Social Report - Mustang Club of Greater Kansas City


Social Report - Mustang Club of Greater Kansas City
January 2015
Volume 31 Issue 1
Mustang Club Of
Greater Kansas City
Official Publication of the Mustang Club of Greater Kansas City, Inc.
The January General Meeting will be held at
5:00 PM on Sunday, January 18th, at Bristol Hill
United Methodist Church at
4826 County Ln. Rd., KCK
The Board of Directors meeting will be conducted Wednesday, January
14th starting at 6:30 PM. It
will be held at Old Shawnee
Pizza, 6000 Rogers Drive
(61st and Nieman) in Shawnee, KS.
Contact any Board
member for more info.
January 14th
Board Meeting
January 18th
General Meeting
February 11-15
World of Wheels
February 22
Annual Chili Supper
President’s Pony Notes
By RJ Coberly
Happy New Year to all – I hope 2015 will be all you want it to be and a great
year for all of us! It will be an action packed year for the Mustangs and club members
will have many events and choices throughout the year. World of Wheels is now just
around the corner, and planning continues as we look forward to our new Cruise Night
location at Sam’s Club at the Legends. Annual Show committee meetings are well underway and planning is just where it needs to be for another successful show. Our
continued involvement with WWFS is underway, and of course there are numerous
local and national shows that are on the radar and will be communicated and coordinated accordingly. And to those traveling to Tucson in March for the first MCA National Show of 2015, have a fun, safe trip and “bring home the gold.”
Our membership is strong. 2015 renewals were very good, and we are pleased
to welcome several new members to our ranks. Our first meeting for 2015 is January
18th at the Bristol Hill United Methodist Church, so be sure to attend to catch up from
the holidays and meet new members.
We celebrated the holiday season and said farewell to 2014 in grand fashion at
the annual Christmas Party in early December. Thanks to Nona Hernandez, Sally Dold,
Rhonda Wojtowicz, Brenda Lea, and Nancy Bloom for successfully delivering this superb annual highlight in conjunction with Bass Pro.
On a personal note, Marilyn and I are planning to drive the black Mustang to Ft.
Lauderdale FL yet this winter. I should add we are taking the two dogs, and if at all
possible I hope to find a local car show that qualifies for the 5.0 Traveler Award. Admittedly, there are several “ifs” in this winter trip planned for a “fair weather” Pony!
It’s now the official time of year to keep those upgrades coming and wrenches
turning in preparation for Spring Thaw and “Mustang Season” (i.e. Spring, Summer
and Fall) so “have fun in your garage”! We are all looking forward to see what’s restored, new (2015’s??) and modified!
“Better Ideas. Driven by You” – Ford Slogan, circa 1990’s
Your 2014—2015
Board of Directors
RJ Coberly
Vice President
Jeff Daniels
Mark Raab
Tom Younger
Show Director
Brad McKnight
Social Director Sally Dold
Past President
George Stegner
At Large
Doye Ewert
At Large
Rick Hernandez
Club Sales
Jack Bosic
Cruise Night
Rick & Deb Lage
Head Judge
Jack Bosic
Scott Shaffer
MCA Director
Doye Ewert
Joy Stegner
Jan 16 John Roccaforte
Jan 17 Michael Kavalesky
Jan 19 Grant Martin
Jan 20 Kirk Middleton
Jan 24 Louise Crain
Jan 24 Sally Dold
Jan 25 Jim Doiron
Jan 30 Ronda Vervaecke
Jan 30 Hank Wakefield
Jan 30 Bob Brooks
Feb 1 Bill Bloom
Feb 2 Ron Peterson
Feb 3 Linda Lamm
Feb 4 Virginia Penrod
Feb 4 Mike Maher
Feb 6 Laural Trullinger
Feb 6 Julie Hutson
Feb 6 Jim Peterson
Feb 6 Kevin Herndon
Feb 7 Lincoln McCoy
Feb 12 Linda Crist
Feb 12 Marilyn Coberly
Feb 14 Don Lankard
Feb 15 Marilyn Bednar
Lorne Willard
Classified Ads
Tom Hoffman
Jan 19 Don & Linda Lankard
Jan 19 Monte & Mary Strait
Jan 26 Bob & Carol Stowe
Feb 1 John & Vicki Holmgren
Feb 6 Ed & Maria Logan
Lorne Willard
The Mustang Club of Greater Kansas City, Inc. is a
non–profit organization dedicated to the preservation and enjoyment of the Ford Mustang and
Shelby Mustang automobile. Affiliations include
the Mustang Club of America and the Associated
Car Clubs of Kansas City.
General meetings are held on the third Sunday of
each month, unless otherwise announced. The
time and place of general meetings will be announced each month in the Newsletter.
The Board of Directors meets each month on the
Wednesday prior to the general meeting, unless
otherwise announced. All members are welcome
to attend the Board of Directors meetings.
Newsletter material should be submitted by
the first of each month.
Club Sales
Dane & Jenna Jennison
14626 West 78th St
Lenexa, KS 66216
913-206-7397 (Dane’s cell)
913-206-7387 (Jenna’s cell)
1998 GT Coupe, Black
Mark & Becky Hargadine
6616 West 80th St
Overland Park, KS 66204
913-980-3115 (Mark’s cell)
2012 V6 Coupe, Silver
Jack has hats, hat pins and
patches on hand and he will be taking orders for sweatshirts & jackets.
Crewnecks are $20, hoodies with
front pockets are $30, hoodies with
full zipper are $39. Plain jackets are
$55, with embroidery costing more.
All items over $20 must be prepaid.
If you want to make an
order of club apparel, call Jack Bosic
(, 913-631-2027
(h), 913-645-0648 (c)). Money will
be due upon ordering.
Social Report
By Sally Dold
Saturday, December 13 - Wreaths Across America - Several members and their families participated in the wreath laying event in Leavenworth,
KS. Everyone had a great time and some went to
lunch afterwards at the Santa Fe Depot. Thanks to
everyone who came out to this event.
Saturday, December 6 @ Bass Pro Shops, Olathe, Christmas
Dinner/Party. We had 77 people attend this year's festivities; and I
believe everyone had a GREAT time. We all enjoyed the good food
and gift exchange. We took in sizeable donations in the way of food
and cash donation to Harvester's and gifts for the Angel Tree program.
Saturday, December 20 was Salvation Army Bell Ringing at Crown Center, coordinated by John Bard. According to
John, our club raised over $500 at our two stations. It was a fun and productive day.
There are no social events for the club in January this year. I promise to make up for it in upcoming months! Stay warm.
World of Wheels at Bartle Hall is Feb 11-15. Details & signup sheets for volunteering at the event will be provided at the
January meeting. Cars for the club display have already been chosen, but we'll need volunteers to come man our booth.
This is where we usually acquire several new members.
If you have questions or to sign up for any event, please contact Sally Dold.
Minutes—November Meeting
November 16, 2014 at Bristol Hill Methodist Church, Meeting called to order at 5:00 PM by RJ Coberly
Membership: Joy Stegner-Absent,
reporting George Stegner—New
members were announced. Current
membership has reached 151.
Secretary: Mark Raab - The prior
months minutes were published in
the November newsletter, seeing no
changes they will stand as published.
Treasurer: Tom Younger - The Financial Report was presented to the
membership. There were no changes
or additions, the report stands as presented.
Vice President: Jeff Daniels—No Report.
Past President: George Stegner – No
Show Director: Brad McKnight – The
first Show Committee Meeting will be
held at Bass Pro Shop on November
Social Director: Sally Dold/Nona
Hernandez - The Social Report was
presented to the membership. Nona
thanked the membership for support
during her term and introduced the
new Social Director Sally Dold.
Members At Large:
Doye Ewert – The Angel Tree commitments are available, please support
this cause that provides toys for the
children of families in need.
Rick Hernandez – The Helping Others
is cancelled for the month of November. The sign-up sheet for the Salvation Army Bell Ringer’s is available
tonight. Please sign up to join fellow
members at Crown Center on December 20th.
Newsletter – Lorne Willard – There
will not be a newsletter for the month
of December.
Webmaster – Lorne Willard – Working with Kyle Rhode on website future projects.
Cruise Night – Rick Lage – No Report.
Inventory Manager – Rick Lage – No
Librarian – George Stegner - No Report.
Club Sales – Jack Bosic – All orders
must be pre-paid. Sweatshirts and
jackets are available for purchase tonight.
Head Judge – Jack Bosic – No Report.
MCA Director – Doye Ewert – The
MCGKC won the annual President’s
Award for 2014. This award is presented to clubs that score 100 points
per MCA criteria that includes such
things as MCA membership, charitable work, Gold Card Judges, Certified
Judges, Annuals Shows, Cruise Nights
and community involvement.
Historian – Scott Shaffer – Club pictures for parades, etc. are posted to
Facebook. The Power Point production is completed and installed and
running with the Mustang exhibit at
KC Auto Museum.
Welcome Committee – Cheryl
Younger – No Report (Absent)
Other Show and Cruise Coordinator
– Ed Mardiat – The Google calendar
will continue. Ford Racing will announce a new performance car tomorrow. The World of Wheels will be
a generational exhibit.
Road Trip Coordinator – Grace Bosic
– Sign-up sheets are here for Sturgis
and Loveland, CO. RJ noted there is
also an MCA National Show in Columbus, OH the same weekend as the
Sturgis Mustang Rally on Labor Day
Hagerty Insurance: Nicole Borghardt
will attend either our January or February meeting to present benefits,
features and answer questions.
The Kansas City Auto Museum: The
Display looks great! Many thanks to
the following members for displaying
their cars; Gary Allen, Nancy and Bill
Bloom, Rick and Debbie Lage, Bob
and June Bonn, Doye and Cindy Ew-
ert, Dan and Sandy Bentch, Haven
and Barbara Rolander, and Tom
2017 National Show update—The
committee met with Sheraton Hotel
management. The meeting went well
and their management is very excited
to host the show. They would participate in a presentation at the National
Meeting in Phoenix along with a representative of the Overland Park
Chamber of Commerce. They are in
need of the meeting date and proposed show dates for 2017.
2015 Cruise Night Location Update—
Ed Mardiat presented the committee
members George Stegner, Jim Peterson, Tom Younger and Rick Lage. The
committee’s process recommends
two locations, Sam’s Club at The Legends and Mission Corporate Center
on Metcalfe and Johnson Dr. Ed presented the pros and cons of both. RJ
called for a vote from the membership and Sam’s Club at The Legends
was preferred by a majority vote.
Tri-Bar Award Patch - Design has
been finalized, the order has been
placed, and they are expected to arrive on December 1st.
Badge Printer – Jim Peterson reports
that the equipment has been received in good working order and appears to be in “like” new condition.
2015 High Five Tour – The tour was
announced on Veteran’s Day, it will
be known as “Mobility is Freedom”
and will feature a Ford Explorer Interceptor.
The Complete Garage – The business
is closing on November 30th. Wayne,
the owner, is offering attractive discounts on remaining inventory and
50/50 – WINNER—Doye Ewert
Meeting adjourned at 6:02 PM
Minutes—December Meeting
In Memory
December 6th 2014, Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM by RJ Coberly
Long time member Dick Berry
Membership: Joy Stegner—No new
members tonight, current membership is at 152 families.
Secretary: Mark Raab - The prior
month’s minutes will be published in
the January newsletter.
Treasurer: Tom Younger - The Financial Report was presented to the
Vice President: Jeff Daniels - Wished
everyone a Merry Christmas!
Past President: George Stegner – No
Show Director: Brad McKnight –
(Absent) The next Show Committee
meeting will be held on December 9th
at Bass Pro Shop.
Social Director: Sally Dold- Wreaths
across America is December 13th.
Nancy Bloom reminded the membership that participants are meeting at
The Bloom residence at 9:00am and
recommended that everyone dress
Members At Large:
- Doye Ewert – a total of 30 Angel
Tree gifts were picked up tonight.
- Rick Hernandez – The Helping Others December charity is Toys for Tots
sponsored by Blue Springs Ford. In
January the club will sponsor TLC in
Olathe, KS. John Bard explained that
the Salvation Army ”Bell Ringers” will
gather on December 20th at the
Crown Center.
Newsletter – Lorne Willard – Reports, Articles and Minutes are due
on Jan 4th or 5th.
Webmaster – Lorne Willard – No Report.
Cruise Night – Rick Lage – No Report.
Inventory Manager – Rick Lage – No
Librarian – George Stegner - No Report.
Club Sales – Jack Bosic – No Report.
Head Judge – Jack Bosic – No Report.
MCA Director – Doye Ewert – No Report.
Historian – Scott Shaffer – No Report.
Welcome Committee – Cheryl
Younger – No Report.
Other Show and Cruise Coordinator
– Ed Mardiat – No Report.
Road Trip Coordinator – Grace Bosic
– No Report.
World of Wheels: Ed Mardiat explained that this year’s show will feature a “Generational Display” to include 10 club cars along with a 2015
Mustang GT.
Long time member Dick Berry
recently lost his battle with cancer.
Dick was the consummate restorer
garnering many awards from MCA and
the AACA over the years for his cars.
Dick and Jean were frequent
travelers with the club trailering their
cars around the country with other
club members. He will be missed. Our
condolences to the family.
Richard “Dick” Berry, 77, St. Joseph,
Missouri died Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at
his home. He was born October 9, 1937 to Lewis and Isabel (Keene) Berry in Atchison, Kansas.
Dick married Jean M. Farrelly in 1959.
He proudly served in the United States Navy
George Stegner announced thirtythree 289 Award Winners, six 5.0
Award Winners and sixteen Tri-Bar
Award Winners. The awards were
distributed during the gift exchange.
from 1957-1963. He worked for over thirty
Nona Hernandez conducted the Gift
Exchange with the help of fellow
members. A very enjoyable evening
was had by all. George Stegner and
Mark Raab became the recipients of
some very special gifts (ha ha!) that
they will be sure to pass back at next
Greater Kansas City. He was also a devoted
years at Continental Can Company, which became Crown Cork and Seal, retiring in 1992. His
hobbies after retirement were restoring Ford
Mustangs and Shelbys. He was a member of the
Mustang Club of America and Mustang Club of
husband, father, grandfather and mentor.
Survivors: wife of 55 years, Jean Berry; children, Tamara Lawson, Richard Berry
(Marla) and Kimber Berry; two grandchildren,
Michael and Christopher Berry; sister, Janice
McCrary; two nieces; and one nephew.
2014 Club Awards
Annual awards to recognize participation in Mustang Club of Greater Kansas City events
The Mustang Club of Greater
Kansas City has three awards that can
be earned by members through out
the year by participating in different
events with the club. The 289 High
Performance Award recognizes members of our club that attend a majority of the club events and activities
during the year.
It takes 289 points to earn
the award and points are earned by
attending meetings, being a committee member, going to cruise
nights, participating in shows and displays, attending special events and a
number of other ways. Each activity
has been assigned a point value and
the award earning time frame is the
membership year (November to October). A member can earn enough
points by just attending most of the
meetings and a couple of cruise
nights. It is a very reachable goal.
We had 33 member families
attain the 289 award in 2014. This
year’s recipients are:
* Rich and Donna Angelet
Gary Allen and Pat Swope
John and Darlene Bard
* Dan and Sandy Bentch
Bill and Nancy Bloom
Jack and Grace Bosic
Chris and Chandler Bupp
RJ and Marilyn Coberly
Larry and Linda Crist
Jeff and Ann Daniels
Jim, Sally and Justin Dold
Doye, Cindy, and Paul Ewert
* Mike and Cindy Faltermeier
Billy Fitchett
Mike and Agnes Gonzalez
Rick and Nona Hernandez
Dick and Jeanne Lage
Rick and Debbie Lage
Don and Linda Lankard
* Mark and Brenda Lea
Jim and Kathy Mars
Brad McKnight
Mark and Peggy Mullinix
Jim Peterson
* George and Nancy Powell
Mark and Trisha Raab
Pam Riden
Scott and Deborah Shaffer
Dean and Jan Somerville
George and Joy Stegner
Lorne and Jill Willard
Paul and Rhonda Wojtowicz
Tom and Cheryl Younger
The 5.0 Travel Award was
created in 2013 to recognize the road
warriors of the club that make trips to
out of town shows. If a member
attends 5 shows over 100 miles away,
they are recognized with this award.
* Gary Allen and Pat Swope
Jack and Grace Bosic
* Mark and Peggy Mullinix
Scott and Deborah Shaffer
* Dean and Jan Somerville
George and Joy Stegner
This is the inaugural year for
the Tri-Bar Traveler’s Award for
attending three or more Mustang
Club of America shows (Anniversary/
National/Grand Nationals) in one
* Gary Allen and Pat Swope
* Jack and Grace Bosic
* RJ and Marilyn Coberly
*Larry and Linda Crist
* Jeff and Ann Daniels
* Doye, Cindy, and Paul Ewert
* Rick and Nona Hernandez
* Rick and Debbie Lage
* Mark and Peggy Mullinix
* Mark and Trisha Raab
* Scott and Deborah Shaffer
* Dean and Jan Somerville
* George and Joy Stegner
* Lorne and Jill Willard
*First time winners
The Mustang Club of Greater Kansas
City is only as good as the participation of its members. Set a goal this
year: to attend meetings, a few cruise
nights and the show.
Thanks and congratulations go out to
this year’s awardees.
Clinics start in April
Club Head Judge Jack Bosic
has announced that he will start Judging Clinics in April. Jack encourages
members that would like to judge at
MCA National shows and are a MCA
member to go online and take the
certified judges test for one of the
classes you want to judge. When
you pass a test, you will need to judge
that class at an MCA show to receive
your certificate. One of the best classes to start with is the daily/
occasional driven cars. We will need a
lot of judges this year because we are
hoping for a large turnout.
If you have any questions,
please contact Jack.
Our Platinum Sponsors
For Sale: Complete interior from 1990 Mustang Coupe, Rear Glass with heater, Quarter windows,
Door glass, Dash and all brackets, Air Bag, Air Bag
module and sensor, Various wiring harnesses, A/C,
Heater box and controls, Switches, Make offer for all
or part. Email me at for
For Sale: 1982 Mustang GT. 16,700 actual miles. 5.0,
4 speed. Red with red interior. $11,000 firm. Call
Tom at 806-420-9302 or
For Sale: 1965 Mustang Coupe - restored, car is 90%
original. 2nd Owner, 125K miles. 289 V8 3 speed, in
Denver, CO.
For Sale:
2010-2014 4-19" GT premium wheels
Silverhorse racing flush mount qtr. window louvers
with install kit
Roush qtr. window louvers
Cervinis "eleanor style" qtr. window louvers
Cervinis"eleanor style" side scoops
RTR aluminum rear spoiler
MRT Boss laguna seca front splitter with adjusting
Mustang show-n-go retractable license plate bracket
Borla 3" X pipe
Borla S type left muffler
all parts new except wheels & X pipe
2011 GT takeoff parts:
shocks, struts, springs, swaybars, brakes, rotors ,complete exhaust
Billy Fitchett, 757-647-1069,
For Sale: Niche Shaz 5 chrome wheels. 20”
“staggered” - 9” wide front, 10” wide rear. With Nitto
555 tires with very good tread. TPMS sensors for 0709 Mustang. $1200. Contact Dan Bentch @
For Sale: 1967 Mustang Convertible Resto-Mod—All
steel restoration from ground up, re-worked ’72 302,
bored 30 over with all the “goodies”. Candy apple red
with new white top, red, deluxe leather interior. 3,000
miles since restoration—a real beauty. $43,500, 913433-4121. MCGKC2
For Sale: 1964 1/2 Mustang, 39,000 original miles,
289 V8 with 4 barrel carb, Rally Pack, power steering,
all numbers match. Caspian Blue. $19,500. Call Todd
Bell at 913-707-0581. MCGKC3
For Sale: 2000 4 Door Extended Cab Harley Davidson
Edition F150. 5.4 Triton, power windows, seats, locks.
Garaged, never seen snow. 27K miles, comes with
truck cover, Harley Davidson Truck mat. Asking
$17,500. Call Jim @ 913-620-4670. MCGKC2
For Sale: Mustang parts. 65-66 8000 RPM HIPO Tach,
69 consoles, 69 dash cluster, many, many more. Call
Lorne @ 816-289-7377, email
For Sale: Ladies L/S Denim club logo shirt. Size M
$15. Ladies Club Logo Jacket: Navy Blue with Red
running pony on back and a zip off hood. Size L
$50 Contact Joy Stegner at
For Sale: 2013 Mustang GT 5.0 Coupe, sterling gray
metallic, 7132 miles, charcoal cloth bucket seats, six
speed auto with select shift. Car is perfect; and stock
except for Flowmaster axle-back mufflers, Ford SVT
wheels, and hood struts (no prop rod). Original
mufflers and wheels included as well. Also includes
power windows, locks, mirrors, etc, and power 6-way
driver’s seat, reverse park assist, security package,
sync package, tech package. Sticker was $34,180.
NADA book value $27,550, asking $26,500. Call Chris
at 816-500-8847.
Coming events are on the club calendar.
Please check it frequently as new events
are added often.
For more information on the events listed, contact
Ed Mardiat at or 913-341-5819
or our website at:
More information about these events can