WORLD DOG SHOW Thursday 11/06/15 Groups - showdals
WORLD DOG SHOW Thursday 11/06/15 Groups - showdals
WORLD DOG SHOW Thursday Friday 11/06/15 12/06/15 Groups Groups 6 2 7 4 8 CLUBSHOWS Wednesday 10/06/15 Groups 6 7 8 Thursday 11/06/15 Groups 2 4 Saturday 13/06/15 Groups 3 5 10 Friday 12/06/15 Groups 3 5 10 Sunday 14/06/15 Groups 1 9 Saturday 13/06/15 Groups 1 9 News about CAR parking ATTENTION: We remind to buy the car parking ticket before arriving to the fair. Since World Dog Show 2015 will be taking place at the same time as EXPO MILANO 2015, at the request of the authorities, we suggest you to buy, on-line, your car parking in advance, through the website of the show after having pre-purchased the ticket for the event. The online purchase of a parking space must be completed before the arrival at Fiera Milano. This is the only way to guarantee the availability of your parking space. It also allows you to save money, because a discounted daily rate of 14.50 euro will be applied exclusively for parking spaces pre-purchased online. REMEMBER TO RESERVE YOUR CAR PARKING TICKET AFTER BUYING on line THE TICKET FOR the World Dog Show 2015. The parking tickets will be available together with world dog show tickets for pre-sale very soon. Keep in touch! The place of the event is provided with more than 20.000 parking spaces close the main buildings, for exhibitors P2 – P3 – P5 multipiano. PARKING LOT BOOKING FOR CAMPING VANS ONLY P5 (Parking lot reserved for Camping vans): multiple day packages and daily rates will be available. Booking a spot will be possible by sending an email to: providing the following data: Name, Surname, business name, licence plate, day and approximate time of check in/check out and phone number. Look a the parking map INFORMATIONS IMPORTANTES. Avant de procéder à vos inscriptions, Doglle vous recommande de lire très attentivement les consignes ci-dessous. Inscriptions Inscriptions ONLINE exclusivement avec paiement obligatoire par Carte Bancaire (Visa ou Mastercard). Les paiements par transfert bancaire, par virement sont interdits. Respecter formellement les dates de clôtures. Les augmentations de tarifs sont irrémédiables et ne pourront jamais être corrigées. Modifications, Corrections, Annulations… Conformément aux règlements de la FCI, aucun changement de classe ne pourra être effectué après la clôture du WDS2015 et des Club Shows. Les demandes d’annulations, corrections sont à introduire directement à l’ENCI. Entrée à l’exposition Munissez-vous : 1- Numéro au catalogue, avec un code barre, que vous aurez reçu par e-mail, en format pdf. 2- Un certificat de bonne santé, pour chaque chien. 3- Copie des preuves de paiements, des diplômes et autres certificats, travail, médicaux,… 4- Copie des justificatifs que vous pourrez télécharger sur Doglle, dès votre inscription envoyée. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Before proceeding with registration we strongly recommend to read carefully the information below. Registration • • • • According to FCI Regulations, after the closing date for registrations at the World Dog Show and Club Shows, will no longer be possible to move the dog from one class to another. For those dogs registered in Champion class, it is compulsory to enclose copy of the certificate attesting the homologation of the title (in pfd format); for those dogs registered in Working class, it is compulsory to enclose copy of the FCI working certificate (in pdf format). In absence of such a document, the dog will be automatically registered in the class corresponding to its age. The exhibitor agrees and guarantees to respect the ENCI’s regulations in force for Club Shows, FCI’s Regulations for the World Dog Show and all instructions on vaccinations. Breeders class should be indicated in the entry of each dog and it is composed by all those involved in the exhibition and bred by the same breeder. Breeders class will be judge in the ring and the first one classified will have access in the Main Ring. Access rules • To enter the exhibition hall a dog must be provided with: - Catalog number with identification code bar which will be sent in pdf format via e-mail before the unrolling of the event. Each subject entered the show allows one person to have entry pass. To gain access to the halls, the received document must be printed and exhibited at the entrance. - Health certificate of the dog Domenica / 14/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 1° ESPERTO GIUDICE Cani da pastore e bovari (esclusi JUDGE bovari svizzeri) Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs) Cane da pastore australiano (AUS) MONDO GABRIELLI MARIA TERESA (I) 293. (Kelpie) Cane da pastore belga (B) Bottagisio Pietro (I) Lakenois, (Belgischer Schäferhund, Belgian Sheperd Dog, Perro de pastor belga) Malinois 15. a) groenendael (groenendaler) Habig Christofer (D) Groenendael b) lakenois (lakense) Korozs Andras (H) c) malinois (mechelaar) Tervueren d) tervueren (tervueren) 83. Schipperke (B) MONDO GABRIELLI MARIA TERESA (I) Meyer Reinhardt (D) Cane da pastore tedesco (D) Pelo corto femmine + BOB (Deutscher Schäferhunde, Berger allemand, German Sheperd Dog, Musolino Luciano (I) 166. Pastor Aleman) Pelo corto maschi a) pelo corto (stockhaar) Pettinaroli Gabriele (I) b) pelo lungo (langstockaar) Pelo lungo Cane da pastore Mallorquin (E) (Ca de Bestiar, Perro de Pastor Mallorquin, Chien de berger de Majorque, MallorcaSchäferhund, Majorca Sheperd MONDO GABRIELLI MARIA TERESA (I) 321. Dog) a) pelo corto (poil court, kurzhaarig, short-haired) b) pelo lungo (poil long, Domenica / 14/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 1° Cani da pastore e bovari (esclusi bovari svizzeri) Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs) langhaarig, long-haired) Cane da pastore catalano (E) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE (Gos d'Atura Català, Chien de berger catalan, Katalanischer Schäferhund, Catalan Sheepdog) 87. a) pelo lungo (poil long, langhaarig, long-haired) Sambucco Giancarlo (I) b) pelo corto (Gos d’Atura Cerda) (poil lisse, glatthaarig, smooth-haired) Cane da pastore di Beauce (F) (Berger de Beauce, Beauceron) 44. a) nero-focato (noir et feu, Teixeira Luis Pinto (P) schwarz und loh, black and tan, negro y fuego) b) arlecchino (gefleckt, harlequin, manchado) Cane da Pastore di Brie (F) (Berger de Brie, Briard) 113. a) nero ardesia (noir ardoisé, schieferfarben, slate, pizarra) Asensi Peinado Pascual (E) b) fulvo-grigio (fauve gris, falbfarben grau, fawn grey, leonado gris) Cane da pastore di Picardia (F) 176. (Berger de Picardie, Berger Picard) Cane da pastore dei Pirenei a pelo lungo (F) MONDO GABRIELLI MARIA TERESA (I) MONDO GABRIELLI MARIA TERESA (I) 141. (Berger des Pyrénées à poil long, Langhaariger Pyrenäen- Domenica / 14/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 1° Cani da pastore e bovari (esclusi bovari svizzeri) Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs) Schäferhund, Long-haired Pyrenean Sheepdog, Perro pastor de los Pirineos de pelo largo) Cane da pastore dei Pirenei a faccia rasa (F) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE (Berger des Pyrénées à face rase, MONDO GABRIELLI MARIA TERESA (I) 138. Pyrenäen-Schäferhund mit kurzhaarigem Gesicht, Pyrenean Sheepdog-smooth faced, Perro pastor de los Pirineos de cara rasa) Bearded Collie (UK) Irving Ronnie (UK) 271. (Colley barbu, Collie barbudo) Clarke Gary (UK) 297. Border Collie (UK) maschi + BOB Sambucco Giancarlo (I) femmine Cane da pastore scozzese a pelo lungo (UK) Condò Pietro Paolo (I) femmine 156. (Collie Rough, Colley à poil long, Langhaariger Schottischer FRICKE CLAUS PETER (D) maschi + BOB Schäferhund, long-haired, pelo largo) Cane da pastore scozzese a pelo Condò Pietro Paolo (I) femmine corto (UK) 296. FRICKE CLAUS PETER (D) (Collie Smooth, Colley à poil court, Kurzhaariger Schottischer maschi + BOB Schäferhund, short-haired) Bobtail (UK) (Old English Sheepdog, Berger Habig Christofer (D) anglais ancestral, Altenglischer Schaeferhund, Antiguo Perro pastor Inglés) Cane da pastore scozzese (UK) Albrigo Anna (I) 88. 16. Domenica / 14/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 1° ESPERTO GIUDICE Cani da pastore e bovari (esclusi JUDGE bovari svizzeri) Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs) (Shetland Sheepdog) Jipping Gerard (NL) 38. Welsh Corgi Cardigan (UK) Brace Andrew (UK) 39. Welsh Corgi Pembroke (UK) Cane da pastore bergamasco (I) 194. (Berger bergamasque, Corna Luigi (I) Bergamasker Hirtenhund, Bergamasco Sheperd Dog, Perro de pastor Bergamasco) Cane da pastore maremmano D'alessio Giacinto (I) abruzzese (I) (Berger de la Maremme et des 201. Abruzzes, Maremmen-AbruzzenSchaeferhund, Maremma and Abruzzes Sheepdog, Perro de pastor Maremmano Abruzzese) 53. Komondor (H) 54. Kuvasz (H) Mudi (H) maschi + BOB Damiani Paolo (I) femmine Alessandra Giuseppe (I) Alessandra Giuseppe (I) a) nero (black) b) blue.merle (blue-merle) Alessandra Giuseppe (I) 238. c) cenere (ashen) d) marrone (brown) e) bianco (white) Puli (H) a) nero (black) b) nero con discrete tonalità 55. rosso ruggine o grigio (black discretely shaded with rust-red or grey) c) fulvo con maschera nera pronunciata (fawn with Alessandra Giuseppe (I) Domenica / 14/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 1° Cani da pastore e bovari (esclusi bovari svizzeri) Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs) pronounced black mask) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE d) bianco perla senza ombreggiature rosso ruggine (pearl-white without any rust-red shade) Pumi (H) a) grigio nelle diverse tonalità (grey in different shades) 56. b) nero (black) Alessandra Giuseppe (I) c) fulvo: rosso terriccio, giallo, crema (fawn: groundcolours red, yellow, cream) d) bianco (white) Cane da pastore olandese (NL) (Hollandse Herdershond, Chien de Berger hollandais, Holländischer Schäferhund, Dutch Sheperd Dog, Perro de pastor Holandés) 223. a) pelo corto (kortharige, poil court, kurzhaarig, short-haired) Jipping Gerard (NL) b) pelo lungo (langharige, poil long, langhaarig, long-haired) c) pelo ruvido (ruwharige, poil dur, rauhhaarig, rough-haired) Cane lupo di Saarloos (NL) (Saarlooswolfhond, Chien loup Jipping Gerard (NL) de Saarlos, Saarlos-Wolfhund, Saarlos Wolfdog, Perro lobo de Saarlos) Jipping Gerard (NL) 313. Schapendoes (NL) 311. Domenica / 14/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 1° Cani da pastore e bovari (esclusi bovari svizzeri) Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs) Cane da pastore di Vallée (PL) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE (Polski Owczarek Nizinny, Chien de berger polonais de plaine, Kavcic Blaz (SLO) 251. Polnischer Niederungshütehund, Polish Lowland Sheepdog, Perro de pastor Polaco de las Llanuras) Cane da pastore di Tatra (PL) (Polski Owczarek Podhalanski, 252. Chien de berger des Tatras, Tatra-Schäferhund, Tatra Sheperd Dog, Perro de pastor polaco de Podhale) Cão da Serra de Aires (P) Kavcic Blaz (SLO) (Chien de berger de la Serra de Kavcic Blaz (SLO) 93. Aires, Portugiesischer Schäferhund, Portuguese Sheepdog, Perro de pastor Portugués) Cane da pastore croato (HR) 277. 142. 326. (Hrvatski Ovcar, Chien berger Kavcic Blaz (SLO) croate, Kroatischer Schäferhund, Croatian Sheepdog, Perro pastor Croato) Slovensky Cuvac (SK) (Tchouvatch slovaque, Slowakischer tschuvatsch, Slovakian chuvach, Tchuvatch eslovaco) Cane da pastore della Russia meridionale (RUS) Kavcic Blaz (SLO) (Ioujonrousskaïa Ovtcharka, Kavcic Blaz (SLO) Berger de russie méridionale, Südrussischer Ovtcharka, South Russian Sheperd Dog, Perro de Pastor de Rusia Meridional) Domenica / 14/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 1° Cani da pastore e bovari (esclusi bovari svizzeri) Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs) Cane lupo Cecoslovacco (SK) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE (Ceskoslovensky Vlcak, ChienKavcic Marija (SLO) 332. loup tchécoslovaque, Tschechoslowakischer Wolfhund, Czekoslovakian Wolfdog, Perro lobo Checoslovaco) Pastore Australiano (USA) Bellan Falletti Sonia (I) femmine 342. 347. 349. 350. (Australian Shepherd, Berger australien, Australischer Schäferhund, Perro Pastor Australiano) Pastore Svizzero Bianco (CH) (Berger Blanc Suisse, Weisser Schweizer Schäferhund) Romanian Mioritic Sheperd Dog (RO) (Ciobănesc Românesc Mioritic) Romanian Carpathian Sheperd Dog (RO) Spagnolo Guy (AUS) maschi + BOB De Giuliani Claudio (I) Skok Damir (HR) Skok Damir (HR) (Ciobănesc Românesc Carpatin) Australian Cattle Dog (AUS) TEIXERA LUIS PINTO (P) 287. (Bouvier australien, Australischer Treibhund, Boyero australiano) Bovaro delle Fiandre (B - F) 191. (Bouvier des Flandres/Vlaamse Skok Damir (HR) Koehond, Flämischer Treibhund, Boyero de Flandes) Bovaro delle Ardenne (B) Skok Damir (HR) 171. (Bouvier des Ardennes) Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Sambucco Giancarlo (I) 351. Dog (AUS) Venerdì / 12/06/15 GRUPPO/GROU P: 2° Cani di tipo Pinscher e Schnauzer Molossoidi e cani bovari svizzeri Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid Breeds Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs Dobermann (D) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE a) nero focato (schwarz mit rostrotem Brand, noir marqué de feu de teinte rouille, black with rust red Pezzano Pietrogino (I) markings, negro con marcas de color rojo femmine 143. òxido) WIBLISHAUSER HANS (D) b) marrone focato (braun mit rostrotem maschi + BOB Brand, marron marqué de feu de teinte rouille, brown with rust red markings, marròn con marcas de color rojo òxido) Pinscher (D) a) da rosso-marrone a rosso-cervo (rotbraun bis hirschrot, rougebrun à rouge-cerf, red-brown to stagMarino Pietro (I) 184. red, rojo-marrón hasta rojo-ciervo) b) nero con macchie rosso-marrone (schwarz mit rotbraunem Brand, noir avec marques feu de teinte rouge-brun, Venerdì / 12/06/15 GRUPPO/GROU P: 2° Cani di tipo Pinscher e Schnauzer Molossoidi e cani bovari svizzeri Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid Breeds Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs black with redbrown markings, negro con marcas de color rojo-marrón) Zwergpinscher (D) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE (Pinscher nain, Miniature Pinscher, Pinscher miniatura) a) da rosso-marrone a rosso-cervo (rotbraun bis hirschrot, rougebrun à rouge-cerf, red-brown to stagEhrenreich Günther (A) 185. red, rojo-marrón hasta rojo-ciervo) b) nero con macchie rosso-marrone (schwarz mit rotbraunem Brand, noir avec marques feu de teinte rouge-brun, black with redbrown markings, negro con marcas de color rojo-marrón) 186. Affenpinscher (D) Marino Pietro (I) Pinscher austriaco a pelo raso (A) 64. (Öesterreichischer Kurzhaariger Pinscher, Pinscher autrichien à poil Marino Pietro (I) Venerdì / 12/06/15 GRUPPO/GROU P: 2° Cani di tipo Pinscher e Schnauzer ESPERTO GIUDICE Molossoidi e cani bovari JUDGE svizzeri Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid Breeds Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs court, Austrian short-haired Pinscher, Pinscher Austriaco de pelo corto) Danish-Swedish Farmdog (DK - S) Marino Pietro (I) 356. (Dansk-Svensk Gardshund) Riesenschnauzer (D) (Schnauzer géant, Giant Schnauzer, Schnauzer gigante) a) pepe sale (pfeffersalz, sandfarben schwarz gewolkt mit sandfarbenen Abzeichen, poivre et 181. sel, sable charbonné marqué de sable, pepper and salt, blackened sand with sand-coloured markings, sal y pimienta, arena carbonado con marcas color arena) Grosso Clemente Giorgio (I) pepe sale PENTENERO GIOVANNI (I) neri maschi Theisen Ernst (D) neri femmine b) nero (schwarz, noir, black, negro) Schnauzer (D) Perosino Guido (I) 182. a) pepe sale Venerdì / 12/06/15 GRUPPO/GROU P: 2° Cani di tipo Pinscher e Schnauzer Molossoidi e cani bovari svizzeri Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid Breeds Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs (pfeffersalz, sandfarben schwarz gewolkt mit sandfarbenen Abzeichen, poivre et sel, sable charbonné marqué de sable, pepper and salt, blackened sand with sand-coloured markings, sal y pimienta, arena carbonado con marcas color arena) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE b) nero (schwarz, noir, black, negro) Zwergschnauzer (D) (Schnauzer miniature, Miniature Kuplyauskas Eugeny (RUS) Schnauzer, pepe sale Schnauzer Miniatura) Skalin Bo (S) a) pepe sale neri (pfeffersalz, 183. sandfarben schwarz TEIXERA LUIS PINTO (P) gewolkt mit sandfarbenen Abzeichen, poivre et Nero argento sel, sable charbonné marqué de sable, Vandoni Guido (I) pepper and salt, blackened sand with bianchi sand-coloured markings, sal y pimienta, arena Venerdì / 12/06/15 GRUPPO/GROU P: 2° Cani di tipo Pinscher e Schnauzer Molossoidi e cani bovari svizzeri Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid Breeds Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs carbonado con marcas color arena) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE b) nero (schwarz, noir, black, negro) c) nero argento (schwarz-silber, noir marqué de sable, black and silver, negro y plata) d) bianco (weiss, blanc, white, blanco) Smoushond Olandese (NL) Kavcic Blaz (SLO) 308. (Hollandse Smoushond) Terrier nero russo (RUS) 327. (Tchiorny terrier, Terrier noir, Schwarzer Terrier, Black Terrier, Terrier negro) NIKITINA LYUDMILA (RUS) Bueti Serafino (I) 292. Dogo Argentino (RA) femmine Forlla Jose Luis (RA) maschi + BOB 225. Fila Brasileiro (BR) Sampaio Ann Joe (BRA) 309. Shar Pei (RC - UK) BRADLEY JOY (UK) Sampaio Ann Joe (BRA) 315. Broholmer (DK) Venerdì / 12/06/15 GRUPPO/GROU P: 2° Cani di tipo Pinscher e Schnauzer Molossoidi e cani bovari svizzeri Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid Breeds Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Holzhausen Peter (D) Boxer (D) (Deutscher Boxer) a) fulvo (gelb, fauve, 144. fawn, leonado) maschi tigrati + BOB Fiala Radim (CZ) femmine tigrate Vitali Diego (I) b) tigrato (gestromt, maschi fulvi bringé, brindle, atigrado) Marzo Franco (I) femmine fulve Alano (D) (Deutsche Dogge) Murante Amelia (I) blu a) fulvo (gelb, fauve, Staderini Giovanni (I) fawn, leonado) 235. femmine fulvi e tigrati + BOB b) tigrato (gestromt, bringé, brindle, Van Montfoort Peter (NL) atigrado) c) nero (schwarz, noir, black, negro) maschi fulvi e tigrati Facella Salvatore (I) d) arlecchino Maschi neri e arlecchini (gefleckt, arlequin, harlequin, arlequín) Staunskjaer Ole (DK) e) blu (blau, bleu, blue, azul) 147. Rottweiler (D) femmine neri e arlecchini + BOB Parrini Nicola (I) Venerdì / 12/06/15 GRUPPO/GROU P: 2° Cani di tipo Pinscher e Schnauzer Molossoidi e cani bovari svizzeri Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid Breeds Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE maschi classe lavoro + juniores + veterani, femmine classe lavoro + juniores+ veterani, miglior juniores PETERMANN UWE (D) maschi classe giovani + intermedia + libera + campioni, miglior femmina Romanelli Carla (I) femmine classe giovani + intermedia + libera + campioni, migliori maschio BOB Perro dogo mallorquin (E) 249. (Ca de Bou, Dogue de Majorque, Mallorca-Dogge, Majorca Mastiff) Dogue de Bordeaux (F) 116. (Bordeauxdogge, Dogo de Burdeos) 149. Bulldog (UK) Habig Christofer (D) Habig Christofer (D) Maschi + BOB Parmiciano Vincenzo (I) femmine BOSCH BAS (B) femmine Newcomb Brenda (USA) Venerdì / 12/06/15 GRUPPO/GROU P: 2° Cani di tipo Pinscher e Schnauzer Molossoidi e cani bovari svizzeri Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid Breeds Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE maschi + BOB Malo Alcrudo Rafael (E) femmine 157. Bullmastiff (UK) Sanchez Pardo Jesus (E) 264. Mastiff (UK) Mastino napoletano (I) Maschi + BOB Spagna Jari (I) Palazzo Michele (I) (Mâtin napolitain, Neapolitan Mastiff, Mastín Napolitano) Van Montfoort Peter (NL) 260. Tosa (J) Inzoli Massimo (I) Cane Corso Italiano (I) maschi + BOB 343. (Chien de forte race, La Rocca Fabrizio (I) Corso-Hund, Corso Dog, Perro Corso) femmine Cimarron Uruguayo (U) 197. (Uruguayan Bezzecchi Giulio (I) Cimarron, Cimarron Uruguayen, Uruguayischer Cimarron) Ciobanesc Romanesc De Bucovina (Europa Bezzecchi Giulio (I) 357. Sudorientale) 353. (Southeastern Venerdì / 12/06/15 GRUPPO/GROU P: 2° Cani di tipo Pinscher e Schnauzer Molossoidi e cani bovari svizzeri Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid Breeds Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs European Shepherd) Cane da pastore dell'Anatolia (TR FCI) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE (Coban Köpegi, Chien de berger, De Giuliani Claudio (I) 331. d’Anatolie, Anatolischer Hirtenhund, Anatolian Sheperd Dog, Perro de pastor de Anatolia) Terranova (CDN FCI) (Newfoundland, Terre-Neuve, Neufundländer) a) nero (black, noir, schwarz, negro) 50. 190. b) marrone (brown, FOSS ARNE (N) marron, braun, marrón) c) bianco con macchie nere (white with black markings, blanc marqué de noir, weiss, mit schwarzen Flecken, blanco con manchas negras) Hovawart (D) De Giuliani Claudio (I) Venerdì / 12/06/15 GRUPPO/GROU P: 2° Cani di tipo Pinscher e Schnauzer Molossoidi e cani bovari svizzeri Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid Breeds Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs a) black an tan (black and tan) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE b) nero (black) c) biondo (blond) 145. Leonberger (D) Landseer (D - CH) SINKO STEFAN (SLO) (europäischkontinentaler Typ, Asensi Peinado Pascual (E) 226. type continental européen, ContinentalEuropean type, tipo continental Europeo) Mastino spagnolo (E) Asensi Peinado Pascual (E) 91. (Mastín Español, Mâtin espagnol, Spanischer Mastiff, Spanish Mastiff) Mastino dei Pirenei (E) 92. 137. (Mastín de los Asensi Peinado Pascual (E) Pirineos, Mâtin des Pyrénées, PyrenäenMastiff, Pyrenean Mastiff) Cane da Montagna dei Pirenei (F) (Chien de Montagne des Pyrénées, Pyrenäen-Berghund, Kavcic Blaz (SLO) Venerdì / 12/06/15 GRUPPO/GROU P: 2° Cani di tipo Pinscher e Schnauzer Molossoidi e cani bovari svizzeri Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid Breeds Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs Pyrenean Mountain Dog, Perro de Montaña de los Pirineos) Cane da pastore di Ciarplanina (MK YU) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE (Sarplaninac, Chien de berger Zilli Orietta (I) 41. yougoslave, Jugoslawischer Hirtenhund, Jugoslavian Herder, Perro de pastor Jugoslavo) Cane dell'Atlas (MA) Zilli Orietta (I) 247. (Aidi, AtlasSchäferhund, Atlas Sheperd Dog, Perro de pastor del Atlas) Cane da Sierra di Estrela (P) (Cão da Serra da Estrela, Chien de la Serra Estrela, Serra da EstrelaTeixeira Luis Pinto (P) 173. Berghund, Serra da Estrela Mountain Dog, Perro de Montaña de la Sierra de la Estrela) a) pelo liscio (pelo Venerdì / 12/06/15 GRUPPO/GROU P: 2° Cani di tipo Pinscher e Schnauzer Molossoidi e cani bovari svizzeri Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid Breeds Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs lizo, poil lisse, glatthaarig, smoothaired, pelo liso) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE b) pelo lungo (pelo comprido, poil long, langhaarig, longhaired, pelo largo) Cão de Castro Laboreiro (P) (Chien de Castro 170. Laboreiro, Castro Teixeira Luis Pinto (P) Laboreiro-Hund, Castro Laboreiro Dog, Perro de Castro Laboreiro) Rafeiro do Alentejo (P) 96. (Rafeiro de Teixeira Luis Pinto (P) l’Alentejo, Rafeiro von Alentejo, Rafeiro of Alentejo, Rafeiro del Alentejo) Cane di S. Bernardo (CH) (St. Bernhardshund, Bernhardiner, Chien 61. du Saint-Bernard, Morsiani Giovanni (I) Saint Bernard Dog, Perro San Bernardo) a) pelo corto (kurzhaarig, poil Venerdì / 12/06/15 GRUPPO/GROU P: 2° Cani di tipo Pinscher e Schnauzer Molossoidi e cani bovari svizzeri Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid Breeds Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs court, short-haired) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE b) pelo lungo (langhaarig, poil long, long.haired, pelo largo) (Krazski Ovcar, Chien de berger du massif du Karst, 278. Karst-Schäferhund, Zilli Orietta (I) Karst Sheperd Dog, Perro de pastor de Karst) Cane da pastore del Caucaso (RUS) (Kavkazskaïa Ovtcharka, Chien de 328. berger du Caucase, Nerilli Luigi (I) Kaukasischer Ovtcharka, Caucasian Sheperd Dog, Perro de pastor del Cáucaso) Cane da pastore dell'Asia Centrale (RUS) (Sredneasiatskaïa Ovtcharka, Chien de Imbimbo Nicola (I) 335. berger d’Asie Centrale, Zentralasiatischer Ovtcharka, Central Asia Sheperd Dog, Perro de pastor de Asia Central) Venerdì / 12/06/15 GRUPPO/GROU P: 2° Cani di tipo Pinscher e Schnauzer Molossoidi e cani bovari svizzeri Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid Breeds Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs Tibetan mastiff (Tibet - FCI) 230. (Do-Khyi, Dogue du Tibet, Tibet-Dogge, Dogo del Tibet) Tornjak (YU - HR) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Condò Pietro Paolo (I) (Berger de BosnieHerzégovine et de Croatie, Bosnian and Herzegovinian – Croatian sheped Martinez Miguel Angel (RA) 355. dog, Bosnischherzegowinischer und kroatischer Schäferhund, Pastor de BosniaHerzegovina y Croacia) Martinez Miguel Angel (RA) 346. Dogo Canario (E) Cão Fila de São Miguel (P) Martinez Miguel Angel (RA) 340. (Fila de Saint Miguel) Bovaro dell'Appenzell (CH) (Appenzeller Sennenuhund, Bocca Griffa Adriana (I) 46. Bouvier appenzellois, Appenzell Cattledog, Perro Boyero de Appenzell) Venerdì / 12/06/15 GRUPPO/GROU P: 2° Cani di tipo Pinscher e Schnauzer ESPERTO GIUDICE Molossoidi e cani bovari JUDGE svizzeri Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid Breeds Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs Bovaro del Bernese KLISHAS ANDREI (RUS) (CH) Maschi + BOB (Berner Sennenhund, 45. Bouvier bernois, Sambucco Giancarlo (I) Bernese Mountain Dog, Perro Boyero femmine de montaña Bernés) Bovaro dell'Entlebuch (CH) (Entlebucher 47. sennenhund, Bouvier Bocca Griffa Adriana (I) de l'Entlebuch, Entlebuch Cattledog, Perro Boyero de Entlebuch) Grande Bovaro Svizzero (CH) (Grosser Schweizer 58. Sennenhund, Grand Bocca Griffa Adriana (I) bouvier suisse, Great Swiss Mountain Dog, Gran Boyero Suizo) Sabato / 13/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 3° Terrier Terriers Deutscher Jagdterrier (D) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Mentasti Gianercole (I) 103. (Terrier de chasse allemand, German Hunting Terrier, Terrier cazador alemán) 7. Airedale Terrier (UK) Huxley Tom (UK) 9. Bedlington Terrier (UK) Phillips Martin (UK) Crawley Lesley (UK) 10. Border Terrier (UK) Fox Terrier a pelo liscio (UK) Baldwin Elaine (UK) 12. (smooth, poil lisse, glatthaarig, pelo liso) Fox Terrier a pelo ruvido (UK) Hunt Andrew (UK) 169. (wire, poil dur, drahthaarig, pelo duro) 70. Lakeland Terrier (UK) Baldwin Elaine (UK) Manchester Terrier Di Trapani Antonino (I) 71. (UK) Mentasti Gianercole (I) 78. Welsh Terrier (UK) Irish Glen of Imaal GREEN PETER (USA) 302. Terrier (IRL) Gruttner Hans Erhard (D) 139. Irish Terrier (IRL) Kerry Blue Terrier Gruttner Hans Erhard (D) 3. (IRL) Irish Soft Coated Phillips Martin (UK) 40. Wheaten Terrier (IRL) Parson Russell Terrier (UK) Frisk Svante (S) 339. (Terrier du Révérend Jack Russell) Terrier Brasileiro (BR) Di Trapani Antonino (I) 341. (Terrier Brazileiro, Terrier brésilien, Brasilianischer Terier, Sabato / 13/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 3° Terrier Terriers Brazilian Terrier, Terrier Brasileño) Australian Terrier 8. (AUS) 4. Cairn Terrier (UK) Dandie Dinmont Terrier 168. (UK) 272. Norfolk Terrier (UK) 72. Norwich Terrier (UK) 73. Scottish Terrier (UK) 74. Sealyham Terrier (UK) 75. Skye Terrier (UK) West Highland White 85. Terrier (UK) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE GREEN PETER (USA) Pavic Tomo (HR) Plane Stuart (UK) Phillips Martin (UK) Crawley Lesley (UK) Herd Margaret Florence (UK) Plane Stuart (UK) Plane Stuart (UK) Griffiths Jennie (UK) maschi + BOB Lotzniker Lorena (I) femmine Terrier Giapponese (J) (Nihon Teria, Terrier 259. japonais, Japanischer Terrier, Japanese Terrier, Terrier Japonés) Terrier boemo (CZ) 246. 345. Di Trapani Antonino (I) (Ceský Teriér, Terrier Di Trapani Antonino (I) Tchèque, Tschechischer Terrier, Cesky Terrier, Terrier Checo) Brown Lynette (AUS) Jack Russel Terrier (UK – AUS) maschi + BOB Ericsson Dan (S) femmine Bull Terrier taglia 11. normale (UK) Clark Dominic (UK) Sabato / 13/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 3° 359. Terrier Terriers (standard, estándard) Bull Terrier miniatura (UK) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Clark Elaine (UK) (miniature bull terrier) Di Chicco Mariano (I) 76. Staffordshire Bull Terrier (UK) giovani, juniores, veterani Drummond Robert (UK) tutte le classi tranne giovani, juniores, veterani + BOB Dakic Rade (SRB) American Staffordshire 286. Terrier (USA) maschi + BOB Menaker Ron (USA) femmine 236. Australian Silky Terrier GREEN PETER (USA) (AUS) English Toy Terrier Black and Tan (UK) (Terrier anglais 13. d’agrément noir et feu, Mentasti Gianercole (I) Englischer Toy Terrier schwarz und loh, Terrier de juguete unglés negro y fuego) 86. Yorkshire Terrier (UK) Pagani Sonia (I) Venerdì / 12/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 4° Bassotti Dachshunds Bassotto (D) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE (dachshund, teckel) a) taglia normale (standard, estándar) Barbati Abele (I) standard pelo corto - pelo corto (kurzhaar, poil Baria Maurizio (I) ras, smooth-haired) standard pelo duro rimanenti classi tranne giovani - pelo lungo (langhaar, poil long, long.haired, pelo Calcinati Cesare (I) largo) - pelo duro (rauhhaar, poil dur, wire-haired) b) nano (zwerg, nain, miniature, miniatura) 148. - pelo corto (kurzhaar, poil ras, smooth-haired) nano a pelo corto Guidobono Cavalchini Luigi (I) kaninchen a pelo corto nano a pelo duro giovani JAKKEL TAMAS (H) - pelo lungo (langhaar, poil nano a pleo lungo long, long.haired, pelo largo) kaninchen pelo lungo - pelo duro (rauhhaar, poil dur, wire-haired) c) kaninchen (teckel de chasse au lapin, rabbit dachshhund, teckel para la cazza del conejo) Kliebenstein Horst (D) nano a pelo duro rimanenti classi tranne giovani Odenweller Heidrun (D) standard pelo lungo - pelo corto (kurzhaar, poil standard a pelo duro giovani ras, smooth-haired) Stahlberg Perttu (FIN) - pelo lungo (langhaar, poil long, long.haired, pelo kaninchen pelo duro largo) - pelo duro (rauhhaar, poil dur, wire-haired) Venerdì / 12/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 4° Bassotti Dachshunds ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Sabato / 13/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 5° ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Cani di tipo Spitz e di tipo primitivo Spitz and Primitive types Groenlandese (DK) 274. (Grønlandshund, Chien du Groenland, Grönlandhund, Greenland Dog, Perro de Groenlandia) Samoiedo (NKU - RUS) EEROLA TAPIO (FIN) Nekrosiene Natalja (S) 212. (Samoiedskaïa Sabaka, Samoyède, Samojede, Samoyed, Samoyedo) Schafer Guido (D) 243. Alaskan Malamute (USA) Kirschbichler Heidi (A) maschi + BOB 270. Siberian Husky (USA) Mach Lisbeth (CH) femmine Norsk Elghund Grigio (N) (Norsk Elghund Grå, Chien EEROLA TAPIO (FIN) 242. d’élan norvégien gris, Norwegischer Elchhund grau, Norwegian Elkhound grey, Perro cazador de alces Noruego gris) Norsk Elghund Nero (N) (Norsk Elghund Sort, Chien d’élan norvégien noir, EEROLA TAPIO (FIN) 268. Norwegischer Elchhund schwarz, Norwegian Elkhound black, Perro cazador de alces Noruego negro) Norsk Lundehund (N) 265. (Chien norvégien de macareux, Norwegischer Lundehund, Norwegian Lundehund, Lundehund Noruego) Laika Russo-Europeo (RUS) EEROLA TAPIO (FIN) NIKITINA LYUDMILA (RUS) 304. (Russko-Evropeïskaïa Laïka, Sabato / 13/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 5° ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Cani di tipo Spitz e di tipo primitivo Spitz and Primitive types Laïka russo-européen, Russischeuropäischer Laïka, RussianEuropean Laïka, Laïka RusoEuropeo) Laika della Siberia Orientale (RUS) 305. 306. 42. 276. 48. (Vostotchno-Sibirskaïa Laïka, NIKITINA LYUDMILA (RUS) Laïka de Sibérie orientale, Ostsibirischer Laïka, East Siberian Laïka, Laïka de Siberia oriental) Laika della Siberia Occidentale (RUS) (Zapadno-Sibirkaïa Laïka, Laïka NIKITINA LYUDMILA (RUS) de Sibérie occidentale, Westsibirischer Laïka, West Siberian Laïka, Laïka de Siberia occidental) Jämthund (S) (Chien d’élan suédois, MONDO GABRIELLI MARIA TERESA (I) Schwedischer Elchhund, Swedish Elkhound, Perro cazador de alces Sueco) Norrbottenspets (S) (Spitz de Norrbotten, Norbottenspitz) Cane da Orso della Carelia (SF) MONDO GABRIELLI MARIA TERESA (I) (Karjalankarhunkoira, Chien MONDO GABRIELLI MARIA TERESA (I) d’ours de Carélie, Karelischer Bärenhund, Karelian Bear Dog, Perro de osos de Carelia) Spitz finnico (SF) EEROLA TAPIO (FIN) 49. (Suomenpystykorva, Spitz finlandais, Finnen-Spitz, Finnish Spitz, Spitz Finlandés) Iceland Dog (IS) EEROLA TAPIO (FIN) 289. (Islandsk Fårehond, Chien de Sabato / 13/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 5° ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Cani di tipo Spitz e di tipo primitivo Spitz and Primitive types Berger islandais, Islandhund, Iceland Sheepdog, Perro de pastor Islandés) Norsk Buhund (N) 237. (Buhund norvégien, Norwegischer Buhund, Norwegian Buhund, Buhund Noruego) Lapphund (S) EEROLA TAPIO (FIN) (Svensk Lapphund, Chien suédois EEROLA TAPIO (FIN) 135. de Laponie, Schwedischer Lapphund auch Lappenspitz, Swedish Lapphund, Perro Sueco de Laponia) Västgötaspets (S) (Spitz des Visigoths, Tabò Giobatta (I) 14. Westgotenspitz auch Schwedischer Schäferspitz, Swedisch Vallhund, Perro de los Visigodos) Lapinkoira (SF) 189. (Suomenlapinkoira, Chien finnois EEROLA TAPIO (FIN) de Laponie, Finnischer Lapphund, Finnish Lapphund, Perro Finlandés de Laponia) Lapinporokoïra (SF) (Berger finnois de Laponie, Finnischer Lapplandhirtenhund EEROLA TAPIO (FIN) 284. auch Lappländischer Rentierhund, Finnish Reindeer Herder, Pastor Finlandés de Laponia) Alessandra Giuseppe (I) Spitz tedeschi (D) 97. (Deutscher Spitz, Spitz allemand, wolfspitz German Spitz, Spitz Alemán) Ericsson Dan (S) a) wolfspitz (Spitz loup, Sabato / 13/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 5° ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Cani di tipo Spitz e di tipo primitivo Spitz and Primitive types Keeshond, Spitz Lobo) nani maschi b) grande spitz (grossspitz, Grand Spitz, Giant Spitz, Gran Spitz) Nagler Yolanda (IL) - bianco (weiss, blanc, white, blanco) Schill Roberto (RO) piccoli nani femmine - marrone o nero (braun oder schwarz, marron ou noir, brown MONDO GABRIELLI MARIA TERESA (I) or black, marrón o negro) grandi e medi c) spitz medio (Mittelspitz, Spitz moyen, medium size Spitz, Spitz mediano) - bianco (weiss, blanc, white, blanco) - marrone o nero (braun oder schwarz, marron ou noir, brown or black, marrón o negro) - arancio, grigio e altri colori (orange graugewolt und andersfarbig, orange gris loup/gris nuoagé et autres couleurs, orange grey shaded and other colours, naraja grisáceo y otros colores) d) spitz piccolo (Kleinspitz, Petit Spitz, Miniature Spitz, Spitz pequeño) - bianco (weiss, blanc, white, blanco) - marrone o nero (braun oder schwarz, marron ou noir, brown or black, marrón o negro) - arancio, grigio e altri colori (orange graugewolt und Sabato / 13/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 5° ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Cani di tipo Spitz e di tipo primitivo Spitz and Primitive types andersfarbig, orange gris loup/gris nuoagé et autres couleurs, orange grey shaded and other colours, naraja grisáceo y otros colores) e) spitz nano (Zwergspitz, Spitz nain, Pomeranian, Spitz enano) - tutti i colori (alle farben, toutes couleurs, any colour, todos los colores) Tabò Giobatta (I) 195. Volpino Italiano (I) Poggesi Manola (I) 205. Chow Chow (RC - UK) NIKITINA LYUDMILA (RUS) 291. Eurasier (D) De Santiago Rafael (PRI) femmine 255. Akita (J) Jarvinen Kari (FIN) 261. Hokkaïdo (J) 317. Kai (J) 318. Kishu (J) Spitz giapponese (J) 262. (Nihon Supittsu, Spitz japonais, Japan-Spitz, Japanese Spitz, Spitz Japonés) 257. Shiba (J) 319. Shikoku (J) Korea Jindo Dog (ROK) maschi + BOB Miglietta Maria Grazia (I) Miglietta Maria Grazia (I) Miglietta Maria Grazia (I) Miglietta Maria Grazia (I) Satoshi Bessho (J) Miglietta Maria Grazia (I) Miglietta Maria Grazia (I) 334. (Chien Jindo coréen, Koreanischer Jindo, Perro Jindo Coreano) Akita americano (J) 344. (American akita, Akita americain) 358 Thai Bangkaew Dog (T) 273. Canaan Dog (IL) Buratti Pierluigi (I) Miglietta Maria Grazia (I) Miglietta Maria Grazia (I) Sabato / 13/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 5° ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Cani di tipo Spitz e di tipo primitivo Spitz and Primitive types Pharaon Hound (M - UK) El Baroudi Abderrahim (MA) 248. (Cane dei faraoni, Chien du Pharaon, Pharaonenhund, Perro de los Faraones) Xoloitzcuintle (MEX) (Chien nu mexicain, Mexikanischer Nackthund, Mexican Hairless Dog, Perro sin pelo Mexicano) VÉLEZ-PICÓ ROBERTO (PR) 234. a) standard (standard) b) medio (intermediate) c) miniatura (petit klein, miniature) Perro sin pelo del Perù (PE) (Chien nu du Pérou. Peruanischer Nackthund, Peruvian Hairless Dog) 310. a) grande (grand, gross, large) VÉLEZ-PICÓ ROBERTO (PR) b) medio (moyen, mittelgroß, medium-sized) c) piccolo (pequeño, petit, klein, miniature) El Baroudi Abderrahim (MA) 43. Basenji (ZR - UK) Podenco Canario (E) 329. (Chien de garenne des Canaries, Canarian Warren Hound) Podenco Ibicenco (E) La Barbera Antonino (I) (Chien de garenne des Baléares, La Barbera Antonino (I) 89. Ibizan Warren Hound) a) pelo duro (pelo alambre, poil fil de fer, rauhhaarig, rough- Sabato / 13/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 5° ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Cani di tipo Spitz e di tipo primitivo Spitz and Primitive types haired) b) pelo corto (poil court, kurzhaarig, smooth haired) 199. Cirneco dell'Etna (I) Podenco Portoghese (P) De Giuliani Claudio (I) (Podengo Português, Chien de garenne portugais, Portugiesischer Podenco, Portuguese Warren Hound) a) pelo duro (pelo cerdoso, poil dur, rauhhaarig, rough-haired) - grande (grand, gross, large) 94. - medio (moyen, mittelgroß, meduim-size, mediano) La Barbera Antonino (I) - piccolo (pequeño, petit, klein, miniature) b) pelo liscio (pelo liso, pelo lisse, glatthaarig, smooth-haired) - grande (grand, gross, large) - medio (moyen, mittelgroß, meduim-size, mediano) - piccolo (pequeño, petit, klein, miniature) Taiwan Dog (J) La Barbera Antonino (I) 348. (chien de Taiwan) Thai Ridgeback Dog (T - J) 338. (Chien thaïlandais à crête La Barbera Antonino (I) dorsale, Thailändischer Ridgeback, Perro Tailandés con una cresta sobre la espalda) Giovedì / 11/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 6° Segugi e cani per pista di sangue Scenthounds and Related Breeds Chien de Saint-Hubert (B) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE 84. Nerilli Luigi (I) (Bloodhound, Bluthund) 24. Poitevin (F) 25. Billy (F) Français tricolore (F) Muntean Petru (RO) Muntean Petru (RO) 219. Muntean Petru (RO) (Französischer Dreifarbiger Laufhund, French Tricolour Hound, Sabueso Francés tricolor) Français blanc et noir (F) 220. (Französischer Weiss-schwarzer Laufhund, French White & Black Hound, Sabueso Francés blanco y negro) Français blanc et orange (F) Muntean Petru (RO) 316. (Französischer Weiss-oranger Laufhund, French White & Orange Hound, Sabueso Francés blanco y naranja) Grand anglo-français tricolore (F) Muntean Petru (RO) 322. 323. 324. (Grosser Anglo-französischer Dreifarbiger Laufhund, Great Anglo-French Tricolour Hound, Grande Sabueso Anglo-francés tricolor) Grand anglo-français blanc et noir (F) Muntean Petru (RO) (Grosser Anglo-französischer Weiss-schwarzer Muntean Petru (RO) Laufhund, Great Anglo-French White and Black Hound, Grande Sabueso Anglo-francés blanco y negro) Grand anglo-français blanc et orange (F) (Grosser Anglo-französischer Weiss-oranger Muntean Petru (RO) Laufhund, Great Anglo-French White and Orange Hound, Grande Sabueso Anglo-francés blanco y naranja) Grand bleu de Gascogne (F) Mannucci Massimiliano (I) 22. (Grosser Blauer Gascogne Laufhund, Large Blue Gascony Hound, Grande Sabueso azul de Gascuña) Gascon saintongeois (F) Mannucci Massimiliano (I) 21. Giovedì / 11/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 6° Segugi e cani per pista di sangue Scenthounds and Related Breeds (Grosser und Kleiner Gascon Saintongeois, Great and Small Gascon Saintongeois, Grande e Pequeno Gascon Saintongeois) Grand griffon vendéen (F) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Mannucci Massimiliano (I) (Grosser Griffon Vendéen, Great Griffon Vendeen, Grande Grifón Vendeano) Muntean Petru (RO) 159. Foxhound (UK) Otterhound (UK) Muntean Petru (RO) 294. (Chien de loutre, Otterhund, Perro de Nutria) Muntean Petru (RO) 303. American Foxhound (USA) Black an Tan Coonhound (USA) 282. Muntean Petru (RO) 300. (Chien noir et feu pour la chasse au raton laveur, Schwarz-roter Waschbärenhund, Perro negro y fuego para la caza del mapache) Segugio della Bosnia a pelo duro (BIH - FCI) (Bosanski Ostrodlaki Gonic Barak Chien, courant de Bosnie à poil dur - dit Barak, Muntean Petru (RO) 155. Bosnischer Rauhhaariger Laufhund - genannt Barak, Bosnian coarse-haired Hound - named Barak, Sabueso de Bosnia de pelo duro llamado Barak) Segugio dell'Istria a pelo raso (YU - FCI) 151. 152. (Istarski Kratkodlaki Gonic, Chien courant d’Istrie à poil ras, Istrische Kurzhaarige Bracke, Istrian short-haired Hound, Sabueso de Istria de pelo corto) Segugio dell'Istria a pelo duro (YU - FCI) Muntean Petru (RO) (Istarski Ostrodlaki Gonic, Chien courant Muntean Petru (RO) d’Istrie à poil dur, Istrische Rauhhaarige Bracke, Istrian coarse-haired Hound, Sabueso de Istria de pelo duro) Segugio Posavatz (HR) Muntean Petru (RO) 154. (Posavki Gonic, Chien courant de Posavatz, Posavatz-Laufhund, Posavaz Hound, Sabueso de Posavaz) Sabueso Español (E) Muntean Petru (RO) 204. Giovedì / 11/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 6° Segugi e cani per pista di sangue Scenthounds and Related Breeds (Chien courant espagnol, Spanischer Laufhund, Spanish Hound) Gonczy Polski (PL) 354. (Chien courant polonais, Polnischer Laufhund, Polish Hunting Dog) Segugio maremmano (I) 900. a) pelo forte ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Muntean Petru (RO) Migliarini Mario (I) b) pelo raso Massardi Marcello (I) Segugio dell’Appennino (I) maschi + BOB 901 a) pelo forte MAREMMI GIAMPAOLO (I) b) pelo raso 325. Anglo-Français de petite vénerie (F) 20. Ariégeois (F) 290. Beagle-Harrier (F) Chien d'Artois (F) 28. (Artois Hound, Sabueso Artesiano) 30. Porcelaine (F) Petit bleu de Gascogne (F) femmine Muntean Petru (RO) Mannucci Massimiliano (I) Muntean Petru (RO) Muntean Petru (RO) Mannucci Massimiliano (I) 31. (Kleiner Blauer Gascogne Laufhund, Small Blue Gascony Hound, Pequeño Sabueso azul de Gascuña) Briquet griffon vendéen (F) Mannucci Massimiliano (I) 19. Mannucci Massimiliano (I) 32. 66. (Medium Griffon Vendeen, Briquet Grifón vendeano) Griffon bleu de Gascogne (F) (Blauer Gascogne Griffon, Blue Gascony Griffon, Grifón azul de Gascuña) Griffon fauve de Bretagne (F) (Fawn Brittany Griffon, Grifón leonado de Bretaña) Mannucci Massimiliano (I) Mannucci Massimiliano (I) Giovedì / 11/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 6° Segugi e cani per pista di sangue Scenthounds and Related Breeds Griffon nivernais (F) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE 17. Muntean Petru (RO) (Grifón del Nivernais) 295. Harrier (UK) Segugio ellenico (GR) Muntean Petru (RO) 214. (Hellinikos Ichnilatis, Chien courant rec, Griechischer Laufhund, Hellenic Hound, Sabueso Helénico) 337. Segugio italiano a pelo raso (I) 198. Segugio italiano a pelo forte (I) Segugio tricolore jugoslavo (YU) Muntean Petru (RO) Migliarini Mario (I) Massardi Marcello (I) (Jugoslavenski Trobojni Gonic, Chien courant Muntean Petru (RO) 229. yougoslave tricolore, Dreifarbiger Jugoslawischer Laufhund - Trikolor Laufhund, Jugoslavian Tricolour Hound, Sabueso Tricolor Jugoslavo) Segugio jugoslavo da montagna (YU) 279. (Planinski Gonic, Chien courant yougoslave de Muntean Petru (RO) montagne, Jugoslawischer Gebirgslaufhund, Jugoslavian Mountain Hound, Sabueso Jugoslavo de montaña) Segugio Serbo (YU) Muntean Petru (RO) 150. (Serbski Gonic, Chien courant serbe, Serbischer Laufhund, Serbian Hound, Sabueso Serbio) Segugio della Transilvania (H) 241. 203. 267. (Erdélyi Kopó, Chien courant de Transylvanie, Muntean Petru (RO) Transylvanischer Laufhund - Ungarischer Bracke, Transylvanian Hound, Sabueso de Transilvania) Dunker (N) (Chien courant norvégien, Dunkerbracke, Norwegian Hound, Sabueso Noruego) Haldenstøvare (N) (Chien courant Halden, Halden-Bracke, Halden Hound, Sabueso Halden) Muntean Petru (RO) Muntean Petru (RO) Giovedì / 11/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 6° Segugi e cani per pista di sangue Scenthounds and Related Breeds Hygenhund (N) 266. 63. (Chien courant Hygen, Hygenbracke, Hygen Hound, Sabueso de Hygen) Segugio austriaco (A) (Österreichische Glatthaarige Bracke, Brandlbracke, Brachet autrichien noir et feu, Austrian black and tan Hound, Sabueso Austraico negro y fuego) Segugio della Stiria a pelo ruvido (A) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Muntean Petru (RO) Muntean Petru (RO) 62. (Steirischer Rauhhaarbracke, Brachet de Styrie Muntean Petru (RO) à poil dur, Styrian coarse-haired Hound, Sabueso Estirio de pelo duro) Segugio tirolese (A) 68. 52. (Tiroler Bracke, Brachet tyrolien, Tyrolean Hound, Sabueso del Tirol) Segugio polacco (PL) (Ogar Polski, Brachet polonais, Polnische Bracke, Polish Hound, Sabueso Polaco) Segugi svizzeri (CH) Muntean Petru (RO) Muntean Petru (RO) (Schweizer Laufhunde, Chiens courants suisses, Swiss Hounds, Sabuesos Suizos) a) segugio del Bernese (Berner Laufhund, Courant bernois, Bernese Hound, Sabueso Bernés) 59. b) segugio del Giura (Bruno du Jura, Jura Laufhund, Jura Hound, Sabueso del Jura) Mannucci Massimiliano (I) c) segugio del Lucernese (Luzerner Laufhund, Courant lucernois, Lucerne Hound, Sabueso de Lucerna) 244. d) segugio svizzero (Schwyzer Laufhund, Courant schwytzois, Schwyz Hound, Sabueso de Schwyz) Slovensky Kopov (SK) Muntean Petru (RO) Giovedì / 11/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 6° Segugi e cani per pista di sangue Scenthounds and Related Breeds (Chien courant slovaque, Slowakischer Laufhund, Slovakian Hound, Sabueso Eslovaco) Segugio finlandese (SF) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Muntean Petru (RO) 51. (Suomenajokoira, Chien courant finnois, Finnischer Laufhund, Finnish Hound, Sabueso Finlandés) Hamiltonstövare (S) 132. 131. (Chien courant Hamilton, Hamilton-Laufhund, Hamilton Hound, Sabueso de Hamilton) Schillerstövare (S) (Chien courant Schiller, Schiller-Laufhund, Schiller Hound, Sabueso de Schiller) Smålandsstövare (S) Muntean Petru (RO) Muntean Petru (RO) 129. (Chien courant du Småland, SmålandLaufhund, Småland Hound, Sabueso de Småland) Segugio tedesco (D) Muntean Petru (RO) 299. Muntean Petru (RO) (Deutsche Bracke, Brachet allemand, German Hound, Sabueso Alemán) Segugio della Westfalia (D) 100. (Westfälische Dachsbracke, basset de Westphalie, Westphalian Dachsbracke, Perro tejonero de Westfalia) Basset artésien normand (F) 34. (Basset Artesiano de Normandia) Basset bleu de Gascogne (F) Muntean Petru (RO) 35. Mannucci Massimiliano (I) 36. (Blauer Basset der Gascogne, Blue Gascony Basset, Basset azul de Gascuña) Basset fauve de Bretagne (F) (Fawn Brittany Basset, Basset leonado de Bretaña) Grand Basset griffon vendéen (F) Muntean Petru (RO) Mannucci Massimiliano (I) Mannucci Massimiliano (I) 33. (Grosser Basset Griffon Vendéen, Large Basset Giovedì / 11/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 6° Segugi e cani per pista di sangue Scenthounds and Related Breeds Griffon Vendeen, Gran Basset Grifón Vendeano) Petit Basset griffon vendéen (F) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE 67. (Kleiner Basset Griffon Vendéen, Small Basset Biasiolo Giuliano (I) Griffon Vendeen, Pequeño Basset Grifón Vendeano) Muller Barbara (CH) 163. Basset Hound (UK) Dondina Paolo (I) maschi + BOB 161. Beagle (UK) Molinari Carla (P) femmine Piccoli segugi svizzeri (CH) (Schweizerische Niederlaufhunde, Petits chiens courants suisses, Smaller Swiss Hounds, Sabuesos Suizos pequeños) a) piccolo segugio del Bernese (Berner Niederlaufhund, Petit courant bernois, Smaller Bernese Hound, Pequeño Sabueso Bernés) - pelo liscio (glatthaar, poil lisse, smoothhaired, pelo liso) - pelo duro (rauhhaar, poil dur, coarse-haired, Mannucci Massimiliano (I) 60. pelo duro) b) piccolo segugio del Giura (Jura Niederlaufhund, Smaller Jura Hound, Pequeño Sabueso del Jura) c) piccolo segugio del Lucernese (Luzerner Niederlaufhund, Petit courant lucernois, Smaller Lucerne Hound, Pequeño Sabueso de Lucerna) d) piccolo segugio svizzero (Schwyzer Niederlaufhund, Petit courant schwytzois, Smaller Schwyz Hound, Pequeño Sabueso de Schwyz) Giovedì / 11/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 6° Segugi e cani per pista di sangue Scenthounds and Related Breeds Drever (S) 130. (Basset suédois, Schwedischer Dachsbracke, Swedish Dachsbracke, Perro tejonero Sueco) Bayrischer Gebirgsschweisshund (D) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Mannucci Massimiliano (I) 217. (Chien de recherche au sang de Baviére, Bavarian Mountain Scenthound, Sabueso de sangre de Baviera) Hannover’scher Schweisshund (D) Poggesi Manola (I) 213. (Chien de recherche au sang de Hanovre, Hannoverian Hound, Sabueso de sangre de Hanover) Alpenläendische Dachsbracke (A) Poggesi Manola (I) 254. Poggesi Manola (I) (Basset des Alpes, Alpine Dachsbracke, Pero tejonero alpino) Dalmata (HR) Brace Andrew (UK) 153. (Dalmatinac, Dalmatien, Dalmatian) Filippini Enrique (RA) femmine 146. Rhodesian Ridgeback (ZA - ZW) SINKO STEFAN (SLO) maschi + BOB Giovedì / 11/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 7° Cani da ferma Pointing Dogs Gammel Dansk Hønsehund (DK) 281. ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE (Ancien chien d’arrêt danois, Biasiolo Giuliano (I) Altdänischer Vorstehhund, Old Danish Pointing dog, Perro antiguo de muestra dinamarqués) Cane da ferma tedesco a pelo corto (D) (Deutscher Kurzhaariger Vorstehhund, 119. Deutsch-Kurzhhar, Braque allemand à De Giuliani Claudio (I) poil court, German Short-haired Pointing Dog, Braco Alemán de pelo corto) Cane da ferma tedesco a pelo duro (D) (Deutscher Drahthaariger Vorstehhund, Biasiolo Giuliano (I) Deutsch-Drahthaar, Braque allemand à poil dur, German Wire-haired Pointing Dog, Braco Alemán de pelo duro) Biasiolo Giuliano (I) 216. Pudelpointer (D) Cane da ferma tedesco a pelo ruvido (D) 98. (Deutscher Stichelhaariger Biasiolo Giuliano (I) 232. Vorstehhund, Deutsch-Stichelhaar, Braque allemand à poil raide, German Broken-coated Pointing Dog, Braco Alemám de pelo cerdoso) Weimaraner (D) WIBLISHAUSER HANS (D) (Braque de Weimar) maschi + BOB 99. a) pelo corto (kurzhaarig, poil court, short-haired) Zacco Pier Secondo (I) b) pelo lungo (langhaarig, poil long, long-haired, pelo largo) Bracco di Burgos (E) 90. 177. (Perdiguero de Burgos, Perdiguero von Burgos, Burgos Pointing Dog) Bracco d'Ariège (F) (Braque de l’Ariegè, Ariège Vorstehhund, Ariege Pointing Dog, femmine EYMAR DAUPHIN CHRISTIAN (F) EYMAR DAUPHIN CHRISTIAN (F) Giovedì / 11/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 7° Cani da ferma Pointing Dogs Braco del Ariège) Bracco d'Auvergne (F) 180. (Braque d’Auvergne, Auvergne Vorstehhund, Auvergne Pointing Dog, Braco de Auvernia) Bracco del Bourbonnais (F) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Fulgenzi Gianni (I) 179. (Bracco du Bourbonnais, Bourbonnais Fulgenzi Gianni (I) Vorstehhund, Bourbonnais Pointing Dog, Braco del Bourbonnais) Bracco francese tipo Gascogne (taglia grande) (F) 133. 134. (Braque français type Gascogne grande EYMAR DAUPHIN CHRISTIAN (F) taille, Französischer Vorstehhund Typus Gascogne, French Pointing Dog Gascogne type, Braco francés tipo Gascuña) Bracco francese tipo Pirenei (taglia piccola) (F) (Braque français type Pyrénées petite EYMAR DAUPHIN CHRISTIAN (F) taille, Französischer Vorstehhund Typus Pyrenäen, French Pointing Dog Pyrenean type, Braco francés tipo Pirineo) Bracco Saint Germain (F) 115. (Braque Saint-Germain, St. Germain Vorstehhund, St. Germain Pointing Dog, Braco San Germain) Bracco italiano (I) Fulgenzi Gianni (I) (Braque Italien, Italienischer Vorstehhund, Italian Pointing Dog, Braco Italiano) 202. a) bianco-arancio (blanc-orange, weissorange, white-orange, blanco-naranja) b) roano-marrone (rouan-marron, kastanienbraun-gestichelt, chestnut roan, ruano-marrón) Mentasti Gianercole (I) Giovedì / 11/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 7° Cani da ferma Pointing Dogs Bracco ungherese a pelo duro (H) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE (Drotzörü Magyar Vizsla, Braque Korozs Andras (H) 239. hongrois à poil dur, Drahthaariger Ungarischer Vorstehhund, Drahthaar Viszla, Hungarian Wire-haired Pointing Dog, Braco Húngaro de pelo duro) Bracco ungherese a pelo corto (H) (Rövidszörü Magyar Vizsla, Braque 57. hongrois à poil court, Kurzhaariger Ungarischer Vorstehhund, Hungarian Short-haired Pointing Dog, Braco Húngaro de pelo corto) Bracco portoghese (P) 187. 102. Korozs Andras (H) (Perdigueiro Português, Chien d’arrêt Fulgenzi Gianni (I) portugais, Portugiesischer Vorstehhund, Portuguese Pointing Dog, Perdiguero Portugués) Piccolo Münsterländer (D) (Kleiner Münsterländer Vorstehhund, Petit Epagneul de Münster, Small Munsterlander, Münsterländer Pequeño) Grande Münsterländer (D) Fulgenzi Gianni (I) 118. (Grosser Münsterländer Vorstehhund, Fulgenzi Gianni (I) Grand Epagneul de Münster, Large Munsterlander, gran Münsterländer) Cane da ferma tedesco a pelo lungo (D) (Deutscher Langhaariger Vorstehhund, De Giuliani Claudio (I) 117. Deutsch Langhaar, Chien d’arrêt allemand à poil long, German longhaired Pointing Dog, Perro de muestra Alemán de pelo largo) Epagneul bleu de Picardie (F) 106. 95. (Blauer Picardie-Spaniel, Blue Picardy Spaniel, Spaniel azul de Picardia) Epagneul breton (F) De Giuliani Claudio (I) PASQUALETTI GIANLUCA (I) Giovedì / 11/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 7° Cani da ferma Pointing Dogs (Bretonischer Spaniel, Brittany, Spaniel bretón) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE a) bianco-arancio (blanc at orange, weiss und orange, white and orange, blanco y naranja) b) altri colori (autres couleurs, andere Farben, other colours, otros colores) Epagneul français (F) 175. 108. 114. (Französischer Spaniel, French Spaniel, Spaniel Francés) Epagneul picard (F) (Picardie Spaniel, Picardy Spaniel, Spaniel Picardo) Epagneul de Pont-Audemer (F) (Pont-Audemer-Spaniel, Spaniel de Pont-Audemer) Epagneul olandese di Drent (Cane da pernici) (NL) Fulgenzi Gianni (I) Fulgenzi Gianni (I) Fulgenzi Gianni (I) 224. (Drentsche Patrijshond, Epagneul à perdrix de Drente, Drent’scher Hühnerhund, Drents Partridge Dog, Perdiguero de Drente) Stabyhoun (NL) Fulgenzi Gianni (I) 222. (Chien d’arrêt frison, Friesischer Vorstehhund, Frisian Pointind Dog, Perro de muestra frisón) Griffone a pelo duro (F) Fulgenzi Gianni (I) (Griffon d’arrêt à poil dur, Korthals, Nerilli Luigi (I) 107. Französischer Rauhhaariger Vorstehhund, French Wire-haired Pointing Griffon, Grifón de muestra de pelo duro) Spinone italiano (I) 165. (Chien d’arrêt italien à poil dur, Italienischer Rauhhaariger Massimino Luca (I) Giovedì / 11/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 7° Cani da ferma Pointing Dogs Vorstehhund, Italian Wire-haired Pointing Dog, Perro de muestra Italiano de pelo duro) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE a) bianco-arancio (blanc-orange, weissorange, white-orange, blanco-naranja) b) roano-marrone (rouan-marron, kastanienbraun-gestichelt, chestnut roan, ruano-marrón) Cane da ferma boemo a pelo ruvido (SK) 245. (Cesky Fousek, Barbu tchèque, Böhmisch Rauhbart, Bohemian Wirehaired Pointing Griffon, Grifón de muestra Bohemio de pelo duro) Cane da ferma slovacco a pelo duro (SK) 320. 1. 2. 6. 330. Nerilli Luigi (I) (Slovensky Hrubosrsty Stavac Ohar, Nerilli Luigi (I) Griffon d’arrêt slovaque à poil dur, Slowakischer Rauhbart, Slovakian Wire-haired Pointing Griffon, Grifón de muestra Eslovaco de pelo duro) Pointer inglese (UK) SORMAZ DUSKO (SRB) (English Pointer) Setter inglese (UK) SORMAZ DUSKO (SRB) (English setter) Gordon setter (UK) THIRLWELL JOHN S. (GB) Setter irlandese rosso-bianco (IRL) (Irish Red and White Setter, Setter irlandais rouge et blanc, Irischer Rotweisser Setter, Setter Irlandés rojo y blanco) Setter irlandese (IRL) Pozzi Raffaele (I) 120. (Irish Red Setter, Setter irlandais rouge, Pozzi Raffaele (I) Irischer Roter Setter, Setter Irlandés rojo) Giovedì / 11/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 8° Cani da riporto - Cani da cerca - Cani da acqua Retrievers - Flushing Dogs - Water Dogs Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (CDN) 312. (Retriever de la Nouvelle-Ecosse, Nova Scotia Retriever, Perro cobrador de la Nueva Escocia) Curly Coated Retriever (UK) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Nerilli Luigi (I) Nerilli Luigi (I) 110. (à poil bouclé, kraus gelockt, de pelo rizado) Flat Coated Retriever (UK) Whittaker Sarah (UK) 121. (à poil plat, glatthaarig, de pelo liso) GRAHAM BETTY (AUS) maschi + BOB Rautala Eeva (FIN) 122. Labrador Retriever (UK) giovani + juniores THIRLWELL JOHN S. (GB) femmine Catterall Bernard (UK) maschi + BOB KIPPS LYNN (UK) 111. Golden Retriever (UK) femmine Jarvinen Kari (FIN) 263. Chesapeake Bay Retriever (USA) Spaniel tedesco (D) giovani + juniores Rautala Eeva (FIN) Rautala Eeva (FIN) (Deutscher Wachtelhund, Chien d’Oysel allemand, German Spaniel, Perdiguero Alemán) Ceccarelli Maria (I) 109. Clumber Spaniel (UK) Cocker Spaniel Inglese (UK) Shields David (UK) 104. 5. (English Cocker Spaniel) maschi + BOB a) rosso (red, rouge, rot, rojo) Spagnolo Guy (AUS) Giovedì / 11/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 8° ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Cani da riporto - Cani da cerca - Cani da acqua Retrievers - Flushing Dogs - Water Dogs b) nero (black, noir, schwarz, negro) femmine c) altri colori (other colours, autres coleurs, andere Farben, otros colores) 123. Field Spaniel (UK) 127. Sussex Spaniel (UK) Springer Spaniel inglese (UK) 125. (English Springer Spaniel) Welsh Springer Spaniel (UK) 126. 314. (Springer spaniel gallois, Walisischer SpringerSpaniel, Springer Spaniel Galés) Kooikerhondje (NL) Ceccarelli Maria (I) Ceccarelli Maria (I) Thorn-Andrews Zena (UK) Thorn-Andrews Zena (UK) (Petit chien hollandais de chasse au gibier Nerilli Luigi (I) d’eau, Kleiner Holländischer Wasserwild-Hund, Small Dutch Waterfowl Dog, Pequeño Perro Holandés para la caza acuática) Cocker americano (USA) (American Cocker Spaniel) Tabò Giobatta (I) a) nero (black, noir, schwarz, negro) femmine 167. b) altri colori oltre al nero (any solid color other Brace Andrew (UK) than black, toute couleur unie autre que noir, alle einfarbigen ausser schwarz, todos los unicolores excepto los negros) maschi + bob c) multicolore (particolor, panaché, mehrfarbig, abigarrado) Ceccarelli Maria (I) 105. Barbet (F) Irish Water Spaniel (IRL) 124. (Chien d’eau irlandais, Irischer Wasserspaniel, Perro de agua Irlandés) Spaniel Olandese (NL) Ceccarelli Maria (I) Ceccarelli Maria (I) 221. (Wetterhoun, Chien d’eau frison, Friesischer Wasserhund, Frisian Water Dog, Perro de agua Frisón) Cão de agua Português (P) Asnaghi Ferdinando (I) 37. Giovedì / 11/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 8° Cani da riporto - Cani da cerca - Cani da acqua Retrievers - Flushing Dogs - Water Dogs (Chien d’eau portugais, Portugiesischer Wasserhund, Portuguese Water Dog, Perro de agua Portugués) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE a) a pelo a boccoli (pelo encaracolado, poil bouclé, gelockt, curly, rizado) b) a pelo ondulato (pelo ondulado, poil ondulé. gewellt, wavy, ondulado) American Water Spaniel (USA) 301. 336. (Chien d’eau américain, Amerikanischer Wasserspaniel, Perro de agua Americano) Perro de Agua Español (E) (Chien d’eau espagnol, Spanischer Wasserhund, Spanish Waterdog) Lagotto romagnolo (I) Asnaghi Ferdinando (I) Asnaghi Ferdinando (I) Morsiani Giovanni (I) 298. (Chien d’eau romagnol, Wasserhund der Romagna, Romagna Water Dog, Perro de agua de Romagna) Domenica / 14/06/15 GRUPPO/GROU P: 9° ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Cani da compagnia Companion and Toy Dogs Maltese (Paesi centrali del Mediterraneo - I) MURANTE GIOACCHINO (I) 65. (Bichon maltas, Malteser, Bichón Maltés) Bichon Havanais (Paesi occidentali del Mediterraneo F.C.I.) Blangino Jean (F) 250. (Havaneser, Havanese,m Bichón Habanero) Bichon à poil frisé (B - F) 215. (Gelockter Bichon, Lebret Catherine (BG) Bichon Frise, Bichón de pelo rizado) Bolognese (I) 196. (Bichon bolonais, Cochetti Francesco (I) Bologneser, Bichón Boloñés) Coton de Tuléar De Luca Elisabetta (I) 283. (RM - F) Piccolo cane leone (F) Nataletti Valerio (I) 233. (Petit chien lion, Löwchen, Little Lion Dog, Pequeño Perro León) Barboni (F) Barenne Roger (F) 172. (Caniche, Pudel, Poodle) grande Domenica / 14/06/15 GRUPPO/GROU P: 9° ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Cani da compagnia Companion and Toy Dogs - barbone grande Gatti Franco (I) mole (Grand Caniche, nanO Großpudel, Standard Poodle, Ojalvo David (RA) Caniche gigante) mediO a) bianco (blanc, weiss, white, VANAKEN JEAN FRANCOIS (B) blanco) toy b) marrone (marron, braun, brown, marrón) c) nero (noir, schwarz, black, negro) d) grigio (gris, grau, grey) e) albicocca (abricot, apricot, albaricoque) f) rosso fulvo (fauve rouge, red fawn, rotfalb, rojo) - barbone media mole (Caniche moyen, Kleinpudel, Medium Size Poodle, Caniche mediano) a) bianco (blanc, weiss, white, blanco) b) marrone (marron, braun, brown, Domenica / 14/06/15 GRUPPO/GROU P: 9° Cani da compagnia Companion and Toy Dogs marrón) c) nero (noir, schwarz, black, negro) d) grigio (gris, grau, grey) e) albicocca (abricot, apricot, albaricoque) f) rosso fulvo (fauve rouge, red fawn, rotfalb, rojo) - barbone nano (Caniche nain, Zwergpudel, Miniature Poodle, Caniche enano) a) bianco (blanc, weiss, white, blanco) b) marrone (marron, braun, brown, marrón) c) nero (noir, schwarz, black, negro) d) grigio (gris, grau, grey) e) albicocca (abricot, apricot, albaricoque) f) rosso fulvo (fauve ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Domenica / 14/06/15 GRUPPO/GROU P: 9° Cani da compagnia Companion and Toy Dogs rouge, red fawn, rotfalb, rojo) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE - barbone miniatura (Caniche Miniature Toy, Toy Pudel, Toy Poodle, Caniche Toy) a) bianco (blanc, weiss, white, blanco) b) marrone (marron, braun, brown, marrón) c) nero (noir, schwarz, black, negro) d) grigio (gris, grau, grey) e) albicocca (abricot, apricot, albaricoque) f) rosso fulvo (fauve rouge, red fawn, rotfalb, rojo) Griffone belga (B) (Griffon belge, Ingram Ann (UK) Belgischer Griffon, Belgian Griffon, Grifón Belga) Griffone di Bruxelles (B) Ingram Ann (UK) 80. (Griffon bruxellois, Brüsseler Griffon, 81. Domenica / 14/06/15 GRUPPO/GROU P: 9° Cani da compagnia Companion and Toy Dogs Brussels Griffon, Grifón de Bruselas) Piccolo Brabantino (B) (Petit Brabançon, 82. Kleiner Brabanter Griffon, Small Brabant Griffon, Pequeño Brabanzón) Chinese Crested Dog (RC - UK) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Nataletti Valerio (I) (Chien chinois à crête, Chinesischer Schopfhund, Perro Chapiro Boris (F) crestado Chino) 288. femmine a) senza pelo (hairless, nu, nackt, Kharatishvili Nina (RUS) maschi +BOB sin vello) b) con pelo (powder puff with veil coat, duveté, flaumig, velloso) Lhasa Apso (Tibet KERIHUEL JEAN PAUL (F) 227. UK) Marchese Maria Luisa (I) 208. Shih Tzu (Tibet UK) giovani e juniores Radziuk Sviatlana (BY) tutte le classi escluse giovani e juniores + BOB Tibetan Spaniel Nodalli Bruno (I) (Tibet - UK) Tibetan Terrier Filippini Enrique (RA) 209. (Tibet - UK) Chihuahua (MEX) GAMARRA GABRIEL (UY) 218. 231. Domenica / 14/06/15 GRUPPO/GROU P: 9° ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Cani da compagnia Companion and Toy Dogs a) pelo corto (poil p.c. – tutte le classi escluse giovani e juniores + BOB court, kurzhaarig, smooth-haired) Hjorth Leif Ragnar (N) b) pelo lungo (pelo p.l. – tutte le classi ecluse giovani e juniores + BOB largo, poil long, langhaarig, long- Volarikova Linda (SLO) p.c. e p.l. – classe giovani + haired) juniores Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (UK) a) black and tan (noir et feu, schwarz und loh, negro y fuego) b) ruby (rubis, rubinrot, rojo rubi) c) blenheim (blanc Hurley Evelyne (IRL) maschi + BOB 136. perle marqué de châtain, perlweiss Metans Claudine (F) femmine mit kastanienroten Abzeichen, rich chestnut markings on pearly white ground, blanco perla con manchas de color castaño vivo) d) tricolore (tricolour, dreifarbig, tricolor) King Charles Spaniel (UK) 128. a) black and tan (noir et feu, schwarz und loh, negro y Marchese Maria Luisa (I) Domenica / 14/06/15 GRUPPO/GROU P: 9° Cani da compagnia Companion and Toy Dogs fuego) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE b) ruby (rubis, rubinrot, rojo rubi) c) blenheim (blanc perle marqué de châtain, perlweiss mit kastanienroten Abzeichen, rich chestnut markings on pearly white ground, blanco perla con manchas de color castaño vivo) d) tricolore (prince charles, tricolour, dreifarbig, tricolor) Pechinese (RC UK) Marabotto Marco (I) 207. (Pekingese, Pékinois, Pekinés) Chin (J) (Epagneul japonais, Filippini Enrique (RA) Japan-Chin, Japanese Chin, Spaniel Japonés) Epagneul nano continentale (F - B) Marchese Maria Luisa (I) (Epagneul nain phalène continental, 77. Kontinentaler Zwergspaniel, Schill Roberto (RO) Continental Toy Spaniel, Spaniel papillon continental enano) 206. Domenica / 14/06/15 GRUPPO/GROU P: 9° Cani da compagnia Companion and Toy Dogs a) Papillon a orecchie diritte (à oreilles droites, mit Stehohren, with erect ears, con orejas erguidas) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE 1,5 - 2,5 kg 2,5 - 4,5 kg b) Phalène a orecchie cadenti (à oreilles tombantes, mit Hängeohren, with drooping ears, con orejas colgantes) 1,5 - 2,5 kg 2,5 - 4,5 kg Russian Toy (RUS) (Russkiy Toy) a) pelo corto (poil court, kurzhaarig, 352. smooth-haired) Kuplyauskas Eugeny (RUS) b) pelo lungo (pelo largo, poil long, langhaarig, longhaired) 192. Kromfohrländer (D) Kuplyauskas Eugeny (RUS) PICHARD LAURENT (CH) femmine, tutte le classi Bouledogue escluso classi giovani e juniores francese (F) Ruiz Rodriguez Francisco (E) 101. (Bouledogue français, Französische maschi e femmine, classe giovani e juniores Bulldogge, French Domenica / 14/06/15 GRUPPO/GROU P: 9° ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Cani da compagnia Companion and Toy Dogs Bulldog, Bulldog Urek Tatjana (SLO) maschi + BOB tutte le classi escluso Francés) classe giovani + juniores a) bringè (fauve bringé ou non ou à panachure limitée, falbfarben gestromt oder nicht gestromt oder mit begrenzter scheckung, fawn brindle or not brindle or with limited patching, leonado atigrado o no o con parches blancos moderadamente extendidos) b) bianco e bringè (fauve bringé ou non à panachure moyenne ou envahissante, falbfarben gestromt oder nicht gestromt oder mit mittlerer oder überhandnehmender scheckung, fawn brindle or not brindle with medium to predominating patching pied, leonado atigrado o no con parches blancos medianamente o muy extendidos) Carlino (UK) 253. (Pug, Carlin, Mops, Chwalibog Elzbieta (PL) maschi + BOB Paloheimo Annukka (FIN) Domenica / 14/06/15 GRUPPO/GROU P: 9° Cani da compagnia Companion and Toy Dogs Doguillo) femmine ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE a) fulvo (fawn, fauve, falbfarben, leonado) b) nero (black, noir, schwarz, negro) c) argento (silver, argent, silber, plato) d) albicocca (apricot, abricot, albericoque) Boston Terrier 140. (USA) Forte Michael (IRL) Saturday 13/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 10° Levrieri Sighthounds ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE Fassio Durando Maria Teresa (I) Levriero Afgano (AFG - UK) 228. Femmine (Afghan Hound, Lévrier afghan, Afghanischer Jipping Gerard (NL) Windhund, Lebrel Afgano) Maschi + BOB Saluki (F.C.I.) Fassio Durando Maria Teresa (I) a) pelo lungo (poil long ou frangé. langhaarig maschi oder befedert, long.haired or fringed, pelo 269. largo u ondulado) Jipping Gerard (NL) b) pelo corto (poil court, kurzhaarig, shorthaired) Levriero Russo (RUS) 193. 160. 164. (Barzaï, Barzoi, Russischer Wondhund, Borzoi, Lebrel Ruso) Levriero Irlandese (IRL) (Irish Wolfhound, Lévrier irlandais, Irischer Wolfshund, Lebrel Irlandés) Levriero Inglese (UK) (Deerhound, Lévrier écossais, Schottischer Hirschhund, Lebrel Inglés) Levriero Spagnolo (E) Femmine + BOB KLISHAS ANDREI (RUS) Gagne Jocelyn (CND) Gagne Jocelyn (CND) Naveda Juan (E) (Galgo Español, Lévrier espagnol, Spanischer Windhund, Spanish Greyhound) Engh Espen (N) 158. Greyhound (UK) Coppel Christophe (F) 285. Maschi + BOB 162. Whippet (UK) Van Den Berg Hans (NL) femmine Piccolo Levriero Italiano (I) 200. (Levrette d’Italie, Italienisches Windspiel, Italian Greyhound, Pequeño Lebrel Italiano) Ahrens Bitte Dagmar (I) Saturday 13/06/15 G R U P P O / G R O U P: 10° Levrieri Sighthounds Levriero Ungherese (H) ESPERTO GIUDICE JUDGE 240. (Magyar Agar, Lévrier hongrois, Ungarischer Coppel Christophe (F) Windhund, Hungarian Greyhound, Lebrel Húngaro) Naveda Juan (E) 307. Azawakh (RMM - F) Levriero Arabo (MA) 188. 333. (Slouhi, Arabischer Windhund, Arabian Greyhound, Lebrel Arabe) Levriero Polacco (PL) (Chart Polski, Lévrier polonais, Polnischer Windhund, Polish Greyhound, Lebrel Polaco) Naveda Juan (E) Coppel Christophe (F) WDS2015 - 11 12 13 14 June 2015 For those who enter the dog using the paper form within the first closing date, the cost of additional charges is € 4,00 For those who enter the dog using the on line system the cost of additional charges is € 2,10 1° closing date 2° closing date 18.04.2015 Online 07.03.2015 only € 80,00 € 95,00 First dog ENCI’s member € 70,00 € 70,00 Every additional ENCI’s dog (same owner) member € 60,00 Veterans Puppy - Minor € 50,00 Puppy € 30,00 Brace class Breeders class 0 Junior Handler € 20,00 3° closing date 4° closing date 02.05.2015 Online 12.05.2015 Online only only € 110,00 € 125,00 ENCI’s member ENCI’s member € 85,00 € 100,00 € 85,00 € 100,00 ENCI’s member ENCI’s member € 75,00 € 90,00 € 50,00 € 50,00 € 50,00 € 30,00 0 € 20,00 € 30,00 0 € 20,00 € 30,00 0 € 20,00 € 125,00 Modulo di Iscrizione / Entry form MAIN SPONSOR A WDS 2015 - Milano, Italia 11-12-13-14.06.2015 Chiusura iscrizioni / Closing dates: 1° 07.03.15 -‐ 2° 18.04.15 solo on line / online only -‐ 3° 02.05.15 solo online / online only -‐ 4° 12.05.15 solo online / online only Classe ATTENZIONE: il cane deve avere l'età minima richiesta per ogni classe entro e non oltre il giorno della manifestazione di giudizio Class NOTE: the dog must reach the minimum age required for each class at the latest on the day of the show □ Minor Puppy Class (3-‐6 mths) □ Puppy Class (6-‐9 mths) □ Junior Class (9-‐18 mths) □ Intermediate Class (15-‐24 mths) □ Open Class (da 15 mths) □ Working Class (da 15 mths) □ Champion Class (da 15 mths) □ Veteran Class (da 8 years) □ Gruppo di Allevamento / Breeder Group Nome dell’affisso (se titolare di affisso) o cognome dell’allevatore / kennel name or breeder name _______________________________________________________ Il Gruppo d’allevamento deve essere iscritto SOLO dall’Allevatore. Al fine di garantire che i soggetti facciano parte del gruppo di allevamento è necessario scrivere il nome dell’affisso (se titolare di affisso) o il cognome dell’allevatore / This field must be filed in only if the subject has to be part of the breeders class entered by the breeder. To ensure that the subjects enter automatically in the breeders class is necessary to report correctly, in all subjects, the kennel name or the name of the breeder □ Coppia / Brace class nomi dei soggetti / name of the dogs _____________________________________ , ______________________________________ Soggetto / Dog □ Maschi / Dog □ Femmina / Bitch Razza / Breed Titoli (allegare fotocopie dei titoli) / Title (attach a copy of the title) Nome del Cane / Name of the Dog N. ROI/RSR. / Registration N° Data di nascita / Date of birth Colore / Color Allegare fotocopia del pedigree al modulo di iscrizione – Please attach a copy of the pedigree the entry form N. microchip / Microchip N° Padre / Sire Madre / Dam Allevatore / Breeder Nome / Name Nazione / Country Proprietario / Owner Nome / Name Cellulare / Mobile Via / Street Cap / Zip Città / City Nazione / Country E-‐mail □ Vi prego di contattarmi solo tramite indirizzo email / Please send further correspondence to my email □Socio ENCI tessera n° / ENCI member card n° _________________ □Non socio ENCI Codice fiscale / Not ENCI member Fiscal code ____________________________________ Altre informazioni / Further information Classe Lavoro è obbligatoria la prova di lavoro senza tale prova verrà iscritto automaticamente in Classe Libera o nella classe di appartenenza in base all’età Working Class entries need to hace enclosed a proof of entitlement otherwise they will automatically be entrered in the Open Class or in the class of membership on the basis of the age Classe Campioni è obbligatorio allegare copia del titolo di Campione Nazionale o Internazionale, senza il quale verrà iscritto automaticamente in Classe Libera o nella classe di appartenenza in base all’età / Champion Class entries need to have enclosed a copy a National or International Champion title, otherwise they automatically entered in Open Class or in the class of membership on the basis of the age Quota di iscrizione / Entry fee Le tariffe sono pubblicate sul sito / Fees are published on our website Quota di iscrizione / Entry fee ______________________________ € Allegare copia dell’avvenuto pagamento / Attach a copy of receipt of payment INFORMATIVA PRIVACY ENCI è titolare del trattamento dei dati che si avvale di supporto informativo e cartaceo per la gestione degli stessi. Sono assolti i diritti dell’interessato previsti all’art. 7 della Legge 196/2003. Potranno avere accesso ai dati gli incaricati, le aziende direttamente collegate ed i Kennel Club stranieri che operano ai medesimi fini istituzionali e organizzativi dell’ENCI. Saranno utilizzati per la gestione del WDS2015 e la pubblicazione del catalogo. I dati riferiti alla partecipazione al WDS2015 potranno anche essere soggetti a parziale divulgazione a mezzo stampa, web, ecc. PRIVACY POLICY ENCI is the holder of the data processing which uses informative and papery support for their management. Absolved the rights of the concerned expected in art. 7, Law 196/2003. Appointees, companies directly related to foreign Kennel Clubs which operate for the same institutional and organizational purposes of the ENCI may have access to the data. Data will be used for the management of WDS2015 and the publication of the catalogue. The data relating to the participation at WDS2015 may also be subjected to partial disclosure by press, web, ecc. □ Acconsento alla parziale divulgazione □ Non acconsento alla parziale divulgazione □ I agree to the partial disclosure □ I do not agree to the partial disclosure data e firma ____________________ data e firma_____________________ Il rifiuto a fornire il consenso comporta l’impossibilità di procedere all’iscrizione. Sono ammessi solo cani iscritti al libro delle Origini riconosciuto dalla FCI. Il sottoscritto proprietario del cane, di cui alla presente scheda, dichiara di conoscere il Regolamento FCI in base al quale l’esposizione si svolge e si impegna a rispettare e ad accettare le decisioni che i Giudici, il Delegato dell’ENCI stesso o i suoi Organi competenti riterranno di adottare in casi di contestazione o denunce o reclami. Le iscrizioni incomplete, illeggibili e non accompagnate dal relativo pagamento sono ritenute nulle! Antirabbica obbligatoria. Regole per l’introduzione in Italia dei cani Si rimanda alla consultazione del sito del Ministero della salute italiano temi e professioni Animali Cani, gatti… Viaggiare con gli animali in Italia. Sul sito della Commissione Europea: date and signature__________________ date and signature__________________ If you don’t agree you will not be able to complete the application. Only dogs with pedigree issued by an FCI member or contract partner could enter the show.The undersigned dog’s owner, declares to know ENCI Rules according to which the event takes place. The undersigned agrees to comply and accept all those decisions that Judges, ENCI’s Delegate or competent bodies will consider to adopt in case of complaint. Dogs Travel Regulations in Italy Please visit the following page: temi e professioni Animali Cani, gatti… Viaggiare con gli animali in Italia. In the European Commission site: Data / Date Firma / Signature Modulo di Iscrizione / Entry form MAIN SPONSOR A Raduni / Club Shows - Milano, Italia 10-11-12-13.06.2015 Chiusura iscrizioni / Closing dates: 1° 07.03.15 -‐ 2° 18.04.15 solo on line / online only -‐ 3° 02.05.15 solo online / online only -‐ 4° 12.05.15 solo online / online only Classe ATTENZIONE: il cane deve avere l'età minima richiesta per ogni classe entro e non oltre il giorno della manifestazione di giudizio Class NOTE: the dog must reach the minimum age required for each class at the latest on the day of the show □ Minor Puppy Class (3-‐6 mths) □ Puppy Class (6-‐9 mths) □ Junior Class (9-‐18 mths) □ Intermediate Class (15-‐24 mths) □ Open Class (da 15 mths) □ Working Class (da 15 mths) □ Champion Class (da 15 mths) □ Veteran Class (da 8 years) □ Gruppo di Allevamento / Breeder Group Nome dell’affisso (se titolare di affisso) o cognome dell’allevatore / kennel name or breeder name _______________________________________________________ Il Gruppo d’allevamento deve essere iscritto SOLO dall’Allevatore. Al fine di garantire che i soggetti facciano parte del gruppo di allevamento è necessario scrivere il nome dell’affisso (se titolare di affisso) o il cognome dell’allevatore / This field must be filed in only if the subject has to be part of the breeders class entered by the breeder. To ensure that the subjects enter automatically in the breeders class is necessary to report correctly, in all subjects, the kennel name or the name of the breeder □ Coppia / Brace class nomi dei soggetti / name of the dogs _____________________________________ , ______________________________________ Soggetto / Dog □ Maschi / Dog □ Femmina / Bitch Razza / Breed Titoli (allegare fotocopie dei titoli) / Title (attach a copy of the title) Nome del Cane / Name of the Dog N. ROI/RSR. / Registration N°. Data di nascita / Date of birth Colore / Color Allegare fotocopia del pedigree al modulo di iscrizione – Please attach a copy of the pedigree the entry form N. Microchip / Microchip N° Padre / Sire Madre / Dam Allevatore / Breeder Nome / Name Nazione / Country Proprietario / Owner Nome / Name Cellulare / Mobile Via / Street Cap / Zip Città / City Nazione / Country E-‐mail □ Vi prego di contattarmi solo tramite indirizzo email / Please send further correspondence to my email □Socio ENCI tessera n° / ENCI member card n° __________________ □Non socio ENCI Codice fiscale / Not ENCI member Fiscal code ___________________________________ Altre informazioni / Further information Classe Lavoro è obbligatoria la prova di lavoro senza tale prova verrà iscritto automaticamente in Classe Libera o nella classe di appartenenza in base all’età Working Class entries need to hace enclosed a proof of entitlement otherwise they will automatically be entrered in the Open Class or in the class of membership on the basis of the age Classe Campioni è obbligatorio allegare copia del titolo di Campione Nazionale o Internazionale, senza il quale verrà iscritto automaticamente in Classe Libera o nella classe di appartenenza in base all’età Champion Class entries need to have enclosed a copy a National or International Champion title, otherwise they automatically entered in Open Class or in the class of membership on the basis of the age Quota di iscrizione / Entry fee Le tariffe sono pubblicate sul sito / Fees are published on our website Quota di iscrizione / Entry fee ______________________________ € Allegare copia dell’avvenuto pagamento / Attach a copy of receipt of payment INFORMATIVA PRIVACY ENCI è titolare del trattamento dei dati che si avvale di supporto informativo e cartaceo per la gestione degli stessi. Sono assolti i diritti dell’interessato previsti all’art. 7 della Legge 196/2003. Potranno avere accesso ai dati gli incaricati, le aziende direttamente collegate ed i Kennel Club stranieri che operano ai medesimi fini istituzionali e organizzativi dell’ENCI. Saranno utilizzati per la gestione del WDS2015 e la pubblicazione del catalogo. I dati riferiti alla partecipazione al WDS2015 potranno anche essere soggetti a parziale divulgazione a mezzo stampa, web, ecc. PRIVACY POLICY ENCI is the holder of the data processing which uses informative and papery support for their management. Absolved the rights of the concerned expected in art. 7, Law 196/2003. Appointees, companies directly related to foreign Kennel Clubs which operate for the same institutional and organizational purposes of the ENCI may have access to the data. Data will be used for the management of WDS2015 and the publication of the catalogue. The data relating to the participation at WDS2015 may also be subjected to partial disclosure by press, web, ecc. data e firma ____________________ data e firma_____________________ date and signature__________________ date and signature__________________ □ Acconsento alla parziale divulgazione □ Non acconsento alla parziale divulgazione □ I agree to the partial disclosure □ I do not agree to the partial disclosure Il rifiuto a fornire il consenso comporta l’impossibilità di procedere all’iscrizione. Sono ammessi solo cani iscritti al libro delle Origini riconosciuto dalla FCI. Il sottoscritto proprietario del cane, di cui alla presente scheda, dichiara di conoscere il Regolamento FCI in base al quale l’esposizione si svolge e si impegna a rispettare e ad accettare le decisioni che i Giudici, il Delegato dell’ENCI stesso o i suoi Organi competenti riterranno di adottare in casi di contestazione o denunce o reclami. Le iscrizioni incomplete, illeggibili e non accompagnate dal relativo pagamento sono ritenute nulle! Antirabbica obbligatoria. Regole per l’introduzione in Italia dei cani Si rimanda alla consultazione del sito del Ministero della salute italiano temi e professioni Animali Cani, gatti… Viaggiare con gli animali in Italia. Sul sito della Commissione Europea: If you don’t agree you will not be able to complete the application. Only dogs with pedigree issued by an FCI member or contract partner could enter the show.The undersigned dog’s owner, declares to know ENCI Rules according to which the event takes place. The undersigned agrees to comply and accept all those decisions that Judges, ENCI’s Delegate or competent bodies will consider to adopt in case of complaint. Dogs Travel Regulations in Italy Please visit the following page: temi e professioni Animali Cani, gatti… Viaggiare con gli animali in Italia. In the European Commission site: Data / Date Firma / Signature Welcome in the Registration Area of WDS 2015. Before proceeding with registration we strongly reccommend to read carefully the information below. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Registration • • • • • According to FCI Regulations, after the closing date for registrations at the World Dog Show and Club Shows, will no longer be possible to move the dog from one class to another. To apply by post please use the appropriate entry application for each event WDS or CLUB SHOW. To achieve the reduction of the entry fee from the second dog on, it is necessary to submit the entry forms and the copies of the relevant payments in the same envelope. For those dogs registered in Champion class, it is compulsory to enclose copy of the certificate attesting the homologation of the title (in pfd format); for those dogs registered in Working class, it is compulsory to enclose copy of the FCI working certificate (in pdf format). In absence of such a document, the dog will be automatically registered in the class corresponding to its age. The exhibitor agrees and guarantees to respect the ENCI’s regulations in force for Club Shows, FCI’s Regulations for the World Dog Show and all instructions on vaccinations. Breeders class should be indicated in the entry of each dog and it is composed by all those involved in the exhibition and bred by the same breeder. Breeders class will be judge in the ring and the first one classified will have access in the Main Ring. Access rules • To enter the exhibition hall a dog must be provided with: - Catalog number with identification code bar which will be sent in pdf format via e-mail before the unrolling of the event. Each subject entered the show allows one person to have entry pass. To gain access to the halls, the received document must be printed and exhibited at the entrance. - Health certificate of the dog 1) Title and Object of the Show void unless they are presented by filling in the World Dog Show – Milano 2015 – Esposizione official Application for Admission which must Mondiale Canina. be completed and signed by the owner of an individual Company or by the legal 2) Organiser representative of any other kind of Company. It The Show is organised by ENCI – Ente Nazionale della Cinofilia Italiana (National must also be accompanied by a down payment equal to 50% of the Registration Fee plus a Board of Italian Canine Affairs) whose offices are in Viale Corsica N°.20, 20137 Milano, Italy deposit equal to 50% of all the other related forms which have been filled in and signed, after (hereafter referred to as the Organisers) with the collaboration, for Sales and Marketing, of deduction of the already effected advance Promopet Srl whose offices are in Via delle payment. The aforementioned sums must be paid to the Azalee N° 11, 20147 Milano, Italy. Organisers through credit card, cheque, or bank 3) Location, Date and Times of the Show transfer made out to: Fiera Milano – IBAN IT 84 The Show will take place in the new district of M 01005 01613 000000017709 SWIFT BNLI IT th Fiera Milano located in Rho-Pero from 10 to RR MCE. 14th June 2015 (Halls 9, 11, 13, 15, 22, and 24). Should the Application for Admission not be Opening times for the public will be from 06.00 accepted, the sum will be reimbursed. hrs. to 19.00 hrs. (from 06.00 hrs. to 19.00 hrs. The Organisers have the faculty to refuse for Exhibitors). The Organisers reserve the admission to Exhibitors if the Application for unappealable and irrevocable right to modify the Admission is not accompanied by the foreseen times and/or the dates of the Show. Access to the down payment equal to 50% of the Registration Show foresees an entrance fee. Fee plus a deposit equal to 50% of all the other related forms which have been filled in and 4) Admission to the Show Both Italian and Foreign Companies that do signed. The Organiser's decision is unappealable business which lies within the objectives of the and irrevocable. st Show can be admitted and allowed to exhibit at From January 1 2011, in accordance with the World Dog Show – Milano 2015 – Decree Law n.18/2010, which applies EU Esposizione Mondiale Canina. Applications for Legislation n.8/2008, foreign Exhibitors Admission can be requested by industrial and resulting as passive tax subjects are no longer retail businesses as well as by artisans or sales required to pay VAT on the Registration Fee or representatives. Each applicant must provide on any services connected to the Show. Nonproof of belonging to one of the aforementioned passive tax subjects (i.e. private subjects) are not and specified categories by accompanying the included. So as to identify the type of subject Application for Admission with a recent requesting admission (passive or non-passive tax certificate of inscription with the Chamber of subject) it is indispensable for the Organisers to Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, or its receive information regarding VAT number, code, or any relevant equivalent in foreign countries. On the assigned identification exhibition space, the Exhibitor can only display documentation which proves the status of products produced by the Exhibiting Company “Company” as opposed to “private subject”. The or products pertaining to Companies for which Organisers must receive this information before the Exhibitor is the official sales representative the emission of any invoice. It is, therefore, or for which the Exhibitor is the exclusive agent indispensable and absolutely necessary that all for Italy. It is forbidden to sales representatives Application for Admission be accompanied by or exclusive agents to present or display any all the information requested above. Should this product or merchandise which is not specifically not be the case, the Organisers will proceed with covered by their sales representative/agent the emission of a regular invoice subject to the contract. These products or merchandise must be Italian VAT applicable at the time of emission. specified in the Application for Admission. Upon request from the Organisers, sales representatives or exclusive agents must furnish official proof of their qualification as sales representative or exclusive agent for Italy. Admission can also be requested by Associations, Boards, Organisations and Press providing that their area of work falls into one of the aforementioned and specified categories which are the object of the Show. Admission to the Show of such organisms will be subject to specific Rules and Regulations. Admission to the Show and subsequent assignment of an exhibition space (see Art. 9), will necessarily be compatible with the availability of the exhibition space in each specific sector. The Organisers will take into account the type of product to be displayed, the way in which it is retailed, and the production characteristics of the Exhibiting Company. The chronological order of receipt of the Applications will be adopted as the discriminating criteria for assignment of exhibition space. Admission to the World Dog Show – Milano 2015 – Esposizione Mondiale Canina will not be permitted to any Applicant having an outstanding debt with the Organisers at the time of the request. The Organisers also reserve the right to refuse admission to the Show when the decision is taken that the Applicant is not in possession of the necessary requisites. The Organisers decision is unappealable and irrevocable and is final in all cases. In such cases the Organisers are not obliged to motivate their decision. Refusal of admission cannot give rise to any claim for damages or any claim of any other kind. Applications for Admission arriving after the final deadline or lacking the specified fee will be placed on a waiting list. 5) Acceptance of the General Rules and Regulations Upon signing the Application for Admission, the Applicant accepts to participate in the Show through occupation of the assigned exhibition space and also accepts to forgo any reservations regarding the General Rules and Regulations, the Technical Regulations, the criteria used by the Organisers regarding the attribution of a specific exhibition sector, and all successive limitations which are imposed at any time by the Organisers in the interest of the Show. 6) Registration and Fee Applications for Admission will be considered 7) Admission of Sales Representatives and/or Agents It is obligatory for this category of Exhibitor to specify the official Company name and relative Company data of all the Companies represented and of whose products the Exhibitor intends to display on the exhibition space should the request be accepted. 8) Exhibitor's Withdrawal and Penalty for Withdrawal 8.1) Exhibitors can break the Contract at any time through the submission of a written communication which must be sent by registered post to the Organisers. Withdrawal will be effective as from the date on which the communication is delivered to the address of the Organisers. 8.2) In the event of a withdrawal, and given all that is mentioned in point 8.1, the withdrawing Exhibitor is obliged to correspond to the Organiser a sum equal to 100% of the amount owed for the hire of the exhibition space requested. This sum constitutes the penalty for withdrawal. 8.3) In the event of a withdrawal, and given all that is mentioned in point 8.1, the withdrawing Exhibitor will forfeit the entire Registration Fee and any other sum(s) of any kind that has or have already been paid at the time of withdrawal notification. These sums will not be reimbursed in the event of a withdrawal. Any different and/or further rights of the Organiser are expressly protected in all cases. 9) Assigned Exhibition Space The assignment of exhibition spaces will be communicated to the Exhibitor through written notice. The assignment will only be valid for the Exhibitor to whom the communication is addressed. It is forbidden to partially or totally concede exhibition space even if this concession is free of charge. In the event of an ascertained infraction of this Article, the products abusively introduced and displayed will be removed from the premises at the expense of the official Exhibitor. The Organisers are in no way bound by requests for a specific position within the Exhibition Area or for a specific size (in m2) of the exhibition space. These requests, formulated by the Exhibitor when filling in and sending the Application for Admission or communicated successively in any other form, are only surveillance, telecommunication, video, IT, and indicative and are not in any way binding for the catering services at the space. Organisers. Please call 0039/02/49977832 or e-mail: 10) Acceptance of Applications for Admission . The above mentioned services are not included and Fee Payment Obligation Upon the Organiser's acceptance of an in the Registration Fee (see Art. 11) and will be invoiced separately in accordance with Art. 15. Application for Admission that complies with all aspects of Arts. 4 and 6, the accepted Exhibitor It is understood that should the Exhibitor intend to set-up the exhibition space through the use of is obliged to remit to the Organiser the entire (100%) Registration Fee due (unless this has the standard fixed set-up service offered, the already been paid upon presentation of the Organisers will automatically be considered the Application for Admission and providing that exclusive and sole suppliers of such service and the Application for Admission has been it will hence be forbidden for the Exhibitor to use the service of any other supplier. accepted) together with the entire (100%) sum owed for the hire of the exhibition space 13) Clearance of Exhibition Space, the Right to assigned. Withhold and Compensation 11) Payment of Exhibition Space, Registration Upon conclusion of the Show the exhibition spaces must be cleared by the time specified on Fee and Services the MOB/SMOB. Should this fail to occur, Fiera The Exhibition costs are applicable to the entire area occupied by an exhibition space constituted Milano does not assume any responsibility for the products, materials or anything else left in by a continuous perimeter and occupied by the same Exhibitor. Included in the cost of the said exhibition spaces. Fiera Milano reserves the right to proceed to the removal of anything left Exhibition Space is: a sign indicating the Exhibition Space; technical assistance for the in the exhibition space and proceed to its storage forgoing any responsibility. These actions will Exhibitor during the set-up, the Show, and the break-down of the Exhibition Space; general all be at the expense, risk and danger of the surveillance of the exhibition halls and general Exhibitor. After two months, all objects that fire control. Included in the cost of the Services have not been reclaimed can be sold at auction is: cleaning of the exhibition space as specified and the earnings, after the deduction of any in Art. 17; fire extinguishers; the supply of up to expenses incurred and any pending rights due to 5Kw of electrical energy; Council tax on the Organisers, will be credited to the Exhibitor. The permanence of the Exhibiting Company's publicity (see Art. 23); payment of Copyright expenses deriving from the installation of any products on the Trade Fair District's premises automatically obliges the Exhibitor to pay the audio/visual equipment in the exhibition space and subject to this tax. Included in the Organisers for the occupancy cost of material left after the dates of the Show. Registration Fee is: Insurance (see Art. 24), citation in the official Exhibitors Directory and 14) Official Exhibitors Directory on the WDS 2015 website; passes for Exhibitors The composition of the Exhibitors Directory will (see Art. 18); promotional coupons for be carried out on-line, it must be carried out by Exhibitors (upon request and limited to the accessing the private section of the web site, and number established by the Organisers); will be the direct responsibility of the Exhibitor. Industrial and Intellectual Property Service. Live The guide map of the Show will be prepared in exhibitions (singers and/or musical instruments) accordance with data given by the Exhibitor are not included unless written authorisation hence relieving the Organiser from any from the Organisers has been obtained and for responsibility regarding errors or omissions. The which Exhibitors must proved direct payment deadline for Exhibitor's data entry is June 4th for Authors Rights at the SIAE offices on the 2015. The Exhibitors Directory will be printed Italian territory. Also included are the rights using only the data inserted by this deadline. referred to in Arts. 72 and 73/bis L. 633/1941, 15) Payment Deadline – Balance Sheet – Exit regarding executing artists and phonograph Voucher producers with rights on recording, on their The whole (100%) sum of all due Fees must be account SCF – Consorzio Fonografia. Not paid by June 1st 2015. All payments must be included are the rights owed to interpreting and made to Fiera Milano. Should participants fail to executing artists and to phonograph producers in meet the above mentioned deadline Fiera Milano accordance with Art. 73 of the quoted law for will not furnish the exhibition space with an the diffusion of music and musical videos during electrical supply. During the days immediately fashion shows, DJ performances with or without preceding the end of the Show, the dancers. Organisers of such shows are therefore Administration Offices of Fiera Milano will requested to contact SCF – Consorzio provide a summary of all the invoices emitted Fonografici in Via Leone XII N°.14, Milano, so for services, supplementary supplies, and any as to fulfill the obligations foreseen by Italian other outstanding debts. Any objections Law. regarding the summary must be presented within 12) Placement and Set-up of Exhibition Space and Promotional Initiatives Exhibitors will find exhibition spaces identified by coloured tape stripes on the floor which define the area. The Norms regarding set-up and furnishing of exhibition spaces will be distributed together with the General Rules and Regulations. The Exhibitor is responsible, at his own expense, for the set-up of the exhibition space and will strictly observe the Norms specified in the aforementioned General Rules and Regulations. Furthermore, the Exhibitor is obliged to present the Organisers with a set-up project in advance which will be subject to approval before set-up can commence. The maximum height of the set-up (graphics included) will not exceed 5 metres. The maximum height consented for trusses, which can only be used for illumination purposes, is 6 metres. External walls which divide or define spaces, or booths which face or confine with neighbouring Exhibitors must present a perfectly uniform surface, be flat, and be of a light and neutral colour unless an agreement has been made with the neighbouring Exhibitor. When realising continuous defining frontal walls, the exhibition space can be closed off with opaque elements (panels or other material) but only for up to a maximum of 50% of the front of the exhibition space. Furthermore, the Exhibitor can use the Exhibition Services of the Show which can be requested through the e-service platform but only after having received notice of assignment of the exhibition space. Exhibition Services include: space set-up, trusses and other hanging methods, space furnishings, space components, services at the space, ecologic services, technical services, 10 days of the date of closure of the Show. After this date, any other objections will not be accepted. The Balance Sheet, will be delivered directly to the exhibition space. Payment can be carried out upon presentation of the Balance Sheet at the banks present on the Trade Fair District's premises. Upon payment the Exit Vouchers will be validated and these will have to be filled in and presented to the security guards at the gates of the Trade Fair District upon leaving the premises. Further Exit Vouchers can be requested at Customer Service. It is obligatory to fill in and present an Exit Voucher at each exit from the Trade Fair District. 16) Surveillance of Exhibition Spaces The Organisers provide a general surveillance service of the Exhibition Halls. The custody and surveillance of exhibition spaces during Hall opening times are the Exhibitor's sole responsibility. It is therefore recommended to all Exhibitors displaying objects that can easily be stolen that they be punctual at the established Exhibition Hall opening times and that they preside their exhibition spaces until the official closing time of the Exhibition halls in the evening. Precious or costly objects that can easily be stolen are to be locked away each evening in either drawers or cupboards. 17) Cleaning of Exhibition Spaces The cleaning of exhibition spaces will be carried out after the closing time of the Exhibition Halls and will be the Organiser's responsibility. The cleaning service includes: cleaning of the floor and any floor covering (carpets etc.); dusting of furniture; removal of ordinary rubbish found in the exhibition area or caused as a result of cleaning; emptying of waste paper baskets. Exhibitors are obliged to leave a key at the accepts the minimum capital mentioned in Art. Customer Service Office if exhibition spaces are 24.2 which follows. Fiera Milano reserves the locked and therefore not accessible for cleaning. right to verify the declarations consigned. In the case of a claims settlement where there is non18) Exhibitor Entrance Passes correspondence between the declared value and Each Exhibitor will receive the following number of Entrance Passes (valid on set-up, the effective value, the insured value will be considered that declared by the Exhibitor. The break-down, and Show dates) assigned on the basis of the square metres occupied by the Insurer will, however, have the right to remit the settlement of any damage sustained in full exhibition spaces, as listed below: respect of the proportional criteria, as disciplined i) up to 16 m2 : 5 passes by Art. 1907 of the Italian Civil Code. ii) from 16,5 m2 to 32 m2 : 7 passes 24.2) “All Risks” Policy for Exhibitors Goods iii) from 32,5 m2 to 100 m2 :12 passes (excluding risks related to terrorism and iv) from 100,5 m2 to 200 m2 : 20 passes sabotage): the Organisers and Fiera Milano v) from 200,5 m2 to 500 m2 : 26 passes require that products, machinery, set-up material, vi) over 500 m2 : 36 passes and equipment intended to be bought and/or Extra passes can be requested only by Exhibitors with a signed contract and in possession of a used on the Trade Fair District's premises be covered by the “All Risks” Insurance Policy confirmed exhibition space assignment notice. The cost of extra passes will be indicated on the which waives the right of the Insurers to claim damages from third parties including WDS 2015 website. Fondazione Fiera Milano, Fiera Milano SpA, 19) Photographs, Pictures and Filming of Any any Companies connected to the Kind aforementioned, the Organisers, and any third It is forbidden for visitors and Exhibitors to take parties involved with the organisation of the photographs, draw pictures or carry out any Show. Such Insurance coverage is made filming of any kind within the Exhibition Halls available through Fiera Milano for a capital of unless they have requested and obtained the €.25.000,00 at a cost of €.95,00 + VAT, and is necessary authorisation from the Organisers. The included in the Registration Fee. It is possible Exhibitor explicitly acknowledges and accepts for Exhibitors to increase the automatically that the Organisers have the indisputable right to allocated capital by filling in and signing the photograph and/or film exhibition spaces appropriate form found on-line on the E-service (including products and brand names) and use, website. Coverage foresees an agreed uninsured publish and/or distribute this material without 10% for each claim, in case of theft, with a the authorisation or specific consent of the minimum of €.250,00. These figures will be Exhibitor. It is therefore established that, in such doubled for claims made after the closing date of circumstances, the Exhibitor cannot object the Show. Should an Exhibitor already have an and/or make any claim whatsoever regarding the “All Risks” Policy which guarantees for Organisers for such behaviour. products, machinery, set-up material, and equipment intended to be bought and/or used on 20) Distribution of Material It is underlined that, should any Exhibitor the Trade Fair District's premises and which is distribute any audio / video / graphic / valid for Trade Fairs and Exhibition shows as multimedia material containing or partially well as having the clause which waives the right containing any Industrial and Intellectual of the Insurers to claim damages from third Property Rights work which is covered and parties including Fondazione Fiera Milano, Fiera protected in accordance with Law 22.4.1941 Milano SpA, any Companies connected to the n.633, all Authors Rights contributions must aforementioned, the Organisers, and any third previously have been absolved as well as any parties involved with the organisation of the sum related to the endorsement of any such Show, said Exhibitor must still fill in, sign and material, in accordance with Art. 181bis of the consign the appropriate form found on the onafore mentioned Law. The illegal use of line E-service website. The form must be intellectual property, as well as the absence of accompanied by a declaration signed by both the the SIAE stamp on the aforementioned supports legal representative of the Exhibiting Company are criminal offenses under Articles 171 and and that of the Insuring Company, stating that the products, machinery, set-up material, and Law 633/41. equipment intended to be bought and/or used on 21) Loud Speakers and Sound Transmission the Trade Fair District's premises are covered Within the limits of the exhibition space, it is and guaranteed by an “All Risks” Policy in a consented to transmit audio reproductions measure which is not inferior to that foreseen by (including radio and television) providing that the present General Rules and Regulations, in their reproduction does not cause any compliance with the facsimile included in the disturbance, and in complete respect of all that is aforementioned form. In such a case, the foreseen in preceding Art. 11 which regards Organisers will proceed to reimburse the sum Author, Interpreter, Executor, and Producer previously debited. Rights. The Organisers will use the loud 24.3) Third Party Civil Responsibility Policy: speakers installed within the Trade Fair District Fiera Milano will automatically provide for this for official announcements and communications insurance for all Exhibitors. It will be included or in the case of any emergency. in the general insurance policy of Fiera Milano and will be of no cost to the Exhibitor. The 22) Publicity Apart from that within the limits of the policy foresees a coverage cap which is not Exhibitor's own exhibition space, publicity can inferior to €.100.000.000,00 (one hundred only be carried out in the format consented by million). the Organisers or other authorities delegated by 24.4) Responsibility Limitation: when signing the Application for Admission, the Exhibitor the Organisers. accepts to exempt Fiera Milano and the 23) Council Tax on Publicity Organisers from any kind of responsibility Given the General Rules and Regulations, the regarding consequential damages, image Exhibitor is obliged to pay the Borough of Rho damages, loss of revenue, etc.. Regarding direct the foreseen tax on what is considered taxable in damages, each Exhibitor accepts that Fiera accordance with the Decree of the President of Milano and the Organisers limit their the Italian Republic (DPR) 26.10.1972 n.639. responsibility to the value of the goods declared Following an agreement made by the Organisers present on the Trade Fair District's premises for with the Borough of Rho, and in the interest of the Show. In the event of such cases, whatever the Exhibitor, such tax has been established as a has been declared in the the Declaration of Value forfeit sum on the basis of the area, in square referred to previously in art. 24.1 will prevail. metres, occupied during the Show. So as to avoid Exhibitors the tortuous procedure of 25) Damage to Exhibition Space carrying out this payment directly, the Exhibition space must be handed back in the Organisers have included this tax in the same condition in which it was found. Any Registration Fee and will carry out payment of expense incurred to restore exhibition space to its original condition will be the Exhibitor's the relative sum to the Borough of Rho. entire responsibility. The Exhibitor is also 24) Declaration of Value – Insurance – Limits of responsible for the observance of the special Responsibility Norms regarding the use of structures and 24.1) Declaration of Value: By filling in the technical equipment. appropriate form on the on-line E-service site, the Exhibitor is obliged to declare the overall 26) Supplementary Norms effective value of the products, machinery, set- The Organisers reserve the right to establish up material, and equipment intended to be supplementary rules deemed suitable for a better bought and/or used on the Trade Fair District's regulation of the Show and any connected premises, including that of represented brands. services. Such Norms and/or Rules carry the Should this procedure not be followed, it is same and equivalent value as the present tacitly agreed that the Exhibitor automatically General Rules and Regulations and hence, are of an equal obligatory nature. In the case of non conformity to the content of the present General Rules and Regulations, the Organisers reserve the right to close of the offending exhibition space. In such a case, the Exhibitor has no right to compensation or reimbursement of any kind. 27) Extraordinary Events or Circumstances Beyond Our Control Should the Show be cancelled due to to circumstances which are beyond our control, any deposits already paid will be reimbursed after the proportional detraction of any expenses incurred corresponding to organisational fees that are already binding or that have already been absolved by the Organisers. Any expense ascribable to special circuits, systems and/or installations ordered by the Exhibitor must be completely paid for. In such cases the Organisers cannot be summoned, subpoenaed or sued for any damage of any kind. 28) Display of Prices and Sale of Products Exhibitors are allowed to display prices and sell products providing that the products are consigned immediately within the Exhibitor's own exhibition space. With regard to the Norms that regulate the sale of goods, the Italian Law prevails. 29) Prohibited Activity In general, any activity which can cause prejudice, disturbance, and/or damage to the regular running of the Show and to its aims is prohibited. In particular, the following activities are strictly prohibited: the distribution and/or consignment of technical, promotional and publicity material (magazines, manuals, books, leaflets, etc.) that are not of direct pertinence of the Exhibitor is forbidden. The Exhibitor is only allowed to distribute and/or consign publicity material which is of his own direct pertinence and only within the limits of one's own exhibition space; the exhibition of posters and/or announcements regarding contests to be held by Companies, Corporations, Organisations, Daily Newspapers, Weekly Publications, or Specialist Magazines is forbidden in any area including one's own exhibition space unless specific written authorisation has been received from the Organisers; the use of any pulsating, intermittent or varying lights is forbidden; lingering within the Exhibition Spaces or within the Exhibition Halls after closing times is forbidden. 30) Executive Technical Dispositions Further Norms of a technical and/or general nature will be communicated in the Technical Rules and Regulations. These will become, to all extents and purposes, an integral part of the present General Rules and Regulations. 31) Penalties for Anticipated Break-Down During the Show's opening times, the Exhibitor is obliged to preside the exhibition space and all its contents. The abandonment and/or anticipated break-down of the exhibition space with respect to the official closing time established for the last day of the Show will automatically entail the application of a penalty which is calculated on the basis of the square metres of the Exhibition Space. More precisely, as follows: - from 0 to 64 m2 €.1.500,00 - from 64,5 m2 to 120 m2 €.3.000,00 2 - over 120,5 m €.5.000,00 contain, amongst other things, the precautionary Rules regarding safety during the Show (fire prevention, electrical circuits, environmental protection). They exclude the specific safety Norms regarding any activity carried out by the Exhibitor or activity commissioned by the Exhibitor to third party Companies (set-up and/or break-down of exhibition space and any activity thereto connected), the verification and observance of which remains the Exhibitor's responsibility. Any behaviour that does non comply and conform to the aforementioned Safety Regulations, especially when that behaviour can influence the general safety of the Exhibition Halls and any third parties therein, will be subject to intervention by the Organisers and could lead to the immediate deactivation of all supplies to the exhibition space or the immediate closure of the same. Any other consequence deriving from the non-observance of the aforementioned dispositions are of direct responsibility of the Exhibitor and of the Companies the Exhibitor has employed. Fiera Milano has the indisputable, unappealable and irrevocable right to expel from the Trade Fair District those employees of Companies, or any freelance workers, carrying out any work on behalf of the Exhibitor if the person or persons are unable to exhibit, on demand, an identification badge as foreseen by Art.s 18 comma 1, lett. u), 21, comma 1, lett. c), 26, comma 8 of the D.Lgs 81/08. For non-EU workers, the same applies regarding the identification badge, however, they must also be in possession of a valid and legible work permit or a valid and legible identity card. The reference Company responsible for the person or persons expelled will be notified through the use of Certified Electronic Post (CEP). The Exhibitor who has commissioned and, therefore, authorised the Company to work on the Trade Fair District's premises on one's behalf to carry out work on one's exhibition space will be informed of the reprimand. The Exhibitor is responsible for the compliance and conformity to the existing Norms of everything that is realised on one's exhibition space. This regards: structures, set-up, circuits, products exhibited, etc.. Every Exhibitor must nominate a “Supervisor” for the exhibition space, person who (with regard to safety) assumes responsibility for every person connected in any way with the exhibition space and for any activity carried out on behalf of the Exhibitor during the course of the time spent on the Trade Fair District's premises. It is at the Exhibitor's discretion, but still under the Exhibitor's complete responsibility, to nominate different Supervisors for each of the three phases of the Show (Three phases: set-up, Show, breakdown). The name of the Supervisor, together with the telephone number at which this person can always be reached for emergencies, must be indicated on the Application for Admission. Any variations that may occur thereafter must be communicated to the Organisers before the beginning of any set-up work on the exhibition space. Access to the Exhibition Area by the Companies who work for the Exhibitor can come about only in the presence of the Supervisor for the related exhibition space and only after having received the authorisation of said Supervisor. This limitation does not apply to the Trade Fair District personnel responsible for surveillance and/or safety. 32) Parking for Exhibitors It is possible to reserve parking space for the 34) Obligations and Responsibility of the Organisers duration of the Show on-line. The Organisers are responsible for the 33) Safety consignment of the exhibition space to the Every Exhibitor is obliged to scrupulously Exhibitor as described in Art. 9 of the present observe all the Safety Regulations in force General Rules and Regulations of the Show, and regarding the health and the physical integrity of for the supply of the services mentioned in Art. workers. This also includes the legal working, 11. The Exhibitor, however, exonerates the social security, health and welfare Regulations Organisers from any responsibility within the throughout the duration of the Show, including limits of Art. 1229 of the Italian Civil Code. In when working on exhibition space or when any case, the responsibility of the Organisers is carrying out any other connected activity during limited to the payment of a sum equal to 20% of set-up and break-down days. the Fee due by the Exhibitor. The reimbursement Furthermore, the Exhibitor is obliged to make of any further claim for damages of any kind sure that all the persons and/or Companies that made by the Exhibitor is excluded. operate on behalf of the Exhibitor during set-up and break-down days, either on the exhibition 35) DLG 196/2003: Privacy Protection space or whilst carrying out any other connected See the attached form which must be filled in, activity, observe the Technical Rules and signed and returned to the Organisers together Regulations which are an integral part of the with the Application for Admission. present General Rules and Regulations, and 36) Competent Court which can be consulted on the following web For any controversy, the Court of Milan has site: at the voice been established as the exclusive Court of “EXHIBITORS” to be found in the link to the reference and will hence retain the exclusive Show. The Technical Rules and Regulations competence for judgement. o apply by post: 1. Download and fill the entry form (WDS or Club Shows) World Dog Show Entry Form Club Shows Entry Form 2. Send the form to the address below: ENCI World Dog Show 2015 Viale Corsica 20 – 20137 Milano – Italy It is compulsory to enclose copy of the payment. 3. Pay by bank transfer Payments must be made by bank transfer to ENTE NAZIONALE CINOFILIA ITALIANA Bank: CREDITO EMILIANO – Milano Sede Iban : IT 65 W 030 3201 6000 1000 00 57000 Swift/Bic : BACRIT22MIL Fees for bank transactions are at expense of the owner AVVERTENZE To achieve the reduction of the entry fee from the second dog on, it is necessary to submit the entry forms and the copies of the relevant payments in the same envelope. Applications without the relevant payment will not be considered valid. Fee payment for each registration, to add to the payment, is € 4,00. The place of the event is provided with more than 20.000 parking spaces close the main buildings, for exhibitors P2 – P3 – P5 multipiano. Car and Caravan parking information will be available in the next days Look a the parking map