mwm_enews 2010 yrender.indd


mwm_enews 2010 yrender.indd
w w
December 2010 Year Ender Edition
Photography by Robert Galpo
A faithful person will always have a “go for
it” attitude, knowing the reason why they
are in that company. See page 10
The Word: Alive And Lived
MWM News and Events
Wellness for Peak Performance
Values at Work
As He is Faithful, So Are We
By Leigh Formilleza-de Armas
awesome it is
for me to be
in touch with
you again as this year 2010 ends, and of course,
looking forward to a great 2011! You may have
thought that the Marketworkplace (MWM) Ministry had stayed quiet for a while with this issue of
the Marketworkplace Newsletter being the only
edition this year. Truth is, not quite though, and as
editor of this paper, I feel obliged (in a good way)
to share with you why this was so.
In 2010, my husband and I received one of
the greatest blessings we will ever have – our
youngest and the third princessita in the family
whom we call Sophie. The season of my pregnancy then and being mom now to a new born
had taken first priority. But now, I am so thrilled to
be writing this editorial again. And how can I ever
stop proclaiming the written word when all this
ministry will ever lift up is the name of our sweet,
sweet Jesus?
You will also see how excellence in the workplace
is a demonstration of our response to God as
faithful leaders as Bro. Dan Lachica receives the
Palladium Hall of Fame on behalf of First Philec
Solar Corporation (FPSC) for using an excellent
measurement tool in the workplace. You will see
the Word of God, “alive and lived!” as Bro. Boy de
Borja writes on real life biblical inspirations.
1 John 4:17 says, “…as He is, so are we in this
world,” Jesus in us has made us faithful so that
faithfulness can be seen in our actions while at
work. It is one thing to strive to be faithful by your
actions (through your doing) and another to know
that you already are (in your being). When you
know that God’s faithful nature is already in you, it
will be so much easier to just flow from this truth
because you believe rightly about yourself. There
is a knowing on the inside of you that you ought
to show actions that demonstrate your character
that could be trusted, be dependable on the job
because of who you are in Christ Jesus.
When you fail, your spirit says
that it is not in your nature to be
you to another level of being called “Faithunfaithful, so inside you, a reful!” After the recently concluded Pastor’s Con- minder is turned on as if saying,
“violation! Violation!” Truly, it is a
violation of your nature when you
act in an unfaithful way, not being
able to deliver and perform in the
workplace as expected, or simply
being disloyal in the company you
work for. Your conscience cries out
because it is not who you are. You
Pastor Paul Chase shares about God’s faithfulness to us during
the New Life Pastors Conference 2010.
have been made faithful, as Christ
ference in New Life this year, we stayed in the Jesus is, so are you in this world.
This issue will truly bless, inspire, and take
flow of its theme, “Faithful.” Really, to whom can
we ever perfectly attribute this word, “Faithful?”
But to the One who is faithful indeed to complete
the work that He has begun in us, to Him who
remains true to His Word that great are the plans
that He has for us, to Him who gave His life for us
so that now through believing in Jesus’ perfect
work at the cross, we are made right with God,
and should expect a life of blessing and abundance!
This issue will illustrate to you that we are
called to be faithful in the workplace as Sister
Shoddy Chase shares about practical steps on
how the world could see us faithful on the job.
So I pray that this issue blesses you and may
it open for you new horizons to explore and conquer, make you the best employee in whatever
work you are involved in, and similarly make you a
loyal and rewarding employer to the people who
choose to work with you for that common vision.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Year from MWM!
By Boy de Borja
Fa i t h f u l
Alive and Lived!
make the difference!
I n
So much has been bandied around on
what success is. It has even been said that
success is relative – the more success, the
more relatives. Levity aside -- success, the
true and lasting one, finds root in the WORD:
SURE!” Indeed, man plans, organizes, charts
and structures with a singular thing in mind –
success! Only God, however, assures it – HIS
same time and in the process, as HE directs
our steps and makes them sure, each and
every step of our way resonates with peace
and joy making unity prevail and blossom.
As much as we yearn and invariably pray
for the good and easy life, fact is – things
in life are really not always that fine. Truth to
tell, though, our GOD never promised a life
without burdens but He does-HIS STRENGTH,
PEACE AND JOY...DURING! Indeed, however
arduous the battle or long the wait, we do
not worry, fear or get disheartened; Instead,
we focus and move on with Him. We cease
drawing from our own strength, wisdom and
self-righteousness and surrender completely
to Him who is bigger and greater. The breakthrough, the end of the ordeal, then, would
not be the miracle. Strong in the Lord and the
power of His might, WE become the miracle!
T h e
Let us not be deceived – achievements,
which bring about lasting peace and blessings do not result from our own strength,
skill or resources – BUT ONLY FROM GOD’S
GRACE AND POWER! He never forces these
on us, though, but makes them readily available for us to CHOOSE to grab hold and
partake of – not as the last, but the ONLY
resort. Everyone and everything else will then
just flow. Indeed, His response is all wrapped
up and ready to go. Patiently, He waits for our
On Relationships
No matter how credible and meticulously
done a deal is, things can go awry and
schedules upset. Waiting then becomes a
must – a must to endure. Indeed, we may
truly believe that an expected breakthrough
is Heaven-sent and a GOD-Idea – Still, HE
KNOWS BEST and His timing always better
than ours! Patience now must come into
play – for as faith opens doors, patience
keeps them open until fruition. Waiting then
becomes not only fearless more so peacefull and joy-full! Faith and patience together
Relationship pleases our GOD to no end – a
lifestyle of committing to and delighting in
Him; Trusting in and being still with Him. As
much as we give ourselves, though, always,
HE gives more – much, much more than we
can ever think, hope or imagine – His Love
ever consuming; His Mercy overwhelming;
and His Blessing overflowing – beyond all
knowledge and understanding. Indeed, He
not only saves us; He makes us feel that no
matter who we are or are not; irrespective of
what we have or do not, we are worth saving! Truly there is no one like Him in all the earth
and heavens combined.
ADVISORY BOARD Paul Chase, Jeric Soriano, Boy de Borja, Dan Lachica
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Leigh Formilleza-de Armas FINANCE MANAGER Carlos Morales
On Breakthroughs
Relationships – be they with superiors, peers
or subordinates – fill our everyday life. Invariably, our needs and even wants are grounded
on and addressed by them so that they are to
be nurtured through give and take, kindness
and gentleness, and an understanding and
acceptance of the other’s role and limits. Clearly, just like our GOD, a relationship is no
respecter of persons! And to live well, grow
and mature in each one, life is and should
never be about “I”, “me” or “mine,” it is to
consider others at all times.
Wo r k p l a c e
On Success
Balanced Scorecard:
Effective Tool for the Workplace
By Virna Venturanza
The CEO/Entrepreneurs’ Circle under the
Market Workplace Ministry (MWM) concluded
its Balanced Score Card Training last October 9,
2010 at the Newlife Christian Center (NLCC). The
seminar was conducted by MWM Ministry Head,
Dr. Dan Lachica, President and CEO of First Philec
Solar Corporation, the first company in the Philippines that won the prestigious Palladium Hall of
Fame award for successfully implementing the
Balanced Score Card (BSC).
The seminar catered to all professionals and
business owners who may want to add more
learning on how to use the Balanced Score Card
as a tool in the implementation of strategy and results. The seminar usually charges USD$500 for a
complete session but the CEO/Entrepreneurs’ Circle, with its aim of equipping and molding people
in the market workplace, only charged PHP500
inclusive of snacks, handouts and a certificate.
Professionals and managers who want to
increase in their career and entrepreneurs who
want to learn a new tool in helping organizational
performance will benefit from BSC.
What is The Balanced
Scorecard (BSC)?
The balanced scorecard is a
strategic planning and management
system that is used extensively in
business and industry, government,
and nonprofit organizations worldwide
to align business activities to the vision
and strategy of the organization, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals. It
was originated by Drs. Robert Kaplan
(Harvard Business School) and David
Norton as a performance measurement framework that added strategic
non-financial performance measures
to traditional financial metrics to give
managers and executives a more ‘balanced’ view of organizational performance.
FPSC: A Blessed Story Of
Strategy Execution
First Philec Solar Corporation (FPSC) was
inducted into the Palladium Balanced Scorecard
Hall of Fame for Executing Strategy®. FPSC
was one of the seven organizations in the Asia
Pacific region inducted during the 2010 Palladium
APAC Summit last September 22-23, 2010 at the
Sofitel Philippine Plaza, Manila, Philippines. FPSC
President Dr. Dan C. Lachica, with the FPSC BSC
team, accepted the award from Dr. David Norton,
founder and director of Palladium Group, in an
awarding ceremony. FPSC now holds the distinction of being the first private company in the
Philippines to receive this recognition.
Dr. Dan C. Lachica
President, First Philec Solar Corporation (FPSC)
The Palladium Group launched the “Palladium
Balanced Scorecard Hall of Fame for Executing Strategy” program ten years ago to publicly
recognize high-performing organizations that use
Dr. Lachica then gave a few words of thanks
to the FPSC team, the Lopez Group, their JV
partner - SunPower, Drs. Norton and Kaplan and
most of all, God Almighty, in empowering FPSC to
receive this recognition. “When we started First
Wo r k p l a c e
“We implemented the Kaplan-Norton approach to map, execute and measure our strategy,” according to Dr. Dan C. Lachica, President.
“The FPSC story is one for the record books— we
are probably one of the first organizations to
adopt the BSC at inception, radically improving
the way we do things and helping us in record
time to become a global leader in the solar
industry.” -- part of the citation read by Mr. Tice.
First Philec Solar Corporation (FPSC), is a
joint venture between First Philippine Electric
Corp, the Lopez Group of Companies, and
SunPower Philippines Manufacturing. Incorporated in October 24, 2007, FPSC is the first and
only large-scale silicon wafer slicing company in
the Philippines. Its main products are micro-thin
wafers used in solar energy panels. At full build,
FPSC will be the biggest of its kind in Southeast
Asia. This joint venture is consistent with the
Lopez Group’s strategy to look for technologies
and establish manufacturing capabilities in the
renewable energy field.
T h e
Dr. Norton, together with Mr. Matthew Tice,
Managing Director of Palladium Group Asia
Pacific, presented the said award to First Philec
Solar Corporation. FPSC, established a little
more than two years ago, is the first large-scale
silicon wafer slicing company in the Philippines.
At the start of its operations, FPSC adopted the
BSC to ensure focus and alignment in meeting
target growth projections and gaining market
share against Chinese and Japanese competitors. Scorecards were cascaded to the individual
employee level. In just two years, the company
delivered their first commercial wafers ahead of
schedule, increased revenue 19% against business plan, became profitable in its first full year
of operation, increased its customer base, and
beat their employee satisfaction target by 27%.
The pool of applicants this year from the
APAC region was especially strong, and FPSC
is extremely proud of this achievement. It is
definitely an honor to be included in the global
BSC Hall of Fame community. Moving forward,
FPSC is driven to further improve its strategy
management system and apply innovative ideas
to achieve successful alignment and strategy
I n
The award is presented annually in person to
organizations selected by Drs. Robert S. Kaplan
and/or David P. Norton at Palladium summits of
the different regions. To qualify, the organization
has to meet several criteria. The organization or
company should implement the BSC as defined
by the Kaplan-Norton strategy management
system and exemplify the principles of the
Strategy-Focused Organization. They should be
able to present the case at a public conference.
In addition, the organization or company should
earn media recognition for its implementation of
the BSC and achieve breakthrough results over a
period of 24 months or longer. The organization
or company should also be able to provide a testimonial from a corporate or Strategic Business
Unit (SBU) officer linking its BSC to its results.
If the organization is a strategic business unit
(vs. an enterprise), it should be the leading SBU
within its enterprise.
Philec Solar a little over two years ago, it was
really a green field, but more like a “green mountain” project. We had to level mountains and take
on the quest to start up a company. At the time,
we were so new, greenhorns in the wafer slicing
business. What we have is the backing of the
Lopez group, our experience in manufacturing
and the knowledge of the Balanced Scorecard.
This award is the cap of the tremendous efforts
of our team,” Dr. Lachica said.
Fa i t h f u l
the Kaplan-Norton strategy management system
based on the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) to become strategy-focused, execute their strategies,
and achieve breakthrough performance results.
The award is recognized worldwide as the gold
standard of strategic performance management. 133 organizations from a wide variety of
industries and geographies have been inducted
into the Hall of Fame since 2000.
By Ut Rafael
When I came upon Rex Resurreccion’s book,
“Power to Create Righteous Wealth,” I knew
that people in the market place needed to hear
the principles he wrote so I decided to invite the
author to the MWM quarterly meeting.
Deuteronomy 8:18 is the foundational truth
that Rex used and it has been truly appropriate
as we recognize the One who indeed gives us
the power to gain wealth. In his talk, Rex began
to build upon this foundation and if there is a
verse that Christian business people must have
a revelation of, it is this. Otherwise it is easy to
begin to worship money and use God instead of
worshipping God and using money for His kingdom. It really is about seeking His kingdom and
righteousness first so that all these other things
can be released to us.
Christians in the market place have been
deceived about their identity for too long. It is
high time that we realize that in Christ, we are
sons and daughters who are also stewards; and
as stewards of the Kingdom, we are to be found
faithful. It all belongs to God anyway, so why
would we think as if we are the owners? We
have a generous and extravagant God who is the
giver of every good and perfect gift, and He loves
us unconditionally. So if we take good care of His
resources both material and spiritual, He will
release to us even more blessings to take care of
and in the process makes us enjoy it. It’s a win –
win situation, don’t you think?
The 10 principles Rex shared to create righteous wealth was awesome. I especially loved the
part about God raising up an army of providers.
These are Christians anointed by God to succeed in business or profession to receive God’s
financial blessings in order to bless the church.
It occurred to me that since God is our provider,
and we are to be imitators of God; then we need
to step in as God’s providers for the church. Let’s
stop looking at others to step into this God given
The bottom line is God’s plan from the very
beginning has not changed. He has always
declared and released us to be fruitful, to make
nations of us so that kings will come from us.
We have been given dominion and authority in
Christ Jesus. It is time we walk in that power.
By Jojo Diaz de Rivera
tation by Transworld
Accrediting Commission
International, an accrediting commission for
evangelical educational institutions.
Ptr. Kenneth Mulkey is the Executive
Director of the Cottonwood Leadership
College of the Cottonwood Church in Los
Angeles, California. The Cottonwood Leadership College is a Christian
educational institution and among
aims is to equip Christian
believers for life, leadership
service. They were
awarded accredi-
Wo r k p l a c e
Personally, it was overall a great evening as this dinner allowed me not only
hear encouraging words; it also provided
a backdrop for meeting and strengthening
relationships within the church and more
specifically, the ministry. On top of that,
the hainanese chicken buffet dinner was a
pleasant surprise – it was way better than
what I originally expected.
T h e
Over a hundred people attended and
listened to Pastor Kenneth discuss about
biblical values and principles that were
applicable to Christian living and were not
to be compromised in the marketplace. His
words both charged and encouraged business people.
I n
Last April 29, the Market Workplace
Ministry (MWM) of Newlife Christian Center
hosted an evening at the ballroom of the
Alabang Country Club with Pastor Kenneth
Mulkey which allowed Pastor Kenneth to
make a deposit into the lives of business
professionals at an important time in the
church as well as in the country – this being
just a few weeks before the last presidential
Fa i t h f u l
An Evening of Impartation
with Pastor Kenneth Mulkey
Under the stewardship of MWM, the First New Life Golf
Invitational enjoyed unparalleled success as it raised about
Php1.7 Million, making it the biggest fund-raising ac-
tivity ever by Alabang New Life Christian Center.
Fa i t h f u l
The golf invitational held at the Ayala Alabang Country Club last November 15, 2010
was attended by 111 golfers from different
levels of the community with a 10-year old
boy as the youngest. The whole day session
was capped off by an awarding ceremony
held at the grand ballroom of The Bellevue
Hotel in Alabang in which more than 100
prizes were given away to the players. In
tandem with the golf tournament, a raffle
draw dubbed “New Life New Car Raffle
Promo,” was also organized as part of the
fund raising activity. I n
T h e
Wo r k p l a c e
New Life Golf was co-presented by major
sponsors such as Smart Telecom/PLDT, SM
Development Corporation and Airspeed
International Corporation.
New Life Golf Invitational Winners
Overall Low Gross
Overall Low Net
Group 1 Champion
Group 1 runner-up
Group 2 Champion
Group 2 runner-up
Group 3 Champion
Group 3 runner-up
Ladies Champion
Ladies runner-up
Accurate Drive
Nearest the pin
Longest drive
New Life New Car Winners
Apple Ipod (Shuffle)
Apple Ipod (Shuffle)
Apple Ipod (Shuffle)
0232Nokia touch screen
0997My/Screen 22” LCD
Panasonic 32” LCD
1503Apple iPad
1690ASUS Netbook
0054Toyota VIOS
Jun A. Mayo
Mark Lester Cajigal
Christine Daguno
Enrique Prats
Myla Villanueva
Ricky Peralta
Harry U. Limtong
Ma. Aniceta P. Reinoso
Gerry Villena
Due to its success, MWM received very
positive feedback from both sponsors and
players, as well as an invitation to stage a
second cup in the near future. For more
information about this, please continue to
log on to
in the
Photography by Robert Galpo
To be faithful is to be committed and
diligent while possessing a deep understanding
of what you are involved in. To be committed
and then faithful is to give your scheduled time,
attention, and creative juices to the task. It helps
productivity when you clearly comprehend what
is expected of you and then do it. I guess that
sums it up.
When it comes to our companies, we all
want faithful employees though finding them is
often difficult. It seems so few are on the same
page when it comes to defining what being a
faithful employee is. To be faithful in the workplace, you must first understand what your job
requires of you. I can’t stress that point enough.
No one hires someone to stand around. You are
there to do something, say something, create
something, rescue someone, protect someone,
and reach out to someone among others. You
must know what you are there for and be honorable to fulfill the reason you were hired.
When an employee has initiative and is
self-motivated, comes on time, consistently
present, that is faithful. And an employer has
just found a jewel. A dependable honest person
is a faithful person. Reversely, someone whom
you cannot rely on, is always late, and does not
fulfill the task is not faithful in the workplace.
Nothing is more exhausting to those in the
management committee of a company than to
explain repeatedly what should be obvious to
the employee.
[When you see your task
from the eyes of your employer or your superior, it
will make you understand
the reason behind tasks,
schedules and deadlines
– ultimately, it will help
you to be faithful.]
Faithful people carry the vision of the company and have the perspective and purpose
of the company inside of them. They align
themselves with the mission and enthusiastically ask, “what can I do to make this company
better” and work toward that. Being faithful in
the workplace means knowing and honoring the
core values of the company, not with lip service
but with integrity and intent. If you cannot agree with the company’s
purpose and core values, you ought to be fair to
them and yourself and seek other employment.
In order to be faithful in the workplace, start
right: Investigate what the job requires of you.
Know how intense the job is. Understand how
flexible or time demanding the company is.
You should be fully aware what your job
expects of you. Know how demanding your
To be ‘faithful in the workplace’ is to do
job is mentally, emotionally, physically and how
whatever the task requires whether you like it or
much time will be asked of you. When you know
not. A faithful person will always have a “go for
this and have decided to stay in that company,
it” attitude, knowing the reason why they are in
then do not complain! It is improper to complain
that company.
about the very task you were hired for; that’s
foolish and immature!
It’s easy to be faithful in the workplace when
you are faithful in life outside of the workplace,
when you see your job as a blessing from God
and not a burden, and, when you know you are
being trained and being developed in this particular workplace and the workforce, maturing as
a responsible adult.
A faithful person does not take more than
what he gives. He gives his or her all. A faithful
person in the workplace has made the workplace a better place for all who are there and
at the end of the day knows, “ I have given my
best, and I know the Lord sees everything. I am
blessed with work and purpose.”
It’s easy to be faithful in the workplace when
you love what you are doing, or at least fully
understand what is required of you. For example,
if you do not like crazy shifts and long hours,
then do not work in a hospital. If you do not like
to be responsible for sick people, then do not go
to nursing school. Conclusively, for the superiors and leaders
in the workplace, know that reward should be
given to those who are faithful as employees.
Faithfulness should result to a noble compensation. As a boss, pay your faithful employees well
and bless those abundantly who cause your
company to prosper. Understand that faithfulness
has a reward.
Pick a profession that works with your personal likes. My point is, if you don’t like guns, near
death experiences, and being away from home
for long periods of time, then do not join the military. But if you do join the military, know what you
are getting into and be faithful to the job.
To be faithful in the workplace is to honor the
company with your time and your attention. You
should not be texting personal business on business time nor should you be on your companyassigned computer looking for new employment
while at work; it shows no honor or integrity.
Those working hours are not your own.
You are a servant to someone, a steward or a
manager of a vision or dream of another so treat
those hours with respect. The hours you spend
belong to someone else and that someone else
is paying you to get a job done. Do not expect
to get rewarded when you give only as little as
you can get away with; and is sluggish, late, and
look messy.
A faithful person gets it. They don’t have
to be begged, prodded upon and babied, or
talked to like a child for hours just to get them to
understand the purpose of the company. They
are smart and self- motivated, early to work and
Shoddy Chase
Deputy Senior Pastor
Newlife Christian Center
You have a job, a task, a calling, something
to add, things to share and things to learn. What
a precious gift that is – to work and be needed
and to be a part of something bigger than
yourself. Wo r k p l a c e
[Faithfulness is easy when
your heart is into what you
are doing.] T h e
[To be faithful in the workplace, you must see the
workplace as a gift to
I n
It may sound a little harsh but I find it
rude and lazy to be anything but faithful in the
workplace. Why else are you there if not to add
your best to that particular company, project or
endeavor? a blessing to work with. They are not troublemakers nor people who bring all their personal
issues to work.
Fa i t h f u l
Faithfulness is the hallmark of a sincere
mature adult who understands stewardship
knowing that the Lord is watching. To be faithful
in the workplace is to be mature, responsible,
and dependable.
Wellness For Peak Performance
In The Workplace
By Marjorie Lopingco
Fast Facts about Diet:
No diet works. But proper lifestyle changes
Looking at food as fuel and not as a source of entertainment is important in making the right choices. The
80/20 rule also helps. This is doing 80% what is right for
you and the 20% as your indulgence or reward is fair.
There is no doubt that there is a Wellness Revolution going on globally. There is a heightened
awareness on health and well-being. The Baby
Boomers (age 40-60) are working and playing
harder than their parents. The younger generation are exposed to all sorts of wellness facilities
and products. No doubt, this phenomenon will
be here to stay way beyond our lifetime. The age
of technology seem to drive the pace of our lives
faster. We are connected 24/7. Our cell phones,
Blackberries, iPhones, iPods, personal computers
make our world a very noisy one. So how do we
keep a balance, yet maintain excellence in our
workplace? A good understanding of our earthly
suit, our body, can spell the difference.
Breakfast is important. In the morning blood
glucose, which is your fuel, is slow due to body repair
that goes on during sleep. Since, our brain is the biggest
consumer of blood and it runs on glucose, it will need
carbohydrates in the morning. In fact, one of the keys to
weight control and better mood is to stabilize your sugar
in the morning so you need to eat breakfast. Otherwise
it will be a roller coaster ride the whole day. You will lose
control and binge. This is closely related to serotonin
(your mood hormone), thus, breakfast not only makes you
smart it makes you pleasant too.
Bring healthy snack to work. Bring fruits nuts, and
eat small meals through out and try to limit your caffeine
intake. When eating pasta during lunch, eat a little protein with it so you will not feel sleepy after. There is such
a thing as “thermal” effect of food. Meaning, food brings
up your metabolism.
Remember, there are no silver bullets in the journey
to a great body and good health. High protein diets, can
promote rapid weight loss, but it can also damage your
kidneys due to “ketones” and its by product which is
nitrogen. So beware of a prolonged high protein diet that
is not medically supervised.
Fast Facts about our Body:
Fast Facts about Exercise:
We are a colony of 70 trillion cells.
Fitness is three parts: Aerobics – for maximum
Oxygen uptake; Weight training – for muscle strength
and body shaping; and, Flexibility – for improvement on
range of motion.
Cells form tissues, a group of tissues form an organ,
and a group of organs form a system. Systems form the
human body. Every 7 years we get a whole new body.
Our brain cells are the only cells that when damaged and
dies are gone forever. If our cells are healthy, the whole
body is healthy.
Our body cells need 57 various vitamins and minerals to run on peak performance.
Our body is made of 70% water. Therefore water is
vital to life. Drinking 10 to 15 glasses a day will keep most
of diseases away.
Our body’s premium fuel is glucose. The ideal ratio
of our source of food are as follows: 40% complex carbo
(wholewheat, wholegrains, camote, fruits, veggies); 30%
protein (fish, meats); 40% fat – good fat such as olive
oil, VCO, avocados. We need fat to absorb vital vitamins
such ADEK. It is a vital component of various organs of
the body. Animal fat can cause various life threatening
It thins the blood so it lowers blood pressure.
Fat in the body can only be burned in the presence
of oxygen in the muscle. The body starts to draw from
fat only after 20 minutes of continuous exercise on an
elevated heart rate. Consistency is the key rather than
intensity. This is to shed light on various products that
promise fat burning effects. There are no shortcuts.
We must remember that we cannot give what we
do not have. We are like pitchers that pour ourselves to
others daily as we work. In the middle of familiarizing
ourselves with our body, eating right, and living right, it is
also imperative that we take time to refresh, revitalize and
rejuvenate which. Therefore, REST is an equally important
part of the equation and we can do this knowing that it is
God’s great grace that sustains us daily.
By Bernie Lachica
It was most heart-warming to see
everyone receive the message and request
for more of similar seminars in the future.
Truly, the harvest is ripe, and the workers are
“internalize” and live these values, in order to
see fruition, in both their personal and work
lives, the basic and all encompassing answer
is through the knowledge and continuous
growth in the Word of God which is found
in the Bible; that the best way to learn and
live these values is having an understanding
of their spiritual implications and effects in
their lives.
Wo r k p l a c e
The values referred to are
the ones seen in the lobbies
of company buildings, such
as Integrity, Discipline,
Respect, and so on. If one is to
T h e
This year, through my husband, Dan
Lachica, and his business ties, I was asked
to speak to three groups or companies,
specifically on, “Values at the Workplace!”
These were: ASEFEX (Association of Finance
Executives) of SEIPI (Semiconductor and
Electronics Industry of the Philippines, Inc.)
where Dan is the Chairman, CDC (Clark
Development Corporation), and Manulife
I n
Truly the workplace is the place of harvest that God has intended for the believer
to reach out to. In the workplace, one finds
the continuing drama and events of life
that are added on to one’s personal life.
Therefore, in the daily struggle to conquer
such situations, it is a refreshing welcome for
those in the marketplace to know that there
is a way of overcoming and winning.
Fa i t h f u l
Values at Work
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2 Don Manolo Blvd., Alabang Hills Village, Alabang, 1770 Muntinlupa City