making lives better every day.


making lives better every day.
making lives better every day.
making lives
better every day.
our vision
To be the leading
provider of care in the
region and a national
model for quality,
service excellence and
fiscal stewardship.
our values
table of contents
President’s Message
Board Chairman’s Message
Chairman’s Society
Founders Society
Humanitarian Society
$50-$99 Donors
Capping Society
Anticipate, innovate
and adapt.
Advance the team
toward our vision.
Collective and individual
accountability for
superior results.
Value self, others
and diversity.
Strive to exceed
1892 Society
Tribute Gifts
Volunteers and Volunteens
Events Sponsors
Accreditations & Affiliations
Boards, Leadership and Staff
Letter from the
President and Chief Executive Officer
Having completed my first full year at The Chester County Hospital
and Health System I feel the same way now as I did when arriving –
impressed and grateful. The true compassion that our Hospital family displays
toward our patients and to one another is an inspiration to me. From our
auxiliary members, volunteers, physicians, nurses, board members and trustees
to our staff and administration, everyone who represents this Health System
is committed to successfully delivering on our mission and vision.
his overarching drive toward
excellence was recognized nationally this
year. Thomson Reuters named us one of the
top 50 heart hospitals in the country and
the Leap Frog Group honored us with an
“A” Hospital Safety Score.
Just as exciting, our much
anticipated, 93,000-squarefoot Tower Project got
under way last March and
when completed in the
summer of 2013, will be
home to 24 new private
patient rooms and space
for an additional 48
private rooms.
Thanks to the dedication
of some of our
historically generous
supporters, we have
been able to begin
an expansion project for our Emergency
Department. In fact we have raised enough
money to begin thinking about our next
building project which will be a new private
maternity unit.
For many decades, the national conversation
surrounding healthcare has centered on
rising costs, inconsistent quality metrics
across the industry, the impact of the
baby-boomer generation on the demand for
healthcare services, and how the country,
businesses and individuals cannot afford
to sustain these high costs. Many efforts
are underway at all levels to “bend the cost
curve” that is, to reduce the rate of growth
in healthcare services and expenses. All
are designed to encourage higher quality
and patient satisfaction while reducing
the amount of money paid to hospitals
and physicians. Forming larger and more
integrated systems of care will improve
and help to standardize care, provide
better coordination of services through
integrated information systems, and allow
organizations to achieve greater efficiency.
Our Health System Board of Directors has
been monitoring and discussing these trends
as they carefully consider the implications
this could have on our Health System.
As a result, we are now in the process of
identifying a strategic partner in an effort
to benefit our organization and enhance
the services that we bring to the
community we serve.
We do this from a
position of strength and
we are optimistic for
the opportunities this
will afford us. Within
a new structure, The
Chester County Hospital
will be better positioned
to broaden our existing
vision. And with your
continued enthusiasm
and encouragement, The
Chester County Hospital
and Health System will
be well situated to succeed in this new
paradigm of healthcare.
The manner in which everyone at The
Chester County Hospital and Health System
strives to lift the burden of disease from all
of those who come to us for care is more
than unique. For us, it’s a way of life. It’s
what we do. Everyone here works together
to ease the emotional and physical toil and
the family challenge that diseases impose –
a care model that our community expects
and has come to rely on.
The generosity that you have provided to us
for the past 120 years has enabled us to do
this. Your continued support will take us
even further as we strengthen our ability to
execute on our vision of being the region’s
leading provider of care.
Michael J. Duncan, President and CEO
The Chester County Hospital and health system
Pictured, from left: Louise Milewski, Deborah Hess, Mary Harris, Kevin Holleran,
Karen Smith, Karen Weber, Elizabeth Drummond
Pictured, from left: Kevin Holleran, John Featherman, Wiggie Featherman, Perry
Pepper, Mike Duncan, Kevin O’Brien, Mary Warden, Bill Warden, and Bill Wylie
the chester county hospital
officially breaks ground on
Letter from the
Chairman of the Foundation Board
At this time of year, each year, I am given the opportunity to thank and
recognize the support of each of you who have so generously made contributions
to The Chester County Hospital Foundation to support The Chester County
Hospital and Health System. Every contribution is important, and we greatly
appreciate all that you do for the Hospital and our community.
am pleased to share with you the
successful fundraising efforts you were a
part of in fiscal year 2012.
18% increase over the number of first time
donors to Annual Giving in fiscal year 2011.
We were fortunate to have 791 households
among our Capping Society members
The Foundation secured $1,029,209 in
(consecutive donors for five
pledges to support initiatives,
or more years). Also, our
such as the Tower Project,
Tribute Program received
the da Vinci Si Surgical
$50,887 in donations made in
System, equipment for the
memory of individuals who
Hospital, and unrestricted
passed away.
funds to be used for the
Hospital’s greatest needs.
From the many Special
The Foundation received
in donors
Events held throughout
$4,334,892 in outright gifts
the year and sales from the
and pledge payments from
Gift Shop and the Encore
2,821 donors. This was a 6%
consignment shop, the
increase in donors over fiscal
in donations from
Women’s Auxiliary donated
year 2011.
the Annual Giving
$697,790 to the Foundation.
Planned gifts totaling
The sense of philanthropy
$896,792 were received
in our community is
from those who named the
in number of firstinspiring. Your generous
Hospital as a beneficiary
support has a direct impact
time donors from
in their estate plans. Our
on the Hospital’s ability to
Annual Giving program
the Annual Giving
provide quality care to our
raised $458,170 from 2,279
donors, which is more than
a 6% increase in dollars and
more than a 5% increase in
With sincere appreciation,
donors over fiscal year 2011.
6% increase
6% increase
18% increase
In addition, 438 households were first-time
donors to our Annual Giving program in
fiscal year 2012, which is more than an
Kevin Holleran, Chairman
The Chester County Hospital Foundation Board
new tower
n Tuesday, May
1, 2012, The Chester
County Hospital and
Health System marked
the commencement of its
93,000-square-foot Tower
Project with a ceremonial
Groundbreaking for the
members of its Board
of Trustees, Capital Campaign
leadership, local legislators and
representatives from Ballinger
and L.F. Driscoll.
each of the three patient
floors aligning with the
second through fourth
floors in the existing
building. The fourth
floor of the Tower is
already designated and
funded to be a 24 private
room medical/surgical
wing. Flexibility in room
design will allow most patients
to spend their recovery time in
the same room without need
for transfer to another room as
their health improves.
93,000 additional
square feet
24 new private
The ceremony took place at the
patient rooms
construction site. Attendees of
the event, which included former 72 private rooms “This was by far the most
Hospital President H.L. Perry
when complete ambitious fundraising effort
Pepper, heard speeches from
William W. Wylie, Jr., Chairman
of The Chester County Hospital and
Health System’s Board of Directors; John
A. Featherman, III, Co-Chairman of the
Capital Campaign Committee; and Michael
J. Duncan, President and CEO of The
Chester County Hospital and Health System.
Today, the 220-bed Hospital provides a
full range of health services. To meet the
long-term health care needs of its rapidly
growing community, the Hospital embarked
on this building project to increase inpatient
bed capacity with 72 new private rooms
and to install a new, state-of-the-art linear
accelerator for the treatment of cancer.
The Tower will flow seamlessly from the
current Hospital building allowing for
ease in patient and staff movement with
and project this Hosital has
ever undertaken,” said John
Featherman, III, co-chairman of the capital
campaign committee.
Mike Duncan commented on the need for
the expansion, “When all three floors are
operational, the addition will address the
community’s current need – more privateroom beds – but it also provides us with the
space and flexibility to grow.”
The new Tower will improve patient safety,
clinical outcomes and operational efficiency
while creating an environment that fosters
healing and reduces costs.
Thank you to the hundreds of generous
donors who supported this fundraising
effort and in making this project a reality
for The Chester County Hospital.
Pictured, from left: Ilene Wong, M.D., James Bollinger, M.D., Jeffrey Rosenblum, M.D., George Henry, M.D.,
Donald Andersen, M.D., Melissa Delaney, D.O., Waleed Shalaby, M.D., Ph.D., Richard Mansfield, M.D.,
Corazon Gemil, M.D., Christina Ellis, M.D., Dianne Hotmer, M.D. Not pictured: William Merriam, M.D.
PHOTO BY JOHN welsh and rick davis
yet another way
the chester county hospital is
making lives better every day:
robotic surgery
Implementation of Robotic Surgery:
The da Vinci Si Surgical System
ith the advancement of technology there are
alternatives to traditional open surgery. Some procedures can be
performed with robotic equipment that will reduce the effects
of a traditional open surgery. The da Vinci Si Surgical System
enables surgeons to perform minimally invasive surgeries
allowing even the most complex and delicate procedures to be
completed through small incisions. The da Vinci Si provides
the surgeon with a magnified, high-resolution 3-dimensional
image of the surgical site, allowing for greater surgical precision,
an increased range of motion, improved dexterity, enhanced
visualization and improved access during surgery.
Due to the generous support from our donors, we were able to
advance clinically when we purchased the very latest surgical
robot, the da Vinci Si Surgical System.
Live since September 2011, our robotic cases are running at
twice the rate of what had been originally projected. The men
and women coming to us for this service experience less pain
and are able to return to their everyday lives
more quickly, which enhances their
overall well-being.
Some of the benefits of surgery with the
da Vinci Si include the potential for less
pain, less blood loss, less scarring, shorter
recovery time, faster return to normal daily
activities and in many cases, better clinical outcomes.
Chairman’s Society
Established to honor past, present and future Board Members, the Chairman’s
Society recognizes the leadership of individuals who have made donations to the
Foundation totaling $100,000 or more over their lifetime since 1984.
Thank You to the generous
donors who helped make the
acquisition of the da Vinci Si
Surgical System possible:
$5,000,000 and above
$250,000 - $499,999
Estate of Alma C. Giles
Longwood Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Abbott, Jr.
Estate of Charles G. Herwegh
Mrs. Penelope P. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Hoyt
Women’s Auxiliary to
Mr. and Mrs. C. Minor Barringer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Koczur
Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Abbott, Jr.
The Chester County Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Celii, Jr.
Mr. William Kronenberg, III
Claneil Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Latta
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brennan, Jr.
$1,000,000 - $4,999,999
Diamond Ice Foundation
John Lazarich Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Brownley, Jr.
Crystal Trust
Estate of Dorothy B. Hertig
Estate of Frieda McMullan
Ms. Nancy O. Carr
Davenport Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas L. Krapf
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moran
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Celii, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Irénée du Pont, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Mason
Laura M. Moses Fund at
Chester County Community Foundation
Mrs. Robert S. Gawthrop, Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. R. Marshall Phillips
The Philadelphia Foundation
Ciccarone Family
Estate of David Knauer
Estate of Cecilia C. Schramm
Mrs. Dorothy W. Mullestein
Crystal Trust
Mrs. Nancy H. Knauer
Estate of Leslie B. Schramm
Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Musser
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Daly
Lasko Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Perry Pepper
Davenport Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lasko
Estate of Gilbert P. Talbot
Mr. and Mrs. A. Duer Pierce, Jr.
Celeste E. DeBaptiste, M.D.
Marian S. Ware 2003 Charitable
United Way of Chester County
Mrs. Gay S. Robinson*
Diamond Ice Foundation
Lead Annuity Trust
Welfare Foundation, Inc.
Mr. James K. Robinson, Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Drummond
The May Festival
Mr. and Mrs. Irénée du Pont, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. McNeil
$100,000 - $249,999
Mrs. Anne E. Scarlett*
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Ehlers
Mrs. William E. Parke*
A. Duie Pyle, Inc.
Mr. William J. Scarlett*
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Hess
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Warden, III
Hoxie Harrison Smith Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Maury Hoberman
Ms. Carol Elizabeth Ware
Mr. Richard M. Armstrong, Jr.*
Springbank Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Holleran
Estate of Suzanne L. Williamson
Mrs. Susan D. Armstrong
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Stull
The Bedwell Company
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Swett
Sartomer Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Horne
Estate of John C. Jubin, Jr.
$500,000 - $999,999
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bedwell
West Chester Anesthesia
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas L. Krapf
Anonymous (2)
The Bentley Family
Ms. Mary Alice Malone
Estate of Caroline S. Brown
Estate of Georgina E. Bevan
Miss Nancy V. Moore
Mr. Henry I. Brown, III
Bring and Buy Shop
Miss Jean M. Oakes
Chester County Community Foundation
The Chester County Hospital Medical Staff
The Roemer Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ciccarone
Estate of Daniel Cornwell
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Rudibaugh
Lucille Mellon Holloway Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Drummond
Dr. and Mrs. L. Peter Soraruf, IV
Estate of John C. Jubin, Jr.
Louis W. Dutt, Jr. Trust
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Warden, III
Ms. Mary Alice Malone
First National Bank of Chester County
Cathy A. Wilson, Esq. and William Mitman, Esq.
Miss Nancy V. Moore
Mr. William W. Gibb*
Mrs. Penelope P. Wilson
The Roemer Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Wylie, Jr.
* Deceased
Founders Society
In honor of the doctors, both past and present, for their service and care
to the greater community, the Founders Society recognizes donors who support
the Hospital’s mission by making a gift annually of $1,000 or more.
Founders Society
Mr. Edward S. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Kosh
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Reimer, Jr.
and Ms. Susan Garber
Dr. and Mrs. Richard F. Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. Isidore F. Ricciuti
Mr. Henry I. Brown, III
Mrs. Frances H. Leidy
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Ritchey
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Brownley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Leyden
Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Rivituso
Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Burk
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin S. Lieberman
RJM Foundation
$500,000 and Above
United Way of Chester County
Ruth Camp Campbell Foundation
Lions Club International District 14-P
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Sampson
Women’s Auxiliary to
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Warden, III
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Mrs. Vivian S. Carlow
The Lipstein Family Foundation
Dr. Bruce R. Saran
The Chester County Hospital
West Chester Anesthesia Associates
Ms. Lois H. Barker
Ms. Nancy O. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Lipstein
and Ms. Robin I. Kauffman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Battin
Cassatt RRG Holding Company
Mr. Donald G. Lundberg
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Schneider
$100,000 - $499,999
$10,000 - $24,999
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Benner, IV
Mr. Chao Chen and Ms. Jennifer Moriarta
Mr. and Mrs. R. James Macaleer
Dr. Pamela P. Scott and Dr. Raza Khwaja
Anonymous (3)
Ametek Foundation
Chester County Orthopaedic Assoc., Ltd.
Chester County Eye Care Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Ian A. MacKinnon
Siemens Caring Hands Foundation
Estate of Daniel Cornwell
Mrs. Gretchen Bowker
Mr. Lee A. Ciccarelli
The Chester County Hospital
Mrs. Dorothy G. Magers
Ms. Hyong K. Song
Crystal Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Breiner
and Dr. Stephanie L. Ciccarelli
Corporate Information Management
Manito Abstract Company
Dr. and Mrs. L. Peter Soraruf, IV
Davenport Family Foundation
Connelly Foundation
Mrs. Ellen B. Cleveland
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Coladonato
Aaron Martin, Ph.D.
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Spurlino
Mr. and Mrs. Irénée du Pont, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Ehlers
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Coyle
Mr. and Mrs. Kiernan Conn
Mr. David D. McCoach
Dr. and Mrs. Fredric Squires
Lucille Mellon Holloway Trust
William & Anne Evans Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Gibbons G. Cornwell, III
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. McNeely
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stevenson
Estate of David Knauer
Endowment Fund
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Felicetti
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Cullen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Merriman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Strode, Jr.
Mrs. Nancy H. Knauer
First Cornerstone Foundation, Inc.
David Grossman, M.D.
Ms. Janet R. Deal
Ms. Carolyn S. Miller
Mrs. Caroline R. Thomas
Ms. Mary Alice Malone
Estate of Alma C. Giles
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Kennedy
Ms. Linda A. DeNardo
Mr. and Mrs. Rodman W. Moorhead, III
Mrs. Anna B. Thompson
The May Festival
The Patricia Kind Family Foundation
Mr. William Kronenberg, III
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Donze
Mr. Byron P. Morton
Mrs. Anne F. Thorington
Miss Nancy V. Moore
Lamb McErlane, P.C.
John Lazarich Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dreisbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. C. David Murtagh
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas P. Trainer
The Roemer Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Molinelli
Laura M. Moses Fund
L.F. Driscoll Co.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Nagy, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. George Trajtenberg
Ms. Carol Elizabeth Ware
The New Century Club of West Chester
at The Philadelphia Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William Emmons
Mr. John Neider
E. C. Trethewey Building Contractors, Inc.
Marian S. Ware 2003 Charitable
Estate of Lawrence D. Reimer, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Todd A. Michener
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Enoch
Novo Nordisk, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund C. Trethewey
Lead Annuity Trust
United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Fanelli
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pastrick
Mrs. Penelope P. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Wylie, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Orr
Pellini Gold Cordes, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. West
Out of Reach Farm Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Flickinger
The Pennsylvania Trust Company
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Whittaker
$50,000 - $99,999
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Perry Pepper
Mrs. Helen H. Ford
Dr. Karen Pinsky and Mr. Craig Shor
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Abbott, Jr.
A. Duie Pyle, Inc.
Photography by Ro
Forney Family Foundation
Ms. Rose T. Pinto
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Wise
The Bentley Family
Estate of Margaret P. Anderson
Premier Orthopaedics
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Forney
Miss Constance M. Plunkett
Mr. Carlos M. Yuste
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Celii, Jr.
Anonymous (2)
& Sports Medicine Associates, Ltd
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Gallagher
Chester County Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Antonelli
SAP America, Inc.
Mr. Thomas F. Gallagher, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Koczur
Dr. and Mrs. William R. Atkins
Dr. Scott H. Saul and Dr. Marjorie Saul
Corazon G. Gemil, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Duer Pierce, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Andrew Benton
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Scholl
George I.E. Harris Bloodstock
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Clifford
Dr. and Mrs. Cheston Simmons, Jr.
Associates, Inc.
Celeste E. DeBaptiste, M.D.
Mrs. Dawn Taylor-Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Gorman
$25,000 - $49,999
The Honorable Clifford E. DeBaptiste
Dr. Michele Tedeschi
Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Haeckler
Mr. and Mrs. Antelo Devereux, Jr.
and Mr. Charles H. Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Halsted
Dr. Louis M. Boxer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Duncan
Adrienne J. Towsen, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. George I. Harris
and Ms. Suzanne Simenhoff
Emergency Care Specialists, P.C.
United Way of Delaware, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. James I. Heald
Diamond Ice Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Featherman, III
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Werner
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Hess
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Drummond
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Horne
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Wilson, II
Mr. and Mrs. John Hesselberth
Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Emery
Dr. Robert H. Huxster
Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Ziegler
Dr. and Mrs. Maury Hoberman
Glenn Ereso, M.D.
and Dr. Barbara Forney
Mrs. C. B. Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Holleran
Fidelity Charitable
The Jerrehian Foundation
Daphne J. Florence, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale N. Krapf
$1,000 - $2,499
and Mr. Douglas A. Hotmer
Dr. Scott J. Garber
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Latta
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Adkins, III
Hufty Foundation
and Dr. Debra Kimless-Garber
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moog
Mary B. Allan, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Harry J. Hutchinson, III
Julius S. Heyman, M.D., Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moran
Anonymous (2)
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas L. Krapf
Morrissey Family Foundation
Avante Salon & Spa
Cheryl A. Johnson, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Russell Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Morrissey
Mrs. Janice L. Baker
Dr. James H. Jordan, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Marshall Phillips
Mr. Ray Ott, Jr. and
Mr. William C. Baldwin
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Kavanaugh
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Roberts
The Honorable Paula Francisco Ott
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Bauman, Jr.
Mr. Paul M. Keller
Dr. Marc Romisher
Pancoast & Clifford, Inc.
Mrs. Barbara G. Beddall
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kern
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Rudibaugh
Mr. and Mrs. S. Franklin Pancoast, III
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Berman
Mrs. Virginia O. Kettenring
Dr. and Mrs. Craig Steiner
Ratech Engineering
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bilinski
Mr. William A. Kleinfelter
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Swett
Mr. and Mrs. Deacon Shorr
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Brandon
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Knauer
Dr. Kirby S. Tirk
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brennan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane D. Knecht
and Ms. Veronica M. Balassone
Mr. and Mrs. Robert von der Luft
Mr. Edward S. Brinton
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Knox, Jr.
Dr. Dianne Hotmer
and Ms. Martha Kirby
Generous artists donate their works to be
displayed in the new patient tower.
ealing Art Works believes the value of original works
of art in patient care spaces will complement The Chester
County Hospital’s drive to “Make Lives Better Every Day” by
enhancing patient, family and staff experiences. The featured
artist for The Chester County Hospital’s project is Lin
Webber, a local artist who is known for her bucolic Chester
County landscapes. More than 50 pieces have been donated to
the Hospital and will be displayed in the new patient tower.
Pictured, from left: Mike Duncan, President and CEO of The Chester County
Hospital and Health System; artist Lin Webber, and Healing Art Works Board
Members Patty Cunningham and Lisa Prinzo.
Humanitarian Society
To honor The Women’s Auxiliary of The Chester County Hospital
and their humanitarian spirit, the Humanitarian Society recognizes
those donors who make an annual gift of $100 to $999.
Humanitarian Society
Arch Insurance Group Inc.
Ms. Beryl L. Biddle
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Buckley
Mr. Robert Arciero
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd R. Bielski
Ms. Patricia Bugliani
and Ms. Janice E. Adams
Mrs. Mary Biller-Fischetti
Ms. Sandra Lee Bunting
Arrell & Snow Electrical Construction, Inc.
Ms. Melissa A. Billings
Ms. Mary Buol
Dr. and Mrs. Alan M. Askinas
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Bird
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Burke
Guidepoint Global
The Honorable
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Atkinson
The Reverend and Mrs. James G. Birney
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Burke, Jr.
America’s Charities
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Haines
and Mrs. Walter K. Stapleton
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Atlas
Ms. Margaret A. Black
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Burt
Anonymous (4)
Mrs. Mary D. Hayes
Mr. Fred A. Strauss
Dr. and Mrs. Steven L. Atlas
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Blake
Mr. Charles E. Busby
Apple Matching Gifts Program
Mrs. Margaret Hennes
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Swayne, III
Mr. Steve Austin
Mrs. Isabelle D. Blank
Erlinda G. Bustonera, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Joseph Armstrong
Mr. Robert Hennes*
Mrs. Gail K. Taylor
Ms. Susan R. Austin
Mrs. Ann Marie Blevins
Mr. and Mrs. George Butz
Mrs. Susan D. Armstrong
Mr. Howard E. Hoctor
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Theurkauf
Automotive Specialties of Del Val, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Milton K. Blevins
Byram Healthcare
Stephen F. Belfiglio, D.O.
Ms. Doris A. Hoffman
Mr. George F. Thornton
Avante on Main
Ms. Katherine J. Blumberg
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery L. Byrem
Bergen County United Way/
Ms. Gail A. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Uhl
Avon Grove High School
Dr. Susan M. Blydenburgh
Mr. and Mrs. Russel J. Cacciavillano
Charitable Flex Fund
Mr. J. Irvie Hoffman, Jr.
United Way of Lancaster County
Sports Boosters
and Mr. Michael J. Cannarsa
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Callaghan
Mr. David C. Biddle, Jr.
Mr. G. Arthur Hornberger
United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta, Inc.
Mrs. Pauline A. Bachtle
Ms. Norma Boardley
Mrs. Dorothy W. Cann
Ms. Julie I. Blank
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Horstmann
Eva L. Verplanck, Ph.D.
Dr. Dudley C. Backup
Dr. and Mrs. David E. Bobman
Cardiology Consultants Division
Ms. Catherine M. Broscheid
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Huberty
Veterinary Surgical Referral Services
and Ms. Mary Jane Rogan
Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Bock
of BM Med Specialists
Mr. Lloyd K. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Generoso Iannotta
Mr. Neale W. Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Balbach
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bole
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Carey
Mr. Armando Byrne and
J & A Medical Home Care
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Weber
Ms. Joan O. Baldwin
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bond
Mr. Ryan Ed J. Carillo
Ms. Deborah D. Jaworski
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin K. Willard
Bank of America United Way Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Bonsall
Ms. Hilda H. Carpenter
Ray Carr Automotive Museum
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Kain, Jr.
Ms. Kathryn Ann M. Williams*
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Bannan
Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Boose
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. E. Craig Kalemjian
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wood, II
Mr. Philip E. Bannan
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Bott
Mrs. Christina C. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Lance
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Jay T. Barber
Mrs. Constance E. Boutin
Mrs. Harriet A. Carroll
CCS Medical
Mr. Daniel G. Lasley and Dr. Laura Lasley
Mrs. Kathleen M. Zopf-Herling
Mr. Edmund C. Barnes
Mr. Romuald J. Boutin*
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Carson, III
Chester County OB/GYN Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Lehnkering
and Mr. Steven R. Herling
Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Barr
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bove
Ms. Kerry L. Carter
Mrs. Susan W. Cobin
Mr. and Mrs. Dana T. Lerch
Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Barr
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Bovell, Jr.
Ms. Jean M. Castaldi
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Collins
Dr. William E. Luginbuhl
$100 - $499
Mr. Paul V. Barr
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jeffrey Bowden
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Castle
Mr. Richard T. Corbett
and Dr. Erica Turner
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Abbott
Mr. William J. Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Austin J. Bowles
Center For The Blind
Cornell University Foundation
Ms. Phyllis M. MacLardy
Mr. and Mrs. Leigh M. Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. C. Minor Barringer
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton E. Boyd
and Visually Impaired
Mrs. Nancy R. Corson
Dr. and Mrs. Burton T. Mark
Mr. and Mrs. Winslow K. Abbott
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Barry
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Boyd, Jr.
Richard F. Chalfin, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Coughey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Matz
Ability Prosthetics & Orthotics, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Battle
Ms. Joanne Boyk
Mr. Ho Chang
Mr. Raymond B. Cromer
Valerie McAuley, D.O.
Dr. John M. Abramson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Baxter
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Bozarth
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Charnock
Mrs. Alicia P. Cullen
Ms. Maureen S. McCool
acac Fitness & Wellness Centers
Mr. Gregory Bay
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Cheeseman
Ms. Mary F. Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. McGuire
Access Group, Inc.
Mrs. Nancy J. Bazil
Dr. Victoria G. Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Chefko
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Dean
Ms. Moira A. Meyreles
ACE Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Beard
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Brady, Jr.
Dr. Harry Chen and Dr. Andrea J. Apter
Estate of George and Mary Dean
Beverly A. Mikuriya, M.D.
Ms. Helen Acland
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Beattie
Brandywine Lions Club
The Chester County Hospital
Mr. John E. Defibaugh
Mrs. Dorothy W. Mullestein
Mr. and Mrs. G. Adalsteinsson
Mr. and Mrs. Tyke Bechtel
Ms. Marilyn I. Branton
Information Technology Dept.
Delaware Community Foundation
Dr. John Nannos
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bechtold
Ms. Jean F. Bratton
The Chester County Hospital
Mrs. Ann M. Dellevigne
and Dr. Catherine A. Popovitch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Adams, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Becker
Mr. Kevin Bratton
Mr. Michael DeMatteis
Mr. Robert E. Newell
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Adkins, Jr.
Ms. M. Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Braunschweig
The Chester County Hospital School
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Denham
Mrs. Thelma C. Newell *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Aiken
Mr. and Mrs. Boris Belfer
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Brautigam
of Nursing, Class of 1952
Mr. William M. Denny, Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Obosnenko
Ms. Margaret P. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Belknap
Mr. John J. Brautigam
Chester County Pulmonary
Mr. and Mrs. John C. deRuyter
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Leo Parsons
Mr. Trip Altdoerffer
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Bellenger, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Brawley
& Sleep Specialists
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Deschenes
Dr. Lisa Parviskhan
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Alwine
Bellingham Retirement Living
William F. Brazerol, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon A. Chetty
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gerald Dommel
and Mr. Rashmi Radhakrishnan
Mr. David Anctil
Ms. Adele N. Bendes
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Chilcott, Jr.
Mr. Donald L. Drennen
Mr. Glenn A. Paton
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Andersen
Ms. Betsy B. Benner
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Chin
Mrs. Catherine W. Elkins
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Pellini
Mr. and Mrs. Leon O. Anderson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Benner, III
Mr. and Mrs. Pat L. Bria
Ms. Jody Cialini
Employees Community Fund
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Ms. Marian W. Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Bentley, Jr.
Brickette Lounge, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ciccarone
of The Boeing Company
Dr. and Mrs. William Plummer, III
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Anderson, III
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Benton
Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Brink
Ms. Carmela L. Cinquina
Mr. Frederick J. Eufrasio
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Reichert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Anderson
Mr. Kirk T. Berger
Ms. Joan J. Bristol
Mr. and Mrs. Attilio A. Ciorrocco
Ms. Polly Y. Fairchild
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Reilly, Jr.
Mrs. Robin Andreasen
Ms. Kathleen Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Brittingham
Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Clark
Family Practice Associates
Ms. Kristina Rentschler
and Mr. Milo Aukerman
Ms. Rita Bernardin
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Bronson
Ms. Connie S. Clark
of Exton and Marshallton
Rotary Club of West Chester Downtown
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer J. Andress
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bernberg
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart B. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Gale
Ms. Karen L. Rothenbuhler
Animas Corporation
Mrs. Anne H. Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Clark
Ms. Joan M. Gervatoski
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Schaeffer
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Annas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bertrando
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown
Colonel Mary F. Clementi USAF NC (Ret)
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Scott, Jr.
Anonymous (18)
Berwind Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Brown, Sr.
Mrs. Margaret B. Cloud
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gose
Dr. John C. Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Bessett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bruce
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Coburn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Grekila
Mr. Leslie M. Simmler
Mrs. Agnes Antonowich
Mrs. Julianna Bibbo
Mr. Frank L. Bucci
Mrs. Regina E. Cohen
Greymart Recovery Services, Inc.
Ms. Christine B. Smyth
* Deceased
* Deceased
Mr. John Buckalew, III
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Coin
Humanitarian Society
Humanitarian Society
Mr. Robert E. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. DiFilippo, III
and Mr. Lawrence J. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Hughes
Mr. Donald J. Kester
Mr. John A. Colgan, III
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. DiFrancesco, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Fick
Mr. Chad Goodwin
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew H. Hulbert
Kg Miller & Co.
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Colley
Ms. Claire E. DiFranks
Mrs. Doris E. Field
and Ms. Erin Rodgers
Ms. Susan S. Hunt and Mr. Daniel Sevick
Mr. Brian G. Kiernan
Mr. and Mrs. Elson A. Collins, Jr.
Ms. Pamela K. DiJoseph
Mr. and Mrs. J. John Filoromo
Mr. Michael R. Gould
Mr. Harry J. Hurley, III
Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Kirijan
Ms. Hilary Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Dillow
Mrs. Kathleen D. Finegan
Mrs. Erika Graham
and Mrs. Mary Beth Hurley
Ms. Sharon A. Kirkby
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Comerford
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. DiMarco
Ms. Julie Fisher
Mr. William J. Grant
Dr. William J. Hurley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Kirschling
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Conner
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. DiMarino
Mrs. Bernadette A. Flaherty
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard R. Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Hyczka
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Kitchen
Ms. Carolann D. Contino
Mr. Dewey K. DiMarzio
Ms. Deedra D. Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Gregory, Jr.
IBM International Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Kitson
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent T. Coppola
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Dimonte
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Flanagan
Mrs. W. Perry Gresh
Insulet Corporation
The Klip Joint
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Corbishley
Mrs. Dina Dinacci
Mr. Joseph H. Flather, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Gribbin
Mr. Carl O. Isakson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry W. Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Corcoran
Diane M. Disney, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Flitner
Ms. Kathy A. Grier
and Ms. Veronica Dare-Bryan
Mrs. Joan E. Koch
Mr. Charles F. Cordes*
Mr. Harshad R. Dodia
Ms. Suzanne Fluhr
Mrs. Margaret C. Griest
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Isola
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Kochansky
Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Cornelius, II
Ms. Helen F. Doherty
and Mr. Steven M. Albelda
Mr. Robert H. Griffith
J. Gallagher Septic
Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Koenig
Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Corrigan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Brendon Dolan
Ms. Linda Force
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gronseth
and Wastewater Control, Inc.
Mr. Harry J. Kolb*
Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Costello
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Dolphin
Mrs. Virginia G. Ford
Mr. Gregory E. Gross
Ms. Annabelle W. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Kolodinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Cotter
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Donahue
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Fordice, Sr.
Guest Financial Services,
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Komar
Mr. Rene C. Cottrel
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Donawick
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Foreman
T/A United Check
Mr. and Mrs. Millard H. Jackson, III
Mrs. Marie F. Komarek
Miss Joan D. Courtless
Mr. and Mrs. F. Michael Donohue, Jr.
Mrs. Sally K. Fort
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Guest
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Jackson
Dr. and Mrs. Walter E. Kottmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Covert
Mrs. Donna S. Doss
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Foxx
Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang H. Gunther
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfried H. Jackstat
Howard B. Kramer, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Cox
Ms. Deborah Dougherty
Francis Automotive Services
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan D. Gushurst
Mr. Richard A. Jacoby
Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Kramp
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Craig
and Mr. Scott A. Ehrlich
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Frank
Mrs. Carol H. Habig
Mr. Keely Jakubowski
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Krebsbach
Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Crede
Mr. John F. Dougherty
Ms. Annamarie M. Frederick
Mr. Craig R. Haines
Mr. Philip Jamison
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Krempa
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Cremi
Mrs. Alexandra C. Dow
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Freese
Mrs. Gwendolyn W. Haines
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Jankowski
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Kreno
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Crothers
Mrs. C. Beverly Dow
Mrs. Helena R. French
Haines Landscaping & Tree Service
Ms. Evelyn A. Janos
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Krieg, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crowley
Mr. Clayton H. Downes
Ms. Sarah W. French
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Hall
Sean F. Janzer, M.D., FACC
Mr. and Mrs. Lazarus Krikorian
Mr. Angel Cruz
Downingtown Family Medicine
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Freney
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hammond
Mrs. Helen F. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kronenberg
Mr. Ioan E. Cucerzan
Ms. Frances E. Doyle
Mr. Charles Frick
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hancock
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johann
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Kummeth
Mrs. Josephine W. Curry
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Doyle
Friends on Wheels Camping Club
Mr. Donald C. Hankin
Mrs. Patricia Gayle Johns
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kurkjian
Ms. Mary E. Cushing
Ms. Beverly A. Drake
Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Fussell
Dr. Navjot S. Hanspal
Mr. Abraham Johnson, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth M. Kuzma
Mr. Charles W. Cushman
Mr. William W. Driver, Jr.
Mr. Robert G. Gabel
Glenn R. Harper, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin H. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kyle
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Czeiner
Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Duffy
Ms. Dana Gadebusch
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Kyper
Ms. Janet M. Daily
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Duke
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Hartman
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Jones
L T D Bookkeeping
Ms. Jean M. Dalton
Dr. Joseph J. Dulka
Mrs. Nancy C. Gallagher
Mr. William T. Hartman
Ms. Gale L. Jordan
Mrs. Mary Lou Lafreniere
Mr. Michael Damico
and Dr. Catherine P. Dulka
Ms. Rachael Tennyson Gallagher
Mrs. Marsha L. Haug
Mr. Joseph F. Joyce
Madeline H. Lamb, Esq.*
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. D’Angelo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Durning
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hauser
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Jungkurth
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. D’Angelo
Franceso D’Urso, M.D.
Ms. Suzanne Gansky
Mrs. Twonette S. Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Kadel
Mr. Brian K. Lane
Mr. John P. Darby
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Edmunds
Mr. Jack C. Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Heckman
Dr. Diana L. Kane and Mr. Gary Hartung
and Ms. Diane E. Desieno
Mrs. Margarette A. K. Darby
Mrs. Ann Einstein
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Garland
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Helms, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis I. Lane
Mr. Jerry P. Davidoff*
Eli Lilly & Co.
Mr. Henry Gass
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Herald
Mr. Kenneth D. Kane, II
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Lane
Ms. Teresa L. Davidoff
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Elkins, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gaudi
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Hewson
S. R. Kataria, D.D.S., P.C.
Mr. and Ms. John W. Lang
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Davidson
Mr. Norman W. Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Gausch
Ms. Pauline B. Hill
Dr. and Mrs. Sadhu R. Kataria
Ms. Margaret K. Lang
Mrs. Laurie A. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Elvin
GE Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hillegass
Mr. Scott T. Kauffman
Bernhart W. Langer, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Davis
Mr. Kenneth G. Emerson
GE United Way Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Himes
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kavanaugh
Ms. Gail Latham
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory K. Deal
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Emm
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob C. Geisel, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hindorff
Mr. and Mrs. L. William Kay
Ms. Martha M. Latshaw
Mrs. Beverly Dean
Mr. Frederick Eng
Ms. JoAnn M. George
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Hobman
Mr. Kelvin Kean and Mrs. Ella Marie Kean
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Lawman
Mrs. William H. Dean
Mrs. Betty Engan
Mr. and Mrs. Carmen T. Giacchino
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hodnett
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Keefer
Mr. David Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Deane
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Ernst
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Giannantonio, Jr.
Mrs. Ruth Ramsdell Holden
Mrs. Mary Kehner
Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Lawrence
Mrs. Joan H. DeMichiel
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Esbenshade
Mrs. Christine A. Giardini
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Hollander
Mrs. Carol L. Keiler
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan S. Leaman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Denest
Esri - The Philadelphia Regional Office
Mrs. Marjorie L. Gibson
Ms. Kathleen W. Hooper
Mr. Alvy L. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. William D. LeFebvre
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Dengler
Mr. Vernon E. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Giedzinski
Mr. and Mrs. Reid K. Hoover
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Kelly
Mr. Todd R. Leggett
Mr. Joseph W. Derickson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Fagan, Jr.
Mr. Jay Gifford
Mr. and Mrs. Tiemann N. Horn
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Kelly
and Ms. Stephanie Anctil
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Desirey
Mr. Edward J. Fahey
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gill
Mr. and Mrs. Leon W. Houp
Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Kelly
Dr. John D. Lemcke
Mrs. Kimberly A. DeStefano
Ms. Susan Falcone
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gitzendanner
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Hoyt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Leo
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dettra
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Faucette
Mrs. Beth A. Hrincevich
Mr. Bryan Kemp and Ms. Suzanne Brockner
Mr. F. William Leonard
Mr. Wayne D. Deveise
Mr. James S. Faulkner
Ms. Linda M. Huber
Richard B. Kent, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Leslie, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip B. Dewey
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ferrier
Mr. Adelbert Glennon
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Hudecki
Kent-Lucas Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Betty J. Leto
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ferrigno
Martin G. Goch, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Huffman
Ms. Charlene J. Kerollis
Ms. Paula J. Levens
Mr. and Mrs. John Diamond
Mr. George W. Fetters, Jr.
Ms. Diane G. Goldberg
Hugh Johnson Advisors LLC
Ms. Sandra Kerr
Levin & Luminais Eye Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dickson
Ms. Meredith A. Fetters
* Deceased
* Deceased
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Kershaw
Mr. Samuel S. Levin
Humanitarian Society
Humanitarian Society
Mr. Michael Levine
Mr. Raymond A. McClure
Mr. and Mrs. Rand D. Moll
Ms. Patricia Paulley
Ms. Lynne M. Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Schlosser
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. C. John McComb, III
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Paynter
Mr. and Mrs. William Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Schoonover
Mr. Gary Liddick
Mr. John B. McCrory*
Mr. Richard S. Moog
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Peakes
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Renko
Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Schouten
Lines Self Storage
Ms. Diana L. McCulloch
Mrs. Jane Z. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Peiffer
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Renninger
Mr. George F. Schreiber
Mr. James J. Liney, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McCullough
Ms. Jeannette S. Moore
Mrs. Yona Y. Pellini
Mr. Joel M. Ressner
Mr. and Mrs. Derek W. Schultz
Mr. William J. Linn
Mr. and Mrs. Francis O. McDaniels
Mr. and Mrs. Keith W. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Penman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Reymos
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Schumacher
The Lions Club of West Goshen
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. McDevitt
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Morelli
Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim R. Pennington, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Norris R. Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz W. Schumann
Ms. Dolores J. Little
Mrs. Kathleen McDougall
Mr. Richard M. Morelli
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Pensalfini
Mrs. Elsa C. Rhoads
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Schutt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Loane, Jr.
Ms. Theresa A. McFadden
and Ms. Pamela J. Stephani
Ms. Barbara A. Perella
The Rhoads Trust
Ms. Jeanne A. Schwab
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. LoBue
Mr. and Mrs. John W. McGonigle
Mrs. Virginia M. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Erminio J. Peta
Mr. and Mrs. J. Permar Richards, III
Mr. Herman L. Schwartz, III
Debra G. Loeb, M.D.
Mrs. Eileen V. McGovern
Mr. Paul R. Morris, Jr.
Mr. John J. Peterman, III
Ms. Patricia R. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Steven N. Schwartz
Mr. Samuel B. Long
Ms. Sharon B. McGrane
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Morrone
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Peters
Mrs. Ruth H. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Scimone
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Lonsdale, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David J. McIlmoyle
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Morse
Ms. Grace Peters
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Richter
Mr. and Mrs. Domenico A. Sciubba
Mrs. Patricia Lorback
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth N. McKelvey
Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Morton
Ms. Esther S. Peterson
Dr. and Mrs. Russell K. Rickert
Dr. and Mrs. George C. Scott
Dr. and Mrs. Calvin Lu
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Morton
Dr. and Mrs. Paulding Phelps
Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Rissmiller
Ms. Kathleen A. Scott
Ms. Carol A. Lukatch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. McMillen
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Muehlbach
Philadelphia Belles
Ms. Joanne Ritchie
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Seagers
Ms. Annette M. Luminella
Ms. Marvella McNeill
Mr. Richard L. Mullin
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Phillips
Ms. Janet A. Rizzo
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard R. Sealy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Lunny
Ms. SueAnne McNutt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Murlless
Ms. Erlyn E. Phillips
RLI Insurance Company
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Secrist
Dr. and Mrs. Earlin D. Lutz
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. McPoyle
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Phillips
Mrs. Dara Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Seksinsky
Mr. Timothy M. Lutz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McQuiston
Mrs. Sandra R. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Phillips
Ms. Marie E. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Jan S. Selfe
and Ms. Elizabeth L. Srogi
Mr. and Mrs. James F. McRee
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Murphy, III
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Piccone
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Robinson
Senior Services of Stamford, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Lynch
Medical Health Journeys LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Murray
Mr. William S. Pilling, II
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Robinson
Ms. Helen S. Serby
Lynnes Automotive Group
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Morley
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Plowright
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Robinson, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Serum
Mrs. Marie M. Lyons
Ms. Joellen A. Meglin
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Myatt
Podiatry Care Specialists, P.C.
Mrs. Susan Windle Rogers
Ms. Fusun Sevgen
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Lyons
and Mr. Richard Brodhead
Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Myers
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Poole
Ms. Anne Rojas
Mr. Mort Shafter
Mrs. Jane H. Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Meilink, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Popyack
Mr. Thomas J. Ronayne
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Shane
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. MacNeal
RADM and Mrs. George R. Meinig, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Nagel
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Porrini
David A. Rosenbloom, O.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Shank, Jr.
Mr. Allen B. Magill, II
Mr. Larry Meisel
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Naggar
Mrs. A. Veronica Porter
Representative and Mrs. Chris Ross
Ms. Stephanie M. Shannon
Ms. Kieu T. Mai and Mr. Chi Hoang
Ms. Carolyn Jardine Meister
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Natale
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Ross
Ms. Constance N. Shapiro
Maiden RE LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mellinger
John P. Neary and Elaine Coia Neary
Mr. and Mrs. Barton L. Post
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin W. Rossiter
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Shaw
Ms. Rebecca L. Majeski
Mrs. Darlene R. Mellott
Mr. and Mrs. Burton Neil
Mr. Gerald W. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. John Rothwell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith C. Shelburn
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Malany
Mr. Michael J. Melody, Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Nelson
Ms. Wendy L. Powell
Ms. Ellen M. Rowlands
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Mario P. Malchione
Mr. and Mrs. Chris P. Menan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Nelson
Mr. Gene M. Price
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Royer
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Sherry
Mrs. Joan H. Malloy
Lawrence S. Mendelson, M.D., FACC
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Nemchik
and Mrs. Darlene Borman-Price
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Rudden
Mr. Cullen F. Shipman
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. March
Merck Partnership for Giving
Mr. Joseph B. Newsome
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Priest
Mrs. Deborah Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Shoop
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Marenco, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Merhar
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Nicholson
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent M. Pro
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rushton
Mr. Anthony Short
Mr. Brandon Margera
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Merion
Mr. and Mrs. James Norris
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Pryor
Mrs. Julia D. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Swithin C. Shortlidge, IV
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Margera, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Merluzzi
Ms. Ann C. Northy
Ms. Sue M. Puffer
Mrs. M. Susan Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Shoudy
Ms. Jan E. Markham
Dr. and Mrs. Erich R. Merson
Mr. Nick H. Nunn, III
Ms. Lauren Pugh
Mr. Robert P. Ryan
Mrs. Shirley M. Shreiner
and Mr. John M. Kasper
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Merwarth
Mrs. Audrey S. Nute
Mrs. Betty G. Pullekines
Mr. Kenneth G. Ryder
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Silverwood
Mrs. Phyllis D. Marron
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Merwin
Miss Jean M. Oakes
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Purcell
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Rzucidlo
Mr. Cheston Simmons*
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Martelli
Metropolitan Communications, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. O’Brien, Jr.
The Francis J. and Victoria Purcell Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sacchetti
Ms. Andrea N. Simpson
Miss Bernadine M. Mascherino
Mr. and Mrs. Rosario P. Miceli, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Woodward T. Odiorne
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Quigley
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Saddic
Mr. Malcolm Simpson
Mrs. Marie D. Mascherino
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Boris Radisic
Mrs. Elaine M. Sadler
Ms. Roxana V. Singer
Ms. Janet L. Mascia
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Milberg
Mr. and Mrs. Francis T. O’Keefe, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Ralph
Mr. and Mrs. Renato J. Sanchez
Mr. Amarjit Singh
Mr. Robert L. Mascia
Mr. and Mrs. Albin L. Milewski
Mrs. Margaret R. O’Rourke
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ramagnano
Mr. and Mrs. Worthy C. Sanders, Jr.
Mr. Gary Skutnik
Mr. Donald D. Mason, Sr.
Miller Edge, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. O’Rourke
Mr. Lorin J. Randall
Ms. Anne C. Sangree
Mr. Frederick P. Slack
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Massey
Mr. Bearge Miller
Ms. Nicki A. Paloni
Mrs. Josephine V. Randzin
Sanofi-Aventis US Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Harlan Slack, III
Ms. Sharon Massimini
Mrs. Jean H. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Panichelli
Mr. William D. Ravdin
Ms. Mariel A. Santos
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Sladek
Dr. and Mrs. Joel H. Mattleman
CAPT Jean L. Miller USN (Ret)
Paoli Hospital Foundation
Rawle & Henderson LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Roger O. Slusher
Ms. Diane T. Matusiak
Mr. John B. Miller
Ms. Susan J. Parkyn
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Ray, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Satriale
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Small
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Maura
Ms. Persymphonie B. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Parrish
Mrs. Lillian Regalmuto
Mr. Robert Saunders
Mr. A. Roy Smith
Ms. Marilyn Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Miller, Jr.
Mr. Lawrence T. Parrish
Ms. Krista Reichard
SB Capital Group
Ms. Betty Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. J. Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Parsons
and Mr. Dave Underwood
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Scarlett
Mr. and Mrs. C. Charles Smith
Ms. Geralyn M. Mayernick
Ms. Ellen F. Millick
Mrs. Lynne Paskalis
Mr. Gregg A. Reid
Ms. Colleen Scelsa
Ms. Debbie Smith
Mrs. Nancy S. McAdams
Mr. Louis W. Millis
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Paskow
Ms. Helen G. Reid
Dr. and Mrs. Scott N. Schafrank
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. McAnally
Mrs. Miriam E. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Patten
Reilly & Sons, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Scheerer
Mr. Erich D. Smith
Ms. Jacquelyn L. McCalla
Ms. Norma M. Milner
Paul Sevag Motors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Reilly
Mrs. Lois A. Scheuritzel
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. David A. McClure
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Minella
* Deceased
* Deceased
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schieffer
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Smith
Humanitarian Society
Mr. and Mrs. Naaman W. Smoker
Ms. Louise H. Thalmann
West Chester Day Auxiliary
Ms. Pamela Smyth
Mr. and Mrs. Rodolfo Theis
to The Chester County Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Snyder
Thomas Medical Products
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Westerman
Mr. and Mrs. Saylor C. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Westerman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Spackman
Dr. and Mrs. Peter D. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wexler
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Spagnuola
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tierney
Ms. Kathleen K. Whelan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Spaziani
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Tisdall
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Whitcraft
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Spellman
Mr. James A. Tobin
Ms. Diane E. White
Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Springer
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Tompkin
Mr. Ernie White
Mr. James H. Springer
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Toussaint
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. White
Springfield Podiatry, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Traines
Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Whiteman
Mr. Donald E. Stapleton
Ms. Joan M. Travers
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Whitfield
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce I. Stark
Mr. and Mrs. George Treacy
Estate of Harriet A. Whittaker
Ms. Brenda C. Starkey
Mr. Craig L. Tucker
Mrs. Rachel S. Whittington
John C. Steers Jr., M.D., FACC
Mrs. Rosemary Waldron Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Wickersham
Mr. Ralph M. Steinberg
Ms. Adelaide N. Turner
Ms. Joan M. Wilcox
Dr. Barbara K. Stewart
Ms. Bernadette Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Wildgen
and Dr. Richard T. Brown
Two Sisters Farm, Inc.
Ms. Nancy E. Wilkinson
William K. Stewart, Sr. Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Francis O. Udicious
Mr. Mark Williams
Dr. Barbara Stipe and Mr. John A. Stipe
United Way of the Greater Triangle
Mr. and Mrs. S. Jerome Williams
Dr. and Mrs. David P. Stocker
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Valentino
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Williamson
Mrs. Barbara J. Stonestrom
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Van Grofski
Cathy A. Wilson, Esq.
Mr. Donald M. Stonestrom*
The Vanguard Group Foundation
and William Mitman, Esq.
Mrs. George Strawbridge
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Vanore
Mr. Herbert Wilson
Ms. Judith D. Stripp
Mrs. Dianne H. Vaughan
Mr. Kenneth E. Wilson
Ms. Marilyn K. Strong
Ms. Linda Verno
Mr. Richard W. Wilson
Mr. John E. Stuart
Mr. and Mrs. Marques L. Vernon
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Windle
Mr. Louis M. Stuebe
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Violi
Dr. and Mrs. Harold A. Wingerd, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Subers
Mr. Leonard Viscusi
Mrs. Colleen M. Witmer
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Sumner
Mr. and Mrs. Hendrik Visscher
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent G. Witterholt
Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Sundstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas R. Vita, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wolfgang
Robert S. Supplee, Esq.
Mr. John P. Voge
Mr. Charles Wolfinger*
Mr. William K. Sur
and Ms. Mary Louise Krallinger
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wolford
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Swadley
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Vsoske
Ms. Margaret Y. Wonderland
Ms. Jennifer C. Swahl
Ms. Mary Emma Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Swan
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wagner
Mr. Francis Wood, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Swan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Walls
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Wood, Jr.
Mr. H. Fletcher Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Wosak
and Mrs. Sally Swanson
Ms. Laura H. Waltz
Mr. and Mrs. George I. Wright, III
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Sweatman
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Warden, IV
Mrs. Jane H. Wylie
Ms. Susanna L. Sweet
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Warren, Jr.
XL Global Services
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Swift
Mr. Ralph B. Watson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Yarmolyk
Dr. C. Lynn Swisher
Ms. Mary L. Weaber
Mr. Bruce B. Yelton
and Mr. Harold C. Swisher
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Yerkes, Jr.
Mrs. Ruth V. Tait
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Yerkes
Ms. Charlotte P. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Weber
Mr. Michael Yoon
Mrs. Concetta F. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Owen W. Webster
Mrs. Helen Yorke
Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Taylor, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Weeks
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Young
Ms. Okie Taylor
Ms. Barbara F. Weichert
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Zajac
Mr. Thomas G. Taylor
Mr. Walter Weidemann, III
Mr. and Mrs. S. Edward Zaloga
Ms. Tracy E. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Weil, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lance K. Ziering
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Teaford
Mr. James R. Wells
Mr. Curtis Zimmerman
Dr. Paul V. Tebo
Ms. Jean Welsh
Mr. Stanley J. Zontek*
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Teel
Mr. Carl F. Werley
Mr. and Mrs. Gustave J. Teipelke, Jr.
Ms. Edna Werwinski
Ms. Barbara T. Terrell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Werwinski, Sr.
Mrs. Margaret C. Terrels
Friends at West Chester BNI
* Deceased
Improving the Community
through Service and Philanthropy
Every year, more than 40,000 patients are treated in the Emergency Department
(ED) at The Chester County Hospital. With this many people coming through the
doors, it is not uncommon to see a person admiring the unique portrait hanging
near the ED’s registration desk. The painting of Laura Ellena Kurtz Knauer –
a triple portrait by West Chester artist Michael Traines – was commissioned
in honor of her son, David J. Knauer II, a long-time trustee of
The Chester County Hospital and a generous benefactor.
avid Knauer agreed to allow the
Hospital to commission the portrait not as
a means to honor him, but rather to honor
his mother, who instilled in him the belief
that being charitable and contributing to
the welfare of the community should be
paramount in one’s life.
Over the years with the guidance of David
Knauer, the Hospital grew, as did his
commitment. He could always be counted
on for a generous annual gift and when
capital needs arose, as they did in 2000
when the Hospital decided it was necessary
to expand its Emergency Department,
David generously stepped forward with the
philanthropic spirit instilled in him by his
mother and father. He continued to serve on
the Hospital’s Board for another 10 years,
before resigning
in 2010.
David was a successful man, personally
and professionally, with deep roots in West
Chester. He was
born at The Chester
County Hospital in
1928 and went on
David believed
to graduate from
that while board
Ursinus College.
service was
After college, he
important, it was
served in the United
also important to
States Army and
retire from that
was later married
service at some
to Nancy Higgins.
point and allow
Together, they had
others to bring in
four children. By
new energy and
1987, David’s real
ideas. In a letter
estate development
written to his
projects were
children in 1997,
flourishing, and
David advised: “try
he was a respected
to help others by
board member of
volunteering, serving
several local nonon community
profit organizations. It was
“Try to help others by
boards, serving your church,
also around this time that
volunteering, serving on
The Chester County Hospital
community boards, serving bake cookies for others, and
was expanding its facilities to your church, bake cookies for just help others where you
keep pace with the growing
others, and just help others can. Don’t spend all your
community. Ray Waldron,
where you can. Don’t spend time on yourself.”
a local businessman who
all your time on yourself.”
The Chester County Hospital
was a friend of David’s and
David Knauer
remains honored to have
involved with The Chester
January 17, 1928 – May 14, 2011
had David Knauer as a part
County Hospital, saw a
of the organization for so
good match. Ray knew
many years. His wisdom, expertise and
that David’s many years of experience
dedication to improving his community
and success in commercial building
were constant guiding points for the
construction would benefit the Hospital.
Hospital’s Board. His philanthropy during
After meeting with then-Hospital President
his lifetime and through a gift from his
Perry Pepper and admiring his passion and
estate after he passed away in 2011, have
dedication, David accepted a position on the
had a significant impact on the growth of
Hospital’s Board of Directors and joined the
the Hospital during crucial times.
Building Committee.
Gifts of $50–$99
Gifts of $50–$99
Mr. Peter Abiayi
Mrs. Mildred C. Boyd
Ms. Susan M. Ciuffetelli
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. DeLia
Mr. Luke E. Farrelly
Dr. Marc B. Goldfinger
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Adamson
Ms. N. Jean Boyd
Mr. Robert Class
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinando Dell’Arciprete
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley E. Fasnacht
Ms. Zenaida E. Gomez
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Aepli
Mr. Thomas D. Boyd
Ms. Janis Clay
Ms. Gretchen S. Dellatorre
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Feisler
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gore, Jr.
Ms. Celia V. Agustin
Mr. Roy S. Bradbury
Ms. Mary C. Clemens
Mr. and Mrs. David DeLong
Mr. and Mrs. Herman H. Feissner
Mrs. Rebecca A. Goss
Dr. and Mrs. Marc Albano
Mrs. Beryl Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Clompus
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Delrocini
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Fell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Goss
Mr. John M. Alden
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bradley, Jr.
Mr. Robert V. Close
Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Demarest
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Fell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Gould
and Ms. Shelley Hodupp
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bramble
Cloud, Feehery & Richter, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Demkin
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferraioli
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Graff
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Alderman
Mrs. Karen L. Brannon-Johnson
Mr. LeRoy R. Coer
Mr. and Mrs. A. Gordon Dempsey
Mrs. Nancy B. Fetters
Mrs. Margaret C. Graham*
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Alexander
Mrs. Diane K. Breen
Mrs. Mary A. Coffey
Mr. and Mrs. John DePaoli, Sr.
Ms. Nancy Finegan
Mrs. Dorothy P. Graham-Cumming
Ms. Shirley Aliferis
Ms. April Breniser-Locke
Dr. Mark A. Cofone
Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. DePhillips
Ms. Elaine M. Fiore
Mr. Michael A. Graziano
Mr. and Mrs. Avery D. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Brennan
and Dr. Karin U. Sorenmo
Ms. Elizabeth W. Derham
Mr. and Mrs. Champe A. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Greene, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Alston
Mr. John Brennan
Mr. John J. Conlin
Ms. Joanne Devita
Ms. Deborah W. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Greenwald
Mr. and Mrs. G. Robert Altizer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brennan
Mrs. Beatrice F. Conner
Mr. and Mrs. John P. DiBiase
Mr. Henry T. Fisher, II
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Gregg
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Amarant
Mr. Vernon Brewer
Mr. James H. Conrad, II
Mr. Thomas J. DiCola
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Y. Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Grenell
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Ambler
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Brightbill
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Conroy
Mr. and Mrs. Corey DiDomenico
Ms. Betty J. Fleck
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Grey
Ms. Donna A. Anderson
Mr. Robert L. Brinton
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Constantino
Ms. Jeanette DiFlauro
Mr. Jason A. Flowers
Ms. Elizabeth A. Griffin
Ms. Eleanor F. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert F. Brittingham, Jr.
Ms. Ruth G. Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Philip DiFrancesco
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Flowers
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Grosskopf
Ms. Mary L. Anderson
Ms. Holly Joy Brittingham
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Cook
Ms. Dorothy Dilts
Mrs. Ermelina C. Flynn
Ms. Nancy S. Guckes
Mr. William F. Anderson
Mr. Charles T. Brown*
Mr. Harris L. Cooperman
Ms. Olivia T. DiMaggio
FM Global Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Sreedhar Gudala
Mr. Robert M. Andreozzi
Mr. David A. Brown
Ms. Gail J. Coppola
Mrs. Maria C. DiMarco
Ms. Margarita Fonseca-Lemus
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Guenther
Anonymous (21)
Mrs. Edith L. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Corcoran, Jr.
Mr. Alfred J. DiNorscia, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Forese
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Guillo
Mr. Peter F. Apple
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Cornelius
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. DiProspero
Mr. Frank G. Forgacs
Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. Gurtman
Mr. and Mrs. Clive Armitage
Mr. Melvin Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Moses W. Cornwell
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. DiRocco, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Forrest
Mr. and Mrs. T. William Guttschall
Mrs. Virginia C. Ashton
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Brunetti
Ms. Jane Corse
Ms. Elizabeth F. Dispenziere
Ms. Michel B. Fraley
Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Hagerty
Dr. and Mrs. Nelson P. Aspen
Mrs. Dorothy D. Bruno
Ms. Kimberly A. Cortright
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Dmytryk
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan W. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hagerty
Mrs. Judith J. Atticks
Ms. Theresa Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Cottrel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Dolphin
Ms. Pamela Frank
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Haines
Ms. Sally Anne Austin
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Bullotta
Ms. Carmela Couderc
Ms. Mary L. Dondero
and Mr. Robert F. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hale
Mr. and Mrs. J. Louis Bachofer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton E. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Cousins
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Donoghue
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Frey
Mrs. Concettina V. Haley
Mr. Monte R. Badasarian
Mrs. Leona G. Burke
Mrs. Karen E. Cox
Mr. Edward W. Donohue*
Mr. and Mrs. Jere W. Fridy
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk M. Hall
Bank of America
Mrs. Martha S. Butts
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Coyle
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Dougherty
Mr. Jeffrey A. Friedman
Mrs. Barbara G. Hallowell
Mr. Jonathan T. Barber
Mr. Trygve Byholt
Mrs. Madeleine Coyle
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dougherty
and Ms. Jenny Vangelatos
Ms. Joan F. Halpin
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Bardzik, Jr.
Ms. Edria Byler
Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Craven
Mr. and Mrs. Winfield A. Dougherty
Ms. Mary Ann Fritz
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Hamilton
Mrs. Nancy Barenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Caldwell
Mr. Frederick E. Crispin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Dowdy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Fuhs
Mr. John P. Hanlon, III
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Caldwell
Mrs. Cathy Kent Croom
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall L. Downes
Mr. Robert B. Fulton, III
Ms. Margie Hanlon
Mr. Richard D. Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Calef
Ms. Christie I. Cruz
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Doyle
Mrs. Marian D. Fuson
Ms. Lois I. Hanna
Mr. and Mrs. H. Harold Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Callan
Mr. and Mrs. Ira A. Cumens
Mr. Robert C. Doyle
G. Guizzetti & Sons
Mrs. Margaret R. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Barnett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Camela
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Curnane
and Ms. Carol Horton
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gaadt
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Hatton
Balaji Baskaran
Ms. Nancy J. Camp
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Currie
Mr. and Mrs. M. Corwin Drake
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Galvin
Ms. Roseanne M. Havird
Mr. William A. Bauernschmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Canfield
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic A. Cusano
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Drumheller
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Gasho, Sr.
Ms. Eleanor W. Hawthorne
Mrs. Anna D. Beal
Mr. Ronald V. Caputo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Dadd
Ms. Kristi M. Dunlap
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick N. Gates, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Hay, Jr.
Mrs. Virginia R. Beaumont
Mr. Michael C. Carey
Mrs. Helen S. Daiuta*
Mr. Courtland E. Dunn, Jr.
Mr. Thomas E. Gavin
Ms. Cynthia A. Hayes
Mrs. Donna Bellino-Bowles
Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Carlin
Mr. Leo R. Daiuta
Mr. and Mrs. F. Richard Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Gebhart
Ms. Ann D. Hazard
and Mr. Thomas E. Bowles
Ms. Anne M. Carroll
Mr. Elijah Dallett*
Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Earley
Mrs. Peggy K. Gentile
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hazard
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Beninati
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. John V. Dalton
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Eason
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gentile
Ms. Joanne B. Heard
Mr. Walter R. Benner
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel R. Carter
Ms. Mary Ann C. D’Amico
Mr. and Mrs. Reggie S. Eastridge
Ms. Melanie D. George
Ms. Theodora A. Heathcote
Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. Bennett
Mr. Walter R. Carter
Ms. Michelina D’Angelo
Mrs. Bertha Ebersol
Ms. Patricia L. George
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Heckman
Mr. and Mrs. Langdon D. Bensing, Sr.
Ms. Margaret J. Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Dann
Mrs. Barbara L. Eckman
Mr. and Mrs. David Gerber
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Heidelberger
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Bente, III
Ms. S. Farzana Chaudhry
Mrs. Nancy F. Darling
Mr. and Mrs. Errol E. Eldredge
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Giampietro
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Heinmiller
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Bentzel
Ms. Dolores S. Cheadle
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. D’Auria
Mr. and Mrs. John Elicker, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Giancatarino
Ms. Dorothy C. Heinz
Ms. Glenda M. Biddiscombe
The Chester County Hospital Human
Ms. Martha L. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Emerson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Gillem
Mr. Jeffery M. Hellrung
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Bingaman
Resources & Organizational
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Ramond K. Emerson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Gilliford
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Helm
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O. Birmingham
Development and the Librarians
Ms. Nancy F. Day
Mr. John W. Emrich
Ms. Andrea L. Giunta
Mr. and Mrs. Milton B. Helmuth
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Blackburn
Dr. James P. Chovan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Day
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Emsley
Mr. Earl C. Glasco
Mr. Eric W. Hemker
Ms. Doris J. Boller
Mr. Danny P. Christiana
Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Deacon
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Entrekin, III
Mr. Edward T. Gleason
Mrs. Ann C. Hemphill
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Bomberger
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Church, Jr.
Mr. Patrick J. Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Evans
and Dr. Marie M. Gleason
Ms. Mary E. Hendricks
Mr. and Mrs. David Bonanni
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Cialini
Mr. Robert P. Deforge
Ms. Maria E. Faith
Ms. Shirley Gledhill
Ms. Colleen Henry
Mr. Gerald G. Bonsall
Mrs. Jeannette A. Cichy
Mr. Robert J. Degnan
Mr. Joseph Fares
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Glenn
Mr. John J. Henry
Dr. Richard A. Borst
Mrs. Irma I. Cimini
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Degnan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Farley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Glessner
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Bowes
Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Cinorre
* Deceased
* Deceased
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Karl W. Herr
Gifts of $50–$99
Gifts of $50–$99
Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Hertzog, III
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Keech
Ms. Rita S. Lynch
Mr. Stanford L. Melton
Ms. Patricia Overdeer
Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Reiter
Ms. Patricia K. Hewitt
Ms. Arline B. Keith
Ms. Kathleen Lyons
Ms. Patricia A. Messner
Ms. Doris P. Oyler
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Reiter
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hewton, Jr.
Mrs. Lillian V. Kent
Mr. and Mrs. James G. MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Miller
Mr. Joseph Pagano
Ms. Frances H. Remington
Ms. Linda Hickman
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Kerezsi
Mr. Donald B. Macmillan
Ms. Paula J. Miller
Mr. Michael S. Pagano
Mrs. Helen P. Reynolds
Hidden Valley Farm
Mr. and Mrs. Michael King
Mrs. Margaret L. MacNeal
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Mills, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Papson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Rhoads
Mr. George Hiddleson*
Mr. Ray M. Kipp
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Madrigale
Ms. Susan M. Minarchi
Mrs. Josephine C. Parman
Mrs. Ann P. Ricciuti
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Hiddleson
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Kirkey
Dr. and Mrs. William R. Magill
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Mohr
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Pastino
Mr. and Mrs. Ashby L. Rice
Mrs. Mary G. Hiddleson
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Kirylyck, III
Ms. Diane M. Maguire
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mohr
Mrs. Vandini A. Patel
Ms. Violet S. Richman
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Higgins
Mrs. Marjorie C. Knox
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Maitland
Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Montemuro
Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Riegel
Mr. and Mrs. Brent W. Hillhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Kollias
Ms. Martha K. Makanna
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Patton
Ms. Joan Rigg
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Hinderhofer
Ms. Aria Kovach
Mrs. Howard M. Malick
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Moore, Jr.
Mr. Robert M. Payne
Mr. and Mrs. Clement Riley
Ms. Jayne Hively
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Kowenhoven
Mrs. Barbara Mandes
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Moore
Mr. Benjamin F. Peirson*
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Riley
Ms. Eleanor J. Hochhauser
Ms. Ann Kraemer
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Mangelli
Mrs. Marianne B. Moorer
Mrs. Doris C. Peirson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Robidoux
Mr. Jeffrey J. Hoehing
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Krassenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mardoian
Moors Awards
Mr. Dave Pelton
Mr. and Mrs. Audra D. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. William Hoerz
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Krewson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Marinelli
Mr. M. Richard Moors
Ms. Catherine M. Peoples
Mrs. Cheryl Robinson
Ms. Margaret R. Holland
Ms. Jane S. Krick
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Marra
Mr. and Mrs. Luis A. Morales
Mrs. Alice L. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Romano
Mr. John P. Hollingsworth, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Kriss
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Marrs
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ronan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Holman
Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Krug
Mr. Anthony J. Martelli
Ms. Margery E. Moretzsohn
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Petko
Mrs. Rosemary M. Rooney
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur K. Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Kuhn
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Moriello
Ms. Mary E. Pettit-Andruss
Ms. Patricia Roos
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Hooper
Mr. and Mrs. Eric G. Kunz
Mr. Jeff L. Martin
Mr. Michael B. Morkun
Mr. Donald G. Pida
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roosevelt
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hopkins
Arcondia Lacas Rev. Trust
Mrs. Mary E. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Morris, Jr.
Mrs. Elma S. Pierce
Ms. Muriel M. Rose
Mr. David J. Horne
Mr. Constantine G. Lacas
COL and Mrs. Norman L. Martin
Ms. Lynn S. Mottolese
Mr. and Mrs. Nichols M. Pilla
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hossack
Ms. Lisa H. Lacek
Mrs. Patricia E. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Mulhern, III
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Pimley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Ross, Jr.
Ms. Elaine Howard
Ms. Adele Laffey and Mr. Jim Latiano
Ms. Rosemary J. Mascherino
Ms. Jane H. Mullins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Pindle
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Rowan
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Hrynkow
Ms. Susan Lake
Mr. Robert E. Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Mullner
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Pinto
Mr. and Mrs. Todd G. Roxbury
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hudzina
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Lammey
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Mates, Jr.
Ms. Irma L. Munday
PJM Interconnection LLC
Ms. Vera C. Rubert
Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Hughes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Laputka
Mr. Anthony M. Mattoscio
Ms. Grace Lee Murphy
Ms. Mary Jean Plank
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ruggeri
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hurley
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Laraio
Ms. Jane M. Mauer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Plante
Mr. and Mrs. Terrance W. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Huston
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Larkin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Mayo
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murray
Mrs. Faith M. Platt
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Huttar
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Larned, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McBride
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Musser
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Plyler
Mr. David W. Ryerson
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hutter
Mrs. Betty J. Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McCabe
Mr. James A. Nafe
Mrs. Maria T. Podhiny
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer W. Sager, III
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Iacobone
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. McCarry
Mr. Kishore Nagar
Ms. Ann Marie Poltrone
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Salvo
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Isbel
Mr. and Mrs. Luigi V. Launi
Mr. Tyrone McClain
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Nagy
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Pomeroy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Sandy
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Itzstein
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn C. Lawson
Ms. Jill R. McClaskey
Ms. Morfydd Neal
Ms. Cynthia Poole
Ms. Margaret P. Sarmento
Mrs. Carol A. Jackson
Ms. Rebecca A. Layfield
Mr. and Mrs. James F. McCormick, Sr.
Mr. Grant E. Nelson, III
Ms. Anna M. Popecki
Ms. Rose M. Sasso
Mr. Raymond Jackson*
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Leach
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. McCoy
Ms. Sharon Nelton
Mr. Albert D. Porta
Ms. Sandra O. Saxton
Mr. Sergio T. Jackson
Ms. Charlotte G. Leclerc
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McEvoy
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Nessmith
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Portlock
Mr. and Mrs. Morteza Sazegar
Mrs. Susan B. Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. McEvoy
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Newswanger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Post
Mrs. Ruth Schick
Ms. Jeanne L. Jagers
Ms. Diane Leschina
Ms. Wanda L. McGlinchey-Ryan
Ms. Cuc N. Nguyen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. H. Randolph Schofield
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome G. Jalosky
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Leto
Ms. Susan P. McGovern
Mr. and Mrs. Hy Nguyen
Mr. Gary H. Powers
Dr. Reuben M. Schonebaum
Mr. Stephen Jenkins
Ms. Brenda Lee Lewis
Mr. James M. McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Nichol
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Prader
Mrs. Lois A. Schrevelius
and Ms. Kimberly Skiba
and Mr. Jerry L. Keen
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McHugh, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Pratt
and Mr. N. David Schrevelius
Mrs. Ruth D. Jensen
Ms. Dorothy E. Lewis
Mrs. Dorothy B. McKee
Mr. and Mrs. Victor L. Nicoladse, III
Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich B. Presting
Mr. and Mrs. William E. J. Schrof
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Jester
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lichtenberg
Mr. Stuart S. McKee*
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Noonan
Mrs. Betty L. Pryor
Ms. Sally M. Schu
Mrs. Dorothy L. Johnson
Estate of Betty Lichty
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. McMillan
Mr. Glen Norman
Mr. Donald J. Pucci
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Schuster
Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Johnson
Mr. Ivan F. Lichty
Ms. Desiree L. McMurdo
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Nowlin
Mr. and Mrs. Allen S. Puy
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schwab
Mrs. Martha Johnson
Ms. Judith B. Lindabery
Ms. Sandra L. McNally
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Nutt
Quaker Chemical Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Schwab
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Lipinski
Mrs. Dorothea M. McNeill
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Oakes
Radio Maintenance, Inc.
Mrs. Avora Sciscione
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin L. Jones
Mr. Ryan Z. Lock
Ms. Dawn McNeil-McMillan
Mr. Robert F. O’Brien
Mrs. Eleanor A. Rafalko
Mr. Ashton T. Scott
Ms. Jacqueline Y. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lockard
Lucy M. McSwain
Mr. and Mrs. John J. O’Donnell
Mr. Skrikant Ramachandran
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Scott
Ms. Suzette S. Jones
Dr. and Mrs. C. Wendell Lofland
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Mead
Ms. Dorothy O’Grady
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Ranalli
Ms. Lillian C. Seaton
Ms. Pamela D. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Longenecker
Mrs. Kelly L. Meehan
Ms. Diane D. Oliver
Mr. Alan J. Randzin
Mr. Theodore G. Seel
Just Give
Mr. F. Rodney Loper
Mr. and Mrs. John Meighan
Mr. and Mrs. E. Bayly Orem, Jr.
Ms. Ruth C. Raughley
Ms. Janice A. Seglinski
Mr. John G. Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Lorback
Mr. Carl J. Meister, Jr.
Ms. Dorothy P. Ortaldo
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Reardon
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin N. Seidel
Mr. Chester Kapinski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lorgus
Reverend and Mrs. Lauren B. Meiswinkel
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Osborne
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Reed
Ms. Mary P. Sellers
Mr. Lawrence D. Karas
Mr. Richard E. Louden
Ms. Dolores A. Melchiorre
Ms. Violet T. Oskins
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace E. Rees, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Senior
Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Katona
Mrs. Lena D. Lovisa
Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Mellas
Ms. Catherine M. Oswald
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Reiffer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Setar
Mr. Jeffrey L. Kazin
Mr. and Mrs. Alva J. Lund
Mrs. Anne Melton
and Ms. Patricia Ann Oswald
Ms. Ann G. Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. William Seybold
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Keating
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lutkefedder
* Deceased
* Deceased
Mr. Richard J. Reilly
Ms. Elizabeth T. Shaffer
Gifts of $50–$99
Capping Society
In honor of the nursing staff and the continuous care they provide, the
Capping Society recognizes those who have been dedicated annual
benefactors to the Hospital for five or more consecutive years since 1984.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Shane, Jr.
Mr. Vincent V. Suppan
Mr. Warren O. Weiler, Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Leo B. Shanley
Mr. Richard Sutton*
Wells Fargo Community
Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Sharples
Mr. Robert Swartwout
Support Campaign
Ms. Nora M. Sheader
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis F. Swayne
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wells
Mrs. Betty J. Sheller
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Russell R. Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Sheller
Mr. Timothy N. Swisher
Mr. and Mrs. R. John West, III
20+ Years
Miss Constance M. Plunkett
Mr. Donald G. Lundberg
Mr. Howard G. Shiffman
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Sylvester
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Westerfield
Anonymous (2)
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Reimer, Jr.
The May Festival
Mr. Charles G. Shoemaker
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Syme
Mr. and Mrs. Otis H. Wharton, Jr.
Mrs. Agnes Antonowich
Ms. Karen L. Rothenbuhler
Ms. Wanda L. McGlinchey-Ryan
Ms. Shirley M. Shoffner
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Taylor
Ms. Kathleen B. Wheeler
Mrs. Susan D. Armstrong
Mrs. Julia D. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moog
Ms. Ruth Shorr
Mrs. Eleanor T. Taylor
and Mr. John Holingjak
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Atkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Shoop
Mr. Robert E. Newell
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert H. Showalter
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Tennyson
Mr. and Mrs. Joel W. White
Mr. and Mrs. J. Louis Bachofer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Smith
Mrs. Thelma C. Newell*
Ms. Erica Shrimp
Mr. and Mrs. Marc M. Teti
Mr. Robert L. White
Mr. William C. Baldwin
Ms. Christine B. Smyth
Mrs. Rosemary M. Rooney
Dr. Mary Lou Corbin Sicoli
Mr. Roy F. Tettemer
Mr. and Mrs. George Whiteman
Ms. Marilyn Becker
Mrs. Rosemary Waldron Tucker
Ms. Anne C. Sangree
and Mr. Thomas Sicoli
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Teutsch
Mrs. Cathie N. Whitlock
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Benner, IV
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Vanore
Dr. and Mrs. L. Peter Soraruf, IV
Mr. Donald H. Silknitter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Thayer
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Wickersham
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Bird
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Warden, III
Mr. Donald E. Stapleton
Ms. Deborah Simcox
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Wientjes
Mrs. Isabelle D. Blank
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Whitcraft
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Subers
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Simmers
Ms. Arta Thomas
Mrs. Virginia W. Wier
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart B. Brooks
Ms. Nancy E. Wilkinson
Mr. H. Fletcher Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Singer
Mrs. Shirley L. Thomas
Ms. Laura E. Wildman
Mr. Henry I. Brown, III
Women’s Auxiliary to
and Mrs. Sally Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Slachta
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Thompson
Mrs. Mildred Willenbrock
Mr. Ronald V. Caputo
The Chester County Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Swayne, III
Mr. Timothy D. Slifer
Mr. Edward Tipton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Willet
Mrs. Vivian S. Carlow
Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Ziegler
Dr. C. Lynn Swisher
Ms. Ann M. Smith
Ms. Victoria M. Tischio
Ms. Barbara N. Williams
Ms. Margaret J. Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Toth
Mr. and Mrs. Dan B. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Craig
15-19 Years
Mrs. Caroline R. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Townsend
Mrs. Thomas A. Williams
Ms. Linda A. DeNardo
Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Abbott, Jr.
Mrs. Anna B. Thompson
Mr. Frederick R. Smith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Townsend
Miss Tonia R. Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. John C. deRuyter
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Van Grofski
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Tracy
Willistown United Methodist Men
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip B. Dewey
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Bellenger, Jr.
Estate of Harriet A. Whittaker
Mrs. Marianne F. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Trainer
Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Willover
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Drummond
Ms. Jean M. Castaldi
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Windle
Mrs. Norma J. Smith
Mr. Robert W. Trueman
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Wilson
Mrs. Betty Engan
Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wood, II
Mr. and Mrs. Randall T. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Truncellito
Ms. Janet C. Wilson
Mrs. Kathleen D. Finegan
Mrs. Mary A. Coffey
Mr. Richard A. Smith, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger O. Uhler
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Witek
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Corbishley
10-14 Years
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Smith
Ms. Judith E. Uhrich
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Wittig
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Giannantonio, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Cornelius
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Adams
Mr. William G. Smith*
United Way of Coastal Fairfield County
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Halsted
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Deane
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Anderson, III
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Smith
United Way of the National
Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hauser
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. DiMarco
Anonymous (2)
Mr. William L. Smith
Capital Area
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Woodward
Mrs. Mary D. Hayes
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Donze
Mr. Philip E. Bannan
Ms. Susan D. Smrke
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Urban
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Worthington
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Helms, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Gribbin
Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Barr
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth V. Snyder
Mr. Fred M. Valentino
Mr. Robert Wright, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Hess
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hillegass
Mrs. Barbara G. Beddall
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Socorso, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Vallorani, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Curtis Wrigley
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Hewson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Horne
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Bente, III
Stephen A. Solotoff, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben A. Valocchi, Sr.
Mrs. Therese S. Wrobel
Mrs. Virginia G. Hines
The Jerrehian Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Benton
Mr. and Mrs. David Songle
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Van Schooneveld
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Wynne
Dr. and Mrs. Maury Hoberman
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas L. Krapf
Mr. Thomas D. Boyd
Ms. Darlene K. Sorick
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Vance
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Yeakle
Ms. Jeanne L. Jagers
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander T. Soutos
Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Verngren
Mr. and Mrs. C. James Yeatman
Mrs. Helen F. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Spangler
Mr. and Mrs. Garabed Yepremian, Sr.
Estate of David Knauer
Mrs. Sally Speirs
Mrs. Clara H. Victorius
Mr. and Mrs. C. William Yockey
Mrs. Nancy H. Knauer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Villano
Ms. Arlene Yoder
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Komar
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen K. Spitzer
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Vinnacombe
Ms. Gail Yoder
Madeline H. Lamb, Esq.*
Mr. and Mrs. Joel T. Spivey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Voldstad
Mr. and Mrs. John B. York
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart H. Stabley
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Wagner
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Youmans
Mrs. Phyllis D. Marron
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Stalnaker
Ms. Carol A. Walbert
Mrs. Annie Young
Mrs. Dorothea M. McNeill
Mr. and Mrs. John Stamboolian
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Waldron
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Mead
Mrs. Ruth S. Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Walker
Ms. Marge E. Zacharkow
Mrs. Jane Z. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Herman J. Stein
Ms. Inger M. Wallin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Zeminski, III
Mr. Nick H. Nunn, III
Mr. Theodore Stevens, Jr.
Mr. James W. Walsh
Mr. Ouqi Zhang and Ms. Jianxin Yuan
Miss Jean M. Oakes
Mr. Richard A. Stevenson
and Ms. Marife Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Orr
and Ms. Christina Valocchi
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Walsh
Mr. Ray Ott, Jr. and
Mrs. Dorothy Y. Stocker
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Walter
The Honorable Paula Francisco Ott
Mr. Abner S. Stoltzfus
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Waltz, Sr.
Pellini Gold Cordes, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Strand
Mrs. JoAnn Warmijak
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Perry Pepper
Ms. Rosanne M. Stumpf
Ms. Betsy P. Wasson
Mr. and Mrs. R. Marshall Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Styer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Ben W. Summers
Mr. and Mrs. Delmont L. Weible
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Phillips
* Deceased
* Deceased
and Mr. Harold C. Swisher
The Hospital proudly gives thanks
to generous donors in Fiscal Year 2012.
e invite you to stop by the Hospital to see your
name on the Donor Wall. The Donor Wall lists those who
made donations of $100 or more in fiscal year 2012.
The wall is located in the main entrance of the Hospital.
Capping Society
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Brandon
Mrs. Margaret L. MacNeal
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Andersen
Mr. John J. Brautigam
Dr. and Mrs. Burton T. Mark
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mellinger
Estate of Margaret P. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Calef
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Merhar
Ms. Marian W. Anderson
Mr. Michael C. Carey
Mrs. Jean H. Miller
Ms. Mary L. Anderson
Ms. Nancy O. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Mohr
Mr. William F. Anderson
Chester County Community Foundation
Miss Nancy V. Moore
Mrs. Muriel C. Andress
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Clompus
Laura M. Moses Fund at
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer J. Andress
Cornell University Foundation
The Philadelphia Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Androwick
Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Coughey
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Myatt
Anonymous (11)
Mrs. Madeleine Coyle
Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Cremi
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Nagel
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Antonelli
Mrs. Alicia P. Cullen
Mr. and Mrs. Victor L. Nicoladse, III
Mr. Peter F. Apple
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. D’Angelo
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Peakes
Mr. and Mrs. A. Joseph Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Degnan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Phillips
Dr. and Mrs. Nelson P. Aspen
Mr. and Mrs. Antelo Devereux, Jr.
Mrs. A. Veronica Porter
Ms. Nadine B. Atkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. DiMarino
Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Rissmiller
Mrs. Judith J. Atticks
Ms. Elizabeth F. Dispenziere
Mrs. Susan Windle Rogers
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. F. Michael Donohue, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Ross, Jr.
Mrs. Janice L. Baker
Mr. John F. Dougherty
SAP America, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Balbach
Ms. Margaret Dracup
Dr. Scott H. Saul and Dr. Marjorie Saul
Bank of America United Way Campaign
Mr. Kenneth G. Emerson
Mrs. Ruth Schick
Mrs. Nancy Barenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Enoch
Mrs. Avora Sciscione
Ms. Lois H. Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Flickinger
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Scott, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Barnett, Jr.
Mrs. Virginia G. Ford
Mrs. Shirley M. Shreiner
Mr. Paul V. Barr
Forney Family Foundation
Mr. Leslie M. Simmler
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Battin
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Forney
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Smith
Mr. William A. Bauernschmidt
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Freese
The Honorable and
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Bauman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Gale
Mrs. Walter K. Stapleton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Baxter
Mr. Raymond J. Geffre, Sr.
Mrs. Anne F. Thorington
Mr. Gregory Bay
Corazon G. Gemil, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Tompkin
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Beard
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Gillem
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas P. Trainer
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Becker
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Mrs. Dianne H. Vaughan
Ms. Betsy B. Benner
Martin G. Goch, Esq.
Eva L. Verplanck, Ph.D.
Mr. Walter R. Benner
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. M. Andrew Benton
Mr. Michael R. Gould
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Warden, IV
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Berman
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Grenell
Ms. Carol Elizabeth Ware
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Bessett
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Heidelberger
Mr. Warren O. Weiler, Jr.*
Ms. Beryl L. Biddle
Mr. and Mrs. John Hesselberth
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Werner
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bilinski
Ms. Doris A. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. R. John West, III
Dr. and Mrs. David E. Bobman
Ms. Gail A. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Wylie, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Bonanni
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Holleran
Mr. Bruce B. Yelton
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bond
Mr. G. Arthur Hornberger
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Boose
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew H. Hulbert
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Zajac
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bove
Dr. and Mrs. Harry J. Hutchinson, III
Mr. Karl L. Ziegler
Mrs. Gretchen Bowker
Dr. Louis M. Boxer
Dr. Robert H. Huxster
and Dr. Barbara Forney
5-9 Years
and Ms. Suzanne Simenhoff
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
A. Duie Pyle, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton E. Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Kain, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Abbott
Mrs. Mildred C. Boyd
Mr. Chester Kapinski
Mr. and Mrs. Leigh M. Abbott
Ms. Marilyn I. Branton
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kavanaugh
Mr. Michael Aceto
Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Braunschweig
Richard B. Kent, M.D.
Ms. Frances W. Adams
Mr. Steven W. Bray
Mr. William Kronenberg, III
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Adkins, III
William F. Brazerol, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Aepli
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Brennan
Dr. John D. Lemcke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Aiken
Mr. Edward S. Brinton
Mr. F. William Leonard
Mr. John M. Alden and Ms. Shelley Hodupp
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert F. Brittingham, Jr.
Mrs. Betty J. Leto
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Allen
Ms. Holly Joy Brittingham
Mr. Ivan F. Lichty
Ms. Margaret P. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Brittingham
Ms. Phyllis M. MacLardy
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Alwine
* Deceased
Couple Demonstrates Enormous
Pride in the Hospital
For Joan and Peter Orr, The Chester County Hospital has played a
significant role in their lives for over 25 years. Volunteering in the Hospital
and at events, assisting with raising money for Hospital programs and services
and generously donating as well, the Orrs repeatedly demonstrate their pride
in the Hospital, and we are equally proud of our connection with them.
oan has been a member of this
community her entire life. To her, this
means “roots, lifetime friends, and
long-time loyalty to the Hospital and
community.” She fell in love with The
Chester County Hospital in 1948 when
she came to the Hospital to learn to be a
Radiology Technician. It was not long after
Peter moved here from Oregon that he
developed his own interest in and love for
the Hospital. He states,
“It is always enjoyable
working with such a
great group of people,
from the Hospital staff,
to the other Volunteers,
they are all dedicated
and moving in the
same direction.”
Joan and Peter began
volunteering at the
Hospital after they
retired in the 1980s.
They both feel
compelled to support
the efforts of the local
Hospital and to improve the medical
services offered here in West Chester. Their
volunteer efforts have taken many forms
over the last 25 years.
For their work inside the Hospital walls,
Joan is an Ambassador, which entails
visiting patients to offer help and to assist
with answering patient questions. Joan
finds her work as an Ambassador fulfilling,
especially when she can solve some of
the patients’ requests. Peter works as a
Patient Escort, and he enjoys meeting
patients when they are discharged. He
agrees that it is rewarding for him to
work with the patients.
Their involvement with the Hospital’s
Special Events started with their
participation in the May Festival, working
on the Tent Committee. They became the
only husband and wife Chair and Co-Chair
of the May Festival Committee. Shortly
after, they began working on Chester
County Day, where Joan organized the
distribution of the Chester County Day
newspapers each year, and Peter took over
the scheduling of bus tours for the Day.
For about 20 years, Joan has served as
President of the West Chester Day branch
of the Women’s Auxiliary. Peter joined the
Men of The Chester County Hospital about
15 years ago, soon after it was organized
by Dr. Larry Lathrop. Both groups
are responsible for
various fundraising
activities that support
Hospital programs
and services.
Presently, Joan and
Peter both serve on
the May Festival Gala
Committee, where
they are involved in
various projects. One
of Peter’s favorites is his
design and building of
decorations to go along
with the different May
Festival Gala themes.
They are also involved with the Raffle
Committee and are responsible for driving
the car that is being raffled off to the various
sales positions around the county.
Joan and Peter have further demonstrated
their commitment by being members of
our Capping Society, which recognizes
donors who give for five consecutive years
or more. They have been donors for 27
consecutive years, supporting the Hospital’s
annual giving program, special fundraising
initiatives as well as special events. Joan
and Peter both look forward to continuing
service and financial support to The Chester
County Hospital as it moves into the future
with the new construction project. When
asked about their membership in the 1892
Society, our planned giving society, Joan
and Peter comment, “We want to support
The Chester County Hospital not only at the
present, but to help insure the future and
continuation of the Hospital.”
Capping Society
Capping Society
Ms. Catherine M. Broscheid
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. D’Angelo
Daphne J. Florence, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn V. Hocker
Ms. Janet M. Loftus
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Molinelli
Ms. Joan M. Brown
Davenport Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Foreman
Mr. J. Irvie Hoffman, Jr.
Mr. Samuel B. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Rand D. Moll
Mrs. Dorothy D. Bruno
Mr. Jerry P. Davidoff*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Forese
Dr. Dianne Hotmer
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Lonsdale, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Moran, Jr.
Ms. Theresa Bryant
Ms. Teresa L. Davidoff
Mr. Frank G. Forgacs
and Mr. Douglas A. Hotmer
Mrs. Lena D. Lovisa
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bryant
Ms. Martha L. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Freney
Mr. and Mrs. Leon W. Houp
Mr. James A. Lowe
Mrs. Virginia M. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Buckwash
Ms. Mary F. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Jere W. Fridy
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Hoyt
Dr. and Mrs. Calvin Lu
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Moriello
Mr. William J. Buller
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Davis
Mr. Jeffrey A. Friedman
Mrs. Beth A. Hrincevich
Ms. Annette M. Luminella
Mr. Paul R. Morris, Jr.
Ms. Sandra Lee Bunting
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory K. Deal
and Ms. Jenny Vangelatos
Ms. Linda M. Huber
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Lunny
Morrissey Family Foundation
Mrs. Leona G. Burke
Mr. Patrick J. Dean
Mr. Robert B. Fulton, III
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Huffman
Mr. Timothy M. Lutz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Morrissey
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Burke, Jr.
Celeste E. DeBaptiste, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Fussell
Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Hughes, Jr.
and Ms. Elizabeth L. Srogi
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Morton
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Burt
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. DeCamillo
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gaadt
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Iacobone
Mrs. Marie M. Lyons
Mrs. Dorothy W. Mullestein
Mr. Charles E. Busby
Mr. Robert J. Degnan
Mr. Salvatore R. Gaglia
Mr. and Mrs. Millard H. Jackson, III
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Lyons
Mr. Richard L. Mullin
Mrs. Martha S. Butts
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Denham
Mr. Thomas F. Gallagher, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome G. Jalosky
Mr. and Mrs. Ian A. MacKinnon
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Muoio, Jr.
Ms. Edria Byler
Mr. William M. Denny, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gallagher
Mrs. Ruth D. Jensen
Mr. Allen B. Magill, II
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Murlless
Mr. and Mrs. Russel J. Cacciavillano
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Desirey
Dr. Scott J. Garber
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Jester
Dr. and Mrs. William R. Magill
Mrs. Sandra R. Murphy
Ms. Maria C. Callejas
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dettra
and Dr. Debra Kimless-Garber
Mrs. Patricia Gayle Johns
Ms. Rebecca L. Majeski
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Murphy, III
Ruth Camp Campbell Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Devedjian
Mr. Jack C. Gardner
Ms. Gale L. Jordan
Mr. Jerome W. Makowski
Mr. and Mrs. C. David Murtagh
Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Canfield
Diamond Ice Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Gausch
Dr. James H. Jordan, Sr.
Ms. Mary Alice Malone
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Nagy
Mrs. Dorothy W. Cann
Mr. and Mrs. John P. DiBiase
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob C. Geisel, Jr.
Just Give
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Marenco, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Natale
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Capuzzi
Ms. Pamela K. DiJoseph
Ms. Patricia L. George
Mr. William H. Kaminski
Ms. Jan E. Markham
Mr. John Neider
Mr. Ryan Ed J. Carillo
Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Dillow
Mrs. Christine A. Giardini
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Kane
and Mr. John M. Kasper
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Carroll
Mr. Dewey K. DiMarzio
Mrs. Marjorie L. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. L. William Kay
Aaron Martin, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ney
Mr. Walter R. Carter
Mr. Alfred J. DiNorscia, Sr.
Ms. Sarah M. Gillespie
Mrs. Mary Kehner
Mrs. Mary E. Martin
Ms. Ann C. Northy
Richard F. Chalfin, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. DiProspero
Ms. Diane G. Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Kelliher
Miss Bernadine M. Mascherino
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Nowlin
Mr. Ho Chang
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. DiRocco, Jr.
Dr. Marc B. Goldfinger
Ms. Susan M. Kelly
Ms. Sharon Massimini
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Charnock
Mr. Harshad R. Dodia
Mr. Chad Goodwin and Ms. Erin Rodgers
Kent-Lucas Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Joel H. Mattleman
Mr. Robert F. O’Brien
Chester County Eye Care Associates
Mr. Neal A. Doll
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gore, Jr.
Ms. Charlene J. Kerollis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Matz
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Chin
Mr. Edward W. Donohue*
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gose
Mrs. Virginia O. Kettenring
Ms. Marilyn Maxwell
Ms. Elsie A. Parcell
Mr. Danny P. Christiana
Mrs. Donna S. Doss
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Goss
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Kiefer, Sr.
Mr. Robert A. May
Ms. Susan J. Parkyn
Mr. and Mrs. Attilio A. Ciorrocco
Ms. Deborah Dougherty
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard R. Greenberg
Mr. Ray M. Kipp
Ms. Geralyn M. Mayernick
Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Parsons
Ms. Susan M. Ciuffetelli
and Mr. Scott A. Ehrlich
Ms. Amy G. Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Kirschling
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McBride
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Leo Parsons
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. B. Albert Grentz
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Kitchen
Mrs. Mary D. McCloskey
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Paskow
Mr. and Mrs. Ira R. Clavier, Jr.
Mrs. Alexandra C. Dow
Mrs. W. Perry Gresh
Mr. William A. Kleinfelter
Mr. David D. McCoach
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Pastino
Colonel Mary F. Clementi USAF NC (Ret)
Mrs. Mary W. Dowd
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Grey
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Knickerbocker
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. McCorkle, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pastrick
Mrs. Ellen B. Cleveland
Mr. Clayton H. Downes
Mr. Gregory E. Gross
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Knox, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. McCoy
Mr. Glenn A. Paton
Mr. Robert V. Close
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dreisbaugh
Ms. Nancy S. Guckes
Mrs. Marjorie C. Knox
Mr. John B. McCrory*
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Patton
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Coburn
Mr. and Mrs. Irénée du Pont, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang H. Gunther
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Kochansky
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. McDevitt
Paul Sevag Motors, Inc.
Mrs. Regina E. Cohen
Dr. Joseph J. Dulka
Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Haeckler
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Kollias
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McEvoy
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Paynter
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Coladonato
and Dr. Catherine P. Dulka
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hagerty
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Kowenhoven
Mr. and Mrs. John T. McGinn
Ms. Elizabeth A. Payson
Mr. and Mrs. Elson A. Collins, Jr.
Mr. Courtland E. Dunn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Haines
Ms. Jane S. Krick
Mrs. Eileen V. McGovern
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Penman
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Earley
Mrs. Gwendolyn W. Haines
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kronenberg
Mr. James M. McGrath
Mr. John J. Peterman, III
Mr. John J. Conlin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Eason
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kurkjian
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McHugh, Sr.
Ms. Esther S. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Conner
Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Emery
Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Hartman
Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Lance
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. McLaughlin
Mr. Joseph M. Petrany, Jr.
Mr. James H. Conrad, II
Mr. Frederick J. Eufrasio
Mrs. Twonette S. Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis I. Lane
Lucy M. McSwain
Mr. and Mrs. A. Duer Pierce, Jr.
Ms. Ruth G. Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Fagan, Jr.
Ms. Theodora A. Heathcote
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Larkin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Meighan
Mr. Robert J. Corcoran
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Fagerland
Mrs. Ann C. Hemphill
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Latta
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Meilink, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Corcoran
Ms. Maria E. Faith
Ms. Mary E. Hendricks
Mr. David M. Laurento
RADM and Mrs. George R. Meinig, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Cotter
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley E. Fasnacht
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Henrick
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Lawman
Mr. and Mrs. Chris P. Menan
Mr. Rene C. Cottrel
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Faucette
Julius S. Heyman, M.D., Ph.D.
Ms. Rebecca A. Layfield
Ms. Lucy A. Menna
Miss Joan D. Courtless
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Featherman, III
Mr. George Hiddleson*
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Lazarski
Ms. Moira A. Meyreles
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Covert
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Felicetti
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Hiddleson
Ms. Paula J. Levens
Mr. and Mrs. Albin L. Milewski
Mr. Raymond B. Cromer
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ferrigno
Mrs. Mary G. Hiddleson
Dr. and Mrs. Russell Levin
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wayne Miller
Ms. Christie I. Cruz
Mrs. Nancy B. Fetters
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Higgins
Mr. Samuel S. Levin
Ms. Paula J. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Cullen
Fidelity Charitable
Ms. Pauline B. Hill
Ms. Brenda Lee Lewis and Mr. Jerry L. Keen
Mrs. Josephine W. Curry
Mrs. Doris E. Field
Mr. and Mrs. Brent W. Hillhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Leyden
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Czeiner
Ms. Elaine M. Fiore
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Himes
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin S. Lieberman
Ms. Janet M. Daily
Ms. Deedra D. Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hindorff
Mr. William J. Linn
Mr. Michael Damico
Ms. Bonita Fleckenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Hobman
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Lipstein
Ms. Mary Ann C. D’Amico
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Flitner
* Deceased
* Deceased
Your employer may match
your charitable donation.
Mr. Richard S. Miller
Some employers even match
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Miller
charitable donations from retirees.
Ms. Susan M. Minarchi
Please check with your Human Resources
Office for more information. The number
of matching gifts we received in fiscal year
2012 was a 43% increase over fiscal year 2011.
Capping Society
Dr. Karen Pinsky and Mr. Craig Shor
Mr. and Mrs. Jan S. Selfe
Mr. Conrad N. Trumbore
Mrs. Faith M. Platt
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sersun, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Tschoepe
Ms. Cynthia Poole
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Shane
Ms. Adelaide N. Turner
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Poole
Ms. Stephanie M. Shannon
United Way of Chester County
Ms. Anna M. Popecki
Dr. John C. Shea
United Way of the Greater Triangle
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Porrini
Mr. Richard F. Shea
United Way of Lancaster County
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Shelanski
Mr. Fred M. Valentino
Mr. Gerald W. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Sherman
Vanguard Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Powell
Ms. Shirley M. Shoffner
Endowment Program
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Prader
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Shuttleworth
The Vanguard Group Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Pratt
Siemens Caring Hands Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander S. Viscidi
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent M. Pro
Mr. Ronald R. Sigismonti
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas R. Vita, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Prokop
Mr. Cheston Simmons*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Voldstad
Mrs. Betty L. Pryor
Mr. Frederick P. Slack
Mr. and Mrs. Robert von der Luft
Mrs. Betty G. Pullekines
Mr. A. Roy Smith
Mr. E. Warren Vosburg
Mr. and Mrs. Allen S. Puy
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Ralph
Mr. and Mrs. Naaman W. Smoker
Ms. Carol A. Walbert
Mr. Alan J. Randzin
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Walker
Mr. William D. Ravdin
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard D. Snyder
Ms. Inger M. Wallin
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Reardon
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander T. Soutos
Ms. Laura H. Waltz
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Spagnuola
Marian S. Ware 2003
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Reilly
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Spellman
Charitable Lead Annuity Trust
Mr. and Mrs. William Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Spencer
Mr. Ralph B. Watson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Reiter
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Spurlino
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weaver
Ms. Frances H. Remington
Mrs. Ruth S. Stanley
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Renko
Ms. Brenda C. Starkey
Ms. Barbara F. Weichert
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert K. Ressler
Dr. and Mrs. Craig Steiner
Mr. James R. Wells
Mr. Paul R. Reussille, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Reymos
Dr. Barbara K. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Russell R. Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Rhoads
and Dr. Richard T. Brown
Mr. Carl F. Werley
Mr. and Mrs. J. Permar Richards, III
Dr. Barbara Stipe and Mr. John A. Stipe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Werwinski, Sr.
Ms. Patricia R. Richards
Dr. and Mrs. David P. Stocker
West Chester Anesthesia Associates
Mrs. Ruth H. Richards
Ms. Marilyn K. Strong
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Westerfield
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Ritchey
Ms. Rosanne M. Stumpf
Mr. and Mrs. Joel W. White
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Roberts
Robert S. Supplee, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Whiteman
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Rodzvilla, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Swanson
Mrs. Cathie N. Whitlock
The Roemer Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis F. Swayne
Mrs. Rachel S. Whittington
Dr. Marc Romisher
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Sweatman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Wildgen
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin W. Rossiter
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Sylvester
Ms. Barbara N. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Royer
Mrs. Ruth V. Tait
Ms. Kathryn Ann M. Williams*
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer W. Sager, III
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Takacs
Mr. and Mrs. S. Jerome Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Sampson
Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Taylor, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Sanchez
Mr. Thomas G. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Wilson, II
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Sandy
Dr. Michele Tedeschi
Mrs. Penelope P. Wilson
Dr. Bruce R. Saran and Ms. Robin I. Kauffman
and Mr. Charles H. Zimmerman
Mr. Richard W. Wilson
Ms. Sandra O. Saxton
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Tennyson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Wise
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Scheerer
Mr. and Mrs. Rodolfo Theis
Mr. Francis Wood, Jr.
Mrs. Lois A. Scheuritzel
Ms. Catherine H. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Schlosser
Mrs. Shirley L. Thomas
Mrs. Jane H. Wylie
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Schneider
Dr. and Mrs. Peter D. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Yerkes, Jr.
Mr. William M. Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tierney
Mr. Carlos M. Yuste and Ms. Martha Kirby
Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Schouten
Dr. Kirby S. Tirk
Ms. Marge E. Zacharkow
Mr. and Mrs. William E. J. Schrof
and Ms. Veronica M. Balassone
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond J. Zakrzewski
Ms. Sally M. Schu
Mr. James A. Tobin
Mr. and Mrs. Lance K. Ziering
Ms. Jeanne A. Schwab
Ms. Rebecca M. Toole
Mrs. C. B. Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Schwab
Ms. Joan M. Travers
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Zonetti
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Scimone
Mr. and Mrs. George Treacy
Mrs. Kathleen Zopf-Herling
Dr. and Mrs. George C. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund C. Trethewey
and Mr. Steven R. Herling
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Seagers
Mr. Robert W. Trueman
* Deceased
Commitment to Serving
Our Community
The OB/GYN Clinic of The Chester County Hospital and Health System
has been serving the healthcare needs of under- and uninsured
pregnant women for over 50 years. In fact, while there are four other
hospitals in the County, The Chester County Hospital is the only hospital
providing both prenatal care and delivery to uninsured women.
he Clinic, with offices in the Hospital
and Kennett Square, is supervised by a
highly experienced Nurse Practitioner,
Deb Mellon, and five out of seven staffers
are bilingual. Bilingual staffing is critical
to the Clinic’s success in the Hispanic
community. The Hospital’s 15 boardcertified obstetrician/
gynecologists provide
rotating physician
coverage. Best practices
in maternal and
fetal health care are
employed. Patients are
screened for possible
complications. Prenatal
vitamins are provided
to all women and flu
shots are offered in
season. All are enrolled
in the federally funded
Women, Infants and
Children nutrition
Birth weight is the gold standard of healthy
babies and is tracked nationally following
the Healthy People 2020 guidelines. A low
birth weight is considered to be less than
5.5 pounds. All Clinic patients, especially
those with a high-risk pregnancy are closely
monitored to remove any barriers to prenatal
care such as language, lack of insurance,
transportation or social
support. Despite the
vulnerability of its
patient population the
OB/GYN Clinic has
consistently met the
goal of less than 5% of
babies born at low birth
weight for many years.
More than any other
statistic available, this
measure proves that the
services delivered, and the
care given each expectant
mother, are of the highest
In fiscal year 2012, 553
pregnant women received
prenatal care at the OB/GYN
Clinic. Of those patients,
25% were diagnosed with
a high-risk pregnancy and
were seen more frequently than a typical
prenatal patient; 10-12 appointments for
typical patient versus up to 28 for a highrisk patient. These visits are in addition
to those with Hospital specialists in other
units as needed by the high-risk patient.
All babies born at The Chester County
Hospital have access to the only Level
III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in the
county, should they require advanced
medical care. In total, 5,431 patient visits
occurred at the Clinic offices for prenatal
and gynecological care.
The Chester County
Hospital and Health System
is committed to serving
all of Chester County’s
residents and continues to
do so despite the difficult
economic climate. Every effort is made to
maintain a lean operation that delivers high
quality care in a cost effective environment,
an achievement recognized by the 2011
VHA Leadership Award for Supply Chain
Management Excellence. Providing
high quality care to all who need it is a
fundamental mission of the Hospital and
this commitment to the Chester County
community is unmatched by any other
area hospital. We remain grateful for the
generous philanthropic support received by
the OB/GYN Clinic each year.
From left to right (standing):
Jacquelin Lara, Bilingual LPN
Claudia Haberle, RN-C
Elsie DeJesus, Bilingual Secretary
Deb Mellon, CRNP, Clinical Manager
(and kneeling):
Evelia Gutierrez, Bilingual Secretary
Nancy Cruz, Bilingual Medical Assistant
With special thanks to the following organizations and foundations
for their financial support of the Clinic in fiscal year 2012:
The Connelly Foundation
Patricia Kind Family Foundation
United Way of Chester County
The Women’s Auxiliary of The Chester County Hospital
support stats
Patients (64.7%)
Friends (17.3%)
Tribute Gifts
Many donors choose to remember a loved one or to honor a family member, friend,
physician or care giver by making a donation to The Chester County Hospital
Foundation. Listed here are those remembered or honored by a gift in fiscal year 2012.
Targeted Gifts to Specific
Hospital Areas (49%)
In Memory of
Dr. Steven Burke
John M. Dolphin, M.D.
Mr. William B. Acton
Mr. Stokes Burtis
Ms. Betty G. Donohue
Mrs. Eve Adalsteinsson
Ms. Juanita Bustonera
Mrs. Dorothy Y. Dougherty
Foundations (1.1%)
Mrs. Shirley M. Alderfer
Primitino Bustonera
Mr. James N. Downham
Corporations and
Mrs. Estelle H. Alston
Mr. Thomas C. Butts, Sr.
Mr. Ryan Dunn
Mrs. Margaret P. Anderson
Doris and Frank Cacciavillano
Ms. Anne Dwyer
Mr. Robert J. Anderson
Mr. Joseph G. Callaghan, Sr.
Walter and Doris Eldredge
Mr. Leonard C. Andruss
Campanella Family
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth B. Emerson
Mr. Ernest E. Antes, Sr.
Mr. Nicholas D. Campitelli
Mr. William L. Engan
Ms. Denise M. Armstrong
Mr. Harry E. Cann, Jr.
Mrs. Joanne Ernst
Mr. Earle Ashton
Mr. Richard Caputo
Mrs. Doris Q. Eufrasio
Mr. Otis A. Astle
Rose and Frank Caputo
Mrs. Patricia B. Evans
Mr. David W. Bachtle
Ms. Catherine J. Carroll
Mr. Matthew B. Evoli
Mrs. Ida L. Baker
Mr. Kenneth A. Carroll
Mrs. Virginia K. Fackler
Ms. Mary Ballo
Mr. Fred Carter
Mr. Samuel Fazzini
Mrs. Joan K. Bannan
Mrs. Bernice Christiana
Mr. Joseph H. Fell, Jr.
Mrs. Barbara O. Barber
Mr. Fred Christiana
Mrs. Mary R. Filano
Mr. John L. Barnes
Mr. Milton Cichy
Mr. James J. Finegan
Mrs. Vera D. Barnes
Mr. Grover C. Clay, Jr.
Mr. John Fiore
Mr. Duncan Barr
Mrs. Jeanne L. Coer
Mrs. Lena Fiore
Mr. Richard Barraclough
Mrs. Margarita M. Colfer
Mr. Frank Fischer
Mrs. Eileen Barrett
Ms. Winefred Collison
Mrs. Marie Fischer
Mr. John Batchelor
Mr. Richard J. Conner
Dr. John L. Fischetti
Hospital Family* (7.7%)
Auxiliary Members
& Volunteers (3.9%)
Gifts for the Hospital’s
Greatest Needs (25%)
Tower Project (26%)
Organizations (5.1%)
Estates & Trusts (0.3%)
* Board Members, Employees and Medical Staff
1892 Society
Named in recognition of the Hospital’s founding year, the 1892 Society
honors friends who have provided for future generations of patients.
1892 Society members have made gift commitments through bequests,
life income gift arrangements, or other planned gift options. If you have made
such a gift, but are not listed, or if you are interested in joining the 1892 Society,
please contact the Foundation Office at 610.431.5266.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Horne
Ms. Bertha S. Proscino
Mr. Gerard Bayne
Mr. Jack Cooper
Mr. Robert L. Fisher
Mary B. Allan, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Hoyt
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Questell
Mr. Edward J. Bazil
Mr. Daniel Cornwell
Mr. Gene W. Fleck, Sr.
Mrs. Susan D. Armstrong
Dr. William J. Hurley
Mr. Paul R. Reussille, Jr.
Mr. Ronald L. Beal
Mr. James R. Cortright
Mr. John B. Flynn, Sr.
Mr. William C. Baldwin
Dr. Robert H. Huxster
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Robinson
Mr. Francis R. Beard
Mrs. Patricia Cottrel
Mrs. Patricia M. Forest
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Beam
and Dr. Barbara Forney
Dr. Marc Romisher
Mr. Brenden Beaumont
Catherine and Norman Coulston
Dr. John S. Foster
Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Beaugard
Internal Medicine of West Chester
Ms. Karen L. Rothenbuhler
Ms. Cardine Beguian
Sue and Dave Cox
Ms. Thelma Foster
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Benner, IV
Mr. Philip Jamison
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Shelanski
Mrs. Elisabeth Benner
Mr. Wilmer W. Craven
Mr. Nelson Fuson
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge R. Johnson, II
Mr. and Mrs. Deacon Shorr
Charles H. Benton
Mrs. Lillian R. Cree
Mrs. Joan M. Gallagher
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bernberg
Ms. Mary Ellen Josephs
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Shoudy
Mr. Nick Bibbo
Mrs. Shelley A. Cromer
Mr. Peter J. Gallagher, Sr.
Dr. Timothy J. Boyek and Dr. Leslie H. Poor
Mrs. Claire Karpov
Mrs. Margaret Skillman
Mrs. Deborah M. Biddle
Mr. Ioan Cucerzan, Sr.
Ms. Dorothy Gallaway
Mrs. Mary T. Brauman
Mrs. Nancy H. Knauer
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Slack
Mr. Thomas C. Blake, Jr.
Ms. Beula Cunningham
Mr. Robert J. Garner
Mrs. Mary Baker Brown
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Komar
Dr. and Mrs. L. Peter Soraruf, IV
Mr. Charles B. Blevins
Mr. and Mrs. Hayward Dale
Ken and Marie Garris
Ms. Nancy O. Carr
Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Korbonits
The Honorable and
Ms. Jennene Bonsall
Mr. George Dascher
Mrs. Antoinette C. Gaspari
Chester County OB/GYN Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas L. Krapf
Mrs. Walter K. Stapleton
Mrs. Nadelle Borst
Mr. Jerry P. Davidoff
Mr. Nicholas C. Gentile
Chester County Surgical Associates
Debra G. Loeb, M.D.
Mrs. Barbara J. Stonestrom
Mr. Benjamin Boswell
Mrs. Janet Davis
Mr. Victor Giardini
Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Strode, Jr.
Mr. Lawrence J. Boyd
Mr. Christopher Dawson
Mr. Charles M. Gibson
Mrs. Nancy R. Corson
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Mauriello
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Stull
Mr. Richard J. Bramble
Mr. David M. Deal
Mr. Douglas Gillem
Mr. and Mrs. Antelo Devereux, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Lee J. McFadden
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Swett
Mrs. Cora Brazzle
Ms. Marie Deforge
Mr. Pietro N. Giunta
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dukes, Jr.
Miss Nancy V. Moore
Mrs. Anna B. Thompson
Michael and Margaret Brennan
Mrs. Anne M. DeFranco
Beatrice and Maude Glasco
Mr. Kenneth G. Emerson
Mrs. Dorothy W. Mullestein
Mrs. Mabel L. Thompson
Mr. J. Edwin Bridge, Jr.
William M. Dellevigne, M.D.
Mr. John Goater
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Fanelli
Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Musser
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas P. Trainer
Charles and Helen Broschard
Mr. Peter J. Delrocini
Mrs. Catherine Gore
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Foxx
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Traines
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Brosius
Mrs. Robin DeMatteis
Mr. Thomas E. Gore, Sr.
Mrs. Nancy C. Gallagher
Miss Jean M. Oakes
Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Vaganos
Mrs. Caroline S. Brown
Ms. Joanne DeMichiel
Dr. Garth K. Graham
Corazon G. Gemil, M.D.
OB/GYN Associates of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Viscuso
Ms. Jennifer Brown
Mrs. Gay S. Denny
Mrs. Janet L. Grant
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Halsted
Downingtown & West Chester
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wallis
Mrs. Joan C. Brown
Mrs. Jennie DePasquale
Mrs. Stella Green
Dr. and Mrs. Barry C. Hertz
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Orr
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. A. Ward
Mr. Sean E. Brown
Mrs. Mary Deveise
Mr. W. Perry Gresh
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Hewson
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Perry Pepper
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Warden, III
Mr. Thomas E. Brown
Mrs. Judy Dickson
Ms. Stacey D. Griffith
Dr. and Mrs. Maury Hoberman
Mr. and Mrs. R. Marshall Phillips
Ms. Nancy E. Wilkinson
Ms. Violet Brown
Mr. Jimmy DiFonzo
Mrs. Virginia T. Griffith
Ms. Doris A. Hoffman
Ms. Kimberly L. Pierce
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brunner
Ms. Victoria DiMarino
Guillo Family
Mrs. Helen B. Hoffman
Miss Constance M. Plunkett
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wood, II
Dr. Bernard S. Burke
Ms. Ellen Dippel
Mrs. Anna Guy
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Holleran
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Poole
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Wylie, Jr.
Mrs. Lillian L. Burke
Mr. Frank Dolan
Mr. Warren Guy
Tribute Gifts
Tribute Gifts
Mr. William Habig
Ms. Emily G. Koenig
Mr. Joseph B. Niemkiewicz
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Simmler
Ms. Grace Yoder
Mr. Mark Follmar
Ms. Judith Hagerty
Mr. Stephen F. Komarek
Mrs. Joyce O. Nier
Mrs. Um Sinan
Mrs. Lynn V. Ziegler
Ms. Maura Frignito
Mrs. Marilouise W. Hagerty
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Kortina
Mr. Monroe L. Nute, Jr.
CmSGT. Gilbert W. Sisson, Ret.
Mr. Oscar B. Zynn
Morrie G. Gold, M.D.
Mr. William B. Haines, Jr.
Mrs. Gail K. Kramer
Donald F. O’Neill
Mrs. Jacqueline Sisson
Mr. John F. Haley
Mrs. Hannah D. Lamb
Mr. Clement C. O’Rourke
Lois A. Slack
In Honor of
Mary Lisa Gunning, M.D.
Mr. Michael J. Halpin
Mr. Wayne E. Landers
Mr. Stephen A. Owen
Mrs. Janet L. Slifer
Mr. Charles Adair
Ms. Crystal L. Hampton
Mr. Thomas L. Halpin
Mr. James H. Larer
Mrs. Susan P. Pacropis
Mr. James S. Smith
Mr. Carl E. Adkins, III
Addie and Katie Hauer
Ms. Iris Hamilton
Mr. Parke L. Lessig
Liam R. Parsons
Ms. Beverly Soroka
Mr. Carl E. Adkins, Jr.
Maureen Hewitt, M.D.
Ms. Corinne Hancock
Mrs. Suzanne C. Lessig
Mr. Peter G. Paskalis
Armand and Marie Sorriero
J. Edgar Alarcon, M.D.
Owen P. Hoerz
Mrs. Mimi Hankin
Mary, Betty and Oreste Leto
Mrs. Helen Patterson
Ms. Connie Spargo
Donald H. Andersen, M.D.
Mr. Ted Howe
Mr. Ryan J. Hanzook
Mr. James E. Lewis
Mr. James J. Patterson, Sr.
Mr. Gavin B. Speirs
Douglas L. Atlas, M.D.
Dr. Harry J. Hutchinson, III
Mr. Joe Harper
Mrs. Edna May Liney
Mr. Albert Patton
Ms. Heidi M. Springer
Mark E. Beaugard, M.D.
Mr. R. Ted Jacquet
Mr. Joseph J. Hassler
Mr. Frank Lovisa
Mr. James C. Pellini
Mr. Frankie Srogi
Reina Bender, M.D.
Mian A. Jan, M.D.
Mr. G. Michael Hawkins
Mrs. Nancy H. Lundberg
Ms. Sandra Pfaus
Mrs. Nan L. Stapleton
Dennis A. Berman, M.D.
Basil S. Jawad, M.D.
Ms. Ellen M. Hayes
Mrs. Catherine M. Lynch
Mr. James F. Phelan, Jr.
Ms. Candy J. Stephani
Mr. Walter G. Blevins, Jr.
Patty Jones and Nevin Wilkinson’s
Mr. Robert Hennes
Mr. James E. Lyons
Mr. Norman L. Pierce
Ms. Elizabeth J. Stevens
Ms. Elizabeth A. Blickos
2nd Birthday
Ms. Mary L. Henry
Mr. Carlo Madrigale, Jr.
Ms. Carole Pilotti
Mrs. Lois B. Stoltzfus
Ms. Cynthia Brown
Mr. Bryce Kash
Wm. S. and Margaret M. Hickman
Ms. Mary A. Madrigale
Mr. Howard Pindle
Mr. Edward L. Stoner
The Cancer Program of
Mr. Morris Kazin
Mrs. Barbara J. Higgins
Mr. Wilbert J. Magers
Mr. Robert Pinto
Mrs. Patricia S. Stuebe
The Chester County Hospital
Mary and James Kerl
Mrs. Frances C. Higgins
Mr. Martin G. Malloy
Dr. Robert K. Platt
Mr. David W. Sweatman
The Cancer Program of
Ms. Mary Knisely
Reverend Jo Ann Higgins
Mr. Joseph M. Mandes, Sr.
Mr. George Podhiny, Jr.
Mr. William P. Tait, Jr.
The Chester County Hospital
James D. Knox, M.D.
Mrs. Ellen Z. Hines
Mr. Frederick M. Manning
Mrs. Mildred S. Poole
Mr. Alfred R. Taylor
Oncology Nurses
Shanti Krishnan, M.D.
Mrs. Anna M. Hively
Mrs. Darlene Margera
Mr. Walter Poole
Mrs. Ann W. Taylor
The Chester County Hospital
Madeline H. Lamb, Esq.
Deloris and Anthony Hobuby
Mr. C. Harry Marron, Jr.
Mr. Carl Popadick, Sr.
Ms. Nancy L. Taylor
Cardiac Rehab Team
Martin LeBoutillier, III, M.D.
Mrs. Edith Hofferman
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Martelli
Mrs. Connie Porta
Mr. Robert R. Temple
The Chester County Hospital
Mr. Mark A. Lee
Mrs. Sarah Hoffman
Mrs. Carolyn A. Martinelli
Ms. Suzanne M. Price
Mr. Andrew Terrels
Cardiac Staff
Joseph G. Lewis, M.D.
Mr. Josiah Hoopes
Mrs. Dorothy Mason
Mrs. Olga Procht
Senator Robert J. Thompson
The Chester County Hospital
George H. Limpert, M.D.
Mrs. Marian D. Hornberger
Mr. Lewes A. Mason
Mr. John F. Pryor
Mr. William Thompson
Cardiology Department
Brandt S. Loev, D.O.
Mr. Anthony P. Hrincevich
Mr. Raymond Mason
Mrs. Patricia I. Pucci
Mr. Levis R. Tompkins
The Chester County Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lonsdale, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Hufnagel
Ms. Deborah Jean G. Mayo
Mrs. Alice R. Pugh
Toth/Dellaquila Family
Doctors and Staff
William E. Luginbuhl, M.D.
Mrs. Frances A. Hufty
Ms. Kathleen McBratnie
Ms. Dolores Purcell
Fransisca Tovar
The Chester County Hospital
Mrs. Christine Mardoian
Mrs. Rosemary A. Hurley
Mr. and Mrs. John L. C. McCalla
Mr. Gervus A. Rafalko
Sister Mary Imelda Travis
Emergency Dept. Staff
Marshallton Auxiliary Members
Dr. Azam Husain
Mrs. Laura C. McClure
Ms. Jane Hoopes Rambo
Ms. Dorothy L. Tucker
The Chester County Hospital ICU
Kevin S. McCarry
Mrs. Margaret R. Ireson
Mr. Montgomery H. McClure
Mr. Joseph Randzin
Mrs. Ruth M. Turner
The Chester County Hospital Nurses
Ms. Carolyn Jardine Meister
Mrs. Jung S. Ives
Ms. Eleanor F. McCool
Mr. Giacomo Regalmuto
Mrs. Dorothy Valentino
The Chester County Hospital
Reverend Lauren B. Meiswinkel
Mr. Douglass L. Jackson, Sr.
Mrs. Margaret F. McCormick
Mrs. Karen M. Regn
Ms. Elizabeth T. Voge
Nurses and Staff PINU
Mr. M. J. Melody, Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Jackson
Mr. James McNally
Ms. Pat Reilly
Mrs. Mary Ann Vosburg
The Chester County Hospital
Mrs. Sara M. Missett
Dr. Merwin R. Jackson
Mr. Albert J. McNeill
Mr. Ronald E. Rhoads
Mrs. Noreen J. Wade
OR Nursing Staff
Ms. Malinda Murray
Mr. G. Doyle Jarrett
Ms. Kim E. McNeill
Mr. Thomas Rizzo
Mr. Dwight D. Wallace
The Chester County Hospital Staff
Miss Jean M. Oakes
Mr. James A. Jennings, Jr.
Mary Ellen Mears
James and Velma Roberge
Mr. Marvin Wallace, Jr.
The Chester County Hospital
Matthew E. Ochs, M.D.
Mr. Eldridge W. Johnson, Jr.
Mr. Patrick G. Meehan
Ms. Dorothy Roberts
Ms. Selma W. Walsh
Staff on West Wing 1
Mrs. Joan L. Orr
Ms. Marian Jordan
Mrs. Barbara L. Mento
Ms. Bonnie Robinson
Mr. Charles W. Waltz, Jr.
The Chester County Hospital
James M. Patterson, M.D.
Mr. Ethan Kash
Mr. Edward J. Miller
Mr. George B. Robinson
Mr. Frank Ward
Staff on West Wing 2
Mr. Benjamin F. Peirson
Mr. John J. Kasmer
Ms. Louise H. Miller
Mr. James K. Robinson, Jr.
Mr. Keith R. Warren
The Chester County Hospital
Mr. H. L. Perry Pepper
Mrs. Dora Kazin
Mr. Norman K. Miller
Mr. Everett E. Rose
Mrs. Paula Watson
Telemetry Team
Ms. Kimberly L. Pierce
Ms. Marie L. Keesey
Mr. James V. Mitchell
Mrs. Marcia W. Rose
Ms. Sandy Weible
The Chester County Hospital
Dr. William Plummer, III
Mr. James N. Keiler
Mr. Thomas Moffat
Ms. Leona Rudibaugh
Mr. Walter Weidemann, III
and Mrs. Sue Plummer
Mrs. Mary Elenor Keller
Mr. Michael Montemuro
Ryan Family
Mr. Paul J. Weihman
The Chester County Hospital
Robert Poole, M.D.
Shane D. Kemp-Lotter
Mrs. Eileen Mooney
Mr. Robert P. Ryan
Mr. F. Elton Weikel
Wound Care Staff
John Potts, D.O.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Kent
Mr. Robert L. Moorer
Mr. Frank Sadler
Mrs. Marcia C. Wells
Dr. Coulson A. Conn
Sidney C. Rabin, M.D.
Dr. Walter L. Kester
Mrs. Mary Ann Morton
Ms. Kristine Sarmento
Ms. Maria Whitehead
Michael R. Costello, M.D.
Mr. Dennis J. Reardon
Ms. Elisabeth S. Kiefer
Mr. Howard J. Mount
Mr. Louis J. Sarmento
Mrs. Harriet A. Whittaker
Mr. Raymond Daley
Ms. Kristina Rentschler
Ms. Mable King
Mr. Edward Murphy
Ms. Sandra M. Schouten
Mr. Robert Wier, III
Celeste E. DeBaptiste, M.D.
Ambrose and Joan Reynolds
Ms. Mary Agnes Kinsey, RN
Ms. Elizabeth Murphy
Mrs. Jane Seel
Mr. John Wolff
DePhillips Boys
Donelle Rhoads, M.D.
Mrs. Sylvia I. Kipp
Mrs. Margaret R. Nagy
Mrs. Nancy Sevick
Mr. Charles T. Wollaston
Mrs. Mary C. DiMarzio
Mr. Anthony Rivituso
Mr. Nicholas J. Kirylyck
Ms. Rita Natale
Mrs. Mary Lou Shaw
Ms. Anne G. Wooldridge
Verdi J. DiSesa, M.D.
John H. Roberts, M.D.
Mr. David Knauer
Mr. Tomas Negron
Mrs. Janet Shaw-Kornacki
Mr. William W. Wylie, Sr.
Mr. David Dreisbaugh
Evan C. Roxbury
Mrs. Elizabeth O. Knight
Mr. Grant E. Nelson, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Louise Shea
Mr. Irwin Yearsley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dreisbaugh
Gabriel Ruggiero, D.O.
Mrs. Ila Knudson
Nero Family
Dr. Charles W. Shreiner, Jr.
Ms. Margaret McClellan Yocum
Miss Susan Dreisbaugh
Sean V. Ryan, M.D.
Bernard R. Greenberg, M.D.
Thank You to Our Volunteers
Opportunities for volunteering at the Hospital range from active positions,
such as transporting patients in wheelchairs, to less physically demanding jobs,
including staffing the information desk or working in the Gift Shop.
During the 2012 Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon, the following volunteers
listed below received recognition pins for achieving hour milestones.
Our Community Rises to the Challenge
The Parkway Dash 4 Diabetes 5K Run / 2.5K Walk and
Challenge for Cancer Bike Ride (events of the May Festival),
are two great fitness fundraisers that are perfectly timed for
participants who want to get in shape for summer and
support the health of our community.
etting fit is a bigger challenge for
some. Patients living with diabetes
or cancer must manage their disease along
with the aches and pain that come with
building a stronger body.
Warriors and Challenge Champions,
from stepping into the gym for the first
time to crossing the finish line. The result
was truly candid footage that documents
the determination of these brave volunteers
and provides concrete
evidence that your
support of the Hospital
is working.
At The Chester County
Hospital and Health
System, we are focused
on Making Lives Better
View our Road Warrior/
Every Day. To this end,
Challenge Champion
our event leadership
Dash 4 Diabetes,
video diaries at
(Shelagh Purnell, May
Festival Chair, Rick
April 6, 2013
org/Foundation for
Stevenson, Challenge
– and –
inspiration from our
Chair, and Nancy and
Challenge for Cancer
patients and tips from
Peter Shoudy, Dash
our experts.
Chairs), developed the
Bike Ride, Father’s Day,
Road Warrior/Challenge
June 17, 2013
Special thanks to our
Champion Program. The
Fitness Partners &
goal was to transform the
Trainers: acac Fitness
Dash and the Challenge
and Wellness Centers / John H., LA
events from one day of healthy, family fun
Fitness, Mitch’s Market Street Gym /
into opportunities to make a life change.
Carmelo A., Sarah P., Premier Personal
Training / Brian P. and Summit Fitness,
Working with fitness facilities in our
YMCA of the Brandywine Valley / Kathy.
community, we partnered patients with
Road Warriors included Guillermo, Rob,
personal trainers – the fitness facilities
Sarah, Maureen and Thom. Challenge
donated memberships and one-on-one
Champions included: Peggy, Tony
personal training. We then videotaped
and Moe.
the journey of these patients, our Road
1,000 Hours
500 Hours
Ted Slezak
Nina Carroll
Peg Bahoney
Billie Souney
5,000 Hours
Mavis Dobson
Chris Bollinger
Alan Test
8,000 Hours
Sue Greenwood
Nancy Faust
Joanne Chevallier
Pauline Trnka
Joan Dubeck
Joan Pratt
Bill Grace
Gretchen Hall
Joe Vitale
Diane Zimmerman
B.J. Hettel
Joan Johnson
Toni Wheeler
Beth Nebel
Joseph Koczur
2,000 Hours
Paulette Schaumann
Bruce Komaromy
Pictured above:
Barbara Fell
Marilyn Smith
Marie Langan
Bev Lennon and Billie
6,000 Hours
Gil Fell
Ruth Spencer
Marge Lisicky
Souney, Don Hornig,
Kathleen Duffy
Dorothy Koehler
Betty Traines
Jack Murphy
John Deane and Bill
Helen Hartman
Bill Wilson
Don Weir
Jeanne Overton
7,000 Hours
Marion Morton
Thank You to Our Volun“teens”
The VolunTEEN program, for ages 14 to 18 years old, takes place on Saturday and
Sunday mornings. Teens perform a variety of tasks throughout the Hospital, including
making beds, filling water pitchers, running errands, and escorting patients.
The following teens achieved hourly milestones during fiscal year 2012.
300 Hours
200 Hours
100 Hours
Hannah Kruelle
Emily Strauss
Ro Steiner
Julie Dieffenbach
Jasleen Ashta
B.J. Linton
Rachel Wolfgang
Emily Simmons
Vandana Ashtakala
Melissa Sejour
Praneeth Denduluri
Kelly Sheehan
Chester County Day
71st Annual Chester County Day
An Event of the Women’s Auxiliary to The Chester County Hospital
Organized by The Chester County Day Committee
Co-Chairs: Louise Milewski and Karen Weber
Platinum Sponsor
Bronze Sponsors
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Fenza
Citadel Federal Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Brosius
Mr. John B. Hannum, Jr.
Tribute Gifts Continued
Kevin Sowti, M.D.
Michele Tedeschi, M.D.
Dr. Wendy Wallace -
Gold Sponsor
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Duprey
Mr. Matthew D. Schwab
Karen M. Squire, M.D.
Adrienne J. Towsen, M.D.
CHOP North Hill
Fox Rothschild LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Barry M. Olliff
Arianna’s Gourmet Cafe
Pamela P. Scott, M.D.
Ms. Candy J. Stephani
George Trajtenberg, M.D.
Mrs. Mary G. Warden
Silver Sponsors
Penn Liberty Bank
In-Kind Donors
Waleed Shalaby, M.D.
Mr. Louis M. Stuebe
Nicholas A. Vaganos, M.D.
W. Clay Warnick, M.D.
Freedom Village
Brandywine Catering
Ms. Sally Shearman
Jane Sunoo, M.D.
Mrs. Ida R. Verno
Luke R. Westerman
VanCleve Collection Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Colleran
County Lines Magazine
Andrew D. Sitkoff, M.D.
Betty and Roy Sweet
Kendra M. Vernon
Mickey Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dutton
Vickers Tavern
L. Peter Soraruf, IV, M.D.
Dr. Isaac T. Tam
Volunteers at the Encore Shop
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Ernster
Wendell August Forge
Wine Festival
Fore Health Invitational
20th Annual Dilworthtown Inn Wine Festival
An Event of the Women’s Auxiliary to The Chester County Hospital
Organized by the Brandywine and Greystone Auxiliaries
Hosted by Dilworthtown Inn, Inn Keeper’s Kitchen, Blue Pear Bistro
(Jim Barnes and Bob Rafetto, Proprietors) Chair: Robin Kraheck
FORE Health Invitational Golf Tournament with Sean O’Hair
Benefiting Health Services for Women and Children
and The Charles Henry Benton Endowment
Organized by the FORE Health Invitational Committee
Special Thanks to The O’Hair Family
Presenting Sponsors
Bev Michel Photography
Golden Inn Hotel & Resort
Presenting Sponsor
Stryker Orthopedics
Mr. Francis X. Gannon
Fulton Bank
Helise Bichefsky, D.O.
Goshen Beverage Center
Siemens Medical Solutions Service
The General Warren Inne
Clermont Wealth Strategies
Birmingham Township Police Dept.
Great Pumpkin Health Foods
Dinner Sponsor
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Almeida
Goshen Signs
Platinum Sponsors
The Bistro at Our Town
Hannum’s Harley Davidson
L.F. Driscoll Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Benton
Greystone Auxiliary
Chester County Dentistry for Children, P.C.
Bittman’s Orchids & Greenhouse
The Hat Lady
Putting Green Sponsor
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Casselberry
Hershey’s Mill Golf Club
Stillman Volvo
Boutique Fancy Fluff
Headquarters Hair Salon
Berks Ridge Company Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Filkins
Hospitality Asset Management
Gold Sponsors
Brandywine Auxiliary
Helen C. Kelleher Photography
Gold Sponsors
Ms. Laura A. Genovese
Company, Inc.
MacElree Harvey, Ltd.
Bull Durham’s Texas BBQ
Herr Foods, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Andrew Benton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Gould
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Jones
Cakes & Candies by Maryellen
Hershey’s Mill Golf Club
Chester County OB/GYN Associates
Mr. Kevin V. Hagenberg
Dr. and Mrs. Paul S. Kim
Reino’s Design Print Mail
Calista Grand Salon & Spa
Hives for Lives
Drummond Scientific Company
Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. O’Hair
Mr. Marc Levine
Steger, Gowie & Co., Inc.
The Capital Grille
HoneyBaked Ham Company
Saul Ewing LLP
Parkway Center
Mr. James S. Mackey
Silver Sponsor
Capital Wine & Spirits
Honeybrook Golf Club
Hole Sponsors
Professional Transcription Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. McNeely
Judge Mobile Wash
Chadds Ford Chimney Sweeps
Hoof Prints Studio
Comprehensive Cancer Care
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Wylie, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Mears
Chester County Day Committee
Diamond Ice Foundation
In-Kind Donors
Montesano Bros. Italian Market & Catering
EuroMotorcars Devon
Chester County Running Store
Mr. and Mrs. Vito J. Jacono, Jr.
Graystone Tower Bank
acac Fitness & Wellness Centers
O’Donnell Tree Service
Cirillo Cosmetic Dermatology Spa
Jazmine Thai Cuisine
Hospital of the University
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Albright
Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. O’Hair
Brandywine Auxiliary
Clarisonic Inc.
Mrs. Margaret L. Jetta
of Pennsylvania
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Pension
Co Bank / Farm Credit Leasing
Club Fit 247
Lamb McErlane, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bacon
Philadelphia Flyers
Green Lawn Fertilizing, Inc.
Colonial Village Meat Market
Joseph Anthony Retreat Salon & Spa
The Occupational Health Center
Beans Beauty
Picklepuss Photography
Market Street Financial Group
Commonwealth National Golf Club
Kati Mac Floral Designs
Panitch Schwarze Belisario & Nadel LLP
Mr. and Mrs. M. Andrew Benton
Plexus Fitness
Peter’s Salon & European Spa, LLC
Cosabella Inc.
Kennett Square Golf & Country Club
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Brandywine Auxiliary
Radley Run Country Club, Inc.
Rino’s Italian Restaurant & Pizza
Country Bagel Bakery
Kimberton Golf Club
of Chester County
Mr. Steven Buterbaugh
Dr. and Mrs. Cheston Simmons, Jr.
Charles R. Weber, DMD
The Crate Escape
Kimberton Whole Foods
Tsoules, Sweeney, Martin & Orr, LLC
Cottage Flowers
Mr. Richard R. Smiga
Crimson Hill Interiors
Kimmel Mushrooms
Veritable, LP
Crowell Family
Ms. Hilary A. Sohn
Mrs. Sandra Baldino
Currie Hair Skin Nails
King Limousine Service
Vistarr Laser & Vision Centers
Daphne’s Details
Table Art
Mr. and Mrs. Tomas C. Cahue, Sr.
La Difference Salon & Day Spa
Women’s Specialty Center
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Drummond
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Cerini
Cynthia Marriott Designs
La Spina Salon and Spa
Green Sponsors
Duffer’s Tavern
Toftrees Golf Resort & Conference Center
Cosabella Inc.
Delicate Designs by Amanda
Lamont Coffee & Tea Company
Associates for Women’s Medicine
Duling Kurtz House & Country Inn
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Vincent
Dynymn Business Solutions Inc.
Ms. Elizabeth M. Demotor
Limoncello Ristorante
Chester County Orthopaedic Assoc., Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Warden
Gadaleto’s Seafood Market
Deramics Clay Studio
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Luce
Lamb McErlane, P.C.
Fountains of Wayne
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wood, II
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Ireland
Designs by Karen
Ms. Patricia Lynch
Freestone Golf Club
YMCA West Chester
Main Line Center for Oral & Facial Surgery, Ltd.
Dia Doce Gourmet
Majestic Wines
Target, Concordville
Fredrick C. Disque, DMD
Maureen’s Gallery
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Wylie, Jr.
Diving Cat Studio & Gallery
The Mill at Anselma
Wine Festival Continued
Mrs. Lillian Regalmuto
Two Sisters Boutique
In-Kind Donors
Ms. Debbie Dooling
Montesano Bros. Italian Market & Catering
Perennial Interiors
Reino’s Design Print Mail
The Ultimate Shave Barbershop
A Taste of Olive
Eclat Chocolate
Morrisson & Sons
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Reynolds
Village Style Shoppe
A. Marinelli & Sons, Inc.
Elegant Stems
Neiman Marcus
Pete’s Produce Farm
Rino’s Italian Restaurant & Pizza
Wallace Associates
Advanced Health Solutions
Exton Beverage
Philadelphia Wings
Mrs. Cikkeen Robustelli
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Walton
Allied Waste Service
Exton Square Mall
Norman’s Hallmark
Picnic Plus
Dr. and Mrs. Donald J. Rosato
Waterloo Gardens
Amadio Artworks
Family Dental Associates
OBH Enterprises
Pietro’s Prime Steakhouse & Seafood
Sabika Jewelry
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Weber
Amani’s BYOB
Firecreek Restaurant & Bar
Old Havana Cigar Company
Pistachio’s Cafe & Catering
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Schoonover
Ambassador Awards & Recognition Services
Mrs. Meredith O’Leary
Representative Joseph R. Pitts
Sears Hardware Store
Wendell August Forge
American Helicopter Museum
Flowers & More, Inc.
Otto’s BMW of West Chester
Play-a-Round Golf
Shady Maple Smorgasbord
West Chester Golf and Country Club
& Education Center
Flowers by The Greenery
Oxford Handbags LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pomerantz
Shiffrin Selections
West Chester Scoop
America’s Pie
Flying Pig Saloon
P.J. Whelihan’s Pub and Restaurant
Profiles Salon of Thorndale
Steven Sitkoff, O.D.
Westtown School
Arasapha Farm
Folio Fine Wine Partners
Painterly Treasures
Puttle Golf Game
Whiskazz & Pawzz
Arianna’s Gourmet Cafe
Fusion Pilates Studio and Physical Therapy
Paradocx Vineyard
QVC, Inc.
Stein Mart
Wick’s Ski & Sport
Art by Affiant
Gadaleto’s Seafood Market
Patricia Danzon Photography
R.J. Waters & Associates, Inc.
Sugartown Communications
Windle’s Water Works, Inc.
AT&T Atlantic
Ms. Dara L. Gans
Penn Oaks Golf Club
Radiance Medspa
Sunset Hill Jewelers & Fine Arts Gallery
Wine Merchant
Avante Salon & Spa
Penn’s Table
Radley Run Country Club, Inc.
Timeless Dwellings
Winner’s Circle Sports Grille - Riverstone Cafe
Bakers of Buffington
Gifford Photography
Penwick Design
Rafferty Subaru
Turks Head Auxiliary
Wynnorr Farm
Beeswax Works
GochYa Cooking
Pepsi Beverage Company
The Red Hamer Collection
The Twisted Sister
Mr. Joseph J. Ziviello, Jr.
Beef, Beer, Boogie
SHiNE • An Annual Benefit
in Support of The Cancer Program of The Chester County Hospital
Chair: Stephanie Challis
7th Annual St. Patty’s Day Beef, Beer, Boogie
An Event of the Women’s Auxiliary to The Chester County Hospital
Organized by the Greystone Auxiliary
Diamond Sponsor
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Hay, Jr.
Jimmy’s BBQ
Communications Test Design, Inc.
E. Flickinger
Ms. Jacquelyn L. McCalla
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Judge
Platinum Sponsor
Dr. and Mrs. Morrie G. Gold
Mr. and Mrs. John Rothwell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Chapman Kistler
Endo Pharmaceuticals
David Grossman, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Ketan Vora
La Cita B&B
Silver Sponsors
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Holleran
Mr. Thomas M. Lengyel
Calista Grand Salon & Spa
Ms. Nancy L. Hornback
Over the Rainbow Sponsors
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Harris
Limoncello Ristorante
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Ehlers
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brennan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders
Longwood Gardens
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
F. Horstmann
Mrs. Donna M. Cattin
Dr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Catando
In-Kind Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mardoian
Table Sponsors
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Huberty
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Chambers
Chester County Dentistry for Children, P.C.
Mr. Joe Missimer
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hutter
Classic Coachwork of West Chester, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cooke
A. Marinelli & Sons, Inc.
Montesano Bros. Italian Market & Catering
Corporate Giving Program
Dr. and Mrs. Craig W. Jester
Ms. Maryann T. Colavita
FedEx Employees
Action Event & Rentals, Inc.
Mrs. Sherry Nugent
Baird Foundation, Inc.
Cheryl A. Johnson, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Crowley
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gabrielsen
OBH Enterprises
Mr. and Mrs. G. Joseph Bendinelli, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Brian C. Keeley
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Davenport
Janney Montgomery Scott
American Helicopter Museum
Mrs. Meredith O’Leary
Citadel Federal Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Kennedy
Mr. Michael DeMatteis
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas L. Krapf
& Education Center
Gawthrop Greenwood, PC
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kennedy
Ms. Sally Dunleavy
Mr. and Mrs. James W. MacFadden, Jr.
Appetites on Main
P.J. Whelihan’s Pub and Restaurant
Genentech, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Kenney
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Flitner
A. Marinelli & Sons, Inc.
Arianna’s Gourmet Cafe
Palace Bowling & Entertainment Center
Integral Nuclear Associates, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Millard J. Kimmel
Dr. and Mrs. John Fox
Rencic Dermatology, LLC
Avante Salon & Spa
Penn Oaks Tennis & Fitness Club
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Parsons, Sr.
Madeline H. Lamb, Esq.*
Mrs. Nancy C. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Severino
Beer Mill
The People’s Light & Theatre Company
West Chester Ambulatory Services, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Gary J. Levin
Mr. Thomas F. Gallagher, Jr.
Twin Peaks Cancer Foundation
Blue Moon Florist
Picnic Plus
West Chester Anesthesia Associates
Ms. Maria McCool
Mr. Edward T. Gleason
Pot of Gold Sponsors
Brandywine Auxiliary
Pietro’s Prime Steakhouse & Seafood
Friend Sponsors
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. O’Brien
and Dr. Marie M. Gleason
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Boate
Brandywine River Museum
Platinum Salon
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Burkland
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Ochsner
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Grey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Burkardt, Jr.
Brothers Pizza & Pasta Restaurant
Play-a-Round Golf
Mr. and Mrs. William Stephenson
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. O’Donnell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Finnaren
Chaddsford Winery
Salon DeGian
SHiNE Stars
Mrs. Joanne Peskoff Bear
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt M. Heyman
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hoyt
Jane Chalfant, Inc.
Seva Power Yoga
DNB First
and Mr. Leslie L. Bear
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Horne
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mardoian
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cooke
Mr. Peter Sok
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Drummond
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Reilly
Mr. Harry J. Hurley, III
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. McNaughton
Earth Care Inc.
Mrs. Kathy Stewart
Headquarters Hair Salon
Ms. Lynne M. Reilly
and Mrs. Mary Beth Hurley
Mr. and Mrs. David Reith
Family Dental Associates
Mr. Jim Tarantino
ImClone Systems Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Reilly, Jr.
Jane Chalfant, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Shafer
Faunbrook Bed & Breakfast
Turks Head Auxiliary
Lincoln Financial Distributors
Ms. Carol Schmersahl
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kane, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sung
The General Warren Inne
Vertical Extreme
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Olson
Dr. Pamela P. Scott and Dr. Raza Khwaja
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Koehler
Tuttle Marketing Services
Giant Foods, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Rudibaugh
Dr. Ann Marie Siegal and Dr. Todd Siegal
Mr. William F. Laffey
Lucky Leprechaun Sponsors
Mrs. Mary Frances Giunta
Wendell August Forge
Dr. Pamela P. Scott and Dr. Raza Khwaja
Dr. Andrew D. Sitkoff
and Dr. Patricia A. Laffey
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Lawrence
GochYa Cooking
West Chester Golf and Country Club
Side Bar & Restaurant
and Dr. Christina E. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Landers
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Wylie, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hoyt
West Goshen Township
Mr. Frederick P. Slack
Dr. Kevin E. Smith
Ms. Margaret K. Lang
Shamrock Sponsors
Ice Line
Whitford Country Club
SHiNE Sponsors
and Dr. Stephanie F. Smith
Lionfield Technology Solutions, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Neal Atkins
Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant
Winterthur Museum & Country Estate
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Spatola
Dr. and Mrs. Calvin Lu
Mr. and Mrs. John Colaprete
Jaws Youth Playbook
Ms. Carolyn B. Zakarija
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brennan, Jr.
Ms. Lorraine I. Speciale
Dr. William E. Luginbuhl and Dr. Erica Turner
Mr. Douglas J. Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Fredric Squires
Mr. Mark A. MacInnis
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Cain
Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Suska
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Malley, III
SHiNE Continued
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Challis
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hannafin
Dr. and Mrs. Edward P. Carter
Dr. Michele Tedeschi
Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Manley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Starner
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Colburn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Challis
and Mr. Charles H. Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Markey
Mr. James J. Wechsler, Jr.
Communications Test Design, Inc.
MedPark Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Colburn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Weidinger
Ms. Sharon Ann Masterson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Welch
Crimson Hill Interiors
Modern Massage Works
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Comerford
Dr. Anne F. Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde D. McKee, III
Mrs. Penelope P. Wilson
Crossroads Auto Sales
Nicholas Anthony Salon & Day Spa
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Corcoran
and Dr. James A. Williamson
Ms. Catherine M. Oswald
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Winnick
Definitive Mobile Detailing
Mr. Jim O’Hara
Mrs. Nancy R. Corson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Witek
and Ms. Patricia Ann Oswald
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Wise
Delaware Museum of Natural History
Palace Resorts
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Cost
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Wylie, Jr.
Sister Judith Parsons
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Zehren
Mr. Michael DeMatteis
Mrs. Joanne Peskoff Bear
Ms. Elizabeth Cruse
Pinckey, Harris & Weidinger, LLC
In-Kind Donors
The Desmond Hotel
and Mr. Leslie L. Bear
Ms. Elsie E. DiSipio
Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Abbott, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Pizzi
Allure Medispa
Mrs. Colleen G. DeVirgiliis
QVC, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. DiValerio
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Archer
Adrienne Rencic, M.D.
Amelia Paris Salon & Spa
Downingtown Country Club
Dr. and Mrs. Fredric Squires
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dulin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Blauvelt
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Samson
Big Mike’s Barber Shop
Family Pet Resort
Tally Ho Coffee, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Erfle
Mr. Peter D. Brown and Ms. Patricia Powell
Dr. Scott H. Saul and Dr. Marjorie Saul
Mrs. Gretchen Bowker
Fine Line Detailing
Tolsdorf Oil Lube Express
Mr. Frederick J. Eufrasio
Mr. Anthony Cadwalader
Ms. Regina T. Schiavello
Cakes & Candies by Maryellen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Weidinger
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Fantanarosa
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Cantor
Mr. and Mrs. B. Patrick Smith
Calista Grand Salon & Spa
Mrs. Suzanne Franz Gaffney
Westtown School
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Fisher
Mr. Calvin S. Card
* Deceased
Jane Chalfant, Inc.
Geeks on Call
Miss Tonia R. Williamson
Dash 4 Diabetes
May Festival
Parkway Dash 4 Diabetes • An Event of the 29th Annual May Festival
Presented by Parkway: Parkway Cleaners - Plaza - Center - Omega Industries J & N Management - UPS Store at Parkway Center
Jon F. Wehler Health-Happiness-Success Award 2012 Honoree: Mary Bigham
Kennedy Marie Canzoner Award presented to Sean Duffy
Co-Chairs: Nancy and Peter Shoudy
29th Annual May Festival • The Events of the 29th Annual May Festival
Presented by Communications Test Design, Inc., Parkway,
Susquehanna Bank, Thomas Chevrolet
Chair: Shelagh Purnell
Kevin Joyce
LuLu Shrine Clowns
Hugh J. Purnell, CPA
Diamond Sponsor
Bronze Sponsors
Morrissey Family Foundation
Accurate Foot & Diabetic Care
Platinum Sponsors
Barclay Friends
Call Center Connect
Bryn Mawr Foot & Ankle Center
Mitch’s Market Street Gym
21st Century Products, Inc.
Open Haus Studio LLC
CCS Medical
WC Dish
Brandywine Hall
Gold Sponsors
Chester County Eye Care Associates
West Chester Borough Police
Arthur Hall Insurance
Chester County OB/GYN Associates
West Chester Sheriff’s Department
In-Kind Donors
Central Chester County-Lionville Rotary
Gateway Medical Associates
Dave Magrogan Group
Dash & Dine
A. Duie Pyle, Inc.
Chester County Eye Care Associates
IMS Audio Visual, Inc.
Fulton Bank
Bistro On Bridge
BirlGirl Designs
Daybreak Lions
Novo Nordisk, Inc.
Dash Friends
Doc Magrogan’s Oyster House
May Festival
Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Relative Care LLC
Allstate - Mallon Insurance Group, LLC
Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant
Presented by Susquehanna Bank
Charles Blosenski Disposal Company
Merrill Lynch
Chester County Family Dentistry
Kildare’s Irish Pub
May Festival Committee Chair:
O’Rourke & Sons, Inc.
Prudential Fox & Roach
Silver Sponsors
Podiatry Care Specialists, P.C.
Landmark Americana Tap & Grill
Shelagh Purnell
Suburban Propane
Sunrise Rotary
Byram Healthcare
Rotary Club of West Chester
Mas Mexicali Cantina
Vice Chair: Nancy Riccardo
Charles R. Weber, DMD
Susquehanna Bank
Dave’s Automotive Repair Enterprises
Wusinich & Brogan Law Firm
Molly McGuire’s Irish Restaurant & Pub
Major Sponsors
In-Kind Donors
acac Fitness & Wellness Center
Battle of the Bands
Francis Automotive Services
Chester County Justice Center
Pietro’s Prime Steakhouse & Seafood
The Chester County Hospital
Lisa Wolfe Music, LLC
Infusioncare BioScrip
Chester County Running Store
Riverstone Café
Medical Staff
Penn Liberty Bank
West Chester Auxiiary
Lifescan, Inc.
Conlin’s Digital Print & Copy Center
Side Bar and Restaurant
Daily Local News
Mr. Timothy T. Porreca, Sr.
West Chester Lions
Merrill Lynch Wealth Management
Landmark Americana Tap & Grill
Winner’s Circle Sports Grille
Taylor’s Music Store & Studios
West Chester Rotary
West Chester Dance Works
Food Booths
The Chester County Hospital Employees
US Food Service
May Festival Raffle
Gala at Longwood
Gala at Longwood Gardens • An Event of the 29th Annual May Festival
Presented by Communications Test Design, Inc.
Organized by the Gala Committee
Co-Chairs: Karen Flickinger and Dale Frankel
Westtown-Goshen Rotary
Presented by Thomas Chevrolet
Children’s Activities
Chair: Becky Sarcia
Chester County Mothers of Multiples Club
AAA Mid-Atlantic
Citadel Federal Credit Union
Special Thanks
QVC, Inc.
East Goshen Township
Communications Test Design, Inc.
Willistown Auxiliary
Master P’s World Class Tae Kwon Do
Duling Kurtz House & Country Inn
Health Kick participants, families
Kaplan’s Fine Jewelry
ACAC Dance Team
and sponsors
Mr. and Mrs. John M. McGuane
Westtown-East Goshen
Mr. and Mrs. David Ochipinti
Chester County Clowns
Police Department
Radley Run Country Club, Inc.
Crane Dance School
Friends & Neighbors
Gala Raffle Sponsors
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Donze
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Weber
Gala at Longwood Continued
Chester County Travel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Drummond
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Wylie, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Irénée du Pont, Jr.
Nonna’s Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Featherman, III
Individual Patrons
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ferrigno
Corporate Benefactors
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Flickinger
Mrs. Nancy R. Corson
Mrs. Nancy C. Gallagher
Aloysius, Butler & Clark
Dr. Scott J. Garber
The Honorable and
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Hess
and Dr. Debra Kimless-Garber
Mrs. Thomas G. Gavin
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Jarrett
Melissa L. Delaney, D.O.
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard C. Giunta
Geisinger Health System
Dr. and Mrs. Craig W. Jester
Pellini Gold Cordes, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Holleran
Dr. Mian A. Jan and Dr. Ambereen M. Jan
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas L. Krapf
Post & Schell P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Horne
Mr. William F. Laffey
Mr. and Mrs. Dana T. Lerch
Corporate Patrons
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Orr
and Dr. Patricia A. Laffey
Ms. Mary Alice Malone
Crothall Healthcare, Inc.
Dr. Karen Pinsky and Mr. Craig Shor
Mr. Daniel G. Lasley and Dr. Laura Lasley
Mr. and Mrs. Rodman W. Moorhead, III
Hatzel & Buehler, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Weems
Morrissey Family Foundation
L.F. Driscoll Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Sarcia
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Morrissey
Penn Medicine
Dr. Andrew D. Sitkoff
Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Abbott, Jr.
Miss Jean M. Oakes
Mr. Craig L. Tucker
Individual Benefactors
and Dr. Christina E. Ellis
Mrs. Agnes Antonowich
Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Parsons
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Werner
Elegant Stems/Karen Flickinger
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Berman
Dr. and Mrs. Fredric Squires
Mrs. Vivian S. Carlow
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Leo Parsons
Mrs. Penelope P. Wilson
Jim Levendis Orchestra
Chester County Otolaryngology
Dr. and Mrs. George Trajtenberg
The Chester County Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pastrick
In-Kind Donors
Special Thanks
& Allergy Associates
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Warden, III
Medical Staff
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Rudden
Cakes & Candies by Maryellen
Longwood Gardens and Staff
Challenge for Cancer
Polo Cup
Challenge for Cancer Bike Tour • An Event of the 29th Annual May Festival
Presented by National Penn Bank & Investors Trust
Challenge Committee Chair: Richard A. Stevenson
6th Annual Polo Cup
An Event of the Women’s Auxiliary to The Chester County Hospital
Organized by the Turks Head Auxiliary
Event Chair: Heather Pastino, Esq.
Cup Benefactors
Bryn Mawr Trust Company
Exelon Energy
Chukker Contributors
The CardioVascular Center at
The Chester County Hospital
Citadel Federal Credit Union
EBS Healthcare
Edward Jones/Jeff Kitchen,
Financial Advisor
Mr. and Mrs. Dawson R. Muth
Wawa Beverage Company
Platinum Sponsors
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Garland
Country Bagel Bakery
West Chester Dental Arts
Arden Theatre Company
Law Offices of Lehman & Pastino
Morrissey Family Foundation
Ms. Aileen Grow
Derry Meeting Farm;
Field-Side Supporters
Longwood Gardens
National Penn Bank
Ms. Sally A. Hommer
Mrs. Bettina L. Jenney
acac Fitness & Wellness Centers
Bella Bella Salon
Main Line Concrete & Supply Inc.
Gold Sponsors
Jim’s Massage Therapy
Elmark Graphics
Buckley, Brion, McGuire, Morris & Sommer
Brandywine Ballet Company
Malena’s Boutique
Elmark Packaging, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Lobb
Hershey’s Mill Security
Dave’s Automotive Repair Enterprises
Brandywine Coach Works, Inc.
Mr. Bam Margera
Gateway Medical Associates
Peg Care’s Bodytime
Kinloch Woodworking, Ltd.;
Kensey Nash Corporation
Brandywine River Museum
Market Street Grill
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas L. Krapf
Ms. Nancy Rasch Salamon
Mr. Doug Mooberry
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas L. Krapf
Briar Photography
Mommies With Style
Silver Sponsor
Mr. Robert J. Sloan, III
Longwood Ambulance
Law Offices of Lehman & Pastino
Brothers Pizza & Pasta Restaurant
Northbrook Canoe Company
Arena, Snyder & Dunlap, LLP
Ms. Pamela J. Stephani
M2VP, Inc.
C Mac’s Barbershop
Palace Bowling & Entertainment Center
Bronze Sponsors
Mr. Richard M. Stephani
Med-Trans, Inc.
Premier Orthopaedics & Sports
Chaddsford Winery
The Painted Plate
Brandywine Appraisal
Mrs. Joanne N. Stow
Pepperidge Farm
Medicine Associates, Ltd
Charity Villas, LLC
Paradocx Vineyard
Cargo Solutions, Inc.
Ms. Marilyn S. Waxberg
QVC Security
Susquehanna Bank
Chester County Book & Music Company
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Pastino
Seattle Genetics, Inc.
and Ms. Maureen E. Moyer
Starbucks Coffee Company
Friend Sponsors
Chester County Day Committee
Patriot Pride Soccer Camp
Challenge Friend
In-Kind Donors
Thomas Chevrolet
Carousel Toyota Scion
Chester County Historical Society
Penn Oaks Tennis & Fitness Club
Coins of Chester County
Ace Hardware of West Chester
Tolsdorf Oil Lube Express
DellaVecchia, Reilly, Smith & Boyd
Chester County Night School
The People’s Light & Theatre Company
Apple Press
The Water Guy, Inc.
Funeral Home, Inc.
Chester County Running Store
Philadelphia Zoo
Mr. Philip Atkinson
Bike Line of West Chester
West Chester Cycling Club
Mr. Michael Dolan
Dave Magrogan Group
Pietro’s Prime Steakhouse & Seafood
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas E. Baade
Chester County Amateur Radio
West Chester University,
The Fence Authority
The Desmond Hotel
Pisano and Son Shoe
Ms. Dianne G. Bramhall
Emergency Services
Dept of Sports Medicine
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Finnaren
State Senator Andrew Dinniman
& Orthopedic Service
Brandywine Appraisal
Chester County Hematology Oncology
West Goshen Police Department
Fulton Bank
The Durham Family
Please Touch Museum
Mr. David A. Brown
Comcast Cable
Westtown-East Goshen Police
Manos Family Practice
Eastern Horticultural Services, Inc.
Mr. Bruce Poulterer
Pepper Medical Inc.
Eclat Chocolate
Rodan + Fields Dermatologists
Pine Street Carpenters, Inc.
Elliott Legal Services
Salon Ooh La La
Mrs. Maureen H. Robinson
Empty Hands Karate Studio
Seva Power Yoga
Timothy Off Heating & Air Conditioning
Mr. Larry Evans
Side Bar & Restaurant
Five Guys Burgers and Pizza
Timeless Dwellings
Mr. and Mrs. J. Neal Atkins
Galer Estate Vineyard & Winery
Training Time
David Grossman, M.D.
Garden Thyme
Treasured Legacies
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Hess
Gilmore’s Restaurant
Vacation Homes for Charity
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Holleran
Green Eyed Lady
Victory Brewing Company
Roman Press Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Haines
Warner Hotel
Sugarsbridge Contractors, Inc.
Ms. Linda Hendricks
West Chester Film Festival
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Wylie, Jr.
High Street Caffe
West Chester Friends School
In-Kind Donors
Highland Orchards Inc.
West Chester Golf and Country Club
A Taste of Olive
Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant
West Chester Parks & Recreation
acac Fitness & Wellness Centers
Jane Chalfant, Inc.
West Chester Public Library
Acorn Cottage Style
Kati Mac Floral Designs
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Adventure Aquarium
Kennett Symphony of Chester County
Winterthur Museum & Country Estate
American Helicopter Museum
La Difference Salon & Day Spa
Women’s Auxiliary Gift Shop
& Education Center
LA Fitness
Yale Lighting Concepts & Design
Applebee’s The Rose Group
La Tolteca
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Yoder
Chester County Hematology Oncology at
The Cancer Center of Chester County
Meet Our Hematologists-Oncologists
hen the diagnosis is cancer, one of
the most important decisions a person will
make is where to go for treatment. A member
of the Penn Cancer Network, The Cancer
Program of The Chester County Hospital
offers cancer patients the latest advances in
Pictured, from left, front row: David Grossman, M.D., Dennis
cancer treatment close to home, near their
A. Berman, M.D., Maureen Hewitt, M.D. Middle row: Molly
family and friends. Our patients are cared
S. Stumacher, M.D., Calvin Lu, M.D., William E. Luginbuhl,
M.D., Sunil Saroha, M.D. Back row: Bernard Greenberg, M.D.,
for by a highly skilled, compassionate team
Cheryl A. Johnson, M.D., James M. Patterson, M.D., Michele
of cancer experts. Experienced in the most
T. Tedeschi, M.D., Michael Costello, M.D.
up-to-date procedures and cutting-edge
technologies, our experts collaborate to create a multi-disciplinary,
team-based approach that best meets the needs of each patient.
The Chester County Hospital
The Chester County Hospital
Balance Sheet
Statement of Operations
Audited June 30, 2012
Audited for the year ending June 30, 2012
Current Assets:
Current Liabilities:
Unrestricted Revenues, Gains and Other Support:
Cash and cash equivalents.....................................$7,573,906
Borrowings under revolving loan agreement...$5,000,000
Short-term investments..........................................$3,128,920
Current maturities of long-term debt...............$3,496,575
Net patient service revenues.................................................................................................................... $235,467,820
Other revenues...................................................................................................................................................$13,411,703
Assets whose use is limited .................................$4,503,109
Accounts payable.................................................... $10,859,791
Net assets released from restrictions used for operations......................................................................$53,188
Accounts receivable:
Accrued salaries, wages and vacation...............$9,338,234
Total unrestricted revenues, gains and other support
Patients (Net of estimated allowance for doubtful collections
Accrued interest payable........................................$1,006,534
of $8,288,00 in 2012 and $7,264,000 in 2011)..... $23,770,022
Estimated third-party payor settlements........$2,015,969
Salaries and wages...........................................................................................................................................$99,823,978
Other current liabilities...........................................$1,526,811
Supplies and expenses...................................................................................................................................$95,880,550
Due from affiliates ...................................................$1,199,589
Total Current Liabilities
Inventories of drugs and supplies.......................$4,514,547
Other Liabilities:
Prepaid expenses and other current assets....$3,110,672
Total Current Assets
Other Assets:
Workers’ Compensation Costs..............................$6,784,799
Total Liabilities
Net Assets:
Unrestricted.............................................................. $73,708,892
Temporarily restricted..............................................$1,169,078
Interest in Net assets of The Chester County
Permanently restricted......................................... $13,070,588
Total net assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Deferred Financing Costs, Net..............................$1,055,315
Operating income before non-recurring items.......................................................................................$3,399,463
Reclassification of Net Assets Due to Donor Changes to Original Restrictions............................................. 0
Operating income
Investment (loss) income.......................................................................................................................................($2,972)
Revenues in excess of expenses
Net Assets Released from Restrictions Used for Purchases of Property and Equipment......$4,975,897
Insurance Recoveries Receivable..........................$3,617,528
Transfers to Affiliates, Net.............................................................................................................................($7,011,538)
Other assets..........................................................................$1,258
Total Assets
Amortization............................................................................................................................................................. $128,068
Total Expenses
Beneficial Interest in Perpetual Trusts............ $12,476,028
Property and Equipment, Net............................ $72,885,576
Provision for bad debts...................................................................................................................................$14,022,292
Accrued Malpractice and
Long-term Investments...........................................$2,392,657
Hospital Foundation, Inc.......................................$519,017
Employee benefits............................................................................................................................................$21,977,135
Long-term Debt ...................................................... $34,671,945
Assets Whose Use is Limited:............................ $19,807,580
Land Held for Investment...........................................$283,923
Increase in unrestricted net assets
The Chester County Hospital Foundation
The Chester County Hospital
Balance Sheet
Statistical Record of Service
Audited June 30, 2012
Current Assets:
Unrestricted Net Assets:
For the years ending June 30, 2011 and 2012
Cash and cash equivalents.........................................$256,383
Revenues less than expenses......................................($3,872)
Adult and Pediatric Patient Admissions (excluding Newborns)
Short-term investments..........................................$5,268,667
Net assets released from restrictions used for
Observation Status Patients
Due from affiliates.........................................................$357,116
purchase of property & equipment...................$4,287,272
Adult and Pediatric Days (excluding Newborns)
Transfers to affiliates............................................ ($4,788,458)
Average Length of Stay (excluding Newborns)
Prepaid expenses and other current assets........$302,894
Total Current Assets
Decrease in Unrestricted Net Assets
Newborn Admissions
Newborn Days
Long-term Investments...........................................$1,259,143
Average daily census, Adults and Pediatrics
Pledge Receivables, Net...............................................$368,324
Net assets released from restrictions............. ($4,287,272)
Average daily census, Newborns
Property and Equipment, Net...................................$978,363
Decrease in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets($3,431,453)
DECREASE in Net Assets
Other Assets:
Temporarily Restricted Net Assets:
Total Assets
Liabilities and Net Assets
Net Assets, Beginning........................................... $11,288,145
Curent Liabilities:
Net Assets, Ending
Patients treated in the Emergency Room
Outpatient visits to Clinic, Physical Therapy, Cardiology, Cancer program etc.
Surgical Operations: Inpatient
Surgical Operations: Outpatient
Accounts payable ..................................................................... $69
Laboratory Outpatient Visits
Due to affiliates..........................................................$1,172,249
Radiology Oupatient Examinations and Treatments
Total Current Liabilities
Other Liabilities...............................................................$266,938
Total Liabilities
Net Assets:
Temporarily restricted..................................................$519,017
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Accreditations and Affiliations
Accredited by
Teaching Affiliations with (continued)
The Joint Commission: Disease-Specific Care
Certification – Stroke (Primary Stroke Center)
College of American Pathologists
American College of Surgeons, Commission on Cancer
(with Commendation)
American College of Radiology
American Association of Blood Banks
American Association of Cardiovascular
and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
American Board of Registration of Electroencephalographic
and Evoked Potential Technologists: Neurodiagnostic Lab
Nuclear Regulatory Board
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
Intersocietal Commission for the Accreditation of
Echocardiography Laboratories (ICAEL)
National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC)
The Society of Chest Pain Centers:
Accredited Chest Pain Center with PCI
Drexel University College of Nursing and Health Professions:
Physical Therapist Program, Nurse Anesthetist
and Physician Assistant Students
Eastern University: BSN Program
Florida International University: Physical Therapy Program
Gwynedd Mercy College:
•Invasive and Non-Invasive Cardiology including:
Cardiovascular Technicians, Vascular and Cardiac Ultrasound
•Respiratory Therapy Program
Harcum Junior College:
•Physical Therapist Assistant Program
•Program of Radiologic Technology
Harrisburg Community College: Ultrasound and Cardiac
Ultrasound, Cardiovascular Technician, EKG Technician
Immaculata College:
• R.N. Degree Completion Program
Jefferson Health System:
•Invasive Cardiology
•Ultrasound and Cardiac Ultrasound
Lancaster General College of Nursing and Health Sciences:
Lancaster General Hopsital:
•Medical Laboratory Science Program
•Radiation Oncology
•Surgical Technology
Lebanon Valley College: Physical Therapist Program
Longwood College: Physical Therapist Program
Marywood University: Speech Therapist Program
Neumann College:
•Nursing Education
•Phlebotomy Program
•Physical Therapist Program
Pennsylvania Hospital: GYN Residency Program
Pennsylvania Institute of Technology: Physical Therapist
Assistant Program
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine:
Elective Medical Student Rotations
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine:
Physician Assistant Program
Philadelphia University: Physician Assistant Students
Shippensburg University: Cardiac Rehabilitation Program
South Hills School: Clinical Internship in Cardiac Ultrasound
Stanford Brown Institute: Clinical Externship in
Cardiac and Diagnostic Ultrasound
Stoneybrook University: Physical Therapist Program
Temple University: Physical Therapy Program
Thomas Jefferson University:
•Nursing Informatics
•Physical Therapist Program
University of Delaware: Physical Therapist Program
University of Pennsylvania: School of Nursing
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing:
Nurse Anesthetist Program
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine:
Clinical Clerkship in Obstetrics and Gynecology
for Third Year Students
University of the Sciences: Physical Therapy Program
West Chester University:
•Cardiac Rehabilitation
•Health Care Administration Education
•Nursing Education
•Speech Therapist Program
West Chester University/Bryn Mawr Hospital:
Respiratory Therapy
Widener University:
•Nursing Education
•Physical Therapist Program
Blue Distinction Center for Cardiac Care
Approved by
The Pennsylvania Department of Health
Pennsylvania Medical Society (CME)
Pennsylvania Cancer Registry
American Cancer Society
United Way of Chester County
VHA, Inc.
Member of
The Advisory Board
American Association of Blood Banks
American College of Cardiology: National Cardiovascular Data
Registry (ACC-NCDR) – Cath PCI, ICD and ACTION Registries
American Hospital Association
Association of Community Cancer Centers
Chamber of Commerce of Greater West Chester
Chester County Chamber of Business and Industry
Chester County Economic Development Council
Chester County Healthy Communities Partnership
Delaware Valley Healthcare Council
Emergency Medical Services Council
Exton Region Chamber of Commerce
Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania
Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS)
Southern Chester County Chamber of Commerce
Women’s Referral Network
Cooperative Relationship
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (Cancer Research)
Clinical Affiliations with
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia:
Pediatrics and Neonatology
Cleveland Clinic: Heart Surgery
Jefferson Neuroscience Network
University of Pennsylvania Health System:
Cancer, Maternal–Fetal Medicine, Radiology
and Radiation Oncology
Teaching Affiliations with
Alvernia College: Physical Therapist Assistant Program
Arcadia University: Physical Therapist Program
Argosy University: Radiologic Technology Program
Bloomsburg University: Speech Therapist Program
Chester County Intermediate Unit: Practical Nursing Program
Chester County Technical College High School:
Allied Health Science Technology
Crozer-Chester Medical Center: Nurse Anesthetist Program
Delaware County Community College:
•Associate Degree in Nursing and other Allied Health Programs
•Certificate Program - Radiation Therapist Program
Delaware Technical and Community College:
•Physical Therapist Assistant Program
Nursing Education
Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing
Boards, Leadership and Staff
The Chester County
Hospital Foundation
Board of Trustees
The Chester County
Board of Directors
Medical Staff Leadership
Kevin Holleran, Esq., Chairman
Mr. William W. Wylie, Jr., Chairman
Edward Carter, M.D., Secretary/Treasurer
Mr. Francis H. Abbott, Jr.
Mrs. Christine P. Bendinelli
Mian A. Jan, M.D., Chairman,
Dennis A. Berman, M.D.
Celeste E. DeBaptiste, M.D.
Department of Medicine
Mrs. John A. Featherman, III
Mr. James S. Denham, IV
Karen Pinsky, M.D., Chairperson,
Mr. Robert B. Horne
Mr. Michael J. Duncan
Department of Pediatrics
Mr. M. Roy Jackson
Mr. Kenneth E. Flickinger
Celeste DeBaptiste, M.D., Chairperson,
Mr. Dallas Krapf
Alfred A. Gollatz, Esq.
Department of OB/GYN
Honorable Paula Francisco Ott
Mrs. Patricia A. Knecht
Steven Fukuchi, M.D., Chairman,
Mrs. William G. Warden, III
Gabriel Ruggiero, D.O.
Department of Surgery
Trustee Emeriti
Cathy A. Wilson, Esq.
Franklin Kelton, M.D., Chairman,
John Roberts, M.D., Chief of Staff
Kenneth Collins, M.D., Vice Chief of Staff
Department of Emergency Medicine
Mr. John J. Ciccarone
Board of Directors
W. Clay Warnick, M.D., Chairman,
Board of Directors
Mr. Dallas Krapf, Chairman
Department of Family Medicine
Mr. Paul Brown
James I. Heald, M.D., PhD, Co-Chairman,
Mr. John B. Hannum, III
Department of Pathology
Mr. William W. Wylie, Jr., Chairman
Mr. Stephen F. Horstmann
Scott Saul, M.D., Co-Chairman,
Mr. Francis H. Abbott, Jr.
Harry J. Hutchinson, III, D.O.
Department of Pathology
Mrs. Patricia C. Brennan
Mr. Timmy T. Nelson
Fredric Squires, M.D., Chairman,
Mr. Edwin A. Brownley, Jr.
Mr. Kenneth H. Slack
Department of Radiology
Mr. James S. Denham, IV
Board of Directors
Mr. Antelo Devereux, Jr.
Dennis A. Berman, M.D., Chairman
Women’s Auxiliary to The
Chester County Hospital
Executive Committee
Alfred A. Gollatz, Esq.
Mr. Peter F. Apple
Mrs. Elizabeth Drummond, President
John S. Halsted, Esq.
Mr. Michael J. Duncan
Mrs. Louise Milewski, 1st Vice President
Maury Hoberman, M.D.
Mr. Paul Getman
Mrs. Karen Weber, 2nd Vice President
Ms. Mary Ellen Josephs, Secretary
Maury Hoberman, M.D.
Mrs. Karen Smith, Secretary
Mr. John J. Molinelli
Kevin Holleran, Esq.
Mrs. Debbie Hess, Treasurer
Mr. C. David Murtagh
Cathy A. Wilson, Esq.
Mrs. Sandy DePhillips, Assistant Treasurer
William Plummer, III, M.D.
Mr. Thomas C. Swett
Medical Executive Committee
John Riccardo, D.O., Chairman,
Ms. Nancy R. Corson
Celeste E. DeBaptiste, M.D.
Mr. R. Marshall Phillips
Mrs. Mary Harris, Past President
Mr. William S. Wood, II
Board of Directors
The Men of Chester
County Hospital
Honorary Member
Mr. Keith Coughey, Chairman
Bill Uster, Co-President
Miss Jean M. Oakes
Mr. Peter F. Apple
Lance Seidel, Co-President
Mrs. Richard Armstrong
Donald G. Lundberg, Secretary
Officers of the Corporation
Charles J. Barr, M.D.
Stephen G. Frederick, Treasurer
Mr. Michael J. Duncan,
Mrs. Therese M. Corkran
Alan F. Clark, Program Chair
President and CEO
Mrs. Deborah Hess
Mr. Michael D. Barber,
Mrs. Janet S. Hickman
Chief Operating Officer
Mr. Steven D. Hobman
Mrs. Angela R. Coladonato,
Ms. Mary Ellen Josephs
Senior Vice President, Nursing/CNO
Mrs. Patricia A. Knecht
L. Peter Soraruf, IV, M.D.
Mrs. Walter Stapleton
Richard D. Donze, D.O.,
The Chester County
Hospital Foundation
Development Office Staff
610.431.5108 |
Kevin R. O’Brien, Senior Vice President
Carol J. Androwick, Executive Assistant
Mr. Kenneth E. Flickinger,
Treasurer & Senior Vice President, Finance
Mr. Kenneth E. Flickinger, Chairman
Dina W. Leaman, Director,
Mr. Paul F. Huberty,
Dennis A. Berman, M.D.
Annual Giving and Donor Relations
Senior Vice President,
Maury Hoberman, M.D.
Thomas E. Gavin, Director,
Strategic Planning and Marketing
Kevin Holleran, Esq.
Events and Volunteer Fundraising
Mr. Kevin R. O’Brien,
Mrs. Walter Stapleton
Jo Ann R. Carey, Development Assistant
Senior Vice President, Medical Affairs
Susan J. Kelly, Vice President
Senior Vice President, Development
Brenda H. Fairchild, Gift Shop Manager
Karen Pinsky, M.D.,
Patricia Clarke and Margaret DiDonato,
Chief Medical Information Officer
Managers, The Encore Shop
701 East Marshall Street
West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380
our generosity has enabled
New Patient Tower Features:
us to continue our focus on
• 72 additional private patient
providing a model of care that our
rooms when complete
community has grown to expect and learn to
• In-room controls for
appreciate. As we increase our ability to treat
individual lighting,
our patients more effectively and efficiently,
heat and cooling
we have embarked on building a 93,000 square
• Leading-edge monitoring
foot patient tower that will accommodate 72
additional private patient rooms when complete.
• An in-room clinical
The Tower is expected to open in the Summer of
computer for enhanced
2013. The Chester County Hospital Foundation knows
accuracy and safety
that projects like this one, the new patient tower, as well
as so many more initiatives are only made possible by you,
members of our donor community. You inspire us by giving so
generously of your time, talents and resources. We are proud to be
your Hospital and to provide quality care to our community!

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