GSt SECURITIES I,IMITED POINT', MUMBAI 400 021' 6{, MITTAL TOWER, 'B', WING, 210 NARIMAN TEL.:66301060 o FAX : 66301058 ' E'mall:gslsec@bom3'vsnl'net'ln GlN - L65s90MH1s94 PtCO??{tr? Dde: n. vviltil, lse-c-t'r ^6' 4l'a '&r^a il0 weJcSr'{<- 1p ol i88i2#]6. Lisii i'ig Deaariffie ili Bombry Snoic Exohenge Ltd, P lnraz e e J e ei e e bhry Tdt'r er s, 25tli Floor, Dalai Strcei, jdumbai - 40A AAI. TFie n- -.-- p.. cri-. v*t , u &xc.losure rea Hirefierr#i Re e&trdiorrs. 2A iS to sabiiiit y& LiffiiteC review reqcrt pursuant ta Regulatiu-n 33fij af SEBI f.hutiig obligation and disolo,cure requirements.i Regalations, 3015 1or thrc We ere lterebi; i:lertsetl E#eri€r erid€d an :1du Jiiiie 2015. Tltis is for ymr idorinaticn and recerds. KinCly ack*o*'ledge ifie teceipi af the #bove. ry',,--l-:--- ----I ttUftfvtti{ ) Yowrs faitWliy \b9- Fov GSL Seeg'liiies Ltd, SaiEiifurr BaF?adin fioryIiance Offt'a*l Enc!: *; abcve VUol ntatur& Co, Chartered Accountants L05, Chartered House, 293, Dr. Cawasji Hormasji Street, Near Marine Lines Church, Mumbai 400002. Phone : 91.-22-220796OL | 22061214 | Fax:9!-22-22068487 | Email: Certificate No.:022 I A-22 t2016-17 AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE "We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited quarterly financial results of GSL securities Ltd., for the period ended 30th June, 2016 except for the disclosures regarding "Public Shareholdings" and ,,promoter and promoter group shareholding" which has been traced from disclosures made by the management and have not been audited by us. This statement is the responsibility of the company's management and has been approved by the board of director's. Our responsibility is to issue a report on these financial statements based on our review.', We conducted our review in accordance with the standard on Review Engagement (SRE) 2400, engagement to review Financial Statements issued by the lnstitute of Chartered Accountants of lndia. This Standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the Financial Statements are free of material misstatement. A review is limited primarily to inquire of company personnel and analytical applied to financial data and thus provides less assurance than an audit. we have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not express an opinion. Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying statement of unaudited quarterly financial results prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards and other recognized accounting practices and policies has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of clause 4i of the Listing Agreement including the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement." Place: Mumbai. Date: 2910712016 For Vijay R. Chart #.$-'ffi f,fit7n:;fj,i# :,i,i,-r:r;*i*{// Fater&Go. Accountantr r . \K .::: :.. :: d1$. futitt3. G$L&s€uiitiesl^td 2,C ' -':r .:::i'.::. rljirrl i\,t-Jmbirr . 4it{)12l w*Jriu","r,".".,Jrrr;;,;i;3 Na.,ifi*.n Tsi:q2.6U3n 10sf Hfiail :g€tseigbcm,3.v$nl.Ret.irr :::::,::l lJnaurriied Financiatr Resurrs r*r tne i.r ,oru s. In Lacsl Fq:rti*itlatt :, l. *"* pauiori;il3;ffi;*. Qrianer ; r.JelEI;;r,jcu;i; Unalidils4 i I fi;iflrl,*r,#;-- -J*!9,Qe-re I i 0i I c.rc i "iil+_**t a lncrease/decr*ct$e;n slLlcl\ t1 and wark [. prouresg b. Consumplign nj. r-alv nrafeilsll.c Pr.Iiclraee cf lrai*d gaorll Entplcyeee c6si e. Depreeiaticn f. Other expenditure T.€tsl rlern exceeainlt j C% of ii:e :otaj 9xp*?lld,iure lo be 5,.0u ii,,,o't+ci il.rt c.oo (lii 0."iij ,4k c44 t].01 336 ii,on (() .t ti:, u. 1 in ikrjitecl .L $-1ir '-r.0c enifl Ir.*l rc i;;;r; .x Year I .i:l U rl o.,r,t ,1 I I '9 I i il-n {J-'l uu i I {i C;0il 0t1 :Ql,4J 1,110 f;01 0:$l 9.04 c.83 2.39 $.08. I. Ji 2.&3 &92 stc\rn seoeratelvi ,.yr0?rt irotn tjperari0ce befOre Othe; 8:seei!gs]_{€n_$l. L? ffiffiffifit*l 5,Prsi;(,h*fore ;nter**,i ;qiilr Ziilnt;onJ 3-4) 33$ 0.u6 -3.i1C j 8.G 0 83 1 1j)9 I r.Proiit;r ei Piof ili+ JiLoss{ b€fote tax (7+81 ;;*--+ u. I ax LXoense lb,rii'.ei []"t il+foie - I "33n I ,.:.0ii riip 0.tfi :.7t ; i:om c,.Cr^.._ ni al:s-r ci- r Proftti+)ilcsri,i ficm ji lf*$U.-lli l"'"0-nlier ta^ 1,il 1, 1. i\,l€t tz axil3ofltntt\) '? n {iltsl -3 7{l 0.{]c Of :f.? S i 3:t{e1 Ff6f,r 'l 1,14i {ttl,rsr{-it}. fiF#;lrd T4-Paid up.*qurrrr. att;;;;:,pdal ltrc€ r,atr,;; $h6a! to be ir.tiqale{ii F.V R5: : ol_ B,e 1 5.Reser./g excbditrg Rr..'al,jsl,cil R.."ser\.e 27C 32t-t ci:, 32b.t:{ 325. r:;tr 3:[ CU -1 52 ) *f aBret{i and iiabi!ilire aF i}et classe 41 {1} {ea} $f rlre lrsring agrectrLeft,or ipcriorJ urrtleci j0th jt j;Flb:olosr.rre th; ']c,2016 l,Parti{ulat5 ----", i il ':--r- {Rs. lrr Lacs}l (]irarler *ircieil EQUITY AND L|AB|N-IIFS srrced i Una'rtiite* Audited Unaiidiied AliciiieC j 3*:06.1i 3'1.03 15 3[.U8.J 5 310316 Y*,,ar I : Sharehoiders F*nd1 a: Sha.e Casitfil :2 bl qeser,,eg anc $ulalta Non Curent Liabilities 3; i-ong Tei"rr R0fftllrings b'; L0n3 T*rin Frovrsjlng Current Lisltilities ai S,ti;fi, Terrr: n0riDlvjngi bi (,) di Trodc I3r:rahl*.p Alher C*neftr t-iahiliti*s SitDft Tef.t1 Fr*visrsns I I t).tD 0. {]C z.ii i 033 O,UU ,) 0ii *iptl I itt', g$Sfl$ L i i : ii ' ruon Current A-E*et* i tj Fixrld A.,r6ts j Trnoiblp /\r$i:t: inianliirte,qsreto i b) ltton,Currarli i) i i.,!.,aetR)ents fielarfeC Trx A,.5set r!) Lcng 'fDf iri L4)anr arC Arj.itnces !SS€:c 3: O:^-i \ia-::.'ai:: Current Assets i2 I a] h.ventorres h) TraCe Receivablers {.t) C.1$lr ;*rru i':ast-i iqLrivateni',e, r. L..3n,i a: rd Ar:.,,;:n.i:* d, $",rrt :,t ej Ci:1€r'it :,*n' As:tii T']ial j : I i i j () 1i A.'t2i ).*i1i r t0i Ct.fiQ fl.0t 142.4', r43 41 1,42,7 j t0c f .Ur: l 0.0i.) f .cc; 7 a.aoi i42.41: n i r.ti: I I | il.nit i ,l.l l0i c..ll j J (iti: U C'i: 0.00 0.0,_11 a I. l UC l,].0c 1!"t ili. a0i r: n,r:.l 0oi 7.31j i 30 ,)7 it ^:)l IS ,)1 i rll fi35 u J it5i "t72.33.1 173^12i f'laae. Vlirmfrt, Date .3gl0?/:016 i r f.iJi:1i c.;:zi t71.X1 \73.1t Direcior & i;c,'ilpliafice ttficer l:ir1 nD. 0C34Si$8 6*tt* fft*i*:x $mi; VSJAY ffi" Chartered ! .i41 r i1,u K NI c0. ilftu ilta n**K GUP 12A