Making Lives Better Every Day.


Making Lives Better Every Day.
Making Lives Better Every Day.
Radiology Outpatient Services at The Fern Hill Medical Campus.
president’s message
board chairman’s message
chairman’s society
founders society
humanitarian society
13 $50 – $99 donors
18 capping society
24 1892 society
26 tribute gifts
28 volunteers
30 event sponsors
38 financials
40 board members
41 accreditations and affiliations
Our Mission
To be recognized as the leading
provider of care in the region and a
national model for quality, service
excellence and fiscal stewardship.
Our Vision
To provide each patient and
their family with an outstanding
experience, improve the health of
our community, and attract, retain,
and educate the best and brightest
healthcare professionals.
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Dear Friends,
People working in or being close to a hospital setting understand
there is a natural rhythm and flow for all living things. I am simply
overjoyed to share with you that my granddaughter was born in The
Chester County Hospital in June, surrounded by the skillful and loving
care that the staff gives to all of our patients.
It is by sheer coincidence, that the day my
granddaughter was born was the same day that
I had planned for some time to inform our Board
of Directors that, after some 33 years of being
the President of The Chester County Hospital, I
decided to respectfully ask that I be allowed to
retire, assuring the Board that I would stay on
as President until such time as my successor
replaced me.
Please know that this decision was entirely
my own and was made for the most positive of
reasons. I believe the next few years will bring
great change for hospitals, and this was the
right time to make a thoughtful transition in
leadership to prepare for the future.
There is much good work still to be done, and, while the Board
identifies my replacement, I know The Chester County Hospital
employees will continue to assist our very experienced, stable and
capable Senior Management Team in keeping the Hospital steadfastly
focused on the Hospital’s mission to our community.
I can tell you that no man could have found a more fulfilling and
gratifying place to spend the greater part of his career, nor could he
have found a more wonderful team of professionals who graciously
allowed him to represent them as their President.
In addition, I am grateful for the support of our generous donors who
realize the importance of maintaining this valuable community asset.
H. L. Perry Pepper, President and CEO
the chester county hospital and health system
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Thank you to all of
our generous supporters!
We greatly appreciate the numerous individuals, foundations and
businesses that so generously supported The Chester County Hospital
Foundation in fiscal year 2010. This report includes donors who have
contributed $50 or more during fiscal year 2010, whether the gift was to
the Capital Campaign, unrestricted, designated for a restricted purpose at
the Hospital or for sponsoring an event. This list also includes donations
made through the United Way and matching gifts from company matching
gift programs. The category of giving indicates the combined dollar
amount that was donated between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010.
Dear Friends,
Giving efforts raised $418,075 from 2,293
The Chester County Hospital Foundation
donors. This represents an increase of 12%
was created in 1983 to support The
in donors and 8% in dollars over fiscal year
Chester County Hospital whose purpose
2009. The Special Events
is the care and nursing of
celebrated throughout the
injured and sick individuals.
year generated $525,000 in
The Foundation is able to
fiscal year 2010, which is an
support the Hospital through
of 10% over fiscal
the generous donations from
year 2009. We are fortunate
our friends and community
to have committed donors
who give every year, many
This Donor Report includes
years in a row. This year,
donors who have contributed
534 donors have given
$50 or more during fiscal year
consecutively for five years,
2010 (spanning July 1, 2009 –
or more.
June 30, 2010). During
this time, the Foundation
Thank you for all that you
do to support the Foundation
outright gifts and pledge
and The Chester County
payments from 2,794 donors.
Hospital. Your dedication
The Foundation’s fundraising
is key to the success of the
initiatives include Major Gift
Foundation’s efforts and
fundraising, grant support
instrumental in the Hospital’s
ability to continue the quality
Corporations, Planned Giving
care and services provided
initiatives, Annual Giving
to our community.
solicitations, Special Event fundraising, and
our Tribute program.
With sincere appreciation,
A few highlights for fiscal year 2010 include
receiving $3,673,820 in outright gifts and
Kevin Holleran, Chairman
pledge payments from 178 donors towards
the West Pavilion Expansion. Our Annual
the chester county hospital foundation board
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
$5,000,000 AND ABOVE
Longwood Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Penelope P. Wilson
Women’s Auxiliary to
The Chester County Hospital
$1,000,000 – $4,999,999
Crystal Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Irénée du Pont, Jr.
Mrs. Robert S. Gawthrop, Jr.†
Lasko Family Foundation
Established in memory of Robert T. Cornwell, the first President of
The Chester County Hospital Board of Managers, The Chairman’s
Society recognizes the leadership provided by each Chairman of
the Hospital’s Board of Directors as well as the past, present and
future members of the Board of Directors and the individuals
who have made a lifetime commitment to the Foundation with
cumulative gifts of $100,000 or more since 1984.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lasko
The May Festival
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. McNeil
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Celii, Jr.
Louis W. Dutt, Jr. Trust
Mrs. William E. Parke†
Claneil Foundation
First National Bank of Chester County
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Warden, III
Diamond Ice Foundation
Mr. William W. Gibb†
Estate of Suzanne Williamson
Estate of Dorothy B. Hertig
Estate of Charles G. Herwegh
$500,000 – $999,999
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Hoyt
Chester County Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. R. Marshall Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas L. Krapf
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ciccarone
Estate of Cecilia C. Schramm
Mr. William Kronenberg, III
Davenport Family Foundation
Estate of Leslie B. Schramm
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Latta
Estate of John C. Jubin, Jr.
John Lazarich Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Knauer
Mr. Gilbert P. Talbot†
Estate of Frieda McMullan
Ms. Mary Alice Malone
Welfare Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Dorothy W. Mullestein
Miss Nancy V. Moore
$100,000 – $249,999
Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Musser
The Roemer Foundation
A. Duie Pyle, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Duer Pierce, Jr.
Ms. Carol Elizabeth Ware
Mr. James K. Robinson, Jr.†
Marian S. Ware 2003 Charitable
Mr. Richard M. Armstrong, Jr.†
Sartomer Company, Inc.
Lead Trust Annuity
Mrs. Susan Armstrong
Mrs. Anne E. Scarlett
$250,000 – $499,999
The Bedwell Company
Hoxie Harrison Smith Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Abbott, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bedwell
Springbank Foundation
Anonymous [2]
Estate of Georgina E. Bevan
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Stull
Mr. and Mrs. C. Minor Barringer
Bring and Buy Shop
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Swett
Mrs. Caroline S. Brown†
The Chester County Hospital
United Way of Chester County
Mr. Henry I. Brown, III
Medical Staff
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
In 1892, eight physicians opened and staffed the West Chester
Hospital, named a year later The Chester County Hospital. The
Founders Society has been established to not only honor the
doctors, both past and present, for their service and care to the
greater community, but also to recognize the donors who work in
tandem with our physicians to support the Hospital’s mission by
making a gift annually of $1,000 or more.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin S. Lieberman
Modern Mushroom Farms, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Molinelli
Morrissey Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Morrissey
Mr. John Neider
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Orr
Pancoast & Clifford, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Franklin Pancoast, III
$1,000,000 +
Mrs. Caroline S. Brown†
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Scholl
Longwood Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Henry I. Brown, III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert von der Luft
Mrs. Penelope P. Wilson
Connelly Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Warden, III
$500,000 – $999,999
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Drummond
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Werner
Women’s Auxiliary to
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Featherman, III
Mrs. Harriet A. Whittaker †
The Chester County Hospital
First Cornerstone Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wood, II
$100,000 – $499,999
First National Bank of Chester County
Estate of Robert Yahres
Anonymous [3]
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard C. Giunta
$2,500 – $4,999
Claneil Foundation
Jackson ImmunoResearch
Mr. and Mrs. M. Andrew Benton
Davenport Family Foundation
Laboratories, Inc.
Ruth Camp Campbell Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. McNeil
Alex S. Kuryan, M.D.
Ms. Nancy O. Carr
Little Smiles
Ms. Jean M. Castaldi
Ms. Carol Elizabeth Ware
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moran
Ms. Jean Caulfield
Marian S. Ware 2003 Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Musser
Mr. Lee A. Ciccarelli and
Lead Annuity Trust
Phillips Mushroom Farms L.P.
Dr. Stephanie L. Ciccarelli
$50,000 – $99,999
Rencourt Foundation
FORE Health Invitational
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Robinson
Golf Tournament
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Ms. Mary Alice Malone
of the Philadelphia Region
The May Festival
Ronald McDonald House Charities, Inc.
Miss Nancy V. Moore
Sartomer Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Duer Pierce, Jr.
The Scholler Foundation
Estate of Frances Richards Pyle
Dr. Andrew E. Schwartz
The Roemer Foundation
Dr. Elyse Seidner–Joseph
Springbank Foundation
United Way of Southeastern PA
$25,000 – $49,999
Dr. and Mrs. Laurence M. Weinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Abbott, Jr.
West Chester Gastrointestinal Group
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Wylie, Jr.
Ray Carr Automotive Museum
$5,000 – $9,999
Mrs. Margaret P. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Fenza
Anonymous [2]
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Knauer
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Antonelli
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas L. Krapf
Chester County Community
Mr. and Mrs. R. Marshall Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Swett
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ciarrocchi, Jr.
United Way of Chester County
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Clifford
West Chester Anesthesia Associates
Celeste E. DeBaptiste, M.D.
Mrs. Ellen B. Cleveland
$10,000 – $24,999
The Honorable Clifford E. DeBaptiste
Irene D. Cunningham Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Antelo Devereux, Jr.
Family and Friends of the McCarries
The Bedwell Company
Diamond Ice Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Flickinger
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bedwell
Eagles Home Association
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hesselberth
Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Bentley
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Hospital Care Specialists
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Bentley
Mrs. Nancy Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Huberty
Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Bentley
Mr. William Gallagher †
Dr. Mian A. Jan and
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B. Bentley
The H. O. West Foundation
Dr. Ambereen M. Jan
Bentley Systems, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Holleran
Just Give
Mrs. Gretchen Bowker
The Jerrehian Foundation
Shabih R. Khan, M.D.
Mr. Paul A. Bozzone, Jr.
Lamb McErlane, P.C.
Point of Pride
In 2010, The Chester County
Hospital again received
Gold Seals of Approval™
for healthcare quality from
the Joint Commission in not
just one, but six different
clinical areas:
– Stroke
– Acute myocardial infarction
(heart attack)
– Heart failure
– Hip replacement
– Knee replacement
– Wound care
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Mr. William Kronenberg, III
Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Emery
McKenzie Brew House
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. McCarrie, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. McNeely
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibson McIlvain, III
Exelon Generation Company, LLC
The Men of Chester County Hospital
Laura M. Moses Fund at
Ms. Polly Y. Fairchild
Ms. Moira A. Meyreles
The Philadelphia Foundation
Family Practice Associates of Exton
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Miller
Mrs. Margaret R. Nagy
and Marshallton
Mr. and Mrs. David Mooberry
Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Fanelli
Mr. and Mrs. Rodman W. Moorhead, III
& Hippel LLP
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Felicetti
Mr. and Mrs. C. David Murtagh
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. O’Brien
Daphne J. Florence, M.D.
The New Century Club
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Perry Pepper
Forney Family Foundation
of West Chester
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Roberts
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Forney
Novo Nordisk, Inc.
SAP America, Inc.
Friends of Val DiGiorgio
Miss Jean M. Oakes
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Spurlino
Mr. Thomas F. Gallagher, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Parsons, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas P. Trainer
Dr. Scott J. Garber and
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pastrick
Dr. Debra Kimless-Garber
Pellini Gold Cordes, LLC
United Way of Delaware, Inc.
Corazon G. Gemil, M.D.
Ms. Rose T. Pinto
Vanguard Charitable
Ms. Joan M. Gervatoski
Miss Constance M. Plunkett
Endowment Program
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Giannantonio, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Poole
VFIM Corp.
Ms. Susan E. Goldbach
Premier Orthopaedics &
Mr. John H. Ware, IV
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Gorman
Sports Medicine Associates, Ltd
Mrs. C. B. Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Haeckler
Progressive Business Publications
$1,000 – $2,499
Ms. Jennifer L. Haines
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Questell
A. Duie Pyle, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Halsted
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Reimer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Adams
Dr. and Mrs. James I. Heald
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Adkins, III
Julius S. Heyman, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Roberts
Anonymous [4]
Mr. J. Irvie Hoffman, Jr.
Roll Giving
Mr. and Mrs. A. Joseph Armstrong
Mr. Robert V. Hogan, Jr.
Dr. Marc Romisher
Mr. Richard M. Armstrong, Jr.†
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Horne
Dr. Bruce R. Saran and
Mrs. Susan D. Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Hoyt
Ms. Robin I. Kauffman
Arthur Hall Insurance
Dr. and Mrs. Harry J. Hutchinson, III
Dr. Scott H. Saul and Dr. Marjorie Saul
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Ashford, III
Dr. Robert H. Huxster and
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Schaeffer
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Dr. Barbara Forney
Mr. and Mrs. Duke Schneider
Mrs. Beverly H. Baldwin†
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Jones
Sheller Oil Company, Inc.
Mr. Michael D. Barber
Dr. James H. Jordan, Sr.
Siemens Caring Hands Foundation
Mr. William C. Baldwin
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Kavanaugh
Dr. and Mrs. Cheston Simmons, Jr.
Ms. Lois H. Barker
Mrs. Virginia O. Kettenring
Dr. Andrew D. Sitkoff and
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Battin
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Knauer
Dr. Christina E. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Bauman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Knox, Jr.
Hyong K. Song
Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Beaugard
Mr. and Mrs. George Krall
Dr. and Mrs. L. Peter Soraruf, IV
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Berman
Jill Krasner, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Craig Steiner
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bilinski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Laffen
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stevenson
Dr. Louis M. Boxer and
Dr. and Mrs. Richard F. Lamb
Mrs. Anne F. Thorington
Ms. Suzanne Simenhoff
Mrs. Dianne G. Lanham and
Dr. and Mrs. Kirby S. Tirk
Mr. Patrick W. Buckley
Mr. Michael S. Lanham
Traffic Planning and Design, Inc.
Mrs. Vivian S. Carlow
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Latta
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund C. Trethewey
The Central National–Gottesman
Dr. and Mrs. Russell Levin
Ms. Lindsay Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Leyden
Dr. Michael J. Ward and
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Coladonato
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Lipstein
Dr. Rebecca H. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Cullen
The Lipstein Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wier, III
Ms. Danielle Darnault
Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. LoSchiavo
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Wilson, II
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen DeLeo
Mr. Donald G. Lundberg
Mr. Carlos M. Yuste
Mr. James S. Denham
Mr. and Mrs. R. James Macaleer
Mr. Charles H. Zimmerman and
Mrs. Margaret DiDonato
Mr. and Mrs. Ian A. MacKinnon
Dr. Michele Tedeschi-Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. DiMarco
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert J. Magers
Mrs. Kathleen Zopf-Herling
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dreisbaugh
Dr. and Mrs. Burton T. Mark
and Mr. Steven R. Herling
Mr. and Mrs. Irénée du Pont, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Aaron Martin
Emergency Care Specialists, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Matz
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Established in honor of the Women’s Auxiliary of The Chester
County Hospital, The Humanitarian Society has been created
to foster the humanitarian spirit exemplified by the Women’s
Auxiliary and to recognize those donors who make an annual gift
of $100 to $999.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Strode, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Swayne, III
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Takacs
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Taylor
Mrs. Dawn Taylor-Bell
Mrs. Caroline R. Thomas
Mrs. Anna B. Thompson
Mr. George Treacy
United Way of Coastal Fairfield County
Mr. Ralph B. Watson, Jr.
$500 – $999
CWO4 Glen S. Ives, USA, Ret.
Mr. Alfred C. Webber
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Alwine
J & A Medical Home Care
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Weber
Anonymous [2]
Dr. and Mrs. Craig W. Jester
Ms. Nancy E. Wilkinson
Aqua Charitable Trust
Johnson & Johnson Family
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin K. Willard
Ms. Janice L. Baker
of Companies
Ms. Kathryn M. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. C. Minor Barringer
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kaplan
Dr. and Mrs. Gary F. Wingate
Ms. Susan Bartelmo
Kaplan’s Fine Jewelry
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Yarmolyk
Mrs. Barbara G. Beddall
Mr. John M. Kasper and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Young
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Biddle, Jr.
Ms. Jan E. Markham
$100 – $499
Mrs. Joan S. Blaine
Richard B. Kent, M.D.
Abbott Laboratories
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Brandon
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kern
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Abbott
Brandywine Lions Club
Dr. Raza Khwaja and
Mr. and Mrs. Leigh M. Abbott
Mrs. Mary T. Brauman
Dr. Pamela P. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent T. Abessinio
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Buckley
Mr. William A. Kleinfelter
Ability Prosthetics & Orthotics, Inc.
CCS Medical
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Kosh
Dr. John M. Abramson
Chester County Eye Care Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Dale N. Krapf
ACE Charitable Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Lain, Jr.
Ms. Linda Ackerman
Mr. John J. Conlin
Mr. Daniel G. Lasley and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Convery
Dr. Laura Lasley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Aiken
Cornell University Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Lehnkering
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Albany
Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Coughey
Dr. and Mrs. Albert A. Lucine, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Davis
Dr. William E. Luginbuhl and
Ms. Mardette L. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Dean
Dr. Erica Turner
Ms. Shirley Aliferis
Mr. Nicholas DeBenedictis
Mr. and Mrs. Curt A. Lundgren
Ms. Kimber L. Anderson
Mr. William M. Denny, Jr.
Ms. Phyllis M. MacLardy
Ms. Margaret A. Bucciarelli Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. John C. deRuyter
Ronald J. Mattson, M.D.
Ms. Marian W. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Deschenes
Mr. David D. McCoach
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Anderson, III
Mr. Dewey K. DiMarzio
Mr. Paul R. Morris, Jr.
Mrs. June M. Angelini
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Doll
Mrs. Dorothy W. Mullestein
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Angell
Employees of Armstrong Engineering
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Newell
Animas Corporation
Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. O’Kane
Anonymous [19]
Mr. and Mrs. David Faucette
Mr. Anthony J. Pannell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ferrigno
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Pellini
Mrs. Agnes Antonowich
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Gale
Dr. Karen Pinsky and Mr. Craig Shor
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Apple
Dr. and Mrs. Morrie G. Gold
Ms. Susan M. Pizzi
Mr. James C. Arnsberger, Sr.
Alfred A. Gollatz, Esq. and
PJM Interconnection LLC
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Arrell, Jr.
Ms. Jill Garner
Mrs. Marianne S. Potts
Mr. Vikrank K. Arya
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Grekila
Ms. Michelle Reymos
Dr. and Mrs. Alan M. Askinas
Dr. Reem Habboushe and
Mrs. James Reynolds
Dr. and Mrs. Nelson P. Aspen
Mr. William R. Frati
Mr. and Mrs. Isidore F. Ricciuti
Ms. Stephanie M. Aston
Mrs. Anne S. Hannum
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Ritchey
Ms. Nadine B. Atkinson
Mrs. Mary D. Hayes
Ms. Karen L. Rothenbuhler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Atkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Hess
Mrs. Ellen L. Saint Clair
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Atlas
Dr. and Mrs. Maury Hoberman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Sampson
Automotive Specialties of Del Val, LLC
Ms. Doris A. Hoffman
Mr. Herman L. Schwartz, III
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson J. Ayoub
Ms. Gail A. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Scott, Jr.
Mrs. Pauline A. Bachtle
Ms. Bettie V. Hollett
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Smith
Dudley C. Backup, M.D.
Dr. Dianne Hotmer and
Ms. Christine B. Smyth
Mr. Dennis J. Baker
Mr. Douglas A. Hotmer
Dr. and Mrs. Fredric Squires
Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Balbach
M. Anjum Irfan, M.D.
Ms. Judith A. Stout
Ms. Joan O. Baldwin
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Mr. Mark Banfield
Bank of America United Way Campaign
Mr. James P. Bannan
Ms. Julie I. Blank
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd R. Casey
Mr. Philip E. Bannan
Mr. and Mrs. Milton K. Blevins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Chagnon
Mr. Jay T. Barber
Ms. Katherine J. Blumberg
Richard F. Chalfin, M.D.
Mr. Jonathan T. Barber
Ms. Margery G. Blumenthal
Mr. Ho Chang
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Bock
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Charley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Barnett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bond
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Charnock
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Barr
Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Boose
Dr. Harry Chen and Dr. Andrea J. Apter
Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Barr
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Booth
Chester County Dream Dinners
Ms. Janet M. Barr
Mr. Leroy W. Bortell
Chester County Funeral
Mr. Paul V. Barr
Boscov’s Department Store, LLC
Directors Association
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Barry
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Bott
The Chester County Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Romuald J. Boutin
Medical Staff
Mr. John J. Battle
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bove
Mr. and Mrs. Leon A. Chetty
Mr. William A. Bauernschmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Bowes
Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Chin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Baxter
Mr. Lester M. Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Church, Jr.
Mr. Gregory Bay
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton E. Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Cialini
Mr. Leslie L. Bear and
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Boyd, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ciccarone
Mrs. Joanne Peskoff Bear
Dr. Victoria G. Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Attilio A. Ciorrocco
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Beard
Ms. Marilyn I. Branton
Mr. Douglas Claney
Ms. Susanne Bechhold
Ms. Jean F. Bratton
Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Clark
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Becker
Mr. Kevin Bratton
Mr. and Mrs. Peter O. Clauss
Ms. Marilyn Becker
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Brautigam
Mr. Charles B. Cleaver, Jr.
Mr. Alan L. Behrndt
Mr. John J. Brautigam
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Coburn
Mr. and Mrs. David Belej
Mr. Steven W. Bray
Mr. Paul J. Cody and
Mr. and Mrs. Boris Belfer
William F. Brazerol, M.D.
The Honorable Jacqueline Cody
Mrs. Virginia H. Brehmer
Ms. Regina E. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Brennan
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Colley
Mr. and Mrs. Pat L. Bria
Mr. and Mrs. Elson A. Collins, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Brinton
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Combs
Bristol–Myers Squibb Company
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Conlon
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert F. Brittingham, Jr.
Mrs. Beatrice F. Conner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Brittingham
Mr. Patrick J. Cooney
Ms. Catherine M. Broscheid
Mr. Richard T. Corbett
Mr. Edward S. Brown and
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Corbishley
Ms. Susan Garber
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Corcoran
Mr. Lloyd K. Brown
Mr. Charles F. Cordes
Dr. Richard T. Brown and
Ms. Peggy B. Corley
Donor Wall
Please visit the Hospital to see
the Donor Wall updated with
the FY 2010 contributors who
have donated $100 or more.
The Donor Wall is located at
the end of the North Pavilion
corridor in the Hospital.
Dr. Barbara K. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Cornelius, II
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Bellenger, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cornwell
Ms. Adele N. Bendes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bruce
Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Corrigan, Jr.
Ms. Betsy B. Benner
Ms. Theresa Bryant
Mr. Thomas J. Cortellessa
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Benner, IV
Mr. Hang Bui
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Cost
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Bentley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Burk
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Cotter
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Benton
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Burke, Jr.
Mr. Rene C. Cottrel
Mr. Kirk T. Berger
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Burt
Mrs. Joan D. Courtless
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bernberg
Mr. Charles E. Busby
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Cox
Mr. Richard H. Berry
Erlinda G. Bustonera, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Bershas
Mrs. Martha S. Butts
Mr. James E. Coyle
Berwind Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Bessett
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Callaghan, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Cremi
Mrs. George C. Best
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Callan
Mr. Raymond B. Cromer
Mrs. Julianna Bibbo
Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Canfield
Mrs. Cathy Kent Croom
Ms. Beryl L. Biddle
Mrs. Dorothy W. Cann
Mrs. Alicia P. Cullen
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Biggs
Ms. Cheryl K. Cantrell
Mr. and Mrs. Ira A. Cumens
Ms. Melissa A. Billings
Ms. Marian Lee Capper
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Curry
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Bird
Mr. Ryan Ed J. Carillo
Dr. and Mrs. Gabriel G. Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Black
Ms. Hilda H. Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Czeiner
Mrs. Isabelle D. Blank
Mrs. Christina C. Carroll
Dr. and Mrs. John N. Daghir
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Martin G. Goch, Esq.
Mr. David G. Gold
Ms. Janet M. Daily
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Elkins, Jr.
Ms. Diane G. Goldberg
Ms. Jean M. Dalton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Elvin
Mr. Chad Goodwin and
Mr. Michael Damico
Mr. Kenneth G. Emerson
Ms. Erin Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. D’Angelo
Mr. Thomas A. Emm
Mrs. Anita L. Gordon Palmer
D’Anjolell Memorial Homes
Employee’s Community Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gore, Jr.
Mr. Robert D’Anjolell
of The Boeing Company
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gose
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Darling
Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Engesser
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Gould
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Davenport
Mrs. Maria Ernst
Mr. and Mrs. Adam K. Granito
Ms. Teresa L. Davidoff
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob S. Esch
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard R. Greenberg
Mrs. Laurie A. Davis
Mr. Frederick J. Eufrasio
Mr. Roger E. Greene
Ms. Mary F. Davis
Mr. Vernon E. Evans
Mrs. W. Perry Gresh
Ms. Virginia F. Dawson
Mr. James H. Fagan, Jr.
Ms. Virginia Gresham
Ms. Janet R. Deal
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fairchild
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Grey
Mr. Albert G. Deana
Ms. Maria E. Faith
Greylyn Farm, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Deane
Dr. Joseph Falgie, Jr.
Mrs. Margaret C. Griest
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. DeCamillo
Mr. Stephen M. Fanfera
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Guest
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. DeLia
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Fantanarosa
Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang H. Gunther
Mr. Atul A. Deshmukh
Mr. Steven F. Farina
Dr. Fawzi Habboushe and
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Desirey
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley E. Fasnacht
Dr. Christa P. Habboushe
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dettra
Ms. Joan M. Faulkner
Ms. Claudia A. Haberle
Ms. Andrea L. Devoti
Ms. Nancy J. Fetrow
Ms. Donna M. Hagerty
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Dewey
Mrs. Nancy B. Fetters
Mrs. Gwendolyn W. Haines
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip B. Dewey
Mrs. Doris E. Field
Ms. Ellie Haller
Mr. Charles Findora
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hancock
Mr. and Mrs. Donald D’Ginto
Ms. Deedra D. Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Hannum
Ms. Pamela K. DiJoseph
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. DiMarino
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Flitner
Mr. Brian C. Dimick
Mrs. Virginia G. Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Dintaman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Foreman
Diane M. Disney, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Fort
Mrs. Grace H. Foulk
Mr. Harshad R. Dodia
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Franiak
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gerald Dommel
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Donahue
Dr. and Mrs. William Frati
Mr. and Mrs. F. Michael Donohue
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Freese
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Donze
Ms. Sarah W. French
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dorn
Ms. Suzanne P. Freney
Mrs. Donna S. Doss
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Fuchs
Mrs. Dolores M. Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Dougherty
Mr. Robert B. Fulton, III
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Harris
Ms. Deborah Dougherty and
Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Fussell
Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Hartman
Mr. Scott A. Ehrlich
Ms. Esther P. Gaffney
Mrs. Marsha L. Haug
Mr. John F. Dougherty
Ms. Rachael T. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hauser
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Douglass, Sr.
Mr. Alan T. Gardner
Healthy Humans, LLC
Ms. Alexandra C. Dow
Mr. Jack C. Gardner
Ms. Theodora A. Heathcote
Ms. C. Beverly Dow
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Gasloli
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Helms, Jr.
Mr. Clayton H. Downes
Mrs. Antoinette C. Gaspari†
Ms. Suzanne M. Henrick
Downingtown Family Medicine
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Gasser
Mr. John J. Henry
Mrs. Cheryl Doyle
The Honorable and
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Herald
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Doyle
Mrs. Thomas G. Gavin
Hercules Industries
Ms. Cynthia S. Dracup
GE Foundation
Ms. Jessica Ann Hessel
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Draper
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob C. Geisel, Jr.
Ms. Caryn L. Hetherston
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Duke
Mrs. Christine A. Giardini
Ms. Patricia Hewitt
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dukes, Jr.
Ms. Marjorie L. Gibson
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Hewson
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Dulka
Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Giedzinski
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hewton, Jr.
Franceso D’Urso, M.D.
Mrs. Mary O. Gill
Mr. and Mrs. George Hiddleson
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Edgar, Sr.
Mrs. Charlotte G. Gilpin
Mr. Jessie B. Hill
Dr. and Mrs. Mahmoud K. Effat
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Point of Pride
The Chester County Hospital
Earns New Accreditation –
National Accreditation Program
for Breast Centers (NAPBC)
acknowledges the Hospital’s
Breast Health program.
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Ms. Pauline B. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hillegass
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hillenbrand
Mr. Scott T. Kauffman
Dr. John D. Lemcke
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Himes
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kavanaugh
Mr. Richard A. Leonard†
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hindorff
Mr. and Mrs. L. William Kay
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Leslie, Sr.
Mrs. Mary W. Hineman
Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin Kean
Ms. Paula J. Levens
Mr. Thomas C. Hinkle
Mr. John T. Kehner †
Mr. Samuel S. Levin
Ms. Christine B. Hinks
Mrs. Mary Kehner
Mrs. Kathryn Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Hobman
Ms. Arline B. Keith
Lifescan, Inc.
Mr. Howard E. Hoctor
Mr. Paul M. Keller
Limoncello Ristorante
Mrs. Theresa A. Hodson and
Dr. and Mrs. William T. Kelley
Mr. William J. Linn
Mr. H. Thomas Hodson
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Kelly
Mrs. Beverly A. Livingston
Mrs. Ruth Ramsdell Holden
Mrs. Regina E. Kelly-Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Loane, Jr.
Mr. W. Conard Holton
Kendal Residents Association
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. LoBue
Ms. Lori Hood
Kent-Lucas Foundation
Debra G. Loeb, M.D.
Ms. Kathleen W. Hooper
Mrs. Maureen Kenzakowski
Mr. Samuel B. Long
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hopkins, Jr.
Ms. Charlene J. Kerollis
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Lonsdale, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tiemann N. Horn
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Kershaw
Dr. and Mrs. Calvin Lu
Mr. G. Aruther Hornberger
Ms. Patricia G. Kessel
Mr. Phuoc Lu
Mrs. Marian D. Hornberger †
Dr. and Mrs. Walter L. Kester
Ms. Annette M. Luminella
Ms. Allison Horne
Mr. Brian G. Kiernan
Mr. Thomas E. Lunny
Mr. and Mrs. Leon W. Houp
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Kinter
Mr. Timothy M. Lutz and
Mrs. Sara G. Houser
Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Kirijan
Ms. Elizabeth L. Srogi
Mr. Joseph J. Howes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Kirschling
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Lynch
Mr. George M. Huey
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Kitchen
Mrs. Marie M. Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Huffman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Klaebel
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Hughes, Jr.
P. Richard Klein, Esq.
Mrs. Jane H. Mack
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew H. Hulbert
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry W. Knapp
Ms. Jennie A. Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Huntoon
Mr. and Mrs. Duane D. Knecht
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. MacNeal
Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Hurley, III
Dr. and Mrs. James D. Knox
Mrs. Ruth S. Maconachy
Mr. Richard Hurst
Mrs. Joan E. Koch
Mr. Allen B. Magill, II
Mr. and Mrs. Zaheer T. Husain
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Kochansky
Ms. Kieu T. Mai
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Huttinger
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Komar
Ms. Rebecca L. Majeski
IBM International Foundation
Mrs. Marie F. Komarek
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Malcolm
ING Direct
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kotarski
Malvern Federal Savings Bank
Dr. Ami Iskandrian and
Dr. and Mrs. Walter E. Kottmeyer
Dr. and Mrs. Antoninus J. Manos
Dr. Greta Iskandrian
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Krausser
Manos Family Practice
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Isola
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Krempa
Ms. Clara P. Mantini
Ms. Annabelle W. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Krieg, Jr.
Mr. Thomas J. Marascio
Mr. and Mrs. Millard H. Jackson, III
Mr. Lazarus Krikorian
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Marenco, Jr.
Ms. Evelyn A. Janos
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kronenberg
Martye L. Marshall, M.D.
Mrs. Helen F. Jensen
Mr. Hemanth Kulkarni
Mrs. Mary E. Martin
Rev. and Mrs. Alvin S. Jepson
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Kummeth
Miss Bernadine M. Mascherino
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johann
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kurkjian
Ms. Sharon Massimini
Mrs. Patricia Gayle Johns
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kurywchak
Mr. Gregory J. Mattioni
Ms. Barbara B. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kyle
Dr. and Mrs. Joel H. Mattleman
Ms. Emily Purnell Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Kyper
Mr. Anthony M. Mattoscio
Mrs. Nina M. Johnson
Mr. Hien D. Lam
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mattson
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Jones
Madeline H. Lamb, Esq.
Mrs. Marilyn Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe W. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Lamb
Ms. Geralyn M. Mayernick
Mr. William A. Jones, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. McAllister
Mr. and Mrs. William Jones, III
Mr. Russell W. Lambing
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. McAnally
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Jones, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Lance
Mr. Shawn M. McAnally
Mrs. Frances G. Joyce
Ms. Charyl Landolt
Ms. Donna L. McCall
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Kain, Jr.
Ms. Elsie H. Landstrom
Mr. Raymond A. McClure
Mrs. Alita R. Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Luigi V. Launi
Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. McCool, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Lawman
Ms. Maureen S. McCool
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn C. Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. Guy A. McCormick
Dr. and Mrs. Sadhu R. Kataria
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan S. Leaman
Mr. and Mrs. James F. McCormick, Sr.
S. R. Kataria, DDS, PC
Mrs. Rose J. Lem
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Mrs. Maria T. Podhiny
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Poinier
Mr. and Mrs. John B. McCrory
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Myatt
Mrs. Eileen J. Polito
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. McDevitt
Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Myers
Ms. Cynthia Poole
Mr. Anthony J. McErlean
Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Myers
Mr. Joseph B. Poole
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. McEvoy
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Nagel
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Porrini
Ms. Wanda L. McGlinchey-Ryan
The Honorable and Mrs. Ronald C. Nagle
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Porter
Mrs. Eileen V. McGovern
Dr. John Nannos and
Mr. and Mrs. Kennard G. Porter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David J. McIlmoyle
Dr. Catherine A. Popovitch
Mr. and Mrs. Barton L. Post
McKesson Medical-Surgical
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Natale
Mr. Gerald W. Powell
Ms. Sandra L. McNally
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Needham
Mrs. Marilyn H. Powell
Ms. Patricia K. McNelis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Prader
Mr. and Mrs. William M. McSwain
Ms. Debbie Noel
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent M. Pro
Mr. Joseph M. Noonan
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Pryor
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Meilink, Jr.
Ms. Ann C. Northy
Mrs. Betty G. Pullekines
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Meinig, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Novielli
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan T. Pulsifer
Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Mellas
Mr. Nick H. Nunn, III
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob I. Pyenson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mellinger
Ms. Jennifer M. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Quinlan
Mr. Michael J. Melody, Jr.
Mr. Robert F. O’Brien
Ms. Megan C. Quinn
Mr. Ralph D. Mendenhall
O’Connor General Contractors Inc.
Ms. Lisa Quiveors
Merck Partnership for Giving
Mr. and Mrs. Woodward T. Odiorne
Sidney C. Rabin, md
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Merhar
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Boris Radisic
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Merwarth
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Ralph
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Merwin
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ramsdell
Mr. Dominique Messerli
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Olshefski
Mr. Lorin J. Randall
Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Milewski
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Orendorff
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Randolph
Mrs. Anna Mae Miller
Mrs. Margaret R. O’Rourke
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Randzin
Mr. Bearge Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. O’Rourke
Mr. William D. Ravdin
Mrs. Jean H. Miller
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Orris
Mr. Donald N. Reed
Mr. Jeffrey A. Miller
Mr. Ray Ott, Jr. and
Mrs. Lillian Regalmuto
Ms. Linda Y. Miller
The Honorable Paula Francisco Ott
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Reichert
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ouderkirk
Mr. Gregg A. Reid
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Mills, Jr.
Ms. Nicki A. Paloni
Ms. Helen G. Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mingrino
Ms. Susan J. Parkyn
Reilly & Sons, Inc.
Mitch Lyons Studio
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Parrish, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Reilly
Mrs. Dorothy A. Mohn
Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Parsons
Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Rand D. Moll
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Parsons
Mr. and Mrs. William Reilly
Mr. Gerald Montaigne, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Paskow
Reino’s Design Print Mail Staff
David J. Montgomery, D.D.S.
Mr. Glenn A. Paton
Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Reiter
Mr. Richard S. Moog
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Patten
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Renninger
Mrs. Jane Z. Moore
Mr. Eugene F. Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Rettew
Mr. and Mrs. Keith W. Moore
Paul Sevag Motors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Reymos
Mrs. Linda Dawson Moore
Mr. James F. Peiffer
Ms. Patricia R. Richards
Mrs. Deborah M. Morgan
Mrs. Yona Y. Pellini
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richardson
Mrs. Virginia M. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Penick, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell K. Rickert
Mr. Patrick J. Morley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Penman
Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Rissmiller
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Pensalfini
Ms. Joanne Ritchie
Mrs. Helen M. Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Peppler
Mrs. Nathalie L. Riukas
Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Morton
Mrs. Grace D. Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Morton
Mr. and Mrs. Erminio J. Peta
Mr. Mitchel B. Roberts
Mr. Paul S. Mory, Jr.†
Mr. John J. Peterman, III
Mr. and Mrs. Audra D. Robinson
Mr. Steven Mosakowski
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Petrella
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Robinson
Ms. Betty Lois Mueller
Mr. Edward J. Philipps
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Robinson, Sr.
Mr. Ryan Muir and Ms. Gale Berkenstock
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Phillips
Mrs. Susan Windle Rogers
Mr. Richard L. Mullin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Phillips
Mrs. Kate E. Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Murlless
Ms. Kimberly L. Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rosner
Mrs. Sandra R. Murphy
Mrs. Preeti Pinto
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin W. Rossiter
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Murphy, III
Rep. and Mrs. Joseph R. Pitts
Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Rothman
Mr. Edward R. Murray
Mr. Fletcher N. Platt
Ms. Ellen M. Rowlands
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murray
Dr. and Mrs. William Plummer, III
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Little Smiles – a Personal Touch
From left: Pediatric Nurse Kathy Urbine, RN, Paul Gouge,
Kate Patterson, Matt Patterson, muralist Lou Marshall,
and Pediatric Nurse Lori Plans, RN. All are members of
the Little Smiles Board of Directors.
request, such as a request for an ipod from
Little Smiles’ hands-on approach and The
an ill child and personalize the ipod for the
Chester County Hospital’s personal touch
individual to be fully loaded with extra
have brought these two organizations
iTunes cards.
together forming a relationship that goes
hand in hand. Both organizations assure that
In addition to fulfilling individual requests
the needs of the patients are met and that
from patients to make their hospital stay
they are as happy as they can be while staying
more comfortable, Little Smiles has donated
in the Hospital.
funds for larger projects for the Hospital that
will benefit hundreds of children. In fiscal
The mission of Little Smiles is to help kids
year 2009, Little Smiles made a donation to
escape the reality of their unfortunate circumremodel the children’s playroom in the Pedistances. Their main goal is to put a smile back
atric Unit, and most recently
on the children’s faces. Volunin fiscal year 2010, they generteers from Little Smiles work
as part of their 2010
ously donated funds to renovery closely with nurses, social
donation, little smiles
vate the hallway in the Pediworkers and hospital staff
provided funds to
atrics Unit, making it a more
who know the kids best. They
renovate the pediatric
friendly and upbeat environrely on the staff to identify
unit hallway, including
ment for the children and the
children’s needs and initiate
custom murals from
staff. As Paul states, “I love the
requests to the organization.
fact that we are able to take on
Paul Gouge, Board Member
LouLou's whimsicals.
projects focused on an entire
of Little Smiles, notes, “Being
hospital or pediatric unit. It
a part of Little Smiles means I
makes a huge impact on everyone.” Custom
am able to reach out to people in ways I never
murals were painted on the walls in the
thought possible. A simple smile can convey
hallway by LouLou’s Whimsicals. In addition,
so much.”
the wallpaper and carpeting were replaced.
Paul describes The Chester County Hospital
The Pediatric Unit now has a fresh, new look
as “having a warm, caring atmosphere with
that is bright and inspiring for the children.
expert knowledge, experience and partnerships to get you the care you need with a
We thank Little Smiles for all they have
personal touch.” This personal touch is similar
done and continue to do for The Chester
to the manner in which Little Smiles works.
County Hospital and our patients. For more
Little Smiles is a volunteer-run organization,
information on Little Smiles, please visit
handling each request for help personally
and on an individual basis. They take a simple
story by dina leaman | photo by richard bell
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Dr. and Mrs. Peter D. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tierney
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Royer
Mrs. Joan P. Small
Mr. Lawrence P. Tigue
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Rubin
Mr. A. Roy Smith
Mr. James A. Tobin
Mrs. Kathleen Ruck
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Tompkin
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Rudden
Mr. Erich D. Smith
Ms. Elizabeth Torriero
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ruggeri
Mr. James J. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Traines
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rushton
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Trauger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Ryan
Ms. Mary Batten Smith
Ms. Joan M. Travers
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Rymiszewski, Sr.
Ms. Mary M. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Treacy
Sabre Systems, Inc.
Mr. William L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Tredinnick
Mr. and Mrs. Worthy C. Sanders, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Naaman W. Smoker
Mr. Craig L. Tucker
Ms. Jo Anne Sandherr
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Snyder
Mrs. Rosemary Waldron Tucker
Ms. Anne C. Sangree
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tully
Sanofi-Aventis US Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Souser
Ms. Adelaide N. Turner
Mrs. Mary Ann T. Sarles
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Spagnuola
Mrs. Elizabeth Twaddell
Ms. Sandra Saxton
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Spellman
Two Sisters Farm, Inc.
Mr. Clifford Sayre
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Tyler
Mr. Forrest R. Schaeffer †
Springfield Podiatry, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Uhl
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Scheerer
Ms. Mary F. Stallings-Whiting
United Way of the Greater Triangle
Peter D. Schindler, M.D.
Mr. Donald E. Stapleton
United Way of Lancaster County
Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Schlosser
The Honorable and
University Services
Mr. Glenn Schoenfeld
Mrs. Walter K. Stapleton
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Uschold
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Schofield
Ms. Brenda C. Starkey
Mr. Fred M. Valentino
Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Schouten
Mr. and Mrs. George Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Ben A. Valocchi, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Schramm
William K. Stewart, Sr. Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Win P. Van
Ms. Sally M. Schu
Mr. John A. Stipe and Dr. Barbara Stipe
Mr. and Mrs. Lester H. Van Eck
Mr. and Mrs. Derek W. Schultz
Dr. and Mrs. David P. Stocker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Van Grofski
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Schutt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Stoner
The Vanguard Group Foundation
Ms. Jeanne A. Schwab
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Stratton
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Vanore
Mr. Matthew D. Schwab
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Stratton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Vasko
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Scimone
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Strawbridge
Mrs. Dianne H. Vaughan
Dr. and Mrs. George C. Scott
Mrs. George Strawbridge
Mrs. Eva L. Verplanck
Mr. Robert L. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Strode, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Claus Victorius
Ms. Joanne V. Scotti
Ms. Marilyn K. Strong
Mr. Dale R. Vietz
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Seagers
Dr. Molly S. Stumacher and
Mr. Leonard Viscusi
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard R. Sealy
Dr. Roger E. Stumacher
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas R. Vita, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Secrist
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Subers
Mrs. Constance J. Vitz
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Seksinsky
Surgical Specialists, P.C.
Mrs. Anne S. Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Jan S. Selfe
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Swadley
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Shane
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Swan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Shank, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Swanson
Ms. Laura H. Waltz
Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. H. Fletcher Swanson
Mrs. Ramona P. Waltz
Mr. James A. Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sweet
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Warden, IV
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Shea
Dr. C. Lynn Swisher and
Sara Ann Warren, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad A. Shelanski
Mr. Harold C. Swisher
Ms. Mary L. Weaber
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Greg P. Sykes
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Weaver
Mr. Cullen F. Shipman
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Tait, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Weaver
Mrs. Charles W. Shreiner, Jr.
Ms. Charlotte P. Taylor
Ms. Christine A. Wegemer
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Shupard
Mrs. Elinor Z. Taylor †
Ms. Barbara F. Weichert
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Siehl
Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Taylor, Jr.
Mr. Walter Weidemann, III
Mr. Leslie M. Simmler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Taylor
Wells Fargo Foundation
Mr. Cheston Simmons
Mr. Thomas G. Taylor
Mr. James R. Wells
Mr. Malcolm Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace G. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. John Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Singer
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Teaford
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wenrich, Jr.
Mr. Amarjit Singh
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Teel
Mr. Carl F. Werley
Mr. Frederick P. Slack
Mr. and Mrs. Gustave J. Teipelke, Jr.
Dr. Ronald J. Werrin and
Mr. and Mrs. N. Harlan Slack, III
Mr. Van Temple and Ms. Eva Abbott
Dr. Marguerite W. Werrin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Sladek
Mrs. Margaret C. Terrels
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Werwinski, Sr.
Ms. Susan S. Sleichter
Mr. and Mrs. Rodolfo Theis
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Mr. and Mrs. R. John West, III
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Westerfield
$50 – $99 DONORS
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Westerman
Mr. George C. Zittle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Bente, III
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Whitcraft
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Zunino
Ms. Arlene Berliner
Ms. Diane E. White
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bevan
Mrs. Anne E. Whiteman
Mr. and Mrs. Winslow K. Abbott
Mr. Guy R. Bieber
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Whitfield
Dr. and Mrs. Orn Adalsteinsson
Mr. Stephen S. Bierds
Mrs. Cathie N. Whitlock
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Aepli
Rev. and Mrs. James G. Birney
Mrs. Rachel S. Whittington
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Aglira
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Boate
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Wick, Jr.
Ms. Ann Alburger
Mr. Andrew Bolay
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wiechec, III
Mr. John M. Alden and
Mr. Warren S. Bolay, III
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Wientjes
Ms. Shelley Hodupp
Ms. Doris J. Boller
Ms. Joan M. Wilcox
Ms. Margaret P. Allen
Mrs. Constance E. Bompadre
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Allvord
Mr. and Mrs. David Bonanni
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wildgen
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Andersen
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Bondi
Mrs. Dorothy E. Willard
Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Anderson
Mr. Richard Borst
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Willard
Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Bossong
Mr. Mark C. Williams
Ms. Eleanor F. Anderson
Boy Scouts of America - Troop 51
Mr. and Mrs. S. Jerome Williams
Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas Anderson
Ms. Mildred C. Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Leon O. Anderson, Jr.
Mr. Thomas D. Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Wittig
Ms. Mary L. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bradley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wolfgang
Mr. William F. Anderson
Dr. Thomas A. Brady and
Ms. Margaret Y. Wonderland
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer J. Andress
Dr. Tamara S. Brady
Mr. Francis Wood, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner Angell
Brandywine Grange No. 60
Mr. John C. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Kristen D. Angstadt
Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Braunschweig
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Annas
Mr. John Brennan
Mr. Lee Woodfin
Mr. Stephen Annas
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Breslin, Jr.
Anonymous [20]
Mr. Vernon Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Applegate, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Bringhurst
Mr. Jeffrey Arcara
Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Brink
Ms. Rosee Arya
Mrs. Helen P. Brinn
Mrs. Virginia C. Ashton
Ms. Holly Joy Brittingham
Mrs. Judith J. Atticks
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart B. Brooks
Dr. and Mrs. T. Howard Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Brown
Ms. Sandra L. Babnew
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. J. Louis Bachofer
Mrs. Dorothy D. Bruno
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Baker, III
Mr. Frank L. Bucci
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Balian
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Buckwash
Ms. Barbara Bannon
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Buffone
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Bardzik, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Bullock
Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Barenberg
Ms. Sandra Lee Bunting
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burgess
Mr. William J. Barrett
Ms. Michelle A. Burgoyne
Ms. Rose L. Woodward
Ms. Mary L. Bartholomew
Mr. and Mrs. Allen K. Burke
Mrs. Sarah E. Worth
Mr. and Mrs. Mario J. Basciani, Sr.
Mrs. Leona G. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Wosak
Balaji Baskaran
Mrs. Margaret A. Burkenstock
Mrs. Jane H. Wylie
Ms. Nancy L. Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Burtch
Mr. Stephen M. Wynne
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph B. Bates
Mrs. Martha S. Butts
XL Specialty Caring Community
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Battaglia
Mr. Trygve Byholt
Mrs. Jean T. Yarnall
Ms. Beverly K. Battin
Ms. Edria Byler
Mr. Bruce B. Yelton
Mr. Ronald L. Beal
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery L. Byrem
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Yerkes, Jr.
Mrs. Virginia R. Beaumont
Ms. Marian L. Cabott
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Yerkes
Mr. Brian D. Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Cacciavillano
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Ruben M. Bedolla
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Cahill
Mr. John A. Yurkutat
Mrs. Geneva M. Beebe
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Caldwell
Mr. Matthew Zagorski
Mr. Vernon H. Beebe, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Zajac
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Beninati
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Calef
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Zeminski, III
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Benner
Calvary Lutheran Preschool
Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Ziegler
Mr. Walter R. Benner
Ms. Nancy J. Camp
Mr. and Mrs. Lance K. Ziering
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie F. Bennett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Americo Capoferri
Point of Pride
The Chester County Hospital
has received the 2010 Innovator
Award from Healthcare
Informatics. The award
recognizes the Hospital’s ability
to use Information Technology
to improve patient care by
minimizing infection rates, while
also protecting and bolstering
financial performance.
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
$50 – $99 DONORS
Ms. Elaine M. Fiore
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Firmin
Mr. Ronald V. Caputo
Mr. and Mrs. David Curran
Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Fitzcharles
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Capuzzi
Ms. Mary Ann C. D’Amico
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Fling
Mr. Michael C. Carey
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. D’Angelo
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Flynn
Mr. David B. Caria
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Dann
FM Global Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Carlin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. D’Auria
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Forese
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Carpenter
Ms. Norma I. De Rivera
Ms. Mary Forsythe
Ms. Anne M. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Deacon
Mrs. Viola J. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory K. Deal
Ms. Joan K. Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel R. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Degnan, Jr.
Ms. Pamela Frank
Mr. Robert B. Chambers, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Delargey
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Frankle
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Chambers
Ms. Jean A. DelViscio
Mr. and Mrs. Jere W. Fridy
Ms. Margaret J. Chapman
Mrs. Maria DeMarco
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Friedman
Ms. Dolores S. Cheadle
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Demkin
Ms. Mary Ann Fritz
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Cheeseman
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Dempsey
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Fuhs
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Chefko
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Desiderio
Ms. Rita H. Fulton
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Chewkanes
Mr. Wayne D. Deveise
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gaadt
Dr. James P. Chovan
Devon Auxiliary - Former Members
Mr. Robert G. Gabel
Mr. Danny P. Christiana
Mr. and Mrs. John F. DiBartolomeo
Mr. Vincent P. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ciarrocchi
Mr. and Mrs. John P. DiBiase
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Garland
Mrs. Renee R. Cieslukowski
Mrs. Margaret R. Dickhart
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Gaskin
Mrs. Irma I. Cimini
Mrs. Dina Dinacci
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Gausch
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. DiProspero
Mr. Thomas E. Gavin
Ms. Victoria M. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Robert DiTomasso
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Gehron
Mr. Robert Class
Mrs. Ruth S. Dix
Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Gilbert
Ms. Susette A. Clausen
Ms. Helen F. Doherty
Mrs. Margaret B. Gilden
Colonel Mary F. Clementi usaf nc (Ret)
Mr. Edward W. Donohue
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Clompus
Mr. Bill C. Dorminey
Mr. Lou A. Coates
Mr. and Mrs. Winfield A. Dougherty
Mr. LeRoy R. Coer
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall L. Downes
Mr. Francis J. Coffey †
Ms. Beverly A. Drake
Mrs. Mary A. Coffey
Mr. Donald L. Drennen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Coin
DSF Family
Mr. and Mr. Wade C. Collier
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Dugan
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Conner
Vincent J. Dugan, Inc.
Mr. James H. Conrad, II
Mr. James C. Dulin, Jr.
Ms. Ruth G. Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Dunigan
Ms. Gail J. Coppola
Mr. Courtland E. Dunn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent T. Coppola
Mr. John B. Dunning
Ms. Elizabeth Corbin
Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Earley
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Corcoran, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Eason
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Cornelius
Mr. and Mrs. Reggie S. Eastridge
Ms. Kimberly A. Cortright
Mrs. LeNaire R. Eckman
Mrs. Dolores M. Cotterall
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Egan
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Covert
Mr. and Mrs. Errol E. Eldredge
Ms. Jennifer L. Gill
Mrs. Madeleine Coyle
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Emplit
Ms. Kathleen Gillespie
Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Craig
Mrs. Betty Engan
Ms. Sarah M. Gillespie
Mr. Theodore Crampton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Enoch
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gitzendanner
Mr. Donald V. Crater †
Mr. Richard G. Epstein
Mrs. Barbara S. Giunta
Mrs. Katharine R. Crater
Mr. and Mrs. Cristobal S. Esmilla
Ms. Shirley Gledhill
Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Craven
Mr. Lee Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Glessner
Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Crede
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Fagan, Jr.
Mr. Charles S. Glore
Mr. Frederick E. Crispin, Jr.
Mr. John E. Fallon
Mr. and Mrs. Clemens B. Glunz, Jr.
Mr. Angel Cruz
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ferrier
Ms. Elise Glunz
Ms. Christie I. Cruz
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Filopoulos
Dr. and Mrs. Michael M. Gold
Mr. and Mrs. P. Graham Cuddy
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Filoromo
Dr. Marc B. Goldfinger
Mrs. Irene K. Cummins
Mr. and Mrs. Avrum M. Fine
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Goss
Mr. Gregory A. Cunningham
Mrs. Kathleen D. Finegan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Gothie
Mr. William H. Cunningham
Ms. Nancy Finegan
Point of Pride
The CardioVascular Center at
The Chester County Hospital
offers a full spectrum of
diagnostic cardiac testing, surgical
interventions and rehabilitation.
For the second consecutive
year, it has been designated
a Blue Distinction Center by
Independence Blue Cross. This
honor is based on clinical data and
recognizes quality, affordability
and positive outcomes.
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Graham
Mrs. Margaret C. Graham
$50 – $99 DONORS
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Reid K. Hoover
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Kowenhoven
Dr. and Mrs. Steven M. Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery B. Horton
Dr. and Mrs. Peter R. Kowey
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Greene, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hossack
Ms. Barbara P. Kraus
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Greenwald
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Houghton
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Krewson
Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Greenwald
Ms. Lynn J. Houze
Ms. Jane S. Krick
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Gregg
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Hrynkow
Mr. and Mrs. Eric G. Kunz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Gress
Ms. Linda M. Huber
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Kurtz, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Gribbin
Ms. Jennifer J. Hug
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Kusko
Mr. Howard A. Griffith, Jr.
Miss Cassie Hung
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Kuzmenchuk
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Griffith
Mr. George F. Hurlburt
Ms. Linda A. Lacey
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Grimes
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hutter
Mr. and Mrs. Luis E. Lacouture
Mr. Gregory E. Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Iacobone
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Lacy
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Grosskopf
Mr. Hugh H. Iliff
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Lammey
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Grove
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Irving, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis I. Lane
Ms. Nancy S. Guckes
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Itzstein
Ms. Audrey H. Langhorne
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hagan, III
Ms. Beverly Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Hagerty
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jackson
Mr. David M. Laurento
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hale
Mrs. Nusrat Jafar
Ms. Rebecca A. Layfield
Mrs. Barbara G. Hallowell
Ms. Jeanne L. Jagers
Ms. Sally Lebow
Ms. Joan F. Halpin
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome G. Jalosky
Mr. Robert A. Lee
Mr. David Hamilton
Ms. Kathleen R. James
Mr. and Mrs. William D. LeFebvre
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Hampton
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Jankowski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Lee
Mr. Edward J. Hand
Ms. Stephanie Jellison
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lehr
Mr. John P. Hanlon, III
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Jenkins
Ms. Beverly N. Lennon
Ms. Lois I. Hanna
Mrs. Ruth D. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Don Leon
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hannum, III
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Jester
Mr. F. W. Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. E. Richard Harkins, Jr.
Ms. Linda M. Johns
Ms. Thelma Leonetti
Ms. Susan C. Hartman
Ms. Gale L. Jordan
Ms. Diane Leschina
Ms. Roseanne M. Havird
Ms. Mary Ellen Josephs
Ms. Edwina A. Lester
Ms. Twonette S. Hawkins
Guillermo R. Juncos, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leto
Mr. Alfred C. Hayden
Mr. John G. Kane
Ms. Kimberly Levan
Ms. Amy K. Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy H. Kane, Sr.
Ms. Andrea M. Levenite
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hayes
Mr. John G. Kane
Ms. Georgia Morlock Levy
Mr. Michael R. Haynes
Mr. and Mrs. Homi D. Kapadia
Ms. Brenda Lee Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hazard
Mr. Chester Kapinski
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lewis
Mrs. Diane Z. Heald
Mrs. Marjorie U. Kaskey
Mr. Ivan F. Lichty
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Heckman
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Keares
Ms. Judith B. Lindabery
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Heidelberger
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Keech
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Link
Mr. Jeffrey M. Hellrung
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Kegg
Mrs. Anne B. Little
Ms. Elaine Helm
Ms. Ruth C. Keim
Mr. Robert B. Little
Mrs. Ann C. Hemphill
Mr. Glenn J. Keller
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lockard
Ms. Joanne R. Hench
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Kelly
Mrs. Ida K. Lofting†
Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Hendrickson, Jr.
Ms. Ruth C. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Keith G. Logan
Ms. Patricia C. M. Henriques
Mrs. Lillian V. Kent
Ms. Marion E. Logiudice
Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Herald
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Kiefer, Sr.
Ms. Audrey L. Lucker
Mr. W. Evans Hicks
Ms. Joanna Kingham
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Lunardi
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Kinsley
Ms. Ann G. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn J. Hillegass
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Kipp
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Lynch
Mr. Kirk J. Himelick and
Mr. Ray M. Kipp
Ms. Kathleen Lyons
Mr. Marc D. Citrin
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Kirkey
Mr. Walter J. Macbrine, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Hinkle
Ms. Lois R. Klahn
Mr. Donald B. Macmillan
Mr. Hoe S. Ho†
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Kley
Mrs. Margaret L. MacNeal
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hodnett
Ms. Mary Jane Kloiber
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Madrigale
Mr. Robert J. Hoffman and
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Knickerbocker
Ms. Carol M. Madron
Dr. Renee M. Bender
Mrs. Marjorie C. Knox
Ms. Amy Jo Magee
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Hoge
Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Koenig
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Magee
Mr. John P. Hollingsworth, Sr.
Mr. Richard H. Kolloff
Ms. Diane M. Maguire
Ms. Lois Holt
Ms. Aria Kovach
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
$50 – $99 DONORS
Mrs. Elva R. Pepper
Ms. Esther S. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Maguire
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Moriello
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Petko
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Malany
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Morton Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Pettit
Mr. Edward L. Malikowski
Ms. Kim Morton
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond L. Phillips
Mr. Michael Mandes
Ms. Jolene F. Moser
Ms. Erlyn E. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Mangelli
Mrs. Mary A. Mosley
Mr. Herbert W. Phillips
Mr. Gokulnathan Manickam and
Mr. and Mrs. M. Dustin Mott
Phoenixville Community
Mrs. Rani Gokulnathan
Mr. Richard Mrosky
Health Foundation
Mrs. Lois K. Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Mulhern, III
Ms. Lori S. Plans
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Margera, Jr.
Ms. Jane H. Mullins
Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Plourde
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Martin
Ms. Carol J. Murphy
PNC Bank
Mrs. Patricia E. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Murphy
Mrs. Isolde Pohl
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn P. Martin
Mr. Brian Murray and
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Polansky
Mr. Robert E. Mason
Dr. Audrey Murray
Mr. Hugh I. Pollock
Ms. Barbara F. Massey
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Murray
Mr. Richard K. Poole
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Maszczenski
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Museck
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Post
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Matecki
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Nagy
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Syed Z. Mateen
Ms. Lynn M. Napoletano
Ms. Wendy L. Powell
Mrs. Elizabeth T. Mather
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Natalie, Jr.
Mr. Alfred C. Prime
Ms. Mary L. Mattioni
Ms. Carol A. Nelson
Mrs. Betty L. Pryor
Ms. Jane M. Mauer
Ms. Joy Nelson
Mr. Jaideep Purkayastha
Ms. Julianne M. Mayo
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Nemchik
Mr. and Mrs. Allen S. Puy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCarter
Ms. Diane Nentwig
Mr. Skrikant Ramachandran
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McCullough
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Nessmith
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Rasiul
Mr. and Mrs. Francis O. McDaniels
Ms. Carol Nevulis
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Reardon
Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ney
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Reed
Ms. Judith M. McDonald
Ms. Annemarie Nicholas
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace E. Rees, Jr.
Ms. Theresa A. McFadden
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Nichols
Ms. Deborah J. Regester
Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. McFarland
Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Nichter
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Regn, Jr.
Mr. James M. McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. Victor L. Nicoladse, III
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Reidy
Mr. John C. McIlhenny
Ms. Karol K. Niemi
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Reiffer
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart S. McKee
Mr. Holger Nissen
Mr. Lawrence D. Reimer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. McLaughlin
Ms. Marian Nomura
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy S. Reinhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. McMackin
Mrs. Barbara A. Notemyer
Ms. Frances H. Remington
Mrs. Dorothea M. McNeill
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Nowlin
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Renko
Ms. Marvella McNeill
Mr. and Mrs. James D. O’Banion, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Renn
Ms. Lucy M. McSwain
Mrs. Anne F. O’Brien
Mr. Joel M. Ressner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Mead
Mr. and Mrs. John J. O’Donnell
Mrs. Helen P. Reynolds
Ms. Devon M. Medina
Mr. and Mrs. George Ohsiek, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Reynolds
Ms. Dianne C. Mehn
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Rhoads
Mr. Carl J. Meister, Jr.
Lisa O’Mahony, M.D.
Mrs. Ann P. Ricciuti
Ms. Carolyn Jardine Meister
Mr. and Mrs. William R. O’Neil
Mr. and Mrs. J. Permar Richards, III
Reverend and Mrs. Lauren B. Meiswinkel
Mr. and Mrs. James F. O’Neill
Mrs. Ruth H. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Chris P. Menan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Orsatti
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Richards
Ms. Lisa M. Meter
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ousey, Jr.
Ms. Patricia F. Richardson
Dr. Nawal G. Metry and Dr. Amir Metry
Ms. Gwendolyn L. Owens
Ms. Violet S. Richman
Ms. Joanne S. Meyer
Ms. Sandra Oyola
Mr. Marc P. Riddell
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wayne Miller
Mr. Joseph Pagano
Mr. and Mrs. Clement Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Miller
Ms. Jeanette E. Page
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Ring
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Miller
Ms. Katherine R. Painter
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Rizzo
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Palcic, Jr.
Ms. Anna L. Roberts
Ms. Helen H. Miller
Ms. Regina Paloni
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Robinson
Ms. Paula J. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Panichelli
Ms. Christine Roman
Ms. Ellen F. Millick
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Pastino
Mrs. Rosemary M. Rooney
Ms. Susan M. Minarchi
Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Seth A. Mogk
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Paynter
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Ross, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Mohr
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Peakes
Mrs. Elizabeth I. Ross-Medgaarden
Mr. M. Richard Moors
Mr. Christopher Peeples
and Mr. Matthew D. Medgaarden
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Morelli
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Pennewell
Mrs. Julia D. Ryan
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer W. Sager, III
Mr. and Mrs. Luis A. Salpan
$50 – $99 DONORS
Mrs. Lori Samolsky
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Stevens, Jr.
Ms. Carol A. Walbert
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Sandy
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence L. Stick
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Waldron
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Santoro
Mr. Dale E. Stockbower
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Walker
Ms. Sachin Saraswat
Mrs. Dorothy Y. Stocker
Ms. Valerie R. Wallace
Ms. Nancy J. Sarr
Ms. Kathryn Stoltzfus
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Wallenhorst
Ms. Rose M. Sasso
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Stopper, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Walls
Mrs. Helen W. Satterthwait
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Strand
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Walsh
Ms. Anne Satterthwaite
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Strauss
Mrs. Dorothy M. Waltz
Ms. Elizabeth M. Scattergood
Ms. Rosanne M. Stumpf
Dr. Ying Wang
Mr. Carl A. Schaubel, Jr.
Robert S. Supplee, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. David Watson
Mrs. Lois A. Scheuritzel
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis F. Swayne
Ms. Grace R. Watson
Ms. Regina T. Schiavello
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Sweatman
Ms. Eileen H. Weaver
Mrs. Ruth Schick
Mrs. Rosemary A. Sweeney
Mrs. Lucille A. Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Gustav H. Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Sylvester
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Webster
Mr. and Mrs. William E. J. Schrof
T & D Restoration/ Construction, llp
Mr. Owen W. Webster
Mrs. Lucy M. Schu
Mrs. Eleanor T. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Warren O. Weiler, Jr.
Mr. Thomas D. Schubert
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Tennyson
Ms. Barbara A. Weinlein
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz W. Schumann
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Testa
Mr. and Mrs. Russell R. Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Schuster
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Werner
Mr. Leonard E. Schwartz
Mrs. Shirley L. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Werner, Jr.
Mrs. Avora Sciscione
Ms. Geanette M. Thompson
Mr. Peter N. Werner
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Thompson, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Jack C. White
Ms. Mary M. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome S. Thorne
Mr. and Mrs. Joel W. White
Mr. and Mrs. Adam C. Search
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Mr. and Mrs. K. Glenn White
Ms. Lillian C. Seaton
Mr. and Mrs. Dallett Tice
Mr. and Mrs. George Whiteman
Ms. Helen S. Serby
Mr. Edward Tipton, Jr.
Mr. William T. Wickersham
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Setar
Ms. Victoria L. Toaltoan
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Wickham
Mr. and Mrs. William Seybold
Ms. Emily G. Tocydlowski
Mrs. Mildred Willenbrock
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Shafer
Ms. Rebecca M. Toole
Ms. Barbara N. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Toth
Mr. and Mrs. Dan B. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Sheets
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Toussaint
Mrs. Esther B. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Keith C. Shelburn
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Trajtenberg
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Shellenberger
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Trolier
Ms. Judith R. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Shelly
Mrs. Theresa M. Turnbach
Mrs. Marjorie E. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shepherd
Ms. Betsy T. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Carr Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Shoffner
Mr. and Mrs. H. Robert Uhl
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Wilson
Mr. Anthony Short
Ms. Judith E. Uhrich
Ms. Jessica M. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Shouvlin
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ulshoefer
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert H. Showalter
United Way of Central Maryland
Mr. Richard W. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Silverwood
United Way of the National
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Windle
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Simonds
Capital Area
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Witek
Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Skilton
Ms. Kathleen Urbine
Ms. Deborah E. Wood
Ms. Virginia A. Slavin
Mr. and Mrs. Dale O. Van Denburg
The Honorable and
Ms. Margaret A. Slingluff
Ms. Christine J. Vandepol
Mrs. Lawrence E. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Roger O. Slusher
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Wood
Mr. Frederick R. Smith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Worthington
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Smith
Mr. and Mrs. David N. VanSoest
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Smith
Mr. Louis P. Vassil
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Wybranski
Mr. Kevin M. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer S. Vaye
Ms. Joyce A. Yates
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Venditti
Mr. and Mrs. C. William Yockey
Ms. Pamela Smyth
Ms. Elaine M. Vetre
Ms. Dolores J. Yoder
Mr. and Mrs. Saylor C. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Vincent
Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Young
Ms. Barbara A. Snyder-Huck
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Vinnacombe
Ms. Maria Theresa R. Yu
Ms. Mary Sue Sparkman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Viola
Ms. Marge E. Zacharkow
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Spencer
Mr. John P. Voge and
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Zamadics
Mrs. Ruth S. Stanley
Ms. Mary Louise Krallinger
Mr. Stanley V. Zebrowski
Mr. Aaron Starr
Dr. Pat K. Vogel
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Zunino
Ms. Patricia L. Steinberg
Mrs. Ellen D. Vroman
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Named after the traditional nursing school ceremony, when a
nursing trainee received her uniform cap, the Capping Society
has been created to honor the continuous care we have received
from the nursing staff throughout the years and to recognize
the community members who have been dedicated annual
benefactors to the Foundation for five or more consecutive years.
We are pleased to recognize those who have made gifts every
year to the Foundation since 1984.
Mrs. Barbara G. Beddall
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Bellenger, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Bott
Mr. Lester M. Bowman
Mr. Thomas D. Boyd
Ms. Jean M. Castaldi
Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Clark
Mrs. Madeleine Coyle
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Cremi
Mrs. Alicia P. Cullen
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Deane
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. DiMarco
Mr. Alfred C. Prime
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. DiMarino
Mr. Richard M. Armstrong, Jr.†
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Reimer, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Donze
Mrs. Susan D. Armstrong
Ms. Karen L. Rothenbuhler
Mr. John F. Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Atkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Flickinger
Mr. and Mrs. J. Louis Bachofer
Ms. Christine B. Smyth
Forney Family Foundation
Mr. William C. Baldwin
Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Stoner
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Forney
Ms. Marilyn Becker
Mrs. Rosemary Waldron Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Freese
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Benner, IV
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Vanore
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Gale
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Bird
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Warden, III
Corazon G. Gemil, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart B. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Whitcraft
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Gillem
Mrs. Caroline S. Brown†
Ms. Nancy E. Wilkinson
Martin G. Goch, Esq.
Mr. Henry I. Brown, III
Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Ziegler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Gould
Mr. Ronald V. Caputo
15 – 19 YEARS
Ms. Margaret H. Harper
Ms. Margaret J. Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Abbott, Jr.
Ms. Doris A. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Craig
Mrs. Agnes Antonowich
Ms. Gail A. Hoffman
Ms. Linda A. DeNardo
Mrs. Vivian S. Carlow
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Horne
Mrs. Betty Engan
Ms. Jean Caulfield
Dr. and Mrs. Harry J. Hutchinson, III
Mrs. Kathleen D. Finegan
Mr. Francis J. Coffey †
Dr. Robert H. Huxster and
First National Bank of Chester County
Mrs. Mary Coffey
Dr. Barbara Forney
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Corbishley
The Jerrehian Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Grove
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Cornelius
Ms. Mary Ellen Josephs
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Halsted
Mr. and Mrs. John C. deRuyter
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Kain, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hauser
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip B. Dewey
Mr. Chester Kapinski
Mrs. Mary D. Hayes
Mr. Bill C. Dorminey
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kavanaugh
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Helms, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Drummond
Ms. Lois R. Klahn
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Hewson
Mrs. Nancy Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas L. Krapf
Mrs. Virginia G. Hines
Mr. William Gallagher †
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Larson
Ms. Jeanne L. Jagers
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Giannantonio, Jr.
Mr. F. W. Leonard
Mrs. Helen F. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Gribbin
Mr. and Mrs. C. Barry Lewis
Mrs. Lillian V. Kent
Mrs. Beulah S. Hamilt
Mr. Ivan F. Lichty
Dr. and Mrs. Walter L. Kester
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Hess
Mr. Donald G. Lundberg
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Knauer
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hillegass
Mrs. Margaret L. MacNeal
Madeline H. Lamb, Esq.
Dr. and Mrs. Maury Hoberman
Mrs. Ruth S. Maconachy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Irving, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Burton T. Mark
Mr. and Mrs. C. Harry Marron, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Komar
Mrs. Patricia E. Martin
Mrs. Dorothea M. McNeill
Mr. and Mrs. Luigi V. Launi
The May Festival
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Mead
Mrs. Margaret R. Nagy
Ms. Wanda L. McGlinchey-Ryan
Mrs. Jane Z. Moore
Mrs. Julia D. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mellinger
Mr. Nick H. Nunn, III
Dr. and Mrs. L. Peter Soraruf, IV
Mr. Gerald Montaigne, Jr.
Miss Jean M. Oakes
Mrs. George Strawbridge
Mrs. Linda Dawson Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Orr
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Windle
Mr. Paul S. Mory, Jr.†
Mr. Ray Ott, Jr. and The
Women’s Auxiliary to
Mr. Brian Murray and
Honorable Paula Francisco Ott
The Chester County Hospital
Dr. Audrey Murray
Pellini Gold Cordes, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wood, II
Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Perry Pepper
10 – 14 YEARS
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Newell
Mr. and Mrs. R. Marshall Phillips
Anonymous [2]
Mrs. Kathleen F. Oakes
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Barker
Mrs. Margaret R. O’Rourke
Miss Constance M. Plunkett
Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Barr
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Dedicated to
Supporting an
Close to Home
Constance M. Plunkett
Connie Plunkett with an edition of the advertising
supplement for the Sunday Bulletin.
Committee for The Chester County Hospi The Chester County Hospital Foundatal’s version of the advertising supplement
tion is fortunate to have many community
for the Sunday Bulletin and volunteering
members dedicating their time and finanas a receptionist in the Hospital’s old front
cial support to the Hospital. We recognize
entrance on Saturdays. In addition, she
the individuals who have made gifts every
often thinks of Mr. Pierre S. du Pont and the
year to the Foundation since 1984 in our
wonderful gift he gave to the community
Capping Society. One such member is
in memory of his employee and friend that
Connie Plunkett.
allowed for the expansion and moderniza Connie was born and raised in West
tion of the Hospital.
Chester. She became involved with The
Chester County Hospital almost 50 years ago.
Connie has made donating to The Chester
Her interest in volunteering and supporting
County Hospital Foundation a priority
The Chester County Hospital
for more than 25 consecubegan in 1962 when a friend
tive years. She recognizes
was a patient in the Hospital.
that the Hospital needs the
The friend’s roommate at the
support of the community.
Hospital was a member of the
She strongly believes that
West Chester Auxiliary. Their
the Hospital is needed in this
conversations led to a discuscommunity and feels fortuHOSPITAL FOR OVER
sion regarding an evening
nate that her doctors have
auxiliary for the “working
always been on the Medical
girl.” In May 1962 with 15
Staff here. Connie has been
members present, the West
very pleased over the years
Chester Evening Branch Auxiliary met for the
with the services she has received as a
first time. Connie along with Nancy Moore,
patient at the Hospital as have many of her
two of the original members of the Evening
family members. Connie states, “The care
Branch Auxiliary, remain active members.
and attention is the best.” Connie’s generConnie attends scheduled Auxiliary meetosity continues in her membership in the
ings, as well as participates in the Annual
1892 Society.
Fashion Show, Chester County Day, and
The Chester County Hospital Foundation
attends the Hospital’s Annual Meeting.
thanks all of our dedicated supporters for
giving their time and financial support. Every
Connie has fond memories of events she
gift makes a difference!
has been a part of over the past 48 years.
Particularly, she enjoyed serving on the
story by dina leaman | photo by richard bell
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
The Chester County Hospital and Health System recently cut the ribbon to a
new space – the Maternity Family Lounge – for patients of the Maternity Unit
and their guests. Serving as a visitor’s “great room,” the lounge gives mothers
and their new arrivals space to visit with their guests.
The Chester County Hospital
This expanded area – complete with
received a $25,000 Ronald
comfortable furniture and a rocking chair –
McDonald House Charities
will be especially welcome by patients who
grant during a check presenwant to introduce their new bundle of joy to
tation held at the Hospital on
their guests while also being conscientious
July 27. The grant was made possible through
of other mothers with their newborns. The
the endorsement of Charlie and Helen
Maternity Family Lounge is located across
Ehlers, the owners/operators of several local
from the Nurse’s Station. Because the
McDonald’s franchises. Mr. Ehlers states, “It
Lounge is within the secure Maternity Unit,
was a family friend’s positive experience at
the baby is permitted to join the parents
The Chester County Hospital that prompted
and their guests (The Maternity Family
me to recommend that we
Lounge is not the same space
pursue a Ronald McDonald
as the visitors’ waiting room,
House Charities grant. His
where guests wait outside
young son had suffered a
the Maternity Unit prior to
medical emergency and was
the baby’s arrival). It is availadmitted for a three-day stay.
able to all families on the
We were amazed at both the
Maternity Unit.
staff’s high level of treat The Chester County
ment and their thoughtful
Hospital proudly delivers
approach to caring for the
more than 2,600 babies
child and family. The Hospital
each year. Its aim is to offer
truly respects the family’s healing role in
every family a positive and comfortable
a child’s treatment and does everything
Hospital experience. Through its caring
possible to ensure the family’s comfort.”
physicians, nurses and maternity team as
well as comprehensive childbirth education
The generous grant helped fund the new
programs, the Hospital is committed to
Maternity Family Lounge, which provides
providing parents and their newborns the
a safe, comfortable environment for
kind of care that reflects the importance of
mothers to bond with their newborns and
this life-changing event.
allows space for families to gather for the
welcoming of the new baby.
story by lisa huffman | photos by richard bell
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Ronald McDonald House
Charities Helps The Chester
County Hospital Open a New
Maternity Family Lounge
Pictured Above (front row, from left): Charlie and Helen Ehlers, Owners/Operators of several McDonald’s franchises,
H.L. Perry Pepper, President of The Chester County Hospital, and Ronald McDonald with Ellis Madagan, whose mother
had a baby earlier in the day. Opposite Page (from left): Kevin O’Brien, Senior Vice President of The Chester County
Hospital Foundation, Charlie Ehlers, Ronald McDonald, and H.L. Perry Pepper, President of The Chester County Hospital.
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Cornell University Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Cotter
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Petrella
Mr. Philip E. Bannan
Mr. Rene C. Cottrel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Phillips
Mr. Michael D. Barber
Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Coughey
Mr. and Mrs. Kennard G. Porter, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Barenberg
Mrs. Joan D. Courtless
Mrs. Marianne S. Potts
Ms. Lois H. Barker
Mr. Raymond B. Cromer
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Questell
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Barnett
Mr. Michael Damico
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Randolph
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Barnett, Jr.
Ms. Mary Ann C. D’Amico
Mr. Lawrence D. Reimer, Jr.
Ms. Janet M. Barr
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. D’Angelo
Mrs. Rosemary M. Rooney
Mr. William A. Bauernschmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. D’Angelo
Ms. Anne C. Sangree
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Bauman, Jr.
Ms. Martha L. Davis
Mrs. Ruth Schick
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Baxter
Ms. Virginia F. Dawson
Mrs. Lucy M. Schu
Mr. Ronald L. Beal
Mr. Robert J. Degnan
Mrs. Avora Sciscione
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Becker
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Degnan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Scott, Jr.
Ms. Betsy B. Benner
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen DeLeo
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Smith
Mr. Walter R. Benner
Mr. James S. Denham
Mr. Donald E. Stapleton
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie F. Bennett, Jr.
Mr. William M. Denny, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Subers
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Bente, III
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Desiderio
Mr. and Mrs. H. Fletcher Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Benton
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dettra
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Swayne, III
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Antelo Devereux, Jr.
Dr. C. Lynn Swisher and
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Bessett
Mr. John P. Devido
Mr. Harold C. Swisher
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Biggs
Ms. Elizabeth F. Dispenziere
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace G. Taylor
Mrs. Isabelle D. Blank
Mr. Neal A. Doll
Mrs. Caroline R. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Bock
Mr. Edward W. Donohue
Mrs. Anna B. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. David Bonanni
Mr. and Mrs. F. Michael Donohue
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas P. Trainer
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bond
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dougherty
Mrs. Elizabeth Twaddell
Mr. Leroy W. Bortell
Mrs. Mary W. Dowd
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Van Grofski
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton E. Boyd
Ms. Margaret Dracup
Mrs. Dianne H. Vaughan
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Brandon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dreisbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Warden, IV
Ms. Marilyn I. Branton
Mr. and Mrs. Irénée du Pont, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren O. Weiler, Jr.
Mrs. Mary T. Brauman
Mr. John B. Dunning
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Werner
Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Braunschweig
Emergency Care Specialists, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. R. John West, III
Mr. John J. Brautigam
Mr. Kenneth G. Emerson
Mrs. Harriet A. Whittaker †
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Brinton
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Enoch
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Wientjes
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fairchild
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Wylie, Jr.
Mr. William J. Buller
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Featherman, III
Ms. Joyce A. Yates
Mrs. Martha S. Butts
Ms. Elaine M. Fiore
Mr. Bruce B. Yelton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Calef
Ms. Bonita Fleckenstein
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Young
Ruth Camp Campbell Foundation
Mrs. Virginia G. Ford
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Zajac
Mrs. Dorothy W. Cann
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Foreman
Mr. Karl L. Ziegler
Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Canfield
Ms. Suzanne P. Freney
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Zunino
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Carey
Mr. Salvatore R. Gaglia
Mr. Michael C. Carey
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Geffre, Sr.
A. Duie Pyle, Inc.
Ms. Nancy O. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob C. Geisel, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Carroll
Mrs. Christine A. Giardini
Ms. Frances W. Adams
Richard F. Chalfin, M.D.
Mrs. Charlotte G. Gilpin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Adams
Mr. Ho Chang
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Alden
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Charnock
Dr. and Mrs. Morrie G. Gold
Ms. Marian W. Anderson
Chester County Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Anderson, III
Mr. and Mrs. Leon A. Chetty
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Gothie
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Andersen
Mrs. Irma I. Cimini
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard R. Greenberg
Mrs. June M. Angelini
Mr. and Mrs. Attilio A. Ciorrocco
Mrs. Elsie A. Greenleaf
Anonymous [7]
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Clark, III
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Grenell
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Antonelli
Mrs. Ellen B. Cleveland
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Grey
Mrs. Virginia C. Ashton
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Clompus
Mr. Gregory E. Gross
Dr. and Mrs. Nelson P. Aspen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Close
Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang H. Gunther
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Atlas
Mr. and Mrs. Elson A. Collins, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Haeckler
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Baker, III
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Combs
Mrs. Gwendolyn W. Haines
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Balian
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Conlon
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Haley
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Balmer-Pickerd
Ms. Peggy B. Corley
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hannum, III
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Harrison
Mr. Alfred C. Hayden
Dr. John D. Lemcke
Paul Sevag Motors, Inc.
Ms. Sandra Heaps-Duling
Mr. Richard A. Leonard†
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Peakes
Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm M. Heeb
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leto
Mrs. Elva R. Pepper
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Heidelberger
Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Leyden
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Peppler
Mrs. Ann C. Hemphill
Mr. William J. Linn
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Petko
Ms. Mary E. Hendricks
Mrs. Beverly A. Livingston
Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Plourde
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hesselberth
Mr. Samuel B. Long
Mr. Richard K. Poole
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Himes
Ms. Lena D. Lovisa
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Poole
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn V. Hocker
Mr. James A. Lowe
Ms. Anna M. Popecki
Mrs. Theresa A. Hodson and
Dr. and Mrs. Calvin Lu
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Prokop
Mr. H. Thomas Hodson
Dr. William E. Luginbuhl and
Mrs. Betty G. Pullekines
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Holleran
Dr. Erica Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan T. Pulsifer
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hopkins
Mr. Timothy M. Lutz and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Reed
Mr. G. Arthur Hornberger
Ms. Elizabeth L. Srogi
Reilly & Sons, Inc.
Mrs. Marian D. Hornberger †
Mr. and Mrs. Ian A. MacKinnon
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Hoyt
Ms. Phyllis M. MacLardy
Mr. and Mrs. J. Permar Richards, III
Mrs. Marolyn E. Hughes
Mr. Jerome W. Makowski
Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Rissmiller
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew H. Hulbert
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Ritchey
Mr. and Mrs. Millard H. Jackson, III
Mrs. Mary E. Martin
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Roberts
Mrs. Ruth D. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Rodzvilla, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Jester
Ronald J. Mattson, M.D.
The Roemer Foundation
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Mr. Robert A. May
Mrs. Susan Windle Rogers
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Kane
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McBride
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Ross, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. L. William Kay
Mrs. Mary D. McCloskey
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin W. Rossiter
Ms. Ruth C. Keim
Mr. David D. McCoach
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Royer
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Saccomandi
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McHugh, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Sanchez
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibson McIlvain, III
SAP America, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Meilink, Jr.
Dr. Scott H. Saul and Dr. Marjorie Saul
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Meinig, Jr.
Mr. Forrest R. Schaeffer †
The Men of Chester County Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Scheerer
Mr. and Mrs. Chris P. Menan
Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Schouten
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Merhar
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Schramm
Dr. Nawal G. Metry and Dr. Amir Metry
Ms. Jeanne A. Schwab
Mrs. Jean H. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Scimone
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Jan S. Selfe
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Mohr
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Shane
Miss Nancy V. Moore
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Moran, Jr.
Mr. Richard F. Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Tong C. Shin
Mrs. Helen M. Morrow
Ms. Shirley M. Shoffner
Laura M. Moses Fund at
Mrs. Charles W. Shreiner, Jr.
The Philadelphia Foundation
Mr. Leslie M. Simmler
Mr. Roy I. Mosicant
Mr. Cheston Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. C. David Murtagh
Dr. Andrew D. Sitkoff and
Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Musser
Dr. Christina E. Ellis
Dr. and Mrs. William T. Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Myatt
Mr. James J. Smith
Richard B. Kent, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Nagel
Mr. and Mrs. Naaman W. Smoker
Kent-Lucas Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Snyder
Mrs. Virginia O. Kettenring
Mr. and Mrs. Victor L. Nicoladse, III
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander T. Soutos
Mr. Ray M. Kipp
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Novielli
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Spellman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Kitchen
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Nowlin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Spencer
Mrs. Marjorie C. Knox
Mrs. Roberta A. Odell
Mrs. Ruth S. Stanley
Dr. and Mrs. Walter E. Kottmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Olshefski
The Honorable and
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kronenberg
Mrs. Laverna O’Melia
Mrs. Walter K. Stapleton
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Latta
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Parsons, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Lawman
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pastrick
Dr. and Mrs. David P. Stocker
Ms. Rebecca A. Layfield
Mr. Eugene F. Patterson
Point of Pride
Press Ganey Associates has
named Professional Providers,
Inc., a physician practice
management subsidiary of
The Chester County Hospital, a
2009 Summit Award Winner.
The Press Ganey Summit
Award is the healthcare
satisfaction industry’s most
coveted symbol of achievement
bestowed annually, and
Professional Providers is just
one of the nation’s four medical
practice groups to receive this
prestigious honor in 2009.
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Mrs. Dorothy Y. Stocker
The Vanguard Group Foundation
Dr. Ronald J. Werrin and
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Strand
Mrs. Eva L. Verplanck
Dr. Marguerite W. Werrin
Ms. Marilyn K. Strong
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas R. Vita, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Werwinski, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis F. Swayne
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Vito
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Westerfield
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Sylvester
Ms. Judith A. Volk
Mrs. Cathie N. Whitlock
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Tait, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert von der Luft
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Wick, Jr.
Mrs. Eleanor T. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wagner
Mr. William T. Wickersham
Mrs. Elinor Z. Taylor †
Ms. Inger Wallin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wildgen
Mr. Thomas G. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Walsh
Mrs. Dorothy E. Willard
Mr. and Mrs. Rodolfo Theis
Ms. Laura H. Waltz
Mrs. Jane H. Wylie
Mrs. Shirley L. Thomas
Ms. Carol Elizabeth Ware
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Yerkes, Jr.
Mrs. Anne F. Thorington
Mr. Ralph B. Watson, Jr.
Mr. Carlos M. Yuste
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Tompkin
Ms. Eileen H. Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond J. Zakrzewski
Ms. Joan M. Travers
Ms. Barbara F. Weichert
Mr. Stanley V. Zebrowski
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund C. Trethewey
Mr. and Mrs. Russell R. Wells
Mrs. C. B. Zimmerman
Mr. Conrad N. Trumbore
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wenrich, Jr.
Mr. Charles H. Zimmerman and
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Tschoepe
Mr. Carl F. Werley
Dr. Michele Tedeschi-Zimmerman
United Way of Chester County
Mr. Peter N. Werner
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Zonetti
In honor of the Hospital’s founding year, the 1892 Society
recognizes friends who have provided for future generations
of patients. These 1892 Society members have made gift
commitments through bequests, life income gift arrangements,
or other planned gift options. If you have made such a gift, but
are not listed, or if you are interested in joining the 1892 Society,
please contact the Foundation Office at 610.431.5366.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Nelson
Miss Jean M. Oakes
Ob/Gyn Associates of
Downingtown & West Chester
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Orr
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Perry Pepper
Mr. and Mrs. R. Marshall Phillips
Ms. Kimberly L. Pierce
Miss Constance M. Plunkett
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Poole
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Questell
Mr. Lawrence D. Reimer, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Abbott
Dr. and Mrs. Barry C. Hertz
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Robinson
Mary B. Allan, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Hewson
Dr. and Mrs. Marc Romisher
Mrs. Margaret P. Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Maury Hoberman
Ms. Karen L. Rothenbuhler
Mrs. Susan D. Armstrong
Ms. Doris A. Hoffman
Mrs. Anne E. Scarlett
Mr. William C. Baldwin
Mrs. Helen B. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Deacon Shorr
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Beam
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Holleran
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Slack
Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Beaugard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Horne
Dr. and Mrs. L. Peter Soraruf, IV
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Benner, IV
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Hoyt
The Honorable and
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Berman
Dr. Robert H. Huxster and
Mrs. Walter K. Stapleton
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bernberg
Dr. Barbara Forney
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Stonestrom
Dr. Timothy J. Boyek and Dr. Leslie H. Poor
Internal Medicine of West Chester
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Strode, Jr.
Mrs. Mary T. Brauman
Mr. Philip D. Jamison
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Stull
Mrs. Mary B. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge R. Johnson, II
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Swett
Ms. Nancy O. Carr
Ms. Mary Ellen Josephs
Mrs. Anna B. Thompson
Chester County Ob/Gyn Associates
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Knauer
Mrs. Mabel L. Thompson
Chester County Surgical Associates
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Komar
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas P. Trainer
Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Clark
Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Korbonits
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Traines
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cornwell
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas L. Krapf
Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Vaganos
Mrs. Nancy R. Corson
Madeline H. Lamb, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Viscuso
Mr. and Mrs. Antelo Devereux, Jr.
Debra G. Loeb, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wallis
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dukes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Mason
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. A. Ward
Mr. Kenneth G. Emerson
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Mauriello
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Warden, III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Fanelli
Dr. and Mrs. Lee J. McFadden
Ms. Nancy E. Wilkinson
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Foxx
Miss Nancy V. Moore
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Wolf
Mrs. Nancy Gallagher
Mrs. Dorothy W. Mullestein
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wood, II
Corazon G. Gemil, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Musser
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Wylie, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Halsted
Mrs. Margaret R. Nagy
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
A Lifetime
to the Hospital
Nancy Robinson
for many years and served on the Women’s
If you see Nancy Robinson and her friend
Auxiliary Board for ten years, including a
Georgine Enoch walking up your driveway,
two-year term as President. The dedicated
don’t be nervous – all they want is to ask
Auxilians, whose membership numbers over
you to open your home for the oldest house
400, organize many fundraisers throughout
tour in America. Despite that daunting
the year and annually contribute over a
proposition, few say no after warming up
half million dollars to The Chester County
to the charms of these ladies. For the past
Hospital Foundation. It is a group that Nancy
ten years, Nancy and Georgine have been
is proud to be a member of, saying, “It has
responsible for recruiting homeowners for
always been a pleasant and
Chester County Day, a task
positive experience. It makes
that Nancy has enjoyed, but
me feel good to be a part of
is ready to pass along to the
the Hospital family.”
next generation of ladies
after this year. Thankfully,
Last fall, Nancy and her
Nancy will continue to be an
husband, Ted, decided to help
advisor to the new members
the Hospital in a new way.
of the House Committee and
After reading an article about
the knowledge gained from
charitable gift annuities in a
her years of experience will
newsletter published by the
be passed along.
Hospital’s Foundation, Ted
a gift annuity with the
Nancy’s connection with The Chester
particularly touched
County Hospital goes far beyond her involveit was Ted’s idea. “He has always been so
ment with Chester County Day. She volunsupportive of my work at the Hospital, I was
teered in the Hospital snack shop as a young
so pleased he wanted to do this,” says Nancy.
lady and her two children and three grandchildren were all born here. “The Chester
Now that her time in a leadership role with
County Hospital is a very important part of
Chester County Day is nearing an end, Nancy
our community, and we are fortunate to have
is going to enjoy some well-deserved free
such a wonderful facility,” Nancy says. Her
time before deciding on her next Women’s
care and affection for the Hospital imbue
Auxiliary project. Although, with her many
her volunteerism with a spirit and energy
other interests, Nancy laughs at the idea,
that inspires those who know her. She has
“Free time – what is that?”
been a member of the Women’s Auxiliary
story by matthew schwab | photo by richard bell
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Many donors choose to remember a loved one or to honor a
family member, friend, physician, nurse or care giver by making a
donation to The Chester County Hospital Foundation. Listed here
are the names of those remembered and honored.
Mr. William B. Haines, Jr.
Mr. John Hall
Mr. Michael J. Halpin
Mr. Thomas L. Halpin
Mr. Milton Hamilt
Mr. Robert E. Hampton
Mrs. Joyce E. Hardy
Mr. William J. Harrington
Mr. Edwin Y. Hartzell
Mr. James R. Cortright
Mrs. Janet C. Hartzell
Mr. Charles E. Anderson
Mrs. Patricia Cottrel
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Haskins
Mr. Anthony L. Angelini
Mrs. Barbara L. Coyle
Mrs. Grace E. Haws
Ms. Denise M. Armstrong
Mr. Wilmer W. Craven
Mr. Michael Hazzard
Mr. Richard M. Armstrong, Jr.
Mrs. Shelley A. Cromer
Mrs. Helen Hickman
Mr. David W. Bachtle
Mrs. Shirley B. Crowthers
Mrs. Nancy M. Hill
Mr. Edward Baldock
Mr. George Dascher
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hilton, Sr.
Mrs. Carole P. Banfield
Mr. Joseph Davies
Mr. Walter Hoban, Jr.
Mr. James A. Barbara
Mr. and Mrs. Sam De Lia
Mrs. Sarah Hoffman
Mrs. Barbara O. Barber
Mr. David M. Deal
Mrs. Patricia A. Homer
Mr. Alfred J. Barnardo
Ms. Marie A. Dean
Mrs. Marian D. Hornberger
Mr. John L. Barnes
Mrs. Suzanne DeGeiso
Mr. John W. Hottinger
Mrs. Eileen Barrett
Mr. Joseph DellaVecchia, Jr.
Mrs. Edith N. Howes
Mr. John Batchelor
William M. Dellevigne, M.D.
Mrs. Nancy T. Hurst
Ms. Megan B. Bates
Mr. Adolph N. DeMarco
Mrs. Kathryn H. Iliff
Mr. Brenden Beaumont
Ms. Joanne DeMichiel
Mrs. Jung S. Ives
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bennett, Sr.
Ms. Mary Deveise
Ms. Edith Jackson
Master Charles H. Benton
Mr. William DiCanzio
Mrs. Betty Johns
Mr. Alfred J. Bernardo
Ms. Victoria DiMarino
Mr. James H. Johnson
Mrs. Mary E. Berry
Ms. Ellen Dippel
Ms. Marian Jordan
Mr. Arthur L. Beswick, Jr.
Ms. Betty G. Donohue
Mr. Chick Kawalski
Mr. Domenico N. Bibbo
Mr. and Mrs. Karl R. Dorries, Jr.
Mrs. Dora Kazin
Ms. Debby Biddle
Mr. J. Doto
Mr. Denis Keenan
Mrs. Audrey Bieber
Mrs. Dorothy Y. Dougherty
Mrs. Mary Elenor Keller
Ms. Mary Blankley
Mr. James N. Downham
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Kent
Mr. Nathaniel C. Boerlin
Mr. Jack Doyle
Ms. Elisabeth S. Kiefer
Mr. Stanley W. Bolton
Mrs. Catherine T. Dunn
Mrs. Sylvia I. Kipp
Mr. Lawrence J. Boyd
Mr. George F. Dunn
Lena and Guy Knauer
Mrs. Thelma J. Boyle
Mr. William L. Engan
Ms. Emily G. Koenig
Mr. James F. Bradley
Mrs. Doris Q. Eufrasio
Mrs. Barbara Kolloff
Mr. J. Edwin Bridge
Mrs. Lillian Falgie
Mr. Stephen F. Komarek
Mrs. Beverly S. Brown
Frank Fanfera, M.D.
Ms. Josephine P. Kubik
Ms. Jennifer Brown
Ms. Virginia Ferry
Ms. Susanne Kunz
Mr. Paul W. Brown, Jr.
Mr. James J. Finegan
Ms. Mary Katherine Ladany
Mr. Thomas E. Brown
Mr. John Fiore
Mrs. Hannah D. Lamb
Ms. Juanita Bustonera
Mr. Camillo L. Fosco
Mr. Thomas W. Lawn
Mr. William Butler, IV
Mr. Vincent J. Freschi
Ms. Joanie Leith
Mr. Thomas C. Butts, Sr.
Ms. Edith Gaffney
Mr. Larry Lem
Mrs. Cabaddu
Mr. Victor Giardini
Ms. Susan Levash
Mrs. Patricia Callaghan
Mr. William C. Gill
Mr. James E. Lewis
Mr. Frank Campanella
Mr. Frank J. Giunta, Sr.
Mrs. G. Elizabeth H. Liburdi
Mr. Natale A. Caputo
Mr. Pietro N. Giunta
Mrs. Betty Lichty
Ms. Marie Carroll
Ms. Beatrice A. Glasco
Mrs. Beverly Linn
Mr. Brian P. Cassidy
Ms. Catherine Glunz
Mr. William Little
Mrs. Helena H. Chaffee
Mr. Howard A. Good
Mr. Allan S. Livingston
Ms. Marion Cicchino
Mr. Robert C. Gose
Mrs. Ida K. Lofting
Mrs. Jeanne L. Coer
Mr. Benjamin Gould
Mrs. Margaret H. Lowe
Mr. Richard J. Conner
Mr. Harlan L. Graham
Mrs. Nancy H. Lundberg
Mr. Dennis Cooney
Mr. Lewis Grant
Mr. Randolph S. Lyon, Jr.
G. G. Cornell
Mrs. Florence Grasberger
Mr. James E. Lyons
Ms. Elvira Cortellessa
Mr. Felix Groblewski
Mrs. Dolores T. Makowski
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Ms. Helen Malcolm
Mrs. Genevieve H. Malikowski
Mr. Joseph M. Mandes, Sr.
Mr. William Secrist
Mr. Lewes A. Mason
Mrs. Gayatri Sharma
Mr. Charles Adair
Mr. Anthony L. Mattioni
Mr. Chuck Shearer
Mr. Carl E. Adkins, Jr.
Mrs. Ada P. Mattoscio
Ms. Inez M. Sheehan
Grace, Lily and Katherine Adkins
Ms. Lois Mayer
Mr. Ronald B. Shores
Donald H. Andersen, M.D.
Mr. Ronald A. Mayo, Sr.
Mr. Charles W. Shreiner, Jr.
Douglas L. Atlas, M.D.
Miss Margaret K. McCarrie
Mrs. Jacqueline Sisson
Ms. Anabelle Rose Baer
Mrs. Laura C. McClure
Mr. Frank A. Smith
Ms. Susanne Bechhold
Ms. Eleanor F. McCool
Mr. Jeffrey T. Smith
Dennis A. Berman, M.D.
Ms. Betty G. McKee
Mr. Gavin B. Speirs
Cameron and Ian Bershas
Mr. Albert J. McNeill
Dr. Francis X. Splane
Mr. Luke Britton
Ms. Kim E. McNeill
Mr. William F. Steele, Jr.
Ms. Cynthia Brown
Mrs. Jacquelyn J. Meadows
Mrs. Iris B. Stergin
Mr. Joseph Castello
Mrs. Elizabeth Melchior
Mr. Philip Stocker, Jr.
Ms. Jean Caulfield
Ms. Carrie M. Mendenhall
Mrs. Jane K. Stout
The Chester County Hospital
Ms. M. Elizabeth Meyer
Kyle, Rodger and Ed Strawbridge
Cardiac Staff
Ms. Helen E. Miller
Mr. David W. Sweatman
The Chester County Hospital
Mr. Keith Miller
Mr. William Taylor
CardioVascular Center
Ms. Louise H. Miller
Mr. John Telthorster
The Chester County Hospital
Mrs. Mardette K. Miller
Terragrossa Family
Medical Staff
Mr. Norman K. Miller
Mr. Longin Tetzlaff
The Chester County Hospital
Mr. Samuel Mobile
Mr. John R. Theis
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Mr. Willis M. Mohn
Senator Robert J. Thompson
The Chester County Hospital Nurses
Mr. Michael F. Moore
Mrs. Esther Toensmeier
The Chester County Hospital School
Mrs. Helen Morgan
Mr. Thomas B. Toth
of Nursing Class of 1969
Dr. Muhlenberg
Mr. David W. Trate
Stephanie L. Ciccarelli, M.D.
Ms. Judith Murphy
Sister Mary Imelda Travis
Ms. April Clancy
Ms. Sally P. Murphy
Ms. Emily Tuel
Angela Coladonato and the Nursing
Ms. Joanne Nelson
Mrs. Mary Ellen Tyson
Staff of The Chester County Hospital
Mr. James R. O’Brien, Sr.
Ms. Kassie Hagan DiGiorgio Vannoy
Gary Cooperstein, D.O.
Ms. Theresa Pacana
Mr. William C. Vansant
Ms. Nuala Coyle
Mr. James C. Pellini
Mr. Norman V. Vetter, Sr.
Ms. Virginia Decker
Mr. Ward Peterson
Mrs. Mary Ann Vosburg
Verdi J. DiSesa, M.D.
Ms. Carole Pilotti
Mr. Francis L. Vroman
Ms. Mary Douglass
Mr. Robert Pinto
Mr. Raymond A. Waldron, Jr.
Ms. Frances E. Doyle
Mr. Hanns F. Pohl
Mr. Charles W. Waltz, Jr.
Mrs. Maria Filopoulos
Kennard G. and Francis H. Porter
Mr. Herbert L. Waltz
Grandt and Grayson Gerlach
Mr. John F. Pryor
Mrs. Paula Watson
Mrs. Waltina Giannantonio
Mrs. Dipti Purkayastha
Mr. Joseph Weber
Mr. Daniel Gold
Mrs. Lucy Rabin
Mrs. Suzanne W. Weidemann
Morrie G. Gold, M.D.
Mr. Giacomo Regalmuto
Ms. Nancie J. Weikel
Bernard R. Greenberg, M.D.
Mrs. Peggy Reimer
Mrs. Carol B. Weller
Mary Lisa Gunning, M.D. and Staff
Mr. Russell E. Reis
Ms. Lenee A. Weller
Reem Habboushe, M.D.
Mr. J. Lewis Reynolds
Mr. Russell Weller
Mr. Emmanuel Hernandez
Mr. Robert D. Rimel
Mrs. Marcia C. Wells
Maureen Hewitt, M.D.
Dr. Stanley Riukas
Mrs. Kerrin D. Wertz
Ms. Cynthia Jacobs
James and Velma Roberge
Mr. David N. Whittaker
Mian A. Jan, M.D.
Mr. Peter M. Sarles
Mrs. Jeanette B. Wickersham
Cheryl A. Johnson, M.D.
Mr. Richard Sarr
Ms. Stephanie Wicks
Mrs. Kim Killgore
Mr. Karl H. Schaub
Mr. George D. Willenbrock
Ms. Mildred Klinger
Mr. Emil Scherr
Mr. Kenneth A. Williams
Shanti Krishnan, M.D.
Mrs. Marianne G. Schindler
Ms. Clara L. Wise
Mr. Davis R. Lang
Mr. Stanley Schneiderman
Mr. W. Kent Wood
Ms. Marge Lang
Ms. Sandra M. Schouten
Ms. Lily Woolfrey
Martin LeBoutillier, III, M.D.
Mr. George J. Schu
Mrs. Lillie Mae Worthington
Joseph G. Lewis, M.D.
Ms. Ann Schwartz
Mr. William W. Wylie, Sr.
Ms. Gail E. Livingston
Ms. Marjorie Schwartz
Mr. Michael Zazo
Mr. Donald G. Lundberg
Mrs. Frances I. Scott
Mrs. Mary G. Ziegler
Martin Babies
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Shafer Family
Akanksh and Anika Sharma
Mr. H. L. Perry Pepper
L. Peter Soraruf, IV, M.D.
Ms. Cheryl Massey
Ms. Karen Perkins
David Street, M.D
Mrs. Deborah McAllister
Ms. Susan M. Pizzi
Ms. Marilyn K. Strong
Ms. Karsen D. McCarrie
Mr. Steve Puy, Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth Sweet
Christine Meyer, M.D.
Linda and Michael Reino
Mr. Roy Sweet
Mrs. Arline Miller
Ms. Danielle Riechenbacher
Michele Tedeschi-Zimmerman, M.D.
Mr. David H. Miller
John H. Roberts, M.D.
Christopher Ware, M.D.
Miss Jean M. Oakes
Gabriel Ruggiero, D.O.
W. Clay Warnick, M.D.
Matthew E. Ochs, M.D.
Mr. Robert P. Ryan
Kenneth A. Witterholt, M.D
Ms. January Pasquantonio
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schofield
Karl A. Zimmerman, M.D.
Richard M. Armstrong, Jr.
Mr. Armstrong was elected to The Chester County Hospital Board
of Directors in 1978 and became Chairman of the Board in 1985 – a
position he held for 21 years. During that time, Mr. Armstrong was
instrumental in guiding the Hospital through a difficult healthcare
environment, innovative clinical affiliations and campus expansions
while remaining tenaciously committed to the charitable,
community-based mission of the institution. Shown here are those
who made a gift in his memory in fiscal year 2010.
Mrs. Muriel C. Andress
Employees of Armstrong
Mr. Ray Ott, Jr. and The Honorable
Mr. and Mrs. A. Joseph Armstrong
Engineering Associates, Inc.
Paula Francisco Ott
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Ashford, III
Corazon G. Gemil, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Cathers
Mrs. Anita L. Gordon Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Rettew
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ciccarone
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Hannum
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Shouvlin
Mr. and Mrs. Peter O. Clauss
Dr. and Mrs. Maury Hoberman
Ms. Mary Batten Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cornwell
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Holleran
Mrs. Rosemary Waldron Tucker
Ms. Andrea L. Devoti
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johann
Mr. and Mrs. Win P. Van
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Donze
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Klaebel
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. George Krall
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wood, II
Opportunities for volunteering at the Hospital range from active positions, such as transporting
patients in wheelchairs, to less physically demanding jobs including staffing the information desk
or Gift Shop. The following adult volunteers achieved milestone hours during fiscal year 2010.
7,000 HOURS
2,000 HOURS
1,000 HOURS
Mrs. Joan Dubeck
Mr. Harry Barr
Mr. William Butler
Mr. William Atzrott
5,000 HOURS
Mr. Alan Clark
Mr. John DiBiase
Mr. Martin Brittingham
Mr. George Pastino
Ms. Janet Crosson
Mrs. Patricia Durr
Mr. Thomas Chambers
4,000 HOURS
Mrs. Virginia Dalton
Ms. Amanda Feld
Mr. Thomas Edwards
Mr. Paul Dukes
Mr. John Deane
Mrs. Marge Frank
Ms. Jessie Gincley
Mr. Arnold Gorneau
Mrs. Iona Farkas
Mrs. Rosemary Hurley
Mr. William Grace
Mrs. Diane Zimmerman
Mrs. Martha Jean Franz
Mrs. Claire Kennedy
Mrs. Joan Hennelly
3,000 HOURS
Mrs. Marge Gotshall
Mrs. Dorothy Koehler
Mrs. Linda Kutta
Mr. Frederick Costello
Mrs. Muriel Merwarth
Mr. William Neidig
Mr. Joseph Mitchell
Mrs. Lyn Weaver
Mrs. Mary Pratt
Mrs. Jackie Shaeffer
Mrs. Elizabeth Nebel
Mrs. Marion Rieker
Mr. Robert Yewdell
Mrs. Paulette Schaumann
Mr. James Weeks
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
The Women’s Auxiliary
Sell Their Way to
Record Numbers
the $1,000,000 mark in contributions to
The Women’s Auxiliary Gift Shop, WAGS,
the Hospital since 2005. The Encore Shop
proudly opened a new store in the Fern Hill
is an upscale consignment destination
Medical Campus. Located across from the
that specializes in clothing,
Fern Hill Café, the Gift Shop
jewelry, antiques and glassfeatures a wide selection of
ware. The Auxiliary holds
jewelry, accessories, greeting
high standards for the type
cards, fresh flowers and much
and gently-used nature of
more. The shop makes going to
the items it accepts for resale.
the doctor’s office a little more
With consignments accepted
fun and sales from the Gift
three days each week, the
Shops raised $120,000 for the
merchandise in the store
Hospital in Fiscal Year 2010.
turns over quickly so there
Bravo, Encore Shop…
SINCE 2005.
are always new treasures to
Bravo! The Encore Shop,
discover. The Encore Shop is
a project of the Kennett
located on Route 1 North in Kennett Square.
Branch of The Women’s Auxiliary, reached
an important milestone this year by passing
story by thomas gavin | photo by lisa huffman
45,750 HOURS
The VolunTEEN program, for those ages 14 to 18 years old, takes place
on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Teens perform a variety of tasks
throughout the Hospital, including making beds, filling water pitchers,
running errands, delivering flowers, and escorting patients. The
following teens achieved hourly milestones during fiscal year 2010.
David Kurey
Emily Simmons
Lauren Dale
Hope Linton
Erin Densmore
Chetan Ashta
Eleanor Linton
Carolyn Steiner
Annalyn Gottdank Claire Czarnecki
Julie Dieffenbach
Emily Moore
Alexis Patrick
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Chester County Day
On October 2, 2010, Chester County Day
On the first Chester County Day, known then
celebrated its 70th Anniversary. Always the first
as West Chester Day, several hundred women
Saturday in October, “The Day” is an autumn
in skirts, hats and white gloves hosted visitors
tradition in Chester County and the nation’s
to 22 homes. Today, it still takes hundreds of
oldest house tour. But, it is also an important
volunteers and an entire year of planning to
fundraiser for The Chester
produce “The Day” with interCounty Hospital. The 69th
esting and varied homes and
Annual Chester County Day
historic sites, preview lectures,
(October 2009) raised over
a comprehensive map, refreshRAISED OVER
$117,000 in support of the
ments and The Chester County
Hospital. In total, events raised
Day Newspaper to explain it
more than $525,000 in fiscal
all. It is all of those volunteers,
year 2010.
with their donation of time and
their unique talents that keeps
Over time, all of the Hospital’s
“The Day,” and all of our events,
events – The Dilworthtown Inn
alive. A special thanks to the
Wine Festival, SHiNE, Beef, Beer
volunteers, sponsors and guests who support
n’ Boogie, The Events of the May Festival, the
the Hospital through our special events. And,
FORE Health Invitational Golf Tournament with
congratulations to the Chester County Day
Sean O’Hair, and the Polo Cup – have become
Committee and the Women’s Auxiliary to The
traditions in their own rite and, like the Hospital
Chester County Hospital for 70 wonderful Days
itself, have become an integral part of Chester
that celebrate Chester County and its Hospital.
County Living. The secret to their longevity is
the volunteers who organize them.
story by thomas gavin | photo by lisa huffman
An Event of the Women’s Auxiliary to The Chester County Hospital
Organized by The Chester County Day Committee
Chairperson: Harriet Whittaker †
County Lines Magazine
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brosius
Makemie Ridge
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Ireland
Stillman Volvo
Mr. and Mrs. Collin F. McNeil
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Olliff
Freedom Village
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hannum, Jr.
Penn Liberty Bank
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Blauner
Spring Creek Design
Prudential, Fox & Roach
Mr. and Mrs. James Colleran
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
An Event of the Women’s Auxiliary to The Chester County Hospital
Parkway Center
Organized by The Brandywine and Greystone Auxiliaries
Stillman Volvo
Hosted by Dilworthtown Inn, Inn Keeper’s Kitchen and Blue Pear Bistro
(Jim Barnes and Bob Rafetto, Proprietors)
Carlino’s Specialty Foods
MacElree Harvey, Ltd.
Reino’s Design Print Mail
Chaddsford Winery
Paradocx Vineyard
Steger, Gowie & Co., Inc.
Delco’s Original Steaks & Hoagies
Parkway Center
Dendor Wine Management
Penn Oaks Country Club
Mr. Richard H. Berry
Diageo North America
Penns Wood Winery
National Penn Bank
Dilworthtown Community Church
Pete’s Produce Farm
Verve Marketing & Design
Duffer’s Pub
Pizza Peddler
Elegant Stems; Karen Flickinger
Reynolds Family
NBC 10 and Bill Henley
Folio Fine Wine Partners
Shiffrin Selections
Gadaleto’s Seafood Market
Southern Wine & Spirits
All Donors to the Silent Auction
Herr Foods, Inc.
TGIC Importers, Inc.
Allied Waste Service
Hooters of Concordville
The UPS Store at Parkway Center;
Attilio Esposito, Inc.
Mr. Vito J. Jacopo, Jr.
Todd Ciccarone
Blackbird Bakery
Lamont Coffee & Tea Company
U.S. Foodservice
Brandywine Hardware & Farm Center
Majestic Wines
Vintage Imports
Capital Wine & Spirits
Wm. P. McGovern, Inc.
R.J. Waters & Associates, Inc.
Capital Wine & Spirits / PIO Wines, Inc.
Montesano Brothers Italian
Carlino’s Specialty Foods
Market & Catering
The Wine Merchant
An Annual Benefit in Support of The Cancer Program of
The 2009 SHINE Committee
photo by rick zeising
The Chester County Hospital
Co-Chairs: Christine Bendinelli and Julie Weidinger
Unlimited Technology Systems
Mr. Dean D. Young, Jr.
Communications Test Design, Inc.
Genentech, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Aldridge
Endo Pharmaceuticals
Mr. and Mrs. Russ Anderman
Dave’s Automotive Repair Enterprises
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Archer
Calista Grand Salon & Spa
Mr. Michael DeMatteis
Mr. Leslie L. Bear and
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dulin, Jr.
Mrs. Joanne Peskoff Bear
Genesis Rehabilitation Services
Mrs. Gretchen Bowker
AstraZeneca - Oncological Division
ImClone Systems
Ms. Nancy O. Carr
Chester County Dentistry for Children
The Malvern School
Dr. and Mrs. Edward P. Carter
Chester County Hematology
McCool Properties, LLC
Ms. Jean Caulfield
Oncology Services
Mercedes-Benz of West Chester
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Challis
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. DiValerio
Otto’s BMW of West Chester
Mr. and Mrs. John Colburn
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William Stephenson
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Comerford
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Connors
Mr. and Mrs. G. Joseph Bendinelli, Jr.
Allos Therapeutics, Inc.
Mrs. Nancy R. Corson
Gawthrop Greenwood
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Cost
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Davenport
Ms. Maureen J. Hewitt;
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Drummond
Ms. Suzanne P. duPont
ReMax Town & Country
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Fenza
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Ehlers
Infusioncare of Chester County,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Horne
Mr. Edward T. Gleason and
A Bioscrip Company
Dr. Raza Khwaja and Dr. Pamela P. Scott
Dr. Marie M. Gleason
Integral Nuclear Associates, LLC
Lamb McErlane, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Hess
J. Crew
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Holleran
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert J. Magers
Stonebridge Bank;
Dr. Mehdi Jadali and Dr. Bahareh Assadi
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Parsons, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spada
Dr. Mian A. Jan and Dr. Ambereen M. Jan
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
JR Worldwide
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kaplan,
Dr. and Mrs. Basil S. Jawad
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Sciscione
Kaplan’s Fine Jewelry
Mr. Howard B. Katz and
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Shoudy
Kati Mac Floral Designs
Ms. Yvonne C. D’Antonio
Mr. and Mrs. James Wankmiller
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Welch
Ms. Shawn Killinger, QVC host
Mr. Gregory S. Kurey and
West Chester Tire & Service
Ms. Missy King, Pastry Chef
Dr. Pamela H. Kurey
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Winnick
Madeline H. Lamb, Esq.
Ms. Kelli Kouri, Europa Designs, Dallas
Mr. and Mrs. Jay McManus
Dr. Robb Akridge, Clarisonic
Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Leach
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Melso
Ms. Christine Alt-Parry
Mr. and Mrs. C. David Murtagh
Apple Press, Laurie Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mann,
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. G. Joseph Bendinelli, Jr.
Taylor Rental, Media
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Quinlisk
Mrs. Gretchen Bowker
Matlack Florist
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Reilly, Jr.
Brandywine Coach Works
Ms. Tara McConnell, Temp-tations
Mr. John D. Schmidt and
Calista Grand Salon & Spa
Ms. Maria McCool
Ms. Mary Alice Burns
Carlino’s Specialty Foods
Mr. and Mrs. Jay McManus
Dr. and Mrs. Waleed Shalaby
Carol Lee Interiors, Inc.
Kathryn McMullin, KT Designs
Mr. Frederick P. Slack
Chester County Travel
Ms. Stephanie Moore, Domtar, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Barry R. Smoger
Ms. Cherie Christmas
Nota Bene Boutique
Dr. and Mrs. Fredric Squires
Comcast Spectacor
Mr. Jim O’Hara
Surgical Specialists, P.C.
Communications Test Design, Inc.
Mr. Brian Parsons
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Weidinger
Conlin’s Digital Print & Copy Center
Philadelphia Flyers
Mr. Christopher Curtin, Eclat Chocolate
Premier Smiles
Ms. Patricia M. Quarcetti, CaBl
Mrs. Desiree Cantwell
Mr. Michael DeMatteis
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Quinlisk
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. DeLong, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. DiValerio
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Reilly, Jr.
Mrs. Maryann DeSimone
Mr. Casey Duffy
Restaurant Associates at
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Gardiner
Winterthur Museum
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kerntke
Karen Flickinger, Elegant Stems
Ms. Joan Rivers
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Mattison
Giant Food, Frazer
The Sensational Soul Cruisers
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McGovern
The Greenery
Sharp Electronics Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Ochsner
Green Eyed Lady
SHINE Committee
The Honorable and
Jamie S. Grossman, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Stroud
Mrs. Donald F. Parsons, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hayes
Mr. John Turner, Biggs Auctioneer
Sister Judith Parsons
Holland America Line
Mr. Michael Walsh
Mr. H. L. Perry Pepper
Ms. Albany Irvin, QVC host
Mrs. Juliana D. Weidinger
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Samson
Joanne Fabrics
Winterthur Museum & Country Estate
Chef Anthony Young, Epicurean Delight
Mr. and Mrs. John Rothwell, Jr.
An Event of the Women’s Auxiliary to The Chester County Hospital
Organized by the Greystone Auxiliary
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Dolphin
Mr. and Mrs. William M. McSwain
Ms. Sue M. Puffer
Main Line Fertility
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Robinson
R. Bruce Catando, O.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Scobell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Severino
Michael P. Fetrow, CFP,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sung
Mr. Kevin Windstein
Janney Montgomery Scott LLC
Tuttle Marketing Services
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Marinelli
All Donors to Silent Auction
Jeffrey Melini, DMD, Chester County
Patricia C. Brennan, Key Financial
Beermill of West Chester
Dentistry for Children
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Lawrence
Susan Chaffee, FlamDango Invitations
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nakajima
Exton Beverage Company
Judy Stocum, Weichert Realtors
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Amarant
McKenzie Brew House
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Boate
Pepperidge Farm
Mr. and Mrs. John Colaprete
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Hess
Eagles Home Association
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander MacLachlan
Mary Harris, President, Women’s Auxiliary
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Finnegan
Mr. Richard W. March, CPA
Casey Fisher and Staff of
John J. Orris, D.O., MBA,
Kathleen L. Penney Interiors, Inc.
West Chester Golf and Country Club
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
An Event of the 27th Annual May Festival
Presented by Parkway
Parkway Cleaners - Plaza - Center - Omega Industries
- J & N Management - UPS Store at Parkway Center
Dash Committee Chairs: Nancy and Peter Shoudy
John F. Wehler Health-Happiness-Success Award 2010 Honoree:
Katie Walker, President, Greater West Chester Chamber of Commerce
Healthy Humans, LLC
Bryn Mawr Trust Company
Arthur Hall Insurance
Landmark Americana Tap & Grill
First National Bank of Chester County
Mitch’s Market Street Gym
Morrissey Family Foundation
Penn Medicine
Precision Print Communications
Novo Nordisk, Inc.
WC Dish
Ability Prosthetics & Orthotics, Inc.
Abbott Diabetes Care
Barclay Friends
Chester County Justice Center
Abbott Laboratories
Family Practice Associates of
The Chester County Running Store
Animas Corporation
Exton and Marshallton
West Chester Borough of Police
Chester County Eye Care Associates
The Huberty Family
West Chester Sheriff’s Department
Chester County OB/GYN Associates
David J. Montgomery, D.D.S.
Francis Automotive Services
Manos Family Practice
Doc Magrogan’s Oyster House
Fulton Bank
Mrs. Harriet A. Whittaker †
Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant
Gateway Medical Associates
Wusinich, Brogan & Stanzione
Italian Social Club
Infusioncare of Chester County,
Kildare’s Irish Pub
A Bioscrip Company
Bank of America
Landmark Americana Tap & Grill
Landmark Americana Tap & Grill
Mas Mexicali Cantina
Lifescan, Inc.
Chester County Otolaryngology
& Allergy Associates
Pietro’s Prime Steakhouse & Seafood
Merrill Lynch Wealth Management
Chester County Running Store
Side Bar & Restaurant
Sanofi-Aventis US Inc.
Conlin’s Digital Print & Copy Center
Bove Jewelers
Aloysius Butler & Clark
An Event of the 27th Annual May Festival
Arrell & Snow Electrical Construction, Inc.
Presented by Communications Test Design, Inc.
Chester County Cardiology Associates
Organized by the Gala Committee
Crothall Healthcare, Inc.
Co-Chairs: Karen Flickinger and Dale Frankel
First National Bank of Chester County
Founders Award Recipients: Joan and Peter Orr and Donald Scholl
First Priority Bank
Infusioncare of Chester County,
A Bioscrip Company
Thomas Chevrolet
Mrs. Joanne Peskoff Bear
Novak Strategic Advisors
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Berman
Parkway Center
Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Abbott, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Edward P. Carter
Pellini Gold Cordes, LLC
Ms. Colleen C. Baratta
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen DeLeo
PENN Radiology - Community Division
Mr. Leslie L. Bear and
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Drummond
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard C. Giunta
Dr. and Mrs. Morrie G. Gold
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Holleran
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Horne
Mr. Ezekiel C. Hubbard
Mr. Daniel G. Lasley and Dr. Laura Lasley
Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Musser
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Orr
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Perry Pepper
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Roberts
Mr. Christopher Smith
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Life Images, Inc. - Distinctive
Photography & Videography
Dr. Rebecca H. Ward and
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Weems
Jim Levendis Orchestra
Dr. Michael J. Ward
West Chester Gastrointestinal Group
Ms. Carol Elizabeth Ware
Dr. Anne F. Williamson and
The Generous and Ongoing Support
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Warden, III
Dr. James A. Williamson
of Longwood Gardens and its Staff
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Witek
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Underwood, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Wylie, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wood, II
The Art Show & Sale
Hosted by the Brandywine Auxiliary
Mrs. Vivian S. Carlow
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Barry
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ciccarone
Ms. Diane Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Brion
Dr. and Mrs. John N. Daghir
Mrs. Jean Cheeseman
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Cosgrove
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Daly
Ms. Karen B. Delaney
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Donze
Mr. and Mrs. Irénée du Pont, Jr.
Mr. Harry Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Flickinger
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Elkins, Jr.
Ms. Lele H. Galer
Fulton Bank
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ferrigno
Mr. John Hannafin
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Frankel
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Foxx
Mr. Philip D. Jamison
Dr. Ricardo Gelman and
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hayes
Ms. Barbara Johnson
Ms. Frances M. Sheehan
Mr. J. Irvie Hoffman, Jr.
Ms. Suzanne Kent
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Giunta
Mrs. Virginia O. Kettenring
Mrs. Janis D. King
Ms. Christine M. Hasen
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Knauer
Ms. Marie Kirkwood
International Shared Services, Inc.
Ms. Mary Alice Malone
Ms. Lisa Knox
Dr. and Mrs. Craig W. Jester
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Morrissey
Mr. Karl Kuerner, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Lain, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Nagel
Mrs. Sharon M. Molinelli
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Orr
Miss Jean M. Oakes
Ms. Portia Mortensen
Mrs. Cheryl R. Rorke
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pastrick
Mrs. Barbara A. Notemyer
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Sarcia
Post & Schell P.C.
Mr. James W. Serum
Dr. Scott H. Saul and Dr. Marjorie Saul
Mrs. Rosemary Waldron Tucker
Mrs. Nancy A. Shoudy
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Shoudy
Ms. Nancy Thompson
Ms. Kate Smith and Mr. Dan O’Donnell
Elegant Stems Floral Design;
Mr. Tim Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Strawbridge
Karen Flickinger
Mrs. Juliana D. Weidinger
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Kane
Ms. Sarah Yeoman
An Event of the 27th Annual May Festival
Challenge Committee Chair: Richard A. Stevenson
Infusioncare of Chester County,
Ms. Pamela J. Stephani
A Bioscrip Company
Ace Hardware of West Chester
Elmark Packaging, Inc.
Apple Press
J & L Building Materials
Bike Line
Longwood Ambulance
Morrissey Family Foundation
Chester County Amateur Radio
Med-Trans, Inc.
Emergency Services
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Arean, Snyder & Dunlap, LLP
Chester County Hematology
Parkway Center
Gateway Medical Associates
Oncology Services
Pepperidge Farm
Comcast Cable
QVC Security
Allos Therapeutics, Inc.
Country Bagel Bakery
Starbucks Coffee Company
Cargo Solutions, Inc.
Derry Meeting Farm;
Thomas Chevrolet
Chester County Cardiology Associates
Mrs. Bettina L. Jenney
Tolsdorf Oil Lube Express
Integral Nuclear Associates, LLC
Elmark Graphics
The Water Guy, Inc.
Legacy Planning Partners
Gateway Medical Associates
West Chester Cycling Club
Greater West Chester Sunrise Rotary
West Chester University,
Ms. Susan H. Casso
Hershey’s Mill Security
Department of Sports Medicine
Coins of Chester County
Kinloch Woodworking, Ltd.;
West Goshen Police Department
Visiting Angels of Chester County
Mr. Doug Mooberry
Westtown-East Goshen Police
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Lisa Wolfe Music, LLC
Taylor’s Music Store
Chester County Mothers
21st Century Products, Inc.
of Multiples Club
Presented by
A. Duie Pyle, Inc.
Citadel Federal Credit Union
Communications Test Design, Inc.
ACAC Fitness & Wellness Center
Moonbounce Adventures
First National Bank of
The Chester County Hospital
Weston Solutions Inc.
Chester County
Medical Staff
Infusioncare of Chester County -
Precision Print Communications
ACAC Dance Team
A Bioscrip Company
QVC, Inc.
Parkway Cleaners - Plaza - Center -
Suburban Propane
The Chester County Clowns
Omega Industries - J & N
Crane Dance School
Management - UPS Store
Presented by Thomas Chevrolet
Kevin Joyce
at Parkway Center
Chair: Becky Sarcia
Lisa Wolfe Music, LLC
Thomas Chevrolet
Chester County Day Committee
Lulu Shrine Clowns 
Hugh J. Purnell, CPA
Presented by
Communications Test Design, Inc.
Taylor’s Music Store
First National Bank of Chester County
Duling-Kurtz House
West Chester Dance Works
May Festival Committee Chairs:
Kaplan’s Fine Jewelry
Dan Cosgrove and
Mike and Rita McGuane
21st Century Products, Inc.
Nancy Wilkinson
David and Clara Ochipinti
Brandywine Hall
May Festival Committee Vice
Radley Run Country Club
Central Chester County-Lionville Rotary
Chair: Shelagh Purnell
Whirlaway Travel, Ltd.
Chester County Eye Care Associates
The Chester County Hospital
Business Office
The Chester County Hospital
CardioVascular Center
The Chester County Hospital
Catheterization Lab
The Chester County Hospital
Human Resources
The Chester County Hospital
Materials Management
The Chester County Hospital Nursing
The Chester County Hospital
Operating Room
The Chester County Hospital
Patient Safety
The Chester County Hospital
West Chester Rotary
Daily Local News
The Chester County Hospital
Westtown-Goshen Rotary
Elmark Packaging, Inc.
Physical Therapy
Willistown Auxiliary
Great Valley Locksmith
The Chester County Hospital
The Hankin Group
A. Duie Pyle
Henderson High School
The Chester County Hospital
Advance Chiropractic
Holland America Cruise Lines
Wound Care Center
Airgas Puritan Medical
O'Rourke & Sons
Daybreak Lions Club
American Helicopter Museum
PECO Energy
First National Bank of Chester County
Arianna’s Gourmet Café
Precision Print Communications
Bagel Bistro
Tolsdorf Oil Lube Express
Merrill Lynch
Lisa Benn - B Design
Training Connection
Prudential Fox & Roach
Cargo Solutions, Inc.
The Water Guy
Suburban Propane
Charles Blosenski Disposal Co.
Sunrise Rotary
The Chester County Hospital
Friends & Neighbors
US Food Service
Center for Health & Fitness
First West Chester Fire Company
The Chester County Hospital
Township of East Goshen
Community Outreach &
West Chester Borough
West Chester Auxiliary
Wellness Services
West Chester Borough Police
West Chester Lions
Conway Equipment
Westtown-East Goshen Police
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Mr. Nick Faldo
Freestone Golf Club;
Benefiting Health Services for Women and Children and
Mr. James Polinchok
The Charles Henry Benton Endowment
Mr. Francis X. Gannon
Organized by the FORE Health Invitational Committee
Greystone Auxiliary
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Jones
Healing Hands; Andrew Tarry, D.C.
Vistarr Laser & Vision Centers
Hospitality Asset Management
The O’Hair Family
Company, Inc.; Mr. Ed Friedman
Cordis Corporation
Mr. Marc Levin,
Siemens Medical Solutions Service
Mr. Mario J. Ferroni
Head Golf Professional,
Ms. Laura A. Genovese
White Manor Country Club
Women’s Specialty Center
Mrs. Patsy Jones
Lionville Holistic Health Center
Judge Technical Services, Inc.
Ms. Gina Loree Marks
Associates for Women’s Medicine
Kiwanis Club of the Upper Main Line
Mr. Michael McKenzie -
Mr. C. David Murtagh
Audio Visual Expertise
Panitch Schwarze Belisario
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Montesano Brothers Italian
& Nadel LLP
Vincent B. Mancini & Associates
Market & Catering
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. O’Rourke
Mr. and Mrs. M. Andrew Benton
Duane Morris LLP
Mr. Frank A. Pension
Chester County OB/GYN Associates
Mr. Robert A. Gilpin
Phillips Mushroom Farms L.P.
Drummond Scientific Company
Mrs. Patsy Jones
Mr. Gary Player
Parkway Center
Mr. Anthony A. Nichols
Mr. Rick Rossetti; Taylor Made
Saul Ewing LLP
Ms. Carol Elizabeth Ware
Ms. Janet Ruben, Sales & Catering SILVER SPONSOR
Mr. William W. Wylie, Jr.
Director, White Manor Country Club
Berks Ridge Company Enterprises, Inc.
Mrs. Christa P. Saltzman
Ms. Sandy Adzick
SAP America
Mr. Theodore Bohannon
Mr. Robert J. Albright
Simply Yoga Studios;
Premier Orthopaedics &
Mr. Michael Bacon
Ms. Debra Harper Hess
Sports Medicine Associates, Ltd
Beans Beauty
Mr. Richard R. Smiga
Professional Transcription Services, Inc.
The Benton Family
Ms. Hilary A. Sohn,
The Billie Family
Certified Massage Therapist
Akerley Technologies, Inc.
Brandywine Auxiliary
Toftrees Golf Resort and Conference
Diamond Ice Foundation
Broad Run Golfer’s Club
Center; Mr. Tom Katancik
First National Bank of Chester County
Mr. Steven Buterbaugh
Topiary Fine Flowers Gifts
Lamb McErlane, P.C.
Mr. Jonathan Clay, General Manager,
Mr. Jeffrey Vincent
MacElree Harvey, Ltd.
White Manor Country Club
Virtual Golf
The Occupational Health Center
Ms. Paula Creamer
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Warden
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
The Crowell Family
White Manor Country Club
of Chester County, P.C.
Dermatology Associates
Willistown Auxiliary
Mr. Ernest L. Tsoules, Jr.
Downingtown Country Club
Women’s Auxiliary to
Veritable, LP
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Drummond
The Chester County Hospital
Vision Software Technologies
Mr. Ernie Els
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wood, II
PGA Professional and Hospital supporter, Sean O’Hair, shares his tips for
a great game of golf at the FORE Health Invitational Golf Tournament.
A young fan of Sean’s, Mark DiMatteo, assisted in the demonstration.
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
An Event of the Women’s Auxiliary to The Chester County Hospital
Cephalon, Inc.
Organized by The Turks Head Auxiliary
Otto’s BMW of West Chester
Hosted by Brandywine Polo Club
Event Co-Chairs: Jodi Knapp and Lisa Thompson
Arthur Hall Insurance
Dollar Financial Group, Inc.
Energy Management Systems
First National Bank of Chester County
Mr. B. Neil Gentry
Jack Kirk, Professional Services
Edward Jones/Jeff Kitchen,
Financial Advisor
Law Offices of Lehman & Pastino
Dawson R. Muth, Esq.
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney /
Gail Tanzola-Seymour
Mr. Craig L. Tucker
West Chester Dental Arts
West Chester University
of Pennsylvania
Whirlaway Travel & Cruises
Aqua Charitable Trust
The Dempsey Family
Ashtree Framing LLC
La Difference
Fulton Bank
BirlGirl Designs by Stefanie Heron Birl
Law Offices of Lehman & Pastino
The Haines Family
Bling It On
Limoncello Ristorante
Kensey Nash Corporation
Bradford Portraits
The Lincoln Room
PECO Energy Company
Brandywine Coach Works
Longwood Gardens
Premier Orthopaedics &
Camden Riversharks
Market Street Print & Copy
Sports Medicine Associates, Ltd
Chester County Historical Society
Mr. Hugh McDonald
Sugarsbridge Contractors, Inc.
Chester County Running Store
Triple Fresh Inc.
Chickpeaz LLC
Nota Bene Boutique
Ms. Aurora O’Brien
Albero, Kupferman & Associates, LLC
Conard-Pyle Company
Panera Bread
DellaVecchia, Reilly, Smith & Boyd
Conlin’s Digital Print & Copy Center
Paradocx Vineyard
Funeral Home, Inc.
Delicate Designs by Amanda
Penn Oaks Tennis & Fitness Club
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Finnaren
Ms. Jennifer A. Dempsey
Penwick Design
Ganly Vision Care PC
Designs by Karen
Philadelphia Eagles
IT Edge, Inc.
Dysfunktional Dave & the Meds
Picklepuss Photography
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly
Embreeville Mill
Pietro’s Prime Steakhouse & Seafood
Main Line Concrete & Supply Inc.
Erin Brode Designs
Please Touch Museum
Maquet Cardiovascular
Forge Theatre
Premier Designs
Pine Street Carpenters, Inc.
Giant - Bradford Plaza
Radley Run Country Club, Inc.
Ms. Annette Seidenglanz
Great Atlantic Graphics, Inc.
SECCRA Community Landfill
Mrs. Adriana Tilton
The Greenery
Sherry McVickar of
Hilton Garden Inn - Kennett Square
Spotted Horse Textiles
Ms. Carol Elizabeth Ware
The Iacocca Family
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wolff
Instant Imprints
State Farm Insurance Companies,
Institute for Therapeutic Massage
That’s Hats Accessories Boutique
Offering Editorial Services
and Bodywork, Inc.
Top It Off Hats & Such
Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant
Triple Fresh Inc.
A Taste of Olive
John J. Szandrowski
Wag Your Tail
Ace Hardware of West Chester
Custom Birdhomes
West Chester Golf and Country Club
Acorn Cottage Style
Judy’s Gems
West Chester Scoop
Allied Waste Service
Kennett Symphony of Chester County
West Chester University
Armadillo Book Company
Kent Studios at Z Gallery
of Pennsylvania
Artwork by Nicholas P. Santoleri
Kiki Boutique
Wilmington Blue Rocks Baseball
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
f i n a n
FY 2010
Audited: June 30, 2010
Current Assets:
Current Liabilities:
Cash and short term investments
Current installments of long-term debt
Patient accounts receivable, net
Accounts payable
Other accounts receivable
Accrued salaries, wages and vacation
Due from affiliates
Accrued interest payable
Assets whose use is limited
Estimated third-party payor settlements
Other liabilities
Prepaid expenses & other current assets
Total Current Assets
Total Current Liabilities 22,318,954
Long-term debt 39,960,761
Assets whose use is limited
Accrued malpractice and workers comp
Long-term investments
Total Liabilities Beneficial interest in perpetual trusts
Interest in net assets of
Net Assets:
Unrestricted 59,606,094
Temporarily restricted 16,893,397
Deferred financing costs (net)
Permanently restricted 11,935,059
Other assets
Total Net Assets 88,434,550
The Chester County Hospital Foundation 16,320,542
Property, plant and equipment, net
FY 2010
Audited: June 30, 2010
Assets Unrestricted Net Assets
Cash and short term investments
Other accounts receivable
Revenues in excess of expenses
Network transfers
Prepaid expenses
Decrease in Unrestricted Net Assets
Total Current Assets 7,397,787
Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
Long-term investments Pledge Receivables 1,068,950
Changes in pledge reserve
PP&E 1,011,288
West Pavilion contributions
Total Assets 21,719,985
Pledges paid during the year
Increase in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets 2,096,202
Demand note payable Increase in Total Net Assets
Net Assets beginning of year
Total Current Liabilities 1,909,330
Other noncurrent liabilities Total Liabilities 273,393
Net Assets: Unrestricted 3,216,720
Net Assets: Temporarily restricted 16,320,542
Total Net Assets 19,537,262
Other liabilities 38
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
c i a l s
FY 2010
Audited: For the year ended June 30, 2010
Net patient services revenue
Other revenues
Net assets released from restrictions used for operations
Total unrestricted revenues, gains and other support
Salaries and wages
Supplies expenses
Employee benefits
Provision for doubtful collections
Operating Income Before Write Off of Construction-In-Progress
Write off of construction-in-progress
Operating Income
Investment income
Equity loss in Chester County Hematology-Oncology Services
Revenue in Excess of Expenses
Transfers to Affiliates, Net
Decrease in unrestricted net assets
Adult and Pediatric Patient Admissions (excluding Newborns)
Observation Status Patients
Adult and Pediatric Days (excluding Newborns)
Average Length of Stay (excluding Newborns)
14,999 14,705
1,488 1,675
61,509 60,247
2,618 2,504
Newborn Days
5,036 4,698
Average daily census, Adults and Pediatrics
168.5 165.1
Newborn Admissions
Average daily census, Newborns
Patients treated in the Emergency Room
13.8 12.9
43,459 41,553
381,765 402,170
Outpatient visits to Clinic, Ambulatory Care Center,
Laboratory, X-Ray, Cardiology, etc.
Surgical Operations: Inpatient
4,359 4,170
Surgical Operations: Outpatient
4,836 4,438
209,038 203,879
Laboratory tests
X-Ray Examinations and Treatments
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Mr. Kevin R. O’Brien,
Kevin Holleran, Esq.
Senior Vice President, Development
Mrs. John C. Nagy
Board of Trustees
Ms. Mary Ellen Josephs, Secretary
Mr. H. L. Perry Pepper
Kevin Holleran, Esq., Chairman
First National Bank of Chester County,
Mr. Richard M. Armstrong, Jr.
Assistant Treasurer
W. Clay Warnick, M.D., Chief of Staff
Dennis Berman, M.D.
John Roberts, M.D., Vice Chief of Staff
Mrs. Caroline S. Brown†
Board of Directors
Kenneth Collins, M. D., Secretary/Treasurer
Mrs. Nancy Carr
Mr. William W. Wylie, Jr., Chairman
Mian A. Jan, M.D.,
Mrs. John A. Featherman, III
Celeste E. DeBaptiste, M.D.
Chairman, Department of Medicine
Mr. Robert B. Horne
Mr. James S. Denham
Karen Pinsky, M.D., Chairperson,
Mr. M. Roy Jackson
Mr. Kenneth E. Flickinger
Department of Pediatrics
Mr. W. Thomas Musser
Alfred A. Gollatz, Esq.
Christina Ellis, M.D., Chairperson,
Mrs. John C. Nagy
Mrs. Patricia A. Knecht
Department of OB/GYN
Honorable Paula Francisco Ott
Mr. H. L. Perry Pepper
Robert H. Huxster, M.D., Chairman,
Mrs. William G. Warden, III
Gabriel Ruggiero, D.O.
Department of Surgery
Ms. Carol Elizabeth Ware
Franklin Kelton, M.D., Chairman,
Trustee Emeriti
Board of Directors
Department of Emergency Medicine
Mr. John J. Ciccarone
Mr. Dallas Krapf, Chairman
Patricia A. Laffey, M.D., Chairperson,
William Plummer, III, M.D.
Mr. Thomas A. Clardy
Medical Executive Committee
Mr. Thomas C. Swett
Mr. William Gallagher †
Mary-Anne Ost, M.D., Chairperson,
Mr. John B. Hannum, III
Department of Family Medicine
Mr. Stephen F. Horstmann
James I. Heald, M.D., PhD,
Board of Directors
Harry J. Hutchinson, III, D.O.
Co-Chairman, Department of Pathology
Mr. William W. Wylie, Jr., Chairman
Mr. Timmy T. Nelson
Scott Saul, M.D.,
Mr. Francis H. Abbott, Jr.
Mr. Kenneth H. Slack
Co-Chairman, Department of Pathology
Ms. Nancy R. Corson
Frederic Squires, M.D., Chairman,
Celeste E. DeBaptiste, M.D.
Department of Radiology
Mr. James S. Denham
Board of Directors
Mr. Antelo Devereux, Jr.
Mr. Keith Coughey, Chairman
Mr. William Gallagher †
Mr. Peter F. Apple
Executive Committee
Alfred A. Gollatz, Esq.
Mrs. Richard Armstrong
Mrs. Mary Harris, President
John S. Halsted, Esq.
Charles J. Barr, M.D.
Mrs. Betty Drummond, 1st Vice President
Maury Hoberman, M.D.
Mrs. Mary Ann Gitzendanner
Mrs. Louise Milewski, 2nd Vice President
Ms. Mary Ellen Josephs
Mrs. Janet S. Hickman
Mrs. Karen Smith, Secretary
Mr. C. David Murtagh
Mr. Steven D. Hobman
Mrs. Debbie Hess, Treasurer
Mr. R. Marshall Phillips
Mrs. Stephen P. Hoyt
Mrs. Nancy Shoudy, Assistant Treasurer
Mr. Carlos Questell
Ms. Mary Ellen Josephs
Mrs. Debbie Hess, Past President
Mr. Deacon Shorr
Mrs. Patricia A. Knecht
L. Peter Soraruf, IV, M.D.
Mr. Richard A. Stevenson
Mrs. Walter Stapleton
George Pastino, Co-Chair
Mr. William S. Wood, II
Board of Directors
Lance Seidel, Co-Chair
Honorary Members
Dennis Berman, M.D., Chairman
Donald G. Lundberg, Secretary
John H. Benner, IV, M.D.
Mr. Peter F. Apple
Stephen G. Frederick, Treasurer
Mr. Daniel Cornwell
Mr. William Gallagher †
Alan Clark, Program Chair
Madeline H. Lamb, Esq.
Maury Hoberman, M.D.
Miss Jean M. Oakes
Mr. H. L. Perry Pepper, President and CEO
Mr. Michael D. Barber,
Chief Operating Officer
Mrs. Jean M. Caulfield, Senior Vice
Foundation: 610.431.5108 |
President, Business Development
Mrs. Angela R. Coladonato,
Kevin R. O’Brien, Senior Vice President
Matthew D. Schwab, Manager, Gift Planning
Senior Vice President, Nursing/CNO
Carol J. Androwick, Executive Assistant
Kimberly L. Pierce,
Richard D. Donze, D.O.,
Susan J. Kelly, Vice President
Special Events Coordinator
Senior Vice President, Medical Affairs
Dina W. Leaman, Director,
Jo Ann R. Carey, Development Assistant
Mr. Kenneth E. Flickinger,
Annual Giving and Donor Relations
Brenda H. Fairchild, Gift Shop Manager
Treasurer & Senior Vice President, Finance
Thomas E. Gavin, Director,
Patricia Clarke and Margaret DiDonato,
Mr. Paul F. Huberty, Senior Vice
Events and Volunteer Fundraising
Managers, The Encore Shop
President, Strategic Planning & Marketing
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
Accredited by
•Crozer-Chester Medical Center: Nurse Anesthetist Program
•The Joint Commission– Disease-Specific Care Certifications:
•Delaware County Community College:
Hip Replacement, Knee Replacement, Stroke (Primary Stroke Center),
Acute Myocardial Infarction, Heart Failure and Wound Care
•College of American Pathologists
•American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer
(with commendations)
Associate Degree in Nursing and other Allied Health Programs
•Delaware County Community College:
Certificate Program - Radiation Therapist Program
•Delaware Technical and Community College:
Physical Therapist Assistant Program
•American College of Radiology
•American Association of Blood Banks
•American Association of Cardiovascular and
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
•American Board of Registration of Electroencephalographic and Evoked Potential Technologists:
Neurodiagnostic Lab
•Drexel University College of Nursing and
Health Professions: Physical Therapist Program,
Nurse Anesthetist and Physician Assistant Students
•Eastern University: BSN Program
•Florida International University: Physical Therapy Program
•Gwynedd Mercy College: Invasive and Non-Invasive
Cardiology including: Cardiovascular Technicians, Vascular
•Nuclear Regulatory Board
and Cardiac Ultrasound
•Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
•Harcum Junior College: Physical Therapist Assistant Program
•Intersocietal Commission for the Accreditation of
•Harcum Junior College: Program of Radiologic Technology
Echocardiography Laboratories (ICAEL)
•National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC)
•Harrisburg Community College: Ultrasound and Cardiac
Ultrasound, Cardiovascular Technician, EKG Technician
•Immaculata College: Nutrition
•Blue Distinction Center for Cardiac Care
•Immaculata College: R.N. Degree Completion Program
Approved by
•Jefferson Health System: Ultrasound and Cardiac Ultrasound
•The Pennsylvania Department of Health
•Lancaster General Hospital: Medical Laboratory Science Program
•Pennsylvania Medical Society (CME)
•Lancaster General Hospital: Radiation Oncology
•Pennsylvania Cancer Registry
•Lancaster General Hospital: Surgical Technology
•Lancaster General Hospital: Ultrasound
•United Way of Chester County
•Marywood University: Speech Therapist Program
•VHA, Inc.
•Neumann College: Nursing Education
•Neumann College: Phlebotomy Program
•American Association of Blood Banks
•Neumann College: Physical Therapist Program
•American College of Cardiology: National Cardiovascular
•Pennsylvania Hospital: GYN Residency Program
Data Registry (ACC-NCDR) Cath PCI and ICD
•American Hospital Association
•Chamber of Commerce of Greater West Chester
•Chester County Chamber of Business and Industry
•Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine:
Elective Medical Student Rotations
•Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine:
Physician Assistant Program
•Chester County Economic Development Council
•Philadelphia University: Physician Assistant Students
•Chester County Healthy Communities Partnership
•South Hills School: Clinical Internship in Cardiac Ultrasound
•Delaware Valley Healthcare Council
•Temple University: Physical Therapy Program
•Emergency Medical Services Council
•Thomas Jefferson University: Nursing Informatics
•Exton Region Chamber of Commerce
•Thomas Jefferson University: Physical Therapist Program
•The Advisory Board
•Ultrasound Diagnostic School:
•Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania
Clinical Externship in Cardiac and Diagnostic Ultrasound
•Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS)
•University of Delaware: Physical Therapist Program
•Southern Chester County Chamber of Commerce
•University of Pennsylvania: School of Nursing
•University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing:
•Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (Cancer Research)
Nurse Anesthetist Program
•University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine:
Clinical Affiliations with
Clinical Clerkship in Obstetrics and Gynecology for Third Year Students
•The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia: Pediatrics and Neonatology •University of the Sciences: Physical Therapy Program
•Cleveland Clinic: Heart Surgery
•West Chester University: Cardiac Rehabilitation
•University of Pennsylvania Health System:
•West Chester University: Health Care Administration Education
Cancer, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Radiation Oncology, Radiology
•West Chester University: Nursing Education
– Member of the Penn Cancer Network
•West Chester University/Bryn Mawr Hospital:
Teaching Affiliations with
Respiratory Therapy
•Alvernia College: Physical Therapist Assistant Program
•West Chester University: Speech Therapist Program
•Arcadia University: Physical Therapist Program
•Widener University: Nursing Education
•Bloomsburg University: Speech Therapist Program
•Widener University: Physical Therapist Program
•Center for Arts and Technology Brandywine Campus:
Nursing Education
School of Practical Nursing
•Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing
the chester count y hospital foundation 2010 donor report
701 East Marshall Street
West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380

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