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ffiTER BRUNGH i:i:,:PAS@VER DINNER TIT BN APRIL 2OO7 +:tffi5*Q Ourfavorite LemonMeringue lceCreamPie Press-lnPecanCrust Store-Bought lce Cream Amazing Flavor t pot roast p.B7 STRil@USLY @@@D GH@G@LATT nfl@ussE (make it in 1Ominutes) TOO BUSY TO COOK? a Ong * $ # "_f :€to couBleis survval guide p.Ee i I lrl ,/t '-r I' I EmartKlt chenidea from quickfixesto big changes mi I Starters TWO SPORKS AN DAKNORK Spork,knork,or foon? No matter how vou slice l$ll$Xffi'lll$S it,spoonit, or stab it, cutleryhasone function,and that isto makefood and easyto eat.So when we cameacrosstheseunique,idiosyncratic, sometimesingeniouscutleryhybrids,we thought it bestto sharea bite with our adventurousreaders. edge, SPORK With a sooon at one end,a fork at the other,and a serrated-knife this hybrid, crafted by ScandinaviandesignerJoachim Nordwall, rescuesthe ageold soork conceptf rom the institutionalhumdrum of schoolcafeteriasand prison colorful,and noticeably this spork is truly reusable, chow.Unlikeits predecessor, modern.($1Ofor four Light My Firesporks; KNORK The knifeand fork togetherat last.lf you haveevertried to cut pizza with the edge of your fork,you will understandthe necessityof the Knork.Moreor lessa fork with a cutting edge,this hybridcomesin stainlesssteelor plasticand is suitablefor both leftiesand righties.($1for four plasticKnorks; SPORK Look inss om et hinelik e; ' t r ibal B A MB OO as it's relic,this spork by Bambuis anythingbut old-fashioned, made from organicallyand sustainablygrown bamboo.($2 each; @ SOOTHING SOUNDSFOR SCOTCHLOVERS -s We're raisinga glassto Pioneer's Pure Malt speakers, made of repurposedwhite oak barrelsthat did three 15-yearstints aging whiskeyat Japan'sSuntorydistillery. Select boards are flattened,dried, made into speakers,and wired for sound.Eachbarrelyieldsjust a singlepair of bookshelf-size speakers, and productionis limited to the number of barrelsSuntory can supply-which is lessthan a thousandin any givenyear.Sold in Japan since1998,the Pure Malt speakersrecently became available in the U.S.($598 per pair; -Adam Tschorn ffiffiwe$mg ThmS*mrffits#f;ffiEt#ffitrWtr#ffiffi# ftrEE[E tw* bas** Y#uMsedtmg'rawe dlming ch#ises: est in {mf,hs,vtte}*r *at **t {*t fi restauramt).N*w y*u kmvua thfird: *tndergr*und ee'tmrx*r6l*g wsy *f emtin# intwhiel"t diruierffi, p*spl* {m*st{y str€m$*fls}#st *#gfrtksv E*a r€ltrxed, alffi$st i ntpr*vflc*tlen't*| **ttlatg. fr*m t*:* pmfe#sr*s c€ Subs ?akfrnginmp$rm*il*n amdtlre dilssid*rlt undergrmux"ldd9nfim*se*rle ** ffi*rilin,dimingmta;b*[il*sSupper Underground Homeslice {sn*pperund*nSr#[rutd.fiem]in Amst*e,t, West (hornesli*ew*mt.s*ffir) lcxF{sw Y*v$cClty, mndThe Ghetto Gourmet {thm#het"**u.n}[m€*e FrmnciseeiBmyArru* mretakiru#afl$th* Smn* formaItty out *f restaurnnt dinimg mndcreati*g Yhmse ffirsryrl?r$nfiIand popu*i*t a*tnr*-:atfrv*. dimpanmte es l*rim6tm#g+t$ruer suilInarlr speukemsfi gfe'6{lp$ #f $fl*n€y,ts *f pmcple, $or a srnmllsnxm: litsrnily and figurratfivalyhne*lskrsmd lruldving F$$r?Is,ha*kyurds, end vmenmtwsrk spffi6#s. Jer*n'nyTmwnsend,uulinary r*nmg*de mndcoft>under*f The ShsttenSwunrnet,fi*Vs${{W* ar€ r*#l8y cel*hretigt$ fwnt** ssk€ *f *8*ffib*"&ti$n, w* *rs ett*ffiiptirr# *rtd *n sffi*fudlr;66f *qr!'dis=sx*rs t* rrraiqedirun*r *rqlr* ef *s?ifiter#eti*ffi, rsth*r thr*c?mtyansa#ti*n.'o Th*se *\c**ts *rud#evsr t* brsmk #*wn *fu* dEa{lsi*e? beErry*endiner* hy **Fcnmwl**S*sr* mffitarr* €hw*mr$ffi':*rn&l of e :tten*.ffia*thard*y * thr<*whncktsbtfue s|d cust#m:**?he GFr*€t* G*tlrsst*t {*rc?#ngt*:e fsw **fu#v[.tffid*rgr**'trid dfrr':i ng ffl*vern*mes) rsruti*ff lld#**+:tstrmdEti*r'r wt?h fir elmest c*un*#rcil[tur'ffi1 hsnt, hy brinsist$ p*st$x mLlsie;#n$jemd*rt&cft$Fc?** th* n'tlx"And ftfrrsf**d rtrutlnsly ref[*sts th* r**verick nmt*ire and #f tflt€ ev*rlt, wlttr ff**f$ {fo*th F$'ffif#*s[#mffi* s*f,f-trpprli$tod} p*shiffiffitF:* ernvelclpewFth dlshes gr**n ffippl#*nd fifri*s]tr#reBishwithcc$ff#s[fr$e* sh*rt rihn amdspfrmy $rlmd6rasshspper$. f,pvwfis*d As ?*wr*s*md smys""H#flh di*l'l really trffeste rffi*lefrttl'ls pwssft*n*rld *stthNsiesrnm#thm event #ffidfiffithe pm*ple [mv*f;ved""*#".$. r ft 2 I4 o U s E l o O zU z I 5 l z ^I F E F u z t d F I o o 40 A P RI L 2 O O 7 > > b o n a p p e m t