The Manogue Helmsman - Bishop Manogue Assembly #50


The Manogue Helmsman - Bishop Manogue Assembly #50
The Manogue Helmsman
Bishop Manogue Assembly (50)
5961 Newman Ct.
Sacramento, CA 95819
916.736.0953 (953 Hall)
All personal information such as addresses, etc., is for the sole use of the Manogue Assembly # 50, Knights of Columbus and their spouses. All
other use is prohibited without the specific consent of the individuals and the Assembly.
Volume 14 Issue 1
January 2014
A message from our Faithful Navigator…
hope that all had a merry Christmas and a
joyful New Year.
First let me thank SK Charles Mudd on a
wonderful Christmas dinner at the 953 hall.
This SK went above and beyond the call! The
hall was full of bountiful Christmas decor and he
even brought in a tree and had it set up! Again,
thank you Charles; wow, what a job you did!
Thanks are all so in order to our Faithful Pilot
SK Ricardo Saldana for the best ham I have ever
had!!! Just in case you missed it, SK Ricardo
smoked two hams for us and it was just the best
ham I have ever had and yes, they beat Honey
Baked by a mile. I know that everyone there
enjoyed the ham. My thanks to all who brought
dishes and the cooks at home who did a
wonderful job. We all enjoyed the great food,
and an evening of fellowship with the Master,
our brother SK’s, and family. My thanks to all
who attended. As a result of your generosity, we
were able to donate to the Bishop Gallegos
Maternity Home $360.00 this year. Again,
thank you.
Our January 27th meeting will be our annual
RIGHT TO LIFE MASS at the 953 hall at 7:30.
I hope to see all of you there. We will have a
short “pay the bills meeting” at 7:00 (for the
officers) with dessert being provided by your
Faithful Navigator and Faithful Captain after
Our St. Valentine’s dinner will be a little early
this year as it will also be our Ladies Night Out.
The date is the 8th of February at El Novillero’s
Mexican Restaurant at 6:30 P.M. We will have
our own room in which to dine and their food is
very good and not to spicy. They are located at
4216 Franklin Bl. (Franklin and 18th) with lots of
parking. They do not do separate checks, so you
will need cash or you can write a check to me as
I will be paying the
bill and they do add
a 18% gratuity. I
have planned a
small surprise for all
the Ladies in
attendance so please
call me with your
reservation no later
than the 5th of
February as I have
to give the
restaurant a head count on the 6th. I will have
flyers for this event at January’s meeting.
The last thing I want to bring up is that a date
has been set for our PFN dinner, March 8th. I
will go into detail about this event in my
February article (that issue of the Helmsmen will
be out a little early as the wife and I will be out
of town from January 9th - 26th). If anyone has
anything that they feel should be addressed in
the Helmsman, please contact me and I will see
to it.
Your Brother in Christ,
SK Robert Reavis, FN
Volume 14 Issue 1
January 2014
 For the Men and Woman protecting our rights by serving in the Military, those in law
enforcement, and for all of those who risk their lives every day to protect us…
 We Pray to the Lord… Lord, hear our prayer!
 For all of our dearly departed Brother Knights, family, friends, and benefactors…
 Eternal rest, grant to them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through Thy mercy,
rest in peace. Amen!
Please Remember in your prayers: SK John Condon and his wife Marty, SK Ron Bei, SK Charlie
Popp, Lorraine Cutting, and for the peaceful repose of the soul of SK George Donch, SK Arthur
Munguia, and Muggs Zarate.
Sick or in distress…
If you know of any Brother Knight, Lady of a Knight, and/or family member of a Knight who is ill or has recently
deceased, please notify or our Faithful Navigator, SK Rob Reavis (916.704.9293).
Color Corps News
Hello Brother Sir Knights. After a couple of heavy activity months for the color corps, things settled down quite a
bit for December and January. SK Rob Reavis and I participated in a 6 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass at Sacred Heart
Church. There was also a CC practice on December 22nd at St. Philomene School gymnasium that was pretty well
attended. On January 15th, our CC will participate in a funeral Mass for SK Arthur Munguia at All Hallows Church.
Upcoming Opportunities to Participate in Color
February 9th, 2:00 p.m.
CC practice at St. Philomene School gymnasium
March 10th, 1:00 p.m.
Confirmation at St. Robert Church
March 11th, 6:30 p.m.
Confirmation at St Joseph
There will be eight more confirmations during March, nine confirmations in
April, ten confirmations in May, four confirmations in June, and one in
November. I will provide more information on these confirmations in future
Helmsman editions.
The practice on February 9th will be an opportunity for those CC members
who have not yet been certified to become certified. Our Worth District
Master and one or both of our Worthy District Marshals will attend to
inspect and certify our uncertified CC members. The certification will be
conducted after we have had approximately 45 minutes of practice.
I want to thank all those CC members that have made the effort to participate as CC in the past several months. I am
hopeful that some of you that have not come out in color recently will be able to participate in the upcoming
confirmation season. This would be greatly appreciated! I will try to relieve one or more of our most active CC
members from some of the confirmations if lesser active members advise me in advance of their participation. I am
glad to say that I anticipate we will have a few more CC members joining us in 2014 after they go through the April
Exemplification for the 4th Degree.
Vivat Jesus
SK Dale, Color Corps Commander
Helmsman – January 2014
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Volume 14 Issue 1
shop Soto has designated
January 22nd as a
Diocesan Day of
Reparation. January 22nd marks
the 41st anniversary of the
“lamentable” 1973 U.S. Supreme
Court decision in Roe vs. Wade
which legalized abortion, thereby
making it legal to kill the unborn
routinely in order to solve
personal or social problems
January 2014
ineffective earlier law. Law
enforcement officials everywhere
now had a duty to arrest anyone
suspected of being a runaway
slave. Horrendous fines were
meted out for failure to do so.
Ordinary citizens found hiding
slaves were also subject to fines
and imprisonment.
Thus, the people who saw the evil
It’s a time to honor the dedicated
people who have worked and
prayed over the past four decades
to awaken and arouse the
consciences of our people to this
terrible injustice being committed
against the unborn. It is also a
time to appeal to the many who
are repelled by abortion on
demand, but who have not yet
become active in restoring a
culture of life to our society.
That appeal to the uninvolved is
more urgent today than ever
before. Our president is now
seeking to make religious
organizations and ordinary
citizens complicit in the
promotion of evils like
contraception, sterilization, and
abortion. This is reminiscent of
another time in our history.
During the antebellum period,
while the abolitionists were
leading the fight against slavery,
many people who opposed that
evil thought they could just wait it
out and let it die without getting
personally involved. Then came
the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850,
which “put teeth” into the largely
Helmsman – January 2014
of slavery but remained on the
sideline were themselves forced
not just to tolerate, but to
participate in promoting and
protecting it. Do we not have a
similar situation today? And do
we not have a similar duty to
oppose this terrible evil and the
many other evils which have
sprung up from it, like euthanasia,
embryonic stem cell research,
infanticide and many others.
Our Bishops have quite rightly
made it clear that the mandates
require them to do something
which conscience will not allow.
Here is a quote from a “special
message” issued at the end of their
November 2013 General
Assembly in Baltimore, “As the
government’s implementation of
the mandate against us
approaches, we bishops stand
united in our resolve to resist this
heavy burden and protect our
religious freedom. Even as each
bishop struggles to address the
mandate, together we are striving
to develop alternate avenues of
response to this difficult
situation.” Let us pledge our
prayers and support for them.
Some bishops have already flatly
stated they will not comply.
Bishop Zubick of Pittsburgh and
Bishop Persico of Eerie are
among them. “I would not be able
to live with myself knowing that
we’re contradicting what we
believe,” they said recently.
Father Frank Pavone, president of
Priests for Life has also ruled out
compliance as his organization
files suit against the
The defense of unborn life and
freedom of conscience are now
one and the same. The present
administration is stacked with
people who are avid promoters of
abortion and who are strongly
biased against religion, especially
the Catholic religion. There is
little doubt that they are motivated
by that strong bias in their efforts
to force our people to violate their
consciences. As Christians and as
citizens we must resist this unholy
and un-American effort to curtail
religious freedom.
 Fr. Patrick Lee
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Volume 14 Issue 1
January 2014
*****ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 2014-1*****
WHEREAS Bishop Patrick Manogue Assembly #50 now has many new Honorary
Life Members, thus reducing the dues received each year; and whereas a
new assembly has been chartered thus reducing our dues paying members;
and whereas we have received an increase in rent that took effect 1
February 2014; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the assembly by-laws be
amended to raise the annual dues to $40.00.
*Robert L. Reavis Faithful Navigator
Pray for Us!
Venerable Michael J. McGivney.
Helmsman – January 2014
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Volume 14 Issue 1
January 2014
January 27, 2014
RBM/Right to Life Mass (T)(S)
February 1/8, 2014
4th Degree Exemplification (T)(S)
10:00 AM Registration
Noon Exemplification
February 3, 2014
Officers Meeting
February 8, 2014
Valentine/Ladies Night (S)
February 9, 2014
CC Practice
February 24, 2014
March 3, 2014
Officers Meeting
March 8, 2014
PFN Dinner (T)(S)
March 10/17, 2014
New Member Orientation (T)(S)
March 10, 2014
March 11, 2014
March xx, 2014
CC Practice
March 24, 2014
6:30 PM
2:00 PM
7:30 PM
953 Hall
West Side Province
Rohnert Park
SK Reavis
El Novillero’s
St. Philomene
953 Hall
7:30 PM
Cocktails 6:30 PM
Dinner 7:00 PM
7:30 PM
953 Hall
1:00 PM
St. Robert Church
6:30 PM
St. Joseph Church
7:30 PM
953 Hall
(T – Tuxedo for Officers; C – Casual Attire; S – Spouses Welcome!, * Unknown at this time)
Join the 10th annual Walk for Life, West
Coast on Saturday, January 25th in San
Francisco. Events begin on Friday the 24th
and continue through Sunday the 26th as well.
Visit the website
and see your local parish for details on
transportation, etc. Come lend your voice
and your presence in prayerful, energetic
support of the unborn!
Helmsman – January 2014
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Volume 14 Issue 1
January 2014
Catholic Definitions…
What is a Saint?
Saints, broadly speaking, are those who
follow Jesus Christ and live their lives
according to his teaching. Catholics,
however, also use the term narrowly to refer
to especially holy men and women who,
through extraordinary lives of virtue, have
already entered Heaven.
Sainthood in the New Testament
The word "saint" literally means "holy,"
and, in the New Testament, "saint" referred
to all who believed in Jesus Christ and
followed his teachings. St. Paul often
addressed his epistles to "the saints" of a
particular city (see, for instance, Ephesians
1:1 and 2 Corinthians 1:1), and the Acts of
the Apostles talks about St. Peter going to
visit the saints in Lydda (Acts 9:2). The
assumption was that those who followed
Christ had been so transformed that they
were now different from other men and
women and, thus, should be considered
Practitioners of Heroic Virtue
Very early on, however, the meaning of the
word began to change. As Christianity
began to spread, it became clear that some
Christians lived lives of extraordinary, or
heroic, virtue. While other Christians
struggled to live out the gospel of Christ,
these people were eminent examples of the
moral virtues, and they easily practiced the
theological virtues of faith, hope, and
Helmsman – January 2014
The word "saint" thus became more
narrowly applied to such people, who were
venerated after their deaths as saints, usually
by the members of their local church or the
Christians in the region where they lived,
because they were familiar with their good
deeds. Eventually, the Catholic Church
created a process, called "canonization,"
through which such venerable people could
be recognized as saints by all Christians
Canonized and Acclaimed Saints
Most of the saints whom we refer to by that
title (for instance, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)
have gone through this process of
canonization. Others, such as St. Peter and
St. Paul, received the title through
acclamation, or the universal recognition of
their holiness.
Catholics believe that both types of saints
(canonized and acclaimed) are already in
Heaven, which is why one of the
requirements for the canonization process is
proof of miracles performed by the possible
saint after his death. Canonized saints can be
venerated anywhere and prayed to publicly,
and their lives are held up to Christians still
struggling here on earth as examples to be
-Scott Richer
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Volume 14 Issue 1
Helmsman – January 2014
January 2014
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Volume 14 Issue 1
January 2014
Bishop Manogue Assembly 50 - Officers for 2012-2013
Faithful Navigator
Faithful Friar
Faithful Captain
Faithful Pilot
Faithful Comptroller
Faithful Purser
Faithful Scribe
SK Robert Reavis
Fr. Patrick Lee
SK Michael Brady
SK Ricardo Saldana
SK Luis Munoz
SK Thomas Simms
SK Patrick Dolan
Color Corps Commander
Knights of Columbus,
Bishop Manogue Assembly (50)
5961 Newman Ct.
Sacramento, CA 95819-2609
Faithful Admiral
Faithful Inner Sentinel
Faithful Outer Sentinel
Faithful 3rd Year Trustee
Faithful 2nd Year Trustee
Faithful 1st Year Trustee
SK Dale Edwards
SK Charles Mudd
SK Bill Hancock, PFN
SK Larry Rositani
SK John Cox, PFN
SK Dale Edwards, PFN
Postage Here
Helmsman – January 2014
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