2 0 1 0 F A L L RoundTable Founded on Faith, Preserved with Pride, Sustained by Spirit A publication for alumni, current & past parents, and friends of Alter High School In this Issue... Archbishop Dedicates New Chapel page 3 Students serve in Guatemala, page 8 Alumni Features: • Rachel Cox ’89, page 24 • Rick Wemple ’88 and Catherine Crisler ’09, page 25 Class Notes, pages 26-27 SPECIAL SECTION: Annual Report 2010 pages 9-22 Thank you to all who supported the Annual Fund! Right: Photo of Fr. Mark Soehner ’76 by Marylynn G. Hewitt, SFO Alter Celebrates “The Year of the Priest” pages 6-7 Vision &S t r at e g y From the President, Father James Manning More Strategic Ways of Thinking W e have experienced an awesome beginning to another school year. There was the Opening School Mass, the victory over Fairmont in football in front of 10,000 fans in the all working for the same cause but, instead, that we are only working for our own efforts. Given that we now have a fifty-year tradition and history, stands, the Blessing of our renovated chapel with Archbishop the time has come for Alter High School to look at its reality Schnurr, and then AlterFest with 30,000 people on our grounds! more strategically. The time has come to look beyond fund- AlterFest provides just a glimpse of the many people who raising to development. The time has come for Alter to volunteer of their time for the good of Alter High School. embrace, organize, and direct all of its fundraising efforts There are myriads of other teams, clubs, activities, and events toward the overall mission of our school. that raise funds to ensure that their group enjoys a successful We have been honored to have been mentored by ISPD school year. Alter is thankful for all of our volunteers who (The Institute of School and Parish Development) the last give of themselves to guarantee the quality of the Catholic three years. ISPD defines development as “the ministry that Education that we provide. Our very purpose is to assure the invites people into a more meaningful relationship to the growth of our students in a Christ-centered environment. mission and the vision of the institution for the future.” Development dollars are not about “buying and selling” things to sustain a program for the year, but rather to sustain the very mission and the vision of the school for the future. Development dollars are about “buying and selling” that mission and vision for the next fifty years. What do we mean by development dollars? This means that more emphasis needs to be placed on Annual and Capital Funds. The Annual Fund is operational in that it keeps the cost of tuition to a minimal level so that we can assure a healthy enrollment. The Capital Fund is strategic in that it provides finances not covered by operations. More emphasis needs to be placed upon endowment funds. We have three endowment funds established by the Dayton Foundation in the areas of tuition assistance, faculty compensation, and technology. Our emphasis needs to be placed on planned and Alter High School will soon be celebrating its 50th anni- legacy giving. More emphasis needs to be placed on scholar- versary. Our alumni/ae from the original classes are now in ship dollars to assure that Catholic Education is affordable for their early 60’s. At Alter, we have inherited a solid foundation all. As people have benefitted by the Catholic Education they financed by tuition dollars and fundraising efforts. have received at Alter High School, the time has come for Fundraising is a key aspect of any school year. The concern many have is the number and frequency of these efforts. T-shirts, calendars, raffle tickets, etc., etc., etc... The list is end- people to give back to Alter High School to assure a brighter future for our school. It was impossible for Alter to even think like this in the less. How often do we hear the complaint that “we are being past. We were too young. But the time has come for us to ‘nickel and dimed’ to death?” The fact is fundraising will think like this for our future. always be with us as our students rely on them heavily. However, sometimes in the area of fundraising our efforts are not coordinated and the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. Our efforts do not indicate that we are 2 t h e R O U N D TA B L E Fr. Jim Archbishop Dedicates New Chapel With nearly two-hundred benefactors, students, faculty, and friends in attendance, Alter High School welcomed Archbishop Daniel Schnurr on Sunday, August 22, as he celebrated mass as part of the formal dedication of the newly renovated chapel. The new space, relocated and remodeled as part of Phase 1 of the “Answering the Call” capital campaign, will provide a modern, prayerful space for all liturgies and prayer services as well as a location for quiet reflection. The chapel was moved forward to the main hallway from its original location to give it a more prominent location, thus providing a more visible sign of the school’s Catholic identity, keeping consistent with the top priority from the recent strategic planning process. Not only was the chapel moved, but The Archbishop with faculty and students at the dedication. chosen in memory of benefactor’s loved Stan Troha. “This new chapel is a warm the look and feel of it has become much ones, are also scheduled to be installed and prayerful space, creating an area that more contemporary. Replacing the in the coming weeks, completing the our students will want to come to as we white walls and gold tones are warm, renovation. nurture their faith.” rich colors. The old pews were replaced In his homily, Archbishop Schnurr Alter students and faculty, under the with chairs which form an arc around thanked the benefactors for their com- direction of Mary Ruth Shearer, provided the altar, and create a greater feeling of mitment to Alter and challenged those wonderful music liturgy, and other stu- community. Stained-glass windows, with “the duties of educating the children dents served as acolytes carrying out in the Catholic faith, to not only teach the many tasks involved in the liturgy. through words in the classroom, but also Archbishop Schnurr will return for the in the very manner in which they conduct “Respect Life” all school mass on Octo- their lives.” He reminded everyone that ber 6 at 10:00AM at St. Charles. Alumni “what is learned within the walls of the and parents are welcome to attend. classroom must be taken into the world If anyone would like a private tour and proclaimed – in word and action – to of the chapel or other recent capital the entire community.” improvements, please contact the Ad- The crucifix, altar, lectern, and all other liturgical pieces, some designed vancement office at 937.434.2059 or email and hand-crafted by Brother Marcinowski of UD, were blessed by the archbishop during the mass. “It’s exciting to see the commitment and hard work of so many come to fruiArchbishop Schnurr tion in this space,” said campus minister, FA L L 2 0 1 0 3 Vision &S t r at e g y From the Director of Institutional Advancement, Jeff Plate Faith…Pride…Spirit: It’s Impact Years Later Alter’s tag line of “Founded on Faith, Preserved with Pride, please consider attending services where you live. If you have spe- and Sustained by Spirit” is well known throughout the commu- cial intentions, email them to so that nity. It is the legacy of an Alter education…the Alter Experience… we can include you and your loved ones in the Mass. that makes those words come to life, especially now that a new Preparing servant, faith-filled leaders for life beyond high school has always been a cornerstone of an Alter education. Today, with so many competing events for our time, it’s a challenge to find time to re-charge our batteries. If we, however, want to remain true to God’s call to serve one another, why not do that as part of an Alumni Day of Service? If we selected a day every year for alumni groups or individuals to help in their communities, it would be a powerful testimony to living out our Catholic faith that was fortified at Alter. By gathering together, much like singing the alma mater, we could help others by giving our spare time to their needs. With the Class of 2011 firmly entrenched as the leaders of the school, and the Class of 2014 intertwined as part of the student Jeff Plate at AlterFest body, it is easy to see one legacy continuing and a new one begin- school year is underway. As I complete my first year at Alter, I ning. You learned that during your years at Alter and perhaps recall countless examples of each of those tenets and how it now is the time to join together, wherever you live, to renew the has enabled us as a community to live God’s call to be servant- pride, faith, and spirit tenets that make being an Alter Knight so leaders and, where we can, as St. Francis once said, “preach the great! gospel and, if necessary, use words.” In looking at recent Roundtable editions, I saw alumni caring for infants in Romania and children in Africa, riding bikes for charitable causes, and others helping worthwhile causes. In this issue, there are documentaries of families helping in Guatemala, alumni helping promote the arts, and alumni priests who, according to several, heard God’s call to the priesthood while a student at Alter. The alumni I met this summer in Lexington, Chicago, and Columbus, those I met with on campus this summer to discuss alumni relations, and, most recently, those who visited our Advancement Booth at AlterFest, all shared similar comments: Knights on the Town Trips were made this summer to Lexington, Chicago and Columbus where the Advancement staff met with alums over food, drink and baseball. Look for more stops this year to Boston, Detroit/Toledo and San Antonio. More information will be available in upcoming editions of The Chancery, the new alumni e-newsletter, or on the alumni pages at . Lexington how can we better integrate alumni into the life of the school? Of all the great memories people have of Alter (and there are many!), two seem to stand out: all-school masses and service events. Faith is such an important element of Alter life. With our newly Columbus Clipper’s game renovated chapel now dedicated and the altar blessed by the Archbishop this summer, and the campus ministry space hosting our Peer Ministers and KAIROS leaders, and student faith groups, worshiping as a student body has been reenergized. At 7:30am on Wednesday mornings, faculty and students gather for rosary, and then Mass is celebrated each Friday, also at 7:30am. In fact, Fr. Manning, in response to many alumni requests, has decreed the first Friday of each month as Alter’s “Alumni Mass!’’ If you are local, please join us on October 1st! If you live out of the area, 4 t h e R O U N D TA B L E Chicago A dva n c e m e n t Knights in Arms As a salute to Veterans Day this fall, we say thanks to all alumni N o t e s Catch the Knights in Action Just because you don’t live in the area doesn’t mean you can’t catch exciting Alter athletic events — live! Just tune into for live coverage of select sporting events. In addition to football and basketball this year, broadcasts are also scheduled for soccer, volleyball, and hockey. To see the schedule, go to the athletic pages at who are serving our country. Please email names, class year, & branch of service of those who are serving to advancement@ . God bless! Check Out the New Alumni Apparel! Looking for a way to show your Alter spirit? We have great new alumni shirts, hats and fleece for sale. Go to the alumni pages of the website and click on the “apparel” tab to see pictures and to place your order. Legacy Class of 2014 Sets Standard A cornerstone of Alter High School and a primary reason that the school has flourished for years, is the amount of graduates who continue to enroll their children in a school that played such a vital part in shaping their own lives. This year, however, raised the bar! Fifty-five children of former Knights make up one-third of the class of 2014. This marks the largest legacy class in Alter’s history! This certainly speaks volumes about the quality of the education at Alter and the bond that so many develop as students, that upon graduation so many want the same experience for their own children. We thank those who have continued the legacy of Alter High School. Row 1: Caroline Kernan (Brian ’79), Lauren Duchak (John ’79), Torie Striebel (John ’79), William Draugelis (Bill ’85, Amy Osterfeld ’84), Elizabeth Horwath (Maureen Wheeler ’76), Elizabeth Crisler (Tim ’80, Jane Palazotto ’80), Sarah DiGiorgio (Tony ’75), Emma Hume (Catherine Lander ’84), Katherine Smith (David ’81), John Klenke (Joe ’81, Lori Klosterman ’82), Milan Spencer (Tony ’87), Sean McBride (Frank ’79), Kevin Walsh (Pat ’75), Julianne Butler (Suzanne Leyes ’76), Emma Schuermann (Matt ’80, Jane Koverman ’84), Row 2: Quin Armstrong (Campion ’84), Caitlyn Braun (Tracey Scott ’85), Kathleen Grunder (Marty ’86), Allison Moorman (Tom ’77), Courtney Shane (Chris ’87, Kristin Blasé ’86), Brian Mackie (Mary Beth Preston ’75 deceased), Caroline Witt (Tony ’83, Molly Stanton ’84), James Schmitz (Erin Walsh ’82), Rachel Laravie (Greg ’73), Mary Rodehaver (Claire Blust ’79), Steven Hartman (Elizabeth Harkness ’84), Anthony Rose (Karl ’80), Thomas Solarek (Jeff ’77), Joseph Hartshorn (Julie Partin ’96), Grace Bonanno (Vince ’85, Danell Reinert ’85), Sophie Nelson (Danita Reinert ’83), Mary Rose Eisenhauer (Chuck ’86, Susan Fiely ’86) Row 3: Kelsey Reinert (John ’78), Lauren Neroni (Mike ’82), Jacob Kowal (Chris ’80), Maxwell Harnett (Greg ’82, Kim Mackey ’83), Natalie Seiler (Jim ’78), Kiel Pitzer (Janet Turckes ’79), Don Kiley (Don ’87), Joseph Sprauer (Jim ’79), Kaylie Beech (Carol Schaefer ’81), Boyce Taylor (Tony ’82), Chris LeComte (Jeanne Glennon ’82), Kevin Bowman (Susan Fremgen ’79), C.J. Riazzi (John ’81), Andrew Cata (Cef ’80), Cameron Zengel (Tom ’81), Adam Rueth (Rick ’86, Margaret Eisenhauer ’87), Jack Ackerman (Joyce Gillivan ’80), Tim Rueth (Rick ’86, Margaret Eisenhauer ’87), Saran Crotty (Bill ’85, Jenni Sauer ’85), Meghan Wilke (Laura Allen ’84), Avalee Hagerty (Bill ’75), Maire O’Malley (Mia Kerivan ’82) Kneeling in Back: David Eichner (Eric ’77) FA L L 2 0 1 0 5 S P E C I A l F EAT U RE Alter Celebrates The Year of the Priest hen Pope Benedict XVI proclaimed 2009-10 “The Year of the Priest,” it gave The Roundtable staff the opportunity to recognize Alter alumni who have What part of your priesthood has been the most rewarding? “Certainly, celebrating the sacraments is number one. I dedicated their lives to the church. Eight Alter graduates, the feel I’m walking on “holy ground” when people pour out first coming from the inaugural graduating class of 1966 and their hearts especially in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. I the last coming in 1982, have made their mark on the world have also had the opportunity to travel all over the world and and in their communities through their vocation. Each cred- meet some remarkable people. While serving as the Director ited their formative years here at Alter as a catalyst in their of Pastoral Interns on the Seminary Staff, I had the privi- faith journey. lege of working with Fr. Chris Worland ’82 when he was a The Roundtable staff interviewed five of these alumni to seminarian.” learn about their calling to the priesthood and their path since high school. Below are excerpts of the interviews. While each chronicled their experiences very differently, all were humbled to be remembered this way and felt that any vocation or service in other religious capacity deserve our deepest gratitude. Father Chris Armstrong ’72 Which Alter teacher influenced you the most? “Sister Julia Suba taught English and had a profound impact on my education. Her creativity and intellect really inspired my love of learning. Then, there was Leo Trick. He Reverend Mike Savino ’67 taught Latin and I loved that class! In fact, I was fortunate enough to receive the “Latin How would you characterize your Alter experience? Award” at our Graduation fun and exciting. The sense of community that developed How has/did Alter influence your decision to join the priesthood? “I had some great friends and teachers that made each day between the students and teachers was incredible. “ How has/did Alter influence your decision to join the priesthood? “Alter is a great community with great role models for the students. I am particularly grateful to: Frs. Dorrmann, Guntzelman, Kaising, Noll, Schaeper and Msgr. Breslin. Now that I am a pastor, I’m fortunate to have Fr. Dorrmann help me out occasionally. We often still reminisce about our Alter days!” Assembly.” “There were a lot of changes going on in the Church at that time. Fr. Jim Collins and Fr. Gerry Hammerle were very encouraging. Fr. Jim Byrne, who is the oldest priest in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, was also a very steadying influence as my pastor at St. Albert the Great. He wrote my letter of recommendation for the seminary and remained at St. Albert throughout my ordination and is still a dear friend today.” What has the “Year For Priests” meant to you and your vocation? “It’s had a two-fold meaning for me. First, there is a 6 t h e R O U N D TA B L E renewed dedication. Secondly, I’ve seen firsthand how much has a lot to do with who I am. Through the masses, retreats, the faithful appreciate their priests.” choirs and readings we all became closer to God.” Father Mark Soehner ’76 What is your fondest memory of Alter? “Through the help of a Betty Kirchmer, we were able to form an Alter prayer group that eventually met once a week. This helped me realize the importance of community.” What aspect of your priesthood has been the most rewarding? “It has been a tremendous privilege to celebrate liturgies with people at very meaningful times in their lives: birth, baptism, confirmations, weddings, funerals, etc.” Father Chris Worland ’82 Which Alter teacher influenced you the most? How would you characterize your Alter experience? ones that stand out are Stan Lebanon, so I knew very few people.” Troha, Sister Katie Hoelscher, Sis- How has/did Alter influence your decision to join the priesthood? “There were many, but the ter Julia, and particularly Betty Kirchmer who was like a second mother to me.” “I found Alter to be a fairly welcoming community. I had moved in the 8th grade to Dayton from Virginia and lived in “Having a Catholic education helped me see how faith and belief in Christ is in everything that we do. For example, we How has/did Alter influence your decision to join the priesthood? study science and see how God ria in paper that had a quote written all over it…”Consider of life…it’s holistic.” the Alternative.” This had a profound impact on my way of What advice would give you a young man or (woman) who was considering a vocation to the church? What advice would you give a young man or woman who was considering a vocation to the church? love with Jesus and let that lead you to the vocation that he’s to the call (I heard it at age 32). calling you to. You won’t walk alone in your journey.” Also, talk with various people who are living these vocations. “I remember when Sister Julia wrapped the entire cafete- thinking of how I wanted to live my life.” “Take a risk every day…consider the alternative. Fall in created the universe. The catholic education touches all aspects “Two things: remain open Every person who is a priest, sister, brother, deacon can give Reverend Chris Wittmann, SM ’79 How would you best characterize your Alter experience? “It was great. I especially remember the times with Key a different perspective of the blessings that Christ has given them through their vocation.” To read complete interviews with the alumni priests, go the alumni pages of Club during those four years and appreciate how it taught me leadership through service. The sense of the faith dimension through service was obvious and I can say that it was a very formative experience for me. I also fondly remember the plays and musicals.” How has/did Alter influence your decision to join the priesthood? Reverend Thomas Gaeke ’66 Father Michael Lisbeth, SM ’66 Reverend Michael Savino ’67 Reverend Thomas Gerlach ’68 Reverend Christopher Armstrong ’72 Father Mark Soehner ’76 Reverend Chris Wittmann, SM ’79 Father Chris Worland ’82 “Attending a school where faith was/is taken seriously FA L L 2 0 1 0 7 SCHool Life Contributing writer, Laura Thimons, (parent of Danny ’12) Not Just a Week! For five years, members of the Alter community have taken a mission trip to Guatemala. This past summer twelve students and three parents traveled to Guatemala to participate in a mission trip to a children’s home called Agua Viva located in a beautiful mountainous area Jenn Martin ’11, Keenan Plate ’12, Matt Schuermann ’80, Tommy Ruff ’14 and Danny Thimons ’12 with a view of smoking volcanoes. The and staff of the children’s home, includ- purpose of the trip was to bring some ing much needed construction work, reflected on her experience by saying, relief and assistance to a country where painting, mowing grass and cultivating “Guatemala was honestly one of the best nearly 400,000 children are orphaned coffee plants. Their evenings, however, experiences of my life. I got close to so and 44% of the total population is under were filled spending precious time with many of the kids, and it was truly upset- the age of fifteen. The needs are without the children, creating lasting memo- ting when we had to leave. This trip really question, tremendous! ries for both the Alter students and the made me think about my future, and I Guatemalan children during prayer and will definitely go on another mission trip.” The team worked during the day to improve the quality of life for the children devotion time. “The trip to Guatemala was an them why they return they will tell you it’s benefitted the kids, but us as well. It the opportunity to experience a different really changed our outlook on life,” culture, to share their gifts and talents recalled Danny Thimons ’12. with those in need, to build new friend- Two nights before the group was t h e R O U N D TA B L E ships, and to seek a deeper relationship with Christ. man who grew up at the children’s home Junior Beth Ruff ’12 said, “The after being abandoned by his mother at trip was amazing! I wanted to make age nine, shared his story. During one an impact on the children’s lives, but summer when he was a teenager living at instead, I came away knowing that it was, Agua Viva a group similar to Alter’s came in fact, quite the opposite. The children to the home. Logan became friends with taught me so much. I fell in love with one of the boys from the group, keeping them and I would love to go back.” in close contact with him for many years 8 Several students have been on consecutive trips to Agua Viva. If you ask amazing experience in that it not only scheduled to return home, Logan, a young Beth Ruff ’12 Jenn Martin ’11, an Alter senior Making this year’s trip were Alissa and even traveling this summer to Texas Becker ’12, Emma Kowal ’11, Jenn to be the best man in his wedding. Hear- Martin ’11, Natalia Martin ’10, Amy ing this taught the team that one week Minham ’11, Keenan Plate ’12, Mary really does make a difference in the lives Kunesh ’10, Beth Ruff ’12, Tommy Ruff of the missionaries and especially the ’14, Danny Thimons ’12, Samantha children they come to serve. Schuermann ’12, and Rebecca Seiler ’10. Annual Report 2 01 0 Contributors by GIFT LEVEL Annual Fund 2 01 0 Knights Council u The Knights Council is the premier gift club that honors alumni, parents, and friends who have contributed $1,000 or more to the Alter Annual Fund. Within the Knights Council, we recognize six levels of distinguished giving – President’s Circle to Patron. We are grateful for the generosity of these special contributors. President’s Circle $25,000+ John and Connie Taylor Excalibur $10,000-$24,999 Bob and Joan Collins Clare Patterson Regent $5,000-$9,999 Anonymous Ginger Brockman Matthew Desch ’76 Dorothy Eisenhauer Richard and Mary Glennon, Sr. Tom and Lori Hausfeld Michelle Mariscalco ’73 Marty and Dottie Miller Don and Marcia Monnier Anne Taylor ’82 The Daniel M. Romer Fund The Glennon Family Charitable Trust The Louise Kramer Foundation The Monsignor Robert Amann Foundation Laureate $2,500-$4,999 Anonymous Jack and Carol Adam Frank and Gwynedd Armstrong Tim and Susie Brabender Thomas Cronin Michael Cronin David Domansky ’81 Ron and Christine Hill Bill ’67 and Patricia DiPasquale ’67 Krul Mary Kunesh Tom and Joyce Laufersweiler Matt ’78 and Denise Abele ’78 O’Connell Ned and Nancy Ryan Squire $1,500-$2,499 Anonymous Clinton Arnold ’82 Edward and Virginia Bentley Kevin and Susan Brown Jim and Suzanne Crippen Rick ’66 and Judy Davis Michael and Mary Gearhardt Mark and Catherine Lander ’84 Hume Stephen ’78 and Lynda Joseph Mark ’82 and Carla Lane 10 Bill and Sally Lincoln Mike ’71 and Mary Mariscalco Timothy Moore ’90 Christine Hillman ’83 Rose Anthony Taylor ’82 William G. Uhl, II ’85 Don and Laima Vermillion Ray and Michelle Webb Patron $1,000-$1,499 Tom ’78 and Ann Stueve ’80 Becker David and Ann Bockrath Daniel Bolek ’82 Francis and Kitty Bonanno Steve Breitenstein ’87 Tom and Joanie Burkhardt Jim and Suzanne Leyes ’76 Butler Nick and Marjorie Crnkovich Dan DeBrosse ’91 Lisa Tsui ’87 Diller Paul and Rita Finke Richard Gaeke ’66 Kathi Glass ’70 John and Carla Casella ’87 Hodulik Tom and Suzanne Alejandrino ’82 Homan Tom ’71 and Cathy Hundt Mary Ellen De Luna ’76 Jakubisin Mr. and Mrs. C. William Kessler Rudolph and Marge Klein Mark ’69 and Rhonda Klug Gordon and Jacquelyn Kohls Don and Laura Koller Art and Susan Komorowski Samuel and Mary Laneve John and Jeanne Glennon ’82 LeComte Jim and Peggy Lehner Karen Roesch ’85 Levine Jack and Linda McCarthy Andrew and JoAnn McKelvey Mark Nagy ’81 James and Marilyn O’Connell Robert Ott Jim Paxson ’75 Mark and Cyndi Platt Hal and Elaine Rogero Michael ’69 and Donna Roth George and Deanna Seifried Tom and Amy Armstrong ’82 Smith Ed and Kathy Stoermer Rick and Sheri Stover Bill ’84 and Sally Tahy Paul Thesing ’77 Bill and Cynthia Uhl Harold ’73 and Cindy Klosterman ’74 Varvel Ernest and Mary Wiedemann Al and Betty Woeste Paul ’66 and Maggie Traynor ’66 Zimmer Order of Excellence $500-$999 Matt Berry ’89 Peter Beyerle ’83 Ed and Marilyn Bolton Steve and Darlene Saaler ’80 Braunschweiger Kevin ’73 and Mary Britt William and Cicily Brogan Greg Buerschen ’90 Ceferino ’80 and Anne Cata Rachel Finke ’88 Chambers Annette Chavez ’77 John Connolly ’93 Craig Curk ’79 Roland and Mary Anne Eichner Michael Finke ’81 Ken and Alice Fisher Robert ’66 and Nancy Scheper ’67 Gutmann Susan Sammon ’86 Hendrick Rosemary Hoeper Timothy Homan ’70 Timothy and Lisa Janz Robert and Tonia Jasper Tom and Jo Kavanaugh Todd Kazmierski ’89 Tom and Jennifer Hein ’84 Kendo James Kinzig ’71 John and Barbara Laufersweiler Robert and Jane Laumann Brian ’91 and Jenny Mercurio ’91 Leen David and Libby Rain ’86 Mallitz Steve Martino ’77 Jim McVay ’72 Tim McVay ’74 Greg ’69 and Ann Merrill Steve Miller and Cathy Liesner Jeff Morris ’85 Lawrence and Christine Murlin Tim Newcome ’73 Howard and Kristine Kunesh ’76 Part Bill and Coleen Walsh ’84 Petrello Richard Podiak ’88 James and Denise Pratt Lee and Cheryl Reichel Dan ’68 and Sue Kussman ’68 Reichert Andrew and Lynn Ridley Richard and Nadine Rieser Barbara Strady ’83 Rowland Jim and Mary Ann Schoen Joe Sjostrom ’72 Scott Spring ’79 Doug Striebel ’75 Jan and Tish Thayer Patrick ’75 and Darlene Walsh Michael and Gail Wines Sword and Shield $250-$499 Suzanne Albers Robert and Helen Alig Dan and Susan Annett Albert and Susan Asebrook David Bahner ’87 Don Barker ’71 Thomas Barkmeyer ’67 Tom Becht ’71 Ron and Kathy Blase Paul and Ginny Boeckman Mary Jo Geis ’70 Boisvert John C. Borchers ’66 John Borchers ’94 Mark Borgerding ’89 Lee and Jill Bramman William Carney ’69 Steve and Susan Carr David Martz ’67 Deborah Zell ’67 Mathews Jane Reichard ’71 McNamee Jack Mees ’84 Karen Beel ’88 Milford Fred and Marlene Miller Mark Mitter ’73 Bob and Toni Moore Matthew Moore ’94 Brian Connair ’80 Mike Devlin ’69 Augustus and Tina Eduafo Catherine Eisenhauer ’94 Brian ’74 and Lisa Esselstein Erin Connair ’82 Fanning Kirk and Ann Vallo ’75 Febus Walter and Mary Anne Federspiel Julie Feldman ’73 Lynn Kehl ’77 Fenton Rick ’67 and Patti Fersch James and Rhonda Fisher Anthony Fuchs ’98 Susan Gibbons ’74 Brent Goheen ’90 Dennis and Judy Graf David and Tammy Grigg Jacob Groshek ’00 Susan Danis ’83 Grossman Karen Jauch ’85 Hamade Ted Harris ’81 Deron and Erin Hoeflinger Chuck and Martie Hoying Kate Huffman Ken and Lynn Ignozzi Scott and Kimberly Kelly Arthur J. Kepes ’73 Brian ’79 and Jeanne Kernan Harvey and Joyce Kiley George Kinzeler Jackie Koesters ’90 Chris Korb ’85 Stephen Kuflewski Anthony and Shirley Lair Thomas G. Landgren ’77 Ray and Cathy Lane Peter and Barbara Neroni Jerry and Nancy Nowak Terry and Lynn Miller ’81 O’Brien Bernard and Jan Ostendorf Henry and Millie Osterfeld John and Tina Patterson Todd and Theresa Penney Greg Perkins ’71 Thomas Pernik ’75 William and Helen Pflaum Candice Mancini ’95 Pickrel Nancy Prater ’71 Michael and Liz Prayson Dave and Becky Reeves Donald and Shari Rethman Alice Adams ’71 Rickard Dan ’75 and Meg Stueve ’77 Rindler David Rogero ’96 Tom and Maureen Ruff Teresa Rupper Tom and Marcia Schockman Brian and Sharon Sill Andrew ’86 and Karen Zinck Smith ’88 Joi Findley-Smith ’80 Barth and Laura Van Leeuwen ’77 Snyder Jim ’79 and Catherine Sprauer Jim ’66 and Judy Stangle Greg Stein ’80 Beverly Steinbicker Michael and Theresa Sugrue Ronald and Diane Tatman James Teets ’98 Mike ’73 and Beth Thuney Douglas Tobe ’74 Terry and Diane Torbeck Jeff and Lisa Tromp 11 Contributors by GIFT LEVEL Annual Fund 2 01 0 Denny VanArsdale ’77 Edward and Kathleen Wagner Marianne Eisenhauer ’71 Wall Christine Sullivan ’80 Welch Robert and Carol Westerkamp Craig and Carol Williams Michael Witt ’73 Barbara Woeste ’76 Walter Woeste Carl and Gail Woolley Brown and Gold $100 - $249 Anonymous Charles and Loraine Adams Matt ’95 and Mary Pat Adamson Pat and Kathy Adamson Michael ’81 and Marcia Kiley ’82 Albers Jonathon Albrecht ’98 Donald and Julie Ames Anthony Anderson ’84 Evelyn Arber Rev. Chris Armstrong ’72 George and Susan Armstrong Robert Barklay ’79 Brian Beck ’87 Bradford Beckmann ’95 Daniel Berger ’70 Paul Beyerle ’71 Ted and Joan Binzer Jim and Helen Blakeney Joe and Barbara Bockelman Paul and Phyllis Boeckman Ellen Bornhorst ’81 Boerger Jim Borchers ’89 Karen Boyle ’73 John and Mary Boyle Brian ’94 and Sara Walker ’94 Boyle Peter and Margaret Boyle George and Marcia Woolley ’68 Brand Fred and Marge Breving Tom ’68 and Jackie Brinkman Katie Srp ’96 Broerman James E. Brown ’74 David and Nancy Brown Robin Roehrenbeck ’74 Brun Carl and Frances Bruns Elmer and Lucy Bruns Michael and Margaret Buckle Dave Burkardt ’71 Cathy Cartwright ’81 Burns Carolyn Sendelbach Marlene Burr ’73 Orendorf Molly Ryan ’84 Cain David Carney ’73 Pamela Hughes ’74 Carney Jeff Carr ’03 James and Lucille Carroll Ann Margaret Bogle ’84 Chapman Bill ’76 and Nancy Krautmann ’77 Chifala Deborah Hansen ’87 Clark Stephen ’69 and Sandra Cochran Todd Cochran ’01 Thomas Connair Tom and Ann Conroy Laura Portune ’94 Cordell Emily Klosterman ’95 Corum 12 Stephanie Cramer ’71 Paul Crnkovich ’78 Bob and Helen Crotty Connie Ryan ’77 Dall John DeBanto ’84 Larry and Nancy DeRoo Ron Deger ’84 Ron and Joyce Deger Jani Lange ’73 Diedam Bill Dirkes ’76 Peter and Eileen Donahue Don and Sonia Donoher Scott and Christine Rogero ’94 Drab Patrick and Mary Lee Reisinger ’75 Dunphy Bob and Donna Duplain Todd ’92 and Suzanne Zimmer ’92 Duplain Molly Grunenwald ’87 Eisner Stephanie Fleskes ’97 Estes Joseph and Katherine Kohnen ’69 Farrey Howard and Del Feldman Dick Fenelon ’71 Dan Ferneding ’80 Kathleen Saxton ’81 Ferrante Lisa Kavanaugh ’85 Fields James Finke, Sr. Frederick and Teresa Frecker Susan Burkhardt ’95 Fredrick Marc Frient ’88 Matthew Frient ’95 Luke Frient ’99 Frank Frounfelker ’74 Don Garling ’67 Kristine Ritzert ’68 Garling Tom Gates ’69 Cathy Vorholt ’90 Gehr Lisa Muckerheide ’92 Giesler Adam and Katharina Gjarmati Philip Glotzbach ’68 Katie Burkhardt ’97 Goeke Harold and Mary Govan, Jr. Pat and Cindi Grady Steven Gran ’87 Pam Hemmelgarn ’70 Grilliot Darryl Grosjean ’68 Michael Gross ’81 Dan and Julie Gross Mickie Gummer ’67 Kathy McManus ’67 Gustavson Daniel Haas ’97 John Hager ’68 Brian Hagerty ’88 Ralph Halpin Donald and Cissy Hansen Jennifer Duerr ’87 Harper Jacquelyn Hart ’77 Daren and Julie Hartman Marvin and Marlene Hartsfield Alexis Hausfeld ’04 Kacie Hausfeld ’07 Jacqueline Hazell ’68 Patrick Heintz ’91 Heidi Osweiler ’73 Helm Brian ’90 and Amy Schrimpf ’90 Hennig Michael Hext ’87 Dean and Mindy Heyne Steve Hickey ’86 Neal and Jo Hinker Michael and Celeste Hoegler Peg Moorman ’73 Hoenigman Al and Ruth Hoffman Mark and Rita Hoffman Shannon Firsdon ’86 Holtgreive Don and Madonna Homan Thomas and Norma Horning Rob and Carol Huesman John and Christina Hurr Julie Focke ’80 Hyde Bob and Julia Jackson Joseph Janowski ’86 Edward Jauch ’78 Stephen Jeffords ’75 Joe and Carol Jones Tim and Nancy Kaczala Jean Kelly ’78 John and Joanne Kernan Kathy Kessler ’73 Donald Kiley ’87 Dan Klein ’83 Joe ’81 and Lori Klosterman ’82 Klenke Tom and Nancy Klenke Rick ’82 and Melissa Koehler Linda Manzo ’87 Koeller Steve Kramer ’97 Robert Krause ’67 James ’73 and Debbie Kroger Dan Kronauge ’88 Robert Kronauge ’76 Thomas and Lois Kronauge Andy Krug ’92 Joseph Krug Michael ’94 and Amy Krisko ’94 Krug Rick and Elena Mosconi ’74 Krumholtz William Kuflewski ’75 Peter and Marjorie Kuntz Phyllis Kussman David and Trish Navin ’77 Lachey Gary and Tina Ruef ’75 Lammers Michael Lekan ’95 Charles and Sally Lowman Jeanne Jauch ’82 Lyke Gary and Barb Lytle Lois Pleiman ’67 Macfarlane Patrice and Carrie Magnon Brett (B.J.) Mahle ’97 Father James Manning Richard Marcus ’68 Tim ’87 and Pam Powers ’87 Martin Thomas Martino ’80 Frank and Nancy McBride James and Martina McGraw Robert McKelvey ’79 Don McKenny ’71 Bill McKinley ’71 Phil McLaughlin Dennis and Karen McTaggart William and Phyllis Mees Norm Meintel ’84 Michael Meyer ’66 John Miller ’81 Stephen Miller ’83 Terri Miller ’79 Bergnach John and Jane Miller Matt and Chrissie Miller Joe ’72 and Shirley Henry ’73 Minham Steve Missall ’75 Bob and Bernadette Mitsch Cindy Monter Julie Schrimpf ’89 Moss Deborah Muegel ’80 Alan Murtaugh ’04 Paula Schneble ’79 Nartker Mark ’73 and Diane Carroll ’73 Neff Richard Nelson ’67 Mark Neroni ’83 Giles and Brenda Nolan Tom and Nadine Nyhan Robert O’Brien ’82 Tim O’Connell ’73 John and Jean O’Connell Michael O’Hare Susan Waterman ’66 Onaitis Anthony and Helen Palazotto Douglas Perkins ’69 Lori Brush ’92 Phillips Greg Plagens ’85 Jerry and Jean Ploplis Julie Cornelius ’87 Plummer Thomas Pohl ’91 David Popovich ’66 Andrew Popp ’94 Peggy Anne Powers ’96 John Prater ’75 Thomas and Rosalind Rawers Amanda Veenhuis ’96 Reger Walter and Suzanne Reiling Walt ’81 and Jo Anne Reiling Mike ’66 and Jane Reisinger Tim ’76 and Jeanne Koop ’76 Reisinger Bernard and Mary Jo Riegel Jim Ritterhoff ’75 Ed and Ann Rizer Tony Rizzo ’85 Rich and Mary Ellen Roesch David and Joyce Rosendale Nick and Marianne Rosenkranz Jim and Jackie Rudzinski Jim ’68 and Kristine Troup ’68 Ruef Herman and Marie Ruef Angela Ruffolo ’90 Kevin Sage ’95 Tom and Charlotte Sand Denise Scarpelli ’93 Michael Schmitz ’91 Gindy Armstrong ’69 Schneller Anthony Schoen ’96 John ’92 and Jennifer Moore ’94 Schoen Gregory Schoettmer ’77 David Schoettmer ’86 Jerry Schommer Dan ’69 and Maria DiSalvo ’71 Schweickart Mark and Mary Schwieterman Francis and Janet Seiler Paul and Elaine Sendelbach Greg and Laura Wiesman ’85 Senkiw Tom and Kristine Severyn Ryan Sharkey ’91 Carol Agnew ’77 Shugars Mary Sjostrom Steven Skerl ’83 George and Anne Smolinski Allen and Ellen Specht Stacey Polito ’92 Sperow Dorothy Sprauer John and Polly Srp Tom and Julie Stanton Kurt Stueve ’75 Patty Whelan ’81 Stueve Melissa Sullivan ’89 Alice Suttman Lynn Sweeney ’76 Richard and Catherine Talda Jay Tant ’96 Greg Taylor ’82 Joyce Thieman ’66 Teresa Thomas ’73 Deborah Zinck ’84 Toennies Anne Trick Irene Turckes Lynne Van Leeuwen ’83 Turner Dennis and Sally Jo Vanderhorst Kevin and Charlotte Vangsness 13 Contributors by GIFT LEVEL Annual Fund 2 01 0 Andrea Cannarozzi ’85 Varabkanich Ted and Mickey Veenhuis Karen Mees ’82 Vespa Jerry and Kay Vorholt Cynthia Vyszenski ’67 Joseph and Virginia Wade Herbert Walter ’72 Todd Wanke ’90 Randy and Lisa Warren James Wayman ’67 Tom Wehrman ’67 Rick Wemple ’88 Jeff ’98 and Jennifer Davis ’99 Wenzke Mike Whelan ’74 Mike Wildenhaus ’75 Paul Wilkens ’74 Ann Leary ’75 Williams Richard and Helen Witt Adam and Mariada Zengel Karl and Constance Zengel Michael Zimmer ’75 Michael Zimmerman ’73 Jack and Patricia Zimmerman Mark Zummo ’73 General Contributors $1 - $99 Bob and Patty Ackerman Sheila Houser ’73 Adams Michael Akhbari ’02 Harold and Rebecca Albers Doug ’71 and Peg Hogan ’71 Althaus Nancy Andrews Mary Gallagher ’80 Ankenbauer Elaine Chrystal ’85 Armstrong Loretto Armstrong ’73 Walter and Marilyn Balster Gregory Barbato ’67 Tricia Penno ’96 Barger Sue Topp ’72 Barnes Carolyn Barthel James Bartol ’73 Tom and Mary Ann Bartol Michel Batty ’66 Julie Schoen ’94 Beeler Robert Jeffrey ’86 Benko 14 R. Scott Berlon ’80 Marylee Bissmeyer ’78 Bible Barbara Bires ’68 Mary Kay Blake ’86 Jack Bolek ’10 Terry Bon ’89 Joseph and Beverly Bornhorst Jennifer Arlen ’82 Bouch Susan Scianamblo ’68 Boutz Marie Mariscalco ’77 Boyle Tim and Nicole Brainard Adrienne Hegman ’85 Brandicourt Daniel and Jeri Lynn Braunlin Nora Brenner John and Julie Nickel ’73 Brill Michelle Clark ’95 Tim ’91 and Stacey Hubach ’91 Brown Shannon Brown Elizabeth Blust ’78 Bruggeman Paul Bruggeman ’84 Jacqueline Perkins ’68 Brumfield Kimberly Bruno ’94 Sarah Uhl ’76 Bryan Elizabeth Budd Suzanne Marsh ’83 Budzik Mary Carol Burkhardt ’99 Joan Callahan Maribeth Bechert ’83 Carlson Frank and Denyse Carone Max and Gail Carone Ben Carter ’94 Michael Cengia ’04 Pete ’86 and Sherri Thieman ’86 Cerar Anna Chavez Janel Kussman ’78 Ciolli Emily Adamson ’93 Collura Terry and Carol Comer Pat and Judy Connelly Tom and Sue Connon Todd Connon ’08 J. Layne Crawford Mary Crisler Bill ’85 and Jenni Sauer ’85 Crotty Eric and Rose Crouch Connor Cummins ’10 Lynne Cusick ’69 Lisa Dillhoff ’94 Depew James Dillon ’85 Judy Henehan ’72 Doll Bob Dries ’68 Paula Fenelon ’68 Dovorsky Amy Haggerty ’85 Eason Tim Eckley ’69 Kevin Eichner ’78 Dave Eilers ’69 Marge O’Brien ’73 Etson Mary Beth Hanna ’84 Evans Denise DonMoyer ’75 Faler Carolyn Turckes ’85 Filson Diana Fischer ’02 Michael Foley ’67 Rick Foley ’84 Albert and Nancy Fratini Cindy Frericks ’86 Don and Pat Frericks Angela Gantt ’94 Tim George ’86 Julie Schrepferman ’86 George Bob and Judy Getty Michael Gillotti ’83 Lynn Stueve ’82 Ginaven Susan Reisinger ’79 Goedde Kathryn Keys ’68 Graham Patrick Graham ’75 Jodi Schweisthal ’85 Graham Sherri Gramann Michael Grant ’01 Casey Findley ’93 Green William and Betty Greger Gene and Mary Jane Gross Joel Grunkemeyer ’01 John and Norma Hagan John and Louise Haley Kathleen Haley Julia Panfile ’68 Hall Margaret Arnold ’68 Hamilton Steve and Karen Hartings Mark Haufe ’67 Reed ’73 and Thecla Schneble ’73 Hauser James Hecht ’82 Jonathan Heil ’99 Jennifer Hemmert ’97 Mary Lynne Simmons ’66 Henehan Karen O’Brien ’73 Henry Philip Herbst ’85 Michael ’79 and Ann Minnich Hess ’82 Paul ’66 and Barbara Blaho ’66 Hickey Charles Hilgeman ’74 Dennis Hogan ’66 Larry and Patricia Holden John and Maureen Wheeler ’76 Horwath Katherine Hosty ’94 Sister Sandy Howe, SC ’80 Marianne Hinde ’03 Hudelson Cheryl Moorman ’68 Jewett Susan Pohl ’74 Jordan James and Karen Kaiser Nickie Poelking ’90 Kaplan Jeff Keller ’95 Carl and Phyllis Keller Michael ’69 and Marcy Kennelly Francine Morgan ’75 Kester Anna Keyes ’76 Mary Ann ’68 Kinninger Carol Juzulenas ’67 Klein Sharon Kline Thomas Koepnick ’66 Rosalie Thomas ’77 Koesel Jen Schulz ’01 Korynski Janet Kowal Anthony and Joni Kralich Julie Krautmann William Kroger ’94 Jeanne Kronauge ’81 Michelle Kugel ’95 Michael and Dianne Kugel Melanie Lai ’99 Karen Barstow ’85 Lambert Katie Lane ’10 Jim and Stephanie Larkin Sandy Laufersweiler ’79 Nancy Navin ’73 Lee Rosemarie Leite Maura Graham ’86 Lensink Art and Kelly Leone Mary Anne Kinzig ’73 Lewis Courtney Limbert Carrie Boergert ’95 Link Jeff Luckew ’88 Tony and Elizabeth Roddy ’85 Lush Pam Datz ’76 Madden Pat Madden ’75 Marilyn Bell ’74 Mahrt Linda Ramsey ’81 Main Scott and Maritza Martin Thurman and Esther Mattingly Michael McKinley ’74 Suzanne McMahon Paul and Carole Melia Carrie O’Connell ’79 Meyer Christine Morgan ’73 William and Kathleen Moroney Barbara Neroni ’80 Murphy Julie Schaefer ’80 Myers Susan Gordon ’68 Myre Kathie Kuflewski ’69 Neff Gregory Nijak ’82 Betty O’Connell Elizabeth Moore ’96 Osborne Michael Oscar ’67 Doug Osterfeld ’70 Theresa Ott Vivian White ’99 Owen Kathryn Enouen ’79 Owsiany Roddy Patterson ’09 Jeff Penno Dennis Percy ’91 Jim and Margaret Peters Mary Jo Petrocelli ’81 James Pett ’73 Jeff and Kelly Plate Andrew Platt ’05 Patrick ’87 and Michelle Popp Paula Powers ’96 Evan Price ’10 Michael and Julie Rado Thomas and Nancy Finke ’72 Rambasek Bill Rankin ’75 Dolores Rau Michael Rawers ’94 Randy Reeder Joe Reiling ’86 Jerry and Deborah Reinstatler Philip Riazzi ’10 Alicia Anderson ’74 Risko Julie Monnig ’80 Roberts Tim Roesch ’84 Theresa Bacca ’83 Roggenkamp Margaret Whelan ’71 Rose Anne Rush Peggy Russell ’87 Beth Boyle ’00 Schloss Erin Walsh ’82 Schmitz Caroline Schnader Dan Schneble ’67 Carl and Judy Schneider Jim Schoen ’88 Gerald Schramm Teresa Gardner ’83 Schreck Gary ’84 and Teresa Schreck John Schrimpf ’89 John and Elizabeth Seitz Dave Seman ’75 Andrew Severyn ’02 Anne Pacileo ’68 Sheaffer Paul and Alyce Sheridan John and Dee Shondel John Sikora ’84 Bob Simpson ’68 Sharon Greco ’84 Smith David Smith ’81 Scott Smith ’71 Richard and Donna Smith Julie Leyes ’85 Sparks Nancy Spitler ’68 Larry Spitzmiller ’68 Marie DeBrosse ’86 Stinneford Dan Stroup ’68 James and Rosalie Sturtevant Julia Sunkes ’83 Ann Sweeney Peter Tamborski ’71 Mary Lynn Thalheimer ’78 Bob Thaman ’68 Frances Hess ’01 Tobe Tony Topp ’75 Steven and Suzanne Turner Wes Van Autreve ’96 Gene Van Leeuwen ’78 Charles J. Vanage ’81 Ferdinand and Minako Vanke Marisa Greco ’82 Varney Thomas Voelkl ’67 Sue Wagner ’69 Kathy Wald Julia Kolber ’95 Wallace Bonnie Walter Sara Walters ’77 Mike and Renee Wanamaker Leslie Osterfeld ’78 Weber Dick and Donna Wemple Frank and Ann Weyler Mrs. Gertrude Whelan John White ’78 Tracy Connon ’99 Wildenhaus Carol Wildenhaus Mary Paus ’81 Williams Doug Wimsatt ’97 Rev. Chris Wittmann, S.M. ’79 John Woeste ’79 Kay Staley ’70 Worthington Tom and Marilyn Yencha David ’72 and Barbara Yingling Phyllis Yingling Julie Ksiezopolski Yost ’94 Kristina Keyes ’87 Zamary William and Patricia Zilli Becky Zimmerman ’80 Susan Zwiesler ’81 15 Contributors by CLASS YEAR Annual Fund 2 01 0 Class of 1966 $5,270 Cla s s Partic ip ation 7% Michel Batty John Borchers Rick Davis Richard Gaeke Robert Gutmann Mary Lynne Simmons Henehan Paul and Barbara Blaho Hickey Dennis Hogan Thomas Koepnick Michael Meyer Susan Waterman Onaitis David Popovich Mike Reisinger Jim Stangle Joyce Thieman Paul and Maggie Traynor Zimmer Class of 1967 Class of 1969 $5,215 Gregory Barbato Thomas Barkmeyer Rick Fersch Michael Foley Don Garling Mickie Gummer Kathy McManus Gustavson Nancy Scheper Gutmann Mark Haufe Carol Juzulenas Klein Robert Krause Bill and Patricia DiPasquale Krul Lois Pleiman Macfarlane David Martz Deborah Zell Mathews Richard Nelson Michael Oscar Dan Schneble Ann Sweeney Fahrendorf Thomas Voelkl Cynthia Vyszenski James Wayman Tom Wehrman 1968 16 Class of 1972 1970 $ 4,180 1973 1971 $2,025 $5,955 C la s s Par tic i p a t i o n 7 % Doug and Peg Hogan Althaus Don Barker Tom Becht Paul Beyerle Dave Burkardt Stephanie Cramer Dick Fenelon Tom Hundt James Kinzig Mike Mariscalco Don McKenny Bill McKinley Jane Reichard McNamee $10,270 C la s s Par tic i pa t i o n 1 2 % Daniel Berger Mary Jo Geis Boisvert Kathi Glass Pam Hemmelgarn Grilliot Timothy Homan Doug Osterfeld Kay Staley Worthington Class of Father Chris Armstrong Sue Topp Barnes Judy Henehan Doll Jim McVay Joe Minham Nancy Finke Rambasek Joe Sjostrom Herbert Walter David Yingling Class of C la s s Par tic i p a t i o n 3 % $2,080 $1,475 C la s s Par tic i pa t i o n 3 % William Carney Stephen Cochran Lynne Cusick Mike Devlin Tim Eckley Dave Eilers Katherine Kohnen Farrey Tom Gates Michael Kennelly Mark Klug Greg Merrill Kathie Kuflewski Neff Douglas Perkins Michael Roth Gindy Armstrong Schneller Dan Schweickart Sue Wagner Class of Cla s s Partic ip ation 10% Barbara Bires Susan Scianamblo Boutz Marcia Woolley Brand Tom Brinkman Jacqueline Perkins Brumfield Bob Dries Paula Fenelon Dovorsky Kristine Ritzert Garling Philip Glotzbach Kathryn Keys Graham Darryl Grosjean John Hager Julia Hall Greg Perkins Nancy Prater Alice Adams Rickard Margaret Whelan Rose Maria DiSalvo Schweickart Scott Smith Peter Tamborski Marianne Eisenhauer Wall C la s s Par tic i p a t i o n 6 % Cla s s Partic ip ation 8% Class of Margaret Arnold Hamilton Jacqueline Hazell Cheryl Moorman Jewett Mary Ann Kinninger Richard Marcus Susan Gordon Myre Dan and Sue Kussman Reichert Jim and Kris Troup Ruef Anne Pacileo Sheaffer Bob Simpson Nancy Spitler Larry Spitzmiller Dan Stroup Bob Thaman Anonymous Sheila Houser Adams Loretto Armstrong Hig James Bartol Class P hest articipa Karen Boyle tion (tied with Class of 1994) Julie Nickel Brill Kevin Britt Marlene Burr Orendorf David Carney Jani Lange Diedam Marge O’Brien Etson Julie Feldman Reed and Thecla Schneble Hauser Heidi Osweiler Helm Karen O’Brien Henry Peg Moorman Hoenigman Arthur J. Kepes Kathy Kessler James Kroger Nancy Navin Lee Mary Anne Kinzig Lewis Michelle Mariscalco Shirley Henry Minham Mark Mitter Christine Morgan Mark and Diane Carroll Neff Tim Newcome Tim O’Connell James Pett Teresa Thomas Mike Thuney Harold Varvel Michael Witt Michael Zimmerman Mark Zummo Class of 1974 $3,175 C la s s Par ti cip ation 6% 1975 Class of 1980 $4,155 Cl as s Par tic i p a t i o n 6 % $4,230 Marie Mariscalco Boyle Annette Chavez Nancy Krautmann Chifala Connie Ryan Dall Lynn Kehl Fenton Jacquelyn Hart Rosalie Thomas Koesel Patricia Navin Lachey Thomas Landgren Steve Martino Meg Stueve Rindler Greg Schoettmer Carol Agnew Shugars Laura Van Leeuwen Snyder Paul Thesing Denny VanArsdale Sara Walters C la s s Par ti cip ation 8% Mary Lee Reisinger Dunphy Denise DonMoyer Faler Ann Vallo Febus Patrick Graham Stephen Jeffords Francine Morgan Kester William Kuflewski Tina Ruef Lammers Pat Madden Steve Missall Jim Paxson Thomas Pernik John Prater Bill Rankin Dan Rindler Jim Ritterhoff Dave Seman Doug Striebel Kurt Stueve Tony Topp Patrick Walsh Mike Wildenhaus Ann Leary Williams Michael Zimmer Class of 1976 1978 Sarah Uhl Bryan Suzanne Leyes Butler Bill Chifala Matthew Desch Bill Dirkes Maureen Wheeler Horwath Mary Ellen De Luna Jakubisin Anna Keyes Robert Kronauge Pam Datz Madden Kristine Kunesh Part Tim and Jeanne Koop Reisinger $8,055.87 Cl as s Par tic i p a t i o n 5 % Tom Becker Marylee Bissmeyer Bible Elizabeth Blust Bruggeman Janel Kussman Ciolli Paul Crnkovich Kevin Eichner Ed Jauch Stephen Joseph Jean Kelly Matt and Denise Abele O’Connell Anonymous Mary Lynn Thalheimer Gene Van Leeuwen Leslie Osterfeld Weber John White Class of 1979 $2,241 Cl as s Par tic i p a t i o n 5 % $8,455 C la s s Par ti cip ation 5% Mary Gallagher Ankenbauer Ann Stueve Becker R. Scott Berlon Darlene Saaler Braunschweiger Ceferino Cata Brian Connair Dan Ferneding Joi Findley-Smith Sister Sandy Howe, S.C. Julie Focke Hyde Thomas Martino Deborah Muegel Barbara Neroni Murphy Julie Schaefer Myers Julie Monnig Roberts Karl Rose Greg Stein Christine Sullivan Welch Becky Zimmerman Class of Class of $5,395 C la s s Par tic i p a t i o n 7 % Class of 1977 Jim Brown Robin Roehrenbeck Brun Pamela Hughes Carney Brian Esselstein Frank Frounfelker Susan Gibbons Charles Hilgeman Susan Pohl Jordan Elena Krumholtz Marilyn Bell Mahrt Michael McKinley Tim McVay Alicia Anderson Risko Douglas Tobe Cynthia Klosterman Varvel Mike Whelan Paul Wilkens Class of Lynn Sweeney Barbara Woeste 1981 $5,930 C la s s Par tic i p a t i o n 8 % Michael Albers Ellen Bornhorst Boerger Cathy Cartwright Burns David Domansky Kathleen Saxton Ferrante Michael Finke Michael Gross Ted Harris Joe Klenke Jeanne Kronauge Linda Ramsey Main John Miller Mark Nagy Lynn Miller O’Brien Mary Jo Petrocelli Walt Reiling David Smith Patty Whelan Stueve Charles Vanage Mary Paus Williams Susan Zwiesler Robert Barklay Craig Curk Susan Reisinger Goedde Michael Hess Brian Kernan Sandy Laufersweiler Robert McKelvey Carrie O’Connell Meyer Terri Miller Bergnach Paula Schneble Nartker Kathryn Enouen Owsiany Jim Sprauer Scott Spring Rev. Chris Wittmann, S.M. John Woeste 17 Contributors by CLASS YEAR Annual Fund 2 01 0 Class of 1982 $15,490 Cla s s Partic ip ation 8% Marcia Kiley Albers Clinton Arnold Hig Total C hest Daniel Bolek ontribu tion by Class Jennifer Arlen Bouch Year Erin Connair Fanning Lynn Stueve Ginaven James Hecht Ann Minnich Hess Suzanne Alejandrino Homan Lori Klosterman Klenke Rick Koehler Mark Lane Jeanne Glennon LeComte Jeanne Jauch Lyke Gregory Nijak Robert O’Brien Erin Walsh Schmitz Amy Armstrong Smith Anne Taylor Anthony Taylor Greg Taylor Marisa Greco Varney Karen Mees Vespa Class of 1983 $4,070 Gary Schreck John Sikora Sharon Greco Smith Bill Tahy Deborah Zinck Toennies Class of 1985 $4,658.45 C la s s Par tic i p a t i o n 8 % Elaine Chrystal Armstrong Adrienne Hegman Brandicourt Bill and Jenni Sauer Crotty James Dillon Amy Haggerty Eason Lisa Kavanaugh Fields Carolyn Turckes Filson Jodi Schweisthal Graham Karen Jauch Hamade Philip Herbst Chris Korb Karen Barstow Lambert Karen Roesch Levine Elizabeth Roddy Lush Jeff Morris Greg Plagens Tony Rizzo Laura Wiesman Senkiw Julie Leyes Sparks William Uhl, II Andrea Cannarozzi Varabkanich Carla Casella Hodulik Donald Kiley Linda Manzo Koeller Tim and Pam Powers Martin Julie Cornelius Plummer Patrick Popp Peggy Russell Kristina Keyes Zamary Class of 1988 Cla s s Partic ip ation 6% Peter Beyerle Suzanne Marsh Budzik Maribeth Bechert Carlson Michael Gillotti Susan Danis Grossman Dan Klein Stephen Miller Mark Neroni Theresa Bacca Roggenkamp Christine Hillman Rose Barbara Strady Rowland Teresa Gardner Schreck Steven Skerl Julia Sunkes Lynne Van Leeuwen Turner Class of 1984 Class of 1986 Tony Anderson Paul Bruggeman Molly Ryan Cain Ann Margaret Bogle Chapman John DeBanto Ron Deger Mary Beth Hanna Evans Rick Foley Catherine Lander Hume Jennifer Hein Kendo Jack Mees Norm Meintel Coleen Walsh Petrello Tim Roesch 18 $2,205 C la s s Par tic i p a t i o n 6 % $4,725 Cla s s Partic ip ation 6% Robert Jeffrey Benko Mary Kay Blake Pete and Sherri Thieman Cerar Cindy Frericks Tim George Julie Schrepferman George Susan Sammon Hendrick Steve Hickey Shannon Firsdon Holtgreive Joseph Janowski Maura Graham Lensink Libby Rain Mallitz Joe Reiling David Schoettmer Andrew Smith Marie DeBrosse Stinneford Class of 1987 Rachel Finke Marc Frient Brian Hagerty Dan Kronauge Jeff Luckew Karen Beel Milford Richard Podiak Jim Schoen Karen Zinck Smith Rick Wemple Class of 1989 $4,541.45 $1,650 C l a ss Par ti c i pa ti o n 4 % Matt Berry Terry Bon Jim Borchers Mark Borgerding John Deger Todd Kazmierski Julie Schrimpf Moss John Schrimpf Melissa Sullivan Class of C la s s Par tic i p a t i o n 9 % David Bahner Brian Beck Steve Breitenstein Deborah Hansen Clark Lisa Tsui Diller Molly Grunenwald Eisner Steven Gran Jennifer Duerr Harper Michael Hext $2,025 C la s s Par tic i pa t i o n 4 % 1990 $2,956 C la s s Par tic i pa t i o n 5 % Greg Buerschen Cathy Vorholt Gehr Brent Goheen Brian and Amy Schrimpf Hennig Nickie Poelking Kaplan Jackie Koesters Timothy Moore Angela Ruffolo Todd Wanke Class of 1991 $2,260 C la s s Par ti cip ation 5% Tim and Stacey Hubach Brown Dan DeBrosse Patrick Heintz Brian and Jenny Mercurio Leen Dennis Percy Thomas Pohl Michael Schmitz Ryan Sharkey Angela Gantt Katherine Hosty William Kroger Michael and Amy Krisko Krug Matthew Moore Andrew Popp Michael Rawers Jennifer Moore Schoen Julie Ksiezopolski Yost Class of 1995 Class of 1999 C la s s Par tic i p a t i o n 4 % $1,200 Cl as s Par tic i p a t i o n 8 % Class of 1992 $600 C la s s Par ti cip ation 3% Todd and Suzanne Zimmer Duplain Lisa Muckerheide Giesler Andy Krug Lori Brush Phillips John Schoen Stacey Polito Sperow Class of 1993 $670 C la s s Par ti cip ation 2% Class of 1994 Matt Adamson Bradford Beckmann Michelle Clark Emily Klosterman Corum Susan Burkhardt Fredrick Matthew Frient Jeff Keller Michelle Kugel Michael Lekan Carrie Boergert Link Candice Mancini Pickrel Kevin Sage Julia Kolber Class of 1996 Denise Scarpelli Baker Emily Adamson John Connolly Casey Findley Green $1,965 Julie Schoen Beeler John Borchers Brian and Sara Walker Boyle Kimberly Bruno Hig Class P hest Ben Carter articipa tion (tied with Class of Laura Portune Cordell 1973) Lisa Dillhoff Depew Christine Rogero Drab Catherine Eisenhauer 1997 2001 $1,000 $250 Todd Cochran Michael Grant Joel Grunkemeyer Jen Schulz Korynski Frances Hess Jeff Penno Class of 2002 $100 C la s s Par tic i p a t i o n 2 % Michael Akhbari Diana Fischer Andrew Severyn Class of 2003 $125 C la s s Par tic i p a t i o n 1 % $690 Jeff Carr Marianne Hinde Hudelson Class of 2004 $225 C la s s Par tic i p a t i o n 2 % Michael Cengia Alexis Hausfeld Alan Murtaugh Classes of 2005-2010 Young Alums $700 Cl as s Par t ic i p a ti o n 2 % Jonathon Albrecht Anthony Fuchs James Teets Jeff Wenzke $300 C la s s Par tic i p a t i o n 4 % Stephanie Fleskes Estes Katie Burkhardt Goeke Daniel Haas Jennifer Hemmert Steve Kramer Brett (B.J.) Mahle Doug Wimsatt 1998 2000 Class of Cl as s Par t ic i p a ti o n 4 % Class of Class of C la s s Par tic i p a t i o n 1 % Tricia Penno Barger Katie Srp Broerman Elizabeth Moore Osborne Paula Powers Peggy Powers Amanda Veenhuis Reger David Rogero Anthony Schoen Jay Tant Wes Van Autreve Class of Mary Carol Burkhardt Luke Frient Jonathan Heil Melanie Lai Vivian White Owen Jennifer Davis Wenzke Tracy Connon Wildenhaus Jacob Groshek Elizabeth Boyle Schloss Cl as s Par tic i p a t i o n 6 % C la s s Par ti cip ation 12% $395 $205 Andrew Platt ’05 Kacie Hausfeld ’07 Todd Connon ’08 Roddy Patterson ’09 Jack Bolek ’10 Connor Cummins ’10 Katie Lane ’10 Evan Price ’10 Philip Riazzi ’10 19 Remembrances for 2 01 0 We remain humbly grateful when families think of Alter in honoring or remembering a loved one. Thank you, and may God bless you and yours. In Memory In Honor In Honor of Andrew and Katie Arber In Memory of Andrew Adams ’67 Evelyn Arber Charles and Loraine Adams In Honor of The Bolton Family Edward and Marilyn Bolton In Memory of Ellen Wiedemann ’70 Berger In Honor of Ed Domsitz and his 2nd Straight State Football Championship In Memory of Michael Bruns ’74 John and Dee Shondel Elmer and Lucy Bruns In Honor of Jeff and Kelly Heine In Memory of Ken Burr Mrs. Fannie Porter Marlene Burr ’73 Orendorf In Honor of Sara Schommer ’86 Michaels Ernest and Mary Wiedemann Greg Barbato ’67 Richard Davis ’66 Jerry Schommer In Honor of Frank and Gwynn Armstrong Amy Armstrong ’82 Smith In Memory of Robert Cannon ’66 In Memory of Caroline Carter Ben Carter ’94 In Memory of Margarita Cata ’82 Erin Connair ’82 Fanning In Memory of Rita Connair Dr. Thomas L. Connair In Memory of Tony Corsiglia ’79 Scott Spring ’79 In Memory of Gordon Dadisman ’66 Richard Davis ’66 In Memory of Helen Danis Susan Danis ’83 Grossman In Memory of William J. Eisenhauer, Sr. 20 Jeanne Amann R.C. and Roberta Antolini Patricia Athmer Battelle and Battelle, LLP Alan and Kathy Biegel Cliff and Molly Rocco ’84 Bishop Robert and Linda Buhrman Shirley Burger Peter and Judy Cerar James and Lucille Carroll Bill and Jean Conway Chris ’73 and Debbie Danis Alice Dillon Norman and Suzanne Dohner John ’79 and Susanna Duchak Robert and Dolly Eilerman Catherine Eisenhauer ’94 David Eisenhauer Jan Eisenhauer John Eisenhauer Mark Eisenhauer Steven Eisenhauer William and Marie Ellinger John Erbaugh Allan and Mary Kay Feller Ford Motor Company Tom and Marge Harrington Joanne Lake-Hensley Sean ’81 & Susan Eisenhauer ’81 Heron Rosemary Hoeper Franz and Margaret Hoge Marilyn Hook Patricia Huber Keith Janning ’73 Anne Johnson Ronald and Barbara Johnson William and Brenda Kirkham John ’85 and Sarah Kunesh John and Christine Kurtz David and Pat Leff Nancy Lehman Christopher Lohr Jack Lohr Lance and Margaret Lohr Lake Marinole Association Charles and Mary Eileen McCloskey Mark Miller Robert and Bernadette Mitsch John and Jane Mueller John and Amy Mueller Tom and Mary Poplawski Patty Richter Madeleine Riley Tom and Eileen Rivan John Roberts Tom Roesch ’82 Richard ’86 and Margaret Eisenhauer ’87 Rueth Philip and Theresa Ryan Jack and Rita Schaefer Mark ’78 and Carol Schaefer Wayne and Judy Schuler Patricia Shell Bruce and Anne Smith Lawrence and Mary Smith Robert and Cindy Stichweh Richard and Sheri Stover Pat Stueve Lyle and Virginia Thompson Nancy Tsu Marianne Eisenhauer ’71 Wall Denis and Sue Wintersteen Helen Poelking Witt Paul ’66 & Maggie Traynor ’66 Zimmer In Memory of George and Irene Findley Joi Findley ’80 Smith In Memory of Chip Houser ’74 Sheila Houser ’73 Adams In Memory of Kevin Klein ’79 Rudolph and Marge Klein In Memory of Jeff Kohls ’81 Michael Finke ’81 In Memory of Patti Kussman ’72 Kolbe Phyllis Kussman In Memory of Leo Krautmann Julie Krautmann In Memory of Bobbie Krug Joseph Krug In Memory of Dan Leary In Memory of Mary Riess ’77 Ann Leary ’75 Williams Annette Chavez ’77 Rosalie Koesel ’77 Thomas In Memory of Nikki Lowman ’92 In Memory of Roger Rush Charles and Sally Lowman In Memory of Marie Manning John and Alicia Anderson ’74 Risko Paul ’66 and Maggie Traynor ’66 Zimmer In Memory of Barto and Joan Ann Mariscalco Michelle Mariscalco ’73 In Memory of Patricia McCormick Daren and Julie Hartman In Memory of Russell and Marillyn Morgan Anne Rush In Memory of Mary Fremgen ’70 Schulz Joe and Bev Bornhorst Rita and Mark Hoffman Tom and Nancy Finke ’72 Rambasek In Memory of Paul Sendelbach Robert and Carolyn Sendelbach ’86 Burn In Memory of Gina Casella ’90 Stephens Paul ’66 and Maggie Traynor ’66 Zimmer Christine Morgan ’73 Francine Morgan ’75 Kester In Memory of Julia Suba In Memory of Kurt Murnen ’97 In Memory of John and Lois Thalheimer Pat Hemmelgarn ’70 Grilliot Brett Mahle ’97 In Memory of John Pernik Tom ’75 and Peg Pernik Family In Memory of Virginia Reichard ’69 Reynolds Father Chris Armstrong ’72 Mary Lynn Thalheimer ’78 In Memory of Dan Troup ’71 Jim ’68 and Kris Troup ’68 Ruef In Memory of Robert Whelan Mike Whelan ’74 Virginia Sticht ’69 Kaufman Jane Reichard ’71 McNamee 21 Matching & Restricted GIFT REPORT for 2 01 0 Matching Gifts Abbott Fund Kimberly Clark Lisa Tsui ’87 Diller Michael Gross ’81 ATK Kuntz Foundation Peter Beyerle ’83 Peter and Marjorie Kuntz Brown-Forman Corp. Lexis-Nexis Amy Armstrong ’82 Smith Eric Crouch Dan Klein ’83 Duke Energy Tom Wehrman ’67 Eli Lilly & Company Merrill Lynch Stephen Kuflewski Jack Mees ’84 Microsoft Emerson Tom Martino ’80 John Wanke ’96 Jacob Groshek ’00 Fifth Third Bank Ray Webb GE Foundation Ryan Sharkey ’91 Global Impact Thurman Mattingly Matthew Moore ’94 Home Depot Mike Wildenhaus ’75 Honeywell Northrop Grumman Steve Breitenstein ’87 PepsiAmericas David and Ann Leary ’75 Williams Raytheon Company Tom Brinkman ’68 Robbins & Myers Kevin Brown Verizon Clint Arnold ’82 Jeff Morris ’85 Wachovia Kellogg’s Tom Laufersweiler Bill and and Karen Mees ’82 Vespa Richard Podiak ’88 22 $8,776 Restricted Gifts Anonymous Bob and Joan Collins Jim and Suzanne Crippen Dayton Freight Lines Tom and Mary DeMange Dorothy Eisenhauer Jack Garner Dennis and Karen McTaggart Marty and Dottie Miller Don and Marcia Monnier Prime Time Party Rental R & R Promotions John and Connie Taylor The Daniel M. Romer Fund The Louise Kramer Foundation The Monsignor Robert Amann Foundation W.G. Grinders John Wanke ’97 Youth Football Fund In Memoriam We offer families of the deceased our deepest sympathy and prayers. Thanks to those who inform us of deaths within the Alter family. We remember them all with fondness and gratitude. You may provide information by calling the Advancement Office at (937) 434-2059 or emailing Marilyn Agnew (August 2010), mother of Carol Agnew ’77 Shugars, Susan Agnew ’78 Delong, Lori Agnew ’81 Melotti and Tom ’82 William Bakan (April 2010), grandfather of Courtney ’04 and Lindsay ’07 Kacie Hausfeld ’07 (April 2010), sister of Ali ’04 Tom Hausfeld (April 2010), father of Ali ’04 Kevin Miller (May 2010), father of Samantha ’05 and Patrick ’12 Lawrence Robbe (August 2010), father of and Kacie ’07 (deceased) Mark Houser ’78 (July 2010), brother of Sheila Adams ’73 Houser, Chip ’74 (deceased), Mike Steve ’78; grandfather of Amanda ’05, Valerie ’07 and Nick ’09 Peter Boyle, Sr. (August 2010), father of Karen ’77, Paul ’80, Matt ’84; uncle of Evan ’09 and Jeff Rodenbeck ’75 (August 2010), brother of ’73, Kathy Boyle ’75 Geiger, Pete ’78, Dan ’79, Claire ’13 Steve’71, Nancy Rodenbeck ’72 Schottler, John Kevin ’87; grandfather of Tony ’08. Grace Keyes (July 2010), mother of Camille Helen Danis (April 2010), mother of Ben ’66, Keyes ’66 Dryden, Jeanne Keyes ’68 Beachler, Chris ’73, Peter ’74, Mary ’78, Susie Danis ’83 Patrick ’69, Anna ’76; grandmother of Bill Grossman; grandmother of Jim ’00, Katie ’03, Beachler ’98, Dan Beachler ’01 and Aubry Megan ’06 and Ben ’11 Beachler ’08 Joan Dorn (April 2010), mother of John ’73 Carlos Khabbaz (June 2010), father of Carla (deceased), Mary Dorn ’74 Price, Louise Dorn ’87 and Julie Khabbaz ’89 Marks ’78 Hicks, Lori ’79, Michael ’82 Eleanor Eisenhauer (January 2010), mother of Barbara Eisenhauer ’66 Hill Jean Fremgen (May 2010), mother of Mary John Knauer (April 2010), husband of Kathy Draugelis ’81 Knauer ’79 and Todd ’82 (deceased) Norma Ross (April 2010), mother of Robert ’80 Sue Fahrendorf ’70 Siewe (April 2010), sister of Ann Fahrendorf ’67 Sweeney Gina Casella ’90 Stephens (May 2010), sister of Carla Casella ’87 Hodulik and Maria Casella ’92 Russell William Wallis ’69 (January 2010), brother of Patricia Wallis ’67 Furst Jerry Koehnen (March 2010), father of Jim ’69, Jerry ’71, Julie Koehnen ’76 Bolton, Joe ’86; Fremgen ’70 Schulz (deceased), Dave ’72, Tom grandfather of Lance Koehnen ’95 and Sara ’74, Ruth Fremgen ’78 Girouard, Sue Fremgen Bolton ’07 Michael Zanowick ’79 (April 2010), brother of Paul ’75, Stephen ’76, Mark ’80, Christopher ’84 and Russell ’85 ’79 Bowman; grandmother of Jennifer Schulz ’01 Korynski, Ryan Schulz ’05 and Matt Girouard ’08 On April 1, 2010, the Alter community suffered a profound of Alter Volleyball. They each gave up a little piece of them- loss when a plane, piloted by Tom Hausfeld, accompanied selves to help the program grow and prosper. And, even after by his daughter Kacie ’07, crashed at a local airport, claiming they became Alter Volleyball “alumni,” they continued to sup- both lives. Tom was a current member of the Board of Trust- port our program and revel in our successes. Because of what ees and a past Booster Association president. Kacie was a they meant to us, the Alter Volleyball community will always standout collegiate volleyball player and an education major. carry Kacie & Rob Suttman ’78, past Board of Trustees President and Tom very close Tom’s cousin, said “we lost a father and daughter, a noted to our hearts.” businessman and philanthropist, a standout student and We will re- star volleyball player. Their lives touched the Alter and Uni- member them versity of Dayton communities in so many ways through their for their spirit kindness, generosity and “full of life” personalities. Whether and dedication in the boardroom or on the court; Tom and Kacie displayed a to the Alter grace that will be missed.” community. Tina Jasinowski, Alter volleyball coach, remembered both by saying, “Kacie & Tom Hausfeld really epitomized the heart May God bless you both. FA L L 2 0 1 0 23 ALUMNI NEWS Cox Makes Mark in Florida Even prior to her gradua- Within, which was published in 2008. tion from Alter, Rachel Cox Cox’s musical career took off after receiving a music degree ’89 had an evident passion from the New England Conservatory of Music. From there she for music and the written joined the Dayton Philharmonic before moving to Florida where word. With a mother teaching she has performed for the past 12 years with several different music in the Kettering school symphonies and operas in and around the Naples area. The district and her father, a his- move led to some very memorable moments for her as well as an tory professor and author of array of accolades. the governing rules for Wright Of her best memories, Rachel recalled, “Performing for two State University, it was almost PBS broadcasts at Carnegie Hall under the direction of Erich a given that she would find Kunzel was a magical experience for me. My musical career has her niche somewhere in the also allowed me to travel the world and perform in Holland and arts or literary world, but not Germany for which I feel very fortunate.” necessarily both. The existence of quality art’s programs in high schools and “Originally I thought I wanted to be a classical historian, but colleges is a passion for Cox, as she believes that “the arts pro- loved to write and also had a passion for music,” remembered Cox. vide balance to the academic mind with studies showing that “I had always loved writing poetry in high school, but it was when arts better develop the cognitive senses and help develop a I moved back to Dayton after college, I found that there was an deeper perception of the world through tolerance and empathy.” opportunity to write and publish historical plays for text books.” The first of these was published in 1996 with the release of Ohio Government with several others to Excited about the new Conservatory for the Arts and facility plans at Alter as well as wanting to give back to young music students, Rachel Is planning a trip back to Alter to perform and follow, including: The Ohio Dynasty (1996), speak with current students the middle of September. Her a book on U.S. Presidents from Ohio, The belief in wanting to see musically adept students be able African-American Experience in Ohio: 1750 to pursue their interests, Cox assisted in founding the Bauer to the present (2003) and Prominent School of Music at Florida Gulf Coast University with the cre- Women in Ohio: One Hundred Biographies ation of a need-based scholarship in 2002. (2003). The last two of these are currently being used as research materials Soon after Rachel returns home from her visit to Alter, her latest project, a historical poem, Ecce Cecillia which has been in the libraries of Harvard, Columbia, set to music for both chorus and orchestra, will be premiered Ohio State, and the Women’s Library at the first classics concert on October 30th to commemorate at London Metropolitan University. the 50th anniversary of the Southwest Symphony Orchestra. She has also written other works Her piece was selected as the winning entry from a state-wide including her first novel, The Horror contest. Castle Players present The Snow Queen Based on the original work by Hans Christian Anderson, the story is of a little girl who is bewitched by the Snow Queen. Join the cast as they bring Gerda, the Snow Queen, Kai and many zany characters to life. It promises to be an incredible journey! Show dates and times are: Thursday October 21st at 7:00pm • Saturday October 23rd at 7:30pm Sunday October 24th at 2:30pm Tickets are $6 presale and $10 at the door. Tickets will go on sale starting Monday October 18th. 24 t h e R O U N D TA B L E Windy Windy City City Suits Suits Knights Knights Well Well The path to Chicago and Loyola Uni- ninth place and the third American at the versity may have taken different turns NCAA Division 1 Cross Country meet his for two former Knights, but at this stage senior season. of their life for Rick Wemple ’88 and After graduation, he took what most Catherine Crisler ’09 (daughter of Tim would call the traditional coaching path Crisler ’80 and Jane Palazotto ’80), as he began as a volunteer assistant at you’ll find the two in tandem on many Yale, then was hired as a paid assistant occasions. Wemple is the head track and at Brown University, before leaving after cross country coach at LU, and Crisler, a seven years for his first head cross coun- decorated distance runner while at Alter, try coaching position at Lewis University is beginning her second season on the in Joliet, Illinois. Just eighteen months team. into his stint there, Rick was recom- Wemple, a successful runner himself during his days in the brown and gold, went on to have an impressive undergraduate track career at Yale, coming in mended for the vacant head coaching position at Loyola. “I had some coaching successes along the way, including my Brown women’s cross country team coming in 9th at all the hurdles. “It’s so much harder than most people Nationals, but I had set my goals higher, realize, with the class load, and the personally and wanted to be a head fact that for an athlete, the training has coach. The opportunity came open at become year-round with the competitive Loyola, and I’m really happy to be here season, followed by off-season training and in a Catholic environment where and skill work.” A L O Y LO faith is certainly a focus.” stated Wemple. Crisler, a biology major and three-time The success of the Alter girl’s cross All-Academic Ohio selection while at country and track programs over the past Alter, was a member of the 2007 Alter several years hadn’t gone unnoticed by Rick, State Champion cross-country team and and the chance to have the first Knight a two-time state champion in the 4x800 on his squad presented itself with Crisler. meter relay on the track, feels very good R E V NI C Y T SI ”Catherine is a great person and stu- U O G A HIC about her college choice. dent and a dedicated, tough competitor. “I pretty much knew my junior year She’s had some adjustments to the col- what I wanted in a university, and I really legiate level, but I have no doubt that she like the environment at Loyola. It’s will make a name for herself in time and definitely been an adjustment from high help our team become nationally com- school, now competing with girls that petitive in the next few years. It’s been were all top runners at their high schools. great having her here, allowing me to It’s been helpful having an Alter educa- reconnect with my alma mater, too.” tion in common with Coach Wemple, and According to Wemple, the adjustment I’ve learned a lot from him.” to the competition at the college level, The Ramblers’ season is underway, the work load with class and training, but undoubtedly for both, their sights are and the recruiting process in general, is set on Nationals! To follow the success a tough transition for many, but he loves of the team, go to www.loyolaramblers. helping young people navigate through com. FA L L 2 0 1 0 25 ALUMNI NEWS New Little Knights Colleen Kavanaugh ’89 Duffy and Jonathan Duffy ’89 announce the birth of their 5th child, Liam Thomas Duffy (5-24-10). Liam joins siblings Jack, Patrick, Nora and Caroline at home in Charlotte, NC. Liam is a very sweet, easy going baby. Colleen is a stay-at-home mom and Jon works for Wells Fargo. . . Knights In Marriage Art Bull ’03, who is stationed in Texas, was married on May 8, 2010 to Amy Tiege at Holy Angels with a reception at the Officer’s Club. . . Mike Cengia ’04 was married on August 7, 2010 to Erin Roberts. Mike graduated from Ohio State University with a Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering and is currently employed by Lockheed Martin, Space Systems Company in Denver, Colorado. . . Emily Bull ’05 was married on May 22 at Incar- 29 years and live in the Columbus area. They nation Parish and resides in Texas with her have 2 daughters: Jessalyn (25), a dancer in new husband, Kirby. . . Andy Carter ’00 and NYC for the last 4 years, and Karalyn (23), a Laura Moore ’95 (pictured above) exchanged model in Austin, TX who is also attending the wedding vows on Aug. 7, 2010 at St. Albert the University of Texas for a Broadcasting/Film Great Church. The service included Alter alums: degree. Jeanel still dances and has been teach- Ed Carter ’86, Karen Colona-Carter ’86, Ben ing for 35 years. She currently has 14 classes Carter ’94, John Staub ’00, Phil Gallagher of preschoolers and a competition group for ’00, Dan Eckley ’00, Andy Moore ’98, 5-year-olds. John Schoen ’92, Jeni Moore-Schoen ’94, Mary Schuermann-Kuhlman ’95, Heather Stegman-Meta ’95, Carol Fowler-Renneker ’95, Sandy Palazotto-Nickell ’95, Allison Sirocky-DelMedico ’00. 1980’s John Sikora ’84 lives in Oak Park, Ill. with his 1970’s Mark Crnkovich ’72 is Head of Radiation wife, Lacey, and their children, Sam (7) and Kiki (6). He is the Assistant Director in the Enforcement Division of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. . . David Bahner ’87 is the recipient of the Professor of the Year award Oncology for Riverside Methodist Hospital in from The Ohio State University. Every year since Columbus and lives in Dublin with his wife 1931, the senior class has selected a faculty Deborah. They have three children: Jessica member who has demonstrated an outstand- Shatz (28) who lives in Arizona with her ing commitment to medical education through husband, Glenn; Kirsten (24) who lives in their excellent mentorship, enthusiasm for Dublin, and Nick (21) who is a senior at Wash- teaching, and dedication to patient care. The ington University in St. Louis. . . Mark B. Smith, Professor of the Year award is truly one of the ’77, was recently elected to membership in the highest honors a faculty member can receive. American Board of Trial Advocates. He has a solo law practice in Cincinnati. Mark and Pat Erin Pitts ’04 Radosevich (pictured above) was married on August 8, 2009 and lives in Woodridge, Illinois. Erin graduated with a BSN, RN from Wright State University and was named “Rookie” nurse of the year at Adventist LaGrange Hospital in LaGrange, Illinois. . . 26 t h e R O U N D TA B L E Henderson ’77 Smith live with their two children (Brian and Molly) on Cincinnati’s east side. Lynn Kehl Fenton ’77 is a broker in the thoroughbred industry living in Lexington and is interested in planning an alumni trip to Keeneland Raceway in October. Jeanel West Gliebe ’77 and husband, Greg, have been married for 1990’s Patrick Heintz ’91 lives in Lexington and was named Assistant Principal at Lexington Catholic High School. . . Matt Stangle ’93 lives in Maryland with his wife and two children Mike Cata ’09 (pictured below) worked with (pictured below). He is thrilled with all the Time Warner Cable this summer as part of an improvements at Alter. Matt also extends an internship for his studies at The Ohio State invitation to any alum visiting the Baltimore/ University. For his project, he arranged for the DC area to look him up and he’ll share the best CSPAN bus to visit Alter for students and faculty places to visit. . . to learn more about the networks and our country’s government. Ryan Platt ’06 (pictured above with current faculty member Chris Lammlein ’96) recently completed his undergraduate work at the University of Dayton in pre-med and is enter- Mike Cata ’09 with C-SPAN’s Doug Hemmiger ing dental school at The Ohio State University in the fall. Initially majoring in engineering, he switched to medicine and credits much of his success and hand dexterity aptitude to Mr. Lisa Dillhoff Depew ’94 lives in El Dorado Hills, Lammlein and the mechanical drawing classes CA with her husband, John, and two beautiful he took at Alter. . . sons—Josh (5) and Connor (3 ½). She has been with Intel Corporation for 12 years and is a Senior Applications Engineer. She spent two weeks this summer driving a team of cyclists cross-country Lisa Dillhoff DePew ’94 recently traveled to raise awareness for children’s cancer to Kenya to teach computer literacy in research ( and was recent- remote regions of the country—by far her ly highlighted in an article about most profound work experience to date. successful working mothers. (See “Round Gets Around” at right for a photo of her in Kenya). . . Jason McKinney ’95 lives in Lewis Center, Her students really enjoyed reading a copy of the Roundtable! OH and is working for Energy Star, and trains retail employees on the advantages of company products and “going green”. . . Kate Conti MacEwen ’99 is Vice President for Development and External Relations for Community Alliance and very active with area boards to bring about social change. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Voice Performance from the University of Michigan and a master’s degree in Arts Administration from Eastern Michigan University. She lives near Ann Arbor, Michigan with her husband of two years, Guy Conti, and their four dogs: Mable, Auggie, Buddy and Charles. 2000’s Joseph Negrelli ’03 is going to Duke Medical School for a Nurse Anesthesis degree. . . FA L L 2 0 1 0 27 Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 302 Dayton, OH Alter Advancement Office 940 East David Road Kettering, Ohio 45429 Follow us on Facebook and Twitter! Roundtable Continues and Alumni E-Newsletter is Created! We thank everyone who provided feedback on the evolution of the Roundtable and our efforts to go green. Due to the tremendous response, we will continue producing the Roundtable three times per year, but will begin to reduce the size of it, thus saving paper and postage. Between mailings however, a new and exciting means of keeping alums informed has been born! The first edition of “The Chancery” found its way to in-boxes the middle of August via Constant Contact, bringing timely information and interesting stories to our graduates regularly. If you did not receive The Chancery, but would like to start, please send your email address to Look for the next edition coming on October 15th! Roundtable is a publication of Archbishop Alter High School. Your comments and suggestions are welcome. Please contact: John Patterson Director of Development & Communications 940 E. David Road • Kettering, OH 45429 • (937) 428-5312 Visit for more news and information
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