November 06, 2011 - Our Lady of Refuge Church
November 06, 2011 - Our Lady of Refuge Church
The Parish Community of Our Lady of Refuge R.C. Church 2020 Foster Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11210 Phone: (718) 434-2090 Bienvenue Fax: (718) 859-7411 ˜ Welcome ˜ Bienvenidos Parish Vision Statement TO GROW IN HOLINESS, TO WORSHIP GOD, AND TO SERVE THE WORLD. PARA CRECER EN SANTIDAD, PARA ALABAR A DIOS Y SERVIR AL MUNDO POU-N GRANDI NAN SENTETE, POU-N BAY BONDYE GLWA E SEVI TOUT MOUN Pastoral Staff MASSES ˜ MISAS ˜ MESSES Pastor: Rev. Michael A. Perry Parochial Vicars: Fr. Rony Mendes Bus. Administrator/Stewardship Coord.: Ms. Judy Agard Parish Musician: Glenn Balck Daily in the Chapel Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - 9:00AM Wednesday, Friday - 7:00AM First Friday - 7:00AM & 9:00AM Office Hours ˜ Horas de Oficina Heure de Bureau Monday to Friday: 9:00AM - 12:00 Noon; 1:00PM - 9:00PM Saturday: 9:00AM - 7:00PM; Sunday: 9:00AM - 2:00PM Weekend in the Church Saturday: Sunday: Domingo: Dimanche: Religious Education Classes Coordinator: Jennifer Baptiste Children: Sundays - 2 Sessions (1) 8:45AM - 11:00AM or (2) 10:15AM - 12:30PM RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) For adults (18 years of age and older English – Saturday 3:30 – 4:50pm Spanish – Sunday after Spanish Mass Kreyol – as needed Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday to Saturday after morning Mass in the y Chapel until 12:00 Noon. First Fridays after Mass in the Chapel until 10:00PM with Benediction. Parish Membership Our Parish Family invites all of its members to participate fully in our spiritual and social life. Every family moving into the Parish is requested to register at the rectory. Letters of recommendation can be written for registered members. If you move to another parish, or change your address or phone number, please notify us. 5:00PM English 7:00AM & 11:30AM English 8:30AM Español 1:30PM Haïtienne Kreyol Mass is celebrated at the Ditmas Park Care Center (Nursing Home) on the first and third Fridays of each month at 10:30AM. Baptism Bautismo Bapteme Call the rectory..........Informacion en la casa parroquial. Information au presbytere Confessions Saturday, Samedi, Sabado 4:00PM or by appointment Marriage Matrimonio Marriage Call 6 months in advance...Llame 6 meses antes de la fecha. Appelez 6 mois a l’avance. Log on to for marriage preparation details. Ministry to the Sick The Eucharist can be brought to the elderly and those temporarily or permanently homebound. Please call the rectory. This Parish is Clustered with the Following Churches Holy Cross ~ Holy Innocents ~ St. Vincent Ferrer ~ St. Therese of Lisieux ~ St. Catherine of Genoa ~ St. Jerome Notary Public On Staff OUR LADY OF REFUGE-32st SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME: November 6th, 2011 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meet in our rectory basement on Tuesdays (English) at 6:00PM and Saturdays (English) at 5:30PM. Mondays & Wednesdays (in Spanish) at 6:00PM. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE-ESL in the school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00pm-9:00pm. During the regular school year. GED PREPARATION & Basic Skills are held Monday to Friday in the rectory basement (entrance on East 21st Street, door B) from 9:00AM during each school semester. Registration is necessary. FIRST READING Wisdom 6:12-16 (154A) Wisdom is there for those who love and seek her: resplendent, unfading, responsive, eager, patient, perfect, gracious, and caring. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS meet in the Rectory basement every Sunday at 1:00PM in Spanish and 5:30PM in English. SECOND READING 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 or 4:13-14 Those who have died in Christ will rise first. Believers will be with Christ forever. Christians can comfort one another with this knowledge. GOSPEL READING Matthew 25:1-13 Jesus told the disciples the parable of the bridesmaids, emphasizing the urgency of keeping alert to the coming of God’s reign: “Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour.” PARISH REGISTRATION All parishioners are encouraged to register and to use their offering envelopes as a sign of commitment. If you are not registered we cannot issue testimonial letters in connection with sponsorship for the sacraments of Baptism, and Confirmation. We can give character references for positions, schools etc. only to those who have been registered for at least three months. Please register at the rectory office if you are new to the parish. Please also inform us of any change of address. * IMPORTANT INFO * Our Lady of Refuge Food Pantry distributes food packages to needy families on Wednesdays from 9:30AM to 1:00PM. Identification is required. Parishioners are encouraged to give donations of Cash, perishable and non perishable food items and clean plastic shopping bags. Please call or stop by the Rectory office if you would like to donate. 1 - 404 OUR LADY OF REFUGE-32st SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME: November 6th, 2011 Wednesday Night English Prayer Meeting Everyone is invited to join us on Wednesday evenings at 7:30PM in the School Hall. Join us for prayers, worship, bible readings, sharing and intercessory prayers. Rosette Box, Bernadette Jerome, Laconic Marceline, Beverly Banyan, Rose Donor, Elba Nunez, Rosanna Clermont, Grace Patricia, Dominick Viscardi, Rita Montes, Ernest Franklin, Evelyne Velez, Manuel Velez, Raymond Rodriguez, Marie Edmee Fenelon, Joseph Philippe, Tasha Sanon, Fritz Galette, Lena Cardinez, Fermine Reid, Jean Bernard Letang, Norma Allenyne, Rose Cesar, Carmelo Montes, Darilyne, M. Griffne, Karoline Picano, Marjorie Lynch, Dennis George, Mariabelle Carla Gousse, Chloe Page, Sergio Padilla, Marie A. Emile, Ismay Brown, Altagrace Excellent.. Our Lady of Refuge Church & East Midwood Jewish Center will host our 11th annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 20th at 4pm at Our Lady of Refuge Church. Bring your family and friends to join our Jewish & Muslim neighbors, as well as Christians from other churches. Together we will thank the gracious God who gives us food and shelter, and the love of family and friends. There will be a collection for Haitian relief. We also ask that you bring a contribution of non-perishable or canned food for the OLR food pantry. COMMUNAUTE HAITIENNE HEURES DE REUNION Le Groupe “la Ste Famille” se reunit chaque Dimanche après la messe Haitienne de 3 heure jusqu’a 5 h du soir. RECTORY BASEMENT Le Groupe Charismatique se reunit chaque Jeudi de 7 heure du soir jusqu’a 9:30pm. Nous vous invitons a venir louer et prier avec nous. La Legion de Marie se reunit chaque Samedi à la Chapelle de 4heure a 5:30pm. Nous avons besoin de nouveaux membres. Nous vous invitons a venir faire route avec Maman Marie. Le Groupe Cell se reunit chaque Mercredi à la Chapelle de 7:30 du soir jusqu’a 9:30pm. Chaque premier samedi du mois apres la messe de 9 heures, vous etes invités a reciter 1,000 Ave à la chapelle apres la messe de 9 heures. Saturday, November 12, 2011 8:00AM to 4:00PM in the School Hall Household items, Appliances, Christmas decorations r e l i g i o u s articles,etc.. will be on sale. Everything must be SOLD!!! Food will be on sale. LEGION of MARY PRAYER GROUP Do you want support in your spiritual life trusting Jesus through Mary? Come, pray and share with us every Thursday 7:00-8:00 pm in the chapel. Furniture Sale will be held on the same day in the Church Parking Lot. 2 - 404 OUR LADY OF REFUGE-32st SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME: November 6th, 2011 OUR LADY OF REFUGE 100TH ANNIVERSARY DINNER & DANCE ANNUAL COMMUNION BREAKFAST On Saturday, December 3rd we will be having our Annual Communion Breakfast. Mass will be celebrated in the church at 9:00AM by Fr. Perry, immediately followed by the breakfast in the school hall. Fr.Trevor will be the guest speaker. The theme – “The day is near when I, the Lord, will judge all nations.” Obadiah: 15 Come and enjoy a delicious meal of West Indian dishes. Admission:$15. Saturday, December 10, 2011 7:30PM - 12:30AM Immaculate Conception Center Douglaston. Cocktail Hour: 7:30 – 8:30PM Dinner & Dancing: 8:30 – 12:30AM Bus leaving the Church: 6:30PM Adults: $100. Youth 18 & under: $60 Bus round trip ticket: $15 DJ – Junior. Formal Attire. No Packages… Open Bar Call (718)434-2090 RAFFLE!!!!!! RAFFLE!!!!!! RAFFLE!!!!!! 1ST PRIZE - $500.00 CASH 2ND PRIZE - $200.00 CASH 3RD PRIZE - $100.00 CASH $1.00 per chance $5.00 for 6 chances Raffle will be drawn at the Dinner Dance. RINCON HISPANO La Oficina de la Rectoría ha recibido boletos para el concierto en beneficio del órgano de nuestra parroquia. Este concierto se presentara en la Iglesia “Grace Church en Brooklyn Heights el 18 de noviembre a las 7:00 de la noche. Los boletos se estarán vendiendo a $20.00 para el concierto y $30 para la recepción y concierto. Sábado 19 de noviembre es la celebración de la Santa Misa en honor a la Virgen de la Divina Providencia, Patrona del Pueblo de Puerto Rico, a las 7:00p.m. en nuestra Parroquia Nuestra Señora del Refugio. Celebrante será Monseñor José Malagreca. Como ofrenda en honor a Nuestra Madre de La Divina Providencia, le pedimos que en lugar de flores, traigamos comidas enlatadas para dar a los más necesitados de nuestra comunidad. UPCOMING EVENTS Wednesday, November 9 – Advent & Christmas Liturgy planning meeting. Saturday, November 12 – Flea Market in School Hall; Furniture Sale in Garage 8:00am to 4:00pm. Sunday, November 13 – Breakfast organized by the Spanish Community. Friday, November 18 – Fundraising Organ Concert at Grace Church, Brooklyn Heights Fund raiser for Our Lady of Refuge Organ. Sunday, November 27 - Spanish Advent Retreat in School Hall. From 1:00PM to 6:00PM Tuesday, November 29 – Beginning of Novena to Prepare for December 8th feast of Mary. (Chapel every night at 6:30PM 7:30PM) December, 5-7 – English Missions. Saturday, November 19 – Providencia Mass at 7:30PM. Sunday, December 11 – Guadalupe Vigil Mass at 6:00PM. December 14-16 – Haitian Advent Retreat in the Church at 7:30PM. El sábado 10 de diciembre es la cena y baile celebrando los 100 años de nuestra parroquia, comenzando a las 7:30 de la noche hasta las 12:30a.m. en el Centro de la Inmaculada Concepción en Doglaston. Boletos están a la venta a $100.00 y para los jóvenes de nuestra parroquia menores de 18 años $60.00. Autobuses disponibles para ida y vuelta a $15.00 Por favor lea el boletín, para mas detalles. Próximo fin de semana Domingo, Noviembre 06 en el Auditorio de la Escuela, será la Feria de Ministerios y renovación de la corresponsabilidad: Tiempo, Tesoro y Talento. Apredamos a como servir a nuestro feligreses en los diversos ministerios para que la vida de nuestra parroquia sea vibrante. Le vamos a pedir a todas las familias que vengan preparadas, y que oren para decidir cual es la porción que darán a la iglesia. ENGLISH ADVENT RETREAT “I will gather all the nations and bring them to the valley of judgement. There I will judge them for all they have done to my people.” Joel 3:2 This is the theme for the three nights of Advent Retreat which begins on Monday, December 5 to Wednesday, December 7 at 7:00PM in the church. The preacher will be Fr. Trevor Nathasingh of Trinidad & Tobago. Todos nuestros parroquianos que firmaron para tomar sus fotos para el álbum de la parroquia, muy pronto recibirán una llamada telefónica para hacer una cita para sus fotos. 3 - 404 OUR LADY OF REFUGE-32st SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME: November 6th, 2011 Benefit Concert to reinstall the parish’s Pipe Organ Saturday- November 5th, 2011 5:00pm – Memorial Mass Sunday – November 6th , 2011 7:00am – For the deceased members of the Legion of Mary. 8:30am – All Parishioners. On November 18 at 7:30 pm Grace Church Brooklyn Heights has invited Our Lady of Refuge to have a benefit concert on their pipe organ to raise money for the repair of the pipe organ at Our Lady of Refuge. We need to raise another $65,000 to be able to reinstall our pipe organ. Stephen Tharp, a world famous organist is playing the recital. The tickets for the organ recital are $20 each and the reception tickets are $30 each. All proceeds benefit the Our Lady of Refuge Pipe Organ. The parish's organ was built in 1933 and installed in the new church. It has 1800 pipes that range in size from a pencil to a large tree. It was built by the same company that made the pipe organ at Saint Patrick's Cathedral. The organ is the traditional musical instrument of the Catholic faith, giving “resonance to the fullness of human sentiments, from joy to sadness, from praise to lamentation” and “echoing and expressing all the experiences of human life,” as Pope Benedict XVI has said. To learn more about our pipe organ and for full details visit or email – Brigido Figueroa (dec) as requested by Nidia Rivera – For good health for Roselin Peña as requestd by Carmen Peña. 11:30am– Lucille & Mervin Greaves (dec) as requested by Joyce LaRocque. . 1:30pm – Legion of Marie. – Jean Orge Pierre (dec) as requested by Elide & Family – Mr. & Mrs. Armand Cesar (dec) as requested by the Cesar Family. – Anniversary Blessing for the Holy Family Group. Tuesday- November 8th 9:00am – Birthday Blessings for Zanola Phillip as requested the Phillip Family. Wednesday- November 9th 7:00am – For all the deceased members of Mengual & Pelit-Frere Families as requested by Mme. Denise Mengual. Thursday- November 10th 9:00am – For all the deceased members of Mengual & Petit-Frere Families as requested by Mme. Denise Mengual. Friday- November 11th 7:00am – Marguerite Vangine (dec) as requested by Her Children Our Lady of Refuge Food Pantry feeds over 250 needy families each week, we need donation of food items e.g.: tuna, rice, milk, canned soups, beans, cereal, fruit juice, pasta, etc. Saturday- November 12th 9:00am – For all the Souls of the Purgatory as requested by Mme. Denise Mengual. Mass Attendance 10-30-2011 Mass Adults Children TOTAL 5:00 PM 53 5 58 7:00 AM 65 2 67 8:30 AM 120 27 157 11:30 AM 141 16 157 1:30PM 180 15 195 THANK YOU FOR YOUR STEWARDSHIP OFFERING ON SUNDAY, October 30, 2011 $ 5,031.56 Please call the Rectory Office We are also in need of clean plastic bags. Please drop them of at the Rectory Office. 4 - 404 FRANK J. BARONE INC. FUNERAL HOME Low Cost We Ship Worldwide 718-629-2047 Your Neighborhood Funeral Director ALMAC HARDWARE JANITOR SUPPLIES • GLAZING LICENSED LOCKSMITH DELIVERIES WE MAKE HOUSE CALLS 2 Newkirk Plaza, Bklyn Corner of East 16th St. Phone: 434-1736 4502 AVE. "D" (At E. 45 St.) Brooklyn My car went to Heaven! IMPORTANT CHANGE ! DONATE YOUR AUTO Society of St. Vincent de Paul 718-491-2525 IRS Tax Deduction Any Model Any Condition • FREE Towing Annual Enrollment Period Find out how far your heart can reach. October 15 - December 7 Millions of people overseas depend on you. Please help. 1-888-354-0060 Catholic Relief Services serves the poor in nearly 100 countries around the world. ACCIDENT VICTIMS Attention Medicare Beneficiaries are you... Looking to Change Plans? Reviewing your Options? KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! Get Baron Associates P.C.! ALL ACCIDENTS & INJURIES Auto - Bus - Train & Bike • Wrongful Death Pedestrian Knockdowns • Construction Accidents Dog Bites • Elevator Accidents • Ceiling Collapses Slip & Fall / Sidewalks & Buildings Free Consultation • Home & Hospital Visits Available Call TODAY 1 800 501-1799 Baron Associates P.C. • 718-934-6501 For a No Obligation, Free Consultation • 2509 Avenue U, Brooklyn NY 11229 Mi govornim po ruskiy. Hablamos Español. Newkirk Grace Eyecare Station DISCOUNT WINES & LIQUORS 11 Newkirk Plaza Brooklyn (718)434-4441 Dr. Widad A. Valmé Optometrist • Eye Examinations • Designer Frames & Sunglasses • Contact Lenses • Quality Prescription Eyewear at Affordable Prices • Prescription Filled • DMV Vision Test Hours: Tues-Fri 11:30-7:00pm 1615 Cortelyou Rd. Sat 9:00am-5:00pm • Sun CLOSED Brooklyn, NY 11226 Mon by Appt Only Most Insurances Accepted 718-826-2020 Nou Pale Kreyol & Unions Welcome Guarino Funeral Home of Canarsic, Inc. 9222 Flatlands Avenue • Brooklyn, NY 11236 (718) 257-2890 OWNED BY GUARINO F.H. OF CANARSIE INC. 404 Our Lady of Refuge, Brooklyn, NY • STOCKHOLDERS: ANTHONY LANZA & LEWIS ROVEGNO John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800)333-3166 •
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