ON the MOve treatiNg PeOPle


ON the MOve treatiNg PeOPle
Treating People
ON the Move
2013 US ANNUAL Report
on the move
Treating People
on the move
Treating People
Treating People on the move
on the move
Doctors Without Borders/MEdecins Sans FrontiEres (MSF) is an international independent medical
humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict,
epidemics, malnutrition, natural disasters, and exclusion from health care in nearly 70 countries.
● On any one day, more than 30,000 individuals representing dozens of nationalities can be found
providing assistance to people caught in crises around the world. They are doctors, nurses, logistics
experts, administrators, epidemiologists, laboratory technicians, mental health professionals,
and others who work together in accordance with MSF’s guiding principles of humanitarian action and
medical ethics. ● The organization received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999.
Letter from MSF 02 ● Case Studies 04 ● MSF Activities 12 ● MSF in 2013: by the numbers 14 ● Project Support 16
Field Staff 32 ● Donors 37 ● Financial Report 62 ● how your support saves lives 64 ● Board of Directors/Advisors 66
Front cover photo: Syrian refugees cross into northern Iraq. ©Paul Yon/MSF
Inside front cover photo: Patients await treatment at an MSF clinic outside Pauk Taw township in Myanmar. ©Kaung Htet/MSF
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
U s A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 13
At any given time,
great numbers of people are
> letter from MSf
on the move
Friends, at any given time, great numbers of people are on
the move. It would be wonderful if they were all visiting family or
conducting business or taking a holiday—if their journeys were
their choice, that is. But we know that’s not the case.
This past year, 2013, provided numerous reminders of just how
often people are forced from their homes and homelands by
circumstances—armed men, natural disasters, repression, privation, and more—beyond their control. In places such as Central
African Republic, South Sudan, and Syria, we saw millions take
flight in the face of conflict and violence. In the Philippines, a
typhoon destroyed whole towns and cities, sending their former
occupants looking for shelter or neighbors with houses still intact.
In other countries, it was the search for economic survival that drove
people, or the need to access services they were being denied.
As an emergency medical organization, Doctors Without
Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) knows from experience
that we have to be ready to respond to these sorts of situations,
and we have to be ready for the particular set of needs that arise
among refugees and those displaced within their own countries.
Being uprooted from one’s home is traumatic enough by itself, but
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
U s A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 13
due to the often-grueling nature of the journey to the next point
and the conditions that await there, the risk of injury, disease,
malnutrition, and trauma also rises. We know that vaccinations and
chronic disease care get interrupted, at great cost. We know that
women and children require special attention and that physical
and psychological burdens increase over time—it gets harder, not
easier—for those unable to return home.
To put it simply, people are on the move, so we have to stay
on the move as well. In practice, this means mobilizing staff and
resources and getting them where they have to be. It means
negotiating access to the populations in need and remaining
constantly aware of the dynamics on the ground, so we can be as
efficient as possible while keeping our personnel and our patients
as safe as can be. It can mean crossing frontlines or borders or
rivers and mountains to reach them.
In this year’s annual report, we are highlighting populations that
were on the move en masse in 2013, along with MSF’s responses
in these situations. Case studies look into specific contexts more
closely, while our facts and figures, our financial case study, and
our roster of US-based staff who left for missions last year all show
the perpetually active and necessarily responsive nature of our work.
MSF staff in Tacloban soon after a typhoon battered the central Philippines.
Many are involved in this work, and we were deeply saddened by
the loss of two people integral to the founding and development
of MSF-USA, Garrick Utley and Dr. Richard Rockefeller. We are
forever grateful for their assistance and counsel, and thank them,
as we thank all of those who help us deliver emergency care to
people who need it most, wherever they may be.
© Yann Libessart/MSF
The challenges inherent in these efforts were underscored yet
again in 2013. While we were able to celebrate the release of our
colleagues Montserrat Serra and Blanca Thiebault from captivity in
Somalia, we also had colleagues who went missing in Democratic
Republic of Congo and others abducted in Syria, as well as numerous
security incidents. Furthermore, we were forced to close our
programs in Somalia after nearly two decades due to deteriorating
security conditions and our realization that local communities
and leaders would not or could not provide the bulwark against
various threats that we rely on to operate in conflict situations.
But we can fairly say that we accomplished a great deal. MSF’s
US office sent 400 people to various field missions around the
world, a very significant contribution to the overall work of
the organization. Our teams carried out more than 9 million
consultations and 77,346 surgeries, while also assisting more
than 180,000 births (a full run down of the year in numbers can
be found on pages 14 and 15). Our advocacy teams and Access
Campaign also fought diligently to help remove barriers that
prevent patients from getting the medications they need and to
push the international community to uphold its responsibilities to
populations in crisis.
Sincerely yours,
Deane Marchbein
President, MSF-USA Board of Directors
Sophie Delaunay
Executive Director, MSF-USA
Medicalof People
on the move
ase studies
Case Studies
e studies
case studies
case studies
Case studies
Case Studies
case studies
Case studies
Case studies
case studies
At present, there are more than 51 million people in the world who have been forcibly displaced from their homes, according to the
United Nations High Commission for Refugees. Some were displaced recently, others years ago. Some are still located within the
borders of their countries of origin, while others crossed into different nations in search of sanctuary or opportunity. Some have
been displaced many times over. Almost half are women and girls.
However you divide it, an enormous number of people—more than the populations of New York, Hong Kong, Mumbai, Cairo,
and Rio combined—have been set in motion by conflict, natural disasters, privation, a lack of opportunity, or some other factor
beyond their control. Their departures are usually frantic, hurried affairs. They can do little planning. They often can take no more
than what they can carry and often have to leave before they can gather their families together.
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
U s A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 13
A makeshift camp in eastern DRC, where people fleeing violence in Masisi took shelter.
Democratic Republic of Congo
499,333 refugees
(figures from mid-2013)
© Giulio Di Sturco
2.96 million IDPs
Recurrent violence in Democratic Republic of Congo has
displaced millions of people. MSF, which has worked in
the country since 1981, treated hundreds of thousands of
people in DRC in 2013, providing vaccinations, surgery,
maternal and child care, emergency obstetrics, treatment
for victims of sexual violence, and more.
Displacement can have a devastating impact on an individual’s health, and the conditions that drive people to take flight can
have a devastating effect on health systems. Facilities can be destroyed and health workers killed, injured, or displaced themselves,
creating a huge burden on those who remain behind. Those in transit may struggle to find care along their route or once they
arrive in their supposed sanctuary. Existing health issues are exacerbated, and new ones arise, often sooner than a commensurate
response can be readied to meet them.
MSF first responded to a refugee situation in 1975, when hundreds of thousands of Cambodians fled the Khmer Rouge. MSF
teams have subsequently provided care in some of the largest and longest-running displacement situations of the modern age—in
Afghanistan, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Thailand, and Colombia, to name just a few.
Today, MSF runs projects for IDPs and refugees in more than 30 countries around the globe, and four of last year’s highest-profile
emergencies—in and around Syria, South Sudan, Central African Republic, and the Philippines—were characterized by huge and
chaotic population movements that came with immense health needs.
That is why we are focusing on “people on the move” in this year’s annual report. To some extent, this theme could include
MSF staff members who were themselves on the move, leaving their homes to work in faraway nations or elsewhere in their own
countries. It could also include the millions moving from countrysides to cities, and, in many cases, winding up in overcrowded and
unhygienic slums. But for the most part, we are thinking of those 51 million people who’ve been uprooted without their consent or
control, who’ve been pitched into an unknown future where MSF has a role to play by providing emergency medical care that might
help them survive today and perhaps reach a better tomorrow.
In conflict
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Case Studies
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case studies
case studies
In 2013, as Syria entered its third year of brutal war and violence erupted anew in CAR and South Sudan, MSF teams worked diligently
to tend to people displaced by these conflicts. In each country, and in the countries surrounding them—particularly Jordan, Iraq, and
Lebanon; Chad and Cameroon; and Ethiopia and Uganda—the particular toll that fighting takes on displaced people was readily apparent.
On a daily basis, staff tended to war wounds caused by gunshots, shrapnel, machetes, and other weapons; to respiratory and
gastrointestinal ailments linked to awful living conditions; to chronic illnesses that worsened when treatment was interrupted; and
to depression and anxiety that so often affect people uprooted from all they know. They provided the specialized care required by
children and women (see p. 10) in displacement settings and nutritional assistance when the need arose.
Before they started to work, they labored to determine where our intervention would be of most value and then to negotiate
access to populations in need. After projects were established, they did all they could to keep MSF facilities, patients, and staff as safe
and secure as could be. They were not always successful, but over the course of the year, MSF reaffirmed its willingness to work in
places others would not and to find ways to assist those for whom no other assistance was available, even in war.
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
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Syrian refugees in Bulgaria.
2.8 million Syrian refugees
in neighboring countries
© Jodi Hilton
6.5 million IDPs
As the Syrian conflict continues into its fourth
year, MSF is providing emergency medical aid
to Syrian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq,
as well as the displaced population within Syria,
including several reproductive health projects.
For time immemorial, people have taken to the road in an attempt to improve their circumstances, to find the sustenance and
resources—or the political freedom—that would allow them and their children to have a better life, or simply to survive. This
continues, even in our modern age (perhaps because of it, in many instances).
There is a choice involved, to some extent, but it still means that people have to leave behind everything they know and subject themselves to different laws, different policies, different prejudices. It can also land them in places where they have little access to medical care.
MSF has intervened in several of these contexts, providing medical care for migrants from Central Asia and North Africa who
were being detained in Greece or Italy and from East and West Africa as they tried to move through Morocco and Yemen. Our teams
have also assisted Zimbabweans who crossed over into South Africa, ethnic Rohingyas in Bangladesh, and people from various
Central American countries moving through Mexico.
There is often a tangle of legal and political issues that have to be sorted out before people in these sorts of situations can move
on or be free, but as that all plays out (or doesn’t, as the case may be), there will almost certainly be medical issues linked to their
passage and their circumstances that need attention.
© Yann Libessart/msf
Natural Disasters
Case Studies
Case studies
se studies
case studies
case studies
Case studies
When a massive typhoon struck the central Philippines in late 2013, MSF teams responded as quickly as they could, and, within a few days,
were moving around the islands by land, sea, and air in an effort to reach people in need. Natural disasters on this scale can completely
wipe out health facilities and drastically limit the ability of local medical staff to treat survivors (if they themselves survived). That’s what
happened in Haiti following the enormous earthquake that hit the island in 2010, after which MSF launched its largest-ever emergency
response, hiring thousands of new staff and treating more than 350,000 patients in the 10 months that followed.
Many of the challenges then—as in the Philippines and after other natural disasters—were logistical. When roads are out, fuel
short, airports clogged, and buildings reduced to rubble, where do you treat patients, and how do you get supplies where they
need to be? Doing so requires a huge and holistic logistical effort that MSF has undertaken in several places in recent years. In the
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
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Tacloban airport in the Philippines days after Typhoon Haiyan hit.
4 million
In November 2013, Typhoon Haiyan killed around 6,000
and left millions without a home. MSF intervened to
provide emergency relief to the victims and re-establish
hospital facilities for the population, especially pregnant
women, newborns, and young children.
Philippines, as in Haiti and in Pakistan following an earthquake there in 2005, this included erecting an inflatable hospital where
medical activities could be carried out.
From November 8, 2013, through February 28, 2014, MSF teams in the Philippines treated 96,611 outpatients, admitted 2,229
patients to hospital, performed 6,391 emergency room consultations, and carried out 3,756 surgical procedures. Natural disaster
responses often last far beyond the immediate crisis, however. The emergency phase, in fact, can be relatively short. In the long term,
it’s crucial that programs anticipate and address the medical needs that later emerge—infectious diseases, mental health issues,
sexual violence, and more—while also working to aid the re-establishment of health care systems that were damaged.
Women and
Case studies
Case Studies
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case studies
case studies
case studies
Case studies
Case studies
For women, displacement comes with a host of additional medical risks. Once they leave home, it often becomes far more
difficult to access medical care of any kind, particularly emergency obstetric care. This can put their lives in jeopardy, since
some 15 percent of deliveries involve life-threatening complications that need urgent attention. In fact, research has shown
that more Caesarean sections are performed in and after conflicts and natural disasters than any other major surgery,
including surgery for war-wounded patients.
There is also an increased threat of violence and sexual violence in instances where families have been split up, social bonds
have been shredded, and there is little or no rule of law. Women in transit on their own or alone with children are also often
extremely vulnerable to predation from thieves, militia men, border guards, and human traffickers. In camps, basic acts like
collecting firewood or going to the bathroom can place women in terrifying situations where they have no protection to call on.
Mental health is another area of concern. Women must contend with the impact of having been exposed to a range
of traumas—from losing loved ones to witnessing or being a victim of extreme violence—and with the uncertainty of life as
a refugee. This can lead to depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder that manifests in a variety of ways that have
significant health consequences.
In displacement settings, therefore, MSF makes it a priority to provide services that address these critical medical
issues. Emergency obstetric care and response to sexual violence are both part of the Minimum Initial Service Package
for Reproductive Health in Crises, a set of priority activities defined by international agencies that are designed to
minimize mortality and morbidity. MSF teams aim to address the four greatest causes of maternal mortality—post-partum
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
U s A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 13
A sick woman displaced by violence is rushed to a hospital in Bossangoa, CAR.
Central African Republic
internally displaced
245,000 refugees in
neighboring countries
The humanitarian crisis in Central African Republic has
worsened since the level of violence escalated in early
December. Targeted massacres provoked massive displacement of population. In response, MSF has drastically
expanded its operations across the country, including
maternal health and surgical projects. Other MSF teams
work with refugees in Chad and Cameroon.
hemorrhage, pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, sepsis, and the consequences of unsafe abortion—by establishing emergency obstetric
care centers that have the capacity to perform blood transfusions and Caesarean sections. Specialized programs for the treatment of
victims of sexual violence are implemented as well. And teams make sure to have female doctors on hand in locations where women
will not feel comfortable seeking care from men.
Once these services are assured, MSF turns to other medical issues facing displaced women, such as access to family planning
and newborn care, wound care, vaccinations and pediatric care, and psychological and mental health care.
© Marcus Bleasdale/VII
10 > 11
Treating People on the move
In 2013, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans
assistance in 67 countries. MSF-USA supported
work in 47 of these countries. Names are indicated
solely for those countries and territories in
which MSF ran projects in 2013.
5 countries
MSF staff tends to a homeless man in Greece.
©Anna Surinyach/MSF
6 countries
● colombia
Screening children for Chagas disease in Paraguay.
● paraguay
© Yann Libessart/MSF
31 countries
A Sudanese refugee in South Sudan.
Countries in red received MSF-USA funding
Countries in gray received funding from other MSF offices
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
U s A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 13
© Sophia Apostolia/MSF
Frontières (MSF) provided humanitarian
© Kaung Htet
© Vincent Tremeau
Caucasus &
Central Asia
9 countries
8 countries
● RUSSIAn Federation
A girl awaits treatment in Myanmar’s Rakhine state.
A TB patient in Kyrgyzstan.
● ukraine
● France
● georgia
● armenia
● italy
● turkey
greece ●
● syria
● iraq
Territories ● ● JORDAN
● iran
● Pakistan
● india
● yemen
● mauritania
© Panagis Chrysovergis
Middle East
7 countries
An MSF staff member speaks with a
Syrian refugee in Jordan’s Zaatari camp.
12 > 13
> MSF in 2013
By the
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
U s A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 13
Patients await care at a kala azar program in South Sudan.
Outpatient consultations
Admitted patients
Malaria, cases treated
Severely malnourished children admitted to
inpatient or outpatient feeding programs
Moderately malnourished children
admitted to supplementary feeding centers
HIV patients registered under care
Patients on first-line
antiretroviral treatment
Patients on second-line antiretroviral treatment
Pregnant women with HIV who received prevention of
mother to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) treatment
Babies born in 2013 who received PMTCT treatment
Women who delivered babies, including caesarean sections
Major surgical procedures, including obstetric
surgery, under general or spinal anesthesia
Patients medically treated for sexual violence
Patients newly started on first-line TB treatment
Patients newly started in second-line treatment
for drug-resistant TB
Individual and group mental health sessions
People treated for cholera
People vaccinated against measles
in response to an outbreak
People treated for measles
People vaccinated against meningitis
in response to an outbreak
© John Stanmeyer/VII
People treated for meningitis
14 > 15
* These highlights do not give a complete overview of activities and are limited to where MSF staff have direct access to patients.
© John Stanmeyer/VII
Project support
Treating People on the move
Project SUpport
Treating People on the move
reating People on the move
Treating People on the move
Treating People on the move
Treating People on the move
Project support
Treating People on the move
Project support
Treating People on the move
Project SUpport
Treating People on the move
Project SUpport
Projects described in this section were made possible in part by generous
contributions from individuals, foundations, and corporations in the United States.
The great majority of funds MSF collects are unrestricted to any particular
project, which is essential to MSF’s ability to react to emergencies as they unfold.
The dollar amounts here reflect the total MSF-USA funding directed by MSF to
field programs in a given country. These amounts are part of total project costs
presented by MSF International in its 2013 International Activity Report, which is
available at www.doctorswithoutborders.org/our-work/publications/annual-reports.
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
U s A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 13
Staff tend to Sudanese refugees in Yida, South Sudan.
A displacement camp in DRC’s Orientale province.
The Mugunga 1 camp outside Goma, DRC.
In 2012, MSF launched an emergency response for refugees in Mali
who had fled to Burkina Faso. Most were initially housed in the
border province of Oudalan but later moved further inland. MSF
thereafter scaled down its activities, though it ran mobile clinics
for Malians who remained in the Dibissi camp and residents in
Gandafabou health district. The team provided basic health care
consultations, vaccinations—primarily for tetanus and measles—
and referrals to the hospital in Dori.
> Cameroon
Cameroon’s centralized medical system and fees exclude many from
health services, particularly people with neglected diseases such
as Buruli ulcer, which can cause permanent disability if not treated.
MSF teams in the country run a program in Akonolinga hospital for
Buruli patients that also offers HIV testing. In total, the team treated
188 people with chronic wounds resulting from Buruli, applied
more than 15,800 surgical dressings, admitted 48 new patients, and
carried out 78 surgical procedures. MSF also continued to assist
health professionals with efforts to diagnose the disease.
> Central African Republic
Even before descending into all-out war, CAR had for years been in
a state of political, military, and public health crisis featuring
recurring displacement, conflict, and epidemics of preventable
diseases. As the country’s main health care provider, MSF treated
tens of thousands annually for a wide range of conditions at
comprehensive projects in Batangafo, Boguila, Carnot, Kabo, Ndélé,
Paoua, and Zémio.
But it all got worse in 2013. After the Séléka rebel group staged a
coup, armed self-defense groups called anti-balakas joined the fight.
Both groups killed scores and committed grievous human rights
violations. Unsurprisingly, health needs multiplied.
MSF launched an expansive emergency response, scaling up
programs and resources exponentially. Teams provided free medical
care to people wounded in attacks or displaced by violence; mobile
clinics for people displaced or unable to reach medical facilities; and
access to clean drinking water and hygiene services. Emergency
projects were opened in Damara, Sibut, Bangui, Bouca, Bossangoa,
Bria, and Gadzi, and emergency medical teams visited Yaloke and
Bouar. Emergency surgery and basic health care were available
for the wounded, and teams regularly treated patients for malaria,
respiratory and skin infections, diarrheal diseases, and malnutrition.
Violence overwhelmed Bangui in December, driving hundreds of
thousands from their homes. MSF tried to ensure basic standards
of hygiene among 10,000 people at a makeshift camp at Bangui’s
> Chad
(left to right) © Louise Annaud/MSF © Sven Torfinn
airport by building hundreds of latrines, trucking in water, and
distributing relief supplies. The camp later grew four-fold in size.
Medical staff provided trauma surgery and basic health consultations; at Castor health center, for instance, surgeons responded
to 465 trauma cases in just three weeks.
By year’s end, MSF’s 250 international and 2,500 Central African
staff had tended to approximately 600,000 people in seven hospitals,
two health centers, and 40 health posts. Basic needs remained unmet,
however, due to the insufficient mobilization of humanitarian
services. MSF repeatedly called on parties to the conflict to allow
access to care for the sick and wounded and urged the UN and other
aid agencies to deploy more resources, especially outside the capital.
Chad struggles with high childhood mortality rates, poor vaccination
coverage, recurrent refugee influxes, and epidemics. With malaria
a primary cause of death for children under five, MSF supported
numerous health and community centers in the Mandoul region
and treated some 53,000 children through a strategy called seasonal
malaria chemoprophylaxis, recording a 60 percent reduction of
cases in the target area compared to the previous year.
Between July and December, staff at Massakory hospital in Hadjer
Lamis region treated 36,600 patients during an acute peak of malaria
and provided malnutrition care as well. From August to October,
MSF responded to high levels of malaria in the Salamat region with
an emergency intervention that included outreach to remote areas.
Specialized care for women and children was provided in Am Timan
hospital, along with reproductive health care, emergency obstetric
care, nutrition, and tuberculosis (TB) and HIV treatment.
When clashes in Sudan’s Darfur region drove refugees into Tissi
early in the year, MSF established an emergency room to treat
victims of violence, a health center in Ab Gadam camp, and a health
post in Um Doukhum, carrying out more than 52,000 outpatient
consultations, treating 10,400 for malaria, providing clean drinking
water, and building latrines. Teams offered similar services in
Goz Beida as well, and did likewise for refugees from CAR in the
Moyen-Chari region.
MSF also worked with the Ministry of Health (MoH) to expand
vaccination coverage, running three measles vaccination campaigns
that reached more than 400,000 children and a yellow fever response
that reached 161,300 people.
> Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
MSF works to make care more widely available and responds to
health emergencies in DRC, where the wholesale lack of basic health
services again led to numerous outbreaks, while conflict in the east
continued to kill, displace, and injure civilians. Regrettably, four
Congolese MSF staff were abducted by an armed group in North
Kivu; a dedicated team is still actively searching for them.
In North Kivu, teams carried out more than 41,800 consultations
in the Mugunga III displacement camp and treated some 840
16 > 17
© Yann Libessart/MSF
(left to right) © Phil Moore © Matthias Steinbach
Treating People on the move
people for injuries resulting from sexual violence. Another team
focused on cholera prevention and treatment in Goma. In Rutshuru,
staff performed more than 7,600 surgical procedures as part of a
comprehensive program. In Masisi, teams worked at the general
hospital and two health centers, ran a 76-bed maternity village for
women, and counseled victims of sexual violence. At Mweso hospital,
MSF provides comprehensive care, including psychiatric services
and programs for victims of sexual violence. Security incidents twice
caused suspension of the project, but teams provided some 140,000
consultations and more than 1,300 surgeries, while assisting more
than 4,500 deliveries. MSF’s Pinga project conducted nearly 35,000
consultations before it, too, had to be suspended due to security
concerns. An emergency measles vaccination campaign in Vuhovi
reached 51,000 children.
In South Kivu, an area marked by recurrent conflict and mass
displacement, MSF teams conducted more than 565,000 consultations in comprehensive programs—including basic and specialist
health care that involved surgery, reproductive health services,
neonatal treatment, and more—in hospitals in Kalonge, Shabunda,
Matili, Minova, Lulimba, and the Fizi territory; roughly two dozen area
health centers; and a host of mobile clinics. Additionally, emergency
teams responded to outbreaks of malaria, measles, rabies, and cholera,
treating and vaccinating hundreds of thousands in several areas.
In Katanga province, MSF provided pediatric care at Kabalo
hospital and 15 peripheral health centers, focusing mainly on malaria.
Teams also completed several cholera interventions and offered
comprehensive services in Shamwana and the surrounding area.
In Orientale province, MSF supported health centers in Geti,
providing 59,567 consultations, taking over management of a
maternity unit and operating theater, and providing water and
sanitation services amidst clashes that caused massive population
displacement. MSF also continued to work in the Dingila hospital
emergency department and worked with the MoH to screen more
than 70,000 people for sleeping sickness. Furthermore, MSF treated
30,200 people during a measles outbreak in Bas-Uélé and vaccinated
189,000 children.
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
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Scenes from Kibera South Health Center in Nairobi.
> Ethiopia
Among MSF’s wide-ranging programs in Ethiopia are a maternal and
pediatric care project in Sidama, in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s Region, involving two health centers and outreach
activities in 15 locations through which teams provided 10,460
ante- and postnatal consultations, assisted 800 deliveries, and
vaccinated 19,260 children in 2013.
In Abdurafi, Amhara region, MSF treats people with kala azar and
HIV/AIDS, and those co-infected with TB, while offering nutritional
support. In Degehabur, Somali region, where access to care is
limited, MSF supported the regional hospital and ran mobile clinics,
providing emergency obstetric services, mental health care, and
treatment for malnutrition and TB.
At Wardher hospital, MSF focused on severely ill or malnourished
children, maternity services, and TB treatment. Teams also supported
the Yucub health post and two other health centers, while running
regular mobile clinics, providing antenatal care, therapeutic feeding, immunizations, and a free ambulance service. MSF also provided
inpatient care, nutritional support, and emergency obstetric surgery
for Somali refugees.
In the Benishangul-Gumuz region, staff conducted 23,170
consultations for Sudanese refugees in three camps and admitted
21,025 children to supplementary feeding programs. Teams aided
South Sudanese refugees in the Gambella region as well.
Amidst a brutal drought, MSF set up a feeding program and inpatient unit in the remote Afar region that assisted 1,880 children.
MSF also provided psychosocial support to more than 15,000 Ethiopians deported from Saudi Arabia. Additionally, MSF worked with
the government to treat TB patients in Dire Dawa before handing the
program over to the Bureau of Health, as it also did with clinics in
East Imey, Somali region, and a full service health center in Mattar.
Sudanese refugees in Ethiopia.
Consults with TB patients in Kenya.
MSF works with Guinea’s MoH in Guéckédou to treat and prevent
malaria, a leading cause of death in the country, supporting a district
hospital, 7 health centers, and 12 health posts, while also training
community health workers to screen and treat uncomplicated cases.
Teams also run an HIV program in Conakry through an ambulatory
treatment center and five health centers that offer free, comprehensive
health care, including psychosocial care, TB treatment for co-infected
patients, and prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT)
services. A similar program in Guéckédou was handed over to the
MoH, as was a maternal health program in Matam.
An MSF team treated 132 patients during a May meningitis
outbreak and 80 more the next month during a cholera outbreak.
> Kenya
Despite instability on Kenya’s border with Somalia, MSF manages
a 100-bed hospital in the Dagahaley refugee camp for Somalis in
Dadaab and four additional health posts in the area, providing adult
and pediatric care, maternity services, emergency surgery, HIV/AIDS
and TB treatment, and mental health support. Teams carried out
roughly 18,000 monthly outpatient consultations and, throughout
the year, delivered 2,580 babies and treated some 4,100 children in
outpatient and inpatient feeding programs.
Three MSF clinics in Nairobi’s Kibera slum provided free basic
health care, services for victims of sexual violence, and integrated
treatment of HIV/AIDS, TB, and chronic non-communicable diseases.
Overall, teams in Kibera completed more than 142,000 outpatient
consultations and provided antiretroviral (ARV) drugs to more than
4,300 HIV patients. A new clinic offering basic and maternity care
was opened in February as well. Another clinic in Nairobi, in the
Eastlands area, attended to roughly 150 victims of sexual violence
each month and treated nearly 500 people for TB.
MSF handed over an HIV program at Homa Bay, where 25,000
people have received care since 2001, to the MoH, but will open
a new project in Ndhiwa in 2014. Teams also ran an emergency
intervention in the Tana Delta region for victims of intercommunal
violence and expanded their efforts after heavy flooding displaced
many communities. Staff provided medical and mental health
support, built latrines, distributed relief items, and carried out
water and sanitation services. An MSF team in Mandera likewise
distributed relief items to people affected by violence and donated
medical supplies and drugs to the local hospital.
MSF teams in Lesotho provide antenatal, postnatal, and emergency
obstetric care at St. Joseph’s district hospital in Roma, six basic health
care clinics in the lowland area, and three clinics in the remote
Semonkong area. MSF also runs an ambulance service and a maternity lodge for expectant mothers.
Along with maternal and child health, integrated HIV and TB
care is another area of focus. Teams have increasingly decentralized
programs so nurses, village health workers, and lay counselors can
provide specialized care to patients closer to their homes.
Staff also began putting all women who tested positive for HIV
on ARV treatment to prevent the transmission of HIV to children
they might have later, piloted a community adherence group, and
installed CD4 testing machines, which indicate an HIV patient’s immunity level, in nine health centers. A rapid TB test called GeneXpert
was introduced to MSF’s programs as well.
> Madagascar
© Olga Overbeek
> Guinea
“Before MSF came, all I thought I could do was hide and wait to die just like I had
witnessed my friends and neighbors fade away. I am now a family man with one
wife and a pretty five-year-old girl.“—Charles, 43, HIV patient, Nairobi, Kenya
Access to health care has decreased in Madagascar due to budget
cuts, a cruel blow to vulnerable and isolated communities. Since
2011, MSF has therefore worked to expand assistance in the remote
Androy region, providing clinical care, inpatient services, and
maternal care at Bekily hospital, while also training staff and
conducting patient consultations at two health centers. MSF also
works with national agencies to test and treat TB.
Additionally, after a cyclone hit the country in February, MSF ran
mobile clinics in the cities of Tuléar and Morombe and donated
drugs to hospitals and health centers in affected areas. An MSF team
also helped health authorities respond to a spike in malaria infections in Tuléar, Morombe, and Betioky. A total of 5,761 consultations
were carried out.
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Treating People on the move
> Malawi
Given Malawi’s high HIV rates and its chronically underfunded health
care system, MSF works to deliver high-quality care for patients
while providing training and technical support at the national level.
At MSF’s HIV program in Chiradzulu, for instance, more than 28,000
patients were receiving ARV treatment this year and new infection
levels were shown to be very low. MSF began using the first
point-of-care viral load test to be installed in a rural health center,
thanks to a UNITAID grant.
MSF withdrew from Chikhwawa district and expanded efforts in
Nsanje, focusing on HIV care and PMTCT in 14 health clinics. Fifty
health workers were mentored in 14 sites, with 88 percent completing the program. This complements an MSF scholarship initiative
that enrolled 49 local students in the Thyolo, Nsanje, and Chikhwawa
districts into a training program for health workers, provided they
agree to work in their home areas for at least five years.
While teams handed over some programs in Thyolo, MSF continues to conduct operational research, expand community ARV
groups, and provide technical and clinical services in the area.
> Mali
When sporadic fighting around Gao drove residents and health
workers from their homes, MSF provided basic health care at clinics
in Chabaria, Wabaria, Sossokoira, and Bazi Haoussa. A team also
worked in Ansongo hospital, south of Gao, vaccinating more than
8,500 children and providing outpatient and inpatient services,
reproductive health care, and emergency surgery.
In Timbuktu, insecurity likewise reduced access to care. MSF
worked in all departments of Timbuktu hospital, Niafunké hospital,
and five outlying health centers, conducting 91,975 consultations
primarily related to malaria, complicated pregnancies, respiratory
infections, and chronic diseases.
In the south, MSF worked with the MoH in Koutiala, Sikasso state,
to offer care aimed at ensuring children’s growth and development.
Staff admitted more than 5,300 patients to Koutiala hospital, the vast
majority of them malnourished children, and provided basic health
care in five health centers, conducting some 82,000 consultations,
more than a third involving malaria.
Teams in Konseguela provided preventive and curative
pediatric care, including a full package of vaccinations and
malnutrition treatment. MSF also implemented seasonal malaria
chemoprophylaxis during the high transmission period, treating
an average of 163,000 children in each of four rounds and reaching
approximately 87 percent of children for at least three of the four
distributions, after which the number of children suffering from
uncomplicated malaria dropped 31 percent from the previous year.
In the Mopti region, MSF handed over a nutritional project to
Save the Children and medical programs in Mopti, Douentza, Konna,
Boré, Douentza, Hombori, and Boni—opened during fighting in
Mali in 2012—to the MoH.
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An MSF nutrition program in Niger’s Madaoua region.
> Mauritania
Violence in Mali drove some 59,000 people into Mauritania. MSF
supported a health post on the border that screened children under
five for malnutrition, along with three health centers in Mbera camp,
carrying out some 1,800 consultations per week, collectively, and
treating 300 severely malnourished children each month in Mbera
alone. MSF also publically called on aid organizations to do more to
meet the basic needs of the refugees.
> Mozambique
In a country still struggling greatly with HIV/AIDS, MSF teams in the
Chamanculo and Mavalane districts of Maputo and Tete provide
comprehensive care for patients co-infected with TB and specialized
care for people not responding to first-line treatment or with more
complex conditions, such as Kaposi’s sarcoma or cervical cancer.
In Chamanculo, MSF treated complex HIV/AIDS cases in five MoH
health centers and one referral center, and supported the Mavalane
project, which worked with four health centers and one health
post. MSF also supported the Primeiro de Maio health center for
adolescents, trained MoH health workers, and introduced viral load
technology in Maputo and Changara districts.
Following flooding in Gaza province, MSF supported the MoH
response with staff and medical supplies, carrying out more than
23,000 medical consultations, almost half of which were related to
HIV/AIDS and TB, and the rest of which involved respiratory infections, diarrhea, and malaria.
> Niger
When the “hunger gap” between harvests hits concurrently with
the rainy season, during which mosquitoes proliferate, children in
Niger face a dual threat of malnutrition and malaria. MSF expanded
preventative activities by implementing seasonal malaria chemoprophylaxis for some 225,000 children in Guidan Roumdji, Madarounfa,
Bouza, Madaoua, and Magaria, while providing bed nets and other
tools to stem malaria’s spread. Simultaneously, malnutrition programs offered mobile screening, treatment, and hospitalization for
severely malnourished children.
To expand the reach of the programs, teams conducted
home-based malaria diagnoses and treatment for pregnant
women and children at 111 health posts in Tahoua region, where
MSF-trained community health workers diagnosed malaria and
treated simple cases while also examining children’s nutritional and
vaccination status. Additionally, a measles vaccination campaign
following an outbreak in Madaoua and Sabon Guida reached 84,460
children, and, in a new initiative, peer networks of mothers in the
Tahoua region were given nutrition training they could share with
their communities.
Teams in the Madarounfa district worked with FORSANI, a national
NGO, to provide pediatric care and ran malaria prevention programs
for children, distributing nutritional supplements, mosquito nets,
and routine immunizations. MSF also handed out malaria prevention
kits, soap, and blankets following heavy rains in Madarounfa in July.
“The MSF team welcomed me to the women’s village. I feel good here; we dance
together often. All the women here suffer from the same thing, and that helps
us cope.”—Séverine, obstetric fistula patient, Burundi
> Nigeria
An upsurge in violence made accessing health care even more difficult in Nigeria; where possible, MSF continued to deliver specialized
care to vulnerable communities and respond to outbreaks of disease.
The rising price of gold triggered a surge of unsafe mining in
Zamfara state, where MSF has responded to severe lead poisoning
in recent years. Teams screened more than 1,570 children and
provided some 10,800 basic health consultations for children
under five in 2013, while lobbying the government to remediate
affected villages.
In Jigawa state, where maternity services are few and maternal
mortality rates high, MSF admitted more than 8,390 women to
the obstetrics unit in Jahun and performed fistula surgery for
370 women. MSF also ran a maternal and child health program in
Sokoto state until insecurity forced its closure. And teams provided
care to 3,750 displaced people in Baga and Chibok in the strifeafflicted northeast until it, too, grew to insecure to continue.
MSF supported 300 health clinics in Katsina state during a measles outbreak, donating medicine, treating 14,290, and vaccinating
Checking a child for malnutrition in Niger.
217,490 children in Bakori, Sabuwa, Funtua, Dandume, and Faskari.
Teams treated 47,585 people during a separate measles outbreak in
Kebbi, Sokoto, and Zamfara states as well. Some 2,000 people were
treated for cholera in Rini and Gusau, too.
> Republic of congo
©Juan Carlos Tomasi/MSF
In Zinder, MSF decentralized malnutrition care by holding at-home
consultations and setting up treatment and observation posts at
health centers in Magaria, Dungass, and Bangaza. MSF also carried
out 57,500 consultations for Malian refugees and local residents in
the Tilabéri region and treated 1,500 patients during a cholera
outbreak in May. Staff provided basic and specialist care to 14,000
refugees in the Abala camp as well, along with 33,000 local residents.
MSF had been running emergency programs for refugees from DRC
in Bétou district since 2009. From November 2012 to May 2013,
staff treated 9,800 people for malaria alone. MSF also had 13 teams
that provided nearly 100,000 vaccinations in that same time frame
and worked with authorities to improve national control programs
against TB, HIV, leprosy, and yaws. In April 2013, however, more
than 36,000 refugees were repatriated to DRC; MSF closed its Bétou
project two months later.
Teams in Bétou and the northern Congo rainforest carried out a
second round of treatment for people with yaws, a bacterial infection that causes lesions and can lead to disfigurement and disability,
targeting Aka pygmies in remote areas.
> Sierra Leone
More than a decade after the end of the civil war, Sierra Leone still
has systemic gaps in its medical system, and while the government’s
offer of free health care to pregnant women and children is improving access, many still die from treatable diseases such as malaria,
measles, and Lassa fever.
In Bo district, MSF runs the Gondama referral center, a 220-bed
hospital offering emergency pediatric and obstetric services. In
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(Left to right) © John Stanmeyer/VII © Yann Libessart/MSF
Treating People on the move
2013, ambulances transported patients from nine community health
centers to the hospital, and patients with Lassa fever to Kenema
hospital. MSF also provides staff, medicines, and medical materials
to the Gondama health center, an MoH clinic.
> Somalia
In August, MSF closed all projects in Somalia after 22 years of continuous operations. The wrenching decision was unavoidable given
that violent attacks on MSF personnel occurred with the tacit
acceptance or active complicity of armed groups and civilian
authorities. Unable to get even minimal assurances of safety, MSF
handed over its operations to government entities and humanitarian organizations. Sadly, the humanitarian situation remains dire
and access to care is still extremely limited.
Among the projects MSF had to leave behind were a 60-bed
hospital in Daynile, outside Mogadishu, with an emergency room,
operating theater, intensive care unit, pediatric unit, feeding center,
and maternity facilities. MSF’s 40-bed hospital in Mogadishu’s Jaziira
district carried out some 25,700 consultations and 2,200 hospital
admissions, most of them for displaced people. In Hamar Weyne,
MSF ran Mogadishu’s only pediatric hospital, treating measles,
acute watery diarrhea, and malnutrition. MSF also ran clinics in
the Wadajir, Dharkenley, and Yaaqshiid districts that focused on
maternal and child health and were able to respond to sudden
outbreaks of disease, treat peaks of malnutrition, and participate
in mass vaccinations against resurgent polio. More than 100,000
consultations were carried out at these facilities.
In Bay region, teams had supported the 60-bed Dinsoor hospital
since 2002, providing maternity services and treating malnutrition,
TB, and kala azar. At the Afgooye district hospital, staff offered
displaced people and residents inpatient and outpatient services,
maternity care, and therapeutic nourishment. In 2013, the hospital
conducted 11,408 medical consultations and assisted the delivery
of 953 babies before MSF handed the project over to the Qatar Red
Crescent Society.
MSF provided outpatient care, maternal and child health services,
vaccinations, and nutritional support at the Jowhar maternity
hospital and health centers in Kulmis, Bulo Sheik, Gololey, Balcad,
and Mahaday. In the divided city of Galkayo, teams in two referral
hospitals offered surgery, pediatric outpatient and inpatient care,
maternity services, feeding programs, immunizations, and TB
treatment, reaching well over 75,000 patients.
MSF’s hospital in Marere provided basic and specialist health care,
TB treatment, nutritional services, and emergency obstetric care to
the populations of several large regions. Mobile teams delivered
basic and nutritional care to children, while a clinic in Jilib treated
malnutrition, measles, and cholera. Additionally, MSF’s team in
Kismayo ran an inpatient nutrition program for children.
In Somaliland, MSF supported the inpatient, maternity, and
surgical facilities of Burao hospital in the Togdheer region, conducting 775 surgical interventions, admitting 1,602 people, and
assisting in 720 births before its departure. MSF also carried out
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
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Scenes from South Sudan.
consultations and improved water and sanitation facilities in three
prisons in Somaliland.
> South Africa
MSF pushes innovative care models in South Africa to support the
treatment and empowerment of people living with HIV. In Khayelitsha, on Cape Town’s outskirts, MSF promoted ARV adherence clubs
that offer people living with HIV the opportunity to combine peer
support with check-ups and drug refills at bi-monthly meetings.
Some 231 ARV clubs composed of 7,733 patients have been established at 10 Khayelitsha health facilities.
Research has found that 97 percent of adherence club members
continued treatment; members were also 67 percent less likely to
experience treatment failure. The model, now run by local health
authorities, will use a $15 million Global Fund grant to expand.
In KwaZulu Natal, which is the epicenter of South Africa’s HIV
epidemic and has the country’s highest TB rates, TB remains the
leading cause of death for people with HIV. Several strategies aim
to address this, including the rapid expansion of community-based
testing, greater continuity of ARV and TB treatment, faster TB and
drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) diagnosis and treatment, and
the promotion of prevention methods such as voluntary male
circumcision and earlier HIV treatment.
Mobile one-stop shops offering rapid HIV testing and treatment
in a single location are integral to the effort, and MSF started outreach programs with testing and health promotion around Eshowe
and Mbongolwane. Viral load monitoring has also been emphasized.
MSF’s South Africa office remains actively involved in efforts to facilitate patent law reform to ease the production and/or importation
of generic drugs, making them more affordable.
> South Sudan
South Sudan drifted towards chaos in 2013 and erupted into conflict at year’s end, damaging people’s ability to access care and MSF’s
ability to operate. In April, for example, MSF suspended activities
at Pibor hospital, in Jonglei state, amid clashes and threats. The
hospital was later ransacked, and area residents fled into the bush
without access to safe water or food. Thousands later arrived at MSF’s
nearby clinic in Gumuruk, where staff carried out more than 100
consultations per day and performed 49 surgical procedures. A
second clinic opened in Dorein. In Bor, to the south, 177 patients
received emergency care during later outbreaks of violence.
MSF also provided basic and specialist health care, ran nutrition
centers, and provided water and sanitation services for 180,000
Sudanese refugees in Yida camp, Unity state, and Maban county,
Upper Nile state. Teams worked with the MoH to vaccinate 132,500
people against cholera as well. Additional Sudanese refugees in
Northern Bahr El Ghazal and Upper Nile state received basic and
specialist health care and nutritional assistance.
MSF clinics and hospitals throughout the country continued to
offer a full range of services. In Nasir, Upper Nile state, teams provided
basic and specialist services, including HIV and TB treatment. In
Jonglei, MSF’s Lankien hospital project provided more than 71,000
> Sudan
and carried out postnatal home visits. MSF had to manage its
projects in Kaguro remotely because no international staff were
permitted, but teams staged an emergency intervention—mobile
clinics, feeding programs, and reproductive health care—after
clashes displaced some 65,000 people, and MSF also worked with
the MoH to launch the North Darfur Emergency Response program.
MSF started diagnosing and treating TB in five health centers in
Jebel Awlia, a crowded slum on Khartoum’s outskirts, while also
training MoH staff and working with patient groups to develop
support systems. After August flooding hit Khartoum state, MSF
provided 228,600 liters of clean water and ran mobile clinics in the
Sharag Alniel locality.
In an effort to support MoH reproductive health activities and
reduce maternal and neonatal mortality, MSF offered comprehensive emergency obstetric services, postnatal consultations, and
family planning support. MSF also refurbished the maternity wing
and operating theater in Quresha hospital.
Amidst concerns about yellow fever, MSF worked with the MoH
to vaccinate 750,000 adults and children in four localities in Central
Darfur state and treat 256 patients. In Al Gedaref state, teams
vaccinated 306,400 people for measles and treated 468 for kala azar.
> Swaziland
MSF supports efforts to integrate TB and HIV services in Swaziland
and to implement outpatient DR-TB care. Teams in Matsapha, Manzini
region, provided comprehensive HIV and TB care, with psychosocial
counseling, testing, diagnosis, and treatment, along with reproductive
health care, ante- and postnatal care, and immunizations for children.
© Robert Hoglund/MSF
In July, MSF started supporting the health center in El Serif displaced
persons camp near Nyala in South Darfur, adding to a host of
projects it runs in Sudan’s still-troubled Darfur region. In North
Darfur, insecurity forced MSF teams in Tawila to limit their work to
basic health care activities in the town and referrals. Staff in Dar
Zaghawa also supported two health centers and two health posts
(Left to right) © Robin Meldrum/MSF © John Stanmeyer/VII © Robin Meldrum/MSF © Yann Libessart/MSF
outpatient consultations. In Bentiu, Unity state, MSF handed over its
nutrition program but opened a TB and HIV project. In Leer, Unity
state, MSF conducted 68,000 outpatient consultations—13,394 for
malaria—and performed 336 surgical interventions.
In Agok, MSF runs the only hospital in the area, providing
comprehensive services including HIV and TB care. MSF constructed
a new maternity ward and ran mobile clinics with basic and
maternal care in remote regions. Teams at Aweil civil hospital in
Northern Bahr El Ghazal provide surgery and burn care and run
neonatal and isolation units for children. Staff assisted more than
6,100 births as well, and carried out 55 fistula repair surgeries.
At Yambio hospital, Western Equatoria, MSF supported MoH HIV
programs with staffing and training, and teams in Lakes state
vaccinated more than 41,000 children against measles.
In December, fighting in Juba displaced tens of thousands; MSF
set up clinics and launched an extensive, nation-wide emergency
response that ran into 2014 and saw teams treat hundreds of
thousands affected by the fighting, including South Sudanese who
fled to surrounding countries, even as MSF’s own facilities were at
times targeted.
The harsh landscape of Maban, in South Sudan, where Sudanese refugees sought sanctuary
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(Left to right) © Yann Libessart/MSF © Simon Petite © Yann Libessart
Treating People on the move
In Mankayane, MSF works with the MoH’s HIV and TB department
to improve diagnosis and treatment of HIV/DR-TB co-infected
patients. MSF also worked to improve infection control and provided
psychosocial support in Mankayane hospital and in communitybased clinics, while training staff at the TB National Reference
Laboratory in Mbabane as well.
In Shiselweni, MSF helped establish numerous new HIV and TB
service points and provided treatment and psychosocial support
for HIV and TB patients in 22 basic health clinics and three specialist
facilities. As part of the effort to improve DR-TB diagnosis and care,
MSF helped get rapid diagnostic technology distributed throughout
the region; 20 primary clinics now have their own mini-labs, and
community treatment supporters visit patients who cannot reach a
facility for daily injections.
To prevent the spread of HIV, teams pushed a “test early/treat early”
campaign designed to put everyone with HIV on ARV treatment,
regardless of how far the virus has progressed. Routine viral load
testing was implemented and a voluntary door-to-door HIV-testing
campaign screened 6,452 people in August.
> Uganda
Scenes from Haiti.
Staff implemented viral load monitoring in Buhera, Gutu, and
Chikomba, and MSF trained laboratory technicians and scientists
at three Harare hospitals. Backed by a UNITAID grant, MSF also
installed the NUCLISENSE platform at the National Microbiology
Reference Laboratory in Harare hospital to provide nationwide viral
load analysis. Most MSF facilities also introduced new TB diagnostic
technology, too.
Mental health teams provided psychiatric support in 10 prisons,
including Harare maximum security prison, and staff provided
free medical care, counseling, and referrals for psychological,
psychosocial, and legal support for some 1,220 victims of sexual
violence in Harare’s Mbare suburb. Awareness and outreach
campaigns were carried out as well.
The HIV/TB program in Epworth was handed over to the MoH,
as was the Tsholotsho project, which had achieved 98.7 percent
coverage of people in need of HIV care in the district. In December,
MSF had to close its Beitbridge project when authorities denied
the team permission to continue activities. The project had started
7,590 patients on ARV treatment and 853 patients on TB treatment,
while providing counseling for 16,300.
In Uganda, where declining rates of HIV infection began rising again
in 2010, MSF worked in the West Nile region, where roughly five
percent of adults aged 15 to 49 have HIV. Assisting area residents
and significant numbers of patients from DRC, MSF treats HIV and
TB and offers PMTCT services through a program based at the
Arua regional referral hospital.
After fighting in DRC’s North Kivu province drove up to 50,000
refugees into western Uganda, MSF worked among the roughly
22,000 people who settled in Bubukwanga transit camp—providing health care, trucking in water, and building latrines—while also
conducting some 25,000 consultations in Kyangwali camp.
> Zimbabwe
In Zimbabwe, where HIV is still widespread but treatment options
are often limited and the TB burden is growing, MSF works with
the MoH to expand and integrate care. To that end, MSF supported
HIV and TB projects in Harare, Gokwe North, Tsholotsho, Beitbridge,
Buhera, Nyanga, and Gutu/Chikomba.
Staff in Nyanga emphasized pediatric ARV care, integrating
treatment into the district hospital and nine health clinics, while
training nurses as well. MSF also assists with patient management
and guidance for community ARV groups.
In Gokwe North, teams are decentralizing services through
training and mentorship, integrating treatment for HIV and TB—
and for victims of sexual violence—into two rural hospitals and 16
health centers. The Gutu/Chikomba program likewise decentralized
care to 28 facilities in Gutu and 31 in Chikomba and established
patient support groups. And in Harare, the capital, MSF pushed for
the accreditation of seven health facilities as ARV treatment and
follow-up sites, while also training nurses in HIV and TB care.
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> Colombia
Years of conflict and strife have dramatically impacted public health
in Colombia, especially in the south, where killings, extortion, and
displacement have been far too common. In areas where access to
care is limited, MSF has been managing health posts and conducting
mobile clinics to provide basic, reproductive, and mental health care,
among other services.
TB has become a major concern, particularly in Buenaventura,
and almost one in ten new cases is drug-resistant. MSF, which works
in two health facilities and oversees 15 medical stations, started
218 DR-TB patients on treatment in 2013, while also advocating to
introduce a recently-approved drug (bedaquiline) as a treatment for
patients with extremely resistant forms of the disease.
> Haiti
Many Haitians still cannot access medical care, even as poor living
conditions, particularly in camps for people displaced by the 2010
earthquake, continue to cause health problems. The post-earthquake cholera crisis persists, too, particularly during the rainy
season. Since October 2010, MSF has treated one-third of the more
than 700,000 people infected with cholera, and teams still run two
cholera treatment centers in Port-au-Prince, distribute hygiene kits,
and manage water chlorination points. Nearly 10,000 cholera
patients were treated in 2013 as well.
“When they told me that the treatment was over and that I was well, I screamed,
I cried, I hugged and thanked all the medical staff. It was like I had returned to life.” —Maria Victoria, TB patient, Buenaventura, Colombia
Am e r i c a s
> Honduras
An Afghan father brings his son to an MSF mobile clinic on the outskirts of Kabul.
> Afghanistan
In 2013, MSF expanded efforts to provide medical assistance to
Afghans who struggle to access care despite some of the world’s
worst health indicators. In eastern Kabul, teams working at Ahmad
Shah Baba hospital upgraded the facility, opened a new maternity
ward, and trained MoH and MSF staff. Teams assisted 1,000 births
per month and ran mobile vaccination and maternity programs.
In Kunduz, MSF’s trauma center provided free surgical care
to victims of traffic accidents and conflict-related injuries, while
also admitting patients with moderate and severe head injuries.
Staff treated 17,000 people, performed 4,500 surgical procedures,
conducted more than 12,000 physiotherapy sessions, and offered
mental health services as well.
In Khost, MSF ran the only maternity hospital in the area,
providing a safe place for women to give birth. Staff assisted some
12,000 deliveries and helped more than 2,000 women who had
complications during pregnancy.
© Andrea Bruce/Noor
Working to expand access to emergency health care for trauma,
medical emergencies, and sexual violence, MSF’s comprehensive
program in Tegucigalpa, the capital, offers free treatment and
follow-up to those in need. Staff also helped reorganize services in
the university hospital Escuela, where the emergency room sees 260
patients per day.
Mobile MSF teams visited 25 sites around Tegucigalpa each
week to identify medical, psychological, and social needs among
the city’s homeless population, who are particularly vulnerable to
violence, caring for more than 1,040 victims of violence, including
725 victims of sexual violence.
In San Pedro Sula, MSF responded to an epidemic of dengue fever,
treating more than 600 children and donating drugs and medical
supplies to the hospital.
(Left to right) © Simon Petite © Emilie Régnier
MSF also runs several specialized hospitals, including a 130-bed
emergency obstetric hospital in Port-au-Prince that provides free,
24-hour care for pregnant women with complications and a full
range of reproductive health services. Teams assisted 5,450 births
during the year. MSF also still manages the 160-bed hospital in
Léogâne that was set up after the 2010 earthquake, providing basic
health care for women and children, specialist services (primarily for
obstetric emergencies), and cholera treatment.
At the 130-bed Drouillard hospital in Port-au-Prince, teams treated 13,200 people in a project that provides surgery, intensive care,
burn care—at the country’s only specialized burn center—and
physiotherapy. At the Martissant emergency and stabilization center, MSF provides pediatric care, internal medicine and maternity
services, psychological support, and ambulance services. Additionally, the Nap Kenbe surgical center in Tabarre offers free emergency
and trauma services, physiotherapy, and post-operative care.
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all photos ©Sami Silva
Treating People on the move
MSF also supported the 250-bed Boost hospital in Helmand
Province, one of two functioning referral hospitals in southern
Afghanistan, with surgery, internal medicine, emergency services,
and maternal, pediatric, and intensive care. Staff admitted roughly
1,300 patients per month, treated 66,000 patients in the emergency
room, and performed 5,600 surgical procedures. Some 200 children
were admitted monthly to the pediatric ward, and 3,200 malnourished children received therapeutic feeding care.
> Bangladesh
MSF teams in Bangladesh provided care to vulnerable populations, including members of the Rohingya ethnic minority who fled
severe discrimination and violence in Myanmar only to find
additional discrimination in a new land. In Cox’s Bazar, MSF’s clinic
provides comprehensive medical assistance for the host community and 30,000 unregistered Rohingya in a makeshift camp at
Kutupalong. It has a stabilization unit for severely malnourished
children, an inpatient department, and a diarrhea treatment center.
In Kamrangirchar, Dhaka’s largest slum, where water quality and
hygiene conditions are poor, an MSF health center offers basic
health care and sexual and reproductive health services to young
women. MSF handed over its kala azar project in Fulbaria to the
MoH, but staff also responded to specific emergencies, providing
mental health support to 413 people who survived the collapse
of an eight-story building housing several garment factories and
psychological first aid to 28 people who suffered burns during
pre-election violence.
© Ron Haviv/VII
> India
MSF teams in India provide medical care to populations made
vulnerable by conflict or privation. To that end, teams ran weekly
mobile clinics in Chhattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh, where strife is
ongoing; a mother and child health program in Bijapur, Chhattisgarh,
with TB screening and diagnosis; and a basic health care project in
Mallampeta, on the Andhra Pradesh-Chhattisgarh border. All told,
MSF carried out nearly 52,600 consultations and treated approximately 8,465 people with malaria.
In Nagaland, where fighting has stunted development, MSF
carried out more than 30,000 consultations and assisted more than
680 deliveries at Mon district hospital, while also upgrading key
services and training staff in maternal health and TB care.
In Mumbai, MSF treated patients with HIV and co-infections
excluded from government health services, while increasingly
emphasizing DR-TB programs and hepatitis B and C. In Manipur,
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
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MSF staff conducting a mobile clinic in Pusuguppa, India.
in the northeast, the state with India’s highest HIV prevalence,
MSF cared for people with HIV, TB, and DR-TB in three clinics in
Churanchandpur and Chandel districts.
Teams provided more than 2,500 mental health consultations
at five locations in Kashmir, where decades of conflict have taken
a significant psychological toll. MSF also provided counseling after
deadly floods in Uttarakhand state.
In Bihar, MSF has treated more than 10,000 kala azar patients since
2007 and worked with the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative to
run pilot programs for new treatments that have shown encouraging
results. MSF has also treated more than 13,000 severely malnourished children since 2009 in Bihar’s Darbhanga district and built a
malnutrition intensive care unit inside a teaching hospital as well.
> Myanmar
Violence and segregation across Rakhine state displaced more than
100,000 people and consigned them to appalling conditions in
camps almost entirely cut off from health care and other basic
services, including clean water. With the ethnic Rohingya minority
extremely vulnerable, MSF is striving to overcome significant
challenges and obstacles to provide assistance to those most in
need. MSF worked in fixed and mobile clinics in 24 displacement
camps in 10 townships, offering basic health care, obstetric services,
mental health care, and treatment for HIV/AIDS and TB. Teams also
treated 10,816 malaria patients.
As the largest HIV/AIDS care provider in a country where only
one of three people who need ARVs get them, MSF treated more
than 33,000 patients in Kachin, Shan, and Rakhine states; Yangon, the
capital; and Dawei in Tanintharyi region. An HIV project in Insein
prison was closed after three years after providing counseling
and testing to 1,400 prisoners and more than 15,000 outpatient
consultations. Staff in Yangon also worked with the MoH to treat
58 patients with MDR-TB.
An MSF patient in Mynmar.
“My one-month-old baby boy has been sick with pneumonia. I asked a tuk-tuk
[small taxi] driver and he said that at the MSF hospital in Quetta, I could have the
best treatment for my baby.”—Faiz Bibi, Balochistan, Pakistan
> Pakistan
Typhoon Haiyan killed more than 6,000 people in the central
Philippines, displaced more than four million, and destroyed numerous hospitals and clinics. MSF teams arrived the next day, and over the
next two weeks, amid huge logistical obstacles, used trucks, boats,
planes, and helicopters to reach outlying areas, assess needs, and
set up medical activities.
In Tacloban, MSF erected a 60-bed inflatable hospital with an
emergency room and outpatient department, and provided surgical,
maternal, and mental health services. Mobile clinics tended to
people who could not reach health centers. Teams distributed relief
items to 3,000 families in Tanauan as well.
In Leyte, MSF provided staff, supplies, and water and waste disposal
support to the district hospital, while also distributing relief supplies
to 48,500 people and offering mental health support to 11,470.
Teams based on Panay island delivered aid to 21 smaller islands,
rehabilitated 13 health facilities, and vaccinated 4,650 children
against polio and 14,990 against measles. Staff distributed more
than 11,000 relief kits, food for 11,000 families, and 1.2 million liters
of chlorinated water.
MSF set up a 60-bed tent hospital in Guiuan, Samar island, with an
operating theater, delivery room, and maternity unit. Teams worked
in rural health centers on Samar, ran regular mobile clinics on smaller
islands, offered psychosocial support to adults and children, and
supplied clean water for 20,000 people each day. Tents, cooking
> Philippines
© Ron Haviv/VII
MSF provides care for people in areas where medical assistance,
particularly for women and children, is hard to find. In Hangu district,
which borders conflict-afflicted North Waziristan, Orakzai, and Kurram agencies, MSF managed emergency and surgical services in the
Hangu Tehsil Headquarters hospital, admitting more than 25,000
emergency room patients and performing 1,407 surgeries. MSF
midwives also supported the maternity unit. MSF’s 32-bed women’s
hospital in Peshawar admitted 3,717 patients as well, and staff set up
a referral network in rural health centers and displacement camps.
MSF treated more than 100,000 patients in the Timergara (Lower
Dir) district hospital’s emergency room and more than 22,000 in the
resuscitation room. Staff also assisted 7,000 births and conducted
more than 5,300 mental health consultations.
In restive Kurram Agency, where state-sponsored health care is
very limited and insecurity severely impedes access, MSF provided
pediatric services at hospitals in the Sunni enclave of Sadda and
the Shia community of Alizai. In Bajaur Agency, MSF mobile clinics
provided basic and disease care in Talai, Kotkay, and Derakai.
In remote Balochistan province, MSF supported Quetta pediatric
hospital and treated malnourished children through ambulatory
and inpatient feeding programs, while offering neonatology services
as well. Teams in Kuchlak ran a mother-and-child health center
with outpatient treatment, nutritional support, a birthing unit,
psychosocial support, and screening and treatment for cutaneous
leishmaniasis. Obstetric, neonatal, and emergency care was provided
at Chaman District Headquarters Hospital, and, in Jaffarabad and
Nasirabad, MSF ran maternal and child health programs in Dera
Murad Jamali hospital and four health centers that treated 9,600
malnourished children and carried out 6,000 antenatal consultations.
In Machar Colony, a slum on Karachi’s outskirts, MSF’s clinic, run
with SINA Health Education and Welfare Trust, provided free, basic,
emergency, and obstetric services, conducting more than 35,000
basic consultations and screening 7,600 children for malnutrition.
MSF worked with MoH staff to treat 110 people wounded by bomb
blasts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the Federally Administered Tribal
Areas in May. Teams also responded to dengue and watery diarrhea
outbreaks in Timergara and Swat, a measles outbreak in Upper Dir,
and an earthquake in Balochistan’s Mashkel district.
Total Project Support (in $ millions). Figures are rounded.
> Support from MSF-USA
Over the years, generous support from donors has allowed MSF-USA
to provide grants for lifesaving field projects around the globe.
26 > 27
© Wendy Marijnissen
Treating People on the move
equipment, and shelter kits were distributed in isolated communities.
Many acute emergency activities were completed by January
2014, but MSF maintained a strong presence in areas where
health services hadn’t yet recovered and continued to provide
surgery, inpatient care, and psychological support out of inflatable
medical hospitals.
caucasus &
Central Asia
> Armenia
Since 2005, MSF has worked to improve the diagnosis and treatment of DR-TB in Armenia, which has some of the world’s highest
DR-TB rates. MSF treats patients, provides support to help them
complete the arduous treatment regimen, helps implement infection
control policies, and works with MoH TB and DR-TB programs
throughout the country. MSF also supports the National Tuberculosis
Program’s “compassionate use treatment” for patients with XDR-TB.
The MSF team aims to enhance the national program’s capacity to
implement DR-TB response plans and gradually hand over activities.
> Georgia
MSF treats patients with MDR-TB in the autonomous republic of
Abkhazia and assists with the development of the Abkhazian
national program by consulting on training, protocols, lab support,
and the supply of equipment and drugs. MSF is discussing clinical
trials of two new MDR-TB drugs with Georgia’s MoH as well. Staff
also offer eye care, home visits, and material support such as wheelchairs to around 50 mostly elderly and bedridden patients dealing
with chronic diseases in Sukhumi, Abkhazia, and Tbilisi.
> Kyrgyzstan
MSF treated prisoners with TB in Bishkek and also supported treatment for co-occurring illnesses. Screening and vaccination for
hepatitis B was offered as well. MSF has also helped establish TB
protocols and improve access to care, while supporting development of a new national reference laboratory.
In Osh province, MSF supported the Kara Suu hospital, which
has 80 beds for TB and DR-TB patients and aims to be a model for
effective walk-in treatment. Patients receive care without hospitalization whenever possible, along with nutritional support, hygiene
kits, transport money, and psychosocial counseling. MSF also
supported rehabilitation of the hospital and worked with health
center staff to improve case management and disease detection.
> russian federation
After years of conflict in the North Caucasus, gaps in the health
system enabled a resurgence of TB, especially DR-TB. MSF, with
the Chechen MoH, continued to implement a comprehensive TB
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
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An MDR-TB team treating patients in Tajikistan.
and DR-TB diagnosis and treatment program that promotes a
patient-centered approach and offers psychosocial support to
patients and their families.
Given the high rate of heart disease in Chechnya, MSF supports
the cardiac unit at the Republican Emergency Hospital in Grozny
with training, equipment, and medicines for specialized treatment.
MSF conducted further trainings on fibrinolysis and laboratory
procedures as well. A team also counseled patients in Grozny and
surrounding communities still experiencing the psychological
effects of exposure to violence.
> Ukraine
MSF has provided DR-TB treatment to prisoners and ex-prisoners
in eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk region since 2012. Teams provide short
course directly observed treatment in a special prison TB hospital
and in three pre-trial detention centers, offering ARVs to patients
co-infected with HIV.
Staff also provides counseling to assist people with the grueling
treatment regimen, which can take up to two years and brings
serious and painful side effects. Staff follows up with prisoners after
they are released as well.
MSF laboratory services enable rapid, accurate TB diagnosis and
guarantee an uninterrupted, quality-assured drug supply. MSF
also lobbies for integrated TB/HIV services and multidisciplinary,
patient-oriented TB case management in penal facilities.
> uzbekistan
In the TB program MSF has run with the MoH since 1997 in the
Autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan, staff enrolled 1,212
patients for first-line TB treatment and 677 for outpatient DR-TB care
in 2013. In September, 16 MDR-TB patients were enrolled in a pilot
project in which treatment that usually takes two years was compressed into nine months. MSF’s work expanded into Chimbay,
Shumanay, and Kanlikul districts, while activities in the districts of
Khodjeily and Takhiatash and Nukus region were handed over.
Teams worked both at Tashkent’s Republican AIDS Center and
at the Tashkent City AIDS Center, providing psychosocial activities
and other services for people living with HIV.
Middle East
> Egypt
Amidst ongoing political upheaval, MSF’s mother-and-child
program at the Abu Elian clinic on Cairo’s outskirts carried out an
average of 1,700 monthly consultations—most for children with
respiratory infections, intestinal parasites, skin diseases, and diarrhea—while also providing referrals and transport and covering
hospital costs for pregnant women. MSF also offered mental health
“A bomb landed near her. She was covered in rubble. We took her to the hospital,
where they stopped the bleeding. If there were no hospital, she would have died.”
—Syrian patient, treated inside Syria, speaking of his sister
care to migrants who’d been victims of violence and treatment for
sexual violence at Cairo’s Nasr City mental health clinic. Additionally,
during a harsh winter, teams in Cairo and Alexandria provided
medical and psychiatric consultations to vulnerable families.
After two years of negotiations, MSF received permission to open
a project south of Cairo in 2014 for people with hepatitis C, which
affects an estimated 12 percent of Egyptians. MSF also trained
volunteer Egyptian doctors in Cairo to respond to medical needs
during demonstrations.
> iraq
An MSF staff member comforts a child in Kyrgyzstan.
For some patients suffering from traumatic injuries that required
specialist care, MSF offered treatment in MSF’s reconstructive
surgery program in Amman, Jordan. MSF psychologists also
provided 775 mental health counseling sessions in Baghdad and
Fallujah before the program was handed over to the MoH.
> Jordan
At MSF’s regional reconstructive surgery program in Amman for
gravely injured patients who need specialized care they can’t get
elsewhere, surgeons performed 1,370 operations on patients from
Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Gaza in 2013. Many initially received treatment at other hospitals but later needed additional care. MSF also
conducted around 300 medical and surgical monthly consultations
for Syrian refugees at a special clinic within the compound.
In August, MSF opened an emergency trauma project in Ramtha,
near the Syrian border, providing surgical and post-operative care
to victims of bombings and shellings. The project admitted 181
patients and performed 336 major surgical procedures through
the end of the year, and offered mental health and physiotherapy
sessions as well.
In Irbid governorate, “home” to more than 120,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2013, MSF opened a general and inpatient care
program for refugees and people in host communities. It handed
over its pediatrics program at Zaatari refugee camp in November
to other health providers after the program had treated more than
17,500 patients.
© Vincent Tremeau
As health facilities struggled to keep up with increasing violence,
MSF tried to fill gaps, providing training and supervision in the
neonatal care unit at Kirkuk general hospital, for instance, and
training doctors and nurses, implementing protocols, and upgrading the management of Najaf’s Al-Zahra hospital, the area’s main
referral hospital for obstetrics, gynecology, and pediatrics, where
more than 23,000 deliveries were registered in 2013.
In Hawijah, teams performed more than 300 emergency surgical
procedures each month at the district’s only specialist facility, while
also surveying the capabilities of other area health centers.
With the influx of more than 200,000 Syrians into northern Iraq,
MSF offered basic and mental health care at the Kawargosk camp
in Erbil province, a mobile clinic in the smaller Qushtapa camp,
and full-service capabilities in Domiz, the largest of the camps,
where teams carried out 2,400 consultations every week. Targeted
distributions of washing kits and water and sanitation activities
were completed as well.
M i dd l e E a s t
28 > 29
© Moises Saman/Magnum
Treating People on the move
> Occupied Palestinian Territories
In Gaza, MSF works alongside Palestinian colleagues in the two
main public hospitals to perform plastic surgery, reconstructive
surgery, and hand surgery. Most patients are children with burns
caused by domestic accidents; electricity shortages force people to
find alternative and often dangerous means of cooking and heating their homes. MSF also runs a clinic offering post-operative care
and physiotherapy to help patients rehabilitate. Teams supported
the MoH with trainings on intensive care and technical support for
medical and paramedical staff as well.
The grinding stress and violence in the region spawns many
mental health issues among Palestinians. MSF teams therefore
provided psychosocial support to victims of violence and others in
Nablus, Hebron, and East Jerusalem. Almost half of the patients are
under 18. Most suffer from anxiety-related conditions; depression,
behavioral issues, and post-traumatic stress disorder are common.
> Syria
With Syria’s health care system decimated by war, MSF provided emergency and trauma surgery, basic and mental health care,
maternal health services, and vaccinations. MSF also donated tons
of medical and non-medical supplies to dozens of hospitals and
clinics across seven governorates.
In Idlib governorate, MSF’s trauma unit for patients with shrapnel
wounds, bullet wounds, and burns also provided physiotherapy,
post-operative care, and mental health care. In an area displacement
camp, MSF built 60 latrines and 40 showers and distributed tents,
blankets, and plastic sheeting. Teams also vaccinated children against
measles and polio and opened two outpatient clinics in November.
Teams in the Jabal Al-Akrad region ran a field hospital first in
a cave, then on a converted farm, performing more than 520
surgical procedures and 15,550 emergency consultations. Teams
ran mobile clinics when security allowed, distributed relief items,
and opened two additional clinics, conducting more than 30,600
consultations overall.
MSF’s hospital in Aleppo governorate treated children and the
wounded, performed surgical procedures, provided maternity and
obstetric care, and treated patients with acute and chronic diseases.
MSF opened another hospital in the governorate in May, where
staff performed more than 1,300 surgical procedures and carried
out 14,300 consultations. And in July, MSF opened a third hospital
to provide care to patients with conflict-related injuries and others
indirectly affected by the war. For the displaced, MSF donated tents
and medicines, provided vaccinations, and supported both Syrian
volunteers treating displaced people in Manbij and a pediatric ward
at Al-Bab hospital.
MSF opened a basic health care clinic in Tal Abyad and supported the pediatric ward as well. Mobile teams provided emergency
assistance to people living in empty school buildings, distributed
non-medical items to displaced families, conducted more than
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
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Syrian refugees in Lebanon.
12,600 outpatient consultations, and vaccinated 27,000 children
against measles. Staff also supported the trauma ward in a
hospital in Al Hasakah and set up a health post to assist Syrians
on the Iraqi border.
> Turkey
Working with Turkish NGOs, the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly (HCA)
in particular, MSF assisted Syrian refugees in Turkey living with
limited access to medical care. In Kilis, MSF and HCA supported a
clinic that provided basic health care and mental health services to
refugees living inside established camps and others living outside of
them. MSF supported another HCA psychosocial project for migrant
communities in Istanbul for a time as well.
> Yemen
Insecurity affected MSF programs in Yemen, further limiting access
to health care in the country. MSF continued to work amidst strife
in Ad-Dali governorate, providing basic health care and emergency
services, including surgery, for victims of violence and trauma at the
Al Naser general hospital and in Al Azaraq and Qataba’a districts,
carrying out 41,704 consultations in all.
In Aden, MSF’s emergency surgical unit performed more than
2,500 surgeries and provided 860 patients with post-operative
care and physiotherapy. A weekly clinic for inmates at Aden central
prison saw 80 patients each month. MSF also supported hospitals
in Lawdar and Jaar in Abyan governorate with staffing, supplies,
and training.
In the rural areas of Amran governorate, where there is very
little health care available for most people, MSF works in the
emergency, surgery, maternity, pediatric, inpatient and intensive
care departments at Al-Salam hospital in Khamir, conducting 21,980
emergency consultations, performing nearly 2,000 surgeries, and
admitting more than 4,000 to the hospital. Following a six-month
suspension of activities due to security concerns, MSF resumed
support of the Huth Health Center in March, providing emergency,
maternity, and inpatient care, and then establishing stabilization
and referral services. Teams also ran mobile clinics in the very
remote Osman and Akhraf valleys, carrying out 5,350 consultations
and treating 427 patients for malaria.
In Sana’a, MSF provided HIV care and opened a mental health program for migrants in detention. More than 150 Yemeni patients were
also sent to MSF’s Reconstructive Surgery Project in Amman, Jordan.
MSF-USA also contributed small amounts to programs in Cambodia,
Ivory Coast, Lebanon, and elsewhere.
> Epicentre
> access campaign
Drawing on MSF’s field experience, the Access Campaign advocates
for greater access to affordable, effective medicines and diagnostics.
In 2013, it campaigned for better-adapted vaccines, advocated for
the further scale-up of optimal HIV treatment, called for greater
transparency in drug pricing, and continued to push back against
efforts to impose stricter intellectual property measures than international trade rules require, which would pose a serious threat to
the provision of medical care in developing countries.
> Drugs for neglected diseases
initiative (DNDi) $1,445,946
A nonprofit research center founded by MSF in 1987, Epicentre
conducts epidemiological assessments and studies that allow MSF
to better understand medical and nutritional needs, improve treatments, and develop high-quality health care initiatives in its field
projects. Among other studies in 2013, its work in Chad showed
that the tetanus toxoid vaccine remains efficacious in a controlled
temperature chain, rendering the use of a traditional cold chain unnecessary. This discovery facilitates the vaccination of women living
in hard-to-reach places, increasing protection from tetanus in vulnerable populations.
> MSF innovation Fund
The International Fund for Innovation and Operational Research
promotes improvements in effectiveness and quality of care by
financing MSF projects that undertake innovative operational,
medical, and/or non-medical approaches.
> MSF international office
MSF’s International Office coordinates common projects on behalf
of MSF’s 23 sections worldwide and supports MSF’s advocacy efforts
with the United Nations and other international bodies.
© Nicole Tung
Co-founded by MSF, DNDi is a not-for-profit, patient needsdriven research and development organization developing new
treatments for some of the world’s most neglected diseases,
namely sleeping sickness, Chagas disease, visceral leishmaniasis,
filaria, and pediatric HIV. Among its notable achievements in 2013
were the addition of DNDi treatments for malaria, sleeping sickness,
and Chagas disease to the WHO Essential Medicines List for Children,
and receipt of the Rockefeller Foundation’s Next Century Innovators Award, the Carlos Slim Health Award, and the BBVA Foundation
Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Development Cooperation.
Displaced Syrians queue for water.
30 > 31
© Sam Phelps
Field staff
Treating poeple
on the move
field staff
Treating People
on the move
Treating People on the move
Field staff
Treating poeple on the move
Treating People on the move
field Staff
People on the move
Field Staff
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
U s A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 13
An MSF staff member checks a child for malnutrition in Pakistan’s Sindh province.
Migrant detention facility in Greece and images from MSF visits with detainees.
is an emergency medical organization, and we were
(left to right) © MSF © Miltos Vasiliadis
certainly reminded of that on an almost daily basis in
2013, as new emergencies emerged and older ones flared
up again. This meant that the US office had to step up
its efforts to supply our emergency responses with the
personnel they needed to be as effective as possible.
In fact, the majority of the 400 people we sent to the
particularly those related to Central African Republic,
South Sudan, Syria, and the Philippines. Thankfully, our
roster of volunteers showed great flexibility and
readiness and we were able to provide a great deal of
support where it was most needed.
What’s more, we saw the fruits of the investments
we’ve made in recent years into career development and
coordinator training; we had a host of extensively
experienced professionals in our fold, and they were
better prepared to fill managerial roles in different
missions. We were also able to provide a great deal of
support in other difficult contexts, such as Afghanistan,
and in certain roles, such as surgeons and OBGYNs.
As emergencies continue to arise and evolve, we will
keep doing our utmost to keep pace, to attract and send
out people who have the experience, the skills, and the
temerity we need to fulfill the mission laid out in our
charter—assisting vulnerable, at-risk populations who
need high-quality medical care that they cannot find
elsewhere.’’— Nicholas Lawson, Director of Field Human Resources
> > Afghanistan
Sergio Borrego, FL,
Sarah Bou-Rhodes, MA,
Field Administrator
Firmine Jean-Baptiste, OR,
Susan Marzolf, ID,
Susan Okonkwo, MD,
Collette Okubo, HI,
Kimberly Sudheimer, SC,
Steven Whiteley, CA,
> > Armenia
Andrew Boyd, CT, Physician
Louise Fang, WA,
Operating Theater Nurse
Sherri Stiles, UT,
Mental Health Officer
Rebekah Varela, CA,
Finance/Human Resources
> > Bangladesh
© Giulio Di Sturco
Jonathon Gass, MA,
Ruth Kauffman, NM, Midwife
Karen Stewart, CO,
Mental Health Officer
> > Bulgaria
Stuart Zimble, PA,
Head of Mission
> > Burkina
Displacement camp in eastern DRC.
> interested in joining msf?
MSF is always looking for motivated and skilled medical and
non-medical professionals for our field projects around the
world. MSF-USA also needs volunteers and interns to work in
our New York office. For more information, please visit
Tami Loeffler, NY,
> > Burundi
Liza Ramlow, MA, Midwife
> > Central
Terra Bowles, IL, Physician
Lucas Carlson, CA, Logistician
Roland Cauvin, TN,
Project Coordinator
Yolaine Civil, MI,
Medical Team Leader
Ruben Flores, DE,
Project Coordinator
Mary Jo Frawley, CA,
Registered Nurse
Anna Freeman, NC,
Registered Nurse
Candice Humphrey, FL,
Registered Nurse
Veena Karir, PA, Pharmacist
Ilona Letmanyi, CA, Physician
Michelle Mays, MD,
Project Coordinator
Rupa Narra, CA, Physician
Olivier Pennec, NY,
Finance/Human Resources
Sarah Robbins-Penniman, FL,
Caitlin Rose, DC,
Registered Nurse
Monia Sayah, NY,
Registered Nurse
Timothy Schoenfelder, OR,
Nicholas Schreiner, MI,
Logistician-Water and
Nicholas Sheldon, OR,
Kristi Thane, MD,
Registered Nurse
Adam Trotta, TX, Physician
Edward Walworth, ME,
Laura Withers, CO, Surgeon
Emily Wolfe, CA,
> > Chad
Gardy Boyer, NY,
Lucas Carlson, CA, Logistician
Cynthia Coffman, CA,
Project Coordinator
Carissa Guild, PA,
Project Coordinator
Erica Hickey, IL,
Registered Nurse
Ya-Ching Lin, AZ,
Project Coordinator
32 > 33
(left to right) © Raphael Piret/MSF © Sylvain Cherkaoui/Cosmos © Ton Koene
Treating People on the move
Jason Mills, NH,
Head of Mission
Candace Nakagawa, CA,
Finance Coordinator
Saman Perera, NJ,
Registered Nurse
Melik Noui, FL, Logistician
Mamadou Diallo, NY,
Medical Team Leader
Kathrin Petzold, NY,
Registered Nurse
Michael Fallon, WA,
Teodolinda Pique, MA,
Mental Health Officer
Anna Freeman, NC,
Project Coordinator
Eric Pitts, TX, Logistician
George Record, WV, Surgeon
John Gaudet Van Driest, NY,
Magalita Rene, NY,
Field Administrator
Catherine Goddeau, VA,
Registered Nurse
Bradley Rollans, TX, Logistician
Tracey Hansel, NY, Physician
Kristin Romeo, NJ,
Registered Nurse
Katharine Hutchinson, MA,
Information, Education,
and Communications Officer
Devon Root, CT,
Registered Nurse
Andrea Rudolph, VA,
Registered Nurse
Evangeline (Lynn) Rudolph, CA,
Finance/Human Resources
Monia Sayah, NY,
Medical Team Leader
> > Democratic
Republic of
Ann Allen, OH,
Caitlin Rose, DC,
Registered Nurse
David Rothstein, IL, Surgeon
Naomi Blackman, NC,
Registered Nurse
Joseph (Jose) Ruiz, NC,
Logistics Team Leader
Jane Boggini, CT,
Medical Team Leader
Bija Sass, WA,
Caitlin Burton, DC,
Field Administrator
Jean Stowell, NC,
Medical Team Leader
David Caprario, NY,
Field Administrator
Gayle Thompson, CO,
Suzanne Ceresko, NY,
Laura Withers, CO, Surgeon
Danielle Charlet, VA,
Cynthia Coffman, CA,
Project Coordinator
Jane Coyne, CA,
Emergency Coordinator
Rebecca Dobbins, FL,
Project Coordinator
Thomas Edell, TX,
Virginia Gil Coss,
Dominican Republic,
Ana Jay, IL,
Registered Nurse
Clark Jones, HI,
Project Coordinator
Nastassia KantorowiczTorres, CA,
Finance/Human Resources
Sheila Kimble-Haas, NY,
David Lauter, WA, Surgeon
John Lawrence, VT, Surgeon
Helen Lee, WA,
Field Administrator
Kelly McDonald, NC,
Registered Nurse
Tamara Ellen Merritt, WA,
Patrice Yang, FL, Physician
> > Egypt
Lindsay Moore, MN,
Field Administrator
> > Ethiopia
Robert Day, DE,
Registered Nurse
Rhian Gastineau, MN,
Deputy Head of Mission
Jenifer Haner, OR,
Finance/Human Resources
Gurpreet Kaur, MI, Physician
David Maundu, PA, Physician
Daniel Su, WA, Physician
> > France
Catherine Carr, CA,
Finance/Human Resources
Emily Lerman, MI, Logistician
> > Guinea
Claudette Akpodiete, FL,
Project Coordinator
Ellen Rymshaw, NJ,
Head of Mission
> > Haiti
Ann Allen, OH,
Allan Cortes, IL, Surgeon
Deborah Elaine Jenkins, OK,
Pavlos Kolovos, CO,
Project Coordinator
Mark Lau, CA, Surgeon
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
Veronica Ades, NY,
Zacarias Asuncion, HI, Surgeon
Fekeremariam Balcha, TX,
Finance/Human Resources
Gerard Bashein, WA,
Lorraine Bello, MA,
Naina Bhalla, CA,
Hospital Manager
Aria Danika, NJ,
Project Coordinator
Debbie Duncan, OR,
Field Administrator
Albert Edmonds, WA,
Carol Etherington-Fossick, TN,
Mental Health Officer
> > Libya
Sherri Stiles, UT,
Mental Health Officer
> > Madagascar
Emily Clifton, GA,
Resources Coordinator
John Johnson, VA,
Registered Nurse
> > Malawi
Kimberly Comer, CA,
Kerri Kelly, FL,
Project Coordinator
Kwan Kew Lai, MA,
Sharon Perry, CO,
Risa Turetsky, NY,
Registered Nurse
Deane Marchbein, MA,
Nabil Gayed, IN, Surgeon
Rachel Minka, CA,
Finance/Human Resources
Phyllis Sinclair, PA,
Operating Theater Nurse
Pamela Wilcox, IL,
Marybeth Wargo, OH,
Registered Nurse
Nicholas Wobbrock, OR,
Steve Mitchell, OH,
Luba Nisenbaum, NJ,
HR Manager Officer
Yves Sonnay, VT,
Deputy Head of Mission
Tricia Vannatter, CA,
Information, Education, and
Communications Officer
Ante Wind, FL, Physician
Colin Wright, VA, Logistician
> > Honduras
Harman Arora, NY, Physician
Michael Sinclair, PA, Surgeon
Matt West, CA,
Logistics Coordinator
> > Kenya
Mark Anderson, IL, Logistician
Jeffrey Edwards, TX, Physician
Dana Kusnir, MN, Physician
Heather Pagano, MO,
Communications Officer
John Tucker, VA,
> > Kyrgyzstan
Ruth Beutler, NE,
Registered Nurse
Laura Hamilton-Gordon, AZ,
Registered Nurse
Otto Gonzalez, CA,
Registered Nurse
Tim Haus, MD,
Deputy Logistics Coordinator
Sarah Rawlins, WA,
Registered Nurse
Hannah Kirkbride, WY,
Field Administrator
Kristin Romeo, NJ,
Registered Nurse
Amy Segal, CA,
Project Coordinator
Naseem Sulayman, IL,
Susan Umstot, LA,
Deputy Project Coordinator
> > India
Joshua Allen, NC, Logistician
Ruben Flores, DE,
Project Coordinator
> > Iraq
Amber Alayyan, TX,
Medical Team Leader
> > Jordan
Mohamed Abdalla, OH,
U s A n n ua l R e p o r t 2 0 13
Scenes from CAR.
> > Laos
Carille Guthrie, TX,
Rebecca Ullman, OR,
> > Lebanon
> > Mali
Suzette Lee, MD,
Registered Nurse
Nicholas Sheldon, OR,
Lisa Umphrey, WI,
> > Mauritania
Tongna Alain Rodrigue
Zoure, TX, Physician
> > Mexico
Susan Averill, WA,
Registered Nurse
> > Mozambique
Todd Jarrell, NM,
> > Myanmar
Katharine Andre, AK,
Tania Bernath, NY,
Humanitarian Affairs Officer
Jacqueline Bowles, CA,
Medical Team Leader
Kelly Chipemba, KY,
Mental Health Officer
Matthew Fentress, CA,
Louise Noeddegaard, MO,
Laura Lamar, DC,
Registered Nurse
Alexander Wade, NJ,
Jon Martinson, NH,
Devon Root, CT,
Registered Nurse
Kate Redmond, CO, Logistician
Kandiyur Seshadri, IN,
Teresa Scott, TX,
Mental Health Officer
Patricio Sonza, NJ,
Shanna Snider, NY,
HR Manager Officer
Ankhasanamen Sow, CA,
Registered Nurse
Athena Viscusi, DC,
Mental Health Officer
Africa Stewart, GA,
> > Netherlands
Ann Allen, OH,
Debra George, NY, Logistician
> > Nigeria
Edward Cullen, MA,
Logistics Coordinator
Cecelia De La Vallee, NM,
Gregg Gebetsberger, TX,
Nurse Anesthetist
Alan Hickey, MA, Logistician
Ernest Kandel, CO,
Paul Orechoff, NJ,
Finance/Human Resources
Rolling Morgan, CA,
Registered Nurse
Gail Pohlman, OH,
Registered Nurse
Jim Roos, WA, Physician
Cynthia Scott, CA,
Mental Health Officer
Laura Sheperis, GA,
Project Coordinator
Rebekah Varela, CA,
Finance/Human Resources
Margaret Wideau, ID,
Project Coordinator
> > Philippines
Ann Allen, OH,
Supply Coordinator
Edward Cullen, MA,
Project Coordinator
Brett Davis, PA,
Project Coordinator
Jeri Driskill, CA,
Elizabeth Elliott, GA,
Field Administrator
Jenifer Haner, OR,
Finance/Human Resources
Ibrahim Younis, AZ,
Emergency Coordinator
> > Russian
Peter Lundgren, RI,
Logistics Coordinator
> > Sierra
Lorraine Bello, MA,
Rachel Chan Seay, VA,
Stephen Torres, AR,
> > Somalia
Roshan Kumarasamy, CA,
Head of Mission
> > South
Emilie-Jeanne Wang, NY,
Laboratory Technician
> > South
Patrick Adler, AZ, Logistician
Roberta Duarte, CO,
Kristen Aiemjoy (Knudson), CA,
Jerry Harpole, WA,
Nancy Foote, WA,
Hospital Manager
Sandy Althomsons, GA,
Christine Kim, CA,
Finance/Human Resources
Laurie Goldstein, NY,
Susanne Baltazar, VA,
Registered Nurse
Eric Pitts, TX, Logistician
Ernest Kandel, CO,
Megan Benckert, VA,
Registered Nurse
Stephen Rubin, OR, Surgeon
Mansi Nayak, NY, Physician
Melissa Bieri, NY, Logistician
Evangeline (Lynn) Rudolph, CA,
Finance/Human Resources
Marina Novack, CA,
Registered Nurse
Allyson Bowers, GA,
Registered Nurse
Collette Okubo, HI,
John (Mike) Braden, AZ,
Registered Nurse
Frank Peters, CO,
Immaculata Bramlage, TN,
Registered Nurse
Pamela Rosales, ID,
Finance/Human Resources
Erin Brown, OR,
Patricio Sonza, NJ,
Adam Walters, NC, Logistician
Alan (Rob) Williams, NY,
Donald Willson, WA, Logistician
Zacarias Asuncion, HI, Surgeon
George Bull, NH,
Caitlin Burton, DC,
Field Administrator
© Yann Libessart/MSF
Okwuchukwu Okoli, TX,
> > Papua
Robert Bumann,
US Virgin Islands,
(left to right) © Sibylle Gerstl/MSF © Ton Koene
Sarah Ocwieja, MI,
Logistician-Water and
Laurel Cassidy, TN,
Mental Health Officer
Debora Chan, CO,
Jimmy Cook, TX, Logistician
Miriam Czech, CA,
Registered Nurse
Maura Daly, CA, Midwife
Laurent Dedieu, MA,
Terufat Deneke, GA,
Project Coordinator
Brian Dierks, CO, Logistician
Dan Dirks, KS, Logistician
The first baby born in Tacloban after Typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines.
34 > 35
Treating People on the move
Syrian refugees in Iraq.
Aditya Nadimpalli, LA,
Medical Coordinator
Susan Doyle, KY,
Field Administrator
Candice Humphrey, FL,
Registered Nurse
Michael Newman, OH,
Jeri Driskill, CA, Logistician
Patrick Jenkins, OK,
Nurse Anesthetist
Wendy Nichols, ME,
Nurse Anesthetist
Anthony Karabanow, NM,
Luba Nisenbaum, NJ,
HR Manager Officer
Jimmy Cook, TX,
Hosanna Fox, CO,
Humanitarian Affairs Officer
Ruth Kauffman, NM, Midwife
Mitch Oberstein, NY, Logistician
Win Han, CA, Physician
Peter Orr, DC,
Deputy Head Of Mission
and Head of Mission
Adam Kushner, MD, Surgeon
Carl Garner, FL,
Laura Lamar, DC,
Registered Nurse
Casey O’Connor, WA,
Field Administrator
Kimberly Larkins, CA,
Sarah Pestieau, NY,
Medical Team Leader
Constance (Connie) Ghiglieri,
AZ, Registered Nurse
Olaoluwatomi Lamikanra, MA,
Frank Peters, CO,
Nabil Al-Tikriti, VA,
Deputy Head Of Mission
Stephen Gilbert, WA,
Nurse Anesthetist
Anne Luke, AZ,
Registered Nurse
Aerlyn Pfeil, ID, Midwife
Philip Hall, KY, Anesthesiologist
Susan Marzolf, ID,
Lorin Alvarez, NY,
Finance/Human Resources
Seham El-Diwany, CA,
David Elliott, VA, Surgeon
Stephen K. Hall, CA, Physician
Timothy Harrison, MA,
Project Coordinator and
Registered Nurse
Durell Hiller, TN,
Courtney Mather, NJ,
Field Administrator
Jeremy May, VA,
Nurse Anesthetist
Sharad Patel, CA, Physician
Rebecca Ricards, WA,
Field Administrator
Katherine Roeltgen, NY,
Andrea Rudolph, VA,
Medical Team Leader
Ellen Rymshaw, NJ,
Deputy Project Coordinator
Bradley Holmes, FL, Physician
Michelle Mays, MD,
Project Coordinator
Kristin Hooper, OR,
Registered Nurse
Eileen Mcdonald, AZ,
Medical Team Leader
Lilly Schott, MA,
Emergency Nurse
Jessica Huddleston, IN,
Registered Nurse
Hannah Megacz, IL,
Registered Nurse
Christopher Shepherd, OH,
Andrea Humphrey, WA,
Registered Nurse
Michael Miano, NJ,
Project Coordinator
Robert Shepherd, OH,
Nurse Anesthetist
Byron Moffett, WA,
Stephanie Silver, CA,
> Parlez-vous FranÇais?
MSF is in urgent need of French-speaking
staff to provide assistance in countries
such as the Democratic Republic of Congo,
Chad, Niger, and Haiti, where some of
MSF’s largest projects are located.
“Successful applicants who meet MSF’s
criteria and speak French will be eligible
for more positions and will usually be
matched more quickly with an assignment,”
notes MSF-USA Field Human Resources
Director Nick Lawson. “Nearly half of MSF’s
available field positions are in francophone
countries.” If you are interested in contributing your professional—and French—
skills to MSF’s medical humanitarian work,
we encourage you to visit
Erika Sawyer, CA, Midwife
> > Syria
Pamela Blackwell, TX,
Logistician-Supply and
Deputy Logistics Coordinator
Suzanne Ceresko, NY,
Project Coordinator
Ashley Chitty, MN,
Registered Nurse
Sylvia Curtis, WA,
Registered Nurse
Jordan Davidoff, NY,
Head Of Mission
Brian D’Cruz, VA, Physician
Connie Ding, WA,
Dan Dirks, KS, Logistician
Paul Orechoff, NJ,
Field Administrator
Peter Reynaud, LA,
Medical Coordinator
Valerie Rossetti, CT,
Stephen Rubin, OR,
Brent Turner, CA,
Janaki Varadhan, MA,
Matt West, CA,
Deputy Logistics
Jordan Wiley, OR,
Project Coordinator
Alan (Rob) Williams, NY,
> > Turkey
Monia Sayah, NY,
Registered Nurse
> > Uganda
Ankhasanamen Sow, CA,
Registered Nurse
Maureen Foley, WA,
Registered Nurse
Anna Freeman, NC,
Medical Team Leader
John Stewart, NC,
Maimona Ghows, HI,
Massoud Javadi, TX,
Medical Team Leader
Briana Theodoridis, NJ,
HR Manager Officer
Stephen Gilbert, WA,
Nurse Anesthetist
Lisa Jones, MO,
Field Administrator
Celeste Thompson, CA,
HR Officer/Deputy
HR Coordinator
Walter Gould, WY, Surgeon
Nicholas Lawson, NY,
Project Coordinator
William Toxvard, CO,
Philip Hall, KY,
Aileen Stiller Turner, IN,
Vivian Huang, NY, Physician
Emily Veltus, WI,
Laboratory Technician
Daniel Vo, MA, Anesthesiologist
Marybeth Wargo, OH,
Registered Nurse
Laure Weber, CA,
Mental Health Officer
Sarah White, CA, Physician
Christina Williams, OH,
U s A n n ua l R e p o r t 2 0 13
> > Swaziland
Bernd Dotzauer, VT,
Whitney Wilding, NY,
Field Administrator
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
Jimmy Cook, TX, Logistician
Jonathan Simms, MA,
Project Coordinator
for more information about MSF recruitment.
> > Sudan
Julie Grundberg, WA,
Adam Kushner, MD, Surgeon
Karuppana Lakshmanan, TX,
John Lawrence, VT, Surgeon
Peter Lundgren, RI, Logistician
Deane Marchbein, MA,
Maneesha Ahluwalia, TX,
Medical Team Leader
Bommasamudram Raghu,
VA, Field Administrator
Treating Peo
Jane Rockhold, WA,
Resources Coordinator
Project Coordinator
> > USA
Sharon Perry, CO,
> > Yemen
Piotr Michalowski, WA,
Miriam Czech, CA,
Registered Nurse
Steve Mitchell, OH,
Ron Edgar, CO,
Robert Montana, TX, Physician
Olaoluwatomi Lamikanra,
MA, Hospital Manager
Gary Myers, OK, Surgeon
Treating Peop
Andres Romero, NY,
ople on the move
ople on the move
ple on the move
Donors in 2013Treating People on the move
Donors in 2013
Donors in 2013
Donors in 2013
© Nils Mork/MSF
Treating People on the move
Treating People on the move
Donors in 2013
MSF is extremely grateful for the financial support it receives from
individuals, foundations, and corporations. Your generosity allows MSF to
respond to emergencies based on medical humanitarian needs and to operate
independent of political, economic, or religious interests.
An MSF nurse and young patient in CAR.
36 > 37
Treating People on the move
Scenes from MSF’s Chatuley hospital in Haiti.
in 2013
> MSF acknowledges our donors
who have made Multiyear commitments
Multiyear commitments help provide MSF with a predictable revenue stream that better serves our ability to respond
rapidly to emergencies and ensure the continued operation of our programs. By the close of 2013, MSF had received 173
multiyear commitments toward this effort, totaling $33,699,945.
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Hau`oli Mau Loa Foundation
Andrew Justin and Family
Musk Foundation
Swain Barber Foundation
Anonymous (2)
Calvin W. Anderson
Jennifer & Richard Callaghan
Mr. Frederick V. Grady
Gale & David Harding
Mr. Stephan Forget & Ms. Florence Forget-Solal
Estelle B. Ellis
Ms. Sean Patrick Foohey
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Germain
Mr. Charles Hirschler
Harlan B. Levine, MD and Natasha I. Leibel, MD
Mr. Edward E. Luedke
George Malone
Thomas C. McConnell and Latricia Turner
Ms. Gretchen Preston & Dr. Gregory P. Meisner
Randy & Claire Miller
Mr. John Purdon
Liz and Samuel Robinson
Jonathan & Sherry Schreiber
Patricia & Merrill Shanks
Maurice Neil Spidell Revocable Trust
The Douglas and Dorothy Steere Fund
Marion Sweeney, Kate and Cama Laue
Tikva Grassroots Empowerment Fund of
Tides Foundation
Dr. Karie Willyerd & Mr. Steven Howard Gerson
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Goldring
The Luff Family Fund of The Denver Foundation
Anonymous in Chicago, IL
Emmett & Bridget Doerr
Geoffrey & Michele Kalish
George L. Shields Foundation, Inc.
The Lloyd A. Fry Foundation
Mr. Eric J. Lunger
The Morton K. and Jane Blaustein Foundation
Edward & Barbara Shapiro
Alan Shepoiser
G. Tiphane
Michael Toubbeh, MD
Victoria & Hank Bjorklund
The East Creek Fund
Jim & Yukiko Gatheral
Raymond P. and Marie M. Ginther
Sheila & Jim Leatherman
Mr. & Mrs. Dale A. Leppo
Susan & Bernard Liautaud
Rosanne and Alan Schulz
Andrew & Sandra Soye
To learn how you can support
our efforts through the Multiyear
Initiative, please contact
Mary Sexton, Director of Major
Gifts at 212-655-3781 or
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
U s A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 13
Mary Ann Hopkins, MD
Manaaki Foundation
Dr. Deane Marchbein & Mr. Stuart Cohen
Dr. & Mrs. John Obert-Hong
Mr. John P. Saul
Susan R.S. Schofield
Matthew Spitzer
Cynthia and Robert J. Stetson Foundation
Mr. Tim Strudwick & Dr. Laura Germine
Catherine Whitney Memorial
Mr. James Chambers
Google, Inc.
Sue and Bill Gross
M∙A∙C AIDS FUND/M∙A∙C Cosmetics
Estate of Peter A. Morgan
Estate of Fred Snitzer
> > $500,000 - $999
Anonymous (2)
Estate of Sarah M. Bekker
Estate of Carol J. Coleman
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Estate of Grant Rowold
Estate of Virginia M. Sorenson
Estate of John C. Stuart
Su-Haw Chu Wang Trust
Estate of Dennis Sullivan
Swain Barber Foundation
Worthington Campbell, Jr. 2001
> > $250,000 - $499
> > $100,000 - $249
Adame Family Trust
The Ajram Family Foundation
Estate of Helen Pamela Allen
Estate of Helga N. Alten
Estate of Patrick A. Bianchi
Bridgewater Associates
The Brightwater Fund
Estate of Maryada F. Buell
Charles Butt
Caerus Foundation, Inc.
The Charles Engelhard Foundation
Estate of Roman Colbert
Estate of Margarita Corbaci
CREDO Mobile
The Creekmore and Adele Fath
Charitable Foundation
The David R. and Patricia D.
Atkinson Foundation
The Donald B. and Dorothy L.
Stabler Foundation
Mr. Roger Enrico
Expedia, Inc.
Estate of Robert Gene Farr
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Goldring
Estate of Dorothy Goodman
Harari Family Charitable Fund
Estate of Elinor P. Hempelmann
IBM Employees Services Center
Rajiv & Latika Jain
Estate of Joan P. Jass
The Jordan Family
Staff tending to a patient in South Sudan’s Unity state.
Estate of Mary Kaiser
Katherine C. Springer Trust
Wendy Keys & Donald A. Pels
Estate of Lenore Latimer
Lenore Hanauer Foundation
Live Nation
Lopatin Family Foundation
Estate of Poh-Gek Low
Lucretia Philanthropic
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Harold E. Morris
Musk Foundation
Neukom Family Foundation
Estate of Berit Oppegaard
PARC Foundation
Estate of Hubert G. Parmentelot
Partridge Foundation
Estate of Gertrude L. Peet
The Peierls Foundation, Inc.
The Peter and Carmen Lucia Buck
Foundation, Inc.
Estate of Annette R. Plante
Randell Charitable Fund
Suzanne Reed Trust
Estate of Louise Richman
Estate of Walter S. Russell
Satter Foundation
Estates of William and Barbara
Edward & Barbara Shapiro
Estate of Helen Sheldon
Alan Sheposier
Christine M. Simone
Mr. Henry Smeal
Estate of Susan Smith
Lois and Arthur Stainman
Stavros Niarchos Foundation
Sutton-Sudhalter Family Trust
Anna Marie & John E. Thron
Thomas & Ancella Toldrian
Tortora Sillcox Family Foundation
Estate of Elizabeth A. Vernon
Walter & Elise Haas Fund
Estate of Mary L. Washatka
Ms. Monique Weil
Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Welch, Jr.
Joyce A. White
Estate of Harry F. Wolcott
World Bank Community
Connections Fund
Estate of Louise K. Yates
ZBI Employee Allocated Gift Fund
> > $50,000 - $99
21st Century Fox
Thomas J. & Karen Allen
Estate of George W. Barclay
Dr. Cori Bargmann
Barkley Fund
Estate of Nancy A. Bautz
Mr. and Mrs. Benenson
Mr. Richard Bergmann &
Ms. Denise Filakosky
BNY Mellon
Borrego Foundation
Mr. Andrew M. Bostrom
Estate of Howard S. Bremond
Peter & Carol Budko
The Butterfly Fund
Estate of Ruby Cohn
Countess Moira Charitable
Mr. & Mrs. John de Csepel
Estate of Alvena B. Deerkop
Donald & Jeanmarie Donahue
Estate of Arthur K. Dunlop
Estate of Patricia E. Dwyer
Eaglemere Foundation, Inc.
Barbara and Joseph Ellis
© Yann Libessart/MSF
Anonymous (2)
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Bruderhof Communities
Estate of L. June and H. Rae Colvey
Estate of William Fisher, Jr.
Games Done Quick
Estate of Merrill H. Goldwyn
Hau`oli Mau Loa Foundation
Ms. Haley Hunter-Zinck
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Lamonica
Ruth & David Levine
The Luff Family Fund of The
Denver Foundation
Daniel Maltz
Estate of Anne B. Milton
Estate of Anne Ottolenghi
Estate of William R. Payden
Jerome and Patricia Pesenti
Elisa S. Rizzo
Estate of Robert L. Schiesel
Schwartz Survivor’s Trust
Wallace Genetic Foundation
The Warburg Pincus Foundation
Mr. Robert J. Weltman
Estate of Robert J. Werner
© Emilie Régnier
> > $1
38 > 39
© Kaung Htet/MSF
Treating People on the move
Epic Systems Corporation
Dr. Lydia Lee Feng
FJC, A Foundation of Donor
Advised Funds
Estate of Ann Follansbee
Mr. Robert Friede
Clifton A. Gaskill
George L. Shields Foundation, Inc.
Mr. John Gibson
Goldman Sachs
Estate of Myron Bernard Goldware
Estate of Doris M. Goodman, MD
Estate of Ellie M. Hartog
Mr. Jan Hatzius &
Ms. Linda-Eling Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Willis S. Hesselroth
Incentive Logic
James & Anna Hoag Fund
Kaiser Permanente
Estate of Sarah M. Klivans
Alex & Leander Krueger
Larry and Nancy Pantirer Family
Foundation, Inc.
Fred & Lucy Lee
Estate of Marie Leonard
Lewis 1991 Unitrust
The Lloyd A. Fry Foundation
M9 Charitable Fund
Estate of Elizabeth Macready
The Manhattan Music Group, LLC
The Theresa Bittenbring Marque &
John Henry Marque Fund
Mr. Austin Marxe
Mr. Satyen Mehta &
Ms. Véronique Brossier
Maurice R. Meslans &
Margaret E. Holyfield
Estate of Gloria K. Metzger
Millicent & Eugene Bell Foundation
MoneyGram Foundation
The Morton K. and Jane Blaustein
Neil Kreitman Foundation
Estate of Stephanie L. Normann
Ms. Susan E. O’Connor
The Orinoco Foundation
Estate of John Papp
The Parker Family Foundation
PB & K Family Foundation
The Phelan Foundation
Estate of Harriet Presser
QBE Americas
Estate of Frederic G. Rauber
Red 3 Fund
Redlich Horwitz Foundation
The Reusing & Cole Family
Charitable Fund
The Rice Family Foundation
Rivendell Foundation
Robert A. James Memorial Fund
The Rona Jaffe Foundation
Staff at work with patients in Myanmar’s Pauk Taw township.
Estate of Edythe L. Rosser
Estate of Barbara Row
James Rushton
S.L. Gimbel Foundation Advised
Fund at The Community
Mr. Harry Sagheb &
Mrs. Azar Sagheb
Samsung Electronics America
Steve & Anne Schneider
Estate of Cleo Sonnedecker
The Spark Fund
The Spurlino Foundation
Stella and Charles Guttman
Foundation, Inc.
Estate of Arthur Stern
Lee Tepper & Dorine Real
Ting Tsung & Wei Fong Chao
G. Tiphane
Estate of Mary E. Touhey
The TripAdvisor Charitable
Estate of Jean M. Trubey
Turton Family Fund
van Ameringen Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Willem Vedder
Mr. Bertrand Viriot
Mr. & Mrs. Wang
Warmenhoven Family Foundation
Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.
Wasily Family Foundation
Wells Fargo Community Support
Ms. Miriam Williams
Stephen & Nathalie Wong
Karen B. Yoh Foundation
> > $10,000 - $49,999
Anonymous donor from Celgene
Anonymous in Chicago, IL
1993 Irrevocable Trust of Bette D.
3 N&M, Inc.
Dr. Kamran Abbasi
Abercrombie & Fitch
Mr. Scott Abrams
Adobe Systems Incorporated
AE Charitable FoundationTony & Judy Evnin
Aetna Foundation
AGFA HealthCare Corporation
Agua Fund of the Community
Foundation of Collier County
Meena & Liaquat Ahamed
Mr. Karan Ahooja
AIG Matching Gifts Program
Alan L. Blum Family Fund
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
U s A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 13
in 2013
The Albert and Doris Pitt
Dr. Hans Ulrich Aldag
Estate of Barbara Alerding
Alice Rowan Swanson Foundation
Ms. Eugenie Allen &
Mr. Jeremy Feigelson
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel E. Allen
Mrs. Simin N. Allison
The Alvin & Peggy Brown Family
Alwan Family Trust
American Jewish World Services
Anbinder Family Foundation
Dr. Geoff Andersen
Calvin W. Anderson
Andrew R. and Dorothy L.
Cochrane Foundation
Ankeny Foundation
Annie Bennett Glenn Fund
The Anschutz Foundation
Ms. Elaine Antoniuk
Mrs. Charlotte D. Appleton
Franklin and Ellen Arcella
Armony Erel Charitable Fund
Robert Arnow
Sartaj & Akankshi Arora
The Arthur M. Blank Family
Mr. Paul Asente & Mr. Ron Jenks
Ms. Janet Asimov
Association for Continuing
Dr. Amy Atkeson &
Mr. Jonathan Atkeson
The Atlantic Philanthropies
Director/ Employee Designated
Gift Fund
The Atmos Foundation
Sanjiv & Sujatha Augustine
Autodesk, Inc.
Mr. Frederick M. Ayers III
The B&L Foundation
B.T. Rocca, Jr. Foundation
Euan & Angelica Baird
Ms. Linda Baker
Balanced, Inc. for Crowtilt, Inc.
Mr. Martin Balser &
Mrs. Cecile Falk Balser
Bank of America Matching Gift
The Banning Fund
The Baobab Fund
Mr. Edward Barad &
Ms. Carol McCully
Barbara Ross Charitable Trust
Ruth N. Barber CLAT
Deborah S. Barber, Ph.D. &
Mr. James J. Hopkins
Kris & Elizabeth Barber
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Barker
Charles and Betty Barker
Richard Barna & Eileen Maisel
Ms. Mary Rinne Barnett
Barnum Family Fund
Barry & Wendy Meyer Foundation
Barbara Bartlett Sloan &
Howard Sloan
Bartolucci Family Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Baruch
Nan Bases
Mr. Carl Bates
Ms. Jocelyn Bauer
Ms. Elizabeth Baughan
Mr. Peter J. Baughan
Bearden Family Charitable Trust
Estate of Helga Becker
William & Debbie Becker
Bob & Peggy Beckham
Beeler/Domotorffy Charitable
Miss Freja Beha Erichsen
The Behemoth
Dr. Clyde H. Belgrave
The Ben & Mavis Huang
Benjamin R. Bibler Memorial
Bennack-Polan Foundation
Mr. Rob Bennett &
Ms. Amy K. Butler
Mr. Philip Bentley
Dr. Robert Berenson
Mrs. Kathleen Berger
Estate of Gale Berlin
Mr. Jerry M. Bernhard
Elayne P. Bernstein & Sol Schwartz
Estate of Jerome Bernstein
Bernstein, Litowitz, Berger &
Mr. Richard L. Berry
Mr. William J. Berry
Dennis M. & Carol Berryman
Rebecca, Gary, Eric and
Elizabeth Bertch
The Besson’s Landing
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Beswick
The Betty and Wes Foster Family
Betty West Mending Fund
Ms. Victoria E. Beynon
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey F. Bier
The Bill Maher Trust
Estate of Diane Biren
Mr. Jim Birkemeier
Ms. Margaret B. Birkemeier
Victoria & Hank Bjorklund
BlackRock Matching Gift Program
Estate of Ellen L. Blair
Blaker Family Fund
Bryan & Rebecca Blankfield
Mark A. & Nancy Briggs Blaser
Trust of Judith Blohm
Blood Systems, Inc.
HIV patients in Myanmar.
Mr. & Mrs. Ross D. Bruner
Mr. & Mrs. John Buckley
Budget Bolt, Inc.
Mr. Steven E. Buller &
Ms. Anne L. Walsh
The Bunting Family Foundation–
Fund B
Mrs. Joan M. Burke
Estate of William M. Burke
Mr. Robert W. Burns
Clifford Burnstein
Ms. Linda Byars
Thomas J. Byrne
Mr. Clinton R. Stevenson, Jr.
Calico Fund
Ms. Patricia Callahan &
Mr. David Dee
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P.
Mrs. Joan Challinor
William Chan
Laurence & Michele Chang
Chapman Family Fund
Ms. Abbe Levin
Charles S. and Zena A. Scimeca
Charitable Fund
Chester F. Chapin Charitable Lead
Charles Spear Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Charlton
Estate of Joan Chatfield-Taylor
Ms. Ellen M. Chen
Ms. Lucy Chen
Ying Chen
Ms. Polly Cherner
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Chlapaty
Virginia F. Coleman
The Collier Family Fund
Commonwealth Cares Fund, Inc.
Concept2, Inc.
Rose Frances Connelly
Coonan-Rosebrough Foundation
Paula Cooper & John Macrae III
Mrs. Jeannie Cooperman
Kathleen & Randy Corbet
Ms. Cecilia Cordova
Courtenay C. & Lucy Patten Davis
CrankStart Foundation
Mr. Ronald Creamer
Ms. Christina Crowley
Ms. Dianne Christensen
Currey & Company, Inc.
Mr. Josef Engel
Cushman Foundation
© Ron Haviv/VII
Ms. Charlotte Campbell
Mr. John Y. Campbell &
Ms. Susanna Peyton
Martha Campbell
Candice Bergen Charitable
Ms. Louise M. Cantrell
Scott & Amy Canute
Cape Flattery Foundation
Carl Jacobs Foundation
Mr. Sherman B. Carll
Dr. Louis Carnendran
Caroline Blanton Thayer
Charitable Trust
Caroll J. Haas Foundation
Miss Jane G. Carruthers
The Carvel and Margaret Wolfe
Charitable Fund
Pamela & John Casaudoumecq
The Catharine Hawkins Foundation
John Cawley & Christine Marshall
Mr. Yvon Chouinard
The Chris A. Wachenheim
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Christenson
Abigail & Lynn Christiansen
Chubb’s Matching Gift Program
Churchill Family Charitable Fund
Cisco Foundation
Anne M. Clark
Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen &
Hamilton LLP
Estate of Mary J. Cleary
The Clemens Family Foundation
Clifton & Thelma Garvin Foundation
Clinton D. and Grace A. Carlough
Charitable Foundation
Cogan Family Foundation
Estate of Thelma Cohen
Cole Foundation
Prentiss and Lee Cole
Cole-Crone Foundation, Inc.
Cynthia and Robert J. Stetson
Frances Dakers
Estate of John F. Dalenberg
Dancing Tides Foundation
Danellie Foundation
Susanne & William Daniell
Rollin and Mary Dart
Dr. Alaeldin A. Darwich &
Ms. Asmaa M. Hashim
Dr. Piyuse R. Das &
Dr. Geeta Singhal Das
The David Geffen Foundation
David May Foundation
The David Vickter Foundation
Joan K. Davidson (The J.M. Kaplan
Ms. M. Patricia Davis &
Mr. Wesley P. Callender
Estate of Gerald L. Day
© Ron Haviv/VII
Ms. Susan L. Blount &
Mr. Richard A. Bard
Mrs. Elizabeth Boardman Ross
Mike & Julie Bock
Dr. & Mrs. William E. Bolton
Mr. Noah Bonsey
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin D. Boothe
Ms. Charlotte T. Bordeaux
Timothy Boudreau
Mr. & Ms. Kent R. Bourquin
Mr. Craig Bowen & Ms. Esther Diez
Ms. Erin J. Bowman
Ms. Lucille Boxhoorn &
Ms. Susan M. Boxhoorn
The Boye Foundation, Inc.
Brad Lemons Foundation
Mr. Neal C. Bradsher
Jodee R. Brandon
Patients await care in Myanmar.
Dr. Elizabeth A. Holland &
Mr. Gene Brandt
Cheryl & Ken Branson
Brian E. Boyle Charitable
Bridgemill Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Bridges
Jim & Lynn Briody
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS
Broder Family Foundation
The Brooks Family Foundation
Ms. Kathleen Brosnan
The Brown Foundation, Inc. of
Clifford & Toni Brown
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Brown
Mr. Hamilton B. Brown &
Ms. Martha A. Worthington
Ms. Natanya Brown
Phil & Valerie Brown
Ms. Sharon Browning
40 > 41
(Left to right) © Juan Carlos-Tomasi
Treating People on the move
Miles & Rebecca Dean
Ms. Janet Debow
Mr. Lawrence Debow
Mr. Steve Debow
Mr. Alan C. DeChant
Estate of Donald G. DeChant
Deckers Outdoor Corp
Dr. Naseem Deen
Delaplaine Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Richard L. Demeter
Mr. Daniel W. Demicco
Mary Ellen & Paul DeNoon
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Derieg
DeTommaso Family Foundation
Estate of Gladys V. Devaney
DEW Foundation
Hester Diamond
Ms. Jane C. Diefenbach
David B. & Anna Karin Dillard/
The Dillard Foundation
The Dillon Fund
Estate of Jane Dixon
Ms. Ruth Anne Doane
Emmett & Bridget Doerr
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Dominick
Mr. Donald L. Schoellerman
Rob and Tracy Donnell
Dr. Paul J. Donoghue
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Donovan
The Douglas and Dorothy Steere
Ms. Ruth Doyle & Mr. John Doyle
The Dr. Francis P. Chiaramonte
Private Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Dreher
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Dresner
Mr. Thomas Gerald Drinkard
Mrs. Frances Massey Dulaney
Susan & Thomas Dunn
Tim Dunn & Ellen Stofan
Ms. Frances O. Dwyer
Ms. Lois W. Dyk
Eades Foundation
John & Sybil Eakin
Eccles Family Foundation
Ed & H Pillsbury Foundation
Ms. Margaret Edds &
Mr. Robert Lipper
Martin J. Edelman, MD
Ms. Phyllis L. Dixon, Mr. Kenneth C.
Dixon & Mrs. Cynthia Dixon
Edith McBean Fund
Edna Wardlaw Charitable Fund
The Edouard Foundation, Inc.
Educational Testing Service
The Edward and Verna Gerbic
Family Foundation
Edward H. and Frieda Davis Jr. Fund
Edward R. Bazinet Charitable
The Edward T. Cone Foundation
Images of malnutrition patients and programs in Niger.
Merry Edwards & Ken Coopersmith
Joan C. Egrie
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Ehlers
Dr. & Mrs. Marvin S. Eiger
Eight VFX
Elbert H. Waldron, Evelyn J.
Waldron, & Karen H. Waldron
Charitable Foundation, Inc.
The Elder Family Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Sylvan D. Eller
Ms. Margaret K. Ellis
Estate of Kate S. Elman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Ely
Emergency Medicine Physicians
Estate of Sue A. Emery
Mr. Herbert Eplee
Mr. Erle G. Holm
Ms. Andrea Escher &
Mr. Todd Tibbals
ESSPEA Foundation, Mimi Lakind,
Esq. Trustee
George & Nerys Estes
Isobel Estorick
Ethel S. Cook Charitable
Eule Charitable Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. James Evans
Estate of Marion Evans
Mr. Roger H. Evans
Todd Evans
Mr. Mark Everett
Ms. Bernice Facer
Jason & Eliza Factor
Dr. Andrew Faigen &
Ms. Amanda Faigen
Mrs. Greta Faigen
Mike Farber
Mr. Mitchell Feinberg
James & Tammy Felt
Estate of Royce A. Fernandez
The Festoon Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Lincoln P. Field
Fifth & Pacific Foundation
Estate of Patrick Carl Fischer
Estate of Richard M. Fisher
Mr. William Fitch
Peter Flom Fund
Mr. James Foley
Reverend Thomas C. Foley
Mr. & Mrs. Atis Folkmanis
Dr. & Mrs. Eric W. Fonkalsrud
Ms. Helen H. Ford
Ms. Patricia L. Fore
Mr. Stephan Forget &
Ms. Florence Forget-Solal
For His Name’s Sake
John F. “Jeff” Fort
Estate of Carolyn Fostel
Mr. & Mrs. Wyman B. Fowler III
Mr. & Mrs. R. Alan Fox
Robert & Robin Fox
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
U s A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 13
in 2013
Franca G. Oreffice Family Fund
The Frank & Roslyn Grobman
Franklin Templeton Investments
Ms. Jeanne Frazier
Fred Koricanek Family Trust
Burt and Sandra Freeman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Freibert
Margaretha & Charles Fritz III
Mr. Kwok Wah Yeung &
Mrs. Marlisa Yeung
Mr. Steve Fury & Ms. Nancy Lawton
The G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation
E. Marianne Gabel &
Donald Lateiner
Mr. Farley M. Galbraith II
Drs. Sherry and Russ Galloway
GAMA Foundation
Rebecca Gaples & Simon Harrison
Gardner Grout Foundation
Mr. Michael Gardner
Mrs. Susan Garner
Jim & Yukiko Gatheral
Mr. Kim Tobias Gehrke &
Ms. Kristen Paula Knupp
Mr. Ivo Geijsen
Greg Gelfan & Lucy Butler
Geoffrey Beene Foundation
George & Dorothy Babare Family
George J. & Theresa L. Cotsirilos
Family Foundation
Drs. Pierre and Camille George
The Georgina-Fredrick Children’s
GHM America Corporation
The Gilkison Family Foundation
Raymond P. and Marie M. Ginther
Pat and Tom Gipson
David & Patricia Giuliani
Mr. Gilbert Glass
Estate of Frances R. Glennon
Gloria & Joseph Simons Fund
Dr. Richard H. Gold
David & Constance Goldgar
Mr. Fred Goldman
Marcia and John Goldman
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander P. Golitzin
Orlando and Teresa Gonzalez
Good Karma 1 Foundation
Ms. Juliet J. Goodfriend
Goodliffe Family Charitable Fund
Bernard Goodman
Estate of Dorothee Gottschalk
Cummings Christensen Family
Green Fund
Ward & Marlene Greenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Greene
Mr. Lawrence E. Greenfield
Mr. Daniel Greenstone &
Ms. Heidi Lynch
Gail & Roy Greenwald
Ms. Betty S. Greenwood
The Gregor G. Peterson Family
Mr. Andre Gregory
Ellen Grobman & Evan Bollinger
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Grodin
Estate of Alan B. Grossberg
Richard Grudzinski &
Julie Bowden
Frank & Carol Gruen
Mr. Alexander Gubbens
Guess, Inc.
Ms. Anne Gumowitz
Agnes Gund
Gurney Family Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Don Gwin
Ginnie & Peter Haas Jr.
Don & Cindy Hacherl
Mr. Carl Haefling &
Ms. Pamela Johnson
Ms. Alexis B. Hafken
Ms. Virginia L. Hajeian
Dr. Philip J. Halon
Halpern Family Fund
Ms. Amanda Halpin &
Mr. David Marin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Handelman
Ms. Margaret P. Haneberg
Dr. Thomas Hansen
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie C. Hardison
Randall W. & Jane V.L. Hardy
Mr. Siddharth Hariharan &
Ms. Nabiha Basathia
Harlan E. Anderson Foundation
Harris Family Fund
Peter & Carol Harris
Ms. Meryl D. Hartzband
Harvard- Radcliffe Science Fiction
The Hausman Family Charitable
Estate of Corinna Hauxwell
Havas Worldwide
Stephen Hays & Valerie Hughes
Mr. Nick Hazen
Ms. Leslie Head
Headphone Commute
Ms. Terri Hearsh
The Helen Schlaffer Foundation
Mrs. Gretel Hellendall
Heller-Bernard Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Milton H. Hendricks
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Hennigan
Henry L. and Grace Doherty
Charitable Foundation
Estate of Anne Bardeen Henschel
Ms. Meghan Henson &
Mr. Christopher Sauer
Herbert & Katherine Kurth
Religious Foundation
Hewlett Packard
“We respect and admire all the MSF doctors and staff who give so graciously of
their time and efforts, and put themselves in harm’s way to help those who are in
such desperate need. ”—Cliff & Arlene Blaker
Ms. Alison Hills &
Mr. Kelly M. Klaus
Dr. Jan Hirsch
Mr. Charles Hirschler
Hitz Foundation
Ms. Nancy Hoagland
Mr. & Mrs. Sturtevant Hobbs
Dr. Michel Hoessly &
Dr. Selina Luger
Mr. John Hoffman O’Brien &
Ms. Saba Sultana Brelvi
Mr. & Mrs. Creighton Hoffman
R. Bruce & Diana Lyte Holcomb
Holland & Knight
Estate of Henry Holland
Mr. John M. Horner
The Howard and Barbara Farkas
The Howard Bayne Fund
Frank & Nicky Howell
Dr. Judith Hsia &
Mr. Ernest J. Isenstadt
Mr. Po-Wen Huang
Rand Huebsch
Hufnagel Family Charitable
Gift Fund
Dr. & Mrs. Carl C. Hug, Jr.
Ms. Nancy Hughes
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew H. Hulbert
Mr. Lee Hultgren
The Human Fund
The Human Rights Project, Inc.
Carla & Paul Hummel
Sara & David Hunt
The Hunter-White Foundation
I.J. and Hilda M. Breeden
Estate of Leah Ice
Dr. Omer Ilahi
In Memory of Carol Lindstrom
In Memory of Helen Sellers Davis
ING Group
Estate of James D. Ingram
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy N. Ingram
Intex Solutions, Inc.
Dr. Brian Ip
Ira A. Roschelle MD Family
The Irving Foundation, Inc.
Irving S. Weinstein Philanthropic
Fund #4
Irwin and Marjorie Guttag
Philanthropic Fund
J. W. Kieckhefer Foundation
Mr. & Ms. Charles John Jacklin
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Jackson
Estate of Karen S. Jackson
Mrs. Marie Jacobs
James & Anna Larson
James and Tanya Mahood
The Jaquith Family Foundation
The JEC Foundation
Jerome & Marlene Brody
Foundation, Inc.
Jim Troxell Foundation
Jockers Family Foundation
Joe Higdon and Ellen Sudow Fund
of the National Capital Area
Community Foundation
John & Patricia Antoine
Charitable Trust
John A. Baldessari Fund
John A. Sellon Charitable
Residual Trust
Mr. Colby Johnson
Mrs. Katherine Johnson
The Jonathan & Kathleen Altman
Ms. Joan H. Jones
Mr. Lyle V. Jones
The Joseph & Catherine Johnson
Family Foundation
The Joseph F. McCrindle
Joseph H. Mitchell Giving Account
Josephine B. Haas Fund
Judith Haskell Brewer Fund of The
Community Foundation Serving
Richmond and Central Virginia
Judith McBean Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Jungmann
Andrew Justin and Family
Mr. Thomas Kailath
Geoffrey & Michele Kalish
Mr. Kenneth Kamins &
Ms. Judith Selbst
Katharina and Joseph Schober
Ms. Annie Rorrer
Mr. Michael Katin
The Kaufman Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Avinash Kaushik
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Kay
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Keane
Keefer Family Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Keeler
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Keiser
Keith & Mary Kay McCaw Family
The Keith Haring Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Keith
Todd & Maggie Keller
Mr. Ogden E. Kellogg Sr.
Mr. Randall Kempner
Kerby Family Foundation
Dr. Jules A. Kernen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Kerns
The Kevin Bailey and Pat Reilly
Ms. Mary Ellen Keyser
Jane and Paul Khoury
Mr. & Mrs. John Kim
Mrs. Cornelia Kittredge
Mr. Michael Klein
Dr. & Mrs. Don Kleinmuntz
Estate of Leroy C. Klema
Pete Klosterman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Klosterman
Mr. James M. Klosty
Mr. George R. Knapp
Mrs. Joyce M. Kneeland
Kofax, Inc.
Dr. Claudia A. Komer
Mrs. Marlise C. Konort
Mr. Takashi Kousaka
Mr. Axel Kramer &
Ms. Patricia Hallstein
Caleb Kramer & Ryan Allen
Mrs. Ursula Krause
Krell Family Foundation
Peggy G. Kriegel
Mr. & Mrs. Hayder Kuba
Mr. & Mrs. E. Joseph Kubat
Kuhn Foundation
Thom Kuhn & Diane O’Connell
Mr. Surender Kumar Jain &
Mrs. Chitra Jain
Emily Kunreuther
Ms. Karen K. Kurnick
Mr. Laurence L. Spitters
L & S Soll Fund
Nicki H. Ladany Trust
Lake Family Foundation
Mr. Steven Lamb & Ms. Sally Lamb
Mr. Walter Lambeth &
Ms. Jenna Kimberlin
Lance Spain Charity Fund
Dr. John E. Lane
Robert & Diane Lang
Lanza Family Foundation
Ms. Polly Lau
Mr. Albert Laub
The Laverna Hahn Charitable Trust
The Lavonne & Jerome Rodstein
Revocable Family Trust
Dr. David M. Lawrence
Lee & Luis Lainer Family
Ms. Cherin Lee
Mr. Geoffrey Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Lee
Philip and Cynthia Lee
Leerink Swann, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Stanford G. Lehne
Mr. Thomas A. Lehrer
Leibowitz & Greenway Family
Charitable Foundation
Leila Yassa and David Mendels
Fund at the Boston Foundation
The Leir Charitable Foundations
Mr. Jeffrey D. Leppink &
Ms. Jane A. Freeman
Ms. Ruth Lepson
Estate of Evelyn Lerner
Leslie Goldberg Charity Fund
Leslie Peter Foundation
Lester Poretsky Family Foundation
Estate of Andrew Ben Letson
Ms. Anne Levin
Lewis I. Cohen Fund
Dr. Kathy Lewis
Marjorie R. Lewis
Ms. Nancy Mary Lewis
Mr. Randall A. Lewis
Estate of Julia S. Li
Liberty Garden
H.W. & Patricia Lichtenberger
Mr. Charles Liechti &
Mrs. Helgard Liechti
Lily Auchincloss Foundation, Inc.
The Linde Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Merran Lindsay
Ms. Linda Lipsett &
Mr. Jules Bernstein
Dr. Jeffrey Litow
Litterman Family Foundation
Little Flower Fund
Estate of James M. Little
Ms. Feysan Lodde
Logos Books- Davis, CA
Ms. Judith Lohmeyer
Mr. Robert Lohse &
Ms. Marianne Rossi
Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Long
Park L. Loughlin
> Gifts-in-kind and
pro bono support
MSF is grateful to the following companies for their gifts
in-kind and pro bono support of our medical programs
around the world:
> Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP
> FedEx
> Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP
42 > 43
(left to right) © Michael Goldfarb/MSF © Yuri Kozyrev/Noor
Treating People on the move
The Louis and Anne Abrons
Foundation, Inc.
Louise B. Blackman Tollefson
Family Foundation
The Louise P. Hackett Foundation
Lucy C. Maisel
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Luddy
Mr. Daniel T. Ludwig &
Ms. Anne C. Leone
Mr. Edward E. Luedke
Mr. Eric J. Lunger
Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Lyne
The Lynn R. & Karl E. Prickett Fund
Stephen J. Lynton
The Neall Family Charitable
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Macdonald
Jane C. MacElree
Estate of Mary C. MacEwan
Madden/ Masson Family Fund
Vince & Abigail Maddi
Mr. Vic Makau
Jane and John Malarkey
Ms. Janet Malcolm Botsford
Malcolm Hewitt Wiener
Mr. Anthony M. Malizia
Dr. Albert P. Malvino
Manaaki Foundation
Estate of Louise Mangini
Mr. Josh R. Manion &
Ms. Julie K. Oberweis
Mr. & Ms. James Newton
The Marc Haas Foundation
Dr. Carole L. Marcus
The Margaret H. and James E.
Kelley Foundation
Mr. Eugene Markus
Marquis George MacDonald
Martha J. Weiner Charitable
Fay Chandler
Estate of George W. Martinek
Ms. Mary J. Wallach
Mary Lynn Richardson Fund
Mary Owen Borden Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Mason
Estate of Walter R. Mathews, Jr.
The Mattsson McHale Foundation
Max and Yetta Karasik Family
Ms. Judith M. Mayer
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Mayer
Ms. Barbara C. McGinnis
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. McCandless
Mr. & Mrs. Mike McCarthy
Mary & Tom McCarthy
Ms. Mary McDyer
Mr. & Mrs. Paul McEvoy, Jr.
Douglas & Patricia McGrady
Syrian refugees in Iraq.
Brian McInerney &
Nancy Shepherd
MCJ Amelior Foundation
Estate of Ruth H. McKay
Dr. Kennon P. McKee
Andrew and Jill McMahon
Ms. Anne F. McMillen
Dorothy S. McPherson
Ms. Christina Mednick
The Melrose Fund
Estate of Doretha Melvin
Mendelsohn Family
Ms. Helen Mendler
Dr. Richard Menning
June & John Mercer
Merch Lackey, Inc.
Mrs. Alice D. Mertz
Mr. Paul V. Messina
Mr. Joseph W. Metz
Mrs. Marie-Noelle Meyer
Mrs. Salma Mikhail
Mr. Colin Miller
Mr. David B. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Miller
Mr. Jonathan Miller &
Ms. Myriam Barenbaum
Lewis & Jean Miller
Mr. and Dr. Robert A. Miller
Walter E. D. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mills
Mintec, Inc.
The Mishaw Family
Stephen & Lucia Missall
Mr. Charles Dee Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Fredrick Mitchell
Mr. Ray Mithun
Mike and Susan Mokelke
Lani Monroe Galetto
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Monroe
Ms. Tertia Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Morawetz
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Morel
Marti Morfitt & Patrick Weber
Morgan Stanley
The Moriah Fund
Mr. & Mrs. G. Glen Morie
Frances L. Morris
Ruth & Morris Williams, Jr.
Alan & Cheryl Morrow
MSI International East
Ms. Anita Muchlado
Mueller Charitable Gift Fund
Brigitta U. Mueller, MD
Father Martin Muller
Mushett Family Foundation
The Namaste Foundation, Inc.
The Nancy Allison Perkins
The Nancy Taylor Memorial Fund
Dr. Amir Nashat
George Nast
Mr. Edward C. Naylor
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
U s A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 13
in 2013
John Nelson & Kate Gessner
Netscout Systems, Inc.
Estate of Norman J. Newcomb
Mr. Tri Nguyen
Mr. Herb Nichols
Julius & Carol Nicolai
Nobel Peace Prize Forum
Ms. Jeanne Nolan
Norman Foundation, Inc.
North Peninsula Jewish Teen
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell E. Northrop III
Northwest Federal Credit Union
Estate of Dennis R. Norwood
Mrs. Joan K. Novick
Mrs. Emily H. Nugent
Oak Lodge Foundation
The Oak Tree Philanthropic
Vania & Barbara O’Connor
Grazyna & Michal Odyniec
John O’Farrell and Gloria Principe
Joseph D. O’Gorman
Omega/Cinema Props
One Man Left Studios, LLC
Yoko Ono Lennon
Mr. Michael L. Overton
Jane Dale Owen
William R. Padnos
Ms. Marcia Page
Wayne Paglieri
Mr. Rinaldo Pagnucco
Ms. F. Taylor Pape
Mr. & Mrs. A. Neil Pappalardo
Mr. Chang K. Park
Mr. Rick Parod
Ms. Christa Patterson
Patuxent Investment Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Patz
Mr. & Mrs. David Pauker
Paul & Patricia Hogan Charitable
Paul Bechtner Foundation
Paul Funk Charitable Account
PB Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Morris B. Pearl
Ms. Prudence Pease Cutler
Mark & Laurie Pedry
Amanda Peet & David Benioff
Dr. Melike Pekmezci
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Pentecost, Jr.
Dr. Angela Peterman &
Colonel Edward Ponatoski
Ms. Elizabeth I. Peters
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Peters
Sarah M. & Michael D. Peterson
Theodore Petroulas &
Nasimeh Alikhani
Mr. John Ira Petty
Estate of Jane G. Pfeiffer
Estate of Paul Pfeiffer, Jr.
Dr. Tuan V. Phan, MD
Michael & Jane Pharr
Philadelphia Stock Exchange
Troper-Wojcicki Foundation
Ms. Nancy J. Phillips
Philotimo Foundation
Geoff Pike
Pinecrest Fund
Polaner Family Supporting
Dr. & Mrs. Frank P. Polyak
Mr. Donald Porteous
Sarah & Richard Porter
Dr. Robert T. Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Porter
Posner Partners
Potel/Blum Family Fund
Mr. Louis E. Potempa
Richard Pozen, MD &
Ann Silver Pozen
Praxis Foundation
Premier Access Insurance
Ms. Gretchen Preston &
Dr. Gregory P. Meisner
Joe & Kathy Pretlow
Robert O. Preyer, Professor
Mr. & Mrs. G. Kent Price
Estate of Mary Felton Price
Mr. G. Daniel Prigmore
The Protege Partners, LLC
Ms. Margaret M. Prowse
The Prudential Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Mark & Sueann Pugh
Mr. John Purdon
Qatalyst Partners
Mr. John Queralt
R.F. Technologies, Inc.
Dr. Lee S. Shearer &
Mr. John D. Radice
Rakitzis Fund
Dr. James Darryl Ramsey
Ms. Maja Ramsey
Sascha N. Rand & Kalpana Gajjar
Mr. Sal Randazzo
Linda E. Ransom &
James J. Capra, Jr.
Mr. Gregory G. Rapawy &
Ms. Jessica S. Boger
The Ray and Donna Guerin Family
Raymond & Lucille Benedetto
Charitable Fund of the
Community Foundation of
New Jersey
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Red Mountain Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Sam K. Reed
Mr. Jonathan Reed
Patients at an MSF clinic in Bulengo, DRC.
Mr. Paul E. Robertson
The Robin O’Brien Fund
Mrs. Audrey Robinson
The Rock Brook Consulting Group
Richard Rockefeller, MD
Rodina American-Russian Welfare
Society, Inc.
Ms. Laura Roeder
Rogers & Goffigon
Mr. Christopher W. Rogers
Jean Lucier Roland
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Roland
Rolf & Elizabeth Rosenthal Family
Dr. Chris Rolitsky
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Howard
Mr. Lawrence Rose
Sheldon Rose
Rosen Family Foundation
Mr. Paul F. Rosenbaum &
Ms. Rocio Villasenor
Ms. Harriet Rosenbloom
Bruce and Lori Laitman Rosenblum
Mr. Michael Rosenthal
Nancy & Paul Ross
Roth Armstrong Hayes Foundation
Estate of Marvin Rothenberg
Mrs. Julia K. Rowse
Rsw Foundation, Inc
RTJC Hogan Family Foundation
Dr. Dean Rubine & Dr. Ruth Sample
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Ruder
Jack and Susan Rudin
James & Barbara Rutherford
Estate of Margaret Ruzzo
Ryan Memorial Foundation
Mr. Eric Rynerson
S.H. Cowell Foundation
Ladan Sahafi
Mr. Akram Saigh
Mr. Thomas P. Saine
Estate of Isabella Salman
Ms. Sheila Saltiel
Donald & Laura Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Sanfacon
Sargent Family Foundation
Mr. William Sarnoff
Erv and Kathy Sauer
Mr. William M Savery
David & Beth Sawi
Estate of Jane E. Sawyer
The Schaffner Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Schapiro &
Ms. Rita Bowen
Scheidel Foundation
Ms. Rebecca F. Schiller
Schoellerman Foundation
Susan R.S. Schofield
Peter & Jocelyn Schultz
Rosanne & Alan Schulz
Bob and Kimberly Scott
Ms. Nadya K. Scott
Seafood Supply Company
Tim & Judith Sear
The Sedmak-Wooten Family
The Seifert Family Foundation
The Sequoia Philanthropic Fund
Dr. Robin Shanahan
Dr. Shobha Sharma
Sheerin Family Fund
Romita Shetty & Nasser Ahmad
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Shevlin
Mr. Michael Shields
The Shifting Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Peter Shimkin
Estate of Albert L. Shostack
Shirlie & Owen Siegel Foundation
Dr. Martin S. Silberberg
Ann Monteith Silberman
Estate of Elizabeth Simms
Simple Actions Family Foundation
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher &
Flom LLP
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Skoff
The Skolnick Foundation
Ms. Betty Slaymaker
Shadow Sloan and
Harvey Vigneault
Mr. & Mrs. Rod Smallwood
Solstice Bahamas Vacation Rental
Cherida Collins Smith
Lawrence & Ann Smith
Estate of Nancy P. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Sherif A. Soliman
Dr. A. E. Solomon
Dr. & Ms. Allen Solomon
The Solstice Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Richard Sommer &
Ms. Victoria Tansey
Dr. Charles N. Soparkar &
Susan Hairston
Southern Cross Fund
Andrew & Sandra Soye
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Spicer
Stack Exchange, Inc.
Ms. Beverly Ann Stadum
Mr. David Stanford
Estate of Blanche K. Stanton
Stein Family Charitable Fund
Estate of Wayne K. Stein
James P. Sterba &
Janet A. Kourany
Estate of Harold & Ruth Stern
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Stevenson
Drs. Mark & Mary Ellen Stinski
Ms. Susan Stoddart &
Mr. Chris Snook
Ruth Stoltz
Mr. Oliver W. Stone
Mr. Paul A. Stotts
Andrew & Theresa Strain
Mr. & Mrs. George D. Strohmeyer
© Giulio Di Sturco
The Refinery
Mr. Mark Reiber
Linda and Richard Reiss
Rennoc Corporation
Foundation, Inc.
Estate of Florence Resnikoff
Reuben Herzfeld Fund for The
Greater Cincinnati Foundation
The Rex and Karen Chamberlain
Giving Fund
The Rhoades Foundation
Richard & Marianne Reinisch
The Richard and Natalie Jacoff
Richard Dawkins Foundation For
Reason & Science
Richard E. Rudolph Family
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Richmond
Mr. & Mrs. Chip Rini
Estate of Jon A. Rinnander
Dr. Petra & Randy Rissman
Frank & Joan Ritchey
Robbins Geller Rudman &
Dowd LLP
Robert & Catherine Miller
Charitable Foundation
Robert & Gloria Sherman Family
Robert & Maxine Hannifin Trust
The Robert & Shirley Harris Family
The Robert and Betty Forchheimer
Robert Ellis Foundation
The Robert M. Schiffman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Gould
Robert W. Baird and Company
Ms. Lora J. Robertson
44 > 45
All photos © Yann Libessart/MSF aside from second from far right © Laurence Hoenig/MSF
Treating People on the move
Mr. & Mrs Maxwell Sturgis
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sukup
Sullivan & Cromwell
Mrs. Frances W. Sullivan
Lori and Timon Malloy & the Sun
Hill Foundation
Ms. Dana E. Surrey &
Ms. Letitia Jean O’Conor
The Susan and Gerald Bereika
Family Foundation
Mr. Carl P. Swenson
Margaret Hannigan &
Michael Swier
Dr. Peter Swift &
Ms. Diana McCargo
Swiss Re Life & Health America, Inc.
Syd & Jan Silverman Foundation
Syrian American Women’s
Ms. Ning Tang
Tawani Foundation
Mr. Dale E. Taylor
Ms. Sally C. Taylor
TBD Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Teal
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Teetsel
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Tellini
Mr. & Mrs. Jon ten Oever
Mr. Ben Tench
Teresa Luchsinger Giving Fund
TH Maren/SK Fellner Fund
Thatcher/Spencer Gift Fund
The Awty International School
The Gussack-Stein Charitable Fund
The J. R. Albert Foundation
The Mary & Albert Bergeron Fund
Estate of Mona M. Thibault
Estate of Nancy Thilberg
Thomas and Jeanne Elmezzi
Thomas S. and Karol A. Tucker
Charitable Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Thomson
Estate of Sharon Rice Thorpe
TIAA CREF Financial Services
Tikva Grassroots Empowerment
Fund of Tides Foundation
Estate of Lucille Timmers
Estate of Thomas F. Tipi
Mr. John Tipton &
Mrs. Stephanie Tipton
Ms. Jean Galbraith &
Mr. Jeremy Tobacman
Ms. Katherine & Mr. Eric Todrys
Drs. Angelo Tomedi &
Margaret M. Wolak
John Francis Torti
The Tosh Company, Inc.
Michael Toubbeh, MD
Douglas & Nancy Treder
Trudy Scammon Foundation
Scenes from the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan.
Tsunami Foundation-Anson &
Debra Beard, Jr. & Family
Tunu Puri Charitable Foundation
Turner Foundation, Inc.
The Turnquist Foundation
Mr. Alexei Tylevich & Ms. Jenny Lin
Justin and Heather Uberti
Ullmann Family Foundation
Varnum de Rose CRAT
Venkat Venkatraman &
Carolyn A. Lattin
Mr. Theodore H. Vetterlein
The Virginia Wellington Cabot
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Vitale
VIVA Physicians
The VMware Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. James Von Herrmann
Betsy & Paul von Kuster
Grace & Steven Voorhis
Vranos Family Foundation
Bernard J. Vroom
Dr. Minh Vuong
Estate of Stephanie J. Wagner
The Wahoo’s Family Foundation
Estate of Karla K. Waldron
Dorothy E. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Walker
Hope & Richard Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Wallace
Tess and Jamie Wallace
Scott and Caroline Wallach
Mr. Bernard Wallerstein
The Walt Disney Company
The Walter and Adi Blum
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Tim M. Ward &
Ms. Cheryl A. Uyeji
Ms. Mary C. Warren &
Mr. Stanley E. Case
The Watkins Family
Judith Watson & Daniel Finnegan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Webster
Mr. & Mrs. Linden H. Welch
Lucille Werlinich
Mr. Thomas Welk & Dr. Ariel Lang
Estate of Carol A. Wendell
Mr. David A. Wengert
Mr. Jann Wenner
Linda & Peter Werner
Mr. Herbert and the Rev. Jan West
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Weston
WestWind Foundation
Mrs. Adele Wexler
Mr. Kurt G. Weyland
Steve & Bonnie Wheeler
Erika & Paul White
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey White
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
U s A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 13
in 2013
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Whiting
Ms. Grace Whitney
Ms. Janet C. Whittle
Mr. Henry E. Wieman
Estate of Sally M. Wienke
Ms. Leta L. Wiers
Steve & Peg Wilcox
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Wiles
Dr. Edwin G. Wilkins &
Ms. Julie Lowery
William L. Price Charitable
The Williams Foundation
Mr. Cliff D. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Wilson
Estate of Ronald Wingate
The Winifred & William O’Reilly
Estate of Beth Winston
Mr. Ryan Wise
Dr. Glenn Withrow
Ms. Susan R. Witter
Mr. Christopher Wolfe
Thomas & Barbara Wolfe
Wolverine Fire Protection Co.
Tony Womack
Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Wood
Mr. & Mrs. John Woodley
Estate of John D. Work
Mr. Walter K. Wornick
Mr. J. Anthony Wright
Daniel & Brienne Wright
Kenneth & Megan Wright
Philip M. & Penelope J. Wright
George & Judy Writer
Mr. Ronald M. Wrob
Kin Bing Wu
Ms. Polin Wu
Wuliger & Zegura Family
WWW Foundation
Xerox Foundation
Dr. Leslie A. Yates
Mr. Shan-Liang Yin & Ms. Aiyi Liao
Ms. Margaret A. Young
Zankel Fund
Zegar Family Foundation
Mr. Michael F. Zehler
Mr. & Mrs. Wei Zhu
Mr. & Mrs. David Ziegler
Michael & Allison Zimmerman
The Zion & Shah Family
Zufall Family Foundation
Dr. Yonatan Zunger
> > $5,000 - $9
Anonymous (9)
Anonymous Bosch
A & J Saks Foundation
Ms. Arlene H. Gage
Mr. Martin Granger
Mrs. Catherine &
Mr. Ernest Abbott
Ms. Madhuri Chattopadhyay &
Mr. Anurag Acharya
Activision Blizzard, Inc.
Mr. Edward M. Acton
Mrs. Mary W. Adams
Mr. Samuel Adams
Advanced Computer Concepts
Heinz & Margaret Aeschbach
Asha & Sajjan Agarwal
Agathe M. Costa Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Agora Group, Inc.
Jayant & Preeti S. Ahuja
John K. Akers, Jr. &
Francine Plourde
Mr. Kasser Akil
Michael and Pamela Albert
Mr. Yves Albouy
Alchemy Foundation
Alesia Family Foundation
Mr. Eric Alexander &
Ms. Ana C. Arumi
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Alexander
Mr. Gary Alexion &
Mrs. Maureen Healy
Mr. Alfred Feinman
Alice Lawrence Foundation, Inc.
Allen Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Edith Allen
Susan W. Almy
Amaturo Family Foundation, Inc.
American Express Employee
Giving Program
Anchin, Block & Anchin
Mr. Bradley A. Feld &
Ms. M. Amy Batchelor
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis G. Anderson
Mr. Michael Anderson
Ms. Sally M. Anderson
Mr. Scott Anderson &
Ms. Robin Weinberg
Mr. William H. Anderson
Matthew & Kathleen Andrews
Mr. Flavio Angeles Franco
Rev. Linda Hunt Anton
Apel Steel Corporation
Ms. Susan Appel
Mr. Nicholas Graetz &
Ms. Elizabeth Aralia
Mr. Etienne Ardant
Ms. Sallie W. Arens
Argon Masking, Inc.
Pedro M. Arguello
Ark Foundation
Armstrong Family Foundation
The Armstrong Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Arnheim
The Arnold and Jeanne Bernstein
Madeleine & David Arnow
Mr. George E. Arnstein
Dr. Marvin Aronson &
Ms. Alice Horowitz
Estate of Mitzi Aronson
Mr. Howard W. Ashcraft &
Ms. Marilyn E. Ezzy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Asher
Mr. Rahul Ashok & Ms. Fiza Warsi
Mara & Keith Aspinall
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Asplundh
Latham & Watkins LLP
Mr. James A. Attwood Jr. &
Ms. Leslie K. Williams
Judith & Rene Auberjonois
Audrey Love Charitable
Drs. Howard & Colleen Austin
Mr. Emanuel Ax
Dr. & Mrs. Alan A. Axelson
Mr. Hugh Aycock
The Barbara Schoenberg
Charitable Fund
Mr. Anthony J. Barbera
Mr. Thomas Barbour &
Ms. Paula Hern
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Barker
Mr. & Mrs. Gentry Barnes
Baron & Baron
Ms. Sandra Barrett
The Barrington Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Mike Barry
Ms. Prudence Barry
Mr. Richard E. Barry &
Ms. Paulette Solinski
John & Susan Bartocci
Bassford Remele
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon R. Batcheller
Mr. Stephen A. Bates Jr.
Ms. Gretchen Batra
A.E. Benjamin, Jr.
Mr. James Benkard
Mr. Bruce W. Benner &
Mrs. Rosemary S. Huber-Benner
Mr. Peter A. Benoliel &
Ms. Willo Carey
Ms. Shannon Benzel
Mr. Mark Berg &
Ms. Elizabeth A. Zeck
Deborah Berger & Duncan Turnbull
Estate of Jack Berghuis
Andrew and Laura Berkheimer
Bernard and Judy Cornwell
Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Antonia Bernardy
Arlene & Michael Berner
Ms. Carol Bernstein
David Bernstein and
Susan Howard
Mr. John Blumenthal &
Ms. Ingrid Van Eckert
BMI-RUPP Foundation
Bob Fitch Photo
A.J. Bocchino & Phoebe Washburn
Norman R. & Danielle Bodine
Jo Ann & Paul Bolig
Dr. & Mrs. Peter Bolland
Mr. Richard Bondurant
Ms. Sarah Bordelon
Borderfree, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Riley Boudreaux Jr.
Boveri Trackman Family
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Bill Bower
Mrs. Eileen Bowser
Mr. Van Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Boykin
Mr. John A. K. Bradley
Mr. Cecilio Batres
David and Anne Baxter
Mr. Timothy Beare
Bechtolt Private Family Foundation
Estate of Mary June Beck
Ms. Cristie J. Becker
Dr. and Mrs. Jason Beckermann
The Becket Family Foundation
Russ & Cordy Beckstead
Becky & Doug Pruitt Family Fund
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Behm
Beilfuss Charitable Giving Fund
Ms. Jann J. Bellamy
Mr. Frank F. Rango &
Ms. Barbara J. Mantel
Ms. Judith Bendich &
Mr. Arnold Bendich
Dr. and Mrs. Philip Benfey
Benjamin & Sophie Scher
Charitable Foundation
Richard Bernstein & Chris Ritenis
Mr. John Berookhim
Mr. & Ms. Mark Berryman
John & Gail Bertuzzi
Besson/Cooper Fund, Inc.
Dr. Janet Best and
Mr. Michael Froebe
Bethany Community
Mr. Donald W. Betts
Betty May Inc.
Mr. Lee Billingsley
Michael Bilof, MD
Bingham Family Foundation
Mr. Paul Birckel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Black
Ms. Katherine Blacklock
Mark & Deborah Blackman
Mr. Lawrence Blaskopf
John & Betsy Bloch
Timothy & Rebecca Blodgett
Mr. & Mrs. Denis B. Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Brady
Sally & Neil Braid
Estate of Eleanor K. Bralver
Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Bramblett
Ms. Elaine Branagh
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Brandt
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Brannen
Ms. Jean M. Brayton
Mr. Richard Brew
Laura L. Breyer
Dr. Kevin M. Brien
Mr. Larry Broderick
Julian & Lois Brodsky
Ellen & Len Brodsky
Mr. Haynes Brooke &
Ms. Allison Baer
Ms. Polly Dawkins &
Mr. Nico Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Brooks
A patient with Chagas disease in Paraguay.
© Seamus Murphy/VII
Julian and Stephanie Ayer
Dr. Victoria Azara
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Azhadi
Dr. Kent P. Bach
Joan R. Baer
Ms. Martha Baer & Ms. Sara Miles
Mr. Michael Baier
Dr. Julia P. Bailey
Ravi & Jill Bajaj
Ms. Suzanne Bakdash
Carl & Suzon Baker
Mr. Simon Baker &
Ms. Rebecca Rigg
Andrew Balber & Frances Kerr
J. Gregory &
M. Elizabeth Ballentine
Mr. Gustavo E. Bamberger &
Ms. Martha Van Haitsma
Mr. Leland L. Baney
Bank Adjustment Holding
46 > 47
All photos © Yann Libessart/MSF
Treating People on the move
Mr. Tony W. Broski, Sr
Brothers Industry Fund
Ms. Brown Johnson
Mr. Albert Brown, Jr.
Ms. Catherine D. Brown
Mr. Douglas Brown
Ms. Jane A. Brown
Mr. Jorg Brown
Dr. Nancy Brown
Mr. Robert W. Brown
Mr. Jeffrey E. Brummette &
Ms. Donna Marie Lancia
Dr. Tyra Bryant-Stephens &
Dr. Paul Stephens, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Buck
Brian and Betsy Buckley
Buddhist Global Relief
Barbara and Kenneth Buntrock
Mr. Pablo Burbridge &
Ms. Corina Crivelli
Ms. Kaci J. Burger
Ms. Elaine Burke
Ms. Laura Burkhardt
Caroline B. Burnett
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Burns
Dr. & Mrs. Howard Burt
Ms. Katherine B. Bush
Mr. Nathan T. Bush
Susan Okie Bush
Dr. David Butcher &
Dr. Susan Shannon
Mr. & Ms. Otis Butts
Mr. & Mrs. Allan G. Byer
C.B. Coleman & Joan Coleman
Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cahill
Ms. Beth Caldwell & Mr. Bob Volat
Mr. Steven Caldwell
Ms. Irene B. Callahan
Michael Callister, MD &
Ronda Callister, Ph.D.
Ms. Catherine Caneau
David and Elisa Canfield
Margaret M. Carey
Alexander & Jill Carles
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Carlile
Mr. James H. Carmel
Ms. Deborah Carmichael
Mr. Willis W. Carnegie
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Carpenter
Patrick and Carolyn Carr
Dr. Joseph Carson
Dr. Richard O. Carstensen
Ms. Jessica M. Cary
Ms. M. Pat Cason
Mr. Alexander M. Castellino
Dr. & Ms. Stanley Casto
Ms. Leslea Caswell
Catherine Whitney Memorial
Cavaricci Foundation
Ms. Diana Cavaricci
Scenes from Yida, South Sudan.
Alfonso Cervera
Mr. & Mrs. Steve W. Chaddick
Mr. Edward Chalom
Anne Cox Chambers
Mr. Dan Charles C. Chamby
Mr. Stephen Chandler
Mr. Andrew Chang
Dr. Chung-Che Chang
Mr. Steven Chang &
Ms. Judith Barendse
Albert and Anne Chao
Charles C. Bergman Charitable
Giving Fund
Charles Maxfield & Gloria F. Parrish
Drs. Munish & Bandana Chawla
Chemonics International Inc.
Chicago Blackhawk Charities
Ms. Cait Ni Chleirigh
Mr. Andrew Choi
Mr. Jeffrey Choney &
Mrs. Pamela Dippel Choney
Ms. Ming Ngai Chow
Dipak & Rakiba Chowdhury
Christel DeHaan Family Foundation
Ms. Kirsten Cirne
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Civelli
Clannad Foundation
Mary G. Clark & Craig R. Schaffer
Estate of Louise S. Clay
Ann S. Cleary
Dr. Don W. Cleveland &
Ms. Margaret A. Lopata
The Clorox Company Foundation
The Clovis Foundation
Mrs. Billy Cobb
Cobb Income Charitable Fund
Mr. William Cobb
Cochran Charitable Fund
Ms. Mary Jo Coe
Coeur Products LTD, Inc.
Ms. Elizabeth A. Coffey
Ms. Kara E. Coggin
Mr. Vincent Cohan &
Ms. Susannah Johnston
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Cole
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Collins
Ms. Lisbeth Collins
Concept Arts
Mr. Jay Condiotti
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Connors
Ms. Kimberly Cook
Ms. Rosemary Cook
Ms. Bridget L. Cooke
Cooper Thomas, LLC
David & Alison Cooper
Mr. Mark Coppos
Cornelia Fund of The Pittsburgh
April Cornell/The Giving World
Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Joanna Corrigan
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
U s A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 13
in 2013
Carla Corvo
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Cotton
The Cottrell & Scharff Family
Mr. Edmond Cotty
Estate of James Coulter
Paul & Mary Counsell
Courtney Knight Gaines
Ms. Deirdre Coyne
CPP, Inc.
Karen & Ralph Craft
Mr. Thomas Crage
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Creecy
Mr. & Mrs. Skip Cressman
Anne & Alex Crocco
Dr. Edward Croen &
Dr. Louann Galibert
Mr. Gary Cross
Crowdtilt/Reddit Atheist
CRP Industries, Inc.
Mr. Thomas F. Crusse &
Mr. David M. Imre
Cultures of Resistance Network
Ms. Caroline Curran
Peter & Bonni Curran/Peco
Curt R. & Gerry Pindler Foundation
Mr. Timothy Curt &
Ms. Dona Bissonnette
Dr. James Dahlberg &
Dr. Elsebet Lund
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome E. Daltorio
Dana Fund
Dandelion Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Dean D’Angelo
Michael Dannerbeck
Ms. Lynne Darcy
The Darwin Foundation
Dave Nikkel Foundation
Davee Foundation
Ms. Elizabeth Davenport
David A. and Susan H. Schoenholz
David and Sarah Fischell
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Davidow
Gordon and Carolyn Davidson
Davis Chimney Co.
Ms. Adah R. Davis
Mr. Bruce Davis & Mrs. Mary Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Harry L. Davis
Ms. Martha R. Davis
Dr. Stephanie Davis
Mr. Bert Dawson
Ms. Roslyn Dayan
Dean Foundation, Inc
DEARS Foundation, Inc.
December Second Fund
Ms. Jane Decker Asmis
Ms. Nancy Dehmlow
Ms. Theresa Del Pozzo
Ernie & Danielle Del
Dr. & Mrs. Andre Denis
Ms. Elizabeth Denison
Ms. Margaret A. Dennis
Dr. & Mrs. Steven Denson
Ms. Jodi Dent & Mr. Dave Dent
Ms. Anne Derbes &
Mr. Robert M. Schwab
Mr. & Mrs. Dinesh Desai
Mr. Joseph Desantis
Dr. Don Dewhirst
Mr. & Mrs. Alejandro Diaz
Mr. Gerald A. Dickinson
Mr. Mark Dickinson
Dickson Family Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Dion
Distracted Globe Foundation
Charles Doane & Clare O’Brien
Doll Family Foundation
Michael J. and Maureen Donahue
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Donovan
Mr. Paul Dooley &
Ms. Winnie Holzman
William & Wilma Dooley Foundation
Mary Lou Dorking
Ms. Linda P. Dotson
Mr. Henry Dotterer
Estate of Rita M. Dougherty
The Douglas & Tara Weckstein
Charitable Fund
Jane Dowling & Barry Daly, MD
Charles M. Doyle &
Jocelyn A. Holash
Ms. Mary J. Doyle
Ms. Rocio M. Doyle
Mark & Karen Drazkowski
Mr. & Mrs. B.M. Drinkard
The Duane Scott Hess Family Fund
Mr. Kingston Duffie &
Mrs. Elizabeth Schwerer Duffie
Dr. & Mrs. Kent Duffy
Ms. Eileen Duggan
Ms. Carol H. Duncan
James Duncan, MD
Mr. Kevin A. Dunn
Mr. David J. DuPont
Mr. Joseph E. Durham
The Dusky Foundation
Mr. Joseph Dwaileebe
Terry and Jane Dwyer
Mr. Keith V. Dyck
Robert C. & Mary C. Eager
Dr. Dianne Eardley &
Mr. Stuart McLoughlin
Earle Family Fund
Stephanie Eassa
The East Creek Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Eckrote
Edison International
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Edlen
The Edward Colston
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. David Eggert
The F.B. Heron Foundation
The Falk Family Charitable Fund
The Fama Family Charitable Fund
Ms. Khadija Ahmed
Ms. Mary Farrell & Mr. John Achatz
The Favrot Fund
Feder Family Fund
Steven & Paula Fee
Ms. Joyce Fefferman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Felitsky
Fenwick and West LLP
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Ferland
Dr. Evan Fertig & Dr. Theresa Liao
Mr. Robert P. Fetch
Ms. Beverly M. Fields
Mr. Kevin P. Filter &
Ms. Rosemary Kessler
Ms. Leesa R. Fine
Finn Family Foundation
Ms. Patricia Finseth
First Presbyterian Church
First Tennessee Foundation
The Fisher Family
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Flaherty
Mr. Daniel Flanagan &
Ms. Keith Kemble
Mr. James Fleming
Floyd C. Johnson & Flo SingerJohnson Foundation
Ms. Kathy Flynn
Foley Family Charitable
Marie & John Foley
Mr. Stephen Atkins &
Mrs. Corinne Foo-Atkins
Mr. Sean Patrick Foohey
Frederick K. and K. Ruth Foote
Mr. Gary Ford & Ms. Nancy Ebb
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Forlenza
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Forsland
Syrian children play in the Domiz refugee camp in northern Iraq.
Gary & Christine Fossett
Dr. Kathryn J. Foster
Mr. Peter M. Wolverton
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Frampton
Ms. F. Christine A. Hammond
Dr. Carl Frank
The Franklin Fund
Franklin Philanthropic Foundation
Ms. Judith Franlin
Valerie Fraser
Ms. Jean W. Frazier
Ms. Kayce Freed &
Mr. Mark J. Weinstein
Mr. Bryan Freedman &
Mr. Ronald Gregoire
Mr. Paul Katz &
Mrs. Ziva Freiman Katz
Frey Family Fund
Ms. Mary Louise Frick
Dr. Richard Fried
Gerald Friedman, MD., Ph. D.
Mrs. Kathryn Friend
Ms. Felecia Froe
Mr. David Frohardt-Lane
Frontier Science & Technology
Research Foundation, Inc.
Sherry & Leo Frumkin
Ms. Wendy Fujiwara
Full Circle Foundation
Mr. John Fuller
Ms. Elizabeth N. Furber
Richard and Karen Furst
Mr. Peter Gaccione
Mr. Christopher J. Gagliano
Marion Galison
Ms. Gina D. Galasso
Dr. Aashish Gandhi
Tamara Garcia
Gardner Family Fund of The
Columbus Foundation
Ms. Janine Garrick
The Garrison Keillor &
Jenny Nilsson Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Garrison-Mogren
Ms. Serina Garst &
Mr. Grahame Foreman
Ms. Ginger Gatling
Miss Wendy Geagan
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Geer
David W. Gengler
Dr. Richard Gerber
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Germain
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar F. Gerster
Mr. John Roberts &
Ms. Heather Gert
Gloria & Robert Gery
Dr. Hushang Ghodrat &
Ms. Mahsa Akrami
Ms. Linda L. Gibboney
Dr. Nancy E. Gibbs
Mr. John V. Gibson
Chris & Susan Gifford
Kristin & Cory Gilchrist
Ms. Teresa Ann Gilewski
Mr. Elliot Gill
Mr. & Mrs. Verlin Gingerich
Dr. David Ginsburg
Ms. Elizabeth Glatfelter
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hamilton
Ms. Joan Sappala
Global Atlantic
Gobioff Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Max Goldensohn
Charles & Jane Goldman
Dr. Steven Goldstein &
Dr. Ellen Miller
Mr. James Goltz
Kathryn Emmett & David S. Golub
Mr. Kirill Goncharenko
Ms. Kathryn Gonser &
Mr. Ken Grossma
© Yuri Kozyrev/Noor
Mr. Matthew Ehmer
Dr. Bart D. Ehrman
Ms. Christina H. Eisenbeis &
Mr. Ralph Martin
Mr. Stanley Eisenberg
Ms. M Louise Eisworth
Elephant Rock Foundation
Elinor and Maynard Marks
Family Fund
Brian & Sara Elkin
Ellen & Roger Burrus Endowed
Advised Fund of the Community
Foundation of Nashville,
Ms. Barbara Howard Burrus
Ellen Papadakis Charitable Fund
The Elliott and Rhoda Levinthal
Mrs. Jacqueline Elliott
Estelle B. Ellis
Ms. Phoebe C. Ellsworth
Ms. Margret Elson &
Mr. Michael Schwab
eMarketer, Inc.
Embler-Cilenti Fund
Emerson Network Power
Emmanuel Baptist Church - The
Mission and Benevolence Fund
Emser International, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Endres
Ms. Elizabeth A. English
Dr. Jonathan Epstein
Jerry and Rayla Erding
Eric and Laurie Roth
Charitable Fund
Erna & Bob Place Family Fund
Ernest & Rose Samuels Foundation
Martinus Esser
Estate of Pierre M. Loewe
Rhonda L. Estes
Eternal Jewels
Evans Skidmore Family Trust
48 > 49
All photos © Giorgos Moutafis
Treating People on the move
Estate of Marilyn Goode
Ms. Marian Goodman
Dr. William Goodykoontz &
Ms. Deborah Hart
Gosling Family Charitable Fund
Mr. Stone Gossard
Barbara Freid Gottesman
Mr. Thomas Gottwald
Ms. Harriet R. Gould
Ms. Carola E. Gouse
GPK Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David Graber
The Grace Jones Richardson Trust
Mr. Frederick V. Grady
Mr. & Mrs. James Grange
Granny Shanny’s Giftbox
Mr. Shaun J. & Ms. Victoria J. Graves
Dr. Gerald W. Grawey
The Greene Wiegand
Charitable Fund
Dr. & Mrs. David Greenfield
Estate of Flora Greenhoot
Greenwich Village Entertainment
Ms. Nikki Gregoroff &
Mr. Paul Weinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Nigel Greig
Mr. Ruedi Greiner
Marjorie & Nick Greville
Griffin Family Foundation
Marjorie & Joseph F. Grinnel
Charlotte Griswold
Ms. Shauna Grob
Ms. Julia Groh Johns
Group Health Permanente
The Grover Hermann Foundation
Manuel Guerra
Ms. Mary Beth Guild
Mr. Patrick Guiney
Mr. Alfred B. Guinn
Mr. James Guiry
Rupal Gupta
H. Lewis Packaging, LLC
Mr. John Hackeling
Mr. Steven J. Hafner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Hagge, Jr.
Kevin & Genevieve Hahn Kerr
Ms. Angela Hahn &
Mr. Tom Devesto
Ms. Alice W. Hall
Ms. Beverly Hall
Shelley & Mark Hall
Mr. Jeremiah A. Hallahan
The Hallett Family Charitable Fund
Mr. Robert Hamill &
Ms. Christine Lussier
Ms. Jennifer Hamilton
Bill Hanan
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hand
Frederick & Lynn Hanna
Dr. Julie & Mr. Fred Hanna
Scenes from Swaziland, where MSF works to fight TB and HIV.
Hardin Family Fund of the
Community Foundation of
New Jersey
Gale & David Harding
The Harlan E. Anderson Foundation
Ms. Barbara S. Haroldson
Mr. Arthur Harrill
Richard Harrington
Ms. Carol C. Harris
Mr. John Harris
Mr. Rory Harris
Harvard Community Gifts
The Harvey Hubbell Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Hatch
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Hayt
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Hazen III
H.C.D. Foundation
Mrs. Caroline E. Heald
Nancy & Will Heathcote
Mrs. Helen Hechinger Rudoy
Mr. Ganesh Hegde
Mr. Arni Heiderich
Dr. Josefine M. Heim-Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Heist IV
Helen and William Mazer
Helen Ingham Foundation, Inc.
Frank & Miriam Hellinger
Helmstetter Family Foundation
Hemel/Morgen Charitable Fund
Ms. Mitzi G. Henderson
Mr. Robert Henderson &
Ms. Barbara E. Meyers
Mr. David L. Hendry
Henry Kimelman Family
Julie & Bayard Henry
Ms. Sue J. Henry &
Mr. Carter G. Phillips
Wes Heppler
The Herb Fred Medical Society, Inc.
Mr. Harry N. Herbert
Dr. & Mrs. Mel Herbert
Dr. & Mrs. Peter Herbert
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Herman
Mrs. Peggy Herold
Mr. George Sutherland Herscher
Henry & Suzanne Herzing
Dr. Kerri L. Hesley &
Dr. Timothy A. Gibian
Mr. Michael Heyne
The Hicks Family Charitable
Mr. J. Portis Hicks
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Hieneman
Betsy & Wes Higgins
Mr. Norman E. Hill
Hilltop Foundation
Mr. Jack Himmelstein
Mr. James & Ms. Bonnie Hinkel
Ann & John Hisle
HJ Promise Foundation
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
U s A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 13
in 2013
Mr. Derrick Ang & Ms. Junlin Ho
Mr. & Ms. Robert Hockett
Hodge Family Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hofer
Mr. Bruce Hoffman, Jr.
Ms. Virginia Hoffmann
Dr. & Mrs. A. Charles Hoffmeister
Dr. Jean M. Holland
Juana Hollin-Avery
Babette Solon Hollister
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Holtby
Ms. Maria M. Homan-Fierstein
Katy Homans and Patterson Sims
Mr. & Ms. Paul J. Hooker
Mr. David Earl Hoops
Maura A. Hopkins
Mrs. Melanie Hopp
Mr. Marc A. Hopper
Horizon Foundation for New
Jersey Gifts Program
Ms. Joan L. Hoskins
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hosseini
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Howe
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Howe
Dr. Dan Hruza
Mr. & Ms. Steve G. Hubbard
Robert G. Huber
Mr. Roger J. Hudgins
Mr. & Mrs. David Hudiburg
Mr. Joseph Huerta
James & Devon Hull
Ms. Mary Hulsizer &
Mr. Philip Hulsizer
Kimberly Hult & Robert Pasnau
Mr. David C. Humm
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Humphrey
The Hung Singhal Family Fund
Hunter Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Icahn
Ida Burnis Smith Living Trust
Estate of Karen K. Ihli
Ms. Turkan Ilkdemirci
India Blake Foundation
Industry Standard Research
International Designs LLC
Ira N. Langsan and Lillian Langsan
Philanthropic Foundation
Ms. Colette Ireland
Estate of Elizabeth Irwin
Isabel Rose & Jeff Fagen
Estate of Gabriel Isakson
Mr. and Mrs. David and
Marie Israelite
Mr. J Harrison Itz
Mr. Richard W. Jackson
Dr. & Mrs. Avery M. Jackson
Mrs. Elizabeth Jackson &
Mr. Heath Bost
Mr. John Jackson & Ms. Jane Burns
Mrs. Virginia S. Jackson
Keith & Karen Jacobson
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Jacoby
The Jaffe Family Foundation
Mr. Douglas Jaffe
Ms. Joanne Barker
Mr. & Ms. James Del Favero
James Bell Associates
The James J. Colt Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Jamieson
Mrs. Robert W. Jamplis
Dr. Ward W. Smith &
Dr. Cheryl A. Janson
Mr. Martin Jaykraus
The Jeffrey and Janet Quay
Charitable Foundation
Ms. Liz Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Jennett
Jerome A. Yavitz Charitable
The Jerry L. and Barbara J. Burris
Dr. Kent Jex
Joan Goldfeder
Joan W. Cress Charitable Trust
John & Virginia Blacklidge
Charitable Foundation
John A. Kozel Charitable Trust
John and Carrie Sheehan Family
Charitable Fund
John M. & Joan F. Thalheimer
Family Charitable Foundation
John M. Kohler Foundation
John R. and Margaret S. McCartan
Charitable Fund of The
Pittsburgh Foundation
Scott and Julie Johnston
Estate of Virginia Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. William C.H. Joiner
Jolan Foundation
Mr. Cliff C. Jones
Mr. Lance Jones
Thomas P. & Elizabeth M. Jones
Mr. Hugh S. Jordan
The Jordan & Belknap Family
Mr. & Mrs. Thornton F. Jordan
Joseph & Katherine Macari
Foundation Inc.
Ms. Saee Joshi & Mr. Sriram
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Jules and Evelyn Jacobsen
Charitable Trust
Ms. Eleanor Kass
Ms. Janet M. Junge
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kachel
Mr. Robert Kagan &
Ms. Paula Sunshine
Michael J. & Aimee Rusinko Kakos
Ms. Cynthia Kamp
Mr. Faraaz Kamran
Stanley Kanter
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kaplan
Mr. Edward W. Karle &
Mrs. Katherine R.
“My husband and I contribute to MSF specifically because you operate with a
morality and conviction to help those in need, in spite of the highly imperfect
conditions and circumstances.”—Carmen Barnes
Mr. Roland N. Karlen
The Karma Foundation
Dr. Mitchell Karton &
Ms. Ann Gardner
Michael Kass & Kate Hartley
Ms. Gloria Kassouf
Kathryn E & Robert S. Smith
Family Charitable Fund of the
Community Foundation of
Kathryn Kendrick McNeil
Charitable Fund
Marilyn & Steven Katzman
Ms. Rachel Kaufman
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Keane
Mrs. Lucille Kedersha
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Keegan
Keith V. Kiernan Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Garnett Keith
Mr. Thomas Kellogg
Ken Soubry Foundation
Charles & Kathy Kennedy
Ms. Margaret Keon
Mr. John Kern & Ms. Valerie Hurley
Peter Kern
The Honorable Gladys Kessler
Mr. Mahesh Ketkar
Kevin J. & Pamela M. Kelly
Raejeanne Kier
Mr. John H. Kildeby
Dr. Adam Kim
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Kimbrough
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Kime
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell S. Kindred
Jeffrey & Deborah King
Mr. J. Eric King & Ms. Kathlene Thiel
Mr. Patrick E. King
Mr. & Mrs. Alan C. Kingston
Barbara Kirchheimer
Kirk Wise CLAT
Ms. Kerry Kirstein
Mr. Barry W. Kissane
Ms. Nancy L. Kittle
Dr. Susan E. Kleeman
Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Kleinhans
Mr. Michael Klinger &
Mrs. Carole Drago
KLM Foundation
Ms. Jessica Knight Douglas
Mr. Jerry Knoll
Knopf Family Foundation
Mr. William Koenigsberg
Mr. Roger L. Kohn
Mr. John Koone
Mr. Ronald Kopacz
Mr. John D. Kopp, Jr.
Mr. Alexei Kosut & Ms. Laura Back
Dr. Amy Kotsenas
Mr. & Mrs. Max Kozloff
Mr. Robert Kracauer
Betty Kraszewski
Mr. & Mrs. Stan Krcmar
Robert D. & Carol H. Krinsky
Mr. Hanns J. Kristen
Mr. Charles W. Krout, Jr.
Mr. George W. Krumme
Ms. Jacqueline Krump
Mr. Robert Kuehlthau
Mr. Robert L. Kuehnle
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Kumar
Mr. & Ms. Dominic Kung
Kunkel Family Foundation
The Kurr Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Kurtz
The L & L Borok Foundation
Mr. James A. La Vea
Anne & Arthur LaBow
Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Ladner
Estate of Susie M. Lakoduk
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Lester
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Lane
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Lang
Estate of Cyrilla D. Langeais
Gordon Lankton
Timothy & Lisa Larocca
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Brown
Carol Lasser and Gary J. Kornblith
Carol & George Lattimer
Lawlor Foundation
The Lawrence Foundation
Lawrence Israel Family Foundation
Dr. Marilyn D. Lawrence
Leon Le Mecier &
Shu-Wei James-Le Mercier
Ms. Joy Lear
Sheila & Jim Leatherman
Leaves of Grass Fund
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Ledwith
Ms. Carolyn Lee
Mr. & Mrs. David Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Lee
Dr. Steven Jeffrey Lee &
Ms. Mary Rachel D’Agostino
Peter Leffman
Dennis Leibowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Jerrol Leitner
Lemaire Family Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas LeMieux
L. Lemmer & E. Veach
Ms. Mary J. Lenox
The Leo Model Foundation
David Leon
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Lese
Ms. Mary K. Lesoganich
Lester Marks LGBT Fund
Mr. Craig Leva
Mr. Richard H. Levi &
Ms. Susan Perry
Harlan B. Levine, MD and
Natasha I. Leibel, MD
Ms. Diana Ruth Levitan
Ms. Roxanne W. Levy
Diane Lewis Chaney, PhD, MPH
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Lewis
In loving memory of Malcolm
George Lewis
Estate of Roger C. Lienhardt
Li-hsia Wang, MD &
Henry L. Abrons, MD, MPH
Lillian Feder Foundation
Lillian Lorber Charitable Trust
Mr. Andrew B. Lim
The Linda Bailey Fund of the
Douglas County Community
Ms. Jeanne Lindemann
Mr. Robert Lindsay
Ms. Elicia Ling
David & Amy Lippitt
The Lipton Foundation
Lisa Duke Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Harold W. Lischner
Mr. David W. Locascio
Mr. David Loeb Jr.
Loft Fund
Mr. Thomas Logan
Ms. Erika Long
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Long
Dr. Stanley Loo
Joao Martinho Lopez
Loren & Helen Walker Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Loringer
Loss Family Fund
Ms. Joanne E. Lotreck
Roy & Carol Lott
Park Loughlin
Mr. Scott H. Lounsberry
Love of Christ Foundation, Inc.
Mr. John Love
Ms. Paula Lowe &
Mr. Richard Ferraro
Lamar & Sandra Loyd
Mr. Steven Luchini
Ludes Family Foundation
Ms. Marilyn Ludwig
Dr. Gail Luecke
Liane & Bill Luke
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Lund
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Lusby
Mr. Christopher Lutz
Mr. Leigh K. Lydecker, Jr.
Mr. Michael Lyle
Lyman B. Brainerd Jr. Family
Ms. Jennifer Lynch
The Lynch & Wernstedt Family
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Ausburn
Ambassador & Mrs. Stephen Lyne
Ms. Anne Macaulay &
Mr. Jeff Boschwitz
Mrs. Megan MacGarvie
Estate of Jennifer W. Mack
Estate of David MacKenzie
Sandy and Carolyn Mackenzie
Ms. Marcia T. MacKinnon
Kathy & Brian MacLean
Ms. Clara MacNamee
Ms. Ann K. Macrory
Ms. Mary C. Madden
Bruce A. Madison, MD
Douglas & Norma Madsen
Estate of John A. Magnuson
Dr. Bani Q. Mahadeva
Dr. & Mrs. Alex Malaspina
The Malcolm Gibbs Foundation
George Malone
> 2013 Private Support
Received by MSF-USA
50 > 51
© Jacob Zocherman
Treating People on the move
Ms. Carolyn Mangeng
Mr. Michael D. Mann &
Dr. Carol Salzman
Mr. Anup Mantri
Mrs. Beatrice Marechal
Dr. Deane Marchbein &
Mr. Stuart Cohen
Marcia And Philip Rothblum
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. David Marcus
Margaret M. Hitchcock Fund
Mr. Jonathan Margolis &
Ms. Linda Keyes
Key Foundation
Marguerite & Donald L. Harvey
Family Fund
Marilyn and William Young
Charitable Foundation
Mrs. Maya Marinovic
Marjorie and Richard McGahren
Ms. Arlene M. Mark
Markley Family Fund
Richard & Inga Markovits
Mr. George Marks &
Mrs. Cynthia Marks
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Marnell
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Marshall
Meg Marshall, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew A. Martin
Mr. Charles W. Martin
Mr. Michael Martin
Mr. Ronald J. Martin
The Mary & John Grant Foundation
Mary T. & S. James Adelstein
Charitable Gift Fund
Ms. Anne Mascarenhas
Mr. David Keith Maslen
Ms. Constance Mason
John R. Mattheis, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley A. Moore
Maurice Sendak Foundation
MAXimum Research, Inc.
Jeffrey Mayer & Tacy Witter
Mary Fiedorek Mayland
Ms. Gui Mayo
Brian K. & Anne S. Mazar
Mrs. Lynn G. McAtee
Ms. Louise H. McCagg
Ms. Natalie McCallick
Stephen W. McCallion &
Christopher A. Diani
Ms. Laure T. McConnell
Thomas C. McConnell &
Latricia Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Henry McConnon
Robert & Kyong McCordic
McCortney Foundation
Estate of Betty McCosker
Karen McCulley
Mr. & Mrs. Larry McCurdy
Robert McDonnell
Scenes from MSF’s programs in northern Yemen.
Dr. Patricia J. McEveney
Mr. & Mrs. Greg McFarland
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce McFarlane
Ms. Cynthia McGrath
Mr. Mark McGrath
Mr. & Mrs. John McGreevy
Mr. Chris McGuire
Professor Neil McKelvie
Mr. Gregory B. McKenna
McKenzie River Gathering
Estate of Doris McKenzie
Mr. Thomas D. McKiernan
Mr. Ian Mclean
Alice & Hugh McLellan
Dr. Christopher M. McMackin
Ms. Laurie P. McManus
Russell & Ellen McManus
Medical Assistance Fund
Indira & Prashant Mehta
Ms. Nancy J. Meier
The Melkus Family Foundation
Lois Melvoin
Carol and Ezra Mersey Fund
Mrs. Vera Metcalf
H. F. Metzenberg
Dr. & Mrs. Frank Metzger
Ms. Barbara Meyer
Craig & Lynne Meyer
Mr. Galen Meyer
Mr. Lawrence G. Michelson
The Middle Passage Foundation
Ms. Wanda Middleswarth
Dr. Richard Mier
The Miller Family Endowment
Mr. Christopher D. Miller &
Ms. Catherine A. McNamee
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Miller
Prof. Lynn Miller & Ms. Jean D. Miller
Ms. Mary E Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Miller
Randy & Claire Miller
Ms. Tamara Miller
Mills Family Foundation
Milton B. & Corrine B. Miller Fund
Mr. Daniel Mines
Ms. Lisa A. Mink
‘Miranda Fund’ of the Community
Foundation of New Jersey
Ms. Tomoko Mitsuhiro
Modestus Bauer Foundation
Mr. Mohamed Ayub Mohamed Ali
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Molloy
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Monagle
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Monnier
Dr. Aldemar Montero
Ms. R. Elaine Moody &
Ms. Sherilyn E. Moody
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Moran
Mr. Michael J. Moran
Chip & Jane Morgan
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
U s A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 13
in 2013
Mr. & Mrs. Don E. Morgan
Peter W. & Vicki R. Morgan
Mrs. Melanie Morgen
The Morris And Jeanette Kessel
Dr. Anjali Morris
Mrs. I. A. Morris
Morrison Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Morrow
Dr. Kathryn Campbell-Kibler &
Mr. David Mortman
Mr. James Moshenko
Robert and Susan Moss
Motorola Mobility Foundation
Motorola Solutions Foundation
Dr. Mona Mourshed
Mr. Ronald D’Amico &
Ms. Nan Maxwell
The Mr2 Charitable Fund
Mr. Andrew Mullen
Ms. Beth Mullen
Mulvaney Family Foundation
Muchnic Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Murdock
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Murdock
J. B. Murphy
Murray & Phyllis Warschauer Fund
Gary and Kary Myers Fund of the
Greater Cincinnati Foundation
The Myrtle L. Atkinson Foundation
Mr. John Nack
Mr. Ramkumar Nagarajan
Gloria Nagy &
Richard Saul Wurman
The Naida S. Wharton Foundation
Mrs. Mary Louise Napier
Mr. Robert Nardy, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Nash
Ann & Walter Nathan
Mrs. Dita Naylor-Leyland
Estate of Joseph Nealon
Needham Cares, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Needham
Daniel & Victoria Neff
Mr. Mark Nelkin & Ms. Lisa Nelkin
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Nelsen
Carl R. Nelson
Ms. Jacqueline Nelson
The Neskey Family Fund
Mr. & Ms. Kirk Z. Nestaval
The New York Community Trust
Ms. Wendelynne J. Newton &
Mr. Robert Metcalfe
Nice Employee Matching Gift
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Nicholson
Michael Nicolais
The Nightingale Fund
Ms. Erika Nijenhuis &
Mr. Chris Bastian
Dr. Jason G. Noble
Nordson Corporation Corporate
Norma Kline Tiefel Foundation
NOVA Open Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Sandra Nowicki
Dr. Zofia Nowicki
Mr. Gordon S. Nutt II
NYSE Euronext Corporate Giving
Richard O’Brien
Ms. Susan O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Henry O’Bryan
Mr. James O’Connor III
Mr. David Ogrin
Mr. Jun Y. Oh
Mr. Adam B. Olshen
Mr. Kent C. Olson &
Ms. Marsha Trimble
One-Four-Three CLT
Ms. Sue Oppenheimer
Optima Fund Management, LLC
and its employees
The Oriska Foundation
The Oristano Foundation
Ms. Inmaculada Z. Ortoll
The Lida Orzeck Charitable Fund
David Oswald
O’Toole Reetz Family Fund
Ottilie Fund
Ms. Cathy Ow &
Mr. Roger Ashmore
Mr. & Mrs. Marc R. Packer
Dr. & Mrs. Kourosh Pakzad
Mr. Daniel J. Palladino
Pamela and Richard Rubinstein
Chris Panatier &
Courtney Van Zandt
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Pao
Dr. Carol L. Pappas
Sharon B. Parente &
John W. Risner
Mrs. & Mr. Martha Parke
Ms. Sylvia Parker
Tom Parker & Michelle Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Parsons
Sheila & Caleb Crowell
Estate of Dorothy B. Passer
Mr. Matthew Pasts
Dr. & Mrs. Srikanth S. Patankar
Mr. & Mrs. Virendra Patel
Ms. Annabel Patterson
Mr. John Patterson, Jr. &
Ms. Michele Demarest
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Patterson
Dr. Jonathan Patz
Ms. Betty Breslaw
Paul and Antje Newhagen
Paul Lappe 1999 CRUT
The Paula & William J. Marino
Family Foundation
Mr. John Peeler
Scenes from MSF’s work with migrants in Sana’a, Yemen.
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Ranft
Dr. Tanniru Rao
The Ray Beebe and Mary Boland
Charitable Fund
Dr. Mohammad H. Razavi
Dr. Homaune Razavi
Realan Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Michael H. Reardon
Mr. & Mrs. George Records
Red Crane Foundation
Gloria & James Redmond
Ms. Patricia A. Redmond
Elinor Rees
Reeves & Associates
Ms. Rosemary Regis &
Mr. David Deramus
Drs. Les & Estelle Reid
The Renaissance Foundation
The Robert A. & Jane G. Friedman
Charitable Trust
The Robert J. Bauer Family
Robert J. Frisby Foundation
Estate of Robert N. Riley
Dwight R. & Margaret B. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Robinson
Mrs. Carolyn Robinson
Robinson-Morrill Fund
Barbara D. Roby
David Rockefeller
Joseph Roda
Dr. & Mrs. Ignacio Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Roemer
Mr. Chris Rogers and
Ms. Lisa Pannek
Dwight Rogers and Gail Gillespie
Mr. & Mrs. Fon Rogers II
Ms. Erin S. Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Reynolds
Ms. Lynnette J. Rhodes
Sallie C. Richard
Ms. Nina Richardson
The Berryman Family
Charitable Fund
Mr. & Ms. Michael Riedel
Dr. Jocelyn Rieder &
Mr. Derik Fettig
James Riepe Family Foundation
Ms. Mary Kay Ring
Dr. Kjell-Arne Ringbakk
Mr. Jim Ritter
Elisa Rivlin & Eric Nadler
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Roach, Jr.
Ms. Eleanor A. Robbins
Robert & Arnold Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Rohlfs
Ron & Darlene Schaefer
Family Fund
Mr. Robert Rooney
Drs. John & Carolann Rosario
Paul & Catherine Rosenberger
Ms. Gail Rosenblum
Ms. Gillian Rosenfeld
Rosenthal Family Fund
Ms. Marcine Rossen
Mr. Marc Rossi
Ms. Ippolita Rostagno
Roy E. Crummer Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Rozier
RPP Containers
RS James FANAFI Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Pat & Gloria Ru
Mr. Jozef Ruck & Ms. Donna S. Ito
Mr. Christopher W. Ruddy
Mr. Jack F. Ruffle
© Marcus Bleasdale/VII
Ms. Sameera Ponda
Dr. Janet Marie Poponick
Mr. Ben Posel
Posner-Wallace Foundation
Mr. Richard S. Post
Mr. Junius L. Powell, Jr.
Mr. C. Cody White, Jr.
Pram & Lucia Charitable Gift Fund
Ms. Elissa Preheim
Peggy & Peter Pressman Family
Mr. Scott Prewett
Primrose School of Bent Trail
Prince Charitable Trusts
Printpack, Inc.
Mr. William Prinzmetal
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Prior
John & Barbara Prochnau
Proskauer Rose LLP
© Anna Surinyach/MSF
Peggy Meyerhoff Pearlstone
Drs. Mark & Kathryn Peilen
Mr. Robert Penfield
Ying Peng
Joan M. Pepin & Michael J. Woods
Pepsico Foundation Matching
Gift Programs
Richard A. Perlmutter, MD
Ms. Cindy Perthou
Mr. Louis Perwien &
Ms. Pamela Katz
Ms. Pamela Pescosolido
Mr. John M. Angelo
Mr. & Mrs. A. Neil Peterson
Mr. Nicholas Petraglia
Leslie Petteys
The Pew Charitable Trusts
Freddie & Marisa Peyerl
A mother and child displaced by violence in CAR.
Mr. Carl Pforzheimer
Philip and Miranda Kaiser
Family Fund
The Philip W. Riskin Charitable
Mr. Eugene A. Philipps
PIMCO Foundation
Mr. Steven Pinker
Mr. James Pinney
Mr. Douglas Piper &
Mrs. Marcia Lomneth
Ethel & John Piper
Pitney Bowes Employee Giving
Mr. & Mrs. Rahn G. Pitzer
Planet Productions
Poets for the Planet Fund
Ms. Cynthia Point
Ms. Judith Polzer & Mr. Julian Flear
Mr. Angelo Provenzano
Rudolph & Fernande Pruden
The Purple Lady Fund Barbara J. Meislin
Ms. Sabra R. Purtill
Kurian and Michelle Puthenpurayil
Qualcomm Charitable Foundation
R. E. Henderson Fund
Ms. Leah Larson-Rabin &
Mr. Zachary Rabin
Mr. Scott A. Radden
Mr. Alfred Franz Radkowski
Roy Radner & Charlotte V. Kuh
The Rafael & Diana Vinoly
Helen Raffel
Dr. Kevin & Mrs. Karla Rahn
The Stewart J. Rahr Foundation
Mrs. Julia F. Rainer
Kanwal & Deepraj Randhawa
52 > 53
All photos © Kate Brooks/Redux, aside from far left © Ton Koene and far right © Panagis Chrysovergis
Treating People on the move
Mr. Mark Ruljancich
Donald & Michiko Rupnow
Meredith Rush-Bell &
Richard S. Bell
Mrs. Anne H. Russell
Mr. Thomas C. Russell
The Ruth Turner Fund, Inc.
Dorothy Rutledge
Ms. Dixie J. Ruud
Ryan Family Charitable Foundation
Mr. Philip H. Ryan
Rye Presbyterian Church
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Rynbrandt
S E Pipe Line Construction
Lennart A. Saaf
Ms. Mona Sabet &
Mr. Joe Chernesky
Mr. David S. Sabih
Sacajawea Charitable Foundation
Mr. Robert J. Sachs &
Ms. Caroline A. Taggart
Sage North America
Mr. Anthony P. Sager
Ms. Ellen Sahadi
Mr. Vinson T. Saito
Salesforce.com Foundation
John & Ginger Sall
Mr. & Ms. Lonnie Samford
Mr. Ben Samman
Mr. Michael Sturmer &
Ms. Caroline Samuels
Mr. & Ms. Erik O. Samwel
San Pablo Senior Center
Sanders-McClure Family Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Sandlin
Sandra D. Brown Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Sanger
Dr. Zachary Sank
Mr. Arvind Sankar
Mr. Shiv Sankar
Mr. Robert C. Sansing
Sarah & Paul Densen Charitable
Mr. Robert M. Sardis
Mr. Michael Sarna
Mr. John P. Saul
Ms. Patricia P. Savage
Mr. & Mrs. John Savva
Sawyer Family Fund
Mr. Walter Saylor
BJ Schaffer
Mr. Stuart Schaffner
Simon Schama &
Virginia Papaioannou
Mr. Michael E. Schaufeld
C.R. Stevenson Family Foundation
Mr. Harry J. Scheifele
Professor & Mrs. Richard H. Schlagel
Mr. Edward Schmidt
Mr. Friedrich W. Schmidt
Ms. Elizabeth Schneider
Scenes from MSF’s work in Jordan.
Schneider Electric/Square D
Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Schneidewind
Dr. Sonya Martin Schwaegerle &
Mr. Daniel Schwaegerle
Mr. Sol Schwartzman
Mrs. Rachel Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Scroggs
Seacoast Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Gerhard Seebacher
Mr. Beesham A. Seecharan
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Seeman
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis & Verena Seisun
Mrs. Mary D. Sella
Nick Semaca & Jenny Needham
Ms. Mary Ellen Seravalli &
Mr. Philip A. Moltola
The Shack Sackler Foundation
Shah-Domenicali Family Fund
Mr. Martin Shankland
Patricia & Merrill Shanks
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shanks
Mr. & Ms. Philip Shannon
Frances Shapiro
Share Fund
The Sharna & Irvin Frank
Mr. James Sharp
Mr. Warren Sharp &
Ms. Louise M. Laufersweiler
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Shaw
Ms. Barbara C. Shea
Mr. & Mrs. Jerold Shea
Hope & Jeffrey Sheffield
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Shemin
Mr. and Mrs. Byron D. Sher
Christopher J. Sherry &
Lee R. Stewart
S. Shine
Mr. Robin Shinn
Dr. Dana Shires
Mary Lou Shott
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Shulman
Shure Incorporated
Mrs. Maria Simmonite &
Mr. Kevin Simmonite
Mr. Jason Simmons
Mr. Jeffrey Simmons
Ms. Rebecca J. Simmons
Samerian Foundation
Mrs. Patricia J.S. Simpson
Mr. Komnieve Singh
Mr. & Ms. Vijay P. Singh
Mr. Vishal P. Singh
Anil & Abha Singhal
Patricia R. Singletary
Ms. Gloria Singleton
The Sirus Fund
Drs. Murali & Gouri Sivarajan
Don & Jane Slack
Amy Slater & Garrett Gruener
Dr. Nancy Speert Slater
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
U s A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 13
in 2013
Mr. Alberto Slikta
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sloan
Sloman Foundation
Barbara A. Sloop
Mr. Corneille M. Smith
Mr. Gary Smith
Mr. Greg D. Smith
Mr. James F. Smith
Ms. Janet Buchanan Smith &
Mr. Robert Smith
Dr. Louis Smolensky &
Dr. Gertrude Carter
Mr. Robert Snell
Walter S. & Kathleen A. Snodell
Ms. Cathy Snyder
Ms. Isabel Snyder
Mrs. Jennifer Sohn
Mr. John G. Sommer
Mr. James M. Sommerville
Philip C. & Janice L. Sorensen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sormani
Mr. & Mrs. Larry K. Sowder
Mr. & Mrs. Jerrold G. Spady
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Spalding
Estate of Austin H. Spencer
Michael & Connie Spencer
Maurice Neil Spidell Revocable
Spillane Family Trust
Robert M. Sprague
Ambrish Srivastava, PhD
Jadwiga Maria Staar
Ms. Mae Stadler
Mr. & Mrs. Warren R. Staley
Stanbridge College
Ms. Lorraine Stanford
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Stanton
Mr. William Stanton &
Ms. Lisa Lenon
Ms. Margaret Starley
Steben & Company, Inc.
Andres Steckl and
Amarah Sedreddine
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Steele, Jr.
Mr. Thomas C. Steinmetz
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Steinthal
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Goldberg
Stephens Foundation
Mr. Byron Rex Stephenson &
Ms. Kathleen Stephenson
Sterling Family Gift Fund
Steve and Aeran Koch Fund
Mr. Ty Cobb &
Mrs. Leigh Stevenson Cobb
Africa & Gary Stewart
Mr. Alan Stewart
Mr. Matthew Stichick
Donald & Mary Stirling
Ms. Irene Stober Murphy
Stock Gumshoe
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Stoebe
Stone Soup Fund
Stop & Stor Charitable Fund
Mr. George H. Stout
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Strait
Mr. James J. Stravers
Strear Family Foundation
Estate of Sandra Streepey
Ms. Jeanne Strongin
Mr. Jonathan Friedell
The Stuart Higley Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Stubbs
Ms. Sara Studt &
Mr. Bradley St. Clair
Mr. Evan Sturza &
Ms. L. Stephanie Guilpin
Subway/ Franchise World HQ, LLC
Sue and Bob Ramsay Family Fund
Ms. Jane Hart Sugden
Rev. James M. Sullivan
Sulzberger-Lax Family Fund
Poodipeddi Suryanarayana
Susan K. Cook CRUT
Estate of William L. Susen
Ms. Julie Sutarik
The Sutherland Trust
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew R. Sutter
Jan, Karen & Susan Suwinski
Mr. Joseph J. Sweeney
Marion Sweeney, Kate and
Cama Laue
Sean and Sandra Sweeney
Sweet Maria’s Coffee
Ms. Laurie Swett
Sy Syms Foundation
Dr. Susan Sypolt
Mr. Julius Szelagiewicz
Alan J. Talbert
Tallpines Forest Products, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Tamanaha
Dr. Ranjit Tamaskar
Robert J. Tarr, Jr. & Molly U. Tarr
Mr. David Chomeau
Mr. Brian L. Taylor
Mr. Edward Taylor
Kent & Mary Taylor
Tom Taylor
TD Ameritrade Clearing
Mr. Christopher Tebbetts
Thanom Temiyasathit
Dr. Nathan Templeton
Ten Thousand Things Jewelry
Estate of Darrell L. Terrell
Terri and Rudy Sundberg
Family Fund
Dr. Thomas E. Teske
Sal Tharani
The Allison Charitable Fund
The Auerbach Charitable Fund
Mrs. Charlene Trenk
The Clinton H. and Wilma T.
Shattuck Charitable Trust
The Derfner Foundation
Children in the Philippines, post-Typhoon.
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Tracy
Mr. & Mrs. Brian A. Trainor
Ms. Janet Traub
Travelers Community Connections
Cyber Grants, Inc
Mr. William R. Treem
Mr. Erving Trunk
Dr. Tony Tsai & Dr. Julie L. Steiner
Twoseven, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Tyler
Uberoi Foundation
UBS Matching Gift Program
Ms. Grace Underwood
Terry & Irene Unter
Robert & Susan Ursprung
Ms. Dorothy Usiskin
USTMS Class 1964 Foundation, Inc.
Michael & Kristi Utchell
Ute Reinsch Partain Revocable
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Utterback
Ms. Barbara Van Alstine
Mr. & Mrs. Robert van Brugge
Mrs. Ida C. Van Gilder
Nicholas & Angeline Van Der Kloot
Mr. Marc Veale
Estate of Evelyn P. Venable
Dr. & Mrs. Menno Verhave
Aravind Vijayakirthi &
Susan Kadezabek
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Vincent
Virginia McCallum Charitable Trust
Visa GivingStation
Mr. Timothy Thanh Vo
The John Smillie and Karen
Vogtmann Fund
Mr. Jens Von der Heide
Dr. Syed Wahiduzzaman &
Ms. Sabrina Zaman
Mr. Jurek Wajdowicz
Miss Casey Walker
Lisa Elia Walsh
The Walter & Ursula Eberspacher
Ms. Jessica Walter & Mr. Jean Zoch
Mr. Timothy R. Walther
Mrs. Arlene Wang
Mr. & Mrs. Chun Wang
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Wang
Ms. Sylvia Ware
Mrs. Lynn Warshow
Dave & Lori Wathen
Mr. Alexander Watson
Mary & Steve Watson
Mr. Michael Watts
Dr. & Mrs. Paul E. Wawrzynski II
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Waxlax
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Weber
Brenda Webster & Ira M. Lapidus
Estate of Janice B. Webster
Ms. Dorothy Weicker
Annette & David Weil
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry P. Weil
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Weinstein
Mr. Leonard Weiser-Varon
Dr. Samuel Weisman &
Dr. Nancy Crown
Mrs. Suzanne Weiss
Mr. Marvin F. Weissberg
Weissman Family Foundation, Inc.
Max & Eva Weissman
Mr. Jeff Welch & Ms. Amber Wiley
Mr. & Mrs. George Merck
Ann & Carden Welsh
The WelterWorks Charitable Fund
Dr. & Mrs. Mark J. Wenzel
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Werner
Douglas & Deborah West
Ms. Eugenia L. West
Mr. Robert Wharam
Philip & Philippa Wharton
Anthony & Sandra Wheeler
Mr. & Mrs. David Whippo
Brian & Priscilla White
Ms. Carolee White
Dr. Gloria J. White
Marc Whitehead & Sheila O’Brien
Mr. Jeffrey N. Whitesell
Wiley Rein LLP
Mr. & Mrs. William Buckley
William and Donna DeSeta
Charitable Foundation
The William D. Rhodes Foundation
The William Penn Foundation
Mr. Damian Williams
Freddie Williams, MD
Ms. Sarah Wilnai
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
Dr. Clyde H. & Kathleen M. Wilson
Ms. Marie-Rose Wilson
The Windbrook Fund
Ms. Julia Winiarski
Mr. & Mrs. Othmar Winkler
Winky Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Winn
Ms. Elizabeth S. Winship
Ms. Caren Rose Wishner
Ms. Sharon Witkin
Mrs. Iris Witkowsky
Mr. Evans Witt & Ms. Amy R. Sabrin
Mr. Scott Witterholt
Estate of Georgette W. Wlodawer
Wolf Family Charitable Fund
Wolters Kluwer Health
Mr. Chung Kei Wong
Mr. & Mrs. William Wong
Ms. Ellie Wood
Ms. Priscilla B. Woods
Mr. Ken Woodworth
Carolan & Peter Workman
Ms. Robin Wright & Mr. Ian Reeves
Mr. Ivan Wun
© Francois Dumont
The Earl & Bettie Fields Automotive
Group Foundation
The Hexberg Family Foundation
The Margaret & Jack Tarver
The Mary Margaret Sullivan
Foundation Family
The Maxine Kurtzman Donor
Advised Fund
The Penelope Cruz Trust
The Reiser Family Charitable Fund
The Serendipity Foundation
Theodore Cross Family Charitable
Dr. & Mrs. Theo G. Thevaos
Dr. Carolyn Thiedke and Fred
Thomas & Carolyn Langfitt Family
The Thomas E. Rodgers Jr.
Foundation, Inc.
Thomas F. Staley Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. B. Scott Thomas
James & Olga Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Thomas
Mr. Robert B. Thomas &
Rev. Judith M. Thomas
Mrs. Vernon B. Thomas
Thornburg Foundation
Tiger Baron Foundation, Inc.
Timothy and Anne Schaffner Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tischer
Ms. Alice M. Tobin
Carlos Danger
Vince & Jean Tobin
Dr. Catherine Todd
Mr. Fabrice N. Toka
Tom Anzalone Charity Fund
The Tom Fund
Mr. Aaron Tout & Mrs. Susan Tout
54 > 55
(Left to right) © Andrea Bruce/Noor © Mikhail Galustov © Franois Dumont/MSF © Ben King/MSF © Andrea Bruce/Noor
Treating People on the move
Irene & Alan Wurtzel
Mr. Rolfe E. Wyer
Mr. Jim Xhema
Lisa and Makoto Yano
Drs. Anne Yeager & Alan Segal
Mr. Kenneth Yeh
Yeatman Family Foundation
Wai & Grace Yeung
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Young
Ms. Laura Young &
Mr. James Klilkenny
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Youngs
Youths’ Friends Association, Inc.
Miss Esa Stephanie Yu
Ms. J. Yudelman
Mr. Ho-Ngon Yung &
Ms. So-Fong Wong
Jeffrey Zabel & Danna Corbell
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Zahn
Mr. Rob Zanger
R.W. Zant Company
Mr. Saad Zein
Mr. Hans Zeller
Mr. Sam Zemsky
Mr. & Mrs. David Zens
Dr. Joshua Zimmerberg &
Dr. Teresa L.Z. Jone
Estate of Carl B. Zuckerman
> > Legacy
Anonymous (6)
Ms. Martha Aarons
Ms. Joyce Abel
Helen Ackerson
Ms. Avril Adams
Ms. Francesca Adams
Mr. Ade Ademola
Louis R. Albrecht
Ms. Ellen J. Alexander
Michael & Suzan Alexander
Dr. Lawrence Allen
Mr. Jeff Alonzo
Norman Altman
Ms. Evi Altschuler
Mary Stuart Alvord
Ms. Barbara D. Amberson
Thomas & Donna Ambrogi
Dr. Geoff Andersen
Joan M. Andersen
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Lee Anderson
Ms. Cinda Anderson
Mr. Andrew C. Mayer
Ms. Angela A. Jacobi
Laurie Ankersen
The Armstrong Family
Ms. Constance Arneson
Drs. Constance & Daniel Arnold
Dr. Lionel Arnold
Ms. Sigrid Arnoldson
Warren and Eunice Askov
James & Janice Atterholt
Mrs. Audrey Friedland
Scenes from MSF programs in Afghanistan.
Ms. Joan Axinn
Ms. Donna Ayers
Ms. Maria A. Baar
Mr. & Mrs. Albert R. Baca
Frank W. Badger
Ms. Betty J. Baer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Baglan
Anne T. Baglini
Ms. Anne Baird
Ms. Margaret Baird
Mrs. Louise Baker
Ruth R. Baker
George & Harriet Baldwin
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Balkan
Ms. Dolores Balkenbush
Mr. John J. Ballentine
Ms. Lori Banikin
Ms. Ursula M. Banzhaf
Ms. Barbara Barchilon
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bardos
Joseph & Patricia Barile
Betty Pecor Barnes
Mr. Christopher &
Mrs. Samantha Barnum
Barbara A Baron, PhD
Ms. Elizabeth Barrett
Mrs. Gretchen R. Barsness
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Baruch
Mr. Donald Bashline
Richard & Marilyn Batchelder
Terry S. Bateman
Ms. Marcia Bates
Mrs. Barbara M. Baumgardner
Gary G. Baxel
Joseph Baxer & Barbara Bacewicz
Anne E. Beckett
Howard B. Beckwith
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Beech
Sharon & Lawrence Beeman
Barbara M. Begale
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Bell
Mrs. Arthur Bender
Mr. Paul D. Bendit
Lois V. Benevento
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Benner
Mr. Alvin Bennett
Dr. Charles H. Bennett
Dr. Christene Bennett
Ms. Mitzi Bennett
Harriet J. Berg
Mr. Joel M. Berg
Ms. Vilma F. Bergane
Mr. David G. Bergman
Ms. Laura Bergman
Mary Bergstein
Laurence Berk, Esq.
William Berliner
Barbara Bernstein
Gordon Bertrand
Ms. Frances Best
Mrs. Barbara Bettencourt
Ms. Judith G. Bevan
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
U s A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 13
in 2013
Ms. Patricia Biasca
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bingham
David & Pamela Biren
Tom & Carolyn Bissonette
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bittinger
Mr. Robert Bjorum
The Honorable and Mrs. William
McCormick Blair, Jr.
Mr. Ross L. Blake
Ms. Ann Blanchard
Rosamunde Blanck
Ms. Mary Anne Bland
Mr. & Mrs. Lee N. Blatt
Mr. Louis Block
Martin & Lynn Bloom
Betty E. Blumenkamp
Paul & Janet Boehnert
Ms. Martha A. Boesenberg
Dr. Victoria Boisen
Ms. Norma Bolitho
Ms. Linda M. Bolt
Mr. George B. Bookman
Robert Boon
Peter H. Borgemeister
Ms. Ann Bornstein
Ms. Kristin Borsenik
Ben & Carol Borth
Ms. Carol Bouis
Ms. Antoinette Bower
Warren F. Bowhall
Harold K. Boyce
Ms. Pat Brandenburg
Joan Elizabeth Braun
Michael Breen
Charles V. Bremer
Dr. Karla Brennscheidt
Mrs. Phyllis E. Bricker
Judith Brocksmith
Ellen & Len Brodsky
Joan Lisa Bromberg
Peter & Alice Broner
David S. Broudy
Iris L. Broudy
Emily Brown
Ms. Gaye L. Brown
Hope Brown
Ms. Kathryn Brown
Ms. Linda K. Brown
Vern & Ruth Brown
Mr. Richard Bruce &
Dr. Leslie Aiello
Mr. Larry Bruneel
Dianne C. Bryan
Ms. Jean Clark Buchler
Bruce K. G. Buchner
Ms. Marion Buhagiar
Ms. Joan Bullen
Ms. Faith M. Burgard
Ms. Anne Burnham
Drs. Robert & Cynthia Burns
Mr. Kenneth H. Burrows
Linda L. Burton, MD
Wallace & Terry Burton
Ms. Anne C. Bush
Rhonda Butler
Ljubomir Buturovic, Ph.D.
Ms. Alice Byers
Ms. Barbara Byrne
Ms. Cheryl Byrne
Mr. Joseph F. Byrnes
Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Javier
Ms. Sandy Cademartori
Ms. V. Winifred Cairns
Loretta Calcaterra
James & Charlotte Caldwell
Dr. Gerald & Susan Cambria
George H. & Barbara Campbell
Charles & Joyce Campisi
Eleonore Caracciolo
Ms. Sucha Cardoza
Mr. & Mrs. J. Gregory Carlock
Ms. Joan Carriere
Miss Jane G. Carruthers
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard K Carson, Jr.
Dr. Jeremi Carswell
E. Carvel
Ms. Letty Casazza
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Case
Dr. Donna Casella
Mr. George C. Cass
Anne Marie Castelnovo
Catherine Whitney Memorial
Ms. Ann Cavalli
Diane Kay Cavenee
Ms. Susan Cayco
Mrs. Christiane Chadda
Douglas Ward Chadwick, MD
Ms. Jean P. Chalk
Mr. John A Chapman &
Ms. Mary C Turnquist
Ms. Persis Charles
Nancy & Pasqale Cheche/Cheche
Family Charitable Fund
Mr. Edward L. Chensky
Jane Chesnutt
Mr. Irving L. Chortek
Dot Christenson
Mrs. Jane P. Church
Mr. Robert Ciaffa &
Mr. Thomas Zarbock
Mr. Clarence Karow
Mr. James Clark
Mr. Marshall Clark
Mary G. Clark & Craig R. Schaffer
Terry R. Clark
Ms. Dolores Clarke
Gertrude M. Clarke, PhD
Gwendolyn J. Clarke
Ann S. Cleary
Mrs. Yvonne Franklin Clement
Ms. Clara Coen
Mrs. Bernard Cohan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Cohen
Timothy & Mary Ellen Coleman
Alexis & David Colker
Will & Catherine O’Reilly Collette
Ms. Liselotte M. Collier
Eileen M. Collins
Dr. Elizabeth J. Collins
Linda Colonna
Ken & Alice Colwell
Laurel & Edward Combs
Maryanne Conheim
Dr. Seamus & Mrs. Evelyn Connolly
Dr. Harriet Y. Cooper
Darylee & Samuel Coplin
Kathryn Corbett
Constance C. Cornog
Annette Corth
Mr. Allen Coulter
Dr. Sol I. Courtman
Mrs. Fay D. Couyoumjan
Colleen Ann Cowhick
Marion & Edwin Cox
Alice M. Dear
Ms. Deborah Wigton
John P. de Gara, Ph.D.
Marjorie de Hartog
Cynthia J. Deimantas
Ms. Janet M. Dellaria
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Dembowski
Ms. Carol Denehy
Steve Denner
Mr. & Mrs. David Depew
Mrs. Carolyn M. Derr
Mr. Bernard L. Desroches
Dr. Donald & Mrs. Ilse Detwiler
John A. Dever
Mr. & Ms. Steve Dever
Ms. Diane K. Lofland
Wai Chee Dimock
Ms. Alexandra Dixon
Lynnette Dodds
Mrs. Mary Dee Dupont &
Ms. Mary Ann Hofman
Mr. Jesse C. &
Mrs. Margaret C. Dutra
Mary Kay Dyckman
George S. & Rebecca S. Easley
Van P. & Lynda M. Eckes
Ms. Sondra G. Eddings
Dr. Patricia Taylor Edmisten
Mrs. Beth Edwards
Mr. Robert Egan
Reverend Adrienne R. Eggleston
Ms. Peggy Einstein
Ms. Margaret Elizares
Ms. Maria M. Ellen
Mrs. Charles (Sandi) Ellis
Ms. Margaret K. Ellis
Ron & Ellen Elly
Joanne & David Emus
Susan Ferguson, MD
Ms. Zelda D. Fichandler
Mr. Lincoln P. Field
Mr. Paul & Mrs. Joyce Fierro
Ms. Emily Filling
Elizabeth J. Finch
Helen R. Finkel
Ms. Elizabeth Finkler
Ms. Martha Fisher
Christopher & Mary Flanagan
Ms. Virginia Fletcher
Paul H. & Norma Flick
Mrs. Lola L. Floss
Ms. Simone Fontaine
Dr. Toinette Fontrier
Ms. Margaret Forgione
Ms. Ella Forsyth & Mr. Robert Zieff
Jeannette Foss
Mrs. Betty R. Foster
Ms. Fanita English MSW
Maria T. Erickson, CFP
Jon Erikson
Dr. Maxine Eskenazi
Isobel Estorick
Dr. John R. Etherton
Ms. Jane Evans
Ms. Linda E. Fadem
Ms. Judy H. Fair-Spaulding
Mr. John Fairval
Ms. Rochelle Farkas
Anne Farr
Ms. Judith Farrar
Mrs. Louise Farrell
Arthur E. Fattaruso
Dr. Judith P. Feldman &
Mr. Michael Cutaia
Mr. Theodore J. Fendt
Dr. Allison C. Fennell
Ms. Margaret T. Ferguson
Mr. Alan Fox
Dr. Renee C. Fox
Amiel and Helen Francke
Frank & Shireen Malouf-Stuart
Mrs. Helen Frank
Mary M. Frank
Ms. Erika Frankel
Dr. Nancy Franklin
Ms. Peg Franklin
Mr. Ronald Fraser
Mrs. Marta Freidin
Ms. Janet Frick
Ms. Sylvia Sclar Friedman
Deacon John H. Frohbose
Julie & Kimmel Fudge
Mr. Owen B. Fuqua Jr.
Dr. Phillip F. Fuselier
Ms. Sara Rohm Gadd
Ms. Dorie Rae Gallagher
A young patient at MSF’s burn ward in Drouillard hospital, Port-au-Prince.
Christine Doerr
Mr. John Donnelly Sr.
Mr. Gary Dontzig
Iris B. & P. Michael Dorrington
Alexander A. Doska
George & Minna Doskow
Ann Douglas
Mr. James K. Downs
Susan C. Doyle
Estate of Dr. Elbis A. Shoales
Ruth Draper
Wendy & Stan Drezek
Ms. Mary Teresa Driscoll
Carol F. Drisko
Ms. Anne Dropp
Ms. Jane C. Drorbaugh
Mr. Thomas Duddy
George Duncan & Sheryl Kelsey
Jean E. Dunlap
Mr. Michael B. Dunne
© Yann Libessart/MSF
Robert and Mary Crabbs
Ms. Gillian Craig
Ms. Candace A. Crawshaw
Ms. Julie Creel
Roy & Sue Crenshaw
Ms. Christina Crowley
Joel & Sandy Cuba
Mr. Mortimer W. Cushman
Gertrude Cutler
Ms. Jacqueline D’Aiutolo
Judith E. Darst
Mrs. Virginia Darvill
Sandra G. Dauenhauer
Dr. T. Albert Davis
Gilbert R. & Patricia Davis
John G. Davis
Mr. Stuart A. Davis
Dr. Zev Davis
Ms. Gerry S. de Harven
Ms. Dorothy K. Dean
56 > 57
All photos © Yann Libessart/MSF, aside from far right © Mohammed Daoud/MSF
Treating People on the move
Ms. Linda Gallaher-Brown
Carol Gallant
Ms. Jude Gallik & Mr. Clint Coles
Ms. Janine Garrick
Barbara & Joseph Gartner
Clifton A. Gaskill
Renata Gasperi & Donald Frediani
Gary L. Gaubatz
Ms. Maria R. Gauthier
Mrs. Shirley Gaye
Peter Anderson Geiser
Ms. Sheryl L Geisler
Mary J. Geissman
Greg Gelfan & Lucy Butler
Beryl Geller
Gloria & Robert Gery
Dr. Fereshteh Ghavimi
B.J. Giacobello
Andrew C. Giarrizzo
Ms. Gail L. Gibbon
Ms. Mary M. Giddins
Nick Gieschen
Frank & Shiela Giglio
Dr. Monroe A. Gilbert
Ms. Viola C. Gilbert
Ms. Florence Gilchrist
Ms. Mary T. Gill
Gillett Family Trust B
Ms. Judith A. Girard
Mr. Gilbert Glass
William D. Glenn
Mr. Marvin Glyder
E. Chloe Gaalswyk
Raymond Godshall
Ms. Bernadette Goggin
Jack J. Goggin
Mrs. Caroline Goldsmith
John Golovach, J.D.
Mr. Sidney H. Goodman
Ms. Linda Goodwill
Mr. Robert Gorden
Mr. Bruce Gordon
Dr. Janet Gordon
Ms. Betty Gottlieb
Judith A. Gottlieb
Dr. Robert Gould
Dr. & Mrs. Zbigniew W. Grabowski
Dr. & Mrs. Donald W. Grace
Ms. Elisabeth Grace
Ms. Matilda Bobbi Graff
Donald & Barbara Graham
Robert & Joan Gravallese
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Greenberg
Ms. Miriam Greenblatt
Ellen J. Greene
Alexian A. Gregory
Dr. Estelle Gregory
Michael and Joan Greig
Wendy R. Grieder
Mr. Mario Grignetti
Ms. Lucretia W. Grindle
Mr. & Mrs. Werner Grob
Scenes from MSF’s past work in Somalia.
Dr. John T. Groel
Mr. Barry L. Grossbach
Ms. Kathleen H. Grover
Mr. & Mrs. George Grunig
Robert T. Guard & Devon A. Guard
Kay & Mark Guimond
Mr. John J. Guldan
John & Gerri Gunn
Gurney Family Trust
Irena & Alfred Gutman
Harold Haas
Marthena Hackenberg
Ms. Kay M. Hahn
Ms. Laara Hailley
John A. Hallman
Dr. Nicholas S. Halmi
Ms. Melissa J. Hamilton
Roy Hamilton
Bill & Diane Hampel
Ms. Kathleen Hanold
Marty Hansen
Dr. Suzanne M. Hanses
Royann H. Hanson
Ms. Mary Hardering
Ms. Audrey E. Hargis
Mrs. Joyce Hargreaves
Beth L. Harper
Laurina M. Harper
Lliam Hart
Ms. Elizabeth Harting
Edward F. & Jeanne Hasbrook
Ms. Barbara Haskins
Kim Hayashi
Ms. Jan M. Hayden
Luisa Hayes
Andrée Hayum
Ms. J. Nicole Head
Mr. Anders A. Hedegard
Marcia Hedges
Julie F. Heilman
Johann and Gloria Heinzl
Ms. Barbara A. Heizman
Caroline & George Helmkamp
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Hendel
Judith Hendershot
Ms. Sandra Hendricks
Ms. Nancy M. Henley
Irene Musil Hennessey
Ms. Patricia A. Highland
Linda J. Hill
Ms. Ruthann Hill
Ms. Jeanne Hiller
Mr. Ricky Ho & Ms. Emily Leung
Dr. Gloria L. Hobbs
Diane L. Hodges
Mrs. Betty J. Hoehn
Mr. Harry Hoffman
Tanya Hoffman
Ms. Phyllis Hoffmann
Gunter Hofmann & Judy Johnson
Mr. Robert Hofreiter
Ms. Mary Frances Hogan
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
U s A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 13
in 2013
Mina Hohlen
Mrs. Carol Hollworth
Albert & Freda Holman
Judy M. Holmes
Jane & James Holt
Margaret M. Holter
Victor M. Horlick
Ms. Ellen Hormanski
Elizabeth M. Houlihan
Mrs. Janet Hovis
Dr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Howard
Mr. Otis & Mrs. Anne Huband
Mr. Thomas Hubbard
Robert G. Huber
Ms. Charlotte A. Hubley
Ms. Elly Hubregtse
Ms. Barbara L. Hudman
Ms. Sarah M. Hughes
Mrs. Philip Hulitar
Ms. Leslie A. Hulse
Elaine Hunt
Ms. Judith Segard Hunt
Mr. Blair Hunter
Al Huntoon
Lieutenant Colonel Waltraut M.
Virginia Earle Huschke
Ms. Marjorie Huse
Mrs. Chau Huyen Trinh
Ms. Elga L. Prehn
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Irby
Irene & Bob Gulovsen
Carmen Isasi, MD, PhD
Rev. Thomas Ivory
Ms. Paula Jackson
Mrs. Evelyn Jacobsen
Arthur & Marina Jacobson
Mr. Dennis G. & Mrs. Nancy Jaeger
Ms. Karla Jaeger
James & Anna Hoag Fund
Helen A. Jankoski
Linda A. Jarosz, Ph. D.
Kenneth F. Jasbeck
Ms. Wanda J. Jaworski
Ms. Marcia A. Jedd
Wendell & Bernice Jeffrey
Judy Jensen
Ms. Ada S. Jeppeson
Robert Jespersen, MD
Dennis L. & Lynne Jilot
John & Geraldine Cusenza Family
John M. Barker Family
Donald D. & Florence A. Johnson
Lawrence Johnson
Janice & Leroy Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond &
Karin Johnson
Ms. Ruth M. Johnson
Ms. Agnes Johnston
Dr. & Mrs. John H. Jolly
Jonaca & William Driscoll
Ms. Ada Jones
Dr. Donald Richard Jones
Ms. Dorothy E. Jones
Mrs. Barbara Josefsen &
Mr. Thomas Gillam
Mr. & Mrs. S. Michael Joseph
Mr. Thomas J. Joyce
Prof. Judy M. Judd
Ms. Elizabeth Jung
Norma Kacen
Ms. Lois Kammerlohr
James M. Kaplan
Robert A. & Marlene Karabinus
Gloria M. Kardong, MD
Mr. Roland N. Karlen
Mr. George Karnoutsos
Mrs. Mary B. Kasbohm
Mr. Stanley Kasten
Emily Anna Kauppi
Carol S. Kautz in memory of
Paul D. Kautz, MD
Ms. Madeleine Kazan
Ellen V. Kearns, PhD
Mr. Norman F. Keaton II
Mrs. Lucille Kedersha
Mr. John P. Kefferstan
Ms. Carol Kehr Tittle
Frances Vactor Kehr
Mr. Frank Keller
Todd & Maggie Keller
Sophia L. Kellis
EdnaLee Kelly
Mary E. Kelly
Ruth & Jack Kelly
Charlene Kelson-Glazer
Ms. Debbi Kempton-Smith
Daniel Kereth
Diane M. Kerly
Ms. Elke B. Kerr
Pauline & Dudley Kerry
Ms. Betty Kesterke
Mrs. Coyla Ketchy
Dr. Joseph & Mrs. Debora Kim
Ms. Nancy R. King
Dr. Robert & Mrs. Elaine Kirk
Mr. Alexander M. Kizyma
James & Alene Kleinsteiber
Joanie Klorer
Pete Klosterman
Mr. Edward Klunk
Mr. Adam F. Knapp &
Mrs. Tricia Hamlin
Robert Knudson
Ms. Shirley S. Kobran
David & Margaret Koch
Ms. Jane Kodama
Mr. James Kohn
Mr. Steven Komerska
Paul H. & Marcella M. Konig
Gabrielle Kopelman
Ms. Carla M. Koty
Marcelline Krafchick, Ph.D.
Debra Krajnak
Dr. Gabriela C. Kramer
“Throughout the year, when I hear or see your organization mentioned, it gives me
great pleasure to know I have helped your good work in some small way.”
—Peter Gerbic of the Edward and Verna Gerbic Family Foundation
Richard & Susan Kramer
Rev. & Mrs. William Krenz
Mrs. Emma Jane Kretlow
Mary P. Krieg
Ellen B. Kritzman
Ms. Susan Kulick
Ms. Natashe Kupras
Kevin J. & Joanne A. Lafferty
Ms. Elmira Lake
Mr. Simon Lakkis
David Lamb
Brett & Janet Lambert
Ms. Betty L. Lanius
Mark & Charlotte Lau
Mrs. Jane Laudon
Mr. Paul M. Lavoie
Ms. Jessica Lawrence
Robert Layton
G.A. & E.R. Leadbetter
Ms. Phyllis Ledyard
David R. & Darlene A. Lee
Mrs. Dorothy Lee
Patty Lee
Mr. John Leinenweber
Frances E. Leland
Dr. Kusum P. Lele
Lenore Hanauer Foundation
David Leon
Dennis Leone, MD &
Sarah Ann Leone, MD
Mrs. Leonard Lessin
Ms. Erica S. Levin
Peter Dan Levin &
Audrey Davis Levin
Sid & Diane Levin
Dr. Leon Levitt & Dr. Kathryn
Ms. Mary Ann Levitt
Diane Lewis Chaney, PhD, MPH
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Lewis
Raymond West Liden &
Patricia Ann Liden
Barbara H. Lidz
Ms. Judith Liegner
Linda Lee Bukowski
Arnold & Lois Lindaman
John & Diana Lindsay
Joseph & Victoria Linsalata
Shirley Lipsky
Denise Mia Lishner
Dr. Roy Lisker
Mr. David Lochtefeld
William Lockeretz
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Lockhart
Ms. Doris Loeffler
Gerhard and Ina Loewenberg
Mary Power Logan
Mr. Richard B. Logan
David & Rosemary Logan
Dr. Melanie W. Loo
Dr. Warren LoPresti
Ms. Patricia Lorentzen
Ms. Stephanie Loughran
Ellen Love
Mrs. Lois Lowenberg
Ms. Joan Lowery
Mildred M. Lozier
Mr. Christopher Lukas
Mr. David Lukomnik
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Anna Lutz
Ms. Sheila Lyman
Stuart & Jackie Lynn
Franceen A. Lyons
Dr. Wilbert A. & Mrs. Nancy Lyons
Mr. Edward Macauley IV
Zelda Mack
Ms. Mona L. MacPhail
Ms. Ann K. Macrory
Mr. Nevio Maggiora
Dr. Bani Q. Mahadeva
Dr. Humra Mahmood
Ms. Luise Maier
Heloise Mailloux
Robert L. & Jean A. Major
Mr. & Mrs. William MaLarkey
Ms. Eleanor Mallinckrodt
Mr. Joseph J. Mancini
Rochelle Mancini
Dr. Sarojam K. Mankau
Ms. Marilyn Manning
Cecelia Marcus
Ms. Claire Margolis
Victor D. Margolis, Ed.D.
Ms. Elizabeth Marino
The Mark & Roberta Sealey Trust
Ms. Melody Marks
Marlys Erickson
Elizabeth T. Marr & Robert Chase
Linda Marsh
Dr. Vanessa A. Marshall
Ms. Abigail Ann Martin
Mrs. Barbara Martin
Mr. Charles W. Martin
Ian Martin and Family
Tina M. Martin & Mita M. Schaffer
Dr. Arthur D. Martinez
Mary Allen
Karen Maslanik
Mr. Byron E. Mason
Mr. David J. Mathers
Ms. Diane C. Matheson
Joanne M. Mathias
Ms. Elizabeth Irene Matthews
Barbara Matthies
Mr. Steven Matthysse
Mr. & Mrs. Miesse M. Mauger
Henry D. Mayer
Pauline M. Mayo
Larry V. McDonald, MD &
Christine McDonald, RN
Ms. Fern McBride
Ms. Mary Lou McColl
LaVonne McCombie
Mr. Charles F. McCown
Mr. John F. McDiarmid
Ms. Eileen McDonnell
Robert McDonnell
Joseph T. & Anne McGahan
Mr. & Mrs. John A. McGann
Ann F. McHugh, Ph.D
Tom McKenna
Mr. Thomas D. McKiernan
Christina A. McKinley
Dr. George Harry McLaughlin
Alice & Hugh McLellan
Reverend John E. McMurry
Dorothy S. McPherson
Dr. Mary McPherson
Ms. Cheryl McQueen
Louis M. Medina
David & Penny Medley
Mr. John V. Meeks
Ms. Evelyn A. Melnicki
Berkeley T. Merchant II
E. Wayne Merry
Edgar & Beverly Merson
Maurice R. Meslans &
Margaret E. Holyfield
Mr. John Meyer
Margery Meyer
Judith G. Mich
Ms. Joan Michaelini
Melinda & Robert Michlin
Mr. Michael A. Strem
Ms. Elouise D. Miller
Mr. Harold J. Miller
Mr. Lawrence B. Miller
Lisa H. Miller
Ms. Marilyn E. Miller
Merle Miller, MD
Ms. Nancy Miller
Walter E. D. Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Milloy
Ms. Marcie Mills
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Miner
Ms. Lisa A. Mink
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Mitchell
S. Pamela Moehring
Robert B. Molise
William & Wendy Molzahn
P.J. Monachello
Dorothy P. Monger
Dr. Louis Montrose &
Ms. Caroline Ding
Alma C. Moore
Mr. Donald W. Moore
Mr. John R. Moore
Greg & Aimee Moran
Dennis Moreland
Mr. Karl Morgan
Ms. Beverly Morris
Richard & Laurie Morrison
Mrs. Alice Moser
Ms. Angela M. Moss
Mr. & Mrs. John Moss
Mr. Kenneth Moye &
Ms. Katherine Menna
William Shumann
Mrs. David D. Lowum
Jack Mueller
Ms. Esther Mugar
Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Muller
Ms. Mary F. Mulroney
Mrs. Kathleen D. Munday
Dr. William E. Mundt
Ms. Helen Muniz
Louis J. Murphy
Ms. Hermine S. Muskat
Ms. Leila S. Mustachi
Ms. Audrey R. Myers
Mrs. Anna M. Nalbandian
Ms. Susan Napolillo
Ms. Rebecca Nelson
Mr. William Nerin
Carol Netzer
Ms. Madeleine G. Newbauer
> MSF Thanks our
Legacy society members
By providing for MSF in their estate planning, Legacy
Society members help ensure our ability to respond to the
challenges we will face in the future. Each year, many of
our loyal supporters join our Legacy Society by naming
MSF in a will or trust or as a beneficiary of a retirement
plan, or by setting up a charitable gift annuity or
charitable trust. As a member of our Legacy Society, you
will receive updates about our work around the world and
be listed in our Annual Report.
For information about MSF’s planned giving program,
please call our planned giving officer at 212-847-3153.
58 > 59
© Yann Libessart/MSF
Treating People on the move
Ms. Arlene Newby
Ms. Barbara W. Newell
Charles J. Newell
Mr. William Newman
Philippe & Judith Newton
Ms. Carol Nicklaus
Mr. Pieter Noomen
Bruce & Pamela Noonan
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Nordby
Shirley & Norman Davis
Margaret Novotny, Ph.D.
Will & Charlotte Nuessle
Mrs. Emily H. Nugent
Jean L. Nunnally
Christopher Xavier O’Connor
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Odell
Ms. Mimi O’Hagan
Nora Olgyay
Lise Olsen
Ms. Susan O’Reilly
Carol Orme-Johnson
Mr. George Osolsobe
Mr. Tom Ott & Mr. Peter Bingham
James H. & Susan L. Overfield
Ms. Stephanie Pace
Mr. William Pagenkopf/Bill Page
Ms. Suzanne Painter &
Mr. Keith Wetzel
Dr. Cherri M. Pancake
Jim & Pat Pape
Dr. Carol L. Pappas
Professor Graziella Parati
Joan Lee Parsons
Ms. Ruth Partridge
Charles and Mavis Pasternack
Verda Patterson
Mr. Arthur Paul
Mr. Joseph Paull
Carol Ann Payne
Ms. Alice Pearlman
Mr. Nicholas B. Pease
Margo Ryan Peck
Linda J. Pelletier
Ms. Anita Pennington
Ms. Mildred Penzer
James H. & Joanne
Ms. Alexandra Perle
Mr. Jules Perlmutter
Ms. Joyce Perry
Ms. Vinnette Perry
Father Martin A. Peter
Lyle A. Petersen
Paul & Deaun Peterson
Ms. Dorothy Petitt
Barbara Petruzzi
Mrs. Maureen C. Pfister
Mr. Ralph Philbrook
Mr. David Phillips
Ms. Cynthia Pierce
Elise Piquet
Ms. Margo Pizzo
Scenes from MSF’s work with South Sudanese refugees in Ethiopia.
Mrs. Barbara Platt
Renate R. Plaut, MD
Mr. Winston Plunkett
Mr. Albert Podell
Ms. Mary Forsyth Poole
David and Gaylene Poretti
Ms. Nancy R. Posel
Linda Verdoorn Powers &
Robert S. Powers
Peggy & Peter Pressman Family
Rachelle Psaris
Mr. Mark N. Purvis
Mrs. Clara Putnik
Ms. Elisabeth J. Quale
Mrs. Mary F. Quednau
Mr. John Queralt
Todd Quinto & Judy Larsen
Ms. Mary P. Rabe
Dr. Naomi Rabinowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Radcliffe
Mr. & Mrs. George Rainer
Laura J. Rainey
Ms. Loretta Rainville
Jean Ranc
Captain and Mrs. Edward Rau
Edward Rawson
Mr. Thomas Ray
Drs. Peter & Bonnie Reagan
Mr. L. Michael Ream
Ms. Martha J. Reddout
Gloria & James Redmond
Ms. Shelagh Reed
Mr. Compton Rees
Scott Reese &
Virginie Delfosse-Reese
Ms. Nancy Reeves
Richard A. & Marjorie R. Reissmann
Mrs. Jo Reitman Wolf
Mr. Bruce Rengers
Richard H. Reuper
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt V. Reuter
Mr. Lonnie Reyes
Ms. Eunice A. Riblinger
Ms. Madeleine P. Richard
Ms. Mary P. Richards
Neil & Tracey Richardson
William L. & Linda K. Richter
The Rick Dutka Memorial Fund
Ms. Rosalind Rickman
Suzanne Bassett Riess
Patricia & James Rigali
Gwen Rigby
Henry G. Ring
Ms. Mary Kay Ring
Dr. Deloris E. Rissling
Ms. Dorothy Rivkin
Ms. Eleanor Robb
Mr. Dennis Robben
Mr. & Mrs. F. David Roberts
Kathleen M. Robertson
Natalie & Gary S. Robinson
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
U s A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 13
in 2013
Laura Robinson
Mrs. Susan E. Rolle
Ms. Mary Ann Rose
Mr. Bernt Rosen
Marvin & Virginia Rosen
Johanna Roses Robichan
Mr. Jakob Rosing
Paul L. & Marion J. Ross
Susan Roth
Ms. June Rounds
Ms. Sylvia Rousseve
Mr. George S. Rudoff
Mrs. Dorothy K. Rupp
Mr. John Russel
Ms. Lois K. Russell
James & Barbara Rutherford
Mr. Robert B. Ryan
Ms. Eva Sabaitis
Dr. Dorette Sabersky
Mr. & Mrs. A C. Salvaterra
Mr. Thomas Samaras
Dorothy J. Samson
Russell G. & Mary Sarner
Ms. Lois T. Sato
Mr. Peter Sauer
Mr. Thomas A. Savignano &
Mr. Peter A. Benson
Dr. Ed & Mrs. Jane Sbardella
Melvyn Schecter
Ms. Barbara Scheele
Steven & Margo Scheiberg
Ms. Marjorie Schell
Paul Schick & Beth Mannino
Mr. Steven Schickler &
Ms. Belinda Stern
Diane H. Schilke
Ms. Donna L. Schloss
Ms. Karen Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. David Schoen
David & Tamara Schoenbaum
Elizabeth Schrauder
Michael and Phyllis Schreiber
Mr. John Schreiner &
Ms. Heidi Wetzel
Ms. Susan Schrenzel
Ms. Jeanne D. Schwartz
Teri Schwartzman
Mr. Emanuel Schweid
In memory of Richard F.
Schwerdt, MD
Margaret Sciacqua
Ms. Katherine S. Scott
Paul W. Scott, MD
Carl & Faith Scovel
Ms. Diana Seay
Ms. Tucie Seddick
Julie Segedy
Mr. Glenn Seime
Ms. Jane E. Selden
Ms. Marlene Sellers
Rev. & Mrs. Robert C. Seltz
Betty Sereno
Dr. Burkhard Seubert
Mr. Stephen T. Seybold
Mr. William H. Seybold Jr.
Dr. Judith Shapiro
Ms. Rachel-Lavine Shayne
Dr. Lisa Shea & Dr. Jodi Rodar
Mr. David Shepard
Christine Shields
Ms. Nancy Shire
Robert Schultz
Carol G. Siegel
Dr. & Mrs. Lloyd Siegel
Angel & Elvira Silva
Ms. Ellen T. Simpson
John R. & Frances Sims
Allan & Lenore Sindler
Raymond J. Sinetar Revocable
Marjorie K. Singer &
Edward F. Joseph
Patricia R. Singletary
Janis Sirany
Mr. Leonard Slaman
Muriel (Jackie) Slopak
Mr. Joel Slotnikoff
Mr. Brian J. Smith
Ms. Francoise J. Smith
Janice A. Smith
Col. Lee S. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Smith
Margaret Smith-Loeb
Mr. William Smolin
George & Barbara Lou Smyth
Carol J. Sniegowski
Ms. Cheryl Anne Snyder
Howard Snyder & Susan Porter
Ivan R. Snyder
Jeanne K. Snyder
Mary L. Solomon, RN
Mr. John G. Sommer
Cleo & Glenn Sonnedecker
Ms. Diane Sorensen
Mr. Charles D. Spada
Dr. Stephen &
Mrs. Josephine Spear
Gladys & Everett Spector
Maurice Neil Spidell Revocable
Estate of Stanley Stangren
Ms. June C. Starck
Mr. Paul J. Stary
Ms. Eugenia L. Staszewski
Mr. Abram & Mrs. Ruth Stavitsky
Ms. Vesta B. Stearn
Charles & Julie Steedman
Ms. Louise Steele
Milton & Naomi Stein
Ms. Donna S. Steiner
Ms. Julie N. Stelton
Mr. & Mrs. Morton Stern
Joyce McCormack Stickney
Joseph Stokes
Ms. Deborah Tibensky &
Mr. Jeffrey Rigby
Janice & Richard Tiggelaar
Mr. Walter Tingle &
Mrs. Thea Holmes
Betty Alexandra Toole
Mr. John Topp
Ms. Patricia L. Toth
Paul E. Towner
Marian Towsley
Mr. Giancarlo Traverso
Ms. Harriette E. Treloar
Mr. Roy Tribelhorn
Ms. Elvira Triscari
Mr. Joseph Tronolone
Mr. Richard Trotter
Mr. Monte Tudor-Long
Eileen Tunick
Ms. Barbara Underwood
Pastor Donald Utzman &
Mrs. Shirley Utzman
Ms. Verna P. Valencia
Renato & Eleanor Valente
Spiro C. Vallis
Henry G. Van Leeuwen
Mr. & Mrs. James N. Van Cleave
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Vanderkam
Christina and Roger Van Ghent
Mr. Thomas M. Vaughn
Dr. Willem Vedder
Ms. Dorothee Verdaasdonk
Frank & Bertha T. Veresh
Mr. Richard Vergobbi
Mr. Michael Vezzoni
Ms. Susan D. Vinicor
Ms. Aleta Vinzant
Mr. Eric Vittinghoff
Gale Vogl
Elizabeth Voigt
Jeanne S. Wadleigh
Dr. Carl Wagner
A Syrian woman with two of her children at a refugee camp in Iraq.
Adele Albrecht Wakefield
Mr. Mark F. Wales
Dorothy E. Walker
Ms. Bobbie Patterson Waller
Dr. John W. Walsh
Ms. Loretta M. Walsh
Ms. Ann L. Walter
Mr. & Mrs. Denton Ward
Mr. Larry Ward
Dr. Barbara Warner &
Dr. Peter Hoffmann
Mr. & Mrs. David Wasilew
Ira Wasserberg, MD
Jocelyn Watkins
Mr. Colin T. Watmough
Mr. Elliot Waxman
Barb & J. Dix Wayman
Ms. Dorothy Weber
Ms. Evelene Wechsler
Ms. Susan Weeg
Dr. Ronald C. Taylor &
Ming-Ying Wei
Ms. Monique Weil
Ms. Karen T. Weiner
Mrs. Meta Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Weiss
Patricia F. Welch
Lucille Werlinich
Mr. Gary T. Welsh
Ms. Karin Welss
Kyle Marie Wesendorf
Maureen S. Wesolowski, Ph.D.
Mrs. Martha West
Joyce A. White
Mrs. Karin White
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Michael White
Mr. Thomas A. White
Dr. Ron D. Whittaker
Mr. Clarence Wible
Dora Wiebenson
Mr. Gabriel Wiesenthal
Mr. Willis D. Wilkinson III
Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Willard
Faith M. Willcox
Paul Willen
Ms. Kenda Willey
William F. & Irene Tietz Trust
Mr. Bill Williams
Dr. Diane Williams
Dr. Jane Williams
Robert J. Williams
Mr. Stephen A. Williams
Ms. Jean M. Wilson
Ms. Marianne Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Winn
Mr. Morton D. Winsberg &
Ms. Melanie Simmons
Mrs. Jess Witt
Miss Liliya Woland
Dennis M. Wolbers
Mr. Anthony V. Wood
Ms. Rosalind Wood
Ms. Phyllis B. Woodworth
Henry & Karen Work
Mr. Walter K. Wornick
Mr. Arthur Wortman
Mr. William J. Wulfeck
Mr. Allan Wunsch
Ms. Julia Xeros
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Yahre
Dr. Daniel Yalisove
Ms. Sue Yocum
Ms. Susan A. Yohe
Mr. Ali Youssefi
Evelyn Zafran
Dr. & Mrs. Edward M. Zehler
Mr. Richard Zimler &
Mr. Alexandre Quintanilha
Mrs. Michelle Zimmerman
Ms. Edith Vissels Zouary
Lin Zucconi, Ph.D.
Wendy Zukas
Carole Boone Stolba
Dr. Fredricka Stoller &
Dr. William Grabe
Ms. Carolyn Stoloff
Dr. Harvey W. & Mrs. Evelyn Stone
Mr. Raymond W. Storck
Mr. Ralph Strader & Ms. Mary Cook
Curt Strand
Marianne Strassman
Dr. Arthur Strauss
Mary B. Strauss
Ms. Suzanne M. Stuart
Russy & Anita Sumariwalla
Ms. Kathleen Sundaram
Dr. Jacques Susset
Reverend Thomas J. Sutherland
Mr. David Sweet
David L. Szanton
Erna M. Szekeres
Donald & Linda Szeszycki
Ms. Mary Takacs
Rose Tanaka
Ellyn & Jimmy Tanner
Mr. Ivor H. Tarr
Ms. Susan Tarr &
Mr. Hans G. Proppe
Soraya Tarrant
Pamela A. Tartaglino
Stella V. Tatlock
Ms. Ann M. Tattersall
Jessica Tava
Ms. Azella Taylor
Craig Taylor
Ms. Hazel W. Teot
Lawrence & Donna Cutner
Annie Forisha Thiel, Ph.D., MFCC
Helmut & Kathleen Thiemann
Mr. Lonnie Thomason
Caroline & Frederic C.Thompson
Ms. Dana Thompson
Ms. K. Patricia Thrane
60 > 61
© Brendan Bannon
Financial Report
Treating People on the move
Financial Report
Financial Report
Treating People on the move
Financial report
Treating People on the move
Financial Report
Treating People on the move
Financial Report
In 2013, despite worrisome initial projections, MSF-USA’s total revenue increased by
10.3 percent vs. 2012, reaching a total of $221.6 million. This allowed MSF-USA to
increase its direct field support to more than $171 million. Once again, the percentage
of our expenses devoted to activities within our social mission exceeded 85 percent,
while fundraising and general management expenses accounted for 12.6 percent of all
expenditures. MSF-USA funded activities in 48 countries, with the greatest allotment of
funds going to the Democratic Republic of Congo ($21.7 million), Haiti ($16.6 million),
and South Sudan ($11.7 million). A total of $10.5 million was also raised to fund MSF’s
response to Typhoon Haiyan and ongoing assistance in the Philippines throughout 2014.
Once again, our significant and prompt response to emergencies has been made possible
thanks to the hundreds of thousands of individual donors that support MSF-USA. MSF
thanks all those who helped make this work possible.
On the next page you will find a summary from MSF-USA’s audited financial statements.
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
U s A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 13
The mother of a patient at an MSF clinic in eastern DRC.
Sudanese refugees, MSF’s clinic in Gumuruk, MSF staff and patients in Yida, South Sudan.
> statement of
and changes in net assets
financial position 2013
The following summary was extracted from MSF-USA’s audited financial statements
Revenues 2013 2012
Contributions pledged
Total Public Support
Term Investments
Receivables 28,594,36226,201,070
Other assets
Gain (Loss) on Investments and
Actuarial Gain (Loss) on Annuities
Total Assets
Investment Income
Cash & Equivalents and Short
Contributions and private grants
assets 357,192
Grants Payables
Other Payables
Grants from Affiliates
Other Liabilities
Total Other Revenue
Total Liabilities
Unrestricted Net Assets
Other Revenue
Total Revenue excluding gifts in kind
Temporarily Restricted Assets
Permanently Restricted Assets
Total Net Assets
Emergency and medical programs
Program Support and development
Field Staff
Total Program Services
1 Receivables for 2013 and 2012 include 21,187,373 and 18,718,556 respectively, in
contributions received as of year-end but deposited in the following month of January.
For more details or a full presentation of MSF USA’s audited financial statements, please
visit: https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/sites/usa/files/doctors_without_borders_
> 2013 Expenses
Management and General
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Excluding in-kind expenses
Total Supporting Services
Program Services
Total Expenses excluding gifts in kind
Investment return in excess of
designated amounts
Other Changes
Excess (deficit) in net assets
(left to right) © John Stanmeyer/VII © Robin Meldrum/MSF © Yann Libessart/MSF
> statement of activities
4,964,166 (6,179,263)
Management &
Net assets at the beginning of the year
Increase / (Decrease) in Net assets
Net assets at year end
MSF-USA is recognized as tax-exempt under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. A copy of the most recent annual report filed by MSF-USA with the New York State Attorney
General may be obtained, upon request, by contacting MSF-USA at 333 Seventh Avenue, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10001-5004, or the Attorney General’s Charities Bureau at 120 Broadway,
New York, NY 10271. A list of all of the MSF offices that received funds from MSF-USA is also available upon request. Audited Financial Statements are also available on MSF-USA website.
62 > 63
How your support
Saves lives
Typhoon Haiyan, which ripped through the central Philippines on
November 8, 2013, was the worst natural disaster the country had
experienced in more than a century.
More than 6,200 people were killed and whole communities were
flattened. Bridges were destroyed, roads rendered impassable, and
power and communications cut off. With fuel in short supply and no
way to reach safe havens, survivors crammed into damaged schools,
stadiums, and churches to wait for assistance. Within days, MSF
> 2013 Expenses
began providing medical and humanitarian assistance in three of
the most affected and isolated areas: around Guiuan in the east
of Samar Island; around Tacloban, Ormoc, Santa Fe, and Burauen
on Leyte Island; and around Estancia and on the northeastern
archipelago of Panay Island.
MSF teams traveled by boat, truck, plane, and helicopter to assess
needs and provide aid. The immediate priorities were addressing
acute and immediate medical trauma needs; restoring basic medical
services and facilities; providing shelter, reconstruction kits, and
Total $24,383,947 (Amount in USD)
Areas of Intervention
Tacloban and
surrounding areas
Guiuan and outlying islands
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
U s A n n ua l R e p o r t 2 0 13
Ormoc, Santa Fe, and
surrounding areas
Mainland Panay and
outlying islands
Post-typhoon devastation in the Philippines.
> Raised funds
Private Income restricted
Institutional funds
Total restricted income
$ 44,649,366
> Expenditures
Spent in November and December 2013
Expenses foreseen in 2014
Expenses allocated to 2015–2016
Total expenses
$ 24,383,947
© Yann Libessart/MSF
water and sanitation facilities; and offering psychosocial support to
both children and adults.
From November 8, 2013, through February 28, 2014, MSF teams treated
96,611 outpatients, admitted 2,229 patients to hospital, performed 6,391
emergency room consultations, and carried out 3,756 surgical procedures.
MSF operations in Philippines in 2013 cost $24,383,947, and MSF
plans to spend another $20,948,092 on operations there in 2014–2016.
The tables below provide breakdowns of how funds were—and will
be—allocated, by region and category.
$ 41,335,913
$ 45,332,039
Expenses by Category
$2,180,168 $415,139
International National
Medical and
Logistics, water,
and sanitation
Administrative costs
(office rent, electricity, etc.)
Transport, freight,
and storage
64 > 65
Board of Directors
Dr. Deane Marchbein joined MSF in 2006 to work as an anesthesiologist
in MSF’s surgical program in Ivory Coast. She has worked with MSF in
Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Libya, Nigeria, South Sudan, and
Syria, and as a medical doctor in Libya and Lebanon. She was formerly the
business manager and chairperson of the anesthesia department as well
as the director of the intensive care unit at Lawrence General Hospital in
Lawrence, Massachusetts. Dr. Marchbein now works for Massachusetts
General Hospital and the Cambridge Health Alliance and serves on the
board of directors of the Fanconi Anemia Research Fund.
Dr. Adi Nadimpalli, a pediatrician and internal medicine physician, is a
clinical assistant professor of internal medicine at Tulane University and a
physician at East Jefferson Hospital in Metairie, Louisiana. In 2005, during
his first MSF assignment, he spent a year in Liberia as the sole physician in
a remote field hospital. He has since provided emergency care to civilians
in post–civil war Sri Lanka;
managed a trauma hospital
in Nigeria; served as field
coordinator during an emergency cholera response,
also in Nigeria; treated people with HIV/AIDS in Malawi; and helped manage an MSF project in Syria. Additionally, Adi
worked with Friends in Global Health in an HIV
program in Mozambique; with the Indian Health
Service in Pine Ridge, South Dakota; and at the
Common Ground Health Clinic in New Orleans. He
has volunteered and provided family and community services at the India Medical Association Free
Clinic, the Apna Ghar Domestic Violence Shelter, and a Los Angeles housing project, where he served as literacy director. Adi received his medical
training at the University of Illinois at Chicago and completed his residency
at Tulane University. He holds a BS in biochemisty and a BS in economics
from the University of California at Los Angeles.
Nabil Al-Tikriti, an expert on the modern Middle East, earned a BA in Arab studies
from Georgetown University, an MA in international affairs from Columbia University,
and a PhD in Ottoman history from the University of Chicago in 2004. He has also
studied at Bogaziçi Üniversitesi in Istanbul, the Center for Arabic Studies Abroad in
Cairo, and the American University in Cairo. He is the recipient of several grants and
scholarships, including a Fulbright Award, a US Institute of Peace Fellowship, and a
NEH/American Research Institute in Turkey grant. Currently
associate professor of Middle East history at the University
of Mary Washington, he has also served as a consultant,
election monitor, and relief worker at a number of field
locations in Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Board of
Gene Wolfson is currently a partner at Catalyst Investors, where he manages
investor relations and firm business development and serves as a member
of the investment committee. He also served on the board for Catalyst
portfolio company Advantage Business Media. From 2006 to 2008, he was
managing director at Citigroup, where he managed the micro-cap sales and
trading desk and international broker/dealer relationships in addition to
working on special projects related to investment opportunities and
acquisitions. Gene has previously held management positions at TD
Waterhouse Capital Markets, where he was president and founder;
Allegiance Securities; TD Securities USA; and Gateway Capital Investment
Group. He holds an MBA in finance from Pace University and a BS in marketing and management from Montclair State University.
David Shevlin is an attorney and Partner at Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP,
where he is head of the Firm’s Exempt Organizations Group. He advises a
variety of international and domestic exempt organizations, including both
private foundations and public charities. Shevlin also advises a number
of endowed universities, foundations, hospitals, and cultural institutions
with respect to the investment of their endowments. He regularly speaks
and writes on topics of relevance to private foundations and public charities.
Doctors Without borders / MEdecins sans frontiEres (MSF)
U s A n n ua l R e p o r t 2 0 13
Ramin Asgary a specialist in management of complex humanitarian emergencies
and refugee health, started with MSF in 1997 and has since worked in the former
Soviet states, Sudan, Liberia, Haiti, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Argentina, and on the
Kenya/Somalia border. He has founded and directed clinics for refugees and asylum
seekers; worked extensively in health and human rights advocacy; developed
training curricula in global health for medical students, residents, and public health
students; and published dozens of manuscripts on global health. He completed his
residency in internal medicine and social medicine at the Albert Einstein College of
Medicine, a fellowship in preventive medicine and an MPH in community medicine
at Mount Sinai/NYU, an MPH in refugee health at Columbia University, and a diploma
in tropical medicine at Johns Hopkins University.
Jane Coyne recently returned to San Francisco after nearly a decade years working
with MSF, an experience that begin in 2003, when she chose to leave the corporate
world and became a field logistician. She has since worked in Uganda, Sri Lanka,
Nigeria, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Sudan, transitioning from her early logistics work to project and program management. In July
2009, she was appointed as Program Manager for MSF-France. She worked with a
team in Paris to manage operations in South Sudan, Sudan, Central African Republic, Kenya, and Georgia. She is a graduate of Cornell’s College of Agriculture and Life
Sciences and received a Masters in Business Administration from the Kellogg School
at Northwestern. She worked for 15 years in a variety of analytical and project
management positions for both small and large manufacturing companies (Hewlett
Packard, Nike, Dell, etc) with an emphasis on supply-chain optimization.
Kelly Grimshaw joined MSF in 1999, establishing a TB program in Turkmenistan.
She has since worked as a nurse practitioner and project coordinator in China,
Sierra Leone, Indonesia, and Zambia, assisting those affected by civil and ethnic
conflicts as well as the HIV pandemic. Kelly also provided further assistance and
program oversight as Medical Coordinator in Angola, Liberia, Ivory Coast and Nigeria
with responses to cholera, Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever, meningitis, and measles
outbreaks. In the US, she has volunteered her services to MSF-USA’s Speaker’s
Bureau throughout the country and Refugee Camp in the Heart of the City exhibits.
She currently works in nursing education.
Scene from a vaccination campaign in Yida, South Sudan.
© Yann Libessart/MSF
Martha (Carey) Huckabee began working for MSF in Somalia in 1992 as
a food logistician. For the next ten years she worked primarily in emergency contexts in Africa, particularly in South Sudan and West Africa.
This field experience was complemented by work at the MSF operational
center in Brussels. Martha returned to the US in 2002 and earned an MPH
and an MA while also starting her first stint on the MSF-USA board of
directors. Her most recent field experience was in 2009, when she went
to Malawi with her family to serve as head of mission. Currently living in
Kalamazoo, Michigan, she is the executive director for a local nonprofit
and is also working on her PhD, which examines the experience of being
a beneficiary of MSF, including the experience of being photographed
for advocacy campaigns.
Dr. Jean-Marie Kindermans first worked for MSF in Thailand in 1980
and worked in programs in Chad, Afghanistan, and other countries. A
specialist in public health and tropical medicine, Jean-Marie also spent
time as a public health consultant and as director of AEDES, the European
Association for Development and Health. In 1995, Jean-Marie returned to
MSF as Secretary General, managing the International Office for five years.
Since 2000, he has worked for the Access Campaign, been a member of the
board of MSF-Switzerland, served as president of MSF Belgium from 2002
to 2010, and served on the International Board. Today, he lives in France
where he leads the AEDES Foundation and works on malaria for various
international organizations, while also consulting with French hospitals
on medical management.
Suerie Moon is special advisor
to the Dean and Instructor at
the Harvard School of Public
Health, and an associate fellow
in the Sustainability Science
Program at Harvard’s Kennedy
School of Government. Previously, she worked for MSF’s Access Campaign, and for MSF offices and
missions in New York, Geneva, Paris, Goma (Democratic Republic of
Congo), and Beijing. She has also been a policy consultant for MSF,
Oxfam, UNITAID, and the World Health Organization. She received a BA
in History from Yale University, an MPA from the Woodrow Wilson School
of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, and a PhD in
Public Policy from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.
Dr. Michael D. Newman attended the University of Cincinnati Medical
School in Ohio and completed his general surgery residency at Cottage
Hospital in Santa Barbara, California. He began working with MSF in 2005
as a general surgeon in a project in Liberia and has completed multiple
missions since then. A member of the American College of Surgeons and
the Ohio State Medical Association, Dr. Newman practices general surgery
at Ohio’s Fayette Country Memorial Hospital, and his research work has
been published in the New England Journal of Medicine and A Journal of
Social Justice.
Dr. Mego Terzian was recently elected president of MSF-France. Born in
Lebanon, he earned his medical degree in pediatrics from Yerevan State
Medical University in Armenia in 1999. While still in medical school, he
worked as a translator for MSF in Nagorno-Karabakh, and from 1999-2002,
he worked for as an MSF field doctor in Sierra Leone, Afghanistan, Iran,
and the Democratic Republic of Congo. In 2003, he became an emergency
coordinator for MSF projects in Liberia, Ivory Coast, Niger, Pakistan, Central
African Republic, Jordan, and other countries. From 2007 until he was
chosen to lead MSF-France, he served first as Deputy and then as
Director of MSF’s Emergency Programming in Paris.
Board of Advisors
Daniel Goldring
Co-chair of the Board
Susan Liautaud
Co-chair of the Board
Meena Ahamed
Elizabeth Beshel Robinson
Goldman Sachs
Victoria B. Bjorklund, Esq., PhD
Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP
Charles Hirschler
Gary A. Isaac, Esq.
Mayer Brown LLP
Sheila Leatherman
University of North Carolina
Gillings School of
Global Public Health
Laurie MacDonald
Parkes MacDonald Productions
Chantal Martell
John O’Farrell
General Partner,
Andreessen Horowitz
Larry Pantirer
Darin Portnoy, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor,
Albert Einstein School of Medicine
Richard Rockefeller, MD
© Yann Libessart/MSF
innovation FROM 1971 TO TODAY
> To make donation
Doctors Without Borders
333 Seventh Avenue, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10001-5004
For more information about our programs or
ways to make a donation,
please call our Donor Services team at 212-679-6800.
On behalf of our field staff and the people
we assist worldwide, thank you.
> To contact us
Tel: 212-679-6800 Fax: 212-679-7016
Art direction & design: © emerson, wajdowicz Studios / nyc / www.designews.com
Editor: Phil Zabriskie Deputy Editor: Elias Primoff
Editorial Team: Sara Chare, Jason Cone, Andreu Maldonado, Samara Mallen,
Sarah Moreta-Feliz, Valeria Servranckx, Kim Smith, Kate Sullivan, Mary Vonckx
Paper from
responsible sources
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