Club Sales - Mustang Club of Greater Kansas City
Club Sales - Mustang Club of Greater Kansas City
October 2014 Volume 30 Issue 10 Mustang Club Of Greater Kansas City Official publication of the Mustang Club of Greater Kansas City, Inc. President's Pony Notes—By RJ Coberly The October General Meeting will be held at 5:00 PM on Sunday, October 19th, at Bristol Hill United Methodist Church at 4826 County Ln. Rd., KCK 66106. The Board of Directors meeting will be conducted Wednesday, October 15th starting at 6:30 PM. It will be held at Old Shawnee Pizza, 6000 Rogers Drive (61st and Nieman) in Shawnee, KS. Contact any Board member for more info. Renewals Due Oct 1st Is this your last newsletter? October 11th — Cruise Night—Pink Cruise October 15th — Board Meeting October 19th — General Meeting Happy Fall everyone!! While September was certainly not an uneventful month for the club with the annual picnic and various car shows, both club related and non-related, it was a month where I was pretty much out-of-pocket. As such, this is one of those President’s letters that’s a bit more challenging to fill in the white spaces! Please refer to other sections of the newsletter, such as the meeting minutes and Social Director Report, for the specifics of September’s activities and general information. Thanks to everyone who filled in while I was away, carrying out the club’s business and events in grand fashion. And I’m pleased to report that our personal calendar is now free of out of town obligations and we will see you all at future events. The Pink Cruise is just around the corner (October 11th), representing our last cruise night of 2014 – and remember, this one is held at Bass Pro in Olathe. MCGKC is the “featured club” at the Kansas City Auto Museum in November with 8 cars on display. Be sure to mark your calendars to attend these events, and the annual Christmas Party in early December. The Annual Chili Cook Off and Car Show at the Bristol Hill United Methodist Church is on October 18th and will also be the club event for October. It was through members Rick and Deb- bie Lage, and this particular annual event in prior years, that we were first introduced to the church that has now become our meeting location. Be sure to plan on attending this important event for our meeting location host and enjoy a fine Fall day, some great chili, and cool cars. Please see the Social Director Report for details. As you recall, the general membership previously approved the Board’s review of optional cruise night locations for 2015. The committee is well underway with this important work and plans to present a recommendation with appropriate support at October Board meeting, and if approved, it will also be presented to the general membership for a vote at the October General Meeting. Given the space remaining, I will report that Europe has a fine array of great sports cars, which are certainly fun to see and listen to on the small narrow streets. It was also fun to see a 4th generation Mustang in both Budapest Hungary and Vienna Austria, along with a 5th generation pony on the cramped streets of Prague Czech Republic. I took some pictures of two older Mustangs that were in the Prague Car Show, representing the only American made cars in the show. I’ll have to check the rules, but pretty sure I don’t get any credit for attending the show!!! Have a great Fall and see you all in a few days!! Your 2013—2014 Board of Directors President RJ Coberly 913-745-4016 Vice President Jeff Daniels 913-397-0248 Oct 16 Bill James Secretary Mark Raab 913-829-0249 Oct 16 RJ Coberly Treasurer Tom Younger 913-439-9232 Oct 17 Rick Anderson Show Director Brad McKnight 913–317-6969 Oct 17 Chris Bupp Social Director Nona Hernandez 913-441-4259 Oct 17 Bob Ragan Past President George Stegner 816-898-3225 Oct 17 Patty Eustice At Large Doye Ewert 217-663-9440 At Large John Bard 913-681-3999 Appointments Club Sales Jack Bosic 913–631–2027 Cruise Night Rick & Deb Lage 913–649–8356 Head Judge Jack Bosic 913–631–2027 Historian Scott Shaffer 913-244-8117 MCA Director Doye Ewert 217-663-9440 Membership Joy Stegner 816-806-0904 Email: Newsletter Lorne Willard Tom Hoffman Lorne Willard Oct 22 Todd Moulder Oct 23 Matt Tomelleri Oct 23 Bob Stowe Oct 23 Fred Sauer Oct 23 Ann Norbury Oct 24 Tom Bernard 913–461–8529 Oct 27 Mark & Peggy White Oct 28 Greg & Lori Lapka Nov 2 Sean & Diane Thoe Nov 3 George & Nancy Powell Nov 7 Kurt & Brenda Brumm Nov 8 Eric & Susan Smith Nov 14 Rich & Donna Angalet Nov 15 George & Joy Stegner Oct 25 Donna Richardson Oct 26 Will Rush Oct 27 Heather White Nov 3 Brittany Gamble Nov 4 David Hutson Nov 6 Nona Hernnandez 816–289-7377 Email: Nov 7 Cathy Kavelesky Nov 8 Jack Underwood Nov 8 Christian Decker Nov 9 Betty Rader Nov 10 Brenda Underwood Nov 12 Steve Beaumont The Mustang Club of Greater Kansas City, Inc. Nov 12 Larry Reel is a non–profit organization dedicated to the Nov 12 Susie White preservation and enjoyment of the Ford Mus- Nov 13 Tracey Vinzant tang and Shelby Mustang automobile. Affilia- Nov 14 Dawn Marriott tions include the Mustang Club of America and the Associated Car Clubs of Kansas City. General meetings are held on the third Sunday Club Sales Jack has 30th Anniver- of each month, unless otherwise announced. sary hats, hat pins and patch- The time and place of general meetings will be es. He has some hats and t- announced each month in the Newsletter. shirts on hand and can order The Board of Directors meets each month on jackets, etc. but any item over the Wednesday prior to the general meeting, $20 must be prepaid. unless otherwise announced. All members are If you want to make welcome to attend the Board of Directors an order of club apparel, call meetings. Jack Bosic (, Newsletter material should be submitted by the first of each month. Oct 22 Bob & June Bonn Oct 25 Jason Orcutt Nov 3 Donna Adams Email: Webmaster Oct 20 Shelly Arnote Oct 20 Charlie & Karen Baxter Nov 1 Jamie Decker 816-289-7377 Email: Classified Ads Oct 19 Mark Lea Oct 19 Brian & Kim Culliss 913-631-2027 (h), 913-6450648 (c)). Money will be due upon ordering. Jim & Sally Dold 649 North 75th Circle Kansas City, KS 66112 913-210-4555 816-769-4290 (Jim’s cell) 913-669-1953 (Sally’s cell) 1996 GT Convertible, Laser Red Doug & Sandi Foust 13512 West 68th St Shawnee, KS 66216 913-962-9454 913-940-0042 (Doug’s cell) 1996 Cobra Convertible, Laser Red Len & Denise Schuttig 202 NE Eastwood Dr Blue Springs, MO 64014 816-228-9659 816-728-9355 (Len’s cell) 2014 GT Convertible, Ruby Red Social Report—By Nona Hernandez September Sunday - September 21 - Club General Meeting/Fall Picnic - We had a great turnout for this year's "indoor picnic" at Bristol Hill UMC. Everyone enjoyed some good BBQ, side dishes, and sweets. Thanks to all who attended, helped set up and clean up, and brought food. Saturday, September 27 - 8 Mustangs participated in the parade for the Overland Park Fall Festival. Most of us carried dignitaries running for or holding a political office; however Jack Bosic had the privilege of being the Mustang to carry KC Wolf, the Kansas City Chiefs mascot. I think Jack and KC Wolf had the best time of all while entertaining the large crowd. After the parade, most of the convertibles joined the other club Mustangs at the show-n-shine which is also a part of the OP Fall Festival. We had no idea there would be judging, but there was, and three club members placed (Cheryl Younger, first; Mike Faltermeier, second; and Lloyd Scott, runner-up). After the show-n-shine, 10 cars convoyed from Overland Park, enjoying a beautiful scenic drive up MO 45 Hwy. to meet 4 other club cars in Leavenworth at the High Noon Saloon & Brewery for a Diners Drivers & Dives event. We had a great tour of the brewery and enjoyed some great food and friendships. Club event for September. October At the September picnic/meeting I discussed an event that I had tentatively scheduled for Sunday, October 19 @ 1:00 PM (before our meeting at 5:00 PM) We had been invited to Chris' Garage, War Paint for Fine Motorcars. Chris is working on a 1970 Shelby and wanted to give us the tour and information on his restoration business. Chris contacted me and his client is not comfortable with us "milling around" while his restoration is at the stage it's currently in. Although I assured Chris he would not have a more respectful group of folks who have complete respect for a restored Mustang, he unfortunately had to cancel our event to respect his client's wishes. This would have been our club event for October, but this has been CANCELLED. Now with that said..... There is an event at Bristol Hill United Methodist Church (our meeting place) on Saturday, October 18 from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM. It's their annual Chili Cook Off and Car Show! 100% of the proceeds for this event go to the Bristol Hill UMC Preschool. Many club members have supported this event in past years and it's really a great time. As I am going to be busy planning the Christmas party in October, pending Board approval, I would like to call this the club event for October. All models of cars, trucks & motorcycles are welcome and registration can be done in advance or the day of the show. Registration fee is by donation. Chili cook off registration MUST be done in advance to reserve a spot. November We have 8 club cars and 2 alternates signed up to put their Mustangs on display at the Kansas City Auto Museum. If you're signed up and for some reason can't put your car in, please contact Nona Hernandez immediately. Club member Bob Stowe got me some information about the Veteran's Day parade (Tuesday, November 11) in downtown Leavenworth, KS. I've had a signup sheet at the August meeting and September cruise night and meeting and we currently have 5 people signed up. I know that personally I cannot go that day or organize the event (I would need someone to handle that for me). I have not yet filled out the paperwork to participate, but there's still time. If you are interested in going and/or organizing this event please let me know ASAP. If you have questions or to sign up for any event, please contact Nona Hernandez. Email: Cell number 913-909-8409 date – The Pink Cruise is October 11th, 3:00pm at The Bass Pro Shop. We need Gift Baskets for the Silent Auction, please contact Tricia Raab at 816 935-0454 and make arrangements with her to drop off your Gift Baskets; we need them turned in by October 8th. General Meeting Minutes sign-up sheets for all upcoming events. Members At Large: General Meeting— Doye Ewert—No Report September 21, 2014 at Bris- (Absent) tol Hill United Methodist John Bard – No Report (Absent) - There is no live votMeeting called to order at ing for September as ALS local 5:00 PM by Jeff Daniels, Vice chapter is the recipient of the President—RJ Coberly, Presi$1,000 donation from Blue dent (Absent). Springs Ford. Our club will Membership: George Stegner champion the charity known as reporting for Joy Stegner– New Turning Point, an organization members were announced and that works with cancer patients introduced. to help them with diets, exerSecretary: Mark Raab - The cise and medical assistance. minutes to the previous meetBe sure to Like our featured ing were approved as posted in charity. the monthly newsletter. Treasurer: Tom Younger COMMITTEES: (Financial report) - The FinanNewsletter – Lorne Willard cial Report was presented by – send feature articles by the the Treasurer. There were no 1st of each month. changes or additions to the re- Webmaster – Lorne Willard port as presented. – No Report Vice President: Jeff Daniels— Cruise Night – Rick Lage – Bristol Hill Church is hosting a No Report Chili Cook Off and Car Show on Club Sales – Jack Bosic – I 10/18/14 from 11am to 2pm, have shirts, hats, anniversary be sure to mark your calendar pins, here tonight. Taking orfor this event. ders for PINK shirts. The club will host the Head Judge – Jack Bosic – “PINK CRUISE” to raise aware- Yes, new clinics to come. ness and benefit Breast Cancer MCA Director – Doye Ewert Research Foundation on Octo– (Absent) - Per George Steber 11th at The Bass Pro Shop. gner: Be sure to vote the MCA Past President: George Steballot in your Mustang Times gner – No Report. before the end of September. Show Director: Brad Historian – Scott Shaffer – McKnight—The first Show Com- No Report mittee Meeting will be held at Other Show and Cruise CoBass Pro Shop on November ordinator – Ed Mardiat th 11 . The Show Director en(Absent) - KCAM Mustang Club couraged members new and old Featured Cars – November. to join the show committee. Road Trip Coordinator – Social Director: Nona HerGrace Bosic – No Report nandez—The Social Report was OLD BUSINESS: presented to the membership. September and October present Tri-Bar Award Patch under development with Lorie Kellogg numerous opportunities to show your Mustang. See the Nancy Bloom: Pink Cruise Up- NEW BUSINESS: The Board of Directors recommended a $350 budget to cover anticipated costs for the upcoming Pink Cruise. A motion was made and passed by the membership. Wreaths Across America – Bill Bloom informed members that the sales of Wreaths begin today. He will need to submit all donations for the 2014 campaign by Thanksgiving. The club will participate in the placing of the Wreaths in December at the Ft. Leavenworth National Cemetery. Six members attended the Green Country Mustang Club show in Jenks, OK. The Green Country Mustang Club would like to start a travel trophy challenge with our club. 2015 Officer Election Ballot and Floor Nominations of eligible members conducted by George Stegner of the Election Committee as follows: Nominations for all Board Positions were declared open. Nominations for all open board positions were received from the floor. Sally Dold was nominated for the position of Social Director, she is unopposed. Rick Hernandez was Continued on next page... Minutes—continued nominated for the position of Member at Large. All existing board members with the exception of Nona Hernandez (Social Director) are eligible to serve an additional one year term and have agreed to do so. The nominations were closed and notice was provided to the members that elections will take place during the October meeting. 50/50 Winner—Grace Bosic. Meeting adjourned at 5:48 PM Show Report The club was represented by six cars a the Green Country Mustang Club show in Jenks, OK Month Elections for new officers recently. will take place at the October The Friday night hospitali- meeting. The nomination comty was great featuring pulled mittee has contacted those eligipork, brisket, and BBQ bologna . ble and since we had most ofThe Saturday show was on main ficers returning and only one vastreet with about 120 cars in at- cation position (Social Directotendance. Those in attendance: ry), we only have to vote on Joe and Tiffany France—1st Ed and Maria Logan—1st Dan & Sara Riden—1st Gary Allen & Pat Swope—1st Grace and Jack Bosic - 1st Pink Cruise Elections This Roger & Marti Dart—display The Annual Pink Cruise will be held at the Bass Pro Shops in Olathe starting at 3:00 PM. The silent auction will be cut off at 5:00 PM. The date is fast approaching!!! If you’re doing a basket as a donation– THANK YOU! Please contact Tricia Raab (816-935-0454) or Rhonda Wojtowicz (816-7699116) to make arrangements to drop off your basket. All baskets will need to be turned in no later than Wednesday, October 8th in order to make bid sheets. Please itemize your basket (you don’t have to go into great detail, but we need an idea of what’s in it) and assign a value. Don’t forget to bring your checkbook!!! Please remember that all checks need to be made payable directly to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation… NOT the club. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Bloom (913-2178668), Tricia Raab, Brad McKnight, Rhonda Wojtowicz or Rick/Debbie Lage. members at large. President – RJ Coberly VP – Jeff Daniels Secretary – Mark Raab Treasurer – Tom Younger Social Director – Sally Dold Show Director – Brad McKnight Members At-Large – John Bard, Doye Ewert, Rick Hernandez You must have renewed your membership before voting as all memberships expired on September 30th. Please email Joy Stegner at if you are unsure whether or not you have renewed or have any other questions. Our Platinum Sponsors Cervinis"eleanor style" side scoops RTR aluminum rear spoiler MRT Boss laguna seca front splitter with adjusting rods Mustang show-n-go retractable license plate For Sale: Complete interior from 1990 Mustang Coupe, Rear Glass with heater, Quarter windows, Door glass, Dash and all brackets, Air Bag, Air Bag module and sensor, Various wiring harnesses, A/C, Heater box and controls, Switches, Make offer for all or part. Email me at for pictures. bracket Borla 3" X pipe Borla S type left muffler all parts new except wheels & X pipe 2011 GT takeoff parts: shocks,struts,springs,swaybars,brakes,rotor s,complete exhaust Billy Fitchett, 757-647-1069, For Sale: 1982 Mustang GT. 16,700 actual miles. 5.0, 4 speed. Red with red interior. $11,000 firm. Call Tom at 806-420-9302 or For Sale: 1965 Mustang Coupe - restored, car is 90% original. 2nd Owner, 125K miles. 289 V8 3 speed, in Denver, CO. For Sale: 2010-2014 4-19" GT premium wheels Silverhorse racing flush mount qtr. window louvers with install kit Roush qtr. window louvers Cervinis "eleanor style" qtr. window louvers For Sale: Niche Shaz 5 chrome wheels. 20” “staggered” - 9” wide front, 10” wide rear. With Nitto 555 tires with very good tread. TPMS sensors for 07-09 Mustang. $1200. Contact Dan Bentch @ For Sale: 1967 Mustang Convertible RestoMod—All steel restoration from ground up, re-worked ’72 302, bored 30 over with all the “goodies”. Candy apple red with new white top, red, deluxe leather interior. 3,000 miles since restoration—a real beauty. $43,500, 913-433-4121. MCGKC2 For Sale: 1964 1/2 Mustang, 39,000 original miles, 289 V8 with 4 barrel carb, Rally Pack, power steering, all numbers match. Caspian Blue. $19,500. Call Todd Bell at 913-707-0581. MCGKC2 For Sale: 2000 4 Door Extended Cab Harley Davidson Edition F150. 5.4 Triton, power windows, seats, locks. Garaged, never seen snow. 27K miles, comes with truck cover, Harley Davidson Truck mat. Asking $17,500. Call Jim @ 913-6204670. MCGKC1 For Sale: Mustang parts. Carter X 4441S Fuel Pump for 428 CJ/SCJ’s, 65-66 8000 RPM HIPO Tach, 69 consoles, 69 dash cluster, many, many more. Call Lorne @ 816-289-7377 or email For Sale: Ladies L/S Denim club logo shirt. Size M $15. Ladies Club Logo Jacket: Navy Blue with Red running pony on back and a zip off hood. Size L $50 Contact Joy Stegner at Membership Renewals Due This Month If you still have not renewed your Mustang Club of Greater KC membership for next year, time is running out quickly. All memberships expired last month, on September 30th. Renewals are due on October 1st and considered delinquent on November 1st. Members who have not renewed by that date will be dropped from the mailing list. Dues are $20 per year. If you joined the club after June 1st, you are a paid-up member for the 2014-2015 year. Otherwise, your membership has expired and needs to be renewed. If you’re not sure when you joined, send me an email and I’ll check the records for you or check past newsletters and if your membership was announced in the July 2014 newsletter or later, you are good for 2014-2015. (Note: this is for new members only.) To renew, (1) fill out the form below by printing legibly, (2) entering all information (especially E-Mail address) and (3) returning it with your dues to our Membership Coordinator, Joy Stegner, at 12419 NE 135th Terrace, Kearney, MO 64060. Questions? Email Joy at or call 816-806-0904. This will be the last notice that membership fees are due for 2013-2014. Please be sure to include this form with your dues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Do Not Cut- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mustang Club of Greater Kansas City 2014-2015 Membership Renewal Please renew my membership for the year ending September 30, 2015. I am enclosing $20 annual dues. Member Name:_______________________________________Spouse:___________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ Member City, State, ZIP: ____________________________________ Email_______________________________ Spouse Home phone: _____ / _______________________ E-mail : __________________________________ Cell Phone: Member_______________________________Spouse:_______________________________ Date of Birth: _________________ Spouse DOB: _________________ Anniversary: _______________ Are you a current member of the Mustang Club of America? YES MCA Member No.____________ NO Exp Date__________ Mustangs Currently Owned: Year Model & Body Style (GT/etc) (Coupe/Convertible) Color ________ ________ ________ _______________________________________ ______________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________________ ______________________________ ________ _______________________________________ (Use back of form to list more cars) ______________________________ Amount:________ Cash/Check #__________ Received by: __________ Date___________ For more information on activities go to or Have you ‘Liked’ the club Facebook page? Yes___ No____
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