T~e POINT T01 ... Put Semester Honor Roll fiidl App6ara In The JI~M.'U~' Thi.t Week ~erc~ry Glenville A.ND RUIIND Yct;, To Preserve YouT .Merau-o A Complete H istory .0:. Your College Da)'s l Student Newapaper.......Cienville State Teachers College-Publiahed Weekly z ••• Val. 11, No. 18 Here For.Y. M. C. A. Forum lAVAL RESERVE AVIATION omCER TO INTERVIEW PROSPECTIVE CADETS IN COLLEGE AUDITORIUM SATIJRDAY IJeaL JohJUOD of Abacoatia Baae Will Ezplam e-n.. _ . t'e AYiatioe PI"'O"'UD NIN£l'Y-FOUR NAMES ON 1939-40·UST IF INTERESTED, ACT NOW ! ...._ted a-en-.: AVOIDING WAR IS POINTED .PROBLEM W::Vt: = :~n;~ ~~~: Bet 'Mom' and 'Pop' and Aunt Susie Would Like These Tiny Tots in Action ~us:~e WILLARD SHREVE JS ~:-:~!dw~:d~~ey Teachers Offer Spe~ial Help to Retarded Pupils ,:,.;;nd 7 'THE STUDIO' CAST NAMED tea~::;~ a:or;!~ ~:rk :~~ &be presentatio n of ' 1'flhe Studio, " • tbree-ac.t comedy, under t~ directioza of Clair ·Morrieon aenior . In. the Gat a re t6.n Coil~ 'atudeM& The. story centen around life in • lftudio and the troubles that &rise OYer a cirl who it& aet on a career • a model. ln. the C3at will be : Horatio Ror-em, &D Enrli.Mman, Joe H erold ; Int ilicbaNla,. an artilt, James Pur; Guy Martin, K•Dl's friend, Clarl Chapman ; Belindoa, colored JMitre-. Mildred Runyan · Barbara Yzae, viWaneaa, Aa'Dea wrl.rht ; Plat.. , Wllllam.a, a model, Gwendolyn; He&rtburn , the Encliahman'a frien.d, Athena Null; illiiJs Hopkins. llarbara'a escort. FNnk Lee· Sarah ud J.'I:I]D frienda of Karlin' Edna Cnnnmett' and MUdrecl Runy~n. Pt-o eeda f dle la .11 to tbe O~im~: Pla:e::; a:iate with the Alpha P tl Omep, national t.oaorary d~tic .sodet,". r their p~ce They are: Olen •BblTJ', Sh1rle)' Brown , Cather~ ine Engle, Jean MeG ee, Harold, Willia~ !Rom ine, IM:a:x Ward a nd Lee Whtte. Among those wbo will probably begin this week art: Ruth Core, M..ary. Fahey, "Woodrow Maxwell, Woodrow Showen and Barold Winters. · · Retarded children in the e:err.(:n. t.Ary ~de3 a re being &"lven special a~ntao·n .lby the ttudent U:"ach ~n, ex.. pt.ans M"a• Ivy Lee Myers, drrector of elementary teacher train ing. 'Third J~M~de PU'PiiJ are now .work.lng .on a atortl project under the di... reoctioD of lrtudent te.uhe.n .Holbert Miek and l oe .Creasy. '' Wid• Wings." a new set of wpplement&ry readen, is b"ing used oby fourth poade pupils. bhey sound Jike SantJa. Claus at registration fer. is $1.60. Ohristma.s. You e:an hit a tamborine and shab it. too, then it sounds like WILL ADDRESS .A!ISEfiOLY a drum and a beU. Tlle Rev. J . C. Museer, pastor of . -"nd these little people believe in the Glenville Baptilt Chureb, will adcoope.ration; they a(rf'ee that if you dress the student body in aasembly don:t "follow direc:tiona ycu won't tomorrow. I Bill,- Gentleman 'Freshman Who 'Pounded '.His WaM Up In State '.Boxing "Goumaments BFLB.H. lltqrY-fs the !belief Mil , b;:::: ~~~..~~:~;!:~~~:~~C :: TEAM at Robert John- Haul F U!her,A. B: '3 7, f.reabman in the Collegli. ' II'b e p.ut-wedt the Mereury carried • story of Johnson 'a hobby-raising chickens and prodqcing eggs. The ltory wu written •by Albert Wooftt."r, who inte n dewed J ohn30n , and was ~0:: t he J18pe.t wi th a pkt uro of his Now J ohnson rt"J)ort.s t ha t by Frida7, three dan after the Mercu ry canit:d the sto·ry, he ha d added t.wo ~eustcmeu to h is li st... All this en me a.bout beeo.use t.hey Had about. him and his b usiness 1n lila .Me.rcur)', J ohnson •believet. Ka.rantoms related a good many hl(fhhghts o1 a. ntn eteen-year..old ca.- ~r. g~rl ~ormantcwn ~!ro~~e ti'!!;~~'a ":o~ ;:~~t:; ::p~e~~:; :~~~~~i:do,;~c~= fighter." Karantonis, who lt:'ft the eru l ft elds l n_&t.ruct~r ~ ~~:~~~~ =~~t:i~gi;~c:~:n~~: Sel\o~l, . 15 play football, isn't this -writer's cooccption of the best-known fr eshman held at. t.he .College Ma rch 2G_ Mem- on th~ c;ampus. But. ·plca&e ob st:'rve, bers of Misa Fisher's dasa of &ight, the •b1rk1e has three. a nd half m~ r e th~ la rgest to take part in t.he s pee<:h yN rs to u se that bag, • snu le, aeti\>ities- in lhc school, will enter that -coa;ect dlass-room att1tude and the pqetry interpr etat ion , debating ~~atCd ~Jte t.o makt:' ~e most of whnl 15 0 ege has to 0 e r. a. nd ora tion c:o ntests. Cued Speahr at Ro tary Mn;, M3X Nachma n u·en t Lo hiTo the Rotary Club's lun cheon the ,.ago the past week to vi!lt her 50n, tu~ost- .,..eek went Karanto n is, the gu~.:st T ~a d ore, a ·fanne r mt:mbe r o r the of A. F. Ro hnbough, eoQ(<h in the !'lt oreu.ry .:tatr and nt present o mem- College; and lbefore t.hc group of her of the Chicago City News Burea u eighteen bu si n es~~ 4 ~d JI'TOfessaonal mea the son of Mr. and Mrs.. Zach.. staff. in High ~=:r~~nh~l~~ca:p~ee~n~:n~td:n~! s.,.. J . R. Waper, Adwiaer, Hi,-h Schoola and Collecea WiliBehnited ~~t:- e;r~ c;:~::~~i?' :::~~ Mercury-400227-1.jpg Glenville, was the only studeut · in the College to m a k e a strajght A- grade average for the first semester, aecordiag to th e honor roll listings com pil • ed the past week by the Mer. cury in cooperation with K r. Carey Woofter, registrar. On the roll are ninety-four studenta, fifteen more than :vere IJsted fo r t he coiTespondmg semester t he past :year. There are more B average ratings t han have appeared on any honor roll here in recent years. ·Representation by cl&SM:S iaehr4u The ninth ~emistry Day, 5JlOUOIZ"ed by the College Cht:'mistry 3-2 ~hmt:'rl, 26 sophomcns. IS JanChlb, is K hedu.led for Saturd&.y, Ap- ion and 2 1 senicra. DiJtrihutioa fo r first semesteT t.he past yut .. . . : ~1 6, aan Mr. Jobn R. Wagn er, ad~7 !reshmen , 24 sophomores, 14 ,JclaF eatured in th is year's exhibitions 'ors and 14 sen.ioN. will be West Virginia Industrial .vroAs in previous rears, f~ea duct.:.. Onto' hundred a.nd fifty lett.era ·epresent by :t-ar the largest &'f'Ogp 9 are being .sent. o ut to as many manu- ~:J;h:h!:: ;;~~e~~l, w~~ie!;: ~~n:~e~n s~i~~;_:~1i":istp~:: pr~duds .:d of th,eir ·;d ..P::Cesses, reprf:'Sen ta.tlves ~ from a number of 'i~ being , in.. t.o A lready :uo;ed. to , aft ~ddra.s as a part of the day's aetivities is a rep'l'e.Sentative of the E. J. du Pont de Nemours Company, at Belle. An exhibit of Nylon, a ~a l-derived n:uterial llSed in tht; manufacttrre af hose, it UJH!(!ted from the du P ont C Speakerson;:Y·the Ge.n 1':1..1 El tric Company, or Sehentkta~y. oN. ~-~ and f ro m the fe ntral Scientific Com. pany, -of Chk.a.go, have lbeen &elicited b y the Club. &plies to !etten asking !oreicn 8'0V6rnm•nta to send exhibit.:! are being •-ece.ived. Industrial exhibit& are expected :from El Salvador, Co!Ombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Po.a'ra.guay, Canada and other countries. A 3P"Cio.l demonstration of p 1pe organs is 1bt:~ng hnilt the ph~ics lllboroto?'. Ea"Ch pipe is made fMm four . strips of . wood glued. tog~ther, and IS pl~yed by compre-med 'li T". fnV1t&tJons to rbigh &ehot. ls a.nd possibly r.ome colleges throughout e:~tral :_est Vll'ginia .will be ISfont t ts mon po1nt av-erage or- above;. M:~t:ostc:~:aed r:; ~l:n~~m;:..~ M I of Gl ·u tld ::s~r ~~61i~:~Myers, e;:~· fi~ i: poiD!-- the sophomore group vdth ~ average o·r 2.94. Clair Mom'llon o ::~:ths~n ~~fi::te tb• ] T h wi~' . , 11 . .. '-' 1~--c& ne " nor ~ 0... an<l n., 1=:.-:r. .. "'~l n.t~n~ be found Oil 'PA8'f! 4 an tb.U ~ NamH of studen ts ean-yinc {, than fourtee n hours of wOTk AM included. ' ' 2 STIJDEN'J' nECDON WILL BE HELD TIJESDAY IrfAPRii Noroeki Names Committee to File Nominatioa.a; Will Elect Suprane Court MemiN:n " Young people becoming mo re a.nd more thoughtful about marriage," Frank M. •Liddle, state secrctary of the Young •M en's Christian AMOci~tion~. told a joint meeting .of t:he .College Y. w A-.A. and y ..M.C..A. in the lou.nge last n)ght. Jfere with IM.r . ·Liddle was his wife, Mrs. Mazwaret N. Liddle, who for minuW9 adc!Mssed the 50 students and faculty mM'lbe n at- First step to"'ard setting 1J1P the machinery pertinent to the .fort:lacom i"C" student body elfirtion 1lrU a... ken here the past !Week when iBa.rokl NGJ'Oski, Council preside-nt, named a comm.ittee of thn:'e to file Domia&tion s on or !before March 1. .On the committM, which wiD a one or more candidates for each pc»ition on the tCo Wlcil o nd on tbe Sa... pN>me Court, Wo~ row M-.xw•ll, Virginia F -ry m i e r and Ha.cleln Moore. Followi ng the report C1f U! ~ committee, there will 1Je a stadeat body met!tinar in •March, at wrhiah tim e' add itional nominations may be made from the floor. A primary will prec:ede the general eleclioD to be beld the aeCond Tunday in April. To lbe e l~ the /oUowiDr : Presi dent of the stu de~at body, ~ prCsident,, treasurer, &ad ~te ~t-at..anna and two memben :~eth;e.::::eme Court, one male aDd ~=ntd~=~P:~e ~:~~::h;~dto~:!:." ~'iu ~1'- Eaeh nominee be" notified Main taining 'that " efttering into •nd the committee triU defl' is entering a relationa!up tain e.&<.h candidate's quali.6utiou.. that can be bbe happiest or the most To be e ligible fo{ a po1ition on tM disillusioning ~ri~e in tife," Council one must 'be a rtsident q_ Mrs. .Liddle advised students to dent, carry fourteeD ~Jr 1I10l'e boU!W :::;v: ~~::~~:~~~":~~ ~ ;!; :~:::::~:~..m.:.. K.1raatona.s, IBally to fellow student., ts one of a f amily of nineA numba- of question.s ~ked by au: boys, one and the parent.a. 1'hti father, one _ time native of 'ltudents were diS<:ussed in -an hour's GTeeee and shepherd in Crete, can\e ,.,pen foru m f ollo.wing the iutrodue·ory talks. a;: Mr. r;a nd Mrs. Liddle have for yea~ ha.d loved 6 ince a boy. And from the yurs been active in y ...M.C.A. work and in the guidanct:' of youth. Mr. Liddle has 1been fo r two years seeari Karan toni!! have tnveled a long retary cf the state young m t'n 's way together. ltl'OUp. P reviously he spent. eight Do""'Jl st Cclcord , a.· little min inc 1•.:urs in sim ilar WOl'k in .Saltimort'. 1 Re is a native of MJDnesota; Mrs. ::;; Liddle was ·born in Chicago. 11nd saved un'tll he wa s a'ble to go in!Mr. 3nd Mrs. Liddle left last. night t.o business fo r himself. Now, the r >r Cb r ks'burg, (!n route t.o & !em fat.her of !Billy and six other children f'..ollege where they spokt:' {n chapel ~'Jls a ehai n of three stores at Col- Lh is morning. eor d, Do c."••' thh~·~ a.~ F'"",~:Onv.• ,, = ..~ ~• ART CLUB MEMBERS To high school at Co lcor d went CHANCE MEETING OAT£ Son Bill}·, and thl''re he mel Frank A chante:e in the mee ting time o r Vas.s. College alumnus . and forme r t he Art Club went in to e.trect yessth.le.t e who, in Billy's ls.ngu:lge, is tf'rd!ly, The d ub now meets on Mon· " one t>Well fellow." Vass coached t he day at 4 p. m. instead of Tu ~av rugg ed protege into a fi ne football <~ t ~ p . m. a ~ fonne rly. Th e n ext player and us.ed him as a full back. mt" et in~ will be Monday, March 4 , (Continllld on Pap 4) in the art laboratory. ba~i;;a~::·wi~t~e:~od~d a::~ ~e:~JI~~~ :~ro:! ran:~~:· e~:~ ~~~t ~~~hi~~ ~~e !!~!m stories at the n ert Club meetinl' ugh West Virginia r ed blood tc m ake That it 9&1a i:'b;in the Mer<'!ry Marda 27. ;eu~~on~ :~e, b;v:n~:r a 1•n Olive Myers, a junior, o( CHEMISTRY DAY WILL BE APRIL 6 -----o--Y. M.-Y. W. Groups be~a::e ~ : : ::' S()P~:ert~~~nfi':; :: ~':~:!:;: :~d ;;t;~n':!u~ Hear Mr. and Mrs. ~r;:m:i;ca:es;P~e~J:;~n: :::: ~~~; ~!::at~·~ t:~=.: .:n;;~~. ~ Frank M. Liddle Bill Ka CA.NTEUuav CLUB TO BE In this corner m Y fQntonis, aEPaESElfTED IN ASSEMBLY 'the College tre:,bman !Tom Colcord, -,-who u sed his l~t to thtt j.-w a nd Susa n SUmmers, a senior, and nght to th e d\qt to pound his way Belen Heate r, a. jun tor, Mve been to t.he top a f ew yean ago \n the - - = = = = = = - - . l seleeted to rept"ae.nt the Canterbury Sta.te amateur l'boXlng nnas ' 'Club in an a.ase mbly prognm March And in this short, <"h u.nky, 176. 6. . pound, eu.rly-hcsaded ex-pugilist is a The Same Story Ia True With Advertiaera, Too f'resbman Clus . Madelyn Con nsd Sophomore Claaa . Frances lfyers •Jun ior C)Us . . . .. Olive Myers Senior Claa.s . . . ICbir .Morrison •Highest ranking student in d.le College the ftnlt semester; more than -400 eiU'CI1led. Her average wa, straicht A. TOURNEY DIRECTOR ~~~nc;mpani!s ~ f~r ---- Mottiaon Lea da Sen.ion., F ...... c.ea M,-en Soph~ MiN Coarad, Fresh-- THE BIC 4 SCHOLASTICALLY If yo ur narr.e. ia' o'rl the honor roU a.nd you would like to CoUtee studeD_U, pattieularly send a copy of the Mercury home \10 .-heft of the senior clus who are Mother and ' IF'II.tber, you aie at~ in t.h• United Stat.n' Nu- erty to bring three centa to tbe Mtr• el Aviation program, will C:ul')• olftce a nd get you.r eopy, Only . . . . aa (llppC)f'tllnity to IJ'I:t f\rst-ha..Q:d a limite-d number of copiee are .....,..tlon here, Saturda-y, ilfarch 2, •vaib.-ble. tl wu anno11need the past ,week by ,.._ E. G. R.ohrboqh. b eoopuation with r:he U. S. Nav. Sue at Anacostiao, D. C. , ftw,. Rohr~boqb has arra.nced for an .,.nfq nHietinr ,bf:re, MArch 2, at ~ time Li~L K . B. Jc1lnson, U. 8. N:a'Ql aviatOr, wiU show the ar- Stv.deet SU9eJ" Liab Thi. A. Pictured, a bove, are Mr. and Mrs. Ftan•k M. Liddle, both lldal Navy BOWid mobon picture, Nation'a No. 1 Worry; of whom spoke before a joint meeting of the Y.M.C.A. and ....,IDa's o! Gold," d~~ng the life U~aempl07DM~nt SeCOIId Y.W.C.A. in the College lounge last night. Mr. Liddle is state .t ari&Uoa cadeta. and will tD ll<denta )JOSiibilitiea o1' avia... __ •ee _re_ta _ry..:.._o_f_t_h_eY_.M _ £_._A_.- - - - - - - - - - - tloa tn.lninc" .at &'O'"mm•nt ·~aeUeat. Jobn,on, w"hose tentati..-e it.. inr the United States today, forty.._.,.calls ftw visits at nine other five p~ eent of collep men and wo. W.t V!Jwinla colleges a.nd tbe Ulli- men believe. T•his cont.ention ,ara.lwnitJ', 'Will lbring bis motion picture 1-ds that of the American Toter, tb. ~ent with ·h im, open hi• Student Opinion Survl<)' poin ts ouL By Moaltine Bollinger • kH.p togefher." • ,.......m in the auditonum at 10 a. Salving the unt:'mployment probThere's a lot of f un in a toy J.nd, .Fiavorite amonr all ~be instru· a. and after the show wiiJ answer lem at home was listed second, with that •new-fangled' ~up of r hythm m~nta th& drum•. tnang)es and ~ns eoncerninr the curTent Na- seventeen per cent of tbe st\ldenta ftl A-riation uainina- work. P urpose the qub'lltion "first. in iro.por- makers that P op 'lind ~om and Au nt ~ticks. af tb• m eeting is the govem .nu.nt's t.a nce, n;:; weri 4aWre t4l procu.n. candidates for Balancing the buQret, ,olving t.... And if you don' t want my word lnlniD.J' and eommiss.ion as Nn~~o l .t.or prOblems, r ecovery of busi neet -.n-e •viat.ors. and threata to democracy were init, then take <a .peep intc the MuTo be eligible for the ~rvi.coe. one chtded by the &tu.d tints in, the Jist of SIC Room. between 3 and 4 o'doc.k be a male citizen of the Uni- t.he country's most important prob- some afternoon and watch Johrtn1 tal States, bettnen 20 and 27 yean 1...... and Mary a nd all the othen i.D _ac·. lndepeadeat Meet to Be H e ld ol ~ uniii&J"''ied and remain .a fo~ Cjven fi.nlt n tu'll' In macnitude by tlo·n . At ; More Than •o ~ and· be m.e ntaUy, monlly, one per cent of the nta eoft\1..-t.. In ebarge, of count, i.e; Miss Ber· Tea Teaina E:xpected ~cally and pqdloloJ' quali- ed in thf: poll wert:' inequality o! 1n. tha E. Olaen, instructor In mu.ak. ted fo r c ommi.Mion in fligh t train- COTU U, 30lvitll' youth 'Pf'ObJems, ~ ~istinl' are Mi.u Maxine Bollingu, More than ten basketball teema be· a~ must alao be • cnduate of 19-40 ekletions and relief. ~ntor, of Weston. Hias Merr.1ret. are expect.t.d to entel' an JndependA more pronouii.CC!d concern over Ma~uit. Mo1a,__ &lao a Ha.ior, of ent tcumament at Norm.anwwn, a ftDOpised eoUtee- or unlvenity, 01' ba-n ~~d one..:hatf tw more .bw;int'!ll ncowry is seen in t"he H!ll"- GlenYU!e, and Katie VIneya rd, frMh· March 8 ~d 9, say Bmnef1, 8 Gf t:be ttedit. aonn.alb" leadintr to a tltMnt of the voter tban ia man. In tbe College, wrbo i5 as~. proviHd be baa complt:\.rld ~!~eaed by , college men and ':o~ "When we cet • p iece 'WleJ.t surti~J' Mr. ~obn Wil.l&rd Sh':~we, A. plaDe an• eoUd cwmet:f'J". learned. we ean play at the P .-T. A. 8 ·. 37 • pnndpal of Normantown St~cknt sympathy for F inland. ia A'Pflllcatlora. considered and ot in u.emb'\y," •Y• on• little tal.. Ragh School and toumamerit direct.,.._.;d a-pan ~1 a s.elenion board that rafleeted in their app!I"'"tal Gf Amerlow. Another -adds, " I like the pretty or. , , ~ period ically, and da.ues in ican loan1 to that counti,o, the Surnnuric w e phl•y ." And one little eha'J), ~ meet, although aebedl.lled for · .-mma.t;on rllcbt tuiniq are .tart.. veys recently lound. with an - ;.esthetic 1enee 6r some- Friday and ~~urday, may ~e A.rted ed at the Anac011tia Bue the ~ ~ing, ventured, "U we play them Thursday n•cbt.. :Mareh 7 • af the ex&:Hnth of eac:iJ month. Successful ruee)y and s11t'eetly 'they sound like pect.ed n~mber of ~-m~ enter. ~II eompleticn of the preliminary counJe the bird&." came. Wlll be. i!layed In the hia':h W.d.a to advaDCed flicbt tnininc at Serveral or tlhe >pupilf beline their sc:h~ol gymneaJUn;; fl . P naacot.a, Fla.. 11 orpn,:ution "•ounda like a b) l beti::~ sa~~ci:C: ev:. band. . " . . , ing, if ten or more team.a e~er, or One u~d, .some children don t at '1 o'clock Friday evening if fewhave mu s~e:al 1nstrument.. o t home, er than the te n regUter. Thne will but ~y ~n come tc eebool and ,play, be four games the fint n.igbt. The te.mate teach!~ and ob4•rvilJ&, eiv. Pia,. Writtea t.,. Clair M......._ inr abou t ten. days to each, s.aya D:r. mulle. semi-finals will be played Saturd3T ooa Will Be "-atecl And •h6re •~ a ff!IW ra ndom c:om- afternoon, beginning at 1 o'clock, J'ohn C . ShTeYti, head of the Ool!ege H ..... O..March2t muta that one pthen any at'ter- and the fit1:11la Saturday n igbt.. education departmenL T here will be mOTe than a score Jfardl 21 is tlu/ tentative date for A numl'.er of students have, begun ftOO n rehe.nrals are in p.rocress. . .a ae-"e OUVE MYERS HEADS FIRST SEMESTER ·HONOR ROLL WITH STRAIGHT ARATING, held sometime this ~ing ~ the resJ!ective presidents will Mat.oma-. tically heeome' memben of the Sta.dent Coun~l. Fru lunen enroUiDc next !.all >W11J elect . presidat =::~ the opemng of the 67& Pioneers Down Morris Harvey at Charleston, 57-47 At Cha rlest.on ville Piotteers :1dded vir-•o ry by defeating tirr.e this sell80n the night the Gl etltheir twe ntietlr for the second Morris Har.vt'y ~.l gl ~. 57-47. This t ime it was Rhosdas :~ n d M('MiUen who set the 5coring pace, t'2 (' b ~ elting IS poin ts. A rms trong got 9, R.onu no 8. Noroski G, Spencer 3 and Wolfe 1. Tv.-ice t he score was t ied, once at" 3 3-33 and :~ gain o t 38-38. Tonigh t th._. P ioneers ~•i ll meet Concord a t Athens. THE GLENVIU.E -----CAMPUS CAMERA----- On the Shelves At the Robert F. Kidd Library By Olive M.yltft -- 'I'HE problem of what to do_with the youth I of Amerjca is daily 1becoming more acute. The week days are adequately taken care of bJ schools. and Sundays are provided for by the various churches; but what of Saturdays? After the five~ay grind of school, SaturAiay is, as it s hould be, a day for play. Herein arises the question of where to play. In many towns and cities children spend this entire day loafing on the street..._, chiefly because there is no other place to go. Many of theee children who virtually grow up on the ..-treeta will at some time during their livea aerve time in a correctional or penal institution because id leness breeds corruption. To remedy most towns of any have · parka and a pend which B ---From--The Exchanges and other eluba ant doinl' but without the co-..bined elforta of every citizen, lltUe can be ac:eompliahed. It each citizen would eofreely with these orl'anizationa. eon~ accomplillhmeata would reault. For a municipal recreation ball where Glenrille, W. Va. Februr, 26, 1940. 1"0 TBE EDlTO&S: GA.N'T WE take it! Oar apOJU. maubtp W at. a low ebb, if what we did at. Glenrille--.A.Idenon· Broe.ddua ~.,pme is. a f&ir meuu.riq .tick. ThOae "boos" _. burled at the referee added ao~ Ina to ov -.-raed reCord. Tber oalr caUMd oa.r riait.on~ to thiak u. 4'-eourt.eoua. ud they certain· IJ' made tbe referu ao triend of uwellu Finish Your College Work Before You Accept a Job ..... DID WE ·la&.Te to make all that tu. onr a mWtake m a pme 90DAY many .c;~llege atudenta are leaving I .ehool to secure jobs. Ia this wiSe, or should IJaey not first finish college, then find a poei· Uoa? It Ia my belief that a complete college eoune ia necessary to the proper develop. meat of any boy or girl. There is aomething about c.ollege lif~that aelf-assurance and poiae that it givea--that is impossible to acquire otherwise. It haa a disciplinary etrect 'Which ia neceuary to make a well·rounded dtlzen. tMany students profit !rom the aive&nd·take life which the dormitory alforde. II il not the facta one learus in college that wbieb wu mueh too fut for on. man to eall, wlroen ,.. wne wiD· Diac aa,....,! ADd remember, thiDJ'a don't ktok tlM aarne !rom all poillt. of ricw. llr. Sam JO.t.. tu .urelr kDoWB die pme better evea t.MD c:o~ ~ ; and after aU, what. a rd'eree aye ro-. whether Vie like It ol' not. OAN'T 1W.E take r.t 1 In the put thie coUesre bu pl'ided it&elf on Mini' above 1 ueh childi&b aetiona. and alter all ttlue yean of euccdlftd baaketb-311, we cert&iDlJ aren't pinl' to stoop to ''booinl'' OM .referee •hen tltiap ~ cloae. Let lla lean the " booinc'' to the' ~na wbo ann't. as well ad ~ juaed .. we -:are.--collee-u Nor~ ::k:Wt:~~·:meo~~::!.i~nn:'6:b~taw::!~; u~i= to fonn his character. Studenta leaving college before gradua· tlon u•ually do ao because of financial rea· .ana, 1 0 they say. Apparently moat of them a.c.cept temporuy jobs with amaH salaries. Sllould they lose th eir jobs, of course it would .f»e too humiliating to return to collep. So there you are. In my opinion students should, by all meana, finish their college courses before ac· cepting joba. Then it will be much more prof. it&ble and leas difficult to settle dOwn to life's work.-W. •T. Romine. Newspaper Verse AilE THEY FORGOTTEN7 As t.hey roaised the acore On bW.etball tloor, \We lauded our four That will pl•r M more. Glenville Needs Better Recreational Facilities But I'll juat. bet That. 110mebody let U• entirel7 f~ Tbose two we met SIB THOMAS MORE, tbe o a me Sir r;Thomas More who is the author ot the re- aowned masterpiece, " Utopia," were to use the town of Glenville, (1940,) as the city d eecribed in hia work of 1616, would he eall it a Utopia ? Does Glenville compa r e with the hypo-thetica l city aa Sir Thomas saw it ? Are t he people occupied ? Are streets free of thoee children wbo fin d themselves without a place to spend their leisure ti me ? With one single gymnasium and not a play· ~und in the locality (in use). we believe tbe youth of Gilme r County do not have the proper amount of ncreation needed. Wmter finds the boys of the town trying to 6nd a place in the gymna!!ium while the sum. mer time offers no recreational facilities. The youth of today r equire recreation and shou ld not be witho ut it. A play&round for Glenville is not a far-fetche d idea. [t would merely require a little attentJ on from a local civic body to mak e it a reality. Glenville's youth deserve better recreational fac.ilities.-Earl McDonald. DO YOUR GRADES HAVE CASH VAWEf ROUGHT out in most of the fol'UIII8 Ia which students discuss scllolastic attaiDment is the alleged fact that student& who have made exceptionally hltrh grades fail to outdistance many of their lest. proficient peers after graduation. A few cases are brought out to show where iD it ia actuaiJ:r a disadvantage to make the ethereal ~Jrt... A average. But the diseuaeion encb where it rbegan, with most of the partkipante iD _.. session ot their original oplniou. ADd tltoee who make low rradea continue to do eo. Yet; in the mala, tbeee.,-ad .. have a pobd. A#rER A S I E-GE of infk.1e~, )·OIU' colum nist is ·llaek o n the job and wit.h many th mks to her stand-in for her etrorta t he ·;;:Lst. week . . . The P ioneers haek into the limt.-light Wednnday evening wit..b their vidory over tJu.• Alderson Broaddus &ptUta. . .Thts WHk t.fM'y are on 1 another tour b•ttling l·hcir way to other vido rit:s, we bope. DEBA'lllN.C HOLDS full ,....y in rollege these dliys... Guests past ~e k were the Salem debater. who ugued t.'be quunon ot the ~ olat.ion policy. .Ano~er 4dded future to our cazni;ma and town HOW TaU£will .be the R ich &bool SpeMh A nut ia at the ~. wheel, contest March 2e .. .a time for stuApe.rocb denta t.o renew old acqoaiatancw A t W'D in tM roMand make new ones. ..Out.of.t.o.nt. ~it.Salad. judges p~!biJ will be PNYhied. -Tho &bool 8 ...... SENiiO!RS LOOK haPPJ thue da ya, probalbly, ibeullM daaa riDP IN MOD£0 IIAJINEAan d •;.ina have be~ reoeived. . • Karrla.p ia aa iutitution, Ina Ohnimgohows h&ve at. last. ..._ i1 blind, tbitrefore me.t.rimOIIJ W eu~ enouch people and moo•J &o aa iutit.ut.ioo foJ' eM blind. make .f inal aTranJem4nta t.o aftlJiaU. !Q 'tfho llkt, tellrrltioo ia a witb Alpha Pli Oa:ep . . .Abo, tbto woradeJ1ul t.biDc doald oot. f..,.t tentative date for Clair Monitoa'• the old· f•abiooad kerhole. 71&7 la !Marcil 21 . -..._ -'l'lla Oolu-WE WER.E SOJmiY to !Mar of fb; death of Mrs. C. R. NoNIIki. WHO I:NOWsmother of ·H arold NOTOald, ,....Mi.. Saicl a m.,Dt, u lie ..,.q br 11.11; dent of the- student. eou:ncU and e11 taU, sen ior in the Collect;. T o Ue Uttte moab. t ... aDd The GREAT Lombardo ao~Wint, male : "Conlu C\iu~ Say," is .,oa.riq to new F rom your ofrapriQC, 1117 deanr heii'M.t. . .Tlle S.tiDrday e.ftlihl' "ln a few millioo JMI'a • •Post is flP'ODIIf)rinc a eoutat wllieh May evolve • profeaaor ln Yale." ~pays '7MI for Cozrfuaian~ .• -AtMMn11l. now, ~ontest doees AJ)ril SOUTH OF THE 80RDr.&AR01..1'ND TOWN we ftftd: Beo!W eathu l'tlport In a Mezlc<&D .,... oomy ule at Stmde'r'a I and 10 per- " Cbili t.oda7, bllt. bot ta· lasting mdefiaitely. .SMw civeft mal• ." At tbe door eaeh nichL ''T'toMa a ai.lht To aee, at ea(.b ftcbt., Tbem t.ur tleketa juA. riallt. So we ean well •fford To abow with tin e •ctord Appreci•tion t oward Moan. Sbowen and W•rd. -Fra nce,_ Myers. MR. AND Ma5. DON WORLEY HAVE BABY SON .~n ~:bt. ~nd ~e~l-.alf JlOtll'ld &!)n 11ras born tn Mr. a"ad Mr.s. Don Wor. ie)" of IP:nker.i'burg at the City Hoa.':)ital in f'.J.tll.:er-sbur;; Frilruary 20. The child been named Don lMieh.. .,_el. Mn. Worley. nee Virgi.."'i.l. Kin. ...... a. .. ::u~~ t~e .:::~Y·:~:I:;:;:n;:. "o SALE- Board of .Education , and m.tftJ He -asked fer. buminr k iua, pe~tple •ttendin8' Wesh:)'an pme. She aid ira aeeerab eruel : OOLUMBJ:A R.oECOR.DS haY e ' 'I am a red bot mamma !pUt. on wu: two jan claaim. But I ain't noltody'a fuel." '' K ine Stomp" a nd "All. -Dally At.bena• um. Stu Sll"lllt," for all jitterbup. . . The records npffterat talent. from WlLL ENTER S T 0 N E W A L L fo urte ~.: n bandlead('I Ml and instruJACKSON LITEit.ARY CONTEST mental eoloisb a.nd inelude ~meb &rtist.s as Benny Goodman, Gene Tbe "Glen ville Hip Sohool .s~ KTU ~ and Jaek Teagartera •.. S"a.. tum, • MI team• from four other honal release will be the ftrst week blab achoola wtp enter St.o~· in Marcl!.. • .Jiy aong ld't of the wall Jaebon Liki'VJ Cont.elt at •eek Is "That Old GanR' of lliue," · Jane Lew, llarcb 6, o nuouneea Mile ,!lung by Pury ·Como, of Ted DeleD McGee, A. B. '39, instructor Weems' Orc:b estn. .Until nest Ira , peeeb in tlbe 1llch acbool. The eonteet., tw•rat7 d•:v• .prior to week, adiotl. the Sixth Distriet. Intersebolastie THIS WEEK'S ADMONITION: Public Speaking Conteer. to be bekl here under t.b& auspkee of tbe Col· The glory th•l comes .from lh'• lege, will be m.ade up of t•ms from ing in the re-alm of ~ciety is like J•ae Lew, Weston, Weat Milford, the van ishing embers of • coamp- LoM. l~ek. and Glenville. A1 f urtlle r pneti« for tlle em· llre: bu t if you are a penon wbo prAdkC=a courtes:v and kindness to. test t.o be here M•r(_h 28, GleiWille ward other&, t hen your glory is like spee(.b atudents plan to meet. eoo· the eve r~ing ~ - It i!J 11 p ldi rag t.estant.a from W• Milford, f.oat light. t.o those wllo follow.-Mildred Creek, Plarke:rsburc, Gratton aDd Nol"'l!.autown. ·Riley. Team1 GlenviDe baa met. tbue far are Burn.ville, lane Lew, aDd We. EPWORTH LEACU£5 TO to n. SPONSOR PICTURE SHOW T he E pworth League. of •. he Glen. v ille Methodist Chur eh arli r lnr a sh ow "Ba.d Utt.h.' Angel" at. the Lyric The3te r t.onis-ht. and to morrow n ight. P'ro<!eeds .wi]J be t•w d to 1end dC"Icp.h•! to the Ep.<;'l·orlh Lee.gue In. sbtute. a nd the You11g P eoph:.'s h nemblr, summer (.am-; , for ~A-ague mcrnt1C'r!. T ;c:'.;C"t.s may be pu~t"d from J ~so.i ~ Riffle, Gladys ("!•yton , Sime<.n Hall, Roo~rt Haum.ln and Paul Be.1!. --~-·- .A University of C'hk ago .scie n ti~ ney, i!l a fo rmer e.t udent. in the Col. h.l.s inven ted a m:ltrimony me ter to l tege. and ~ a rMce of Dun B . L. mutore tht probability of a happy marriag~ fo r •n:v coup!e. !White. \ :~1!~!~:~~b·a~e~o~::ba~:er¥!:k:J~t:! high gradee cannot be malatalned without ability and effort. Whea an emploJer loolao far personnel to meet bJa preeile reqaJre.. menta, he will aeek. thoee who ca11 best une him. Thoee he chooeee will come fnlm th• ranks of thoee who have already demoutra~ ed efB.ciency. Student& are known quite mucb 111 th• IT&dea they make. ltNOW THE JANITOR 1IIE LEARN mucb of our fellow etudeetll dq n ..,. day. and we are eometimee led "' think. we le~rn about' (u well u from) oar profeuora. Involved .,re ia an u::ehau•e of ideas. a comparfaon of related nluee, a cJarlftcation and otabillzatJoa of tboqbt, a teoting to, determine practieality. 'l'heae an aea u they &fiPNr Ia the Iicht of aaotller eon'a opinion, and the worth of praetiee ill con&idered quite eound indeed. But what of the man who aees us 10 to class day by day, hears our aerioua talk or idle chatter as we pua throu1h the corridor. sweeps away the acraps of the day to make & better beginning tomorrow. or keeps the furnace stoked? Does he not get a most imp~ sive view of the four hundred be works far and with each day? Truly, we will mi.!a mueb of thia UDderstanding that college it P""'Umed to brblgif we do not get acquainted with the janitor before we leave. Which Shall It Be, A Job Or An Education? ~~te~oi~if~ {h'1;'e-~~~i!'ro":/'..:":f deciding ,between a job and a college edueation. FrequenUy a student comes to a teaeb-. er with the queation, "Shall! take thia Jol> at - - dollars a month, or ahall I cantina• my education?" At first glance, this would' seem very h&rcl to answer. The thought O'f 'a larwe salary. ~· s.ibly larger than one would receive teachiQ school, doea look good to tbe ,e:re. And we are tempted many times to throw away, like f~~ ~~~:~d:C~~tn~';"O:~~nj:b~C:be::!; ita worth, c:an compare witll the value of a college education. In college, one reeetvn ideas. impreulou,. and developa ideals which would seldom come to one outside ita realm. There one experiences the pleasure of mJneliDg with people whose intelligence. ia on a h.fgh level. .Many timel'!, it ia true, one does coma o~ of a class without much knowledge of subJect. matter, but the impreaaions and ideu gathered by just being- there an well worth tb• time and effort of attending. So wh en someOne asks your opinfon coza... cerning a "job or an ed ucation," b e ever r eady wit h the reply: ~'An education of coune, for tomorrow the j ob ma..v end."- FAIR TODAY AND TOMOaROW F're.sllman : " Are you r olnc to tho f&i r l" " Sen ior: "What fairl " Frt>Ahnwn: " Well, I ~w in. the pape.r ' J'Ii:r toda7 a11d t.omonvw'.", Quick Quips 'Ti• n wonder wh li.t Confucius wo~:ld uy, if hfc. were t.o h1•ar to. da:r the th ings he u sup)oaed to Agn ~ ~ w __r~~·-h_L----~~--~~ Dbtrust the book which reads too beca use suc h writings appeal more QUIOK-SU.Y.ER senses than to the intellect.~obn P. ;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; quand. Mercury-400227-2.jpg 1 " - n... THE GLIIIYIIU MUaJIIT lt~~~~~;.ftJD;;:---~----~~~~~~~df--~PIONEERSUPSETBROADDUSRVE AND WIN 72 TO 62 DECISION IN 11iE LAST HOME GAME OF THE SEASON Griffith and Rboadea Stqe Wild ~ R.aee ADd T'h.e.. Come Out With 34 Pointe Each Earl Me Donald. Sporta Edltor Feb. 2~Tbourh the Pioneers went t. with only a natTow 25-19 lead, Jwlior c:O..Captain. took control of the White Wave'• and sc-ored aeven ot b.ia'a teD deld on the he&'f)' end of a 50-40 JCore over WHt Vi~n..ia Wealeyan College be'J"e Uuiil'ht ~ JJU<;IUILAr<N<JN , ~l~~~~~~h~o~uae~o~f~l~5~0~0;eh Pt.7lnr1pectaton.. ODe of .,._~ .....,.. l eerinl' WII&U WUE YOU, JIM? / f t COULDN'T ftnd Ji• Cos ..,_Mre afkr the W Ml.,.a.Oien· .me .... Lbe otbn" nicbt ln ~k.. -..IIO.ribidmllboot~ ..... pndic.ticnta for Ute Babeata ,._ u,., han.ded WVU a butmc • ._..n\41-n. Coz.. in ble eol. - . SPORTRA.ITS, 11:1 eh w... ..... Phar~ ..,.., '\Bound op . , victory, thla colo:mnilt t. . . . . to crawl out. oa e llm.b and .a fGr &be Bck.ate to win all tbt< -s-ta remain ina on the ac:'hedule ~the M'tinhall PIM at Hunt~~c&on ." You an a loyal wpporter for - . Mtot.bodlat;a., J im, but nenr un. Mr&Lt tbe Pioneera. And aa f<tr . . B...S of lll.araball, the Whl.t.e Wan is .tlll waltlft&' fore erat:lt et llile Bendt:'NOn crewo. IIAUHALL LOOKS WEST lii'EAd<ING OF llAII.SIIALL, 1Mre it a poulbWt, tat tM Herd wiD p to tM bla' nut et Kaaua at,. Alld .»rolill_. -the Pina..,. pull lllroaP the lut 1llp of thti Welt Vbwiale. eoa:f'ernoe nee, U..t - ......... tt.d..;fw batLia aUcW ~ DkkB..... eo----.mtM GarMua n.u,. Mall, . , . , ''It of hill C&J'MI', Rllo"hlet lloop;td lite from •"'T attle to oukl.ul OUtnlart OM of Ceb• &oa' beat lb y...,.,a.a.coliU4DOtbilf lD b.t. -~ tot U..t C!Dald •••• ciON eaot~P to \M ~ co-c:apUla 10 .fDul bl.. 'Jtb. lrid.O'rJ' IIBJ'ked U.. ~·· over the Bobca"- ~ ta.. c.urrnl Oo P'~rual'f 5 U.. PloDMN ro-nped over the MdAod.IM. 15-U n t.h" borne ftoor in Glarilla. 11:.• So~ MW o.., a brid IMd in 1M earl7 at.bna\a wkD rnu, Feola, ~DUC\..4 for D w....,.. ~ llfrOal uta b.o ended ~~eeoDd ~ The IISrtt -~" &eldentallr, Bodl;oa i8 era \JM WM\ VlrPiia H~MDit d~ •uch to ueo~ co t~V to t1w -.....wl'• x..u.. ===========~~;;~;;;;:;:;;:;:-;;;;-;:;~ 22-i lead,. UN. lllgeg l•d duril:l& '-he contnt. The third quarter mdecl with 0\enville In front, 35-29. X..te in lhe came Spencer e t1d. Anutronl' ch'opped In aoal.l to pin H -33 lead for Glemille, but Sam Bobcat center, went to tb~r to cut tbc ma"fin \.0 10 IUD time. aecoud place ac.orinc boftOr& wen Lo11le Bomarao of Glenville aod Fruk Elu. ot Weeleya~~ with ten eaalL ........... Liaeope: C: • &bold .. .. . . F llcllillee .• ... ....... I A.ra..tronc .• . ' ....••• I Botaano . •.••• . •••• .. a NoroUI •.. , ... ,. ••. •• . I Speacer ............ . I lluria •.. . . .• •• ... . •• I .mta 110 cat G'-rilla ud lluU&lJ ...~.. ltodt Ia U.. toGney.. . .dl-, __,_ ta. &Dd IMJ MCODdli 1&-.'1. '-;leD.-Ule. llldwey Mld in. lbl: period tbe Pionura a ....W ~ • btl' boott tw W..t Vir- -bll Lbe PJoaeen and tb~ lied ..... ~Met~.... &10111' u.. tonranl, thto tip olf. ThaD lh\hodt.U; wcat 1\a!c. coan._ uoUI e1.aht. m'n· &fte.r II r.ota .. .. .... . • . . .. . c. I Ellil . ......•. ..... .. I Gw~a _ - •.••• •.•...• • ' V•Ddft"YYO"t ••••••• • ••• 1 Koako . •... ...... •. , , I 8 ...... ...... ........ 1 Aadriet IIIITH"S MUD SHOP ................ .. . .. . .... . .. l Cltfc~ ...... ............... ........., s.t., ...... ..... ... T_...,...._._ ICIIOOI..aOYI' TOURNEYS TBIS ~. llND uct:kuW ..... Kbool \CI\U'~aate-- alJ OYV tar. .ca~ will attract llae etteaCioe of .eboolbor Mall:etbaU ....,., wbatt.. he be a .tar of &be team ,or the l•at aub.titute, Coach C. D. Wm:oll&' . . d lda lo. eal Terror, will .-ia tor boaor:. at Bpnoar In what pro·rDiMe &o be a .._.up aft'alr. Wuto . .a team baa .,Ut In pm.. with moet of; C. C. RHOADU AND HOWARD BUS ••«17 a W&DMESDAY F..........., naza W.-1 . RATED HICJI Pnt.othewUt.~ Aa, are haiUDI' Washiq\GD· ~ aa til~ new elate dtamsad even •here iu Gleaorille aome former Rllltop~rs aTe wuu.,. co IMt their Jut deaa s'hlrt that IHtr aim :~ mater i 1 Lopa •Mn the 1a10ke clean at .Mo.,...ntown. The echoolboy clauic at the Unlvanlty S. provinc to be one of the snte'a ~n.d l n~ aport. &TUU o.f tbe ~. As !or picJrlne t.he 1940 will· a!', •co11 leave U.t to f'OU· EltNE5T GARREn' Soft Driato:.,, Tok-. Billludo, Pool STUDENTS I wt.ol-.ome S.ndwich• ..ul Soft DriD1u, You c.n•t Fiad Bet.tewThan at THE LOG CABIN RESTAURANT ._.F....-, ............... 111 ...... · - - · - - - Lyric Theatre IPI'iftC lntnmu1'&1 caJaJMWr afthe17, plttl' JKID:I', botM •hou. OOWN IN R.ARXI.SON Cooaf7 ,~ T\JESDAY tollrft&m.nt to .. aDd ,..~ oD.lJ' a lftr~ftfty cbuce o.t takiiiC' the 8D•l contuL Ho-wev6f, llllould lack Coarad and BarT)' Pritt cet -.ot'' u t.her freq11ntly ba."fe lllariac the te&IOD the Tert"On alaould brtftl' horn. tM croWD aJIIIl .-.It tbe Rqiout at Cluk:lbu.rr. For . .... U........ c.....T,..._ BAD UTrLE ANCEL Nrw eports to be Hated on. aie c1Mi dtMr bueball or eoftball. The ltltnmlll'&l \ulnr«ball ~ will c.ot~chade t\e M&lon with a Mlillm.. .nL lledal •~ will be J.e IOOD U tbe 't'anitJ"• bukftball ..-on Is completed, the llltn.maral bultetball learue will be Ia tuU I!JW"iJ1c' becau. tile can laan the amnuium more ott.a to pt.,. the.irpmee.. THUltSDA T a FRlDA Y F~ ........ l Rlclr c...- a. IIASlER DETEC'TlVE ........ SATUilDAT WYOMING oun.AW5 ........... SUNDAY A lfGfiDAY ANOTHER THIN MAN IN THE SPRING ....... - ·. . ANEW COAT n.....,t.ofallttWC.OAT GLENVILLE MIDLAND CO. I. G. A. Mercury-400227-3.jpg to Rudde lJ Reed, Owner Pace Four THE GLENVlu.E MERCURY Billy Karantonis .. (Continued fro m~ 11 Radio Man Neal Corarhe{s Says 'I Blow Old C. Q~ arrd They Let Me In, Presto' Darlnc his .fruhman rear J(,,.nnton- By D-·e}' Berry •;PEECH CLASS TO ENTERTAI.N il; went i D for and in a mett at li t. Hope he fin ished an opponent m ai:x aeeonda to set some- sort of State speed .record. Later, in Cbarlt=St.oD. be dusted olf a tough opponent 111 t:llli'enty ~ds, and this too was a State record. There bo . high eebool, b=~~:.~~:~ k:~~g: play- Univenity, not only listens; he helps villt' Civic Club, M.u ch 4, at 8 do it.. o'clock in t he socia l room of the It's hi.! hobby. He say.s he's been Mcthod i5t Church. ing football and fi.rhting , r.oo. Sic'ned a.s a nUdd le ~ht and 11·e-ighi ng betwee~ 150 &ttd 160. pounds, he J".'ld m to amateur eompebtlon an d IIM't somo CT! the best fighters that t.bree atates had to offer. ln Charleston In 1938 ht- beat •a.nb~ll Mor-ra, Pen nsylv.anta state <>'hamp1on, and 1n 'HuntingtOn he won "''"'the dnmp1on of Nortbem Vn·pna and Southern W est Vll'gm1a Hi, o.., Bir Mom-t .And though all the figh ts "'-ere intd'atlng to him. Kannt.onis picb ik. vict.ory over the P ennsylvanian u tM high spot of .his ring experi eDC'e. Hardest. city "to g et a square de.l in," he AT-l, is Dunti ngto n. Ot.h!d- town• in whk.h he has fought are BhulfieHI, Wh ite,ville, Seth, .Montcoal and Stoeco. Yes, in this comer is t.he curly. headed , unpntentiou.s, .genUt:man who ia here • • a student it. ' ' l t'a always int.ertsting and he:Jp! ul ," he :ave"- "I Jearn more geogr.aphy .1nd a.lw.ya find out about the weather The fi rst. li me l tried I JUHt shook and shook and whe n someone .uid, ' You'n on ' t.he air,' 1 backed out. The seeond time, 1 Cllled Al a&ka but no answer came." Corathers is a member of the American R.adlo Reby Le:ague m em· bership in "llfhicb permits ~ne Ito broadcast. ove r any amateur set. H e slid '' Whe n 1 .see on e of these outr fi ts, ' y •hiP" the old c . Q. and they let me jn, l':ve ta.lked to ,people in eight $loa toes. Jt's the only bOOby for those who want to meet ne w a nd interest ing- people." Naturally Cor.athen thinks hia hobby isn't e:irpensive.. " All you need," he pointa out_ " ia a tube or two, some wire, a sokieri"3' iron, a 11 step- = an~l~ten~!l~ee ~~=~~.~:::.n b~;:. th is is BHJ: the we=~ther down he.rc :n::e;:. GLENVILLE C IVIC CLUB Cuttings £rom one act plays 'Will !:~e~:a:r::~~::;svi~';!~~ ~i:;e~e:~hth~a~'~:;::e l~=rp~~~: :~e'!n~ •:i~~n~t-~·~~~ Ql~ sib:c~ik~: I :;::lv~ ~to;:e:r 9f~ll':c~~ ::~ ~fe!li:::e~~. the FI·rst Semester. Honor knowledge to FRESHMEN Na•• aad Addren \ !: ::~~:~ns7'm~n:~~i~~;ton 8. Ruddell Reed, J r., Because of the war no Rhode• Khola.nhlps !Will be granted in 194~. SincG 1923, 16 colleges !I- n~ un1. venitiu have made R.O.T .C. a] or abolished it. a.l together. option- Gle~Vllle !! 11 17 18 •· ,. :: ~~~~:a\\~~~~ ';; ~~11-IMiJis 1 6 , PeaT) Dot.son, Pah:'stinc 7 . Rosalea .Williams, Auburn Ma~:~ ..~l):;s ;,!~h;~·~:: d:re~~~ 8. Warren C unningham, !Ripl ey 9. Betty Sue •B eater, Weston .. , 10 .. Frank Ba.nuner, Weston lle Mo&.s, O' Neil'a "Befor e Break· 11 . Beulah W<:lugh, 'Burnsville . . fast" Eva Amos w1U gtve a musceal il2. Rose Marit:' Taylor, Spencer · · read ing , 13. Ev~~::lyn Keith, Fola . .. 14 . •Edit.h. Pell, Grantsville 16. Li.lli&n B etner, Burnsville eraona S 16. ~Robert Bauman, Glenville 17. Edward BeTSman , &nd F OTk Mrs Charle!t E Ba.rnett of Whetlt.. 18. Elel.nor Mace, Letlie rbark ing. visibed her daughto'r, Marjorie, 19. Jtuth Fox, iRHdy il l!cnior in the Collqoe, the pest 20. Robert Johnson , Glenville week. 21. Warren Latrlb, Glt'nvillc Sheldon Rhodea spent the wet'lt. 22. ~Mary L. Tonkin, Heaters .. . end at his bOJI"K!: in R;pley. 23. Eloise Wolfe, Glt'nville Miss El~e Roberts, :1~ alumna of 24. Edith Hedge, HaTTiSVIIIe the ~Co llegt and a superv1so~ of nu~- 25 ..William Kafer, Jane Lew . . . sq In the Cook Count.)' H ospi"bal, Ch1- 26. Bem.:Jrd +Prather, lAwford <:ago, spent the week....end in Glenville 27. Mi.rgant D. Wilson, Clar.kiburg . visitlng mother, ·Mrs. -Non V. 28. Roland Holt. Jr., Clarlccburg ~rt.s, V~'t'ona tM~pfl Hall, and hflll" 29. Nancy Lee Mu rphy, Persif'C"'r !lister ~n-d bro~-m-law, Mr. and 30.\ltartha Sapp, Scnnmerwil~ . . Mrs. Lmn B . H1ekman, Court Street. 31. Anna Lee Vannoy, Cox'a ·Mill• . 17 18 18 16 17 18 16 16 17 18 16 16 18 18 17 17 17 , 18 17 17 18 17 17 17 ~;•j:n",e~~~ !:~:~ !':;"!a~;:~~ p COLLE~E J TOURNEY DRAWINC.S 32. Edith June tall, and who L. modest in admitting "'The most fun ," he eonclude.s, "is that he lolt only six decisions in t-<> ,-i.sit ,. n amateur broadcuting fifty ftghta, Including tournament station, then go home and li!Un b&Wea. 'll.'bi1e t hey talk about you." B ia father told him that. '\1:.n yone should be glad to live in the United .SPONSORS DANCE State."; •nd hb high sohool coach, Prank Vasa, convinced ~im tb!t Gh:!nviUe State Teachers liege ts a COOd place for higher education . Hr.. 1. Drawings for the sixth unual "2 . West Virginia college tournament at 3. Buckhannon !March 11.12 are as fol4. lows: Salem va. Shepherd; Fai rmont 5. va. Morris Harv,.'y ; Wesleyan VB. 6. Concord; D.--E. n. Potomac State. 7. {The Social Committee provided 18 Akl~non..ffiroaddus and West. Lib- 8. ro-~nd dance Friday night in the erty drev.r by'i..s, •Glenville will not en. 9. gymnasium for students and ment- ter the tournament. 10. be·rs of the f&.c"Uity ·who didn't attend 11. the Glenvi lle-Wesleyan !basketball Obt:rlin College has a Pullman 12 . game in Buoli:bannon, CST named after it. 13. • 14 . ';~~~~~~~~~~~~2~~~~~~~~~ 15. ; !! Wils;:..~~~~~ES Frluteea IM.yen, GJenV\lle 1Edna Cnnnmett, Harrisville' . . . Marjorie Rarden, Spenoer ....•. Pau.l Deal, Glenville . .. . . . Brenk>!! Sullivan, Parkerlbu.rg . . ,BJa:kely .Boggs. i'orter Thred-a'tt, Harrisville Oley Chy, •Mount Hope .• · · · · · Mary M.. Homer, ClarkSburr . · J uanita Haught, Grantsville . . . Russell .Fankhauser, P in e Grove .. Mattie S1zemore, Lizemore Gladys Cayton, Walkersvill~: . . . . ·Helen West, Voalley Fork . H. P. 51 "•• •• "· ...... ." .•••• 38 2.39 2.37 2.35 2.28 2.20 as ~ 4.7 51 M 4.5 47 417 44. 15 36 43 42 37 37 1:;{ 18 17r 17 11 1'7 18 16 ...... :!~ 2.~ ~: ~::-d~:~~es~:U~~~~ .:: : : ~: !~ ·~ 38 36 36 87 84 3-4 34 J ean Brun. 'Cumberland, l!ild. . . . Uonard Cox, tLetter C.p , , , , . , • • Ethe l Goddat'd, <Nt;w M&rtin3Ville . Bonnie Ranna, Can1den-on.JGuuley Doris Webb, Friendly •• , JUNIORS 1. Olive !Myers, Glenville . . . 2. Eugene Crut.chl!.eld, Bui'Jlsville . 3. Tert-'M Butcher, Cedarville , . • ~:E !: ~l'~ ~:::~.c~e;::~~e 39 36 36 16 18 19 17 18 18 18 18 18 16 '16 18 ~~~~:;.:s;,~_:::::: : ::::: ~~ 2.6 1 46 42 36 Lorraine H eflin, Roanoke ••. , . . . 17 He.len Stanal"d, E>non ... . •..•. , 18 James Heater, Weston , ..•• , . • .. 16 "'2.84 ""•· 8. Ke rry Hye r , Sutton .... . .• . • , , • 9. Mary Louitt WoodLord, Glenville .. Dewey Berry, Vica.n . ... .. , . , . . Vnlt'inia, Troy .• .. ... , , , Ruth Annabel Bull, -Glenville Eva Amos, Burnsville . . . . . . . . . . .M3rian Mt:ans, <Amden . . .. . , . Elmer Ca.wtbon, J-r., .Lottor .Cap , . Ralp)J Cox., EliUbett. .......... . SENIORS l. Clair Morrison, Weaton . .•. .•. 17 11 18 16 18 1S 18 1'1' 18 2.06 2.00 2. 00 2.00 2.00 . • Lee White, Normantown . .. . ...• • 18 2 18 3. (On. Mae Poling-, S.ndyville .. , . . 18 : : ;:.i!:ms=.:: ~~.,:~~· :: : ::: : 2.00 &. !Max Ward, Mount 2.9i& 2.84 2.68 Z~n !: .. .... . . 17 !:~.:;;::ieN:=::~. ~~i~·::::: : !! 9 . Virgi nia NolmGII, Normantown : . . . Karl •Danley, Glenville • • · · · · · · • · 'Mary .Helen Port.ef'fteld, Glenville . Maxine .Bollingt'r', We.stoD . ~:::r ~~ ~;:'~~:~~~ : .. .. .. ,Marguerite Moss, Glermlle .... , , .Ciar.k Hudman, Jr., Ta.nner , .• Jean McGee, Gl~nville 0 17 31 16 18 181 . 15 18 31 37 17 36 "•• !: •• · Olena 1Miles, Glenvillt' · · · ·l · · · · · · 18 . Ma 1-y F ahey, F reemansburg • · · · 16 . Woo<ll'OW Sbowen , Spe-nce" .. ... • 18 . • 18 ______ __ Lorraine Beard, ArboYale Fra.nee.s Springston, StumptoWn ·.:::..=.:::::.:...;:=::;...:::;::.:;::.:_..:..;_;.;.;_;.;.:.;;_..:.:._::.:_~!:;~..:..;_;.;.;_.;.;__;;_.;__.;_ 1 COLLEGE DEBATING TEAM ON TRIP THIS WEEK The Collt:ge debating team, coached by Miss Kathleen Robertson , will go to Morris Harvey a nd Concord Colleges this w~ek. The put Saturday the College tum was in Wheeling and there met West Uberty in i deb3te broadcast from Station W:WVA. FOR WAFFLES OR FOR MORE SERIOUS COOKING All thal can. be learned in a unlversity is the cen eral principles, tbe fundamental propositions. lbe: theory of any disdpline.-Robert. Maynard Hutchins. Seventy.e ight Indiana Unive.nity flraduates have become· coU~ prui.. dents. The University of Okl&homa has rules which 'Pl'Ohihit the playinl' of llWinr mua.ic o n the eampus. .Exactly 91 per cent of ttle cordia ColleJt:' (!Minn.) sWdmt Lutheran•. Tbe UuiftnitJ of Keotoelq aeoloaic&l u..uea.m. contains Indiu .Ule&ona. ELECTRICITY· Chesterfield's Twin Pleasures are Ia cleaner faater Keep your car in perfect tune. You'll better " and easier for beginners and old timers MONONGAHELA SYSTEM 'f'.-ii'eatimate on your repair work moat moderate at the . I WilSON MOTOR COMPANY You can't mistake the extra pleasure. you get from Chesterfields. Because of their right combination of the world's best cigareue tobaccos, Q.esterfields give you a cooler, better· tasting and definitely milder smoke. If You Want \ HOME ·CCOKED DINNERS Plate LUDchea You can't buy a better cigarette Paatrie. Co to Larkey's Reataurant At , ... EM of N•w Bridr• New Spring Fortune Lumber Wall Board Plaster Sand Concrete Oxforda T~le For Men Doore and Windows See Hub Clothing Co. DOBBINS LUMBER CO. Gle!'ville, W . Va. THE SALE OF THE YEAR CONVENIENT BANKING SERVICE ia Now In Progreaa -at- Your con•e..,jenc:e . • , y our inter.ta . , . your •ood will . • . are the thiqa we, aa a bankinl' iD.titut.ion of the h.iahe.t rank ••• coiUt&D.tly atrin: f or. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE COitPQitATION STRADER'S Now Ia the Time to Buy and Save! HealMltlitei.t··· ~""1Better 70ste Glenville Banking 8 Trust Company Glenville, W . Va. Mercury-400227-4.jpg
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