The Glenville Mercurv - Glenville State College
The Glenville Mercurv - Glenville State College
.- The Glenville Mercurv ., E. Doyle, Lecturer, Will Present Jst Lyc11um Program Will Contain of Spring Events 1 8A;~A A~;~;lNSadie Hawkins loay Scheduled for Nov. 13 Esther M. Doyle. an oral Interpreter. w111 present Glenville St:lte College's flrst lyceum proBy SHIRLEY JAI\l ES By lllRLEY JAl\fE:S IJI'UID Novemer 11 at 8 p.m . She November 13 has been set for Sadie Hawkins Day at Kanawhachen will be a complete annual, will a.lso appear in the assembly Bell, editor, with pictures of_ nil spring 'l'hursday at 10 a.m. Nora Ann Glenville State this year, according to Stanley Costy, p r esident of the _Kappa S•g ma Kappa fraternity. This day has ~·...arbook s taff met with Mike Posey, rep- Kennedy w111 have charge ol been an annual ~vent at Glenville since 1947, when it was of the American Yearbook company, and dis- \..'1£' assembly. ad\'antages of ha,·ing the yearbook with com- ~ Plarnlng a lecture r ecital on introduced by the Kappa Sigma Kappa fraternity. ·· P~etry In Modem Drama ··, The election of Daisy :!I,Iae and Li'l Abner was held in the will be deli,·ered by mail sometime dur- MLc:.s Doyle wUl base her lectur~ student union Nov. 1-2. the works or Maxwell AnderThe traditional man chase will lead the day's activities. ns that many important acth·ities which l'ln son, T. S . Eliot, Christopher Frl;·, This will be followed by the been left out 1 the pltn·s of Robert Sherwood. turnip eatin' contest, cider will be included Ute poet1·y of Dylan Thomas. old publication, Edi- 1 drinkin' contest, .tobacco spittin' and ne\\' sonnets and lyrlu. MISS Doyle, who frequenUy contest, egg throwln' contest, andl p1·esents scenes f1·om " P ygmalnn1mated characteriza tions. the i!U'1!e are Ion.·· '"The Corn is Green, .. "The lbe latter }:art of the 1 The days activities wlll be high-Thla rear th<r will b< Jll.•z • ~ ~4 Cocktail P.u-ty," and ''The lighted by the ''Skunk Hollow t.ndy':. Not For Burnlng," Wai Stomp " which will be held in the born In Bcston. She holds a deThe agricultur e de. p a r t men t evening from 9 until 12, and wUI be gree In literary int-erpretation College-owned \"ehic!e" have re- from Emerson college, and she reached an all- tlme h1gh thls year conducted in the regular Dogpatch 1 rate.s: or (he year- corded 2-4.393 mlles for the l'ear ( h as un M . A. degree In EngHSll VJith G8 students enrolled. Previous style. Music will be furnished by .\t.artm'l J anUAl)'_ I , 195-l and end- t from Boston univet'Sity. She has -enrollments were 18 in 1951, 38 In the college band. Admission will be done special work at the Unlve!"- 1952, and SO in 1953. Sixteen coun- deternun.ed by measuring the wa ist.19 this lty of Denver. Harnud unlver- tles from central West Virginia are iines of the glrLs, a n d charging >lt)' and hns hod several sum- represented this year. one cent for each inch of the waistea com- JC'OIIeec . personnel and students uve1H extra pagt'!5 ·The a.bove mUeage v.-as recorded in mer's study In England and Gilmer county leads in number line. ln.lteaCl :;: th:ru':,8~ three vehicles, a 1953 Plymouth Scotland of students with 15 enrolled. Lewis Marryin' Sam will be present to At prt>sent, ML\s Doyle Is as- county is next with 9 students and "marry up .. all the poo1• "trapped" pa1es. h e~ d sedan, a 1952 Pontiac s tation wagon . ooe un an and a 1951 Chevrole t truck. The sistant ptotessor or English - at Upshur has seven eru·oJled. Green- males WJth the lucky ga..b of th&.' Jlhl nlta college, Pennsylvania" !,rler 9.Dd Ritchie counties each are campus. feature of the Ka- ~i·~~J~~g~~~~ u-;' v:!~ ~~~~great- "here she teaches s peech and npresented by six. students. BraxTbe dignitaries which ha\·e beea be the ne"'' t} pe ' .-hicb ire going to ~ Tv.·ent.y- one Individuals '"signed pia)" produc.tlon, and directs all ~~e;_ounty has fiVe students en- appointed to conduct the ~ctivitiee ~1.0tO"' • ou' •• fO>r the vehkle.s to use tor col- student. publlcatlons. of Ule day are: Marrym· Sam, ThiS program is arranged by Greenbrier and Ritchie counties Donald Deal; Mayor of Oogpatcll, Ca•thoo. bas talr.et1 lege acuvltte.s_ This doe.s not neet.he Art.s Pt·dtl·am oC the Assoof the campus. 'This essnnly lnd.Jcate that onlv one pereach are represented by six stu- Edsel Ford; 'Pappy Yokum. Very! ciation or Amerl6:an colleges and <lent.s. Braxton county has five stu- Currence; AvaUable J ones, Franlc be uaed. on the end .son "'~ ln the vlhlcle at. the time )"eaJboolt. the Lrtp .,as made. In mosL itutan- universities dent.senrolled. Vincent ; Hairless Joe, James Ro't>-h.u not yet.'conducted tContlnued on page 4J ~ 1 <Continued on P agf 4) i.nson, Indian J oe, Stanley Adlesburg; Ole Man Mose, K eith Me,\fee; Cousin Weakeyes, GaU Boggs; Eart.hquake McGoon, Jack. Ten-nant; Eddie MoSkonk, James Hamrick; Skonk \\ orks, Inc., Carl Cox;. ~------------IRonnie Rokisky, Larry Evans. Donaid Wedekamm : Scragg Boys, Ron \) I ~ Godfrey, B ernard MoKown, Kent Duffield. P aul cattrtaer: sJronJ< I C0 [[ege A u l OS Improving Ag Dept. Enrolls Record of68 R ecord Heavy ••n= ~y~~~=~~Ju l eageln ~ I Be~:!~~ ~~ya!:::: rea;'s:;,~wha- ~~:1~;~e :r~m :~j ~~ :~~e "":: I I 3 .,;;f,~~'Several Greats Bow Out Sat. J . Ten nant Vincent G df'ey R'each "'. . n d' 'Who's . Who' Group . Of Football Careers DeCLdes Selectwns Home Ec Plans Forma/Initiation ~~ A foi"IJ1al lniUatlon is the major acUvlty to be spo~ored by the Home Economics club ln November according to J aekle RastJe, c:lub 0 l prestd :-~t All ln!Uate.s wtll be be(Ullfi!J'Oirir'ff.~n come members in thb eand.le-l~ht ceremon1 Keonedy, a nd During the regional Future TeachIll belo with the .rrs meeting held at the College, term_ Since prac- ~the club membelli presented a style elementary maJ- ticTpattng In the stvle rho.,• were offered a1a1n until iWta.llt' for urban a well as rural they -,nn re- etting.a. Those club mt:mber~ parltctp.atln.: In thestyle show were -•uarten. which has ~e-n Lob Fl£i1er, P attv Hylbert. J a!:k1e one ..-eek, iJ meet- Hwr.phrers, Clal--a Mde Hull, D<>nlOSA The rco;n ha,lna Costilow. Mary Lou! G•lle.pte, painted. ar.d the Ar:. Patly Reynold , Charlene Cole, pamtmrc nursery rnyn1e J acklf' Rastle, Bertie Turntr, Gen•~11 TQP room 1& e-vlt:l't Hluter. Macei 1Ea ten, Dotaa the old kinder- ue L:mhlm. and KaUlle n Qulnn. provid1ng space for no;.sr\· acllvltle.z t.0 LlBB. ARY R£CEn~E · G II~T Che:tter B Hiett of Moorefield lfT ,hn!i 1ven a 39-volume Rt of book political parties and bo1.1t the Nuremberg tr1nls to the waa shown at the Robert p Kuld library. the Internatlona The books are the a<'tual records held on Oct. 27 "rhe tJf the trials and are written in wtll be held tonbht !French, German, and Engllsh They thla meeung ls a de- ,··ere part of the Ubrary of the late Rlett. _ _ . _______ :_:c:.:::c:"-":.:.:::.:__ _ _ _ _Mr. :..=__.;.=c.;_ t A "d I ' Rf d 0 rchestra e orme ,· TT • Ln Stud ent vnlon of the Glenville Is completed. Thr wants to make orchestra bigger and lt has been Ln the past. Ls looking tor more the College. When Lheu trlp.s, they take p!eces. The muslc they arra ngements by Stan Kenton, and _ Election of candJd;ltes for Who's On~ of th~ most e~10~!0n~1 Who ln American Colleges and Unexperiences 111 a man s life 1 lversitles was held on Oct. 21 in the when h e mus t bid farewellcstudenL union. Of t.he 17 names subforever to ~omething he has mltted to s tudent vote, 12 seniors loved all his IHe. This Satur- onnd ~ Juniors were picked. These day at \Vhee ling, qeniors on committee comprised of three stu th'15 ,, t 'II b crtudents names w1U be submitted to .sea.3on ~- me earn WI . e a committe~ ccmprbed or Ulree stuplaymg their last collegaate dent.s wd two faculty members. football game . The ~f.udent members of the comAs youth. they traveled the var- mlttee ure: Nora Ann K ennedy, H!ty of football paths, from tho,.e Oliver Hunt, a nd Virginia Harris. unorgaruzed, but wholesome sand- The t.wo facultY members are: Pro!ot scnmmnges to the high s:::hool iessors Sta nley Hall s.nd Clarissa .scone. and flnnilv, the college Williams. arena. To many, the game of footVoung is just one phase In deter''·•II ts not n vast t ime, but some- mining who will be s elected to this thmg thnL oas been the biggest pos1tton of honor The results or !hlng ln their life ever since they ,:.he votin g is aa Indication or the can remembc1· This deep love for 'P~Pu larlty of the candidate. T his a mere &••me Is som ething that most is one of the quahrtcations which or us can not. £ully appreciate, but Js consldt:red when the candidates to those who have played the game, t;ehool record is revlewecl. by the tar~ ar.d scruts nhke, football ls committee. Results or the voting the gre:.t.cst thing In t he- 'oi.-Orld. arc kept In close secrecy, and the This Sttturdav Wtll mark the enJ. result.:. are never published. of the football trail for 10 of this seasoo's team. While one or two ~~ re ~der considel.·atlon ro1· pro • e bids, tne majority \\Ill end It here. Alter playing football fOI' •• m\Jch AS 15 yea!'S, th e drea m encls In one l r· s ~~~~~Y~Ic~=~~lns~~::.~t,~~ Smith, and Alan Reich. ' Th iris h . 0 w·n :eg h w ~ret~ beKappom~ 1 K~ 3 c r~n Y e appa 0 0 PP ~ ;Y: Conunttte~ v;h1ch have peen appolntec: ar.e. General committ~. Richard Stewart, Marvin Stewart, tfack. Tennant, and Kell)1. McAfee; decoratmg committee, Rou Godfrey, Ed~el Ford ; and &dverttslng commit.-tee, Gall Boggs and J ames Roblns on. F. 1\tiller is President Elect Prof. Flpyd Mille r has been se· lccted preside nt-elect of the West Vlrgim:l. Library A!.socmt.ion . The meet ing, which was held a.t Bethany on October 22-23, was the -&Oth annual meeting of the aSsoC'lation. Prof. Miller has been n librru·lan r.t Glenville since October 1949. 100 H D el ega(es Attend R eg ·onal FT'A Co n~erence . (t brupL GO minutes session. lt b common knowled;ro In footThe Regi~nal conference of U1e Kerns, of Weston high school sang: ~ ConiJnu ed on page 4J Fu!.ure T eachers of America was a nd Earnestine Locke, of HarrisvilJe Leld on campus Oct. 26. Approxi- h igh school gave a reading. of th• college. When playlne In the Union. they not only get practlcf' In plavlng the m usic, but thel' also geL practice of p laying: before a crowd. Members of the orchestra are--Or. Harold Orendorft, leader and llrS\ sa1:aphone; J ack Kaufma n. second; David Hall, third saxaphone ; P aul T akach , fourth snxa phont:. Cwt1.a Fleshman, first trombone: the Student Union is Ottls Boyles, second trombone; orches tra.'a new IdeM- Kent Durtleld, first trumpet; Mary they hope to create Faith Holbart. plnno: Norma n between the mu.,lc Stone, bR-.>S; nnd Norman Fis her. and t he o~her students drullb 4 PTA Ptans Panel On ~~·c~~n~oo~~';!~n':u~~~.he•~!~~~ Iu~~han~e~~ngr:~~u;~: mW:h::: Educational Problenl LewiS and C>lhoun counties. Cal- ~ym. Following lunch , H arley Cut - " Le t's Attack the Problems-Not the Schools" Is t.he t.oplc of a panel discussion to be given at a meetlog of the Pare nt Teac hers nsso:::lat.Ion of Glenville Lomo!TOW night. The dh.cussion Is based on an artlcle appearing In the October issue of the Ladles Home Journal. Members of t.he pa nel are •P1·olessors Stanley 1HaU, Delmer SomL>rville, Robert Higgins, Julie Matthewa, and NeLson Wells, all or Olemllle State College; nnd Leroy Stennett, Mrs. Loren Gibson. anti Leon Reed, parents. 002_R.jpg houn county led in attendance with 44 repl'esentatlves. The meeting began at 9:45 a .m . '\\'ith hot. chocolate and doughnuts sened by the Glenville Classroom Teachers association, group s ingmg, and a wrlcome address by Dr. Hany B. Heflin, president of Glenville State College. During the morning the speech depart:nent presented a; ·' The 'Teacher Speaks"; the home econ()mics department presented '' The T eacher Dresses": J a nice Jefferies of P arkersburg high school t alked ni.Jout t.eacher per.sonality: Anne lip led the group in folk games. The s tudents Vislted the music, home economtcs, science, and phys leal education departments in the afternoon. Following this tour, they r etul·ned to Louis Bennett Lounge where a series of J:anel discussions were held. Me mbers of the panel were Mabel Pursley, Spencer; Sara.h Holiday, Calhoun; ...c:met MUter. Calhoun; Dia ne Valentine, Ha.r· rlsvlll~: and Margie Jones, Weston. The program '9tas sponsored by the Classroom Teachers association :md the H. Y. Clark chapter or the F uture T enchers of America. Two W. \'a. Student Council Prepares Program for Improvements R_v K .\THRY~ Leads Assigned for ("Old Lace Bertie Turner, J an Prather, Bill Deel, Win Leading Part s P..\.R:llER 1-'ut.ure plans t y this rear's Student Council pro,·es aspirin g for Casting for "Arsenic and Old L ace" is completed with the thre~ leadin g r ofes going Colle~c. th:~~~cutt~~~rpl~~-vt~le~~;:,31~ I B}'Stt>m fo~ the dining h !t ll. T his ~ addition to the dining hall will not T be Counc!l has establithed a c!ouble-countmg hord. Ea:.h con 6lsh or two stLdem.s and a faculty menll :!r. These boards are to count l(.he vote-3 .alt-er all elections. Students auklng up this committee arc IPatsy Greene. Virginia. H :lrrl:i. P aul GIVen and Jollli Cutlip. An auditmg bo:a.rd or committee was aLso estatllshed t)y the Council. J ts duty is to audit t.he books of f\11 c.unpus organiZatio~ each nine we-ek,.;. Four s tudents .appointed by t he Cou.n~il and tWO faculty membet !'i apnom:£d by the president of ltht: college comprise t commit~c. T he puryos-e of t.he commiUe~ r:n~ ~·~~~~~~~.\;gs:~~t~~gO:~!u~~~ St umpt~wn, m aJoring in horne economics. She will portray Abby Brewster, a slightly lnsane ..!plnster. Bert_le is a vete1·an per!.ormer. havmg partlclpated in v~y~~ t~ndT~~~slttl"e FHooxlld~·y", "1Har· 1 The othe~ sr;lnster aunt. Ma rtha Brewster, Will be portrayed by Barbara Prathe1·. Barbara Is a sopho.?lore from Burnt House, rr.ajoring m elementary education. Although i\IAR \'1:\ ~TIPi\'ART :;he has J)er!onned on the College ISLage, this wiU be her first appear.................................. ... ............................... oance In an Ohnimgohow productlot). Another upper classma n who !s l ' a newcomer to the Ohnlm gohows By JOHl.~ CUTLIP 1S Shu·Iey James. Shirley 1s a 'Jun............................................................... Jor !rom Frametov.n. majonng In F t'a1 Chal S I G 1\L\ T.!U GAl\£1\_IA : Presiden t ~~~~~~- ds;~~~t: ~~e in~~~t:;~~~~ or the cheerleaders. P IP! OS are being made to h:we Mullins -announced t hat. til! T a us would raffle off a turthe Tha?ksgivlng holip,·esldent Mulhns J:Olnted ou t In past years th~ Sigma T aus done this activity \\it.h the having his choice betw,e.en and $10. A donation of tl\te cents wlll be re:)ulred to receive a ticket !or the will be gh•en away on ' noon, Novemter ~. In thP hall. Mullins a lso stated tha t the sweethenrt of a dJ"3matlc crftlc. Teddy Brewster, the completely insane nephew, is portrayed by Ha rley CUtlip. Harley 1s a junior from Oass3way m ajoring ln elementary education. TilLs is also Ju.s !rrs t performance for the Ohnimgohows. Wlllinnl Dee!, a !rer~man !rom Syb1at, ha.s the male lead. He portrays the nephew, Mortimer Brewster. that is a dranta.tlc critic Thi3 'i.s WUllam·s debute on the Coue e .!lf.agt::. g ~r:r.::~j~(t~~ th~ p~~~~ts c~~p~l~ ~=~~~n~~r::.~u!~es~!l~~l~~o;~; Jonathan Ere\\·ster, another neph- th.e college. Plans have been made to write n mo.nlt.8 1 for COLUlCll otricers for f uture b r presiden:s. I n the -'!tlear future a coat rack will be plac<:d in the Un!on. Til:: Councl.I has set up n scbedQS 'll~en ef~.r .~~lteh chth eeerrleac1•upse ~!~~ attteen,~ I .. ~ .... ... ~ "& 1 0 1 11 1 11 paid through the acth·iJ.y fee. Prof. Cln.ris8a Williams and Prof. Warden Lane were appointed sponsors 1JroUI~I':I a.nd • to Ber tie Turner , ' .Villiam By vvo~s£ IIART - --------.......; Dee) and Barbara Prather, re- Don 1 · K lth M 1 ··4 spectively. .t u e err man, " • 9 ~ Bertie, is a .~en ior f rom natlv~ or Glenfield, Pennsylvania, Studen• Council president. is the bopes or gc~-ting ~ public add.reS$ ~onh ~ itel9fui to the ~tudeut.s but the ~.,.':i:a.k~?r also. Ex-Athlete, Don Merrima NOW { 03Ch"tng Romney - B r RITA PICKENS the a.ctt·:tties are- many in numl(et· 11nd o.d.d much to Glenville Sta.t:- • ' f:tO A LPM N J NOTES lis now :l~sistant coach at Romney. D on, a popular man &round campus last year. was a phvsi:al t:;duc:.Uon major, with business edt;<a.- [ tion ~emg his second h eld. He Y.ab .chosen for ·'Who's Who tn Amer~can Colleges, and Umver.>tt.e.; during hts .\tenior year. 1\lernma!'t, prommeflt in basketball, football, And bastJall. wa, judge of Holy RoUer Court ar..d 3 mem.Jcr of Alpha Delta Ep~i-~Oll and t:h! G-Club. _ __ Betty Gene Langford, '52. Is an jnsrructor at Sand Fork high school. '.\115. Ann Ashle}. the .i.ormer Ann Bra nnon, '52, 1s teaching at Sis•-:;onville high school. She is an ln'r.tructor of nw.themat1c.:s and sct- enu. Ann CromweU, of Cullo- 1-·- - - - - - - - --.1·1 emploYed as a librarian high school tlt the pres-ent ume. Ruby Ann is a 1953 graduatl!! of Glenville. Juaruta Oreen, also a 1953 graduate. i3 leaching at Shepherd·stown. Dorothv Er:mnon Hayhurst is ~l!!achlr..g in Calhoun county. ' Rub}' den. 1S Richwt~Dd -. - - -· J ear: Fore, ;,4, 1s at Walton where she is Jlbmnan. Julaa St~ lnall:er, '52, is also at. Waltoc. h1g!1 school, where hlH• ~:~~!~ biology and phySical Tues., Wed ., N o.-. 2·3 e~u- : Walt . Dis ney's Rob Roy was -a.J;;olnted t~ head ~:·b~t p~rt~a~:~~ RO~I·t Gainer. ! m.t!oa.s t<>J,ether into one fun: tlonttat would C.ec1de the k1 hls !il a.n fl om Corton Marlene Dotson, a former student .'l ug un 1t. The Council is going- toJ and take care of all the de- ma ng_ . ·st entrance into L'lc here a nd at present, student. of with Rich ard' Todd , m ake "l revtsicn or the cor:s ritution. dra matic ctrcle of Glenville State. Marshnll college, was recenUy n G lyn is Joh ns 'Th!.':l h1ve transferred the use of · Cther lte:ns of t usJr..ess t3ke.\ T he Rer. Dr. Harper's role 1$ done canwdate for queen of Marshall':; U:l~·u n~anet·:. lour::ge to t.h~ donn Icare ot at t'he meeting were the ty Robert Woc,dy:ud. Robert is a home<"omlng ceremonies. Marlene is a lEo ~OlJU ·t: . l""llectaon ot dues and trea~urer's ~enior from Olenvllle n:ajorlng in n member of Xi Beta Tau Eorort~y. 1.""t-roughoL; the coming ren. the recor.. .math. - -· PECOS BILL-A 0JU.UC1~ pt:ms to me~t two tames a . OC!tcer B10phy will be pla)•ed by Mrs. Ylrgini3 Uchtman a nd a.11·s. lterm 111 tne aucUcortum. This will Rolland CoCerlv. Rolland is a jun- Myrtle DePue, of Spencer, are no\\ cartoon p <>nntt the stt.:C.ent-3 to ~~ -the :Jor !rom Cll!!nville rr.::.jol1ng in teachmg In Roane countY. Both at- j: - - - - - - - - -- """i· Counc·i at \\Ork. music. RoUand [a a veteran per~ tenC\,ed Glenville last year. ' C:tl.eJ.· \\Orlts of tl::!e Student Sy • ' ORA A.."'~ KE:SNEDY form e1' of the Ohnlmgohov.·s. Thurs day, C OL'n,:il include the po.uibility of C!!tcer Klein will be portrayed hceman, v.i ll be plared ~y Byron f The Eas t ide Kids ia flQU tr~ dJn~E::i i~ tl:e gyn1 !lnd a K rtp p , Chi Kappa: by ll Ch3rleston boy, Canlel Smith. McKmght, a veteran p~rro 1'lller. : ptnno placed there for conven!em:e B rte Turnel', Lucille L h:p, ¥\ Y- Dan Is a freshman in pre-medi.:-al Byron LS a senior speech major ' 1\VOld iO~ t.rar-..sportin~ one there tne Bush. and Rita Pickens have :;ork. lie is a lso a first to our sta&e. from Burnsville. : ~vei'Y tHr.~ t!:ere is a dance. Ceen up;:ointed t o make pledge James Chapman, a senior from Lieutenant Rooney will be por- : and Irt'pa-ovements which tb~ Coun- ~ .nnnunls lor the coming ,pledge per- Cairo maJoring in soclo l science, t.rayed by Donald Hamon. Donald , ciJ hos already :.ccompli:.hed an lod. \\1U have the role of ."VVr. Gib~. lS a junior majoring In physkal ' •'IOU t;Hovlded iram. the acth·it~· for The group voted to send thank- Along with Mr. Olbbs, goes Mr. education. This will not be Don- : Clancy Sfr,eet the raus:c department. se~.:ing all :o.•ou nores to all t.hose who helped Witherspoon who wUI be played by- aid's first performa nce on the stage. ' John CutUp, another social science He wa 5 in " Fininn's Rainbow," ! - - - - - - - - -- 'WI! cnmpull meetrng3 for 6:15 p.m.. with t.heir Homecoming float. voted t n t the studenu might 1 e-~ Hot d ogs \\Ill be sold in the men's major, from Cnss.'\way nd he wUl be 111 the c-Ciub Min- • cer1~ re:ports cr a\\~\ g!ln:es at the c!ormltorv -ton'.orroy; mght T hey Dr E instein is portrayed by strel ! 'Sturten~ U!llo!1, voted.. ;:o purchn,se will be prepared b\' Nancy BsrlO\\. Franklm Holstein Frnnk is a so-ph: 1 ICl couA-~e rot 1.\Irs Mont ose at Oornlme Bell. Patt.y }iylbert Con- omole from Oak Hill ma joring m HoM<"C{..;nlns ~~a~;s~~~t· Beulnh Beckner. and P~~~:;r~~~a;;:~·a. btg burley poto bring <he m-gani- Sorority Simmerings J: Block B(tsl e;·s t 'ollowlng the bUSJn"-" meetmg. ; - - - - - - - - - - - - :!punch ar.d cookies Y.ere served to the sororttv meml:et·s. OCtAL CALE~"'DA.R \1-l l)(h .....,;, 1'\0\'. 5. Swimming, Xi Bela Tau: Xi Beta Ta.u mEt at t he !'lome of 7 '3J S~lit~t'd.l j', Nov. 6. Glenvtlle Hish their. '\dvl.sor, Ml.!s Julia Nutter. School Homecoming The sorority discussed WilYS 1n Satu1 day, Nov. 6. Swimming, which It could contribute something 2 :0J construcUve to the campus. Ex.te.Q.Sive ~lans were made for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......!.:~h:::e:...!p:::le::d~3:. e ...:pc:•::.r:: l<>d ::._be =g=lnnin =::og:.....:.n:.:cex"'-t ----' t.e rm Mrs Byron Turner , sponsor. lnvited the sororit\' and pledges t.o her home for t o Sunday, No\'. 2 1. President Holbert. :~.nnounced thPit the sororitv ls trvlng to rent a room or apartment bt which t.o ha ve :neetings, parties, and to store so1·nrlty equloment. Ma.ry Fatth 1iolbert and Norn Ann Kennedy sold hot dogs In the dorm tost week. S tudent N e w s pape r oC Glenville State College, Gle n - ;········cioib.ei."·····-~ THE GLENVILLE MER,CURY ville. W.Va. _ : Colleen's Beauty Shop : ' Glenville Phone 4961 1: ' : ........................ '"' ............. • ......... '"''"' ... '"' ....... ' : : : , : ' • Danlell Chevrolet ' Inc• Glenville Phone 6221 ': !' also The Cariboo :: with Randolph Scott : : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___, •: : , S un., Ilion .. Tues., ! ..."""···"·"--"·-·: ······· - ················~: :: Publis hed each W ednes d ay during the academic y~a r : For The Famih: : except holidays by ihe c lasses in Journalis m at Glennlle , • : ; State College. Ente red as econd c lass matte r November 23, : GLE VILLE MIDLAND ' ' 192!1, at the postoffice at Glem·ille, W . Va., under the act of ': March 3:1879. I': Meet Your Friends At Whiting's OV. J7, 8, 9 :! Marjorie Main and :; , , Perc~· Kilbr ide in :: Ma and Pa K :1: :: • - •••••••••• ············' '····· •• •• • • • • ••••••• •• • , At Home Telephone 6301 Editor - --- - - ------------------ J ames E. Robin~on Jr. I'YI'EWRITER : R oyal , Reming ton , U nderwood a nd Bu~icess Manager ----- ------ -- ----- --- - Keith McAfee Corona. Addin g Machines. Cas h R egis ters a nd Rental Alumni Editor - -- - ------------- --------- y,·onne Hart 1\lachines. Ternts a t no extra cost. Sports ----------------- Billy Stanlar. J a m es Hamrick F eature Editor ---------- -- -- ------ --- Berman Litton Circ lllation ___ ____ _ B at•bara Wright, Betty Joyce Cooper Photographer ----- -------- ---- ---- -- J ack D. Cawthon Authoriz ed Dealer Reporters ______ J o hn Cutlip, R ita Pic k e n s. Nora K en nedy,, : ~ hirley Jam es, Katltryn Parmer, ~orge Pease, PatsY, Phone 1395 119 Main Ave. . W eston, W . Va. : F 1·iend, Constonce ~ms, B a r bara R <>yce. Acl.vis er - ------"·----- -------------------- E. B. Elde~ ~-----....:....--------·------' GEORGE W. SMITH Rhapsody t a rring Elizabeth with Vittorio GaSSioaaa lft J! ••••••••••••• ···•••••••tl 005_L.jpg Page Three Glenville State College, Glenville. W. Va. urin's G-Men Can Make History Saturday y Winning at West Liberty Homecoming Would Give School .600 Season Since '42 Pioneers Out Shine Salem, 13-0 Despite once again pla) ing under adverse weather con- mere 34 yards overland. D uring the _determined foot- ~ert.y,. ha.:> fallen off sharply arter di~iorys, Glenvi~le's 1954 .footba ll mac~ine continued their !ast so minutes of footba ll (\i\''esley. w1ll ha,·e an oppor- loonung as :1 9robable conference wmmng ways ~aturday mght by slammmg home two second an and Salem) the bulky Pioneer to realize a pre-season chrunpton during the early stages h alf touchdowns to w hip Salem, 13-0, in knee-deep mud at line has yielded a merest yards ot.1r R OBI.SSON \ thi ~ Saturd~y when 'Ot the season..Avet.lging 32 points \Ves t Union. The v ic t o r y, w hich snapped Salem's two-gam e the ground. Against five conferenca shoo t . for their third l~~a>mesu: rolling over St. Vincent wil~ning skeil~. ~vened Gleoville's season s late at two w ins, 2 c.pponenl:i, the .. 7 B ack Breakers'" wm of the season · ' a em and Tech, the Hlll- defeats, and a tie. . . \\'e.,t Libe t . th torpers have drorr.ect theh· lnst St,·mierl 1. 11 1'd tl S le l O Ir d . th d have held the oppos1t1on to an aver. !S r ? 111 e lhree :tSSlgn.rnents- Morris Har.· ~ e le a m ya re me urmg €' secon age of 61.4 rushing yards per game, ~omecommg fea- vey, concord, nnd last week tclp.eJIOd , _the _Pioneers. wasted . . one of the best r ure.s 1n the n,a.. Ulce 19-42. when Jowly F nlrmont, 6 _0_ little ttme m break m g them the fmal ~uarter tollowmg a uon. lg last team ' The pan."l:mdle eleven. despite .scoreless tie nfter the halt time re- ~:-~~~dh~:'l:'c~ lt~~:g~{aate~i b:r T~; Pass Defense Olt: ' four six o~p;>ne.Jts the ract th~y hsv~ scored only one l..;ptte. After the Gee Men· had n on the Glenvi~e 34 . With .fen:ant, ~he Glenville passing defense. Glen vllle tennl. bef:u able to wuchdown 1n U1eu· last thre-e out- ftrst. down o~ the Tiger 2 yard line Weaver. and Godfrey a3Suming the whtch has allowed a creditable av~ the .500 mark far the s~a- ing.s. toost a potent passing atta:k ~arl.,v in the session only to lose the brunt or the attack the Gee Men erage of 50.6 :rards per game, can I n fact, onlv one te..'lm. the t~at thteatens to match Glenville's ball on downs. they got another mo\·~d the ball to 'the Salem 21 also 0be lar gely attnOuted to the a&,gre;;auon uodu M1ke Jo- :~~r:~~ offense. \\,th Lou. Flore;:; chance seconds later when Salem where Bobby Weaver carried it ovet: play .f the line. . . 'o\ llS able to equal tne .50t. ;,.. I R g much of the passLA.g and got off n bad punt rhat went out o n onl! of the year's most beautiful Agamst Salem. the ltne was at tts dunng Lhe era. • au ewer and Steve Borda lead- on thPlr own 23 yard line. play:. only to hnve a clippin g pen- greatest. With Boggs. Popp, Bal~p resent. Olem•Ule -:eg On the £1ISt olav, T ennant passed alty nullify thesc01·e. 2-2-1 season ~ecord, could !.he Gee Men !::aturda ·. es ecial~t. 1.0 Edc1Je AJ·'Ong for 2 1 yards Undaun_ted. the P ioneers movec\ and Vincent and T ennant wo.rk~ 1 Gl~ovU.1e tuston by ~atUl{. .llnce It Is the Hilltoppe} h P :_ and n first . down on the'.3 .t.o the Ttger _13 on three running ing as lineback rs th T ' Lil:ert), which •·•Ould ghc tr:u,;. r omecom t~·o V9.l'd lme. Ron frey buUed plays and then sen:. Ron "the Ram'' !imited to a tot~ I '0 r 6; ~~e:ss =~ a .se... percentage !or the hts way to .the six-mch llne. and Godfrey into the end zone for his :ng ~nd passing. y then Tennant tossed t.o T ekiell ln third TD of the year to give the Leadin d k k:: e Y 00per ln.S the end zone. where the giant Pio- Wave their final 13-0 margin of 'T' ' ar er w28as yard9 Jac ..~. ennan tg wlh o a~;:mda pt,.;.e.e up l11eer end caught It with two defend- victor~. . on the ground and assed for 103 MA A ers hanging on his anus. Weaver's Once again, the great G lenvtlle yard3 includio th 2plst to hdo but Nick Murin. in Betty Joq;e Cooper. with a total pass to Dannv Hall ror Ule point line. " the 7 B ack Breakers ", pro- pass his ;ear R= • woruner>tiJ:og at tHe nellii:"began t.:>f 80 r:olnts, led the individual after Wi'IS good, and the Gee Men v!ded the difference between the Godtrcy, •. the Express... after i.njuries had 6<'orers for WAA volleyball senson. prevail~ 7-0. t wo teams. Whlle the Pioneer r un- gained 46 varcls in 12}in ef a toU the results Her closest. eompetttor was Joyce Weaver Called Back nlng attack ground out 115 yards, fort.J and the final t!ucll' : : ~err successful. Bourne. with 73, points. Betty is 8 The Plonee1·s struck n:rain early Tiger attack was limited to a dOY.'ll of the game. m a king his the member of Cox s team, and J oyce t · 1 d· · t k r)· ki revamped lineup has run \.s on Llpos' team. Other high AT OAJ( HILL over tl\O stralght op- .scorers and their ca!)talns are: Gall ·· · Wesleyan 2'7-12 Boe:gs-56 nJppsl · Shirle}' ChanvUle attack '"'th poiSe and decep- io ~uad. e~!c~o~~dthr~ll.!t~e \~~~kscan ~~~~l~~·t~~· f;:s,~ell~e ~~dde~= ?oct , R tt C Scoring'v Title h~vy ~r a~d 13-0. Rlghl!gbtlng the cey-56 lUpps>;' Ada cox-54 upurge by the Gee Men has tCOX); Frances CuUip--tJl lCut.lip): t.he play ot the .. 7 Back Bre.Jk- Jo:lD Dotson-$3 1Rlllt!rl: Deloris Alter allo•lng <:•epheld ••1d HIU-H I Lipps>; Joyce Jack.<ona mere 100 ytirds during 56 tR.LStle): Mary Ann Judy--'l l tR~tte•: GOtuen f'.J EagIes, concorrl L•IODS Battle tor i;'onlerence Flag \J se U • ntque M lh d e mainh· on the eflo rb The teachers have changed gra'd~Shock, Eddie Armstrong, es for the rest ot the term. Now and Ron God!rey. D0~30n is ln first grade, Max1s lead~ t he team in !ne Mar in Ellison and Harlls Tllmwithan average of 8.4 yard5 er a re In second grade, Morrison ward wall which has yielded only 20 points in their last. four en gagements, dealt the Catamounts thei.r t irsL shutout or the 1954 cnm,pa.ign. Elsewhere ln t-he con!e 1·ence's Concord ODENVILLE Pot.omac T ech S h epherd fourth grade. and R obert S harp Is victor; trail Thursday when they ~esleyP.n West Lib- In sixth grade. :::;ale.m llif---F-o_r_F-ri_e_n_d_ly_ Se _rvi_c_e_ 'Gene's Barber Shop UNION BA8NK :: _,lf....KAN ....~.A--W··· ··A.....i • : Valley Tavern Good "Food Refreshing Beverag~ T•levision every nig ht Under The New Management of arul Mrs. F. F. JGiles Buy Bonrls and Keep Them Open Every Night Until 12 o'clock ~ ; : • 2 5 0 24. 47 71 139 : • !! •' !~ Member Federal Deposit Insurance • • Coa~Jany :: • Quality Mds e. For The Entir.e Family : : _ + + I ... , ......... - ............................................. ; AUNNICH FLORIST ~1 "Flowers for Every ~casion" : ' - Put 'V\' ar Bond_s OJl = -.· your shoppi'ng li' st • • : : :: you can depend upon t~: • • bank for personal constd- • Glenville, W. Va. :: eration. All are treated ~ ~······"'··"'·--~J: with confidence. : SPENCER HAMRIC ! ............................................................. '":. 1 1 Th Gl · e en vUie delegation tllat followed the _ •team to W est Union was .inspired. 'by the fine performance of both the team and the great G lenville and, which won the plaudits ot e ll those in attendance. There were a host of students that followed the team to the game, but most or th e faces can be seen at e\'~1-v game, h ome m· away... In .addition, several fa::ulty were o:t hand. including (naturally) Glenille's most avid fan. IY.i'I'S. Fest, N~e college nurse. Dr. JiarTy Heflin and Lloyd .Jones were also 'On hand t-o witness G lenville's second win ot -the season ... Ha.da'e Hissam. one of Glenv-ille's finest last season. journeyed down from Parker.,burg for the game. Hi.s&am, uow coaching at Williamst.own.,wa.s Glenville's leading grow1d g~ in 1953. : ~~ ~: ----~- L .... .................. '111. .......................................... ya~d~0-IN-YOUR-EYE· f"~--~:;c~·;:::i:~:;~--·1 i~~~ n":~e:'~:al~hc~sh"i~~! : :; ;: HOWES' . ;i :; 1: DEPT. STODr. :. ': , V1s it The RCeos~arua.rdan's t : tlon. gamed 11 yard; o,·erland •'_'d passed tor a.n additional ~8 yaras. Freshman . sensation Eddte Arm- 5 1 0 157 "56 , : 2 2 '1 54 51 ............................................................ ,. .. 2 2 0 4. 1 54 ; ............................................................ . 2 0 ~ 58 I 27 ' tollowe:lt~y 5.~.d~~ ·~: ~e~~~;~ ~~~~~~~~ad~~r~~hls0~~ !~~~nbi~a~:\ri~p~~·e~~·~h~o 1~~ ;:~~~::erty•·rl.,',.• 3.6. ;::.e~t.e~h:~.a~~~le ~~O:~h C:~1~ P!P~•d p • t. T h rae tee eac erS U 4 <tron g up 18 yards, nmnlng nis ~eason s total to an even 100 games ot the .sea.ron, Bonnie Gorrell-44 tRasfell game com- tle) '· BWanda 40 C lCilUipl ·· • · :.artforwar-d; ln U:e concord t. J SarterL.e ·is-.tS All IO:lds will lead to Oak. Hill invade Shepherdstown to meet the 1 ox 1· 111 D an Crane and his cohorts et v 0 " this where Monts Hervey, Rams m t!le fina l gnrne. of the sea· u!) l53 yar:! ln a _ v.ln ;present. league leaders in t·!le WVIC s on for bot-h teams. Eoasting t heir 26 7 Cree Men. 3 with a 3-0 record, taog les wlth :otrongest team in recent years, courageous bne came onte-b~aton Concord In a game Shepherci has a 4-2-1 regular seathls humtuntion, hov.ever. 0 S l th~t. Will decide the winner of the tson mark and a 1- 1-1 slate in conWe.sle)·an to :o rar~ Elementary practice teachers, now 1!);)4 conference crown. !erence play. 3!. As has l:~n the hat! way through the term, have Eddie King's powerful E!, . D efeated in U1eir ktst four outgame thts seao:on, Glen- done some interesting teaching. ac- p:-ot::ably the fin~t aggregation mgs West. Virginia Te<:h wlll find hopea of vlctorv this week cording to Prof. Jewell Matthews, e\·er to represent Morris Harvey thelr work cut out for them Satthe broad .shoulders of director. during King's fruitful reign as head urday when they play Fairmont at BreakerS." In the third grade. Robert Sharp conch. w.1.rmed up tor the cham- Fairmont. T ech. soundly • trounced P:L5ses CUck ~how~d slides he made In Puerto plonship tiff by trouncing pre- 'by Davidson 51-6 last week. has attack, mcch wUI depend Rlro to give the ch.lldren a better viously unbeaten Heldleberg 13·0 d.ropped from their early season grntest oftenaive understandmg of Latin Amer ican So.turd-3\' for theU· sixth win fU·.st place bert·h into a foUJ·-wny in many R&SOns, ··oynamlt.e'' neighbors. The sfldes showed Puerto in seven s tarts this season. tle tor thlrd place in the conferT ennant. O e$9ite the wet con- Ricans going about the dally tasks Pact.'<l by a strong, mobile line ence. Fai:-mont pulled :l major upthat !l;ue prevalled ln two of of Jiving: their homes, fanru;, and and an array ot talented backs, JSet last week i>y topping Wes t Libgames thi.s season, the tO\\'llS. the Ea.gles h6ve averaged four crty G-0, has hit on 37 of his 7U Morrlson Beckett told seve.ra l touchdowns a game this season Wesleyan, tied by Bridgewnter tor 440 yards and ItaUan stories and taught the chll- while rur.utng over Salem, Otter- last week, Journeys to Keyser Satpasses. Playing dren a few words or the It.oUan bein. Baldwin-Wallace, West Lib- urda.y seeking thelr second congame Saturday, Tennant. tn order to make Colum- ~trt)', T ech. and Heidleberg, )To'lth terence win ot the season a t the out to add .to his impresstve bus a little more Interesting as a cnly a 25-14 setback to Marshall C'<pense of Potom:::tc, 20-0 victims totals or 131 completions in person as well a.s an ~plorer. blemishing Lhe record. of Concord last Saturday. The pass attempts for 2,08.5 yard.s J oan Dotson's sixth grade rU4- Concord, beaten only by T ec-h Catamowll.s h_ave lost only to T e-ch 21 ~lng pa.asea. ing class made elementary tele- In conference play. set the stage and Concord m league ~lay. GlenvllJe (Tound game, wbloh phones which they could talk for the epic bnttle by beating Po- The Conference Standmgs: only 99 yards per game through to someone outside the t.omac 20-0 last. Saturday at K ey&er. \V L T F or Op. 3 0 0 99 12 has been vastly Improved room. The powerful Mountain Lion tor- Monls Harvey ~II fo~r car~:r. C~lhoun ~cored ~ ~ ~ ~ I 1 ' Weber's Dairy Weston, w. Va. :: Pasteurized and :; :•• Hon1ogenized MiiJ· cc,::ee Cream. ;; Whipp,_~ : ! : G{enville Bqnking ~ & Trust Co. : Friendly, efficient service , ; Cream, Cottage Cheese , • Chocolate Milk :: : : Use milk sealed with the • : , •: Me.W Cap for your : • ME.MBE.ft 'FEDERAL DE-: :. : Protection : : P"O&JT INSURANCE : :4 ............................................. .. ........................................................ ~.......... , ... ~ ..................... '11!:: ~ .................. , .. ~ .... , ..................... ~ ~ ..................~~~ ............. ..!· 010_R.jpg Glenville State Four W.Va. 20 Men Report for HART REPORTS MAA RESULTS Ping-Pong -a,nd Aerial Darts ~~.~~e~~a~:. ~:ap~~c:~:g Rooste_rs Win 5th Straight; Hold Sway in W AA Activity !or the coming Still Lead Volleyball . . basketball season. Coach George Stopp started By YYO~NE prac~ - - - - - - - - - - - -lttce lL\ J!T daught ers, and one son 1 Oct. 19 by Je8dL.,g his boys They are through some fundamental drllls Wtth the termination of WAA a ll m funed. vol~eyba ll season, ping-pong and Mrs. Keirn _likes the College very aer1al d a rts now hold full sway. much: She SiUd the cnmpus is very . Only l h ree ga mes of ping-pong 1Jeauttful, and that she hns a wonh a ve been pln yed ·at the present ~~~:: ~:t~~~~~· of the campus from the Jt.ime, ~ports Leader Phyllis Given 11a.s announced. Ka thleen Quinn, 6ports leader of aerial darts, has mprovtng Ag l 'eleased the names of the captains (Conlinued from page 1) and tllerr teams. Action in thls Webs ter, Wood. and Krmawha ~poJ·t. h;:~ j~.o"St begun. counties each ~re represented by Man:la White and Jackie Hastie It he students. H:ltTison, c 1 a y, ;promise to be tough competition 3 ., Ronne. and T v.ler have two s tudent! 1:1. ping-pong team. I n their first .attending agnculture .classes. Caltwo .games. they won bv large mar- houn, Jackson, and NJcholos coun . , · . ties each are represented by one g~lS. . The) de-feated student. H mtet a nd J ean Loyd b) scotes . o f ~;-: ~md 2~ - 11. Th~y -':on over Faculty Vis its HiO'h Schools 0 Bmb~ua Taylol and Batbrtta !Black· hurst by a s core of 2 1 - 10 and 2 1-4. Faculty members of the agrlculMartl}n Rns tle and. Adn COx trl- ture department represented Olen\lmphea over Conme Marley and v ille Sta te college in College Day J ?ckie Coe by ~!1 ·11 and 21-4 mnr- ~t the surroundJng high schools Cti\::J. 1as\ week. Aerial darts captains and team- 'Prof. Wendell H artlway attended members .are: Mary Ann Judy, cap- cowen and Hillsboro high schools tain. Joa n Dotson, Frances Cutlip, Oct. 25 and 26, whil_e <P rof. Warden Dottie Lanham. •Bonnie Gorrell, 'Lane represented the college at. J\nd Wilma. Fisher; Joyce J ackson, Alderson and Rupert high schools t:a ptam. Jean Stump, J ackie R as- Oct. 29. ,tie. Lucille Lipps, Mnrllyn Rastle. B3rban. Blackhurst, and Phyllis • Given: Yvonne H art, captain, Kath~en Q uinn. Shirfey Chancey, Ad-:t Cox. Genel-·ieve Hinter, Shirley Brown. 'Ruby Elder. and Wanda Barker: -Betty Jo Lewls, captain, R-OSemary Hammond, I rls Mack, :Phyllls &reenlief. B:trbat'fl. T aylor. ~nd LoLl Post. !Betty cooper. captain, IEarbara Wri~itt, Cail Boggs. Delores Hitt, Joyce Bourne. PatsY Greene. and Connie Marley. 1 J • al~hconditlonlng... were~ ~~:~n r~E1~~;~ ~~~~.'f~~~~ .Toe H uffman Robert Turner Ha ._ l'Y Snuth Thomas Hyer Wuua~ Reit, Do~en1ck Nocida, Keith MeA!ee, Ralph Holder, Alan Reich, Dfl.nell Courtney, Frank Holstein. Robert Reynolds, Harry F. Smith, Rudy Poole, David Posey, Robert. Hannama n. Paul McKown, and Gary Smith. This numter does not include the men en the fcotball squad who will rPport to practice after the fcotball season has been completed. AccordJng to Prof. Carlos Ratliff, the Athletic Deartment has not decided whether to have, a freshman or a junior varsity team. tion of m en's volleyball by defe:tting Mullen's Mules in two straight game3 . . 15-7 and 16-.1-i. , Clim~ s CIH!dwellets and Masons Masons remained in a t!e for. secIOnd plac~ as McKnight& KrughU. took th~ll' second defeat to drop tnt~ a tte for thlr~ place. T~e CUf!dwellers t.ook two \Stra.gnt from Caltrider s Colts, but the Masons had to go all o~t to defeat the Knigh~ of By1on MeKnight. T he Kmghts took the first game 15-4, but. the Masons then coppcti two ~tralght by scores of 15- 10 an<l 15-11. Miller's Millers gained ~ tie !or third place with the Kmghts by ATTF.N D S D &E C EREi\ION Y walking over Cogar's Cats ln two . s traight. games. 15- 6 and 15-2. Dean Delmer Sommerville attendI n other action Wedekamm's ed the inaugul'ation of the new Wease ls overpowered Allman's AUpresident of Davis and Elkins Col- Star3 by Ute scores of 15-7 and lege lrt Elkins Oct. 26. 15- 4. After the inauguration, D ean Standings to date are: Sommt:rville went to Green !Bank Tea m Captain W L .and Marlinton High Schools to con-~Reit 5 0 duct CoUege Day programs. He Cline .. . . , . . , . . . . . 4 1 returned to Glenville Oct. 28. Mason . • . • . . • • . . . . . 4. 1 · McKnight-·· · · Cogar .. . . .. . . . Allman . .. .. . . . . , ...... . .... . Mullens · · · ·· · ········· · ····· Frhmdshi Love M arris e . . p, : g • .the F amtly are to!):a of a programs being presemea Wesl<!y Foundati~ft group, Jo~ Cutll~: ~estdent. FamilY Will be the theme of program thLs Sund:iy. The mcvie Wtll b~ sho'A'D. In ~he "lear future a teant from Wesley West Virgmia. Ul!lversity sent a program and provide tlCJn Speakers of the past l:ave been Olga Pasni"'VJicn. Arbog.ut, Nancy Dameron. John Hollister on the Friendship; Robert of men. s poke of Love: Han'}' Heflin, president of Colleg~ discussed I like CHESTERFIELD says~~ in CinemaScope ond Color Several Greats ((J()atinued from page · B y JT!\1 HAI) ffiiCK For the fifth straight week-Reit"s ~!~~:·de·r··:::::::::::::::::::: Roosters continued their domina- wedekamm ... , • •..• .. . .... .• BEST FOR YOU .. . no cigarette can satisfy a Chesterfield, because Chesterfield has the right couwuJaU~ of the world's best tobaccos. Only the tobaccos that are in quality, low in nicotine, a;dthe most pleasure to Change to Chesterfields now. Smoke them regular king size. You 'II understand why Chesterfield is the selling cigarette in America's Colleges. l) ball circles that a team made up of many seniors will be pa rticularly tough on the las t game of the seaeon. no matter how they fared during the early season games. While the Gee Men ha. l-·e not fared too to date, they can well beexpected to come uP wtth their finest per fQrma nce of the season come S aturday afternoon ln Wheeling. or t~he ma ny fine players who .are de p3J'ting from the football wars ·t.his Sat urday, four h ave giv-en then· all for Glenville for four s easons o ! h ard , rough footba ll. J ack T eQ!l a n t or F 8irview, Ron Godfrey o f Ca lhoun , Oliver Hunt of E lkview, and F1·ank Vincen t :fr om West Newton, Pa., have been standouts on P ioneer t ea ms s ince thefT fn Wuna n season in 1951. O t.her G lenvtlle footballers winding up their ca reers Sa t.urday an:: Mike Snyder of Wes ton , Dick Satjtc lfield of Glem :iJle. Al Groves f rom G assaway, Die~ Ba rret.t rrom Gle nville. Bob Weaver of Park~rs bw·g, and Avis P a rta in frGm Oak H ill. H ere 's hop ing they wind u p their careers on a winning note. College Autos (Contin ued from page 11 c es more than one p e1·s on was inC'luded in t.he groups ma king t he trips. Some of t he major U.S.!S of the coll ege ~h1cl es a 1·e r ecorded to AthJ. e t i c .s. a dm1nistrative purposes. testmg programs and s upervision, extension classes. a nnual con ferlences. pro~ rams, and !e.stivals , and college v~.;; i t:ltion per iods. T he one group h a ving the highest totn l m ileage v:as t he athl eti-c group wlt.h 3 ,573 n uie-5. Edna Keim T akes fu the ·w hole wide-worldno cigarette satisfies like a Position at VMH M rs. i:dna L. Keirn has taken the position a.5 t.he n ew h ouse director o f Verona Mapel hall. r eplacing Mrs . Ohve Smythe. She a tTived on campus Octo ber 13. 'Mrs. Ke lm is from Buckh3nnon. where she w~ housemother a~ the Women's dorm and at t he Ka ~;>J. Alpha t raternitr house. S..lte is th e m other of three ch.ildren, tv.o CHESTERFIELD 013_L.jpg The Glenville Mercurv ., E. Doyle, Lecturer, Will Present 1st Lyceum Program · of Spring Events By Esther M. Doyle, an oral in- terpreter, wUI present Glenville IKAPPA SIGS ANNOUNCE 1 St::ate College's first lyceum pro· gram Novemer 11 at 8 pJn. She fllRLEY JAl\fE:S year's Kanawhachen will be a complete annual, wm also nppear tn the assembly to Elaine Bell, editor. with pictures of_ all spring "'t'hursday nL 10 a.m. Nora Ann The yem·book staff met with i\like Posey. rep- Kennedy will have ch..-ge of of the American Yearbook company, and dis- 1..~e assembly, ad,·untages of havin" the yearbook wifh com- ~ Plarnlng a lecture recltnl on 0 "Pt.'etry vearbooks will be deli\·ered by mnil sometime dur·Thi:- means that many important acti\·ities which 1 . been .left OUt j Will_ be mcluded publicatton, Edt· said. of the large dances are ICollege Autos Record Heavy I '11.•1 . • r54 1Ul eage ln the latter part or the Thi.s year they will ~ Ul the yearbook coverage, baseball and commence· in Modem Drama ··, 'Mk<s Do)'le will base her leeture 1 1 :n~~- ~~~~0~~ ~~-~~·:~ h~; ~~.~~. the pla\·s of Robert. Sherwood. the poetry of Dylan Thomas. old and ne"' sonnets and lyrics. MISS Dovle, ~_:_ho frequently pr~~.IS scenes from "P~.g~al- ion, The Corn Is Green, The Cocktail Party,.. and . ''The Lady'• Not For Burning, . Will born in Boston. She holds a degree In lite1·ary interp'retnllon College·owned ,·ehicle-. have re- from Emerson college, and she ~t~~ :~ ~:,, )=~~ corded 2-4.392 miles for the year 1 ha.:. un M. A degree ln Engli.sll h ddM &tnrtUl'{ J r.mun ry I, 1954 and end· from Boston Wlivel'Sity. She has 8 ecause ~1 :ue a .ng June 30, 19il:&. This total wa." do!,e special work nt the Univer· or thls re~s boonav.•ha- compll!!~1 from all trips made by s lty or Denver, Harnrd unlverAmerican ear k com· <"olleee personnel and students .,.tty and has had severn! sum· 1 I.nst•·e~ve :x~ pag~ jThe above mileage was recorded tn mer's stud~ In Englan(l and tH. ~ t e ~uak three vehicles, a 1953 Plymouth Scotland pages. h ed.r~~d sedan. a 195~ Pontla.c station v.agon. At present, Miss Doyle ls as· one un an and a 1951 Chevrolet truck.. The slst:mt professor or English· at st~ Annual Sadie Hawkins Day 'Scheduled tor Nov. 13 By SHIRLEY JAlllES November 13. has been set for Sadie Hawkins D_ay at Glenvtlle State thts year, accordmg to Stanley Costy, president of t he ,K appa Stgma Kappa fraternity. T his day has been an annual ~vent at Glenville since 1947, when it was mtroduced by the Kappa Sigma Kappa fraternity. The election of Dai y ~Jne and Li'l Abner was held in the student union Nov. 1-2. The traditional man chase will lead the day's activities. This will be followed by the turnip eatin' contest, cider Improving Ag Dept. Enrolls Record of68 The agriculture dePartment r~ached an all· time high this ~ear vnth G8 students enrolled. Prev1ous -enrollments were 18 in 1951, 38 in 1~52, and 50 in 1953. Sixteen coun~ tles !rom central W est Virginia are represented this year. Gilmer county leads in number <Jf students with 15 enrolled. Lewis county ls next with 9 students and Upshur has seven enrolled. Green· feature or the Ka· ~i:~~!:g:~~i~htri;~:~~ ~~~~s~reat· ;.;~~~!msh:ol~:::hesp:~r;s~~va~!~'" ~rter and Ritchie counties each are will be the new t)pt npresented by six. students. Braxwhich ire going to be T~-enty·one Jndtvlduals "signed :~~:;e~~o~~~~::lioa~~ directs all ~-~~~e:'unty has flve students en~ Ka.nawhachen J:~Otog .. ou~ f~r the vehl.cles to use for col· Ca..,.thon. has taken lege activities Thls doe-3 not nee· th~:r~r~r~~ :rrr:h~ge!,!~ Greenbrier and R itchie counties riew of the campus.. 'This e anly indicate that onlv one per· each are represenlA!!d by slx stuwill be used on the end ~n 9.':U. in the vf:hlcle at. the time J ~~~~~~~~~~e.s~mer~nn colleges and ldent.s. Braxton county ha.s five stu· or Ule }"eaJbook. the trip was made. In most. instan· dentsenrolled. &taff has rrot yet "conducted -~·~c~o~n~tln~u~ed~~on~p~a~g~e_<~'-~~===========:!..-~C~C~o~n~tl~nu~ed~o~n~P~a!g'~'!.,l__ drive because of the lspla=t:..•~: Seve~al G~eats· Nonmbe:r lUI.: I Hiett. ' d ' Rf 0 rchestra e orrne . • Ln Stud ent UlllOn --- Ml', ' of the Glenville ol the college. When playlni In ls complet-ed. ThP to make orchestra. bigger and It has been in the past. Ls looking for more !rom the College. 'When Uleae trips, they take pteces. The music the)' mostly arrangements by Miller, Stan Kenton, and "*nartm<ent wants the Student Union is orchestra.'a new ldea.s they hope to cre-ate between the muo;lc nnd the o~her student& the Union. they not only get prnc· tlcP In plavlng the music, but th~y also get practice or playing before a crowd. Members o r the orchestra are Dr. Harold Ot·endorrr. lender and flrs~c, :suaphone; Jack Kaufman. second : David Hall. third sax3· phone : Paul Takach, fourth snxa· phone. CurtiS Fleshman, first trombone: Ottls Boyles, second trombone; Kent Dutrleld, first trumpet; Mary Faith HolOart, plano; Norman Stone. btws: and Norman Fisher. drum:.;. . Election or;ltes for Who's One of the most emottona\ Who in American Colleges ang Une.xperience in a man's life is iverslttes was held on Oct.. 21 ln the when he mu sl bi.d fal'ewell ~t~'dent union. or the 11 names s_ubforevet• to somethmg he has mltted t.o student vote, 12 semors loved all his life. This Satur· and 2 Juniors were ptcked. These rlay at \Vheeling, qeniors on committee comprJsed of thr~e stu· th'18 '~ f" t ·11 b !tudent.s names will be subm1t.ted to .seagon ~. me earn WI . e -a committe~ ccmprised or three stu· Ifl1ay mg then· last collegiate dents ~,d two faculty members. ootball game. ! he .student members ot the com As youth, they traveled lhe varJCty or football paths, from those unorganJzed, but wholesome sand!ot scrunmagc."; to the high s:hool scane, and Hnaily, the college aren.1. To mnnr. the game or foot· ·nail Is not n past time, but. .some· thing that nas been the biggest thing In their llfe ever .since they c.1n remember T hls deep love for a mere go me Is something that mo:>t of us- can not 'ully ::rppreclate. but to those who h:~ve J>l:J)'ed th.e game . -tars a 1;d scnil~s ~like. football ls the grer.test thing In the \\OI'ld. This St~turdnv "'Ill mark the enll of the rootbnll tr!lll for 10 or this season's team. While one or two :tl'e U~lder considerntlon for pro bids, tne majority will end It h ere. campus. Tlle dignitaries which have been. appointed to conduct the ~ctivitlea of U1e day are: Marrym' Sam. Donald Deal; Mayor of Dogpatch, Edsel Ford; Pappy Yokum, Veryl Currence; Available Jones, Frank Vincent; Hairless J oe, J ames Robinson, In<Uan J oe. Stanley Adles .. burg; Ole Man Mose, Keith Mc- ;~~~.:':;'t:;;~~~-~=~B~: nant; Eddie McSkonk, James Ham.. rick ; Skonk V.. orks, Inc., Oarl Cox, ~------------!Ronnie Rokisky, Larry Evans, Don- . ' Godfrey Reach End' 'Who's . Who' Group . Of Football Careers DeCides Selectwns A formal lnJUatlon 1s the major actiYlty to be aponsored by the Home Economics club in November nccording to Jackie RastJe. club preslde:tt. All Initiates wlll be be· come members In this cand.le·UJht ceremony Nora Kennedy, and During the regional Future Teach· v. Lll helo wit.h the ers meetmg held at the College, next term. Since prac - the club membe~ presented a style for elementary ma J· tlcTpaung tn t-he st_vie £how were offered a'aln untU ,uttalJie !or urtan n<~ well as rural . they will re- •ettln~o;.S. Those club mt:mbers par· , uc 1pallng In show were tlndet·,garten. which has bfi>n ·Lolb F!ai1er, P attY Hylbert, J a~kle one ~.-eek, b meet- Humphreys, Clrlra Mae H ull, Don108A The room hth 1111 Costilow. Mary Louise G&lle.:.ople, painted, ar.d the Art '?atty Reynolds, Charlene Cole, palnt•ng nurstry rnym~ J ackie Rastle. Bertie T urner. Genone- "'all. TtlP room 15 EVIeve Hinter. A-1acei 'Eatten, Dotas the c.ld Iunder· La;1h.1m. and Kathleen Quinn. space fo r act1vlt.1e to~ l BRARY RECEIVE · G IFT the ~me l1me. Chester B . Hiett or. Moo1·er1eld. ho given a 39·volume set or bookparties and bout the Nuremberg trialS; to the wa.s 6hown at the Robert p Kuid 1lbrarv or the International The books are the actual records held on Oct 27. 'T.he ()( the trials and are written In W1ll be held tonlRht. .French, German, and English They this meetlng 1s n de· ,··ere: part or the Ubrary of the late . Tl' J Tennant Vincent HOtne Ec Plans Forma/Initiation ~; Bo.:•' Out Sat. drinldn' contest., .tobacco spittin' conte.;t, egg throwin' contest, and! animated characterizations. The days activities will be high• lighted by the "Skunk Hollow Stomp" which will be held in the evenang from 9 until 12, and will be 1 conducted Ln the regular style. Music wUl be furnished by the college bsnd. Admission v.'ill ))o determmed by measuring the wa.i.s~ i.lnes or the girls, and charging one cent for each inch o! the waist~ line. Ma.rryin' Sam will be present to "marry up" all the poor •·trapped" males w1th the lucky gals of the. ' mittee .lre: Nora Ann Kennedy, Oliver Hunt, and Virginia Harris. The two !acuJtv' members are: Pro· :essors Stanley Hall a.nd Clanssa Williams. Votmg 1s just one phnse tn deter~ mintne who will be selected to this position or honor. The results or .:he voting 1s 80 indication or t.he ·p3 pularlty or the':l.te. T his ts one or the quaiirlcalions which h consldt:red when the candidnles .school record is reviewed by the committee. R esuJ of the voting are kept. In close secrecy, and the resul~ are never published. s ald Wedekamm; Scragg Boys, Ron Godfrey, Bernard MoKown, Kent numeld, Paul caltrtaer: skonk !!:~~~~oy;,u~:-::~ins~~~t,~ SmiUt a~d Alan Reich • Th ' . h to~ in 15 will :Cg~hO:no :;e the K~PP: ~ Kappa sorority. PP . 1 , . Conumtte~ \\hlch have peen ap· pointed. are. General corQmittee. R 1 chard Stewart, Marvin Stewart, ~ack Ten~ nant, and KeifJl. M o Afee: decorat· mg committee, Ron Godfrey, Ed~ ~el Ford: and &dvertising commit.· tee, Gat! Boggs and James Robin~ s on F. Miller is President Elect Prof. Flo~·d Millet· has been se.. lccted pres1dent.·elect or the Wes t VJrghua Library A!SOCiat.lon. The meeting, which was held at Bethany on October 22·23, was the -lOth annual meeting or the aSSO· rlation. Pl"of. Miller has been a libra..rlan at Glenville since October 1949. 100 H D elegates Attend Aftet' playing football for as m\lch Reg;onal FT' .4 Con· ~eren year~. L:l ~. ce • • ns 1:) the dream ends 111 one " {l brupl GO minutes session. • lt Is common knowledge Ill footThe Regional conference of the Kerns, of Weston high school sang; tContinued on page 4J Fu!.ure Teachers or America was and Earnestine Locke, or Harrisville held on campus Oct. 26. Approx1- high school gave a reading. PTA Ptans Panel' On n·ntely 100 students were here from Jackson. Wood, Ritchie, Roane, Educational Problenz Lewis and Calhoun counties. Cal- lunch and the group ate in the old! houn county led in attend:mce with 44 representatives. The meeting began at 9 :45 a .m . 9.' ith hot chocolate and doughnuts !Served by the Glenville Classroom T eachers association, group sing· mg. and a welcome address by Dr. Harry B. Heflin, president or Glenville State College. During the morning the speech depart:nent presented a skit; " T he 'Teacher Speaks": the home econ· .omics department presented '" The T eacher Dresses··: Janice Jefferies of P arkersburg high school talked at.out teacher per.sonnlltr; AlUle- lip led the group in folk games. The students visited the music, home economics, science, and phys· leal education departments in the afternoon. Following this tour, they returned to Louis Bennett Lounge whe1·e a series of ~anel discussions were held. Members or the panel were Mabel Pursley, Spencer; Sa.ra.b Holiday, Calhoun ; ,Janet Miller, Calhoun; Diane Valentine, Ba.r~ .rlsville; and Margie Jones, Weston. The program was sponsored Oy the Classroom T eachers assooiatlou :~.nd the H. Y. Clar k cha pter or the Future Teachers or America. " Let's Attack the Problems-Not the Schoob" I& t.he topic or a panel discussion to be given at a meet· lng or the Parent Teachers assocla· tlon CJf Glenville tomorrow night. The dU.Cussion ls based on an art· icle appearing in the October issue or the Ladles Home JoUI·nal. Members or the panel are Professors Stanley tHaU, Delmer Som· t:rvhle. Robert H iggins, JUlie Matthe9.'S, and Nelson Wells, all of Glen\'Hle State College; and Leroy Stennett, Mrs. Loren Gibson. anr\ Leon Reed, parents. 044_R.jpg Each person brought his own gym. Following lunch, Harley Cut-
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