January 2013 - Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church
January 2013 - Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church
Annunciation Observer January ’13 - Vol. 29, Issue 1 Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation 3022 F Street / Sacramento, CA 95816 / (916) 443-2033 www.annunciation.ca.goarch.org Our mission is to bring all people to full maturity in Christ through Worship (Liturgia), Service (Diakonia), Education (Paideia), Witness (Martyria) and Fellowship (Koinonia), guided and united in all things by the One Holy Spirit Priorities Our personal priorities shape our lives and, ultimately, our destinies. And we all need to look at our priorities regularly, like at the beginning of the New Year. What are your real priorities in life? Here is a central question: Are you living for what you can accumulate or for what you can become? Louis L’Amour writes: “We are, finally, all wanderers in search of knowledge. Most of us hold the dream of becoming something better than we are, something larger, richer, in some way more important to the world and to ourselves. Too often, the way taken is the wrong way, with too much emphasis on what we want to have, rather than what we wish to become.” (from his Autobiography) The Lord tells us that a person’s life does not consist in the things he possesses (Luke 12:15). What is a truly Christian priority? In a word, the “one thing,” the great priority for us is this: salvation. The Lord Jesus prays to the Father in the Gospel of John: “And this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” The Apostle Paul in Ephesians: “I pray that, according to the riches of his glory, he may grant that you may be strengthened in your inner being with power through his Spirit, and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in love. I pray that you may have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” As Orthodox Christians, we accurately define salvation in the fullest possible way. For us salvation is forgiveness of sin, and being part of Christ’s body, the Church, and being delivered from evil passions, the power of sin, and living eternally in God’s Kingdom. It is falling in love with Jesus Christ. It is true knowledge. It is life with God, now and later. It is peace, love, and fulfillment. It is being united with God. It is being truly human, and it is becoming divine. And it is not self-serving. Being saved in the fullest sense means embodying the Gospel, becoming a Saint, and that means reaching out to others and leading them to Christ. Everything we do as Christians, especially everything we do spiritually, should take us in this direction. The Good News is that we can know God, and God wants us to know Him and to enjoy His love and life. The Church and our whole spiritual life should facilitate and empower a living, loving relationship with the true God and loving relationships with other people. This means more than “going through the motions” or making a pledge to the Church or being good or respectable, it is pursuing God with our whole heart, giving ourselves to Him, making Him our first priority. Nothing else and nothing less can ever sat- 1 (Continued on Page 2) Annunciation Observer GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE ANNUNCIATION 3022 F Street Sacramento, CA 95816 916-443-2033 www.annunciation.ca.goarch.org P ubl i s hed Mont hl y Exc ept for J ul y C LERGY Presiding Priest, Father James Retelas frjames@annunciationsac.org Associate Priest, Fr. Timothy Robinson frtimothy@annunciationsac.org P A R IS H C O U NC IL P R ES ID ENT George Dariotis georgedariotis@gmail.com P A R IS H MINIS T R Y Annunciation Senior League Bessie Papailias, President ska2lee@surewest.net Bookstore Lou Demas, Manager (916) 231-9949 Chanter Dusan Radosavljevic dushan@annunciationsac.org Greek Education Dimitra Dogias mimidogias@yahoo.com Music and Worship Bill Bobolis, Choir Director boboliswilliam@comcast.net January ’13 - Vol. 29, Issue 1 isfy us. God is Who and What we truly, desperately need. He fills our hearts with love. His Spirit shapes us and develops virtue in us. Life in Christ is the most exciting, real, and meaningful course we can take. This does not mean leaving the world and abandoning our responsibilities. It does mean following the basic path of Christian discipleship: Being part of the Church where we can receive God’s grace and serve others; praying every day, doing our own spiritual work; and remembering God at all times, being spiritually in His presence no matter where we are and what we are doing. This is victory. This is life. Saint Theophan the Recluse writes: “Here is where freedom is! The mind is bound with bonds of ignorance, delusions, superstitions, and uncertainties. It struggles, but cannot get away from them. Cleave to the Lord, and He will enlighten your darkness and dissolve all the bonds in which your mind languishes. The passions bind the will and do not give it space in which to act. It struggles like one bound hand and foot, and cannot get away. But cleave to the Lord and He will give you the strength of Samson, and will dissolve all the bonds of untruth that bind you. Constant worries surround the heart and give it no peace. But cleave to the Lord, and He will soothe you. Then, at peace, and seeing everything around you clearly, you will walk with the Lord without hindrance or stumbling through the gloom and darkness of this life, to the all-blessed, complete joy and spaciousness of eternity.” Is this your life? It can be! Let me challenge you at this beginning of the year to make God the center of your life. Want more information or direction? Call or email us. Happy New Year! Fr. Tim Philoptochos Society Elaine Wright, President joelainewright@hotmail.com Sunday School Patrick Fuss, Principal youtheducation@annunciationsac.org STAFF Parish Administrator Effie Theodor etheodor@annunciationsac.org Admin. Asst./Finances/Communications Maria Mavroforakis mmavroforakis@annunciationsac.org Financial Administrator Norine Geissler norine@annunciationsac.org Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Adult Education Continues January 9 & 10 Happy New Year! We are continuing our Adult Education in January. We are working our way through Dr. Daniel Clendenin's Eastern Orthodox Theology (2nd Edition, Baker Academic, 2001). The bookstore has copies. (The book is also available in Kindle format from Amazon.) Dr. Clendenin's book is a wonderful anthology of great Russian and Greek Orthodox writers on topics from worship to missions. Even if you were not able to participate in our discussions in the Fall, it is easy to “jump in.” Come and join us and learn about your Faith! Although times and days are subject to change in the New Year, we will tentatively offer two identical sessions, one on Wednesday morning, beginning at 10 AM with prayer in the church followed by class in our bookstore. The other session will be Thursday evening, beginning with prayer in our bookstore at 7 PM followed by class. 2 Annunciation Observer January ’13 - Vol. 29, Issue 1 FROM THE PARISH COUNCIL PRESIDENT Looking back on 2012 I am encouraged by some common themes relative to our parish community . The resilience ,vitality and generosity of our faithful. Navigating through the worst recession since the "Great Depression" has been difficult for all. Its consequences of home foreclosures, high fuel and energy prices and diminished personal and corporate investment portfolios have challenged and tested our spirit. Yet we have demonstrated new found resolve by continuing to volunteer when asked, offered our God given talent when required, and given of our treasures from our hearts. Our rich cultural past has shaped us as a people and past generations inspire us to carry on the legacy now and into the future. My fervent hope for 2013 is that we remain positive , by not dwelling on the negative. That we continue to respect the views and opinions of others even if we share a differing view. Finally and quite possibly most important that we not fall into the trap of judging each other in a disparaging manner. By working together in our church we can achieve the many benefits of our labors. It has been my honor and humble privilege to serve as your acting Parish Council president these last several months following the tragic passing of our beloved servant , Nick Voresis. His contributions endure. May you all have a Happy , Healthy and Prosperous New Year! God Bless you , George Dariotis Our parish council members (George & Michael Dariotis) hard at work cleaning up the parking lot 3 Annunciation Observer January ’13 - Vol. 29, Issue 1 ANNUNCIATION SENIOR LEAGUE We would like to thank the Annunciation Choir (under the direction of Choir Director Bill Bobolis) for not only sponsoring the December ASL luncheon, but for providing a beautiful holiday program narrated by Georgia Larson. It was truly wonderful and it was great to have audience participation with the Christmas carols that were sung! We always appreciate the support from our sister parochial organization. We would also like to thank Antigoni Marcos for preparing a delicious taramosalata and Mrs. Giobres for her donation of cakes in honor of our members born in December; Dena Kuchulis and Sophia Evrigenis for their generous door prize donations; Julie Mamalis for her creativity and decorations; and Tyke Kuchulis, John Christopulos, John Tatarakis, and John Kyriakidis for their never ending dedication in the kitchen. We also had a very special birthday, Merle Stathis (turning ever so young!), and special name day hronia pollas to Presbytera Barbara Retelas and Barbara Takanikos for their name days. A special thank you to our out of town guests from the Bay Area (and former Sacramentans!): Demetra Petrakis Andronico, Bessie Paras Econome, and Jim Vlamis. Thank you for joining us! My first year as your ASL president passed so quickly! A blink of an eye and it was December! As we close out 2012, I would be remiss if I did not thank the following individuals who have made ASL ever so successful this year! Our priests for their support and guidance throughout the year The ASL Board members for their continued work and support in ensuring that our luncheons and events continue Our kitchen crew and servers for all their dedication in preparing and serving our monthly luncheons and delicious meals The Parish Council for their continued support and presence at our luncheons and events Our sponsors who assist us in underwriting our luncheons and events which ensures full participation for all our seniors I personally wish to thank all of our members who are always there and are truly the heart of our organization. Without you, there would not be an ASL! As we begin 2013, our travel agents, Georgia Econome and Tasi Jones, are busy preparing for two upcoming trips: Crocker Art Museum – January 25th and Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute in Berkeley and Mare Island – March 7th. Please keep your eye out for our fliers and more details in the near future. Meeting dates: Please note that we will begin the New Year with our first luncheon on Tuesday, January 8, 2013. Future meetings scheduled for February 5, March 5, April 2, May 7, and June 4 (remember to pick up your ASL brochure at our first meeting!) May your holiday season be blessed and may the New Year bring you and your families health and happiness. Καλα Χριστουγεννα και καλεs ευχεs για το νεο ετοs! Bessie Papailias, ASL President 4 Annunciation Observer January ’13 - Vol. 29, Issue 1 Breakfast. February 24 - “Fabulous Cake Raffle”; March 16 - Lenten Retreat. PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS Chronia Polla! NEXT PHILOPTOCHOS MEETING TUESDAY JANUARY 8, 6:30 PM LOWER FELLOWSHIP ROOM – PLEASE JOIN US AND BRING A FRIEND. I hope this New Year finds you and your family all well. Philoptochos would like to extend to all Best Wishes for a Blessed, Healthy, and Happy New Year. Our thanks for your continued support through the years. God bless you for your caring and love. Your loving sister in Christ, Elaine Wright Philoptochos President Dial-a-Baklava was a sell out again. Thank you to Terre Terzakis, Donna Wagner and Helen Grammatikakis for doing this continuing project with the help of the ladies who come down to bake. I hope those of you who have supported Dial-a-Baklava enjoyed the great foods the ladies prepare. Small Group Bible Study Opportunity At Orthodox Natural Church Development (ONCD) Focus Groups earlier in the year, several people expressed an interest in forming small group Bible studies throughout our Parish Community. Several Orthodox parishes in our Metropolis have formed this type of ministry with great success. Small groups facilitate learning and growth in a supportive atmosphere. These groups would be limited to around a dozen plus people and may pursue a variety of interests, topical Bible studies, discussions, prayer, etc. We currently have parishioners in the Antelope and Folsom areas who are interested in hosting small group Bible Studies. If you are interested in possibly hosting in other geographic areas of our Parish, please plan to attend an informational meeting in January or February (date to follow). Philoptochos food, clothing and toy drive has been very successful. The donations have overflowed the narthex. Our Santa helpers Pres. Ellie and Peter Dogias took the turkeys and hams to the food bank. Thank you to all who gave donations for this very much needed assistance. The baskets for the home bound where picked up for delivery on Sunday, December 16. Faye Vallas and the committee prepared the baskets with care and love to bring the spirit of Christmas to others. We thank those who helped with donations and visitations. Our November events were very successful. The “Tasting Extravaganza”, proceeds help fund our charities and projects; Christmas Around the World, helps fund the church’s social services and Philoptochos Sunday goes to our National Philoptochos commitments to benefit philanthropic programs and charities of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the National Sisterhood of Presbyteras Benevolent Fund. Thank you to Georgia Avdalas for the Artoklasia for Philoptochos Sunday. Attend Annunciation's Learning Liturgies! After positive feedback, Annunciation will continue offering "Learning Liturgies" to enhance our understanding of our beautiful faith and rituals. Last year, this special service was conducted in the church hall as a learning opportunity for Sunday School children. We encourage children - and adults - to participate in these services that provide an up-close look and direct participation. The instruction will be divided into 5 services, all begin at 10AM in the Church Hall. Divine Liturgy will be held simultaneously in the Church. SAVE THE DATES: January 6, 2013 – Annual Philoptochos Vasilopita lunch after church; February 3 is Go Red Sunday (members wear red) for Women’s Heart Disease National Awareness Sunday; Month of February is Kids’n’Cancer month; February 10 - Pancake Sunday, Jan 13: Priest’s Prayers Before the Gospel Sunday, Feb 10: Anaphora Prayer (Cherubic Hymn) Sunday, March 10: Communion and Thanksgiving 5 Annunciation Observer January ’13 - Vol. 29, Issue 1 BOOKNOTES FOR A BRIGHT NEW YEAR ANNUNCIATION SEWING CIRCLE NEWS 2012 was a very Blessed year for the Bookstore; made the acquaintance of several new publishing companies and Icon sources including the handwritten works of Iconographer, Pavel Tikhomirov. Several of Pavel’s breath taking Icons are on display and for sale at the Bookstore; Christ the Royal Priest, Angel Gabriel, and St. George. We pray that God will continue to Bless the Bookstore as an Outreach source for our Church as well as a source for our parishioners to fill the spiritual needs of their families and homes. Greek people are known to love Lamb, but this little cartoon from CafeCrafts.com takes Lamb to a whole new level for we knitters and crocheters. I can't thank all of you enough for all that you did for Project Linus in 2012. You are Amazing!!! And, the need for comfort in the way of blankets for babies and children in crisis continues in 2013. God Bless you all with healthy hands so we can continue to help in this way again this year. Recently someone asked me what "Linus" was as in Project Linus. Just to clarify, you all know the cartoon, "Peanut's" with Charlie Brown, there is a character in that cartoon series who is never without carrying his blanket. His name is Linus. That blanket gives him a great sense of comfort and security so that's why the National Linus organization wanting to bring comfort and security to ill and traumatized children chose Project Linus for its name. Although Project Linus is a national organization each state has its own districts so most of our blankets are donated to/through local organizations. However, when there is a National crisis, such as with Hurricane Sandy, organizations from all states pitch in to meet the needs of adults and children. Again thank you all who participate. Spiritual Fragrance of Canada is a newly founded family owned publishing company now publishing a series of vividly illustrated books (for children and adults) portraying our church's most beloved Saints. These books were first published in Greece and are well known (there was a 2nd and 3rd edition). The family moved to Canada and translated the books and prepared their publication. Thus far, eight, sixteen page illustrated volumes have been published with more to follow. The Bookstore has also acquired a number of new books for young people that we are really excited about and additionally we have found several new sources for Icons, Kandillis, and other necessities for the Orthodox family and home so we hope you’ll drop in and check them all out! God Bless you all in the New Year! Xronia Polla! Marilyn Demas for the Bookstore This year, our Annunciation Sewing Circle is embarking on an additional project/prayer ministry; making prayer shawls for persons in our community who are going through illness or a particularly challenging time in their lives. As these shawls are knit or crocheted we will be praying that our Lord will embrace those persons in need with our prayers and love; to let people know that they are not alone, that God is with them and our love and prayers are with them also. It is said that a life sewn/knit together with prayer is less likely to unravel! Patterns and instructions will be available in the Annunciation Bookstore during the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. every day except Monday. The Church presents Mr. Andy Johas with an icon of St. Andrew in appreciation for his generous investment in our building program Xronia Polla! 6 Annunciation Observer January ’13 - Vol. 29, Issue 1 CHOIR NEWS Liturgical Schedule January 2013 Unless otherwise noted, all services begin with Although January is the beginning of a new year, the responsibilities - hence activities - of the Annunciation Choir continue as though there was never a break in the calendar. To all who participated in the annual Christmas Concert and Reception, thank you. A special thanks to Antigoni Marcos, Anna and Stephen LaBritt, who sponsored the holiday reception. The tradition of singing Christmas Carols for the residents of the Senior Citizens Center was well received, and the choir members especially enjoyed the wonderful food prepared by Voula Cazanis and her lovely daughters. Matins at 8:30 am, followed by the Divine Liturgy. Tuesday, January 1 Basil the Great Matins & Divine Liturgy: St. Friday, January 4 ophany 10 am Great Hours of The- Saturday, January 5 Forefeast of Theophany (Fast Day) Liturgy of St. Basil & Great Blessing of the Waters Sunday, January 6 Holy Theophany of our Lord Great Blessing of the Waters Annual Philoptochos Vasilopita Monday, January 7 Matins & Divine Liturgy: Synaxis of St. John the Baptist SAVE THE DATE.......The choir's annual crab feed is scheduled for Saturday, March 2nd. See the back page of this issue of the Observer. The choir's annual budget is supplemented from the proceeds of this traditional fund raiser. Projects within our own parish get first priority ( i.e. new music, file cabinets, etc. and secondly the Metropolis Annual Church Music Federation is an activity high on choir members activity list. Thank you in advance your support by attending the annual Crab Feed. Thursday, January 17: St. Anthony the Great Tuesday, January 22: St. Timothy (Fr. Tim’s Nameday) Wednesday, January 30: The Three Hierarchs For ticket information, contact either Bessie Papailias at 455-5888 or Bessie Pothos at 4893470. ALTAR&GUILD The&following&members&will&be&decorating& the&icons&for&the&month&of: January:(&& 4 Jane Bardis 11 Pauline Cazanis 18 Toni Chapralis 25 Julie Christie 2012 2013 ADVERTISING RATES FOR THE OBSERVER SIZE MONTHLY ANNUALLY Full Page $150 $1,250 Half-Page $80 $720 Quarter Page $45 $375 Business Card $25 $240 Back Page (full color) $150 The& purpose& of& this&guild&is&to&decorate& the& icons&used& during& the& Sunday&liturgies&and& special&Holy&Days. If& you& would& like& to& donate& money& toward& Clowers& in& honor& or& in& memory& of& a& loved& one,&please&contact&our&Church&ofCice&at&916J 443J2033. Not Available 7 Annunciation Observer January ’13 - Vol. 29, Issue 1 pated in the Christmas Pageant with the Sunday School Program. We thank all the children for their participation in the Christmas Pageant. We also hosted the 7th Greek Language Educator’s workshop with subjects around Early Childhood Education. The Workshop was organized with the help of the Hellenic Education and Culture Committee of the San Francisco Metropolis. The presentations were given by the colleagues from the Greek school in Belmont. We especially thank them. Ελληνικό Σχολείο/Greek School Καλή Χρονιά και Χρόνια Πολλά! Ευχόμαστε ότι το Νέο 7τος σας βρήκε γεμάτους με υγεία και χαρά. Κατά την διάρκεια του Δεκεμβρίου , εορτάσαμε τα Χριστούγεννα και συμμετείχαμε με το κατηχητικό σχολείο στην Χριστουγεννιάτικη γιορτή . Ευχαριστούμε όλα τα παιδιά για την συμμετοχή τους στο Χριστουγεννιάτικο Πρόγραμμα. Ε π ίσης φιλοξενήσαμε το 7 ο Διδασκαλικό / Επιμορφωτικό Σεμινάριο με θέματα γύρω από την διδασκαλία της νηπιακής ηλικίας. Το σεμινάριο οργανώθηκε με την βοήθεια της Ε π ιτρο π ής Ελληνικής Εκπαίδευσης Παιδείας και Πολιτισμού της Ιεράς Μητρο π όλεως Αγίου Φραγκίσκου . Οι π αρουσιάσεις δόθηκαν α π ό συναδέλφους του Ελληνικού Σχολείου του Μ π έλμοντ . Τις ευχαριστούμε ιδιαιτέρως. Due to the high number of students enrolled in the PreK-K class we have had to split the class in two. PreK and K now are taught separately, in the first two classrooms. We currently have five classes being taught simultaneously. With the exception of the adult class, we use the Archdiocese books for all classes as well as copies to supplement the materials. With the help and generosity of two families from our community we now have two new printers/copiers for the Greek school. Λόγω του μεγάλου αριθμού εγγεγραμμένων μαθητών στην π ρο - νη π ιακή και νη π ιακή τάξη , αναγκαστήκαμε να χωρίσουμε την τάξη σε δυο ξεχωριστά τμήματα. 7τσι, τώρα έχουμε πέντε τμήματα ελληνικών που διδάσκονται ταυτόχρονα. Χρησιμοποιούμε τα βιβλία της Αρχιεπισκοπής για όλα τα τμήματα εκτός των ενηλίκων καθώς και φωτοτυπίες. Με την βοήθειά και γενναιοδωρία δύο οικογενειών της κοινότητας έχουμε δύο καινούργια εκτυπωτικά/φωτοτυπικά για το Ελληνικό σχολείο μας. We would also like to inform you that if you are interested in teaching Greek and becoming a member of our team for next year, we are accepting resumes. We want to have a complete team so that all teachers can participate in the seminars that will be given to all the teachers prior to the end of this year. On January 27th, at the church of St. Nicholas in San Jose, we will celebrate the feast of the Three Hierarchs and the Greek Letters Day. During the celebration, awards and commendations will be given to the children that participate in the 2nd School Competition in Writing, and Arts and Craft Exhibit. Θα ήθελα επίσης να αναφέρω ότι εάν κάποιος/α ενδιαφέρεται να διδάξει του χρόνου στο Ελληνικό Σχολείο και θέλει να γίνει μέλος της ομάδας μας, δεχόμαστε βιογραφικά. Θέλουμε να έχουμε μια πλήρη ομάδα ούτος ώστε να συμμετέχουν όλοι οι δάσκαλοι/ες στα σεμινάρια που θα δοθούν πριν το τέλος αυτής της εκπαιδευτικής χρονιάς. 6th Annual Dive for the Cross Sunday, January 6, 2013 Στις 27 Ιανουαρίου 2013, στην εκκλησία του Αγίου Νικολάου του San Jose θα εορταστεί η γιορτή των Τριών Ιεραρχών και η Ημέρα των Ελληνικών Γραμμάτων. Κατά την διάρκεια της εορτής τα βραβεία και οι έπαινοι συμμετοχής θα δοθούν στα π αιδιά π ου θα συμμετάσχουν στο 2 ο Σχολικό Διαγωνισμό Συγγραφής και 7κθεσης Ζωγραφικής και Χειροτεχνίας για τον εορτασμό της Ημέρας των Ελληνικών Γραμμάτων και των Τριών Ιεραρχών. 5:00 pm Anatolia Clubhouse Pool 11828 Chrysanthy Blvd., Rancho Cordova, CA, 95742 Happy New Year and Chronia Polla! We wish that you have a great Happy New Year, filled with health and happiness. During the month of the December, we celebrated Christmas and partici- 8 Annunciation Observer January ’13 - Vol. 29, Issue 1 SAINT OF THE MONTH ORTHODOXY 101 John the Hut-Dweller Celebrated on January 15 1. Here's an easy one. What relationship was St. John the Baptist to Christ? a. Step brother b. Uncle c. Cousin d. Nephew Reading Saint John, who was from Constantinople, was the son of illustrious parents -- Eutropius the Senator and Theodora. At twelve years of age he departed secretly from his home and went to the Monastery of the Unsleeping (see Dec. 29). Aflame with longing for his parents, he returned after six years to his father's home in the guise of a pauper and beggar. Living in a small hut at the gates of his parents' house (wherefrom he is called "hut-dweller"), he remained unknown therein for many years, and suffered mockery at the hands of those who had been his own servants. Foreknowing his death, he revealed himself to his parents, and within a few moments reposed, about the year 450. 2. St. Tatiana the Martyr, was the daughter of a distinguished counsel during the 2nd century in the City in which she was martyred. What was that city? a. Moscow b. Rome c. Jerusalem d. Ephesus 3. The name Timetheos means honoring God and indeed St Timothy did just that. Incredibly, he was martyred in 80 A.D. at the age of 97. St. Timothy was the disciple of whom? a. Christ b. Paul c. James d. Peter 4. St Ephraim was born in Mesopotamia, at the beginning of the 4th century. He attended the 1st Ecumenical Council. Later he became an inspirational and prolific writer in Edessa. This Saint became known most for what talent? a. Hymnography b. Iconography c. Writing Homilies d. Preaching Apolytikion in the Fourth Tone Since thou hadst with fervour longed after the Lord from thy youth, * thou leftest the world with its delights and nobly didst strive in valiant ascetic deeds. * Thou didst pitch thy hut before the gates of thy parents; * thou didst break the demons' snares, O all-blessed Father. * And therefore, as is meet, hath Christ God glorified thee, O John. 5. BONUS QUESTION: St Xenia, January 24th, like St Tatiana was the daughter of distinguished parents. Xenia whose name was changed from Euseubia to conceal her identity became a deaconess of what city? a. Mylasa in Asia Minor b. Rome c. Constantinople d. Athens Kontakion in the Second Tone Since thou didst desire a poverty like unto Christ's, O wise Father John, thou didst forsake thy parents' wealth; and while holding in thy hands the most holy Gospel, O righteous one, thou didst follow after Christ God while ceaselessly praying to Him for us all. Answers on page 13 9 Annunciation Observer January ’13 - Vol. 29, Issue 1 STEWARDSHIP MESSAGE OPERATING FUND Happy New Year Annunciation Parishioners, Year to Date 12/18/12 2012 Budget YTD Pledges $395,005 $425,000 All Other Revenue $296,270 $600,665 Total Revenue $691,275 $729,395 $392,567 $404,041 Income The start of a new year means a new beginning whether to practice healthier eating habits or spend more time with our family. More important, it’s a time for us as Orthodox Christians to commit to praying more, making time to read the Bible, attending Church more often, and offering our time, talents, and treasures. These are resolutions that will change our lives. When you complete your 2013 pledge card, please consider using the 3% giving guideline. Expenses 3% Giving Guideline Household Income Weekly Total Staff Exp. Monthly $ 250,000 $ 144.25 $ 625 Program Services $10,077 $15,800 $ 200,000 $ 115.40 $ 500 Other Oper. Exp. $186,951 $196,754 $ 150,000 $ 86.00 $ 375 $94,000 $112,800 $ 100,000 $ 57.00 $ 250 Archdiocese National Ministries $ 90,000 $ 51.00 $ 225 $683,595 $729,395 $ 80,000 $ 46.00 $ 200 $ 70,000 $ 40.00 $ 175 $ 60,000 $ 34.00 $ 150 $ 50,000 $ 28.00 $ 125 $ 40,000 $ 23.00 $ 100 $ 30,000 $ 17.30 $ 75 Total Expense Balance as of $7,680 12/18/12 2012 Pledges as of December 18, 2012 On behalf of the Annunciation Stewardship Ministry, I wish you a blessed year. Sincerely and with love in Christ, George Dariotis Stewardship Budget $425,000 Pledged to Date $417,195 Total Amount Received to Date $395,780 Total Members Pledged 10 500 Annunciation Observer January ’13 - Vol. 29, Issue 1 Studies in the Faith: Wednesday Evenings Father James will conduct an eight-week survey course on the Orthodox Christian faith, beginning Wednesday, January 9. Classes will be in the Bookstore beginning at 7:00 pm. The dates and topics are: Wednesday, January 9 The Church or the Bible: Which Came First? Wednesday, January 16 Church History: The First Thousand Years Wednesday, January 23 Church History: The Second Thousand Years Wednesday, January 30 The Sacraments (Part I) Wednesday, February 6 The Sacraments (Part II) Wednesday, February 13 “Teleturgics” (in church) Wednesday, February 20 Ethics & Spirituality Wednesday, February 27 The Liturgy after the Liturgy THE ANNUNCIATION PARISH MILESTONES DECEMBER WEDDINGS December 29 Christina Fotopoulos and George Koumbis Vasilis Kalivas, Sponsor DECEMBER FUNERALS & MEMORIALS – May Their Memory Be Eternal! Funerals December 6 Angeliki Kivetos Memorials December 2 Sophia Fotinakes (Forty Days) December 16 Spero Jouganatos(One Year) Teckleab Berhane (One Year) December 30 Stamatios Kypridakes and Apostolos Chrisopoulos (Fifteen Years) Argero Chrisopoulos (Eleven Years) Styliani Kypridakes (Eight Years) 11 Annunciation Observer January ’13 - Vol. 29, Issue 1 ANNUNCIATION ONCD PROJECT UPDATE: Youth Director: a "job description" is being finalized by team members. ONCD Teams have continued meeting to address Key Category issues: STRUCTURES AND COMMUNICATION TEAM: Team Members met in December, areas of focus include setting up guidelines for establishing a uniform Master Parish Calendar and also assessing current Parish wide communication modes. WELCOMING NEWCOMERS TEAM: •Sunday Greeter Program/ Welcoming Table: Has been established. Please stop by the Welcoming Table in the Hellenic Center to view materials and information. OUTREACH TEAM: Team members met in December. Planning is in progress to develop support for those in grief or who are ill. •Greeter Training: Volunteers who will serve as Greeters on a rotating basis will meet in January 2013 for training (date TBD). Please contact Jane Bardis if you are interested. • ORTHODOX EDUCATION TEAM: • New Welcoming Folder: Printed materials are being finalized and will soon be available. LITURGICAL RENEWAL TEAM: The first "Monthly Interactive Sermon" was conducted by Fr. James Sunday, December 9th on the subject of Confession. Future Interactive Sermon dates: January 20th, February 24th, March 17th and April 14th. Please watch for subject details for each date. Monthly Learning Liturgies: to teach liturgical components to Sunday School Students, parishioners or newcomers who would like a deeper understanding. Upcoming dates: January 13th, February 10th and March 10th. All take place at 10:00 AM in the Hellenic Center. • Lenten Prayer Activity: planning is underway, please watch for details. • Fall Religious Retreat: Scheduled for October 2013. Potential topics: "How to Raise an Orthodox Child” or “Orthodox Marriage." Details to follow. YOUTH MINISTRY TEAM: • Small Group Bible Study: Informational training will be scheduled early in 2013 for those interested in hosting Small Group Bible Study in their homes. Sunday School: 26 students were recognized in Church for excellent attendance. Attendance will also be rewarded on a quarterly basis with special activities. Greek Dance: Double-practice schedule is underway. Attendance monitored to assure participation in all parish activities. GOYA: First meeting and elections were held. Members also volunteered for Blessings in a Backpack. The "Giving Tree" charity event is underway, along with the "New Blanket" drive. YAL: First gathering was held in December, followed by volunteering for Blessings in a Backpack. More events to come. Should you have any questions or wish to help with the ONCD Teams above, please contact any team members below. Faithfully in Christ, Annunciation ONCD Team: Jane Bardis,Stephanie Bobolis, Jim Chuchas, Emily Coleman, Lou Demas, Marilyn Demas, Koula Fotopoulos, Bernadette Kontos and Gary Leonard 12 Annunciation Observer January ’13 - Vol. 29, Issue 1 SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS THE ANNUNCIATION GOYA Thanks go to Mrs. Kristen Kane for putting together our Christmas Pageant. It is wonderful to see the kids work together on a project of this magnitude. We are proud of the kids and their families that have made it to our perfect and outstanding attendance. Religious eduction is part for our mission and it's that much more enriching if the students attend regularly. We will have a miniature golf outing to celebrate on January 12, weather permitting. We will once again have the Dive for the Cross at the clubhouse in the Anatolia community in Rancho Cordova. Let's gather at 5 PM to get things rolling. After the dive, we will once again have gyros, hot chocolate and other refreshments. On behalf of the Sunday School staff, we wish you all a very heathly and happy new year. Patrick Fuss Thank the following... Dr. Nick Rotas – GOYA Sweatshirts Giving Tree Donors – collected $750 Donors for the “Share the Warmth” blanket Drive The Annunciation Church Office Wish all of you We had 5 kids with perfect attendance: Athena Eriksson (jr high) Christopher Warren (Kindergarten) Denny Warren (Preschool) Alexandra Gallo (Nursery) Bennett Greenberg (Nursery) ΧΡΟΝΙΑ ΠΟΛΛΑ We had 21 kids with 80% attendance: Antonio Kufasimis Elias Tipton William Coleman Marina Mamalis Nasia Delis Ryan Coleman William Durrell Alexander Eriksson Evi Tsiopou Maria Klostrakis Sophia Pantis Sofia Delis Adrianna Durrell Apostolos Delis Dennis Margaris Katerina Petsalis Ryan Tasakos Luke Dariotis Athan Garavello Christos Tsakopoulos Katelyn Greenberg Answers to Orthodoxy 101 from page 9: Answers to Orthodoxy 101: 1, c. [His mother Elizabeth was the Theotokas maternal aunt]; 2, b; 3, a & b [St. St Timothy is recognized by the Church as one of Christs seventy disciples and Timothy was a disciple of St Paul.]; 4. a [St Ephraim is known by the nickname "Harp of the Holy Spirit" and is called the first and greatest hymnographer of the Church. 5. Bonus Question: b. Rome. 13 Annunciation Observer January ’13 - Vol. 29, Issue 1 PHOTO GALLERY- 2012 OXI DAY LUNCHEON 14 Annunciation Observer January ’13 - Vol. 29, Issue 1 2012 PLEDGED MEMBERS Georgia Adams Thomas & Shirle Adams Nick & Shari Alexander Christ & Helen Anastasopoulos Constantine & Kelly Anastasopoulos George Anastasopoulos Helen Anderson Jason & Martha Anderson Geoffrey & Antonia Antipa Milton & Panorea Apostolidis Mary Apostolos Paul & Elizabeth Arellanes Andrianos & Kathy Argyropoulos Marina Argyropoulos George Asimakopoulos John & Maria Asimakopoulos Theodoros & Georgia Avdalas Nicholas & Nikki Avdis Spyridon & Georgia Avdis Manny & Sunday Balalis Dan & Katherine Ballas Diana Ballas Elias & Jane Bardis Helen K. Beaudry Emmanuel Berhane Dionesia P. Bertakis Susan Bitar Bill & Evelyn Bobolis Jamie Bobolis Stephanie Bobolis Denny Boom Alexander & Eleni Bourdaniotis Paul & Kostandina Bourdaniotis Paul & Lori Boylan Marie Bravou Rhea & Daniel Brunner Anna Brusco Katherine Buttacavoli Andonia Cakouros Peter & Sophia Callas Donald Cannon Rebecca Carbone Larry & Anna Carr Peter & Fotine Casheros George & Koula Cazanis John & Georgia Cazanis John P. & Maria Cazanis Mary J. Cazanis Pauline Cazanis Voula Cazanis Dean Chalios Harry & Sonia Champas Tonia Champas Gus Changaris Tim & Antonia Chapralis Timmy & Penny Chatzis Jack & Bessie Chesson Tony & Kathi Chrisopoulos Andrew Christi Louis & Mary Christi Pete & Maria Christi William Christie George & Kathy Christopulos John & Annette Christopulos George & Melinda Chuchas James & Despina Chuchas James & Toula Clubb Georgia & Craig Cohen Anthony & Katerina Commandatore Dennis & Jeanlaurie Corelis Carol Crisp Vasiliki Cronin Timothy & Effie Crush Kathryne Curtin Mary J. Curtis George & Christine Dariotis Georgia Dariotis John & Nitsa Dariotis Michael Dariotis Fany Darzins Irene DeKellis Efthymios & Grammatoula Delis John & Despina Demas John & Marianna Demas Kyriakos John Demas Louis & Marilyn Demas Matthew John Demas William G. & Suzanne Demas Lou & Maria Deville Dorothy Diamond Tom Dicktakes Jack & Bessie Dietz Angelo & Adel Dimitropoulos Michael & Staci Disantis Constantine & Ruth Docous Nicholas & Laura Docous Elizabeth Dokimos Ernest & Kathy Dokimos Katherine Dole Elaine Donovan Demosthenis & Evangelia Douveas Steven & Marina Downing Demos & Bessie Dulger Sheikin James & Patricia Duvaras George & Marilyn Econome Georgia Econome Zachary & Sarah Edson Nicholas & Jeanne Efstratis 15 Chris Eliopulos Theodora Eowan Tom & Ann Erdmann Dan & Maria Eriksson Bill & Leah Evrigenis John & Sophia Evrigenis Karen Poulos-Firth Lindsey Fostinis Christina Petroula Fotopoulos George & Kathy Fotopoulos John & Theofani Fotopoulos Pete Fotopoulos Peter & Koula Fotopoulos Philip & Soula Fotopoulos Danny Fotos Demetre & Christine Fotos Eugene & Agnes Fotos Kyriako & Brenda Fotos Ruseta Fotos Kyriakos & Elaine Frangogiannis Robert & Christina Freeworth Patrick & Susan Fuss Gus & Stelene Galaxidas Nick Galaxidas Melissa Gallo Andrew Ganetsos John & Maria Gassoumis Andrew & Teresa Gates Constantine & Maude Genigeorgis Michael Genung Nikolaos & Thalia Georgalis Joann Georgallis Pericles(Perry) Georgallis John & Debbie George Chris & Angie Georgoulias Helen Gianakakis Angela Gianopulos Angela & Chris Gianulias Denise Gilbert Sandra Giobres George Giokas Steve Giranis Donald & Elaine Glum Alexandra Gousetis Lener & Carmie Lee Gousetis Helen Grammatikakis Paul Grellas Louis & Georgette Grivetti Elsie Gust George & Eleni Hagios Nader & Vivian Hamameh Stephen & Anne Hamilton Demetre & Dimitra Haralambakis Larry Haralambakis Annunciation Observer January ’13 - Vol. 29, Issue 1 2012 PLEDGED MEMBERS Thomas & Phyllis Harper Dannan & Lisa Harr Mark & Katina Harris Elias & Catherine Hatzakos Toula Hatzopoulos Richard & Kim Hauch Domna & James Hebenstreit Connie Henderson Sean & Angelica Herra Maria & Christopher Higdon Anastasios & Stefanie Hionis Ameen & Georgia Hofioni Matthew & Lisa Holm Julian B. & Diane Holt Joanne Horrell Dino & Margarita Jakovas Andrew Johas Christopher & Janine Johnson Eppie Johnson Jacob Johnson Myra Johnson Kiki Jouganatos Chris Jovalis Mary Ellen Jovalis James & Robin Kafouros Phyllis Marie Kafouros John & Stella Kakavas Periklis Kalfountzos Evangelia & Robert Kalivas Pantelis & Patricia Kallergis Dennis & Robin Kamilos Evangelos Kamilos George & Michelle Kamilos Nick & Andreanna Kamilos Christopher & Kristen Kane Michael & Stacie Kane Andrew Kantargis Gus & Ana Kapandritis George Karagianes Mike & Anthi Karas George & Mary Ellen Kassotakis Lucas & Charlotte Kastanes George Kastanis Terry & Penny Kastanis Stella Kastoras James Katsilometes Niko & Emorfia Katsimbras Dan & Maria Kaufman Andreas & Evelyn Kazanis Ioannis & Cindy Kazanis Theodore & Andromachi Kennedy Anthony & Gail Kentroti James & Effie Kentroti Bess A. Kerhoulas Connie Keriotis Victoria Kidman Denise Kincaid Fay Kirkopulos Stevie Kivetos Peter & Jennie Kleary Nektarios & Maria Klostrakis Christine Kockinis Pete & Maria Kokkinis Gus Kokotis Polidefkis & Calliope Kolitsos Sotiris & Matina Kolokotronis George & Mary Kondos Anthony Kontes Lucas & Stella Kontes Mary Kontes Helen Kontos Nick & Bernadette Kontos George Koufasimis George & Elizabeth Koumis George & Dena Kouremetis George & Rula Kouretas John & Colleen Kreatsoulas Constantino & Dena Kuchulis Loula Kufasimes Nicholas & Michele Kufasimes George Kutuvinis John & Mary Kyriakides Greg & Vassie Kyritsis J.J. LaBritt Jonny LaBritt Stephen & Anna LaBritt Henry & Maria Lafayette Leo & Cathy LaGesse Gus & Frances Lambrose Katherine Lampros Ellie Lane Dean & Diane Langley Ronald & Georgia Langley Maria Lappas Georgia Larson Desi Lashgari Mandy Latzen Andrea Lendaris Greg Lendaris Gary & Irina Leonard Theodore Leonis David & Gabriela Lewis Esther Lilakos John & Rose Lionakis Maria Liondakis Elena Livanis Jesus & Helen Loaiza Dionisia Lolas Lance & Kathy Loper Helen Loris 16 Marie Loris Nadine Loris Alice Loris-Lyons Anastasia Lovett Chris & Christine Lovett Richard & Mary Lydon Katherine MacDonald Frank & Nicolette Madrid Elaina & Gary Magana Geraldine Magers Chris & Maro Maguire James Makris Stanley Makris Thomas & Yiota Makris Jim & Julie Mamalis Athanasia Manikas Exaveria (Rula) Manikas John & Gina Manikas Katherine Manolakas Sam & Kerry Manolakas Anne Manolis Timothy & Annette Manolis Athanasios & Stella Manolopoulos George & Marina Mantis Tino Manus Andoni & Maria Maragakis Marilena Maragakis Sam & Ann Marandos Antigoni Marcos Katherine Marefos Steve & Katherine Margaris Nellie Margarite Sylvia Maritsas Nia Marketos Helen Markos Dennis & Nancy Marks Ellen & Jonathon Martin Jon Martino George Mategakis Varghese & Elisabeth Mathew Antonios & Maria Mavroforakis Vaso Mayer John & Vicki Meers Helen Mellas Sam & Olympia Mercuris Yonas & Lydia Mesfun Betty Metropoulos Theodore & Esther Metropoulos Helen & Lawrence Michel Pamela & Edward Middleton Shirley Mihalakos Jack & Marque Molodanof Valarie Morgan George & Jana Morris Tula Morris Annunciation Observer January ’13 - Vol. 29, Issue 1 2012 PLEDGED MEMBERS Anghesom & Yorsalem Naizgi Norman & Ellen (Moustris) Newman George & Gaye Nicholau Marian Nicholau Theodore Nicolos Anna Nikolaou Howard & Stella Norris Victoria & Timothy Nye Daniel & Kathryn O'Connell Alice Ousley Fred & Vera Pagel Tom Panages Nick & Contilo Pandeleon Peter & Gina Pandelopoulos Charles & Dessie Pantages Peter & Marie Pantages Theodore Pantages Effie Pantelias Tom & Penny Pantelopoulos Maria Pantis Yianni & Kelly Pantis John & Margaret Papadakis John Papagiannopoulos Bessie Papailias Martha Papailias Beatrice A. Pape Kalliroy Pappas Louie & Voula Pappas Mary A. Pappas Helen Paras Demetre & Susan Paraskevas Paris & Helen Paraskevas Christy Parisi Perry & Kiki Parker Jerry & Catherine Pavlatos Constantine & Brigid Perakis Christopher & Chanel Perinati David & Jenny Perinati Denise Perinati Paul & Shirley Peters Diane Petersen Bassilios & Georgia Petrakis Gus & Lillian Petrakos Stella & Michael Petrucci Fotis & Tammy Petsalis Dorotheia Pooler Bogdan & Valentina Popescu Bessie Pothos Sophia Potiris George & Maro Poulos Lucky & Dina Poulos Marshall & Carole Pryor James & Helen Psihopaidas Dusan Radosavljevic Julie & Greg Rausser Genevieve Repp Father James & Barbara Retelas Father Timothy & Pres. Marsha Robinson Antonia Rogers Demetri & Malamo Romas John & Penny Romas Mark & Michelle Roos Dino & Evelyn Rotas Helen Rotas Nicholas & Carol Rotas George & Mary Roussas Kiriaki Rozakis Joan Saetes Peter & Jodie Sakaris James & Sylvia Salidas Leo & Katherine Sampanis Demetra Sargetis Tony & Angeliki Sargetis Milton & Rheanon Sarlis Speros & Panayiota Sarlis Demetrise Scandalis Diane Scandalis Alexis Scandalis Genung John & Helen Scherer Daniela & Andrew Schmidt Nacky & Donald Schmidt Ioanna Schnell Monica & Michael Scott Cynthia Sefakis Frances Sellas Ralph & Vasi Sett Kevin & Debbie Shields Mary & Maurice Silva John & Georganna Sinadinos Alex & Lia Sioukas Jack & Lillian Sioukas Nikitas Skondras Anthony & Judy Smernes Anthony & Stacey Smernes John & Tina Sobol George & Katherine Spanos Jan Spanos Demetrios Spyridakis Stylianos & Klea Spyridakis Vasilios Spyridakis Steve & Rachel Squaglia Dessie & Sam Stamas Charles & Florence Stamos Peter Stamos Jan Stathis Merle Stathis Bess Stathos Mary Leona Stathos 17 Nick & Helene Stathos Tony & Mary J. Stathos Maria Stefanou Nicholas & Heather Stewart John Takanikos John & Barbara Takanikos Althea & Fred Tatarakis Art & Terre Terzakis Effie Theodor Ourania Theodor Sophie Theodore Chris & Sofia Theodorou Gregory & Mary Theophilopoulos Brent Thiese Pearl Thomas Steven Tingus Chris & Angeline Tinios Jerry & Marian Trapp William & Joann Triphon Angelo & Sofia Tsakopoulos Angelo G. & Katerina Tsakopoulos Drosoula Tsakopoulos John & Dena Tsakopoulos Sofia Tsakopoulos Vasilis & Sofia Tsigaris Jasmine & Jude Turczynski Maria Tzanakakis George & Margo Tzikas Mari Tzikas John & Antiope Tzouras Scott & Vivian Vail James & Faye Vallas Michael Vasile Rena Vasile Emmanuel & Yiota Vasiliou George Vasiliou Mary Vasos Nick & Christina Vathis Pauline Vathis Aleko & Maria Verrios Vasilis & Judy Verrios Athanasia & Anthony Virgadamo Loukia Vlahos Michael Vlamis Cally Voresis Nicki Voresis Pavlo Voresis Dimitri Vouros Douglas & Donna Wagner Richard & Valentina Watts Daniel & Donis Whaley Maria Kostidou Workman Jerry & Elaine Wright Theodora Yazigi Annunciation Observer January ’13 - Vol. 29, Issue 1 2012 PLEDGED MEMBERS Andreas & Becky Yerocostas Anestis & Areti Yiaslas Athanasios Yiaslas Haig & Irene Zeronian Sophia Zogopoulos Tony & Carolyn Zogopoulos ADVERTISERS CALENDAR 18 Annunciation Observer January ’13 - Vol. 29, Issue 1 19 Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation Annunciation Observer 3022 F Street January ’13 - Vol. 29, Issue 1 Sacramento, CA 95816 Non-Profit Org. 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