May 2012 - Country Club de Chapala


May 2012 - Country Club de Chapala
Tee Talk - May 2012
Tee Talk
From the President
From the President
Ladies' Results
Men's Results
GoGo/Couples results
A blast from the past
Events Calendar
Public service announcements 9
Club Telephones
Office 763-5384
Mon-Fri 9:00 - 15:00
We were hoping to
announce a settlement
with the CEA (State
Water Commission)
regarding the
disagreement over
access to water from
the Sewage Treatment
Plant in San Nicolas,
but unfortunately we
have hit some snags,
and although we felt
we were very close
two weeks ago,
actually thinking we
were within days of
achieving a resolution,
such was not the case.
We continue to work
on several fronts to
resolve the matter, and
we will certainly inform
all the members wjen
we have something firm
In the meantime we are
using well water which
is very expensive, but
we have a contingency
budget which will be
used to cover the
expense. With the
rainy season
approaching, we will
soon have some
breathing room, and we
should be able to have
something resolved
over the Summer.
Happy golfing and
hopefully the rains will
start in earnest soon.
Sat 10:00 - 13:30
Pro Shop 763-5136
06:30 - 18:30
Restaurant 763-5625
Mon-Thurs 09:00 - 18:30
Friday Dinner 18:30
Website access a problem?
Call Richard: (376) 766-1276
“Golf is the
hardest game in
the world to play,
and the easiest to
cheat at.”
Important Notice from Administration
This is to inform you that whenever you pay your monthly bill through a Bank Transfer to
please inform us via phone or Email in order to identify who is doing it, as we have several
members, in order to credit your account. Our office phone No. 376-7635384 and Email
Les informamos que si paga sus cuotas mensuales por medio de Transferencia Bancaria,
favor de informarnos por medio de una llamada telefonica o por Email para fin de identificar
sus pagos, ya que varios socios lo estan haciendo de esta manera. Nuestro No de telfono
es 376-7635384 o Email
Tee Talk - May 2012
Page 2
Ladies' Results - May 2012
Convenor(s): Irka Campbell & Mary Wingrave
May 1st
Fewest Putts
(26 + 4 nines)
“A” Flight
Sheila Margellos
“B” Flight
Sue Biesendorfer
“C” Flight
Debbie Thompson
“D” Flight
Suzanne Wolf
Closest to the Pin #4 - Dagmar Rettberg, #17-Sue Biesendorfer
May 15th GAME Two Best Balls (24 + 4 nines)
1st Heather Stevenson, Irka Campbell, Rebecca Cummins & Mary Wingrave
2nd Connie Walton, Jeannie McCallum, Debbie Wilson & Rebecca Cummins
Closest to the Pin #4 - Heather Stevenson, #17 - Sue Biesendorfer
May 22nd
(21 + 3 nines)
1st Kathryn Vine, Irka Campbell & Debbie Wilson
2nd Juanita Cearnal, Maggie Pye, Sue Campbell & Mary Wingrave
Closest to the Pin #4 - Maria Palomino,
May 29th
#17 - Sue Biesendorfer
Ace of the Month
(20 + 2 nines)
ACE - Heather Stevenson
Lesley Archer
3rd Juanita Cearnal
Low gross
Sylvia Yamaguchi
Heather Stevenson
CONGRATULATIONS to Juanita Caernal for her hole-in-one
hole #4, May 29th
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Tee Talk - May 2012
Men's Results - May 2012
Men's Day - All Games Stableford
May 2nd
First Place: Jack Cummins, Bert Poirier, Ron Magen, James MacNeil
Second Place: John Brown, Ian Fraser, Dino Di Giovanni, Jack Fallon
Third Place - Tie between: Barry Rowell, Carl Carlson, David Horton, Rick Feldmann and
Steve Griffin, Mich McLaughlin, Read Vawter, G.T. Finlay
May 9th
First Place: Steve Griffin, Barney Leader, Ron Magen, Rod Hensley
Second Place - Tie between: Rod Pye, Chad Olsen, Dino Di Giovanni, Barney Leader and
Jim Donelly, Earl Powers, Wayne Givson, Ralph Campbell
Fourth Place: Jack Cummins, Jose Diaz, Brian Quinn, Read Vawter
May 16th
First Place: John Brown, Jose Diaz, Dino Di Giovanni, Jame MacNeil
Second Place: Barry Rowell, Barney Leader, Bill Pretti, Brooks Wingrave
Third Place: Jim Donelly, Ian Fraser, Wayne Gibson, Allan Farmer
May 23rd
First Place: Barry Rowell, Jim Donelly, Barney Leader, Rick Lamarr
Second Place: John Brown, Jim Wileman, Howard Malis
Third Place: Ernest Sowers, Rod Pye, Read Vawter, Bill Pretti
Fourth Place: George Stevenson, Jack Cummins, David Horton, Brooks Wingrave
May 30th
First Place: Jack Cummins, Rod Pye, Howard Malis, Barney Leader
Second Place: Steve Griffin, Lee Pinder, Len Spraggett, Jame MacNeil
Third Place: Lloyd Nave, Jose Diaz, Read Vawter, Ralph Campbell
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Tee Talk - May 2012
GoGo Results - May 2012
Rewards Go Go - May 17th
First Place: Dagmar Rettberg, Irka Campbell, Jerry Feldman, Brooks Wingrave
Second Place: Barney Leader, Jack Fallon, Don Fraser, Jean Cofell
Third Place: Barry Rowell, Dino Di Giovanni, Debbie Wilson, Mary Wingrave
Closest to the Pin:
Fred got home from
and very tired. "Bad
day at the course?"
his wife asked.
#4 Barry Rowell
Karen Rowell
String Go Go - May 31st
his Sunday round of
golf later than normal
First Place: George Slingerland, Bob Hoch, Irka Campbell, Mary Wingrave
Second Place: Rod Pye, Barney Leader, Lesley Archer, F. Slingerland
Third Place: Kathryn Vine, Maggie Pye, Rick Lamarr
Closest to the Pin:
"Everything was going
fine," he said. "Then
Harry had a heart
attack and died on the
10th tee."
"Oh, that's awful!"
George Slingerland
Shirley Hoch
Maggie Pye
Rod Pye
Bob Hoch
---Karen Rowell
"You're not kidding.
For the whole back
nine it was hit the
ball, drag Harry, hit
the ball, drag Harry."
Couple's Golf
Starting this month, Couples Golf will be twice per month!
Thursday, June 7, 2012 and Thursday, June 21, 2012
Couples Golf Winners May 24, 2012
1st Place Rolf and Dagmar Rettberg, Doug and Lesley Archer
2nd Place Mike Daniel and Janis Phair, John and Brenda Clarke
3rd Place TIED John and Juanita Cearnal, Mary and Brooks Wingrave and
Jimmy and Suzanne Park, Ralph and Irka Campbell
Tee Talk - May 2012
A Blast from the Past!
Ever wondered what Tee Talk looked like more than 30 years ago? Well here's the
answer. Many thanks to Read Vawter for digging this out of his archives.
Page 5
Page 6
The Wisdom of Age
A young man who was also
an avid golfer found
himself with a few hours to
spare one afternoon. He
figured if he hurried and
played very fast, he could
get in nine holes before he
had to head home. Just as
he was about to tee off an
old gentleman shuffled
onto the tee and asked if he
could accompany the
young man as he was
golfing alone. Not being
able to say no, he allowed
the old gent to join him.
To his surprise the old man
played fairly quickly. He
didn't hit the ball far, but
plodded along consistently
and didn't waste much
time. Finally, they reached
the 9th fairway and the
young man found himself
with a tough shot. There
was a large pine tree right
in front of his ball - and
directly between his ball
and the green.
After several minutes of
debating how to hit the
shot the old man finally
said, "You know, when I
was your age I'd hit the ball
right over that tree."
With that challenge placed
before him, the youngster
swung hard, hit the ball up,
right smack into the top of
the tree trunk and it
thudded back on the
ground not a foot from
where it had originally lay.
The old man offered one
more comment, "Of course,
when I was your age that
pine tree was only three
feet tall."
Tee Talk - May 2012
Tee Talk - May 2012
Page 7
A man and his friend
meet at the club
house and decide to
play a round of golf
together. The man
has a little dog with
him and on the first
green, when the man
holes out a 20 foot
putt, the little dog
starts to yip and
stands up on its hind
legs. The friend is
quite amazed at this
clever trick and says,
"That dog is really
talented! What does
he do if you miss a
putt?" "Somersaults,"
says the man.
"Somersaults?!" says
the friend, "That's
incredible. How many
does he do?"
"Hmmm," says the
man. "That depends
on how hard I kick
him in the rear end."
Page 8
Tee Talk - May 2012
A priest is playing a round
of golf at the local public
course when he arrives at
Events Calendar
the 15th tee. This hole is a
160 yard par three with a
Chapala Country Club Dinners
lake in the front of the
green. It is also the padre's
Friday, June 1, 2012:
nemesis, no matter how
well or how poorly he is
playing. Upon arriving at
the tee, the priest tees up
Breaded fish stuffed with ham and cheese, Rice and Vegetables OR
Pork Loin with Mashed Potatoes, Gravy and Vegetables.
120 pesos
his ball, gets ready to hit
and, at the last minute,
Friday, June 8, 2012:
looks toward the heavens
and says, "God, I have
been a good and decent
man. Please, just this
once, let me hit a shot
Chicken Breast stuffed with Cream Cheese and Spinach, with Cream
Gravy, Mashed Potatoes and Vegetables OR Rib Eye Steak with Baked
Potato and Vegetables.
120 pesos
which will carry the lake
Friday, June 15, 2012:
and get onto the green."
As he is about to swing, a
Shrimp in Cream Sauce with Rice, OR Mixed Fajitas Plate with Rice
and Beans.
120 pesos
loud, deep voice booms
from the heavens and
Friday, June 22, 2012: Western BBQ!
says, "Use a new ball, they
go farther." The preacher
steps back, thinks about
Barbecued Chicken, Steak, Ribs and Chorizo with Potato Salad, Baked
the heavenly advice and
Beans, Salad and Bread.
goes to his bag and gets a
130 pesos
brand new ball. He takes
his stance and once again
the heavenly voice booms,
"Take a practice swing
Saturday, June 30, 2012: Canada/USA Day!
first." The preacher is now
Happy Hour 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. Buy 1 Drink get 1 Free!!!!!
awestruck by the heavenly
Your choice of a Hamburger, Hot Dog, Chicken on a Bun, with Fries,
advice, so he steps back
and Salad!
from the ball and takes a
practice swing. He takes
his stance and gets ready
to hit and the heavenly
voice booms, "Use the old
60 pesos
Games to play and entertainment by DJ
Page 9
Tee Talk - May 2012
Seven Golfing Dwarfs
Pedro Jorge Contreras Peña has participated in our education support
program since secundarío. This month he will receive a university degree in
veterinary medicine.
The club has received the following letter of appreciation from Pedro:
Por medio del presente hago llegar mi agradecimiento por el apoyo
económico proporcionado por ustedes para poder realizar mis estudios, ya que
este será mi ultimo semestre del calendario escolar y con el apoyo
proporcionado estoy ya por concluir en la licenciatura de Médico Veterinario
Zootecnista, así mismo agradezco ya que dicho apoyo económico me ayudo
para también poder realizar prácticas dentro del campo de la medicna la cual
me ha ayudado para poder engrandecer mi aprendizaje y poder así tener una
` mejor visión hacia el futuro sobre esta licenciatura que desempeñare como
profesionalista, sin más por el momento agradezco su grata atención y me
pongo a sus órdenes.
Pedro Jorge Contreras Peña
Pedro's academic achievement is an example of how our education
support program is making a difference in student lives.
In May, seven more club members signed up to support the program.
Submitted by the Kids and Their Future committee
Pasos Milagrosos
One Man Horse Race
Un sincero agradecimiento a todos los miembros del CCC que generosamente han
contribuido y apoyado a la Segunda Anual Recaudadon de Fondos /Bazar en benefitio de
Pasos Milagrosos, AC. La nueva adidon de la musica, comida y pinata para los ninos lo hizo un
dia mas memorable y hace que nuestra subasta una mayor experienda divertida y
familiar.El evento supero nuestras expectativas y no podria haber sido realizado sin sus
generosas donadones y apoyo.Nos vemos el proximo ano a la misma hora, mismo lugar, para
la Tercera Anual Recaudadon de Fondos/Bazar para Pasos Milagrosos, A.C.
Winner Mike
A heartfelt
thank you to all the C C C Members who generously contributed and supported
our Pasos Milagrosos, Second Annual Fundraiser/Bazaar.The new addition of music, B.B.Q.
and Pinata for the children made it a most memorable day. The Fundraiser far surpassed
our expectations and could not have been realized without your generous donations and
support. See you next year, same time, same place, for our Pasos Milagrosos, Third Annual
The Pasos Team, who make it happen for our kids.
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Tee Talk - May 2012
Board of Directors
John Campbell
Vice-President and Golf Chair
Don Marie Fraser
Dolores Leader
Maggie Pye
Bridge Results
May 2, 2012
1st - Ruthanne Jepsen,2nd - Tie - Jennie MacArthur & Johan
May 9, 2012
1st - Mary O'Brien,
May 16, 2012
1st - Jennie MacArthur,
May 23, 2012
1st - Jennie MacArthur,
May 30,2012
1st - Jennie MacArthur
2nd - Cleo Hengstbeck
Anne Rowell
2nd - Joann Nash
Greens Chair
Carl Carlson
Communications/ Long
Range Planning Co Chair
Jimmy Park
House Chair
Marilyn Edwards
Membership Chair
Rodney Brooks
Social and House
Helen Harrigan
Editor's Note
Many thanks to those members who provided interesting and amusing contributions to this month's
issue. Hopefully others will be inspired to do the same. I'd also appreciate any suggestions on topics
for inclusion in future issues.
Hit 'em straight!
Social Chair
Connie Walton
Member at Large
Kathryn Vine
Long Range Planning Co Chair
Tom Mills
Fran Smartt
Asst. Comisario
Tom Light