MiCol Milano Insurance Requirements - Power


MiCol Milano Insurance Requirements - Power
Dear Exhibitor,
to give a better protection to goods and materials you bring into our fair venue, Fiera Milano
Congressi has offered in the last 20 years – as still does – a special insurance service package,
covering either their stay during the Exhibition and both their transfers to and from the Fiera
Milano Congressi venue.
Due to some provisions of the Italian insurance control authority, (ISVAP), our service offer has to
meet some additional requirements of anticipate information. In this respect, you find herewith
attached the required informative prospectus.
While apologizing for the increase of paper, we are confident that this additional information
enables everyone to perform this important task in the common interest and with regard to your
participation in the exhibition.
Non-compliance with said requirements is sanctioned according to Italian Legislative Decree nr.
209 (September 7th 2005) and the relevant ISVAP Regulation nr. 5 (October 16th 2006).
Such courtesy translation has not to be considered as the formal document underwritten by the insurance broker
Marsh and, in case of claims or interpretation problems, the original Document shall exclusively apply as the sole
material document for such purposes.
Pursuant to the provisions of legislative decree no. 209/2005 (Private insurance code) and of
ISVAP regulation no. 5/2006, concerning rules of conduct that must be observed in the exercise of
insurance intermediation activities, intermediaries:
a) prior to signing an insurance proposal or, where not required, an insurance contract,
and in case of significant amendments to the contract or renewal which involves such
amendments, shall deliver copy of the document (Schedule no. 7B to the ISVAP
regulation) containing information on intermediary, on any potential conflict of interest
and on forms of protection for contracting party;
b) shall deliver to contracting party copy of pre-contractual and contractual
documentation provided by applicable provisions of law, copy of the contract entered
into and any other document or deed signed by contracting party;
c) can receive from contracting party, in payment of the insurance premiums, the
following means of payment:
1. bank and postal cheques or drafts, enfaced with the non-transferability clause,
in the name of or endorsed to the insurance company on whose behalf the
intermediary is operating or on whose behalf the contracts are distributed or to
the intermediary, expressly in such capacity;
2. wire transfer orders, other means of payment by bank or post office, electronic
payment systems, which have as their beneficiary one of the parties indicated
under point 1 above;
3. cash amounts, exclusively for insurance against damages from liability for
motor-vehicles and related accessory guarantees (if and to the extent relating to
the vehicle insured against civil liability) and contracts for other sectors of
damage with a limit of five hundred euro per year for each contract.
Marsh S.p.A.
Such courtesy translation has not to be considered as the formal document underwritten by the insurance broker
Marsh and, in case of claims or interpretation problems, the original Document shall exclusively apply as the sole
material document for such purposes.
Pursuant to applicable laws, an insurance intermediary is under an obligation to deliver this
document to the contracting party. This document contains information on the intermediary, on
potential conflicts of interest and on instruments for the protection of the contracting party. Failure
to comply with the obligation to deliver this document is punishable by way of administrative
pecuniary and disciplinary sanctions.
PART I – General information on the intermediary entering into the contract with the
contracting party
a) Data relating to the intermediary registered in the register of insurance and reinsurance
• MARSH S.p.A.
• Registration Number and date of registration in the register: B000055861 / 12 March 2007
• Section and qualification: Section B - Broker
• Telephone no.: 02 48538 1
• Website: www.marsh.it
• E mail: fiera.milano@marsh.com
• Names of insurance companies whose products are offered: AIG Europe Limited, UnipolSai
Supervision of activities is conducted by ISVAP as the competent Authority, with headquarters in
Rome, via del Quirinale 21.
Note for contracting party: details identifying and relating to registration of the intermediary can
be checked by viewing the single register of insurance and reinsurance intermediaries
PART II – Information relating to potential conflicts of interest
Below is a list of insurance companies in which Marsh S.p.A. holds an indirect stake exceeding 10%
of the share capital or of voting rights, through its parent company Marsh & McLennan Co.:
- MaRI Holdings Limited 19.60%;
- Signal Holdings LLC 12.50%
There are no insurance companies or parent companies of insurance companies that hold a direct
or indirect stake in excess of 10% of the share capital or voting rights of Marsh S.p.A..
In relation to the proposed contract, we inform you that the intermediary proposed this contract
to you in the absence of any contractual obligations that require him to offer exclusively contracts
provided by one or more insurance companies. The contracting party is, in any event, entitled to
request the name of the insurance companies that the intermediary has business relations with
(see ranking list of Premiums for Group company).
PART III – Information on instruments for the protection of contracting parties
• Premiums paid by the contracting party to the intermediaries and sums given in compensation
or payments due from companies, if settled through the intermediary, constitute autonomous
assets that are separate from the assets held by the intermediary.
• Brokerage activities are guaranteed by a general liability insurance policy that covers damages
caused to contracting parties due to negligence and professional errors on the part of the
intermediary or negligence, professional errors and dishonesty on the part of employees,
collaborators or persons for whom the intermediary is liable pursuant to the law.
• Without prejudice to the possibility to make recourse to the Judicial Authorities, contracting
party is also entitled to send a written complaint to the intermediary for whom activities are
carried out; if the contracting party is not satisfied with the outcome of the complaint or in case
there is no reply from the intermediary within the maximum term of forty five days, the
contracting party may make recourse to ISVAP, Servizio Tutela degli Utenti, Via del Quirinale n. 21
– 00187 Rome, enclosing documentation relating to the complaint.
• Policy-holders may also make recourse to the Guarantee Fund for insurance and reinsurance
mediators (c/o ISVAP Via del Quirinale, 21 - 00187 Rome - tel. +39 06/421.331), seeking
compensation for economic damages caused to them by the exercise of intermediation activities,
which have not been compensated by the intermediary himself or have not been indemnified by
the above-mentioned civil liability insurance policy.
• The intermediary is not authorised – under an contract entered into with the companies AIG
Europe Limited, UnipolSai – to collect premiums giving receipt in full discharge with regard to the
insurance company.
• In case of motor liability insurance contracts, the amount as an absolute value and as a
percentage value of commissions and fees paid to the intermediary by the company or by several
companies in relation to policies offered.
• Save for contrary evidence to be provided by the company or intermediary, sums due to
policyholders and other persons entitled to insurance cover shall be considered to be received by
the person entitled solely upon issue of a written receipt.
Marsh S.p.A.
Such courtesy translation has not to be considered as the formal document underwritten by the insurance broker
Marsh and, in case of claims or interpretation problems, the original Document shall exclusively apply as the sole
material document for such purposes.
Disclosure to clients for the processing of personal data for insurance purposes
Marsh S.p.A. with headquarters in Milan, Viale Bodio n. 33, processes personal data in full
compliance with the “Data Privacy Act – Legislative Decree - 196/2003” (hereinafter the Act).
Pursuant to the Act, Marsh S.p.A directly processes data in its capacity as an independent
“Datacontroller" and hereby provides you with certain information regarding the use of personal
Categories of data
For the purposes of carrying out its activities the Data-controller processes general personal data.
Sensitive data may also be processed in relation to specific services or insurance cover agreed
with the client, or operations or products requested by the Client. For this purpose certain
sensitive data may be necessary, such as data relating to a persons state of health or certain
judicial data as defined under article 4 of the Privacy Act. In order to process data – save for
certain exemptions, such as in case of data-processing necessary in order to comply with legal
obligations and/or for the management of labour relations – the Act requires specific approval
which is set out in the consent request form enclosed.
Source of personal data
Personal data in the possession of the Data-controller is collected directly from the Client, the
datasubject or may originate from third parties, registers or public lists.
Purposes of data-processing
Personal and sensitive data are processed for the purpose of carrying out consultancy, risk
management and insurance brokerage activities and for any other purpose indicated in the
contract or mandate granted to us. Furthermore the Data-controller may process your data for
functional reasons, such as informative or formative reasons.
Consequences of refusal to supply data
Consent to processing, as described above, is not required under the Act when such data is
necessary for the management of the contract and/or for other legal obligations. Consent is
required in case of sensitive data including health data, or in case of activities that are functional
to the contract as indicated above. REFUSAL to provide data or consent could result in it being
impossible to fulfil the contract, whilst it will not involve any consequences in case of functional
purposes indicated above.
Data-processing methods
Processing of personal data, exclusively for the purposes mentioned, is carried out using manual,
automated and telematic instruments, applying logic that guarantees the confidentiality and the
security of such data, with regard to both its integrity and availability.
Communication of data
Personal data shall not be circulated but the realisation of processing operations requires the
communication of data to certain persons acting as Data-Processors, Data-Managers or DataControllers, including abroad. These persons may be internal to the company, such as personnel or
collaborators belonging to Marsh S.p.A. or other entities or external companies, such as for
example: companies, agents, co-insurers, reinsurers, assessors, doctors, consultants, lawyers,
ISVAP, Ministry of Industry, for all of the purpose illustrated above.
Consent to processing
Consent, when required, must be given in the enclosed form which must be sent back to the Datacontroller in accordance with indications on the form.
Rights under article 7
Finally, we inform you that article 7 of the Act grants data-subjects specific rights. In particular,
datasubjects may obtain from the “Data-controller” confirmation of the existence or otherwise of
their personal data and the availability of such data in an intelligible form. Data-subjects may also
ask to be informed about the origin of data and the logic and purposes according to which
processing was carried out; they may obtain the deletion, transformation into anonymous form or
a block on data processed in violation of the law, and they may also obtain updates, rectifications
or, if it is in their interest, supplements to the data; data-subjects may object to the processing of
data in case of legitimate reasons.
The Data-Manager who should be contacted in order to exercise these rights is Roberto Greco c/o
Marsh S.p.A Viale Bodio 33– 20158 Milan (e-mail address: roberto.greco@marsh.com ).
The Data-controller is Marsh S.p.A with headquarters in Viale Bodio n. 33, 20158 Milan.
Marsh S.p.A.
[ Unofficial translation, for courtesy only ]
All Risks Insurance Policy for Exhibitors : main conditions
Insured assets:
“Assets to be taken into the Fiera” belonging or used by the
Exhibitors. Goods, materials, fittings, equipments and any other
items in connection with the trade booth, with the exclusion of
software of whatsoever nature, wherever installed, and money.
Object of the insurance:
From “nail to nail” (“Da chiodo a chiodo”): outward; goods
placed/stored into the exhibition premises; return, including
intermediate uploading and downloading.
Insured amounts:
Goods placed/stored:
During the storage period, the coverage automatically provided is
equal to:
- Euro 25.000,00 “ First absolute risk” (“Primo Rischio Assoluto”) for
each Exhibitor.
The above amount may be increased up to Euro 2.500.000,00, as Full
Value, for each Exhibitor; in such a case the higher premium due shall
Transportation and/or transfer of the insured goods
- up to Euro 1.000.000,00, at full value for each truck;
- up to Euro 1.000.000,00, at full value for each railway coach;
- up to Euro 1.550.000,00 at full value for each airplane;
- up to Euro 2.500.000,00 at full value for each ship or ferry.
Insured Risks:
All Risks: all the material and direct damages and losses suffered in
connection with the insured goods, including war, strike and rebellion
risks, save for the coverage exclusions.
- For damages indemnification due to earthquakes, inundations,
floods, landslips, landslides, snow-overcharge during the storage
- payment of the compensation shall be made by deducting,
with respect to any single accident and any single exhibitor,
an excess [“franchigia”] equal to 5% of the value declared by
the exhibitor;
- in no event the Insurer shall pay an amount exceeding 70%
of the value declared by the exhibitor, in relation to one or
more accidents occurred during the same trade exhibition.
- For damages compensation due to lack or improper operation of
cooling systems or leackage of cooling liquid, either during
transportation or storage:
- payment of the compensation shall be made by deducting,
with respect to any single accident and any single exhibitor,
an excess of Euro 250,00;
- in no event the Insurer shall pay an amount exceeding Euro
25.000,00 with respect to any single accident and any single
- As regard to damages notified to the insurance company within the
last day of every single exhibition and occurred as consequence of
the partial/whole theft, the robbery, the loss, the tampering or failed
return of the insured items during the period they remain in the
exhibition centre:
- the payment of compensation will be limited to 90%, while
the remaining 10% will be charged to the insured party with a
minimum of € 250,00.
- As regard to damages notified to the insurance company after the
last day of every single exhibition and occurred as consequence of
the partial/whole theft, the robbery, the loss, the tampering:
- the payment of compensation shall amount to 80%, while
the remaining 20% will be charged to the insured party with a
minimum of € 500,00.
Main Exclusions:
Damages due to the following events are excluded:
- fraudulent acts of the assured;
- loss of assured items noticed only after the termination of the
exhibition and discovered during the stock-taking;
- failed delivery of the insured items notified after 72 hours from the
- packing defects of items during the transport;
- defects of insured items;
- climatic conditions;
- market losses;
- terrorism;
- deterioration, wear and tear of goods;
- climatic events damaging items exhibited in outdoor exhibitions.
Are excluded, every damages of software equipment, wherever
installed, and money.
Special Conditions for
the exhibition of jewels,
jewelries in general,
- during the public opening hours, goods shall have to be kept in
closed showcases and suitably fixed to walls, shelves, tables and the
like, and stand attendants must be constantly present during
demonstrations and handling;
- during the night, valuable articles must be placed in safe-boxes,
caveaux, locked in spaces such as: cupboards, showcases and
Special Conditions for
the exhibition of art works
or antiques:
- transportation must be made by means of trucks properly equipped
for the kind of goods to be transported;
- for the entire period the items remain in the exhibition centre, small
goods, or particularly fragile goods and/or goods of high value must
be placed in glass showcases and/or must be suitably protected by
adequate protection systems;
- in case of material damage to the good insured, insurer shall be
liable for restoration, repairing or replacement of the damaged items,
as well as for their depreciation to the maximum percentage of 50%.
The present insurance coverage is granted in accordance to the General Conditions provided by
the “Italian Insurance of transported goods’ Specifications” (Ed. 1999), as integrated by the
following clauses for the purposes to delimit the coverage and the duration of the insurance and
provided that Italian law shall apply:
- Cargo ISM Endorsement (JC 98/019 1 May 1998)
- Institute Radioactive Contamination, Chemical, Biological, Bio-Chemical and Electromagnetic
Weapons Exclusion Clause (ed 10 Nov. 2003)
- Institute Cyber Attack Exclusion Clause (ed. 10 Nov. 2003)
- Total Asbestos Exclusion Clause
La presente scheda è stata redatta sulla base della Polizza attualmente in essere. Non deve essere in nessun caso
considerata un'analisi vincolante delle coperture e, in caso di sinistri o problemi interpretativi, ci si dovrà basare
esclusivamente sulla Polizza originale, che è l’unico documento che rileva a detti fini.
"Enti da portare in Fiera" di proprietà o in uso agli Espositori:
merci, beni, materiali, allestimenti, attrezzature e quant'altro
relativo allo stand, con l'esplicita esclusione di software in
genere, ovunque installati, e denaro.
da "chiodo a chiodo": viaggio di andata, giacenza presso la sede
espositiva e viaggio di ritorno, incluse operazioni di caricazione
e rimozione intermedie.
Durante la giacenza capitale assicurato "in via automatica" pari
- Euro 25.000,00 a Primo Rischio Assoluto per ciascun
Detto capitale può essere aumentato sino ad Euro 2.500.000,00
a Valore Intero per singolo espositore; in tal caso verrà
applicato il maggior premio dovuto.
Trasporto e/o trasferimento degli enti assicurati:
- fino ad Euro 1.000.000,00 a valore intero per ogni autocarro;
- fino ad Euro 1.000.000,00 a valore intero per ogni vagone e/o
convoglio ferroviario;
- fino ad Euro 1.550.000,00 a valore intero per ogni aereo;
- fino ad Euro 2.500.000,00 a valore intero per ogni nave e /o
All Risks: tutti i danni e le perdite materiali e diretti che le merci
assicurate subiscano, ivi compresi rischi di Guerra e Scioperi o
sommosse, salvo le esclusioni di polizza.
- Relativamente ai danni da terremoto, inondazioni, alluvioni,
franamenti, smottamenti e sovraccarico da accumulo di neve
durante la giacenza:
- il pagamento dell'indennizzo sarà effettuato previa
deduzione, per singolo sinistro e per ciascun espositore, di una
franchigia relativa pari al 5% del valore dichiarato
- in nessun caso gli Assicuratori pagheranno per uno o più
sinistri che avvengano nella stessa manifestazione
fieristica, somma superiore al 70% del valore dichiarato
- Relativamente ai danni agli enti assicurati conseguenti a
mancata od anormale produzione del freddo o fuoriuscita del
liquido frigorigeno, sia durante il trasporto che la giacenza:
- il pagamento dell'indennizzo sarà effettuato previa
detrazione di una franchigia assoluta di Euro 250,00 per
ciascun sinistro e per ciascun espositore;
- in nessun caso gli Assicuratori pagheranno per ciascun
sinistro e per ciascun Espositore somma superiore a Euro
- Relativamente ai danni denunciati agli Assicuratori entro
l'ultimo giorno di ogni singola esposizione e derivanti da furto
parziale, furto totale, rapina, smarrimento, manomissione e
mancata riconsegna degli enti assicurati durante la giacenza:
- il pagamento dell'indennizzo verrà effettuato nella
misura del 90%, restando a carico dell'Assicurato lo
scoperto del 10% con il minimo di Euro 250,00 per le
manifestazioni con capitale assicurato in via automatica
pari a Euro 25.000,00.
- Relativamente ai danni denunciati agli Assicuratori oltre
l'ultimo giorno di ogni singola esposizione e derivanti da furto
parziale, furto totale, rapina, smarrimento e manomissione:
- il pagamento dell'indennizzo verrà effettuato nella
misura del 80%, restando a carico dell'Assicurato lo
scoperto del 20% con il minimo di Euro 500,00 per le
manifestazioni con capitale assicurato in via automatica
pari a Euro 25.000,00.
Sono esclusi i danni derivanti da:
− dolo dell’Assicurato,
− mancanza degli enti assicurati rilevata soltanto alla fine
della manifestazione attraverso l’inventario,
− per mancanze a destino se denunciate oltre le 72 ore
− difetto di imballaggio delle merci durante il trasporto,
− vizio proprio della merce,
− influenze climatiche,
− perdite di mercato,
− terrorismo,
− deperimento, usura o logorio,
− eventi atmosferici che interessino beni in esposizione in
aree esterne.
Sono inoltre esclusi i danni/furti subiti da software,
ovunque installati e denaro.
Condizioni particolari per
esposizioni di gioielli, preziosi
in genere, filatelia e
numismatica da collezione:
Condizioni particolari per
esposizioni di oggetti d’arte
o d’antiquariato:
- durante le ore di apertura al pubblico i beni devono
essere riposti in bacheche chiuse ed adeguatamente
fissate a pareti ripiani, tavoli o simili e durante la
dimostrazione e la manipolazione dovrà esserci presenza
costante di personale addetto allo stand;
- durante la notte i valori dovranno essere posti in
casseforti, caveaux, armadi, bacheche, vetrine e cassetti
chiusi a chiave.
- il trasporto dovrà essere effettuato con automezzi
furgonati adeguati al tipo di ente da trasportare;
- durante la permanenza nel Quartiere fieristico gli enti
assicurati di piccole dimensioni e di particolare fragilità
e/o elevato valore devono essere riposti in bacheche di
vetro e/o protetti da adeguati mezzi di protezione;
- in caso di danno materiale all’ente assicurato, gli
Assicuratori risponderanno delle spese di restauro,
riparazione, ripristino o rimpiazzo della parte
danneggiata e altresì del deprezzamento dell’ente
assicurato nella percentuale massima del 50%.
La presente copertura è prestata in base alle condizioni Generali del Capitolato della “Polizza
Italiana di Assicurazione Merci Trasportate” (edizione 1999) integrate, agli effetti della
delimitazione e della durata della copertura e ferma restando l’applicazione della legge italiana,
dalle seguenti clausole:
−Cargo ISM Endorsement (JC 98/019 1 May 1998)
−Institute Radioactive Contamination, Chemical, Biological,
Electromagnetic Weapons Exclusion Clause (ed. 10 Nov. 2003)
−Institute Cyber Attack Exclusion Clause (ed. 10 Nov. 2003)
−Total Asbestos Exclusion Clause
This form was drawn up on the basis of the current Policy. It has not to be considered as a binding analysis of coverage
and, in case of claims or interpretation problems, the original Policy shall exclusively apply as the only material
document for such purposes.
stand personnel in respect of whom coverage has been
Unipol-Sai (100 %)
- ACCIDENTS incurred by Employees and occasional
collaborators of exhibiting firms on carrying out their tasks at
the stands
- Option A
Death: Euro 130,000.00
Permanent Disability: Euro 130,000.00
- Option B
Death : Euro 260,000.00
Permanent Disability: Euro 260,000.00
- Death
- Permanent Disability
- Permanent Disability from illness
- Temporary Disability from accident
- Medical costs
- Recovery in Hospital
3% Excess which is annulled after 10%
cover commences from the time at which the Insured party
leaves his or her home in order to attend the exhibition and
ceases from the time at which he or she returns home
following conclusion of the exhibition.
Option A : Euro 16.00 per individual
Option B : Euro 32.00 per individual
taxes 2.5% included