2014.03 - March Observer - Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church
2014.03 - March Observer - Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church
! OBSERVER! T H E M A R C H T 2 0 1 4 A N N U N C I A T I O N - V O L . 3 0 I S S U E 3 hough “thank you” is an overwhelmed by the positivity, team- selves to create such a positive experioften over used phrase, work, and commitment shown by each ence for our youth! The repertoire of gratitude is weighing heavi- member of our program. You are all to dances presented was outstanding and ly on my mind as we begin be commended for giving of your- is as follows: the month of March, and the season of TA AGAPIMENA TA ADELPHIA Great Lent. I am so thank- Directed by Katina Vail & Lindsey Kivetos Directed by Alexis Rotas & Anthony Panages ful to our dancers, par- dances of the Vlachs of Serres, Macedonia. dances from the islands of Crete & Lefkada. ents, and directors, for TA ASTERAKIA KATEGITHA their beautiful participaDirected by Jonny LaBritt & George Sargetis Directed by George Vasiliou tion in this year’s FDF, dances of Roumeli, Central Greece, and the dances from Konitsa, Epirus & and throughout our 2013area of Erythrea, Asia Minor. the island of Lesvos. 2014 dancing year. I am March 2014 | THE ANNUNCIATION OBSERVER GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE ANNUNCIATION 3022 F Street Sacramento, CA 95816 916-443-2033 www.annunciation.ca.goarch.org Published Monthly Except for July CLERGY Presiding Priest, Father James Retelas frjames@annunciationsac.org Associate Priest, Fr. Timothy Robinson frtimothy@annunciationsac.org PARISH COUNCIL PRESIDENT George Dariotis georgedariotis@gmail.com PARISH MINISTRY Annunciation Senior League Bessie Papailias, President ska2lee@surewest.net Bookstore Lou Demas, Manager (916) 231-9949 bookstore@annunciationsac.org Chanter Dusan Radosavljevic dushan@annunciationsac.org Greek Education Dimitra Dogias mimidogias@yahoo.com Music and Worship Bill Bobolis, Choir Director boboliswilliam@comcast.net Philoptochos Society Christine Dariotis, President cdariotis@golyon.com Sunday School Patrick Fuss, Principal youtheducation@annunciationsac.org STAFF Parish Administrator Effie Theodor etheodor@annunciationsac.org Financial Administrator Maria Mavroforakis mmavroforakis@annunciationsac.org OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. PAGE 2 Special congratulations to Kategitha, our senior group, and their director, George Vasiliou on their third place finish! We are so proud! This year, many of our original dancers took their children to perform in their first FDF. What a unique experience and tribute to the generational longevity of this ministry of our church, and celebration of our culture. I am also humbly grateful to the community of Annunication for your support of our “Night in Greece”, held at the Serbian Hall. What an amazing way to send our dancers off to FDF with your love, support, and kefi! We were privileged to have the band Eptasimo, as our guests for the second year in a row, and felt their enthusiasm and encouragement all week long. Many thanks go to the Vasiliou family for hosting Eptasimo during their stay in Sacramento. I would also be remiss if I did not acknowledge the work of Eleni Bourd a n i o t i s , Vi v i a n Vail, Maria Higdon, Effie Theodor, Maria Sampanis, Lindsey Kivetos, and George Vasiliou for being the organizing committee of our event. Simply, the event would not have been possible without you. I also wish to extend thanks to the Philoptochos for allowing Ta Agapimena and Ta Asterakia to perform during the Pancake Luncheon, as a tribute to the Kids N’ Cancer program. I too, am a testament to the positive influence that participating in dancing can bring! Without participating in dancing, (and FDF, and the performances at the 2014 Greek Festival, and hours of practicing!) I would never have met my wife, became acquainted and connected with my koumbaro, made countless friendships and memories, or developed a lifelong passion for the beauty of traditional Greek song and dance. If you have an interest in becoming a part of DSG (by dancing or directing), please contact me at any time. I would love to talk to you! It is never too late to get involved or reacquainted, and we welcome and invite your family to dance with us in the coming year. Wishing you a blessed and fulfilling Lenten Season! Kali Sarakosti! ! THE ANNUNCIATION OBSERVER | March 2014 Steven Kivetos DSG President ! Recipes for Success ”stirring the spiritual pot…” Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, While Christianity remains tragically divided, this year all of us, worldwide, east and west, Roman Catholics, Protestant, and Orthodox, are celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord on the same date. A good thing. These days, I also notice that many Christians, even those who do not observe the liturgical calendar, are interested in “Lent,” in preparing themselves for Easter. I get emails and I see books on the market encouraging Christians to explore ancient spiritual practices, including fasting. This, from our Orthodox perspective, is also very good. ! Perhaps this interest from outside should encourage us to rediscover our own Lenten Tradition! The way we still observe Lent is one of our Orthodox distinctiveness. Our Lenten services, the disciplines, and practices, like all of Orthodoxy, are like recipes from a old cookbook, tried, true, and guaranteed to make great meals. But these “recipes” are not for food; they are for life and salvation. They are recipes for growth in God’s grace. How do these recipes go? They ask for generous portions of Church attendance, prayer, repentance, obedience to God, sacramental participation, fast- ing and other disciplines, Scripture reading, and good works. Our recipes call for a blending of these quality ingredients, and they require a humble and patient commitment. In short, they call for us to “stir the pot,” to participate in the Christian life. What we inherit from our spiritual Forefathers are good recipes for living the Christian life along with good examples of people who spent time in the spiritual kitchen, who “cooked” with those recipes. Other people may have written the recipes, but just like any appropriation of any tradition, we have to make them our own. If we do not use PAGE 3 March 2014 | THE ANNUNCIATION OBSERVER the recipes and prepare the meals, Are our recipes still useful in the nothing happens. We go hungry. We 21st century? On the one hand, our get malnourished. Or we turn else- Tradition has been turning out holy, where for nourishment. sane, loving, transformed people (people we call “Saints”) for two millennia. And I would assert that human nature has not changed very much in that period. The challenge remains for us to become what we can become in Christ —our true selves. Virtues-- goodness, humility, generosity, love, self-control, faith, patience, etc.--are timeless. And there is no substitute for virtue. On the other hand, some of our old recipes may be in terms that we do not understand. The Church has not always done a good job explaining our spiritual Tradition, and sometimes, frankly, we Orthodox Christians have not always been diligent in learning the spiritual principles and skills we need to know to make it through life and into the Kingdom of God. Here is a question for you this Lent: Are you cooking? I mean, are you participating in Orthodox spiritual life? PAGE 4 Are you using the recipes for spiritual success that our Church provides for us? Do you pray? Are you fasting? Are you forgiving others? Are you growing in the grace of God? Or are you like some “Food Network” fan-watching other people cook and eat, but you don’t do either? Let me challenge you to spend some time in the spiritual kitchen, the Church. Learn some recipes. Come to the table. Get nourished. Here are a few ideas: Are you at odds with anyone? Pray and look for a way to be reconciled with that person. At least apologize and ask their forgiveness! Visit our bookstore. Lou and Marilyn will help you find a good spiritual book to work through this Lent. Are you praying every day? If you would like to start, this is the time! Contact Fr. James or myself for help. Take part in the little Partners in Prayer program that many of our groups will be doing. You commit to praying for someone every day in Lent. Been to Confession lately? Now is a great time to schedule that! Been to Church lately? We are open a lot during Lent. How about Holy Communion? Prepare and come. Given to those in need lately? If you don’t know a needy person, give us a check for our “Charity Account.” We will put it to good use. How’s your “love life”? Pray and think about how to communicate to those around you, spouse, family, co-workers, friends, that you love and value them. How are you helping God’s work in the Church? We get lots of “advice,” but what we are often short on is help. Get involved Καλη Σαρακοστή! Good Lent! And please allow me humbly to ask for your forgiveness! My brothers and sisters, forgive me! ! Fr. Timothy Robinson Associate Priest THE ANNUNCIATION OBSERVER | March 2014 dreaming big and digging in… Thank you, AHEPA, for your generous gift of The campaign is moving forward and support is building! Of course it's not easy to call on people and ask for money no matter how great the cause. Visualizing what Annunciation will be for generations to come and how the buildings will serve all members of our church in all stages of life is the force that drives every member of the Capital Campaign Committee to forge ahead. $75,000 to the Capital Campaign! Dreaming big and digging in… The Leadership of our Church - Clergy, Members of the Parish Council and Building Committee, Parochial and Fraternal groups - has pledged their support and is financially contributing towards the goal. Parishioners are walking into the church office, unsolicited, to donate towards the current campaign and fulfill their promise to build for a better future. We are in the "Quiet Phase" of the Campaign; simply put, your Capital Campaign Committee is focused on securing the needed $ 6.0 million in cash to begin construction as soon as possible. To achieve this, personal visits and phone calls have been taking place between committee members and parishioners, sharing the impact of the program and soliciting financial gifts. If you haven’t yet been contacted by a member of the Capital Campaign, someone will be contacting you in the coming months. It will take all of us; no matter how big or small the gift is and we are almost there. We have reached the half way mark, just $3.0 million away from the day we can start building!!!! breaking ground… We are now awaiting a final building permit which should be issued by March or April 2014. Phase II has begun with the razing of the former Budget truck rental building; the adjacent apartments are now being vacated over time to allow for demolition of the entire southern portion (G Street side) of our block. Construction will then begin, assuming the necessary funds are available. Join us in the Hellenic Center for a Town Hall Meeting, on Sunday, March 9, 2014, after Liturgy for detailed updates on the progress. ! RAISED TO DATE $3.1 million in cash! $3.5 million in due pledges PAGE 5 March 2014 | THE ANNUNCIATION OBSERVER 2014 PARISH COUNCIL ASSIGNMENTS 2014%PC%Individual%Assignments%w/description%(rev%1/17/2014)% % % Council%Member:%Sam%Manolakas,%Kristen%Kane% Activities%&%Special%Events% % Council%Member:%George%Chuchas% Annunciation%Choir% % Council%Member:%George%Dariotis% Annunciation%Senior%League(ASL)% % Council%Member:%Sam%Manolakas,%George%Dariotis,%Demetri%Romas% Bldg%Program,%Capital%Campaign% % Council%Member:%George%Chuchas% Bookstore% % Council%Members:%%Per%committee% Christian%Formation(ONCD)% % Welcoming:%Nitsa%Dariotis%&%George%Chuchas% % Youth%Programs:%Kristen%Kane%&%Bessie%Papailias% % Structures%&%Communications:%George%Dariotis%&%Costa%Perakis% % Liturgical%Concerns:%Mike%Dariotis%&%Sam%Manolakas% % Orthodox%Greek%Education:%Demetri%Romas%&%Nick%Avdis% % Outreach:%Nick%Rotas%&%Stella%Dariotis% % Council%Member:%Kristen%Kane% Church%School% % Council%Member:%PC%Executive%Committee% Communications/Public%Relations%&%Outreach% % Council%Member:%Bessie%Papailias% Dance%Support%Group% % Council%Member:%Nick%Avdis%(appointed)% % Endowment%Fund% % Council%Member:%Michael%Dariotis% Greek%Festival% % Council%Member:%Demetri%Romas%&%Nick%Avdis% Greek%School% % Council%Member:%Costa%Perakis% Hellenic%Golf%Classic% % Council%Member:%Nick%Avdis% HOECC% % Council%Member:%PC%Exec%Committee%&%Costa%Perakis%&%Jerry%Wright% Insurance%&%Investments%% % Council%Member:%Nitsa%Dariotis% Ladies%Philoptochos%&%Philanthropy% % Council%Member:%Michael%Dariotis% Maintenance/Facilities% % Council%Member:%Nick%Rotas% Missions%&%IOCC% % Council%Member:%George%Chuchas%&%George%Dariotis% Personnel%&%Office%Admin% % Council%Member:%Parish%Council%Executive%Committee% Rental%Properties% % Council%Member:%George%Dariotis,%Nick%Rotas%&%Stella%Dariotis%% Stewardship% % Council%Member:%George%Chuchas%&%Sam%Manolakas% Strategic%Planning% % Council%Member:%Nitsa%Dariotis% Weekday%Church%Services% % Council%Member:%Stella%Dariotis%&%Kristen%Kane% Youth%Ministries% % % PAGE 6 Page 1 of 1% THE ANNUNCIATION OBSERVER | March 2014 From the Parish Council President Fellow Parishioners: The month of March marks the beginning of our journey through Great Lent. Fasting, increased worship, confession and doing good works are just a few examples of what defines us as Orthodox Christians. Participation in any of these blessed activities is greatly encouraged and our Lord, through his church, stands ready to receive all of us. This is your invitation to join your church by sharing in this great gift and coming to weekday services as often as possible. You won’t regret it! Many events in March are set to take place: March 2 is Stewardship Sunday with the blessing of all stewardship cards in church, followed by a brief presentation and lunch sponsored by our Stewardship Ministry. A Town Hall will be held March 9 after Liturgy on The Build, giving us an update on the project. Our Spring General Assembly will be held on March 16. A full agenda is planned with important items to discuss and deliberate on. And, of course, our March 25 Feast of the Annunciation celebration luncheon following Divine Liturgy. Please participate and support all of these scheduled events. In other news, congratulations to all of our dance groups for performing so well at FDF. The Senior Group (Kategitha) received a bronze medal this year. Many thanks to the parents, directors, members and dancers for once again making us all proud. The crown molding was recently installed in the narthex of our church and the area will soon be painted. That work has been anonymously donated and we are most grateful. The new loft railing has been delayed but should be arriving within the next few weeks. That, too, has been donated. We thank the anonymous donor for their generosity as well. At the February Parish Council meeting there were presentations made by George Johnson who spoke on various investment strategies with respect to our restricted funds. Lou Demas, who reported on the Bookstore, answered financial questions from council members and discussed plans for its temporary location during the building project. Terry Kastanis updated the council on his efforts in working with City traffic engineers to provide a crossing light across Alhambra Boulevard at F Street. Terry indicated that the City was exploring other options for a safer crosswalk at that location. Thank you to all three gentlemen for their presentations. I wish to thank all of the many organizations, volunteers and stewards of this parish for all of their dedication, support and love for our church. We live in challenging times and our involvement in the church keeps us Christ-centered and growing in our faith. May your Lenten journey be filled with all of the blessings of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. George Dariotis Parish Council President ! PAGE 7 March 2014 | THE ANNUNCIATION OBSERVER Annunciation Orthodox Natural Church Development (ONCD) Good news!! The "ONCD Survey 2" results have finally been received. We are in the process of reviewing the survey results with Parish Leadership, the current ONCD Team as well as with the survey participants. A new ONCD Team will be formed in order to address the areas of need from Survey 2. If you are interested in serving on the New ONCD Team, please contact any of the current team members listed below. As we have mentioned, the ONCD project is a long-term, ongoing process. Survey 2 will help us see the progress we've made and the challenges we still need to overcome. We look forward to welcoming a new team and fresh ideas as we all work together to strengthen our church! An update regarding ONCD status and next steps will be presented at the March 16th Parish General Assembly. More information to follow in the April Observer. Thank you to all for your continued support and participation in the ONCD process! In Christ, Your ONCD Team Jane Bardis, Stephanie Bobolis, Jim Chuchas, Emily Coleman, Lou Demas, Marilyn Demas, Koula Fotopoulos & Bernadette Kontos This month's Orthodoxy 101 questions about Lent are based on material from Challenge Questions on Orthodoxy A to Z for Students and More Challenge Questions on Orthodoxy A to Z for Students, by Gayle Woloschak. ! 1. Holy Tradition consists of: a. Both written and unwritten essentials handed down from the days of Christ and the apostles such as worshipping on Sundays, writings of the Holy Fathers, and commemoration of the saints. b. The customs and traditions that are traditionally Orthodox such as making palm crosses for Palm Sunday and dying eggs red for Easter. c. The laws concerning food, behavior, and society as originally defined by the early Church. d. All of the above ! 2. The word Orthodox means: a. Christian b. Correct action c. People of God d. True belief PAGE 8 3. The first Sunday of Lent is called: a. Cheesefare Sunday b. Triumph of Orthodoxy c. Meatfare Sunday d. Sunday of the Prodigal ! 4. On March 30th our Church celebrates the St John Chrysostom Oratorical Contest. What was a nickname attributed to St John Chrysostom? a. St John Lover of Words b. St John the Articulate c. St John Golden Mouth d. St John of the Golden Words ! 5. Bonus Question: Whose Icon is above the Bishop's throne on the Soleas? a. St George b. St. Ephraim c. St. Demetrius d. St John Chrysostom Answers for Orthodoxy 101: 1, a; 2, d; 3, b; 4, c; 5, Bonus Question, d. ORTHODOXY 101 ! THE ANNUNCIATION OBSERVER | March 2014 Youth Highlights In preparation for the 40 days of Lent and Holy Week there are a few dates and special events for your calendars! Sunday, March 2 - Partners in Prayers Children will be choosing prayer partners among their classmates, keeping their “partner’s” name a secret for the duration of Great Lent. They will pray for each other every day during Lent -- a prayer will be provided for each child. At Pascha, students will exchange “Christos Anesti” with their secret prayer partner and let them know that they were praying for them. Sunday, March 9 - Sunday of Orthodoxy Children are invited to bring an icon from home and to carry their icon in procession around the church following Divine Liturgy -- families are invited to bring an icon from home as well. How wonderful for our children to participate in this very special day by sharing their personal icons from home. Sunday, March 30 - St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival All 4th through 12th graders are encouraged to participate in this wonderful event to learn about and share our beautiful Faith, and develop public speaking skills. For a list of topics and the 2014 registration form please check with your Sunday School teacher or contact Koula Fotopoulos at 310-795-9440 or kgianulias@hotmail.com. Thank you for your continued support in providing opportunities for our youth to actively participate in our Orthodox Faith. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Emily Coleman For the Sunday School Sunday, April 6 - Sunday School to Support Blessings in a Backpack Our children will have an opportunity to collect items to be donated, and to participate in the Blessings in a Backpack program. More information will follow. Saturday, April 12 - Saturday of Lazarus & Holy Week Traditional Saturday of Lazarus activities of tying palms and preparing our Church for Holy Week will take place again this year. Meetings for the participation of our youth as Myrrh Bearers and Altar Boys will also take place. ! ! PAGE 9 March 2014 | THE ANNUNCIATION OBSERVER ! The Annunciation Senior League invites you to a motor coach trip to: Ironstone Vineyards, Murphys, CA for a Private Winetasting, Tour and Lunch Thursday, March 27, 2014 Bus departs promptly 8:30 a.m. from the Church Parking Lot Returns approx. 4:30 p.m. $45/person PRIVATE WINETASTING, TOUR AND LUNCH AT IRONSTONE VINEYARDS, MURPHYS, CA. Ironstone is so much more than a winery! We will spend a delightful Spring day at the charming familyowned Ironstone Vineyards in Murphys, CA located in the historic Sierra foothills. The state of the art wine production facility was built in the style of a 19th century gold stamp mill. Antiques and gold mining artifacts are on display inside the winery and thoughout the grounds. We will have a private tour of the entire facility including the 14 acre gardens where a master gardener will join us. Hopefully, the daffodils will be blooming…depending on Mother Nature! Next we will have a private tasting of five select Ironstone wines. Lunch will be held in the dining room where the carefully restored Alhambra Theater pipe organ resides. After lunch, at our leisure, we will browse The Heritage Museum and Jewelry Shoppe which contain artifacts from the gold rush era and world's largest Crystalline Gold Leaf Specimen, weighing 44 lbs discovered in l992 near the winery. The Museum also features a unique Gold-in-Quartz line of jewelry, books, educational material, artifacts and souvenirs. Return portion below along with check payable to: ASL ($45/person) to Georgia Econome 5310 Del Rio Road, Sacramento, CA 95822 ph. 916 - 442-4125 Due by Thursday, March 20, 2014 Name Address Phone Sorry, no refunds after Thursday, March 20, 2014 PAGE 10 Amount Paid THE ANNUNCIATION OBSERVER | March 2014 Annunciation Senior League (ASL) Upcoming ASL Meetings – please mark your calendars! March 4, 2014 “Ask Father” – a program where our priests are asked questions April 1, 2014 “Tomatoes and You” – a culinary expert’s view on food and the plant May 6, 2014 “Yiortes and Customs” – differences in certain areas of Greece June 3, 2014 “Bingo” – with our master bingo announcer Terry Kastanis ! The ASL is “Spring-ing” into action once again with great luncheons and great programs coming your way! We wish to thank the following individuals for our wonderful February luncheon: Voula Cazanis and Family and Presbytera Ellie Dogias and Family for hosting the February ASL luncheon in memory of Theodore Cazanis and Father Demetrius Dogias; Erika Tatarakis for the wonderful dessert in honor of John’s birthday; Beth Foundos for the wonderful Valentine’s Day favors; and John & Mary Kyriakides and John & Annette Christopulos for the wonderful tiropites for our reception table. Thank you all for your support and generosity to our wonderful organization! Our first trip of the year is right around the corner – join us on March 27th for a visit to Ironstone Vineyard! We will have a private tour of the entire facility, the master gardener will discuss their beautiful garden and abundant flowers, and we will have a private wine tasting followed by a nice lunch as we listen to music from the restored Alhambra Theater Organ. You will not want to miss this trip! Please contact Georgia Econome at 442-4125 or GKE21@aol.com to make your reservations. You only need to be 50 years young to join us for these fun events! So please do not hesitate to join for lunch, fellowship and fun on the first Tuesday of each month. Wishing you a blessed Lenten season! Bessie Papailias ASL President PAGE 11 March 2014 | THE ANNUNCIATION OBSERVER ! PAGE 12 ! 2 11:30am - Lenten Matins 6pm - Great Compline 7:30pm - Studies in the Faith 8:30am - Matins & Divine 6pm - Great Compline Liturgy (St. John Climacus) 7:30pm - Studies in the St. John Chrysostom Faith Oratorical Festival 30 31 FEAST OF THE ANNUNCIATION 8:30am - Matins & Hierarchical Divine Liturgy followed by a luncheon and Capitol flag raising in honor of Greek Independence Day 8:30am - Matins & Divine 7pm - Great Vespers of the Liturgy (Holy Cross) Annunciation followed by a March 25th Greek School reception Presentation 1pm - GAPA Meeting 6:30 pm - AHEPA and Daughters of Penelope Monthly Meetings 18 25 6pm - Great Compline 7pm - Parish Council Meeting 7:30pm - Studies in the Faith 17 11 4 6:30 - Philoptochos Monthly Meeting 11am - Sixth Hour 11:30am - ASL Luncheon 6pm - Great Compline Clean Tuesday Tuesday 24 23 8:30am - Matins & Divine Liturgy (St. Gregory Palamas) Parish Assembly 16 10 Clean Monday 3 Monday 8:30am - Matins & Divine 6pm - Great Compline Liturgy (Sunday of Orthodoxy) 7:30pm - Studies in the The Build - Town Hall Faith 6pm - Pan-Orthodox Vespers (At Holy Cross Church) 9 8:30am - Matins & Divine Liturgy (Cheesefare) Stewardship Sunday Appreciation Luncheon 6pm - Forgiveness Vespers Sunday 6pm - Presanctified Liturgy followed by Lenten supper 26 10am - Adult Education 6pm - Presanctified Liturgy followed by Lenten supper 7:30pm - Adult Education 19 10am - Adult Education 6pm - Presanctified Liturgy followed by Lenten supper 7:30pm - Adult Education 12 10am - Adult Education 11:30am - Sixth Hour 6pm - Presanctified Liturgy followed by Lenten supper 7:30pm - Adult Education Clean Wednesday 5 Wednesday 6 8:30am - ASL Trip to Ironstone Vineyards 6pm - Backpack Assembly 7pm - Choir Rehearsal 27 10am - ASL Board Meeting 6pm - Backpack Assembly 7pm - Choir Rehearsal 20 6pm - Backpack Assembly 7pm - Choir Rehearsal 13 11:30am - Sixth Hour 6pm - Backpack Assembly 6:15 pm - Great Compline 7pm - Choir Rehearsal Clean Thursday Thursday 7 7pm - Akathist Hymn (4th Stanza) 28 7pm - Akathist Hymn (3rd Stanza) 21 7pm - Akathist Hymn (2nd Stanza) 14 11:30am - Sixth Hour 7pm - Akathist Hymn (1st Stanza) Clean Friday Friday 1 29 22 15 8:30am - Matins & Divine Liturgy (St. Theodore of Tyron and the miracle of the kollyva) 8 8:30am - Matins & Divine Liturgy (2nd Saturday of Souls) 6pm - Choir Crab feed Saturday Schedule subject to change. Please consult with the website or Sunday Bulletin for the most current information. 2014 ! http://www.annunciation.ca.goarch.org March THE ANNUNCIATION OBSERVER | March 2014 PAGE 13 March 2014 | THE ANNUNCIATION OBSERVER PHILOPTOCHOS LENTEN RETREAT ! ! The members of the Annunciation Philoptochos are blessed to have His Eminence, Metropolitan +Nikitas Director of the Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute (PAOI), speak at our annual Lenten Retreat. His Eminence will cover the true nature of fasting and the significance of our liturgical music. Be prepared to learn about the beauty and depth of these two very important aspects of our Church’s Tradition. Please join us in welcoming His Eminence Saturday, April 5, 2014 HELLENIC CENTER 614 Alhambra Blvd ! 9:30 am check in Presentation 10:00 am to 2:00 pm ! A Lenten luncheon will be served. (Donation appreciated) ! We encourage your RSVP to Terre Terzakis (916) 487-6467 or Donna Wagner (916) 456-9794 PAGE 14 THE ANNUNCIATION OBSERVER | March 2014 Annunciation Philoptochos again to Elaine Wright for organizing another successful event and to Terre Terzakis for calling out numbers. Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets and attended the raffle. Special thanks to the following people and businesses who donated cakes (see below). A very special thank you goes to the Kids n’ Cancer Committee led by Elaine Wright. The Committee members were Karen Firth, Mary Lydon, Helen Nickolson, Althea Tatarakis, and Maria Theophilopoulos. Most of all, thank you to all of the wonderful parishioners who attended and supported both fundraisers in February. An important upcoming event is the Philoptochos sponsored Lenten Retreat on Saturday, April 5 and will feature His Eminence, Metropolitan Nikitas, Director of the Patriarach Athenagoras Orthodox Institute in Berkeley, California. His Eminence will provide two presentations, one covering the true nature of fasting and the other the significance of our liturgical music. Be Dear Parishioners, February was a busy month for Philoptochos with fundraisers for Kids n’ Cancer. The Pancake Breakfast that was held on February 9 was a tremendous success. A special thank you goes to longstanding Philoptochos member Helen Gianakakis, who sponsored the entire Pancake Breakfast. Helen is to be commended for her generosity and her ready and willing attitude. She is always happy to lend a hand and we appreciate her continual support of Philoptochos. I would also like to thank Elaine Wright for organizing the Pancake Breakfast, and Jerry Wright, George Dariotis, Michael Dariotis, and Sam Manolakas for their help in the kitchen. Thank you also to all of the Philoptochos members who helped that day. Our annual Cake Raffle took place on February 23 and was another huge Mary Apostolos success. The event just Jane Bardis Dessie Chuchas keeps getting bigger and Nitsa Dariotis better. There was a wonStella Dariotis derful turnout of parishEttore’s ioners, many raffle tickets Karen Firth were sold, and a total of Norma Garavaglia 47 cakes and cake plates Angie Gianopulos were donated! Thanks Helen Grammatikakis ! Maria Higdon Maria Kaufman Dena Kuchulis Loula Kufasimes Mary Lydon Julie Mamalis Helen Nickolson Kim Pacini Dorothy Pooler Pres. Barbara Retelas Nacky Schmidt prepared to learn about the beauty and depth of these two very important aspects of our Church's Tradition. There will plenty of opportunities for questions. The retreat will be held in the Hellenic Center and check-in and continental breakfast begin at 9:30 a.m. The presentations begin at 10:00 a.m., there will be a Lenten luncheon, and the retreat will conclude at 2:00 p.m. Please bring a friend! Donations will be accepted. Please Save the Date for the next “Festival of Tables” event on Saturday, May 3. This unique and enjoyable event includes lunch, raffle and prizes. If you would like to reserve a table, please email me at cdariotis@golyon.com, or call me at (916) 412-8112. Tables of 8 are $100.00, and individual tickets are $12.00. Put on your creative hat and sponsor a table, or come as a guest and be prepared to be amazed by the beautiful table settings. Annunciation Senior League has won 1st place at the two past events, so let’s see if they will defend their title! Our next Philoptochos Meeting will be on Tuesday, March 11 at 6:30 p.m. in the Lower Fellowship Hall. In Christ’s Love, Christine Dariotis Philoptochos President Thank you to all those who donated cakes! Lynn Solorio Althea Tatarakis Terre Terzakis Effie Theodor Maria Theophilopoulos Pearl Thomas Katerina Tsakopoulos Faye Vallas Traya Vallas Donna Wagner Areti Yiaslis PAGE 15 March 2014 | THE ANNUNCIATION OBSERVER Booknotes from the Bookstore People are asking when the Bookstore will be moving into its temporary quarters in a trailer. We were due to make the move in March or April but that is being postponed a bit. Exactly when we will move now we do not really know but we will let everyone know as soon as we find out. Many parishioners also are looking for materials to read to enhance our spiritual journey through Lent. From a business perspective it may not be a good idea to tell people to just go read your old books but I went back through some of my books from past years and am so impressed with these older sources that I thought that I would once again recommend the following: Great Lent, by Fr. Alexander Schmemann is a classic and The Lenten Covenant, by Archimandrite Leonidas Contos is an easy read, concise and I think is brilliant in the way it treats all aspects of the Lenten Journey from the Triodion period through Pascha. I had forgotten how helpful, informative and uplifting this book, written in 1994, really is. It is pure Orthodoxy! Next, we are going to celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation this month so I would like to recommend another Great little book formerly printed under the title of The Orthodox Veneration of Mary the Birthgiver of God, by St. John Maximovich and is now simply titled, The Orthodox Veneration of the Mother of God. For those of you looking for information about a true Orthodox perspective on the Theotokos, this tiny eighty eight page book is the best I have read. As it has in past years, our Metropolis will host an online Lenten Book Club. Last year’s selection you may recall was Wounded By Love about Elder Porphyrios. This Year’s selection will be Giver of Life: The Holy Spirit in Orthodox Tradition, by Fr. John W. Oliver. More specific information will be given through the Church Bulletin as it becomes available or at the Metropolis website. For those of you who do not have copies of these books, copies are available in the Bookstore. Kali Sarakosti The Great 40 day Lent, the Sarakosti, is actually 50 days of Lent! Many-many years ago the Lent used to be 40 days. That's how the name Sarakosti, which means 40 days, came along. The name stayed the same even though the length of the fasting period has changed. While I love learning new Greek terms, may we at the Bookstore wish you a truly spiritually uplifting and rewarding journey through Great Lent. Marilyn Demas for the Bookstore Altar Guild Orthodox Christian Fellowship General Meetings - 1st & 3rd Tuesday 7:00 pm Camellia Room University Union Social Night - 2nd & 4th Tuesday Location TBD weekly If you would like to donate money toward flowers in honor or in memory of a loved one, please contact our Church Office at 916-443-2033. The following members will be decorating the icons for the month of March. March 7 Klea Spyridakis & Dionesia Bertakis March 14 Merle Stathis, Jan Stathis, Sunday Balalis Contact Info: March 21 JoAnn Triphone Check out our Facebook Page at March 28 Donis Whaley “Orthodox Christian Fellowship at CSU Sacramento” 925.998.0700 I orgsync.com/75704/chapter PAGE 16 The purpose of this guild is to decorate the icons used during Sunday liturgies and special Feast Days. THE ANNUNCIATION OBSERVER | March 2014 A huge thanks to all those who supported the Choir Crabfeed! Once again, the parish came out in big numbers and supported the Choir’s Annual Crab Feed. “THANK YOU ONE AND ALL!!” It was a sellout again and everyone enjoyed themselves….especially the extended program by the choir members, and the new Jamie’s band! Thank you to cooks: Tom Panages, Deno Jakovas, George Chuchas, George Kouremetis, and Nikita Skondras: as usual, the pasta was outstanding, and the crab was great, too. All the choir members should be commended for chipping-in and doing whatever was necessary, setting-up, decorating, serving, and performing. A special thanks to the committee headed by Bessie Papailias, Bessie Pothos, Jim Chuchas, Demetre Fotos, Jamie Bobolis, and George Kastanis. This year we honored Lener Gousetis and Kyriako Fotos who have provided their musical talents for some 20 years, without remuneration, yet they participated like everyone else in our parish. A big eucharisto! You may not be aware, however, that the choir uses its annual fund raising dollars to purchase new music, make physical improvements in the choir loft, parish diakonia (i.e. church beautification) and attendance at annual summer choir conference and regional workshops. If you enjoy listening to the choir during a Sunday morning Liturgy, and you are singing along… quietly to yourself, consider joining us in the choir loft. In that way, you can lift your voice audibly in prayer and contribute to our beautiful Divine Liturgy. Rehearsals are held on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. Please join us. Annunciation Choir Annunciation Sewing Circle The numbers just in, in January Project Linus donated 530 blankets to River Oak Center for Children; Chicks in Crisis; UC Davis Children’s Hospital; Ronald McDonald House and the Birthing Project. For those of you who donated Beanie Babies and hats, the following thank you note was received from Howe Elementary School where Project Linus provided blankets and Beanie Babies in pouches to all the kindergartners in December: As kindergarten teachers at Howe Avenue Elementary School, we feel greatly humbled by the love and kindness you have shown our students. Seeing the big smiles on their faces as they sat on the carpet, snuggled up in their adorable blankets and playing with their new stuffed friend, was priceless. It brought tears to our eyes. Please know that our students and I will always remember your kindness. Warm regards, Babette Lieberman & Erin Madden” Jennifer from Project Linus who coordinates the Beanie Baby part of things, thanks everyone who made hats for the Beanie Baby project and asks that you keep anymore hats “Dearest Members of the Linus Project: until next November. We will continue to collect new or almost new ! Beanie Babies all year long for this project. Our Sewing Circle is so Blessed to have so many gracious and generous friends as well as many talented, devoted people to participate in these most worthy projects. I don't want to name names for fear of leaving someone out but I have to name a few because they were there to fill a need this past month; Sandra Giobres for Beanie Baby hats, Bess Kerhulas and Ioanna Schnell for their many blankets for Project Linus and babies in crisis, and Helen Rotas for our Prayer Shawl Ministry. Helen has been a little under the weather lately so we send her love and prayers for a speedy recovery! Thank you and God Bless you All! PAGE 17 March 2014 | THE ANNUNCIATION OBSERVER Want to wish someone a special happy birthday or congratulations for a graduation or anniversary, etc.? Choose your ad size (see rates below), tell us exactly what you want it to say (picture optional), and e-mail it to etheodor@annunciationsac.org ! Make check payable to: Annunciation GOC and send to church office. ! Rates for the Community Corner are: $25.00 Quarter Page $40.00 Half Page $75.00 Full Page ! For questions, please contact the Church Office at (916) 443-2033 Annunciation Community Corner Happy 18th Birthday Nikko ! ! ! It seems like only yesterday you were just a toddler…… ! ! Love you lots, Yiayia Ourania & Thea Effie PENNY KASTANIS APPOINTED TO THE CALIFORNIA LIBRARY SERVICES BOARD Speaker John A. Perez, Speaker of the California State Assembly, has appointed our very own Penny Kastanis to a 4 year term (to January 2018) to the California Library Services Board. This is a nine member state-wide board of directors whose responsibility it is to determine policy and authorize the allocation of funds and programs of the California Library Services Act. This board also sits as the State Advisory Council on libraries for the Federal Library Services and Technology Act. This is Penny’s second appointment, having served from 2002 to 2010 and she was chairman in 2008, as an appointee of the Governor. At the parish level, Penny served on the Parish Council for 8 years, and sitting President for 5 of those years, more than any other Parish Council President at Annunciation. She also chaired the building committee in 1999 -2001. Penny can be found at the front door each month as members of the Annunciation Senior League gather for lunch and fellowship. Bravo Penelope! PAGE 18 THE ANNUNCIATION OBSERVER | March 2014 Ionian Village Summer 2014 Program Dates Ionian Village Summer 2014 Camping Programs The picturesque Ionian Village campgrounds sit along the shores of the pristine Ionian Sea and are equipped with a private beach, a renovated Olympic-sized pool, air-conditioned cabins, and various athletic courts and fields. Campers actively explore their Orthodox faith and heritage, both through the daily camp program and through excursions to culturally and religiously significant sites throughout Greece. Excursions vary slightly between the two sessions and will include Ancient Olympia, Patra, Zakynthos, Kefallonia, Kerkyra, Aegina, and Athens. Each 20-day session is open to young people who have completed grades 8 through 12. Ionian Village Spiritual Odyssey Pilgrimage The Spiritual Odyssey program offers young adults the opportunity to intimately encounter our culture and faith through focused pilgrimages. Spiritual Odyssey is open to young adults between the ages of 19-28. Spiritual Odyssey Cyprus: Jun. 1–11 While in Cyprus, participants will experience our faith and culture first-hand, visiting sites where the Apostles once preached, also learning about the Cypriot struggle and ongoing division of the island. Participants will also explore the beautiful beaches, food, and culture of the island of Cyprus. Participants will then travel to Athens for the last two days to visit classic sites such as the Parthenon, have shopping time in Monastiraki, and view the classic changing of the guards. FOR MORE INFORMATION SESSION ONE: JUNE 23 – JULY 12, 2014 SESSION TWO: JULY 20 – AUGUST 8, 2014 regarding any of our 2014 Summer programs, to apply to be a Staff, Medical, or Clergy Member, or to register for our ever-expanding Alumni Project please visit the Ionian Village website at www.ionianvillage.org Available at Amazon.com Congratulations Dad! ! We thank you for your dedication and perseverance in writing your autobiography. Most of all, we thank you for your legacy of putting faith first and for sharing important life lessons, not just in your book, but in every day of our lives. ! Your loving daughters " PAGE 19 March 2014 | THE ANNUNCIATION OBSERVER February Pledges OPERATING FUND Income $86,493 $71,667 All Other Revenue $25,893 $19,354 $112,386 $91,021 $60,451 $71,842 Program Services $1,388 $2,250 Other Oper. Exp. $34,585 $24,624 8,921 $17,843 $105,345 $116,559 ! Helen Anderson Milton & Panorea Apostolidis Dionesia P. Bertakis Stephanie Bobolis Alexander & Eleni Bourdaniotis Rhea & Daniel Brunner Andonia Cakouros Dennis & Jeanlaurie Corelis Mary J. Curtis Efthymios & Grammatoula Delis Angelo & Adel Dimitropoulos Elizabeth Dokimos Steven & Marina Downing Georgia Econome Kiki Econome Peter & Koula Fotopoulos Ruseta Fotos Chris & Angie Georgoulias Dannan & Lisa Harr Julian B. & Diane Holt Tasi Jones John & Stella Kakavas George Karagianes Terry & Penny Kastanis George Koufasimis Dean & Diane Langley Ronald & Georgia Langley Maria Lappas Richard & Mary Lydon George & Marina Mantis Varghese & Elisabeth Mathew George & Gaye Nicholau Howard & Stella Norris Tom & Penny Pantelopoulos Perry & Kiki Parker Jerry & Catherine Pavlatos Charles Price Diane Scandalis Daniela & Andrew Schmidt Nick & Helene Stathos Effie Theodor Ourania Theodor Brent Thiese Pearl Thomas George & Margo Tzikas Antiope Tzouras Loukia Vlahos Jerry & Elaine Wright Anestis & Areti Yiaslas =241 / 501 Remember Your Church Through Planned Giving For more information or to obtain a brochure, be sure to contact our parish Planned Giving chair, Jerry Wright. PAGE 20 2014 Budget YTD Pledges Total Revenue as of 2.15.14 1/1/14 to 02/14/14 Expenses Total Staff Exp. Archdiocese National Ministries Total Expense Balance as of $7,042 02/14/14 2014 Pledges as of February 14, 2014 Stewardship Budget $430,000 Pledged to Date $279,249 Total Amount Received Total Members Pledged $86,493 241 THE ANNUNCIATION OBSERVER | March 2014 Weekday Liturgical Schedule For March 2014 Saturday, March 1 8:30 am - Matins & Divine Liturgy (2nd Saturday of Souls) Monday, March 3 11:30 am - Lenten Matins 6:00 pm - Great Compline with the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete THE FEAST DAY OF THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE MOST HOLY MOTHER OF GOD Tuesday, March 4 11:00 am - Sixth Hour 6:00 pm - Great Compline with the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete Wednesday, March 5 11:30 am - Sixth Hour 6:00 pm - Presanctified Liturgy followed by Lenten Supper Thursday, March 6 11:30 am - Sixth Hour 6:00 pm - Great Compline with the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete Friday, March 7 11:30 am - Sixth Hour 7:00 pm - Akathist to the Mother of God (1st stanza) Sunday, March 23 | 8:30 am Matins & Divine Liturgy (Sunday of the Holy Cross) followed by March 25th Greek School presentation! Saturday, March 8 8:30 am - Matins & Divine Liturgy (St. Theodore & the miracle of the kollyva) Monday, March 10 6:00 pm - Great Compline Wednesday, March 12 6:00 pm - Presanctified Liturgy followed by Lenten Supper Friday, March 14 7:00 pm - Akathist to the Mother of God (2nd stanza) Monday, March 17 6:00 pm - Great Compline Monday, March 24 | 7 pm Great Vespers of the Annunciation followed by an evening reception Tuesday, March 25 | 8:30 am Matins & Hierarchical Divine Liturgy followed by a festal luncheon and flag raising at the State Capitol Metropolitan Gerasimos presiding Wednesday, March 19 6:00 pm - Presanctified Liturgy followed by Lenten Supper Friday, March 21 7:00 pm - Akathist to the Mother of God (3rd stanza) Wednesday, March 26 6:00 pm - Presanctified Liturgy followed by Lenten Supper Friday, March 28 7:00 pm - Akathist to the Mother of God (4th stanza) Monday, March 31 6:00 pm - Great Compline " PAGE 21 March 2014 | THE ANNUNCIATION OBSERVER ! Parish Milestones Forty Day Blessings Feb. 16 - Daughter of Takis & Katerina Kakkavas Baptisms Feb. 1 - Evanthia, daughter of Ioannis and Cynthia Kazanis (sponsor: Peter and Dimitra Dogias) Feb. 8 - Penelope, daughter of Milton and Panorea Apostolidis (sponsors: Adonis, Maria, Elizabeth & Marilena Maragakis) Funerals Feb. 20 - Nadine Loris Memorials Feb. 9 - Fr. Demetrius Dogias (1 year) Feb. 9 - Sam Romas (40days) Feb. 9 -Marietta & Nicholas Alexander Feb. 16 - Dr. Milton Antipa (1 year) Feb. 16 - Angelo Drivas (3 years) Feb. 23 - Pamela Andrews (40 days) Feb. 23 - Mary Cazanis (40 days) Feb. 23 - Kay Georgallis Feb. 23 - Charles & Sophia Kyriakides Feb. 23 - Harry & Irene Kirkopulos Advertising Rates SIZE MONTHLY ANNUALLY Full Page $150 $1,250 Half Page $80 $720 Quarter Page $45 $375 Business Card $25 $240 Back Page $150 Not Available PAGE 22 ! Prosforo!Baking!Ministry! ! We!are!looking!for!volunteers!to!make!or!donate!Prosforo!(3!loaves)!for! the!Divine!Liturgy!on!Sundays!throughout!the!year.!!! ! Prosforo,!“an!offering!to!God”!is!the!Liturgical!Bread!used!at!every!church! service.!!Parishioners!bake!all!of!the!prosforo,!because!it!is!a!means!of! stewardship!by!giving!of!our!time!and!talents.!! ! We!are!asking!all!of!our!parish!families!to!make!or!donate!once!or!twice!a! year.!!You!may!do!so!by:! ! • Making!it!yourself!(3!loaves)!and!bringing!it!to!Church!on!Sunday! (signJup!is!available!by!calling!Donna!Wagner!or!Nitsa!Dariotis).!! Please!bring!loaves!to!Church!on!Sunday!by!9:00am.!!A!Parish! Council!member!will!take!it!to!the!priest!along!with!your!list!of! names.!!! ! • Calling!Toula!Hatzopoulos!who!will!make!3!loaves!for!$15.00.!! Please!contact!her!directly!at:!!(530)!400J7689! ! In!respect!of!the!liturgical!custom,!please!remember!to!offer!names!of! both!the!living!and!dead!members!of!your!family!when!you!bring!your! loaves!to!Church!so!that!they!may!be!properly!commemorated.! ! To!schedule!a!Sunday!or!for!more!information,!call! Donna!Wagner!(916)!456C9794!or!Nitsa!Dariotis!(916)!649C1129! ! ! NOTE:!Bread!recipe!available!upon!request! ! THE ANNUNCIATION OBSERVER | March 2014 Locally owned and operated by ! The Dariotis Family Great Value for the Entire Family Warm Surroundings, Delicious Foods, Unbeatable Prices Take Out Available Banquet Facilities Available Call Ahead Seating Available We Now Offer Catering! 1910 “J” Street Sacramento, CA (916) 443-2862 12401 Folsom Blvd. Rancho Cordova, CA (916) 985-0822 731 Sunrise Ave. Roseville, CA (916) 773-3950 7727 Laguna Blvd. Elk Grove, CA (916) 478-2400 11896 Foothill Blvd. Rancho Cucamonga, CA (909) 980-3585 2107 Broadway St. Redwood City, CA (650) 216-9713 ! ! 1955 Mt. Diablo St. Concord, CA (925) 687-5030 2702 W. March Lane Stockton, CA (209) 473-3695 51 N. San Pedro St. San Jose, CA (408) 288-7488 1610 East Shaw Ave. Fresno, CA (559) 222-1066 111 N. Twin Oaks Valley Rd. San Marcos, CA (760) 471-0155 3155 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ (480) 786-5705 1418 N. Central Ave. Phoenix, AZ (602) 257-0380 ! Lind Brothers!FD1141! A!Family!Owned!Funeral!Home!since!1964! 4221!Manzanita!Avenue!!!Carmichael,!CA!!95608! Main:!916.482.8080!!!!!!!!!!Fax:!916.482.2009! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Lewie!Donhost! Funeral!Director! "! PAGE 23 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 700 Sacramento, CA Greek Orthodox of the Annunciation March 2014 | TChurch HE ANNUNCIATION OBSERVER 3022 F Street Sacramento, CA 95816 TIME DATED MATERIAL ! Place label here THE SUNDAY OF ORTHODOXY PAN-ORTHODOX VESPERS! Sunday, March 9th! Elevation of the Holy Cross 9000 Jackson Rd., Sacramento! Great Vespers at 6:00 PM with liti & procession with icons PAGE 24
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