January 2016 - Christ Church Spotsylvania
January 2016 - Christ Church Spotsylvania
THE MISSION OF CHRIST CHURCH is to bring all persons to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through Word, Sacraments, and instruction, as taught through the Episcopal tradition, that all may know the joy and grace of faith, and to share that grace through outreach. The Chronicler January 2016 Spotsylvania, VA Healing Prayer Team Ministry For more than 2000 years Jesus' teachings have left a strong impact on us. Central in His ministry was to bring healing and wholeness to the people's lives and, therefore, central in the church's ministry today. When Jesus walked on earth He showed us His love and compassion and asked us to care for the sick, the dying, and the hurting. In the Gospels of Matthew and Luke his instructions to His disciples were to preach that the “Kingdom of God is at hand and to heal the sick and cast out demons.” When we think of Jesus praying we often think of the “Lord's Prayer” or Jesus going off alone to a quiet place to be with God. But Jesus probably spent most of his prayer time praying with another person for healing. He proclaimed the Father's compassion in words but He prayed compassionately with others - even when the laws forbade curing a withered hand on the sabbath or touching to heal the unclean leper. Jesus called his followers to follow him in laying hands on the people and pray for their healing. Jesus passed his healing power to His disciples and then to all Christians through the power of the Holy Spirit. He came to heal us on all levels – physical, emotional, and deliverances from evil spirits. As Jesus was preparing His disciples for His departure He specifically instructed them to continue to do what He had done on earth. I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. John 14:12 Jesus laid aside his divinity to live a fully human life (Philippians 2:6-8). It was in his humanity, empowered by the Holy Spirit, that Jesus was used by God for healing (Luke 5:17 and Acts 10:38). And it is by the Holy Spirit we are empowered to follow Jesus who is our role model in the healing ministry. Physical healing through prayer is a mystery, but it is common. Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. James 5:14 At Christ Church we will be starting a healing prayer ministry. The training will be on Monday mornings, February 15, 22, and 29 beginning with Morning Prayer at 8:30 with Fr. Jeff and ending by 11:00 am. We will look at some of the individual healing encounters recorded in the Bible by studying what Scripture says and to reflect on the meanings and implications of what it says. What did it mean to the people then, what does it mean to us today, and how does this form the ministry at Christ Church. Only the Bible can give us a clear knowledge of understanding the healing ministry. If you are interested in being a member of the Healing Prayer Ministry Team or would like more information, please contact Fr. Jeff or Deacon Margaret. The Rev. Deacon Margaret Haight JANUARY 2016 LAY MINISTERS SCHEDULE Lector January 3 – MORNING PRAYER 8:00 Joseph Ilk, Ray Crafton 10:30 Marilyn Greene, Kristi Gross January 10 8:00 Thom Smelter 10:30 Beverly McNeill January 17 8:00 Dana Houck 10:30 Sian Packard January 24 8:00 Beth Goshin 10:30 Roy Smith January 31 8:00 Joseph Ilk 10:30 Judi O’Neill Chalice Bearer OFFICIANT: The Rev. Margaret Haight OFFICIANT: The Rev. Margaret Haight The Rev. Margaret Haight Tim Watts Alex Watts Edd Houck Jeff Massey Jenny LeBlanc The Rev. Margaret Haight Werner Wieland Donna Nuzum Ray Crafton Steve Clifford Penny Knepp Acolytes Matthew LeBlanc Megan LeBlanc Ian Gibson Hannah Clifford Colby Clifford Ethan Goldberg Rachel Stockli Chloe Stockli Hunter Clifford Aaron DiFilippo Jack DiFilippo Drew DiFilippo David Packard Stephen Wallach Justin Phillips Ushers Altar Guild Robert Truslow Werner Wieland Frank Stewart Wieland Team Amy Biscoe Joseph L. Ilk Bob McGann Judi O’Neill Calib Garland Bob Massey Ron Magin Nursery Molly Watts MaginTeam Amanda Watts Barbara Deal Bill Estes Frank Carosella Wieland Team Jack Cheeseman Missie Jarman Cecil Jarman Williams Team McKenzie Goldberg McKenzie Goldberg You are responsible for finding your own replacement in the event that you cannot serve when scheduled. If you are a Lector or Chalicist, and unable to find one, please contact Penny Knepp at pnypitstop@aol.com or 891-6299 and she will assist you. Notify parish office of replacement(s). 2016 ~ JANUARY CHRONICLER Choir Director Denise Gregory mdgregorymusic@gmail.com Organist Hannah Massey hannahmassey7019@gmail.com Secretary Ruth Feltner secretary@christchurchspotsy.com Newsletter Coordinator Ruth Feltner secretary@christchurchspotsy.com Christ Episcopal Church 8951 Courthouse Road Spotsylvania, Virginia 22553 Phone (540) 582-5033 www.christchurchspotsy.com Rector The Reverend Jeffrey A. Packard rector@christchurchspotsy.com Director of Christian Education Jenny LeBlanc jennyleblanc@1978@gmail.com Vestry Senior Warden Ray Crafton Jr. Warden Linda Wieland Treasurer Mary Williams Asst Treasurer Linda Smith Register Jeri Phillips Members Linda Wieland Bill Butler Ray Crafton Missie Jarman Beverly McNeill Jeri Phillips Roy Smith Tim Watts Sue Roberts Our Christ Church family extends their deepest sympathy to Barbara Canaday and family on the death of her husband, Howard Melvin Canaday on December 1. “May his soul and the souls of all the departed, by the mercy of God, rest in peace.” January 2016 01/01 James Kenkel 01/03 Justin Phillips Roger Williams 01/04 Marlyne Cain 01/07 Drew DiFilippo 01/12 Joy Newlin 01/13 Samantha Bomgardner Joan Gere Marshall Bell 01/14 Thom Smelter 01/16 John Phillips 01/20 Jack DiFilippo 01/22 Stephen Roop Mark DiFilippo 01/25 Liz DiRusso Margaret Little 01/26 Delaney Senters 01/28 Denise Regeimbal Ruth Packard 01/30 Doreen Smith Special Thanks to Outreach, Food Pantry, and Our Wonderful, Giving, Church Family ~ 128 families received big boxes of food December 19. Starting on the Thursday before, lots of hands helped pack canned soup, vegetables, meat, peanut butter, cereal, oatmeal, pasta, juice, potatoes, gravy, etc., etc. for our Food Pantry families. The boxes were checked on Friday -- with 67 boxes packed into the Quilters’ room, it’s easy to see how one could be missed when you’re handing out bags of rice! And that was only one room full of boxes. There were also 43 boxes in the Nursery and nearly 40 more down in room 4. On Saturday, after holding hands for a prayer in a big oval in the hallway, our clients waited their turns to be welcomed and signed in, then met up with the individual carting their food box and their frozen bird. Next, they headed outside to pick out some fresh produce and a loaf of bread. Then the person carting their goods took it all to the car and lifted the food inside. The sense of community was strong; there were lots of hugs and smiles (and a few healing tears) shared during the morning. Judging from their words and faces, both our pantry clients and church volunteers felt they received something special from the pantry that day. Please see attached photographs of our “workers in action” on Saturday, December 19. (Want to join the community? Come downstairs in ASH Hall at 9:30 am on the second and fourth Tuesdays each month. Or, get in touch with Tracy Magin about packing food bags on your own schedule.) Roy H. Smith, Ph.D. Honored The Phi Beta Kappa Society chapter at the University of Mary Washington recently announced that they would be naming their annual scholarship in honor of Christ Church parishioner Roy Smith. Roy is a professor emeritus at the University where he taught in the Psychology department for more than 40 years. The honor is in recognition of the support that Roy gave the honor society while a professor. He twice served as the chapter’s president. Since his retirement, Roy has become a regular fixture around the parish. He and his wife Stephanie run the food pantry, and Roy routinely makes pickups of furniture and other donations for the thrift shop. Roy will be completing a term on our vestry at the annual meeting in January. Congratulations Roy! And thanks for all you do for Christ Church! Vestry Speaks Out At their December meeting, the vestry of Christ Church decided that they needed to respond to recent very public verbal attack against our neighbors who are members of the Islamic Center of Fredericksburg. The group, that has been in the area for 27 years, hosted an open meeting in November to present their plans to build a new mosque. The meeting was cut short by a sheriff’s deputy because he was concerned it might escalate into violence. Area residents shouted nasty, accusatory things at the leader of the meeting and against all Muslims. The vestry decided that when one religious group is unfairly singled out for attack, we are all in jeopardy. The following resolution was passed unanimously by the quorum that was present. Resolution in Support of Our Muslim Neighbors In recognition that we are all children of God and that Christians and Muslims share a common faith ancestry, and in recognition that we Christians are called to love God and love our neighbors as ourselves, and in recognition of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, the vestry and clergy of Christ Episcopal Church at Spotsylvania Courthouse extend our support to our Muslim friends and neighbors who are practicing their faith within our shared community. We stand for continuing dialogue that can acknowledge our connections as well as our differences and respect the dignity of every human being. EPIPHANY BONFIRE ~ JANUARY 8 The Epiphany bonfire will begin at 6 PM on Friday, On January 8 at 6:00 PM you are invited to bring Christmas trees, wreaths, and greens to burn. Refreshments will be available: mulled cider and hot chocolate. We will sing songs around the fire, and just have a good old-fashioned fun evening. The Feast of Epiphany, celebrated on January 6 each year, is kind of the culmination of the Christmas season. It is a time of enlightenment, and happens when the days are just beginning to get a little longer. The bonfire symbolizes the revelation of Jesus as the Son of God which enlightens our hearts and lifts our spirits during the darkest part of the year. Come join us for this joyous event! Annual Parish Meeting ~ January 31, 2016 The vestry has set the date of our annual Parish Meeting. We will meet after the 10:30 service on Sunday, January 31. The good news is that this is not Super Bowl Sunday. The bad news is that the Super Bowl will be the following Sunday (February 7) when our bishop will visit. The meeting will convene in the Great Hall of All Saints Hall around noon that day. It will be followed by a potluck luncheon. At the annual meeting we will present the budget for 2016 and elect three new members to serve three year terms on the vestry. Other reports and information will be presented as well. Vestry Candidates Needed At the Annual Parish Meeting on January 31 we will elect three new members to serve three year terms on the vestry, our parish governing board. Speak to a current member to find out what service entails. Candidate forms can be found at the Communications Center and at the table in the back of the church. Attached to the form is a vestry member job description that includes all of the qualifications and requirements. Annual Episcopal Visitation February 7, 2016 The Rt. Rev. Susan E. Goff, bishop suffragan of the Diocese of Virginia, will preside and preach at the 10:30 service on the morning of Sunday, February 7. She will celebrate confirmations, receptions, and reaffirmations. The service will be followed by a special fellowship hour in honor of the confirmands and the bishop. Our annual visit from a bishop reminds us that we are part of a Church that is bigger than ourselves. We are part of the greater Body of Christ that has influence and challenges beyond any we know of here in Spotsylvania. The bishop not only represents the diocese and the concerns of the diocese to us, but she represents us and our concerns to the greater Church as well. You may notice that this will be Super Bowl Sunday. We promise that if you come to church in the morning you will be home in plenty of time to enjoy the game. Shrove Tuesday Dinner ~ February 9 Our ECM will be preparing their annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake/Chili Supper on Tuesday, February 9 from 5:30 to 7:00 PM in the Great Hall. Accompanying the all-you-can-eat pancakes, will be sausage, chili, and drinks, all you can eat. The cost is $7 per person or $25 per family. Look for sign-up sheets to be posted soon in the Communications Center. Ash Wednesday, February 10 It’s true, we just got through Christmas, but Lent is just around the corner. Ash Wednesday is on February 10 this year. We will have two worship services to mark the beginning of Lent, at noon and 7:30 PM. Both services will include the imposition of ashes as a reminder of our mortality and our need for repentance. Bring your palms from last year’s Palm Sunday service to the ECM Shrove Tuesday Pancake and Chili Dinner. They will be burned to make the ashes for Wednesday. Save the Date ~ May 6-8, 2016 at Shrine Mont, Our Annual Parish Retreat Weekend! “Shrine Mont is a place where people are more important than things, where prayer and reflection, rest and recreation are more important than appointments and tasks. It’s a place where people give thanks to God for his creation—from the beauty of the streams, flowers and wildlife which are at home here, to the people who come to this place to celebrate being part of the family of God.” Details will soon be published. Fellowship Commission We want and need you to share yourself and your time hosting Fellowship on Sundays. Fellowship hour is a very important ministry as it gives us time to socialize once a week as a church family. You can honor someone or in celebration of an event by signing up. Talk to Bill Butler about hosting and then sign up at the Communication Center. Even once a month will help. Weather Alert When there is snow on Sunday, we expect everyone to use his or her best judgment about attempting to attend worship services. When in doubt as to whether services have been cancelled, you may check out the parish web page or www.Fredericksburg.com. Also listen to the following FM radio stations: 93.3 WFLS, 95.9 WGRQ, 96.9 WWUZ, 99.3 WYSK, 104.5 WGRX. Sunday morning worship schedule and Children’s Chapel and Sunday school: Two services 8:00 and 10:30, (Children’s Chapel is held in the Choir Room during the 10:30 service) with Christian Education for all ages from 9:15 to 10:15. Children’s Chapel is not held on the first Sunday of the month. Episcopal Church Women meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month in the Great Hall @ 11:30 AM. The Brotherhood of St. Andrew and ECM meet the 2nd Saturday of each month in ASH at 8 AM. The Vestry meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM in room #8, All Saints Hall. Sunday bulletin announcements due by: noon Wednesday, call 582-5033. Deadline for the February Chronicler is January 22. Please send articles in Microsoft word document to Ruth Feltner: secretary@christchurchspotsy.com Christ Church January 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 8:00am RAAI, ASH 8:00pm AA Mtg 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8:00am MP Rite 1 8:00am RAAI, ASH 8:00am RAAI, ASH 8:00am RAAI, ASH 8:00am RAAI, ASH 8:00am RAAI, ASH 8:00am ECM 10:30am MP Rite II 8:30am Morning 8:30am Morning 8:30am Morning 8:30am Morning 6:00pm Epiphany Mtg/Breakfast, 11:45am Fellowship, Prayer Prayer Prayer Prayer Bonfire GH 7:15pm Choir 10:30am Quilters, GH Rehearsal 10 11 8:00am HE Rite 1 9:15am Christian 8:00am RAAI, ASH 8:00am RAAI, ASH 8:00am RAAI, ASH 8:00am RAAI, ASH 8:00am RAAI, 8:30am Morning 8:30am Morning 8:30am Morning 8:30am Morning Education Prayer 12 Prayer 10:30am HE Rite II 10:30am Children's 10:00am Food Chapel 11:45am Fellowship, GH 6:00pm Sunlight 13 ASH #8 Prayer 15 Prayer ASH #8 7:00pm Vestry Garden Club, ASH #6,7 Meeting, ASH #8 17 18 8:00am HE Rite 1 9:15am Christian 8:00am RAAI, ASH 8:00am RAAI, ASH 8:00am RAAI, ASH 8:00am RAAI, ASH 8:00am RAAI, 8:30am Morning 8:30am Morning 8:30am Morning 8:30am Morning Education Prayer 10:30am Children's Prayer 20 Prayer 11:30am ECW Chapel 16 ASH 11:30am Rented-Nelda Hagerman 10:30am Quilters, Pantry, ASH 19 14 21 22 23 ASH Prayer 10:30am Quilters, Meeting, GH ASH #8 10:30am HE Rite II 11:45am Fellowship, GH 24 25 8:00am HE Rite 1 9:15am Christian 8:00am RAAI, ASH 8:00am RAAI, ASH 8:00am RAAI, ASH 8:00am RAAI, ASH 8:00am RAAI, 8:30am Morning 8:30am Morning 8:30am Morning 8:30am Morning Education 10:30am HE Rite II 10:30am Children's Chapel 11:45am Fellowship, GH 31 8:00am HE Rite 1 9:15am Christian Education 10:30am HE Rite II 10:30am Children's Chapel 12:00pm Annual Parish Meeting, GH Prayer 26 Prayer 10:00am Food Pantry, ASH 27 Prayer 28 Prayer 10:30am Quilters, ASH #8 29 30 ASH