2 0 1 1 F A L L RoundTable Founded on Faith, Preserved with Pride, Sustained by Spirit A publication for alumni, current & past parents, and friends of Alter High School IN THIS ISSUE... The Road to 800 page 8 From the President, page 2 Phase II of Campaign Announced, page 3 A Note from the Interim Principal, page 4 Advancement Notes, page 5 School News, pages 9-10 Alumni Features: • Ryan Sharkey ’91, page 27 • Hall of Fame, page 28 • In Memoriam, page 29 • Class Notes, page 30-31 SPECIAL SECTION: Annual Report 2011 pages 11-26 A special thank you goes to all of our loyal benefactors! The End of an Era pages 6-7 VISION &S T R AT E G Y From the President, Father James Manning Moving Alter Forward This has been a summer of transition for Alter High the new baseball field at Indian Riffle Park in the near future School. Although transitions can be challenging at times, they for our varsity and reserve teams. Because of this collabora- can also provide an opportunity for growth. My years in the tive effort and the work of many, Alter’s athletic facilities have priesthood as teacher, associate pastor, pas- improved tremendously. Such is the case with our technology program. We are ini- tor, and now president tiating a one-to-one tablet program with the freshman class of Alter High School which will evolve to the entire school in four years. In the have taught me not to 1:1 learning environment at Alter, each freshman student will be frightened by tran- have a tablet computer with them all day to provide them with sitions but to allow interactive “anytime and anywhere” learning at school and them to help me expe- home. Once again, along with Beth Budd in our technology rience more fully the department, God provided Jeff Fuell, Network Administrator. providence of God. He has done a tremendous job in the implementation of this Such is the case with the administration here at Alter. Nicki Brainard is now the principal of McAuley High School, and transition along with a recent graduate, Matt Burian ’10. Such is the case with our Answering the Call capital cam- Matt Sableski is the principal at Carroll High School. Stan paign. We were able to accomplish a great deal with Phase I, Troha has retired after 37 amazing years in campus ministry. including: new science labs and a culinary arts classroom, a But, God has provided us with Lourdes Lambert as the interim renovated chapel, lights on the athletic field, additional park- principal for the year and Dave Conard as the new director of ing space, an incredible new Spirit Shop, improvements to the campus ministry. Both bring a tremendous amount of energy gym and restroom areas, and un upgraded cafeteria space. We and spirit to our Administrative Team. also started three endowments for tuition assistance, faculty Such is the case with academics and athletics here at Alter. God has provided us with Christine Sanderman as the new development, and technology. Now, we move forward with Phase II which will encompass librarian, Marcus Makras as a new science teacher, Louan additional classroom space on the western side of the building Hilty as a new English teacher, Molly Althaus as a new art for the arts, turf on the athletic complex, and additional gym teacher, and Gary Hansen is going from part time to full time space through additional collaborative efforts which will enable math teacher. Christina Johnston also joins us as a new tutor. us to move the weight room to the auxiliary gym and move the And, in the girl’s soccer program, God has provided us with Advancement Office to the Administrative wing of the building. head coach, Javier Iriart. Stained glass windows will be installed in our chapel and the Such is the case with our Sports Medicine, Wellness, and campus ministry room will become the Tony Huesman Cam- Education Services. We are now partnered with the Ketter- pus Ministry and Leadership Center this fall. And, additional ing Medical Center. In return for sports medicine, health, amounts will be placed into the three endowments, bringing wellness, and education services provided by the Kettering them to 70 percent funded. Medical Center, Alter will guarantee Kettering Medical Center With so much accomplished this past year and more to exclusive advertising rights for all school events. In the words come on the horizon, I want to thank all of our loyal bene- of one of our Board members, “Kettering Institutions should factors for their unwavering support. Whether through the be supporting Kettering Institutions for the good of the City Annual Fund or the capital campaign, your gifts have pro- of Kettering.” Once again, God has provided us with Faith vided Alter and its students with the tools and foundation Rosselot as our Sports Medicine Trainer. needed to lead our world for years to come. For you are the Speaking of the City of Kettering, our collaborative efforts with the city relative to Ernst Park are presently being imple- cornerstones of Alter’s future. As transitions are a time to experience the Providence of mented. We are excited to announce that an additional tennis God, the beginning of another school year is a time to entrust court (making five in total), a new softball field, a full size soc- our future to the guidance and the direction of the Holy cer field, and a half size field for practice will all be completed Spirit. That is why we say here at Alter: Founded on Faith, for use by Alter’s athletic programs. We also look forward to Preserved with Pride, and Sustained by the Spirit. 2 t h e R O U N D TA B L E Alter Announces Phase II of Capital Improvement Plan On the heels of a successful Phase I According to Father Manning, “Phase I Marty ’86 and Lisa Grunder. This will be of the “Answering the Call” capital cam- was a tremendous success with commit- the first of many such gatherings over paign that raised $5.6 million, Alter is now ments from nearly 1,000 loyal benefactors the coming year with a goal of raising positioned to launch Phase II. The new who made gifts of prayer, time and finan- an additional $5.5 million to make the phase will include: a new academic and cial resources to make it happen. Now it is new plans a reality. For more informa- arts wing added to the west end of the time to transition into Phase II.” tion or to make a pledge please call the main building, turfing of the athletic fields The official launch of the new phase (soccer and football), irrigation for the will take place on October 27 at a cele- Ernst Park renovations, and an additional bration and reception at the home of Advancement Office at (937)434-2059. thirty-three percent added to each of the three endowments (faculty development, technology, and tuition assistance). FA L L 2 0 1 1 3 VISION &S T R AT E G Y I am so honored to address you as the Interim Principal of Archbishop Alter High School for the 2011-2012 school year. I feel fortunate to have already had the opportunity to meet and speak with some current Alter families as well as Alter alumni, and I have learned a lot about what this institution means to so many people. I have learned over the past few weeks that the history, traditions, and relationships forged at Alter High School run deep. It is important for someone like me to learn and honor that history and to cultivate those relationships as we prepare to move forward, for without our traditions and connections to Alter High School this magnificent place becomes just a building on the precipice of its 50th anniversary. I am so enthusiastic about our future. Our students embody A Note from the Interim Principal the spirit of what it means to be an Alter Knight. I am so impressed with their intelligence, grace, spirituality and athleticism that I find myself taken aback quite often while in their presence. What an incredible example of what our youth can accomplish under the right circumstances – if they are valued, nurtured, and held to rigorous standards – the results are just awe inspiring! I look forward to meeting more of our current families, past families, and alumnus in the coming months and hearing about your experiences at Alter High School as well as your dreams for Alter’s future, for you are the cornerstone of our school as well as its future foundation. Without you, we would not be who we are just as I know without Alter you would not be who you are. Lourdes Lambert 4 t h e R O U N D TA B L E A D V A N C E M E N T Alter to Celebrate 50 Years! Next fall, Alter will begin a yearlong celebration commemorating its tradition-rich history with many events and activities. Beginning with a gala, A Starry, Starry Knight on September 22, 2012 where Hall of Fame inductees and other Alter shining stars will be recognized, there will be something for everyone throughout the year. Look for more details over the coming months and make plans to attend as many events as you can. Let’s make this a year to remember! If you would like to help with planning or in some other way, please contact the Advancement Willits ’88 to Lead Advancement Efforts Father Manning has announced the hiring of Rick Willits as the new Director of Institutional Advancement. Rick will lead the efforts of the Advancement Office in the areas of development, alumni relations, communications, marketing and enrollment management. While new to the position, Rick is no stranger to Alter. Growing up in the neighborhood, Rick attended Saint Charles and Alter. He graduated from Alter in 1988, then attended and graduated from Saint Joseph’s College with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing in 1992. He taught at Alter from 1993-1999 and has coached football here from 1992-1998 and 2009-present. Currently living in Centerville, Rick is married to Leslie and has three children at Incarnation. Prior to returning to Alter, Rick spent 12 years in Executive Recruiting for Management Recruiters International. Last year Rick started ParishBusiness.Com, a web company which develops on-line business directories for Catholic Schools and Parishes. On his return to Alter, Rick had this to say; “I am very excited about being part of Phase II and Phase III of the Capital Campaign, Celebrating the Alter’s 50th Anniversary and playing an integral part in future growth of the school.” Legacy Class of ’15 Office at N O T E S Row 1: Andrew Joseph (Chris ’79), Adam Beam (Allen ’83, Lisa Britt ’81), Kraig Howe (Paul ’84), Andrew Eisenhauer (Bill ’82, deceased), Matt Link (Ted ’82, Therese Madden ’82), Chris Finke (Jim ’76), Ethan Albers (Mike ’81, Marcia Kiley ’82), James Eisenhauer (Chuck ’86, Susan Fiely ’86), Danny Girouard (Ruth Fremgen ’78), Nick Nye (Katie Callahan ’80), Joe Nikolai (Tom ’78, Carol Hoying ’78), Jake Kunesh (John ’85), Zach Graybill (Shannon O’Brien ’78), Tyler Sunshein (Kevin ’76), AJ Roesch (Tim ’84), Riley Mowbray (Caren Sullivan ’83), Tess Malik (Stephanie Vincze ’90), Aaron Pack (Christine Alexander ’81) Row 2: Alex Pack (Christine Alexander ’81), Danielle Ruffolo (Rick ’86), Nathalie Bidwell (Lisa Kirkland ’86), Megan McKelvey (Tim ’82), Jackie Mangin (Anita Ferneding ’82), Hannah Klenke (Joe ’81, Lori Klosterman ’82), Maddy Kroger (James ’73), Natalie Bolek (Dave ’82), Marc O’Neal (Marc ’90), Carson Zimmer (Jeff ’76, Patty Kingdom ’83), Michael Lewis (Catherine Harkness ’86), Thomas Gerhard (Katie Nugent ’81), Tom Walters (Laura Kessler ’80), Andrew Ferrante (Kathleen Saxton ’81), Chris Lush (Elizabeth Roddy ’85), Chris Scharf (Jim ’81), Camaaron Simmons (Sarita Smith ’82), Nicole Senkiw (Laura Wiesman ’85) Row 3: William Rose (Tony ’79), Catherine Leschansky (Ed ’72), Timothy O’Brien (Kay Bertke ’75), Tom Alig (Tom ’88), Tony Smith (Sharon ’84), Brock Stechschulte (Kathleen Brockman ’81), Sierra Morris (John ’87), Colleen Johnson (Monica Sheridan ’85), Rachel Woeste (John ’79), Tony Rasso (Deanna Karpiak ’82), Danielle Lapsins (Paul ’84), Brian Walsh (Pat ’75), Matt Chrabascz (Catherine Rau ’92), Chris Jenkins (David ’78), Rachel Holtgreive (Shannon Firsdon ’86), Kelly Zimmer (Maribeth Galamb ’79), Matthew Vandenbrock (Martin ’74), Jack Crippen (Phil ’82, Kathy Grogan ’84) FA L L 2 0 1 1 5 SPECIAL F E AT U R E After Sixty-Three Years of Commitment… The End of an Era In the educational world, having teachers work for two to “The first Kairos was in 1984 and it has really created a lot of three decades isn’t that unusual but to do so at a school that’s memories and teachable moments for me,” said Troha. “It is so not much older than that is remarkable! In June, Alter said good- inspiring to see how the leaders each year really rise to the occa- bye to two of its longest tenured faculty members in Stan Troha sion and lead their peers. It is one of the things I’m most proud of.” and Nancy Andrews. Mr. Troha completed his 38th year and Mrs. While teaching theology and heading the Campus Andrews her 25th. Though, their official duties Ministry department have been Stan’s main focus, he may be over, both has also been involved with many other aspects of the vowed that school over the years. He helped author the original they will still “Code of Conduct” for the school, has been a part be involved of the Alumni Hall of Fame from the start, and even with Alter in coached golf and baseball. some capacity. After Though he will miss Alter, Troha is looking forward to traveling through Europe; visiting his son in New originally con- York; and going to Hawaii to see friends. He also templating the plans to write but is not sure if that will include a priesthood and novel or reflective pieces. then completing his Masters at UD, Troha began at Alter in 1972 as a theology teacher. This was prior to a formal campus ministry program at the school, though that would soon change. Troha credits people such as current Alter teacher Linda Dintaman and Father Chuck Mentrup as being catalysts with him in building what is now the Campus Ministry department. With their help and vision and under his direction, the department has grown to now facilitate all liturgical activities at Alter as well as the fouryear retreat programs that all students take part in. 6 t h e R O U N D TA B L E “It is so inspiring to see how the leaders [of Kairos] each year really rise to the occasion and lead their peers. It is one of the things I’m most proud of.” For Nancy Andrews, her path to Alter came in a very different direction. “I grew up in the neighborhood, just a few blocks from Alter. Most of the families around us were Catholic, although my family is not. I remember being jealous of the cute plaid jumpers that most of my neighborhood friends got to wear to school and wishing she could go to school there,” she recalled. After attending Kettering schools until graduating from Fairmont West, Andrews went to Ohio University where she studied art. Upon graduation, she was substitute teaching until an opening for an art teacher at Alter was brought to “I never dreamed that I would end up teaching at Alter for 25 years... the art room and in the campus ministry office, but Stan and Nancy’s footprint and legacy will forever be part of Alter’s history. They will be missed! Alter also wishes to thank the following teachers who retired or went on to Emily Trick, Danielle (Kuczak) Poling, and other endeavors after last year: Maureen Laura (Moore) Carter; interior designer, O’Brien, Pat Brown, Cathy Hundt and Emily O’Brien who works for Disney; and Deanna Seifried. Your dedication to fashion designer, Simone Pursiful. She Catholic education is greatly appreciated. apologized for leaving anyone off the list! Andrews plans to enjoy her time at her attention. She jumped at the chance home with her husband, the “crazy dogs to finally be able to “go to Alter.” and with her other passion…gardening. “I never dreamed that I would end up She is also on the substitute teacher list teaching at Alter for 25 years, so close to so she will still be seen at times in the home. Except for my four years at Ohio halls of the building. University, I have lived in Kettering my whole life.” In looking back at her quarter decade at While their classroom experiences were altogether different at Alter, what they will take away from the special Alter, Andrews is most proud of her work community is very similar. Stan and with art students, helping them to tap Nancy both credit the amazingly com- into the creativity that they may not have mitted faculty for creating such a even been aware of, especially those that standard of excellence, and also feel continued in the field like graphic design- blessed to have been part of such a faith- ers, Jon Schneider, Noah Armstrong, Greg filled and supportive family during times Lammers, and John Hurr; art teachers, of grief and triumph. Alissa (Whitehead) Gantt, Ben Deeter, Alter will move on with new faces in FA L L 2 0 1 1 7 SCHOOL LIFE The Road to 800 — A Look Back With the Alter boy’s basketball victory over Carroll this past February, Coach Joe Petrocelli reached a milestone in Ohio High School history, becoming only the second man to reach 800 wins. The game was never in doubt as the Knights rolled to a lopsided victory, 71-42. With about two minutes to go, fans revealed commemorative t-shirts and began to waive yellow signs with the number 800 on them. It was indeed a historical moment! After the game, Coach Petrocelli was given the game ball by AD Chris Hart ’80 and then celebrated at a reception with family, players, coaches and friends. As Coach Petrocelli looked back at his career, he reflected “Kurt came to visit me soon before he passed away and I could tell things were not good. I know that he was looking on many moments that stood out: the first state title in ’78, down on us that year and helped tip things in our favor,” the “game” against Lebron James in the state finals in ’03, and remembered Petro. making it to the state tournament in ’75 after defeating then #1 With such longevity in a program, there has been a lot of Middletown, but none greater than the ’99 season and it’s four players wear the brown and gold…some, sons of players in overtime victories in route to the school’s second state title. the early years. “That’s one thing that’s really made it enjoyable, coaching some of the kids of my former players. We’ve even started tracking the top scoring father-son combos. It’s been interesting to look at.” Though his staff and roster has changed a lot over the years, one person that has been part of many of the milestone wins is Jeff “Spud” Collins ’93. He was a player for win number 500 and a coach for victories, 600, 700 and 800, and said this about Coach Petrocelli, “The number 800 is one thing, but being able to stay at one place for 47 years and truly love what you do every day, that’s what it’s about.” With a promising group of returning players for the 201112 season, the number will undoubtedly climb a good bit. “It has to be the most incredible run in Ohio history,” Who knows, maybe 900 is in the cards! Petro said. “With each game it seemed to come down to a miracle play at the end. There were times that I thought, this was it, but someone was looking down on us that year.” That someone was Kurt Murnen, a ’97 graduate who many of the ’99 players knew very well, had passed away from a long battle with cancer just before the run began. The team seemed to rally around the loss and used it as motivation to the end. 8 t h e R O U N D TA B L E Father-Son Scoring Records (through the 09-10 season) (Only those that have graduated qualify for the list) Schaefer 1,778 Bob ’75 and Chad ’95 Siggins 1,717 Joe ’74 and Ryan ’09 Boyle 428 Pete ’78 and Tony ’08 Thuney 332 Mike ’73 and Joe ’11 Riazzi 298 Tim ’78 and Kevin ’04 The Knight Watch Sports Recap The 2010-11 school year produced many amazing athletic accomplishment both for teams and individuals. With the first state title for the boy’s volleyball team, Alter now has 22 state titles to show in such a brief history. What an amazing feat! The girl’s 4 x 800 meter relay team also brought home the “gold” setting a new school record in the process. Along with these team accomplishments, there were numerous individual recognitions for coaches and players, many who have continued their athletic career at the next level. Go Knights! spring team accomplishments Baseball – GCL Champions Boys Lacrosse – Advanced to the 3rd round of the tournament 2011 Knights Who Took It to the Next Level Boys Tennis – GCL Champions Boys Track – State Qualifiers in the 4 x 800 relay Dylan Ames – Wittenberg University – Football Boys Volleyball – STATE CHAMPIONS! Kelsie Auditore – Ohio Dominican College – Golf Player of the Year in the State – Keaton Pieper Courtney Christie – Mt. Vernon Nazarene University – Basketball Coach of the Year in the State – Craig Erford Whitney Dabbelt – Walsh College – Basketball Girls Track – State Champions in the 4 X 800 relay (Ashley Matt Diehl - Case Western Reserve University – Baseball Rodgers, Austin Borton, Rebecca Esselstein and Olivia Albers) TJ Dorow – University of Indianapolis – Football Rebecca Esselstein – Air Force Academy – Track/Cross Country Mike Gearhardt - Mt. St. Joseph University – Golf Teddy Link – Wittenberg University – Football Jon Neroni – Ohio Wesleyan University – Golf Keaton Pieper – Springfield College – Boys Volleyball Zane Pitzer – Wallace State Junior College – Baseball Elise Prayson – Assumption College – Swimming Adam Schwieterman – Heidelberg College – Football Peter Scharf – Wheeling Jesuit – Swimming Joe Thuney – North Carolina State – Football Molly Van Oss – University of North Alabama – Volleyball Kelly Westerkamp – Xavier University – Volleyball Justin Winters – Mt. Union College – Football individual honors Max Zukowitz – Lake Superior State – Basketball John Rossi & Robert Denney Scholarship – Zane Pitzer OHSSA Scholarship – Kelly Westerkamp FA L L 2 0 1 1 9 SCHOOL LIFE What’s Happening in the Arts World Parker Marches with Drum Corps International Sydney Parker ’11 was selected to march as part of the color guard with The Teal Sound Drum and Bugle Corp this August 14, 2011 was the traditional Freshman Orientation Day at Archbishop Alter High School. It began with 188 new students and their parents learning the basics about the school, its employees, and its traditions. The difference occurred when both students and parents went to the gymnasium at 3 pm. At that time the freshman with their parents stood in line to receive their tablet computers. These computers would accompany students to class each day and return home summer, marching band’s highest level! with them at night. They would be The group went on a 58-day tour ending with the students all four years, even in Indianapolis in August with the DCI in the summer. They would enable World Championships. Congratulations change in the instruction the students Sydney!! received; change in the communica- Knights Win “Daytonys” Fall Play Dates Announced Several Alter students received awards for their work in the Castle Player pro- ductions of Snow Queen in the fall and 1:1 It Has Begun Mark your calendars as “Charlie and tion between students and teachers; and change in access of productivity tools, creation of assignments, and the learning process. The purpose for this new program is to prepare students with 21st Cen- Oklahoma, the spring musical. The Day- the Chocolate Factory” comes to life tury Skills using tools that they will tonys are similar to the Tony Awards but at Alter this October. Show dates are: use in their education, their everyday are awarded to local high school students. Friday, October 21 – 7:30 PM; life, and in college. Technology has Saturday, October 22- 7:30 PM; and become ubiquitous. The manner in Merit for Music Design; Zach Jagielski - Sunday, October 23 – 2:30 PM. Award of Merit for the role of Sergeant; which students learn and acquire Look for pre-sale ticket information John Findley - Award of Merit for Sound information has changed greatly. Alter coming soon on the school website or via Design; Lauren DiMario - Award of High School recognizes this and has The Chancery. Snow Queen: Tom Kendo - Award of Excellence for the role of Gerda; Daniel Grigg - Award of Merit for the role of Kai; and Allie Tura - Award of Merit for Costumes. Oklahoma: Zach Jagielski - Award of Excellence for the role of Ali Hakim; Cate Walters - Award of Merit for the role of Ado Annie; Colin Petrello - Award of Merit for the role of Curly; and Michael Wadham - Award of Excellence for Set Design. 10 t h e R O U N D TA B L E moved forward in a program that will enable students to learn skills that they will carry from their high school career into their lifelong learning. The plan is that within the next four years, the school will be completely 1:1 as each of the three next freshmen classes will also receive tablets. It has begun! A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 011 Contributors by GIFT LEVEL Annual Fund 2 011 Knights Council Excalibur $10,000+ Dorothy Eisenhauer Michelle Mariscalco ’73 Tom Olsen and Mary Borsalij Regent $5,000+ Ginger Brockman Matthew Desch ’76 Nick ’02 and Jenny Richmond ’02 Mangold Clare Patterson The Knights Council is the premier gift club that honors alumni, parents, and friends who have contributed $1,000 or more to the Alter Annual Fund. Within the Knights Council, we recognize five levels of distinguished giving – Excalibur to Patron. We are grateful for the generosity of these special contributors. Laureate $2,500+ Dan ’76 and Eileen Armstrong and family Frank and Gwynedd Armstrong Tom ’78 and Ann Stueve ’80 Becker Thomas Cronin Michael Cronin David Domansky ’81 Ron and Christine Hill John ’85 and Sarah Kunesh Mary Kunesh Tom and Joyce Laufersweiler Mike ’71 and Mary Mariscalco Mike ’78 and Deborah McGraw Tim Mess ’73 Matt ’78 and Denise Abele ’78 O’Connell Christine Hillman ’83 Rose Dick and Maureen Russell Ned and Nancy Ryan William ’85 and Kelly Uhl Squire $1,500+ Daniel Bolek ’82 Bob and Joan Collins Chris ’73 and Debbie Danis Rick ’66 and Judy Davis Jay and Laura Heitz Mark and Catherine Lander ’84 Hume Mark ’82 and Carla Lane Bruce and Annette Lechleiter Bill and Sally Lincoln Jack and Linda McCarthy Donald and Marcia Monnier Timothy Moore ’90 Mark and Cyndi Platt Michael ’69 and Donna Roth George and Deanna Seifried 12 Anthony ’82 and Kelly Taylor Harold ’73 and Cindy Klosterman ’74 Varvel Don and Laima Vermillion Paul ’66 and Maggie Traynor ’66 Zimmer Patron $1,000+ Theodore and Luzia Bernstein Tim and Susie Brabender William and Cicily Brogan Willie Bruns ’68 Tom and Joanie Burkhardt Nick and Marjorie Crnkovich Kevin ’74 and Karen Deddens ’74 Crotty Dan DeBrosse ’91 Roland and Mary Anne Eichner Paul Finke Tom and Jayne Gmeiner Marty ’86 and Lisa Grunder Bo and Mary Gunlock Sean ’81 and Sue Eisenhauer ’81 Heron Carla Casella ’87 and John Hodulik Franz and Margaret Hoge Tom and Suzanne Alejandrino ’82 Homan Mary Ellen De Luna ’76 Jakubisin Stephen ’78 and Lynda Joseph Tom and Jennifer Hein ’84 Kendo Mark ’69 and Rhonda Klug Art and Susan Komorowski Robert and Jane Laumann Jim and Peggy Lehner Karen Roesch ’85 Levine Doug and Kim Karpiak ’77 Lindley Andrew and JoAnn McKelvey Kara Luckew ’90 Miller Miller Family Foundation Jeff Morris ’85 Mark Nagy ’81 James and Marilyn O’Connell Robert Ott Jim ’75 and Courtney Paxson Harold and Joan Plate Hal and Elaine Rogero Tom and Maureen Ruff Scott and Christine Sapita Tom and Amy Armstrong ’82 Smith Gerard and Diane Sowar Scott Spring ’79 Rick and Sheri Stover Bill ’84 and Sally Tahy John and Connie Taylor Paul Thesing ’77 Bill and Cynthia Uhl Al and Betty Woeste Order of Excellence $500+ Clinton Arnold ’82 Christopher Barnet ’74 Joseph and Joan Beyerle Joe and Barbara Bockelman Paul and Ginny Boeckman Francis and Kitty Bonanno John Borchers ’94 Mary Beth Brust ’80 James Carmichael ’66 Ceferino ’80 and Anne Cata Rachel Finke ’88 Chambers Annette Chavez ’77 Class of 1985 Reunion John Connolly ’93 Elizabeth Ritterhoff ’71 Cotter Craig Curk ’79 Lisa Tsui ’87 Diller Jim and Kim Donnelly Michael Finke ’81 James Finke, Sr. Richard and Marlene Foley Roger and Donna Furrer Paul Green ’85 Robert ’66 and Nancy Scheper ’67 Gutmann Susan Sammon ’86 Hendrick Rosemary Hoeper Timothy Homan ’70 Timothy and Lisa Janz Todd Kazmierski ’89 George Kinzeler John and Barbara Laufersweiler Lisa Li ’84 David and Libby Rain ’86 Mallitz Steve Martino ’77 Tim McVay ’74 Julie Yowell ’83 Mitchell Joseph and Amy Morgan Tom ’78 and Carol Hoying ’78 Nikolai Andy Pflaum ’87 If you notice an error in our list of those who gave to the Annual Fund from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011, please accept our apologies and contact the Director of Development at (937) 428-5312. Richard ’88 and Bonny Podiak Michael and Liz Prayson Dave and Becky Reeves Lee and Cheryl Reichel Donald and Shari Rethman Alice Adams ’71 Rickard David Rogero ’96 John and Erin Walsh ’82 Schmitz Richard and Adrianne Shane Thomas Shanley ’81 Ron and Mary Sue Finke ’77 Siegrist Andrew ’86 and Karen Zinck ’88 Smith Richard and Mary Splawinski Scott ’82 and Amy Biegel ’85 Strady Doug Striebel ’75 Patty Whelan ’81 Stueve James ’98 and Melissa Teets Jan and Tish Thayer Bob and Carol Westerkamp Ernest and Mary Wiedemann Richard and Helen Witt Walter Woeste Sword and Shield $250+ Anonymous Suzanne Albers Robert and Helen Alig Mary Alig ’77 Williams Albert and Susan Asebrook David Bahner ’87 Don Barker ’71 Thomas Barkmeyer ’67 Mary Brechak ’69 Becht Matt Berry ’89 Ron and Kathy Blase John ’66 and Suzanne Borchers Lee and Jill Bramman Steve and Darlene Saaler ’80 Braunschweiger Russell and Linda Kirby ’69 Brown Elmer and Lucy Bruns Skip and Beth Buerschen Dave ’71 and Janet Burkardt Jim and Suzanne Leyes ’76 Butler William ’69 and Janet Carney Steve and Susan Carr Robert and Sharon Courtney Mary Crisler Beth Czapor ’74 Theresa Bean ’89 Davis Carol Ponziani ’75 DeGrazier Peter and Eileen Donahue Jonathan ’89 & Colleen Kavanaugh ’89 Duffy Catherine Eisenhauer ’94 Brian ’74 and Lisa Esselstein Robert ’79 and Teresa Esselstein Jesse and Erin Connair ’82 Fanning Julie Feldman ’73 Lynn Kehl ’77 Fenton Rick ’67 and Patti Fersch Ken and Alice Fisher Tom ’73 and Grace Frericks Anthony Fuchs ’98 Philip Glotzbach ’68 Dennis and Judy Graf Mark and Marsha Guerriero Karen Jauch ’85 Hamade Neal and Jo Hinker James ’72 and Jucelen Hochwalt Chuck and Martie Hoying Tom ’71 and Cathy Hundt Ken and Lynn Ignozzi Tim and Nancy Kaczala Peggy Chico ’74 Keelan Scott and Kimberly Kelly Arthur J. Kepes ’73 Brian ’79 and Jeanne Kernan Joe ’78 and Kathy Klug ’78 Kessler Harvey and Joyce Kiley Rick ’82 and Melissa Koehler Jackie Koesters ’90 Chris Korb ’85 William Kuflewski ’75 Stephen Kuflewski David and Trish Navin ’77 Lachey Anthony and Shirley Lair Thomas G. Landgren ’77 Ray and Cathy Lane Greg ’73 and Virginia Laravie Eric and Mary Ledford Brian ’91 and Jenny Mercurio ’91 Leen David and Christina Linnenkohl Doug Lunne ’82 Thomas Martino ’80 David Martz ’67 Deborah Zell ’67 Mathews William McDonald Sr. and family Bill McKinley ’71 Jane Reichard ’71 McNamee Jim McVay ’72 Jack Mees ’84 Karen Beel ’88 Milford Mark Mitter ’73 Bob and Toni Moore Matthew Moore ’94 Peter and Barbara Neroni Jerry and Nancy Nowak Terry and Lynn Miller ’81 O’Brien Jeanne and George O’Connor Bernard and Jan Ostendorf Henry and Millie Osterfeld 13 Contributors by GIFT LEVEL Annual Fund 2 011 John and Tina Patterson Mary O’Brien ’76 Pearlman Greg Perkins ’71 Thomas ’75 and Peggy Pernik Bill and Helen Pflaum Mary Ann Corcoran ’73 Portnoy Nancy Prater ’71 Dan ’68 and Sue Kussman ’68 Reichert Erin Roth ’94 Joe and Jennifer Romer ’75 Scherrbaum John ’88 and Kim Graf ’88 Schimpf Tom and Marcia Schockman David Schoettmer ’86 Scott and Diane Sessler Kristin Blase ’86 Shane Chris Shane ’87 Betsy Walker ’84 Slattery Jim ’66 and Judy Stangle Greg Stein ’80 Beverly Steinbicker Richard and Catherine Talda Greg Taylor ’82 Doug Tobe ’74 Jeff and Lisa Tromp Jim and Lori Tytko Joe and Andrea Cannarozzi ’85 Varabkanich Edward and Kathleen Wagner Linda Poelking ’67 Weprin Craig and Carol Williams Michael Witt ’73 Barbara Woeste ’76 Rev. Chris Worland ’82 Jack and Patricia Zimmerman 14 Brown and Gold $100+ Anonymous Mary Ann Sprauer ’75 Abrams Charles and Loraine Adams Matt ’95 and Mary Pat Adamson Pat and Kathy Adamson Michael Akhbari ’02 Harold Albers Elizabeth DeFrancis ’76 Allen Kathy Miller ’78 Alpeter Donald and Julie Ames Bill and Liz Cerar ’94 Anderson Rev. Chris Armstrong ’72 Gregory Barbato ’67 Sue Topp ’72 Barnes Tom Bartol ’78 and Barbara Moss Brian Beck ’87 Bradford ’95 and Jennifer Beckmann Diane Althaus ’70 Benedetto Robert Jeffrey ’86 Benko Brian and Amy Bishop ’91 Bensman Kathleen Bentley ’99 Daniel Berger ’70 Bruce and Judy Bergstresser Paul Beyerle ’71 Bill and Ann Bianco Marylee Bissmeyer ’78 Bible Mark and Angela Stein ’81 Bidwell Ted and Joan Binzer Kathleen Ryan ’70 Bledsoe John Blust Paul and Phyllis Boeckman Jerry and Ellen Bornhorst ’81 Boerger Marilyn Bolton Jim Borchers ’89 Dave and Amy Borchers Mark Borgerding ’89 Mary Whitaker ’68 Bourgraf Karen Boyle ’73 Brian ’94 and Sara Walker ’94 Boyle Margaret Boyle George and Marcia Woolley ’68 Brand Greg and Peggy Kussman ’75 Braner Fred and Marge Breving Kevin ’73 and Mary Britt Mary Katie Srp ’96 Broerman James E. Brown ’74 Jacqueline Perkins ’68 Brumfield Robin Roehrenbeck ’74 Brun Diann Bissmeyer ’83 Bryan Kevin and Nancy Buckley Robert and Linda Buhrman Cathy Cartwright ’81 Burns Marlene Burr ’73 Orendorf Calvert and Nancy Busch James and Lucille Carroll Eugene and Annette Casella Tom Chappelear ’71 Bill ’76 and Nancy Krautmann ’77 Chifala Emily Adamson ’93 Collura Tom Connolly ’89 Angela Windows ’89 Connolly James and Suzanne Crippen Paul Crnkovich ’78 Paula Powers ’96 Cvitkovich Michael and Kathleen Dalidowicz Connie Ryan ’77 Dall Joseph Davis ’00 Courtney Sheridan ’84 DeOreo Megan Zimmer ’91 Deeley Ron Deger ’84 Ron and Joyce Deger Kelly Sheridan ’81 Derickson John and Frances Detrio Charles ’66 and Toni Smith ’66 DiPasquale Bill ’76 and Marifran Dirkes Jeannine Michel ’67 Doak Don and Sonia Donoher Lori Dorn ’79 Roger and Becky Duffy Bob and Donna Duplain Steve and Carol Gephart ’75 Dworkin Eric ’77 and Amy Eichner Dave Eilers ’69 Molly Grunenwald ’87 Eisner Greg Engler ’81 Marge O’Brien ’73 Etson Faculty Christmas Collection Joseph and Katherine Kohnen ’69 Farrey Kathy Feldman ’66 Howard and Del Feldman Mary Jo Feldman ’70 Fender Dick Fenelon ’71 Frank and Kathleen Saxton ’81 Ferrante Lisa Kavanaugh ’85 Fields Patrick and Karen Fleming Michael Foreman ’68 Tom and Marilyn Fowler Mary Frecker ’87 Frederick and Teresa Frecker Susan Burkhardt ’95 Fredrick Marc Frient ’88 Luke ’99 and Nan Frient Frank ’74 and Kirstin Frounfelker Margaret Meintel ’67 Gagner Margaret Dintaman ’68 Gantt Angela Gantt ’94 Tom and Susan Gastineau Susan Gibbons ’74 Lisa Muckerheide ’92 Giesler Jeanel West ’77 Gliebe If you notice an error in our list of those who gave to the Annual Fund from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011, please accept our apologies and contact the Director of Development at (937) 428-5312. Thomas and Barbara Gloady James Gobrail ’96 Katie Burkhardt ’97 Goeke Brent Goheen ’90 Ted and Liz Golba Harold and Mary Govan, Jr. Steven Gran ’87 Pam Hemmelgarn ’70 Grilliot David and Barbara Groene Anthony and Debbie Groshek Darryl Grosjean ’68 Michael Gross ’81 Lyndsey Grunewald ’01 Mickie Gummer ’67 Donald and Kathy McManus ’67 Gustavson Daniel Haas ’97 John and Norma Hagan Steven Hall ’68 Mary Spencer ’88 Hanley Donald and Cissy Hansen Daren and Julie Hartman Marvin and Marlene Hartsfield Marvin Hartsfield ’98 Chris Brun ’73 Hartzell Cynthia Ditzel ’70 Hassan Heidi Osweiler ’73 Helm Dean and Mindy Heyne Paul ’66 and Barbara Blaho ’66 Hickey Steve Hickey ’86 Jennifer Crippen ’80 Hille John Hinders ’78 Jason Hoffman ’92 Bernard and Shannon Firsdon ’86 Holtgreive Thomas and Norma Horning Matt Houser ’84 Paul ’84 and Teri Howe Allan and Gail Huber David and Diane Butler ’77 Hughes John and Christina Hurr Bob and Julia Jackson Joseph Janowski ’86 Robert and Tonia Jasper Stephen Jeffords ’75 Joe and Carol Jones Deanne Joseph Beth Stanton ’83 Judd Laura Kavanaugh ’98 Tom and Jo Kavanaugh Jean Kelly ’78 Susan Fortener ’68 Kessel Mr. and Mrs. C. William Kessler Dan Klein ’83 Tom and Nancy Klenke Larry and Julie Knight Christopher and Margaret Konicki Steve Kramer ’97 Robert Krause ’67 James ’73 and Debbie Kroger Dan Kronauge ’88 Robert Kronauge ’76 Thomas and Lois Kronauge Michael ’94 and Amy Krisko ’94 Krug Rick and Elena Mosconi ’74 Krumholtz Peter and Marjorie Kuntz Phyllis Kussman Tony Lair ’82 Gary and Tina Ruef ’75 Lammers Samuel and Mary Laneve Suzanne Leiker ’82 Tim and Debra Carr ’78 Lovett Jeanne Jauch ’82 Lyke Gary and Barb Lytle Lois Pleiman ’67 Macfarlane Hough Joni Magnus ’80 Ramsey Brett (B.J.) Mahle ’97 Father James Manning Joe Mappes ’98 Amanda Riegel ’92 Mascarenhas Frank and Nancy McBride Tricia Cavers ’87 McGowan James and Martina McGraw Teresa Cindric ’86 McHugh Robert McKelvey ’79 Don McKenny ’71 Phil McLaughlin John McMahon ’82 Dennis and Karen McTaggart John McVay ’71 Joseph and Rosalinda Megery Norm Meintel ’84 Greg ’69 and Ann Merrill Douglas Meyer ’71 John Miller ’81 Stephen Miller ’83 John and Jane Miller Penelope Miller Joe ’72 and Shirley Henry ’73 Minham Steve Missall ’75 Cindy Monter Suzanne Schaefer ’71 Montgomery Eimile O’Connell ’87 Moore Ashlee Key ’02 Moses Julie Schrimpf ’89 Moss Julie Harvey ’91 Mossberg Deborah Muegel ’80 Mary Beth Harnett ’80 Natarajan 15 Contributors by GIFT LEVEL Annual Fund 2 011 Mark ’73 and Diane Carroll ’73 Neff Mary Sims ’66 Nemeth Mark Neroni ’83 Giles and Brenda Nolan Tim ’73 and Teri O’Connell Ray and Kathy Oakes Christina Ostendorf ’84 Jason Paine ’86 Anthony and Helen Palazotto David and Wanda Panfile Howard and Kristine Kunesh ’76 Part Todd and Theresa Penney Douglas Perkins ’69 Jim and Margaret Peters Lori Brush ’92 Phillips Jim and Janet Turckes ’79 Pitzer Greg Plagens ’85 Jeff and Kelly Plate Andrew ’05 and Britt Platt Jerry and Jean Ploplis Thomas Pohl ’91 David Popovich ’66 The Portman Family John Prater ’75 Thomas and Nancy Finke ’72 Rambasek Thomas and Rosalind Rawers Amanda Veenhuis ’96 Reger John Reichard ’66 Sarah Reichert ’96 Walter and Suzanne Reiling Tim ’76 and Jeanne Koop ’76 Reisinger Pat ’82 and Lori Grunkemeyer ’82 Riazzi Kevin Riazzi ’04 Bernard and Mary Jo Riegel John and Alicia Anderson ’74 Risko Jim Ritterhoff ’75 Larry Ritzert ’70 Mark and Michelle Rodgers Nick and Marianne Rosenkranz Marie Ruef Angela Ruffolo ’90 Larry and Deb Ryan Kevin Sage ’95 If you notice an error in our list of those who gave to the Annual Fund from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011, please accept our apologies and contact the Director of Development at (937) 428-5312. 16 Denise Scarpelli ’93 Jeffrey and Jennifer Schlegel Anthony Schoen ’96 John ’92 and Jennifer Moore ’94 Schoen Jim and Mary Ann Schoen Gregory Schoettmer ’77 Gerald Schramm Andy Schrotter ’85 Mark ’90 and Brandi Kohnle ’90 Schuermann Dan ’69 and Maria DiSalvo ’71 Schweickart Elaine Sendelbach Greg and Laura Wiesman ’85 Senkiw Ryan Sharkey ’91 Roland Sineneng ’91 Laura Torbeck ’90 Skinner Jim and Cecilia Slonaker George and Anne Smolinski Barth and Laura Van Leeuwen ’77 Snyder Josephine Keyes ’91 Snyder Jeff ’77 and Karen Solarek Sally McBride Solarek Richard and Cathy Beyerle ’74 Southam Stacey Polito ’92 Sperow Jim ’79 and Catherine Sprauer Dorothy Sprauer John and Polly Srp Tom and Julie Stanton Robert ’71 and Stephanie Waltz ’71 Stark Rob and Cindy Stichweh Michael and Theresa Sugrue Melissa Sullivan ’89 Kory ’91 and Anna Iwinski ’90 Sutter Alice Suttman Lynn Sweeney ’76 Jay ’96 and Natalie Tant Kevin and Nancy Taylor Ron and Jayne Testa Joyce Thieman ’66 and Earl Ross Mike ’73 and Beth Thuney Anne Trick Irene Turckes Lynne Van Leeuwen ’83 Turner Steven and Suzanne Turner Dennis and Sally Jo Vanderhorst Kevin and Charlotte Vangsness Karen Mees ’82 Vespa Joe and Lois Volk Cynthia Vyszenski ’67 Joseph and Virginia Wade Christine Wolf ’82 Wagner Kathy Wald Herbert Walter ’72 Mike and Renee Wanamaker Rusty ’72 and Barb Crotty ’73 Warnick James Wayman ’67 Dennis and Leslie Osterfeld ’78 Weber Tom Wehrman ’67 Annette Woodring ’82 Weisenseel Jeff ’98 and Jennifer Davis ’99 Wenzke Robert ’67 and Mary Ellen Whelan Mike Wildenhaus ’75 Paul Wilkens ’74 Larry and Bev Wimmers David ’72 and Barbara Yingling Thomas and Margaret Yohe George and Anita Zengel Michael Zimmerman ’73 Mark Zummo ’73 General Contributors $1-99 Anonymous Kevin Abele ’86 Sheila Houser ’73 Adams Sarah Adamson ’01 Wendy White ’83 Ahrens Tom ’88 and Laura Beatty ’88 Alig Doug ’71 and Peg Hogan ’71 Althaus Nancy Andrews Doug and Sheilah Armstrong ’67 Apple Evelyn Arber Elaine Chrystal ’85 Armstrong Anne Wittmann ’80 Athmer Walter and Marilyn Balster Julie Johnson ’92 Barnett Carolyn Barthel James Bartol ’73 Tom and Mary Ann Bartol Nancy Esselstein ’71 Battista Michel Batty ’66 Rob and Julie Schoen ’94 Beeler Theresa Hering ’69 Bevis Kenneth Blandford ’67 Elizabeth Marsh ’81 Blankenship Jack Bolek ’10 Terry Bon ’89 David and Kathy Borchers Susan Scianamblo ’68 Boutz Peter Bovenzi ’81 Martin Braley ’69 Adrienne Hegman ’85 Brandicourt Daniel and Jeri Lynn Braunlin John and Julie Nickel ’73 Brill David Brinkman ’01 Ann Schoen ’87 Brinkmann Tim ’91 and Stacey Hubach ’91 Brown Shannon Brown Erin Brown ’10 Elizabeth Blust ’78 Bruggeman Mark and Patty Burian Mary Carol Burkhardt ’99 Jennifer Butler Cody Byers ’10 Molly Ryan ’84 Cain Paul Calkins ’67 Joan Callahan Michael Cannarozzi ’70 Frank and Denyse Carone Max and Gail Carone Ben ’94 and Brenda Carter Janel Kussman ’78 Ciolli Patricia Miller ’80 Clark Margie Collins Sister Kathryn Ann Connelly, S.C. Rachel Cox ’89 J. Layne Crawford Bill ’85 and Jenni Sauer ’85 Crotty Conor Cummins ’10 Lynne Cusick ’69 Andrea D’Innocenzo ’91 Daniel Dashewich ’11 John and Ana Davalos Megan Newill ’99 DeHart Scott DeMariano ’95 Maureen Reiling ’83 Deblois John Deger ’89 Lisa Dillhoff ’94 Depew Barry and Patricia Miller ’73 Diehl Judy Henehan ’72 Doll Shaun Drake ’04 John ’79 and Susanna Duchak Michael Duffin ’76 Melodie Holt ’72 Eads Joe and Barbara Eaglowski Tim Eckley ’69 Victoria Latzy ’79 Edge Julie Albers ’86 Eggleston Kevin Eichner ’78 Laura Arber ’85 Eiken Mike Elsner ’97 Rebecca Esselstein ’11 Mary Beth Hanna ’84 Evans Andrew ’88 and Teresa Heintz ’88 Fano Nick Fariello ’97 Jennifer O’Connor ’94 Feldmeyer Jim ’76 and Suzanne Finke Amy Hinojosa ’92 Finnegan Diana Fischer ’02 Michael Foley ’67 Julie Forthofer ’84 Jim and Lisa Foster Albert and Nancy Fratini Matt Fromm ’93 Dan ’75 and Nancy Gargrave Kris Ritzert ’68 Garling Mark Gates ’74 Tim ’78 and Peggy Reilly ’78 Gates Tim George ’86 Michael George ’71 Kevin Geraghty Bob and Judy Getty Patricia Gillespie ’66 Lynn Stueve ’82 Ginaven Adam and Katharina Gjarmati William Gmaz ’67 Leslie Rosell ’89 Gonya Patrick Graham ’75 Jodi Schweisthal ’85 Graham Courtney Graham William and Betty Greger Leah Groshek ’03 Gene and Mary Jane Gross Dan and Julie Gross Joel Grunkemeyer ’01 Amanda Hacker John and Louise Haley Jeff Harris ’78 Emily Hartsfield ’01 Mark Haufe ’67 Reed ’73 and Thecla Schneble ’73 Hauser Ted ’78 and Barbara Hecht Francis and Mary Heider Jonathan Heil ’99 Monica Vriend ’89 Heinemann Jim Heintz ’73 Patrick Heintz ’91 Mary Lynne Simmons ’66 Henehan Jordan Hibner ’11 Jack Hilgeman ’03 Charles Hilgeman ’74 David and Melanie Hitch Kelly Hochwalt ’04 Peg Moorman ’73 Hoenigman James and Elizabeth Lair ’74 Hoffman Joseph ’69 and Kathryn Minch ’69 Keyes Kelly Millonig ’88 Kilbride Carol Juzulenas ’67 Klein Sharon Kline Rosalie Thomas ’77 Koesel Angela Fratini ’86 Kohnen Chuck Kohnen ’85 Jen Schulz ’01 Korynski Andrea Koverman ’82 Janet Kowal Julie Krautmann Jeanne Kronauge ’81 Joe Krumm and Christina Martich Konrad and Patricia Kuczak Michelle Kugel ’95 Michael and Dianne Kugel Melanie Lai ’99 Greg Lammers ’03 Katie Lane ’10 Brad and Beth Lantz Jim and Stephanie Larkin Eric Laumann ’03 Richard Leibold Lisa Specht ’83 Lilligren Casey Lindley ’10 Carrie Boergert ’95 Link Mark and Rita Hoffman Dennis Hogan ’66 Larry and Patricia Holden Bob Horning ’71 Sister Sandy Howe, SC ’80 Marianne Hinde ’03 Hudelson Ronald Janning ’76 David ’76 and Barb Jenkins Anne Kuntz ’81 Jensen Larry and Wendy Krueger ’70 Jones Nickie Poelking ’90 Kaplan Jim and Kathy Whalen ’66 Kavanaugh Ashley Kavanaugh ’03 John Kavanaugh ’03 Jeff Keller ’95 Carl and Phyllis Keller Jennifer Rudzinski ’97 Kennedy Francine Morgan ’75 Kester Jeff Luckew ’88 Tony and Elizabeth Roddy ’85 Lush Pat ’75 and Pam Datz ’76 Madden Marilyn Bell ’74 Mahrt Vernon and Therese Mangold Thurman and Esther Mattingly Jamie Maxwell-Brenner ’07 Gene and Marlene Mayleben William and Stacie Clark ’85 McCullough Michael McKinley ’74 Betsy McKinley Scott McLaughlin ’89 Suzanne McMahon Jeff McRaven ’88 Carrie O’Connell ’79 Meyer Terri Miller ’79 Bergnach Audrey Miller Julie Moon ‘73 17 Contributors by GIFT LEVEL Annual Fund 2 011 Christine Morgan ‘73 William and Kathleen Moroney John Morris ’87 Kathy Morris Ron and Maureen Moser Barbara Neroni ’80 Murphy Julie Schaefer ’80 Myers Dan ’89 and Cathy Bailey ’89 Nagy Michael and Angela Nedeff Kathie Kuflewski ’69 Neff Howard Neff ’66 Jessica Neville ’11 Mark and Kim Neville Nicole Gantt ’96 Nuesse Julie Miller ’80 Nunery Tom and Jacquie Walsh ’79 O’Brien Betty O’Connell John and Jean O’Connell Brian and Mary Ontko Walter and Elizabeth Moore ’96 Osborne Michael Oscar ’67 John and Marty Osterday Doug Osterfeld ’70 Wendell and Theresa Ott Kathryn Enouen ’79 Owsiany Todd ’73 and Roselyn Rathweg ’73 Penrod Dennis ’91 and Michelle Maladen-Percy Jamie Peters ’02 David and Carolyn Placke John Pohle ’68 Mark and Mary Price Evan Price ’10 Salvatore Provenza ’95 Michael and Julie Rado John Raponi ’68 Dolores Rau Michael Rawers ’94 Jerry and Deborah Reinstatler Paul and Donna Reiss Philip Riazzi ’10 Stephen Rodenbeck ’71 Tom Roesch ’82 and Patty Blessing Theresa Bacca ’83 Roggenkamp Margaret Whelan ’71 Rose Anne Rush John and Sara Leyes ’78 Russell Carol Ward ’82 Salmon Marian Woeste ’73 Saluke Eileen Ayers ’72 Sarb Kristin Satzger ’02 Karen Schaffer ’76 Caroline Schnader Gindy Armstrong ’69 Schneller Jim ’88 and Michelle Schoen Francis and Janet Seiler John and Elizabeth Seitz Andrew Severyn ’02 Martha Nazor ’71 Shapiro Patrick Shea ’96 Mark and Mary Ruth Spisak ’73 Shearer Constance Hermann ’84 Shelton John and Dee Shondel Brian Sigritz ’96 Bob ’68 and Lois Simpson Kevin Smith ’91 Tom and Marilou Smith Rev. Mark Soehner, O.F.M. ’76 Julie Leyes ’85 Sparks Allen and Ellen Specht Larry Spitzmiller ’68 Herbert Stachler Kathleen Brockman ’81 Stechschulte Steve Stetz ’72 Wes Stichweh ’01 Mark and Patty Bartol ’80 Stipich David Strobhar ’76 Julia Sunkes ’83 John and Shellie Sweeterman Peter Tamborski ’71 Jordan Templin ’10 Mary Lynn ’78 Thalheimer Dan ’80 and Trayce Thalheimer Bob Thaman ’68 Joe Thuney ’11 Jim and Sylvia Tillar Dick Tillotson ’69 Tony Topp ’75 Dick and Marcey Topp Meredith Tytko ’98 Tracy Lexi Troha ’02 Nicole Tromp ’10 Denny VanArsdale ’77 Wes Van Autreve ’96 Charles J. Vanage ’81 Mark Vangsness ’11 Ferdinand and Minako Vanke Marisa Greco ’82 Varney Vlad ’98 and Nina DiGuardi ’00 Vasiliu Thomas Voelkl ’67 Cathleen Colaricci ’84 VonCanon Jerry and Kay Vorholt Marianne Eisenhauer ’71 Wall Scott Walther ’79 Tom Walther ’76 Lisa Blair ’88 Weaver Ryan Webb ’10 Nancy Panfile ’66 Weisner Dick and Donna Wemple Kelly Westerkamp ’11 Amy Wetterau ’04 John Wetzel ’81 Mrs. Gertrude Whelan Carol Wildenhaus Doug Wimsatt ’97 Joe ’89 and Amy Wittmann John Wittmann ’81 Rev. Chris Wittmann, S.M. ’79 John Woeste ’79 Ron Woeste ’72 Patrick Wood Tom and Marilyn Yencha Phyllis Yingling Anita Janning ’81 Yoder Edna Zemanova Adam and Mariada Zengel William and Patricia Zilli Maureen Zimmer ’02 Phillip Zuelke ’77 If you notice an error in our list of those who gave to the Annual Fund from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011, please accept our apologies and contact the Director of Development at (937) 428-5312. 18 Development Revenue History Knight’s Council Alumni Parents Alumni Parents Friends Total $10,000+ 1 - 1 1 3 Regent $5,000+ 2 - 1 1 4 Laureat $2,500+ 9 1 6 - 16 Squire $1,500+ 11 1 8 - 20 Patron $1,000+ 17 5 18 3 43 KC Totals 40 7 34 5 86 Order of Excellence $500+ 36 6 16 6 64 Sword & Shield $250+ 75 13 30 6 124 Brown & Gold $100+ 217 23 84 13 337 Gen. Contributors $1-99+ 227 10 61 22 320 595 59 225 52 931 Total Excalibur 2011 Annual Fund (Unrestricted) $283,891 Restricted Gifts $224,850 Total $508,741 2010 Annual Fund (Unrestricted) $262,061 Restricted Gifts $153,882 Total Annual Fund Range of Gifts by Contributors $415,943 2009 Annual Fund (Unrestricted) $266,439 Restricted Gifts $204,544 Total $470,983 Gift Level Annual Fund Totals 2008 Annual Fund (Unrestricted) $342,005 Restricted Gifts $208,154 Total $550,159 Annual Fund Range of Gifts by Dollars Knight’s Council 2007 Annual Fund (Unrestricted) $409,733 Restricted $300,804 Total $710,537 Alumni Parents Alumni Parents Friends $10,000+ 10,000 - 10,000 10,000 30,000 Regent $5,000+ 12,500 - 5,000 5,029 22,529 Laureate $2,500+ 23,100 2,500 16,750 - 42,350 Squire $1,500+ 17,500 1,500 12,000 - 31,000 Patron $1,000+ 17,100 5,000 18,000 3,850 43,950 80,200 9,000 61,750 Excalibur Gift Level KC Totals 18,878 169,828 Order of Excellence $500+ 18,244 3,300 8,200 3,965 33,709 250+ 19,275 3,300 7,750 1,925 32,250 Brown & Gld $100+ 24,016 2,526 9,365 1,596 37,503 Gen. Contributors $1-99 7,488 390 2,075 648 10,601 Sword & Shield Annual Fund Totals 149,223 18,516 89,140 27,012 283,891 19 Contributors by CLASS YEAR Annual Fund 2 011 1966 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 12% $5,470 Michel Batty John Borchers James Carmichael Rick Davis Charles and Toni Smith DiPasquale Kathy Feldman Patricia Gillespie Robert Gutmann Mary Lynne Simmons Henehan Paul and Barbara Blaho Hickey Dennis Hogan Kathy Whalen Kavanaugh Howard Neff Mary Sims Nemeth David Popovich John Reichard Jim Stangle Joyce Thieman Nancy Panfile Weisner Paul and Maggie Traynor Zimmer 1967 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 12% $3,315 Sheilah Armstrong Apple Gregory Barbato Thomas Barkmeyer Kenneth Blandford Paul Calkins Jeannine Michel Doak Rick Fersch Michael Foley Margaret Meintel Gagner William Gmaz Mickie Gummer Kathy McManus Gustavson Nancy Scheper Gutmann Mark Haufe Carol Juzulenas Klein Robert Krause Lois Pleiman Macfarlane David Martz Deborah Zell Mathews Michael Oscar Thomas Voelkl Cynthia Vyszenski James Wayman Tom Wehrman Linda Poelking Weprin Robert Whelan 1968 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 9% $2,580 Mary Whitaker Bourgraf Susan Scianamblo Boutz Marcia Woolley Brand Jacqueline Perkins Brumfield Willie Bruns Michael Foreman Margaret Dintaman Gantt Kris Ritzert Garling Philip Glotzbach Darryl Grosjean Steven Hall Susan Fortener Kessel John Pohle John Raponi Dan and Sue Kussman Reichert Bob Simpson Larry Spitzmiller Bob Thaman 1969 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 8% $4,265 Mary Brechak Becht Theresa Hering Bevis Martin Braley Linda Kirby Brown William Carney Lynne Cusick Tim Eckley Dave Eilers Katherine Kohnen Farrey Joseph and Kathryn Minch Keyes Mark Klug Greg Merrill Kathie Kuflewski Neff Douglas Perkins Michael Roth Gindy Armstrong Schneller Dan Schweickart Dick Tillotson 1970 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 5% $1,385 Diane Althaus Benedetto Daniel Berger Kathleen Ryan Bledsoe Michael Cannarozzi Mary Jo Feldman Fender Pam Hemmelgarn Grilliot Cynthia Ditzel Hassan Timothy Homan Wendy Krueger Jones Doug Osterfeld Larry Ritzert 1971 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 11% $6,920 Doug and Peg Hogan Althaus Don Barker Nancy Esselstein Battista Paul Beyerle Dave Burkardt Tom Chappelear Elizabeth Ritterhoff Cotter Dick Fenelon Michael George Bob Horning Tom Hundt Mike Mariscalco Don McKenny Bill McKinley Jane Reichard McNamee John McVay Douglas Meyer Suzanne Schaefer Montgomery Greg Perkins Nancy Prater Alice Adams Rickard Stephen Rodenbeck Margaret Whelan Rose Maria DiSalvo Schweickart Martha Nazor Shapiro Robert and Stephanie Waltz Stark Peter Tamborski Marianne Eisenhauer Wall 1972 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 5% $1,620 Father Chris Armstrong Sue Topp Barnes Judy Henehan Doll Melodie Holt Eads James Hochwalt Jim McVay Joe Minham Nancy Finke Rambasek Eileen Ayers Sarb Steve Stetz Herbert Walter Rusty Warnick Ron Woeste David Yingling 1973 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 20% $20,415 Sheila Houser Adams James Bartol Hig Total Co hest Karen Boyle ntribu C lass Parti tion and Julie Nickel Brill cipation Kevin Britt Marlene Burr Orendorf 20 Chris Danis Patricia Miller Diehl Marge O’Brien Etson Julie Feldman Tom Frericks Chris Brun Hartzell Reed Hauser and Thecla Schneble Hauser Jim Heintz Heidi Osweiler Helm Peg Moorman Hoenigman Arthur J. Kepes James Kroger Greg Laravie Mark Gates Susan Gibbons Charles Hilgeman Elizabeth Lair Hoffman Peggy Chico Keelan Elena Krumholtz Marilyn Bell Mahrt Michael McKinley Tim McVay Alicia Anderson Risko Cathy Beyerle Southam Douglas Tobe Cynthia Klosterman Varvel Paul Wilkens Dan Armstrong Suzanne Leyes Butler Bill Chifala Matthew Desch Bill Dirkes Michael Duffin Jim Finke Mary Ellen DeLuna Jakubisin Ronald Janning Dave Jenkins Robert Kronauge Pam Datz Madden Kristine Kunesh Part Mary O’Brien Pearlman Tim and Jeanne Koop Reisinger Karen Schaffer Rev. Mark Soehner David Strobhar Lynn Sweeney Tom Walther Barbara Woeste 1977 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 8% $5,626 Michelle Mariscalco Tim Mess Shirley Henry Minham Mark Mitter Julie Moon Christine Morgan Mark and Diane Carroll Neff Tim O’Connell Todd and Roselyn Rathweg Penrod Mary Ann Corcoran Portnoy Marian Woeste Saluke Mary Ruth Spisak Shearer Mike Thuney Harold Varvel Barb Crotty Warnick Michael Witt Michael Zimmerman Mark Zummo 1974 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 8% $5,615 Christopher Barnet Jim Brown Robin Roehrenbeck Brun Kevin and Karen Deddens Crotty Beth Czapor Brian Esselstein Frank Frounfelker 1975 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 8% $3,756 Mary Ann Sprauer Abrams Peggy Kussman Braner Carol Ponziani DeGrazier Carol Gephart Dworkin Dan Gargrave Patrick Graham Stephen Jeffords Francine Morgan Kester William Kuflewski Tina Ruef Lammers Pat Madden Steve Missall Jim Paxson Thomas Pernik John Prater Jim Ritterhoff Jennifer Romer Scherrbaum Doug Striebel Tony Topp Mike Wildenhaus 1976 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 9% $13,015 Elizabeth DeFrancis Allen Annette Chavez Nancy Krautmann Chifala Connie Ryan Dall Eric Eichner Lynn Kehl Fenton Jeanel West Gliebe Diane Butler Hughes Rosalie Thomas Koesel Patricia Navin Lachey Thomas Landgren Kim Karpiak Lindley Steve Martino Greg Schoettmer Mary Sue Finke Siegrist Laura VanLeeuwen Snyder Jeff Solarek Paul Thesing Denny VanArsdale Mary Alig Williams Phillip Zuelke 1978 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 12% $10,510 Kathy Miller Alpeter Tom Bartol Tom Becker Marylee Bissmeyer Bible Elizabeth Blust Bruggeman Janel Kussman Ciolli Paul Crnkovich Kevin Eichner Tim and Peggy Reilly Gates Jeff Harris Ted Hecht John Hinders Stephen Joseph Jean Kelly Joe and Kathy Klug Kessler Debra Carr Lovett Mike McGraw Tom and Carol Hoying Nikolai Matt and Denise Abele O’Connell Sara Leyes Russell Mary Lynn Thalheimer Leslie Osterfeld Weber 1979 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 6% $2,912 Craig Curk Lori Dorn John Duchak Victoria Latzy Edge Robert Esselstein Brian Kernan Robert McKelvey Carrie O’Connell Meyer Terri Miller Bergnach Jacquie Walsh O’Brien Kathryn Enouen Owsiany Janet Turckes Pitzer Jim Sprauer Scott Spring Scott Walther Rev. Chris Wittmann, S.M. John Woeste 1980 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 8% $5,115 Anne Wittmann Athmer Ann Stueve Becker Darlene Saaler Braunschweiger Mary Beth Brust Ceferino Cata Patricia Miller Clark Jennifer Crippen Hille Sister Sandy Howe, S.C. Joni Magnus Ramsey Thomas Martino Deborah Muegel Barbara Neroni Murphy Julie Schaefer Myers Mary Beth Harnett Natarajan Julie Miller Nunery Greg Stein Patty Bartol Stipich Dan Thalheimer 1981 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 12% $7,890 Angela Stein Bidwell Elizabeth Marsh Blankenship Ellen Bornhorst Boerger Peter Bovenzi Cathy Cartwright Burns Kelly Sheridan Derickson David Domansky Greg Engler Kathleen Saxton Ferrante Michael Finke Michael Gross 21 Contributors by CLASS YEAR Annual Fund 2 011 Sean and Sue Eisenhauer Heron Anne Kuntz Jensen Jeanne Kronauge Stacie Clark McCullough John Miller Mark Nagy Lynn Miller O’Brien Thomas Shanley Kathleen Brockman Stechschulte Patty Whelan Stueve Charles Vanage John Wetzel John Wittmann Anita Janning Yoder 1982 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 10% $10,580 Clinton Arnold Daniel Bolek Mike Dorn Erin Connair Fanning Lynn Stueve Ginaven Suzanne Alejandrino Homan Rick Koehler Andrew Koverman Tony Lair Mark Lane Suzanne Leiker Doug Lunne Jeanne Jauch Lyke John McMahon Pat and Lori Grunkemeyer Riazzi Tom Roesch Carol Ward Salmon Erin Walsh Schmitz Amy Armstrong Smith Scott Strady Anthony Taylor Greg Taylor Marisa Greco Varney Karen Mees Vespa Christine Wolf Wagner Annette Woodring Weisenseel Rev. Chris Worland 1983 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 6% $3,780 Wendy White Ahrens Diann Bissmeyer Bryan Maureen Reiling Deblois Beth Stanton Judd Dan Klein Lisa Specht Lilligren Stephen Miller Julie Yowell Mitchell Mark Neroni Theresa Bacca Roggenkamp Christine Hillman Rose Julia Sunkes Lynne VanLeeuwen Turner 22 1984 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 6% $5,455 Molly Ryan Cain Courtney Sheridan DeOreo Ron Deger Mary Beth Hanna Evans Julie Forthofer Matt Houser Paul Howe Catherine Lander Hume Jennifer Hein Kendo Lisa Li Jack Mees Norm Meintel Christina Ostendorf Constance Hermann Shelton Betsy Walker Slattery Bill Tahy Cathleen Colaricci VonCanon 1985 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 10% $9,678.86 Elaine Chrystal Armstrong Amy Biegel Strady Adrienne Hegman Brandicourt Bill and Jenni Sauer Crotty Laura Arber Eiken Lisa Kavanaugh Fields Jodi Schweisthal Graham Paul Green Karen Jauch Hamade Chuck Kohnen Chris Korb John Kunesh Karen Roesch Levine Elizabeth Roddy Lush Jeff Morris Greg Plagens Andy Schrotter Laura Wiesman Senkiw Julie Leyes Sparks William Uhl, II Andrea Cannarozzi Varabkanich 1986 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 6% $3,820 Kevin Abele Robert Jeffrey Benko Julie Albers Eggleston Tim George Marty Grunder Susan Sammon Hendrick Steve Hickey Shannon Firsdon Holtgreive Joseph Janowski Angela Fratini Kohnen Libby Rain Mallitz Teresa Cindric McHugh Jason Paine David Schoettmer Andrew Smith 1987 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 6% $3,370 David Bahner Brian Beck Ann Schoen Brinkmann Lisa Tsui Diller Molly Grunenwald Eisner Mary Frecker Steven Gran Carla Casella Hodulik Tricia Cavers McGowan Eimile O’Connell Moore John Morris Andy Pflaum 1988 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 8% $2,515 Tom and Laura Beatty Alig Rachel Finke Andrew and Teresa Heintz Fano Marc Frient Mary Spencer Hanley Kelly Milonig Kilbride Dan Kronauge Jeff Luckew Jeff McRaven Karen Beel Milford Richard Podiak John and Kim Graf Schimpf Jim Schoen Karen Zinck Smith Lisa Blair Weaver 1989 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 12% $2,110 Matt Berry Terry Bon Jim Borchers Mark Borgerding Tom Connolly Angela Windows Connolly Rachel Cox Theresa Bean Davis John Deger Jonathan and Colleen Kavanaugh Duffy Leslie Rosell Gonya Monica Vriend Heinemann Todd Kazmierski Scott McLaughlin Julie Schrimpf Moss Dan and Cathy Bailey Nagy Melissa Sullivan Joe Wittmann 1990 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 7% $3,375 Brent Goheen Nickie Poelking Kaplan Jackie Koesters Kara Luckew Miller Timothy Moore Angela Ruffolo Mark and Brandi Kohnle Schuermann Laura Torbeck Skinner Anna Iwinski Sutter 1991 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 12% $2,425 Amy Bishop Bensman Tim and Stacey Hubach Brown Andrea D’Innocenzo Dan DeBrosse Megan Zimmer Deeley Patrick Heintz Brian and Jenny Mercurio Leen Julie Harvey Mossberg Dennis Percy Thomas Pohl Ryan Sharkey Roland Sineneng Kevin Smith Josephine Keyes Snyder Kory Sutter 1992 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 5% $645 Julie Johnson Barnett Amy Hinojosa Finnegan Lisa Muckerheide Giesler Jason Hoffman Amanda Riegel Mascarenhas Lori Brush Phillips John Schoen Stacey Polito Sperow 1993 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 3% $775 Emily Adamson Collura John Connolly Matt Fromm Denise Scarpelli 1994 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 13% $2,090 Liz Cerar Anderson Julie Schoen Beeler John Borchers Brian and Sara Walker Boyle Ben Carter Lisa Dillhoff Depew Catherine Eisenhauer Jennifer O’Connor Feldmeyer Angela Gantt Michael and Amy Krisko Krug Matthew Moore Michael Rawers Erin Roth Jennifer Moore Schoen 1995 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 7% $505 Matt Adamson Bradford Beckmann Scott DeMariano Susan Burkhardt Fredrick Jeff Keller Michelle Kugel Carrie Boergert Link Salvatore Provenza Kevin Sage 1996 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 9% $1,445 Mary Kate Srp Broerman Paula Powers Cvitkovich James Gobral Nicole Nuesse Elizabeth Moore Osborne Amanda Veenhuis Reger Sarah Reichert David Rogero Anthony Schoen Patrick Shea Brian Sigritz Jay Tant Wes Van Autreve 1997 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 5% $625 Mike Elsner Nick Fariello Katie Burkhardt Goeke Daniel Haas Jennifer Rudzinski Steve Kramer Brett (B.J.) Mahle Doug Wimsatt 1998 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 6% $1,230 Anonymous Anthony Fuchs Marvin Hartsfield Laura Kavanaugh Joe Mappes James Teets Meredith Tytko Tracy Vlad Vasiliu Jeff Wenzke 1999 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 4% $535 Kathleen Bentley Mary Carol Burkhardt Megan Newill DeHart Luke Frient Jonathan Heil Melanie Lai Jennifer Davis Wenzke 2000 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 1% $250 Joseph Davis Nina DiGuardi Vasiliu 2001 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 4% $340 Sarah Adamson David Brinkman Lyndsey Grunewald Joel Grunkemeyer Jen Schulz Korynski Wes Stichweh 2002 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 5% $5,370 Michael Akhbari Diana Fischer Nick and Jenny Richmond Mangold Ashley Key Moses Kristin Satzger Andrew Severyn Alexis Troha Maureen Zimmer 2003 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 4% $130 Leah Groshek Jack Hilgeman Marianne Hinde Hudelson Ashley Kavanaugh John Kavanaugh Greg Lammers Eric Laumann 2004 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 2% $160 Shaun Drake Kelly Hochwalt Kevin Riazzi Amy Wetterau 2005 CLASS PARTICIPATION – 1% $110 Emily Hartsfield Andrew Platt Young Alums (CLASSES OF 2006-2011) $260 Jamie Brenner ’07 Erin Brown ’10 Connor Cummins ’10 Katie Lane ’10 Casey Lindley ’10 Evan Price ’10 Phillip Riazzi ’10 Jordan Templin ’10 Nicole Tromp ’10 Ryan Webb ’10 Daniel Dashewich ’11 Rebecca Esselstein ’11 Jordan Hibner ’11 Jessica Neville ’11 Joe Thuney ’11 Mark Vangsness ’11 Kelly Westerkamp ’11 23 Remembrances for 2 011 In Honor of Scott McLaughlin ’89 Phillip McLauglin In Honor of Lt. Cmdr. Daniel Moroney ’96 In Memory of Robert DiGuardi Vlad ’98 and Nina Diguardi ’00 Vasiliu William and Kathleen Moroney In Honor of Joe Petrocelli’s 800th Basketball Victory John and Dee Shondel In Honor of Paul ’66 and Maggie Traynor ’66 Zimmer Jay Carmichael ’66 In Memory In Memory of Monsignor Robert Amann The Monsignor Robert Amann Foundation In Memory of Edgar Barthel In Memory of Roland “Ike” Eichner Peter and Eileen Donahue Paul ’76 and Michelle Donoher Joseph and Barb Eaglowski Eric ’77 and Amy Eichner Marion Falvey Joseph and Jean Flor Bob and Elaine Gran Mary Hanaghan Tom and Marge Harrington Rudolph and Marge Klein John and Barb Laufersweiler Tom and Joyce Laufersweiler James and Pat Madden Matt ’78 and Denise Abele ’78 O’Connell George and Jeanne O’Connor Paul and Lois Reis Joan Schuermann James Strapp Mary Ann Rindler Todd Bill and Cynthia Uhl Gertrude Whelan Carolyn Barthel In Memory of Susan Bartol ’76 Beers In Honor In Honor of The Adams Family Alice Adams ’71 Rickard In Honor of Robert and Helen Alig Mary Alig ’77 Williams Tom Bartol ’78 and Barbara Moss In Memory of Ellen Wiedemann ’70 Berger Ernest and Mary Wiedemann In Memory of Ed Bolton Marilyn Bolton In Memory of Bill Eisenhauer, Jr. ’82 Catherine Eisenhauer ’94 Mark ’82 and Carla Lane Marianne Eisenhauer ’71 Wall In Memory of Bill Eisenhauer, Sr. Dan Bolek ’82 Rick ’86 and Margaret Eisenhauer ’87 Rueth In Memory of Adele Esselstein Robert Esselstein ’79 In Honor of Andrew and Katie Arber In Memory of Michael Bruns ’74 Elmer and Lucy Bruns In Honor of Frank and Gwynedd Armstrong Tom and Amy Armstrong ’82 Smith In Honor of William and Mary Ellen Ditzel’s 60th Anniversary Adam and Katharina Gjarmati Cynthia Ditzel ’70 Hassan In Honor of Ed Domsitz Bob and Helen Alig In Honor of Tom Hollo Anonymous In Honor of Sister Katie Hoelscher, S.C. In Memory of Kenneth Burr, Sr. Marlene Burr ’73 Orendorf Doug and Kim Karpiak ’77 Lindley 24 In Memory of Bob Grierson Dennis ’91 and Michelle Maladen Percy In Memory of Bob Cannon ’66 Greg Barbato ’67 Rick ’66 and Judy Davis In Memory of Tom and Kacie ’07 Hausfeld Marianne Hinde ’93 Hudelson In Memory of Bridgett Carr ’81 Debra Carr ’78 Lovett In Memory of Caroline Carter Ben ’94 and Brenda Carter In Memory of Margarita Cata ’82 Erin Connair ’82 Fanning In Memory of Tony Corsiglia ’79 Scott Spring ’79 Mary Beth Brust ’80 In Honor of Michael and Dolores Karpiak In Memory of Don Garling ’67 Kris Ritzert ’68 Garling Evelyn Arber In Memory of Gordon Dadisman ’66 Rick ’66 and Judy Davis In Memory of Chip ’74 and Mark ’78 Houser Sheila Houser ’73 Adams Matt Houser ’84 In Memory of Tony Huesman ’75 Jim Ritterhoff ’75 In Memory of Helen Kinzeler George Kinzeler In Memory of Jeff Kohls ’81 Mike Finke ’81 In Memory of John Kohnle In Memory of Joseph Rau Mark ’90 and Brandi Kohnle ’90 Schuermann In Memory of Patti Kussman ’72 Kolbe Greg and Peggy Kussman ’75 Braner Phyllis Kussman Dan ’68 and Sue Kussman ’68 Reichert Sarah ’96, Kate ’99, Paul ’03 and Emma ’05 Reichert In Memory of Tom and Phyllis Kussman Greg and Peggy Kussman ’75 Braner Dan ’68 and Sue Kussman ’68 Reichert Sarah ’96, Kate ’99, Paul ’03 and Emma ’05 Reichert In Memory of Virginia Reichard ’69 Reynolds Virginia Sticht ’69 Kaufman Jane Reichard ’71 McNamee grateful when families or remembering a loved In Memory of Mary Riess ’77 Annette Chavez ’77 Rosalie Thomas ’77 Koesel In Memory of Father Jerome Schaeper We remain humbly think of Alter in honoring one. Thank you, and may God bless you and yours. Sister Kathryn Ann Connelly, S.C. In Memory of Paul Sendelbach In Memory of Molly Siggins ’78 Thum Elaine Sendelbach In Memory of Patricia Lammert Tim ’78 and Peggy Reilly ’78 Gates Evelyn Arber Raymond and Carolyn Badgley Tom and Patricia Brady Robert and Judith Brown Thomas and Diana Claude Rodney and Denise Errett Harry and Mary Grevey Bill and Karen Hemmert Neal and Mary Jo Hinker Charles and Mary Lou Hottinger Mary Lammert Philip and Eileen Myers Randall Ridenour Chris ’90 and Kathy Brady ’90 Riegel Allena Schmidt Daniel and Karen Steinmetz Ruth Untener Ted and Mickey Veenhuis Bernard and Pat Volmer In Memory of Barto and Joan Mariscalco Dolores Rau In Memory of William Sims, Jr. In Memory of Tim Topp ’75 Mary Sims ’66 Nemeth Richard and Marcella Topp In Memory of Lisa Taylor ’78 In Memory of Allen Varney Tony ’82 and Kelly Taylor Tom and Marisa Greco ’82 Varney In Memory of John, Lois and David Thalheimer In Memory of Dan Wagner ’82 Mary Lynn Thalheimer ’78 In Memory of Vic and Alice Thieman Joyce Thieman ’66 and Earl Ross Richard Koehler ’82 Mark ’82 and Carla Lane In Memory of Thelma Romer Witt Michael Witt ’73 Mary Michelle Mariscalco ’73 In Memory of Patricia McCormick Deron and Julie Hartman Dennis and Karen McTaggart In Memory of Gerry Moorman ’75 Peg Moorman ’73 Hoenigman In Memory of Russell and Marillyn Morgan Christine Morgan ’73 Francine Morgan ’75 Kester In Memory of Kurt Murnen ’97 Pam Hemmelgarn ’70 Grilliot B.J. Mahle ’97 In Memory of Robert J. O’Brien Mary O’Brien ’76 Pearlman In Memory of Caryl Oscar Michael Oscar ’67 25 Matching & Restricted GIFTS for 2 011 Restricted Gifts Matching Gifts $7,524.62 Bank of America John Borchers ’94 Intel Lisa Dilhoff ’94 Depew JP Morgan Chase Eimile O’Connell ’87 Moore Boeing Scott Spring ’79 Kellogg’s Brown-Foreman Don and Sue Topp ’72 Barnes Richard Podiak ’88 Amy Armstrong ’82 Smith Dayton Power & Light Mark Guerriero Jennifer Hein ’84 Kendo Kimberly Clark Mike Gross ’81 Kuntz Foundation Peter and Marge Kuntz Duke Energy Tom Wehrman ’67 Eli Lilly Mark Nagy ’81 Jack Mees ’84 Emerson Electric LexisNexis Virginia Boeckman Janet Turckes ’79 Pitzer John and Alicia Anderson ’74 Risko Microsoft Anthony Groshek Brad ’95 and Jennifer Beckmann Tom Martino ’80 Fifth Third Bank Morgan Stanley Elizabeth Moore ’96 Osborne B.J. Mahle ’97 GE Foundation Pfizer Foundation Paul Boeckman Ryan Sharkey ’91 Philip and Margaret Whelan ’71 Rose Global Impact Neal Hinker Matt Moore ’94 Thurman Mattingly PNC Bank Sisters of Charity Sister Sandy Howe ’80 Home Depot Mike Wildenhaus ’75 Wells Fargo Honeywell International Jonathan Duffy ’89 Tom Laufersweiler William and Karen Mees ’82 Vespa Jeff Morris ’85 26 Robert and Helen Alig Paul and Ginny Boeckman Carns Foundation Bob and Joan Collins Catherine Eisenhauer ’94 Dorothy Eisenhauer Barbara Gobrail Janet Graul Daren and Julie Hartman James and Kathleen Hauser Virginia Sticht ’69 Kaufman Mark ’82 and Carla Lane Father James Manning The Mathile Family Foundation Mead WestVaco Greg and Naomi McAfee Dennis and Karen McTaggart Donald and Marcia Monnier Michael and Jane O’Brien Richard M. Pickrel Youth Memorial Fund Mark and Cyndi Platt Pat ’82 and Lori Grunkemeyer ’82 Riazzi Richard Allen Academy James and Jolinda Ruehle Richard ’86 and Peggy Eisenhauer ’87 Rueth John and Connie Taylor The Daniel M. Romer Fund The Glennon Family Charitable Trust The Louise Kramer Foundation The Monsignor Robert Amann Foundation David and Mary Helen Thuente ALUMNI NEWS B eginning in May of this year years, Sharkey says his very best friends Ryan Sharkey ’91 began a new are those he met at Alter High School. position with the USA Net- “I have friends in Denver, Charlotte, work as Senior Vice President, program Providence, Boston, Chicago and Cin- acquisitions and administration, for cinnati. We were all friends in high USA Network, Sleuth and Universal school and we still keep in touch.” HD. According to Jane Blaney, Execu- Sharkey adds, “I think it’s the Catho- tive VP and Ryan’s new boss, “Ryan’s lic value system and Midwest tradition professionalism and keen ability to that stays with you. You learn strong identify new properties that further values at an early age (starting at St. strengthen the network’s brand have Charles) and continue developing them made him an invaluable member of at Alter. You surround yourself with our team. He’s greatly contributed people that share the same values.” to our success and this promotion is well-deserved.” Majoring in finance, Sharkey gradu- “My freshman year at Notre Dame was easier than Alter.” Sharkey said. “I was completely prepared for any of ated from Notre Dame in 1995 and the top 20 colleges. After graduating began work at Provident Bank in Cin- from Alter, you feel comfortable that cinnati. After three years, he went to you have the foundation to do what- GE Capital in Mason where he worked ever, or achieve whatever you want to on the Macy’s credit card account. achieve.” Sharkey spent sixteen months on GE Working in NYC does have its Corporate Audit Staff where he said, brushes with greatness, as Ryan com- “I gained 15 pounds, worked incred- mented that he often rides in the ibly long hours, and spent too much elevator with many of the cast of Sat- time in hotels … mostly in Cleveland, urday Night Live, as his office is two Kansas City and Cincinnati.” Follow- floors above the SNL studio. He said ing the Audit Staff assignment, Sharkey that they are all very friendly, espe- was able to pick where he wanted to cially Keenan Thompson. On the work. He picked NBC in New York upper west side of Manhattan, where City, where he worked in program Sharkey lived until a few months ago, financing for the USA Network. he would run into the likes of John According to a USA Network press McEnroe, Bradley Cooper and Michael release, Sharkey has been instrumental J. Fox. Recently he sat on the subway in USA’s aggressive buying of theatrical next to Cynthia Nixon, who he said, network windows of blockbuster films “She is prettier in person, but seemed a like “Fast & Furious,” “Indiana Jones” bit stressed as she pulled a big bowl of & “National Treasure: Book of Secrets,” rice out of her purse and started eating. among others. He also participated in When she got up to leave the train, she negotiations for ground-breaking deals dropped a $1. I wasn’t sure what to do, for the off-network series “NCIS: Los but I stopped her and gave it to her.” Angeles,” “CSI” and “Modern Family.” Even with his travels and the fact that he has met many people over the Ryan Sharkey is correct, the Catholic value system and Midwest traditions stay with you! FA L L 2 0 1 1 27 ALUMNI NEWS 2011 Hall of Fame Class Inducted On September 29, eight of Alter’s finest were honored at a ceremony with hundreds in attendance. The honorees, selected based on their distinguished or athletic successes, all attribute the foundation received at Alter for their success. Both induction committees strive to recognize a diverse group of individuals each year, particularly with the athletic side of the Hall of Fame, where balance between the different sports and gender equity is a focus. Congratulations to each of them! Distinguished Inductees Larry Connor ’68 started the Connor Group in 1991 which now Athletic Inductees Mike Fisher ’66, Alter’s first varsity quarterback, earned eleven varsity letters while at Alter, particularly excelling in football and basketball. He was named first team All-Greater Dayton, AllJournal Herald, and All-State in football and All-Greater Dayton by the Journal Herald in basketball. Mike accepted a full scholarship from Xavier University for football and now practices law and resides in Texas. Janet Albers ’79 was a standout player in both basketball and softball for the Knights, earning four varsity letters for each includes some 16,000 apartment units across the country and sport. During her junior and senior seasons of basketball she over 1.4 billion in assets. As a result of this growth, Larry began was the named to the All Greater Dayton League Team, Journal The Connor Group Foundation, which benefits children where the Herald Metro All Star Team, and was co-captain of her varsity company operates. In 2010, Larry flew more than 900 pounds of Alter squad. In softball, Janet was named to the All Greater donated medical supplies to earthquake-ravaged Haiti. The proj- Dayton League team for both seasons, as well. Janet accepted a ect helped more than 2,000 children. full scholarship to play basketball at Sinclair Community College Dr. Dan Berger ’70, was Family Physician Of the Year in 2010 for the Miami Valley Academy of Family Physicians, Daily Advocate Physician Of the Year for Darke County in 2007, 2008, 2010, where she was awarded the Most Valuable Player Award for the 1979-80 season. Paul Howe ’84 amassed ten varsity letters for football, wres- & 2011, and Wayne Health Care’s Employees Doctor of the Year in tling, track, and baseball. He was captain of the football team his 2010. In 1980, Dan lost his wife, Ellen Wiedemann ’74 and their senior season and the starting QB on the first Alter team to qualify young son in an automobile accident and was later diagnosed for the state playoffs. He played in the North/South All Star game with a malignant tumor at age 34. But, through all the medical in ’84 and received the Gerald Bart Award for the most outstand- and personal challenges, Dan’s faith in God has never waivered. ing male athlete his senior year. Upon graduation, he played for Rob Suttman ’78 is currently the President and a Principal the University of Dayton, earning three varsity letters and was a with EBS Asset Management which he helped found in 1993. member of the ’87 squad that played in the Division III National Active in many civic causes, Rob served on the Board of Trustees Championship game (Amos Alonzo Stagg Bowl). In addition, he at Alter High School from 2005-2009, as well as the boards of was the recipient of the Rev. L. Collins, S.M. Award of Excellence Wright State University, Young Life, and the United States Air for Outstanding Citizenship in the University Community in ’88. Force Museum. He has also been involved in numerous endeavors Gino DiGuardi ’95 was a four-year varsity starter and compiled that have helped thousands of people, including the Lusubilo 84 career goals for Alter in soccer. He was named an All American Orphan Care Project in Malawi and Young Life, a national youth in ’93 and ’94, Ohio Player of the Year in ’94, First Team All-State in ministry for high school students. ’93 and ’94, GCL Player of the Year in ’93 and ’94, and Miami Valley John White ’78 was elected to the Ohio House of Repre- Player of the Year in ’93 and ’94. He was a four-year starter at Indi- sentatives in 2000. During his tenure, he served as Chairman ana University participating in back-to-back Final Fours in ’97 and of Committees for: Health, Criminal Justice, and Correctional ’98 and was captain of the ’98 squad that won the NCAA National Institution Inspection. In 2003, John authored legislation to Championship. He was a two-time All-Big Ten selection and was establish and was the founding chair of the Governor’s Office of named to the Academic All-Big Ten team three times. After col- Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. He also served as Chair- lege, Gino played professional soccer in the A-League for five years man of the Ohio Children’s Trust Fund and was a member of the and with the Chicago Fire of Major League Soccer. Ohio Fatherhood Commission. Since leaving the House, John partnered with Think Tank Inc. to co-found the Dayton Circles Campaign, which aims to lift families out of poverty through intentional relationships. 28 t h e R O U N D TA B L E In Memoriam We offer families of the deceased our deepest sympathy and prayers. We appreciate those of you who write to inform us of deaths within the Alter family. You may provide information by calling the Advancement Office at (937) 434-2059 or emailing Don Garling ’67 (September 2010), husband of Richard Marshall (November 2010), father of Kris Ritzert ’68 Garling; brother of Pam Garling Michele Marshall ’68 Brown, Linda Marshall ’69 ’77 Shaw and Rick Garling ’71 (deceased) Hoke and Bob ’77 Charles Graham ’79 (November 2010) Mary Jane Meineke (September 2011), mother Gertrude Henry (July 2011), mother of Shirley of Don ’78, Greg ’79 and Jeff ’82 Henry ’73 Minham; grandmother of Joe ’05 and Lillian Michel (June 2011), mother of Michelle Amy ’11 Michel ’66 Petry, Jeannine Michel ’67 Doak, Carl Hillman ( May 2011), father of Mary Lynne Hillman ’80 Green, Christine Hillman ’83 Rose and Carl ’85 Madonna Homan (June 2011), mother of Dennis ’86, John ’88, Angie ’91 and Matt ’95 Nanette Michel ’69 Pack; grandmother of Nicole Pack ’92 Veletean Jerry Mignery (September 2011), father of Daniel ’05 and Jennifer ’08 Christopher Miller ’79 (February 2011), brother of Julie Miller ’80 Nunery Rachel Alejandrino ’79 Bon (July 2011), sister Jane Hoyne ’66 Hosty (September 2011), of Becky Alejandrino ’80, Suzanne Alejandrino mother of Katie ’94 and Larry ’98; sister of Don Moran (February 2011), father of Patsy ’82 Homan and Sarah Alejandrino ’89 Mouse Maureen Hoyne ’74 Patton Moran ’67 Allen, Nancy Moran ’69 Barry, Jack ’70, Dale Bowman (August 2011) – Alter Girls’ Rob Huesman (February 2011), father of Tony Tennis Coach ’75 (deceased) and Linda Huesman ’79 Lamb Helen Chalecki (March 2011) and (deceased) Vincent Chalecki (June 2011), parents of Vincent Tony Kaskocsak (May 2011), father of Kim Chalecki ’73 Kaskocsak ’86 Santoro Joan DiPasquale (March 2011), mother of Patricia Kramer (August 2011), mother of Charlie ’66, Patricia DiPasquale ’67 Krul, Diane Michelle Kramer ’91 Higginson, Carolyn ’93 and DiPasquale ’69 Nutini, Tina DiPasquale ’75 Stodd; Steven ’97 grandmother of Julie Krul ’96, Matt Krul ’98 and Christina Krul ’03 Duane Earley (March 2011), father of Katherine Earley ’77 Holley and Kara Earley ’82 Jim Ehler (March 2011), father of Mike ’88 Roland Eichner (April 2011), father of Kathleen ’70, Jennifer Eichner ’72 Jacques, Eric ’77, Kevin ’78, Maureen ’81, Mike ’83, Mark ’85; grandfather of William ’13 and David ’14 Bill Ferneding ’69 (April 2011), brother of Nancy Ferneding ’67 Campbell, Kay Ferneding ’72 Tenenbaum, Joan Ferneding ’74 Smith, John ’76, Dan ’80, Anita Ferneding ’82 Mangin; uncle of Maria ’13, Jackie ’15 Rick Garling ’71 (January 2010), brother of Don Garling ’67 (deceased) and Pam Garling ’77 Shaw Martha Kussman (August 2011), mother of Joy Shary Moran ’73 Price, Bonny Moran ’75 Carroll, Lesley Moran ’77 Monte; grandfather of Steven Price ’02, Elizabeth Price ’07 and Brian Price ’11 Norm Nijak (May 2011), father of Greg ’82, Jeff ’85 and Tim ’86 Aaron Palmatary (April 2010), father of Donna ’81 Dave Pfeiffer (August 2011), father of Lauren Pfeiffer ’77 Childs, Julie ’80 and Tim ’83 Kussman ’66 Cairoli, John ’72, Jim ’75, Jerome Mary Louise Reisinger-Schwinn (March 2011), ’76 and Janel Kussman ’78 Ciolli mother of Mike ’66, Tom ’68, Terri Reisinger Phyllis Kussman (February 2011), mother of Sue Kussman ’68 Reichert, Mary Kay ’71 Spirito, Patti Kussman ’72 Kolbe (deceased), Peggy Kussman ’75 Braner; grandmother of Sarah ’69 Fusco, Patricia Reisinger ’71 Hale, Marylee Reisinger ’75 Dunphy, Tim ’76, Susan Reisinger ’79 Goedde; grandmother of Paul Dunphy ’07 and Maria Dunphy ’13 Reichert ’96, Kate Reichert ’99, Danny Braner ’03, John Sauer (June 2011), father of Jackie Sauer Paul Reichert ’03, Elizabeth Kolbe ’04, Emma ’80 Domin, Jerry Sauer ’83 Chaney, Jenni Sauer Reichert ’05, Chelsea Morgan ’05, Joe Braner ’06, ’85 Crotty; grandfather of Sara Crotty ’14 Paul Kolbe ’07 and Jay Morgan ’07 Tim Lane ’97 (August 2011), brother of Mike ’00 and Diane ‘00 Jewelann Lemons (February 2011), mother of Rick ’75 and Joyce Lemons ’76 Burgett Jenny Mannarino (July 2011), sister of Frank ’80 Sarah Wallace ’06 (February 2011), sister of Andrew ’09 Sam Yacovazzi, Jr. (June 2011), brother of Judi Yacovazzi ’73 McDonough Richard Zajovits (September 2010), grandfather of Brad Behymer ’97 FA L L 2 0 1 1 29 ALUMNI NEWS New Little Knights Laura Portune ’94 Cordell and husband Ben welcomed their first child, Maia (pictured below) on April 7, 2011 . materials for intervention students. She and 1970’s her husband have three sons, Blair (10), Bradley (8) and Brendon (4) who all play lacrosse. She volunteers with DOMA house to assist vulnerable women and orphans. . .Dan Kronauge ’88 Dr. M. Michele Mariscalco ’73 was recently was inducted into the Cincinnati Tennis Hall awarded the 2011 Distinguished Alumnus Award of Fame in August. Dan was an All-American by the University of Dayton. She is pictured at Ball State and then went on to win the above with her brother Mike Mariscalco ’71 Cincinnati Metropolitan Championships seven (second from right) and his son Michael consecutive years from ’98-’04…Monica Vriend Mariscalco ’99 (far right). . .Catherine Novelli ’89 Heinemann lives in Gilbert, Arizona with ’75 is currently Vice President for Worldwide her husband, Fred, and their 3 children; James Government Affairs at Apple Inc. She and her (8), Cole (6) and Brooklyn (3). Monida works husband, David Apol, have two children, Katie part-time at May Clinic as an Occupational (17) and Daniel (15). They live in the Wash- Therapist. She and her husband ran the Boston ington, D.C. area and enjoy hiking, tennis and Marathon together this past April. traveling. . .Debra Carr ’78 Lovett is an Inspirational Christian Women’s Speaker and author of a devotional book called Gushing Springs. Knights In Marriage Jennifer McKay ’97 married Brad Behymer ’97 on February 21, 2011. . .Maureen Zimmer ’02 married Doug Guciec on August 20, 2011. She has been married for 23 years to Tim and they have one son and one daughter. Her life has been a rollercoaster ride of tragic losses and extreme blessings and she thanks God for the faith to trust Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. To learn more visit her website, www. . . . Victoria Latzy ’79 Edge and her husband, Devone, have their first grandchild, Cayden Riley Durham, born October 23, 1960’s Steven Hall ’68 asks for your continued prayers for his wife, Carole, who has been battling ovarian cancer for 6 ½ years. He and his wife spend their winters in their home in Ft. Myers, Florida. They have three grandchildren who are the thrill of their lives. 2010. 1980’s Bill Uhl ’85 and his wife, Kelly, have been happily married for 12 years and have four children, Billy, Brady, Charlie and Joe (all future Alter High School graduates). . .Lisa Blair ’88 Weaver works at McGraw-Hill as a Project Manager. She helps publish educational 30 t h e R O U N D TA B L E 1990’s Megan Newill ’99 DeHart lives in Greensboro, North Carolina with her husband and dog Louis. She works as a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner. She received her Master’s Degree from University of Cincinnati and her Bachelor’s Degree from Ohio State. . .Michael Carter ’98 (pictured below), son of Karen Carter of Oakwood and William K. Carter, Jr. of Washington Township, graduated from Findlay University in May with his Doctor of Pharmacy after earning his B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Ohio State. While at Findlay, he received a certificate of studies in Gerontology and in his fourth year of studies, was selected to receive the Pharmacists Mutual Scholar- Father Manning presented Archbishop ship. Michael has been employed by Drug Mart Dennis Schnurr a copy of the Roundtable throughout most of his college career and has during a reception following a recent visit to been offered a fulltime position of practicing Alter when he celebrated Mass with the student pharmacist upon graduation and State Board body, faculty and staff. licensure. He will be residing and working near Dublin, Ohio. 2000’s Kristen Moore ’01 graduated in May with a Master’s of Science in Nursing at Fairfield University in Connecticut. She now lives in Austin, Texas with her sister Erin Moore ’06. Kristen works as a Nurse Anesthetist at Capitol Anesthesiology Association. . .Nick Douville ’01 defended his dissertation in July at the University of Michigan and resumed his medical training with 18 months of clinical rotations left before becoming a resident. . .Joseph Reinstatler ’07 was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army on May 13. He also graduated from Xavier University on May 14. Joey will be attending Quartermaster Office Basic Course beginning in July at Ft. Lee Virginia. Upon completion of this course, he helping his Wolverine swimming team win spent time this past year studying abroad another Big Ten championship he received the in China. She is currently attending Loyola Honorable Mention Scholar All America award. (Chicago) University. Ben Tillar ’10 (pictured Chris graduated in May with a degree in chem- below) is swimming for Johns Hopkins Univer- ical engineering and is now attending Johns sity and is majoring in Global Environmental Hopkins for his doctoral studies in biomedical Change and Sustainability. engineering. . . Alex Tillar ’08 (pictured left) will report to his reserve unit in Ft. Thomas, Kentucky, where he will serve as a platoon leader with the forward support company of the 478th Engineer Battalion. . .Laurel Yohe ’07 graduated with honors from Loyola University (Chicago) with a double major in biology and bioformatics and was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship for her proposal, “Using Past and Present Species Distributions to Prioritize Conservation Efforts.” As part of her research, she left for Vietnam in August where she will be for nine months. . . Chris Douville ’07 after FA L L 2 0 1 1 31 Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 302 Dayton, OH Alter Advancement Office 940 East David Road Kettering, Ohio 45429 We’re on Facebook and Twitter! Keep up with the latest Alter news through our social media outlets. Become a “fan” of our Facebook page at: www.facebook/ and “follow” us on Twitter at:!/AHSAdvancement . Knights Are on the Air... and the Tube! Catch all the drama as every football, as well as select soccer, volleyball, basketball and hockey games will be broadcast live on the internet on And, watch the Knights football game against Roger Bacon on Thursday, October 20 which will be televised live in Ohio on Fox Sports Ohio cable channels and even streamed live on their website. For a complete schedule go to the athletics pages of and click on “Knights on the Air.” Roundtable is a publication of Archbishop Alter High School. Your comments and suggestions are welcome. Please contact: John Patterson Director of Development 940 E. David Road • Kettering, OH 45429 • (937) 428-5312 Visit for more news and information
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