THe Connection - Rochester Area Youth for Christ


THe Connection - Rochester Area Youth for Christ
Fall 2015
THe Connection
Time Does Fly When You’re Having Fun!
In the fall of 1988 gas was 91¢ a gallon. It took a 25¢ stamp to send a letter. Prozac
was introduced to help treat depression and music CD’s out sold vinyl for the first
time. It was also the time that I joined the staff of Rochester Area Youth for Christ.
After 27 years at YFC it’s easy to look back at the changes that have occurred,
especially in technology and the way we communicate with one another. I find at
least one thing has stayed the same. High School and Middle School kids still
desperately long for someone to look them in the eyes and tell them they are
loved, they have great value and that their life has purpose and meaning. That’s
what Youth for Christ does.
On the radio, thru events like Supernight and Gospel Choir and face to face in
school lunch rooms, our message to kids is simple – you are loved!
I am grateful to the hundreds of generous people that support our mission by
volunteering and giving. I need your help as we reach out to teens; almost 80%
of whom avoid church.
If you have a heart for teens and would like to give
them a chance to understand how much God cares
for them, we have a place for you. Please get in
touch with me and let’s talk!
Gary Kadansky
Executive Director
32nd Annual Supernight!
February 26 & 27, 2016
Supernight is for High School and Middle School teens.
We’ll stay up all night bowling, swimming, ice skating, playing
laser tag, broomball, basketball, volleyball and other games.
Come with your Youth Group or with just a few friends.
Details and ticket information at:
The wheels on the bus go round and round . . . But not without you! As we plan for
Supernight in 2016 there are many needs: Volunteer Bus Drivers, Adults to stay up all night,
registration, food, etc. Time commitment is from a couple hours to all night depending on
where you want to volunteer.
If you are officially licensed and experienced to drive bus, know someone who is or can volunteer
at Supernight, email Gary at: and let’s talk.
In our 26th year of sharing the
Gospel through groovy tuneage!
Sundays * 7-10 am *
on 106.9 KROC FM
We are planning a future fundraising event and are looking for people willing to make and
donate quilts to be auctioned at the event. If you are a quilter and would like to be a part
of this event, please contact us at and let us know you are
interested. We’re excited to see how God will work out the details and use your creativity and giftedness
to share the Gospel with kids!
Summer Fruit Sale - A tremendous shout of thanks to the hundreds who took part in
our summer peach & pecan fund raising sales! You helped us raise $20,000 for our
programs that offer hope and encouragement to kids!
Thank You!!! and on facebook
Our Contemporary Gospel Choir is for teens in 8th grade through
high school seniors. Our rehearsals are held mostly in Rochester.
We welcome all singers. There are NO auditions to be part of the choir.
We ask that students commit to attend at least 6-7 rehearsals and the
May 1st concert. The only cost to be part of this group is the choir T-shirt
we buy ($10-$15). Directed by Nick Johnson, Gospel Choir is a program of
Rochester Area Youth for Christ. We expect to have our first organizational
meeting/party before Christmas to allow us to be ready to perform at the
KTTC Eagles Cancer Telethon in January 2016. If you would like to be part
of this group contact Gary Kadansky at:

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