Madhya Pradesh Daily Wages Employees (Service Rules) Act 2013
Madhya Pradesh Daily Wages Employees (Service Rules) Act 2013
zo ffqqr dd qitr ffe. fu€lqeft q{r. +" t_, O* ofifozfl-r/fafiq h.t*r* /oa/td-.,rrr, "nwe, ffi/g.(. zol4 1. *igffi \{qrd-6//Bwiql-m6. q.c. {rw EE Equpq dJ sriafuo 2. oTsidq . 6wfl 3tqel/q-fuq, glq sqq q-S qhft. fuar fr*,-S:g $ grqw) qf\ w-u rF-sg d g|tfg y.frfr.rdr S +ftE, .ntrq _t ff +.ffi +ho ilnr 'fr'n a+qrfl $ar qrr yrij H #* Trq!i:-+m?pT crs{, qrqrq qcTr 5-1-2013-s-T6. R-- r, #$ EE qr$ Hl f#'r.,.. -n1 ""..r rirl-ds' +qla fi sTq 6qro ifl d rrm 30 d 3rf,.fd red crfu$i or qqi.r F{d gq qs {nE Eh ftqrrq o51T.."* G'";.;";;r.h a_._ e*, 17-02-2-014 $ rR.rE 6-E,r+_ to l. qrfid d F|Uia qiq ,_, o_g, e-':lin ql i vrm d s<ltr "#"q sR!tr ftny "S,*t o9 ,n*,, trq g€) srgflie ql rrr,r B0 rlelT_3o p) G r+- ..;#' ;.,f#...ron il.i-u efri'; q_l r.-rl ,€qr st {rd) ftqr zor:. .n ,.rron-1ft .# #,*.ho +.. ,.--t fi+$ A fit qtzlrez qq{ it ""r'"_e errg&r+ 3'D]Iar -ir-t .FTr rq .{tu; fr? 3a qs 2,,1 , G'"rt*re' lL- sn ::r -\ q qft tl= '(-."1, iz :;.- . , i.r:,r .Tt t rz 1 r e,iB.ft-qq-r si2 -.r . r i+E'rftd qro,sfu d er'r= i.quE filq gqrs 6, 6. *, Sd.q:- qlqrdII l]n]!-{ rc nr+ 30 qi a intsl -,rq{rr *nrrftd c +i r''r w .81 r,,Iqi.-s1 e- qi\r' 2013 . lqrt qoco s C/'YI 3' f'14 T lEm. $iq oft flqql <:iqd u16 r:gel -r-.,:,1 6qi6lq.S 6rffi6/&-l /iaaq / 06 /ct€1 /72g 8frfufr:-qa-{raf r. 2. 3 ftq qfu{. zo I y enrrrro orf+tfi ng, $Em6, q.s. rrvq qlt N liqtd I slttt rialdfi/gq s{ft{<T,/{g-ffi *iqtdols$HnT ri{fZsq{iErm6 fs.rF) n'S frd 5wrc+ riwa I oruidq €gffi {iird6. q.q.^ttuq gfr fr!"rq qd 3Tfficl6 orufdq +ilctd, F +. ffi 5. o. G q)cft{. ftrii61 ( . ( . faqun t{, ts.^n{, Rqf,gr. HrrR. 0-qr, .qrFdqr org,TFr (tsr,/tyrc) u-S arffi/s-Erro fd | - gc<ra+ riruro r qca qqrft ffi/{qR t frd $ro7N orffio7M7aq:r t67q++ q-dl\.q.ang.w /qrr6 Yrtfl...... . . .. ..... ... . . . qr$ ctr gwTdq "nqrd g:ftl f t4.nn^ \ erl|d6 qoqo rlvq EB frqq{ dd. u) t Aqgrta wvw.govtprersmp.nlc.ln srr{ (}s f6qr qr ss-dr t rft ( emunsr) t ETeffirtm,fu-n fiqfui .ivn, 2421 xtar<, ftio:o d zor:_oi- rr* p, ,rgs vrqrq !.{rrg{ fir{rr riere-q, q<q r+t, Sqro rive, ifria :o r{ ror: s-i-20r3-3-qs.-1ltrc ii Tift{rt 6 qaj< :og ei -rf,; ro qi6 1dfr,ro),T il "ri 6(. q.nrlvr .t.-i-r.r- -"= -- ,. - -: -- .. .. .. i-oc -Iri,ft $ffii d 6q t{d qffii qn tr+ ai rA .Dr Eftqq{ 6G d ^ Yrfful 16\ t. liqAfud fiqq r{rd B. srqlo ,_ slSw flq, dFl rtcr nrn mtT ,- h) 9t iq-crq\ or rrftrc nq'qtart:r ito dFr rr}.t a,dilt R-q d z{) F,r,r zor: I I 1.2) ,. ::rrri: tr) ifi.r |a.t ,rHi o,l,;ilrii qq .11;r , iii it,.ir , , i ir:J .t it lirlt,--:n ti it ,;t,;]!lt Ji t;i .l :it;.li-, i fiii. i;r lr+1. ::--r ft-rq z, rl. 2004 .d . |f'l rrdet _lTn g{, q{{ar lAq "-rr" n,1 ril ,1 dt (, t f{qq rroqT it f++' rorrr-r d dr{}-q t ,rftr dFi cRrtlst\ - fi fffdt il w< trfi fu ri+f ri srqsfi srf*.o c d._ (-F) "ftqrpr 6-df 3{M" + arftnd t fgr eTftr6rff firs tfto i-re ort flfi llr ftqeor or cyrR{fufi are-on t} ; (s) '6fqrt" t qPrtrd t A-il{fi,ft 6ffi; {" I ynsfi d frF-q ftwri t ,r)-ft ord or vt tfr-o qtzlrE{ {rj[qi, l(11+ 3t, q{ 20'lJ 'rn6{' i otFrtf, i qqrilr {rg{ ; q:r{ drq i 'q{ q W t 3lfrin t {I(tq qrm rron Em sresl Fa{l6 10 '1n rq 3nt S r" rl orf{itr t qlr'r (T) (s) i! ri. en** $tl-6{or a 6v lti'r il: h'c*;; "HI ad nnqtr. iadm sr06flI FJ I tqr 6r qlftanor,- tuqr nlr('n orqfu '-6,66 61 6.mru" r+d { s'ftqd (o) erra tB-o itrq qtfi 6+{rfi ; ti ,.tE* tfto tnqri't"irfi 6{qrff O "et* tfl+o iel affi : t odqrM d rimftq atFr&o,- 's s$#,ffi I m* -*-1* sT r*+ u fl qw(ft ,- d'!fl 5'T{\l*d c-{d, $cfi nitorQ Efl $r c"q t ftqd tFr+ crd d 3qr'T{ Erfl ttrtr T 160 rr er+ro r,l nqldn scFian (1) li sFln T "qt d srldftm t'' qr*m'dt4; qrra f,'f '' *tnt .,4 I i}-r,ii.l'a ntu'ta d n-ar a1 6. ' Ea 3,'s8 3,'etqrffi q.S. ''n:er il rn aFts )r,;pi1 r'fa'if f ''r':' rf1 ''1-l]lT,lu )l ,i'n,", i.'rr I 1,,1_'1 tf t t ' r)ar1i'{tn FI'] T, ffi ,,, " : t arqJ ** ** ' d {fl1 oi 3irTsrr *. cq*.1i yn ,S**"H, rq'Er *t n {r{i6t{ + .."ae}'#'*a a nRr sFqrdd 'rF t q-.< 1rs; dit o, rffi i T#H otfuia e] 6qa 1,oo'ooo'/-. \' i f}-ql q('ll' 'iL ST dF 3IrEFl ' "sc s {l{fR fltu 61 dird q"'rnn: J#-,I#H # -,r" $ 3nq'ri q{ rffird fi + scFqq (z) i 3irRn d Ilft E fiqq s fl< { 'ii r Fxr olo;' i,':'l ,::] " d J,H I m dh fu ' (1) 6 q d ?bffi .ltqq d10 darftvviiuq + fa\ r6sn rdr *"-"i'i ;'-t d oiYrirn ro a 'rqftqq' H.iffi:,.1*mIH***' (z) n Fftfte 4B4 (r) (3) oicmr qrCtftt A rrur* offi d.fta"rolf oiffi d orqtoq am qt @ ffi s. ff totqrt d fu sron srwn r\i\ qra rr4 di d ftq Y' ftc s{ o1 ftrdr r}qr snEY{d a).Rf ,' "'" d qrq K *ff, rg \,qr-.onr q\ 1o ailt vnftRo Enr frf+qt+d Frzil-,q-m ir*q A ssn ii ?16 rrd art ftTc e1q._ (i) fi {v;^em.S \ fl*r qry ft1.l$ Wq q.rFr rdq, ftqren qr',q d crX,-@1 .r{ d. dr +arrE{r i6 ., +rg. zooe r} td ftfiRrq}ii d* ftrc '|\'\ cqffidrfrt (zl fr,iqrQ. {Elq fu .d: d e:rhr trci{ Efi d ft\ li-oe t {r._i_n oN tprq d dpi 6r sqih,r * oA*i'(3) wtrdd Bcflsrr (z) d ofir 6ffi rm .T\ frFd. fu o1 syn i, E$ cftffi d rtrer cRlsl{ *,-fl #{a t'-#"m. urq"n TRT,R rfr srfr d +irq{.orgr<rt qift oir srfttt d a.,.{ arfit qrvn 9I.. _.:_q sft $+fu vRT .ir.. ;- . ;.. 3r{f,rd Eqr _n ,.JEqro .T$+1 J. e,i_r Sir, r 9. 3t{frTYr._ (1) a4qnft f+ S-d-w q{^d -,tr ir$-q e,r+rr rnrm-ei< z e,rqw u m, ")i i.r.,* zc q+2r0. "r: +iii *h'* trt ;i l,,rFBflq .r[i, r?l -{riLr r, n. _0. ll =l tr.r], ..11" $l:--t :rrqr :i-l + fti,l qT i ..).n t vnrorq/tJfu-m/{qifiq , 3{d6nt ed,nt "1 tl-fi rs qFa+a-j m,izr{.i t t lr\ elao;nil d gc O) uqtT.""F"l (r) cff. (z) n sftatuo 3r{sr{il d edAR-ffi 6.,i!re f6 md..w uE E ory Fe+ S eild[ftq-o srqa;rw d jt< qte E),n qtqr.q rr€rd) t s.{-flt d R-{ * i{|trr E) d-Trflr 3rroftr6 3rcoRT an qn q'S d.n t qtrdT s-ffi qmn o1 ffft A GrSTn qrEE.emmTyr qi crd EIfi t r (4) {, O G) i sfkrtui.3r{mlyir oN E@r d xE"-.F"r"(1),k),6)qq sflfrltff @+qTfr {Eqrq o} rTrwrtrf, sffio.ryr ol ,ff qfo'+Tr sncTilordI{ cRR tffi n. qfr inqTtr4,.r+orcr + fuq otc fdsl rrzr q-{d t .,i1: d) sq-d { srrd wqrr t H, "fu m*,rr*r qqctfl Tcsi, trim :o q{ zor: 1r1 ffi4fu'o aa-di fffi qrra (6) rqr{ncrq am (s) sTr$olq $qfu fr (..T) {n'Hqitq flrf Fqeri ti W (q sTtrdTRqt +i rrmr qKrrT qtrfr q1 rEq, d qrhr d-cr; q.1 3rs|6l_{r tr\i{r; (E (q) rTrfi-dq (c fam Xd (q) :- q}ft qlql qHI; 6rf{prd it 6rd d d'{T-r g3lr dtr{r; trtlq q-ct {rRrotq ord d iltn E.sdlfr q qr.r d-{r; {s) qqfu Te ztrril; qan d ro ftc mrrrfq.rgqfisrd rfir; 3rq o-dsrfui oi r.sdTd t .lr'r ti d ftiq sflTnr (,r) aftfu 6ql{{vr q q A tqr roq qd d <s tnr Erfr dnl Fr+lfufud g.d ai.iS zr<rtriq o1 *fr t rq Grgrn g.q-ira.o t (r) 6t Trfti oqrftq (..rt) o,itq ffi cffi+-o qq fud'q t fti( I fi 6{{10 :- crr; Ha r1;nr d to rl zrq ki o'fuv ofiq t eqqRc( rr{r; o.rt sF*rkd crg 6<rd{q n i\ fiat d fA!, oftrft grrd ffi$ t flIfi d <s or # et-.n er rrrd q-.'rqX.Fr Trdrl Tdl Fmqr qr\'fl (e) | i1. ol s-qrfk,.-(r) ft"rltRre 3lrl-l '.ri ii;1fl ::i t-qr .,, li (o) 'arI;it{l ql.I ss qr q{, fui{r rR m oftner artqm:roor q t);'tort tt 3TrsrFr6. gfuag-ff 12. r) +r r'i-il-'r '1ll ';i1 "rt5i' - ,ift f+qq ro d €qfrnq (1) i f4 ' qritr (r) d w od znr w t' ";t{ En qrfl irfidfufl qltc ftT€ 6) +4r irqrfu itq @rilrt of rsfrafua o'rt gr o,po otrn t swE '.'1o tqq?i.rqtantcr rrrrrc d sFlrq q-clrii frfigqq oifiq 3fl-{ qurmr€r dfl | *iiq tt ot{ c5q vElN frdT t ts-t {a'qrr of ftfrE fuqT qr&'Tr, fuqTor qqvtrt {-cr;. &t6 30 q{ 2013 3r5qfr-1r6 (Fqq a d 1. oTqff,q 2. ffiqlWoTilq odznfr or frqnness ft-m/qlt or -rc 5, qiqfufq' 7. qrq rq. 4. 6. 6l ituc) -l aftnc 6r&erd se{q ftgfa( o1 fdlq va. q rqrqrdq d FPfq A Grfiri Fqk.01 refa' s. zr,m or a.f ergfio wft-7 ermEn ofirfd Zerq s.f to. frqnr or .rf,r rr. q,Qrc rrrutc fu€ rz. cBdT tn-ffi 3rFrt-q d for qre-e orr.Fryr irr quqq*r +cre, tfiis :o d * r-rcri * Trq g nrfl oTrirllfen, ,rr:.:.,. r_atr d, sq{{Fiq. zor: s-r-uor:-s-s6.-qrcd * rifrqa *. $qE ?4 q1s (l) + gESg n, ry ftry +1 olvqar m. {i. s-r-zor:-a-lp, kriq :o q{ zor.r er elffi qan aewi + lrlqsn d qa$r{I c6rf{d f+ql qrdr t. m. 11. t qqgivl + rrqro { * qrq sm. t +. qisrrjsT{, ?rqFri, rwf{q. asTt gz 3..lstfl irqsr, Rri€ ry q{ a13 Bhopal, the 30rh May 2Ol3 No. C-5-l-2013-3-Ooe._ In exercirse of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 - "* of the Consrir,,,,^.:'-*'* e Constitution of -:,_,, India, the covernor of herebv, makes the .,,;;;""';;#". ITL::'i*"h, *::::e of the persons appointi *-0"r, _"** IH,:"T in the State of Madhya pradesh,,- "*o,lr"* 1' short title, appucation and qernmslcemelt.- (J) These rures , may be called as Madhya pradesh Daily Wages Employees (Conditions of. Service) Rules, 2O 13. (2) These rules shal who are arready emproye. the orrler dated 21st Adminis tration *:,:Tl::l#:.":,H;,:;ff:,:lT; . o.ou.,-.,,,,'ilJ"1T_.;, (3) cenrral "#;:,".J;"J.r. These rules shall come into force from the date of its publication in the official Cazette. 2. req u Definitions,- In these rrles, uallss5 the context other,vise ires, - (a) "Controiling Oflicer,, nerLns an officer who l.ias the atlministrative )or,ver s i I C )1tii.ot tltc iati_y .,,,agcs empio;,,ee; (b) 'enrployee means rhe emplovee workins in dirrerent departments ,r,n" orrJ.ilJases "Government,, means the Gr .'Nps,, (d) means the Nationar (c) {e) f "PFRDA' means the Authority, constiruted *adhva Pradesh; "]lt-|ll:"1." u"r"ll'ti""n"T' * i"J,;# oliffio"': T:.:::,J Sector, by the Government lnai. ,;.r.-. -:_ India 2AO3, of,f vide order ^_, dated loth October, qsqyq$ n 3, s3 {qrt, fflk :o 484 Classification of Servioe.- The employees shall be classilied in the following categories, namely:_ 4 (a) Skiled Daily Wage Dmployee; (b) Semi-skilled Daily Wage Employce; ("1 Unskilled Daily Wage Employee. official fecord of employees.- The corrtroJling ofricer sllall mainlain the records of the daily wage employees mentioning the complete details as shown in Schedule I. 5. \tages.- (t) The wages oI the employees shall be as per the daily wages fixed and revised by the Competent Authority in this regard. {2) In addition to the wdges mentiofled in sub_rule (1) above, employees working on daily allowances, namely :- Total period of wa€es shali be entitled seitc-;" a daily wage special Special Allowance {Per Morth) (il Ten lo twenty yeirs lwel-l1.,, 6. to get Age VCa j.a Rs. i,500/- fts 2,5C0 / of superanouetioll such da,y wage employees who are worl<ing agains[ class III or equivalent posts shall superannuate on comptetion of sixty years of ut" uno the einpioyees against who are working against crass IV o. posts shatl superannuare on ccmpietion of sixty rwo years 7. "r:::]t''t"t Contribution of the Government towards retiral-benefits.. v4 (I) At the age of superannuation, the daily wage employee shall be entitled for the contribution. Employee shall be paid an amourit not 15) EY qqct{r {.crd, frriq, ro c{ mrs exceeding Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh) only as. a contribution of the Government which shall be calculated on the basis of his wages of fifteen days: Provided that the amount of contribution- of the Government shall not inclucie the amount oI specjal allowances as prescribed in sub_rule (2) <-rf rule 5 : Provided further that the employees who have been tefminated under clause {b) ot sub-rule (l) ct rule lO shall not be enti ed for the amounl oI conLribution of the OovernmenL. t2) Deduction in the contribution of the Government shall be tione on the basis of pro-rata lor the misconducts specified in sub_rule (2) o[ r ule 10. (3) Lhe 1-he calcularion of contribution shall be done by the olfice of Controlling Officer of the employee. {,4) Five years continuous service shall be €ssentiai for employee io becomc e)igible lor the contribution of the Government an : Provided that in case of death and physical disability ihis condition shall not be applicabb. B. N,lticn.rl Peir;ji;,ti Sci,:rn:r r.jgillated t;y .,Fi1IJA.._ (l) ,lhe NpS initiated by PFRDA has bcen apptied jn the State of lvladht.a pradesh, with effecr from ] sL May, 2OO9 for the dorniciles oi Madhya pradesh. E t' E E E F ,E (2) The employee can opt to be a member under NpS and can avail the benefit of pension. E E E (3) In case o[ an option given by the employee under sub_rule (2) a[9ve, a contribution equiva]ent to ten percent shall be deducted from his Wages and the Government shall also contribute the same sum oI amount ard shall deposit it in the permanent accouflt ofthe employee and the I consolidated amount and permissible superannuation. 9. Leave.- holidays that thereon shall be paid on his The emplcyees shall be eligible for three national 26th January, 15th August and 2nd October in a calendar t1) IS year. (2) Apart from the national holidays as specified in sub-rute (1) above, the employees shall be eligible tor five lestival holidays. The empioyee ""r, cho3"e such holidays from the list oI Governmentl Optional/ Local Ho)idays. (3) Apart lrom the holidays mentioned in sub_ruie (1) and (2) above, the employee shall be eligible for seven casual leaves in a calendar year. In normal case the errrployee shall not be eligible lor more than two d ays oI continuous casual leave. (4) Women employees shall be eligible for materDity ieave as per L, !u l,vrrLl/ ur Lrre UOvsrilmeni (51 Apart lrom the hoiidays and leaves mentioned jn sub_r,ule Il), (2), (3) and (4) above, the employee shall also be eligibie for weekly holiday Sundays. In lhe emergent sitltations, iI the v/orl< has been Laken on Ll,c i'c :1, !r.)ri(i,,y. ,.lr:1l tlr I ,l lir:rr tltercol.:r.l11lt i..r j.rn_ritted in ot.i t lre io ii,.,,r,i:.q i,,ceji. 1O. Disciplinary action against the employee on misconducts._ (1) The following acts shall be treated as serious misconduct:(a) conviction by the court of law in any case; (b) theft and misappropriation of any Government propirty; (c) taking bribe to carry out the Governmeflt work; (d) disobeyjng the orders of officers; {e) gambling on duty jn the work place; v. (0 consumptiofi of tiquor orr,'6overnment duty; (e) participation in strike; (h) to destroy the Government property; (i) continuous absence information; [) lor ten day without prior provoking the ottrer employee to partake in strike. for any o[ the sedous misconducts mentioned above, the employee shail be liable for punishment of termination from ) service. (2) - The lollowing acts shall be categorized as mino. misconducts: {") late arrival on duty; (b) absent Irom duty for less than tcn days withouL information; for anv of the minor misconducts mentioned above, the :--,,r,t.,) ,rwr L1,c pur,lstrrlent Oi.recovery from his wages or payment of wages shall not be made to hjm. 11, Termination.- (l) The termination of Lhe enrployee shall be made on the basis of the following giouncls, namely :- {a) if thelc ir,: n., c;iigun(;y r i ij : cmployce ",as working; v(, t: i ir, ;; si or, '.,. itich the {b) if the char-ges are proved as mentioned in sub-rule rule lO {1) of 12) The Controlling Ofiicer shall pass a speaking, reasonable and clystal crear order, menLioning the rcasons for such termination. 12. Interpretation.- If any question arises for the interpretation of these rules, the same shall be relerred to the General Administration De-llartment, Government of Madhya pradesh, whose decision shall be { final and binding. qqni{ Tqrd, fuir Name go t' q$ zor: 484 (9) SCEEDULE.I see rule S of the UeaA- oi-EE Department of OIfice 5ffi: , th. co"tr;uG Name of the emptoyee Father's/ Husban- b Nime Date of Birth Current place of worli Date of first appointme.rt Nature of per the (9) appoiri irr,el,i judgment of Supreme Court Uategory of employee, lCategory whether SC/ST/OBC (10) I ResicGr.irial Addres.s Distinct Identification Muit Record of maternity leave for women empioyee By order and in the name of the Govemor of Madhya pradesh, R. K. GAJBHIyE, Dy. Secy. 'f f.t 6, rtr*+tc xiq n,n t€r *n, "*rt" * ,o*+* +*o tur*oRIGiR_i,'