When you hold a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind. Cuando des un banquete, invita a los pobres, a los lisiados, a los cojos y a los ciegor. — Lucas 14:13 OUR LADY OF THE MIRACULOUS MEDAL PARISH PARROQUIA DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LA MEDALLA MILAGROSA MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: Sunday: 5:00 PM — Vigil 8:00 AM & 11:00 AM 2:30 PM — La Misa en español Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 10:00 AM 6:00 PM Wednesday: Check Bulle n Schedule Holy Days: Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 300 Pike Street Meadow Lands PA 15347 724‐222‐1911 Office Hours: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM e‐mail: olmm@comcast.net www.MiraculousMedalChurch.org August 28, 2016 AUGUST 28, 2016 DAY / TIME TWENTY‐SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME CONFESSIONS / EVENTS OBSERVANCES / MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, AUGUST 27 4:00 PM Confessions 5:00 PM Mass SUNDAY, AUGUST 28 8:00 AM Mass 11:00 AM Mass 2:30 PM Spanish Mass 5:30 PM Patrio c Rosary 6—8:00 PM Movie Series, Church Hall MONDAY, AUGUST 29 10:00 AM Mass 10:45 AM Miraculous Medal Novena PAGE 2 READINGS ST. MONICA Josephine Rybacki +, req. Chris an Mothers 1 Cor 1:26‐31; Ps 33:12‐13, 18‐21; Mt 25:14‐30 TWENTY‐SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Mary Colussi & Yole Nakoneczny +, req. Eleanor Rubin Richards (For Wellness) Req. Wife, Donna Shriver PARISHIONERS “POPIELUSZKO” (see below) Sir 3:17‐18, 20, 28‐29; Ps 68:4‐7, 10‐11; Heb 12:18‐19, 22‐24a; Lk 14:1, 7‐14 THE PASSION OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Louis Gayarski + — In Loving by Family Cor 2:1‐5; Ps 119:97‐102; Mk 6:17‐29 Alice Elieas +, (Birthday), In Loving by Family 1 Cor 2:10b‐16; Ps 145:8‐14; Lk 4:31‐37 Special Inten on for our Children, req. Deb & Dan 1 Cor 3:1‐9; Ps 33:12‐15, 20‐21; Lk 4:38‐44 Andy Reck +, req. Family 1 Cor 3:18‐23; Ps 24:1bc‐4ab, 5‐6; Lk 5:1‐11 TUESDAY, AUGUST 30 10:00 AM Mass WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31 6:00 PM Mass 6:30 PM Bingo, CCD Center THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 10:00 AM Mass FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 10:00 AM 10:45 AM 7:00 PM 7:45 PM Mass Adora on Praise & Worship Benedic on Followed by Social SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 4:00 PM Confessions 5:00 PM Mass SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 8:00 AM 11:00 AM 5:30 PM 2:30 PM Mass Mass Patrio c Rosary Spanish Mass EVERY FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH WE WILL HAVE ALL DAY ADORATION The schedule is as follows: Adoration: 10:45 AM Praise & Worship: 7:00 PM Benediction: 7:45 PM FIRST FRIDAY Mauro Tori +, req. Bill McMahon 1 Cor 4:1‐5; Ps 37:3‐6, 27‐28, 39‐40; Lk 5:33‐39 ST. GREGORY THE GREAT; FIRST SATURDAY Angelo Ferrari +, req. Barb Provenzano 1 Cor 4:6b‐15; Ps 145:17‐21; Lk 6:1‐5 TWENTY‐THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Elmer Sobansky +, req. Dom & Becky Al eri Donna Young +, Love Kathy PARISHIONERS Wis 9:13‐18b; Ps 90:3‐6, 12‐17; Phlm 9‐10, 12‐17; Lk 14:25‐33 28 DE AGOSTO DE 2016 VIGÉSIMO SEGUNDO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO PÁGINA 3 PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS PRAYER LIST CHRISTIAN MOTHERS & GUILD As of today, we will be taking names off of the Prayer List. If you know of a name that should be on the list, please call the Rectory at: 724-222-1911. PATRIOTIC ROSARY The Patriotic Rosary will be prayed this Sunday evening, August 28 at 5:30PM. We hope you will plan to join us. SURPLUS RELIGIOUS ITEMS Your Surplus Religious items have found their way to needy hands in: Nigeria, Texas, Passionist Sisters charities and also a bagful went on the Appalachian Mission trip. Soft covered bibles went to Washington Correction Facility. Keep those surplus religious items coming and I will find a place for them. Please call Patti at 724-745-5790 or email: pbarnes84@gmail.com YOU LEFT NOTHING UNDONE I am carrying my cross and all of you have helped me to persevere. I am overwhelmed and grateful. Your cards and notes, along with your visits and phone calls have kept me company. Spiritual Bouquets, Masses, prayers, flowers, balloons, snacks, goodies, dinners, blanket, haircut and shampoo, instant rub offs (no winners), those who brought me Holy Communion... you provided me with everything and I sincerely Thank You!! I will see you as soon as I can. All my love, Betty Sobansky RCIA A JOURNEY IN FAITH For those interested in the RCIA Program (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)! RCIA is a process for adults who are interested in completing their sacraments and become full members of the church. Contrary to what you might think it's never to late to complete this process. RCIA is also for those interested in converting to Catholicism, or for the un-baptized person wishing to become Catholic. The prepared candidates would receive their sacraments at the Easter Vigil and become full members of the Catholic Church. The RCIA will start in September 28th. you have time to think about it, pr ay about it and sign up for these offerings. For an application and additional Information, please Contact: Deacon Tony Mobley tony.mobley@ansys.com New year for Christian Mothers & Guild will begin with a Mass for deceased members on Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 6:00pm. Investure of officers for the coming year will take place during the Mass. A short business meeting will follow in the Church Hall. Members are reminded to bring their bibles for the scripture reading and discussion. Chairladies for the evening are Trudy Fittro and Kathy Setto. NEWS FROM THE DIOCESE INTERESTED IN BECOMING A DEACON? The Diocese of Pittsburgh is initiating the nomination and application process for admitting a new class of interested and qualified Catholic men into the Deacon Formation Program. Prospective applicants should consult their pastor about submitting a nomination on their behalf. The deadline for nominations is September 15, 2016. Applications without a pastor's nomination will not be considered. For more information: deacons@diopitt.org or 412-456-3124 ARE YOU CALLED TO SERVE? The Diocese of Pittsburgh is initiating the nomination and application process for admitting a new class of interested and qualified Catholic men into the Deacon Formation Program. Prospective applicants should be between 30 and 59 years old, in full communion with the Church, active in their faith, and hold at least a bachelor's degree. They should consult their pastor about submitting a nomination on their behalf. The deadline for nominations is September 15, 2016. Applications without a pastor's nomination will not be considered. More information about the diaconate is posted on the diocesan Web site at www.diopitt.org. Questions may be directed to deacons@diopitt.org or 412-456-3124 THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH Dear Father Carmen, Thank you for the $2,346.00 that your parish has generously contributed to the 2016 Missionary Cooperation Plan. Our suppor t of the mission activity of the Church enables people to know the love in the heart of Christ for them. Those who have experienced God's love have the responsibility of sharing that love, especially with the poor. Our mission is the mission of God. In Christ's love, Rev. Ronald P. Lengwin Diocesan Director AUGUST 28, 2016 TWENTY‐SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 4 PARISH FAITH LA FE DE LA PARROQUIA HUMILITY HUMILDAD Have you ever been in a group of people—maybe on a tour, at a social gathering, or at church—and discovered that you have just been talking with a well-known author, corporate CEO, great scholar, or politician? Your first thought is the hope that you didn’t say anything to embarrass yourself; but your second thought is how much they seemed like such “regular” folks. What is it that makes people seem so “regular”? Today’s readings give us a clue when they stress the importance of humility. It is so hard for us not to tell the first person who will listen how busy we are, how hard we work, how much money we donate, and how important our job titles are. We think these accolades make a difference to people, and if we don’t tell them, how will they ever know? But if our actions demonstrate our values, people will recognize our worth on their own. The words of Jesus show us how much better it is to let someone else recognize our worth than to be embarrassed because someone did not. ¿Has estado alguna vez con un grupo de personas – quizás en un crucero, en una reunión social, o en la iglesia– y descubres que has estado hablando con un autor muy conocido, un alto ejecutivo de una empresa poderosa, un gran intelectual o una figura política? Tu primer pensamiento es que ojalá no hayas dicho nada embarazoso, pero el segundo es tu asombro al notar que se comporten como una persona “normal”. ¿Qué es lo que hace a una persona “normal”? Las lecturas de hoy nos dan una pista cuando ponen de relieve la importancia de la humildad. Es tan difícil no decirle a la primera persona que nos escuche lo ocupados que estamos, lo mucho que trabajamos, cuánto dinero donamos y cuán importantes son nuestros títulos en el trabajo. Pensamos que estas distinciones tienen influencia en las personas, y si no se lo decimos, ¿cómo van a saberlo? Pero si nuestras acciones demuestran nuestros valores, la gente reconocerá lo que valemos, por sí solas. Las palabras de Jesús nos muestran que es mucho mejor dejar que los demás reconozcan nuestros méritos que apenarnos porque alguien no los reconoce. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Perhaps the most familiar traditional symbol that identifies bishops is the crosier that they carry. We see the shepherd’s staff and immediately rich images from scripture come to mind, as well as the recollection that the first to respond to Christ’s presence in our world were the shepherds. The staff is more than a walking stick; its crooked top is useful in snaring errant sheep but also in keeping the flock united. Bishops carry the curve outward, indicating their ministry to the wider flock, while abbots (and some abbesses, too) carry the crosier with the curve pointing in, indicating that their ministry is to the monastery alone. The crosier was once also carried by the pope, but was phased out centuries ago. You may recall that in pre“popemobile” days, the pope was often carried around on a portable throne called a sedia gestatoria. Since he didn’t do much walking, the need for a crosier was minimal. Pope Paul VI introduced the innovation of a walking staff in the 1960s, and everyone remembers Pope John Paul II’s walking staff, not a crook, but a delicately sculptured crucifix. Thus, the pope carries a “pastoral staff” rather than a crosier. Precisely because the pope’s ministry is universal, to the whole world, popes will likely leave crosiers in the hands of the bishops they commission for care of specific flocks. BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Por esta época recordamos la natividad de María, madre de Jesús. María es muy popular entre muchos pueblos y en especial en los pueblos latinos. Al principio del mes de septiembre dos naciones toman la fiesta de su nacimiento para recordarla bajo el titulo de la Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre en Cuba y de Nuestra Señora de Coromoto en Venezuela. La Virgen del Cobre fue descubierta en el siglo XVI por dos indígenas y un niño africano llamados los tres Juanes, cuando estos fueron al mar en busca de sal. Después de una fuerte tempestad ellos encontraron flotando sobre las olas una pequeña imagen de María con el Niño Dios en brazos. La imagen flotaba sobre una tabla que decía yo soy la Virgen de la Caridad. Milagrosamente la imagen estaba seca. También en el siglo XVI la Virgen se le apareció al cacique de los indígenas Coromoto en Venezuela. Estos resistían la evangelización y ella se apareció sobre las aguas invitándolos al bautizo cristiano. Estas dos manifestaciones marianas llevan a Jesús en brazos recordándonos que María nada puede sin Cristo. LOS CUMPLEAÑOS DE ESTA SEMANA Rose Colussi, Jordan Chase, Christine Checonsky, Emily Rathbone, Sonya Stimmel, Mary Ann Corson, Michele Guernsey, Stacy Hall, John Michael Marcischak III, Kalyn Penderville, Rose Wrubleski, Ashlinn Berger, William Chadwick, Thomas Olszewski, George Pecharka, Jeffrey Wagner Jr., Cara Jo Brown, Devon Diesel, Rebecca Mobley, Sam Gaido, James Horvath, Mark Rockage, Dom Altieri and Ryan Supek. 28 DE AGOSTO DE 2016 VIGÉSIMO SEGUNDO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO PÁGINA 5 THE MESSAGE ON THE TWENTY‐SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME While the first reading from Sirach and the Gospel focus on humility, with a surprise reversal of the humble being exalted, the reading from Hebrews surprises us in a different way. The author uses apocalyptic imagery to show how much the relationship between God and humanity has changed. He starts with images of fire, storms, and trumpet blasts—images that may remind you of an erupting volcano. Even God’s words brought fear and trembling. It may not be surprising that God is beyond human comprehension, but Hebrews says no. God doesn’t want to be so far beyond us that we only approach in fear. Using more images from the end-time, the author gives us a picture of the baptized partying with angels and all the just who have died. And of course God is the host. Let’s look at some of those images to see how our relationship with the Lord has grown. The heavenly Jerusalem reminds us that the Church is our home—not just your parish church building but the whole community of faith. How “at home” are you with your fellow parishioners? A church community can be a place to support those who are sick or jobless or depressed. It is also a place to be supported, to see God’s love in action. The angels in Hebrews may be a symbol of that support. The “firstborn” and “spirits of the just” could remind us of those who went before us and now rest in the Lord. They had their own struggles in life, and now live in glory. They help us to keep our true goal in mind, eternal life. Jesus came to show us how much God loves us and how close God can be. When he shed his blood on the cross (the final sign in our reading), he renewed the covenant with God’s people. We accept that gift not just by a verbal statement of faith, but by a life lived as Jesus showed us, in love of God and our neighbor. EL PLACER DE TU COMPAÑÍA El Evangelio de hoy se relaciona con la historia del fariseo rico que invitó a Jesús a un banquete a su casa. Jesús le enseña a él y a sus invitados una lección con humildad. Toma el último lugar y no seas arrogante. “Entonces te verás honrado en presencia de todos los convidados”. Vemos en los periódicos historias acerca de banquetes lujosos, “recaudación de donaciones” para buenas causas. Algunos de estos son algo más que la vida social de los ricos, recaudando un pequeño porcentaje de sus costos para los pobres y desamparados, y dando gloria y honor a los organizadores. Las personas pagan miles de dólares por persona para asistir a estos eventos, cientos de miles en vestidos y ropa de todo tipo. A menudo se incluyen en las subastas de donaciones, viajes extravagantes, el uso de yates y aviones privados que se destina a las donaciones de cientos de miles de dólares. Estos eventos recaudan de cincuenta a cien mil dólares para la causa, mientras que cuestan un millón de dólares la organización y el asistir. Por eso dice Jesús podría decir “cuando des una comida o una cena, no invites a tus amigos, ni a tus hermanos, ni a tus parientes,, ni a los vecinos ricos; porque puede ser que ellos te inviten a su vez, y con eso quedarás recompensado”. HUMILDAD Contrasta esto con las personas que trabajan duro para alimentar a los desamparados en los bancos de comida, ayudar a los sin techo y personas solas en los almuerzos y cenas en los salones de la iglesia, y preparan almuerzos para distribuirlos a los desamparados. Estas acciones no son noticias en las secciones de glamour de los periódicos, pero son más valiosas para Dios que todos los banquetes lujosos de los ricos. “cuando des un banquete, invita a los pobres, a los lisiados, a los cojos y a los ciegos; y así serás dichoso, porque ellos no tienen con qué pagarte; pero ya se te pagará, cuando resuciten los justos”. PARISH INFORMATION AND CONTACTS CLERGY Carmen A. D’Amico, Pastor Anton V. Mobley, Permanent Deacon PARISH STAFF Rosalie Eckels, Religious Educa on Director Jennifer Derrick, Music Director & Organist Mary Ann Lecci, Parish Secretary Don Ross, Coordinator of Ministries Andrew James, Maintenance, Mon‐Fri Dean Gindlesperger, Maintenance, Sat.‐Sun. PARISH PHONE NUMBERS Rectory: Rectory: Rectory Fax: CCD Center: Religious Educa on Office: Religious Educa on Fax: Bap sm and Marriage (Contact Rectory) Diocesan Abuse Hotline Safe Environment Coordinator ‐ Ed Holmes e‐mail: ed.holmes@miraculousmedalchurch.org 724‐222‐1911 724‐206‐9677 724‐222‐5688 724‐228‐8575 724‐228‐9088 724‐228‐1488 724‐222‐1911 1‐888‐808‐1235 724‐886‐1484 WEEKLY OFFERING Average Weekly Expense Collec on for Sunday August 14, 2016 Surplus Spanish Food Fair $ 6,100.00 $ 9,143.00 $ 3,043.00 $ 283.00 Parish Share Goal 2016 Parish Share as of August 14, 2016 E‐Offering for July 2016 Anything collected over our Parish Share assessment will go into our savings. $ 69,201.00 $ 30,544.00 $ $1,935.00