marketing - My Illinois State


marketing - My Illinois State
marketingnews 06.15.08
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{ exclusive feature }
marketingnews 06.15.08
By Jack Honomichl
Given a sagging economy and an inflation
rate that is inching up, it should be no surprise that
spending for marketing/advertising/public opinion research services within the United States, while
up slightly, was down significantly from the growth
rate enjoyed in 2006.
Specifically, this analysis—based on input from
200 research firms based in the United States—
showed total revenue of $8.6 billion in 2007, up
6.0% over 2006. However, after adjustment for inflation, which ran at 4.1% in 2007, the so-called real
growth was 1.9% (see chart). The comparable number for 2006 was 4.1%. If we look at the most recent
10 years (1997-2006), the annual spending growth
rate after adjustment for inflation averaged 5.3% per
year. The 2007 rate of 1.9% is, obviously, well below
that, and the lowest we’ve seen since the slumping
economy of 2001 to 2002.
This is the main finding from this, my 35th
annual analysis of industry growth, prepared
exclusively for Marketing News.
honomichl top 50
Solid Base
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The base for this analysis and trend data is large—
200 research firms based in the United States that
have reported their revenue (U.S. only) for calendar year 2007. The main input comes from
the 50 largest U.S. research firms’ revenue; they
alone account for 91% of the revenue under study.
Fortunately, many of the largest Top 50 firms are
public, or are subsidiaries of public companies,
so their financials are verifiable. The other Top
50 firms provide third-party verification of their
revenue. Since several of the Top 50 firms made
acquisitions during 2007, every effort has been
made to eliminate artificial growth due to acquisition, either by including or excluding acquired
revenue when calculating growth.
The balance, 9% of revenue, is attributable
to 150 Council of American Survey Research
Organizations (CASRO) firms that are not
included in the Top 50 (or a couple that choose not
to participate). On average, these 150 firms had
revenue of $5.2 million in 2007. As a group, their
revenue grew by 6.2% in 2007 compared with 6.0%
for the Top 50, and almost all of this was within
the United States.
It should be noted that as hefty as our database
is ($8.6 billion), it is not the total amount spent
for research services in the United States. For one,
federal government agencies spend about $5 billion a year for statistical programs (mostly survey
research), and only two of the Top 50 firms (Westat
Inc. and Opinion Research Corp.) get a sizable
piece of that revenue. Then there are nonprofit survey organizations affiliated with universities that
are not included, and commercial research that is
done in-house.
But when it comes to commercial marketing
research through for-profit firms, this analysis is
well-based as the lion’s share.
Changes In Listing
Non-U.S. Revenue
Every year there is change in the list composition.
Some firms are acquired or revenue drops enough
to miss the Top 50 cutoff. And these openings bring
new firms to light, some for the first time. In 2007,
there were five additions: Hitwise, Compete Inc., Q
Research Solutions Inc., Gongos Research Inc. and
The Link Group. Four firms lost their own line
ranking due to acquisition: Guideline Inc., No. 38
on the 2006 list, was acquired by a newly formed
Opinion Research/Guideline Group, No. 15 on this
year’s list; Flake-Wilkerson Market Insights LLC, No.
37 on the 2006 list, was acquired by Market Strategies
Inc., No. 17 on this year’s list; Schulman, Ronca &
Bucuvalas Inc., No. 41 on the 2006 list, was acquired
by Abt Associates Inc., No. 19 on this year’s list; and
Telephia Inc., No. 16 on the 2006 list, was acquired
by The Nielsen Co., No. 1 on this year’s list. Finally,
Experian Research Services (namely, Simmons
Market Research Bureau), No. 30 on the 2006 list,
dropped off the list in 2007.
Of special note regarding list turnover is the
growth of startups, many in recent years rooted in
online data collection. They demonstrate how the
U.S. research industry revitalizes itself via innovation and “ease of entry,” as the economists term
it, especially in a financial climate where so many
startups have found it relatively easy to raise capital from outside investors. Then, when a newer firm
grows to an appetizing size, it usually goes public
or is acquired by a larger, well-established research
conglomerate. So the industry evolves, picks up
energy and adapts to technological changes.
The emphasis of this annual analysis is to track U.S.
spending, but it should be noted that 33 of the Top
50 organizations have revenue from work done outside the United States, and that information is in the
table on page H4. It is best understood by a firm-byfirm analysis, because in many cases the U.S. Top
50 firm is a subsidiary of worldwide conglomerates
based in the United Kingdom, Germany, France and
other faraway places—so much for the globalization
of the marketing research industry.
To really get a grip on this phenomenon, I suggest you read the individual company profiles that
follow. In addition to describing the services these
firms offer, the profiles also spell out the ownership of U.S.-based research operations and why so
many of U.S. dollars spent for research services end
up as profits expressed in euros, pounds and other
currencies. And this is a mixed blessing; to the
degree that European research conglomerates have
expanded in the United States (usually via acquisitions), they are currently hurt profit-wise by weak
U.S. dollars, which buys fewer and fewer euros or
pounds in profits when converted. m
Growth Rates
The sluggish growth rate in 2007 calls for further
examination. If you look at the Top 50 firms, 21 saw
revenue decrease in 2007 vis-a-vis 2006, or did not
grow enough to cover the 4.l% inflation rate. Of the
very large firms, the one with the most impressive
revenue growth was Westat, with 10.4%. Of the bottom half, with rankings of No. 26 through No. 50,
12 saw revenue decline. So those firms with revenue of $34 million or less really took a hit in 2007.
One reason for this is that, with rare exceptions, the
smaller firms specialize in ad hoc survey research—
and such spending is easily curtailed during hard
times. Conversely, the huge conglomerates, with
rare exception, get the lion’s share of their revenue
from syndicated services rooted in huge databases,
most of which are under contract. And this business
tends to weather economic slowdowns well.
With the exception of Westat, all of the top
10 firms on this year’s Top 50 list are either publicly listed companies, subsidiaries of larger public
companies or—in the case of Nielsen—a private
company that makes some of their financials public.
Six are foreign-owned if you include Nielsen, which
has both Dutch and U.S. home bases. All are global
in reach, except for Westat, which does not do work
outside the United States.
Jack Honomichl is president of Marketing
Aid Center in Barrington, Ill., and founder
of Inside Research, a market research trade
Base No. of
Research Firms
% Revenue
“Real Growth”
(after adjustment
for inflation)
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marketingnews 06.15.08
U.S. Rank
2007 2006
U.S. Research
Web Site
($, in millions)
The Nielsen Co.
New York
IMS Health Inc.
Norwalk, Conn.
From 20062
7.9 %
Research Revenue1
Research Revenue1
($, in millions)
($, in millions)
48.5 %
Kantar Group*
Fairfield, Conn.
Westat Inc.
Rockville, Md.
New York
Arbitron Inc.
New York
Nuremberg, Germany
New York
Maritz Research
Fenton, Mo.
J.D. Power and Associates*
Westlake Village, Calif.
Harris Interactive Inc.
Rochester, N.Y.
The NPD Group Inc.
Port Washington, N.Y.
Opinion Research/Guideline Group
honomichl top 50
Omaha, Neb.
Opinion Research Corp.
Princeton, N.J.
Guideline Inc.
New York
comScore Inc.
Reston, Va.
Market Strategies Inc.
Livonia, Mich.
Market Strategies Inc.
Livonia, Mich.
Flake-Wilkerson Market Insights
Little Rock, Ark.
Lieberman Research Worldwide
Los Angeles
Abt Associates Inc.
Cambridge, Mass.
Abt Associates Inc.
Cambridge, Mass.
Abt SRBI Inc.
New York
Los Angeles
Burke Inc.
MVL Group Inc.
Jupiter, Fla.
Knowledge Networks Inc.
Menlo Park, Calif.
National Research Corp.
Lincoln, Neb.
Directions Research Inc.
Phoenix Marketing International
Rhinebeck, N.Y.
Lieberman Research Group
Great Neck, N.Y.
ICR/Int’l Communications Research
Media, Pa.
Morpace Inc.
Farmington Hills, Mich.
Los Angeles
Data Development Worldwide
New York
C&R Research Services Inc.
Informa Research Services Inc.
Calabasas, Calif.
National Analysts Worldwide
Service Management Group
Kansas City, Mo.
Market Probe Inc.
New York
Walker Information
KS&R Inc.
Syracuse, N.Y.
Bellomy Research Inc.
Winston-Salem, N.C.
MarketVision Research Inc.
Public Opinion Strategies
Alexandria, Va.
Compete Inc.
Savitz Research Companies
RDA Group Inc.
Bloomfield Hills, Mich.
Gongos Research Inc.
Auburn Hills, Mich.
Q Research Solutions Inc.
Old Bridge, N.J.
Marketing Analysts Inc.
Charleston, S.C.
RTi Market Research & Brand Strategy
Stamford, Conn.
The Link Group
6.0 %
6.2 %
11.0 %
Total (200 companies)
6.0 %
53.5 %
All other (150 CASRO companies not included in the Top 50)
*Estimated by Top 50 1U.S. and worldwide revenue may include nonresearch activities for some companies that are significantly higher. See individual company profiles for details. 2Rate of growth from year to year has been adjusted so
as not to include revenue gains or losses from acquisitions or divestitures. See company profiles for explanation. 3Total revenue of 150 survey research companies that provide financial information on a confidential basis to the Council of
American Survey Research Organizations (CASRO).
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6/5/08 2:05:01 PM
marketingnews 06.15.08
The Nielsen Co.
<David Calhoun
The Nielsen Co., formerly VNU Group N.V.,
based in New York and Haarlem, the Netherlands,
was a company founded in 1964 and listed on the
Amsterdam Stock Exchange. In May 2006, Nielsen was
sold to a consortium of six private equity firms.
David L. Calhoun, 51, is chairman and CEO of
Nielsen. He earned a B.S. in accounting at Virginia
Polytechnic Institute.
U.S. research-only revenue in 2007 was $2.2 billion,
up 7.9% over 2006. In 2007, 48.5% of total researchonly revenue, or $2.0 billion, was from outside the
United States. The growth rate includes 2006 and 2007
revenue for BuzzMetrics, acquired February 2006;
Beverage Data Network, acquired March 2006; and
The Modeling Group, acquired November 2006; and
excludes revenue for Telephia Inc., acquired August
Revenue is from two of Nielsen’s marketing and
media research divisions, which include some nonresearch businesses, mostly information services.
Worldwide research and nonresearch revenue for
VNU NV was $4.7 billion in 2007.
Nielsen is a global information and media company offering services in more than 100 countries
and with more than 42,000 employees. It has leading
market positions in marketing information, media
information, business publications, trade shows and
the newspaper sector. In its two research divisions, the
firm employs 9,715 full time in the United States and
33,171 worldwide.
Nielsen has 11 business units devoted to research:
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{ exclusive feature }
ACNielsen serves consumer product manufacturers, retailers and sales agencies with market research,
products and services, and analytical tools.
Its core business activities serve brand, category,
sales management and strategic planning.
▶ Retail Measurement Services provides continuous tracking of product sales to consumers, based on
information gathered at the retail point-of-sale. RMS
information is available in more than 80 countries.
▶ Consumer Panel Services research tracks the
purchasing behavior of consumers in more than
300,000 households in 28 countries worldwide, primarily through the use of in-home scanners.
▶ Assortment and In-Store Space Services provides
help in making decisions on issues such as shelf inventories, shelf space, category growth opportunities,
product listings and how best to distribute merchandising information.
▶ Customized Research Services provides qualitative and quantitative measures of consumers’ attitudes
and purchasing behavior, customer satisfaction, brand
awareness and equity, advertising effectiveness and
other marketing issues.
▶ Retailer Services are used to evaluate competitive
performance, increase traffic and sales, leverage their
frequent-shopper data and build consumer loyalty,
improve performance of their private-label products
and understand their results across all product classes
and categories they carry.
▶ Analytic Consulting Services addresses such
business issues as pricing, promotion, marketing mix,
assortment and product rationalization, category
placement, category structure and in-store, in-market
auditing and testing.
▶ Decision Support Services provides software
tools and delivery methods with tools that range from
analytical and data-management systems to standard
reports that are automatically refreshed when databases are updated.
▶ Global Services coordinates with local
ACNielsen offices throughout the world to deliver
clear, consistent information across markets.
▶ TDLinx, a division of ACN, provides universal
coverage and unique codes for stores, outlets and
accounts, as well as Trade Dimensions directories.
Major 2007 highlights for ACNielsen U.S. include
the launch of Total Shopper View, a panel created to
capture non-bar-coded items; the launch of Brand³, an
approach connecting retail market measurement data,
household panel information and customized survey
research to manage brand performance and growth;
the addition of new capabilities and features to Nielsen
Answers Web-based information delivery platform,
and the expansion of its Hispanic Consumer Panel to
the national level with 2,500 households.
Nielsen Media Research
Nielsen Media Research (
provides TV audience measurement information for
broadcast and cable network and station executives,
cable system and satellite service providers, program
producers and distributors, and advertisers and their
agencies. In the United States, Nielsen TV ratings are
the currency for more than $70 billion of transactions
each year between buyers and sellers of TV time.
NMR markets a range of information products:
▶ U.S. National TV Services provides viewership
data generated from Nielsen’s National People Meter
Sample, providing demographic audience ratings
daily. Its National People Meter, which has an effective
sample of 10,000 homes, measures the viewing habits
of approximately 26,000 persons. This national sample
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NMR provides radio audience measurement services in nine markets, and print readership services
in 10 markets. NMR’s Media Index and Panorama
surveys study print, TV, radio, cinema, outdoor and
Internet audiences, as well as lifestyles, attitudes and
product consumption in nine markets across Asia
Pacific, and globally through a partnership with
▶ Nielsen Sports (
tracks ad spending associated with sporting events,
as well as national and local TV ratings for sports
teams—by game, month, season and league standing. Sponsorship Scorecard measures TV audience
exposure to all sponsor-placed media in any televised sporting event. Fan-Links is a new service
linking sports fans to their actual shopping and purchasing behavior.
▶ Nielsen Tracking Service uses encoding and
monitoring technology to monitor TV advertising and
video news release occurrences across English- and
Spanish-language networks and location stations in
all 210 U.S. TV markets. Sigma and KeepingTrac offer
commercial detection services.
▶ Nielsen Games establishes new metrics for the
buying and selling of advertising in video games, while
also tracking the activities of gamers across other
media platforms, such as TV and the Internet.
▶ Nielsen Outdoor ( is
a ratings currency for the outdoor advertising marketplace. Its GPS-based outdoor ratings system measures
exposure to outdoor advertising by tracking the travel
patterns of consumers in relation to known outdoor
advertising sites in Chicago and Los Angeles.
H6_H69.AMA.Hono.6.15.08.indd 7
networks and five top cable networks.
▶ New Media Services provides research that
measures out-of-home audience size, advertising
impact and demographics for TV and digital signage
▶ Nielsen Media Research International provides
media measurement and advertising intelligence in 45
markets. With the AGB Group, NMR operates a joint
venture that offers TV ratings in 30 countries, under
the AGB Nielsen Media Research brand.
marketingnews has been used to produce national ratings for four
Spanish-language networks. ▶ U.S. Local TV Services provides local market TV
audience measurement in all 210 Designated Market
Areas (DMAs) in the United States. Measurement is
conducted by using people meters, set-tuning meters
and paper diaries for local TV stations, agencies,
advertisers and local cable outlets with 70% of U.S.
Spot TV revenue receiving overnight ratings. Local
people meters are currently available in 10 local markets and will expand to the top 25 local TV markets by
▶ U.S. Ethnic TV Services provides national and 19
local TV market measurement for Hispanic TV viewing for both Spanish-language and English-language
TV. NMR also measures TV viewing among AfricanAmerican and Asian-American national audiences, as
well as in local TV markets with significant Asian- and
African-American populations.
▶ Nielsen DigitalPlus works with set-top box data
from cable system operators (MSOs) and satellite providers to create new services for clients by integrating
set-top box data with other NMR information.
▶ Nielsen Monitor-Plus provides advertising
spending activity for 18 media, including TV, radio,
magazine, newspaper and outdoor.
▶ Nielsen Product Placement Services tracks
product placements on prime-time entertainment
programming for the English-language broadcast
Nielsen Mobile
Nielsen Mobile (, created in
2007 with the purchase of Telephia, provides syndicated consumer research to the telecom and mobile
media markets. NM integrates Telephia’s services in
telecom with Nielsen’s global media and marketing
research capabilities, and uses its measurement tools
and large-scale consumer panels to understand the
digital consumer’s behavior, attitude and experience.
Nielsen Online
Nielsen Online ( delivers
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independent measurement and analysis of online audiences, advertising, video, consumer-generated media,
word of mouth, commerce and consumer behavior,
and includes products formerly marketed under the
Nielsen//NetRatings and Nielsen BuzzMetrics brands.
For media research, media companies, ad agencies, advertisers and equity research organizations
use NO’s Internet media research services to buy,
sell and analyze online media—including audiences
and advertising.
Key media research products include:
▶ NetView: This Internet audience measurement
service provides a perspective on Internet audiences,
including key measures and demographics, providing
the industry with a view into activity on the Web and
in the Digital Media Universe.
▶ AdRelevance: Captures advertising activity
across all major industries, channels and ad formats
and across most ad types, including all major forms of
rich media, on the Web. It is an advertising expenditure measurement system for the Internet that mimics
the actual online user population by automatically
adjusting to traffic patterns.
▶ @Plan: A target-marketing platform for Internet
media planning, buying and selling. It details the
online population, capturing everything from basic
demographics to in-depth lifestyle and brand preference data for identifying online target audiences.
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{ exclusive feature }
▶ VideoCensus: Delivers audience measurement
and analysis of online video usage. ▶ SiteCensus: A site-centric reporting system that
provides server-side-visit reporting. It offers measurement for Web site analysis, newsletter and e-mail
conversion tracking, ad and keyword measurement
and audience assessment.
▶ Market Intelligence: Independent census-based
measurement of audited Web sites within specific
markets, provides granular audience measurement
data. The service offers business effectiveness metrics, including unique browsers, page impressions,
frequency and session duration, which constitute comprehensive, census-based research of audiences.
For market research, advertisers, marketers,
and PR and advertising agencies use NO’s Internet
market research services to measure and analyze consumer-generated media (CGM), consumer behavior
and trends. Specific vertical experience includes
automotive, consumer technology, CPG/nutrition,
financial services, pharma/healthcare, and media and
Key market research products include:
▶ BuzzMetrics services measure, analyze and leverage online consumers who share experiences, advice
and opinions on everything from corporate crises to
customer service and product performance.
▶ Research and Analytics is custom client work
based on client needs and leveraging NO’s data, analytics and vertical experience.
▶ Syndicated Studies include measurement and
analysis of Internet activity—including audiences,
advertising, video and CGM, around major events and
topical issues including the Super Bowl, the Olympics,
nutrition and sustainability.
▶ MegaPanel provides market research services
based on a sample of 500,000-plus Internet users
measured worldwide, offering insight into Web user
behavior. Its survey research capabilities, combined
with demographic and trend data and click stream
analysis, are used to define and measure Internet marketing strategy.
▶ Homescan Online, in partnership with
ACNielsen, measures both consumers’ offline purchasing behavior and online surfing activity.
▶ Strategic Services taps into the data sets of NO
and across Nielsen. SS delivers consulting and advisory services based on data and supported by industry
experience to support organizational needs related to
digital and consumer-generated media. Nielsen Entertainment
Nielsen Entertainment serves the global entertainment industry—including the film, book, home
entertainment, music and interactive segments—with
a broad range of marketing information, creative
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marketingnews 06.15.08
testing, marketing services and analytical tools in 16
markets worldwide.
NE’s business units include Film: Nielsen EDI
(; Music: Nielsen Broadcast Data
Systems, Nielsen SoundScan (
and Nielsen Music Control (www.nielsenmusiccontrol.
com); Home Entertainment (Videos/DVDs): Nielsen
VideoScan (; TV and CPG; and
Books: Nielsen BookScan (
Major 2007 highlights for NE include progress
in building a new global EDI platform and bringing
BDS airplay technology to Nielsen Music Control;
the creation of portals for home entertainment and
international film tracking services to allow clients
to manage their data; the creation of a Web-based
Cinesys data service; the development of an anytime,
anywhere capability to test TV pilots around the
United States; the use of fusion techniques to combine
entertainment data with media data from Nielsen
Media Research and Nielsen//Net Ratings.
Media Solutions
Media Solution business unit includes PERQ/HCI,
ACNielsen HCI, Scarborough Research, SRDS and
Interactive Market Systems divisions.
▶ PERQ/HCI provides healthcare audience measurement and ad expenditure services to advertising
agencies, publishers and advertiser companies in the
United States. It is a media research line of business
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{ exclusive feature }
within media information provider SRDS.
▶ ACNielsen HCI ( provides portfolio of six integrated pre- and post-launch
online research services for the healthcare industry:
Promotion Planning Model, CTS (Campaign Tracking
System) PreTest, CTS PosTest, CTS Sales Test, CTS
Plus and CTS MarketReview.
▶ Scarborough Research, a joint venture between
Nielsen Co. and Arbitron, identifies local, regional and
national shopping patterns and media usage of the
American consumer. SR surveys 210,000 adults age
18 and older on a variety of characteristics, including
shopping, lifestyle, media and demographics. It serves
advertisers and agencies, broadcast TV, cable systems,
radio stations, newspapers, Internet, sports teams and
leagues, and out-of-home companies.
▶ SRDS ( is a leading provider of
media rates and data. It offers coverage of traditional
media—such as magazines, newspapers, television,
direct marketing and radio—as well as alternative
marketing opportunities, such as online and out-ofhome.
▶ IMS ( is an international
provider of information systems and services for
the media industry. It produces media planning and
analysis software for both industry and proprietary
research. IMS has clients in 70 countries.
Nielsen Connect
Nielsen Connect, a new business unit, integrates the
firm’s store of consumer and media intelligence from
dozens of business units to provide clients with customized services that integrate and deploy Nielsen’s
global data-gathering and analytic capabilities.
NC consists of five different businesses:
▶ Nielsen In-Store measures consumer exposure to
an array of in-store marketing vehicles in partnership
with the In-Store Marketing Institute.
▶ Combining media and market research intelligence on an individual client basis, NC provides a
textured picture of consumer activity.
▶ NielsenHealth provides understanding of the
total healthcare value chain of consumers, patients and
▶ NielsenLinx has created the Master Data
Management service of transaction and reporting
systems for the retail and marketing businesses to
organize, manage and deploy data on brands, locations
and media.
▶ NielsenTrend provides a view of the movements,
behaviors and attitudes that are likely to have the most
impact on clients’ particular operations.
ACNielsen Homescan And Spectra
ACN Homescan And Spectra (www.spectramarket delivers consumer and shopper insights for
CPG companies through segmentation and targeting
services. Homescan services are a global source of longitudinal consumer purchase behavior, demographic
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BASES ( is a leading provider of premarket consumer insights for marketers of consumer
packaged goods. BASES combines primary consumer
research with forecasting techniques to estimate the
sales potential of new product initiatives prior to market entry.
Decisions Made Easy
Decisions Made Easy (www.descisions-made-easy.
com) provides CPG manufacturers a way to effectively
manage, analyze, present and act upon their sales and
supply chain data. DME software and services integrate point-of-sale and other marketing and consumer
H6_H69.AMA.Hono.6.15.08.indd 11
IMS Health Inc.
<David Carlucci
IMS Health Inc. (IMS) in Norwalk, Conn., was
founded in 1954; acquired by Dun & Bradstreet Corp.
in 1986, and became part of a separate public company, Cognizant Corp., in November 1996. In July
1998, IMS was spun off into a publicly traded company
listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
David Carlucci, 53, is chairman and CEO of IMS.
He earned a B.A. in political science at the University
of Rochester.
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $801.0 million, up 8.6%
over 2006. In 2007, 63.5% of total revenue, or $1,391.6
million, was generated outside the United States. The
growth rate excludes 2006 and 2007 U.S. revenue
from the 2006 acquisitions of Life Science Practice
of Strategic Decisions Group and Dynamic Research
Solutions Inc., and the 2007 acquisitions of Value
Medics Research LLC and MIHS Holdings Inc.
IMS is the leading global provider of intelligence
to the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries,
providing services in more than 100 countries. The
firm offers market intelligence products and services,
including sales force effectiveness services, portfolio
optimization capabilities, launch and brand management services, and managed care and consumer health
Its Global Consulting and Services teams provide
insights to improve ROI and the delivery of healthcare
IMS business lines offer custom services using
information secured from a worldwide network of
data suppliers that support the core business processes
of virtually all pharmaceutical companies:
Claritas ( provides marketing
research demographic data, marketing software and
market segmentation services. Claritas helps clients
increase profitability, select the best site locations and
market more efficiently and effectively by targeting the
most profitable customers.
information behind the client’s firewall to support service to retailers and their shoppers.
marketingnews profiles, integrated attitudes and usage information
and evaluations of the impact of media on actual
behavior. Spectra services provide segmentation and
targeting services to identify high-value consumers,
uncover new opportunities to communicate with specific consumer segments, and execute marketing and
sales efforts at the store level.
▶ Sales Force Effectiveness services are used principally by pharmaceutical manufacturers to measure,
forecast and optimize sales force productivity and
improve territory management.
▶ Portfolio Optimization offerings are multinational, integrated analytical tools and syndicated
pharmaceutical, medical and prescription audits. They
assist in identifying the optimum mix of products in
their portfolios and pipelines and in resolving various
strategic issues, including which therapy classes to
enter, which products to develop and license, and how
to pursue market opportunities.
▶ Launch and Brand Management offerings
combine information, analytical tools, services
and experience to address needs relevant to each
stage in the life cycle of prescription and consumer
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{ exclusive feature }
marketingnews 06.15.08
pharmaceutical brands. They provide
insights and support decision-making
relating to market segmentation and
positioning, pricing and market access, promotion and performance management, and
health economics and outcomes research.
▶ Managed Care services provide an
array of information to quantify the effects
of managed care on the pharmaceutical and
healthcare industries.
▶ Consumer Health services provide
detailed product movement, market share
and pricing information for over-thecounter, personal care, patient care and
nutritional products.
such as promotion optimization, health
economics and outcomes research and
portfolio strategy.
IMS’s Global Consulting and Services
teams support strategic planning and
decision-making with a combination of
information and analytics. Customized
analysis and interpretation of business
intelligence is offered in key practice
areas: Commercial Effectiveness, to help
maximize value of sales and market
investments; Pricing and Market Access,
to help assess cost, value and anticipated
consequences of therapies and treatment options; and Product and Portfolio
Development, to assess portfolio opportunities by determining the value of various
strategic options, and evaluating choices
based on risk and return trade-offs.
IMS is launching new businesses
in implementation services and business process outsourcing such as market
research and sales force compensation and
In 2007, IMS continued to expand
capabilities and support in areas such as
market research and sales operations,
focusing on new, high-growth disciplines
Kantar Group (KG), based in
Fairfield, Conn., and London, was founded
in 1993 and renamed the Information and
Consultancy Division of WPP Group plc, a
London-based public company.
Eric Salama, 47, is chairman and CEO
of KG. He earned an M.Sc. at London’s
Birkbeck College.
U.S. research-only revenue in 2007 was
estimated at $526.8 million, up 3.5% from
2006. In 2007, 66.0% of total research-only
revenue, or $1,024.6 million, was estimated
from outside the United States. The growth
rate excludes 2006 and 2007 revenue from
U.S. acquisitions of Foresight International
Inc. in March 2007, Teenage Research
Unlimited in April 2007, and Cheskin Inc.
in December 2007.
KG’s research businesses in the
United States, with an estimated 2,600
full-time employees, include Millward
Brown Group, Kantar Media Research,
Research International, The Ziment Group,
Lightspeed Research, Mattson Jack Group
and Added Value.
IMS employs 7,950 full time worldwide, and there are 2,034 employees in
the United States.
Kantar Group
<Eric Salama
Millward Brown Group
Millward Brown Group, based in
Naperville, Ill., was founded in Warwick,
England, in 1973 and acquired by WPP in
1989. In the United States it includes:
▶ Millward Brown ( provides a full range of
qualitative, quantitative and consulting
services that address issues around brands,
marketing communications, media and
marketing effectiveness.
MB works across a wide range of
industries and categories, including brand
strategy and experience, creative development and campaign evaluation, consumer
needs and values, media planning and strategy, ROI and forecasting and investment
management, brand valuation and analytics
through the MB Optimor unit, and demand
and activation.
Key products and services are:
▶ Link: Copy testing of all forms of
▶ BrandDynamics: Brand equity evaluation, including BrandZ
▶ Dynamic Tracking: Ccontinuous
tracking of key brand drivers
▶ D&A: A framework for measuring
impact of demand generating and sales
activation activities
▶ MBuzz: Measurement of online and
offline word of mouth
▶ AdIndex: Impact of digital marketing
▶ Sales Response Modeling: Isolating
and measuring marketing effects
▶ Qualitative: Qualitative research and
focus group services
In addition, MB Precis provides PR
effectiveness metrics.
▶ Greenfield Consulting ( is a qualitative agency
conducting focus groups and in-depth
interviews for Fortune 500 companies
globally, across both consumer and
business-to-business sectors.
▶ Marketing and Planning Systems
( is a strategic research
company and consultancy, which combines
marketing science with consultancy skills.
▶ Dynamic Logic (www.dynamiclogic.
com) measures the impact of digital marketing initiatives and the role they play in
the broader cross-media mix.
▶ The Focus Network ( is a network of three focus
group facilities, including a new facility in
Chicago’s Merchandise Mart.
▶ BMRB ( offers
services in conducting quantitative social
policy and public interest research, media
and marketing research, omnibus services,
plus customer, employee and stakeholder
Kantar Media Research
Kantar Media Research (www.kantarmedia.
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com) is an integrated research, information and
software group, specializing in marketing and media
services, software data systems for data analysis and
analytical services. Key services are:
▶Television Audience Measurement offered by
AGB NMR, IBOPE Media Information, Marktest
Investimentos, and Mediafax
▶Print/single source, a service available through
its Target Group Index and MARS pharmaceutical
▶MARS pharma and Intelliquest
▶KMR software
▶Custom projects, including data fusion and database modeling
▶TGI and TAM services available in more than 50
countries worldwide
▶TV audience measurement, print and singlesource service through its Target Group Index and
MARS pharmaceutical product, software systems, and
custom projects, including data fusion and database
Research International
Research International (, with
headquarters in Chicago and London, was founded in
1973 and has been part of the WPP Group since 1989. It
has offices in more than 50 countries, and RI Qualitative
Space is the group’s qualitative research arm.
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RI provides marketing knowledge with answers
to specific business problems and generates insights
into consumers and markets. It has experience in most
major sectors, particularly CPG, retail, new media,
financial services, energy and utilities, technology and
The firm’s services are structured around six main
practice areas: consumer understanding, branding
and communication, innovation, channel management, new media, customer relationships and service
measurement. In each area, the services offered draw
on its worldwide knowledge bases, including both
custom approaches and its own techniques. Among
the latter are Equity Engine (brand equity management), MicroTest (new product development and sales
forecasting), BrandSight Gallery (an internationally
validated visual system for exploring brand personality), Locator (brand positioning optimization),
eValuate, Insightment and Loyalty Driver (evaluating
and managing customer loyalty).
Ziment Group
Ziment Group (, based in New York,
was founded in 1976 and acquired by WPP in 2001.
ZG comprises three divisions: Ziment, All Global
and Syndicated, which incorporates Imap Research
and Consumer Health Sciences. In January 2007,
Ziment Group acquired All Global, based in London,
and in 2008, the All Global and Web Survey businesses
were merged and rebranded as All Global.
The firm offers products to address a range of strategic marketing issues and also provides e-healthcare
support, Internet research and multivariate services.
Its products include:
▶From compound to profit: A suite of research
services to take drugs from Phase II to market launch
and beyond
▶Ideaz: Ideation research
▶Trialz: An approach for optimal phase III clinical
trial endpoints
▶Segz: Market segmentation research
▶Zapp: Ziment Associates positioning Playbook
for positioning and messaging research
▶TAGZ: New approach to segmentation to assist
marketing pharmaceutical products to physicians
▶MDS (Market Dynamics Studies): Continuous
market tracking to monitor brand and
competitive performance
▶Payz: A suite of three approaches to pricing
▶RxOl: Market mix modeling of secondary
and primary data to measure the ROI of marketing
All Global provides access to a panel of healthcare professionals dedicated to participating in
research through the Internet. The combined panels
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The firm also provides subscription services and tools, which include EpiDatabase,
Forecast Architect, Cancer!MPact and
Oncology Marketing Strategies.
Added Value
Three KG companies—Added Value,
Icon Brand Navigation and Diagnostic
Research—combined under the AV name.
Added Value has operations in 25 offices
in 15 countries, including the United
Kingdom, the United States, China, Japan,
South Africa, Germany, Italy, and France
and associate arrangements in Poland,
Russia and Australia. During 2007, Added
Value acquired Cheskin.
▶ AV focuses on brand development
and marketing insight, providing services
marketingnews have more than 160,000 participating
physicians across Europe and the United
States. The firm also offers a Chronic
Illness Panel with more than 350,000
patients in the United States and Europe
covering 100 different chronic illnesses.
Imap Research conducts worldwide
syndicated marketing research studies,
incorporating iTRAK and National Health
and Wellness data provision.
Lightspeed Research
Lightspeed Research (www.lightspeed was founded by KG in 2000
and is based in Basking Ridge, N.J. The
company operates in North America, the
United Kingdom, Mainland Europe and
LR is a provider of global online market
research services. The firm specializes in
using the Internet as a data collection platform to provide market research through
building and maintaining panels subject
to standards to ensure quality and representative sampling. Web technology and
databases provide the foundation to support
market research studies and specialty panels
that range across industry sectors such as
financial services, health care, b-to-b, subject matter experts, Hispanic, automotive,
family and more. LR also provides custom
panels to address specific client needs.
Through its network of panels and
accredited panel partners, LR can provide
access to more than 17 million consumers
across 34 countries. Consumer panels are
available in North America, Great Britain,
the Netherlands, Australia, Japan, France,
Germany, Italy and Spain through partners,
providing access to adults, teens, kids and
other specialty audiences.
The ELITEOpinion panel, launched in
2007, provides access to panelists in the
b-to-b panel arena.
LR’s acquisitions of both Ultimate
Consumer Panel and Foresight
International have enabled LR to expand the
range of their services in financial services
and employee satisfaction.
The Mattson Jack Group
The Mattson Jack Group Inc. (www.matt was founded in 1986 and
was acquired by KG in June 2003. The
firm is headquartered in St. Louis and
has six offices in the United States, one
in the United Kingdom and an associate
in Japan. MJG is a global healthcare and
pharmaceutical consulting firm specializing in serving the pharmaceutical and
biotechnology industries.
MJG’s core competencies include
Business Analytics (epidemiology, market
research, and modeling and forecasting);
Corporate Development (licensing, market opportunity and scientific assessment,
M&A and strategic planning); Brand
Optimization (promotional response
modeling, mix optimization and prescription influence mapping, pricing and
reimbursement); and DaVinci Oncology
Specialists (syndicated products, cancer
care environment, and related channels
and therapeutic areas).
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in consumer insight, innovation and communications optimization. Core skills are
setting future direction (cultural and trend
analysis); identifying market opportunities (market segmentation and mindset
mapping, brand portfolio management);
strengthening brand equity (brand evaluation, diagnosis and strategy creation);
innovation (ethnography, idea generation and development); evaluating ideas
(marketing mix optimization, concept
evaluation); optimizing communications
(decoding and planning, copy testing); and
communications performance optimization
(planning, tracking, spend optimization).
▶ DR Added Value, based in Los
Angeles, was founded in 1976 and acquired
by Millward Brown in 1999.
The firm conducts consumer and b-to-b
research across a number of product and
industry categories and for all types of
marketing issues. Major services offered
are copy-testing, brand and advertising
tracking, market/consumer segmentation,
product design and customer satisfaction.
▶ Icon Added Value (www., formerly Icon Brand Navigation
GmbH, based in Nuremberg, Germany, was
founded in 1993 and acquired by WPP in
April 2001.
The firm is experienced globally in
brand and communication research and
consulting, integrating new thinking and
advanced research with marketing consulting expertise.
Icon provides market research and
consulting services, including brand communications, product research, brand
tracking and customer satisfaction studies
with offices in four countries. In addition,
the firm offers support for advertising
agency selection; coaching in brand management, communication development and
agency management; and tailored seminars
and workshops for defining brand identity.
Its research activities are built around
a brand value management structure with
four brand components: analytics, strategy,
implementation and monitoring.
Westat Inc.
<Joseph Hunt
Westat Inc. in Rockville, Md., is an
employee-owned company founded in
1961. The president and CEO of Westat is
Joseph A. Hunt, 71. He earned an M.S. at
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $467.8 million, up 10.4% over 2006. The growth rate
excludes revenue from the acquisition of
Eagle Design and Management in July 2006.
Westat conducts survey research for
agencies of the U.S. government as well as
businesses, foundations, and state and local
governments. Major project areas include
health, education, the environment, energy,
transportation and social programs.
Some of its major statistical surveys
measure educational progress and medical expenditures; others are long-term
follow-up surveys concerning child development, employment and epidemiological
research. The results of its research activities enhance reporting and performance of
government programs, and inform policy
planning and decision-making.
The firm continues to perform clinical trial work for the U.S. government, and
pharmaceutical and biotech clients. In 2007,
Westat expanded its international activities
to support clinical trial in Costa Rica, South
Africa, Thailand and China.
The firm continues to conduct CATI at
five telephone research centers throughout
the United States. Westat’s nationwide staff
of field interviewers uses computer-assisted
interviewing methods on many large longterm surveys. To support and manage
these large distributed operations, Westat
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maintains a large, secure, nationwide computer and
communications infrastructure.
Westat also continues to expand its methods
research capabilities, with an emphasis on maximizing respondent cooperation across a broad range of
respondent types and applying Web technologies to
survey information collection. It operates a behavioral
research facility, specializing in Web usability studies
to augment its cognitive laboratory and focus group
The firm distributes and provides user training and
support for its WesVar statistical processing software
and for Blaise, a COTS software system for CATI and
complex survey processing developed by Statistics
Netherlands, and is used internationally.
Westat’s staff includes 1,906 full-time salaried
employees. In addition, Westat’s telephone-interviewing, field-interviewing and data-editing staff averaged
about 1,837 during 2007.
<John G. Freeland
IRI, formerly Information Resources
Inc. in Chicago was founded in 1979 and became a
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public company in 1983, and majority ownership was
acquired in 2003 by Symphony Technology Group
LLC, a private company.
John G. Freeland, 54, is president and CEO of IRI,
and Romesh Wadhwani, 60, is chairman. Freeland
earned an M.B.A. at Columbia University, and
Wadhwani earned a Ph.D. in electrical engineering at
Carnegie Mellon University.
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $441.0 million, up 2.1%
over 2006. In 2007, 37.2% of total revenue, or $261.0
million, was generated from outside the United States.
IRI is a worldwide provider of consumer, shopper and retail market intelligence and insights for
CPG, retail and healthcare companies. It offers a
combination of integrated market information,
automated and predictive analytics, enabling technologies and domain experience.
The firm operates in 58 countries through
stand-alone operations, wholly owned subsidiaries, partnerships and alliances. IRI offers services in five areas:
Comprehensive Market Content
▶ InfoScan Retail Tracking: The census-based
IRI InfoScan point-of-sale (POS) tracking service is
among the industry’s most accurate retail tracking
services, providing manufacturers and retailers access
to detailed information on sales, share, distribution,
pricing and promotion, across a wide variety of retail
channels and accounts.
▶ IRI AllScan Convenience Store Tracking: The
AllScan tracking service provides scanner-based POS
data across the entire convenience channel. Using data
from more than 15,000 sample convenience stores,
AllScan provides business insights, information quality and accuracy at the national, regional and local
market levels.
▶ Enhanced Shopper Insights: IRI and Europanel
Association have formed the world’s widest-reaching
single panel research service. It combines the IRI
Consumer Network household panel in the United
States with Europanel to create a global consumer
network representing 600 million households in 54
countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany,
Japan, Brazil and Mexico. It also covers Russia and
China exclusively.
In 2007, the IRI Shopper Insights platform continued to be enhanced by expanding the Consumer
Network household panel and offering a series of
integrated insights, shopper and specialty panels,
which are enabled through a new portable, personal
collection device. It also enhanced its Shopper Insights
Explorer offering, providing an analytic-driven application built on the IRI Liquid Data platform that
enables businesses to uncover and act quickly on factbased insights into shopper segments, trip missions
and buyer behavior.
Automated, Predictive Analytic Insights
Analytics offered by IRI include analytical modeling,
consumer and shopper insights, and new product and
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media testing services, supported by an experienced
analytics staff. The IRI Marketing Mix Analytics services quantify, test and simulate return on marketing
investment (advertising, trade promotion, coupons,
pricing) for brands. The analytic tools decompose the
drivers of current business trends and simulate the
effects of changes on future brand plans. For scenarios
that cannot be simulated using historical data, the
IRI BehaviorScan in-market testing service is a new
product and media testing capability that executes
in-market media weight and copy tests. IRI also offers
other testing services to compare in-store media,
assortment and pricing decisions, as well as media
plan alternatives.
Decision Support Services
In 2007, IRI unveiled IRI Liquid Data (ILD), a
new end-to-end information management and
insights platform. ILD supports business applications designed to provide comprehensive real-time
information to enterprise business decisionmakers. Developed in collaboration with IBM,
ILD re-imagines how businesses make decisions
based on immediate access to strategic information and insights. It leverages integrated data assets
and redesigned workflows to predict the success
of future decisions and initiatives to stay ahead of
The ILD platform offers data management
capabilities driven through a combination of IBM
and IRI hardware, software, patented algorithms,
industry models, data integration and supporting
applications that are offered as a hosted service or as
a separate infrastructure within the customer’s legacy data environment. The capability platform holds
data in a flat or unstructured universe of points and
leverages powerful, predictive automated analytics
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to generate information and insights to support specific decisions in minutes versus weeks or months.
Industry Vertical Services
IRI offers vertical experience and customized products
and services for multiple industry verticals, including
health care and wellness, center store, confections,
beer, wine and spirits, bakery and dairy.
▶ Healthcare And Wellness Insights: The IRI
Healthcare Solutions Group provides pharmaceutical, healthcare, CPG companies and retailers with
consumer intelligence, targeting and analytic services
for the healthcare marketplace. It offers a suite of retail
tracking, consumer panel and analytic-driven products and services under the RxPulse brand.
▶ Beverage Alcohol Industry Insights: IRI delivers
insights through an integrated view of the beverage
alcohol industry. The retail tracking products and
analytics are scaled to specifically meet the beverage
alcohol industry needs for providing retail sales trends,
purchase behavior and consumer insights in grocery,
drug, mass merchandise, convenience, liquor and club
IRI Partner Ecosystem
IRI has an integrated and differentiated “partner
ecosystem,” formed to leverage the skill sets of the
retail tracking and panel leaders, providing coverage,
expertise, products and solutions. Complemented by
relationships with sister companies in the Symphony
Technology Group, partial ownerships, and strategic
alliances, key strategic partnerships include:
▶ Acxiom Corp.: IRI and Acxiom Corp., a leading
provider of integrated data, services and technology
that creates and delivers customer and information
management services, extended its partnership in
2006. Its consumer insight services target specific types
of consumers that have a high likelihood to want and
buy selected product categories.
▶ IBM Corp.: This partnership focuses on delivering on-demand market intelligence to the CPG,
retail and healthcare industries using IBM software
to support the development and delivery of IRI decision support software services and real-time market
information processing. It provides a framework for
all phases of planning, performance analysis and rapid
decision-making required to optimize brand management, trade promotion, and sales and operations
▶ IMS Health Inc.: This alliance provides integrated, longitudinal marketplace information,
analytics and consulting services for the ethical (Rx),
consumer (OTC) and CPG markets in the United
States and Europe.
▶ TiVo Inc.: This provider of digital video recorder
(DVR) technology allows advertisers and brand marketers to understand the impact DVR technology
has on consumer viewing patterns and subsequent
product sales, as well as the ability to quantify the
effectiveness of specific advertising campaigns and
brand recognition programs in TiVo DVR households.
Utilizing second-by-second analysis and mapping it
to actual consumer purchasing decisions, the relationship provides viewer and consumer insights from a
new national DVR research panel combined with new
media and message testing capabilities.
▶ Worldpanel: The IRI partnership with
Worldpanel provides a high-quality, single-panel
research service, delivering global consumer insights
in 54 countries, covering 88% of the global gross
domestic product. It provides access and consumer
visibility across multiple global markets and cultures
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in Asia, Latin America, Europe and North America, as
well as Brazil, Russia, India, China, Korea and Mexico.
IRI has 1,464 full-time employees in the United
States and 3,655 worldwide. It has offices throughout
the United States and in the United Kingdom, France,
Netherlands, Germany, Greece, Italy and Spain.
<David Lowden
TNS U.S. is the U.S. unit of Taylor Nelson Sofres plc,
a public company based in London.
Donald Brydon is chairman, and David Lowden,
50, is CEO of TNS. Lowden earned a B.A. in business
administration at the University of Strathclyde in the
United Kingdom.
U.S. revenue for 2007 was $379.8 million, up 2.8%
over 2006. In 2007, 82.2% of total worldwide research
revenue, or $1,757.4 million, was from outside the
United States. The growth rate includes the 2006 and
2007 revenue of Sorensen Associates Inc., acquired
February 2007; Cymfony Inc., acquired February 2007;
Retail Forward Inc., acquired March 2007; Financial
Services unit of Abt Associates Inc., acquired May
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2007; and excludes Landis Strategy & Innovation LLC
acquired December 2007.
TNS is a global market insight and information
group, a major provider of custom research and a
major supplier of consumer purchase panel, TV audience measurement and media intelligence services. It
provides marketing information and measurement,
together with insights and analysis, to local and multinational organizations.
TNS operates a global network spanning 80 countries and employing 15,267 people full time, with
2,000 U.S.-based. In the United States, TNS has three
divisions—TNS Custom Research, TNS Healthcare
and TNS Media—and more than 40 sales and service
TNS Custom Research
TNS Custom Research is an integrated organization focused around industry sector knowledge with
research experience in strategic business issues as well
as analytic and consulting staff to help its clients make
more effective decisions.
In addition to general custom quantitative and
qualitative research, the division provides a wide range
of proprietary services, syndicated research and managed access panels.
Dedicated business teams concentrate on major
industries such as consumer goods and services
(including food and beverage), OTC and health care,
retail, restaurants, packaged goods, house and home,
financial services (including banks, credit cards, insurance and investment services), technology and media
(including entertainment, IT, telecommunications and
sport), automotive, travel and leisure, transportation,
utilities, social and polling research, and professional
services firms and agencies.
Industry teams draw upon experienced staff in
the areas of new product development, brand and
communications advertising, sports marketing and
sponsorship, multicultural, retail, and shopper and
stakeholder management research. Much of this expertise resides in specialized areas of expertise aligned
within the industry teams, including TNS Brand
and Communications, TNS Product Development
and Innovation, TNS Stakeholder Management and
TNS Retail and Shopper Insights. Also included are
specialty areas, including TNS Multicultural, TNS
Qualitative and TNS Sport. TNS’s Advanced Analytics
and Design group provides analytics and sampling,
business modeling and strategic consulting.
In 2007, TNS acquired Retail Forward and
Sorensen, expanding its offerings in retail and shopper
research, and Landis, to expand offerings in new product development.
TNS services work on a global scale. Among
them are NeedScope (emotional needs assessment),
Conversion Model (brand commitment), AdEval
(copy testing), WebEval (Web site evaluation),
InnoSuite (volumetric forecasting), FutureView
(new consumer behavior), RGM (Revenue Growth
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Manager), Online Safari (online ethnography) and TRI*M (customer satisfaction and
relationship monitoring and management).
Syndicated research offerings include
programs that provide insight for numerous
industry sectors including financial services, travel, sport, telecom, technology and
beverages. Key programs include Affluent
Market Research Study (AMRP), Consumer
Credit Card, Travels America, American
Traveler, ESPN Sportspoll, Kids Poll,
Telecom Market Tracking, Bill Harvesting
QSR (Quick Serve Restaurant) Tracking
Study, Retail Forward Intelligence System,
ShopperScape, Shopper Perspectives,
Shopper360 and eSIP beverage monitor.
TNS operates Worldpanel and managed
access panels (6thdimension access panels)
in the United States and major countries in
Europe and Asia, including specialty panels
and custom proprietary panels.
TNS Healthcare
TNS Healthcare provides market research
consulting to the worldwide pharmaceutical,
biotech and medical device industries, as well
as to health-focused ad agencies, media and
analysts. It offers globally consistent services
and custom advisory services for product
introductions; brand, treatment and sales
force performance optimization; and physician and DTC promotional assessment.
Informing decisions across the product life cycle, TNS Healthcare provides
problem-solving across the product life cycle,
including product development, pre-launch
landscaping, market assessment, positioning
and segmentation, message and campaign
creation, pricing, forecasting, attitude and
awareness measurement and post-launch
tracking. Delivering insights across stakeholders—including physicians, patients and
consumers—the division helps companies
anticipate and impact customers’ behaviors.
Its J Street panel provides Internet access to
more than 65,000 physicians in the United
States and major European markets.
TNS Healthcare’s global frameworks
include Brand Performance Optimization
(BPO), integrating brand equity and market equity factors for a complete diagnostic
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view. BPO guides companies in building commitment, a powerful relationship
metric, validated against prescribing data
to predict Rx dynamics, protect share and
prevent switching. It also offers a global Sales
Performance Optimization framework, helping companies configure the optimal mix of
physician experiences.
Through its Treatment Performance
Optimization suite, TNS Healthcare links
successful drug development with optimal
commercialization. It also supports successful message and promotional strategy
development. MessageEval evaluates up to
200 message elements, including text, graphics and sound. MarketWhys, a DTC tracking
service, incorporates insights into patients’
Brand Commitment. In addition, the division’s DetailMed service delivers continuous
tracking, from multicountry to subnational
levels, of the physician/rep engagement,
providing a globally consistent tool for comparing detail effectiveness.
TNS Healthcare also offers CardioMonitor (the world’s largest international
cardiovascular patient database) and a
suite of diabetes-focused tools, including
DiabetesDynamics, a quarterly record of
therapy changes and the reasons behind
them in the Type-2 diabetes market; and
DiabetesMonitor, in-depth information
on patients who have not undergone treatment changes.
Offering qualitative and quantitative
research through traditional and online
methodologies, TNS Healthcare is a leading agency in the United States, the United
Kingdom, Germany, France and Spain, and
in 2005 it established a client service group in
Italy. With offices throughout the Americas,
Europe, Asia Pacific and the Middle East, it
is positioned to deliver worldwide insights,
supported by local country experts, helping
companies make the most effective global
and local business decisions.
TNS Media
TNS Media provides a comprehensive suite
of marketing, media and audience insights,
and global sets of measurement and analysis
of consumer behavior services across all
traditional and digital media. It delivers platforms for traditional and online advertising,
audience, performance and engagement data
services through:
▶ TNS Media Intelligence is a leading provider of competitive advertising and marketing
information to advertising agencies, advertisers
and media properties. Its tracking technologies
collect advertising expenditure and occurrence
data, as well as select creative executions, for
more than 2.8 million brands, covering $150
billion in ad expenditures each year. It currently
provides more than 3,000 clients in the United
States with strategic advertising information
across 20 monitored media.
TNS Media Intelligence also delivers strategic intelligence in key industry
marketplaces through its business units:
Marx Promotion Intelligence, a source for
freestanding insert coupon intelligence and
other consumer promotion insights; and
Campaign Media Analysis Group, a provider
of advertising intelligence on the U.S. political marketplace.
▶ TNS Media Research provides Internet,
TV and radio audience measurement behavior in more than 30 countries worldwide
using fixed and portable metering technology and Return Path Data (RPD) from
set-top boxes. The company has developed
new measurement services via digital set-top
boxes (STB), which are able to capture TV
tuning information at census or near-census
samples with second-by-second granularity. In addition to basic tracking services,
TNS Media Research offers analytics that
are instrumental to understanding new
advertising formats such as addressable
▶ Cymfony, a brand monitoring and
analytics company, sifts and interprets the
millions of voices at the intersection of traditional and social media to gain insights
that help organizations understand the
people, issues and trends impacting their
business. Combining automated analysis
with human interpretation, it provides
products and services that deliver intelligence on consumer preferences, competitor
strengths and weaknesses, and other information critical to a company’s reputation,
brands, products and employees.
▶ Compete, a leading digital intelligence
company acquired in March 2008, helps
global brands to improve their marketing
based on the online behavior of millions of
consumers. Compete’s services help to create
effective online experiences and advertising
campaigns. It segments and profiles shoppers to improve search marketing and online
advertising efficiency, analyze the effectiveness of their marketing vs. competitors, and
optimize their online interactions with customers and prospects
▶ Theatrical Entertainment Services
(TES) is a specialized service that provides
detailed data on the Theatrical Exhibition
marketplace (movie theatres) primarily for
the motion picture studios. TES specializes
in designing programs such as trailer checking, sneak preview evaluations, theatre open
checking, audience reaction audits, undercover theatre evaluations, mystery shopping
and various other special projects.
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Arbitron Inc.
<Stephen Morris
Arbitron Inc. in New York was
founded in 1949 and in 1960 became a subsidiary of publicly held Ceridian Corp. in
Minneapolis. In March 2001, Ceridian completed a reverse spin-off of Arbitron into a
public company listed on the NYSE.
Arbitron’s president and CEO is Stephen
B. Morris, 65, who earned an M.B.A. at
Harvard Business School.
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $338.5 million,
up 6.0% over 2006. In 2007, 3.9% of total
revenue, or $13.6 million, came from outside the United States.
Arbitron is a leading media and marketing research firm primarily serving radio,
cable, advertising agencies, advertisers,
out-of-home media, and online media, and
through Scarborough Research, its joint
venture with The Nielsen Co., Arbitron also
provides media and marketing research services to broadcast TV and print media.
Arbitron’s four main services are: measuring radio audiences in local markets
across the United States; measuring network
and national radio audiences in the United
States; providing consumer shopping and
media usage information to radio, cable,
advertising agencies, advertisers, retailers,
broadcast television, out-of home media,
newspapers and online media; and providing application software used for analyzing
media audience and marketing information.
Arbitron serves approximately 4,500
radio stations and 2,200 advertising agencies and major advertisers, more than 350
TV stations, more than 60 cable customers,
more than 170 newspapers and nearly 90
outdoor advertising companies.
Media Services
▶ Measuring Local Market U.S. Radio
Audiences: Arbitron measures the size and
composition of radio station audiences by
periodically surveying radio listeners in
nearly 300 U.S. markets.
▶ Measuring National U.S. Radio
Audiences: The firm also provides measurement of network radio audiences through
its two national ratings services: RADAR
and Nationwide. The RADAR service
provides a measurement of national radio
audiences and the audience size of network
radio programs and commercials. The
audience measurements are provided for a
wide variety of demographics and dayparts
for total radio listening and for 57 separate
radio networks.
Radio Nationwide is a source for local/
regional market network ratings. The service, issued twice each year, is based on the
company’s fall and spring surveys.
▶ Surveying Consumers in Local
Markets: In addition to its radio ratings
service, Arbitron also provides consumer
profiles of radio listeners, broadcast TV and
cable television viewers, newspaper readers
and consumers reached by outdoor and outof-home advertising displays.
These profiles contain detailed socioeconomic data and information about
what consumers buy, where they shop
and what other forms of media they
use. Arbitron provides these measurements in approximately 277 local markets
throughout the United States through
its Scarborough service (a joint venture
between Arbitron and The Nielsen Co.)
as well as two other services that conduct
ongoing consumer surveys.
▶ Providing Application Software: The
firm provides software applications that
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provides customers access to media and
consumer information from Arbitron and
other research providers. The software
assists in making media buying and selling
decisions, as well as in managing and programming radio stations.
▶ Arbitron Out-of-Home Services:
Arbitron markets consumer information, sales training programs and custom
research services to a variety of out-of-home
media companies. The out-of-home customer base includes traditional billboard
companies as well as new and emerging
“place-based” media in locations such as
malls, retail stores, airports and cinemas.
Traditional out-of-home companies use
Scarborough local market consumer data
as primary sales tools. For new media, it
offers in-depth case studies documenting
the awareness, acceptance, engagement and
effectiveness of these new media choices.
▶ Online Radio Ratings: The comScore
Arbitron Online Radio Ratings, a service
jointly developed by Arbitron and comScore
Networks Inc., measures the national audience of online radio networks.
▶ Custom Research Services: Arbitron
also provides custom research services to
companies that are seeking to demonstrate
the value of their advertising propositions.
The firm has produced audience listening
estimates for sporting events, Chineselanguage radio and custom research studies
for satellite radio providers, the telecommunications industry and out-of-home/
place-based media.
Portable People Meter
Since 1992, Arbitron has pursued a strategy
of evolving its data collection business from
diaries to portable electronic measurement
devices, which passively provide measurement services. The firm has developed its
Portable People Meter (PPM) technology,
which measures audiences for programming and advertising purposes across
multiple media including, among others,
broadcast and satellite radio, broadcast,
cable and satellite TV, Internet, and retail
in-store audio and video broadcasts.
▶ The PPM in the United States:
Arbitron has begun its plan to roll out progressively its PPM ratings service to the top
50 U.S. radio markets by the end of 2010. It
currently uses the PPM ratings service to
produce ratings in the Houston-Galveston,
Texas, and Philadelphia local markets.
▶ The PPM in International Markets:
Arbitron has entered into agreements with
international media information services
companies to use Arbitron’s encoding
technology in their audience measurement
services in specific countries outside the
United States.
BBM Canada uses the Portable People
Meter as the official ratings system for
buying and selling commercial airtime
on French-language TV in the markets
of Quebec and Montreal. TNS is using
PPM technology in the United Kingdom,
Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Kazakhstan
and Singapore.
In April 2007, broadcasters in Iceland
selected the PPM Meter system as the
audience measurement currency system
for both radio and TV. In October 2007,
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TNS announced a plan for field tests in Beijing, using
the PPM system for radio audience measurement.
In December 2007, TNS announced that the British
Audience Research Board had awarded it two contracts to measure TV audiences and produce currency
ratings in the United Kingdom beginning in 2010.
Arbitron has executive offices in New York, with
sales offices in five U.S. cities and operations offices in
six U.S. cities. Its research and technology organization, in Columbia, Md., provides support for the U.S.
Media Services business and continues the development the PPM technology.
Arbitron has 1,092 full-time U.S. employees.
<Klaus L. Wubbenhorst
GfK USA comprises the U.S. operations of GfK
AG, a public company based in Nuremberg, Germany,
and established in 1934. In August 2005, NOP World
was acquired by GfK.
Klaus L. Wübbenhorst, 52, is the CEO of GfK
H6_H69.AMA.Hono.6.15.08.indd 32
AG. He earned a Ph.D. from Technical University in
Darmstadt, Germany.
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $319.7 million, up
1.3% over 2006. In 2007, 80.1% of total worldwide
revenue, or $1,603.0 million, was from outside the
United States.
GfK AG is a worldwide market research organization providing services in three business sectors:
Custom Research, Retail and Technology, and Media.
The firm has 115 operating companies located in 90
countries with 9,070 full-time employees worldwide
and 1,039 U.S. employees.
Custom Research
This sector specializes in operational and strategic
marketing issues relating to nearly every industrial
sector and market. The sources of information for the
Custom Research sector are specific target groups of
consumers and the medical profession.
GfK Custom Research North America is a fullservice, fact-based research firm offering a wide range
of ad-hoc and syndicated research products, strategic
models and consulting services. Its industry-specific
teams include GfK Automotive, GfK Consumer, GfK
Financial Services, GfK Media and Communications
and GfK Technology (includes industrial and b-to-b
research). Key specialty practice areas include GfK
Brand and Communications (includes GfK Starch
Communications), GfK Customer Loyalty (includes
GfK Mystery Shopping), GfK Roper Consulting (consumer trends), GfK Roper Public Affairs and Media
(includes GfK Roper Omnibus Services) and GfK
Qualitative and Ethnography.
A Research Center for Excellence serves as
the firm’s in-house think tank of researchers comprising three divisions: Statistical Sampling and
Methodology; Online Strategy and Methodology;
and Marketing Sciences and Analytics. The firm also
delivers research support and data collection services
through Friedman Marketing Services as well as GfK
Research Dynamics in Canada.
GfK U.S. Healthcare Companies comprises three
healthcare marketing research agencies: GfK Market
Measures, GfK Strategic Marketing and GfK V2.
Together they form a major provider of U.S. custom
healthcare marketing research services.
▶ GfK Market Measures provides a mix of syndicated and custom marketing research services,
supporting market assessment, brand tracking,
message effectiveness, sales force effectiveness,
healthcare consumer and product launch applications. The firm’s custom research expertise
includes pricing, forecasting, positioning, concept
testing, message development, promotional effectiveness evaluation and opportunity assessment.
Major products include Therapeutic Class Studies,
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PatientDriver, Detail Tracker, Detail
Watch and Fastape Premium.
▶ GfK Strategic Marketing, with a full
range of quantitative services, supports
clients in areas such as pricing, forecasting,
clinical trial optimization and market segmentation. Key products include UniterSM,
Hospital UniterSM and Perceptual Deficit
SimulatorSM. Also, its Qualitative Institute
uses a variety of qualitative research
methodologies, including cross-cultural
projective and elicitive techniques, to provide strategic counsel at each stage of the
product life cycle.
▶ GfK V2 conducts qualitative marketing research with patients and physicians.
The firm also executes advanced analytics
and quantitative research. Products include
Information Architecture (product positioning), Competitive Analysis of Strategy
and Tactics or CAST, Market Analysis of
Patients and Products (MAPPs) patient
flow/treatment maps and PracticeView
(strategic account management).
Retail and Technology
Information on retail sales of technical consumer goods is gathered on a continuous
basis in this sector, sourced from retailers.
▶ GfK Audits and Surveys focuses on
delivering information and insights from
retail-based research. The firm offers both
custom and syndicated services to a variety
of industry sectors. Among its custom services are distribution audits, controlled store
tests, market description studies, in-store
interviewing, trade sentiment studies and
customer experience programs. Its syndicated services include the Annual Retail
Census—a large in-person measurement of
the U.S. retail and service marketplace—as
well as sales tracking programs covering
pet food and animal health pharmaceuticals, optical products and mobile content
(games, music, ringtones, etc.). It has the
unique ability to track dispensing data
through professional channels that offer
products directly to their clients such as
veterinarians, opticians, etc.
▶ GfK Equity Research Inc. provides
retail sales data and analysis to institutional
investors from sales receipts provided by
retailer scanner data and other resellers
(mail-order, Internet, specialist dealers,
etc.). GfK processes sales data in more than
70 countries for virtually all consumer technology and consumer durable goods.
▶ IFR Monitoring USA is experienced in
retail in-store shelf analysis, retail ad display
metrics and Internet advertising. It analyzes
the presence of products and brands in the
market at the various levels of retail shelves,
retail advertisements and retail online sites,
thus reflecting the market offers.
This sector delivers continuous customized research on reach, intensity and use of
TV, radio, print and online media through
Mediamark Research and Intelligence (MRI),
which provides a picture of American consumers: who they are, what they buy, how
they think and how to reach them. MRI
offers demographic, attitudinal and product
usage intelligence, as well as consumer usage
of all major forms of advertising media. It
provides information to magazines, TV,
radio, Internet and other media, leading
national advertisers and more than 450
advertising agencies, including 90 of the
top 100 agencies in the United States.
<James T. Smith
Ipsos in North America (Ipsos) is
based in New York and is a unit of Ipsos
Group SA in Paris, a public company
founded in 1975 and listed on the Paris
Stock Exchange in 1999.
James T. Smith, 60, is CEO and
chairman of Ipsos in North America. He
earned an M.B.A. from Cornell University.
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $281.2 million,
up 3.5% over 2006. In 2007, $989.1 million,
or 77.9%, of total revenue, was from outside
the United States. Revenue in 2007 for Ipsos
North America was $450.0 million, and for
Ipsos Group SA was $1.27 billion.
Ipsos is a global survey-based market
research firm providing services in five areas
of specialization: advertising, customer
loyalty, marketing, media and public affairs
research. The firm has a full line of custom,
syndicated, omnibus, panel and online
research products and services, guided by
experienced staff and supported by analytics and methods. Ipsos conducts polling on
behalf of The Associated Press.
Ipsos’ five areas of specialization are
represented by five firms across North
▶ Ipsos ASI ( is a
worldwide provider of advertising pretesting services. It offers a full range of
advertising research services at all stages
of the advertising development process,
including copy testing, advertising tracking and brand equity evaluation. Ipsos ASI
helps in the development, evaluation and
improvement of advertising efforts.
▶ Ipsos Marketing (, the marketing research
consultancy, provides services in market
assessment, brand management, innovation and new product development. It offers
experienced client services teams specializing in consumer products, technology,
communications, health, pharmaceuticals,
financial services, entertainment, foodservice, agrifood, energy, utilities, and lottery
and gaming research.
▶ Ipsos Loyalty (www.ipsosloyalty.
com) is a global, specialized practice in customer satisfaction management, customer
relationship management, and employee climate management, supported by a modular
suite of integrated research tools.
▶ Ipsos Media (
media) provides research to both the editorial and advertising sides of media in key
markets worldwide. Through syndicated
studies and ad-hoc research, it informs
editorial and media marketing decisionmakers about the expectations, tastes and
behavior of readers, listeners, viewers and
Internet users.
▶ Ipsos Public Affairs (www.ipsospa.
com) specializes in corporate reputation,
issues management, strategic communications and sociopolitical trends, serving
the needs of corporations, nonprofit organizations, public relations firms, news
media and governments. Its toolbox for
conducting tailor-made research includes
quantitative polling, qualitative focus
groups, online panels, elite and stakeholder
interviewing, syndicated subscriptions and
other research techniques.
Ipsos employs 8,000 full time worldwide
and 800 in 15 U.S. locations.
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marketingnews 06.15.08
<Robert Skolnick
Synovate, created in
2002 (formerly Aegis Research), was
acquired in 1999 by the Aegis Group
plc, a London-based public company
listed on the London Stock Exchange.
Robert Skolnick, 55, is CEO of
Synovate North America. He earned
a J.D. at the Brooklyn Law School.
Adrian Chedore is worldwide CEO for
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $250.4
million, up 6.9% over 2006. In 2007,
revenue from outside the U.S. was
$616.6 million, or 71.1% of total revenue. Revenue of Aegis Group was
$2.2 billion in 2007.
Synovate is a global market
research firm based around a borderless organization whose flexible
structure allows it to establish global
teams wherever its clients are located,
mirroring their requirements and
offering local access to the firm’s global
knowledge and capabilities.
With fully owned operations in 121
cities in 57 countries, Synovate provides
complete geographic coverage and
service. Its clients range from Fortune
Global 500 companies to entrepreneurial start-ups and come from all sectors
of business: consumer packaged goods,
petrochemicals, media and advertising,
government, quick-serve restaurants,
financial services, retail, technology
and more. The firm employs more than
5,800 staff worldwide with 832 fulltime U.S. staff.
Synovate’s global practices and
industry verticals include:
{ exclusive feature }
customer experience management.
▶ Synovate Product Design and
Development: The firm has experience and services across all stages of
the product development cycle, from
initial concept to development, packaging and pricing.
▶ Synovate MarketQuest:
The firm’s experienced product
development staff worldwide guides
clients through the product development process, from initial concept to
ongoing performance monitoring, to
ensure effective market decisions and
accurate volume estimates for products or services.
▶ Synovate Motoresearch: This
company provides a full range of
research tools to help the automotive
industry develop products with maximum pulling power. NADA-24, its
customer feedback program for automotive dealerships, provides dealers
with immediate information on their
customers’ experiences.
▶ Synovate ViewsNet: From customer behavior to customer feedback,
▶ Synovate Brand and
Communications: The firm offers its
Brand Value Creator, Market Barriers
and other services to help grow brands
and track how well communications
are working.
▶ Synovate Censydiam: Known
for its psychodynamic research,
Censydiam creates a deeper understanding of human motivations and
behavior, and its effects on products
and brands.
▶ Synovate Healthcare: Global
specialists deliver marketing insights
to the pharmaceutical and healthcare
industries, from ad hoc research and
analytics to syndicated tracking studies, including oncology, antiviral (HIV,
hepatitis B and C) and autoimmune
(rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis and inflammatory bowel
▶ Synovate Loyalty: This customer
satisfaction and consulting service
helps to develop and implement
customer, employee and stakeholder
loyalty programs and as well as
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displays, store locations, layouts and
other factors.
▶ Media research: The firm examines emerging trends and how changes
in consumer behavior alter media
relationships. This also includes a close
look at media behavior and product
ownership among affluent consumers
in Latin America, Europe, the Middle
East and Asia through Synovate’s PAX
and EMS surveys.
▶ Youth research: Synovate’s
ongoing research on youth attitudes
and behavior, and contemporary culture across the globe provides a broad
range of clients with strategy, insight
and ideas on this continually changing market.
shopper insights capabilities provide
retailers and manufacturers with
research on shopper behavior and
segmentations as well as in-store
messaging and category/aisle/brand
optimization. Equipment counts,
tracks and studies shopper behavior
in the store during all times of the day
to assess the impact of promotions,
marketingnews panels can be accessed online, by telephone, by mail or face to face.
▶ Synovate Aztec: This is the
firm’s specialist offering in data processing, analysis and support services
across the grocery, pharmacy, liquor,
mass merchant and petrol/convenience channels.
▶ Shopper research: Synovate’s
<Michael Brereton
Maritz Research (MR),
based in Fenton, Mo., was founded in
1973 and is a wholly owned subsidiary
of Maritz Inc.
Michael Brereton, 48, is president of MR. He earned an M.B.A. at
Bowling Green State University.
U.S. research-only revenue in 2007
was $187.4 million, up 5.2% over 2006.
In 2007, 16.1% of total research-only
revenue, or $35.9 million, came from
outside the United States. Maritz Inc.’s
revenue in 2007 was $1.4 billion.
MR provides services that close
the gap between brand promise and
brand performance through an understanding of customers, employees and
channel partners. Its specialized divisions are focused on the automotive,
financial services, hospitality, technology, retail and pharmaceutical sectors.
In 2007, MR introduced the Maritz
Comprehensive Brand Audit. This
approach helps to understand how a
brand compares with the competition
in terms of its personality, the emotional reaction it creates in customers,
the relationship customers have with
the brand and the higher-order values
customers seek to achieve with the
brand. Analysis and modeling of these
data identifies which of the brand
facets are relative strengths and which
drive business-relevant outcomes like
brand affinity, brand worth and sharerelevant measures.
MR also introduced a new mobile
data collection technology called
Maritz OnsiteInsights. This cell phone
technology combined with real-time
data tabulations and analysis provides
insights while the customer is still in
the store or business location. The
resulting top-of-mind information is
then used by managers to modify or
improve the in-store experience.
In 2008, the firm will debut
its Online Center of Excellence. It
comprises a team of Maritz’s online
research experts, who carefully and
methodically assess respective client
projects for sampling methodology
and set guidelines for monitoring
all online survey processes to ensure
sample fidelity. The team also focuses
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on the latest advances in online qualitative techniques
and Web-based reporting.
MR employs 632 people full time in the United
States and 806 worldwide. Offices are located in
Chicago; Detroit; Hamburg, Germany; Los Angeles;
New York; Marlow, U.K.; Minneapolis; Montreal; St.
Louis; Toledo, Ohio; and Toronto.
J.D. Power
and Associates
<Stephen Goodall
J.D. Power and Associates (JDPA) in Westlake
Village, Calif., was founded in 1968. In April 2005,
JDPA was acquired by The McGraw-Hill Cos.
Stephen C. Goodall, 53, is president of JDPA.
He earned an M.B.A. at the University of Southern
U.S. research-only revenue in 2007 was estimated
at $184.5 million, up 8.2% over 2006. Revenue from
outside the United States in 2007 was estimated at
$76.0 million, or 29.2% of total research-only estimated revenue.
H6_H69.AMA.Hono.6.15.08.indd 38
JDPA is a global marketing information services
company that conducts independent consumer
surveys of product and service quality, customer
satisfaction and buyer behavior. Services include
industrywide and client-commissioned research, business-to-business consulting, automotive forecasting,
corporate training and performance improvement,
and media research.
Annual syndicated studies are based on survey
responses from millions of consumers and business
customers worldwide. The firm does not review, judge
or test products and services; it relies on the opinions
and expectations of consumers who have actually
owned the products and use the services being rated.
JDPA is best known for its work in the automotive industry, for which its metrics have
become the industry standard for measuring
quality and customer satisfaction. A team of associates worldwide conducts quality and customer
satisfaction research across industries including automotive, telecommunications, travel, real
estate, finance, insurance, health care, utilities
and consumer electronics.
The firm’s clients include many Fortune 500
U.S. companies and many internationally. JDPA
has five U.S. offices and locations in eight countries. It has 620 full-time employees in the United
States and 875 worldwide.
Interactive Inc.
<Gregory Novak
Harris Interactive Inc. (HI), based in
Rochester, N.Y., was founded in 1975 as Gordon
S. Black Corp.; and together with Louis Harris and
Associates, which was founded in 1956, it became a
public company in 1999.
Gregory T. Novak, 45, is president and CEO of
HI. He earned an M.S. in Management at Krannert
Business School at Purdue University.
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $161.0 million, down
3.6% from 2006. In 2007, $66.0 million, or 29.1% of
total revenue, was generated outside the United States.
HI is a global custom survey research company that
provides insights and strategic advice. The firm is widely
known for The Harris Poll, one of the longest-running,
independent opinion polls, and for using online market
research methods. It has built one of the world’s largest
panels of survey respondents, the Harris Poll Online. HI
serves clients worldwide through its North American,
European and Asian offices, and through a global network of 14 independent market research firms.
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information collected from 700 retail partners representing more than 150,000 doors
worldwide. It also offers market- and storelevel tracking for approximately 50 U.S.
designated market areas (DMAs), as well
as more granular market views in Europe.
Market-level services are available for consumer technology and automotive in the
improvement, home textiles), office supplies, software, sports, toys and wireless.
Its products and services include retail
tracking, consumer tracking, shipment
tracking, causal information, special reports
and custom services.
NPD’s retail tracking services are based
on point-of-sale (POS) store movement
marketingnews The firm has particular strengths in the
areas of brand and strategy consulting, marketing communications (ad tracking and
testing) and loyalty. Its industry experience
includes advertising, consumer packaged
goods, financial services, health care and
pharmaceuticals, government, telecommunications, technology, automotive and
transportation, as well as public policy and
public relations.
In 2007, HI launched GlobalSynch, a
global synchronized research platform.
Its integrated Web-based system provides
increased speed, greater accuracy and easy
real-time access to research data collected
anywhere in the world regardless of collection mode. This online research platform
can also send out more than one million
e-mail invitations per hour and process
180,000 five-minute inbound surveys per
hour or 15,000 surveys simultaneously.
Also in 2007, HI expanded its operations through acquisitions in Germany,
Canada and Asia. It also extended its southern hemisphere presence with the addition
of two new Global Network partners:
INFOTRAK Research and Consulting in
Kenya and CNP Global in Brazil.
HI has 879 full-time U.S. employees
and has subsidiary/affiliates in London;
Hamburg, Germany; Paris; Toronto; and
Hong Kong.
Group Inc.
<Tod Johnson
The NPD Group Inc. (NPD), in
Port Washington, N.Y., is a group of private, majority-owned corporations. It was
founded in 1967.
Tod Johnson is chairman and CEO of
NPD, Karyn Schoenbart is president and
COO, and Tom Lynch is CFO and COO.
Johnson, 63, earned an M.S.I.A. at Carnegie
Mellon University.
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $160.4 million,
up 10.1% over 2006. In 2007, 24.0% of total
revenue, or $50.7 million, was generated
from work conducted outside the United
States. The growth rate excludes 2006
and 2007 revenue from the acquisition of
Current Analysis in May 2007.
NPD provides consumer and retail
information for a wide range of industries.
The firm identifies new business opportunities and guides product development,
marketing, sales, merchandising and other
Information is available for the following industry sectors: automotive, beauty,
commercial technology, consumer technology (consumer electronics, IT, cameras,
other electronics), entertainment (video
games, music, film, video), fashion (accessories, apparel, footwear), food (foodservice
and food and beverage consumption),
home (appliances, housewares, home
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{ exclusive feature }
United States and for beauty in France.
NPD monitors commercial sales of
information technology products through
an alliance with the Global Technology
Distribution Council, whose members
comprise approximately 80% of the IT distributor market.
The firm’s U.S. consumer tracking services are based on information collected
from the NPD Online Panel of more than
three million registered members. NPD also
offers a second U.S. panel option, its longitudinal panel, AccuPanel. Due to NPD’s
extensive experience in managing panels,
the NPD Online Panel has high cooperation
rates compared with online industry norms.
DisplaySearch, an NPD Group company, provides market research on the flat
panel display (FPD) industry’s supply chain,
covering component suppliers, equipment
manufacturers, FPD producers, OEMs,
brands, distributors and retailers. It offers
information on shipments and revenue, as
well as forecasts for displays, applications,
manufacturing equipment and components.
In Canada, NPD offers POS and/or
consumer panel information for the automotive, consumer technology, commercial
technology, entertainment, fashion and
foodservice industries, as well as food and
beverage consumption; in many cases, consumer information is collected from NPD’s
Canadian online panel.
In Mexico, NPD’s primary business is
retail tracking in the consumer technology
In Europe, NPD offers information for
the beauty, foodservice, sports and toys
industry sectors. Tracking services are provided in 11 European countries and include
both consumer and retail tracking services.
In Asia, foodservice and sports tracking
are available in Japan, and beauty pointof-sale tracking for the prestige beauty
industry is available in China.
NPD has offices in 25 cities around the
world, spanning the Americas, Europe, Asia
and Australia.
In 2007, NPD introduced new tracking services, including accessories (United
States), toys (Poland and Portugal), nursery
products (United Kingdom) and, in 2008,
athletic footwear. NPD also began tracking
consumer purchases in Europe via an online
panel. It also became Wal-Mart’s preferred
provider of consumer data in the industries
tracked by NPD, and will offer consumer
tracking services to Wal-Mart and its suppliers in 2008.
NPD’s joint ventures include a series of
companies owned by NPD and GfK AG,
operating retail tracking services in Europe,
the Americas, Asia and Australia for consumer electronics, household durables,
cameras and IT. NPD also partners with
GfK in OzToys, a retail tracking service
covering toys, video games and software in
Australia. In 2008, NPD sold its interest in
LatinPanel to TNS.
NPD has approximately 840 full-time
U.S. employees (780 full-time exempt).
Outside of the United States, it has 260 fulltime employees.
Opinion Research/
Guideline Group
<Gerald Miodus
Opinion Research/Guideline
Group (OR/G) in Omaha, Neb., is
the market research division of infoUSA
Inc., a public company. OR/G was established in 2007 from acquisitions of four
market research firms: Opinion Research
Corp. (including Opinion Research
and Macro International) in Princeton,
N.J., in December 2006; NWC Research
in Melbourne, Australia, in July 2007;
Guideline Inc. in New York in August 2007;
and Northwest Research Group Inc. in
Seattle in October 2007.
Vin Gupta, 61, is chairman and CEO
of infoUSA. He earned an M.S. in engineering and an M.B.A. at the University
of Nebraska. The president of Opinion
Research is Gerald J. Miodus, 51. He earned
a B.S. in economics at Michigan State
University. Greg N. Mahnke, 56, is president
of Macro International. He earned a Ph.D.
in anthropology at Indiana University. Marc
Litvinoff, 47, is CEO of Guideline.
U.S. research-only revenue in 2007 was
$124.7 million, up 4.5% over 2006. In 2007,
39.7% of total research-only revenue, or
$82.0 million, was from work conducted
outside the United States. The U.S. growth
rate includes 2006 and 2007 revenue of
Opinion Research Corp. and Guideline Inc.,
and excludes revenue of Northwest Research
Group Inc. Total research and nonresearch
revenue in 2007 was $206.7 million.
There are three operating units in OR/G:
▶ Opinion Research Corp. (www.opin ORC, founded in 1938,
provides research services in corporate
brand and reputation, customer experience and strategies, market planning and
development, employee engagement, and
community and public services delivery.
The company offers a portfolio of research
products and services to meet the needs
H6_H69.AMA.Hono.6.15.08.indd 40
of marketing, strategic planning, market
research, human resources, product management and public services executives
worldwide. The firm has experience in the
financial services, healthcare, information
technology and telecommunications, and
public services sectors.
In addition to its U.S. research practices,
ORC delivers ORC Caravan, the oldest
continuously running consumer omnibus
survey in the United States; PR Plus, a
PR-friendly research “survey in a box”; Outof-Box-Experience, a picture of consumers’
impressions of electronic products as they
are first unpacked, assembled and used; and
the Customer Experience Evaluation tool,
an online customer relationship survey process for midsized companies.
Through the Northwest Research
Group (, ORC has added a presence in the
Western United States and several new
products, including CityMARKS, a citizen
satisfaction measurement for local governments; CSMPactor, a customer satisfaction
and loyalty measurement program focused
on the areas that have a high impact on
the customer experience; and Idetailing,
a brainstorming and ideation process that
combines the benefits on traditional indepth qualitative research methods with
online technology.
ORC also delivers the CNN/Opinion
Research Corp. poll through a formal partnership with CNN, and has partnered with
NYSE Euronext since 2005 to survey CEOs
of the NYSE’s listing companies on topics
ranging from globalization and governance
to strategy and human resources.
ORC and NRG have 106 research
employees in U.S. offices in Princeton,
N.J.; Chicago; Reno, Nev.; Toledo, Ohio;
Tucson, Ariz.; Seattle; and Boise, Idaho.
▶ Guideline (
Founded in 1969, Guideline provides
a platform of qualitative and quantitative market intelligence for both b-to-b
and b-to-c clients. Industry experience
includes: health care and pharmaceutical, consumer-related financial services,
insurance, consumer packaged goods,
industrial, and advertising and professional services. The firm’s quantitative
market research capabilities include:
Internet/telephone/direct mail surveys,
in-depth interviewing, live/virtual focus
groups, new product testing, in-home use
testing, FDA-related research and label
comprehension, message testing, customer satisfaction and loyalty research,
and claims substantiation and copyright
infringement research.
Guideline has 73 full-time research
employees across five U.S. offices in Boston,
Chicago, Minneapolis, Minn., New York
and Washington.
▶ Macro International Inc. (www.mac Macro has more than
40 years experience working with virtually
every U.S. federal government agency and
conducting research and related projects in
more than 125 countries. Macro provides
services to the public sector including
research and evaluation, social marketing,
information technology and management
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consulting. The firm’s research and evaluation projects support federal, state and international programs
relating to health, housing, education, science, energy,
nutrition and related areas.
In addition to the government sector, Macro’s
market research capabilities provide business clients
with accurate tactical and strategic information on
products, markets, customer attitudes and behavior,
performance measurement, organization change,
competitive analyses and market transformation projects. In October 2007, Macro introduced MacroPoll
Wireless, a national omnibus survey conducted with
cell phone users.
Macro has 367 full-time research employees in
U.S. offices in Calverton, Bethesda, Elkridge, Rockville
and Silver Spring, Md.; Atlanta; Burlington, Vt.; Los
Angeles; New York and Plattsburgh, N.Y.
comScore Inc.
<Gian Fulgoni
comScore Inc. (cS), based in Reston, Va.,
was founded in 1999 and listed on the Nasdaq Stock
Exchange in June 2007.
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{ exclusive feature }
Gian Fulgoni, 60, is chairman of cS, and Magid
Abraham is president and CEO. Fulgoni earned a master’s in marketing at the University of Lancaster in the
United Kingdom.
U.S. revenue for 2007 was $77.0 million, up 26.0%
over 2006. In 2007, revenue generated outside the U.S.
was $10.2 million, or 11.7% of total revenue.
cS continuously measures the online behavior
of a global cross section of consumers of two million Internet users who provide their browsing and
transaction behavior, including online and offline purchasing. Its panelists also participate in survey research
that captures their attitudes and intentions that can be
integrated with their observed behavior.
The firm’s samples have been built according to
statistical sampling methodologies, and encompass
consumers at home, in the workplace, at universities
and outside the United States.
▶ cS Media Metrix (CMM) division, providing the
syndicated audience measurement product of cS, is the
source of Internet audience measurement for advertising agencies, publishers, marketers and financial
analysts. CMM reports details of online media usage,
visitor demographics and online buying power for the
home, work and university audiences across 100 local
U.S. markets and around the world, including detailed
reporting for dozens of countries. The division offers
tools for reach and frequency analysis, day-part planning, online and offline local market analysis and
emerging applications. CMM, under the cS Video
Metrix sub-brand, provides audience measurement
data for streaming video
In 2007, CMM released several new measurement
tools: qSearch2.0, a global reporting of online search
activity; Campaign Metrix, which measures the delivery of online advertising campaigns and its resulting
sales online and offline; Brand Metrix, which reports
on the impact of online advertising on a brand’s awareness and the attitudes and perceptions toward a brand;
Segment Metrix, a new site-level behavioral targeting
tool; cS Marketing a new search marketing tool kit;
and Ad Metrix, which reports the number of display
ad views delivered by top Web sites with detailed
In 2008, cS plans to introduce Ad Metrix
Advertiser, which will measure display advertising
by advertiser; Plan Metrix 2.0, monthly releases of
Internet audience measurement data married with
attitudinal data; and Mobile Metrix, which will measure Internet traffic from mobile devices.
▶ cS Marketing Solutions (CMS) division combines cS consumer behavior database with the
experience of cS analysts, to deliver insight into the
online behavior of consumers for clients in the automotive, consumer packaged goods, entertainment,
financial services, media, pharmaceutical, retail, technology, telecommunications and travel industries.
CMS also integrates online behavior with offline
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▶ For clients conducting more than
5,000 telephone interviews per month,
MSI has developed the Integrated Research
Center solution to meet research program
needs through a dedicated center; a customdesigned extranet portal and dashboard
reporting system; and analytical services.
▶ The firm provides a Customer
Experience Management modeling
services, health care, technology and telecommunications industries. The firm offers
industry knowledge and experience, analytical capabilities, unique market research
programs and services, and client service
MSI provides creative and cost-efficient
customer satisfaction and loyalty measurement programs:
marketingnews purchase and product ownership data.
The cS online tracking technology is being
installed on the computers of Information
Resources Inc.’s Consumer Network consumer panel that measures CPG buying
behavior across all important retail channels. cS has also matched its database with
clients’ offline buying databases to measure
the impact that online marketing has on
offline behavior.
CMS offers a full range of custom and
syndicated survey research services for a
variety of industries, using the cS panel
with offline and online applications. CMS
survey services address business issues
such as consumer segmentation, customer
satisfaction, product and advertising evaluation and brand performance tracking. CMS
integrates survey responses with online
behavior passively captured for the same
cS data and services support numerous
applications, including market and competitive intelligence for any online category;
benchmarking and opportunity gap/SWOT
analysis; customer profiling and segmentation models; integration and study of online
behavioral data with offline purchase data;
choice models based on pricing, taxes and
promotions, among other factors; controlled
measurement of the effectiveness of interactive marketing programs; and scoring of
customer files for direct marketing programs
using markers and propensities derived in
aggregate within the cS database and applied
using shared attributes. cS e-commerce sales
data have been widely published in the media
for more than seven years.
cS has 370 full-time U.S. employees and
452 worldwide in offices in Reston, Va.;
Chicago; New York; San Francisco; Seattle;
Tokyo; Toronto; Paris; and London.
Strategies Inc.
<Andrew Morrison
Market Strategies Inc. (MSI) in
Livonia, Mich., is a privately held company
founded in 1989. In 2006, Veronis Suhler
Stevenson LLC acquired a majority stake in
Andrew J. Morrison is chairman and
CEO of MSI. Jan Brown is president and
Reg Baker is COO. Morrison, 59, earned a
Ph.D. in mass communications research at
the University of Michigan.
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $75.7 million, up
6.3% over 2006. Revenue generated outside
the U.S. in 2007 was $4.7 million, or 5.8% of
total revenue. The revenue and growth rate
include full-year 2006 and 2007 revenue of
Flake-Wilkerson Market Insights acquired
October 2007. The growth rate includes
full-year 2007 and 2007 revenue from the
acquisition of Doxus LLC in June 2007.
MSI is a full-service, custom research
firm that focuses on the energy, financial
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capability that sets priorities for service
improvement initiatives and employee
▶ MSI’s usability consultants help design
and evaluate customer-focused Interactive
Voice Response systems and Web sites.
It completed more than 2.5 million telephone interviews in 2007 out of six telephone
centers in the United States and Canada.
MSI also focuses on new product
research in health care, financial services
and technology, with choice-modeling
software and simulators, and Internet data
collection capabilities. In 2007, the firm
conducted more than 250,000 domestic
and international Internet interviews
focused on new product and brand equity
topics with special populations including
physicians, technology decision-makers
and business decision-makers regarding
financial services.
MSI’s Marketing Science unit provides
a suite of products including MSImpact
Modeling, a structural equation modeling
system for customer experience management research programs; MSInnovation,
a new product optimization and simulation approach that features proprietary
choice-modeling analysis; MSTargets, a
multiplatform market segmentation analysis; and the MSBrandManager research
program to develop and derive value from
old and new brands.
The firm’s MSInteractive unit manufactures the Perception Analyzer system and
software, and sells and leases systems for
market research, education and meeting
facilitation uses.
MSI employs 309 full-time staff in the
United States and more than 1,000 interviewers. The firm has client service offices
in Portland, Ore.; Little Rock, Ark.; Atlanta;
northern New Jersey; Indianapolis; and
<David Sackman
Lieberman Research
Worldwide (LRW), based in Los
Angeles, is a privately held corporation
founded in 1973.
Arnold Fishman, 63, is the founder and
chairman of LRW, and David Sackman, 50,
is president and CEO. Fishman earned a
B.S. at Brooklyn College, City University of
New York, and Sackman earned a B.A. at
the University of California at Los Angeles.
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $71.0 million,
up 12.5% over 2006. In 2007, $16.4 million,
or 18.8% of total revenue, was generated
outside the United States.
LRW is a full-service custom market research provider with experience
across a diversity of industries, including
entertainment, technology, automotive,
pharmaceutical and health care, retail, food
service, financial and business services, consumer goods and more.
LRW maintains an understanding of
business needs and techniques by recruiting senior executives from academia,
consulting, advertising, marketing and
marketing research. Its Advanced Analytics
team provides experience in conjoint,
choice, latent class and Hierarchical Bayes
modeling, price testing and optimization,
demand forecasting and modeling, market
segmentation, brand positioning and other
custom techniques.
LRW emphasizes five core areas of
▶ Strategy Development and
Segmentation Research: Strategy experience
is LRW’s core strength. In segmentation
research, the firm determines targets,
optimizes marketing mix and develops
strategies to maximize performance within
target segments that drive business impact.
It also deploys techniques and analytic processes to understand where value resides
within brands along with the implications
for brand building.
▶ Brand Strategy: LRW expanded its
brand practice in 2007 with the launch of
its new brand paradigm developed from
R&D work to identify new brand metrics
that predict financial performance. LRW’s
Relevant Brand Clarity helps directly manage the contribution of brands to their
financial performance. This new paradigm
links two new brand concepts, Emotional
Clarity and Functional Clarity, with traditional measures of the brand funnel (such as
awareness, trial, conversion, etc.), delivering
a predictor of sales and profits.
▶ CIA Approach to Tracking: This utilizes consistency procedures and research
processes that generate insight from the
data. LRW’s approach applies these to customer satisfaction, brand or advertising
▶ New Product Development: LRW’s
end-to-end service starts with a market segmentation to understand the target markets,
then uses Ideation, a structured brainstorming method, to create a large number of
potential concepts. After the concepts are
refined through Evolution, an iterative
series of qualitative research, the firm tests
concept, package and price to ensure optimal execution. To forecast product demand,
analysts apply choice modeling to multiple
production configurations.
▶ Actionability Suite: LRW offers
Actionability Workshops to actively engage
key client stakeholders in the research process. The workshops include four distinct
approaches built upon an action-oriented
philosophy: Immerison, Lieberman
Learning Labs, Actionability Workshops
and Synthesis.
In 2007, LRW developed a full suite of
online access tools delivering quality data
and analysis including executive dashboards
and full reporting systems; introduced its
Interactive Decision Tool for brand optimization; and hosted its second annual Client
Symposium on the topic of “Linking Brand
Performance to Financial Results.” In 2008,
the firm will launch its suite of online access
tools and develop its own online sampling
LRW employs 208 full-time employees in the United States. Data collection
facilities include five telephone centers
with 625 CATI-equipped stations and the
capability to conduct interviews in more
than 65 languages. In addition to its Los
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scale surveys and tracking studies for many
U.S. federal government agencies, foundations and university researchers. These
projects include epidemiological surveys,
global healthcare studies, domestic violence
and program evaluations.
▶ Public Policy and Public Affairs
Division conducts the Annenberg National
particularly in the CPG, restaurant and
retail sectors. It is responsible for Abt SRBI’s
large-scale customer satisfaction surveys
utilizing innovative methods and technologies, including Interactive Voice Response.
This group manages several large proprietary online customer and prospect panels.
▶ Government Division conducts large-
marketingnews Angeles headquarters, the company has
offices in London; Chicago; Charlotte,
N.C.; Huntington Beach, Calif.; Shanghai;
and Tokyo.
Associates Inc.
<Wendell Knox
Abt Associates Inc. in Cambridge,
Mass., is an employee-owned company
founded in 1965.
Wendell J. Knox, 60, is president and
CEO of Abt. He earned a B.A. at Harvard
University. Mark A. Schulman, 62, is president of Abt SRBI subsidiary. He earned a
Ph.D. at Rutgers University.
U.S. research-only revenue in 2007 was
$55.1 million, down 16.8% from 2006. The
U.S. growth rate includes 2006 and 2007
revenue from the acquisition of Schulman,
Ronca & Bucuvalas Inc. (SRBI) in July
2007, and excludes the Financial Services
Research Practice sold in May 2007. Total
research and nonresearch revenue in 2007
was $208 million. Abt is a full-service research and
consulting firm whose research activities
include marketing research for government,
business, media, universities and foundations. Combining research and consulting
services, the firm tailors individual services
and strategies to help clients identify, understand and respond to complex issues and
Abt provides a full range of survey
research capabilities, from sample design
and instrument development, through
data collection and data management and
processing, to data analysis. Its emphasis
on technical quality ensures confidence
in measuring effectiveness, launching
new products and improving customer
satisfaction. Abt SRBI is a full-service global public
opinion and marketing research company
serving many Fortune 500 companies,
financial service and insurance organizations, advertising agencies, media,
university researchers, foundations and
government agencies. It is organized into six
▶ Analytic and Consulting Division
has specialized practice groups in banking and finance, insurance, health care,
telecommunications, technology, mass
transportation and media research. Industry
specialization, combined with analytic
tools, are used in such areas as brand equity,
advertising tracking, image and positioning,
customer loyalty/satisfaction and market
and customer segmentation studies. Abt
SRBI’s b-to-b research is conducted in this
division, including international b-to-b
▶ Marketing Insights Division focuses
on integrated strategic research approaches,
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Election Study and other large-scale public
opinion and public policy studies for university researchers, foundations, research
institutes and the media. This includes legal
services to the poor, political participation,
surveys of Iraq War veterans and children’s
health surveys. This division is responsible
for SRBI’s public opinion polling for Time
Magazine and other media.
▶ Utilities Division serves the electric
utility industry. Studies include customer
satisfaction and loyalty, marketing issues
and studies of the impact of industry
▶ Interviewing Services Division conducts telephone, mail, Internet, IVR and
in-person interviewing for other marketing
research firms. The firm has five centralized,
fully supervised and monitored CATI facilities with nearly 450 stations.
Besides its Cambridge offices, Abt has
U.S. offices in Lexington and Hadley, Mass.;
Bethesda, Md.; Chicago; Durham, N.C.;
and New York (SRBI). Abroad it has project offices in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin
America and the Middle East.
Abt has more than 1,000 full-time
employees, of which 279 work full time on
its research services.
<Shelley Zalis
OTX, based in Los Angeles, was
founded in 2000 as a division of iFilm Inc.
and acquired in 2004 by Zelnick Media
Group and the Pilot Group.
H6_H69.AMA.Hono.6.15.08.indd 46
Shelley Zalis, 46, is CEO and co-founder
of OTX. She earned a B.A. from Barnard
College of Columbia University.
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $50.8 million,
up 32.6% over 2006. In 2007, 6.8% or $3.7
million of total revenue was from outside
the United States.
OTX is a global, full-service, consumer research and consulting firm that
has established itself as a leading provider
of online-based research. The firm blends
online technology with experienced market
research and agency professionals.
OTX serves the marketing, entertainment and advertising communities by
providing online products to uncover consumer insights. Clients include packaged
goods manufacturers, media companies and
movie studios.
OTX specializes in understanding the
impact of both traditional and emerging
media and offers clear thinking on the
convergence of brands and entertainment.
With access to more than 40 million consumers worldwide, OTX provides a suite
of syndicated products and also develops
custom research.
Services offered to media and entertainment companies include testing for
movie creatives, movie trailers, Web site
appeal and design, global movie tracking in
seven countries, daily TV program tracking and video game tracking. OTX is also
an industry leader for movie screenings.
For packaged goods companies and retailers, the firm offers advertising engagement
testing and brand tracking, packaging and
product concept testing, and uses virtual
stores/shelf for pricing, assortment and any
in-store marketing tests. For engagement,
OTX uses biometric measures to get a more
accurate read on the effectiveness of advertisers’ messaging.
New for 2008 is ConsumerMaps, a
syndicated research tool that connects
consumers with brands, and brands with
other brands, based on key measures of
recognition, attraction, presence and polarization. It offers continuous measurement
of consumer sentiment, yielding 360-degree
insight into the consumer-driven brand
Also new for 2008 is the Longitudinal
Media Experience study that investigates
consumer attitudes and behaviors toward
digital technology and its impact on traditional media. It evaluates interest and
adoption patterns for new media offerings
and device innovations and provides a roadmap for traditional brands that are entering
the digital space and brands already in the
digital space.
OTX has 184 full-time U.S employees and offices in Los Angeles, New York,
Cincinnati, Miami, Chicago and London,
with strategic partners in Japan, Australia,
Russia, China and Mexico. 21
Burke Inc.
<Michael Baumgardner
Burke Inc. (BI), based in Cincinnati,
was founded in 1931 and has been an independent, employee-owned company since
1989 with its shares held in an Employee
Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). It became
100% ESOP in 2008.
BI’s president and CEO is Michael
Baumgardner, 57. He earned a Ph.D. at
Ohio State University.
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $47.0 million,
up 8.0% from 2006. In 2007, $6.1 million, or
11.5% of total revenue, was from outside the
United States.
BI is a full-service marketing research
firm using advanced analytical techniques
and technology to provide decision support services across all major industry
sectors. It’s experienced in defining
problems, developing research designs,
executing complex studies, analyzing data
and interpreting results.
Over the years the firm has expanded its
core research competencies in response to
emerging trends such as customer loyalty,
linkage and integration, and employeerelated research. BI’s core competencies are
supported by internal research and development programs.
Burke also provides marketing
research and consumer insights education through the Burke Institute, which
has trained more than 70,000 participants
from 10,000 companies, through more
than 3,000 public and in-house customized marketing research seminars in
39 different countries. Seminars cover
research topics such as general marketing
research, qualitative and online research,
questionnaire design, customer loyalty,
analytical tools and techniques, advanced
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multivariate analysis, and linkage and other
modeling techniques.
Primary areas of focus include:
▶ Custom Marketing Research: Provides fullservice custom research, analysis and consulting for
consumer and b-to-b product and service companies
to understand marketplace dynamics worldwide.
Services include product testing, brand equity
research, pricing research, market segmentation,
image and positioning studies, and a wide range of
marketing research protocols targeted at both tactical
and strategic business issues.
▶ Customer Loyalty and Relationship
Management: Helps companies develop and deploy
customer loyalty and relationship management
systems that focus internal resources on customer
▶ Employee Engagement and Retention: A key
element of BI’s approach is employee engagement,
which represents the strength of the overall connection between the employees and the organization, and
includes commitment, involvement, relationships and
▶ International Research: Custom research and
other research services are available worldwide.
▶ Linkage and Integration: Focuses on where to
invest limited resources to optimize process effectiveness, employee commitment, customer retention and
business results.
▶ Online Research and Reporting: BI’s online
research provides Web survey design and data collection using the Internet. Its Digital Dashboard
online reporting provides secure, real-time access
to survey findings. BI also provides moderating of
online focus groups.
▶ Burke Qualitative: BI’s qualitative division is
experienced in using the full range of qualitative
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formats including focus groups, dyads, triads, minigroups and one-on-ones. Moderators are versed in
laddering, ethnographic research, scripting, and a variety of other qualitative and projective techniques.
▶ Burke Healthcare: Provides experienced and
dedicated healthcare industry staff, many with professional accreditation and/or clinical backgrounds.
Burke has 217 full-time employees in the United
States and 225 part-time employees.
MVL Group Inc.
qualitative research tools to guide clients through one
or more stages of product development.
MRSI’s Hispanic research includes an in-house
Hispanic research team of moderators, research consultants, analysts and project directors who conduct
both qualitative and quantitative research among
Hispanics, including the development of custom panels of Hispanic consumers.
▶ Target Research Group (TRG) in Nanuet, N.Y.,
offers Ad Trac (Advertising Evaluation System), which
evaluates TV and print advertising for impact, persuasion and communication; Con Trac for concept
screening; Fore Trac to predict sales on new products,
line extensions and relaunches; Power Trac for optimizing concept and product acceptance and product
retention; and Price Trac that identifies optimal pricing for new products.
<M. Van Lefferdink
MVL Group Inc. (MVL), based in Jupiter, Fla., is
a privately held firm formed as a holding company in
1998 and majority owned by Allied Capital Corp. in
M. Van Lefferdink is CEO of MVL, and Adam L.
Rogers is president and COO. Van Lefferdink, 58, has a
B.A. from DePauw University.
U.S. research revenue for MVL’s full-service
research units in 2007 was $42.3 million, down 1.6%
from 2006. Total revenue of MVL in 2007, including
data collection and online units, was $78.7 million.
MVL’s full-service marketing research companies
▶ Marketing Research Services Inc. (MRSI) in
Cincinnati provides custom research services in consumer goods, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, retail and
restaurant industries.
Its PRISM system utilizes quantitative and
MVL’s online research and data collection companies include:
▶ Carbonview Research in Jupiter, Fla., launched
in early 2005, uses a new approach to online research
with its Authenticated Panel based on face-to-face
recruitment at mall locations nationwide. This screening method provides access to hard-to-reach targeted
consumers and 100% validation.
▶ Discovery Research Group in Salt Lake City
specializes in interviewing and recruiting respondents
via the telephone. Since its inception in 1987, DRG
has grown to 1,000 dialing stations and has become
one of the largest opinion and marketing research field
service firms in the United States. In 2007, the firm
opened a 48-seat center in Costa Rica.
▶ PhoneBase Research in Fort Collins, Colo., has
conducted millions of telephone interviews involving
research into virtually every U.S. industry since its
founding in 1994.
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▶ Quick Test/Heakin, a mall-based
data collection network, has 53 nationwide
locations centrally linked to its corporate
office in Jupiter, Fla. It was created in 1999
by combining two companies in the mallintercept data collection industry: Quick
Test Inc. and Heakin Research Inc.
▶ Active Group (AG) based in Atlanta,
was acquired by MVL in early 2007. AG
offers a wide complement of products
related to video streaming across a network
of nearly 600 locations throughout the
United States and Europe.
MVL has 420 full-time and 2,000 parttime U.S. employees. MRSI and TRG have
193 U.S. full-time employees.
Networks Inc.
<Simon Kooyman
Knowledge Networks Inc.
(KN), based in Menlo Park, Calif., is a privately held company founded in 1998.
Simon Kooyman, 50, is CEO of KN. He
earned an M.B.A. at Catholic University of
Louvain in Belgium.
U.S. revenue for 2007 was $37.3 million,
up 5.7% from 2006.
KN specializes in solving complex,
high-impact problems, providing quality and service to business, government
and academia. KN works closely to create healthy consumer-brand connections,
effective marketing and advertising, sound
public policies and accurate social science
research. It has established client-focused
strategic business units for custom marketing research and government and academic
KN excels in study design, analytics and custom panel creation, delivering
statistically valid online research through
KnowledgePanel, a probability-selected,
nationally representative Internet panel. The
firm specializes in media and advertising
analysis, brand health, brand communication testing, segmentation, new product
opportunities and evaluation, public opinion and social issues. Other KN resources
include the National Shopper Lab, a panel of
eight million frequent shoppers available for
in-store and new product research.
The firm also maintains an extensive
program of research on research, studying
the ways that different research methods
and respondent cooperation—including
panel creation and maintenance—can
directly affect the information marketers
use to make decisions.
KN operates from six U.S. offices in
Menlo Park, Calif.; New York; Chicago;
Cincinnati; Cranford, N.J.; and Needham,
Mass. There are 180 full-time employees.
Research Corp.
<Michael Hays
National Research Corp.
(NRC) in Lincoln, Neb., was founded in
1981 and has been a public company since
October 1997.
Michael D. Hays, 53, is NRC’s president
and CEO.
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $37.3 million,
up 1.9% over 2006. In 2007, $4.0 million, or
9.7% of total revenue, was from outside the
United States.
NRC offers performance measurement
and tracking and improvement services
to hospitals, healthcare systems, physicians, health plans and other healthcare
NRC provides three primary types of
information services:
▶ The NRC+Picker Group provides
the most important aspects of the patient
experience by combining the advance
measurement and improvement technology of NRC with the philosophy and family
of surveys of the Picker Institute. eToolkit allows clients to act on their research
results and attain improvement in the care
delivery process. In addition, NRC Custom
Research measures market characteristics
or issues specific to individual healthcare
organizations, including consumer recall
of promotional and branding campaigns,
consumer response to new service offerings,
and provider perception of health plans and
healthcare organizations.
▶ The NRC Healthcare Market Guide
is an annual study of more than 200,000
households assessing consumers’ perceptions of and satisfaction with hospitals,
health systems and health plans in more
than 190 markets across the country. The
guide provides consumer satisfaction
ratings for medical care, access and administrative services on more than 800 health
plans. Consumer quality perceptions, product-line preferences, service use and visit
satisfaction are available for 3,200 hospitals
and health systems by name. The guide also
studies household health status, presence of
more than 20 chronic conditions, alternative
medicine use and other health behaviors.
▶ The Picker Symposium Educational
Products provide a way of bridging the gap
between measurement and improvement
of patient-centered care and consists of the
Picker Institute International Symposium,
the Learning Network and eLearning.
NRC has 181 full-time and 56 part-time
employees in the United States.
Research Inc.
<Randy Brooks
Directions Research Inc. (DRI)
in Cincinnati is a privately held company
founded in 1988. Ownership is held by 22
members of DRI’s senior staff.
Randy Brooks, 60, is DRI’s founder
and president. He earned an M.B.A. at the
University of Cincinnati.
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $37.2 million,
up 1.4% over 2006.
DRI is a full-service, custom research
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company that develops long-term partnerships with its clients in which substantial
responsibility for design, analysis and
presentation is handled by dedicated client
teams. DRI’s client service staff averages 20
years of experience.
DRI provides custom services, including
many product and concept testing systems.
The firm also regularly executes a wide
variety of studies, including market segmentation, conjoint/discrete choice, awareness
tracking, attitude and opinion, market
structure and customer value/customer
DRI has a team of experienced marketing scientists and data analysts to provide
insight and value to its analyses. This typically includes graphical and multivariate
statistical techniques, such as conjoint,
Kano, correspondence analysis, discriminant, factor analysis and clustering.
The firm has extensive experience
handling research for packaged goods,
restaurant, retail, financial services, technology and pharmaceutical companies.
Its studies are conducted among consumers, professionals, medical staff and other
business-to-business respondents using a
broad range of data collection methods.
DRI partners with industry data-collection
specialists who provide high-quality data
at competitive prices. This approach keeps
DRI focused on research design regardless
of data collection methodology.
Since its introduction in 2002, DRI has
been using Navigator, a product-testing
norms database in which results have been
compiled from a broad array of nearly 5,000
food and other consumer packaged goods
tests conducted over the past 10-plus years.
This tool, developed with input from the
University of Georgia, provides guidance for
product test research design and adjusts for
the effects of common design elements on
any of the frequently used scales.
DRI has built a concept testing database
that provides norms for all key measures
for a wide-range of business segments. The
database reflects a design philosophy of
“competitive context” with the inclusion of
existing products as benchmarks. It provides trial potential forecasts based on the
specific competition the client’s new ideas
will face in the current marketplace.
DRI has placed senior client service staff
in close proximity to key account clients
with offices in Chicago; Charleston, S.C.;
and Dallas. The firm employs a full-time
staff of 120.
<Al DeCotiis
Phoenix Marketing
International (PMI) in Rhinebeck,
N.Y., is a privately held company founded in
Allen R. DeCotiis, 55, is chairman and
CEO of PMI. He earned a Ph.D. in administration and statistics at Emory University.
Sanford Schwartz, Ph.D., is president.
U.S. revenue for 2007 was $33.5 million,
up 26.5% over 2006. In 2007, $1.4 million
of revenue, or 4.0%, was from outside the
United States. The growth rate includes the
2006 and 2007 revenue of Johnston, Zabor,
McManus Inc. acquired January 2007.
PMI is a marketing research firm that
combines primary and syndicated research
experience with database analytics and
modeling to serve the financial services,
consumer packaged goods, healthcare,
automotive, travel and leisure industries.
Its dedicated analytical and model groups
include Phoenix Communications and
Brand Analytics, List Op (response marketing) and Multicultural Research.
The firm has eight industry research
groups: financial services, automotive, affluent, converged technology, multicultural,
travel and leisure, health care and newly
formed media research.
Among its syndicated products are
Affluent Market Services, Card Performance
Tracker, Small Business Credit Card
Tracker, Hotel Scores, Investment Services,
Advertising Metrics, Credit Card Advertising
Metrics, Retail Banking Advertising Metrics,
Automotive Concept X and Virtual Mailbox.
PMI has offices in New York, New Jersey,
Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Boston, Detroit,
Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago and Durham,
N.C. It has a full-time staff of 137 employees.
Research Group
<Mark Lefkowitz
Lieberman Research Group
(LRG), based in Great Neck, N.Y., is a privately held corporation founded in 1966.
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LRG’s chairman and CEO is Mark
Lefkowitz, 64, and its president is Stephen
Miller, 55. Lefkowitz earned a B.A. at City
College of New York, and Miller earned a
B.A. at the University of Michigan.
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $30.1 million,
up 28.1% from 2006.
LRG is a full-service marketing
research and consulting firm specializing
in strategic research, stakeholder satisfaction, advertising and communications
tracking and tactical research among
consumers, healthcare professionals and
business executives. Its clients include
health care, technology, banking and
finance, travel, leisure, transportation,
retail and food services.
The firm is a member of the
International Research Alliance, a global
network of 20 companies in Europe, Latin
America and Asia, providing design and
interviewing worldwide.
LRG is composed of specialized business units devoted to study design and
analysis, data collection and data management. The firm has an analytic group
with expertise in market segmentation,
choice modeling, predictive modeling and
LRG’s main products include the
▶ Market Segmentation Research: LRG
conducts strategic market segmentation
among healthcare professionals, business
executives, consumers and patients. It
has developed services for defining global
segments and tying market segmentation
models back to client databases.
▶ Choice Using Simalto is a tool for
trade-off analysis, which is easily understandable and engaging to respondents.
Simalto can accommodate up to 36
features, with nine options per feature.
It predicts consumer preferences for
both potential and existing competitive
▶ COMPEL is a tool for selecting the
best set of messages for promotions, such
as advertising, sales calls and public relations. It is a choice-based system that
combines measures of motivational power,
uniqueness, believability and synergy to
identify optimal message sets.
▶ TRACER is a communications
tracking system that measures whether
advertising has broken through the clutter,
communicated key messages and had an
effect. It provides insights into ideal media
weights, more efficient media mix and suggestions for more creative advertising.
▶ PDA Research is a data collection
technique that uses handheld computers
to conduct personal interviews anywhere
at anytime. Survey data are uploaded from
handheld computers to the Internet, with
results viewable in several hours on a
secure Web page, compared with several
days or weeks on paper.
The company has 76 full-time employees and 450 part-time employees, with
full-service offices in New York and Great
Neck, N.Y. Data collection capabilities
include a telephone center with 400 CATIequipped stations with speed-dialing
option and continuous interviewing in
more than 20 foreign languages. Data processing capabilities include a fully staffed
facility offering tabulations produced with
Quantum software and panel expertise.
<Allen Khorami
Communications Research
(ICR) in Media, Pa., was founded in 1983.
Since 1986, it has been a subsidiary of
Mount Laurel, N.J.-based AUS Inc., a privately held company.
ICR’s president and CEO is Allen
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $28.8 million,
down 6.5% from 2006. In 2007, 3.0% of
total revenue, or $900,000, was from outside the United States. Total research and
nonresearch revenue for ICR in 2007 was
$35.1 million.
ICR is a full-service market research
firm specializing in designing customized
methods using in-house resources, including three interviewing centers, a data center
and a staff of experienced researchers. Its
Advanced Research Methods group designs
and executes custom research for complex
business issues. These include market sizing and segmentation, concept and product
tests, pricing, brand positioning, messaging, strategy and motivational research,
advertising effectiveness, usage tracking,
customer loyalty and satisfaction, including
surveying low incidence and multicultural
Industries in which ICR has experience include CPG, pharmaceutical/
biotechnology, telecommunications/
technology, financial services/banking/
insurance, healthcare services, business
to business, public opinion polling, social
science research, public relations/advertising, utilities, media/entertainment and
retailing markets.
ICR is a provider of omnibus research
services, including ICR EXCEL, a twice
weekly sample of 1,000 adults age 18 and
older; TeenEXCEL, conducted monthly
among 500 teens ages 12 to 17; and
HispanicEXCEL, ICR’s monthly omnibus
targeting a nationally representative sample
of 1,000 Hispanics.
ICR maintains a dedicated Web portal
for Internet studies.
The firm has 195 full-time employees
and 359 part-time employees.
Morpace Inc.
<Francis Ward
Morpace Inc., based in
Farmington Hills, Mich., is a privately held
corporation founded in 1941.
Francis J. Ward, 62, is the chairman and
CEO of Morpace, and John P. McDonald,
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custom survey capabilities, Morpace has
developed a set of tools to ensure consistent,
high-value results from continuous and
other tracking studies.
Morpace has 150 full-time employees
in the United States. The Morpace focus
group facility, newly renovated, is located in
Farmington Hills, Mich.
systems are developed in-house and customized to serve individual client needs.
Morpace executes globally large-scale
Internet, telephone, mail, IVR and central location studies using qualitative and
quantitative techniques. The firm has also
developed intuitive PC- and Internet-based
cross-tabulation systems. In addition to
marketingnews 56, is president. Ward earned a B.A. in
marketing at Wayne State University, and
McDonald earned a D.B.A. at University of
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $28.7 million,
down 4.7% from 2006. In 2007, 13.6% of
total revenue, or $4.5 million, was generated from work conducted outside the
United States.
Morpace is a practice-based full-service
survey research and consulting firm with a
diverse client base, broad industry experience and the global capability and cultural
diversity required to conduct research
worldwide. The firm offers a full range
of research services, including problem
identification, custom research design and
data collection. Data analysis and decisionfocused interpretation are reported using a
number of tools and approaches.
The firm is organized around seven
sectors, including automotive, consumer
products, financial services, health care,
retail, technology and transportation.
Morpace has research experience in four
key areas: market and product development,
brand and communications, consumer
choice, and satisfaction and loyalty. Recent
introductions include:
▶ Brand Connections: Measures brand
value and points the way to building it
through the meeting point of customers’
needs and desires, lifestyles and cultural
context, and the rational and emotional
benefits a brand delivers.
B-Link: Identifies the linkages between
the benefits consumers seek from a product or service and the particular product
features that deliver these benefits.
Understanding the linkages enhances the
product development process and provides
guidance for developing a marketing communications strategy.
▶ Price Sensitivity Modeler: This simulator produces expected share results in
a graphical output window after entering
prices for competing products. With supporting cost data, the modeler can reflect
forecasted changes in sales volume and
Analytic and insight services are made
available to vertical practices through its
Advanced Analytics Team and Qualitative
Methods Team. These teams develop and
implement approaches such as discrete
choice modeling, segmentation, database
modeling and hybrid ethnographic-survey
Morpace has employed the Internet
for both b-to-b and b-to-c research for
more than 10 years. One of its Internet
capabilities is the Lighthouse Internet data
collection and processing system that provides development, tracking and reporting
tools, and executes Internet research in
virtually any language. It delivers research
results, reports and databases using Webbased interactive tools.
The firm’s data processing is supported
with a database system linked with software
for tabulation or analytics. Data processing
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<Henry Shapiro
MarketCast, based in Los
Angeles, was founded in 1987 and acquired
in 2000 by Reed Elsevier plc in the United
Kingdom, a public company.
Henry Shapiro, 44, is vice president and
general manager of MarketCast. He has an
M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.
U.S. revenue for 2007 was $25.1 million,
up 2.0% over 2006.
MarketCast is a marketing research firm
servicing the global entertainment industry.
The firm consults on marketing and distribution strategy for hundreds of movie and
video releases and TV shows for a client
base that includes most of the major motion
picture studios, as well as selected independent studios, producers and TV networks.
MarketCast’s research services include
positioning analyses, focus groups, advertising testing, tracking studies, recruited
screenings, volumetric forecasts, A&U studies, brand studies, segmentation studies and
product launch studies.
The firm is experienced in the
measurement of individual consumer predispositions toward entertainment choices,
and in translating such predispositions into
predictions about future behavior on an
aggregate basis. These include box office
projections, volume forecasts for DVD sales,
or estimates of future entertainment technology penetration.
MarketCast has adapted statistical
methodologies from other industries to the
circumstances of the entertainment business. These methods improve the reliability
of research and increase the stability of
predictions made about future consumer
behavior. This technology and approach
form the foundation of all of MarketCast’s
research services, which is applied to varied
and complex problems in the entertainment
MarketCast employs 36 full time.
Data Development
<Chip Lister
Data Development
Worldwide (DDW) in New York is a
privately held corporation founded in 1960
that was sold to two senior managers in 2005.
Chip Lister is managing director of
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $25.0 million,
up 6.8% over 2006. In 2007, $300,000 or
1.2%, was from outside the United States.
The growth rate excludes 2006 and 2007
revenue of Newman-Stein Inc., which was
acquired in August 2007.
DDW is a full-service custom marketing research firm that provides a number
of approaches addressing a range of development, marketing and communications
issues. Each of its techniques and methods
is appropriate to specific situations and
related to business issues.
▶ Brand DDW addresses issues related
to equity. EquityBuilder is structured to
understand the value of brand(s) and the
elasticity associated with core benefits and
perceptions. Brands can be optimized to
brand proposition and enhance competitive
position. EquityCheck monitors ongoing
success of these factors.
▶ Communication DDW provides
techniques that help build and evaluate
advertising and marketing efforts. AdEPT
identifies the optimal messaging and positioning platform for a brand or product,
and AdvertisingCheck provides the tools to
evaluate the impact of campaigns.
▶ Price DDW consists of products
that navigate price as a sensitive and
critical component of market success.
PriceDeveloper will identify the optimal
pricing strategy in a competitive context (for both new and existing brands).
BrandVulnerability takes this a step further
by looking forward and anticipating the
impact of pricing strategy over time.
▶ Product DDW offers techniques
that help select the optimal pathway in
situations where product development
and product line decisions are the focus.
OptionDeveloper maximizes the impact
of a new concept or identifies the best
approach to product reconfiguration, and
LineDeveloper provides a logical and userfriendly service to select the most powerful
set of offerings.
▶ Competitive Assessment DDW provides the techniques to evaluate competitive
position and identifies ways to improve it.
MarketCheck will ensure that a brand is on
the right track by continually monitoring
the landscape and evaluating its competitive
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C&R Research
Services Inc.
<Robbin Jaklin
C&R Research Services Inc. (C&R) in
Chicago is a privately held corporation founded in 1960.
Robbin Jaklin, 48, is C&R’s president. Jaklin earned
a B.S. at the University of Illinois.
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▶ KidzEyes and TeensEyes divisions offer expert
analysis into the youth demographics. With years of
youth research experience and analysts trained in
childhood development, they are adept at understanding the youth market.
▶ MomsEyes, a natural extension of their youth
divisions, offers expert insight into the world of moms
(and dads). Analysts routinely navigate the complex
world of moms, identifying the key variables and differences to understand and effectively communicate to
this key demographic.
▶ LatinoEyes is C&R’s Latino market consultancy
division. Services include immersion courses,
strategic consulting, competitive analysis, and fullservice qualitative and quantitative market research.
LatinoEyes has a team of dedicated professionals with
understanding of both the U.S. and Latino culture and
more than 15 years specializing in the Latino market.
▶ BoomerEyes focuses on what drives the boomer
market and how their business can harness the purchasing power of boomers. Backed by segmentation,
BoomerEyes has the experience to conduct effective
research and interpret the findings to make intelligent
and informed decisions.
▶ ShopperEyes is dedicated to bringing the retail
customer experience to life. C&R has many years’
experience conducting shop-alongs, shopper intercepts, in-home ethnographies, video/photo journals,
as well as packaging, concept and positioning work for
their retail, CPG and restaurant clients—across all key
channels and categories.
Based in New York, DDW also has offices in
Orlando, Fla.; Albany, N.Y.; Chicago; San Francisco;
Long Beach, Calif.; and Kansas City, Kan.
The firm employs 80 full time.
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $23.6 million, up 9.8%
over 2006.
C&R Research is a full-service market research
company specializing in both qualitative and quantitative research. The firm uses target-appropriate research
tools, coupled with industry experience, to provide
practical insights that guide business decisions.
C&R’s research specialties include consumer
insights, needs assessment, segmentation, attitude
and usage, concept and product development/testing,
brand imagery/positioning, advertising development/
evaluations and customer satisfaction tracking.
In addition to their research capabilities, C&R has
a number of specialized divisions, bringing demographic experience and further customization to their
marketingnews ▶ Satisfaction DDW provides strategic and tactical
solutions for strengthening customer relationships.
LoyaltyBuilder highlights the issues that are essential
to brand involvement and helps prioritize these issues
to optimize loyalty. LoyaltyCheck monitors progress of
these efforts.
▶ Market Strategy DDW comprises the tools that
help identify and attract key targets. Configure provides a vision for the structure, and Segmenter finds
the core targets for guiding brand strategy.
C&R also offers online kids, teens, moms and
Latino panels, providing demographics for customized
research projects. For each of these segments, they also
offer a monthly omnibus.
In addition, C&R will release YouthBeat 2008, a
syndicated report that offers a comprehensive and indepth view of today’s youth based on 10,000 monthly
interviews of kids, teens and tweens ages 6 to 18.
C&R has 121 full-time employees.
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Informa Research
Services Inc.
<Michael Adler
Informa Research Services
Inc. (IRS), Calabasas, Calif., was founded in
1983 as Meyer Interest Rate survey, acquired
in 1993 by BISYS Group, and then acquired
again by London-based Informa plc in 2000
Michael E. Adler, 44, is president and
managing director of IRS. He earned an
M.B.A. from the Marshall School of Business
at the University of Southern California and
his J.D. from Loyola Law School.
U.S. revenue for 2007 was $23.5 million,
down 6.7% from 2006.
IRS is a provider of market research in
the financial, retail, and travel and leisure
markets, and provides daily competitive
intelligence and market analysis to clients in
the financial industry.
Much of IRS’s custom research experience came from its acquisition of Barry
Leeds & Associates in 2003 and Market
Trends Inc. in 2004.
IRS’s full-service division specializes
in managing the customer experience and
understanding the customer point of view.
Its researchers are experienced in all phases
of market research: mystery shopping;
customer satisfaction and loyalty; brand
equity, awareness and usage; new product
and usability testing; legal and match pair
testing; and compliance, discrimination and
misleading sales practices testing.
IRS is experienced in the use of market
research to limit the risk associated with
allegations of discrimination, predatory
lending and misleading sales practices. It
pioneered the use of mystery shopping and
matched pair testing for this purpose and
developed the technique for post-application testing to detect discrimination and
predatory lending.
The firm provides customer experience
information by measuring their progress
through a metric called CERscore, providing post-transaction interviewing and a
Web-based reporting product, which measures and reports customer satisfaction and
customer problems within 48 hours of a
recent customer experience. A Web panel
of more than 100,000 Informed Consumers
for mystery shopping, interviewing and
online surveys is maintained.
The firm has a full-time U.S. staff of 189.
<Susan McDonald
National Analysts Inc. (NA) in
Philadelphia was established as the market
research unit of Curtis Publishing in 1911
(publisher of The Saturday Evening Post),
became a separate privately owned corporation in 1943 and was reorganized as an
employee-owned company in 2004.
Susan Schwartz McDonald, 58, is
chairman and CEO of NA. She earned a
Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania’s
Annenberg School.
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $23.3 million,
down 12.1% from 2006.
NA is a market research and consulting firm that addresses business issues in a
wide range of industry sectors, including
pharmaceuticals, information technology,
financial services, package transport and
consumer goods. Its depth of marketing
experience in key industries, combined
with customer market research capabilities,
makes NA a hybrid organization, providing
services ranging from problem conceptualization to strategy development and
Types of projects routinely conducted by
NA include market segmentation, opportunities assessment and demand forecasting,
pricing, positioning and market entry strategy, product development, brand equity,
portfolio strategy and lifecycle management.
To create primary data for those assignments, NA conducts both qualitative and
quantitative research utilizing a portfolio
of data collection methodologies and analytic techniques. NA’s history of innovation
includes advances in statistical sampling,
early development and application of focus
group methodology, and work in consumer
and business market segmentation.
Project leaders are supported by an
in-house team of methodologists and a
portfolio of modeling tools that are readily
customized to address marketing problems.
Its own NA-Quest Web software enables
complex survey design.
The firm is widely known for its skills in
building integrated forecasting models that
reflect the interactions of multiple stakeholders and customers (such as health care
and b-to-b marketing). Clients have access
to a range of decision software supporting
diverse modeling applications.
On record as the world’s oldest marketing research entity (1911), NA is a founding
member of CASRO. It employees 73 professionals full time.
<Andy Fromm
Service Management Group
(SMG), based in Kansas City, Kan., is a privately held firm founded in 1990.
Andy Fromm, 40, is president and
CEO of SMG. He earned a B.A. at Boston
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $22.4 million,
up 22.4% over 2006. In 2007, $600,000 or
2.6%, was from outside the United States.
SMG is a full-service research firm
providing store-level customer experience measurement in 60,000 locations
that is integrated into service improvement systems for multi-unit retail,
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restaurant, hospitality and service-based companies. The strategic model used by SMG—the
Service Profit chain developed at Harvard Business
School—demonstrates the linkage between customer
loyalty, employee loyalty and a company’s financial
SMG measures customer satisfaction and loyalty in 44 countries and 19 languages. Most work is
done in the United States, Canada and the United
Kingdom. Data collection is also conducted in
Europe, Australia, Central America, the Middle East,
Malaysia, India and China.
SMG provides several services and capabilities:
▶ Customer Experience Measurement: SMG
enables large multi-unit companies to continuously monitor service levels and satisfaction in each
location. Data is collected primarily via IVR and
Web surveys. Customer feedback is reported on a
Web-based, real-time performance dashboard that
includes online analytics and service improvement
▶ Employee LoyaltyPLUS Measurement: SMG
measures employee loyalty plus satisfaction and commitment. Surveys are custom-developed by brand to
reveal the strength of the relationships between the
attitudes of employees and the key drivers of customer satisfaction and loyalty.
▶ Internal Customer Surveys: For multi-unit
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operations, SMG measures the effectiveness of internal support systems within an organization. The firm
conducts internal customer surveys that measure
management effectiveness and service quality delivered from internal service providers.
▶ Customer Satisfaction Index Dashboard: SMG’s
Web-based reporting system provides real-time
access to unit-level customer feedback. Satisfaction
data can be viewed by region, by unit or by specific
service performance attributes. Customer survey
results are continuously streamed to the CSI dashboard providing up-to-the minute data on key
customer metrics. The dashboard can also integrate
data not collected by SMG.
▶ Chain Store Industry Normative Data: SMG
maintains databases of comparative data in retail
and restaurant industry segments. Its clients receive
performance comparisons based on common service
In 2007, SMG expanded its international capabilities by 80%, adding 20 countries and eight languages.
In 2008, the firm will host its 10th Annual Service
Management Forum, where senior-level executives
from the multi-unit environment will gather to learn,
network and exchange ideas and solutions.
The firm has offices in Kansas City, Kan.; Los
Angeles; Denver; and London. There are 134 fulltime employees.
Market Probe Inc.
<T.R. Rao
Market Probe Inc. (MPI) in Milwaukee is a
privately held company founded in 1976.
MPI’s founder and president is T.R. Rao, 67.
He earned a Ph.D. in marketing at Michigan State
U.S. revenue for 2007 was $21.7 million, down
3.6% over 2006. In 2007, 47.6% of total revenue, or
$19.7 million, was from outside the United States. The
growth rate excludes 2006 and 2007 revenue from the
U.S. acquisitions of Rowin Group Inc. in March 2006
and Marketing Horizons Inc. in January 2006.
MPI is a full-service global marketing research and
consulting firm specializing in stakeholder measurement engagements as well as a wide array of custom
research techniques.
MPI companies span North America, Europe, Asia
and the Middle East, with a China acquisition to be
announced shortly. Its U.S. operations are grouped
into client service divisions: agricultural, auto and
manufacturing, banking, health care, pharmaceutical,
service and telecommunications as well as employee
satisfaction research, which directs employee
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<Chris Maher
Hitwise, based in New York, is a
privately held firm founded in 1997 and was
H6_H69.AMA.Hono.6.15.08.indd 61
acquired in April 2007 by Experian Group
Ltd., a public company listed on the London
Stock Exchange.
The president of Hitwise is Chris Maher,
40. Maher earned an M.A. at Boston College.
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $21.6 million,
up 50.0% over 2006. In 2007, 56.7% of total
revenue, or $28.3 million, was from outside
the United States.
marketingnews commitment research. These divisions provide full-service research as well as consult
with MPI’s international offices. There are
also three support divisions: Research and
Development, Data Acquisition Services
and Information Technology.
The firm’s services include customer
satisfaction and loyalty research, employee
equity research, brand management and
tracking, new product development and
custom research and consulting services.
Its consultative work provides customer
satisfaction measurement that includes
interpreting results and determining strategic implications of customer feedback.
MPI also provides statistical modeling and
data mining. Special customer satisfaction
research audit services are offered to new
clients interested in testing MPI’s models and techniques in their current CSM
MPI’s research portfolio focuses on
customers (CSM, customer loyalty management solutions, benchmarking programs),
employees (employee satisfaction metrics,
employee commitment programs, HR
applications and consultations) and brands
(brand health management, market segmentation, new product development), also
with related research in product quality and
distributor/dealer strategic relationships.
MPI contributes to the research
industry’s knowledge base through the
publication of articles and books, including Analysis of Customer Satisfaction Data,
Linking Customer and Employee Satisfaction
to the Bottom Line, and Managing the
Customer Experience. Its Rx models (Loyalty
Rx, Brand Rx and Equity Rx) provide the
means to set goals and take into account
costs of improvements in different key areas.
Its Rx Optimizer has been developed to help
clients test what-if scenarios.
The firm’s Web Reporter is a survey
analysis tool that explores client data in
near real time. Customized reports are created and exported to PowerPoint or Excel.
WR creates many standard tabular, graphical and text-based reports that can utilize
powerful sorting and filtering mechanisms.
Text-based filters include exact and phonetic matches, allowing easy detection of
patterns within the data.
In January 2007, MPI acquired Ask
Business Marketing Intelligence NV, based
in Brussels, Belgium, which specializes in
agricultural research and b-to-b research.
MPI operates more than 500 in-house
CATI stations among its call centers in the
United States, Canada, United Kingdom
and Singapore. It maintains strong partnerships with field agencies throughout
the world to expand the services they can
There are eight company offices in the
United States and subsidiary offices in
Toronto, London, Brussels, Paris, Dubai,
Singapore and Shanghai. MP India has
offices in Mumbai, Bangalore and New
The firm employs 270 full-time
employees worldwide, including 115 in the
United States, and as many as 1,000 parttime employees.
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Hitwise is one of the world’s leading
online competitive intelligence services that
provides insights on how 25 million Internet
users worldwide interact with a more than
one million Web sites across more than 160
industries. This volume of Internet usage
data is integrated into a Web-based service,
designed to help marketers better plan,
implement and report on a range of online
marketing programs. The firm’s methodology is independently audited on an annual
Hitwise has developed a network-based
approach to Internet measurement through
relationships with ISPs around the world. Its
patented methodology anonymously captures online usage, search and conversion
The firm delivers daily insights via
its on-demand service that provides
information on Web sites, with the
following products and services:
▶ Hitwise Rankings provides an overview of key players and Web sites across
industries and custom categories.
▶ Hitwise Search Intelligence is a keyword research tool providing information
on how people have searched for products
and services from across all major search
engines, including paid and organic search
data and fast-moving search term data.
▶ Hitwise Clickstream data provides
reports on the upstream traffic to and
downstream traffic from a specific Web site,
industry or custom category. This includes
new and returning visitor data.
H6_H69.AMA.Hono.6.15.08.indd 62
▶ Hitwise Industry Statistics provides an
overview of trends in any of Hitwise’s 160plus industries.
▶ Hitwise Lifestyle identifies the top-performing sites that attract the most desirable
customers and provides data on the segments
that visit client and competitors’ sites. This
includes Experian’s MOSAIC data.
▶ Hitwise Conversions are customized
reports that provide detailed information
on how customers interact with specific sections on competitive Web sites, and which
customer acquisition tactics have proven to
be most successful.
▶ Hitwise Demographics define a Web
site’s user base by key demographics including age, gender and geographic location.
▶ Hitwise Charting creates customized
charts detailing how Web sites, industry
categories or search terms perform against
each other.
▶ Hitwise Custom Reports include all
data available within the Hitwise service
that can be specially configured to meet
business reporting needs.
▶ Hitwise University is an on-demand
training and education resource for all
Hitwise clients.
In 2007, the firm launched three
services: Paid and Organic Search Tools,
New and Returning Visitors Data and
MOSAIC Consumer Segmentation System.
Hitwise has 75 full-time U.S. employees
and 263 worldwide in offices in the United
States, the United Kingdom, Australia, New
Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore. 38
<Steven Walker
Walker Information (WI),
based in Indianapolis, is a privately held
corporation founded in 1939.
WI’s president and CEO is Steven F.
Walker, 50. Walker earned a B.S. in business
and accounting from Boston University.
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $21.2 million,
up 10.4% over 2006. In 2007, 16.9% of total
revenue, or $4.3 million, was from outside
the United States.
WI specializes in customer loyalty and
related customer strategies, including innovative approaches to segmenting, valuing,
obtaining, serving and retaining customers.
Combining consulting and technology
with predictive and validated research science
and models, WI offers a wide range of products and services, including Walker’s CLM
software—the Walker SmartLoyalty System—
which provides services to leverage customer
feedback throughout the enterprise.
In 2007, its Walker Loyalty Report
program produced three reports of customer loyalty studies—wireless service
providers and handsets, the semiconductor
industry and the information technology
industry—as well as one report of employee
loyalty in the workplace. These reports provide deep understanding of customer and
employee issues, provide unique information and serve as a snapshot for industries
to understand the importance of customerfocused strategies.
Also in 2007, WI conducted two client
forums offering environments to interact,
share and learn the latest best practices in
CLM. To complement these forums, the
firm also conducted 13 Customer Strategy
Forums—small-group sessions for nonclient companies committed to improving
their relationships with customers by
seeking solutions to their most common
customer challenges.
For 2008, the firm plans to continue
with 18 Customer Strategy Forums in major
U.S. and European cities, and conduct three
customer-focused Walker Loyalty Reports
focusing on medical devices, semiconductors and the information technology
WI founded and leads the Walker
Global Network, an alliance of 15 companies around the world that certify in and
distribute WI’s techniques. The firm has
180 full-time employees and 111 part-time
employees at offices in the United States and
Toronto. WI operates two call centers and
two focus group research sites.
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marketingnews KS&R Inc.
<Vincent Cama
KS&R Inc., based in Syracuse, N.Y., is a privately
held company founded in 1983.
Vincent Cama is CEO, and Rita L. Reicher is president of KS&R. Cama, 63, earned a Ph.D. in sociology at
Syracuse University.
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $17.1 million, down 9.5%
from 2006. In 2007, $3.9 million or 18.6% of total revenue was from outside the United States.
KS&R’s customized, multidisciplinary, marketing
research and consulting services facilitate accuracy
in client understanding and decision-making. KS&R
capabilities include service/product concept testing and
development; market opportunity sizing and segmentation; brand/customer loyalty assessment and analysis;
business retention/attraction predictive modeling;
H6_H69.AMA.Hono.6.15.08.indd 63
and has offices in New York; Atlanta; Memphis, Tenn.;
Seattle; and Frankfurt, Germany.
advertising testing and measurement; channel and partner strategy, and pricing/buyer behavior research.
The firm specializes in global b-to-b research across
industry segments, including information technology,
telecommunications, transportation, utilities, health
care and financial services. KS&R also has extensive
experience in consumer markets, especially related to
technology interface and the retail environment.
Dedicated teams conduct projects from conception to completion. The majority of KS&R staff are
experienced both as buyers and providers of research,
and the average senior staff member has 10 to 25 years
of experience. The firm is not limited by geographic,
cultural or language barriers, delivering surveying,
translation, measurement, modeling and presentation
worldwide. In 2008, the firm launched a best-practices
speakers bureau to enable heightened transfer of
expertise and service.
KS&R owns and operates INSITE, a 110-seat contact center; a unified, global, data collection and partner
network; and Centers of Excellence in qualitative and
quantitative research. The firm employs 198 full time
Research Inc.
<Scott Layne
Bellomy Research Inc. (BRI), based in
Winston-Salem, N.C., is a privately held company
founded in 1976.
John Sessions, 45, is chairman, and Scott Layne,
47, is president. Sessions earned an M.B.A. from Wake
Forest University and Layne an A.S. in computer science from Winsalm College.
U.S. revenue for 2007 was $16.7 million, up 14.4%
over 2006. BRI is a full-service marketing research firm with a
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dedicated team of consultants focusing on
responding to client needs, expanding their
own intellectual capacity and working as an
extension of their clients’ staff. BRI’s clients
span a wide array of industries including
automotive, CPG, health care, telecommunications, utilities, retail, finance and textile/
apparel. BRI conducts research among both
b-to-b and consumer segments.
The firm employs a three-pronged strategy building on core competencies:
▶ Knowledge: This is derived from the
combination of cross-category experience,
understanding of how business is conducted
in corporate America and seasoned research
skills. Its consultants have on average 20
years of client-side and/or vendor-side marketing research experience.
▶ Science: This is incorporated into
the research process through the use of
experimental design and advanced analytical techniques. Its Marketing Sciences staff
has advanced degrees in statistics, with the
department head having nearly 30 years of
client-side experience. Analytic approaches
that address business issues include shortterm satisfaction and long-term loyalty
tracking, market segmentation, concept
development, product optimization and
price elasticity among other research needs.
▶ Technology: BRI encompasses the
design and development of software and
tools that enhance its ability to gather
and report information. SmartIDEAS is a
modular component architecture using a
proprietary integrated platform that can
adapt to customized survey development,
sample management, data collection
across any medium (including phone,
Internet, CLT, mail), panel management,
table generation/data processing and
online reporting.
The SmartIDEAS platform supports
a 300 CATI-station inbound/outbound
telephone center, a nationwide network
consisting of more than 75 central location testing facilities and a sample strategy
that reaches more than 30 million online
In 2007, BRI moved its corporate headquarters to a new 30,000-square-foot office
building in Winston Salem, N.C., which also
includes a fully equipped focus group facility.
BRI employs 95 full time.
Research Inc.
<John Pinnell
MarketVision Research Inc.
(MVR), based in Cincinnati, is a private
company founded in 1982.
Donald G. McMullen is the chairman
of MVR, and Jon Pinnell is its president.
Pinnell earned an M.B.A. at the University
of Texas at Austin.
U.S. revenue for 2007 was $16.4 million,
up 10.1% over 2006.
MVR is a full-service, custom marketing research company, with a focus on
product-based research, including product development, pricing, branding and
segmentation in both the consumer and
business sectors. The company invests
significantly in its research-on-research
program, particularly in the area of quantitative research design and analysis. MVR
works across industry groups.
Its capabilities include:
▶ Advanced Analytical: MVR’s
Marketing Sciences group blends technical
skills with creative approaches to deliver
insights into clients’ businesses. It is especially skilled in discrete choice and conjoint
▶ Viewpoint Forum: The firm’s U.S.
Internet panel and research platform has an
average cooperation rate of 50% to 60% and
90% recovery on home-use tests. Panelists
are not permitted to sign themselves up
to participate in the research; rather MVR
selects who is invited to participate.
▶ MarketVision/Gateway: MVR’s interviewing facilities are located at the Universal
Studios theme parks in Orlando, Fla., and
Los Angeles. These facilities provide a
national sample to conduct taste tests and
other product-based research. All interviewing stations have high-speed Internet
access, and the facility is noted for recruiting families, children, teens and Hispanics.
Major activities in 2007 included significantly expanded professional staff and
capabilities; continued investment in a qualitative research consulting capability; and
continual investments made in researchon-research programs covering a variety of
advanced research techniques, particularly
in the area of discrete choice modeling.
MVR employs 80 full time and has
three offices: Its main office and qualitative research facilities are in Cincinnati
and Cleveland; client service offices
are in Dallas, Cleveland, New York and
Philadelphia; and a research call center is in
West Chester, Ohio. Data collection offices
are in Orlando, Fla., and Los Angeles.
Public Opinion
<Bill McInturff
Public Opinion Strategies,
(POS) based in Alexandria, Va., is a partnership founded in 1991.
POS is headed by partner and cofounder, Bill McInturff, 56, who earned a
B.S. at Boston University.
U.S. revenue for 2007 was $15.5 million,
down 48.5% from 2006.
POS is a national political and public
affairs research firm that has conducted
more than two million interviews with voters and consumers nationally and in more
than a dozen foreign countries, including
1,500-plus focus groups.
About half of POS’s research is dedicated to winning elections for candidates
from city council to the presidential level,
H6_H69.AMA.Hono.6.15.08.indd 64
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Compete Inc.
▶ Quantitative research: POS’s specialty is telephone
polling using its own telephone center with more than
400 CATI-enabled data collection stations. Telephone
polling includes in-depth executive interviewing,
nightly tracking surveys, monthly national omnibus
surveys, benchmarks and b-to-b interviewing. POS uses
the Internet for targeted research purposes, including
for online focus groups, Web page testing, advertising testing and online surveys for companies and
▶ Qualitative research: POS conducts traditional
H6_H69.AMA.Hono.6.15.08.indd 65
<Don McLagan
Compete Inc., based in Boston, is a privately
held company by management and five venture capital
firms and was founded in 2000. The firm was acquired
by Taylor Nelson Sofres plc in March 2008.
Don McLagan, 66, is chairman, president and CEO
of Compete. McLagan earned an M.B.A. at Harvard
Business School.
U.S. revenue for 2007 was $14.9 million, up 53.6%
over 2006.
Compete is a Web analytics firm that combines sitecentric and Web-wide metrics to provide more targeted,
online marketing campaigns. The firm uses a panel
of two million active users representative of the U.S.
Internet population.
Its Marketing Effectiveness Intelligence and Online
Channel Effectiveness services provide the earliest measure of how consumers consider, buy and engage with
their brands relative to rivals.
In 2007 Compete released four new products:
focus groups and in-depth interviews, and uses techniques that blend quantitative and qualitative research,
including mall intercepts and Perception Analyzer
dial groups. The firm also coordinates and moderates
qualitative research projects, including message and
advertising testing, and logo and tag line development.
POS has offices in Hermosa Beach, Calif., and
Denver, with a staff of 33 full-time employees.
marketingnews and for initiatives. The American Association of
Political Consultants awarded the firm “Pollster of the
Year” for 2002.
The other half of the work is involved in public
policy, working with industry coalitions, government
entities and private companies. Research includes
corporate image, community relations and crisis management for local companies, Fortune 500 corporations
and industry associations. Some of the industries served
include airlines, energy, financial, gaming, health care,
technology, hospitality, insurance, real estate, retailers,
sports and stadiums, telecommunications, tourism,
transportation and utilities.
A wide array of research techniques are used:
▶ Behavior Match, a tool that provides media buyers
with information to maximize their strategic publisher
and ad network investments.
▶ Ad Analyzer, a service that measures the impact
of ads (the client’s own and competitors’) on consumer
behavior within target customer segments.
▶ Compete Search Analytics, a Web-based service
that provides search analytics on a pay-as-you-go basis.
▶ Compete Search Analytics Select, a service that
targets searches within the most profitable customer
Compete serves the automotive, financial services,
travel, telecommunications and media industries.
In 2007, the firm ranked 164 on Deloitte’s 2007
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Technology Fast 500 and 824 on the Inc. 5,000.
Compete has 100 full-time employees.
Research Companies
<Jeffry Savitz
Savitz Research Companies (SRC) in
Dallas is a privately held corporation founded in 1981.
Jeffry N. Savitz is founder and president of SRC. He
earned an M.S. and an M.B.A. at The Wharton School
of the University of Pennsylvania.
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $14.8 million, down 2.6%
from 2006.
SRC is a full-service marketing research company
whose experience includes quantitative market, product
and advertising research. SRC executives all have extensive client-side experience.
The company offers customized models and products
in customer satisfaction, benefit segmentation, brand
equity, promotion evaluation, direct mail list screening,
pricing and optimal line extension models. It also provides Hispanic marketing consulting as well as research.
The Savitz Field and Focus division offers a network
of focus group facilities in 13 major cities including,
H6_H69.AMA.Hono.6.15.08.indd 66
Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles,
Miami, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco,
Columbus, Ohio, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., and Tampa, Fla.
They facilitate in-depth interviews, taste tests, music
tests, dial tests, usability tests, simulated store tests, product trial tests, ethnographic studies and mock juries.
SRC employs 50 full-time staff and offers a 50-line
CATI-equipped system, complete Internet interviewing and data processing. The firm also provides
graphical and statistical services, SPSS and other software packages.
RDA Group Inc.
<Anthony Pietrowski
RDA Group Inc. (RDA), based in Bloomfield Hills,
Mich., is a privately held corporation founded in 1969.
Anthony Pietrowski is founder, president and CEO.
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $13.7 million, down 5.5%
from 2006. In 2007, 18.5% of total revenue, or $3.1 million, came from outside the United States.
RDA is a full-service market research and consulting company providing information regarding
customer behaviors and attitudes to businesses in
a broad range of industries including automotive,
financial services, utilities, insurance, recreational
vehicle, health care, temporary staffing, housing, food
and advertising.
Using quantitative and qualitative methods, RDA
offers insight into product development, product quality, customer profiling and statistical modeling, as well
as customer satisfaction and loyalty.
The firm employs cross-disciplinary knowledge to
custom design research that meets each client’s specific information needs. RDA’s research professionals
are able to design research to address most any business need.
RDA uses its Quality Management System to
conduct mail and telephone surveys, central location
testing, Internet research, focus group research, oneon-one interviews and intercept research. Research and
industry experience is complemented by database integration, data mining and advanced statistical analysis.
The firm, with 97 full-time employees, addresses a
variety of research needs including:
▶ Customer Satisfaction: Designing tools for analyzing customer satisfaction to determine what drives
satisfaction and loyalty.
▶ Product Quality: Leveraging positive product
attributes, as well as identifying those aspects that hurt
customer perceptions of quality.
▶ Advanced Product Research: Gathering and
interpreting consumer opinion throughout the product development process, including the creation of
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customer profiles, product usage profiles,
concept ideation, prototype evaluations and
marketplace launches.
▶ Qualitative Research: Using focus
groups, one-on-ones and executive interviews, online groups and telepanels to
uncover information important to marketing endeavors.
▶ Internet Research: Conducting online
research among businesses and consumers,
as well as Web site usability testing.
▶ Statistical Modeling and Consulting:
Integrating data from multiple sources and
transforming it into actionable, strategic
insights. RDA’s statistical capabilities range
from multivariate techniques to customized
modeling and analysis.
▶ Six Sigma Consulting: Supporting
and validating Six Sigma initiatives. RDA’s
Six Sigma Black Belts consult on the use of
customer voice in—and the analysis of data
from—Six Sigma projects in order to measure the impact of process improvement on
revenue, profitability and growth.
▶ Global Research: Adapting research
design, survey development, data collection,
language and analytical insights to fit the local
culture and conditions in both the emerging
and developed markets of North America,
Europe, South America and Asia Pacific.
Research Inc.
<John Gongos
Fortune 500 companies in the powersports,
consumer product, retail and services sectors,
while still maintaining a strong presence in
While the majority of clients are U.S.based, Internet methodologies are employed
to conduct research globally for several clients.
A major thrust for GRI is to leverage technology to gain competitive advantages. Some
of the technologies that GRI has developed
include real-time date collection/reporting
for product testing (utilizing handheld notebooks), i°Community, metacommunities,
active intercept, virtual shopping and virtual
focus groups.
GRI recently launched its own internal
metacommunity called Consumer Village,
which currently consists of more than 12,000
consumers who are used for testing new
research methods, marketing and philanthropic purposes.
Its i°Community currently has a total of
eight communities in progress ranging from
topics such as alternative fuels to chocolate
For 2008, the firm will continue to
develop new research products by leveraging technology and concentrating on virtual
shopping, virtual focus groups and the continued development of the i°Community
platforms for research.
GRI has 63 full-time employees.
Q Research
Solutions Inc.
Gongos Research Inc. (GRI),
based in Auburn Hills, Mich., is a privately
held company founded in 1991.
John Gongos, 47, is president and CEO of
GRI. He earned an M.B.A. at the University of
U.S. revenue for 2007 was $13.3 million,
up 24.3% over 2006.
GRO is a full-service, custom marketing research company that specializes in
research methodologies that support product
development, service development, retail and
marketing decision-making.
To support product and service development, GRI utilizes methods such as concept
development, concept testing, voice of the
customer, product testing and price/feature
optimization. Its consumer immersion techniques provide in-store research to support a
variety of initiatives for retail clients. The firm
also provides a wide range of research methods to support marketing decision-making,
including emotional connections, segmentation and positioning.
While initially focused entirely in the
automotive industry, today GRI partners with
H6_H69.AMA.Hono.6.15.08.indd 67
<Patti Nelson
Q Research Solutions Inc.
(QRS), based in Old Bridge, N.J., is a
privately held firm founded in 1983.
The founder and CEO of QRS is Patti
U.S. revenue for 2007 was $13.0 million,
up 8.3% over 2006. In 2007, 1.5% of total
revenue, or $200,000, was from outside the
United States.
QRS is a full-service marketing research
firm that provides customized market and
sensory research services.
The firm understands the product
development process and establishes the
best research practices, from the idea generation stage through the product launch
stage. QRS serves consumer packaged goods
companies, food and beverage manufacturers, fragrance houses and pharmaceutical
companies, and most studies are conducted
among consumers, b-to-b professionals and
QRS was the first to create high-tech
ventilation booths for consumer product
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testing. Today, each high-tech ventilation
booth is equipped with dishwashers, washers and dryers, kitchen sinks, microwaves
and lavatory sinks to simulate home environments. QRS’s other facilities include
observational household rooms, state-ofthe-art test kitchens and qualitative suites.
The firm employs 77 full time.
Analysts Inc.
<Richard Serrins
Marketing Analysts Inc. (MAi),
based in Charleston, S.C., is a privately held
company founded in 1982.
Robert Pascale, 53, is founder and
chairman of MAi, and Richard Serrins,
58, is president and CEO. Pascale earned
a Ph.D. in applied research and statistics
at Hofstra University, and Serrins earned
a B.A. at Hofstra University.
U.S. revenue for 2007 was $12.8 million, down 3.0% from 2006. In 2007,
5.9% of total revenue, or $800,000, was
from outside the United States.
MAi is a full-service custom marketing research and consulting company
with 39 full-time employees that focus
on four areas:
▶ MAi Consumer Packaged Goods
▶ MAi Rx (medical and pharmaceutical)
▶ MAi Insights (branding)
▶ MAi Financial
Client engagements include both
custom and strategic marketing research
services. Among its product and purchasing
offerings are choice modeling, concept and
product testing, shelf packaging research,
product lines research (LineOpt) and
volumetric modeling (VMS), and category
MAi’s consumer and customer research
includes segmentation, target panels and
tracking studies, and its communications
activity consists of advertising copy research,
brand personality and image identity (Brand
Intelligence) and positioning studies.
The company has offices in Charlotte,
N.C., and Morris Plains, N.J., in addition to
its Charleston, S.C., headquarters.
RTi Market
& Brand Strategy
<Mel Rothstein
RTi Market Research & Brand
Strategy, in Stamford, Conn., is a privately
held company founded in 1979.
Mel Rothstein, 64, is chairman and CEO
of RTi. He has a B.A. from Hunter College,
City University of New York.
U.S. revenue for 2007 was $12.2 million,
down 3.9% from 2006.
RTi is a marketing- and businessfocused research company addressing both
consumer and b-to-b issues, providing custom research service across a diverse client
base. Its research teams are led by company
principals to deliver marketing-focused
research and brand strategy services. These
services are designed to align with client
business objectives and brand-specific strategic priorities.
While the majority of problems are
solved with custom designs, RTi’s research
tools provide added levels of services.
Among these are:
▶ BrandStar: A facilitated, interactive
strategic marketing tool used to define all
aspects of a brand’s competitive position
leading to better strategic and research
▶ Qualmark: A satisfaction and loyalty
research program designed to help prioritize improvement efforts by focusing on
the aspects of service that have the largest
impact on overall satisfaction.
▶ RTi Portfolio Manager: This provides
the means for decisions regarding line
extension or reduction. The model measures volume opportunity rather than reach.
▶ Construction Test: A product development tool that is used to identify optimal
combinations of new product or service
▶ ScreenPlay: After a quantitative
screening of ideas, concepts or benefits,
Screen Play provides an easy and powerful
way to consider these multiple opportunities and determines which make up the
optimal set.
▶ Pathways: Using wireless audience
response technology, quantitative and qualitative research can be combined in a single
H6_H69.AMA.Hono.6.15.08.indd 68
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The Link Group
<Tom Pfeil
The Link Group (TLG) in Atlanta, is a
privately held company founded in 1994.
Tom Pfeil, 40, is co-founder and partner of TLG. He earned an M.B.A. from the
University of Texas.
H6_H69.AMA.Hono.6.15.08.indd 69
developed economies and international
markets in Europe, Asia Pacific and South
The staff is divided between offices
in Atlanta and Research Triangle Park in
Durham, N.C. Senior managers come from
a variety of industry backgrounds, and all
have Fortune 100 marketing management
and research experience.
The firm employs 39 full time. m
RTi’s management-style presentations
are carefully crafted management communications tools organized to address
the business issue. The firm has offices
in Stamford, Conn.; Iselin, N.J.; and
Westerville, Ohio; and employs 43 full time.
U.S. revenue in 2007 was $11.9 million,
up 5.3% over 2006. In 2007, 10.5% of total
revenue, or $1.4 million, was from outside
the United States.
The Link Group is a full-service market
research firm with services that include
every aspect of study design, fielding, analysis and reporting, and encompass a wide
range of methodologies.
The firm conducts qualitative research
using focus groups, one-on-one interviews,
bulletin board focus groups and mobile
groups, as well as ethnographic techniques
such as in-home interviews, on-site observations and “on-site insights” (an ethnographic
approach developed by The Link Group).
TLG quantitative offerings include Web
surveys, telephone surveys, mall intercepts,
mobile lab/on-site research. Also, it offers
analytics such as conjoint/discrete choice,
max-diffs, segmentation and latent driver
TLG’s primary industries are IT,
pharmaceuticals/health care, retail and
CPG, and serves both consumer and
business-to-business clients, nationally and
internationally. It has significant international experience, most frequently among
marketingnews two-hour session. It also provides cost, speed
and learning benefits to a client’s team.
▶ Mature Market Omnibus: A regularly
scheduled omnibus study among 1,000
50- to 74-year-olds. This important demographic can be reached and queried quickly
and cost effectively.
6/6/08 3:07:30 PM
marketingnews 06.15.08
{ contact info }
Quick source for contacting the suppliers in the Honomichl 50 section of the 06.15.08 issue of Marketing News
ADAPT Inc. ............................... p. H8
Ph. 1-888-52ADAPT
Anderson, Niebuhr &
Associates, Inc. ......................p. H12
Ph. 1-800-678-5577
Authentic Response ............... p. H8
Ph. 212-905-5000
The Dieringer Research
Group, Inc. .............................p. H68
Ph. 1-888-432-5220
DMS Research . .......................p. H13
Ph. 1-800-409-6262
Incorporated ..........................p. H53
Ph. 1-800-267-8052
Ph. 734-542-7600
Interface ASIA .......................p. H39
Marketing Systems Group ....p. H15
Ph. 310-212-7555
Ph. 1-800-336-7674
i.think inc. ...............................p. H18
MarketTools ...........................p. H67
Ph. 1-877-501-3220
iTracks .....................................p. H71
Mindfield .................................p. H19
Epocrates ...............................p. H66
Ph. 1-888-525-5026
Kinesis Survey
Technologies, LLC . .............. p. H60
Ph. 512-590-8300
Morpace Market Research
& Consulting .......................... p. H57
E-mail: marketresearchservices@
E-Poll Market
Research ................................ p. H60
KL Communications .............p. H38
Ph. 818-995-4960
Ph. 732-224-9991
Ph. 1-800-999-0213
URL: h
E-Rewards ................................ p. H5
Language Logic ....................p. H24
Ph. 1-888-20-EMAIL
Ph. 513-241-9112
C & R Research ..................... p. H61
E-Search .................................p. H56
Lightspeed Research ...........p. H56
CMS Research ........................p. H28
Ph. 419-843-8570
Common Knowledge
Research Services . ................. p. H9
Ph: 1-800-710-9147
Convergys ..............................p. H30
Ph. 1-800-344-3000
Creative Consumer
Research .................................p. H20
Ph. 281-240-9646
Ph. 1-866-499-3750
Ebony Marketing
Research, Inc. ........................p. H62
CARAVAN® Services/
Opinion Research
Corporation .......................... p. H44
Ph. 1-800-621-5022
Ph. 310-265-4608
Ph. 908-630-0542
ESTIME Estudios Integrales
de Mercado ............................p. H68
The Loyalty Research
Center .....................................p. H30
Ph. +58 (212) 242-5033
Ph. 317-465-1990
The Focus Network................p. H34
LRW (Lieberman Research
Worldwide . ..................... p. H47, 49
Ph. 1-800-394-1348
Worldwide ....................... p. H36-37
Ph. 310-553-0550
Luth Research . ......................p. H31
Ph. 203-961-1715, opt. 6
Ph. 1-800-465-5884
GfK ..........................................p. H32
M/A/R/C Research ...............p. H25
Ph. 1-800-884-6272
E-mail: j mace@
Ph. 248-737-5300
MRSI/Marketing Research
Services, Inc. . ........................p. H50
Ph. 513-579-1555
MSW Research ........................ p. H6
Ph. 512-394-6000
Offerwise ................................p. H43
Ph. 1-800-280-4947
Olson Research Group Inc. .... p. H7
Ph. 609-882-9888
Opinion Search . ........... p. H69, H71
Ph. 1-800-363-4229
PAI .......................................... p. H40
Ph. 1-800-693-3111
Peanut Labs, Inc. . ...........p. H26-27
Ph. 425-681-9378
GMI (Global Market
Insite).......................................p. H33
Maritz Research........................ p. H3
Ph. 206-315-9300
Ph. 1-800-446-1690
PRC (Marketing Research
Association)............................p. H48
Greenfield Online . .......... p. H16-17
Market Probe, Inc. . ...............p. H65
Ph. 1-866-296-3049
Ph. 414-778-6000
Ph. 860-682-1000
Decision Analyst, Inc. ...........p. H55
Interactive .............................. p. H41
Market Probe,
International ......................... p. H40
Ph. 1-800-ANALYSIS
Ph. 1-877-919-4765
Ph. 212-725-7676
Data Development
Worldwide . ............................p. H59
Ph. 212-633-1100
Decipher ..................................p. H21
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Market Strategies .................p. H46
Ph. 847-576-0707
Ph. 214-855-3777
BIGResearch, LLC .................p. H54
Ph. 614-846-0146
Inside Research .....................p. H69
Ph. 1-800-923-5523
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Principles of Marketing
Research ................................. p. H14
Ph. 706-542-6692
URL: http://www.
6/10/08 3:52:14 PM
Ph. 203-255-4200
Ph. +41 21 802 8484
Survey Sampling
International ..................... p. H29
marketingnews PRP International Marketing
Research (P. Robert &
Partners) . .......................... p. H45
Synovate ........................... p. H35
ReRez ................................. p. H58
Ph. 1-800-521-1357
Research Now . ................. p. H51
Ph. 212-790-9599
Ph. 630-364-2780
URL: h
Thoroughbred Opinion
Research ............................ p. H57
Ph. 502-338-6375
The Sample Network . ..... p. H22
Vision Critical ............... p. H10-11
Ph. 1-888-572-3255
Ph. 604-647-1980
URL: h
Service Management
Group ................................. p. H63
Vovici ................................. p. H72
Ph. 816-448-4500
Ph. 1-800-787-8755
SIS International
Research ............................ p. H42
Voxco ................................. p. H64
Ph. 212-505-6805
Ph. 514-861-9255
Your2Cents ......................... p. H9
Southern Illinois
Edwardsville...................... p. H52
Ph: 1-800-710-9147
Ph. 1-888-328-5168 x2601
Zoomerang ....................... p. H23
Ph. 1-800-310-7036
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