BART First Responders Become EMAC National Resource


BART First Responders Become EMAC National Resource
 V O L I
DEC 2007
The Siren
Basic Animal Rescue Training’s Newsletter
Our mission is to empower first responder personnel with the training, knowledge and
equipment necessary to safely and effectively handle domestic animals they encounter in
emergency situations, in order to help preserve human health, safety and well being.
For more information, please visit the BART website
In This Issue
BART 2008 Goals
We know you’ve been
thinking about your
New Years’ Resolution!
We’ve been thinking
about ours too! Do you
want to know what
BART’s 2008 goals are
and how you can help?
Page 3
Issue 2
April 20: BART
Annual Appreciation
Banquet and Awards
Page 4
Promote BART in your
BART has developed
marketing materials for
use in supporting
veterinary practices!
Liven up your lobby
and show your
community support
Page 3
Volunteer Spotlight
Read about Dr. Ann
Burt and Julie Roberts,
longtime dedicated
BART Volunteers!
Page 4
Hudson Puppy Rescue
After their BART
training, St. Croix
EMS knew just what to
Page 2
they were needed. Then we at BART
contacted our trained departments to alert
them that they might be requested to go assist
BART First Responders
Become EMAC
National Resource
We all know how valuable BART training is here
in Minnesota. But can we help disaster-struck
states like California who don’t have BART trained
first responders?
We all heard about the October wildfires in
Southern California, perhaps you knew
someone who was directly affected. But did
you know that BART trained first responders
were in queue to deploy to California? It’s true! During the fires, BART received an
enquiry: was it possible for us to send BARTtrained and equipped firefighters to California
to help with the fires and animal rescue?
How does help get from one state to another in
a disaster? During an emergency, it is
imperative to work within the Incident
Command System. This was demonstrated
during Hurricane Katrina, when many wellmeaning organizations made rescue efforts, but
ultimately got in the way of first responder
teams (or worse, needed rescuing themselves!)
EMAC, the Emergency Management
Visit us online at! Minneapolis Rescue
The Minneapolis Fire
Department saves two
cats, and their owner
learns about the
goodwill of her vet.
Page 3
The Emergency Management Assistance
Compact streamlines the movement of
resources from state to state in time of
disaster. BART-trained first responder
personnel are now a deployable resource!
Assistance Compact, has been set up to allow
states to help each other in an organized way
during a disaster.
BART responded to this request for help by
contacting Kim Ketterhagen, the EMAC
coordinator for Minnesota, who put out a
national broadcast that Minnesota had
firefighters trained and equipped for Basic
Animal Rescue available for deployment if
So what does this mean, really? The first
responders we train are considered very
special in the emergency response community.
Being listed in a special category on the
EMAC system increases the opportunity for
them to be requested nationwide in disasters!
The Minnesota firefighters we talked to during
the October Fires were very excited that their
BART training could increase their chances of
being deployed to fight those fires ... they
must love their jobs! (And we love them for
doing it!)
As it turns out, California’s very practiced at
fighting fires (that’s where the whole Incident
Command System got started, remember?),
and didn’t need our help during the October
Fires. But BART-trained first responders are
now listed on EMAC, and are online
nationwide for any other disaster requiring
their very special skills and equipment!
We’d like to thank Kim Ketterhagen for
broadcasting the very special capabilities of
the BART-trained first responders here in
Minnesota! Way to Go! 1
BART Saves Lives
Rescue Stories From Our Trainees
Puppy Saved From House Fire!
On November 7th, St
Croix EMS Chief Eric
Christensen arrived at a
fully engulfed house fire
in Hudson, Wisconsin
and was handed a
lethargic, burned puppy
that had been pulled
from the flames.
Remembering his BART
training, Eric checked
the puppy’s vital signs
and bundled the wet
and cold animal into a blanket, placing him in his
vehicle to protect him from the freezing weather. Eric
then used the equipment in his BART emergency
medical kit to treat the puppy’s second-degree burns
and administer oxygen, until the pet could be
transported to a local veterinarian. The puppy’s
owners were injured in the fire and had been taken to
the hospital.
“After BART training, I was
confident on my assessment of the
puppy whereas in the past I was not
sure of what to do.” - Eric Christensen
What happened next? Kathi took the puppy to the
Woodbury Humane Society for sheltering until his
owners could take him home. Kim Barrett, manager
of the Woodbury Humane Society, received the
puppy. Kim is not only a dedicated veterinary
technician, she’s also
one of our BART
volunteers who
trained St. Croix
EMS! She was very
proud to learn that
this puppy was
rescued by people
she had helped train.
She taught the pet
Kim Barrett
assessment and first
aid station with her
dog Hunter, who sadly passed on soon afterwards.
Kim has fond memories of her time with Hunter at
the Hudson training.
Eric did an excellent job in assessing and stabilizing
this dog, even though it was his first time doing Basic
Animal Rescue. He also knew where to get further
help, which is an important goal of BART training.
Kathi attended the BART training in Hudson and the
relationships developed from that class helped make
this rescue a smooth team effort.
Kim Barrett, Karina Burger, Ann Burt, Kim
Helmbold, Pam Jagow, and Janet Olson
St. Croix EMS thanks the BART Volunteers
who trained their department on May 21st.
BART would like to thank Dr. Brenda Bray of
the Animal Care Center of Hudson for her
very generous donation, which made this
training possible.
Rescue Stories?
If you have a story to share OR would like to
volunteer as a BART reporter, contact us at
This success and rescue would not be possible
without the generous support of our donors. Dr.
Brenda Bray was kind enough to donate the full cost
of training the St Croix EMS department. Dr Bray
also came to the training to meet her local first
responders, observe the class, and be an ambassador
from the Hudson veterinary community. We can’t
thank her enough for making this training possible!
The St Croix EMS BART training empowered and
equipped Eric, Kathi and Kim to do what was needed
for this puppy to be saved. Stories like these show
that the BART mission works, one community at a
To see media coverage of this rescue, go to: http:// and
The puppy revived considerably due to Eric’s care on
the scene and was alert and responsive when Kathi
Pelner, the Animal Warden for the Hudson area,
arrived in response to Eric’s call. Kathi transported
the puppy from the home fire to Dr. Nelson in North
Hudson. Dr. Nelson declared the puppy’s lungs clear
of smoke inhalation, and provided further treatment
for his burns.
St. Croix Thanks You
Hunter, BART pet volunteer, helped
the St. Croix EMS Department learn
how to check pet vital signs
Schedule Training
If you would like help scheduling BART
training for your community, please contact us
at 612-282-2608 or via email:
Dr. Brenda Bray, of
the Animal Care
Center of Hudson,
shakes hands with
St. Croix EMS Chief
Eric Christensen. Dr.
Bray’s generous
donation funded the
BART training and
three medical Kits
for St. Croix EMS.
The Siren, Newsletter of Basic Animal Rescue Training
BART Rolls out 2008
As all our volunteers know, BART is a quickly
growing (and changing) organization!
BART is truly a demand-driven organization!
Over the last three years, we have expanded
tremendously, as many of our volunteers know!
So where are we heading now - what are we
hoping to accomplish in 2008? First, we want to
train and equip another thousand first responder
personnel in Minnesota. We’ve always put the
emergency response community first, so this is no
exception! With ten training sessions already
scheduled in January and February of 2008, we
are on our way to achieving this goal!
Next, we are going to continue pursuit of our
“National Standard Training” Status with the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This will
keep our curriculum standardized as we expand
beyond Minnesota, and ensure that our strong
curriculum is used nation-wide. Our partnerships
with the Minnesota Department of Homeland
Security and Emergency Management and the
University of Minnesota’s School of Public Health
have been essential in this goal.
Thank you to Bob Berg and Dr.
Larissa Minicucci for your
Establish and Equip two regional
BART chapters in Minnesota.
We’re starting up two chapters in
outstate Minnesota. Dr. Jerry
Vanek, a veterinarian and wilderness EMT, has
volunteered to head the Bemidji chapter. Dr.
Louise Beyea, a critical care and zoo veterinarian
in Duluth, will lead a chapter there. The new
chapters will allow us to deliver more BART
training in Minnesota to meet the growing
Dr. Louise Beyea has also volunteered to help us
with another 2008 goal: the launching of our K9
Officer class! We hope to deliver three sessions
next year!
Finally, our National Expansion beckons! We’ve
had interest from 30 states for BART training in
their emergency response community! Our 2008
goal is to evaluate applications and start chapters
in up to 5 states!
We would like to thank the American Veterinary
Medical Foundation for their recent, generous
matching-funds grants towards these goals; we
couldn’t do it without them!
Visit us online at! Rescued Cats Grateful
Their Veterinarian
Supports BART
One client’s experience being rescued, then finding out
that her vet supported her first responders’ training.
Two more cats saved!
Kathy Kosnoff will never forget watching her
house burn, knowing that her two Siamese cats
were trapped inside. When the Minneapolis Fire
Department entered the home and rescued Billie
and Smooch (pictured below), Smooch was
unresponsive due to smoke inhalation. Still strong
in Kathy’s memory is the image of a firefighter in
full turnout gear, kneeling over her cats,
administering oxygen.
When Smooch revived on the scene, Kathy felt
very grateful and relieved! She took both cats to
her vet, Dr. Mike McMenomy at the Kitty Klinic
for further care. You can imagine her surprise
when she saw in the waiting room a BART poster
and an appreciation certificate thanking the Kitty
Klinic for supporting BART training for the
Minneapolis Fire Department ! She realized that
her veterinarian’s community involvement had
helped to save her cats, and
was very thankful.
Dr. McMenomy first got
involved with BART a couple
of years ago when we were
training the Minneapolis Fire
Department - just like Dr. Ann
Burt, see this month’s
Volunteer Spotlight. He is very proud of the work
Drs. Olson and Burger do with BART, and
promotes BART as much as he can. We are very
grateful to have Dr. McMenomy on board; he is a
strong leader in the Minnesota veterinary
community. In fact, he is vice-president elect of the
Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association
(MVMA)! We look forward to collaborating with
him in the coming years.
We’d like to thank Kathy for sharing her story with
us, and we wish her and her family the best of luck
recovering. We’d also like to thank Dr. McMenomy
for the continued support of the Kitty Klinic.
Would you like to put a
BART poster up in your
practice? We’ve designed
beautiful new posters
which give a summary of
the BART story, have many
colorful pictures, and
include our website for
more information. What
better way to show off to
your clients that your staff
really cares about animals?
Let your clients know you
are involved with this veterinary community
outreach program that is saving pets! To order a
free poster, please contact
Donor Spotlight:
SCNAVTA at Argosy
We are so lucky to have such wonderful volunteers and
donors. Sometimes they deserve extra recognition for
their above-and-beyond efforts!
BART President and Founder Dr Janet Olson got a
nice surprise when she opened the BART mail –
an unexpected $500 donation to the program,
courtesy of some of the
students and staff of
Argosy University.
During National Vet
Tech week in October,
Veterinary Technician
instructor Tracey
Kitching and members
of the Student Chapter of
the National Association of Veterinary Technicians
in America (SCNAVTA) raised $500 to donate to
BART by selling Ozark Lollipops for 50 cents each;
they sold about 2000 suckers!
Tracey first heard about BART from a student last
year, and immediately set out to learn more and
help spread word of the program to the Argosy
veterinary technician students. Tracey is pictured
here with Mamie and Junior, her parrot and cat.
Thank you Tracey, and all of the Argosy students
involved, for sponsoring such a great fundraiser
for BART! For the full story, please see the BART
website at
Sad to See You Go! Cassie Panning, CVT
Cassie has been our Training Coordinator
extraordinaire since the beginning, and we’re very
sad to see her step down! We’re certainly glad to
keep her as one of our seasoned trainers! Take the
opportunity to thank Cassie when you see her, and
please RSVP for future trainings to:
Volunteer Spotlight
The lifeblood of the BART organization is its many
volunteers. We’re pleased to introduce you to this month’s
featured volunteers, Dr. Ann Burt and Julie Roberts.
Julie Roberts, CVT
By Mary Ann Land
Julie Roberts is a Certified Veterinary Technician
with an Associate of Applied Science degree in
Veterinary Technology from the Medical
Institute of Minnesota. She first learned about
BART at her job at the Brookview Animal
Hospital, and volunteers with BART because
she loves to help animals in any way she can.
Julie works with many kinds of animals at
Brookview Animal Hospital, including all kinds
of exotics. She has handled pocket animals,
amphibians, geckos, Madagascan lizards,
bearded dragons, and many different kind of
birds including Conyers and crows in her career.
She even handled a bobcat once, which she
describes as “quite an experience”! Brookview
has four veterinarians and 6 to 7 veterinary
technicians. Besides exotics, one of the clinic’s
specialties is acupuncture.
Julie and her cat, Sophie teach
proper cat restraint at West
Julie was one of BART’s first volunteers and has
been a valuable asset in developing the training
protocol and helping to organize the program.
She is a certified BART trainer at the Small
Animal Handling and Restraint station where
her extensive experience with many species of
animals – that are not always happy campers
when they need veterinary assistance – has been
put to good use.
Three of Julie’s pets volunteer for BART as well:
her Brittany Spaniel/Sheepdog mix Maggie,
along with her cat Sophie, and even her rabbit
Simon. Besides her animals, Julie enjoys
kickboxing, biking, and almost any other
exercise activity.
Julie recently helped train the West Metro Fire
Department in New Hope and the firefighters
learned a lot, while sharing laughs over
Maggie’s antics and Sophie’s facial expressions!
Thank you Julie, for all your terrific work for
BART! We applaud your compassion for all
kinds of animals, dangerous or not, on the job or
as a volunteer!
Ann Burt, DVM
By Mary Ann Land
Dr. Ann Burt is a small animal relief veterinarian
who works at the Kitty Klinic on Lyndale Ave.
and 35th St. in Minneapolis, and several other
clinics in the Twin Cities. She is actually allergic
to cats! Kitty Klinic, owned by Dr. Mike
McMenomy, has been very supportive of BART.
service animal and therapy dog training – as
well as using them as BART pet volunteers! Ann
shows her dogs and has finished champions,
and has enjoyed attending the Schnauzer
National Specialty Shows. Currently her dog
Ellie is in training to be a service dog, while
Matthew accompanies Ann on nursing home
Ann’s many talents make her a valuable asset to
the BART team. We salute and thank her for her
generosity and hard work!
More pictures of our BART trainers and pet
volunteers can be found on our website,!
Ann joined BART when we were training
Minneapolis Fire Department in Spring 2006.
BART trained 5 days a week for 6 weeks; Ann
taught a couple days each week. She learned all
the stations and now is an evaluator for new
BART trainees, teaching them to deliver BART
training consistently. Many volunteers have
appreciated her exceptional mentoring! She
loves teaching the first responders because they
learn easily and are excited about BART.
Ann also assists with the BART Fundraising
Committee and with various public promotional
events for BART. This summer she attended the
Golden Valley Fire Department’s Open House
and Street Dance to tell community members
about training that department. She was a
speaker at the Heart of Minnesota Great Dane
Club meeting in September of 2007 (see http:// for
more information). Ann also staffed the BART
booth at the Minnesota State Fire Chief’s
Convention in October. Ann has a lot of experience with animals. She
has taught behavior and puppy classes at the
Golden Valley Humane Society and was a dog
trainer at Twin Cities Obedience Training
Center. She has raised Giant and Mini
Schnauzers: Toed, Matthew, Noel, Rachel and
Ellie to name a few, and enrolled them in a wide
variety of training programs including
obedience, conformation, tracking, clicker,
Dr. Ann Burt is a frequent face at
BART training
April 20, 2008
5:30 to 9 PM
BART’s Third Annual
Appreciation Banquet and
Awards Ceremony!
Door Prizes, and an overall good
time (ask anyone!)
The Siren, Newsletter of Basic Animal Rescue Training
Basic Animal Rescue Training
Public Pledge Form
Billing Address (required for credit card
Phone (home)
Phone (work)
Phone (mobile)
Email Address
Pledge Information
I (We) pledge $
to be paid:
The payment form will be:
Credit Card
Other (please specify)
For credit credit card donations, please complete ALL bold fields OR visit us online.
Card Type
☐ Visa ☐ Mastercard ☐ Discover ☐ American Express
Card Number
CVV Security Code
Expiration Date
Authorized Signature
Acknowledgment Information
☐ I (We) give permission to the BART organization to acknowledge this gift publicly via its website or
in other marketing materials.
☐ Please use this/these name(s) for all acknowledgments: ____________________________________
☐ I (We) wish to have our gift remain anonymous.
BART is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donation is tax deductible to the full extent of the law. A receipt will be sent to the address you provided above. Receipts provided via
email upon request.
Make checks payable to BART and mail with this form to the address below.
Credit Card or PayPal donations may also be made online at
BART • 158 New Brighton Road • New Brighton, MN 55112 • (612) 282-1894 •
Visit us online at! 5
In Appreciation
$5,000 or more
•American Veterinary Medical Foundation
•Dolphin Trust
•AKC - Companion Animal Recovery
•MN Veterinary Medical Foundation
•Dr. Brenda Bray/Animal Care Center of Hudson
•Veterinary Hospitals Association/Pfizer
•Hugh and Julie Thibodeau
BART Saves Lives because of YOUR
support. Thank you 2007 Donors!
•West Metro Fire/Rescue District Firefighters Relief
•Corcoran Pet Care Center
•Plymouth Heights Pet Hospital
•Minnesota Horse Council
•Golden Valley Fire Department Relief Association
•Andover Fire Department
•Bloomington Fire Department
•Isanti Fire Department
•Cambridge Fire Department
•New Brighton Community Emergency Response Team
•Maplewood Fire Department
•US Rider Equestrian Motor Plan
•South Hyland Pet Hospital
•Arrowhead Regional Firefighters Association
•Minnesota Association of Veterinary Technicians
•Prairie Village Animal Hospital
•Minnesota Animal Control Association
•Bloomington Custom Embroidery
•Heart of Minnesota Great Dane Club
•Dr. Karina Burger
•Ronald Riemenschneider
•Bark Avenue on Parade
•Dr. Bridget King
•Dr. Annie Winsor
•Jaime Bishop
•Mark Younggren
•Gary Myhre
Contributors up to $100
$1,000 to $4,999
•Hamburg Fire Department Relief Association
•Metro Fire Chiefs Association
•St. Croix Valley Fireman’s Association
•Cataract Fire Department Relief Association
•SCNAVTA at Argosy University
•St. Croix EMS Department
•Hutchinson Fire Department
•Westgate Pet Hospital/Ben Porter
•Great River Energy
•Lisa Carpenter and Terry Pertile
•Dr. Jerry Sprau
•Norwood Veterinary Clinic
•Kathy Kosnoff
•Dr. Lisa Couper
•Anoka Area Veterinary Association
•Ed Haugen
•Sandra Whelan
•Ruth Estes
•Dr. Raeyna Longtin
•Sherman Crandell
In Kind Donations
•Bloomington Custom Embroidery
•Suzanne Boben
•Cindy Ferris
•Andi Nelson
•Saddle and Tack Warehouse
•Allen and Linda Anderson
•Pleasant Hills Saddle Shop
•Super Target and Target Stores
•Red Lobster
•Bakers Square
•Cub Foods
•AMC Theaters
•Rosenblum Cellars
•Deborah Sohn
Endorsed by the Minnesota Veterinary
Medical Association
BART Tales
BART Holds Train-the-Trainer Speaker Class
Our volunteers know how fast BART is growing and how we always need more people to help with
our mission! We’ve developed a new volunteer position- Speaker! On November 3rd we held a
course to train interested volunteers to deliver the powerpoint presentation at small animal training
sessions and make sure class goes off without a hitch - a Big Job! As always, our volunteers are
awesome, and stepped right up! We had ten trainees attend our 4-hour workshop: Betsy Aird, Mary
Avriette, Karen Brandt, Patty Burke, Dawn Harvego, Pam Jagow, Karen Marcus, Michelle Reckard,
Jerry Vanek, and Melissa Weisman. Since the training, Patty Burke, Melissa Weisman, and Jerry Vanek
have all passed their certification practical exams during training sessions. Congratulations, and
Thank You to all!
Pictured next to BART’s
new equipment trailer,
from Left to Right are
Patty Burke, Karen
Brandt, Dawn Harvego,
Karen Marcus, Melissa
Weisman, Mary Ann
Land, Jerry Vanek, Betsy
Aird, Janet Olson, Pam
Jagow, Michelle Reckard,
Karina Burger; not
pictured - Mary Avriette
Name the Newsletter
Competition Results
In our inaugural issue, we raised the challenge to our
BART volunteers - come up with a name for the BART
Newsletter! For a prize, we offered a fleece blanket
with the BART logo on it to the winning name. We
received many wonderful ideas, and the competition
was fierce with eight total submissions. The winner
is.... Jerry Vanek with “The Siren!” Our Runner up is
Betsy Aird with “BART Tales,” which we’ve used to
name our last section. Thank you to everyone for your
excellent submissions! Congratulations Jerry and
Betsy, and thank you everyone who participated!
The Siren, Newsletter of Basic Animal Rescue Training
Training & Events Schedule
January 2008
Monday 4th 7-9pm
Eden Prairie Station #1
Small and Large Animal Training
14800 Scenic Heights Road, Eden Prairie
Thursday 10th at 9am-12pm
Thursday 10th at 7-10pm
Thursday 17th at 7-10pm
Thursday 24th at 7-10pm
MN Veterinary Medical Associations’ 111th Annual
Hilton Minneapolis
7th - 9th
BART will speak at the Saturday breakfast seminar
National Alliance of State Animal and Agricultural
Emergency Programs Annual Meeting
22-23rd, Orlando Florida
February 2008
Falcon Heights CERT
Small Animal Training at City Hall
2077 Larpenteur Ave. 55113
Monday 24th at 9-11am
Brooklyn Center Fire Department
Small Animal Training at Station #1
6250 Brooklyn Blvd,, Brooklyn Center
Visit us online at! MN Association of Veterinary Technicians 33rd
Annual Convention
Friday 8th, 12:30-2:00
BART will give an informative talk
Lake Johanna Fire Department
Small Animal Training
5545 Lexington Ave, Shoreview
Tuesday 12th at 7-9pm
Pine Medical Ambulance Service
Small and Large Animal Training
206 Power Avenue, Hinckley
Thursday 14th at 7-10pm
Pine City Fire Department
Small Animal Training
400 5th St. SE, Pine City
Tuesday 19th at 7-9pm
Ogilvie First Responders and Sheriffs Reserve
Small and Large Animal Training
Ogilvie Civic Center, 102 N Hill Ave, Ogilvie
Monday 25th, 6-9pm
April 2008
BART’s Third Annual Award Banquet and
Appreciation Dinner
Sunday 20th at 5:30-9pm
Invitations to come
BART Volunteers
Please RSVP your (and your pet’s) attendance to