- Alter High School
- Alter High School
FALL 2015 RoundTable the Founded on Faith. Preserved with Pride. Sustained by Spirit. A publication for alumni, current & past parents, and friends of Alter High School For the love of Alter VISION & STRATEGY From the President page 2 From Advancement page 4 ALTER LIFE Athletic Update Class of 2019 Open House pages 6-8 ALUMNI NEWS Alter Reunions pages 9-12 Timothy Lu ‘07 page 13 Alex Finke ‘08 pages 14-15 Hall of Fame pages 16-18 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 pages 21-34 Fiscal Report page 35 VISION & STRATEGY From the President Father James Manning New Wine Needs New Skins There is a passage in the Gospels where Jesus says: “No one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the new wine will burst the skins, and it will be spilled, and the skins will be ruined. Rather, new wine must be poured into fresh wineskins.” As many of you know, I am not only the President of Alter High School but also the Pastor of St. Mary Parish in Franklin. As a priest for the past 40 years, I go wherever I have been called. Vocation is not just a choice but a Godgiven calling. A calling is much deeper than choice and brings so much more purpose to one’s life, and with purpose there follows peace and joy. My parish is presently relocating our church to Springboro and is being built on Yankee Road. The church is twenty percent completed and on schedule and budget. The target for completion is the beginning of June 2016. I will be 68 years old by then. Our parish boundary is estimated to become the second fastest area of growth in the state of Ohio over the next few years. Father Jim at the new St. Mary’s site in Springboro 2 the ROUNDTABLE Because of all of this, I feel called by God to become a full time pastor with the completion of this new church in Springboro. This means that I will no longer function as the President of Alter High School -- effective this coming summer of 2016. I have been working with the Archdiocese and the Board of Trustees this past year on the structures for this “Year of Transition” at Alter High School. Perhaps the accomplishment of which I am most proud throughout the past eleven years is the establishment of a strong Executive Leadership Team to work with me. My four direct reports are the Principal, the Business Manager, the Director of Institutional Advancement, and the Facilities Coordinator. The Archdiocese and the Board of Trustees fully endorse Lourdes Lambert as my replacement -- not as the President of the School but as the Principal-CEO. This assures that we will have an educator at the top of the organization working with and responsible to the Board of Trustees. This also assures that her gifts as an educator in curriculum and classroom accountability will be maintained. This transition from the President-Principal model to the Principal-CEO model involves a change in school governance which has now been approved by the Archbishop and the Archdiocese. This past spring Lourdes Lambert and I met twice with Dr. Rigg, the Superintendent of Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, and once with Archbishop Schnurr. Quite a few schools in our Archdiocese have made this transition in governance and have found it to be effective and successful. On a personal and pastoral note, the Archbishop suggests that I may not have to end my relationship with Alter but perhaps change that relationship. He perceives that my chaplaincy to the youth at Alter was not only a benefit to the school but also life-giving to my priesthood. In all honesty, that part of the transition I have not yet prayerfully discerned. I can say that the Board and I fully believe that Lourdes Lambert has been called by God to this position of leadership at Alter High School. She too believes that she is following her God-given call in life and that vocation is deeper than choice. As a priest in an Archdiocese that has term limits and having been through many transitions before, I can honestly and humbly say that succession planning is all about planning for success; there is no one I would want more to take my place than Lourdes. In this “Year of Transition” at Alter High School, I will do all that I can to help her but will humbly do all so as not to interfere as she paves the way for a new day here at Alter. New wine does need new skins. Under her leadership, I know and believe that Alter has a bright future. Jesus also teaches that the first will be last and that the last will be first. I would like to make my last year here at Alter my best year here at Alter. I would like to bring completion to the capital campaign we initiated a few years back and FINISH THE JOB by doing something for the arts -- as they deserve our best. Alter has already made our statement on academics and athletics; we need to make our statement on the arts. We have such skilled people here in the arts and they deserve better facilities. I would like to put my final energies this year into this adventure. I have enjoyed my eleven years here at Alter and I thank everyone for your love, support, and cooperation. God is calling me to spend my golden years in the priesthood before retirement as a full time pastor. Those of you who already know about this transition have expressed how happy you are for me and that you wish me well in this new phase of my life. Now that everyone knows, I believe and pray that many will be wishing me the same. As we all know from our lives, vocation is not just a choice but a God-given calling. Father Jim at the 2015 Baccalaureate Mass Father Jim pictured with Principal, Lourdes Lambert Father catches a ride with Dr. Tim Quinn ‘69 and Joe Petrocelli FALL 2015 3 VISION & STRATEGY From the Advancement Director Rick Willits ‘88 AlterFest ‘15: For the Love of Alter Allan Beam ‘83 and John Jansing, along with their executive team, led another successful AlterFest over Labor Day Weekend. How Allan and John came to be the chairs of the Fest this year is a story in and of itself. In most years, next year’s Fest chair is named shortly after AlterFest ends and they have even shadowed the event. It’s not that Allan and John were strangers to AlterFest. Allan has worked in food and cooked chicken for many years, and in the last few years was part of set up and tear down. He shadowed Tom Frericks ’73 in operations in 2014. John, a past parent to three graduates, had also worked in many areas of AlterFest, but primarily in the food area. Tom and Jennifer ‘84 Kendo initially approached John to be the chair, but he said he would only do it with a co-chair. It was at the Hurtubise wedding that Tom and Grace Frericks mentioned to John that Allan Beam might be a great co-chair. Then came the graduation speech that brought it all together. Dr. Jim Rigg spoke to the graduates and their families, which included the Beam’s son, Adam and the Jansing’s daughter, Libby. Dr. Rigg said, “In life there are givers and takers.” He encouraged them to go through life and be givers. Allan found himself talking to John at a grad party about the speech and their conversation turned to the Boosters and AlterFest. At that moment they became even bigger givers and partnership was born. Allan Beam and Bart Nye with the Heads & Tails Winners 4 the ROUNDTABLE A rainbow brought some luck to AlterFest ‘15 set up. They called it the merge of the old and the new. I spoke to John about his take-a-ways from the experience this past year, and he was filled with awe and gratitude. Awe in watching people come back to set up for a three day, 30,000 person event. People like Tom and Grace Frericks, Rick Woeste ’73 (and family), Willie Bruns ‘68, Shawn Cochran ‘75, Dick Lehman, Dave & Steve Reeves, Tom DeMange, Bart Nye and others. As John aptly stated, “they just show up and know what needs to be done. It’s really amazing.” Gratitude for the people who stepped up to fill holes in many areas because of the shorter timeline this year. “I could sit here and name a hundred people who helped make this successful”, said John. 98% of the student body at Alter work a shift at the Fest, as do Alter faculty and staff. There was also gratitude for the new volunteers and the many hours put in to make the fest a success once again this year. It was neat to see younger engagement in the workforce. Allan recruited his SDK youth basketball kids to help with the thankless job of doing trash. Allan also spoke very highly and was very appreciative of having John Schimpf ’88 assist with AlterFest operations. There was also some sadness, as people that have given many years to the Fest, stepped back this year to let others learn the ropes. We saw the transition from Billy Schoen to Ken Tankersley, as one example. Billy is a pillar of Alter and was here when the first tents went up over 25 years ago. It truly is a labor of love of Alter for all involved over Labor Day Weekend and we thank you for your support. ALTERFEST 2015 ANOTHER SUCCESS! There aren’t very many communities that can host 30,000 people in one weekend, but Alter certainly can! It took thousands of hours, countless chicken dinners, and hundreds of volunteers to host a very successful weekend with a reported gross of over $437,000. The net funds will support the boosters’ ongoing facility improvements here at Alter. Thank you to John Jansing, Allan Beam, John Schimpf, and all the Division Chairs and volunteers for making this another memorable AlterFest! 2015 AlterFest Chairs: John Jansing and Allan Beam ‘83 Fr. Manning & Principal Lourdes Lambert in the Flash Mob Dance AlterFest: Fun, Food, Games, Rides, and Music for everyone! It all started with a famous chicken dinner .... Over 45 years ago, Urb Goeke suggested a chicken BBQ as a fundraiser at Alter. He worked for a chicken farm in Versailles and he could get the chickens dressed and ready to BBQ. We knew it would be a lot of work, but we had a good bunch of volunteers willing to work. Urb and I were in charge of getting the pits set up and the cooking. Urb did most of the planning, but my job was to set it all up and line up the volunteers to work whatever they could to cover from ten in the morning til seven at night on Labor Day. We met at the pits at 5:30 Monday morning to put in the charcoal and get it lit. I can still hear Urb say “if a bomb went off, we would be the only ones killed.” I don’t remember just what time we put the chickens on, but we had plenty by eleven o’clock. After the parade, the customers poured in and we didn’t let up until seven that night. We learned as we went as to how long to let the chicken cook. We only had one time we got behind and people had to wait for chicken. Urb told me if I could hold my hand over the fire and count to three, I needed to add mor charcoal. When the chicken had to be turned, one rack was put on top of the other, and with a dozen chickens, sometimes we would lose one or two. A few helpers never did get the hang of it and we had to find something else for them to do. Urb had a long pair of tongs to get the chicken out. We brushed it off, put on more sauce and continued cooking. I walked home that night, my clothes smelled so bad with smoke I didn’t want it in my car. In face my wife met me at the door and had me strip and put my clothes in the trash can and I went right to the shower. I breathed so much smoke, I was sick for two day. Tuesday, we went back to tear own the pits and stacked the blocks back on skids so they could be picked up. We served 5,000 dinners the first year. I met the man that had the racks to see if we could ocme up with a better way to turn them and not lose chicken. It would take twice as many racks, but I suggested we hinge two racks together, take the handle off one side and put the rod in the center so we could just roll them over. He made them and the next year it went a lot better. The next year, instead of one long pit, we had four short ones so we could go from one side to the other. We had one pit not as hot so if we got ahead, we could keep the chicken warm and keep on cooking on the other pits. Urb found our from a doctor if we drank buttermilk, we wouldn’t get sick from the smoke. I took a small drink every half hour and it worked. As told by Norm Brinkman (Father of Dan Brinkman ‘71) FALL 2015 5 ALTER LIFE spring recap IT’S A track at state GOOD DAY TO BE A KNIGHT! The girls 4x800 track team won their back to back state championship! Congratulations to Kyly Borton, Perri Bockrath, Kristen Petrovsky, and Abby Nichols! According to various sports rankings that came out in September: Alter Football #3 in the State Alter Girls Soccer #4 in the State Alter Boys Soccer #9 in the State Alter Girls Volleyball #3 in the Area Coaches Poll of Division 1 & 2 Girls Cross Country #2 in the State volleyball state champs The Alter Boys Volleyball team successfully defended their 2014 state championship at Capital University in Columbus. softball success Alter wins over Fairmont for the 11th year in a row Alter Boys Soccer ties rival Centerville 1-1 6 the ROUNDTABLE Alter Girls Soccer ties rival Centerville 1-1 Girls Volleyball triumphs over Carroll GCLC All Conference First Team: Allison Brunner - 3rd year recipient Anamarie Black Madisyn Wamsley GCLC All Conference Second Team: Maria Mosconi - 2nd year recipient Maddie Carlson Allison Brunner lead the entire conference in batting average, on base percentage, and stolen bases. welcome Class of 2019 156 students from 24 different schools comprise the incoming Alter freshmen class. Many are receiving scholarships made possible through your generous gifts to the Annual Fund. Ascension Zoe Miller Belmont Jajuan Worthy Bishop Leibold Ashley Vosler Madelyn Noga Abigail Stover Caleb Thomas Connor Hayes Daniel Wilson Eleanor Wild Elissa Mariani Grace Eberhart Katherine Kernan Mason Willis Mollie Springer Nathan Beech Nicholas Plummer Stacey Mata Dayton Academy Dae’Jour Baker Dayton Leadership Academy Daniel O’Connell David Switala Micah West Dominic Ruffolo Brandon Montanari Elizabeth Gatzulis Elizabeth Ziegman Dayton View Academy Emily Henley John Bivens III Ethan Ditzel Frederick (Derek) Willits DECA Grace Bradley Sahkiya Sims Grace Haines Grant Grunder Edwin Joel Brown Haley Hall Ryan Brown Haley Lamb Hannah Hall Emerson Academy Ian Cavanaugh Christen Dixon Jack DiMario Jack Miller Home School Jessie Haaker Noah Bucy John Erbaugh Immaculate Conception John Taylor Joseph Beam Andrew Wehner Josh Mouse Brice Sibomana Julia Paley Denver Hicks Julianna Habel Kaylin Roshong Incarnation Kevin Barhorst Abigail Carruth Liam Simms Aidan Petrello Lindsay Brown Alec Brodbeck Luke Dinkins Alexander Polatajko Mark Edsall Andrew Bidwell Matthew Duplain Andrew Houpt Morgan Blalock Andrew Pojman Nicholas Kreusch Anna Sciarretti Nicholas Schmitt Aubrey Syron Payton Herres Austin Helm Philip Lamoureux Benjamin Conroy Pierce Blalock Benjamin Hale Rachel Hawley Caitlin Carruth Robert Girmann Cameran Ryan Rosemary Wildermuth Caroline Rand Ryan Kreill Cat Hart Sara Yacoub Christian Kuntz Sean Simas Christopher Eustace Stephen Harker Christopher Miller Claire Rueth John XXIII Chloe Hill Ashley Waker Benjamin Rodman Chelsey Gehring Claire Thompson Mother Brunner Clifford Thorstenson Courtni Jackson Gabriella Mosconi Malik Allen Grace Eisenhauer N. Dayton School of Discovery Grace Thorstenson Antwann Martin Jack Issler Jacob Sheidler Pathway School of Discovery Jordan Hill Carli Mann Kala Gillis Katherine Mescher Springboro Junior HS Keenan Callejo Brooklyn Brunner Kourtney Klug Luke Howard St. Albert Madison Rooney Kevin Leibold Maria Meibers Michael Alig Marisha Osowski Ryan Mangin Nick Ledford Chloe Woodie Peter Riazzi Christina Braun Riley Francis Colleen Glavic Robert Klosterman Connor Bazelak Scott McHenry Connor Meyer Stephanie Shewhart Dakota Hyatt Susan Issenmann Emily Foppe Tanner Lapp Emma Gehret Theodore Hart Hannah Overton William Shouse Luke Ewald Zachary Carlson Madison Bratton Megan Spears St. Michael (IN) Molly O’Neill Luke Ruff Morgan Cruset Nicoletta Anuci STEM Oliver Brenner Riley Mason Stephanie Rowland Thornburg Middle St. Benedict de Moor Robert Wright Tyrann Thomas Wakeland St. Charles Chloe Crotty Amy Hess Andrew Hornick FALL 2015 7 ALTER LIFE ARCHBISHOP ALTER HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE! Sunday, November 15th 1-4pm 6th through 12th Graders and Families 2015 ALTER GRADUATES: 80% of graduates offered million in scholarships 18.3 % 100 $ SAT average Participation in Christ-centered Retreats, Integrated Service Learning # 2 1201 2 Military Academy Appointments Ranking of Ohio Private Schools in the Washington Post: America’s Most Challenging High Schools 26 Every Alter Student takes the ACT test with an average composite of: 99 % attending college this fall 1 US Military 1 Professional Ballerina s t em Governors Award for Excellence in STEM Education For information call 937.428.5394 or register online: alterhs.org/openhouse AlumniConnection the From the Director of Alumni Relations Kim Graf ‘88 Schimpf As I start my third year as the Alumni Director here at Alter, I continue to be impressed with our students, our alums, and our community. Our students…… I’m amazed. They are driven, smart, and utterly focused on success. Involved in a million activities, they still make faith a way of life and academics a priority. I want our alums to know how incredible the students are here at OUR school. For the love of Alter REUNIONS I’m also proud of our alums. You all have accomplished so much! I’ve enjoyed learning your passions for Alter, your opinions on what we can do to improve, your personal successes, and how you want to help. This past AlterFest, I was full of appreciation seeing so many alums volunteering, stopping by the Alumni Lounge to say hello, and reuniting with friends. Many of you chaired and attended your fun reunions, and many of you made donations to our Advantage Fund, which helps us work with these wonderful students in the best environment possible. Thank you for all you do! We have something special here in our school community, and I want you all to see what I see every day! I also want our students to see and hear of your success. As I realize the accomplishments of both our students and our alums, I’m more committed than ever to say Alter is a true gem. Please contact me set up a tour of the school, to talk about your experiences, to nominate a fellow alum for our Hall of Fame, or to discuss what a difference you can make by giving back to Alter. Please review our alumni giving history in the subsequent pages; our overall participation is just 9%. Imagine what a difference we could make if the remaining 91% of our alums each made a $25/year to our alma mater! Imagine if more alums came back and spoke with our students about their careers – or served as a point of contact our Connections Program. Imagine how much stronger we would be! 1975 REUNION 1985 REUNION Please help me create an alumni contingent who serves as the backbone of OUR Alter High School. As alums, it is OUR job to ensure the longevity and success of Alter. We can do this in a number of different ways - - but we must do it together. I look forward to hearing from you! KIM GRAF ’88 SCHIMPF (937)428-5305 Kim.schimpf@alterhs.org 1990 REUNION ALUMNI NEWS an Mary Lynn Plagempatch is The Columbus D 2015 , 10 st Monday Augu -school classweekend, my high ay D r bo La e th During reunion. ther for our 35th fore mates and I will ga th reunion and — like many be a 35 ith ds w or w le e gg th ru st ar I he at — I en there, done th me who have be old so fast? is th t ge How did I t: gh ou riends and I th ar ul ng si y seems, my girlf on, singel in nu ge it y, da Only yester station wag her friend’s beater ere’ll be peace were piled in anot so wayward n! Th r boys basy m on ry ar (C ay watch ou ing our w !) to UD Arena to when you are done urnament game. a to ipating ketball team play later, we’re antic s de ca de /2 31 ll And now, a fu to mark the another reunion. re all still around our classe’ W : re he de si One big up e for all of the same isn’t tru occasion. (Sadly, ain friends. mates.) d bonus: We rem he is er ch huc m e ars, have wanted And th ho, through the ye eir memories w le op pe e m so I know ion. Th a high-school reun nothing to do with best, lukewarm. at spectrum: of those days are, posite end of the op e th on be to te nce: I had a I feel fortuna ndly. (In teen parla fo ol ho sc gh hi r I remembe to do with my blast.) tedly had much ub do un e nc rie pe grade school. My ex them dating from of y Alter an m s, ip sh friend of 1980 departed rls ss la C e th r te af s e the gi Thirty-five year dearest friends ar sharing y m g, rin te et K hanging out, High School in t those four years inwith whom I spen eepovers and crooning out car w sl ng yi secrets, enjo e acting stupid). untdows (or otherwis with whom I’ve since savored co s. rls ow gi rr e so th of e e r shar They ar l) and suffered ou al or r sm d ea an ic et ig th (b pa ys less jo r a sym I call routinely fo They are the girls -me-up. d to an emotional pick with whom I eagerly look forwar rls nd gi e eeke . They are th — or any other w nd ke ee w n io un re sharing our e. . . . We are fam-uh-le s with me! I got all my sister features. managing editor of ch at isp D e th is an Mary Lynn Plagem 10 The highlight of the Alterfest is always seeing so many my 1968 classmates and other Alumni. This year we did something new. We as a class are turning 65, so we got together at Alterfest Saturday night in the Alumni area. I recommend all classes do this for your birthdays since it falls between your 5 year reunions. All you need to do is send out one email announcing the gathering. Willie Bruns ’68 (Ridgefield, WA) 1973 BIRTHDAY ts Random Thoughens Sisterhood sweet reunions 1968 BIRTHDAY For the love of 1970 REUNION 1975 REUNION 1980 REUNION ALTER REUNIONS Even though we may go years without being in touch, we are “Knights Forever” and can reconnect immediately. Our love for Alter and our classmates makes us want to come back every 5 years or sooner if we can organize “mini-reunions”, when out of town classmates are in town. 1985 REUNION Mike Wildenhaus ’75 (Kennesaw, GA) It’s always great to reconnect and see how much changes and stays the same in between reunions. This reunion was our best. Andrea Schreck Price ’75 (Centerville, OH) Dear Class Reunion Committee, Thank you SO SO SO much for all your hard work! The reunion was perfect—exactly what I needed for my heart and soul. Coming home to Alter means coming home to friends for life. I’ve been lucky to have relationships built when I was 15 last until I’m 50+! It’s something rare, and we all know how lucky we are. It was terrific to see so many ’80 faces looking so good and having so much fun. Thanks Class of 1980! Midge Kuntz Wegener ’80 (Wilmette, IL) Mary Beth Sjostrom’75 FALL 2015 11 ALUMNI NEWS 1990 REUNION The best part of “coming home” for my 25th Alter reunion was seeing how enthusiastic and evergrowing the Alter community still is. I really enjoyed connecting not only with my classmates but also with alumni from various other years. Anna Iwinski Sutter ’90 (Tucker, GA) I always love to come home on Labor Day Weekend to go to the Alterfest, but this year was special as it was my 20 year reunion. The best part? Spending time with some of my best of friends who still make me laugh as much now as they did when we were 14 year olds! Melissa Tytko Andretta ‘95 (San Francisco, CA) Seeing all of my classmates at the reunion showed me how those friendships, created so long ago, are unique and special even today. Being able to go years without seeing someone, and then pick up a conversation as soon as you see them, is pretty cool. Mike Nolan ‘90 (Cincinnati, OH) 1995 REUNION Seeing so many familiar friendly faces….catching up on everyone’s life activities…giggling about old times ….and the group selfies!!! Christine Ireton Lally ’95 (Houston, TX) 2000 REUNION 12 the ROUNDTABLE ALUMNI NEWS Timothy Lu ‘07 Miami University, B.A., East Asian Languages and Culture Operation Smile program officer, overseeing activities in Thailand and Vietnam What began as a simple interest in foreign language became the catalyst leading Tim down a mission-driven professional path. An East Asian language & culture major, Tim studied under the best Mandarin teachers of the East and West which, in 2012, led him to Operation Smile—a team of determined innovators dedicated to providing healthcare to the poorest third of the global population. He has planned and pioneered international medical programs in partnership with national governments and health professionals from countries that have included China, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nicaragua and Myanmar. Tim’s mission of combating global health inequality continues today as a program officer, where he oversees Operation Smile’s strategic and programmatic activities in Vietnam and Thailand. The common denominator in Tim’s life is neither China nor surgery; rather, it is the opportunity to be able to serve the underserved—wherever in the world—with both passion and purpose. Source: miamialum.org 2019 LEGACY: CHILDREN OF ALTER ALUMNI 1st Row: Colleen Glavic (Jim ’86), Gabriella Mosconi (Tony ’83), Pierce Blalock (Kara Parente ’86), Matt Duplain (Todd ’92, Suzanne Zimmer ’92), Aidan Petrello (Coleen Walsh ’84), Nick Kreusch (Suzie Cerar ’89), Andrew Bidwell (Lisa Kirkland ’86), Katie Kernan (Tim ’85), Morgan Blalock (Kara Parente ’86), Elizabeth Ziegman (Debbie Tucker ’85), Christina Braun (Tracey Scott ’85), Madison Rooney (Emily Singer ’98) 2nd Row: Christopher Hayes (Marie Beck ’86), Emily Henley (Greg ’84), Claire Rueth (Rick ’86, Peggy Eisenhauer ’87), Peter Riazzi (John ’81), Kaylin Roshong (Julia Conway ’86), Kourtney Klug (Mark ’69), Stephanie Rowland (Barb Strady ’83), Dominic Ruffolo (Rick ’86), Keenan Callejo (Arabella Naguit ’89), Ryan Mangin (Anita Ferneding ’82), Megan Spears (Bonnie Kinney ’88), Riley Francis (Maggie Paxson ’93), Mark Edsall (Mark ’83), Grace Eisenhauer (Charles ’86, Susan Fiely ’86) 3rd Row: Ethan Ditzel (Doug ’74), Grant Grunder (Marty ’86), Kevin Leibold (Joseph ’93), Michael Alig (Tom ’88, Laura Beatty ’88), Joe Beam (Allan ’83, Lisa Britt ’81), Dan O’Connell (Matt ’78, Denise Abele ’78), Stephen Harker (Mike ’81, Michelle Misenko ’81), Connor Meyer (Tom ’88, Brenda Ernst ’89), Derek Willits (Rick ’88), Nathan Beech (Carol Schaefer ’81), Christian Kuntz (Nick ’85), Josh Mouse (Sarah Alejandrino ’89), Tanner Lapp (Brian ’87), Ian Cavanaugh (Stacey Sharp ’88) Not Picture: Chloe Crotty (Jim ’72), Jordan Hill (Connie VanArsdale ’83) FALL 2015 13 ALUMNI NEWS Dayton Daily News August 23, 2015 Muse Machine alum Alex Finke will play Cosette in New York Alter grad from Centerville will make Broadway debut in ‘Les Miz’ By Meredith Moss Staff Writer When her parents told her that she wasn’t able to accept the invitation to join a competitive dance team due to their family’s already-busy schedule, fourth-grader Alex Finke couldn’t help but be disappointed. “If your goal is to be on the Red Shoes Dance Team, just keep working at it,” her father advised. “My goal isn’t to be on the Red Shoes Dance Alex Finke ‘08 performed at Alter’s Knight of the Arts Winter Ball in January. Team. My goal is to perform on Broadway,” Finke responded. “Well, your mom and I don’t know how to do that,” Jim Finke admitted. “But if you figure it out let us know how we can help, and we’ll support you.” Over the years, Alex Finke has apparently figured it out. On Tuesday evening, Sept. 1 , Jim and Suzanne Finke will be sitting in New York’s Imperial Theatre watching their daughter make her Broadway debut as Cosette in the new production of “Les Miserables,” the popular musical based on Victor Hugo’s classic novel. When reached by phone earlier this week at her home in Harlem, Alex Finke said the reality of the situation was just beginning to hit her. “I’m pinching myself daily,” said the Alter High school and Muse Machine alum who grew up in Centerville and is remembered for her leading roles in a number of musicals. “Since I moved to New York I’ve seen tons of shows and have friends in some of them. I always dreamed it could be me.” Yet even in her wildest dreams, she never imagined she’d be starring in “Les Miz.” “It’s such a beloved show in the musical theater canon, I thought it was completely unattainable,” Finke said. “It’s been done all over the world!” 14 the ROUNDTABLE LANDING THE PART It was in May that Finke’s agent called to say he’d secured an appointment for her to audition for the important role. It’s Cosette who is pictured on all of the promotional materials about the show. “I always get nervous before auditions and every show,” said Finke, who was asked to sing “In My Life,” and “A Heart Full of Love,” two “Les Miz” classics. She was called back for a second audition a week later. “There are so many auditions and call-backs and rejections that you have to know how much of yourself you can give to getting excited too soon,” she explained. “I just wanted to do my best. I called my parents afterwards and told them I felt positive about the audition. Everyone behind the table was very kind.” Her final callback was videotaped for producer Cameron Macintosh who was unable to be there. Then, on a Saturday in June while shopping at a grocery store, Finke got a message from her agent asking her to call back right away. “He said he had good news and bad news and that he’d give me the bad news first,” she said. “Remember when you auditioned for Anne Frank in Pennsylvania a week ago?” he asked. “Well, you didn’t get the part. But remember when you auditioned for the part of Cosette in ‘Les Miz?’ “ You got it!” After bursting into tears, Finke called to share the news with her family via Skype. Since that memorable day, she’s been busy with contract negotiations, costume fittings and preparing for the new role. Last week for the first time in her life, she saw “Les Miz.” “The cast and creative team teased me about the fact I had never seen it,” she said. “After the second day of rehearsal, the stage manager took me out in the audience. I loved it!” The play affected her, she said, on a number of levels. “I had a moment as Act 1 came to a close and the audience started cheering mid-way through ‘One Day More’ where I fully realized what this show means to audiences,” she explained. “I sat there with tears streaming down my face, so honored to be joining the talented company and to have my voice be a tiny part of the legacy of this show.” Finke will share the stage with other September replacements: Tony Award-nominee Montego Glover will assume the role of Fantine; internationally-acclaimed tenor Alfie Boe will take over the role of Jean Valjean. “We rehearse on the stage of the Imperial Theatre each Thursday and Friday, and it is surreal to look out to an empty Broadway house and think that in just a short couple of weeks there will be people in the seats and I will actually be performing in a Broadway show,” she says. “I’m just trying to soak everything in and enjoy each second.” BECOMING COSETTE In order to prepare for her new role, Finke has been studying the score and making her way through Hugo’s book. “The novel is so rich and full of detail and there is so much in the book that is excluded from the show,” she said. “There is a depth to Cosette that is hard to condense into the material she sings. She has lived a life of seclusion because Valjean (her father) is always trying to escape police. Her father is her entire world and when she meets Marius, her world opens up. The entire trajectory of her life changes due to their attraction and he sets the wheels in motion that make her question her life, her father, and the life she’s led up to that point.” THE EARLY YEARS Those who worked with Finke during her high school years aren’t at all surprised at her exciting news. “Broadway audiences will simply see and realize what we have been fortunate to enjoy for years,” says Muse Machine producer Douglas Merke. “The remarkable thing about Alex is that she is such a genuine and instinctive actor that she makes you forget she’s performing, she’s a great musician.” Merke worked with Finke when she portrayed Peter in Muse’s “Peter Pan” and Millie in “Thoroughly Modern Millie” — where she starred with Micah Stock, another Muse alum-turned Broadway-star. She was twice awarded The Human Race Theatre’s Stephen Schwartz Musical Theatre Scholarship After high school — where she starred in Alter musicals — Finke went on to attend the University of Michigan’s musical theater program. It was after her 2012 senior showcase in New York that she found an agent and was asked to audition for the Roundabout Theatre Company’s national tour of “Anything Goes.” Though Finke initially tried out for an ensemble role, she ended up being cast in the leading role of Hope Harcourt and traveled the country for a year. “I loved doing that show and never got tired of it,” she said. “I was paid to see the country, the cast became my family, and the show had a new energy each week because every week we had a new city and a new audience to respond to it.” Alex Finke’s curtain call as Cosette in “Les Miserables” The challenge of touring was that there weren’t days off. “Living out of a suitcase can also get a little old,” said Finke. “While I love an adventure, I can be a bit of a homebody, so it was difficult for me feeling like I couldn’t put down roots anywhere.” MOVING TO MANHATTAN After the tour closed, Finke began to put down roots in New York. Over the past year and a half, she’s worked regionally — in “Footloose” in Pittsburgh, in “the Unsinkable Molly Brown” in Denver, and in staged readings of new musicals. Between acting jobs she’s been making New York home by finding other activities she loves. She’s worked as a coach for Musical Theatre College Audition, a company that helps high school students prepare for auditioning for theater programs at the college level. She’s also a volunteer and on the associate board of The Covenant House, an international organization dedicating to helping homeless youth. This Monday night she participated in The 2015 Broadway Sleep Out, an experience Finke calls “powerful” and “emotional.” “About 70 members of the Broadway community raised over $265,000 for the homeless youth of Manhattan,” she explained. “We spent the night sleeping outside of Covenant House in a sleeping bag with a piece of cardboard, meeting the kids who live there and learning their dreams and goals. Their stories of resilience are truly inspiring.” LOOKING BACK Finke, who returned to town to perform with Muse Machine in the summer of 2014, insists there’s no way she would be pursuing her dream without the love and support she’s always been shown by the Dayton community. She credits Muse Machine with bringing her out of her shell, giving her confidence, and helping her discover who she was as a performer. “Before Muse Machine, I had not really been in Alex Finke soars in the air as the boy who never grew up in the Muse Machine’s production of “Peter Pan” situations with a community of young people interested in the same things I was,” she explained. “Everyone was from different schools and different backgrounds. Without Muse Machine, I might never have realized that theater was a serious career option. They not only showed me that it was a path I could take, but showed me how and supported me.” Since the “Les Miz” casting announcement was made, Finke has been overwhelmed with congratulatory calls, texts, emails and posts from Dayton. “Equally touching is knowing I received similar sentiments when I have been between jobs and grinding it out auditioning,” she adds. “I’ve grown up feeling like I’ve had a hometown full of personal cheerleaders, and its has been fun to share this news with so many people who have always shown care and taken interest. I am so grateful.” FALL 2015 15 ALUMNI NEWS Welcome to the alter hall of fame We are proud to recognize the newest members of the Alter High School Alumni Hall of Fame. Each of these individuals has achieved success in their professional careers, personal life, or through their athletic endeavors, but all have modeled the Christian ideals that are the basis of an Alter education. Darlene Saaler Braunschweiger ’80 DISTINGUISHED ALUMNUS Service has always been a key component of Darlene Saaler Braunschweiger’s life. After her Key Club service at Alter and graduating from the University of Dayton, she worked in school fundraising where she raised more than $500,000 for books and classroom needs. Darlene co-chaired fundraisers for the St. Leonard Benevolent fund, is involved with Operation Prom Dress at Epiphany Lutheran Church, has served in various volunteer roles at Alter over the years, and has been a member of the Christ Child Society of Dayton for over 20 years, where she served on the Executive Board and was President of that group for 3 years. Since 2001, after being diagnosed with breast cancer, Darlene not only continued her volunteerism, she also became an advocate for spreading the word for life after breast cancer. For the past 12 years she has participated in the Walk for Womens’ Wellness, raising $25,000 on her own to help women get necessary mammograms and other help they may not otherwise been able to afford. Many women were uplifted when they received colorful chemo caps Darlene made for them through the Look Good/Feel Better program. Darlene is a believer that to whom much is given, much is expected. She knows that she can’t change the world; however, by working as a volunteer for a favorite cause and just reaching out to those around her, she might just be able to change a little corner of the world. Darlene is the proud parent of Carl Braunschweiger ’12, and she currently lives in Centerville with her husband Steve. 16 the ROUNDTABLE Carrie DeMange ’04 Joe Focke ’69 ATHLETIC ALUMNUS DISTINGUISHED ALUMNUS Carrie made her mark on the Alter Volleyball Team ending with a record 396 kills during a season and 1,264 kills in a career, while breaking the state record for career kill total. She was selected to Volleyball Magazine’s Fab 50 list, was a PrepVolleyball.com High School All-American, was ranked No. 62 Senior Ace in the nation, and received AAU All-America Honors. Carrie was first team allleague, all-district and all-area for all four seasons, garnered first team all-state honors for three years, was named the District 15 Player of the Year as a junior, and was the first freshman ever in the GCL to receive Player of the Year honors. Carrie helped lead the Knights to four district championships and two Division II state titles. Off the court she was named one of the five finalists for the Rae Burick Women in Sports Award, received the Gerald Bart Award for top female athlete at Alter, was nominated for Who’s Who Among American High School Students, and was honored for academic achievement all four years. A four-time Regional Emmy Award Winner, Joe Focke is known as the top human interest television feature story reporter in Tidewater Virginia. In 2014, The Virginia Association of Broadcasters selected Joe as Journalist of The Year. Carrie continued her volleyball career at Duke University as the ACC’s all-time kills leader with 1,976 kills and ACC Player of the Year, a total that was aided by four consecutive seasons with more than 400 kills each year and a school-record of 606 kills her senior year for an ACC-leading average of 5.01 per game. This landed her among the top 20 in the country. Carrie received three straight first team All-ACC selections, and appeared on the AVCA All-America Honorable Mention squad in her last three years. She is one of just two Blue Devils in school history to appear on the All-America team in three different seasons. Upon graduating, Carrie served as a Graduate Assistant at the University of Dayton while earning her Master’s Degree in Business Administration. She became UD’s Volunteer Asst. Volleyball Coach from 2009-2011. Carrie is currently a High School Varsity Head Coach and works in the hospitality industry as an Executive Meeting Manager at the Resort at Squaw Creek. Carrie is the daughter of Tom and Mary DeMange, and she has three siblings: Scott ’00, Angela ’95, and Jennifer. After graduating from Ohio University in 1973 with a BSC in Radio Television, Joe spent 40 years working in all aspects of local television news. The last 30 years he worked at WVEC-TV in Norfolk, Virginia where he currently serves as a lead features reporter and weekend anchor. Joe developed two award winning special projects for the TV station, both of which turn 30 this year. He hosts and produces the series titled “A Navy Christmas”, which profiles difficult holiday separations endured by military families. He travels the world capturing thousands of U.S. Navy personnel on long and lonely holiday deployments. He also developed “Joe’s Job”, a weekly feature on WVEC-TV News where he shines a light on hard working Virginians and tries his hand at doing their jobs. Active in his community, Joe focuses on hosting events like the annual St Gregory’s Catholic Church Auction and Volunteer Hampton Roads Awards Dinner. He continues to display his strong values by living as a Catholic husband, father, and friend. Honesty and dignity shine through at both home and work, and spending time with his family is what he values most. Joe is married to Cindy Butler of Hampton, Virginia, and they have three children Allison, Patrick and Adrianne. Mark Graeser ’67 Kevin Griffith ’78 Alexis (Ali) Hausfeld Wolfe ’04 Mark was a three-year letter winner in Cross Country and captain of the team his senior year. He held the school record and was the number one man on the first regionalqualifying team in Alter’s history. In fact, in 1966, Mark was the first individual in any sport at Alter to qualify for regional competition. He was also a three year letter winner in track and captain his senior year. At graduation, Mark held school records in the half mile, mile, two mile relay, four mile relay, and distance medley relay. All relay teams and individual times were highly rated in the state. Kevin Griffith was a three-year varsity letter recipient in football as a middle linebacker and guard. His senior year he was voted cocaptain and MVP. Kevin earned recognition to the All Greater Dayton League First Team and All Dayton Daily News First Team. He received over twenty full football scholarships from Division I schools, from which he selected the University of Notre Dame. In addition to his tremendous football success, Kevin also lettered two years in track and qualified for the Ohio state track meet in the shot put. Ali was a four year letter winner on the volleyball and basketball teams at Alter. She was captain of the volleyball state championship teams in 2002 and 2003 and also earned First Team All State honors those years. She was a prepvolleyball.com high school All-American and No. 33 “Senior Ace”. Ali was also a part of the National Honor Society and graduated 6th in her class. ATHLETIC INDUCTEE Mark went on to run cross country at Kent State University and graduated with a Bachelor of Architecture in 1973. He also attended the International School of the Arts in Florence, Italy. He practiced architecture for 13 years after graduation, and then served as Vice President of Danis leading Design, Sales, and Marketing functions, until retirement in 2012. Mark continued running in various 5k and 10k races until 2013, when it was calculated he had run 50,000 miles. Mark has 3 children, Andrea (35), Patrick (29), and Brian (26) and two grandchildren. He currently resides in South Carolina. ATHLETIC ALUMNUS At Notre Dame, Kevin was a three-year starter and letter winner at defensive end. He led the Irish defensive linemen in tackles his last two years and in QB sacks his last year. He also knocked down 11 passes during his career. In addition, Kevin was on the Dean’s List and was named an Academic All American. Kevin’s last game was as a college all-star in the Japan Bowl College All Star game in Tokyo. Unique by today’s standards, Kevin proactively took himself out of the NFL draft in order to pursue a career in law. Currently, Kevin is a shareholder in the Columbus office of Littler Mendelson, which is based in San Francisco and is the largest employment and labor law firm in the United States with close to 1,100 employment and labor lawyers. Kevin is married to Julie Rindler, M.D. (Alter class of 1979 and 2004 Alter Alumni Hall of Fame Inductee.). They have four daughters: Kelly (age 21), Amy (age 19), Carly (age 17) and Molly (age 11). ATHLETIC ALUMNUS She continued to excel at Duke University where she and her Alter teammate Carrie DeMange earned full athletic scholarships and were four year starters. During her tenure, she was a four time All-American selection, a three time First Team All ACC selection, and earned ACC Player of the Year her junior year. She set several records while at Duke: All-Time Career Assists, Single Season Assists, and Career Assists per Game. She was on the ACC Academic Honor Roll each year at Duke and was a two time ESPN the Magazine Academic All American. She graduated with a Bachelors of Science degree, majoring in Biology. Ali went on to attend medical school at the Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine. While at Stritch she was accepted into the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. She graduated Magna Cum Laude in 2013 and earned the Gissur Brynjolfsson, MD Award for Dedication and Commitment to Achieving a Medical Education through Perseverance in the Face of Challenges. Ali continues her career as a resident at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. She is the inaugural member of a combined residency program in Emergency Medicine and Internal Medicine. She recently wed one year ago to her wonderful husband Matt, and lives with him and their dog Cactus in Columbus. FALL 2015 17 ALUMNI NEWS Anne Kearney ’85 DISTINGUISHED ALUMNUS “Food of Love” is Chef Anne Kearney’s motto. Fresh out of the Greater Cincinnati Culinary Art Academy in 1988, Anne Kearney went to New Orleans to work under the late Chef John Neal at the acclaimed Bistro at the Maison de Ville Hotel and later as his Sous Chef at Peristyle. She then worked with superstar chef Emeril Lagasse. Kearney spent most of the first two years sweating it out on the cook line at Emeril’s restaurant. She later moved behind the scenes, formulating recipes for Lagasse’s television program Essence of Emeril, in addition to developing and testing recipes for his cookbook Louisiana: Real and Rustic. Anne’s passion for hands-on food preparation remained, and she sought an opportunity to return to work in the kitchen by purchasing Peristyle in 1995. The award-winning Kearney was just one of five chefs honored each year from 1999-2002 with a James Beard Foundation “Southeast Regional Best Chef ” nomination, and she was awarded the title of “Best Chef: South” in 2002. Anne continues to be a consistent semi-finalist for the “Best Chef: Great Lakes”. In 2004, Anne and her husband Tom Sand (also an Alter ’85 alum) sold Peristyle to return to Dayton to be near family. They established Two Small Tomatoes, their all-natural garden on the Kearney family farm. Here, they explored the whole cycle of “seed to harvest” with the plan to provide the freshest produce available for the next restaurant. By the fall of 2007, their new restaurant Rue Dumaine, opened in Washington Township serving Chef Anne’s Americanized version of classically-styled French Provençal fare. Her passion for culinary perfection and the “sense of place” she feels in the kitchen, will always be the cornerstones of her dedication to her chosen career. 18 the ROUNDTABLE Catherine A. Novelli ’75 Pete Jablonski DISTINGUISHED ALUMNUS HONORED TEACHER/ADMINISTRATOR After graduating from Tufts University in Boston and The University of Michigan law school, Catherine received a fellowship and studied international law at the University of London. After receiving her LLM (post doctorate in Law), Cathy earned a position in the Commerce Department where she focused on International Negotiation and Trade. She was the youngest lawyer on the US/Canadian Free Trade Agreement Negotiations team. Cathy was appointed as the Director for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the Executive Office of the President just as conditions in the Soviet Union began to change. Her first day on the job was when there was a coup against the Soviet President, Gorbachev. During his 47 year career at Alter High School, Pete Jablonski excelled as a teacher, administrator, and educational leader. He loved the school community like it was his family, and he dedicated himself to promoting the school. Cathy later became the Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for all of Europe and the Mediterranean. She coordinated U.S. trade and investment policy for over 65 countries in Western Europe, Central Europe, Russia, the Middle East, and Northern Africa. She was in this role during the 9/11 attacks on the US, where she quickly became responsible for our new trade strategy with the Middle East. Pete did many things behind the scenes for volunteers, for the faculty and staff, and ultimately for the students. He spearheaded various initiatives throughout his career: Transportation Coordinator, Plant Maintenance, North Central Accreditation, and Standardized Testing to name a few. Cathy was later recruited away from government to become a partner in a large law firm. It was there she worked with one of her biggest clients, Apple. Steve Jobs asked Cathy to become Vice President, Worldwide Government Affairs at Apple to head an international team responsible for Apple’s federal, international, and state and local government relations and public policy. She helped gain approval from the Chinese government to sell the iPhone in China, amongst many other things. On February 18, 2014, Catherine Novelli was sworn in as Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment for the United States of America. She leads the State Department’s efforts to develop and implement economic growth, energy, ocean, environmental, and science technology policies to promote economic prosperity and address global challenges. She is also the State Department’s Senior Coordinator for International Information Technology Diplomacy. Cathy lives in Virginia with her amazingly supportive husband of 23 years, David, and their children Katie and Daniel. For some of his career, Pete served as Alter’s Assistant Principal. During this time, he filled in as Athletic Director and Interim Principal numerous times. He won the students and faculty over quickly with his inclusiveness and his ability to touch everyone. As a government teacher, he led the History Department into the computer age as books and materials changed. Pete was amazingly dependable and thoughtful with a very strong work ethic. We are proud to honor a man who has given his life to Alter. The Hall of Fame dinner will be held October 1st at the Presidential Banquet Center. Please call (937) 434-2059 if you are interested in tickets. KNIGHTS FOREVER Retired Teachers Class Notes Knights in Marriage Andy Dorow ‘05 and Renee Angelo ‘05 Dorow were married June 13th at Incarnation Church. Many Alter Alums were there to celebrate with the couple including: Molly Orendorf ‘05, Kristen Angelo ‘07, Matt Dorow ‘08, TJ Dorow ‘11, Nick Bertrams ‘05, and Nick Meyer ‘05. While the current faculty were slaving away, the retired teachers had lunch at Maureen Willits’ house! Pictured are: Allyson Shank, Bonnie Walter, Carol Williams, Jimmy Peters, Maureen Willits, Marty Osterday, Patty Ellis, Jean Smith, Joan Kolber, Lois Isaacs, Stan Troha, Judy Bergstresser and Stephanie Larkin. Several young alums enjoyed some pregame Notre Dame tailgating together this fall. Pictured are Chris Finke ‘15, Erik Albers ‘14, Thomas Alig ‘15, Emma Bockrath ‘15, and Tommy Ruff ‘14. Greg George ’89 traveled to New Jersey this summer and met up with long-time friend and classmate Jennifer Spoelker Kelley ’89 while he was in town. John Sammon ’88 finally tied the knot! He wed Devine Possert at a beautiful wedding in Tampa, FL in May, 2015. Groomsmen included other Alter grads: Tom Ward ’88, Marc Coalt ’88, Tom Muzechuk ’88, and Greg Kirbabas ’87. Congratulations! Matt Knapke ‘08 was married this summer, and many Alter moms and classmates were in attendance. Pictured: Todd Connon ‘08, Mark Riazzi ‘08, Matt Knapke ‘08, Anthony Hess ‘08, Michael Osterfeld ‘17. Former and current Alter faculty visited with Sister Katie Hoelscher this summer in Cincinnati. Pictured are Judy Bergstresser, Stephanie Larkin, Sister Katie, and Tina Lammers ‘75. Alter Alumni News New York Jets Pro Bowl center Nick Mangold ‘02 threw his most memorable block of the summer at his home in New Jersey, stopping burglary suspects from breaking into his car and helping end a crime spree in his neighborhood. Mangold called 911 after hearing his car alarm and noticing his garage door open, according to police. A short time later, police stopped a vehicle in the area and took five suspects into custody. It appears Mangold’s quick thinking could have helped solve a rash of burglaries in the area. Recently there has been 48 burglaries of unlocked cars. Source: ESPN Matt Stangle ’93 recently competed in an Iron Man competition. What an amazing accomplishment! “I participated in the half Ironman in Maryland in June. It was a 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, and a 13.1 mile run. It took me just under 7 and a half hours. It was almost as hard as Coach Jack Ward’s monkey/barrel roll drills during football double days at Alter. It was awesome, and humbling, to watch all different sizes and ages pass me by throughout the day! But I finished. Next time, I’ll be sure to have a copy of the Roundtable Magazine with me at the finish line!” FALL 2015 19 ALUMNI NEWS Congratulations to Susie Gibbons ‘74 who was recently named by the Achdiocese of Cincinnati as the interim director of education services and interim superintendent of Catholic schools. She most recently held the role of regional director for Catholic schools. Susie will Four amazing Alter grads took the field this fall together at Notre Dame. Alumni pictured begin her role in with their families are Jim Finke ‘76, Chris Finke ‘15, Nick Coleman ‘15, Malik Zaire ‘13, October. Ben Suttman ‘13, and Rob Suttman ‘78. In Memoriam We offer families of the deceased our deepest sympathy and prayers. We appreciate those of you who write to inform us of deaths within the Alter family. You may provide information by calling the Advancement Office at (937) 434-2059 or emailing tina.lammers@alterhs.org. David Bockhorn ’77 (June 2015), brother of Dan ‘78 Dylan Black ‘15 & Dillon Daxe ‘15 played against each other this fall in a John Carroll vs Mount Union football game. Mike Fariello ’68 (August 2019), father of Nick ’97, Melina Fariello ’98 Waddle Don Hauer (June 2015), father of Steve ’88 and Fred ‘92 Art Hollencamp (March 2015), father of Gerri Hollencamp ’72 Dyson, Patty Hollencamp ’74 Cecil Debbie Donahue ’72 McNeely (August 2015), sister of Mary Kate Donahue’73 Schneble, Patrick ’74 and Mark ‘88 Giles Nolan (July 2015), father of Kelli Nolan ’83 Clawson, Debbie Nolan ’86 Angelus, Mike ‘90 Patricia Sauer (June 2015), mother of Jackie Sauer ’80 Domin, Jerry Sauer ’83 Chaney, Jenny Sauer ’85 Crotty; grandmother of Sara Crotty ‘14 Ruth Mary Schuckman (August 2015), mother of Janet Schuckman ’74 Tamer, Mary Jane Schuckman ’77 Kaiser Christopher Bockrath ’10 pictured with his family at his White Coat Cermony for Dental School. Congratulations! 20 the ROUNDTABLE William Seuberling (June 2015), father of Nancy ’75, Tara Seuberling ’82 Mancine; grandfather of Taryn Mancine ‘06 Robert Zofkie ’85 (June 2015), brother of Mike ’76, Steve ’78, Tim ’80, Anne ’81; Uncle of Abigail ’06, Madeline ’07 and Philip ‘09 annual report 2015 THE ALTER ADVANTAGE FUND 2015 ve l Contributors by CLASS YEAR Class of 1966 9,910 $ Class of 1967 6,825 $ Class of 1969 30,091 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 15% CLASS PARTICIPATION 12% CLASS PARTICIPATION 8% Michel Batty (Jo Ann) John Borchers (Suzanne) Diane Davis Coggins (Ernest) Rick Davis Charles and Toni Smith DiPasquale Katie Armstrong Ellis (Bob) Kathy Feldman Patricia Gillespie Ralph Goeke Robert Gutmann (Nancy) James Helmers (Mary) SuEllen McManus Henry Paul and Barbara Blaho Hickey Della Dean Hofman (James) Kathy Whalen Kavanaugh Thomas Koepnick Kathy McRaven Lefevre (Larry) Michael Meyer Carol Kemper Niskanen Susan Waterman Onaitis Michelle Michel Petrie David Popovich John Reichard (Patricia) Mike Reisinger (Jane) Patricia Lake Snyder Jim Stangle (Judy) Teresa Magner Sullivan Joyce Thieman Nancy Panfile Weisner (James) Paul and Maggie Traynor Zimmer Sheilah Armstrong Apple(Doug) Gregory Barbato (Maryann) Thomas Barkmeyer David Bradley (Cynthia) Mary Sharkey Dirckx Jeannine Michel Doak (Richard) Jeanne Cadwell Doncaster Rick Fersch (Patti) Jack Fiala Michael Foley (Leslie) Jean Fowler Kristina Dudrick Fox Peggy Meintel Gagner (David) Mickie Gummer Kathy McManus Gustavson (Donald) Nancy Scheper Gutmann (Robert) Mark Haufe Lois Pleiman Hough Greg Huber Robert Krause David Martz Richard Nelson Michael Oscar Rev. Michael Savino Dan Schneble Jo Anne Zierolf Vincent (Jon) Thomas Voelkl Cynthia Vyszenski Daniel Waltz Tom Wehrman Linda Poelking Weprin Robert Whelan (Mary Ellen) Mary Brechak Becht (Tom) Theresa Hering Bevis Linda Kirby Brown (Russell) Stephen Cochran (Sandra) Lynne Cusick (Joe Kowalski) Mike Devlin (Mary) Katherine Kohnen Farrey (Joseph) John and Mary Ann Zink Geis Robert Helmers (Lucy) Michael Kennelly (Marcy) Greg Merrill (Ann) Nancy Link Merriman Eileen Woeste Mitchell Tim and Dee Fiorita Quinn Gindy Armstrong Schneller Dan Schweickart (Maria) Elaine Schweller Snyder (Chip) Gary Trick (Debi) Kathleen Varvel Vanderhorst Tom Winter (Kathy) Class of 1968 1,740 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 6% 22 the ROUNDTABLE Susan Scianamblo Boutz Marcia Woolley Brand (George) Jacqueline Perkins Brumfield Willie Bruns Bob Dries (Jeanne) Michael Foreman (Mary) Philip Glotzbach John Hager Judith Stebel Kronenberger (John) Richard Marcus (Melissa) Douglas Nims Dan and Sue Kussman Reichert Frances Miller Schlegel (Louis) Bob Simpson (Lois) Dan Stroup Bob Thaman Class of 1970 2,365 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 6% Daniel Berger (Jennifer) Kathleen Ryan Bledsoe (Robert) Joe Colosimo Patrick Covault Kathleen Eichner William Grimes Cynthia Ditzel Hassan Anne Adams Holbrook Timothy Homan Wendy Krueger Jones (Larry) Jack Moran Dan Navin Kathy Harmon Nenni (John) Doug Osterfeld Sheila Brockman Willhoite Kay Staley Worthington THE ALTER ADVANTAGE FUND 2015 $5,000 + Class of 1971 4,360 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 8% Doug and Peg Hogan Althaus Don Barker Nancy Esselstein Battista Tom Becht (Mary) Paul Beyerle Joseph Budde Dave Burkardt (Janet) Elizabeth Ritterhoff Cotter (Tom) Dick Fenelon Lucy Dunlevy Helmers (Bob) James Kinzig Bill McKinley Jane Reichard McNamee (Lindy) John McVay Douglas Meyer Greg Perkins (Debra) Nancy Prater Margaret Whelan Rose (Philip) Maria DiSalvo Schweickart (Dan) Scott Smith (Ann) Marilyn Schraut Szorc (Frank) Peter Tamborski Marianne Eisenhauer Wall Class of 1972 6,650 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 5% Father Chris Armstrong Myra Wright Aubuchon Andrew Brehm (Maureen) Dan Brinkman (Debbie) Judy Henehan Doll James Hochwalt (Jucelen) Diane Iannarino Susan Laufersweiler King (Jack) Ed Leschansky Charles McCarthy Joe Minham (Shirley) Nancy Finke Rambasek (Tom) Kevin Thomas Herbert Walter Karen Kuflewski Walters David Yingling (Barbara) Class of 1973 $1,000 - $4,999 6,225 $ Class of $100 - $999 1974 $1 - $99 13,991 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 13% CLASS PARTICIPATION 10% Anonymous Mark Bobal Sheila Houser Adams Loretto Armstrong James Bartol Karen Boyle Julie Nickel Brill (John) Andrea Brockman Chris Danis (Debbie) Julie Feldman Kevin Fitzharris Mary Koverman Glowik Reed Hauser and Thecla Schneble Hauser Jim Heintz Heidi Osweiler Helm Peg Moorman Hoenigman David Jeffords (Ruth) Arthur J. Kepes (Catharine) James Kroger (Debbie) Greg Laravie (Virginia) Mary Anne Kinzig Lewis (George) Shirley Henry Minham (Joe) Julie Henehan Moon Christine Morgan Tim Newcome Tim O’Connell (Teresa) Marlene Burr Orendorf Todd and Roselyn Rathweg Penrod Mary Ann Corcoran Portnoy Mark Raderstorf (Linda) James Schwindeman Mary Ruth Spisak Shearer (Mark) Jayne Talbot Mike Thuney Michael Zimmerman (Candy) Mark Zummo (Valerie) Chris Barnet (Lisa) Jim Brown Jim and Nancy Janco Budde Beth Czapor Doug Ditzel (Maggie) Jim Ehrensberger Brian Esselstein (Lisa) Frank Frounfelker (Kristin) Susan Gibbons Lou Heckman (Kim) Charles Hilgeman Elizabeth Lair Hoffman Elena Krumholtz (Rick) Marilyn Bell Mahrt Tim McVay Mary Dorn Price (Scott) Alicia Anderson Risko (John) Joan Ferneding Smith (Michael) Cathy Beyerle Southam David Striebel Douglas Tobe Craig and Terry Covault Troup Susan Gross Werts (Arthur) Paul Wilkens FALL 2015 23 Contributors by CLASS YEAR Class of 1975 12,541. $ 27 Class of 1976 20,425 $ Class of 1978 13,743 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 15% CLASS PARTICIPATION 10% CLASS PARTICIPATION 8% Mary Ann Sprauer Abrams (Michael) William Barlow Joe Bavaro (Susan) Chuck Bertini Peggy Kussman Braner (Greg) Christa Corpstein Carol Ponziani DeGrazier Carol Gephart Dworkin (Steve) Terry McEldowney Freeman Dan Gargrave (Nancy) Kathy Boyle Geiger Tom Gress Gerry Grogan Margie Heckman Chuck and Julie Grunkemeyer Hoey Patty Uttermohlen Janicek Francine Morgan Kester Richard Kohnen William Kuflewski Tina Ruef Lammers (Gary) Pat Madden (Pam) Joe Maloney Jim McKenna Steve Missall (Molly) Jim Paxson (Courtney) Thomas Pernik (Peggy) John Prater Christine Knee Reding Jim Ritterhoff (Terri) Patty Collins Ross Dave Seman Allan Steffens Doug Striebel Kurt Stueve (Patty) David Turckes Patrick Walsh (Darlene) Kathleen Yingling Weaver Anne Brinkman Welborn Mike Wildenhaus Joanne Brehm Wines Susan Dodsworth Wise (Phillip) Nick Wolf (Gina) Bob and Mary Lynn Schaefer Yux Dan Armstrong (Eileen) Vince Beringer (Bridget) Patricia Bradley Suzanne Leyes Butler (Jim) Bill Chifala (Nancy) Dominic DeFrancis Matthew Desch (Ann) Michael Duffin Theresa Engler John and Julie McQuiston Ferneding Mary Ellen De Luna Jakubisin (Tim) Robert Kronauge (Rebecca) Rob and Connie Witt Laumann Pam Datz Madden Kathy Kinzeler Mantica Tim and Lisa Kern Nauman Tim and Jeanne Koop Reisinger Karen Schaffer (Perry Ahlfinger) John Seitz Mary Ann Elardo Swaziek Lynn Sweeney Tara Kerivan Weddell Barbara Woeste Jeff and Patricia Kingdom Zimmer Anonymous Tom Bartol Tom Becker (Anne) Marylee Bissmeyer Bible Christopher Bolton Mary Dey Bucher Janel Kussman Ciolli (Gary) George Gagan Ruth Fremgen Girouard (Dave) Philip Helbling John Hinders (Ann) Stephen Joseph (Lynda) Jean Kelly (Art Stern) Mike McGraw (Deborah) Diane Wilkens Medina (Ray) Tom and Carol Hoying Nikolai Matt and Denise Abele O’Connell Sara Leyes Russell (John) Jim Seiler (Marie) Mary Lynn Thalheimer Gene Van Leeuwen Alice Heiskell Wilson 24 the ROUNDTABLE Class of 1977 4,500 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 7% Eileen Crotty Austria (Steve) Marie Mariscalco Boyle (Mark) Annette Chavez (Greg Davis) Nancy Krautmann Chifala (Bill) Connie Ryan Dall (Tim) Eric Eichner (Amy) Mary Alig Houston Ken Johnson (Kimberly) Trish Navin Lachey (David) Thomas Landgren (Tracy) Steve Martino Peggy Rindler O’Donnell (Jim) Greg Schoettmer Mary Sue Finke Siegrist (Ron) Laura Van Leeuwen Snyder (Barth) Anonymous Denny VanArsdale (Patty) Martha Walsh Mike Zimmerman (Barbara) Class of 1979 16,960 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 6% Anonymous Robert Barklay Joanne Bruns Conley Craig Curk Lori Dorn Tom Greger (Laura) Brian Kernan (Jeanne) Terri Miller Nathaniel Morrell Jacquie Walsh O’Brien (Tom) Kathryn Enouen Owsiany (Ken) Janet Turckes Pitzer (Jim) Jim Sprauer (Catherine) Scott Spring (Teresa) John Striebel Guy and Linda Zengel West Rev. Chris Wittmann, S.M. John Woeste (Nancy) Maribeth Galamb Zimmer THE ALTER ADVANTAGE FUND 2015 $5,000 + Class of 1980 4,728 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 7% Ann Stueve Becker (Tom) Mary Beth Brust Ceferino Cata (Anne) Tim and Jane Palazotto Crisler Dan Ferneding (Mary) Ed and Anne Barnet Griffith Katie Weyler Heminger (Bob) Julie Focke Hyde (Brinton) Chris Kowal (Karyn) Joni Magnus Ramsey Thomas Martino Barbara Neroni Murphy (Tom) Katie Callahan Nye (Bart) Linda Placke Petersen (Steve) Matt Schuermann (Jane) Sheri Konicki Wilson Class of 1981 23,430 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 8% Anonymous Angela Stein Bidwell (Mark) Ellen Bornhorst Boerger Glen Borchers (Betsy) Peter Bovenzi David Domansky Kathleen Saxton Ferrante (Frank) Michael Finke Michael Gross Jeanne Kronauge Chris McMahon John Miller (Teresa) Mark Nagy (Suzanne) Walt Reiling (Jo Anne) David Smith (Melissa) Kathleen Brockman Stechschulte (Ken) Patty Whelan Stueve (Kurt) Charles Vanage Linda Vance Patricia Witt Weisent (Jim) Susan Zwiesler Class of 1982 $1,000 - $4,999 23,250 $ Class of $100 - $999 1984 $1 - $99 2,680.77 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 6% CLASS PARTICIPATION 8% Anonymous Anonymous Daniel Bolek Patrick Brown James Hecht (Joan) Jay Hughes Rick Koehler (Melissa) Tony Lair Mark Lane (Carla) Suzanne Leiker Jeanne Jauch Lyke (Andy) Mia Kerivan O’Malley (John) Tom Roesch (Patti Blessing) Amy Armstrong Smith (Tom) Molly Spring Scott Strady ‘82 (Amy) Greg Taylor Marisa Greco Varney (Thomas) Martha Bach Von Bank (Nick) Molly Rocco Bishop (Cliff) Lawrence Borchers Ann Margaret Bogle Chapman Stephen Clark (Jane) Ron Deger Courtney Sheridan DeOreo Mary Beth Hanna Evans Jane Wagner Frick Theresa Charters Gavarone Matt Houser Ann Riedenger Kelley Jennifer Hein Kendo (Tom) Christine Carroll Krueger Lisa Li Kathleen Keane Lopez Jack Mees (Candace) Norm Meintel Christina Ostendorf Colleen Walsh Petrello (Bill) John Powers Jane Koverman Schuermann (Matt) John Sikora Sharon Greco Smith Melissa McKinney Waker Lori Allen Wilke (Bob) Class of 1983 16,760 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 7% Wendy White Ahrens Diann Bissmeyer Bryan Annabelle Leyes Clinger Mark Edsall (Mary) Michael and Cheryl Murlin Eichner Beth Stanton Judd (Jim) Jeffrey Kosman Mark Neroni Ted Nikolai Christine Hillman Rose Rudwall (David) Barbara Strady Rowland (Richard) Steven Skerl Julia Sunkes Mike Suttman (Stephanie) Lynne Van Leeuwen Turner (Larry) Christine Kern Yannone (Anthony) Patty Kingdom Zimmer (Jeff) FALL 2015 25 Contributors by CLASS YEAR Class of 1985 27,464 $ Class of 1987 4,025 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 8% CLASS PARTICIPATION 5% Adrienne Hegman Brandicourt (Harry) Bill and Jenni Sauer Crotty David Deger (Amy) Martin Dixon Dan Eisenhauer Lisa Kavanaugh Fields Jodi Schweisthal Graham (Rick) Paul Green (Sherry) Doug Hansen Chris Korb John Kunesh (Sarah) Nick Kuntz Karen Roesch Levine (Allan) Elizabeth Roddy Lush (Tony) Jeff Morris Amy Biegel Strady (Scott) William Uhl, II (Kelly) Andrea Cannarozzi Varabkanich (Joe) David Bahner Brian Beck Ann Schoen Brinkmann (Brian) Lisa Tsui Diller (David) Molly Grunenwald Eisner Mary Frecker Carla Casella Hodulik David Homan Linda Manzo Koeller Tricia Cavers McGowan Margaret Eisenhauer Rueth (Rick) Kelly Tierney Class of 1986 8,305 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 5% Robert Jeffrey Benko Amy Suttman Doorley (Tom) Julie Schrepferman George (Scott) Tim George Susan Gross Godfroid (Bob) Marty Grunder (Lisa) Joseph Janowski (Susan) Libby Rain Mallitz (David) Teresa Cindric McHugh (Dan) Jason Paine (Lucy) Richard Rueth (Peggy) Andrew Smith (Karen) Shawn Stuart 26 the ROUNDTABLE Class of 1988 3,475 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 5% Tom and Laura Beatty Alig Lisa Blair Rachel Finke Chambers Andrew and Teresa Heintz Fano Marc Frient (Heather) Tony Goheen (Liz) Kathy Weil Kargl Dan Kronauge Bart and Laurie Griffin Must Abby Glackin Rummel (Mark) John and Kim Graf Schimpf Molly Brogan Shapiro Karen Zinck Smith (Andrew) Rick Willits (Leslie) Class of 1989 2,030 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 11% Amy D’Innocenzo Aycock Terry Bon Jim Borchers Angela Windows Connolly (David) Brian Connor Rachel Cox Theresa Bean Davis John Deger Jonathan and Colleen Kavanaugh Duffy Greg George (Joanne) Leslie Rosell Gonya (Jeff) Suzie Cerar Kreusch Scott McLaughlin Laura Lander Morgan (Richard) Julie Schrimpf Moss (Robert) Dan and Cathy Bailey Nagy Jennifer Pett Richard Roesch Jeff Shane Jason Shine Andrea Longhouse Wullenweber Class of 1990 5,100 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 7% Anonymous Greg Buerschen Nickie Poelking Kaplan Kathleen Lammert Kara Luckew Miller Chris Resch Chris and Kathy Brady Riegel Angela Ruffolo (Alex) Lisa Schrader Laura Torbeck Skinner THE ALTER ADVANTAGE FUND 2015 $5,000 + Class of 1991 1,875 $ Class of $1,000 - $4,999 6,825 1994 $ Class of $100 - $999 1996 $1 - $99 3,400 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 7% CLASS PARTICIPATION 16% CLASS PARTICIPATION 6% Amy Bishop Bensman (Brian) Tim and Stacey Hubach Brown Maureen Foley Stephanie Pfeiffer Lacourt Marc Molinsky (Sandee) Dennis Percy (Michelle Maladen-Percy) Thomas Pohl (Rita) Anthony Rocco (Pauline) Ryan Sharkey Patrick Stewart David Willits Liz Cerar Anderson (Bill) Julie Schoen Beeler (Rob) John Borchers (Jessica) Michael Botti Cara Carone Boyle Brian and Sara Walker Boyle Ben Carter (Brenda) Laura Portune Cordell Lisa Dillhoff Depew Christine Rogero Drab Jennifer O’Connor Feldmeyer Angela Gantt Cynthia Duckro Jecker Catherine Eisenhauer Lohr (Chris) Matthew Moore Sarah Trick Petterson Michael Rawers Brian Russell Erin Roth Stephen Scaia Jennifer Moore Schoen (John) William Simonton Valerie Watkins Jennifer Meyer Weinberg Julie Ksiezopolski Yost Katie Srp Broerman (Daniel) Amy Marie Lytle Hansley (Justin) Amanda Veenhuis Myers Elizabeth Moore Osborne (Walter) David Rogero (Maureen) Anthony Schoen (Anne) Patrick Shea (Jane) Jay Tant (Natalie) Wes Van Autreve Class of 1,475 $ 1992 CLASS PARTICIPATION 6% Julie Johnson Barnett Todd and Suzanne Zimmer Duplain Lisa Muckerheide Giesler Bridget Borchers Krebs (Kurt) Amanda Riegel Mascarenhas (Don) Erin McGinley Dawn Graf Morris (Jason) John Schoen (Jennifer) Stacey Polito Sperow (Will) Class of Class of 1993 740 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 4% Emily Adamson Collura (Peter) Casey Findley Green Matt Moser Denise Scarpelli Bill Schmidt (Teleisha) Ashley Hamilton Stewart 1995 Class of 1997 1,248.75 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 3% Katie Burkhardt Goeke (Jeff) Daniel Haas Joanna Kolber Hankey Jennifer Rudzinski Kennedy (Sean) Brett (B.J.) Mahle Joshua Mears (Megan) 1,596.70 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 8% Matt Adamson (Mary Pat) Bradford Beckmann (Jennifer) Michelle Clark Brooks (Steve) Brian Brush (Melissa) Laura Moore Carter (Andy) Susan Burkhardt Fredrick (Paul) Matthew Frient (Kim) Heather Rice Keighley (James) Michelle Kugel Brian McGeady Kevin Sage Christy Kuczak Vigfusson Julia Kolber Wallace FALL 2015 27 Contributors by CLASS YEAR Class of 1998 1,250 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 4% Sara Meunier Drozda Anthony Fuchs (Michelle) Marvin Hartsfield Laura Kavanaugh Vlad Vasiliu (Nina) Jeff Wenzke (Jennifer) Shaun Westfall Class of 1999 620 425 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 2% Andy Carter (Laura) Jacob Groshek Ben Koller Nina DiGuardi Vasiliu (Vlad) Class of 2001 865 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 4% $ Mary Carol Burkhardt (Devin Namaky) Luke Frient (Nan) Jonathan Heil Danielle Kuczak Poling Jennifer Davis Wenzke (Jeff) 2000 2002 Michael Akhbari Boomer and Diana Fischer Bristow Maureen Zimmer Guziec (Douglas) Zachary McHale Harrison Orendorf (Katherine) Andrew Severyn Alexis Troha CLASS PARTICIPATION 3% Class of Class of Class of 2003 550 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 4% Jeff Carr Jack Hilgeman (Danielle) Marianne Hinde Hudelson (Steve) Kyle Lammlein Sean Leibrock (Kataiy) Emily Beachler Moritz (Bryan) Class of 2004 495 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 5% 1,370 $ CLASS PARTICIPATION 3% Chris Brill Michael Grant Jen Schulz Korynski Griffin Merrill Frances Hess Tobe (John) Amy Brown Michael Gorman Emily Gunlock Liz Kolbe Blair Needels Porterfield Kevin Riazzi Joseph Severyn Catherine Gabriele Shannon David Swafford Samantha Mauro Weimer 2005-2012 Young Alums 2,310 $ Andrew Platt ‘05 (Britt) Madeline Asebrook ‘06 Sarah Lechleiter ‘08 Hal Melia ‘08 Anne Weidner ‘09 Mark Kroger ‘10 Andrew Asebrook ‘12 Sarah Hoying ‘13 28 the ROUNDTABLE Contributions by CURRENT & PAST PARENTS $5,000 + Catherine Abele Bob and Patty Ackerman Jack and Carol Adam Pat and Kathy Adamson Robert and Helen Alig Dan and Susan Annett Evelyn Arber Albert and Susan Asebrook Don Bahner Tom and Mary Ann Bartol Louis and Judy Bede Bruce and Judy Bergstresser Theodore and Luzia Bernstein Ted and Joan Binzer Ron and Kathy Blase Scott Bleser Joe Bockelman and Barbara Driehaus Paul and Ginny Boeckman Paul and Phyllis Boeckman Francis and Kitty Bonanno Jeff and Zebbra Borland Adele Borns Margaret Boyle Tim and Susie Brabender John and Susan Bradley Tom and Patricia Brady Daniel and Jeri Lynn Braunlin Norman and Doris Brinkman William and Cicily Brogan Elmer and Lucy Bruns Randy Bullard Tom and Joanie Burkhardt Steve and Jennifer Butler Joan Callahan Halstead Max and Gail Carone Steve and Susan Carr James and Lucille Carroll Annette Casella Leo and Rita Chico Margie Collins Bob and Joan Collins Pat and Janice Connor David Orenstein and J. Layne Crawford James and Suzanne Crippen Mary Crisler Nick and Marjorie Crnkovich Michael Cronin Bill and Marilyn Crotty Michael and Kathleen Dalidowicz Brian and Karen Davis Tom and Mary DeMange Bob DeRegnaucourt Larry and Nancy DeRoo John and Frances Detrio Mark and Susan Dinkins Dennis and Debbie Dockins Don and Sonia Donoher Philip and Rosanne Douville Roger and Becky Duffy Bob and Donna Duplain Richard and Patricia Durbin Brad and Lisa Egbert Mary Anne Eichner Dorothy Eisenhauer Michael Endres In Honor of the Enouen 5 Children Paul Finke Bill and Deanne Focke Bob and Sarah Forschner Frederick and Teresa Frecker Mike and Tami Freshwater Tom and Vanessa Frey Michael and Donna Furderer Roger and Donna Furrer Kevin Geraghty Bob and Judy Getty Corrie and Theresa Gillis Tom and Jayne Gmeiner Barbara Gobrail John and Judy Gochenaur Ted and Liz Golba Pat and Cindi Grady Dennis and Judy Graf William and Betty Greger David and Tammy Grigg David and Barbara Groene Frank Grogan Ron and Pat Grogan Anthony and Debbie Groshek Bo and Mary Gunlock Chris and Christine Haaker John and Norma Hagan John and Louise Haley Charlie Hart William and Beth Hart Daren and Julie Hartman James and Kathleen Hauser Lori Hausfeld Francis and Mary Heider Paul Heintz Gary and Donna Hellman Bill and Karen Hemmert Dean and Mindy Heyne Ron and Christine Hill Michael and Celeste Hoegler Rosemary Hoeper Mark and Rita Hoffman Franz and Margaret Hoge Larry and Patricia Holden Donald Homan Thomas and Norma Horning Frank and Pam Howard Chuck and Martie Hoying Allan and Gail Huber $1,000 - $4,999 $100 - $999 $1 - $99 David and Diane Hurtubise Olga and Louis Illes Shane and Christine Imwalle Brian and Tracy Janess Timothy and Lisa Janz Robert and Tonia Jasper John and Ginny Jauch Helen Jones Mr. C. William Kessler Harvey and Joyce Kiley James and Vicki Kirkland Rudolph and Marge Klein Tom and Nancy Klenke Sharon Kline Tom and Joan Kolber Art and Susan Komorowski Janet Kowal Julie Krautmann Thomas Kronauge Joseph Krug Tony and Marybeth Krystofik Konrad and Patricia Kuczak Michael and Dianne Kugel Peter and Marjorie Kuntz Thomas and Christine Lachey Anthony and Shirley Lair Ron and Kristin Lamb Ray and Cathy Lane Samuel and Mary Laneve Jim and Stephanie Larkin John and Barbara Laufersweiler Tom and Joyce Laufersweiler Robert and Jane Laumann Dave and Pat Leff Jim and Peggy Lehner Dick and Barb Leibold Jeff and Anita Linck Bill and Sally Lincoln Romy and Alicia Lu Gary and Barb Lytle Jim and Pat Madden Jim and Carol Marker George Markoff Thurman and Esther Mattingly Gene and Marlene Mayleben Frank and Nancy McBride Jack and Linda McCarthy James and Martina McGraw Mark and Nancy McHale Phil McLaughlin William and Phyllis Mees Bill and Elaine Mercurio and Family Bob and Sue Merland John and Linda Middelberg Mark and Pam Miller Marlene Miller FALL 2015 29 Contributions by CURRENT & PAST PARENTS Michael and Amy Miller Robert and Rhonda Miller Vail and Leslie Miller Bob and Bernadette Mitsch Tom and Alice Mitter Tom and Joni Mochty Marcia Monnier Cindy Monter and Kendall Clay William and Kathleen Moroney Speciose Kayitete Munyankindi Tom and Vickie Mygrants Peter and Barbara Neroni Charles and Margaret Nickel Giles and Brenda Nolan Tom and Nadine Nyhan Jim and Marilyn O’Brien Michael and Jane O’Brien Betty O’Connell James and Marilyn O’Connell Michael and Lucy O’Hare John and Marty Osterday Millie Osterfeld James and Jackie Ouellette Anthony and Helen Palazotto David and Wanda Panfile Todd and Theresa Penney Charlotte Pernik Jim and Margaret Peters Bill and Helen Pflaum Don and Lilly Phillips David and Carolyn Placke Jeff and Kelly Plate Mark and Cyndi Platt Jerry and Jean Ploplis Helen Poelking Witt The Portman Family Doug and Karen Posey Mike and Liz Prayson Mark and Mary Price Kenneth and Nancy Quinter Michael and Julie Rado Thomas and Rosalind Rawers Michael and Cherie Rebar Walter and Suzanne Reiling Jerry and Debby Reinstatler Donald and Shari Rethman Carmen and Ann Riazzi Mary Jo Riegel Ed and Ann Rizer Gerry Anne Rocco Rich and Mary Ellen Roesch Hal and Elaine Rogero Nick and Marianne Rosenkranz Jim and Jackie Rudzinski Tom and Maureen Ruff Wade and Teresa Rupper Trey and Kelly Rushing 30 the ROUNDTABLE Dick and Maureen Russell Ned and Nancy Ryan Scott and Christine Sapita Tom and Rhonda Schmitt Jim and Mary Ann Schoen Marie Schoettmer Gerald Schramm Jay and Susan Schwieterman Janet Seiler Elaine Sendelbach Scott and Diane Sessler Tom and Marilou Smith George and Anne Smolinski Jerry and Tina Snyder Dorothy Sprauer John and Polly Srp Tom and Julie Stanton John and Vivian Striebel Michael and Theresa Sugrue Alice Suttman Larry and Anna Swafford Gil and Meg Switala Richard and Catherine Talda Tom and Tammy Tanner Joe and Betty Tassone John and Connie Taylor Kevin and Nancy Taylor Rick and Julie Taylor Jan and Tish Thayer Jim and Sylvia Tillar Janet Tobe Nicholas Trick Stan and Joanne Troha David and Carol Trombley Jeff and Lisa Tromp Irene Turckes Jerry and Kathy Tytko Jim and Lori Tytko Bill and Cynthia Uhl Joe and Chris Untener Kevin and Charlotte Vangsness Ferdinand and Minako Vanke Don and Laima Vermillion Joe and Lois Volk Brad and Paula Vosler Joseph and Virginia Wade Laura Wall Dick and Donna Wemple Bob and Carol Westerkamp Alan and Sylvia White Ernest and Mary Wiedemann Carol Wildenhaus The Willits Family Michael and Rhonda Witt Al and Betty Woeste Joseph and Susan Zeis George and Anita Zengel William and Patricia Zilli Jack and Patricia Zimmerman Doug and Marilyn Zobrist Contributions by FRIENDS Andrew and Katie Arber Alter Booster Association Bob and Carol Bronski David Bruce and Milissa Elsall Steve and Beth Budd Castle Players Theresa Check Gary and Mary Chrusciel Steven Clark Dennis and Julie Collins Tom and Suzanne Columbus Sister Kathryn Ann Connelly, S.C. Aram and Lisa Donigian Easterling Studios Faculty Christmas Collection Jane Gamble William Gioielli Molly Gravunder (Brian) Amanda Hacker (Phil) Scott and Catherine Hadaway $5,000 + Nancy Hanna Heather Hansen Sister Katie Hoelscher, S.C. Earl Holton Carol Huesman David Hughes Edna Johnson Nancy and Tim Kaczala Kettering Medical Center The Kuntz Foundation Stephen and Donna Kyler Father Shawn Landenwitch Sarah Linnenkohl Father James Manning James and Jean Marten Dennis and Karen McTaggart Tom Olsen and Mary Borsalij Tim, Anna, Sara and Abby Pruett Christie Sanderman (Matthew) Jennifer Schlangen (Tim) $1,000 - $4,999 $100 - $999 $1 - $99 Alex Schuster (Angela) Megan Sears (Scott) Allyson Shank Simply Australian, Inc., South Dayton Catholic Frank and Jan Stauble The Berry Family Foundation The Daniel M. Romer Tuition Fund The Gerald and Carole Miller Foundation The Louise Kramer Foundation The Monsignor Robert Amann Foundation The Wallace Foundation Sister Dennis Tisler Tobias Funeral Home Bonnie Walter Rev. Ronald Wilker Patrick Wood FALL 2015 31 Honor & Memory In Honor ... In Memory ... In Honor of the Class of 1966 Celebrating their 50th Reunion in 2016 Paul ’66 and Maggie Traynor ’66 Zimmer In Memory of deceased members of the Class of 1973 Karen Boyle ‘73 In Honor of Robert and Helen Alig Mary Alig ’77 Houston In Memory of Frank and Gwynedd Armstrong Doug and Sheilah Armstrong ’67 Apple Bob and Katie Armstrong ’66 Ellis Rev. Chris Armstrong ‘72 Dan ’76 and Eileen Armstrong In Honor of Deron and Erin Hoeflinger Oscar & Jane Gamble In Honor of the Horning and Wolf Families Tom and Norma Horning In Honor of Dr. John Kavanaugh ’03 and Dr. Ashley Kavanaugh ‘03 Kathy Whalen ’66 Kavanaugh In Memory of Regina Vallano Bahner David Bahner ‘87 Don Bahner In Memory of Edith Barbato Mark Haufe ‘67 In Honor of Stan Troha Bob and Carol Bronski In Memory of Michael Bruns ‘74 Elmer and Lucy Bruns In Honor of Mary and Walter Woeste John ’79 and Nancy Woeste In Memory of Alberta Budde-Stewart Joseph Budde ‘71 In Memory of Ken Burr, Sr. and Frederick and Violet Burr Marlene Burr ’73 Orendorf In Memory of Robert Cannon ‘66 Greg Barbato ‘67 In Memory of Jan Carroll and Ron Nagy James and Lucille Carroll In Memory of Maggie Cata ‘82 Glen ’81 and Betsy Borchers In Memory of Elizabeth Rose Coggins Diane Davis ’66 Coggins In Memory of Cody Conley ‘10 Dan ’76 and Eileen Armstrong George and Marcia Woolley ’68 Brand William Bruns ‘68 Doug ’74 and Maggie Ditzel Cynthia Ditzel ’70 Hassan Stephen and Donna Kyler Todd and Theresa Penney Tim and Anna Pruett Richard and Catherine Talda Joseph and Betty Tassone Mike ’77 and Barbara Zimmerman In Memory of Tony Corsiglia ‘79 Robert Barklay ‘79 In Memory of Bill Eisenhauer, Jr. ‘82 Catherine Eisenhauer ’94 Lohr In Memory of Jonathan Endres ‘10 Michael Endres In Memory of William R. Ferneding John ’76 and Julie McQuiston ’76 Ferneding Dan ’80 and Mary Ferneding In Memory of James Finke, Sr. Dan Bolek ‘82 In Memory of Sister Frances Flynn Mary Beth Brust ‘80 Sister Kathryn Ann Connelly Sister Katherine Hoelscher In Memory of John Frounfelker ‘77 Frank ’74 and Kristin Frounfelker Brian and Molly Gravunder In Memory of Jill Harner ‘90 Fussnecker Peggy Rindler ’77 O’Donnell In Memory of Chuck Graham ‘79 Scott ’79 and Teresa Spring 32 the ROUNDTABLE THE ALTER ADVANTAGE FUND 2015 In Memory of Bob Grierson and Bill Truxel Dennis Percy ’91 and Michelle Maladen-Percy In Memory of Richard Gross ‘77 Jeff and Anita Linck Richard and Cathy Beyerle ’74 Southam Suzanne Gross ’74 Wertz In Memory of Mary Jean Gross Nancy Hanna In Memory of Rev. Edward Haskamp (Alter’s first Principal) Charles ’66 and Toni Smith ’66 DiPasquale In Memory of Tom and Kacie Hausfeld ‘07 Steve and Marianne Hinde ’03 Hudelson In Memory of Orville Hein Tom and Jennifer Hein ’84 Kendo Tom and Rosalind Rawers In Memory of Matt McCormick ‘88 The Willits Family In Memory of Patti McCormick Deron and Julie Hartman Dennis and Karen McTaggart In Memory of Regina Casella ’90 Stephens Annette Casella In Memory of Fred J. Miller Marlene Miller In Memory of John and Lois Thalheimer Mary Lynn Thalheimer ‘78 In Memory of Mark Mitter ‘73 Tom and Alice Mitter In Memory of Alice and Vic Thieman Joyce Thieman ‘66 In Memory of Sister Monique Mark ’83 and Mary Edsall In Memory of Nicholas Trombley ‘97 David and Carol Trombley In Memory of Russell and Marillyn Morgan Francine Morgan ’75 Kester Christine Morgan ‘73 In Memory of Martin Vandenbrock ‘74 Pat ‘75 and Pam Datz ‘76 Madden In Memory of Bonnie Becht ’72 Horn Mary Brechak ’69 Becht In Memory of Tony Huesman ‘75 Mike Wildenhaus ‘75 In Memory of Bernie Nichols Vincent Beringer ‘76 In Memory of Diane Butler ’77 Hughes David Hughes Paul ’66 and Maggie Traynor ’66 Zimmer In Memory of Doug Osterfeld ‘70 Mildred Osterfeld In Memory of James Kelly Jean Kelly ‘78 In Memory of Richard Shea Patrick Shea ‘96 n Memory of Mike Mercurio ‘88 Bill and Elaine Mercurio In Memory of Eric Must ’73, Kevin Must and Gratia Must Bart ’88 and Laurie Griffin ’88 Must In Memory of Virginia Sticht ’69 Kaufman Elaine Schweller ’69 Snyder In Memory of Jerry Sharkey (former faculty) Mary Anne Sharkey ’67 Dirckx In Memory of Virginia Reichard ’69 Reynolds Jane Reichard ’71 McNamee In Memory of Dan Wagner ‘82 Richard Koehler ‘82 In Memory of James and Mary Ann Walsh Martha Walsh ‘77 In Memory of Hugh Wall, III Laura Wall In Memory of Robert Weidner Anne Weidner ‘09 In Memory of Mary Riess ’77 and Eric Suttman ‘77 Annette Chavez ‘77 In Memory of Kevin Klein ‘79 Rudolph and Marge Klein In Memory of Patti Kussman ’72 Kolbe Dan ’68 and Sue Kussman ’68 Reichert In Memory of Leo Krautmann Mary Julie Krautmann In Memory of Barbara Krug Joseph Krug In Memory of Steve and Jackie Kuflewski Karen Kuflewski ’72 Walters In Memory of Nate Madden Jim and Pat Madden In Memory of Barto and Joan Ann Mariscalco (Mary) Michele Mariscalco ‘73 FALL 2015 33 Matching Gifts $18,889.75 Abbott Fund Lisa Tsui ’87 Diller Altria Group Sara Meunier ’98 Drozda Archer Daniels Midland Catherine Sprauer (Jim Sprauer ’79) Bank of America John Borchers ‘94 Harrison Orendorf ‘02 Baxter International Bart Must ‘88 Boeing Scott Spring ‘79 Duke Energy Tom Wehrman ‘67 Eli Lilly Jack Mees ‘84 Mark Nagy ‘81 Luke Frient ‘99 Elsevier Foundation John Risko (Alicia Anderson ‘ 74 Risko) Emerson Electric Integrity Applications Todd Penrod ‘73 KeyBank Clinton Weddell (Tara Kerivan ’76 Weddell) Kimberly Clark Michael Gross ‘81 Anthony Groshek Kuntz Foundation Paul Boeckman Lexis-Nexis GE Foundation Home Depot Mike Wildenhaus ‘75 Peter Kuntz Ginny Boeckman Bob Portman Honeywell Macy’s IBM Marathon Petroleum Corp. Jeff Morris ‘85 David Bradley ‘67 David Leff James Ducceschi Microsoft Jennifer Beckmann (Brad ’95) Tom Martino ‘80 Morgan Stanley BJ Mahle ‘97 Northwestern Mutual Jim Marker Pfizer Foundation Sandy Hayes Philip Rose (Margaret Whelan ’71 Rose) Pitney Bowes Thurman Mattingly Robert Half International Matt Moore ‘94 Standard Insurance Christina Ostendorf ‘84 US Bank Patty Whelan ’81 Stueve Verizon Alice Heiskell ’78 Wilson 34 the ROUNDTABLE THE ALTER ADVANTAGE FUND 2015 Your support makes a difference! ARCHBISHOP ALTER HIGH SCHOOL GIVING SUMMARY 2015 FISCAL REPORT ANNUAL FUND$224,302 RESTRICTED GIFTS$334,110 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN$454,669 KNIGHT OF THE ARTS BALL $261,000 SPONSORSHIP$58,800 FAN PASS$28,990 BOOSTERS$149,800 ALTERFEST$103,800 FISH FRY$40,000 GOLF OUTING$4,000 SPORTS PROGRAM$2,000 OTHER REPORTED FUNDRAISING the alter advantage fund l ve $266,500 *DOES NOT INCLUDE COMMUNITY SUPPORT, FOOD OR CLOTHING ITEMS COLLECTED TOP 10 REPORTED FUNDRAISERS: FOOTBALL LIFT-A-THON $95,400 BASKETBALL SHOOT-A-THON$24,740 MUSIC DEPT MULCH SALE $19,500 MUSIC DEPT MARKET DAY $14,339 YEARBOOK ADS$9,100 LANCERETTE RAFFLE$8,860 KEY CLUB TURKEY DRIVE $8,100 GIRLS BASKETBALL SHOOT-A-THON $7,050 MISSION TRIP CANDLE SALE $5,360 GIRLS SOCCER CAR WASH $4,900 TOTAL GIVING $1,517,171 NOTE: Unaudited data based on fiscal year July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. FALL 2015 35 ne ss Pho Busine Zip State lass Ye ar, C duate lter gra if an A Year, duate lter gra if an A Archb ishop Alter H Offi c e o f Adva igh School 9 n 4 c 0 e E m a en st Ketteri David Roa t d ng OH 45429 9 advan 37.434.205 9 c er $2 e m ent@a 5q lterhs.o u a l ifies 34.205 rg you f 9 or e or th mail e a A d v l a u ncem mni o ent@a r Pas lterhs t Pa .o r e rg n if t y Asso o u have ciatio questi n. ons. Class Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 302 Dayton, OH Alter Advancement Office Alter Advancement Office 940 East David Road 940 East David Road Kettering, Ohio 45429 Kettering, Ohio 45429 give lte r h s . o rg/ a Make e at a gift onlin 2013 Reunion Information THE ANNUAL FUND IS NOW THE ALTER ADVANTAGE FUND Planning is underway for many classes and tentative plans are set for events over the summer! there are a few classes that still need volunteers to help organize something. If you’re interested in helping with your class, contact the Advancement Office at (937)434-2059 or advancement@alterhs.org. There is no more important way For those alums who will be in town for Alterfest, please make sure to stop by the to show your support for Alter Advancement booth on Friday night to get your complimentary drink ticket if you’re a member of the Alumni Association; also make plans tto attend the Alumni mass on than through a gift to the Alter Sunday, September 1 @ noon in the Alter chapel. adhveanalter tage fund Advantage Fund. Giving at Alter starts here. 1968 Labor Day weekend (golf, dinner, lunch and Alterfest), details are in the works. Contact Coni Dalhamer (conidal@aol.com), Willie Bruns (peakwb@aol.com), or Tom Hines (hines1030@gmail.com) for l more information or Like the Facebook page to learn more at: Archbishop Alter High School Class of 1968 www.alterhs.org/give 1973 ve Labor Day weekend. To keep up with all the plans, join the class Facebook group (Alter High School Class of 1973 Reunion). For more information, contact Karen Boyle (kboyle@woh.rr.com) or Marlene Burr Orendorf (meorendorf@sbcglobal.net) 1978 Labor Day weekend. Friday, Aug 30th 8:00 pm – Alter Fest; Saturday, Aug 31 6:00- 9:00 pm – Party at Kevin Duffin’s residence – 4425 Shady Crest, Kettering; Saturday Golf – info and registration contact Tom Becker (tomj.becker@beckerelectric.com or (937) 604-4606). Find us on RoundTable the Facebook at: Archbishop Alter High School Class of 1978. For more info contact, Julee Smith Terilli (jterilli@coldwellbanker.com) 1983 mike Gillotti is looking for some help in planning events. If interested, please contact him at mgillotti@columbus.rr.com or (614) 529-2935 Roundtable is a publication of Archbishop Alter High School. Published by Thesuggestions Advancementare Office Your comments and welcome. E. David Rd. • Kettering, OH 45429 • (937) 434-2059 Please940 contact: www.alterhighschool.org 1988 Labor Day weekend. Details coming soon! 1993 Labor Day weekend. Planning is underway. For more info, contact Molly Whitehead Holt (mol- holt5@gmail.com) or Colleen O’Brien Schaefer (colleen_anne_schaefer@yahoo.com) or like our Facebook Amy Editor: Miller John Patterson, Director of Development page at Alter high School Class of 1993 Director ofManning, Marketing & Communications Fr. James President Lambert, Principal • Kettering, OH 45429 940 E.Lourdes David Road 1998 Volunteers needed Willits ’88, Director of Institutional Advancement (937)Rick 428-5312 Tina Lammers ’75, Administrative Assistant 2003 Volunteers needed amy.miller@alterhs.org Your comments are welcome. Please email them to advancement@alterhighschool.org Visit alterhs.org for more news and information RT Mar 13 FINAL.indd 16 2008 Volunteers needed 3/8/13 4:13 P
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