Spring 2014 - Loyola Catholic School


Spring 2014 - Loyola Catholic School
Mankato Area Catholic Schools
145 Good Counsel Drive
Mankato, MN 56001
W W W. L O Y O L A C AT H O L I C S C H O O L . O R G
Loyola community says
goodbye to beloved teacher
Congratulations to the class of 2014.
We wish you well as you embark on the next chapter of your lives!
In November 2013, Rita Gerlach,
long-time teacher at Mankato
Catholic Schools passed away
following a brief illness. Her illness
and passing impacted the Loyola
community. Students and staff
members prayed for her and students
lined the halls with artwork encouraging everyone
to remember her and the wisdom she shared over the
Mrs. Gerlach will be remembered for her enthusiasm
for teaching and her love of science. She brought
nature into the classroom by hatching ducklings and
chicks, much to the delight of her students. She found
ways to keep her students interested and engaged, no
matter the topic. She placed an emphasis on hands-on
learning, leaving a strong impression on young minds.
Mrs. Nancy Cafourek, a longtime teacher at Loyola,
remembered this, “Rita was a fun teacher with a great
sense of humor. She loved to joke with her students and
was very approachable.”
Sister Mary Beth Schraml, administrator of the primary
school said, “Rita had a unique blend of strength,
common sense, compassion and humor--plus more than
a little sass--that made her a natural in the classroom
and a delight among our students and staff. To say we
miss her is certainly an understatement.”
A celebration of Mrs. Gerlach’s life was held at Loyola
on May 6th, her birthday, and included a prayer service,
excerpts from senior Kelly Headington’s award-winning
Laws of Life essay dedicated to Mrs. Gerlach, and the
installation of a memorial stone in Mrs. Gerlach’s honor
on the Good Counsel campus near the Primary entrance.
This addition to Loyola’s landscape will serve as a
reminder to all that Mrs. Gerlach is a cherished member
of the Loyola family.
Loyola Catholic School Class of 2014
What’s next for the Class of 2014?
Farah Almeer, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Hannah Atkinson, Augustana College
Aunikah Bastian, University of Wisconsin
Adam Cahalan, Iowa State University
Justine Compton, Dakota State University
Alia Coughlan, Colorado State University
Nickolas Courrier, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Eleanore Dal, Global Studies in France
Wyatt Elmer, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Lance Gaspar, University of Dayton
Kelly Headington, College of St. Benedict
Grace Hermer, University of St. Thomas
Kathryn Homan, St. Mary’s University
Reilly Knutson, Boston College
Mark Kortuem, University of St. Thomas
Christopher Lui, Cornell University
Andrew Murray, Luther College
Annie Nawrocki, University of St. Thomas
Ellen Orcutt, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Elizabeth Piepho, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Rachel Schaub, University of Oklahoma
Carson Seifert, Augsburg College
Shane Sellner, Southwest Minnesota State University
Lindsay Solheid, Marquette University
Jordyn Strachan, University of Minnesota, Morris
Jordyn Theuninck, Southwest Minnesota State University
Benjamin Torgerson, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Ryan VanBlarcom, University of Minnesota, Duluth
Francis Weber, United States Marine Corps
The following is an excerpt from the Laws of Life essay
written by Kelly Headington ’14, in honor of Mrs. Gerlach.
Kelly worked as an assistant in Mrs. Gerlach’s classroom in September.
Kelly Headington, ’14
shares her Laws of Life
essay, dedicated to Mrs.
Rita Gerlach.
is a dynamic, nurturing community that
successfully educates students to be critical
thinkers, moral
to our
by teaching
and modeling
Good and
• Mankato,
MN 56001
Gospel values.
…Before I walked into her room the first day, I was trying to remember what it
was like having her as a teacher. The first thing that came to my mind was her
motto, “Fully Rely On God” (FROG), with frog posters everywhere. I remember
her being an awesome science teacher. She’ll never remember me, though, I
was thinking, with all the students she’s taught and only having her for science,
she’ll never remember me. I was wrong. As I walked in her room, she greeted
me by name with a warm smile as if we were good friends. I immediately felt
welcomed in her classroom and knew it was going to be a great year getting to
work with her.
…Through my experiences with Mrs. Gerlach, I have learned countless things about life. The experience
itself taught me how to grieve and that it’s okay to grieve. From Mrs. Gerlach herself I learned what it
takes to be an outstanding teacher and person. I learned patience, forgiveness, kindness, respect, and
most importantly, that enjoying life and putting your trust in God is the most important of all life lessons.
There’s nothing “FROG” and a smile can’t help. I will carry what I have learned from her with me for the
rest of my life, and especially into my own classroom when I become a teacher. I wish to bring her same
spirit, love of teaching, and even her “FROG” theme into my classroom, so that I may touch the lives of
my students in the same way that she has for so many at Loyola.
We Believe:
•God is the center of all we do
•We are a Catholic faith community that fosters life-long
relationships with
God, self and the world
•To serve is essential
110 N. 5th Street • Mankato, MN 56001
•In the pursuit of academic excellence
•In helping each person grow toward his or her full potential
The Loyolan • Summer 2014 • 1
A note from President/Chaplain
Greetings Loyola Family,
As we put to rest the 2013/2014 school year I look back fondly at a time marked
with success. From academics to activities, Loyola students, staff and alumni
achieved great things this year. Through The Loyolan we hope to share some
of those stories with you. Please note the many “save the date” announcements
throughout this issue, which will help you set aside time to be a part of our many
events during the next year. Until we meet again, thank you for a great year. Each
and every one of you contribute to our success and our special community.
Enjoy the summer and see you in fall.
Father Robert Schneider
New students welcomed at Loyola
By Megan Schroeder ’15
This year at Loyola, we were blessed with a variety of new students who experienced the stress of being a new
student entering high school. Making new friends, being stared at walking down the hall, and getting involved
in new things are all very overwhelming.
James Kimes is a new student who came in the middle of the year from Mankato West. He is involved
in football and track. He’s enjoying Loyola and everything it has to offer. He is looking forward to next school
year and getting to enjoy it for a full school year.
Le Thanh Trung is a new student who came from Vietnam. He is a student in the sophomore class. In
the halls and in the classroom we normally call him, “Trung.” He is a great addition to the class and adds a lot
of character. Trung’s favorite activities are playing with computers and having fun chatting with friends.
Anissa Giefer moved here from Maple River. She came in not knowing anyone and was very nervous
the first week of school. She started meeting other students through volleyball, speech and track. She has
become very close to students through all her activities and she believes that this all happened because
everyone was very welcoming.
This year I was also a new kid at Loyola. I’m involved in volleyball, basketball and softball. Coming into my
junior year from Lake Crystal was a really big commitment for me. I did know a few students before I came,
because my dad was once a coach at Loyola and I played volleyball and basketball with some of the girls
during the summer. I wouldn’t trade the memories and friendships I’ve made here for anything.
Loyola is an excellent place for current students, as well as new students, to grow in their faith and education.
Although transition may be difficult for any student, Loyola has done a great job making everyone feel like
family. We have other new students that weren’t mentioned in this article, and we are very grateful to have
them at Loyola, and hope they feel like family.
Scrip dollars can
benefit tuition
assistance program
A new scholarship fund has been established
to provide families with tuition assistance.
This fund, consisting of Scrip rebate credits
from many Scrip purchases is a very popular
choice among Alumni parents. Sara and
Robert Stack, Alumni parents of Dani,
Gerae and Isaiah, believe in this fund and
continue to use Scrip. They shared, “Once
our children graduated it was easy to fall
away from Scrip and not think about it. But
its convenience kept haunting me, especially
when one of the kids needed groceries in
college. We need to start broadcasting how
awesome it is to use the reload – seriously,
perfect for the kids at college and to set a
weekly budget for us!
Having been Loyola parents, and Robert
being a teacher at Loyola for 20 years, the
value we place on the Loyola community
is beyond words. If we can give a child and
his/her family the opportunity to be a part of
the Loyola Catholic School system then we
know we are making a positive difference in
someone’s life. Families who choose Loyola
are making a conscious choice for education
in a Christian environment. There are
countless times in our childrens’ lives when
being educated in that environment helped
shape their morals and values in a very
positive manner. We believe in the education
our children received and want to give other
families the same opportunity.”
To designate your Scrip-earned
dollars to this fund, or to establish an
online Scrip account please contact:
JoAnn, Scrip Coordinator
at 388-0601 or
Teacher Showcase:
Mrs. Jan Willaert
By Kelly Headington ’14
Mrs. Willaert is a well-loved and well-respected teacher at
Loyola. She has been teaching since 1985, and has spent her
career in the Mankato Catholic School system. That makes
over twenty-eight years as a Loyola elementary teacher!
Over the years, she has taught first, second, and third grades.
Not only is she a faithful supporter of Loyola, she is also an
alum - along with her husband, and her children. She likes
Loyola’s atmosphere and the families here. She especially
enjoys all of her students and her coworkers. One of her
favorite parts of teaching at Loyola is being able to watch
her students grow. She said, “I love being able to have
students in elementary, and then watch them grow up and
see them in high school.” Her favorite subject to teach is
math because she loves the manipulatives, and she says it’s
easy for her because that’s the way her mind thinks. She
also enjoys helping her students learn to read. She says, “It’s
amazing to see how they progress through the year. Being
able to go from C-A-T to really reading is so fun to watch.”
Her favorite part about being a teacher is the creativity
involved. She noted, “I love knowing that I’m making a
difference in someone’s life.” As her former student, I can
honestly say she has made a positive difference in my life, as
I know she has for countless other students in her time here
at Loyola.
Good Counsel Campus
145 Good Counsel Drive • Mankato, MN 56001
2 • The Loyolan • Summer 2014
Loyola holds true
to values when
providing nutrition
During the school year some schools received
national attention for denying students lunch
when their lunch account was showing a negative
balance. The impact of parents not depositing
money into their student’s lunch account is real.
It leaves schools with an awkward situation that
affects both families and the budget. It is no
different at Loyola. When LCS administration
looked at this issue, it chose to always provide
lunch to students whose accounts were overdrawn
as that action best reflects our core values and
Christian mission of service. We will continue to
work with families who struggle in this area. We
have faith that doing the kind thing will lead to
many blessings. We pray for all families who are
strained with conflicting financial needs.
Fitzgerald Campus
110 N. 5th Street • Mankato, MN 56001
The Loyola community is proud to fulfill its commitment to its four pillars:
faith, academic excellence, leadership and service.
Each and every day, the halls of Loyola are filled with examples of this commitment.
Loyola’s logo symbolizes values and characteristics that
we cherish at Loyola Catholic School. Following is a
description of what each part of the logo represents:
The cross God is the center of all we do
The color gold The Gospel values that shine through
our school family
The circle A community of learners; preparing to lead, serve and make a
difference in our church and world
The four squares Our four Mankato/North Mankato parishes and the four
pillars of Catholic education: Faith, Academic Excellence, Service and Leadership
The circle and cross Our relationship with the School Sisters of Notre
Dame, who have been part of Catholic education in the Mankato area since its
beginning in 1865 and whose logo bears the same cross and circle, as we share in
their mission of transformative education, global vision and helping each person
to reach his/her full potential
The following prayer was recited by the girls’ basketball team before each
of their games, reminding us of Loyola’s principles:
-Author Unknown
The team shares their prayer with fans at the welcome back event following their
state tournament appearance.
Primary students stop to acknowledge
and pray for Loyola’s donor of the day.
The donor of the day plaque can be
seen outside of the Blessed Theresa
of Gerhardinger Chapel on the Good
Counsel campus and recognizes the
many donors who support Loyola.
Primary students stop each and every
day on the way to the lunchroom to
pray for the day’s donors.
Knowledge Bowl heads to State
Loyola’s Knowledge Bowl Team “Eucalyptus”
traveled to Cragun’s Resort on April 10 to compete in
the State Knowledge Bowl meet. They earned their
way to the meet by coming in fifth at the Regional
competition in March. After a season of placing
first five times and third once, it was a well deserved
opportunity. In the AA and A categories, 240
participants out of 8000 registered Knowledge Bowl participants qualified to go to
State. Loyola won the first round, and remained in the top half of the competition
for all five rounds. While they didn’t place in the ribbons, they competed well
and were great Loyola representatives: well mannered, smart, friendly and
helpful to all. Of significant note: in all five rounds, Team Eucalyptus correctly
answered all the religious-based questions, a true testament to Loyola’s Godcentered educational objective.
LCS offers Girls Club
The Loyola’s Girls Club was established to
empower girls and build their self-confidence.
Through the program, high school girls learn to
lead responsibly and to encourage and inspire
primary age girls. In turn, those primary age
girls learn and practice skills while having
fun in a safe environment. The program
encourages students to explore diversity and
special qualities that can unite, to nurture
compassion and empathy for others, as well as
to focus on intellectual talents. High school
participants use a variety of topic suggestions supplied by the primary parents
and teachers and meet once per month after school hours with the younger girls
to work on crafts and projects that support the program’s goal. Advisor and
high school teacher Angie Lundgren sets the times and places, records member
information, manages funds collected and spent, advises high school girls as to
how to teach in a caring and encouraging manner and empowers the high school
girls to be the best possible mentors that they can be. Girls Club is open to all
first through third grade girls and meets one Wednesday per month from 2:45 to
Loyola honored at Character
Recognition Awards Ceremony
In celebration of Character Recognition Day on May 8, Synergy & Leadership
Exchange presented awards for positive character development to 17 schools and
four community programs at the Character Recognition Awards Ceremony at the
Minnesota State Capitol. Loyola Catholic School was recognized for “Fair Trade
at Loyola Catholic School,” a practice through which Loyola educates its students
and surrounding community members in the importance of Fair Trade and the
social justice issues surrounding it.
The seventh annual Minnesota Schools of Character awards recognize schools
and/or districts that excel in exemplifying the 11 Principles of Effective Character
Education and
demonstrate outstanding
character education
initiatives yielding
positive results in
student behavior, school
climate and academic
Loyola students
and staff members
accept the Character
A tradition at Loyola, Primary and
Intermediate students performed Stations Recognition Award.
of the Cross during Lent. The live
interpretations are a poignant narration
of the final hours in the life of Jesus
and serve as a reminder of the humble
manner in which Jesus was willing to
give His life for all.
Good Counsel Campus
145 Good Counsel Drive • Mankato, MN 56001
Left to right: Wanda Sommers Wall, Synergy &
Leadership Exchange executive director; Samuel Cotton,
Loyola Catholic School Principal; Jordan Moore, student;
Emily Kracht, Loyola staff member; Justine Compton,
student; MN Secretary of State Mark Ritchie.
Fitzgerald Campus
110 N. 5th Street • Mankato, MN 56001
The Loyolan • Summer 2014 • 3
Thank you to all who
participated in our
Lucky 20 drawing this year!
Mission Statement:
The Loyola Booster Club was established in 2001 as a separate entity to support and foster co-curricular
and extra-curricular activities at Loyola Catholic School through fundraising and volunteer efforts. The
Loyola Booster Club and its supporters work in harmony with the Loyola Catholic School Administration and
community. The Loyola Booster Club upholds the Christian values and Mission Statement of Loyola Catholic
The Booster Club is currently seeking new members!
Please visit www.loyolaboosterclub.org for more information.
Save the Dates!
The Loyola Booster Club is working on these fun events:
Hoopin’ on the Hill - August 2
Mud Run - August 16
Crusader Bowl - September 26 (Homecoming)
Coupon books will be available for purchase in mid-October
Loyola Catholic School students made their mark on this year’s raffle by raising
$29,585 in just six weeks, every penny of which will stay at Loyola!
Along with 84 other Catholic schools in Minnesota,
South Dakota and North Dakota, the Catholic United
Financial raffle put $1,022,995 into educators’ hands.
Thank you to the wonderful
volunteers who sold Lucky 20
tickets! A particularly big thank
you goes to Carol Brady who
tirelessly helps with Wired to
the Heart, Lucky 20, and Jewels
and Tools raffle. Our success
wouldn’t have been possible without the amazing
team of Charlie Shamp and Red Sheehan who spread
the word about Lucky 20 throughout town. Charlie,
with Red’s help, sold over 110 tickets this year! In
2014 the Lucky 20 drawing was completed in January.
In 2015 it will return to MACS Nite.
We will miss Red Sheehan who passed away in April,
2014. Red’s devotion to Lucky 20 was just a small
part of the impact he had in the Mankato and Loyola
Red Sheehan’s legacy lives
on in the hallways of Loyola
Catholic School. Pictured
is a shadowbox that hangs
in the main hallway of the
high school and showcases
Red’s achievements as an
outstanding athlete at Loyola.
Catholic United Financial covers all the costs associated
with this multi-school raffle, providing $50,000 in
prizes, tickets, and all the promotional material to help
schools spread the word and raise money for their
students. Catholic United covers these costs so the
participating schools can use every cent for the school.
Top ticket seller Collin Kirschner,
pictured with his Kindle Fire, provided
by Catholic United Financial
“We’ve come a long way in a very short time,” Catholic
United President Harald Borrmann said of the five-yearold raffle. “We are so proud of this program, and so
proud of the volunteers and students at the schools who
make it such a success. Congratulations!”
Along with the financial boon provided by ticket sales,
Catholic United also provides selling incentives for
students and schools. Collin Kirschner, 1st grader at
Loyola, won an HD Kindle Fire tablet for being the top
raffle ticket seller. The 1st grade was the top-selling
class and received a pizza party to celebrate their efforts.
The Grand Prize Drawing took place March 13,
2014 and was streamed live on the Internet for all the
participants and the hopeful buyers of almost 200,000
tickets to see.
The Raffle, now in its fifth year, has helped schools raise more than $3.2 million dollars. It will return in 2015
with the goal of helping Catholic educators add another $1 million to that grand total.
MACS Nite 2014 was held on Saturday, May 3 on the Good Counsel Campus. The night featured
entertainment from the Loyola High School Choir, Blue Ox Jazz Babies, Billy and the Bangers and Davina
and the Vagabonds. The activities and food that have made MACS Nite great for 40 years added to the
Loyola thanks Aaron Fogal, Chair; Jodi Schmitz, Assistant Chair;
the MACS Nite Committee and all who attended for another wonderful event!
Save the date!
5th Annual Loose Moose Saloon &
Loyola Booster Club Golf Tournament
Friday, July 25
North Links Golf Course
Proceeds from the golf tourney support
programs at Loyola Catholic School
Visit website below for more details
Save the date!
Loyola Alumni
Saturday, September 27
11:30 Shotgun start
North Links Golf Course
Good Counsel Campus
145 Good Counsel Drive • Mankato, MN 56001
4 • The Loyolan • Summer 2014
Fitzgerald Campus
110 N. 5th Street • Mankato, MN 56001
Schola update
Since you received the last issue of The Loyolan, Schola has
engaged in a full review of its financials. We are thrilled with
the results. After a thorough selection process, Stifel Nickolaus
was chosen to manage our investments. Since their engagement
in December 2013, we have done a full review of our portfolio,
consolidated our investments to be under their management,
reviewed our individual endowments to ensure accuracy and began
working with each endowment holder and other interested parties to
expand and maximize their influence.
At the same time as all of those great strides, Schola reached the
milestone of $4 million in assets. Thank you to all the visionaries
who started and nurtured Schola. Also, thank you to the recent
leadership who have used their expertise and time to make this a
very successful year for Schola and Loyola.
To all who have wondered how they can show their appreciation
to Loyola or ensure Loyola has the resources it needs to thrive,
consider donations to Schola or starting an endowment. When you
contribute to Schola, your money is invested and continues to make
a difference for years.
Best wishes for a wonderful summer.
Amy Klugherz, JD, Advancement Director
Wired to the Heart
donations sustain LCS
technology needs
Funds raised from Wired to
the Heart 2013 allowed us
to invest in new technology
for LCS. The library
system was upgraded to
Follett Destiny Library
Manager, a completely
online library solution.
This will allow students,
teachers and parents to log
on to the system at any time to see what is on shelves in the library.
LCS purchased more Vernier science probes, which will allow
the teachers and students to interact with science experiments to
further enhance student learning. Additional iPads were purchased
for the K-6 classrooms, thus continuing to add to the presence
of technology in our primary classrooms. Language IXL, now
available for second through fifth grades, is an online learning
program, which allows teachers to assign students standardsbased questions so they can learn and master material both in
the classroom and at home. This program works in conjunction
with our already existing subscription to Math IXL. Funds were
also allotted to server and wireless upgrades, pertinent additions
to support the technology efforts at LCS. Thank you to all who
donated at Wired to the Heart. Your donations help LCS stay on the
cutting-edge of educational technology!
Loyola’s annual
bookfair at the Mankato
Barnes and Noble raised
$1455.88. The day included
performances by various Loyola
musical ensembles, story time
with Loyola teachers and
complimentary gift wrapping.
Loyola’s Annual Fund The Capital Campaign
is going strong, but we need to
reach our goal of $125,000
by June 30th to meet our
financial obligations.
Consider contributing to
the Annual Fund.
continues to progress. We would
like to reach our goal by the end of
June to be certain we can make the
infrastructure improvements in time for
the students return in the fall. Please
consider a donation to Loyola Catholic
School. The roof at Good Counsel and
a refresh of the Science Department
are next on our list of needs.
New curtains now grace the
stage of the Good Counsel
gymnasium. This beautiful
update was made possible
by donations from the
Capital Campaign. Thank
you to all who contributed!
New sound system installed
We set the goal of having a competition quality sound system in the Fitzgerald gym for the
winter sport season. That goal was achieved because of the generous hearts of Dan Ireland,
Dave Ireland, The Kollasch family, Kevin Montgomery, Jim Oberle, Red and Peggy Sheehan,
and Jim and Betty Sohler. Thank you for making
this special project possible. The new sound
system improved the experience for our Loyola
family and visitors during a very successful winter
sport season.
Six new speakers have been installed in the
Fitzgerald gymnasium. Each of the six speakers
separately is bigger than the four combined
previously used in the gym. The new sound
system, coupled with the new bleachers, and
newly painted walls and floor provides a fantastic
atmosphere for Loyola events.
Watch for this event around
Christmas this year; it’s a
great way to get your holiday
shopping done while supporting
Loyola Catholic School!
Good Counsel Campus
145 Good Counsel Drive • Mankato, MN 56001
Fitzgerald Campus
110 N. 5th Street • Mankato, MN 56001
The Loyolan • Summer 2014 • 5
A Note from Sister Mary Beth
“Birthday Mass” is a long-standing and loved tradition at Loyola Primary School. Each month during the
2013-14 school year we celebrated birthdays (or half-birthdays) by reminding our students that each of them
is a Child of God.
We have rejoiced together in the many ways we can describe our young students...they are smart, kind,
important, helpful, beautiful, handsome, athletic, dependable, generous, peaceful, honest, strong, thoughtful,
friendly, talented…and more. But what we most celebrate as we call each of them to the altar to receive a
special blessing, is that each is a Child of God, created in God’s image to bring God’s life and love to the
Now as we have come to the closing of another school year, we are especially aware that we have been
blessed to work with our students, blessed to spend our year in the midst of such innocence and unconditional
love, blessed to be part of so much growth and learning, blessed to be surrounded by Children of God.
No wonder we are looking forward to next year!
Did you know?
Loyola Primary students reach out
During Advent Primary students collected items
needed by newborns and new mothers and donated
them to the local chapter of Birthright, and
preschoolers rang bells for the Salvation Army.
During Catholic Schools Week Primary students
collected personal care items and decorated place
mats for guests at Project Community Connect.
During Lent, donations were collected for Food for
the Poor, a Christian ministry which provides food,
farm animals and small business start-up materials
for families in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Loyola students participate in
Accelerated Reading program
Second graders enjoy
Bread of Life retreat
We are very proud of all of our Loyola students who work hard in class and also enjoy reading “just for
fun” on their own. The presentation of our Accelerated Reading (AR) Star Readers in May is always a
special event! The AR program is a great way to track reading, practice comprehension and recall, and
celebrate reading. 87% of students in grades 1-3 met their monthly AR goal, and our first graders had 100%
participation! Third grader Chloe Pacheco Bloch earned 1192.2 AR points, the most of any Primary School
student. Total books read and tested: 10,964. Total words read: 135,790,947. Wow!
Second graders attended
the Bread of Life retreat
on Friday, April 11 at
Holy Rosary parish in
North Mankato. This
traditional day centers
around the theme ‘Bread
or Stone’. Students
reflect throughout the
day on how we are
“bread” for others when
Second grade teachers
we are kind and we
distribute the breadare “stone” when we
making ingredients
do unkind things. The
day includes music, stories, crafts and making bread
together. The intention of the retreat is to help second
graders understand that Jesus gave himself to us at
the Last Supper and we are to continue to spread his
love to others.
At the conclusion of the Star Reader
Award Ceremony, Librarian Ruthie
Corcoran participated in a “Silly String
Showdown” with students who read more
books than she did this year!
Primary parents Emmy and
Jay Buboltz visited elementary
classrooms as “Mystery
Readers” to share the story of
The Wizard of Oz.
Two favorite activities in Preschool are undoubtedly
Dads and Doughnuts and Moms and Muffins days.
Both days offer the opportunity for preschoolers to show
moms and dads their favorite parts of the school day,
from playing with the sensory table to working on art
projects to eating doughnuts and muffins together. The
best part of the day, however, is simply spending time
together and sharing the day with loved ones.
to Loyola kindergartener
Eli Mons for winning
Best Story in the PBS
Kids Writers Contest.
Eli, his parents and his
kingergarten teacher,
Mrs. DePoppe attended
the award ceremony at
the Mall of America on
Saturday, May 3.
Eli Mons and his teacher
Mrs. Courtnee DePoppe
at the PBS Kid’s Writers
Good Counsel Campus
145 Good Counsel Drive • Mankato, MN 56001
6 • The Loyolan • Summer 2014
Primary students celebrated meeting their Catholic United
Financial raffle ticket selling goal by making the “Largest
Sundae in Loyola History!” Top raffle ticket sellers Collin
Kirschner and Harrison Stanton had the honor of pouring the
toppings on the
sundae, much
to the delight of
their classmates!
to the Primary
students; great job
selling your raffle
The 2nd annual Mini MACS carnival was held on Saturday, April 26
on the Good Counsel Campus. The event was a true replica of MACS
Nite, which included games, a bakery, silent auction, food and bingo.
Thanks to all of the
Intermediate and High
School student volunteers
who helped with Mini
MACS; from setting up
to face painting to baking
items for the bakerytheir involvement was
significant in the overall
success of the event!
Fitzgerald Campus
110 N. 5th Street • Mankato, MN 56001
A Note from Principal Schumacher
Dear Parents,
Sister Mary Beth and I had the privilege of attending the Laws of Life awards presentation April 27, 2014 at
Grace Lutheran Church.
Eighth grade students
enjoy retreat
The annual Laws of Life Essay Contest invites young people to reflect upon their life experiences and form
personal “laws” that will guide them throughout their lives, contribute to their success, and help them to make
a difference in society.
It was amazing to see the number of Loyola students who placed in the High School division: 14 out of 15
high school awards were given to Loyola students. Kelly Headington took first with a tribute to Mrs. Gerlach;
Kit Krmpotich and Elly Orcutt placed second and third. In the Middle School division, Elizabeth Benzmiller
placed second and Grace Ellingworth placed eighth.
What most impressed me was the depth, feeling and courage these young adults put into their essays. It is
a tremendous testament to the parenting and teaching these young people have received in their short lives.
Each of these young people moved me with their reflections on their own weakness, strength, and “laws” they
practice to get through life.
If you have ever wondered about the benefits of Catholic education or the powerful influence of our teachers,
take time to attend this annual event or read these powerful essays.
Mr. William Schumacher
“Rights & Responsibilities” - History Day
History Day is an exciting co-curricular program that encourages students to explore historical subjects related
to an annual theme. The theme for 2014 was “Rights and Responsibilities”. Loyola intermediate students
made their research come alive through exhibits, original performances, informative documentaries, interactive
websites, and historical research papers. Each category is divided into two divisions, junior (6th-8th grade) and
senior (9th-12th grade).
The 8th graders attended their annual retreat on
Wednesday, April 2 on the Good Counsel campus.
The day included prayer, group discussions, teambuilding activities and craft projects. The day’s
purpose was to strengthen relationships and for the
students to get reacquainted with the Good Counsel
We are looking forward to welcoming you
on the Hill, class of 2018!
Mr. Biehn’s 7th grade students build and prepare
wood duck houses for the annual field trip to Lake
The following intermediate students competed at Regionals at
Gustavus Adolphus College and moved on to the State competition
on May 3:
Sixth grade: Cyemone Nusser, Matthew Karst, Garrigan Morgan,
Ryan Swanson, Matthew Kujawa, Sam Sernett, Matthew Helget,
Morgan Houlihan, Holly Huynh, Andrea Ovalle, Luke Denhoff,
Noah Roe, Benjamin Ellingworth, Matthew Salzle, Jacob Wood,
Andrew Kohrs, and Nicholas Stoffel
Seventh grade: Molly Hodapp, John Alto, Annie Wood
Eighth grade: Elizabeth Benzmiller, Mitchell Barnes, Luke
Montgomery, Athena Dauffenbach, Tiffany Dinh, Kaitlyn Frutiger,
Anita Goharfar
Sixth graders Ryan Swanson,
Andrew Kohrs, Garrigan
Morgan, Michael Nguyen,
Morgan Houlihan, Kaitlyn Sizer
and Kamran Latefi attended a
packing session at the Backpack
Food program on Good Friday.
Collectively, they put together
610 packages for local kids in
need of assistance. Tenth grader
Haley Kohrs and parents Jodi
Kohrs and Liz Swanson were on
hand to help as well.
Backpack Food Program Manager Nicole Swanson was so impressed with the Loyola group that she asked
if they were willing to make this a monthly commitment during the school year. This group’s efforts nicely
display Loyola’s commitment to local service.
Good Counsel Campus
145 Good Counsel Drive • Mankato, MN 56001
7th graders enjoy the annual field trip to Lake
Jefferson with Mr. Biehn and Mrs. Reinbold.
Intermediate students reached their Catholic
United Financial raffle ticket selling goal, and were
rewarded with making and enjoying “Loyola’s
Largest Sundae in History!” Top raffle ticket sellers
Brayton Matuska and Megan Lyons helped make and
serve the massive ice cream treat!
Fitzgerald Campus
110 N. 5th Street • Mankato, MN 56001
The Loyolan • Summer 2014 • 7
Project Community Connect
Project for Teens
By Justine Compton, ’14
promotes making positive choices
Project Community Connect (PCC), is a one-day service fair providing awareness of poverty and homelessness in
the Mankato area. The PCC fair is currently in its fourth year and has been growing each year. Over 900 people
attended this year.
I attended this year and witnessed firsthand how many people in the Mankato/North Mankato area are in need
of the services that PCC offers. The participating vendors helped people find affordable housing, dental care,
haircuts, lunch, cell phones and they even had internet for them to use.
I helped with serving lunch and bottled water. When someone would come up with a look of hunger in their eyes
and ask if they could take a second plate it broke my heart to tell them no, as everyone was allowed only one lunch
because we had to make sure there was enough food for everyone. One lady I helped was in a wheelchair and her
husband was trying to carry the plates and push her chair so I asked if they wanted some help. Immediately, they
looked embarrassed, but I told them it was no trouble at all. When I asked if they needed anything else they looked
at each other and said, “No, thank you, but we really appreciate all that you have done for us.” I told them it was
my job and I enjoy helping people. The lady then took my hand and gave me a hug and whispered, “God bless
you and everyone you will touch.” I said my goodbyes and walked back stunned at what had just happened.
When the time came for me to take my break, I walked around and saw people getting their hair cut, people
talking to venders and people at tables picking up free toothbrushes, paste, floss, shampoo and soap. As I walked
around, I even noticed people who I knew. What I came to realize is that we all have to remember we do not
know everyone’s story or everyone’s past, but if we can help them now, we can help each other in creating
a brighter future. All in all it was very touching and opened my eyes to see how many people in our own
community need our help. I know I need to keep my eyes open and never stop believing that I can help. “Do to
others as you would have them do to you.”
By Hannah Atkinson
63rd annual Southern Minnesota Regional
Science and Engineering Fair
Ester Archer displays her Science project (on right) entitled Maximizing Carbon Sequestration
in a Photobioreactor by Pushing the Photosynthetic Limit of Cladophora that she presented at
ISWEEEP in Houston. There were 385 projects from 66 countries.
On February 15, 2014 nine LCS high school students presented five projects at the 63rd
annual Southern Minnesota Regional Science and Engineering Fair at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Loyola students competed in categories such as Chemistry and Biochemistry, Environmental Management and
Environmental Science. Of the projects presented, four advanced to the State Science Fair. In total, the students
received one blue ribbon, four purple ribbons, U.S. Army ROTC Certificate, two IRIS Photography Award ($50),
four Stockholm Junior Water Prizes, three Thin Film Awards, one CSET Achievement Award ($50), one Yale
Science and Engineering Association Award, one Ricoh Sustainable Development Award, one Minnesota River
Board Award ($50), one GENIUS Olympiad Qualifier Award, NOAA Award, IRIS Photography Award ($50) and
one AgStar Award (Medallion).
A number of judges and advisors from other schools reported how impressed they were by how Loyola students
presented themselves and their quality of knowledge on their project.
Sophomore Ester Archer won the ISWEEP Award which included an all-expense paid trip to Houston to compete
in the International Sustainable World Energy Engineering Environment Project Olympiad, where she earned a
silver medal.
After the Science Fair, Ester wrote about her experience:
I’ve participated in the Science Fair for several years, and every year is a new challenge. It’s a rewarding
competition that allows students to be creative and intuitive. Each project I’ve done has taught me lessons that I
can use in other areas of my life, so it’s not all about science. With each year I’ve become a better speaker; I’ve
developed better communication skills, and it has also boosted my confidence as a student. This year my project
centered on the greenhouse effect and reducing carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. I eliminated the
cellular respiration cycle to discover the limit of photosynthesis. In doing this I forced microorganisms, like
green algae, to photosynthesize constantly. In my final conclusion, I wrote that microorganisms need a period of
rest to sustain population health. This project was interesting to me because I really do believe engineers can use
information like this to create and design systems which help the environment. My project was only one small
portion of a much larger issue.
As with every science project, there were times I grew frustrated with my data. Every year, it seems that I
arrive at a point where the project becomes overwhelming, and I do not get my expected results. No matter how
disappointing the science can be at times, I am always happy to find that my hard work pays off. For me, there is
no greater feeling than pride in one’s own accomplishments, and this is what the science fair has given me. I can
feel proud of myself and what I worked for.
Prom 2014: A night under the stars
Loyola hosted prom for juniors and seniors, and their guests,
on April 26, 2014. The theme was Starry Night, like the
painting by Van Gough. 54 students attended Grand March in
our own Fitz Theatre and then a pasta dinner and dance at the
Mankato Golf Club. Even though it was cold and windy with
a bit of rain, the weather didn’t dampen the spirits of those
attending a night of dancing under the stars.
Good Counsel Campus
145 Good Counsel Drive • Mankato, MN 56001
8 • The Loyolan • Summer 2014
Project for Teens(P4T) is a program that promotes
anti-bullying, abstinence, sobriety and positive
decision making. In Project for Teens, senior high
students of the Mankato area schools visit junior high
students. The P4T members talk to younger classes
about making healthy decisions and encourage antibullying, abstinence, and sobriety. The Loyola P4T
group performs informative and engaging skits that
promote the values of the organization. On April 25,
the Loyola P4T members visited the sixth and eighth
graders at the Fitzgerald campus. We performed an
anti-bullying skit for the sixth graders and then met
in small groups to discuss what they learned. For
the eighth graders, we performed several skits about
STDs and healthy dating relationships. We also
performed a skit about two high school students who
hosted a party where alcohol and drugs were available
and there were also teens present who were engaging
in sexual activity. In the skit, members of the P4T
group demonstrated refusal skills that can be used
in similar unsafe situations. The three refusal skills
taught to the junior high students included: Say No;
Change the Subject; and Leave the Bad Situation. We
then ended the session with small group discussions in
which students were given the opportunity to process
with one another what they learned from the skits.
Our main objective as Project for Teens leaders is to
promote our four main values and act as positive role
models for younger students.
Rachel Schaub
National Merit Scholar
Rachel Schaub has been named a
National Merit Scholar with a $2500
scholarship. She is the daughter of
Randy and Sue (Loyola teacher) Schaub. Rachel was
chosen from a pool of more than 15,000 finalists;
this award places her in the top 1% of high school
seniors nationally. National Merit Scholars have “the
strongest combination of accomplishments, skills and
potential for success in rigorous college studies.”
Congratulations, Rachel!
to the following students who have been
awarded a Catholic United Financial PostHigh School Tuition Scholarship for the
academic year 2014-2015:
Justine Compton, Lance Gaspar,
Kelly Headington, Mark Kortuem,
Elizabeth Piepho, and Benjamin Torgerson
Drawing II class created
sidewalk art in front
of the school. They
studied the use of chalk
and environmental art
and finished the unit
with a group project.
This project was led by
Ms. Petersen.
Fitzgerald Campus
110 N. 5th Street • Mankato, MN 56001
Alumni news & noteworthy
Loyola alum Brad Depuydt and his mother Kathy Depuydt recently bought Boomtown bar
near the Minnesota State University campus. The bar will be renamed “Bradley’s” and the
menu will be expanded to include salads and more appetizers. The new “neighborhood bar”
will now also be open for lunch.
Rick Menton (’71), has been named President/CEO of Cherokee Strip Credit Union, Ponca
City, Oklahoma.
Rick and his wife Lisa reside in Tulsa. He has two sons; Thomas, a St. Paul, MN police
officer and William, a doctoral candidate at Kent State University in Ohio. While attending
Loyola, Rick was the editor of The Loyolan in 1970-1971.
Michael Goettl (’81) has been appointed CEO of Bunge Asia effective Jan. 1, 2014. Michael
joined Bunge in 2005. He was the COO and served in a number of management roles,
including agribusiness director, Asia, co-managing director, China, and business development
director, Asia. Before joining Bunge, he served as president of China Food & Agricultural
Services and vice president of Asia/Latin American Marketing at Louis Dreyfus. He attended
Harvard Business School, holds a master’s degree in agricultural economics from the
University of Minnesota and a bachelor’s degree in international studies from the University
of St. Thomas-Minnesota.
Patty (Longenecker) Balster (’83) recently brought an exciting new franchise to Minnesota with her
longtime Mankato friend, Jill (Paquin) Tullemans. Last fall, “NOTHING bundt CAKES” opened its first
Minnesota store at 8435 Joiner Way, Eden Prairie, MN. Since then, it’s been “gangbusters,” Balster said.
“There are millions of reasons to eat cake.” (It helps that the bundt cake was invented in Minnesota.)
On Friday, January 17, 2014, Tyler Goettl (’08) graduated from The Marine Corps Basic Training program.
After completion he received the famed Eagle, Globe, and Anchor thus granting him the title of a “U.S.
Marine.” After a 17 day leave, Tyler was sent to Camp Pendleton, San Diego, CA for his combat training.
Once his combat training is completed Tyler will proceed to 29 Palms, CA
for his career training which will be in the communications field.
Tyler is the son of August (’67) & Marleen Goettl. He is pictured with his
family who made the trip to see him graduate. Right to left: Maria Goettl
(’15), August Goettl (’67), Logan Goettl (’13), Tyler Goettl (’08), Marleen
Goettl, Jeremy Goettl (’06), and Sarah Goettl.
Bolton & Menk is pleased to announce that Eathan Doyle, E.I.T. (’09), joined the Ramsey Office on January 27, 2014 as a Design Engineer. Eathan’s duties in the Ramsey Office will include performing design and
construction observation work on municipal, transportation and site development projects. Eathan, is a 2009
Loyola grad, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering from South Dakota School of Mines and Technology and is currently working on a Master’s Degree in Construction Management. Bolton & Menk, Inc. is
headquartered in Mankato, MN and employs a number of Loyola parents and graduates.
Matt Fink (’12) is the general manager of KJNB, the on-campus radio station at Saint John’s
University and the College of Saint Benedict. In his short tenure he has accomplished many
things, from renovating the studios and updating the technical equipment to adding staff and
radio programs. Matt got his start in radio right here at Loyola by serving as the public address
announcer for the Loyola boys and girls basketball teams and helping with the sound system
for the Loyola choir. Congratulations Matt on your accomplishments!
Joe Resner (’64) died in February. He served as our activity bus driver for years.
Loyola Alumni!
We would like to hear from Loyola
alumni who carried on their athletic,
theater or speech career past high
school and played competitively or
performed at other venues. Please send
the following information and a photo
of you in your college athletic uniform
or production costume (if you have a
photo of you in your Loyola uniform
or play costume, we would welcome
that too). Please include your name,
year of graduation from Loyola, college
attended (if applicable), activity in college,
years played in college and/or theater
experience since graduation. Photos will
not be returned. Information, including
photos, can be emailed to advancement@
loyolacatholicschool.org or sent to
145 Good Counsel Drive,
Mankato, MN 56001.
The Class of
2009 competed
in the 2013
Alumni Basketball
Tournament in
December to honor
the memory of
their classmate,
David Sandmeyer.
Front row: Chris St. John, Joe Fink, David Pfau
Back row: Rob Tanhoff, DJ Wesely, Trieu Ho,
Jackson Bartlett, Dan Sjulstad, Matt Rogers
Annual Alumni
Golf Tournament
Saturday, September 27
The Class of 1978 held their 35-year reunion last summer. About 40 people gathered for dinner at the
Hilton Garden Inn, Mankato Downtown (catered by Olives) on Friday and an informal gathering at Haefner’s
lake home on Duck Lake on Saturday.
11:30 Shotgun start
North Links Golf Course
with Loyola
•Send your current address
and email to: Loyolan@
Front: Bryan Rykhus, Joseph Erkel, Curt Wandersee, Mike Koshoshek, Beth Frederick Eliason, Greg
Eichten, Janice Brosnan Kingsbury, Tim Tacheny
Middle: Steve Barrie, Bob Lorentz, Deb Mondloch Nelson, Tim Maertens, Linda Mettler Girard
Back: Joe Meyer, Scott Haefner, Rob Preska, Paul Coughlan, Nancy Baker Tatarek, Sue Gilland DePew, Ann
Olinger Coleman, Cindy Ziegler Cummiskey, Lynn Bruns Franklin, John Seifert, Matt Hodapp, Chris Paul
Linda Mettler Girard, Deb Mondloch Nelson, Nancy Baker Tatarak, Cindy Ziegler Cummiske, Sue Gilland
DePew, Lynn Bruns Franklin, Ann Olinger Coleman, Beth Frederick Eliason, Janice Brosnan Kingsbury,
Laurie Bohnert Reed
Good Counsel Campus
145 Good Counsel Drive • Mankato, MN 56001
•Follow us on Facebook and
•Join our group on LinkedIn.
Fitzgerald Campus
110 N. 5th Street • Mankato, MN 56001
The Loyolan • Summer 2014 • 9
One Act Play
Loyola Fair Trade
brings awareness to
where clothing is made
By Annie Nawrocki, ’14
This year’s One Act Play was titled “Miss Polly’s Institute for the Criminally Damaged Young Ladies Puts on a
Show.” The story takes place in an institute for criminally damaged teenage girls. The play involves a multitude
of situations and character personalities. The characters prepare their own version of “Hamlet” and although two
characters add a dramatic undertone, the theme of the play is primarily humorous. This year, Loyola hosted the
One Act Sub-Section tournament, and they won first place, and advanced to Sections where they received third.
Lori Wolf and Doug Smith directed the One Act.
The Loyola Band and Choir Trip
to Washington DC
By Emily Gaspar ’15
The Loyola band and choir enjoyed a trip to Washington, D.C. in April. The group visited the U.S. Holocaust
Memorial Museum, the Smithsonian Museums, Arlington National Cemetery, the National Symphony
Orchestra, the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorial and the Washington Monument. The trip also included
activities such as singing for the Veterans
at the Veteran’s Administration Hospital,
participating in an exchange concert with
North Point High School, and cleaning
the New York Avenue Men’s Emergency
Shelter. Other highlights of the trip
included going to Toby’s Dinner Theater
where the group saw the play “Shrek”
and going on a dinner/dance cruise on the
Potomac River aboard the Spirit of Mt.
This trip gave Loyola students the chance
to share gifts and talents in new places, and
we were able to bring joy to individuals
in different ways. During this trip new
friendships were made and old ones were
strengthened. This trip created memories
that will last a lifetime.
Congratulations to the following choir students who earned a Superior Rating at the
MSHSL Solo and Ensemble Choir Contest at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Superior - Soloists
Superior - Women’s Choir
Excellent - Men’s Choir
Jordan Moore
Ellie Hoffman
Kit Krmpotich
Shane Price
Thomas McDermott
Veronica Balderas
Emma Goebel
Reilly Knutson
Luke Haefner
Amelia Michel
Megan Hillesheim
Luke Haefner
Shane Price
Hannah Atkinson
Kenady Benning
Austin Ellingworth
Sonya Benzmiller
Kirby Fette
Sonya Benzmiller
Taylor Gross
Grace Hermer
Kia Dorsey
Alia Coughlan
John Fink
Megan Hillesheim
Mykenzie Henricksen
Grace Hermer
Patrick Busch
Emma Goebel
Taylor Sexton
Kelly Homan
Jonathon Hull
Mykenzie Henricksen
Rielle Gosch
Emily Gaspar
Mason Pommier
Taylor Sexton
Charlotte Lena
Alli Menke
Andy Sharpless
Kenady Benning
Superior - Duets
Mary Ninnenmann and
Elizabeth Ninnemann
On April 24, 2013, 1133 people were killed and
over 2500 were injured when the Rana Plaza factory
complex collapsed in Dhaka, Bangladesh. This
sweatshop, like many others around the world,
made clothing that is often sold and worn by
many Americans in the United States. Social and
environmental catastrophes in our fashion supply
chains continue. Loyola Fair Trade’s goal is to
use the power of fashion to catalyze change and
reconnect the broken links in the supply chain. To
raise awareness of this issue, LCS students wore
their clothes inside-out on Thursday, April 24 to help
start an industry-wide transformation towards a more
sustainable future.
Together we can bring
awareness to ask the
question, “Where are
you wearing?”
LCS students record
all of the different
countries that
manufacture their
Speech Team
Members of the Loyola Catholic High School Speech
Team made a successful appearance at this year’s
Class A Speech State Tournament on Saturday, April
12 in Blaine.
Speech Team members who earned a spot in the State
Tournament were:
Annie Nawrocki, 12th grade, Creative Expression;
3rd State Tournament appearance
Hannah Atkinson, 12th grade, Duo with Rachel
Schaub; 5th place at State
Rachel Schaub, 12th grade, Duo with Hannah
Atkinson, 5th place at State
Shane Price, 11th grade, Extemporaneous Speaking,
2nd place at State, 3rd time placing at State
Mary Ninneman, 11th grade, Storytelling, 3rd at
State, 3rd time placing at State
William Cipos, 11th grade, Humorous, 4th place at
Phillip Goettl, 10th grade, Extemporaneous
Speaking, next out of finals
Sonya Benzmiller - Discussion - 2nd time to State
10th grade
Isabel Zwaschka, 9th grade, Humorous, next out of
Taylor Sexton, 9th grade, Serious Prose, 4th place at
Of notable mention, Shane Price and Mary Ninneman
were two of just 11 participants to collect their
third State career medal. The Loyola Speech Team
has an impressive legacy, as there have been 115
speech medalists since 1969, trailing only two
other Minnesota high school speech teams.
The coaches of the Loyola Speech Team are Doug
Smith and Megan Petersen.
Congratulations to the entire team and
coaches for a successful season!
Good Counsel Campus
145 Good Counsel Drive • Mankato, MN 56001
10 • The Loyolan • Summer 2014
Fitzgerald Campus
110 N. 5th Street • Mankato, MN 56001
Loyola’s state basketball crowd
Girls basketball team
dominates again!
By Annie Nawrocki, ’14
Track Team takes 1st
at true team sections meet
The Loyola/Cleveland boys track and field team finished first in the Section 2A
true team meet this year. With the first place finish they earned a trip to the State
meet in Stillwater. This is the second time in the past three years the team has
advanced to the State meet where they took 5th place. Coach Dale Compton said
of his team, “Our boys have been working very hard this season and everything
came together for us. In a true team format, every event matters and our boys
came prepared and were willing to do whatever was needed to help the team.”
After breaking the “31 year drought” from the Girls State Basketball Tournament
in 2013, our team had high expectations for 2014. We broke the school’s record for
the best season in history after ending with a 28-4 record. This year we had seven
seniors: Aunikah Bastian, Kelly Headington, Jordyn Strachan, Grace Hermer, Annie
Nawrocki, Lindsay Solheid, and Jordyn Theuninck. In addition to the seniors, the
team consisted of juniors Megan Schroeder, Emily Gaspar, and Lexi Clow, and
freshmen Lizzy Ninneman, Lindsey Theuninck, and RaeAnn Dose.
We were Valley Conference Champions, Sub-Section Champions, and Section
Champions for the second time in two years. When we went to the State
Tournament, one of the things we were most excited about was looking out and
seeing the Loyola community come together to support us. It was an incredible
feeling to see all the blue and gold. After a nail biter against Maranatha Christian
Academy at Mariucci, we won 93-91 in overtime. We went on to win Fourth Place
in Class A after losing to Win-E-Mac with a final score of 62-61, Win-E-Mac went
on the win the championship title, against Goodhue, 74-62.
Five team members were named into the All-City team, which is the most that
have ever been asked on one team. Those players were Aunikah Bastian, Annie
Nawrocki, Megan Schroeder, Lindsey Theuninck, and Jordyn Thenuninck. Head
Coach Rick Theuninck was also named the Section 2A Coach of the Year for the
second year in a row. All-Conference honorees were Annie Nawrocki, Megan
Schroeder, Aunikah Bastian, Lindsey Theuninck, Jordyn Theuninck, and honorable
mention was awarded to Jordyn Strachan. Megan Schroeder and Lindsey Theuninck
were named to the State Tournament Team and All-State honorable mention was
awarded to Aunikah Bastian and Lindsey Theuninck. Aunikah Bastian was also
asked to play in the All-Star game on April 26. Her team won their game and
Aunikah still made it to the prom!
Reflecting back after a great season, our team is so grateful for all that the Loyola
community did for us throughout the season. We are also humbled that we were
able to represent our school and community on the biggest stages possible. It would
not have been the experience without our supportive parents, coaches, teachers, staff
and the entire Loyola community.
The Loyola Girls Basketball Team took fourth place
at the State Tournament
Congratulations to Lance Gaspar
who signed his Division 1 National Letter of Intent to
play soccer for the University of Dayton Flyers.
One of Lance’s most admirable accomplishments was
(as a sophomore) scoring eight goals in one game,
a first in a Minnesota high school soccer game. The
previous record was seven and had been accomplished
only three times before, most recently in 2006.
We wish Lance the best of luck has he continues his
soccer career with the Flyers!
Loyola Softball
by Jordan Strachan, ’14
The softball season certainly had its ups and downs. The weather hasn’t been in
our favor but when it is, we take advantage of it! We have come out strong for all
of our games, and we plan to continue to take each game one at a time. One thing
we have been focusing on is not underestimating our opponents. No matter who
our competition is, we come out and play our hardest for all seven innings. It has
been a great season!
Good Counsel Campus
145 Good Counsel Drive • Mankato, MN 56001
Front row: Jordyn Strachan, Aunikah Bastian, Jordyn Theuninck, Elizabeth
Ninneman, Grace Hermer
Back row: Kelly Headington, Megan Schroeder, Emily Gaspar, Lindsay Solheid,
Annie Nawrocki, Alexis Clow, Mary Ninneman (student manager), Lindsey Theuninck,
RaeAnn Dose
The Loyola girls basketball team has a 3.96 GPA, something that any school in the
nation would be proud to boast about!
Loyola Baseball team enjoys success
The Loyola Baseball team enjoyed much success this season. The team is ranked
in the top 15 in the state. Senior Shane Sellner leads the team in hitting and is one
of the top players in Class A. The weather was a challenge, but the team played
hard and makes the most out of every outing.
Fitzgerald Campus
110 N. 5th Street • Mankato, MN 56001
The Loyolan • Summer 2014 • 11
Be True to Your School
Strategic Planning at Loyola Catholic School
By Shelley Schultz
On July 27, 2012, the leadership of the Central Pacific Province of SSND and LCS leadership met. At that meeting,
the School Sisters of Notre Dame asked Loyola if our organization was interested in additional space on the Good
Counsel Campus. The dialogue was energizing, as being on one campus has been a dream for many years. It was
determined that LCS would complete a constituent survey on this topic, do additional cost analysis of the space,
and reconvene the two groups in 18 months. A task force was formed and conducted a survey which was completed
by 54% of the LCS community. The results of the survey were an overwhelming support of pursuing the concept
and possibilityof a one-campus school.
At a meeting on January 3, 2014, the School Sisters of Notre Dame accepted the LCS Letter of Intent to continue
our work toward a campus move. We mutually agreed that the school needed to enter into a Strategic Planning
Phase. The Trustees evaluated consultants and then retained Casey Breen with Blue Rose Advisors. Father Robert
Schneider and I were appointed Co-chairs of the overall Strategic Planning Process.
We are happy to announce that the LCS Strategic Planning Steering Team members are Nicole Goebel, Steve
Hatkin, Brian Koch, Larry Krmpotich, Mike McLoone, Bobbi Nawrocki, Susan Pellar, Sue Rosenow, and Donn
Vetter. Fr John Kunz, Fr Robert Schneider and I are serving as ex-officio members of the Steering Team.
The Steering Team’s function is to provide oversight of the development of Loyola’s Strategic Action Plan. Their
responsibilities will include but are not limited to:
• Provide advice and sound counsel to School Administration
• Support Catholic education in the community
• Enhance relationships with constituents
• Develop and improve school goals and strategy
You will hear more about the Action Plan in the next six months. You may be invited to information sessions, to
complete a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) or may be involved in work groups
who will complete the objectives that are created. Please watch for more information over the Summer and Fall
We ask that everyone hold the Steering Team and every group involved in Strategic Planning in your prayers. May
the spirit of St. Ignatius of Loyola and Blessed Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger be with the community of Loyola
Catholic School.
Save the date!
By Jeanne Osdoba Kelly ‘75
Good Counsel Academy Alumnae Director
The Good Counsel Academy
Alumnae Association will be
100 years old on June 18, 2014.
The words from the Beach Boy song ‘Be
True to Your School’ is fitting for our 100th
celebration. The first graduates knew they
were ‘true to our school’ and it was up to
them to begin our Alumnae Association. The
day before their graduation they met and drew
up the by-laws and elected officers.
On June 19, 1914 the first graduation was
held at the new academy built high on the hill.
Eleven young women graduated that year.
Five received their high school diplomas
and the other six had completed a two-year
commercial course.
So many memories span the 66 years at Good
Counsel Academy. All 3,445 young women
who attended GCA share these memories and
continue to ‘be true to our school.’ Thank
you to the School Sisters of Notre Dame who
had the vision to provide us with our valuable
education and so many wonderful memories!
Join us for
Loyola Night at the Moondogs!
August 7 - 7:05 p.m.
vs. the Rochester Honkers
Tailgating in the back parking lot of the Madison East Mall at 5:30 p.m.
We’ll bring the grills, condiments, paper products and beverages,
you bring your own meat to grill and a side dish or dessert to share.
Call the Advancement office to order your tickets 388-0617.
to Loyola Preschool teacher Mrs. Deanna Hofmeister for
winning the 2014 Rachel Seebach Award for Early Childhood
will have floats in the
St. Peter
4th of July parade
as well as in the
Fun Days parade
on July 12
If you are interested in
walking in the parade,
contact us at 388-0617.
Good Counsel Campus
145 Good Counsel Drive • Mankato, MN 56001
12 • The Loyolan • Summer 2014
Fitzgerald Campus
110 N. 5th Street • Mankato, MN 56001