world In which he lh·e." Dr. KepJM!I commends tu(bus by • yinc, "'Educators have b¢en MYbsc thest: thi ngs for Je&nl• now at., an bee-inning to act as af they ..._Ntl!.em." Mr. Edv.-.u ; T. Offner, or Fairw:ont.., became a member of thf' College faculty this stcmester and Will teaeh in t.he biology department u ntil l\l iu Gold ie C. J ames, -a patie nt in 0 try's ~e:!:~~~!~e~c~eun~1~:ah~~e~i~~~jn.t~roo~ !ho f ~ht~~ ~o:~d hr:~e~·~=~~~~ o"ne:~i!ht~~~o~~= fchl:rks~~;;~ ia ~~!~ntrl'-'u";;pi~c1; in~c:;:i~~t :~=~~:~:d .~:ca.~:lo~ 00 niversa ry of t he birth of the Great Ema nci pat or th ese w o rd s apok en in 1861: "Suppose y ou g o to w ar, you ca nn ot fi g h t a l wnys; and wh en, after mu c h loss o n b oth s id es, and n o gain o n eit h er, yo u cease fi g h ti n g, t he id e nti cal o ld ques t ion s • . . a r e agai n up o n you ." Next w ee k , F ebru 3 ry 22, t h ese same Amer icans will o n his 208th a nn i versa r y recall George W as h in gton , w h o w as "first in w ar. fir s t in peace, fii''St in th e h earts o f his co unt rym e n ," a n d who warn e d his na tio n t o avoi d entan g ling forei g n all iances. duties here. Classea being taug ht by Mr. Olfner U't vertebrate zoology, ge:neral biolozy. parsitology and community and pei"SOnal healt h. M r. Olfner, a son of Dr. J . E . 01!ner, .superintendent of Lhe: State Hospit:t.l at Weston, has taught tlhrU )"UMI in hirb schools, one ye~r and !ou.r summer • ~rms at F airmo nt St.ate. Teachers . CoUes;e e.nd h~ t;e r ved _as •? asat.Stanl mstructor at the Un\Ve~SJty. He ~cei\"ed the A. B. d~gree ~t ~airmont, the B. S. dezre~ In me<h· c1n• and the M. S. degru an zoology Enter-tainment Sponaored 1b y at tlhe Univf,rsit)'. He has do ne one C u rre nt E venta Club ; H e le n )"ear of ruearch wor k at Louisiana H eat er in Cha r ge Stale Univenity and _next >'~ar he - -• plans to _do ns~r~ h m parslto.logy The Current E vl:nts Club present- nn d tro pica l med1c1n e at the Unwered " T hen Came War : 1930 ," and sity of California. Pres. E. G. Rohrbo ugh llJSig"ned sests to students Wed nesday. T he pro. gra m was the se<:ond auembly reatu~ this .stm1ester. First assembly en- ;--T-hi-s-Is_O_n_e--.IMARCH OF TIME 6LENVILLE-WEST UBERTY DEBATE TO BE BROADCAST *>· TOMOR.80W BO Y Scoua here . .d eve, will cloM a week's procnm whieh mark. th&i organi•t.ion's thirtiet h a nn iveru.ry. T he .eek'a progTa m t larted 'l'hur&day wttll Re-dedication Day: t .JmorTOW • PlannU:ac Day, wbl:'n lhinp to tome In 1940 Will be map~d. K trrabenhip in the Koota,p Aru Couadl, whkh incl ude~ .Gilmu Countr . i.Jieruwd more than 12 pw -at tlt.P past.yur . T he ~ou t's these days it " T he. Ame.riean Way," and that sounds good Registrauon for the 4econd .em& ter ba$ reached a w I of 394, an· nouocu Dean B. Laban Wbltt. t'bit fiJnJre indudu thirty-three •tudenu not enrolled in the College the pht !tmea:ter. but does not inclu 4e So.rurda}' and extension claue:s. The total enrollment for the pul 1eme£ter was 4.02. F ony.ont' atu• dents listed durin~ thi~ peiod ar• not I"H"iattred !.or thr pre&l'.nt seme.. tcr. Those not re-enrt~llin:f include ,. \·en who eompleted their wort a.t the close of t he semtoster, thirteen wh~ fWithdrew during tb(' pt'riod. and twl!!nt)·-one who did not return to sc-hool. Univeraity Gra duat e T each in g H e re During lllnen of M iu ...,auor ~pon.s tbot in quiz con'ltlllll betwH>n audents and !ar.ulty, PROGRAM GIVEN • IN CHAPEL HOUR Way to Equip A Laboratory S t udents W ill A rl"u e hola t ion Hollywood's property men have Quution; Boll inl"er Ia nothinr on Miss Willenna White. inNew M e m ber struct.or in librar)"- science. W hen Mis.s White wanted to furThrough t he ethe r their me..uage will be ft as hed, when Hele n Heater, niah a a·oom in the baaeme nt o f the Denver Barnett, a nd Pau l Bea l, vet- Robert F . Kidd Library for her eran members of the College deb1t.e class in bookbinding. she collected team, uphold the atfu-mat ive side of equipment whieb fannerly had been the isolation quest ion apinst Wei t ~eel in a W. P . A. ,project at Sand Liber ty's group, Sahr fhy , Feb. 24. F ork; • cabinet from M i~ Almt A.,... 12 o'clock noon, at W ea Lib<e rty. T he iuue Is whether the United States should practice .cono mie a nd i:e~ a nd there. T he clus, Eng lish 40 1. meets on milita ry isolation tOVI";J..rd nations al war in the wute.rn hemisphe re, t.he Monday aflemoo~s fram _1 till 3 question c::.G.\en by. the State Speech o'doek and is limited t.o Slx memAssociation. T he d eba te will be bers. because ~f the small amount of broadcast th rough &tation W WVA , equipment a \"8\lable. Wheel inC'. Friday at'temoon at 2 o'clock, 1n the College Lounge with the same line-up, Glenville debaten will uke a negative sta nd against the Liberty team . New to the debating team is Maxin e Bollinger, ! emor, who will •be in. StudenU \,;u have lln opportun~ty itiatt"d Wednuday, f('b. 2 1. at 2 to lear n mo r e abo ut thei r ~~:ove r n p. m. in the Lounge. contesting SJ· ment tomorrow in assembly wht:n the !em's affirmative. Student Cou ncil wi ll discuu quu.. Thursda)", F ob. 20, the debaters tion cont"erning campus governtangle with Morris Han·ey .at Chu- ntt!.nt. Harold Nor oski, Council presiles_to n, dCI!ending thf' n~ptlve , and dent, will ask the questions and the Frada)", March I. they will be ~t ICon- otter nlo:rr.bers. who will obe on the cord College. Athens. uphold 1n.r the stage also, 111;11 discu 55 them. · This llo'ill be the first program or this type affirmative. !in~e the swdent government has ;ud. Although no definite arrangement-a are made for this semeate.r, N<~roski Survay S howa Eaatern C olle1· said t.hst the Council ~,11 eont inut: to spon&oOr a serit-.s of student programs ian.. M ost lnteruted In and vdll continue to work for the Eur-opean Affa irs best interests or students :and the F avorable a.t ntiment I• fou nd in Coll~:ge. ':1:.! parts of the country on t.he proJ»>$•1 that. Finland be allowf'd to dra w upon .her recent war debt p.ay ment !.o the United Stst u , reportt the StuJent Opinion Surveys. Th is rece nt poll t.how8 t hat New Engla nd tt udents are most in !avor, By Mildred Riley where mo1·e t han se,·en ou t of e\·er)" You go out to get in the car nnd t en approve, wbilt- those. in \.he Far di~.eover a flat tire--3nd besidu you W est ue let.!Jl in fa\'or. It is noted we-e late alrea•ly. that ~ eastern collegians show the y J U drive m iles past 1 g-reater inter~at in the part this fi llir:.r station and suddenly diseo,•el country abou.ld play, in Europe's af- you an abo ut out of gas, and you fain. mus: re-trace your trail and ,-et "st If" B T t'll CoUege, another poll shO\II"S, th t i.s on the wane among American 1tU· m:re n.;:;::~;:n yo: r u-n e~~i;el~· so~t de nts.. Only thirty-two pe r cent of all students :approve of the pranks ~~:t.'ha..-e to walk a mile to J'f't a 304 at 11 o'clock. Education 314 and English 4 12 at 10 o'c.lock. These courses were dunged: Fint Aid to Health 101 at 1 o'elrok, ~. at nomics 302 to Economic. 203 9 o'clock. Political Science to P o304 htical Sde:nce 402 at 10 o'clock, a nd Soc1olog'y 40 4 to Sodolon 2().6 11 t 9 o'clock. A part of the el11.111 in Pbyaital Educa tion 222, meeting at 1 o'clock on Friday. hts been choln,.ed to Tuesday :a nd Thursday, one hour eat"h d&)", suppbntlng a course in Phy~u l Education 206. A sJHdal course in Cbeml•tt)' 101 and l OS ~ being given by Dr. C. L Unden\·ood on Wednesday nirht e-ach week. One new extension courae in English 304 (·Contemporary Lit· eratvrt") has been orp ni:.e.d 1t Grantsville by Ea rl R. Boz!f11, priD· cip3.] of tne T"T.a ining School and C lenville High & hool. Arlan W. Berry. sPecial instructor the past semeste r, will not tMt:b duri ng the present semeater. The eoune in Social Sciene.e 203 will be ta ught by H. Y. Cla-rk. Mr. EdW. rd Orfur o f Fairmont Is tem.pore rily An exhibi t of charcoals, ~rayo n s, teac hing t b ~ claues sc:heduled fOJ' watercolors, letteri ng, a nd p<~&ten Miss Gold ie Clnt- J -smu. who La a from the introduC"tory a rt course, patient In :a Cla rksburg hospital. Art 10 1, lined Admin istration Hall Art 101 and 205 Classes Exhibit ~~~u1!:~a::;o~'":gar~~:~:. A~~ ~~::i~;e;hte t~~v~;:;u;a:~~:enr:!f SemeSter's W6rk H orpntown, who spoke on " lnfor. mation Pleast>." Wednesday's 25-m in ute program told a dra matic story of E uro;pe.:sn even ts f rom November 11 , 1918, to Septembt:r 3,. 1939. Hurd were ac- CounciJ Will I::;,' r~ho_,;i~C:ta~~ t::d v~::d~:r~"; word picture or Hitler driving eastSponsor Chapel ...,. ""••• ''"' ........ ..,...,. Program Wed . :~ ~::no;f~;1 aC:r:m:~- ~~:;::d STUDENTS WOULD .....,... FAVOR FINLAND F'rench u ltimatiums to the German foreign offi ce; tht- Munich c:::onfnen.:e outcome and Chnmb~rl"in's .sn nounci ng a state or wur existed be. twu n Germany :and Gr eat B ritain. Strains of m usic: fron1 Gernun, French an d Polish national anthems made etrecttve the "Then <:arne (Continued on Pare 4) WILL ADDRESS YMCA AND YWCA C.R OUPS :"' r. Frank l\1. •Liddle. stale secretuy of t he Y.M.C.A. Will t"onduct an ope n fo r um on marriagt: at a joint m eeting of t he Y.M.C.A. and Y. W. C. A., F ebruary U . Students and fatuity .prdb&bly will be invited, a.nnounces Max Ward, pr esident. Commuter Says It's Lots of Fun to Drive to Scho?l E xcept ... When and J'U nist-.mentz ~ which dub WRITE COLLEGE' S HI STO RY · --• &me or the n da)•s -Glenvil!~: State Teachers College will have a ~om plete rbe"O~ · of its ~st. ~~- C. ~ H ar-p<!'~. 1nst~ctor 1ft poht1c:&l sc.11 ence, -~~ compshng da.t.a ~rep.~ntory to wntlllg the schools )ustoTy, and alread dy he ha_-t pd.-.pahred r?rms to! nn to a 1umnt an ot er- rnends o the College in order to obtain cer- Tl\t sta te troope r stops you and ta1n lnfor-m..ttlon 10 your. opuator's card He, asks the co- ~~eu!:t/·eek 174 Students Sign Up For New Course In Social Dancin g I I In 235 Students College Dormitories :iu'!~t1 _ ~h:f h~~~~Y~•tl~t::e~.:: : : Sor;.~ It at home an the dresser drawer. What,,~ •:pinehed" feeling ..whe n he:says )'OU re under arrest. On an ICy morning, lhe "'ole." h t· 1 zie' decides_to "cut up _s littl_e." and suddenly, "1\'lthout warn1ng, hfl.\ her fro nt feet dea r of the g-round and ;toe1 into a t3il• pin for about. four round•. but~ her hel d into the side or a hill and finally comes: to rut on her baek in the diteh. After all this, you lWlk into the T he next meetin~ of the' classroom •nd the profHCSOr de. faculty •ill be February 27, in Roon1 ma nds to knOT what made you l&U -what would you ~y! 10 1, ;a nnounces Dean H. L. White. • WESTON BAPTI STS INV ITE STUDENTS TO PROGRAM - -""The l\1 Wion of the Cburt"h in a Oi.rtressed Wol"ld" will be the: theme of a con\·oution progr.~.m to bt- held TbuNMiay at the Weston Baptist Chu rch. Represenutives from all ebarc:hes in this section .ue expected to attend the ~onfennce.s a.nd bear dillC'uuions led by U\·en national Baptist leeder-L A sp<l'cial in \·itation to attend is extendf'd to stude.nt.s in the College. ~nd yo u s~denly discover you lert or su kind to bf' published here. I Mercury-400213-1.jpg r STUDENTS START TRAINING WORK :!~~!=:ed •;0~ ,:~:~::i::s. h~;~p:r:,~ demMnd~t to see a l is voiced evt-n amon~~: a ma jority of members of Creek lettt-r soeielie.t, sponsors of the :~nnual '"bell week.·· or the sixty-ei.tht pu cenl of the .student..a voting disappro\-al of hu· ing, twenty per cent expressed qualifit-d answer&. T o bt> unctionf'd . t.hey pointed out, were hnrmlt" tr1cks 9 hort of corpo ral punishment. A grf'ater number of frethmen, thirty-four per cent. were for than :all other st uden ~ ~ ombi ned . from Monday through Decorative wooden bowb done in tempera and burned teehnique.s, me:taJ-t.appe.d book-e nds, wallphlque wood-cut! in bJs relief, :and papil"r mache bowls in bright eolors, tbf' fo rty-two Enrolle d f<w D irect,. work of the practical problems art e d T e aehin1 ; D r . Shreve, Mias M yer a Supe rvi•in• cou rse, Art 205. were exhibited in the reading I"OOm of the Robert F. , Kidd library. T hese exhibTts repreFlfty.. two st udt:nts tare tak.lng d lse nted the work or forty-thr ee st u· recc.ed teaching this semester. Of this :Ients du r ing the past semester. num ter thirwen .are secondary A.B., two c:lem~ntary A.B., .and thi rtyIC'Ven standard norm:~l. In the ~ u.p of ftft)•-nine who ~ompleted their dl. rected teaching the first at:mutu, fourt~en "'·ere St!":"Qndllr)", one el*'nltntary. ond fort)·- four st.andud Studt-nt.s WeAl in a big way to normal. Students takinoc ii!le:mt:ntary •ork Clenville'a ntw ~ourse in social dancing. credit fo1 which will t"ount 11nder the direction of MiM Ivy Le• M)·ers, d i rector of eltomentary as ph~ica l ed ucatiun. T here are 71 pt-non.s in the Fri- teuhr train1ng, sta.rt<l'd obHrviDJ' dJy after noon .section and 73 in the the pan • ·eek; some Tuuday, oth~ Thur! day. They will teatb two Of'" T uesday.T hunsday section. Tte courae ..,-as .«.hecluled for J'ri. th.rt:e days a wee)( in the first fin · da r afternoon from 1 until 3 o'clock. :rradu, Susan Summe~. senior, and but bt-cauae of the Jarg~ u .r ollment Harton ~tarkey, junior, .s re ~e only the group wa.s divided. One Hetion two tak1ng tht advanced dire<-te.l me a T uesdar and T hursday rrom teac.hinK" c.ourse. Ft-he" Harpoki, R oll ~ 2 p. m. at the period intended be~t Mlck, Wayne ~Jiek, Mabel Olu for physical educat ion 206, com- Pr1m. ~ nd .l:la r!:an Stukey have had pf'titi\'e game§; the other sect ion tu~an.r u:peraenu. • meets FridaY. M1n :r'~·en urges atu dentt to vult Mrs Earl R. Bogp is the in· the T nun1nr School. after FMroary ~Lruct~r-22', but explain• that thOI<I' who plan to and who have not had tea.cM-r .. truning will ne~ to ~ct a 'isitltt$' ~ermit from her or Earl R. BOJ"P, Training &hool principal. Studenta takin~t dincted teaehing in Sti:Ondurv "''Ork under the diMcThe num ber ot" s tude-n u in the taon of Dr. J ohn C, Shreve. head of t hree .College donn1torie5 ha.s dt.. the educat10n department, ft.arted cre ued from 241 to 235 o,·er last •eobservinlt' at the beglnninr of ae.:::~~Y I~=~E;::~:e~i~ a~: :r:~ mester. Some be n Leachi ng )'<l'&terday. In the Htondary zroup an : v. house Olen Berry. Sbirlty B ~-n. RutA tors or the ~rl!<' halls. :~nd Ray. Co~. Catherine Engle. llary FaheJ, mond E . F'reed. 'n-t::ceptor at Loui.t Jean )I ~ Gu. Wood row Xarwell, Bennett Hall. . Harold Xo rotki. William Romine, The number or s tudent.:t oc:tupyHarold Winters. Lu W h1te and lfax ing the donnitotie.s this se 1nest~: r as Ward. t'omrued with last semtl~ter is: Ka~--nawha Hall. 40 nnd 40:•Verona M.J . ART 'CLUB TO INITIATE pf'l Hall. 75 and 78: Lou1s Bcnnut THRE E N.EW ME MBERS H all. 120 und 1:!3 • ~erts, di~- Ro•e :'lf ar~e Ta)·lor, Frances Cro... llaudr. lf'orpn. Ora ltae P oling. Gert rud e Skidmore and Ru th Core wu~ ~onfined to their rooms in Ver. ona lfapel Hall thl:' put week be. ~ause of tn nuen&a at:t.acb. YU, Thrte new rr.e.mbers will be imt.ated by the Art Club Tuudlar at S o'clock In the art. t.boratory. The noviees. Mmrie.tla ll yef"' John Wayne CutTy. J r., -. nd w.. Curt ninrham. were admitt.ed zo rr.e-robe nb1p a.t the last n:ee.ting ,..ll ___ ___ - _., , ....._._ . . 111E GLENVILLE MERCURY ---From--Tbt Excbangrs ~ :.r::.:.:.~__ ~~= ....._ e=-~---=~.: =..:~-- -la...,. __ ('-· W.f....... 0,., ,..,. ....... ---·-·--_....... ---- ..... ,....... 1- -- y ......... M:i~~~ . . . AMilia . . . . . . . . . ., ~ ~ ..... Coloouo> .....,.... , . THE U.U Oo7 . . - - . . . n ..,..... t . e l Ditlo' .... • ool f.u.--.4 , . . . ... • ----:::--:---::-:----:-:------ 1 niT niT T-~. -.y IJ, "9'op. . . . , BJ' do ,..,.. _____ .....;;.;._r__ ....:_.......;;_.;._ ____ , ............. -'!"~ ~ ApprrcUtion of Good Fonunr II Spirit ofTrur Ammcanism ~ IIAT Col ..... o of footaao Is T mon elur u ..........., • ....,. ud ...-Ia odtool bclq -d• IAI ......,. da7 dlop'-7 to • llle ftOl Rlrorfq ud depadaUon of IIIII.._ ot ,..11111 tlla world oow. ThN. .b tile Olnal .._, Clalo'e of aa....., .._._._,.. -1111>17 tllo- Wocl • ....,. o t - iapori&Jit bappalnp In war __........ larope, •• ora tbookocl IIIIo tile _ . . , - llsat •• tboul• be lloaakflal for a lo -tlcnt ...... ....._ ... l&fer AIM1'ka. Deep Ia the hoart ot WlOt VIJ1IIala ud It • ..,. ilolcllq llo owa Ia tllo fortr· 111M- our C..U- hu little fear ot de- """;;! _ . . . . ruin from -~ bulepmoat., for Ill tntll. •• u Jet ha•e ao uemt-. C:.U... atudnto tbould de ..l~p u oppre....._ for U.. ...... fartana of oar location, *-'aUo aallolo aDd oar fonollllrt to . . , lisa fatllft •leorlr. Tile """ boot oplrit tllat . . coa eaiUYOie on tile oampaa. Ia a~ ......,. for all our many ..,... fort....., Ia --~"' ~ 1n1e PloaMrieln-&.,.. Ameriunlom. ' -~w-. "Wildom Lies in How You Fit Life Into the Days of It" H ow m~lim '1'17 lcaa..,.tclltlloodpoftla,r?" M .. ..,, , tllo.,. .... - du. " ...... dOIM-It hu ._, • ~~- lh ...1-. ll4lt md- at ... .,. 111114' 10 ... .-~.........17 ..... et&Dd Jlllt ......... ; lisa =':.::..-:=.:run::~~·:..:.':,'r= ;f.:."ov .... ..,..,..., ........... Ia ......,, pl..., wo lllllbt u~ M llr. Thomu "Wledom liM le bow ,... tl\ Ute IniAl tho dqo ot IL "-Marjorie ........----------------Collear Gymnasium Needs n. Dan, GOOD ID&A . . _ . . , It au, t. &at protn- •n .tU " ' uU -"'• LIM .Alhun• tb~lT nawn.r. jok-. oa.b UaMo.l"ai\J of JI.IIUIIno&a nllakn a.n tdal"t.H a &o ,.btiala a b• of Ute ...U. ~ ud aU tJa• wi-...cradw of U.. pedqaqu. n. lin will be da.Mt6eci aiMI nWIDherH .0 tbat "rnt.•• Will otdy baY• to ...,._ U... llll1Ha' W'itnl &My fHI tiM arp t.o f••- •ow .... QJ'IftiO let...... A. C. P. QUOTABLE QUOTATIONS ~Q of liM: r•n tltroqlll whicla wa aN DOW lmnc Ia U.. dfaPI"anAH of U.. n• ·~ ta tOVDtriea wHn k baa knll .... of ....., dt.dllwoWied an4 . .u.r-..a'-4 -'•te.'' Colllllllria Uoi"YerDty'a Pra. Nlc.lloJM Mlll'ftlr BaU.r . . .,.. tiM lolt of afdnnic tr.edam abN~~d •vl..ed in th b,.., ,...~Ia iD • Mt'.. l IC"'faaNa .... ,_,.,.. of U.niHdat tlaptrtuN If . . bow Nw to woldt sorid,. btto ...,,. ...,.. 8'-ol"!' •ut t'OIIIe .,.. 'o ' " ' to U\at . . u ... · - .. be. . . . ud parhapa Pru. Rn ~· WUhiiJ' of S.afonl n,.... = = ~:'tf,htA~"=.,~~ u- at a ...._."' \\"rt.b t.t. .. corrot eru• lew buketMII tl 1 a hllll. I tiiJDk til lltu&tlon at ..... ~ eoate f&Nfcal ~a. .... G&rftlt ------~~------ ,.,.aliM ...._ Amrrians ~y Br Qurn, Bat Tbtv Did Agrre-Oncr! p«opied ....,. .t-odent •lMa th pall week wid! trore. smuuaU,. hiah • . . Oa. ~~~ aoNd 11 out or 10& PfJia1&. The wutMr pia red .,...."I c,u..., anaan CoQn'll cuq the bvdpt. at the Uptue of ~ltun.. WUt baa tbt "' do willa ual We aN ~"I' to be &Hcht.n, 11anY of u hi rani and conr.olldat.:l tcltoota. taaddJII' Urt drildru or r......erw ~~ fuodamll:ftta1t of d«attC"TVr--that all an equal. We lUll tnch them to cskebte h o • mv:h the crotu ,.,. lh•I'D ror tll•lr epa. a.nd bo• mvtb IH.. c~ tham for their ...... ~ ......- • eo•-.17 ill th:rM ad~ WTtttn ud d.lrK.ted b:r W. Clatr Priru ar. ~l bJ lnd11.cJ')I, nner hr ..,-kaltan.. ADd aow that W"en~a~ent t.~aarn mall& b. redwacl. -crlntttal'll ~ It l:a tha oec.k. Wh:rt na \ftdatnalUM t:omro.i Ollf' lqulative bocti.-. Tlw:r tun 11110acr •d pG'Wtr. Aarfeultun: llu ao te.lhrs. TN farcaer bu bea~~ tn .. pled uaderloot .,. blc buL. n tlnt:t. ApriJ t, 11•. whn tiM • .,..... a aa .. r. • W 1M pl't'Wa\.. acnroJu:rraJ Soath tUTWduM .,. H .....U.. &a ll&a.rU _,,. a eMt ef Oflla~...,........ _..__, ... ,........ frva 11M loll .. o( tkbU to ~ Willa U.. AlpU. hi 0..:... dw Uldll!!C.nal •tJOUJ .........,. ~...tK ....,:,. COPT OF u.otDilN UCI.IVED m•n~tble "au»rmy wutbff at lut baa brohn. •• Then eame. 111ow lhe middle and l.aU.t.r part of t he WMk and w-e wanted to tift&' '"'rwo 11ek*-'4 to Geot«Je" or ''CaHfonla. &.,-. I Cotu." It .-.. Mel \o hear of U.. ._.... or Mrs. Johe W. Mowrer. of Clarbburw, mothR' or John W. MoW'I'Ity, Jr., A. B. 'SI •.• A!Ao, dour homt, rertntly de.MJt took Charla Thoma• WbiUac, 17 ,...,. old redred mereMat of Glt11vllle ..tnd • btoGH' of llba Grace LaND.C&, Collep d.ietitib. Gohrr around tcnrD we lad: LoealttJq ••lac "Goae !Willi tU WbHI" at an out-of-to . . tbM.c.r• lie,. _,, it'~ the: ..,...,. JDotioa picture produt:don of anr , • .,. .•• Clark Gable Ia aJI that c:ollld bl' ~ and mon too . . . Tba PrNbyt.H'laa Churdl MciiUoa and tlaa ••• poatoilke are n•riD.- Hm• pldl011, boU. worthy addlUon1 to U.. towtr. . • • Number 1 SONG HIT of 11•• momnt with to . . . . . ••II ~. CDIIep, Ia " In tt.. Mood." And -., THIRTY. --- BDWEEN COLUMNS -- BJ ..._ ........c..· hoi~ ..,_ Thllt """"""'-~~ fa.t &nd fu.rioYaty cord lr'JIM, ia 1IU' o,pinloa. aftorded more ead\erl-at and ~ ae.dctf lbaa 8117 pme thia J'Ur. So muc:b for r.amu. We IKI'D that Clall" Moniaon, Wutoa lad. Is ~lq to dlnct and p:NHnt bl;a ~wn produd.loa, "Studto," ......,. Umt io March • . . Anolht.r Col· .... to malt• pod, •• laope ••• Tha Carrnt EYota CJJb ...-rpriaed •lid put~r pi.....S a· deDC. WecfMidar ia MHIIIb)7 with 1&. adtritll' prwtatalioa, ltt ric· tro... of • .,.-. leadlq to war. We pndlet mor. JlftiCJ'&tU like Library Notrs :: .. :..r::'~~= ~ ::.~:::. :!~ .. ..,. •.spcat.i•• aad •o\lJd pf'Otide • milch , . _ old ud ~rea. :;!':.:L ~d. ~,.,.the~~iaC: •f• ..,.. ocll:!"- • =:..::::!a: Mil•• - ~·t.c"..=! :::.-n.'! ...... ..- tl-. ,... dlatd........,.. ..... ... •j• ~·::: _ Nr-.-.. 'Ghe 'l'lews .rtrApttWricht at UU.. wrtttn,. , .. 11lrq uciliqprne:. tha ,... ..~. wltJa 801 uouP Ume ba.twt:n each \o ,.._ ~'· JO•t tolumiWit •bat diU)' •ad jumpy .•• The Wule:raa pme brourln moR: alumni to Glt.nTUie 'han hau ben ..... for quite • lilne . . . tJnh-talt, Mb W.Oriaas to c.ha.rt oar put u • pWie lo our fo- eou... G ~8 Wright With L~=-- .om•· w-..., • pf'Oa.biJ' u. bfcplt ro..._,....,, . . . . Ia tJt. 1ai.&of7 of ta. Colhp • .... W., plaJecl at L&IIIVIU.E 111a1e Tea<Mn • •bart r. &.Wd Ubn.-,. - . a larpr umnu111111. Tile pme I:......_Jnloba:od.uiO'I'I,.moJt .C . . _ t:ald.q lbruy SC-i\!llla .. a ~ ~- hW. .,. worki'ac 104 patlotd whh PftpiO a loa1 while '-an. at Ute dHk. aed at rtta'-li•• ud JIMIT\q beokL eltuatioll puta ef llle loto <omen at o ud n.., ..,... u clwtclule aad udl lD moot Oldllaolut.k an uaable lara . . . . . , ""'"'atl'bllt\r for llta b.U.U. ~ ebll4ran '• rocm~, I -Use that tile blllldlq of a now J17111- patlllic...,.,-. .sc .... ..._.._ u. tatuaa lM ct... ta lqfWa au. for t.bru hOun !al::a::·... ..........Wr ..,,. .,.,.••• 1e for """"" .....~ ot.hq ..,.. doiltl • ~·• •• aow ha.,., bat. would It .. rt for t"tr1t lMt1lrt -orL Aclckd Sating SJncr • llool&hl. ••••• an taad. A• ootataedtllr • WMk'l, . . .th'e o r - - · work 0,.1 ....,• .,. ... - . lfaii. . . . , . . , . ... W'II<7, IJal• .... HereM' \It a ..,_ lftodtn ul"Kftil7 Ia • .., b4 \IMHIPl of .. a our 11me _,.. Ulllltad; .......t. aDd • llllq --....... HUM ~""" .IIU. .....t.. BtOCn~ ..... ... . . ,.,._..,. ilerno ou_l_ Ia lr71DI .. - ..u • ... ..... ''- .. tne ff«MM'Pt •Ilk• IOumJDH Uae padl of tJa.a _.o awr tnnl Ia .......... ot .. faltu &.ftll Thomu •llll whoa ho . . . . . . . liD.: "WIM -a. lo tlloro U17 •OJ nn.. A - ~ al Appoaut.. to.a. Ua.U rt:e«11. TUI"t 1,h, f~~m~er t.oft Ut. MaTI'-. tu krdea, aDd potrli.JNt •till clo-. Yn 1M: ltYu em Uualllft'ftd roUt. atul 1t.1J, chCdre a ·e t ul'ht i:t a run.-down, poorl,.. hat( d, unequipped one • room sehor>l-ttP'lht that eJI aN equal in a demot.ntey. Wh:rl The farmen vote. Whr dr,'t the!' elect repnsentatlvaa who w1ll wo"rk for thdr interut.! F t~J of t.b«m--do not. ban ftdlo'l' or da.Uy ne...,.JWn, and lafo~ation .tout c.~ hat loYtnla it. Ht'el'hd by bur. MJ. Th47 ar.; told that :i c.t'r'&aiD Ulldldate la 1n fa•or of Jowtr land aa..._ and t.hey h•li•"• "*1'7 •of'd. Alto, lndu.try control• tha l'ftU. lt la bard k) dlsHnpiah bet.W•ftl t.raU. Md prop8pnda. Tbe farmer •otet fGr the caadldaCe who ae"u lndutry, bt11ewmr that he Ia •oL '"I for oaa who ..-m hflp bfaL. Wlln ronmmeat ea,.a4ltctna aN ftdutM, th: ta.J'IDer como out al tile abort ..uL lt behoo,_ u. to ••• llat tlwlr iata,_t. .,.. oat hr... Urub, aDd Lo with ......, 1Lo bauar Ntll.l. W• ano IOia.c \o ~ farm'"'' rhDclra~11 \bat wa baYt 0 ...... Cft&Jc .,.... ,..._, ta wt.ldt an han "''D•I rte'hta-lf 11M1 ....n W'O" ....... AN IIIIP'IJUT& CllUT\JRE. Newopaper Verae A nlnuw lloatad I• Ul. roo•. And, lo, i' llf'ted aU O.e cfoom. " C'lolli'U:ied («r bowM") .,.• •w qoh.a ~.r • .. P1-..e lhun, for r ..c u_. ..., to ,.J", •If ,.... waat 10•t'Oae '-0 lilbll o f YOU. a.. .un: 1M ~bu OTHE"RS ....... ...... ,..... ''-A 8Gl tJw: , .., ~ tTJw •f rtld' ba4 .. .u.." •t...,at.. tbda't a.UC• •tMoft tlrtot7 WH1' s\ ltY'f"'T"lle uJellttu bad ......... ~ •lUl) _,...."" •re" ...,..ftt(l,. ,.,.,_~•flk•orlll-•~t boNa _ . . , . . !J7 at• -...-c.. Mercury-400213-2.jpg ~ tb ll~ br· GLENVILLE HEADED FOB UNDEFEATED S940 SEASON PIONEERS KEEP RECORD INTACT WITH THEi'ofrf~Rf ~iM: SALi~Ni~~o~:iTILE STRING OF VJCTORB; BOBCATS, UONS Pio_... ~. Pace; WITH UNDEFEATED PIONEERS AND HJllTOPPEPSFALL BY THE WAYSIDE Rhoa~is"le ~ ~c:ond GIHiville Heading into the final round of th eir cage achedule the Pioneers will conclude a nine·game home stand' here 225, GleavUie's Pioneers have White Breaks hlto Lineup and Prom• iaea to Do Big Thin&•; Rhoades Ia High Scorer . \ 92 1 pointa 10 far tbia aeuoa, au average of 61 per ptae. Oppoueat. have a~orapd 42 per ra~•· or ""' ___ 921 JKtlllls acored, the Pioaeera go1 160 at home aDd. 111 awa~. By Earl McDonald 1 (Mercury Sports Editor) s~adiDR the list of potnt &ettel'a Swishing along at top speed in a season of no defeats. the is Junior Rboade.s with 2~6, an av· Glenville Pioneers won three more games the past week.. And erage of 15 per game. Lou.te. Romano conquer they muat bave, for down went Wesleya n, Concord and Robert ~ne b&v~ aeored sod Weat Liberty, 63-41, 66-43 and 68:.49, reapeetively 183 and 172 pomta. respectively.1940 Readlftc tbe list of eourt attrae., Fifteen memb~l'll of ~be tolle local floor waa the Wu~ PRES H squad h•ve eontr~uted. potnt.A. S tilt, played be• UTCHJNS ing by thollfl -n ot hated above followa ; pad.ed boue of appro:dEarle Spe.Deer 68• Hat'OJd NoroaJu 1.000 eathualas1ie *l)eCta--49, BSitOMI Sco~ 49, Forest White 8 Junior Rhoades led Chicap Uaiwenit,. Head ifella ~O, Ja~;- N=~e,; ~ • 24 S~rr~ attaelt apiast the BobWhy School Dropped Ita 'C~or4 ~ Wmi:~ 19 • Artb FootWI Proarua W If Sh0 : 4• W eollediq 21 poiAta. D.._ ' the dl.m.inuti" Louie Ro' ~:a8 ur a.rren sp&r.ked tho ~te W&Ye, hold· CRl-CA.GO, (AICP)--.A.mid tlhun~ Albe~ Lalley, Jut year's aee een· the w1del:r pubhel&ed FraDk El· M~»u• ebeer1 of appro~l ~Y the ter, eolleeted 186 polats tin tbe .ftnt to eia:)tt. couten.. .tu~ent, body, the Ualversit}' of ftftees~ pmes; his running mate, DEFENDS ACTION Jl.r:_;a :::has~lv::Sb:~vico~::: c:o-:::;tao~:;::..Md;~~~=•~= ~TO,;:;-TUc.oF-WAJt r= ..., .U the awl:r created wiatu the C!'iQ of Cba rlesto11 take. ~~· p~ ~~ he~~ n IRlNIJ mmt !Je • popular ~ ~ dtJ womn are ~-- to take a !1M creat iDt.HeSt Ultrul.IU'&l haaketbalJ lea. . . . for tile weaker .ex 'benme . . . . l'OWQ 1M" othar nMIIial' , . . . oae lata wu nk\ed for her 1'IQh tadiel , , • . Jolroany llan'a, 1llroUMr of Joe, rdamed to his old lillmd. 1Mt PridaJ neaiaa 'W1ltm ~ ID a pfttiminary pme tD U&e W-L-GienTille tilt apiDR ... PiODM!' nMn"• . .. . Bic Abe une,, fonDer Piaaeer IICIIr, it .alriJlC hi1 way into the Jti'O game JICJIW"• •• • SandaJ be appeand in JClarlalnal'l' with the llcKt:l'aport . . . Ftw t.-m c:alnst 'the Pure Oilers . • •• ·Red Davies, Li)1ey'a ~mate. while at Glu Yille , is ,.donablc aknosl ft icbtly in · a ~ tnd.,.endent loop . . • . fte litO foodtall schedule for tlut )Ia l'loaftn. althoqh not <Oft111ld4, BID Em. Co II e 1• of Bristol, 'Teaa., as t he opener oa s.pttmbn 1fi Ia a alaht pme at Jlri.AoJ ·.. .• .b thil wm bt. ao bre.tMr. - A U TOUCH Tbe wideiJ pat»Uclud Wesley...c:n.IJ'Yille pme wu not so inIINitiac as maa:r fu t had hoped _.. atilt tbe:' result pwe the A.aoa.&ea Pnu Sporla writer a n idea jut 1tow toqh the PlonMr mach.. IDe reaDy ia wbn it want. to -tens oa th• he!aL knotted the. eount seven timea durinc tbo &nt half. However the Pioneer abarpsboot.en eame baek atwr interrniastoa to subd 11e the .toutbem lads ia fiae qle. In Uis eoatest Roraaao repined hia .corins stride to taUr 26 ~inta; Bic J im KeNs.b accounted 13 f'or tlhe viii· ton. Gondudinc the week of toUCh ~ ipmenc.a, the Ploneera. Fridar niJ'ht, •on 68-49 ovv Joe Bartell's Wett Liberty BUttoppera. The upatate tMJD, led by their crafty Captsln Shadle, fell be.fort~ tbe fast see· ood baJf spree wbidh tho Pioaeer.t displayed. Onee, 'however, tbe parahaudle team cam• two .polatl of the Pioneers when Doleul 1lDd Stine awtk fitJd coals to make the couat 48 to 14 with aeftD miDIItel remaiaiac. Rhoda ud dictment of football aDd an exp...,... tioa of. why the sport ,... dropped from the Mkhny campu•' pro/ram. "There is uo doubt Ga the whole that footbaJI hat beea a major baa~ ,dicap to edueat.ion ia the United S~tea~". Pres. Hutebins aflnne.d. ••r tbtak •t 18 a COO~ O.iag foT tb~ eou~ try to have one. unportaat UDrterrttr diseonti.uu~ football... . ContlDUtnc, Pres. Hutc.hma .Mid: football ia • woacledal for the ?pec:ta~r, It is not .., foT tU pa~et~nt .. ~ey sport& It loll tlllle<Gnetnn.IDC• time 1• eonaamed j~at whaa oucbt to be devotlllr llimto the uew ~tanes beiQa with opening of the ~demle Jeu'· Other s~rts develop cooperation, team spmt, sportsm.a.nahip aDd. fair pi~.:/:-~~~~=:~·:. OlllJ :;e;;t~~~~:a!' 1!':':~uaek Pio~teers. Line~: c:n...m. the the viliton. -~u Anu.tro~tc White BoolaDO .o~ abo~t w..t Ulterty lA: Robert Davi6s. 179. Four Teams In Intramural League by: ---<>--- T Edward Davis' Salem Tigera LARG£5 T CROWDS Attea.._co at Colletre c.Rooe I Per Coat Or.. the Prenouas-- (By Auoc:iated Colleriate Prua) ilatercoJ.kPate. fo~--c:Teate.t crowd-attrador of ..U eoDecia&e sports.---elo.sed ita 1939-f.O .-soa iD a JTSDd sports buquft of botrl gam...._ rear that ihaftl' up n.DJ' new records. of oDe. IOJ"l or aaothu. Here are tntereatiac facta a.nd le-ure 5 on tbe ,rri.dlroa MUOD. jail elo~d : ':'e1d·~·•nd poiuta .atter toucb~own proVJded the ~- of Yieto17 ~~u::db~•w::e~n~~a~gs~~=~::d ~e&2~9hisi':s~o:::t;.:~:. brand of ball siaee his promotion to tbe ftnt five. Playinc eenter and forward , r eapc:.etively, White and Arm.stroug, t 1ttng with Junior Rholldes, Louie Romauo and Harold ("Dink") Noroslri, have presented a speetaeular eombinatiou. T he Pii.oneers, still uneb&Jienged for eonf ereuCe leadership, wiD make only one more appearaace on the home court after ·t onight•s battle. AJdenon~addus' Be.ttlers are for an eapgement here .February 21. Si:l: of the nr.caiainc games are sebedu1ed ebroad. ::!:'e.:::~ :~:~::~ng eat.s~:; Y ry pra Niaety..frw: per eent ~ the Com ell Uttiversity student. have There .;;ere 184 tie p..met; la .the seuon. Attendance. at e~Uep pmea '110118 oDe per eeot on r tb• prn~ 0111 seuon. Greatest pins were iD -ua. eouth Hl per eent) and Us the Roeky Mountain area (19 per eeat). With a reeord of more t.bao 400,000 bome-gamti ~ admissi~ U• C. L. A. had the "pte" ift. the nation. There wu a drop Gf 26 per cllllt in football fatali1ies lliilee Jut. ,._,.. \urrest Beware of tbe aerlbu. which ... &ire to ia loDe robee, and lo• peetmp Ia the markets, and &ha higheat ae&ts ia tbe SJD&COI'Dti!J. ad the ehief rooms at feuta.--.&:. Lab 20 :46. For Good Barlaer Senice See RHOADES AND HQWARD BESS C. C. g~~~Su~b~K~ri~be~~~~~e~M~o~~~~~-~~~~S~~~~~·~~~~~e~M~e~~~UT~-~~~~~·~•e~i~~ou~o~p~nd~e•~u~r~e. ~~~~~~;=~~~~~~==~ 5 t7 Stiu 15 Lenu 2 Roc-era WAWHA UNION BANI 11 12 Sbadle they, the Baptists, ~an !'e depended upon to make thinp hot forth~ Bhae and White dad quintet. la Job11 ( .. Brooms" ) Abramovi~. outstanding Ticer plebe pivot man, tht: Davis elaa hu one of the best point-opt· ters ia the state. Before leaving the pme oa peraoaal fouls at Sslem the laaky Etna, (Pa.) lad rull&' up aine field go•al.s for eiebteeu points. Dom· irUc Caatema, aU conference for· waTd, also adds • spark to the Salem attaek. This weelt-:end Glen~le will e~· eounter 11. pa1r of foes 111. the north· em panha~ ln West Liberty aad ~thany on ~dar and Saturday Dl&'ht s, respeet»veiJ'. . ln r~ent ~me.s Fores~ !W~te ___ The jColleae iniramural ba&ketball Je.arue for boys, uow uader the sepervisioa of atudeata ~~~ajoring 1in Phyaieal Edueation for me a, waa reorgani~ed the past week iato six teems. Teanl3 ue eaP.taioed Joe Creasy, No. 1 ; Aqusf Kafer, No. 2; Kermit .Smith, No. a; Herbert Hoi· bert, No. f. ; Dotsoa , No. 6; GordoD Thompaoa, No. 6. , Dire~on during the next 'two BOOKS ADDED week& will be Harold Scott a nd Earl TO CHILDREN'S UBRA.RY Speneer. Tomorrow aiclrt team No. 1 will meet No. 2: a:ul No. a play No. 4. AD pmes will begia 7 o'eloek. Gleavill~ for the CJiiidre:a'a Librai'J' two 30 eligible 10 Dr. C. L. Underwood, ia.stnetor partietpate an the dika UIOD opposed in ph)"lies and ehemistry ira the Colthe. distoatia tJS n~e of football u aD lep, wu 111 aDd uaa!lle \o teed! biJ: iDtucollecfate sport. cluael Friday. Sb..u. ·act e!evea T ~den~ ' ~:~if~! :e~::J\~~:':h~ ~::!0 ~· Although the ~ f~ll before ~~:-:::~-------tbe Pioareu at Salem a mootb a..,, FO<YrBALL DRAWS Noroeki 2 Dotual Scott <f. SJM!Iby MeJifUm 8 Demarlri Refeee, Art Ward (Marietta). • GleD..ate. Wed Viraiaia ~tile:· . -- Sub.wribt: to the Mercury. WITH AN ELECTRIC ROASTER ,lliT l,j;- . -~-Member Federal DepCMit luuraace Corporatiaa I ICING'S SISTft IIAUIED TO CERALD YOUNC Word waa ~•11!11 here r ecmLiy Gf tlle ma~ of Lucille Kine, A.B. W, aDd Gerald Yollftc, of Odeaaa. fte IDUfiqe wu aolemoiz.ed Janu..., 20 at C•tlett.bure, Kr. Mrt. 'Yn:Q' is a ~r of Ioua, • in the Collep. _,.O'IDOrtl WHITMAN'S CHOCOLATES . dyrner !fiU ·cook while )'Ou're at the game You can trut an eJectrie router to cook your diJI.. ERNEST CARJU:1T 5oft Drilllu, C....dy, Tobacco, Billianlo, Pool from the house, and AwaJ have ' ner while you are everything done to I a For Sweethearts of All Ages - · atthe- THE GRiLL Glea.91De FEBRUARY SPECIALS 2891 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. G. A. Store turD. MONONGAHELA SYSTEM VALENTINE CANDY 29c_and 50c a Bo:x: BEXALL 57tb Birthday Sale Klenzo Facial Tissue, box of 500 . . . Mi 31 Solution, Full Pint Mi 31 Dental Cream, a 99c value ...... Rexall Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste, 39c size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c Theatrical Cold Cream, pound Crystal Back H~ir Brush ... 19c 59c 29c 59c 57c THOMPSON'S REXALL STORE Court St. Glenville VftlENTINES AT STRADER'S Mercury-400213-3.jpg ROME BEAUTY APPLES ..... $1.10 YORK APPLES .90 . DREFT WITH BOWL .23 LONGHORN CHEESE, lb. . . . . . .25 CHERRY, BERRY, PEACH - PRESERVES, 3Z-oz. glass .15 ORANGE JUICE, No. 1 . . . . . . . . .05 IVORY SNOW, large . . . . . . . . . . . .23 1 Large Ivory Free! GEORGE WASHINGTON TOBACCO . . . .. . llb., 39c; Y2 lb., 20c Ruddell Reed , Owner Glenville, W.Va. THE CU:NVIU.E MERCURY SOCifiL (\7fNTS or fh,_ W(fK Friends Give Party in College Lounge As Compliment to Mrs. Denver McDougal By .M.ui ne Pollin~r One ol Cuplri'.t targelS the pat.t Stpte-mbl'r, Jlrs. Drnver &kOoug-al. W'&S honore:d at • showeT rll,ruary 6, in t.he College Lou:nge. The l)arty wu Jriven for Mn. McDougal. the formtor ) l is& Juanita Bell, A.B. '3'J I·J' lS I... B ea1 ~ Boyd Bt:ll. Mba Lucy " ' olr• and Mia~. Adele Harpold. Color Jttheme: for the ta-bles : : . ~C:delln~ ,:!'i~e('ia~Jin~a~~:~ bere-d in white Ink. Wlute pspt:.r under nd cellos:: bane '-nth embossed wpi"- de.torau:d tbe J.Core pads. Tall.>· booka "' r.:ld, 10me tied witb ._.hilt. yam, oth~rs with red. Bridge I.Dd clun.e!'c cheeken wer e played during- the t'ltnlng. Prize-s of F~ori.:. cl.u.a 1\"t'l"t' nw~rded to Mis..-4 ~-tf'lle, Mi,. Bem1ce ndlln. M l"!!. E4rl R. Bogp. -'tiM \llarnn.t D. Kt-n.ner and M Jg ,Alarie El- ))-aon. Si•a• " Ha pp,. W i•h.u" Loretta Anne Cain, two and a b.al1 o( Mr. and Mn. John Gilbe.n. Cain pulled in a wagon load~ with gifts to tht' guest of honor. When ahe at.opped in fl'Ont of JIJ'II, .Md>ou,pl she ung, " H appy Wiahu." Little Mill5 Cain wore a whhlll dotted 5W'i5$ dtMS eove.r.d with red hurts, a p~~ncake hat made of a lar,.e heart dtoc.rated with flowers, and wbite shoea IU\d socks. The! wagon wes trinnned with red and rwhite eJ't'pe paper and n:d h~arts.. The radcecea were unwrapped duri ng the t'oune of the evtning by Mn. JL:.Daupl and put on display for the gu4tllta to see. lAter in t.he e:v~ni ng gue::,l$ were urnd Lrfek ic.e cream with hesrts on 1t. n.ull, gum dropA and cup n.kes ,.;th whit e ldng 1n which favoTs-toolh..pkks covered with red ee11ophanco--were atuck. At the top were two small n"bbons from which dangled dnnamon heart&. y~r-4Jd dau,ght~r Guuta were : , Mn. Denver McDoupl , Mrs. Erie ArbuckJe, Mrs. John !E. Arbuc:kle, Jdn. 0. L . Are. bart, Mra. J . Wilbur Be.&ll, Mr-s. E . Be.ll, Jr., M.ra. HarTy Ben. n•tt. Mnr. Rdbut Blair, 'Misa Willa BI.RTHS Mr. and 1111 rs. Eartle Bickle of Su.mmenn'ille- have announced tlhe birth of an eight. and o ne-hAlf pound son, IOharlu Lee. February !t, at thl' Mc:Ciung Hospital in Richwood. Tha is the firs:l child. 1\t rs. Bickle, the fonn er Marji nny Racke t , wu a Uudent in the Colh.>ie the pas t )•ear. She is a sister of M.&T)' Agnes Thek· d., freshman bert this ye&r. Mr. Bi~kle, .A. B... '38, is director of a~h· leh~ •n ~tcholas County B•gh School. ll d M p p f 1 Park~;:rg "8 ;;·oun:: thcJ :~~ :, ' Are For mer Students Ll';n daught.en. PebruaT)' 6 • al t.heil home in Parkersburg. T he babillll llr. and Mrs. E. H. Woaflcr of ha\·e been named Carol)"n I«lan and Weston ha\'e: annoaneed tbl:' mar- Marilyn Joan. Jtlr.s, P.nons, S. N. riage of th~.:lf, Virginia , '34, is the forme.r Elizabeth McClain t" David C. Hall, &O n ol Mr. and Mrs. or No rmantown, a sister of E\·elyn Perry Hall, of Elmin., Braxton , !re~ihm a n in the College, County. The mu.ri1ge wa$ pe r!onnand R obert McClain,'S. N. '37. ed J anu:~ry 27, in Loui&:l, Ky.,\with lhe Re\·. J . C. Yeager officiating. TER.ESA BU TCHER TALKS IMrs. Hall, a .st udent. in tbl:' ColTO CURRE~T EVENTS C LUB l~ge the past semester, is a g-raduate of Weston High School. She attendA r eview of "Broadening the t:d West Virginia University in 1938 Power t o Tax a nd Regulate," 1from t he U. S. NEWS will be given by Chemistry Club and the Womt-n's Tere.n Butcher .at th~ Cuz:ent Events Club meeting th1s evemng, Atrh:ti ~ AssOC1ation . 1 Mr. Hall, a forme r student. ln the ~~un~e. o~l::~o~n o!he Ja~.:~ :.:e~ College, wu pduated from GassaTIME, will be given by Mildred w-ay High Sc:bool in 19«1. and at from Ruth F itz.patriek. present is teaching- in the Braxton County Schools. T be Univenity of P ittsb urgh !Mr. and Mn. Hall will live at Gas:has announced'\ s $6,000,000 pt.nsion pr ogram. Rohrt,ough, Mra. Emm&. Speir, Ella Summ~rs. Marybell Swnmus. Mr&. Cla.rence UndeT'II.·ood, Mrs. Orville \\'hi:~. Willerma White, Ml'S. Clay. bourn Wilfong:, Wolfe, Mrs. Fr:w1t Wolfe, ·'ln. Gr"Am;Ue Wolf~;; ll ~ . .:O.Iary Morpn Wyatt, Mary 'E. YounB". 31 1':§. L. D. Zinn and the bus. ....... Virgin ia Woofter, David Hall Married, ;:'t ;::r~r;~: :!):e;;~~ ~: YWCA to Offer Valentine Party Thursday Night Ttunday ,night from 8 until 10 c'dock. Y.W.C.A. mc-.m.bus and their guests, memt.ers of the Y.M.C.A .. will pluck fortunes from a heart tree; search f o r hidden hea.rts and Lake part in other of a v .., )entine party being planned lby the girls. At a recent meeting cf the club, th ~ fol!ow1ng 'l'Ommittfts on arrangements were appoin ted : .Mnj orie Harden , Fu nce,. My en~, J essie Ritflt:', invit.ationa; E un ice Walkup, H elen Stanard. Mattie Sizemore, Rboda Ann Be. II, entertainment; J ean Petty, il:lt-len .McCoy, Marjorie Harden, Frances Mye.ra, Rhoda Ann Bell. refreahmMts ; a.nd Lon-aine Beard, Mary J ane Griffith, lmogt'ne Carper, Mildre-d IMcChmg, Mary Brannon, Br.snd, Mrs. John GUbert Cain, Mn. H. Y. Clark, Bernlce Cridlin, illlarie £Uyton , Mr&. I. N. Fetty, Jnnne Gain..-, Lila lMa b Gladwell, Mrs. Stanley Ha.ll. lin. Overt Hardman. Mn. Dan R aywood, Mn. Linn B. Hickmsn,\. Ke.nney, Oruailla Kidd, .member of the. Y ..M.C.A. will Atic:e. Kru•, Oon. Larkey, Elizabeth LeW, Cn.c:e. Lon.ntz. lA-stelle Lor- ~ ..•· e a frie nd to be his guest al the «'nU. Mn1. C lyde Luuder, Helen M~ Cr&. Mn . M''t'a L. M!ck, ~ n. Paul Wba.t begins wit h the shedding ol Moym, 18 Ntha OIM:!n. Mrs. Russell civi lian blood, will come to a· Pomrfleld, lhs Den,·er Riffte. .Kathleen Robertson. Mra. E. G. Cui end.-Emil LudwiJ'. ........ ·-· • PROGRAM March of Time ... (Con tia ued from ~ 1) He a~u"d th~t campu.s ~.earm ng detnnnnet ones co~ duct : that fro~ the . c:bn room strcngth.~ns one 1 habits h~ does not change them. " l\tut! the individual conform himself to t he canned .,,.X}'cricnec.s? Are '. he institutions of societ-y doing th at tl:! ing for which they were established? Which shall don1inate. man the institution. or the institution man?" qut.rif!ii Mr. H u hinger, as he pointed out t hat "there are times when what man' needs differs !rom what our Insti tutioru~ offer." H e c:onduded: " An t:ducaled person is the one who con make t he adjustment be.. I tv.·e~n 'canned' and '' experien. -"=·=========:r ' t" BALANCE YOUR BUDGET! PICTURELAND Buy Quality THEATRE Merchandise NOW SHOWING "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" From Your Men's Store Jamea Stewart-Jean Arthtar A 1 GREAT PICT\JREI Wed .•Tbun., Feb. 14-15 "Espionage Agent" Alumni Notes Erm3 Cantrell, nit eteen-yca r old·· stOr)'. edited by Elmer Dnis, so pbonto~. finished her $t.anda1·d author and comme:nU tor. Helen Heater, Cun-"nt E"·ents Norma.! wurk hue the past sem.ster Clu.b prHldent., prnided, and Lovit: and began what wo~ 1 for .her realization or a n ambitio ~ to teaeh sehool. Bdh.' Stl/'"1\'att operatPd thl?l victrola. Sbe be;an telc hing the C•nlp Creek In his address in tht first assembly School in Kanawha County on Monof tht>: year, the Rev. Mr. R.shm«er day, J an, 22, rold his audie nce that ''we are con. ~liM Cnntrcll, the d~ u.ghttr of Air. trolled lngtlv ,by t he environment- in nnd Mrs, C ~orge Cantrell of D1·y which we have •been trai!led.1' He maintained that we "don't s« Ridge in Big- Sa.ndy District, K:~naw· what wt see; instead we set- only ha Countfy, is tit~ 1\rs.t. Dr)' Ridge what our habits have uugbt us to pupil ot rece.i\'e .\ hig h school diploma. The 30-yesr old Dr,y Ricl;e <lee." Continu1ng. he said: Sehool is. eight miles above Clende:n· "Learning may be das~'ified unde.t; in, where the nearest hitth sahoo l is -wo h£adingt., 'Taw' and 'canned,· or located. that which we !urn on the caml'US :\lis! Cnntrell explained ht.r di.$.. venUI\ that whi:h we gel in lhl' dass- ti.netion in beiog the first Dry Ridge roon•." H ~ (l!.uggest~d that we stud)' pupil lo get 3 high school diploma aL c:o ~lege: wt- lea rn on the .can?.os.. as follows: Hub Clothing Co. MRS. RHEitTS' AUNT DIES AT SP£NCU Funeral Rl"rices for Mn. Emma Bogga Cobe.rly, k& ruldecnt of Spencer, were by t he Rev. A . S. K.elte-y bu rc and the Rctv, J . ll. r at the ta.mily a't.trnoon at 2 o'cloc:k. M r-3. Cc uly, who had poor hultb for several at he r home shortly a ttu the past Tuesday. She was a n au.nt ot Mn. Rober~ house dincwr of Mape.l Hall, a nd a l[rf'Ut-auat Barbara S hoc.>k, a freshman in Colleae. "Most of the. children in, my com· mu nity aa·e eompelled to go to wo.rk a.s 11oon as they fin ish eighth gt·ade. almo~t " I made up rny mind t hl t n o matter what the. obstacles were I was (" We Have a Complete Line of R. C. A. RADIOS, ELECTRIC IRONS, TOASTERS, GRILLS, ELECTRIC WAFFLE IRONS, ETC. COME IN AND SEE THEM! Kanawha Super .Service FORD V-8 MERCURY8 Glenville, W.Va. With Joel McCrea and Brenda Marahall ~ MILLER, uor of *I• •114 •c•••"• "•• appoo•l"l I" Goor1• Fri.-Sat., Feb. 18-17 = Whlr.'t !ScaftdOII, ildeflll!f. IJ tlleOU'- "Bad Landa" ~~~:~"J A We.tern. :-;,:.::;::::::' Smt.-Mon., Feb. 18--19 Paul Muni in. Jamea Hilton'• StOJ'Y, "We Are Not Alone" With Jane Bryan Tueaday, Feb. 20 With Brian Donlevy "Behind Prison Gates" ~======~1~1~~~~~~~~~4 SMITH' S BARB ER SHOP DRINK EqM~ r l ... rltertl Ror•l, Re m in t• Coca·Cola t••· Ua . erw-.1, Corona T nNt· wri tel"t! 5 e f. tl Addia 1 Ma . c:lai•••1 R ea tal M• e.h i• ••; Fie h- l•t T.c.lde; BarMr 5•ppli• • · 11 2 Mal• AYe.- W e t toa I POOL •• , BI LLIA RDS CANDY 50FT DRI NKS .. Me's Place FOR GOOD FOOD AND PERFECT I I SATISFACTION DINNER, PLATE LUNCH, The Pauae That Refreshes I. THE SPENCER BOTTLING WORKS Spencer, Weat Virginia FOR FIRST SHOWING OF WOMEN'S HATS, COATS, AND PERSONAL NEEDS, YOU BETTER GO TO MIDLAND'S -NOW! Chesterfields are D~tleo/ AND BETTER-TASTING ,.,~~u CONRAD HOTEL AND RESTAURANT You'll always find these two qualities at their best, plus a far cooler smoke, in Chesterfield's Rigbt Combinatit~o of the world's best ciga· rette tobaccos. CONVENIENT BANKING SERVICE Your con•e.a.ien ce ..• your intere.ta ••• your aood will . . . STUDENTS! For Whola.ome Meat., S...d wichea and Soft Drialu, You Ca.n't F ind Better Than at THE LOG CABIN RESTAURANT a,..a.. F.,.., P,....;.t.,. &J"e the tllln a a we, aa a bankiar Uutitution of Make your ne:rl pack Chesterfield and see / or yoorse/f why one smoker /ells another They Satisfy. Yo11 ean 'I b11y a better cigarette. the h iaheat r ank . . . coutantly atri...e for. ME.MBE R F EDE RAL DE POS IT INSURA.NC£ COR.PORAT lON Glenville Banking 8 Trust Company Cl. . rille, Wea• Vir,UU.. ~~ hesterfleld The Cooler, Better· Tastit~g, DEFINITELY MILDER Cigorelt6 Mercury-400213-4.jpg
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