2015.01 - January Observer.pages - Annunciation Greek Orthodox
2015.01 - January Observer.pages - Annunciation Greek Orthodox
T H E A N N U N C I A T I O N OBSERVER J A N U A R Y FELLOW PARISHIONERS: A Happy New Year to all! The month of December here at Annunciation has been filled with music, fellowship, prayer, love and joy. Our church was magnificently decorated for Christmas by a team of talented women. Thank you to JANE BARDIS, JULIE MAMALIS, DONIS WHALEY, and others, for volunteering their time. Parish Council elections were held and I thank, once again, Chairman NICK KONTOS, TERRE TERZAKIS and ANDREAS YEROCOSTAS of the Board of Elections for coordinating and presiding over the election pro cess. GEORGE CHUCHAS, MICHAEL DARIOTIS, NICK ROTAS and GEORGE DARIOTIS return for three year terms. In addition, Elaine Wright was elected to the Annunciation Endowment Fund Board. Congratulations to all candidates. The GAPA Supreme Lodge voted to award our church the sum of $2,000 for repair and recovering of the pew kneelers, with the local chapter providing the balance of funds to complete this 2 0 1 5 - V O L . 3 1 project. Thank you to GAPA for their generous acts of kindness. If you haven’t visited the choir loft lately, you may want to do so. Recently completed work includes new carpeting, seat cushions on the pews, and fresh paint on the stairwells. All thanks to our beautiful choir for making it happen. I am sure there will be more improvements to come. Stay tuned. The Annunciation Choir Christmas Concert took place on the evening of December 21 and it was one of the best ever. Not only well attended, but beautifully presented by our own GEORGIA LARSON, who eloquently narrated, and JAMIE BOBOLIS who directed. This year the choir filled the church with the magical sounds of Christmas, leaving everybody teary-eyed with soloists and duets. The concert was followed with a wonderful dessert reception in the Hellenic Center hosted by the MARCOS and LABRITAKIS families. Another amazing performance was our annual Sunday School Christmas Pageant, led and directed by KRISTEN I S S U E 1 KANE and members of the Sunday School staff. The children once again exceeded all expectations and truly delivered a wonderful program in church. IN THIS EDITION featured PARISH COUNCIL REPORT ………… 1 SUNDAY SCHOOL ………… 3 PHILOPTOCHOS …………. 5 BOOKNOTES ……………. 6 ASL NEWS ……………. 6 METROPOLIS STRATEGIC PLAN…… 7 ONCD II …………… 8 THE BUILD …………… 8 COMMUNITY CORNER ……………. 10 STEWARDSHIP …………………. 11 CALENDAR …………… 12 ADVERTISEMENTS …………… 13 2 ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE ANNUNCIATION 3022 F STREET SACRAMENTO, CA 95816 9 16 - 4 43 - 2 0 3 3 WWW.ANNUNCIATION.CA.GOARCH.ORG PUBLISHED MONTHLY EXCEPT FOR JULY CLERGY PRESIDING PRIEST, FR. JAMES RETELAS FRJAMES@ANNUNCIATIONSAC.ORG ASSOCIATE PRIEST, FR. TIMOTHY ROBINSON FRTIMOTHY@ANNUNCIATIONSAC.ORG PARISH COUNCIL GEORGE DARIOTIS GEORGEDARIOTIS@GMAIL.COM PARISH MINISTRIES ANNUNCIATION SENIOR LEAGUE BESSIE PAPAILIAS, PRESIDENT SKA2LEE@SUREWEST.NET BOOKSTORE LOU DEMAS, MANAGER (916) 231-9949 BOOKSTORE@ANNUNCIATIONSAC.ORG CANTOR DUSAN RADOSAVLJEVIC DUSHAN@ANNUNCIATIONSAC.ORG GREEK DANCE KELLY PANTIS KELLY@PANTIS.BIZ GREEK EDUCATION KATERINA LAGOS, DIRECTOR LAGOSK@SACLINK.CSUS.EDU MUSIC AND WORSHIP BILL BOBOLIS, CHOIR DIRECTOR BOBOLISWILLIAM@COMCAST.NET In January there are numerous events scheduled. On the fourth, the Affirmation of Office will be administered to the 2015 Parish Council after Liturgy, followed by election of officers in the library. The Philoptochos Vasilopita Luncheon also takes place on that day. DSG presents “Family Game Night” on January 9th at the Hellenic Center featuring pizza, snacks, beverages and lots of fun and prizes for the entire family. Please support our dancers by attending this event. On January 11th following Liturgy, there will be a Metropolis Strategic Plan presentation conducted by our “Parish Advocate,” JIM CHUCHAS. Jim will outline the plan and elaborate on the core values and vision for our Metropolis in the coming years. Please try and attend this very important and informative presentation that has been fully endorsed by His E m i n e n c e M e tropolitan Gerasimos. O t her up co ming Parish events can be found on our Parish website and weekly bulletin. Staying informed and involved in Parish life is a blessing for all of us. Avail yourselves as to what the church offers for our betterment and wellbeing, not only culturally, but spiritually as well. As we look ahead to 2015, may all of us work together in love and harmony by respecting what makes us different and embracing what makes us alike as Orthodox Christians. May the New Year bring you much happiness, health and prosperity, Sincerely, GEORGE DARIOTIS For the Parish Council A special thank you to our Board of Elections co mmit tee fo r th eir flawless administration of our Parish Council election for the 2015 term. PHILOPTOCHOS SOCIETY CHRISTINE DARIOTIS, PRESIDENT CDARIOTIS@GOLYON.COM SUNDAY SCHOOL EMILY COLEMAN, PRINCIPAL EMILYJANE111@GMAIL.COM STAFF PARISH ADMINISTRATOR EFFIE THEODOR ETHEODOR@ANNUNCIATIONSAC.ORG FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR MARIA MAVROFORAKIS MMAVROFORAKIS@ANNUNCIATIONSAC.ORG OFFICE HOURS MONDAY - FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M. An d y e t a n o th e r thank you to all our stewards, young and old, who participated in the election process. JANUARY 2015 MONTHLY OBSERVER $200 SCHOLARSHIP TO ST NICHOLAS RANCH SUMMER CAMP NOW AVAILABLE TO ANNUNCIATION YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL January Events Calendar: PENNIES FOR PATIENTS RAISED OVER $800! Our Sunday School children can now receive a $200 summer camp fee scholarship! We are pleased to announce a scholarship of $200 for children with 90% + Sunday School attendance from September, 2014 – April, 2015. Or your child can opt for a $100 credit to the Annunciation Book Store. Questions? Ask Dessi Chuchas at desbes60@att.net. COFFEE HOUR ASSISTANTS GET NEW APRONS! Thanks to GAPA for these new blue aprons donated to our youth! They will wear them when helping serve during coffee hour or at any other church event. 3 4th grade and up can serve food, assist parishioners, bus tables and be our Annunciation Youth Servers. And they receive service hour credits toward the Challenge of Ten program! Your child can help beginning January 4th. We are also looking for a few parents to help the children just once per month or so! kelly@pantis.biz 9 1 6 . 6 1 6 . 74 7 1 to sign-up. 2015 METROPOLIS SUMER CAMP DATES ANNOUNCED The Summer Camp ministry at Saint Nicholas Ranch and Retreat Center in Dunlap, CA organized by the Metropolis Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries, is announcing its 35th season! All sessions are for campers ages 8 – 18. Session 1: July 5-11 Session 2: July 12-18 Session 3: July 19-25 Congratulations to GOYA for managing a successful fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma So ciety. Special thanks to SOFIA PANTIS and SOPHIA DELIS for chairing this effort. The classrooms and hall donation boxes brought in over $350 and their efforts were more than doubled by a parishioner’s matching contribution to reward our children’s efforts. We look forward to seeing what our youth will do next! Thanks also We understand how busy family schedules can be and hope some of the to TAMMY PETSALIS for encourbeautiful services, below, will fit your calendar. We hope to see you there! aging our GOYA youth to take on these meaningful projects. If your child wants to improve his or her Sunday School attendance - we have many opportunities! THURSDAY, JANUARY 1: 10 AM, Saint Basil the Great BLESSINGS IN A BACKPACK BOOK COLLECTION All parishioners are invited to bring in gently used or new books for elementary aged children ( Ki nde rg a r te n t h ro ugh 6t h grade). All books donated will be placed in the backpacks of the children in our parish’s Blessings in a Backpack program from Bowling Green school. MONDAY, JANUARY 5: 10 AM, The Great Hours of Theophany MONDAY, JANUARY 5: 6 PM, Fore-Feast of Theophany Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St. Basil TUESDAY, JANUARY 6: 10 AM, Holy Theophany SATURDAY, JANUARY 17: TBD, St. Anthony the Great THURSDAY, JANUARY 22:TBD, St. Timothy (Fr. Timothy's Nameday!) FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, TBD, The Three Hierarchs 4 ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH Happy New year! Like the news media this time of year, let's have a recap of some of this years questions. 1. The Byzantine Ecclesiastical year begins on what date? a. January 1st b. July 1st c. September 1st d. September 21st 2. For those Orthodox Christians following the Julian calendar this date falls how many days later? a. 30 b. 14 c. 7 d. 13 b. All people who serve during Liturgy including the choir c. People who are studying to become Orthodox Christians d. People working towards Sainthood 3. Fr. James frequently speaks about catechumens, what are catechumens? a. People who serve behind the altar 4. Which Feast Days are preceded by a Fasting period? a. The Nativity b. Theophania/Epiphany c. Pascha DANCE NEWS B IN GO N IGH T JA N UA R Y 9 Game night in the Hellenic Center! Join us for pizza, snacks and beverages while enjoying bingo, raffles and prizes. Doors open at 6:30 PM – 1st for food and raffle…games start at 7PM. Fun for the whole family. Hosted by Dance Support Group. B L E SSIN GS IN A B A CKP A CK FO R DAN CE R S JANUARY 22 Our dance groups perform an act of “Diakonia” or giving, as part of the participation in the FDF competition. This year our youth will be donating food items and helping to assemble the backpacks for disadvantaged youth at Bowling Green Elementary School. All youth and parents are encouraged to join us in the Hellenic Center Thursday, Jan 22 at 6PM. We are usually done in SAV E TH E DAT E S: Gr e e k D a n ce P R E V IE W N ITE ! Sat February 7, 6PM Featuring Eptasimos live music from Greece in the Hellenic Center FDF CO MP E TITIO N A N A H E IM F E B R UA R Y 1 2 - 1 5 Our Dance Groups begin double weekly practices in January as they prepare for the annual FDF competition. The schedule is available on the church website at www.annunciationsac.org, under the Youth tab, then Dance. Watch for emails from your group parent or director for details. FDF REGSITRATION FEES INCREASE JAN 4 & CLOSE JAN 19! Register now at yourfdf.org to lock in the lower registration prices. If you do not register by Jan 19th you will need to register onsite at the event. 30 – 45 minutes. Please bring Capri Sun THANK YOUS drinks, fruit snacks, and books for ages Thanks for supporting the Dancers’ See’s candy fundraiser. We will back with more goodies at Easter! Kindergarten through 6 ers. th grade read- d. All of the Above 5. BONUS QUESTION: For those of you attending Fr. Tim's Bible study of Genesis, what son did God give to Adam and Eve after the tragic demise of Abel? a. Noah b. Shem c. Seth d. Joshua A n s we r s fo r O r t ho do x y 101: 1, c; 2, d; 3, c; 4, d; 5, c. ORTHODOXY 101 Thanks to our group parents for managing schedules and helping with costumes. We could not do it without you! Sandra Kordazakis Dina Bourdaniotis Althea Tatarakis Kate Margaris Gina Pandelopoulos Special thanks to JULIE MAMALIS for her tireless dedication to the Greek dance program and specifically for her extensive knowledge of the traditional costumes and keeping them in great shape for our dancers. Our extensive costume collection is a great treasure of our Annunciation parish. JANUARY 2015 PHILOPTOCHOS Dear Parishioners, I hope you all had a wonderful and very blessed Christmas. Happy New Year to all!! To celebrate the New Year, Philoptochos will be sponsoring its annual Vasilopita Luncheon on Sunday, January 4 in the Hellenic Center immediately after Liturgy. We will enjoy a delicious lunch prepared by HELEN GRAMMATIKAKIS, and we will share Vasilopita baked by DESPINA DEMAS. Please plan on joining us for this enjoyable event. Philoptochos would like to thank everyone who purchased an ornament for the church tree. There were 55 sold and they beautifully adorned the tree on the altar. The ornaments included family names, individual names, memorials to loved ones departed and marriage blessings. Due to the popularity of this fundraiser, and for those who were unable to purchase an ornament this year, we will offer this again next year during the month of November. Several Philoptochos members and parishioners attended the “Light the Path” Christmas luncheon at St. Basil in Stockton benefitting the Bishop Anthony Philoptochos Student Aid Endowment Fund. Annunciation members filled four tables and it was a beautiful event and luncheon. Philoptochos greatly appreciates the support of those who attended. A special thank you goes to the very talented JULIE MAMALIS for decorating a beautiful Christmas tree donated by Annunciation for the event. The Philoptochos Christmas Family Movie Night on December 12, featuring the comedy film “Christmas with the Karountzoses,” was attended by approximately 60 people. The movie was shown on a big screen with a professional sound system, and freshly popped popcorn, beverages and cookies were served, which all made for a very enjoyable “theater” experience. Thank you to the many Philoptochos women who brought cookies and helped with the 5 MONTHLY OBSERVER event, and thank you to all who attended. Finally, as Blessings in a Backpack continues, special recognition goes to LIZ DOKIMOS and her generous committee members for making it possible for 100 children at Bowling Green Elementary to each receive a brand new, high quality, all purpose playground ball for Christmas, in addition to their backpacks which were delivered before Christmas break on December 19. We thank Liz and her committee for this special undertaking which means so much to the children (and staff) at Bowling Green. Thank you, also, to GOYA for spearheading the collection of new and gently used books for the children at Bowling Green. The books will be included in the children’s backpacks on January 22. Our next Philoptochos meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 13 at 6:30 p.m. in the lower fellowship hall. If you would like to become a member of Philoptochos, or have any questions regarding Philoptochos, please contact me either by telephone at (916) 412-8112 or by email at cdariotis@golyon.com. Philoptochos sends blessings to all for a very Happy New Year! In Christ’s Love, CHRISTINE DARIOTIS Philoptochos President Celebrate Theophany with the Annunciation’s 7th annual: DIVE FOR THE CROSS We will once again be offering Gyro Sandwiches in addition to our traditional desserts and hot cocoa Gyros will be $5 per person or a maximum of $20 per family, so please come and join us in celebrating this blessed miracle and fun feast day! The celebration starts on MONDAY, JANUARY 6, 2014, at 6:00 PM Dive starts at 6:30 PM Food and drink start at about 7:00 PM LOCATION: THE ANATOLIA CLUBHOUSE 11828 Chrysanthy Boulevard, Rancho Cordova, CA 9 5 74 2 RSVP is important so as to have enough food and refreshments. Let us know that you are coming by e-mail pdfpe@hotmail.com or call 530-219-2129 or the Church office 916-433-2033 6 ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH ANNUNCIATION SEWING CIRCLE Just a note to say Happy New Year to all of you who assist with Project Linus and/or the Prayer Shawl Ministry. Whether you physically create items that are donated to these efforts or if you donate yarn, money, Beanie Babies or Prayers, we thank you, we appreciate you, and we love you. God Bless you and grant you all a warm, wonderful, Happy and Healthy New Year. BOOKNOTES FOR THE NEW YEAR Happy New year! A Warm, Wonderful, Happy and Healthy New year to All of you from All of us here at the Bookstore! You are loved and appreciated very much. We appreciate your patronage but we also truly love seeing all of you when you come in and visit. This past year was a very good year at the The Bookstore in so very many ways and we are happily looking forward to this new year ahead. Everyone wants to know when we are moving. Truth is, we don't know yet, but the Parish Council tell us that they will give us adequate notice for us to have a smooth move. Of course, moving to a smaller space will be a wee bit of a challenge but again, we are looking forward to the change because it will bring us one step closer to "The Build" and the Bookstore's exciting new location [in the same spot but in the new building]. A number of you have been asking us about new titles from St Herman's Press, they have just come in. From a quick perusal - well, I told Lou the ones I would like to read and he said, "You do realize that you mentioned every title here?" I hadn't realized that but I do realize that each one has something that will grab a readers interest. One of the books for instance, Genesis, Creation, and Early Man, by Fr. Seraphim Rose, is especially timely. First, we are studying Genesis in Bible Study so this book can an asset to anyone in this study. And, with the Creation/Evolution controversy still raging in the news, Fr. Seraphim Rose' insights in this book on the subject, according to the early Patristic fathers, are invaluable. Again, we do look forward to seeing all of you this year. If you have a student going back to college you might want to send them back any one of a number of quality prayer books and travel Icons for instance, that can conveniently fit in backpacks, purses and that even fit in a persons pocket. Have a very Blessed New Year and Hronia Polla! MARILYN & LOU, PRES MARSHA, TONI & TIM CHAPRALIS, BUTCH & MARIA LAFAYETTE & VICKI & JOHN MEERS ANNUNCIATION SENIOR LEAGUE NEWS On behalf of the ASL Board, I would like to thank our Annunciation Choir, under the direction of Choir Director, Bill Bobolis, for sponsoring a beautiful Christmas luncheon and for entertaining us with a wonderful program! We are truly blessed to have a wonderful choir who serves their Annunciation community throughout the year! Special thanks also to SANDRA GIOBRES for the delicious dessert in honor of her 70th birthday and to VOULA CAZANIS for preparing such a delicious meal! And, we cannot forget our special birthday individuals: MIKE VLAMIS (80 years young!), SANDRA GIOBRES (70 years young!) and our youngest seniors at 65 years young, LINDA BEAUDIN and MARIA KAUFMAN!!! Happy birthday and Χρονια πολλα to all of you!!!. As we close the year, we thank you once again for your continued FUTURE 2015 ASL MEETINGS support of the ASL. We are blessed to have a wonderful ASL group TH JANUARY 6 who, along with our ASL Board, supports the mission of the organiza(luncheon immediately following Epiphany services) tion, which is to ensure activities and fellowship for our seniors!!! FEBRUARY 3RD On behalf of our ASL Board, I would like to wish all of you a Happy RD 2015 filled with good health, happiness and love!!! MARCH 3 BESSIE PAPAILIAS ST MARCH 31 ASL President (luncheon meeting will be at St. Katherine) APRIL (no meeting, moved to March 31st due to Holy Week) TH MAY 5 ND JUNE 2 You only need to be 50 years young to join us for our events! So please do not hesitate to join us for lunch, fellowship and fun (and anything else our wonderful seniors plan throughout the year) on the first Tuesday of each month! JANUARY 2015 METROPOLIS STRATEGIC PLAN In determining what the Metropolis hoped to accomplish and where it is goi ng, t he co m m it te e develo p e d a SWEEPing VISION that proclaims that: We will grow the Greek Orthodox Christian Church in the Western United States through Christ-centered: Stewardship Worship Education Evangelism Philanthropic outreach To realize these commitments of direction, the committee identified 11 key areas of focus and organized Task Forces around each, under the direction of a Task Coordinator. order to be successful, this endeavor will require the full participation and support of everyone, laity and clergy, throughout our entire Holy Metropolis of San Francisco. As His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos has stated: “The future of the faithful and parishes of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco depends on how diligently we pursue this Strategic Plan as stewards of God’s many blessings. I look forward to sharing this journey of faith with you!” I hope that you can attend the upcoming METROPOLIS STRATEGIC PLAN PRESENTATION on Sunday, January 11, 2015 after the Divine Liturgy in the Hellenic Center. Thank you. In Christ, JIM CHUCHAS Metropolis Strategic Plan Advocate to the Annunciation For more information, please feel free to contact me or Fr. James Retelas. VISION TASK FORCES OPERATIONAL TASK FORCES 1. Education 2. Liturgical Life 3. Missions and Evangelism 4. Philanthropic Outreach 5. Stewardship 6. Youth 7. Specialized Ministries – Wellness 8. Communications 9. Finances 10. Metropolis Organization and Development 11. Parish Organization and Development These 11 Task Forces then developed 37 supportive and actionable Strategic Goals which, under the direction of a Goal Captain, will be implemented to Parishes within our Metropolis not having a current, like program. Clergy throughout the Metropolis have recently completed a survey and have indicated a need and a prioritization of these programs for their respective parishes. To facilitate communications and plans throughout all parishes and with the Implementation teams, an annual implementation schedule along with Quarterly updates will be published allowing our Parishes to gain a glimpse into the plans ahead. With much work completed and much preparation still ahead, in 7 MONTHLY OBSERVER JANUARY 11th Save the date Here are some ways we in our Annunciation Parish can get involved and support the Implementation: ❖ At t e nd t he M E T ROP OLI S ST R AT E GIC PLA N INFORMATIONAL PRESENTATION on Sunday, January 11, 2015, after the Divine Liturgy in the Annunciation Hellenic Center. ❖ Download a copy of the full plan or to read an Executive Su m m a r y o f t he St r ate g i c P l a n o n l i ne go to : www.sanfran.goarch.org and click on: “Strategic Plan.” ❖ Volunteer to assist with implementation of an Action Item at our Parish. 8 ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH ONCD II FOCUS GROUPS SAVE THE DATE! DATE TIME The Orthodox Natural Church Development (ONCD) Two team invites you to attend a special meeting to share your ideas on how to strengthen our Annunciation Parish. Please RSVP for one of the events below or send an email to dushan@annunciationsac.org. Feedback from church members is a critical part of this long-term project. At each of these discussions, ONCD team members will provide a project overview, facilitate the conversation and gather your input. We hope you will participate in a Focus Group meeting to provide vital input to determine the needs of our Parish. Should you have any further questions, please reach out to any ONCD II Team Members. Thank you in advance for your participation. Sunday, January 11th 12:30pm - 3:00 pm ONCD II TEAM MARY ELLEN KASSOTAKIS VICTORIA KIDMAN LINDSEY KIVETOS Sunday, January 18th 12:30pm - 3:00 pm LOCATION Annunciation Bookstore bookstore@annunciationsac.org 916-231-9949 Annunciation Bookstore bookstore@annunciationsac.org 916-231-9949 House of John & Despina Demas Monday, January 19th to be determined 6137 Tremain Drive Citrus Heights, CA 95621 demasdespina@outlook.com 916-969-7005 Sunday, January 25th 12:30pm - 3:00 pm to be determined to be determined to be determined to be determined Annunciation Bookstore bookstore@annunciationsac.org 916-231-9949 to be determined (Carmichael) to be determined (Sacramento) JULIE MAMALIS BRIGID PERAKIS DUSAN RADOSAVLJEVIC DAN WHALEY ELAINE WRIGHT Wondering where we are with THE BUILD… For 25 years, there has been talk about expanding our church campus. Now is the time. We’ve made progress, but we’re not there yet. As always, our responsibility is to parishioners. To ensure checks and balances, we have a collaboration set up between our congregation, the General Assembly, the Capital Campaign Committee, and the Parish Council. We aim to raise as much of the $10 million needed for the project as we can and finance the rest. We are currently in the “silent phase” of funding. This is when donors offer unpublicized pledges. The goal in this phase is to raise $6 million. That’s 60% of the total needed. And we’ve already raised $4.3 million. Once pledged, donors have three to five years to pay. After we reach $6 million, we move to the “public phase.” This is when donor names and amounts are made public and the rest of the congregation can contribute without the burden of funding the majority of the project. Annunciation is not growing simply for the sake of growing. Our campus desperately needs more space and upgrades that are both energy and cost efficient in the long run. Join us today! Help us build a campus that will set Annunciation up for generations to come. Leave your legacy now. Visit TheBuildSac.org to learn more. JANUARY 2015 THANK YOU BOX! MONTHLY OBSERVER 9 OBSERVER APPEAL Tired of snail mail? ❖ TEAM VORESIS - for feeding the hungry and continuing to live out the generous spirit of our beloved past Parish Council President, Niko Voresis, of blessed memory. Sick of reading from a folded black and white booklet? Ready to go digital? Opting out of our mailing list not only saves trees, but helps our community cut down significantly on processing expenses. Help the OBSERVER out! ❖ LOU & MARILYN DEMAS for their wonderfully thoughtful holiday gifts to our Sunday School children. Contact dushan@annunciationsac.org to request to be taken off the physical mailing list. Praying)With)Icons:) Praying)With)Icons:) “The)Cloud)of)Witnesses”) ! “The)Cloud)of)Witnesses”) Presenter:!!Rev.!Fr.!Leo!Arrowsmith! ❖ KRISTEN KANE & SUNDAY SCHOOL - for passionately leading and organizing this year’s Christmas Pageant. Our kids delivered amazingly! !! Presenter:!!Rev.!Fr.!Leo!Arrowsmith! Saturday,)January)10,)2015) !! Saturday,)January)10,)2015) Delicious!Lunch!served!at!12!Noon! !Presentation!from!1:00F5:00!pm! Delicious!Lunch!served!at!12!Noon! Great!Vespers!at!5:00!pm! Presentation!from!1:00F5:00!pm! ! Hosted!by! Great!Vespers!at!5:00!pm! !The!Annunciation!Greek!Orthodox!Church! 616!Alhambra!Blvd!(The!Hellenic!Center)! Hosted!by! Sacramento,!CA!!95816! The!Annunciation!Greek!Orthodox!Church! ! 616!Alhambra!Blvd!(The!Hellenic!Center)! Please)RSVP)by)January)5:)916.443.2033)or) Sacramento,!CA!!95816! !Email:)frtimothy@annunciationsac.org) ) Please)RSVP)by)January)5:)916.443.2033)or) Registration!begins!at!11:30!in!the!Hellenic!Center.! Email:)frtimothy@annunciationsac.org) )Cost!is!$15!per!person!and!includes!lunch!! ❖ GARY LEONARD - for his proven assistance and dedicated service during weekday liturgies. ❖ CHRISTMAS DECORATORS for yet another stunning year of creativity and inspiration. You make the holidays enjoyable for everyone! ❖ FAYE VALLAS, PHILOPTO& PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY - for never failing to reach out to those who need a loving embrace. You have blessed these baskets and prayer shawls by the work of your hands. CHOS Registration!begins!at!11:30!in!the!Hellenic!Center.! Cost!is!$15!per!person!and!includes!lunch!! ICONS! have! always! been! an! integral! part! of! Christian! art! and! spirituality!since!the!day!Jesus!left!an!imprint!of!His!holy!Face!on!a! cloth! during! His! sacred! Passion! called! “Veronica’s! Veil.”! ! As! “windows! to!always! Heaven,”! icons!an! provide! a! focal! for! prayer! and! ICONS! have! been! integral! part!point! of! Christian! art! and! contemplation.! ! This! retreat! allows! time! for! explanation,! spirituality!since!the!day!Jesus!left!an!imprint!of!His!holy!Face!on!a! inspiration,!and!contemplation!on!major!ChristFcentered!icons!by! cloth! during! His! sacred! Passion! called! “Veronica’s! Veil.”! ! As! Fr.!Leo.!!! to! Heaven,”! icons! provide! a! focal! point! for! prayer! and! “windows! ! contemplation.! ! This! retreat! allows! time! for! explanation,! Fr.) Leo) Arrowsmith! is! an! Archpriest! in! the! Orthodox! Church! in! inspiration,!and!contemplation!on!major!ChristFcentered!icons!by! America.! ! His! life! has! been! spent! in! drawing,! sculpting,! and! Fr.!Leo.!!! painting.!!He!served!as!a!missionary!in!Japan!for!twelve!years.!!He! ! Help us recognize parishioners who go above and beyond! Submit their name to: thankyou@annunciationsac.org studied!art!and!architecture!in!the!University!of!Tokyo!and!holds! Fr.) Leo) Arrowsmith! is! an! Archpriest! in! the! Orthodox! Church! in! three!Masters!Degrees!in!Architecture,!Philosophy,!and!Theology.!! America.! ! His! life! has! been! spent! in! drawing,! sculpting,! and! His!career!in!iconography!began!in!1996!when!he!began!‘writing’! painting.!!He!served!as!a!missionary!in!Japan!for!twelve!years.!!He! icons!for!St.!Innocent!Orthodox!Mission!in!Fremont!where!he!served!as!priest!for!16!years.!!Now!retired! studied!art!and!architecture!in!the!University!of!Tokyo!and!holds! from! St.! Innocent,! he! is! serving! full! time! in! the! ministry! of! iconography! through! retreats,! workshops,! lectures,! and! commissions.! ! To! learn!three!Masters!Degrees!in!Architecture,!Philosophy,!and!Theology.!! more! about! the! life! and! ministry! of! Fr.! Leo,! visit! his! blog! site! at:!! His!career!in!iconography!began!in!1996!when!he!began!‘writing’! DoveTaleIcons.blogspot.com.!!Also!on!Facebook.! icons!for!St.!Innocent!Orthodox!Mission!in!Fremont!where!he!served!as!priest!for!16!years.!!Now!retired! from! St.! Innocent,! he! is! serving! full! time! in! the! ministry! of! iconography! through! retreats,! workshops,! lectures,! and! commissions.! ! To! learn! more! about! the! life! and! ministry! of! Fr.! Leo,! visit! his! blog! site! at:!! DoveTaleIcons.blogspot.com.!!Also!on!Facebook.! 10 ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH THE ANNUNCIATION COMMUNITY CORNER Want to wish someone a special happy birthday, graduation, anniversary, etc? Rates for the Community Corner: $25.00 Quarter Page $40.00 Half Page $75.00 Full Page Choose your ad size (see rates below) tell us exactly what you want it to say (picture optional) and e-mail it to etheodor@annunciationsac.org For questions, please contact the Church Office at (916) 443-2033 Make check payable to: Annunciation GOC & send to church office. ANNUNCIATION ENDOWMENT FUND (AEF) The AEF Board of Trustees has revised its grant application form and procedures. Grant requests will be considered only during quarterly meetings of the AEF Board of Trustees. The Revised Application Form may be obtained from the Annunciation Church office or from the Annunciation website. Deadlines for submission of applications are: February 28; May 31; August 31; November 30 Application deadlines are firm - no exceptions. ! ! Free$E&Waste$Pickup$$ ! ! Go!to!the!following!website:!www.eWaste4good.com!! Or!call!800&317&3112! and$indicate$in$the$online$form$or$on$the$phone$ that$you$are$donating$on$behalf$of$the$$ Annunciation$Greek$Orthodox$Church$ $ ! Fill!in!your!information!and!within!a!few!days!a!dispatcher!will!call!you!to! schedule!an!at!home!or!office!pickup!date.!Then,!your!electronics!will!be! picked!up,!recycled!and!the!proceeds!will!be!sent!to!our!organization.!! ! Items!that!can!be!picked!up,!working!or!not:! All!Televisions!D!Video!Games!D!Computer!Monitors!D!Computers!D!Fax! Machines!D!Calculators!D!Desktop!Copiers!D!Cell!Phones!D!Telephones!D! Printers!D!Vacuum!Cleaners!D!Speakers!D!Keyboards!D!Scanners!D!Mice!D! LaptopsD!Networking!Equipment!D!Power!Tools!D!Misc.!Wires!and!Cords! D!Small!Appliances!D!Household!Phones!D!Stereo!Systems!D!Medical! Equipment!D!and!Much!More!! Proceeds Benefit the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Thank$You!! PARISH MILESTONES WEDDINGS Dec 29 - Nikolaos Paschos & Christina Stavroulakis MEMORIALS Dec 14 - Tony Stathos (1 year) Dec 14 - Peter T. Stathos (50 years) Dec 21 - Metropolitan Anthony of San Francisco (10 years) Dec 21 - Dimitrios Marcos Dec 21 - Dimitrios Marcos Jr. FUNERALS Dec 4 - Harry Champas Dec 12 - Elizabeth Moraitis ! ! Looking'for'an'easy'way'to'help'out'our'Church?' AmazonSmile'could'be'the'answer' OPE R ATI NG FU N D ! 1/ 1/14 to 12/ 16/14 2 014 Bu dget YT D Pledges $4 03,692 $43 0 ,0 0 0 All Other Revenue $3 11, 03 0 $2 77,75 6 Total Revenue $7 14,722 $707,75 6 $43 5, 93 4 $43 9,3 51 Program Services $9,416 $13,5 0 0 Other Oper. Exp. $ $147,8 5 0 Archdiocese National Ministries $10 7,059 $107,055 Total Expense $707,52 5 $707,75 6 Income ! ! AmazonSmile!is!a!simple!and!automatic!way!for!you!to!support!Our!Church!every!! time!you!shop,!at!no!cost!to!you.!When!you!shop!at!smile.amazon.com,!you’ll!find! !the!exact!same!low!prices,!vast!selection!and!convenient!shopping!experience!as! Amazon.com,!with!the!added!bonus!that!Amazon!will!donate!a!portion!of!the!! purchase!price!to!our!Church,!all!you!need!to!do!is!sign!up! ! Follow!this!link!to!sign!up!for!AmazonSmile! http://smile.amazon.com/about/ref=smi_ge_ul_lm_raas ! 11 MONTHLY OBSERVER JANUARY 2015 ! After!creating!your!account:!On!your!first!visit!to!Smile.Amazom.com,!you!need!to! select!a!charitable!organization!to!receive!donations!from!eligible!purchases!before! you!begin!shopping.!When!you!search!for!a!charity!on!Smile.Amazon.com!enter! “Greek'Orthodox'Sacramento”!and!our!Church!will!pop!up!as!the!first!result!!! !! If!you!have!already!selected!a!charity!and!want!to!change!your!charity!to!our!! Church,!simply!sign!in!to!smile.amazon.com!and!select!“Change!your!Charity”!in!! “Your!Account.”!To!find!the!Church!enter!“Greek'Orthodox'Sacramento”!! in!the!search!box.! For'questions,'or'help'in'creating'an'account,' contact'Kristen'Kane'at'kristen.magers@gmail.com! Expenses Total Staff Exp. Balance as of Congratulations to: J U LI A N N E T R I PHON for passing the July 2014 California Bar Exam J OH N B O S TA NZ O GLOU for passing the July 2014 California Bar Exam T E DDI T R I PHON for receiving the 2014 Hellenic American Medical & Dental Scholarship 12/16/14 $7,19 7 2014 Pledges as of December 16, 2014 Stewardship Budget $43 0 ,0 0 0 Pledged to Date $4 0 8,3 08 Total Amount Received $4 03,692 Total Members Pledged 4 63 12 ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH JA N UA RY SUNDAY 2 0 15 MONDAY Schedule subject to change. Please consult the website or Sunday Bulletin for the most current information. TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 SATURDAY 2 3 8:30am | Matins & Divine Liturgy (St. Basil/New Years Day) 4 5 8:30am | Matins & Divine Liturgy (Parish Council Affirmation of Office) 10am | Royal Hours of Theophany 5pm | Capital Campaign 6pm | Vesperal Divine Liturgy PHILOPTOCHOS VASILOPITA LUNCHEON noon | Dance Practices 6 7 8 9 10 8:30am | Matins 8:30am | Matins & Divine Liturgy & Divine Liturgy (Holy Epiphany) (Synaxis/St. John the Forerunner) 11am | ASL January 11:15am | Adult Luncheon Education 6pm | Dive for 5:30pm | Dance the Cross (Rancho Practice (Hara) Cordova) 7pm | Adult Education 6pm | Blessingin-a-Backpack 6:30PM | DSG BINGO NIGHT 11AM | WINTER RETREAT: PRAYING WITH ICONS 16 17 6pm | Dance Practice (Kategitha) 7pm | Choir Rehearsal 7pm | Youth BLAST 11 12 13 14 15 8:30am | Matins & Divine Liturgy 5pm | Capital Campaign 6:30pm | Philoptochos January Meeting 10am | Adult Education 10am | ASL Board Meeting 5:30pm | Dance Practice (Hara) 6pm | Blessingin-a-Backpack 7pm | Adult Education 6pm | Dance Practice (Kategitha) 7pm | Youth BLAST 7pm | Choir Rehearsal METROPOLIS STRATEGIC PLAN PRESENTATION noon | Dance Practices 18 19 20 21 22 8:30am | Matins & Divine Liturgy 5pm | Capital Campaign 6:15pm - Parish Council Meeting 6:30pm | Daughters of Penelope Meeting 10am | Adult Education 8:30am | Matins & Liturgy (St. Timothy) 5:30pm | DSG Board Meeting 6pm | Blessing-in-aBackpack 5:30pm | Dance Practice (Hara) 6pm | Dance Practice (Kategitha) 7pm | Adult Education 7pm | Choir Rehearsal 11am - GAPA Meeting noon | Dance Practices 8:30am | Matins & Divine Liturgy (St. Anthony) 23 24 30 31 7pm | Youth BLAST 25 26 8:30am | Matins & Divine Liturgy 5pm | Capital Campaign noon | Dance Practices 27 28 29 5:30pm | Dance Practice (Hara) 6pm | Blessingin-a-Backpack 7:00 pm | Youth BLAST 6pm | Dance Practice (Kategitha) 7pm | Choir Rehearsal 6PM | CHOIR CRAB FEED 13 MONTHLY OBSERVER JANUARY 2015 ! ! ! Lind Brothers!FD1141! A!Family!Owned!Funeral!Home!since!1964! 4221!Manzanita!Avenue!!!Carmichael,!CA!!95608! Main:!916.482.8080!!!!!!!!!!Fax:!916.482.2009! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Lewie!Donhost! Funeral!Director! ! Advertising Rates SIZE MONTHLY ANNUALLY Full Page $150 $1,250 Half Page $80 $720 Quarter Page $45 $375 Business Card $25 $240 Back Page $80 Not Available 14 ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH Nicoletti, Culjis & Herberger Funeral Home 5401 Folsom Blvd Sacramento, California Phone: 916-451-7284 FD#355 (pictured left to right) Funeral Arranger: Kerri London Funeral Director & Funeral Home Manager: Savannah Hall (Kockinis) FDR#3382 Serving the Greek community for 70 years with both Dignity & Excellence Kara Catron Mention this advertisement and receive a 15% discount on prearrangement funeral services or 10% off funeral services at the time of need The Entrance to the Cave of the Nativity, Bethlehem Office Manager: MONTHLY OBSERVER JANUARY 2015 Locally owned and operated by The Dariotis Family Great Value for the Entire Family Warm Surroundings, Delicious Foods, Unbeatable Prices Take Out Available Banquet Facilities Available Call Ahead Seating Available We Now Offer Catering! 1910 “J” Street Sacramento, CA (916) 443-2862 12401 Folsom Blvd. Rancho Cordova, CA (916) 985-0822 731 Sunrise Ave. Roseville, CA (916) 773-3950 7727 Laguna Blvd. Elk Grove, CA (916) 478-2400 11896 Foothill Blvd. Rancho Cucamonga, CA (909) 980-3585 2107 Broadway St. Redwood City, CA (650) 216-9713 1955 Mt. Diablo St. Concord, CA (925) 687-5030 2702 W. March Lane Stockton, CA (209) 473-3695 51 N. San Pedro St. San Jose, CA (408) 288-7488 1610 East Shaw Ave. Fresno, CA (559) 222-1066 111 N. Twin Oaks Valley Rd. San Marcos, CA (760) 471-0155 3155 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ (480) 786-5705 1418 N. Central Ave. Phoenix, AZ (602) 257-0380 15 Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation 16 3022 F Street ANNUNCIATION GREEK Sacramento, CA 95816 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage ORTHODOX CHURCH PAID Permit No. 700 Sacramento, CA TIME DATED MATERIAL Place label here Saturday, January 31st, 2015
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