E-mHrt_B Tt-\irqT. - Chhattisgarh Horticulture
E-mHrt_B Tt-\irqT. - Chhattisgarh Horticulture
f.' t 'f".r+€ qq + q=flfd er4, * *r< TTff{ ( fu-{r Erfi ]r+ fusz) *nq'rrfu q-{qd frqi6 ift. z-zl trd-s'rarrs-cu:n fn. *. fir,ld, l<** :o-s zoor..' .iqiq{ dqiat '.;qfi41ryz,,.nf r99r21;r r q )012.. (z' \s:zz E-mHrt_B Tt-\irqT. a uTRrfrRt rrfirR'rd iFqrd 1 l {rcgT,{-frER,Rlis. a w-qt zot:_q}s 14.{t"F1e34 fdsq-{qi wr.-(r)nqvrcrl*oTrt$, (z) f<un rgdf * arfu, 1: ; :=-a:ql.Tlera * qTe{ 3ft aluqa_+( 1<; rrq vn*n* ri+w, ( s) qrd ynw *. .3Trt{*r .: ;r{++r(,(6 ) Fd[Tl 3Tr*.r,vna eftr{.aa.q +1 (7) dt6-qrstcftfus. qFr3.-( t ) f{drcr 3ii{ fdqrr qq-{q. (2) sifusfu q-q-{. qFI4.-(6) qq 2.--1r1ffiqfui6g e1 qtirqe-{q (r) stft*na frtlq-+, (2) Irq{qftfi + cR*q-{,(3) riv< ii 5r:wl.rof+r}Tr,(E) (1) 3rEqrfu, (2) B-*s'rd oTfirt{qq, (3) {ira+ sTfirfTqq, (r) (1) crsqfTqq.(2) 3ifiqf{4q. qFr q €Hrq CYrR|{frqITI drFw, q-dn-frq{i, T.rr{qTt r rl m$, Ali+. 10f(sq{ 2012 *tn+ ! z-tttzooqn z - fr 4 * d-4r--s,qrqq 'frqqc nrsq, qr.rrq qq srim fqqr.rqr *+b.zo_rz zorzi o'r-ci-zor: ir+ (0ekqq) +t .rrgn o-t-n fu; -* j Rrqd 3+ f-rh 2sfirr.r{,zor: } rr-qqFTd :r+*w +1# al 3rfcfa tfr l-<r: +1 qA t "rq-*rrr :). 3r46Rr€ Fit{i qr fr frqrwe E_*srrd {TIqi,qrFrrq\r.i Tr}q f<unr}. .r. ri-r*T?rErq q * d-crtrq ql nd{ rrtrrqi 3|q ri rsi rdFRiq 6d, i s€ eff.r,Rrtr wi + 1d ftoa i qqrfin f6qr qrdrt f6,{ft * {tflqq :r++rvrcr r-6iqri d, 3TciT<q{ q,r46rd rf,i) 4. vq v133; .p;qaflr}. e-*g'ra * trqqre i; -yll r) *s arivrler, qq. r,n. iIEFrR, 3aa1 qfuq. dares,5<vaari-rr **tr, afr"* r*@d,, ,r,r,rr?r r ,,,)| t :a!r=_---:::-:-:- : _. -: -44rr4 ,Ifrqa k+im..l qlqn :or: f imr r fe frqrl qzFr,Tcr {mg{ {em'r, q-57q=1 qqgt,fui+ 2r fuqq{ -6.r, \fi 3^17/2012"'t4-1.-'rfin * €frtrn *' +rt+]z 169fi qrq6 Eo,r<-nvrfu-qr ,. T* er " Erd6q, E-+q1'6a tr*rcrfl, TzIFI4 c.cqnr, e-riwn F{rffi 3(Frcfzd ( {fde..*.qrfiql +qTq rd t faiftra fi=fofu--o ii,;q a-+ai, eufq ,_ fu-q r. rsffrq crq dzfi crtq.- (r) n fflq unflrrq-g serF{frl srilqqlTd (oTFfif+-6 Erfiq) +dr rrff ft{r"q, 2012ogargt I (z) n ftqq qrwr+ it Eqd v'r,RT4+t frrflc+ t trqic d') t z qM- (o) q{ fu{rit t, qq f,"r fu {re-'f d s-"qsdreitf*a q d.- tr"rs f+ d c{deiq "i{gfto qrFF.Tft'd 3rMd *, tS nffi yrr*l=tdrql t-o qr qq q{ ftqfrfl *xi o1 {rfrilqr rlrfr -r{ d qr Fsrd qrqtd €ifr qrq; (q) (q) (q) (e) (a) (o 6r) "qftfr" d o{ftna*, 3ry$-d-{ o +'isq (s) os-ner5*1fr--<nm d filq 3riqfdqid z-or gU o;.cq (+)d crym fufu ur q-Er*Tfd {fud trfrft, ""-qq" d 3Tftfd d. E-{ B-qqld ftqq rr d 3rffq *qt n .rff d fu! 3r$fu-f, sffi.ft qfrel qr rile{rcrrr6nr qrFr; "c]rsc" i siftin i'. udq{-.a s|{Fr; 'Tr'qqrd" € 3Tftfd o-d*irre d rrqrat. "orjqfr" d 3tftlla i. qc ft{'ild q-tr{ sr5qfr; "s-JqErd.{ft" d 3tfrfd t. qrrd d €frqrq d 3rE-d<:+r d o$lc qrft qs {Fir r} €cirTt qen frfrffs or-5-qFdd "orXqBdq-r-qrfr" t oTftfd t, .Trrf,d €furt{ d er-Jtd<e+zzi arrtrq E$ srq d eGier;i qQdr f4frffe sr-{qfrrdq-qqrft .rdrrlu" t:rr-s, fzli+ q "r++fr:ot -t -r- (g) {q qzl .'3r'q Rf'g +d' €.,t|il'.r,r r1 {tiJ.r fl"sT? trRj ffq-TTq i'.,i qyrlrTf,, \Trr{Rqo \'' !trjr{--t -Fqr6 gq)-B-s -q-4tfl-4 64, fu.rr+, zci fi{sqq, rgeq gr{r qzn fiIiF6r {qM d orq ftuJ q'f; "d-dT'A 3dlfd B ueffsrp6 serFrfrl 3rtroqB-a (erfafu-o.{.ftqt (s) fl4I; (e) Tq" t Grfti-d * ndrrrra {i"q I 3. ftftrR dsn dr{d|cr- E-ffr€]rdf*fu-d +sT (tETa1qrqTrqyrd)ftqq, rgor q sidffi€ sc?j€i 61 qrqrdr w qft-qil q'Trq erd fr-{T, t hqq t-dr d rcio srrq rr dlf, di I +. t+r or qaq.- Q-o q f+E{ftfud arfh qFqfrd ri.n, qqiq,- 0) n ark, "i g< ftqql s srflTfr d n'rq,oqK*-so. d frfrtr€ rqT olWsq*trnqor€d; (z) t tuk, d W fui d r,1g'T 6fi d Td Q-srq .rff ftC .rd d; 3il.{ (a)t afti, q\ {r Mi d sqefi d or5vrc+sTq qfi ftq .rt etr 5. q.ft6t"r. i-d-{qr+ {srfr.- d-Eror r.fi=fl{"r, fu t op6o qqi qfl irsr 3t{ ss$ i{i{'{ A-dqqlq.3Eqm-T6 C ardffi€ swidl d rgmr d.|I, {r€-{, +{r n HF{fdd q-q} o1 s{qr deiTild-rqn d sErq-vrrqw. qt eil eirfr qr gl-{en.fr 3ilqfr .n Ek qr ofi o-t qd{-r t o. .rff or cr$-6r.-(r) qc ftq+r d qr*{ +i d c{ard, +qT{ ,Tfi rrg F+qfilfud ilffi t of qt\rfi sqiq,(o) rMrft qftend silErRq{ fr.:ft rrff Et{r 3{etqrtR-e aeJrsrerrcond i{tEI|{ q{_ 4r|;I ETU (e) +dTd E-fl{i +1 q-qrnfdiln. d--s'rfu-er5qqfi_and.ol-oq (z) n fdfi'ffe t; (q) t$ qfuqi g qerriiil{q.,,,vfd@ rm d tS +qrcnd, *d .dr ol. pTwrr+r< tth{f, d qr<oro-rd d. d-{l fu a+r 6B-s fa'Rft€fu-qrqr$ r 4 4t:.tt7; ntrqr, Elia I q ql+{} zot: I qFLI (z) oq-ftcq (r) d rq-s (ur w (.r) d erfi-c.ffi ffiT r? qftrui dl q-sr, 3rf{*-go i uenfofiIte qqi o1 \4sT d, 3r5{fr-<I n ssII\ TK sRqd .Sfi;fi .fr e]'q 3lfdo r€t ttfl t *1 fiffi fdRre o-rorqB 6 g*irit d 3rqrfTrrrd gv, "5 d drn,Tt Gri o futl ':rti*o +4r n frtm fiRrq Rfu qr Rfioq) q ofto 6i qt qri d ndcrc d faq qq-cJqrqri ErdIqff sT d-Q=rr oeir td qFt6 Tffi ar{r *ffi ffi qii qrd .qffi 61 .{cqr, rtrr elzrcfttr{ ftgk cn.lorfr 6.r{rcII{t.] d qflqrf d s-qt[R-dof qr\'fi t (g)qc fui (+)sq-fuqq (1)il 3rdfd€ ft,€ Ero d dd qv.fr, qR f}-gfro qrDETff efr {rq {, A-dT.h1sftqnr-a-f,ileit 6I dr'rd gc t-flr or'rt eiif$o ri. d frgfu crffi. sFrq r{Trnq fdrrFro1qf q-dqft d, d-fl d "rff S sq offil of trls6r. fir€ s{f, sq-fr{q { frfrFfq frqr rqT B, t* aQ-derq-{rs-drTi,ftt a5 61 ffim qffi fuC'rd slTivrgt{r l4Rd I l ir I ott rm .Ti qfi qrd T<t d fu\. rrTrr+rs {ri*rT anr ftR'a f,ft if,r}n. dp{rft, |{gRn qrfuoft d fird qe olrfiard Ei.n fu q6 Efl Tqlvrqd ftc cfi qqq qRfr rrB-d6i, qr (s) tRe d entm w rfi$'-rff lr rl er 1Tc<r'5i{l ffi q,€ 3t;Ir qfril\4m qM{s {IRrT o1 rrdqfr * gt;.;r cp$;|1| i, riii .i :i;q, :.-itqtq-i"t.E .rr+ (o[$Ifu( qrfui, 3[f,qfudw+qrfui .:r.ir3, :; i;r,v e-{ilt ffi ijiira{or) 3Tftftqqrssa(m.zr e1 rssn)o !;.3i.1 ttt;t !?iff"rj !:i]i3q fiqtq aRT qq-q-{Frri w qrft ftftT _;r1. 7. .- 1'. ,,fr I 4. '1 pqtro.- g+ itqqi E, irmqati d cwnd.t-qr fr qqw Fqfuilf i.r'fi'r srFailff ariT sfr qdrft olh CS oN .fr ffgfu, ftqq o i i,,rlttsr .rfi d dffi { d 1?nfrq.t; nild dRr {q=r o-ri d c{rardfr qt1 ..1'' ',iqe1 Tfri ' .;,'li ;; lkl qlrar ifr yr.T.-qO?x7aq-{t rqEf iq crr *i d ftq. -'.ri. ' (..,f.i,.firfkn:,r,{yfi +".1idrdl,srefio,- rrntl ('6) 3rg- (+) vtlen.zaur ti qrv'{ et.\ qil arfts q) dl.n onnff s{-dfr + qoiq f-'J or 3+qsfr.t srgrg.fr-df<d qn-c{q(s) i or,r irftr 3r1qfl d oi-aq k) n l4F{H€ 3ng {fr sx t4l d erp.rT f4frFiq 3fl9 yS q dr aI r $,{) qfr 3r}qrfr3r1qfr-dwffi M 3{"{qr3rfqftd w"reftrq} dqT 3d;q q{t ol E\,d Firr{ 3{TgSqr 3{trfi-f,qs q{ ,ro fr*f)rmff-q ffir (r) u-ffcrra fufrd t-dT (qBdrcn sfi fufu d m ffiq.sqqq) f{qq, rggz d \Jq.idi d cr5ex. qGar 3rqlDftxid f,a< u-r* engS+r 3Tfuf,dqro q{ n-o ftrf}rc{-q #ft r (u) v+ er'qifi d eiiq q tfr. q) Eifslg vnwcd offi d orgrqr r_dTd d, +n fAliffie of .r{ .-tqr opnsrd d uw6'4 rrd gr qarat 3lrg Sqt frrftr<r4lcffi'ft-o) tsr enqsff,ail rvr&73trerd) yrs+}q +{6 d. sa qd fr ufuo a1-gor q-€t*{r qrF4 (Ei) tsr enq$. qi erqcrff 6c i q-sqru"r6-r €r d dqTffi crar cs d ftrd 3rdEq c''-{{6r d, :a E{ € 3rfufi 3ng oT TS d-{r qfrqt rro ftqrqc, 3iwR{f,dr ftD * id-{ ctq 6-{i qrFi offidi, ordqrRn ordrn offii 6e1 qffiqq 6rqldq'{ qfqffi ii or.ft agfi rtfr; qlrs+Tq+f,6" d. ts-s (fi-{ tsr er'qaff.nfr "s--fr frtqr r1.q1 emfr eirg it t vsd E1qrTd { o1 Tfr W FNenfr)C-qT o1 3TD-d-rq7 (irTil) qd rro +1 6rdr4fu. .rd fr ca orarqD'Vo ql erfuo en of -rdl €srgl Er zf'r d. oq ori d fild oEdrd fu-qr iil[rrn, qr! q€ri qRqmrrsq "n errgffi. qd g-rin 3TrgSqr € s ffi-{) s{ d 3{E-n'q Err w$oqsF vrq "urfr fati' 'd crm-+tqQ-e.f',. t efao B, Q-sr tqk ' d Vs {-vq afi qT frnfr fi €s--r g6r{qt q,t qrgTrfi ,.: :,.. ' l1',,1. .:; ,,j .,.i'.,,..,. rh, ,- .{9lhtr rn,g *LFe irrr.rr,g kro F.larulg a.p rlh$ lb.gles luh :a In {hagg r}robre+{u 'ur4qt€ ei (r+) r(p pgll] $ Bt,b$re t\lh r-t]Ur.b '{9 rhr, rh(g I+F*|J'F pqhg g toir u Aprlln Fr'$ gry (ogSreltau .buti\)B,r(bgre t€ UI r>gF [.br-F, Si (ilb) :ogla p[DX€ 2g] p$U urrr' (uC) € rhrl rhu ro l]|)F*lop'ih \-tf', \g lfi pii 1p r-o|rrr- (n) :M klr^ e pi gue np-urrtr-tor.rrpre(g) -+g r4tE€ rhL th(g rr(gth[- rrrp9+q ogp g]plt S[ (P.) .{i rhr rhu ro uoFUbg'-.tta (r,ra"goarorn Lrleir) iphthu gB$po g.l ruru +g 'oHS pldl Sl (er) -,{B iL t€ u-23 tnil<bg +lll sg b.b e h![ rr-thtAh lLhlIbI lahlr hclr$\rnuh g gdrsry $ irof rpqrnpu +I p ll1p 4gle $ 4gle g Frbrp lJp F;(b r-bptlr:rauu Dg LlI\Fg s lbs hubf|ilh lElaleFrr6 t-huni tlhle h hpli't/r' lil,l^() ubt+rgllaa pqFg rplH lEp gErlrla C lPi {p Plli :s hlh E ha El$ls e Nolir Dr]h {!l lraa {B .l1E}bh a.l ]sg tr h tllEtr prug|-,g 'e drpu3 'lrgh" Ih{ $ S ,orJtil pIdr, ,'t} -: r^}.bE\}rr lr3 L.rRJ,Fr + pl (Eip)e p ugr fuc )pt12A gts 'kr.bg EIe +^ h6)Frtr[nuh En]_ [-rn ' ]FtF\ th.g A[5EreF.g + +]]b hlh Ql.upllb {! u,,-FLH{91 |}fha FL ta b 'sahrie llrf d' u'e taA S g Ere g.uic $a tc c,-ge +n"\; to t{9 rhi'rng $bL[''e rnucb+ FlLt p.g.tho b rLutralpl gt L1PlIQit S eele S -eS1Ata Fr.l. r-)Pl€ rhhilc Q u^U'U F 1!$ h[4rf]lr] lh Frio r-hunh $hje ts h|,)lil(b ftlrtr'0 g-Q {e rl f$ |D)€ 4A &lH!)ilh lS Blh ;fl :1b ri lr4r [r lr,t] t?Ubl]llA t blh l € l OZU-&-Lla9 ,rtr-:J i'llUrr eUrrl:Ot (a) ft; i qerrlFr.r,q.ri qtq {fl d, (qra) {n XrTf *Fr-q;,ffi 'ffi .Tr q.ri, rrn 3flfA d rnrc q; or<q fufrffiq 3{TrrRq{ t-qr t erarr 6-v ftq1 'rq1 5i. (s|Ta)Et Tff,[4 *"]6, fi'i eisrafl *i d orrq rr+r lg q?rr fuqr.rqTi|l (s) vR-+n o-"ry.'r 1q)-wrTlandoq 6 or11o qqsrrJ rc 3nqftrqt d *r+r d rfi. qaor 3ng ffqr z (<)) q{ ao Rrl$6qq Ehft, (o) (q) Gi_{qflSd'nft<t', v1@.r wrqrftd cflqr s Fia) qd nc; flrftvfiq rtiftr ei-< erq DE-ST4,f ft-f,[ff fOTFr o1 3|<-qffiq R-qrefr,vrac qf.rcT d 3{efic gr.q-d <qftiqi d q-s{ qR,zqct d i4dq d oqo-q 3ilq cTft-( rTd-q qrts ws{r'1. Xu-si5 srqrq, r6r{lvrr gff-g{d rffi cqq stq or+qfstqtdqT tr$q gqT TRoR c.iw gqT 3l'qfDhnd qErr q 11 F1qre g_af,r 3{rg $qr erfh+-aq s (.trs)E{ n-otrrf}rca-{fq *.fir F) q-d srlqffifr r$ {qq E. qt ETflBzTqvn4/ f4ry /qrr€d d aftfit i, sqd? 3{rg dsT crR=d_dq go a{ o1 3nq rq, Rrf\.r{-q r}-.ftr O {s-4+fr qrT(dFcF}de{T;rrneqT d crc offie sr&-firffi d wq€lt. v.rO dRTg11norq o1 .r$ q.x dTr +qr q't or-dTqftd firi, €-4il{ gB SqT d. e s{ oT ffqr d enqft< r-ri SCE^zfr or+fi. 6= fr"ft fi <nr { sc-61 emg:e (ers-tr-s) Ed t 3lfto. ;rfi rffi aTRcr Aq- (r) i-$ er.qsff,fud sq{tod s-s (s) d w_qu_e (so) neTr(O t sffi 3rg {-stfi lM d qEft{ rrteilTqaq t rlyr Rtqrrrqr El, i qR qrtr({ rrgo o-ri d ;r'rqm .rrCl. fu+, 4 7T{rJ 20ll ), v qrqq. Ti ri .dJrrrr,aaq d .$ sT wrd qr;. li spsa t id '*. ar ,] fit;h [ "n'I 1 til cJ fu wn qfr di$1 ,r.,ffi. qf{ etFfEq Td rfq-:r ,p rltqtd tIfl qr q{ d u{*1 E c-.f, w wrff E). et d qra q4 ,grg fi (z)ffi rfr erq nrq-dif n srg ftirq ftrfyd ofi .t *+.R, f,fiTrfr'qwqtdfuiior rftenTam i-g sqRard-di; d ftry. qrffi si $ 3r5qfr3{ftnw orS er,fti ffi (e) srg *qT d ',rqtr H, qrqrq rvrrfl-qArFT ETITi ts_{rrrcr w qt ftftr .fr drt Ei.tl (o) av-tim sfffio lo qr gtr d orFf, s{,f + r n,in 3rB { W fid qri d eqqid,yntrd}q +sr tg cn ar-; d ftfd 3{ft6-dqeiq l}rft.ft s$Td as s{ d 3rFfi T6l t.rfil (d) tl'sFro'orfdr-3r,qrfid qH +{r d ftrd frtrd ffi ttutr:; orfu 6tfr qrRc,frqTfrFergqfr-fi-q{ qRfdt r (fi-c) stfl-€rqeff of f+gf*{ mlirmr{ier<r qprrfrtra sts I Trdr;r 5qil cfrn 1 fudr.- errqpff ol qk s qrrfi 3+sf{dTd frq ft',€ ff qftrii S sqeiq s{ftqrq dti A ffi fr nqrs zF},ftgfu qrkdrfi gm qfre:zq+c i sqRer-f,*i d ftft mo qrqTqT et6rrTl ro. srqFftil o1 qr*cnd qas + figftf, vrMr an FHr+q arf;,r *qr.v-frar7aq-q{ vqftrd di d ftc enq{ of q-rff qr crdrerT + trr t. FrgRf, crffi or ftftrrrq 3{Fdq+,T eilRot{ ff anqeffRq ft-gfu qrE-qtrfrdM yi:r qTnuiql.qfi {€t f$-fl rrqr qfim,zq,irron q i. sqfurd *i sft Gr-Jqft€l fl qrr.fir rr. cmFrf,r cfiHr/q{q df{r rflff q-fi.- (1)sfudn c0rr dnr $s Tffft{@ crffi fl-{ s{H} o} f}-dio-i1'ir qqq 11frftqbf, a-t,;ir i1,'r' "llFFln.i- i fr qrffi, F6) toT { q,fr d f,azruli:rril;,rrq{hn irl sr,r-Ero\ dqT fb ti-gfu nFloi{l :lift.t d w,tti Q. iIpIrJ srrcl qq 3gqtRd o?r is{q qalq rr{ ,.,;nfrf+q qq 3{r}{il (O qfrerr,fi{ftn qfiIalfi F-rq'r qq-q sFTffrcnt ei qr.r.fl t d qw (z) qq-q ET{Ifr$ q-ff- (o,-F)ero 'i qff d ft1 qaq. td 3rdrd} {i fl6-qTq+,Tr, +sl 1b i+,1fr'rrn{D-orfi rr.Fr-Hrrcrqr crsrnR-del; eluTlz*-ui s;l 4{rc, 'qryq15fr"lderit fd,qr "[]qTE:xr qrq-{rrq qr qf}o ol 6fc) Tqq HEft, fi+gfu qrffi (O qsT d flt qrirfr r (3) 3t-JqfrdqrlM. q-J-ql?rd sil'-sorq @ .Fil * qqftrr onqffi d fun. €Fff Tdl ai rr+q q trd si E-ifts.radt6 $sr urfum. ergrffi q.rwffi sfl-{orq @ -.nJd ftri Fi-JqFd-d 3lnerur)3rfuhqq, rssa (n zr vl rssa) { sidffiE srEri dan {rrcr=rtri(T{rrq-qryr :rs wrft {ira .d snffi d eriliR qtrlk( {gI qKr'ff I (4) {rI 116r{3rxka Rmi 'ol .rrd qq-q.f$ snqgffci 3qqfd-d qrM, 3r1qhd wrunffi 3ti 3nq @ qqt d sEtq t, ot f{gRfl d ft\ vS 6q q trqn fuur qr}n, fuq 6-q d s+d cfq ftqq tz t fqtr€ q.'ft n cil-$d. qri erq srrqfffi efi ga+ n u+or qriRro t-o qE .rftqqi r. d r (s) 3r1qfudsfti, er:gtlo q+qiffi sit{ 3rq @ qqf € rlEB-d sc anqlrfqtoi. ffi qvr.T{ q EetdrE-{rt Tg;T6t qqF qFr rod gv +n q i}3ftt d ftd ftqfrf, qrffi srgrsqg6 dfu-d fu-qr rrqr A, w-f+qq (t d qrft{, q?nfu{R,q-{qFq-dqrRsl, 3qqfid .a=rqrM eils 3Fq @ {d d o{qpffi d fdq eTr{ft-d Rffit q-cfrgdrr fttm w s]-drnl '] ;h i :'' tfrq 10 - (o) lri-rr, fu'+ 4 q{d.rt :ct: [ "tpt ehl rrtfl d ',roq ir, -,rh.ri.ra aio i-qr (qR-fl3n of Frql-fir s, ,"r fat|q rrqqtr',fiq,r 1ee7q; srneil d 3€sR,30 qf+std'lcl qfi<r ::,i:*lgfrio' fir) m{S-o rt* qgi't (z) td l-ca'i q, .'15i 'fi:]i| rnfl gm qt qri qrd q-Etd fhi rr't, 6|f,Iq1i -.nTa5r1a iIIIT?rI.t,sld d \5c q fatrd f{,q1 qq1 | 3i'1.' qqrli qrfufl.ft fi rrq ,l rrtl 9r{T wtt 3qqR-d qtRlql, 3r.1{J1;t.. wT d er.qFfutd q-qfq €qt i uqt.t,rt di 01 €qr+rT.rS e, ,i qerq,fiDrotft,3rfqRd qlfrq). 3r1EJ.1(l ii-{q1flild efl-s3i=qft.rs a{t -d 3rqffut O Faq3rilr+ of vrd ol srqrM erh q=q {N sd:n r fil|*a en-< (s) yrftfuo sq d fi:crfi 3r-rffrt d fird emq qcrsc fuqFr dr<r rrrrq-qq-q w wt Frffr d 3rJ€R 3{neTor .rrt eti t 12. qrrq qfrft am RrFrRq f,bi .q.l 3rqffi fr1q-fr.- (1) Fqfu ilf}'fifr, sa enqf#t o1 d-s-dr d ;n-r q -.qERelf,q6 {fi, d ti r=d{ t 3rFd Ei. f€T fu qirq qfrfr am 3,isqrftd fu-sr -ilrd neTrer5qFdd qrM 3r5qfrd wrorFq\ eltr 3i-"qfUEg qqT.S €qD-d sq sr"'qffti sff s6 Em, d {sft v{r R{ d o{Fn -r.t 6. fu-g qcn-s{ { <eror ;rflt rsi or qRrc6r{T;r rod gl. S-sr{ ffin qfrft grtr sq-gffi stft-f, 6 6g "a=r fuzi .rt €i, d-fi tntrfr. I qii sffr, r#-srqttoTd qtffift d ftd fi ro-rRraof qrt'frt (z) W ft'qd der ufi-flrra fuff.T +qT(rlqro1 Trqrq {d) f{qq, rgor d sq*n d 3rqtfr{ rsd gC,1rcflcr Rfud w enqfff o1 ftgftil d Iiilt c;S oq g ftan fuq gt\''il. finq mq i s{d crq q* d erd e} r (e) {fr q 3l+qfdql6-rqr'{ wf+d fard uri € fr sS ft9frf, d fil} tnii 3rft6n cq din qrq rS d-dr.dq d?Ffo fugfta qIffi or i-S q-T 6{i d qwn, d-S fu qe srrqs{o qqd, qe rrrflrrFrq d qrd fu 3l,qeff g*dffidftrAwrfrlort{sqgmdr -t; { ljl ,lrl -- ll 13. q+qft dt{r fqgRfl.- (r) qi: arr:rDiqtof rrd}qfi aq vmft".F4{r rit.1.rd ffi Cfi sPlfd qfua dI qrlql fiffi 3r1qff-.trs d si,cfi (s) it flFddq wcss lgFqfim eii, q{g {q iJq-fl{qq .r -.{tft-{sfrfd d .rcc s} q-qiff d fu,) Eifrq,rq difr d--qT(3€{fftrd rnffuii, ergqf}o sqwfidr eN erq M Eqi d ftd vnerul)e#T,?rrrT, 1ee.t(m zr rR rssa)o1 qm a d sqqil or fi r5ww fu-qrut+n i (2) lflfrft o1 d-t6 td sif,{Ta} q +d}. q} wrtln"rd, Tfi a{ t 3mFro dr (s) Edslg dfi +sT /qffif) 'itqq, zoost Brqdi d r5wr r+qfA qi qrtrfr | (4) 3rRferdRM t qffi erri t-g qBrT, udrlrrg crr*rl. rrrqrq qsns{ frqFr a-gterrq-wru q{ qrt frfu d er5wxetftr 1a.q-{qft/errqrtrrur d frd q+cr o1 yrfi- qfrft s=r rrrfirr .qmi 6 qmoi w fa-qriotrft. ffii rrs-E{ a1 wr-{ff d qarqkr ot, sq q-qT n ffi qd={fr qfr qrff t qr c|.T{fism si-d wrE@ dft-d ffif qE qr {s} q-i (il-i Td 6rr il sT {arqr-fq 5q d) sfi 3r=q ?rd 61 +dT, dsT fu rgqfr-an d oif,q G) n Bfttre d. Wf or d Ei ofl-i.'r)w-fiqq (z)d vwid d wlvn frqrt'Tg-r d "n-d{endd r sajfr)rr +i 111wdf<fd d ft'n wmr C-grsrruril qff ffiffi ft.il.ffq qd=ft eftftZon-frq eftfr srrgo qff qrfr t, Eil ltqrr q-fiff 6i s-ffi tET sn 6r[qf* 6f rrq-ar.gs d-du-grqd r) rri) ,,rrr)rll w+oqsF sf-g{,rq-iz'.iqr d qrq,zqs d nd{qFr tr 3y1r11 1l :ri),r tr1-si €srf,/$-sTd .n'ru,.rE qi |,6ryq q s11iftt nrftq t 'ril] r (r) E-d{rE dtfi t-fl (ir<iqfd) l+qq, zoosd sqqdf q} o{;lrl( ,t,it..rl\'l fuqi dY6 *{r d smerq fuqTiil-&n I (s) vTrtr<grs fil?-o eme;q rt:r o ergerr r<ffi qfi qrffl r I ;;:T: ffij . --15. ,1i-r L url tJ alTdfl spqf$d * Wj *: :i.:il'i fi&r erqi-- (1) fnqT'frqqffn {TfEf.) qi af',i.rq; d qc qdt t:rt +hi, "i s{aa fiqq rs d f}f-d vr.il rrir qfi ori r.i ern ffi ri{*|it at" 'r)rqq q)-f} d fu eqTfi.qqsr rf{r d, ll oit, zrrq rPi,'lii{ f't',ii .{a +l mftrq ri \qt EE O drr.t ;s.iIFI-qFw +;i=ri-t 6 z,t,p: lf'r ordl qerrflrc R qqiq $fr1 d .rri d ftrrr Q) t's c$ 'r sftri?fi 1?;q.r,i r,{ .rql, tfre nqr erfr norq € rcg-dtfil (qRsdr'-q-=. rrq+:rdr)s 3iuri w fi;ql qr$qTt (g) t-:fi-sq-s nTfud +qr (qil e'l ,:rnrq pid) 1}'qq. rsor d eqrrr art.r q.fi +1Mf d rrq-q,qdl { w146o .Fffiqi q} {re-, 3rXqft-ryq d oisq (z) { uw EfqtrE t-qr qr qfi q qRrddr d *;q i r+l qrli r w€ovq- W 64fft, fr-qf,r ctq q-q-cq-fr { eTrfra fusT rrqT dt. frrg ffi qil snfifirrTFTar d +{rc c+=rdr& fu-qrrrqrrn.o-+a sq-d q-df,{ qql d ezq * €l aq zqfrild d srn firc w qr_qr<r+fi sw { frqrr firqTqqT*. qfre-aror or-$qr+ c-S S,TrI Tqq q{t-- (1) frgftr crfkil{t anr 3iidq sv d eqffi6 q.ff ergqfr-alr d oi-dq (z) t sftilfu-d q-d d, 3r1qfff-sR d sidq (e) d sftofuo qdt cs. tar S {re€ri 6Lq-fraft d ftrd qq-q{-ff *frr (z) q-frq6 d fui qqq q-fr, wr+rvn: 5trd *qR fird .ild o1 .-ngrl-e ddrw s{ d gr f+w{r 6s ftfoq1q a}rft qta rfi {fr { wthfrd fuffi qfrfl o1 3trr t 6fidT d qrcc q 'r-fn 19 di 6l Rqfr it, srrs{ d eqtu w. fidrr.TsrerEr aqq € or ftSs Ec n gqfiFil-fi fi,qr qT q-d.n 3N qR as sfud qr+ at qqq q-* t tn qf}o 6i -q EeTvd.rrl I .,lFl I I t'ri . i:- : i !i. .- ii,trri {tnd.1-i, f1-41+4 qfi11 UOtr -t _ t:__:: ___ _:___ :_- __ 17 Tirq ,i.i t +Er e fi-ri)i.-.'- (r'r aqq tlm d 'gfufdn tqf&ili qf} eqr qqr-f ,;', qSJ W B.jtfir.1f, ir3iiij i5q { o.i ,qdrft, ftq '=l r;1 4q q s_fd TFl trdl+Jld .rld; +{ gli;aftt) FRrq,zooed qraqn .} o3e.x qfi i eir--r ett (2)ttiuir,'1o,utr qfhr ifi. iU{E r qrq wrq q-fi q flftTfuo ei, f+.gfu c; {d rrft1? ct .Rr.Tyfor-l: eK li6 ]rld{l_6rrd,lEnn.qrr ils fu +tn gdi { soJ'n-rrrq cffud furt arr.1-.r{,rla{rdaa figfu. of en{}sqd +q qti oreiafil ,,; qt{r sce; fl.{ 'i iffi oN fn-rrre c sn qrd, .ai f*jftn rrfuoi"j i$l rrq {, *qr q figk)n ii, firrl se orJqg.hT f*-g .mdl rlr r -n - +dr €lt) sznr tq)-.ffi ts. qRfrHT. Efgrq-# fu-qTTqTu-rfo q14,, ;, qqi qi orerqBd ftrd qftdtenq{ F-gdd fuqr qrtnr 1e. ftfaq.- qR gc Fuq S fld-fs-{d $eq q ;,X qe< vqrp r}, .r} ..ni YrR{ro} ftH€ fuqTqrq.,r,f.}fl rfr s€tnl f4Fi{rrqerftq ctql r zo. frrffiowre=rftq:ql i * 'T-affi fi qkr 6l zra srpi =rfi arnqr q€ frffi qq <fro -+ nrrd i, dw "nt'n, m cr i F{qq dr,1 d-d t, tS tfil d 6nffi s-{i +1 {Fr:FTrm 61 yifu 6}, ri} sd;qn_wro \'E sfl{d qdd E},Sftil qr oq ortfi d. c-{g oti qrrmr t$t {ffi * Tft ft[eq qr\rrn \ilI ec f+qql q sltfft-d {tfr ol srteil.sqr-d ftd oq q-g6-ddl zt. f+r*rc gq qgfr-(r) {{ Rqrfi d d-*rn-fi ei-s Iq ffi d ql{_r+i _r, ffd T{ c-{fl wrrkr F-+q.w ft=srild 3tcFld3iri ET-dfrq;q}d eqq ,r gd-{smmrd fitn -ilrd *. q-qggq'q-on ffin frqd d 3ri_{ ftqr rrqr 6l{ rff 3nisr qT o1 rrg 6fu. g{ f+{qi d,neenfi vwttr d rftft{ ftqr qqr 3iltsr ql +t 'rS o.r@ sq-S qr+rDt El:"-: -'- t. .. rjl ri: 'ifl-iri.: IT,i'{1,1-..ir I ,r+l1rt:Ot: li ]- L l]I,l l (z) fi F-q'i { or<fde oH ff erd,3r{{}d ..aTfuI.3rTqiid dcqrftd trh g,'-qftEG e-{Td ftd. {r'q ytrs{ ET{tq{q-sqq w g+l stiq d qffi Rrd .d i+ffiZoiTtgfr d crgen R qri Erd 3rnftd srnerot, Rrfffio{q d?il or;{rrTaTq,} qrlft'd r€t otftr R-d€rTda 6.qqe6 * crq t aql 3rTatrrfqn, rIITffwl {rq, Tc-qFq-s. il5qfr-Y6 (ftqq 5 etud) *{r q lfl- F. {fufud If{ (r) 1_ 2. 2 r) qRs sen zs (rou< fuf,rs 3{ffi q@fr-t) SflFI ofiowr id-{flq ttqfllqr-- iD'I ;Ttr{ tildFrrr 3rffi I'dl'r lrfl;I 3- q-cl'qt1gf, dq1 f{KR s{0r6fi (r) (o) 9300-34800 {fiq "m (3rfuR-f *e a-il{ aaoo q'fiq) gfiq M J2 (s) (3fttur efiq) 5200-20200 ')s taq zaoo s200-20200 427 (3rfke-m q.trq) *s tin z+oo i t. i #Tril -.q:1r'#FF ); l rr'r r l $ 3l1qfr-qi (f+w o ?Ma1 '$qrl{E or {q q, jj rf< l q, | (gc| nr- tt (3{ | ffi qdl dxr (f+w 6 1t; 1-; i (t) I lcI-aoYo (5) zo Yo 1. 92 'tooh eoYo 427 'tooo/o (3) qRq sq.rc ft-6R1 erlffi 3e]cffi--=] dt{l (ftqq o (t) ! .l -d{r d sffIf q't Tqfqlil etu)) I .i I or s-mo .ilf,qrd-ofuffi- za(to u< (u) ?@1 I 3f.q a}qr $ l qfa< o' L Tslf;ff{I{sf er<r(Frw l e (t) (rr) I _a@ (e) {lTc+f,{) lerm J. sqrc lffi I r+r"r.s{Fro.R qfiirft-dq (tlaq o t@) 'qq=i-ffift {E geilq am qrq fi'*ir, (r) qgw q;nrt+ r:; sq1ffi1- eTu fu6r-s 3{Dr6$ 3qT;I l<lcF 3{e.6ft I :itlqrf:ro1lqrdr-tddldl q Frilm (2)sq trarf,d' geTmr - ttcr (s) riaroo gr IFTM V€IFI ft-ff{ 3{ffi Zfrq R-src{ {-1lcl(p 4q f4{ft16 ga; w<9, d 3ryqfrf, qrftdf /-wTn'Jrliri:i oi d,n - qrutrr [ 'r.r I ;trtl{IJr;; it.,jrtt, f':,li }; .1l.TTll 2013 3i-1{fl-4rr (f{qq ra tm) STI IIE i qFI linsd q<ffi -+1qrfr e (1 '1. \TgT-l lt STf ITE iFI IrE ?F 16|{ Trq ffs trr q-qffi o1 vra-artg srfr € TE VqI;I fr-6rq 3Tffi .ri tEtcDtt I il1qs o1 aTdq orersfu F4r*O dm flq (i) qg6 €ard6. worffi-orqet (z) w *iarao. verffi W{FI /^\ -i_=__ (5,' \t1z qq) \q, $ q t<], . 1 t . 1 a'!! t'1r;iiro &t( --: ^--a.\xl .tl:tll <.1(l qrfut/q-+crM s{€r SEII;I ' i fu{fl-{ 3rffi S€IFI Ii 3Iffi Yai.- -_ or liPt I l i, ;rdnqu {r.n'lr,k.ri+ c q€0 zor: t7 Raipur,the 2 I st December20 l2 No. F 3-1712012/14-1.-Inexerciseof the powersconferredby the provisoto Article 309 of the Constitutionof India, the Governorof Chhanisgarh,hereby,makesthe following rules, relating to the recruitment of the ChhattisgarhHorticulture Non-Gazctted (NonMinisterial)Service,namely :- RULES 1. Short title and 'commencement.- (l) These rules may be called ihe Service Chhattisgarh Horticulture Non-Gazetted (Non-Ministerial) RecruitmentRules,2012. (2) Theserule shall come into force with effect from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette ., Definitions.- In theserules, unlessthe context otherwiserequires,(a) "Appointing Authority" in respect of a service means such authority to whom the powers of appointmentto the service or post has been conferred by Governmentor may be conferredlater; (b) "Committee" means the Committee constituted for selection of the candidatesfor the appointmentor promotion as per column (5) of ScheduleIII and column (4) of ScheduleJV; (c) "Selection" meansthe selectionby the competitiveexaminationor interview held for reeruitrnentto the serviceunder rule I I of theserules; (d) "Government" meansthe Govemmentof Chhattisgarh; (c) "Governor" meansthe Governorof Chhattisgarh; (f) "schedule" meansthe Scheduleappendedto theserules; (g) "Scheduled Castes" meansthe ScheduledCastesas specified in relation to this Stateunder Article 341 of the Constitution of India; (h) "Scheduled Tribes" meansthe ScheduledTribes as specified in relation to this Stateunder Article 342 of the Constitutionof India: (i) "Other Backward Classes"meansthe Other Backward Classesof citizens as specified by the StateGovernment,vide Notification No. F-8-5 XXV-4-84, datedthe 26th December,1984as amendedfrom time to time; 0) "Service" means the Chhattisgarh Horticulfure Non-Gazetted (NonMinisterial)Service; (k) "State" meansthe Stateof Chhattissarh. 16 -t. t.TTl:.ld llqq:t, I;.-T{T 4 q{dfl 20l3 | "ml S c o p ea n d r \ p n i i . . , : { i a nW . - i i n o u tp r e j u d i c e t o l h c g e n e r a , Jor )f ' t h c p r o v i s i o n s crrntained in tne cirhattisgarh Civil Services(Generalconditionsof Service) Rules,i961, thsscrules;hail applyto everymembcrof thc service. .1. constitution of the ser':'ice.-The service sha[ consist of the followine pcrsons,namely:(a) Persons,who at the iinre of commencement of these rules are holding substantively thepostsspccifiedin Schedule-I; (b) Persons, recruited to theservicebeforethecommencement of theserules;and (c) Persons, recruitedto the servicein accordance with the provisionsof these rules. Classification,scaleof pay etc.- The classificationof the service,the number ofpost includedin the serviceand the scaleofpay attachedtheretoshall be in accordance with the provisionscontainedin Schedule-I: Providedthat, the Governmentmay, from time to time, add or reducethe numberof postsincludedin the scrviceand pay scale,either on a permanentor temporarybasis. 6. Method of recruitment.- (l) Recruitment to the service, after the oommencementof these rules, shall be made by the followine methods. namcly:(r) By direct recruitmenton the basis of competitive examination or by selectionon the basisof merit and interview; (b) Uy promotionof the membersof.the serviceas specifiedin column (2) of Schedule-lV; (c) lly transfer/deputation of the personswho hold in a substantive/officiating capacitysuchpostsin suchservices,as may be specifiedin this behalf. (2) The numberofpersonsrecruitedunderclause(b) or (c) ofsub-rule(l ) shall not at any time,exceedthe percentage as shownin schedule-llof the number ofpostsasspecifiedin Schedule-I. (3) Subjectto the provisionsof these rules, the r'ethod .r rnethods of recruitmentto be adoptedfor the purposeof filling a'y particrrlrrr vacaricyor vacancies in the scrviceas may be requiredto bc lillcclcluring;rrryparticular period of recruitmentand the number of pc'rs.rrst. bc rccl.rritcdby each method,shallbe determined on eachoccasionb,vtlrt:Appoirrrirrli Autl-rority in consultationwith the Government. ltt-r I I' zqrqrr4 rrqri, i5f ) * on* to,, -,--i# ::li-: -anythingcontainedin sub-rule( l)., if in the opinionof the t4) Not'Igthstanding AppointiiigAuthority,the exigencies o1'theserviceso requires,the ,,fppointing Authority rnay, with the prior concurrenceol' thc GeneralAdrninistrative Department,adoptsuchmethodsof recruitmentto the serviceother than those specifiedin the said sub-ruIe,as it rnay, by order issuedin this behall, prescribe. i I (5) For the post to be filled up by direct recruitmenton the merit basis,the criteria (norms) shall be prescribedby the Government,however it shall be rnandatoryfor Appointing Authority to constitutea Selectioncommittee for this purpose,which may adopt any other appropriatenorms other than these normswith the consentof the Govemment. (6) At the time of recruitmentthe provisions of chhattisgarh Lok Seva (AnusuchitJatiyon,AnusuchitJan Jatiyonaur Anya pichhadeVargon ke Liye Arakshan)Adhiniyam, 1994 (No. 2l of 1994)and the directionissuedby the GeneralAdministrativeDepartmentfrom time to time shallalso be applicable. 7. Appointment in the service.- All appointments in the service after conrnlcncement of theserules shall be madeby the Appointing Authority and no such appointmentshall be made except after selection by one of the . nrcthodsol'recruitmentspecifiedin rule 6. (hnditions of eligibility for direct recruitment.-In order to be elieibleto c()nll)c(cat the examinatior/selection, a candidatemust satisfothe toliowine conditions, namely:(l) Age- (a) A candidatemusthaveattainedthe ageas specifiedin column(3) of Schedule-Illand not have attainedthe age specifiedin column (4) of said Schedule on the first duy of January next following the date of commencement of theexamination/selections; (b) The upperagelimit shallbe relaxableup to a maximumof 5 yearsif a candidatebelongsto ScheduledCastesor Scheduledl-ribes and Other Rackward Classes; (c) The upperage Iimit shall be relaxableup to a nraxi'rrr'rof l0 years to r'Lrnen candidate,as per provision of the chlrattisgarhciviI Services ' ';necialPrcvisionfor Appointment of Women)Rulc, 1997; , : , fhs upl]eragc limit shallalso be relaxablcin rcspcct.f'candidates,who :'it'or havebeenenrployees of the Government ol' ('hlrattissarh to the exrenr -iri.;subjectto theconditionsspecifiedbelow:- #l ;r*q,rz iiqq*, feri+ + qr-*fr zor: lo r, L qrrt 1 Governmentservanl A candidate,who is permanenytemporary shouldnot be morethan 38 yearsofage; (ii) A candidateholding a post temporaryand applying for another post shouldnot bp more than 38 yearsof age. This concession shall alsobe admissibleto the contingencypaid employees,work charged employeesand employees working in the Project Implementation Committee; (iii) A candidate,who is a "retrenchedGovernmentseryanl"shall be allowed to deduct from his age the period of all (temporary) servicepreviouslyrenderedby him upto a maximum of 7 years even if it representsmore than one spell provided that the resultantagedoesnot exceedthe upperagelimit by more than a years; (i) I I i i; iir i ': j Explanation- The term "retrenched Govemment servant" denotes a personwho was in temporaryGovernmentServiceof this Stateor of any of the constituentunits for a continuousperiod of not less than 6 monthsand who was dischargedbecauseof reductionin establishment not more than 3 years prior to the date of his registration at the employmentexchangeor applicationmadeotherwisefor employment in GovemmentService. (e) A candidate,who is an ex-servicemanshall be allowed to deduct from his age the period of all defenseservicespreviously renderedby him provided that the resultant age does not exceed the upper age limit by more than 3 years. Explanation- The term "Ex-serviceman"denotesa personwho belongsto any of thc following categories and who was employed under fte Govemrnentaf india for a continuousperiod of not lessthan 6 months and who was retrcnche<t or declaredsurplusas a result of the recommendation of the EeonomyUnit or ilue to normal reductionin establishmentnot more than 3 years before the date of his registration at the Employment ,Exchangeor application,made otherwise.for employment in,Govemment Service:(i) Ex-serviceman releasedundermusteringout concessions; (ii) Ex-serviceman enrolledfor the secondtime anddischargedon(a) completionof short-termengagement, (lr" iirlfilling theconditionsof enrolment. of MadrasCivil Units; {iii) Ex-peruonnei (ivi Officers (lv{ilitar}. and Civil) discharged on completion of their contract(inciudirgrhort serviceRegularComnrissioned Officers); t: -:,Y] qntl ;ringrrd{rssr, Fli+ q qr+i zott lt'r (v) Oliicers discharged after wGfking for more than 6 months continuouslyagainstleavevacancies; (vi) Ex-servicemandischargedon the ground that they are unlikely to becomeefficientsoldiers; (vii)Ex-serviceman who are medicallyboardedout on accountof gunshot woundsetc; (viii) Ex-serviceman invalidatedout of service. (f) The upper age limit shall be relaxable up to 2 years in respectof Green Card holder candidatesunder Family Welfare (Planning)Programme. (g) The upper age limit shall be relaxableupto 5 years in respectof awarded superior caste partner of a couple under the Inter-casteMarriage Incentive Scheme of the ScheduledTribes, Scheduled Castes and Other Backward ClassesDevelopmentDepartment. (h) The generalupperage limit shall also be relaxableupto a maximumof 5 years in respectof the Shahid Rajeev Pandey Award, Gundadhur Award, Maharaja PraveerChand Bhanjdev Award holder candidatesand National Youth Award holder Young Candidates. (i)'l'hc upperagelimit shall be relaxableupto a maximumof 38 yearsof age in respcct of the candidateswho are employeesof the ChhattisgarhState/ (,lorporati<tns/Boards. 'l'lrc () upperagelimit shall be relaxedin the caseof voluntaryHome Guar{s :utd Non-Cornmissioned Officers of Home.Guard for the period of Home (iuard Scrvicc'renderedso by them subject to the limit of 8 years but in no casctheir ageshouldexceed38 years. Notc- ( I ) Candidates who are admittedto lhe examination/selection underthe ageconcessioris merltioned'insub-clause{i)and ('ii).ofchuse (d)above,shall not be eligiblefor appointment,if aftersubmittingthe application,they resign from serviceeitherbeforeor afterexamination/selection. They shall,however continue to be eligible, if they are retrenchedfrom the service or post after submittingthe application. (2) In no other case these age limits be relaxed, departmentalcandidates must obtain previous permissionof the Appointing Authority to appear for i G .J F . - theexamination/selection. li i '.- Ji ;j;nrJrfd {f;|Tl, fi.n.n r 1ffi 2613 I qrq r "l (k; ln respectpf age limit. the directionissuedby the GeneralAdmipistrt'jion l: Departmentfibm time to time, shallaiso be applicable. (l) In any casethe maximumageto get eligiblefor Government serviceshall not exceed45 yearsirrespective ofage relaxationunderoneor more thanone catesorvmentionedabove. (II) Educational Qualifications- The candidatemust possessthe educational qualificationsprescribedfor the serviceas shownin Schedule-III. (III) Fee- The candidatemust pay the fees as prescribedby the Appointing Authoritv. 9. Disqualificati:'n.- Any attempton the part of a candidateto obtainsupportfor his candidatureby any meansmay be held by the Appointing Authority to disqualiff him for appearingin the examination/selection. t0. Appointing Authorityrs decision about the eligibility of the candidates shall be final.- The decisionof the Appointing Authority as to eligibility or otherwise of a candidatefor appearingin examination/selectionshall be final attd no candidate,to whom a certificateof admissionhas not been issuedby tlrc Appointing Authority shall be allowed to appear in the cxamination/interview. I l. l)ircct recruitment by competitive examination/selection.-(l) Direct rccruitmentby competitiveexamination-AppointingAuthority shall constitute. a SelectionCommitteeconsistingof threemembers. (i)'l'hc competitiveexamination for recruitment to 'i:v serviceshall be held at such intervalsas the Appointing Authority;na... in consultationwith the Government,from time to time. determine. (ii) The exarninationshall be held by the Selectioncommittee in accordance with the ordersissuedby the AppointingAuthority from time to time. (2) Direct recruitmentby Selection-(i) The selectionfor recruitmentto rhe serviceshall be held at such intervalsas the AppointingAuthority may, fiom time to time, determine. (ii) The selectionof candidates forthe serviceshallbe madeby the Selection Comltrittee. (iii) Thc Selectioncommineeshallbe constituted b1,theAppointirrgAuthoritt liom time to time. qnl l ti: ti Fiftsrrd {rqq;1,klia q qr+rt zor: (3) Thereshallbe reser,ired postsfor the candidatesbelongingto the $,cheduled ,i Castes,ScheduledTribes and Other Backward Classes,at the stage'of direct "t recruitment,in accordancewith the provisionscontainedin the Chhattisgarh Lok Seva (Anusuchit Jatiyon, Anusughit Jan Jatiyon aur Anya Pichhade Vargonke Liye Arakshan)Adhiniyam, 1994(No. 2l of 1994)and order issued by the Governmentfrom time to time. (4) In filling up the vacanciesso reserved,the candidateswho are membersof the ScheduledCastes,ScheduledTribes and Other BackwardClassesshall be consideredfor appointmentin the order in which their namesappearin the list referredto in rule 12, irrespectiveof their relativerank as comparedwith other candidates. (5) Candidates belongingto the ScheduledCastes,ScheduledTribesand Othet Backward Classesdeclared by the Appointing Authority to be suitable for of efficiencyof appointmentto the servicewith due regardto the maintenance administration,may be appointedto the vacanciesreservedfor the candidates of the ScheduledCastes-ScheduledTribesand OtherBackwardClasses,as the casemay be, under sub'rule (3). (6) At the stageof direct recruitment,30 percentpostsshall be reservedfor the woman candidatesin accordancewith the provision of the ChhattisgarhCivil Services(SpecialProvisionfor Appointmentof Women)Rules,1997. (7) In such cases,where certainperiod ofexperience has beenprescribedas an essentialcondition for the posts to be filled by direct recruitment and in the opinion of the CompetentAuthority, it is found that the sufficient numberof candidatesbelonging to ScheduledCastes, ScheduledTribes an<i Other BackwardClasses,is not likely to be available,then the CompetentAurhority may relax the conditionof experienceto the candidatesof ScheduledCastes, ScheduledTribesand OtherBackwardClasses. (8) Reservationfon physicallydisabledcandidatesshall be applicableas per the directionsissuedby the GeneralAdministrationDepartmentfrom time to time. 12. List of candidatesrecommendedby the SelectionCornmittee.-(l) The Appointing Authority shall preparea list arrangedin order of merit of the candidateswho havequalifiedby suchstandards, as may be determinedby the SelectionCommitteeand a list of the candidatesbelongingto the Scheduled Castes,ScheduledTribes and Other Backward Classes,who though not qualifiedby the suchstandard,but are declaredby the SelectiorrCommitteeto be suitablefor appointmentto the service,with due regardto the maintenance of efficiency of administration.The list shall also be publishedfor general information' ' r ' r i ' , J r '' } : - i l ,t '!l F: i..l )l ; .'ri gdl[tld {iFri, ]-(fl6 4 g=i-Rl 2013 I qrr1 t, 9 (2) Subjectto the prbvisionsof theserules and of the ChiiartisgarhCivil Scrvices(GeneralConditionsof Service)Rules, 1961,carndidares shall be consideredfor appointmentto the availablevacanciesin the ordcr in which their namesappearin the list. (3) The inclusion of a candidatesname in the list confers no right to appointmentunlessthe AppointingAuthority is satisfied,after such enquiryas may be considerednecessarythat the candidateis suitablein all respectfor appointmentto the service. 13. Appointment by promotion.- (l) There shall be constituteda Committee consistingof the membersspecifiedin column (5) of Schedulc-iVfor making a prcliminaryselectionfor promotionof eligiblecandidates: Providedthat for the purposeof constitutionof Conimitteeunder this sub-rule,the provisionsof Section 8 of ChhattisgarhLok Seva (Anusuchit Jatiyon, Anusuchit Jan Jatiyon aur Anya PichhadeVargon ke Li;'r Arakshan) Adhiniyam,1994(No. 2l of 1994)shallalsobe adheredto. (2) The Committeeshall meet at such intervalsordinarily not cxceedinaone year. (3) Promotionshall be madein accordancewith the provisionof Chhattisgarh PublicService(Promotion)Rules,2003. (4) Irrocedurefor makingpromotionin the reservedvacancicsshall be madein accordancewith the instructionsissuedby the Governmentol Chhattisgarh, GeneralAdministrationDepartmentfrom time to time. 14. Conditions of eligibility for Promotion/Transfer.-(l) The Committeeshall considerthe casesof all persons,who on the first day of Januarvof that year had completedsuch numbr of years of the service(whether officiating or substantive) in the posts,from which promotionis to be madeor any otherpost or poslsdeclaredequivalenttheretoby the Govemment,as specifiedin column (4) of Schedule-IVandarewithin the zoneof consideration in accordancewith theprovisions of sub-rule(2). llxplanation- Manner of computation for eligibility for promotion- The calculationof period of qualifuingserviceon I st Januaryof the relevantyear in which DepartmentalPromotionCommittee/Scrutiny Committeeis convened shall be countedfrom the calendaryear in which the public servanthasjoined the feedercadre/partofservice/payscaleofthe post and not from the date of joining ofthe feedercadre/part ofservice/payscaleofpost, ,t qrn I j B +qrr6 Tffr{i, filli+ + q++fr zot: 'Ihe (2) reservationin promotion shall be maf,e in acoordancewith the provisionof ChhattisgarhPublic Service(Promotion)Rules,2003. '(3) Promotion shall be made as per reservationroster prescribedby the Covernment. 15.Preparation of list of suitable candidates.-(l) The DcpartmentalPromotion Committeeshall preparea list of such personswho satisfu the conditions prescribedin rule 15 aboveand as are held by the Committeeto be suitablefor promotionto the service,the list shall be sufficient to cover the anticipated vacancieson accountof retirementand the promotionduringthe courseof one year from the dateofpreparationofthe selectlist. (2) The selection for inclusion in such list shall be based on merit and suitability(senioritysubjectto fitness)in all respects. (3) The namesof employeesincludedin the list shall be anangedin the order of seniorityin the serviceor postsas specifiedin column(2) of Schedule-IVat the time of preparationof select list as per the ChhattisgarhCivil Services (GeneralConditionsof Service)Rules,1961. Explanation- The person,whosenameis includedin selectlist but who is not promotedduring the validity of the list, shall have no claim of seniorityover those personsconsideredin a subsequentselection merely by the fact of his earlierselection- t6. Selectlist.- (l) The list as finally approvedby the AppointingAuthority shall be the Selectlist for promotionof the membersof the servicefrom the posts mentionedin column (2) of Schedule-IVto the postsas mentionedin column (3) of the Schedule-IV. (2) The Selectlist for promotionshallbe ordinarilyvalid up to 3lst December ofthe calendaryear from the dateofits preparation: Provided that in the event of a grave lapse in the concluct or performanceof duties on the part of any personincludedin the sclcct list, a special review of the select list, may be made at the instarrcc of the Governmentand he may, if it thinks fit, removethe nameof such pcrsonliom theselectlist. 17. Appointment to the servicefrom the selectlist.- (l) Appointrrrcntof the personsincludedin the selectlist shall be madeto the postsborrrcon the cadre in the order in which their namesappearin the list in accotlrrrce with the provisionof Chhattisgarh PublicService(Promotion)Rulcs,2(10'\. -'*T { Ji: (2) It shall not ordinarily be necessaryto consult the committce before appointmentof a person,whose name is includedin the select list to the serviceunlessduring the period interveningbetweenthe inclusionof his namc in the select list and the date of proposed appointment,therc occurs any deteriorationin his work which. in the opinion of the Appointing Authority is suchas to renderhim unsuitableof appointmentto the service. 18. Probation.- Every personrecruited directly or by promotion to the service shall be appointedon probationfor a period oftwo years. i llii ti HI til ltrr 19. Interpretation.- If any questionarises relating to the interpretationof these rules, it shall be referredto the Govemment.whosedecisionthereonshall be final. 20. Relaxation.- Nothing in theserules shall be construedto limit or abridgethe powers of the Govemor to deal with the case of any person to whom these rules apply in such manner,as may appearto it to bejust and proper: Provided that the case shall not be dealt with in any manner less favourableto him than that provided in theserules. lllrl 21. Repeal and saving.- (l) All rules correspondingto theserules and in force immediatelybefore the commencementof theserules are hereby repealedin rcspectof matterscoveredby theserules: Providedthat any order made or action taken ulder the rules so rcpcaledshall be deemedto have beenmade or takenundert,re correspondins, provisionsof theserules. (2) Nothing containedin these rules shall affect reservation,relaxationand other conditionsrequiredto be provided for the Scheduledctastes,Scheduled Tribes and other BackwardClassesin accordancewith the instructionsiorders issuedby the StateGovemmentfrom time to time in this regard. By orderand in the nameof the Governorof Chhattisgarh, PARSNATH RAM, DeputySecretary. \"!]. 'lfi r ll. ;: rT{rT? 4E {r t:-rir; ,l-r-pi z,rr-., SCHEDULE-I ilsee mles; s. No. (t) Nerne of the poct included in the service (21 l. Senior Horticulture Development Officer 2. Horticulture Development Officer Rural Horticulture Extension Officer J. Total Chssifrcetion numberof posts (4) (3) 73 (10Post Class-III (NonSuper nurnerical ministerial) Class-III (Nonministerial) Class-III (Nonministerial) 92 427 Scnleof pay (5f 9300-34800 Gr. Pay4300 Remarks (6) 5200-20200 Gr. Pay2800 5200-20200 Gr.Pay2400 SCHEDULE-II (Seerule 6) s. No. Name of the Service/Post Total Numberof duty posts Percentageof the duty poststo be filled in By direct By promotion By transfer of recruitment person from of the membersof other service [Seerule 6 (l)(a)l the service [Seerule 6 (tXc)l [Seerule 6 (lxb)l (l) I 2. J. (2\ Senior Horticulture Development Officer Horticulture Development Ofhcer Rural Horticulture Extension Officer (3) IJ (10post Super numerical 92 427 ({) (s) 80% 20% t0% 90% IOOYy (6) $ l ;,1 No. 1) l. j Ii SCHEDUI,!.]-II I I'.j ,il" l (Seerulc lt) Namcof thc Service /P()sts Minimum age Iimit Maximunr age limit 2 (3) (4) Senior 2l ycar Horticulture Development Officer 1 --do-Ilorticulture Development Olficer .t. Rural I lorticulture []xtension Officer --do- Prcsclilrcrl ctlucational riu r li licrtions SelectionComrnittce 5 (6) Norninatedby I)irector Horticulture MasterDegreein Horticulturc. 30 year (35year for domicile residentof ( l) JointDirector, HorticulturcChairman (2)Depufy Diroctor, Chhattisgarh HorticulturoState) Member (3)Onemembcr --do-nominatsd by Bachelor Degree in Horticulture/A griculture/ Director who shall Agriculture Engineering be of Schedulcd /Bio-technology Castes/TribesMember. --do-Bachelor Degree in Horticulture/A griculture/ Agriculture Engineering /Bio-technology/ Biology SCHEDULE-IV I (Seerule 14) No. Namc of the post from which promotion is !q !e tl44€ (2)__ Name of the posts on which promotion is to bc made Minimum experience period for eligibility for Dost (3) (4) llorticulture l)evelopment Officer Senior Horticulture Development OfTicer 5 years Rural Horticuiture Irxtcnsion Of'ficcr Horticulture Development Officer 5 years I I f1 | -' I l I Name of members of D€partmertal Promotion Comm;'*ee (5) Nominated by Director (i) Joint Director, Horticulturc-Chairman (ii) DeputyDirector,Horticulture-Member (iii) One member r''ninated by f)irecbr who shall be or ;heduledCasteV Tribes-Member --do-- Remarks (6)