If the Shoe Fits - FBC Wichita Falls
If the Shoe Fits - FBC Wichita Falls
If the Shoe Fits Begin family devotional with Pastor’s video: fbcwf.org/devotionals Ephesians 6:15 & Psalm 40:2 famiily devotional week 4 What shoes would you wear to hike the Wichita Mountains? (boots, climbing shoes, etc.) What would you wear on your feet to ride in the HHH bike race? (specialty clip-in bike shoes) Would you wear flip-flops to run a marathon? Proper footwear helps us persevere when obstacles arise. Like the protection we wear on our physical feet, God prepares our spiritual feet for battle. The gospel of peace enables us to stand firm and defend the faith against Satan’s constant attack. What are some ways that Satan tries to cause you to slip and fall? What do you do when this happens? What does the word “gospel” mean? It means “good news”. Who can recite John 3:16? What good news are we talking about? (God’s great love for us in sending Jesus to die in our place so that we could live forever with Him) So why do you think it’s called the gospel of PEACE? Does it seem strange that in the midst of a spiritual battle, we would be talking about peace? Christ’s sacrifice on the cross gave us true and eternal peace with God (Romans 5:1) and with other believers (Ephesians 2:13-16). We are allies with God and with His church. Can you think of ways that Satan tries to destabilize us within the church? (complaining, quarreling over non-essential issues, pettiness, etc.) How can you stand firm in these attacks? (by focusing on the truth of the gospel, extending compassion and forgiveness, etc. rather than the non-essential issues) A soldier’s success in battle requires solid footing. This week, stand firm in the truth you have learned and continue to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal how you can work at peace with your fellow believer. As you memorize the memory verse this week, remind each other that God rescued you from the pit and gave you a firm place to stand. Thank the Lord!