KofC2014_07Newsletter - Knights of Columbus, Annunciation
KofC2014_07Newsletter - Knights of Columbus, Annunciation
“Knightly News”- Annunciation Council 12761 Grand Knight Carmine Bravo Annunciation Council 12761 St Patrick Assembly 2883 As we begin the Annunciation Council, 12761 Knight Year 2014-2015, let us remember why we became members of the Knights of Columbus. I am certain that you, as was I, were impressed with the founding principles of charity, unity and fraternity as established by Father Michael J. McGivney over 132 years ago. We are a vital part of an Order has gown has grown from several members in one council to more than 14,000 councils and 1.8 million members throughout the world. The Order is still true to the mission of our founder which was and is to render financial aid to members and their families along with mutual aid and assistance that is offered to sick, disabled and needy members and families. We continue to promote social and intellectual fellowship among our members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, and outreach to the community. It is up to each of us to do our part. Some have more time available to them than do others. No one is judged by the amount of energy or resources contributed. Remember the widow’s mite as each of us is asked to participate with time, talent and treasure as he is able. Also remember, our first principle of charity. Throughout the year we will have many projects. Some projects are designed to raise money, for the many beneficiaries that count on our generosity which assists them in their time of need. A few of these projects are the golf tournament, the Bowl for Charity, our manning the concession stand at the Amway and our newest fund raiser, The Knights of Columbus on-line traffic school which will be unveiled at the July meeting. Some projects are designed to lend a helping hand, such as manning the booths at the Fall Festival or collecting and dispersing food for the Church’s Pantry or the Seminole Sharing Center and others to many to list here. Our quarterly Communion breakfasts bring us together to share in the sacrament of the Mass and the Eucharist as well as serving as an opportunity to be educated by a noted speaker with a timely message. Of course we break bread and socialize. Lk 24:31 Our business meetings keep us all abreast of our projects, committee reports and very importantly give us the opportunity to be transparent in regards to our business and financial records. Additionally there are periodic social meetings just to kick back and enjoy each other’s company. I propose that at our monthly social meetings we have a member of the month. That member will share information about his life his family, business, present or past. This presentation of who they are which will give us an opportunity to learn more about each other. The Council will continue to sponsor First degree exemplifications. As we have in the past we will accompany our members as they experience their advance degrees. Attending the degrees not only shows support to our new members but reorients each of us to the purpose of our faithful participation in this Fraternal Order. Whatever your ability to contribute, old and new members alike, be it time, talent or treasure, we welcome and encourage you to be play an active role with Annunciation Knights of Columbus Council, 12761. This will help us continue to serve and be vital and meaningful example of the Great Commission, MT 28:19. God Bless and Vivat Jesus, Grand Knight: Carmine M. Bravo July 2014 “Knightly News”Annunciation Council 12761 Annunciation Council 12761 - Officers / Committees Council 12761 Officers Council 12761 Directors Grand Knight: Carmine Bravo Dep Grand Knight: Jim Telesz Chancellor: Phil Henderson Recorder: Jack Mackin Advocate: Tim Donihi Warden: Guadalupe Escamilla Inside Guard: Ralph Ameduri Outside Guard: Tim Tiralosi Trustee 1 Year: Jack Cash Trustee 2 Year: Joe Disalvo Trustee 3 Year: Ray Bowser Treasurer: Kim Juarez Financial Secretary: Neal Walker Program Director: Gary Godard Church Director: John Woods Membership Director: Bob Nettles Community Director: Jack Luiz Council Director: Ross Arbelious Youth Director: Mike Duffy Family Director: Joe DiSalvo Prolife Director: Paul Guyet Vocations Chairman: Larry Hackett Meetings 1st and 3rd Mondays 7:00 PM St. Gabriel Ctr. / Rms. 4 & 5 Annunciation Catholic Church 1020 Montgomery Road Altamonte Springs, FL.32714 CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY & PATRIOTISM Council 12761 Chairmen 2014 - 2015 Admissions Adult Spirituality Athletics Basketball Free Throw Blood Drive Bowl for Charity Ch. 2 Basketball Game Christ in Christmas Christmas Party Columbia Squires Communications Communion Breakfast Education Scholarship Evangelization Committee Fall Festival Family of the Month - Year Father McGivney Committee Golf Tournament Health Services Human Needs Knight of the Month - Year Mentally Challenged Public Relations Recreation/Picnic Recruitment Religious Devotion Committee Retention Soccer Challenge Vocations Youth Groups R. Gesell, B. Nettles, J. Telesz P. Henderson, K. Juarez Carl Fairley Mike Duffy John Scala Chuck Coakley Gary Godard - John Lampe John Scala Ed Cote - Shawn Jiles Rich Gesell - Jeff Davis Mark Chmielarski Bob Nettles Jeff Davis - Phil Henderson John Lampe Pat Altamura John Scala - Carmine Bravo - Phil Henderson Jim Telesz Attilio DiMarco John Scala - Dan McPherson Dr. Tim Tiralosi Jack Luiz Carmine Bravo Rich Gesell - Ken Kiesel Jeff Davis - Phil Henderson Mike Duffy Rich Gesell - Bob Nettles - Jim Telesz Terry Buckwalter Rich Gesell - Bob Nettles Mike Duffy - Gary Godard Larry Hackett Mike Duffy - Mark Chmielarski Program Membership Church Youth Youth Community Youth Youth Church Council Church Church Council Youth Church Council Family Council Community Family Family Grand Knight Council Council Family Membership Church Church Youth Church Youth Chaplain’s Corner July 2014 Dear Knights and Ladies, As we come together as a nation to celebrate American Independence Day, we give praise and thanks to God. Our freedom was purchased at a great price, as courageous men and women pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. History records that most of the signers of the Declaration of Independence lost their lives and their fortunes, but not their honor. Perhaps it is time to renew our own sense of committed service as Catholic Americans. As Knights and Ladies, we are beacons of hope to many in the community who are less fortunate that ourselves. Our generosity with our time, talents, and treasure, in so many service projects, makes a difference. Our God expects the best that we have to give, and the best gift of all is the Faith that we model for others. Freedom and Liberty are God's gifts. The former represents potential for doing God's work. The latter is a grace that causes us to desire "the good" and pursue it. Our Lord Jesus Christ offered His life, His liberty, and His sacred honor for us on the cross. He set a standard of self-giving that has never been matched. As we enjoy our freedoms, and commemorate the sacrifices that made them possible, we give thanks for the ultimate sacrifice that made our lives purposeful. The old Baltimore Catechism reminds us that we were made in God's image for three purposes: to know, to love, and to serve Him, such that we might be happy with Him in heaven for all eternity. As practical Catholics, we must pray for our nation, and for the faith conversion of those who live contrary to the Gospel. We must pray for a new birth of Liberty, such that our people will desire and pursue the "Good" and safeguard the rights of the helpless. This year we are again praying for the defense of religious liberty and freedom of conscience, and our parish will have a holy hour, with adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, prior to the 12:15 daily mass on July 4th. Your priests continue to advocate you before God in our masses and prayers. On behalf of all our parish priests, we thank you for remembrance in your prayers. Know that together we are making a difference. Sincerely In Christ, Father Steve Baumann, Chaplain Field Agent Report July 2014 Gentlemen, LTC Is an Important Piece of the Puzzle There are many financial consultants and retirement authorities who emphasize the need for a longterm care (LTC) product for estate preservation and family protection. While many commercial life insurance companies have gotten out of the long-term care business, the Knights of Columbus considers LTC a very important piece of the family protection puzzle. The Order has been actively offering our members this product for nearly 15 years without a premium increase on current policyholders. Members who wisely purchased an LTC plan from the Knights in 2000 are still paying the same premiums today. Even better, our LTC coverage is backed by the full strength of the Order, which remains rooted in our strong Catholic values. Talk about stability when it counts. If we have not spoken about your need for LTC coverage in your family portfolio, please take some time out of your schedule to meet with me. Remember, long-term care policies are underwritten based on your health, and you most likely will never be any healthier than you are today. Shawn D. Williams 407-927-8537 Shawn.Williams@kofc.org Pro-Life Views Paul and Mary Guyet Pro-Life Couple Council 12761 July 2014 (407) 422-0704 X 105 Fax: (407) 422-0705 Cell: (407) 925-7608 Planned Parenthood Tries to Invade Kissimmee There appears to be a “disconnect” in Kissimmee. The mayor and a few other officials want Planned Parenthood in Kissimmee but most Kissimmee residents don’t want the agent of death in their town. After meetings with the town council the mayor and his cohorts decided to ignore the provision in the town’s zoning ordinance which does not permit surgical proceedings to be done in the area where the building in question is located. They waived that requirement and decided to let Planned Parenthood to do abortions at this site. That’s the bad news. The good news is that Planned Parenthood has not opened this facility even after a grand opening ceremony on May 14 when Alan Grayson was on hand to help open the facility. Over 200 people from all walks of life, nationalities, colors, ages and occupations showed up at this ceremony to protest what was being done: i.e. open an abortion facility. These local residents marched through the parking lot singing “Amazing Grace”. Prior to this seventy doctors, led by Dr. John Littell, had already bought an ad in the local paper protesting the change in zoning. There may still be a legal challenge that may stop what has taken place here. According to reliable sources the owners of the building in question had a covenant in the owning documents which prohibits the building being used for abortions. How this will play out and how long it will take, no one knows but right now the momentum is with the people of Kissimmee not with the Mayor and his cohorts. Right now the building is not being used. Some other news about Planned Parenthood. Last year it received $540 million of our tax payer dollars and generated $1.2 billion of income. It also surgically aborted 327,166 babies. Incredible that our government takes our money to fund abortions!! There is some good news. Planned Parenthood closed 48 locations while opening 13 in 2013 which marked eight straight years of decline. It now reports that it has 695 facilities. According to its website it operates 23 facilities in Florida. Let not Kissimmee become the 24th facility. Vivat Jesus, Paul and Mary Guyet Pro-Life Couple Council #12761 From the Treasurer’s Desk July 2014 Treasurer - Kim Juarez For 2014 the Knights of Columbus Annunciation Council 12761, has donated $7,838.00 in cash and volunteered over 3,966 hours of labor. Since 2006 we have donated over $107,394.00 in cash. Since 2010 we have volunteered almost 33,915 in labor hours. The August Meeting Attendance Pot Contains $60.00 The council a few months ago in an effort to encourage member attendance at its monthly business meetings puts $10.00 into a pot at each business meeting to promote attendance at our meetings. At each business meeting, a drawing is made with the names of all members to determine the winner of the pot. If the winner is not present, an additional $10.00 is added to the pot for the next meeting. The winner of the July drawing was not present at the meeting so the pot rolled over to the August meeting. You could be the next winner! But, you need to be present to win the pot! Hope to see you at our August 4th. business meeting Knights of Columbus St Patrick Assembly 2883 Officers Sir Knights, The 2014/2015 Installation of Officers of St. Patrick Assembly #2883 is scheduled for Friday, July 11, 2014, 5:00 PM, at Annunciation Church. Faithful Friar, Father Stephen Baumann and Worthy Master James Schonefeld will be installing the new officers. Sir Knights, show your support by attending your Assembly Installation of Officers; please wear Tux and Baldric. After the Installation of officers, dinner will be served at the Annunciation St. Gabriel Life Center. The Dinner will consist of Roast Pork, Roasted Potatoes, Chicken, a Vegetable, Sheet Cake and Beverages. Monica, who creates wonderful delicacies is catering the dinner. Please RSVP: $25.00 per person. Contact Phil Henderson, 617-571-7815 or Joe DiSalvo, 407-829-2030. Faithful Navigator Faithful Captain Faithful Comptroller Faithful Purser Faithful Admiral Faithful Pilot Faithful Scribe Faithful Inner Sentinel Faithful Outer Sentinel Faithful 1st Year Trustee Faithful 2nd Year Trustee Faithful 3rd Year Trustee Faithful Friar Frank Zeleznik Ralph Falconi Luke Williams George Kilbride Joe DiSalvo Phil Henderson Chuck Ness Lawrence Marquis Albert Christian Carmine Bravo Ross Arbelius Carl Fairley Father Stephen God Bless, Vivat Jesus Joe DiSalvo, FN, PGK, FDD St Patrick Assembly #2883 Joint Assembly Color Membership Page Membership Director’s Report Father McGivney Award - Our Council’s Father McGivney Award membership quota for the 2013-14 fraternal year was a net increase of 17 members. As of the end of June 2014 we experienced a net gain of 9 members, (which was the result of 14 new members and 5 losses). We did not achieve our quota for the Father McGivney Award Founders Award – Our Founders Award Insurance quota was a net increase of 6 insurance members. As of the end of June 2014 our council met our quota with a net gain of 6 insured members (which is the result of 7 additions and 1 deduction). Congratulations to our Field Agent, Shawn Williams, on helping our council earn the Founders Award. Recruitment Status: The council had 5 new members take their 1st Degree in June – Patrick Abbott, Steve Ossenheimer, Greg Johnson, Bob Hoogland, and Lionel Dore. (Two of them were not reported to Supreme by the end of the month.). The Council had four members take their 3rd Deg. in June – Jack Mackin, John Linde, Jim Zimmerman, Kim Juarez. Council approved two transfers in in June - Jason Danaher on 6-2-14, and Robert Browning on June 16th. We have 7 prospects at various stages of becoming candidates The Council has 3 Candidates waiting to take their 1st. Degree Prospect Proposer/ Source Earl Christian Charlie Marin Joe McKenna Bruce McMenemy Tim Moon Larry Powers Larry Stempkowski Ross Arbelius Blitz Bob Nettles Carmine Bravo Dennis Franko Blitz Dennis Franko Candidate Larry Bornacelli Allen Schnur Daniel Vastola Proposer Jeff Davis Attilio DiMarco Jack Luiz Next step 1st Degree 1st Degree 1st Degree We have one former member wanting to transfer to our council: Brother Knight Source Adam Segal Blitz Degree Exemplifications Scheduled For July: July 9 (1st. Degree) – Monsignor Bishop Council 2112, 5757 Comelia Ave, Orlando, sign in 7:30 PM, start 8:00 PM July 21 ( 1st Degree ) – Annunciation Council 12761, 1020 Montgomery Rd. Altamonte Springs sign in 6:30 PM, start 7:00 PM MEMBERSHIP DUES If you haven’t paid your dues yet and intend to pay or need any assistance in the paying of your dues, please contact me as soon as possible. We are here to help in any way possible to keep you part of this Great Organization. Carmine Bravo/Grand Knight Bob Nettles. Membership Director, Past Grand Knight, Past Faithful Navigator Announcements In June 27, 2014 the Annunciation Council 12761 installed its Officers and Directors in a ceremony followed by an exquisite dinner with Knights and families in the St. Gabriel Family Life Center at the Catholic Church of the Annunciation in Altamonte Springs Florida. the officers installed were as follows; Carmine M. Bravo, Grand Knight, Jim Telesz, Deputy Grand Knight, Phil Henderson, Chancellor, Jack Mackin, recorder, Neal Walker, Financial Secretary, Kim Juarez, Treasurer, Time Donihi, Advocate, Jeff Davis, Lecturer, Ralph Ameduri and Dr. Tim Tiralosi, inside and outside Guards, Joe DiSalvo, Ray Bowser and Jack Cash Trustees. Rounding out the corps was the Rev. Stephen Baumann as Chaplin. Rev. Bill Gohring filled in for Fr. Stephen in his absence. The spirit was present and all committed themselves to the Lord’s work as Catholic Christian Gentlemen. July 2014 Activities Mon July 7 Mon July 14 Mon July 21 Thurs July 31 Council 12761 - Business Meeting - Saint Gabriel Center Rooms 9 & 10 - 7 PM St. Patrick Assembly 2883 - 4th Deg Monthly Bus. Mtg - St Gabriel Center Rms 9 & 10 - 7:30 PM Council 12761 – 1st Degree Exemplification - Saint Gabriel Center Rooms 9 & 10 - 7:00 PM Council 12761 - Officer's Meeting - 7 PM - Saint Gabriel Center - Meeting Room A August 2014 Activities Mon Aug. 4 Mon Aug. 11 Council 12761 - Business Meeting - Saint Gabriel Center Rooms 9 & 10 - 7 PM St. Patrick Assembly 2883 - 4th Deg Monthly Bus Mtg - St Gabriel Center Rms 9 & 10 - 7:30 PM Mon Aug. 18 Council 12761 - Social Night/Family Night - Saint Gabriel Center Rooms 9 & 10 - 7:00 PM Thurs Aug. 28 Council 12761 - Officer's Meeting - 7 PM - Saint Gabriel Center - Meeting Room A September 2014 Activities Tues Sept. 2 Mon Sept. 8 Mon Sept. 15 Thurs Sept. 25 Council 12761 - Business Meeting – Saint Gabriel Center Rooms 9 & 10 - 7 PM St. Patrick Assembly 2883 - 4th Deg Monthly Bus Mtg – St Gabriel Center Rms 4 & 5 – 7:30 PM Council 12761 – Social Night - Saint Gabriel Center Rooms 9 & 10 - 7 PM Council 12761 - Officer's Meeting - 7 PM - Saint Gabriel Center - Meeting Room A July Prayers & Messages FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the sick, we turn to you in this time of illness. O dearest comforter of the troubled, alleviate our worry and sorrow with your gentle love, and grant us the grace and strength to accept this burden. Dear God, we place our worries in your hands. We place our sick under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servants to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge your will and know that whatever you do, you do for the love of us. Amen. Name Reason Name Reason Sir Knight Dennis Franko is chairman of the council’s Fraternalism Committee. This committee among other things writes and sends out Knights of Columbus "Get Well" cards, or "Sympathy" cards, to Brothers and Families, who are going through the healing process of a physical or emotional ailment, or the loss of a loved one, and is in need of our thoughts and prayerful support. Dennis always adds a short personal, handwritten note and signs the card from ‘The Knights of Annunciation Council’. He uses his return address so that he is alerted if it can't be delivered, but he never signs the card personally or shows any indication of whom sent it. That way the card will always be recognized as from all of us. If you would like Dennis to send out a card, please notify him via email: dfranko1@cfl.rr.com or by phone: 407-884-0482. If you change your telephone #, mailing address or e-mail, PLEASE notify the Financial Secretary-Neal Walker at the return address on this newsletter or via e-mail at seventhson1@aol.com If there is anything you want in the Newsletter, Please contact the editor: Jim Telesz/407 619-2774/jimtelesz@gmail.com If you want your card advertised. Please pay Pedro $25.00 (Last month for cards without payment) Photos Paul Guyet—Life Fund Kim Juarez—Knight of the Month Larry Hackett—Past Recorder Saint Patrick Assembly 2883 Officers Golf Tournament Golf Tournament Golf Tournament Golf Tournament Golf Tournament Golf Tournament More Photos Golf Tournament Golf Tournament Golf Tournament Upcoming Event Contact Jim Telesz @ Jimtelesz@gmail.com by September 1st to order your tickets. Gregory G. James P. Donald T. Anthony J. Robert K. Ralph J. Michael P. Kenneth Alberto J. Myer Telesz Lyons Vergopia Bruce Ameduri Zaccardo Kiesel Castro 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 01 02 07 08 09 10 10 12 13 Daniel P. Gregory A. Daniel E. Daniel H. John J. Albert A. John E. Frank J. Louis V. Tocco Fox Stocker Dittmer Adornetto Castro LeMieux Cupo Buttice III 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 13 17 17 18 19 19 27 29 31 NEWSLETTER PERSONAL SPONSORS Gary & Kathy Godard Dan & Emily McPherson Pedro Colon-Munoz Ken Kiesel Roger O’Connor Jack Cash John & Susie Lampe Carl & Laura Krot Richard & Barbara Gesell Phil & Donna Henderson Larry Orlowski Bob & Cheryl Nettles Frank Landi Terri Lee Buckwalter II George & Sara McLaughlin Carmine & Maureen Bravo NEWSLETTER SPONSORS