December - Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church


December - Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church
The Annunciation Observer
December ‘08 - Vol. 24, Issue 9
Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation
3022 F Street / Sacramento, CA 95816 / (916) 443-2033
Our mission is to bring all people to full maturity in Christ through Worship
(Liturgia), Service (Diakonia), Education (Paideia), Witness (Martyria) and Fellowship
(Koinonia), guided and united in all things by the One Holy Spirit.
A Short Homily on the Birth of the Lord, the Son of God
[By our Father among the Saints, Nikolai (Velimirovic). From The Prologue from Ochrid. (Available
in print and also available on line at]
I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world (John 16:28).
The only-begotten Son of God, brethren, begotten in eternity of the Father without a mother, was
born in time of a mother without a father. That first begetting is an unfathomable mystery of the
Holy Trinity in eternity, and the second is the unfathomable mystery of God's power and love for
mankind in time. The greatest mystery in time corresponds to the greatest mystery in eternity.
Without entering into this greatest mystery with the small candle of our understanding, let us be
content, brethren, with the knowledge that our salvation had its origin not from man or from earth,
but from the greatest heights of the divine invisible world. So great is God's mercy, and so great is
the dignity of man, that the Son of God Himself came down from eternity into time, from heaven to
earth, from the throne of glory to the shepherd's cave, solely to save mankind, to cleanse men from
sin and to return them to Paradise. I came forth from the Father, where I had everything, and am
come into the world, which cannot give Me anything. The Lord was born in a cave to show that the
whole world is one dark cave, which He alone can illumine. The Lord was born in Bethlehem-and
Bethlehem means “the House of Bread''-to show that He is the only Bread of Life worthy of true men.
O Lord Jesus, the Pre-eternal Son of the Living God and the Son of the Virgin Mary, enlighten us and
nourish us with Thyself. To Thee be glory and praise forever. Amen.
(Continued on Page 2)
The Annunciation Observer
December ‘08 - Vol. 24, Issue 9
From page 1
3022 F Street
Sacramento, CA 95816
Presiding Priest, Father James Retelas
Associate Priest, Fr. Timothy Robinson
Jerry Wright
Annunciation Senior League
Sophia Evrigenis, President
Kontakion for Christmas (Mode 3)
Today the Virgin gives birth to the Transcendent One, and the
earth offers a cave to the unapproachable One! Angels with
shepherds glorify Him! The wise men journey with a star!
Since for our sake the Eternal God was born as a Little Child!
Brothers and Sisters, peace and joy to you. Come to Church
this Christmas to celebrate the miracle and see the Glory of
God. Hear the best Good News that we can hear: God loves us
and has given us His only Son so that we can be saved from
sin and death! Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!
On behalf of myself, my wife, Pres. Marsha, and Fr. James,
Pres. Barbara and their family, please allow us to wish you all
a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
Fr. Timothy
Greek Education
Becky Yerocostas, Director
Music and Worship
Bill Bobolis, Choir Director
John Michael Boyer, Protopsaltis
Philoptochos Society
Helen Grammatakakis, President
(916) 371-1627
Sunday School
Despina Kreatsoulas, Director
Youth Ministry
Andrew Burrows, Advisor
Office Manager
Maria Mavroforakis
Financial Administrator, Norine Geissler
Office Assistant/Hall Coordinator,
Kathy Loper
Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
The Annunciation Observer
December ‘08 - Vol. 24, Issue 9
From the Parish Council President
Election Day for the Parish Council candidates is Sunday, 7 December 2008. This year is the first year of the transition from 14 council members down to 12 as was voted with the parish By-Laws in
March of this year. Ballots can only be cast in person as no absentee or proxy ballots are allowed.
Along with other important events and activities is the completion
of your 2008 pledge. The year has past quickly and some of us
need to fulfill that best gift this month. As you know, the pledge
cards have already been sent for the 2009 best gifts and the Stewardship Committee chairman, George Dariotis, is looking forward
to a successful year.
Further security measures have now been completed. The entire complex has been re-keyed and
there are just a specific number of "all complex" keys assigned to those that are in need of access to
all locations. This should help with reducing the number of false alarm incidences and the charges
made by the Sacramento Police Dept. for response. Too many had the keys but not the correct alarm
Thank you for this year of your support and I wish you all a Merry Christmas.
Jerry Wright
Parish Council President
“For we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.”
Matthew 2:2
The Annunciation Sunday School
invites you to their
Annual Christmas Program and Brunch
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The Annunciation Observer
December ‘08 - Vol. 24, Issue 9
During this most festive time of the year
The Senior League invites you to join them
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Hellenic Center
Social Hour 11:00 AM Luncheon meeting 11:30 AM $7 per person
Entertainment by the Annunciation Choir
Special guests: Santa, Mrs. Claus, Annunciation Choir
We request that you R.S.V.P. before November 28, 2008 for planning purposes!
Make your reservations by calling the membership committee:
• Helen Caparis (916) 448-3670
• Kay Georgallis (916) 445-0939
• Mary Kondos (916) 457-2196
• Mary Silva (530)753-2007
THANK YOU’s and Acknowledgements for the November meeting go to the following people:
• The Annunciation Choir for being so generous in sponsoring our luncheon
• Dr. Katerina Lagos Tsakopoulos a most personable and charismatic speaker who spoke to us
about democracy and the privilege of voting and the life of Premier Ioannis Metaxas. His policies
and his eventual saying “OXI” on October 28, 1941 to the demands of Mussolini, the dictator of
Italy to subjugate parts of Greece.
• Ourania Marandos for donating the pumpkin pies in honor of her mother,
Constantina Papajohn’s birthday
• Georgia Econome and Marian Nicholaou for donating the ice cream to top our pies in honor of
their birthdays
• Kathy LaGuisa for donating the salami and hummus dip in honoring Bill
Booras’s birthday
• Theresa Sacco for the nut cups and cheese and crackers
• Dena and Tyke Kuchulis for the floral door prize and for coordinating our
delicious Thanksgiving luncheon
• Bessie Papalias for coordinating our paper goods for the occasion
• Julie Mamalis for the turkey baskets full of mums for our table decorations
• Our wonderful Membership Crew, Helen Caparis, Kay Georgallis, Mary Kondos and Mary Silva
who remind our membership of our luncheons.
• Pauline Cazanis for introducing Dr. Katerina Lagos our guest speaker
• Eugene Fotos our photographer. Have you noticed his presentations on the left wall of the Hellenic Center?
IN SYMPATHY: Our deepest sympathies are extended to the families of our beloved Mary Kutsurelis
who recently passed away. May her memory be eternal!
CANCELLATION: The “Thanksgiving Family Get together” luncheon was cancelled so that we could all
enjoy camaraderie at St. Katherine Orthodox Church in honor of St. Katherine.
At this Christmas season your board of directors join me in wishing you great peace, happiness and joy
throughout the holiday season.
Faithfully yours,
Sophia Evrigenis,
ASL President
The Annunciation Observer
December ‘08 - Vol. 24, Issue 9
Liturgical Schedule December 2008
Every Wednesday
Every Saturday
6:00 pm Evening Prayer
5:30 pm Great Vespers
* Thursday, December 4
* Saturday, December 6
St. Barbara the Great Martyr
St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
Tuesday, December 9
Conception of St. Anna, at St.
Anna Roseville, 9am Orthros, 10am Divine Liturgy
* Friday, December 12
St. Spyridon the Wonderworker
* Monday, December 15 St. Eleutherios
* Wednesday, December 17 St. Dionysios of Zakynthos
9 am, Wednesday, December 24 Great Hours of Christmas
6 pm, Wednesday, December 24 Vesperal Divine Liturgy
of Christmas
* Thursday, December 25 Holy Nativity Divine Liturgy
* Saturday, December 27 St. Stephen the First Martyr
7 pm, Wednesday, December 31 Great Vespers: St. Basil
the Great
* Matins at 8:30 am, Divine Liturgy 10 am
EORTOLOGION AKOLOUQIWN: tou Dekembrivou 2008
Kavqe Tetavrth
Kavqe Savbbato
4 Dekembrivou
6 m.m
5:30 m.m Mevgaς Esperinovς
Thς Agivaς Barbavraς
6 Dekembrivou
Tou Agivou Nikolavou
9 Dekembrivou St. Anna, Roseville 9 p.m. Orqroς
10 p.m Qeia Leitourgia
Suvllhyewς Agivaς Annaς
12 Dekembrivou
Tou Agivou Spurivdwnoς
15 Dekembrivou
Tou Agivou Eleuqerivou
17 Dekembrivou
Tou Agivou Dionusiovu
thς Zakuvnqou
Megavleς Wreς twn
Esperinhv Leitourgiva
twn Cristougevnnwn
9 p.m, 24 Dekembrivou
6 m.m, 24 Dekembrivou
25 Dekembrivou
: Qeiva Leitourgiva
27 Dekembrivou
Tou Agivou Stefavnou tou
7 m.m, 31 Dekembrivou
In Loving Memory of
Nicholas K. & Marietta Alexander
If you would like to become an Observer Sponsor
in memory of a loved one, please contact the
church office. An annual sponsorship is $100.
Thank you!
Volunteers Needed
The church office is looking for volunteers to help
with maintaining our website. If you have experience
and are willing to help please let us know. High
School and College students are encouraged to help.
Mevgaς Esperinovς tou
Agivou Basileivou
Oi kaqhmerinevς Leitourgiveς arcivzoun stiς 8:30 p.m me
ton Orqron
Call the office at 443-2033 or email
The Annunciation Observer
December ‘08 - Vol. 24, Issue 9
Kings vs. Milwaukee Bucks
Greek Heritage Night with the Sacramento
Kings on Friday January 16th at 7pm. Tickets
are going on sale soon for $15 each. We will be
having a Pre-game event and everyone will receive a Greek Heritage Night T-shirt.
The Youth Corner
As we struggle with our relationship with the
lord it is important to take timeout of the day to
pray. There are numerous opportunities to
pray to the lord throughout the day before
meals, morning, evening, and every sparing
moment of the day. In praying we must give
thanks for the new day, health, family, patience,
humility, and love. Throughout our prayer we
must ask forgiveness for our specific sins, for
example: if we have gotten angry, swore, taken
the lord name in vain, cheated, stolen, for all of
our bad thoughts, treat someone unkindly, lied,
and any other sins in word, deed, or thought. It
is important to pray and work on a personal relationship with our lord and also participate in
the Sacrament of Confession. The Jesus prayer
is “Lord Jesus Christ son of God have mercy on
me a sinner.”
Thank you and Lots of Love,
Andrew Burrows
GOYA is off to a wonderful start. Our first
fundraisers were a great success raising over
$1000 at the Sunday Luncheon. We are helping our own community and reaching out to
others in providing a helping hand.
I can already see that the kids are getting excited and
can’t wait to see the events we have planned.
We are planning an end of the year trip to Boston. Now that the new youth room is almost
complete, the kids will have a great place for all
the activities. The response and support has
been amazing and I would like to thank everyone for their tremendous support.
God Bless,
Dimitra Theodoridis
GOYA President
Exciting times with our youth programs as we
have different age groups with young adult and
high school volunteers.
LOVE is for preschool and kindergarten kids
and the volunteers are Elizabeth Maragakis,
Arianna Pandelopoulos, and Jonny LaBritt
HOPE is for 1st – 3rd grades and the volunteers
are Ariadne Antipa, and Sasha Tokas
Congratulations to
The recipient of the 2008
Mary Voyiatez $1,000 Scholarship
Peter Romas
JOY is for 4th – 6th grades and the volunteers
are Irene Hatzopoulos, and Alexis Rotas
GOYA is for 7th – High School and the young
adult advisors are Alayna Loper, Eleni Papailias,
Anthony Panages, and the parent advisors are
Angie Ganetsos and Tom Panages.
GOYA is meeting the second Sunday of every
month after church in the upper fellowship
room. Love, Hope, and Joy will be meeting and
participating in fun fellowship activities please
read the bulletin. Please go up and see the new
youth room. GOYA has taken the lead in painting, fixing up the room, and it has been recarpeted. Please lets takes care of our facilities
and keep our rooms clean.
The Annunciation Observer
December ‘08 - Vol. 24, Issue 9
Greek School
“If to dance is to dream, then you make
dreams come true”
The holidays are approaching and Greek School is
preparing. We are looking forward to singing the
Κάλαντα, Greek Christmas carols, on December 14th
during the Sunday School Christmas program.
Thank you to all that have made this dream
come true for our kids. Thank you to our directors, parents, DSG board, costume ladies,
and to everyone who has worked hard to make
this program wonderful.
There will be NO Greek School December 23rd January 6th
I invite you all to buy See’s candies from our
dancers which will help support our Sweepstakes winners! Thank you Maria Higdon for
overseeing this great fundraiser!!!
Ελληνικό Σχολείο
Θερµές ευχές για κάλα Χριστούγεννα και
ευτυχισµένο το Νέο Ετος µε υγεία, αγάπη και ειρήνη
σε όλο το κόσµο.
Τα παιδιά ετοιµάζονται
µαθαίνοντας τα κάλαντα. Θα «τα πούµε» στις 14
Δεκεµβρίου στο πρόγραµµα του κατηχητικού
Το Ελληνικό Σχολείο θα
Δεκεµβρίου - 6 Ιανουαρίου.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New
Sunday Balalis
DSG President
The Annunciation Observer
December ‘08 - Vol. 24, Issue 9
one Sunday and doing our annual cake raffle
I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving Holiday with family and friends and took some
time to reflect on what we are thankful for in
our lives.
Our December meeting will be Tuesday, December 2nd at 6:30 in the lower fellowship
Have a Merry Christmas,
Helen Grammatikakis, President
The tenth annual Tasting Extravaganza was
again a success. I would like to thank the wineries; Omega, Oakstone, Bogle, Chapralis Wine
Merchant, Fat Cat Winery, and Jackson Family
Wines, the caterers; Spaghetti Factory,
Grizelda’s Catering, Mani Imports, Faye Vallas
Catering, and the Dial-a-Baklava ladies, and the
artists; Alexis Genung, Maria Toupedakis, Tom
Sellas, and Demetre Fotos. I would like to also
thank everyone who had anything to do with
the event, from selling tickets, set up, clean up,
cooking, providing silent auction items, and
anything else including being in attendance.
Your help and support are greatly appreciated.
Georgia Adams
Thomas & Shirle Adams
Nick & Shari Alexander
Mary Alifrangis
Christ & Helen Anastasopoulos
Constantine & Kelly Anastasopoulos
Helen Anderson
Philip & Julie Angelides
George & Vickie Angelidis
Antonios & Susan Angelis
Stella Anthony
Geoffrey & Antonia Antipa
Alice Anton
Edna Antonaros
Demetrious & Maria Apostolidis
Costa & Melissa Apostolos
Mary Apostolos
Dina Apostolou
Paul & Elizabeth Arellanes
Andrianos & Kathy Argyropoulos
Stephane Asimacopoulos
George Asimakopoulos
Thomas Aspeotis
Theodoros & Georgia Avdalas
Nicholas & Nikki Avdis
Spyridon & Georgia Avdis
Michael & Joanne L. Bakis
Manny & Sunday Balalis
Suzanne Baldwin
Dan & Katherine Ballas
George Ballis
Chris & Sara Bardis
Elias & Jane Bardis
Dorothy Bartoli
Richard & Katherine Bateman
Helen K. Beaudry
Dionesia Bertakis
Yodial & Filmon Beyene
Susan Bitar
Bill & Evelyn Bobolis
Jamie & Brian Bobolis
Stephanie Bobolis
Denny Boom
John & Leona Boorinakis
Philip Boorinakis
Alexander & Eleni Bourdaniotis
Paul & Kostandina Bourdaniotis
Ted & Magdalene Bourdaniotis
James & Becky Bouris
(Continued on Page 13)
Peter & Theodosia Bouris
We are recuperating from back-to-back events
as the day after the Extravaganza we participated in Christmas Around the World in our
hall. Many people came to taste the delicious
ethnic foods prepared by the various Orthodox
Church members in our area and take a tour of
our beautiful church.
We will soon be preparing the Dial-a-Baklava
items for sale during the Christmas holiday
season. We will again be accepting pre-orders
as well as sales after church during coffee
The Student Aid Endowment Fund Luncheon
this year will be held on Saturday, December
13th at the Saint Nicholas Church in San Jose.
Call me for details at 371-1627.
Please mark your calendars for the future
events for the coming year. They include the
annual Vasilopita luncheon that will be held
Sunday, January 4th after church.
Philoptochos will be hosting a membership
brunch on Saturday, January 31st, 2009. Each
Philoptochos member will be encouraged to
bring a prospective new member to learn what
Philoptochos does in accordance with our mission statement.
The month of February will be dedicated to
Kids n’ Cancer and we will be serving breakfast
The Annunciation Observer
December ‘08 - Vol. 24, Issue 9
Christian Stewardship
support our annual financial requirements
100% through our offerings alone.
Stewardship in the sense of giving of self
is what the whole Gospel is about. The question, for example, of how many dollars or
hours or talents you are going to give to your
church requires an earlier question and answer.
How much of yourself are you willing to dedicate to God? The answer to that question alone
can determine how much you give to the
church. As you consider your 2009 stewardship gift, we ask that you prayerfully consider
first reviewing your level of commitment to an
amount you feel is more in line with God’s
blessings to you and, second, if your current
pledge is in proportion to your gifts, then we
ask that you consider an increase commensurate with His blessings to you and your resources.
Have a wonderful and joyous Christmas
with family and friends and may God continue
to Bless You,
George Dariotis
Stewardship Chairman
I would like to take this opportunity to
review the basic ideas of the Christian Stewardship ministry. The Christian teaching about
stewardship may seem to be a radical one. It is
radical in the sense that it goes to the root of
the management programs of life and its assets. In the world in which we live, the focus of
advertising on television or magazines often
tempts us to please ourselves, to make life
comfortable for ourselves as though to fulfill
every selfish or personal desire as if it were
life’s highest goal.
The Bible, on the contrary, often reminds
us that we live especially to love and serve God
and that in serving Him, our deepest needs are
best met. The way one uses his or her time,
talents and treasures, all coming from God, reflects directly his or her commitment or his or
her failure to comprehend the principle of
Christian stewardship.
God has given us 24 hours in each day
and no matter what we do, we cannot alter that
fact. However, we can make our best effort to
use that 24 hours each day in a way that will
enable us to further God’s will on earth, or to
hinder its realization tragically. We can give so
much time to things that please us and not
God, and allow our every whim and fancy that
we literally have no “extra time” to serve on
this committee or that project important as it
may be, when we are called upon to contribute
some time. Or, we can become so preoccupied
using the varied talents God has given us in the
pursuits that please us and not God, that when
the invitation comes to use one or more of our
talents, treasures or time in an obvious and
beneficial manner, we may honestly reply that
we would like to give, serve or do the job, but
we cannot.
Fellow parishioners, before we can be
free to practice stewardship in the way the Lord
teaches, the question of where our loyalty lies
must first be answered “Does it lie with my
personal enrichment and my outside interests,
or with God and His will?” The goal remains
through our motivations as good stewards to
one day reach a point of personal maturity
where as truly enlightened stewards we could
2008 Annual Pledges
Breakdown by Percentage
from $7,500 - $12,000
from $5,000 - $7,499
from $2,500 - $4,999
from $1,000 - $2,499
from $500 - $999
from $100 - $499
below $100
Total Pledged Families: 635
11 1.7%
110 17.3%
146 23%
303 48%
The Annunciation Observer
December ‘08 - Vol. 24, Issue 9
Christmas Around the World held November 8th was a
wonderful event! All the booths were crowded all day
long. Even though the Bookstore had just moved to it’s
new location it very successfully extended its outreach
to our Orthodox brothers and sisters in Faith and to
our neighbors in the community.
Never fear, we still have a lot of everything left for our
own church family; Advent calendars, Bibles, Icon pendants, bracelets, and crosses, spiritually challenging
and enriching books, many, many Icons, and Kandili
(Vigil Lights). By the time you receive this newsletter
we will also have the new Greek Daily Calendars and
Greek Almanacs in stock.
As many of you likely know, the Bookstore has a new
location! It is now just across the alley from the Hellenic Center. Our site address is 616 Alhambra Boulevard, although Bookstore mail should still be sent to
our church office. And, the Bookstore even has it’s own
phone number; (916) 231-9949. If you have a special
need though after hours, Lou and I can still be reached
at the 498-9055 number. Speaking of hours, we are
open Tuesdays through Saturday from 10 a.m. until 2
p.m. On Sundays and at other times when we have
Liturgy, the Bookstore will open following Liturgy (this
includes weekday liturgies). We will be open at special
Okay, now to busy December, there of course is the
Feast of St. Barbara on December 4th. and St Nicholas
on December 6th. Xronia Polla Pres. Barbara and other
Barbara’s. The Bookstore has books and Icons on St.
Barbara if you have a Barbara in your family. There are
a lot of items for St. Nicholas, December 6th. Xronia
Polla to you all the Nicholas!
There are a lot of children’s books about St. Nicholas
which will help you explain to your children the life
story of the “real” St. Nicholas, the Bishop of Myra.
There are other Saint Days in December of course, last
but not least before Christmas is the Feast of St. Herman of Alaska through whom Orthodoxy was brought
to the Northwestern United States. Our Bookstore has
numerous items about St. Herman.
Being in an actual store location is truly an amazing
experience! Even without a chance to advertise, people
find us. It is really quite a thrill to have people come in
off the street to buy Orthodox materials. We hope that
all of you too will continue to come in and visit.
All of us at the Bookstore extend our deepest appreciation to the Parish Council for voting to allow us to use
the new space. We can’t thank you all enough!!!
Again to emphasize, for your Christmas shopping, the
Bookstore still has lots of children’s books to choose
from and books about Greek customs and traditions.
The Philoptochos cook book and other cookbooks too
make wonderful gifts!
Additionally, the Bookstore has several volunteers,
some of whom you know and some people who are
relatively new to our community. I won’t attempt to
name everyone because I don’t want to inadvertently
leave someone out. If you haven’t met the crew, you
will enjoy doing that also. We are in good shape for
Sunday volunteers but are hoping that especially Seniors will volunteer for a couple of hours during the
week. The Seniors I should add have been very supportive! Thank you!!!
Last but not least, the humble beginnings of the Bookstore location, the building’s former occupants, was
not lost on any of us. Simply put the building had been
an abortion clinic. As we looked around we all said a
prayer that the saints whose images Grace our walls,
would sanctify this space. Honestly, when we saw the
Icons go up especially, it was hard to know whether to
laugh or cry. Then at the Christmas Around the World,
Fr. Polycarp, of our Antiochian sister churches, came
in, and in his big voice laughed and said, “Only God
can turn an abortion clinic into an Orthodox Books
Store.” There you have it!
We also must give special Thanks to Dan Whaley who
helped Lou physically move the Bookstore from the
Church Hall to the new site, to our son Matthew and
Tony Kontes for helping to move the big table, and to
Ben and Robin Kardokas and Arcelia Lopez who helped
Lou and me set the Bookstore up. Because all these
people are such a joy to work with, the move was more
fun than work. Well, it was a lot of hard work for all,
but when your in good company, the work feels lighter.
We also thank Fr. James who has been extremely supportive, and Fr. Tim and Chanter, John Boyer, for offering the Blessing of the Waters for the Bookstores new
beginning. Thank you all so very much!!!
Thank you for a Wonderful Year!
Marilyn Demas
The Annunciation Observer
December ‘08 - Vol. 24, Issue 9
Apolytikion in the Fourth Tone
Saint of the Month
The truth of things hath revealed thee to thy
flock as a rule of faith, an icon of meekness,
and a teacher of temperance; for this cause,
thou hast achieved the heights by humility,
riches by poverty. O Father and Hierarch Nicholas, intercede with Christ God that our souls be
Kontakion in the Third Tone
Saintly One, (St. Nicholas) in Myra you proved
yourself a priest; for in fulfilling the Gospel of
Christ, venerable One, you laid down your life
for your people and saved the innocent from
death. For this you were sanctified as One
learned in divine grace.
Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra
Celebrated on December 6
This Saint lived during the reign of Saint Constantine the Great, and reposed in 330, As a
young man, he desired to espouse the solitary
life. He made a pilgrimage to the holy city Jerusalem, where he found a place to withdraw to
devote himself to prayer. It was made known to
him, however, that this was not the will of God
for him, but that he should return to his homeland to be a cause of salvation for many. He returned to Myra, and was ordained bishop. He
became known for his abundant mercy, providing for the poor and needy, and delivering
those who had been unjustly accused. No less
was he known for his zeal for the truth. He was
present at the First Ecumenical Council of the
318 Fathers at Nicaea in 325; upon hearing the
blasphemies that Arius brazenly uttered
against the Son of God, Saint Nicholas struck
him on the face. Since the canons of the Church
forbid the clergy to strike any man at all, his
fellow bishops were in perplexity what disciplinary action was to be taken against this hierarch whom all revered. In the night our Lord
Jesus Christ and our Lady Theotokos appeared
to certain of the bishops, informing them that
no action was to be taken against him, since he
had acted not out of passion, but extreme love
and piety. The Dismissal Hymn for holy hierarchs, The truth of things hath revealed thee to
thy flock ... was written originally for Saint
Nicholas. He is the patron of all travellers, and
of sea-farers in particular; he is one of the best
known and best loved Saints of all time.
The Annunciation Observer
December ‘08 - Vol. 24, Issue 9
December is a time for music! It’s the holidays!
It’s the Joy of Christmas and the wonderful
music of Christmas time!
Don’t miss the Annunciation Greek Orthodox
Church choir’s annual Christmas Concert on
Sunday Evening, December 21st at 7:00 p.m. in
our beautifully decorated church. You’ll hear
some traditional old Christmas Carols from a
long time ago such as…GOD REST YOU
EMMANUEL as well as carols from different
lands along with some modern Christmas
You will have a chance to come and
join the chorus too. There will be a sing-along
with everyone’s favorites...SILENT NIGHT, O
THE HALLS. There is no charge. Just come
and enjoy. A wonderful hosted reception will
follow the concert in the Hellenic Center.
The residents of the Hellenic Senior Center will
be treated to a mini Christmas concert again
this year on December 14th which is a tradition
that everyone anticipates at this time of year.
If you have a 2009 calendar, make a note for
Saturday, February 28th for the Choir’s Annual
Crab Feed. The admission price will be $45.
Reserve your table early. Information and tickets are available from any Bessie Pothos (916489-3470) or Bessie Papailias (916-455-5888).
Attention: All Groups
If you are planning a meeting or use of
the kitchen, you MUST call the church
office ASAP to reserve the space and
avoid double booking.
Philoptochos Wine Tasting Extravaganza
Blessing of the bookstore
The Annunciation Observer
Marie Bravou
Rhea & Daniel Brunner
Anna Brusco
Andrew Burrows
William & Elaine Bush
Katherine Buttacavoli
Robert Cahill
Andonia Cakouros
Peter & Sophia Callas
Maria Calvert
Donald & Mary Cannon
Helen Caparis
Helen Capstraw
Peter & Fotine Casheros
George & Koula Cazanis
John & Georgia Cazanis
John & Maria Cazanis
Mary J Cazanis
Pauline Cazanis
Peter & Katerina Cazanis
Theodore & Voula Cazanis
Dean & Shannon Chalios
Sean Chambers
Harry & Sonia Champas
Tonia Champas
Gus Changaris
James & Lois Changaris
Katina Chapralis
Tim & Antonia Chapralis
Jack & Bessie Chesson
Tony & Kathi Chrisopoulos
Louis & Mary Christi
Pete & Maria Christi
John & Julie Christie
John & Annette Christopulos
James & Despina Chuchas
James & Toula Clubb
Anthony & Katerina Commandatore
Irene Compoginis
John Compoginis
Henry & Uriane Cook
Dennis & Jeanlaurie Corelis
Berle & Carol Crisp
Vasiliki Cronin
Timothy & Effie Crush
Kathryne Curtin
Mary J. Curtis
George & Christine Dariotis
Georgia Dariotis
John & Nitsa Dariotis
Michael Dariotis
Nick & Irene Darras
Fany Darzins
Michael & Kristy Day
Henry & Christine De Vere White
Irene DeKellis
Efthymios & Grammatoula Delis
Andrew & Christina Demas
John & Marianna Demas
John & Penny Demas
John & Despina Demas
Kyriakos Demas
Louis & Marilyn Demas
Maria Demas
December ‘08 - Vol. 24, Issue 9
Matthew Demas
Pitsa Demas
William G. & Suzanne Demas
Lou & Maria Deville
Dorothy Diamond
Thomas Diamond
Tom Dicktakes
Jack & Bessie Dietz
Efterpi Dimitrakopoulos
Steven & Alexandra Louise Dimitriades
Angelo & Adel Dimitropoulos
Constantine & Ruth Docous
Nicholas Dean & Laura Docous
Father Demetrius & Pres. Ellie Dogias
Peter & Dimitra Dogias
Elizabeth Dokimos
Ernest & Kathy Dokimos
Katherine Dole
Elaine Donovan
Gus & Virginia Donovan
Demosthenis & Evangelina Douveas
Steven & Marina Downing
George & Cecelia Doykos
Angelo & Adrienne Drivas
Demos & Bessie Dulger Sheikin
James & Patricia Duvaras
David & Alice Econome
Georgia Econome
George & Marilyn Econome
Georgia Econome
Zachary & Sarah Edson
Christopher Efstratis
Dorcas Efstratis
Katherine Efstratis
Panos & Panagiota Eliopoulos
Chris Eliopulos
Elaine Eliopulos
John & Stella Eliopulos
Christaley Eowan
Tom & Ann Erdmann
Dan & Maria Eriksson
Robert & Leah Essa
Gregory & Danae Evrigenis
John & Sophia Evrigenis
John (Bill) & Leah Evrigenis
Michael & Kristin Faust
Bess Feil
John Fetros
Peter Fetros
Sofia Fetros
Jeremy & Tracy Foland
Anna Fotiades
George & Kathy Fotopoulos
John & Theofani Fotopoulos
Peter Fotopoulos
Philip & Soula Fotopoulos
Antonia Fotos
Dan & Maria Fotos
Demetre & Christine Fotos
Eugene & Agnes Fotos
Kyriako & Brenda Fotos
Manuel & Ruseta Fotos
Kiriakos & Elaine Frangogiannis
Michael & Jennifer Freeworth
Robert & Christina Freeworth
Dennis & Stephanie Furr
Patrick & Susan Fuss
Gus & Stelene Galaxidas
John Galaxidas
Nick Galaxidas
Andrew & Angelica Ganetsos
Toby & Melissa Garcia
Diana & Alan Garrett
John & Maria Gassoumis
Michael & Alexis Genung
Nikolaos & Thalia Georgalis
Joann Georgallis
Perry & Katherine M. Georgallis
John & Debbie George
Marinos George
Evangelos & Karen Georgiou
Chris & Angie Georgoulias
Helen Gianakakis
Angela Gianopulos
Vaso Gianulias
Chris & Angela Gianulias
George Gianulias
Gus & Julie Gianulias
Jon & Veronica Gianulias
Mary Gimblin
Althea Giotes
Gus & Georgeann Giranis
Steve & Toula Giranis
Peter & Kit Givas
Donald & Elaine Glum
Lula Goodwin
Lener & Carmie Lee Gousetis
Alexandra Gousetis
Helen Grammatikakis
Xavier & Isabel Granados
Max & Rachel Greenberg
James & Nancy Grellas
Paul Grellas
Peter Grellas
Louis & Georgette Grivetti
Stacy Haden
George & Eleni Hagios
Georgette Halaway
Nader & Vivian Hamameh
Steve & Anne Hamilton
Nicole Harakas
Demetre & Demetra Haralambakis
Larry Haralambakis
Thomas Harper & Phyllis Boorinakis Harper
Elias & Catherine Hatzakos
Richard & Kim Hauch
Mark & Sylvia Headley
Connie & James Henderson
Christopher & Maria Higdon
William & Karen Hill
Stephanie Hineline
Anastasios & Stefanie Hionis
Ameen & Georgia Hofioni
Julian B. & Diane Holt
Peter & Bethany Holt
Alissa & Morgan Holt Gire
Joanne Horrell
Timothy Iseminger
Dino & Margarita Jakovas
Christopher & Janine Johnson
Eppie Johnson
George & Molly Lee Johnson
Spero & Kiki Jouganatos
Chris & Fotine Jovalis
The Annunciation Observer
Mary Ellen Jovalis
James & Robin Kafouros
Phyllis Marie Kafouros
John & Stella Kakavas
James & Kathy Kakridas
Pantelis & Patricia Kallergis
Agapios & Annmarie Kalokerinos
Dennis & Robin Kamilos
Gerry & Karen Kamilos
Nick & Andreanna Kamilos
Evangelos Kamilos
William Kamilos
Andrew Kantargis
Mike & Anthi Karas
James & Delores Kareofelas
Demetra Karnegas
Sophie Karnegas
Maria Karneges
Trula Karnegis
Sam Karnezis
Gus & Tina Karres
George & Mary Ellen Kassotakis
Lucas & Charlotte Kastanes
George & Candace Kastanis
Terry & Penny Kastanis
Stella Kastoras
Athan & Maria Katsandres
James Katsilometes
Niko & Emorfia Katsimbras
Dan & Maria Kaufman
John & Toria Kaufman
Andreas & Evelyn Kazanis
Giorgos Kazanis
Theodore & Andromachi Kennedy
James & Effie Kentroti
Bess A. Kerhoulas
Connie Keriotis
Georgia Kienle
Denise Kincaid
Fay Kirkopulos
Steve Kivetos
Peter & Jennie Kleary
Nektarios & Maria Klostrakis
Christine Kockinis
Gus & Bonnie Kokotis
Polidefkis & Calliope Kolitsos
Sotiris & Matina Kolokotronis
George & Mary Kondos
Anthony Kontes
Lucas & Stella Kontes
Mary Kontes
Helen Kontos
Fr. Gregory & Pres. Lisa Koo
Chris & Alexandra Kordazakis
George Koumis
Lefteris & Maria Koumis
Betty Kouretas
George & Rula Kouretas
James & Rosemary Kouretas
Joyce Kouretas
Despina Kreatsoulas
John & Colleen Kreatsoulas
Frosso Kress
Stan & Angie Kritsepis
Constantino & Dena Kuchulis
Peter Kuchulis
Valerie Kuchulis
December ‘08 - Vol. 24, Issue 9
Bill & Jennifer Kufasimes
Nicholas & Michele Kufasimes
Loula Kufasimes
Carl Kuhn
Allison Kurt
George Kutuvinis
John & Mary Kyriakides
Greg & Vassie Kyritsis
Stephen & Anna LaBritt
Henry & Maria Lafayette
Leo & Cathy LaGesse
Gus & Frances Lambrose
Katherine Lampros
Ellie Lane
Dean & Diane Langley
Ronald & Georgia Langley
Thomas & Vasiliki Lardas
Georgia Larson
Constantine & Susanne Lekos
Evelyn Lendaris
James & Cheryl Lett
Linda Lewis
Athanasios & Sofia Liakopoulos
Ted & Alexandra Liakos
Ester Lilakos
Georgios Linardos
John & Kathleen Lionakis
George & Iva Lionakis
John & Rose Lionakis
Elizabeth Liondakis
Maria Liondakis
Carolyn Liviakis
Kathryn Livieratos
Jesus & Helen Loaiza
Dionisia Lolas
Lance & Kathy Loper
Helen Loris
Deborah Loris
Marie P. Loris
Nadine Loris
Alice Loris-Lyons
Anastasia Lovett
Chris & Christine Lovett
Mari Beth Lydon
Richard & Mary Lydon
Frank & Nicolette Madrid
Elaina Magana
Geraldine Magers
Chris & Maro Maguire
Chris & Maro Maguire
James & Bessie Makris
Thomas & Yiota Makris
Jack & Christina Malkin
Michael & Susie Malloy
Nick Malos
Damon Mamalis
Jim & Julie Mamalis
Exaveria (Rula) Manikas
Athanasia Manikas
Thomas & Thora Manikas
Katherine Manolakas
Sam & Kerry Manolakas
Timothy & Annette Manolis
Anne Manolis
Athanasios & Stella Manolopoulos
Adamantia Mantis
George & Marina Mantis
Tino Manus
Candace Mapel
Sam & Ann Marandos
Antigoni Marcos
Theodore & Katherine Marefos
Steve & Katherine Margaris
Nellie Margarite
Nia Marketos
Helen Markos
Dennis & Nancy Marks
Jon Martino
Christine Maruccia
George & Mary Ann Masi
Alexandra Masouris
Varghese & Elizabeth Mathew
Michael Mathios
Anthony & Patricia Mathios
Emanual & Dalila Maverakis
Antonios & Maria Mavroforakis
Vaso Mayer
Charles & Kristie McDonnell
Roger Mc Elligott
Nicole McVey
John & Vicki Meers
Peter & Irene Mehalakis
Helen Mellas
Sam & Olympia Mercuris
Peter & Georgia Mering
Betty Metropoulos
Theodore & Esther Metropoulos
Nick Michael
Antoni & Frances Micheals
Helen & Lawrence Michel
Pamela & Edward Middleton
Shirley Mihalakos
Jack & Marque Molodanof
Georgia Molodanof
Elizabeth Moraitis
Bill Morris
Tula Morris
Tim & Linda Mort
Seth & Heidi Mullen
Kim Neilson
Norman & Ellen (Moustris) Newman
George & Gaye Nicholau
Marian Nicholau
Ken & Evangelia Nichols
Ted & Ann Nicolaou
Theodore Nicolos
Dimitri & Anna Nikolaou
Mary Joseph Nissan
Howard & Stella Norris
Corina Olteanu
Jonathan N. & Sydnie T. Orfanos
St. Katherine Greek Orthodox Church
Alice Ousley
Don & Tina Pacini
Fred & Vera Pagel
Tom & Michele Panages
Tommy Panages
Nick & Contilo Pandeleon
Peter & Gina Pandelopoulos
Angelo & Ann Panos
Charles & Dessie Pantages
Georgia Pantages
Peter & Marie Pantages
Theodore Pantages
The Annunciation Observer
Effie Pantelias
Tom & Penny Pantelopoulos
Maria Pantis
Yianni & Kelly Pantis
John & Margaret Papadakis
Demos & Vivia Papadopoulos
John Papagiannopoulos
Bessie Papailias
Martha Papailias
Stephanie Papas
Beatrice A. Pape
James & Lisa Pappas
Louie & Voula Pappas
Conrad & Christina Pappas
Kalliroy Pappas
Lena Pappas
Mary A. Pappas
Mary D. Pappas
Helen Paras
Dessie Paraskevas
Paris & Helen Paraskevas
Christy Parisi
Perry & Kiki Parker
Anna Paulson
Constantine & Brigid Perakis
Dina & Ronald Perrone
Fanny Perry
Alexis Peters
Paul & Shirley Peters
Diane Petersen
Gus & Lillian Petrakos
Stella (Dariotis) & Michael Petrucci
Melissa Petty
Costa Piperakis
Nicolas Pipilis
Konstantino Polyzos
Dorotheia Pooler
Bessie Pothos
Perry & Sophia Potiris
James & Lauren Poulos
George & Helen Poulos
George & Maro Poulos
Koula Poulos
Charles Price
Marshall & Carole Pryor
James & Helen Psihopaidas
Patro & Konstadina Randitsas
Maria Raptis
Mel & Lois Rapton
Katherine Regan
Genevieve Repp
Father James & Barbara Retelas
Roger D. & Anna-Maria Riggsby
Fr. Timothy & Pres. Marsha Robinson
Diane & H. Don Rogers
Demetri & Malamo Romas
John & Penny Romas
Nikona & Georgia Rongakos
Robert Rose
Dino & Evelyn Rotas
Nicholas & Carol Rotas
William & Helen Rotas
Dino & Evelyn Rotas
George & Mary Roussas
Artemios Roussos
Panagiotes & Mavra Rozakis
December ‘08 - Vol. 24, Issue 9
Theresa Leakos Sacco
Joan Saetes
Vasiliki Sakaris
James & Sylvia Salidas
John & Vicki Sargetis
Tony & Angeliki Sargetis
Demetra Sargetis
Milton & Rheanon Sarlis
Speros & Panayiota Sarlis
Demetrise Scandalis
Diane Scandalis
Catherine Schantz
Nacky & Donald Schmidt
Nacky & Donald Schmidt
Georgia Scribner
Frances Sellas
Thomas Sellas
Edward & Maria Sheean
Tony & Stella Sideris
Mary & Maurice Silva
John & Georganna Sinadinos
Alex Sioukas
Dean & Chrisa Sioukas
Jack & Lillian Sioukas
Nikitas Skondras
Anthony Smernes
Anthony & Judy Smernes
Jennifer Smernes
Gary & Linda Smith
John & Tina Sobol
Bill & Carol Spallas
Jan Spanos
George & Katherine Spanos
Stylianos & Klea Spyridakis
Vasilios Spyridakis
Steve & Rachel Squaglia
Paul & Debbie Stamas
Charles & Florence Stamos
Merle Stathis
Nick & Helene Stathos
Bess Stathos
Mary Leona Stathos
Nicollete Stathos
Pano & Connie Stathos
Perry Stathos
Tim & Mandy Stathos
Jeanne Stephensen
J. Pat & D'Anne Still
Nick Sutter
Peggy Swisher
John & Barbara Takanikos
Althea Takos-Brooks
Anastasios Tasakos
Althea & Fred Tatarakis
Demetra Tatarakis
Eleanor Tatarakis
Carole Taverna
John Karl Taylor
Elene Teener
Art & Terre Terzakis
Effie Theodor
Ourania Theodor
Maria Theodorakis
Sophie Theodore
Panagiotis & Mary Theodoridis
Chris & Sofia Theodorou
Tom Theofanis
Gregory & Mary Theophilopoulos
Brent Thiese
David & Sinedu Thomas
Michael & Kathy Tingus
Steven Tingus
James Tingus
Chris & Angeline Tinios
Loris & Paula Titus
Christos & Anna-Marie Tokas
Greg & Joan Tolla
Effie Tonis
Jerry & Marion Trapp
William & Joann Triphon
Angelo & Sofia Tsakopoulos
Angelo G. & Katerini Tsakopoulos
George & Drosoula Tsakopoulos
John & Dena Tsakopoulos
Katina Tsakopoulos
Sofia Tsakopoulos
Mark & Rania Tzikas
Emmanuel & Karen Tzikas
George & Margo Tzikas
John & Antiope Tzouras
Scott & Vivian Vail
James & Faye Vallas
Michael Vasile
Marko Vasili
Emmanuel & Yiota Vasiliou
Mary Vasos
Peter & Eva Vathis
Christina Vathis
Nick Vathis
Pauline Vathis
Steve & Helen Vathis
James & Elizabeth Verras
Vasilis & Judy Verrios
Anthony & Athanasia Virgadamo
John & Loukia Vlahos
Lucille Vlahos
Michael Vlamis
Nick & Cally Voresis
Nicki Voresis
Andrea Vourakis
Mary Voyiatzes
Andrew & Lillian Vrakas
Chris Vrame
Emily Vrattos
Douglas & Donna Wagner
Christopher & Melissa Warren
Richard & Valentina Watts
Maria Kostidou Workman
Socrates & Anna Woupios
Jerry & Elaine Wright
Theodora Yazigi
Andreas Savvas & Becky Yerocostas
Anestis & Areti Yiaslas
Athanasios Yiaslas
Angelo & Sophia Zogopoulos
Tony & Carolyn Zogopoulos
The Annunciation Observer
December ‘08 - Vol. 24, Issue 9
Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation
Non-Profit Org.
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