(Request for Qualification) ligt ter inzage bij de


(Request for Qualification) ligt ter inzage bij de
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Provinciale Staten van Overijsisfeg.nr. " P - S / : 2 © H / 3 l
RABOZwolle 39 73 41 121
0 6 APR 2011
Irtiidttiiigen bij
mw. I.G.A.M. Kalkhoven
telefoon 038 499 87 67
Voortgangsrapportage Area Development Twente inclusief aanbestedingsdocumenten
luchthaven Twente
Toezending aan Provinciale Staten met oogmerk:
TX1 ter informatie
I. Voortgangsrapportage Area Development Twente (ADT) (te raadplegen via www.overijssel.nl/sis
en ligt ter inzage bij de griffie)
Op 23 november 2010 is de Gemeenschappelijke Regeling Area Development Twente (GR
ADT) in werking getreden. In deze GR participeren de provincie Overijssel en de gemeente
Enschede op financieel gelijke wijze. Bij de vaststelling van de GR ADT is afgesproken dat uw
Staten jaarlijks drie Voortgangsrapportages ontvangen. Met deze brief bieden wij u de eerste
Voortgangsrapportage 2011 van het ADT aan. Deze Voortgangsrapportage bevat zowel een
inhoudelijke als een financiele terugblik van het ADT. Deze eerste Voortgangsrapportage 2011
betreft de periode 1januari 2011 tot en met 31 maart 2011.
Op 9 februari 2011 hebben uw Staten de Kademota aanbesteding Luchthaven Twente
vastgesteld (besluit PS2010/1275). Daarbij bent u ook ge'fnformeerd over het vervolgproces
van de aanbesteding en de informatie- en beslismomenten daarin van uw Staten. Twee
belangrijke onderwerpen uit de informatiemomenten zijn de aanbestedingsdocumenten en de
investeringsbijdragen ADT ten behoeve van de staatssteuntoets in Brussel. Deze documenten
zijn als bijlagen bij deze Voortgangsrapportage gevoegd. Vanwege de krappe tijdsplanning zijn
er nog geen vertalingen van deze stukken beschikbaar. Deze zijn gereed voorafgaande aan de
PS-vergadering van 23 mei a.s.
De aanbestedingsdocumenten bestaan uit de Request for Qualification (RFQ), het
Informatiememorandum en de Expression of Interest (EOI: advertentietekst).
De RFQ geeft belangstellenden inzicht in de te volgen procedure en de eisen waaraan zij
moeten voldoen om tot gekwalificeerde respondent te kunnen worden benoemd
(prekwalificatie-eisen). Alleen gekwalificeerde respondenten worden toegelaten tot de
vervolgstappen van de procedure. De RFQ is vertrouwelijk.
Het Informatiememorandum geeft belangstellenden mime achtergrondinformatie over de
luchthaven en de omgeving waarin deze zich bevindt in de ruimste zin van het woord. Het
Informatiememorandum kan gezien worden als het 'marketingverhaal' (bidbook), waarin
0 6.APR 2011
Voortgangsrapportage ADT inclusief aanbestedingsdocumenten
belangstellenden kunnen lezen welke omgevifigskenmerken zullen bijdrageo aan het succesvol
exploiteren van deze luchthaven.
De notitie Investeringen is het document dat nodig is om in Brussel de procedure voor de
staatssteuntoets te doorlopen. In deze procedure wordt het ADT ondersteund door de
ministeries van BZK en I&M. Deze procedure start zo spoedig mogelijk. Bij het opstellen van
deze notitie is uitgegaan van reeds eerder door uw Staten en door de Raad van Enschede
ondersteunde uitgangspunten.
Op 30 maart j l . heeft een bestuurlijk overleg plaatsgevonden tussen het bestuur van ADT en
het ministerie van I&M over de aanbesteding. Het Rijk heeft ingestemd met de wijze van
aanbesteding en de inzet van de resterende € 1,8 miljoen aan Rijksmiddelen uit de
Bestuursovereenkomst, onder voorwaarde van een snelle en succesvolle aanbesteding en dat
er geen sprake is van staatsteun. Voor een snelle en succesvolle aanbesteding is een
voldoende interesse in de prekwalificatiefase van groot belang.
De officiele start van de aanbesteding vindt plaats op 9 april a.s. Dan wordt de advertentie
gepubliceerd op de aanbestedingskalender en in diverse media.
Nadat uit deze eerste fase van de aanbesteding een aantal gekwalificeerde respondenten
overblijven, zal de volgende fase starten. Dat is de dialoogfase, waarin met deze partijen de
opties nader verkend worden. Deze input wordt dan gebruikt voor de gunningscriteria
(Request for Proposal/RFP) en het conceptcontract. Deze beide documenten zult u ter
vaststelling ontvangen.
De volgende Voortgangsrapportage zal medio juli 2011 aan u toegezonden worden.
Gedeputeerde Staten van Overijssel,
31 maart 2011
1e kwartaal 2011
Algemene gegevens
Gebiedsontwikkeling Luchthaven Twente e.o.
Algemeen Bestuur ADT
Directie ADT / P.F.M. Kuenzli
Aise van Dijk
vorige progn. ultimo jr
progn. ultimo jaar
progn. volgende bvr
per peildatum
vorige progn. ultimo jr
progn. ultimo jaar
progn. volgende bvr
per peildatum
vorige progn. ultimo jr
progn. ultimo jaar
progn. volgende bvr
per peildatum
vorige progn. ultimo jr
progn. ultimo jaar
progn. volgende bvr
per peildatum
Area Development Twente
Legenda resultaten
Legenda Financieel
Legenda Risico's
loopt volgens planning
Afwijking* < 50.000 of < 10%
Risico > klein, maar beheerst
afwijkend van planning, aktie genomen
Afwijking* < 50.000 of < 10%
Aktie tot bijsturing genomen
Risico opgetreden, maar beheerst
afwijkend van planning, bespreekpunt
Afwijking* < 50.000 of < 10%
Niet bijgestuurd, cq niet mogelijk
Risico opgetreden, oorzaak niet weggenomen
nog geen info beschikbaar
geen info beschikbaar
risico autonoom, onzekere uitkomst
nvt, risico < klein
* afwijking tov kalendervoortgang
31 maart 2011
1e kwartaal 2011
Probleem- of doelstelling
De Gemeenschappelijke Regeling heeft als doelstelling de herontwikkeling van de voormalige militaire
luchtmachtbasis vliegveld Twente en omgeving tot een vliegwiel voor een economisch sterker en duurzamer
De grondexploitatiemaatschappij Area Development Twente (ADT) wenst die doelstelling te bereiken door het
luchthaven gebied te transformeren naar nieuwe toekomstbestendige bestemmingen die een belangrijke
bijdrage leveren aan de economie, ecologie en leefbaarheid van de regio. De Gemeenschappelijke Regeling
zal haar doelstelling realiseren binnen de kaders van de door de Gemeente en Provincie vastgestelde
Een afgeronde herontwikkeling van de voormalige militaire luchtmachtbasis vliegveld Twente en omgeving,
waarbij deze als vliegwiel fungeert voor een economisch sterker en duurzamer Twente.
Inhoudelijke activiteiten
De gebiedsontwikkeling Luchthaven Twente en omgeving is opgedeeld in onderstaande (deel)projecten:
Projectgebied Luchthaven Noord;
Projectgebied Ecologische Hoofdstructuur (EHS);
Deelproject Infrastructuur;
Deelproject Sanering;
Deelproject Tijdelijk Beheer openbare ruimte en vastgoed;
Gebiedsontwikkeling deelgebieden
Op dit moment vinden de volgende activiteiten plaats:
Binnen Area Development Twente wordt binnen verschillende projectgroepen hard gewerkt aan de realisatie
van de geformuleerde doelstelling(en). Hieronder puntsgewijs de belangrijkste inhoudelijke activiteiten van de
afgelopen rapportageperiode:
Opstellen kadernota aanbesteding, melding aan de markt d.m.v. een “expression of interest” en
voorbereiden Request For Qualification (RFQ);
Afronding ambitiedocument Leisure t.b.v. voorbereidingen aanbestedingsprocedures Leisure;
Voorbereidingen ontwikkelingen TRONED (in samenwerking met hulpverleningsdienst Regio Twente);
Voorbereiden en afstemmen publiekrechtelijke procedures in samenwerking met betrokken partijen;
Opstellen programma van eisen t.b.v. het ontwerp voor de inrichting ecologische hoofdstructuur (EHS);
31 maart 2011
1e kwartaal 2011
Voorbereiding tijdelijke ontsluiting Luchthaven Noord en maken voorontwerp voor hoofdontsluitingsweg,
inclusief de aansluiting met de provinciale weg.
Opstellen masterplan “Vuil water”’;
Opstellen bodemkwaliteitskaart, raamsaneringsplan en een bodembeheernota (gereed 2 kwartaal);
Voorbereiden strategische verkenningen gebiedsontwikkeling Zuidkamp, Prins Bernard Park, Oostkamp,
Middengebied en Ooststrip;
Voeren onderhandelingen verkoop bestaand vastgoed en verkennende gesprekken met ontwikkelaars;
Uitvoering diverse technische onderhoud- en beheertaken, opzetten en inrichten verhuuradministratie;
Beheer luchthaven en toezicht op veiligheid;
Verhuur bestaand onroerend goed;
Voorbereiden publiekrechtelijke plannen en procedures;
Diverse communicatiewerkzaamheden, waaronder het opstellen van een communicatieplan
aanbesteding, verzorgen van technische briefings en presentaties en communicatie met omwonenden.
Voor de komende tijd staan de volgende activiteiten gepland
De bovenstaande processen en activiteiten worden de komende tijd gecontinueerd.
Investeringsbijdrage ADT
Zoals bekend zijn er middelen beschikbaar voor het opnieuw realiseren van gebouwen en infrastructuur ten
behoeve van de luchthaven, vanwege de (versnelde) realisatie van EHS in de gebiedsontwikkeling
luchthavenontwikkeling Twente e.o..
De allocatie van de gelden is door ADT getoetst aan de staatssteunrechtelijke kaders die Europa heeft gesteld
om zodoende de kans op een goedkeurende beschikking van “Brussel” te vergroten.
De belangrijkste randvoorwaarde van gemeente en provincie is dat geen financiële bijdrage aan de exploitatie
mag worden verstrekt. De voorgestelde investeringen blijven binnen deze randvoorwaarde. Bovendien geldt
dat “Brussel” geen exploitatiesteun zal toestaan. Met andere woorden, als de Europese toetsing een positief
oordeel als uitkomst heeft, is dat tevens als een extra onafhankelijk oordeel te beschouwen inzake de vraag of
de voorgestelde investeringen inderdaad niet als een bijdrage aan de exploitatie te beschouwen zijn. De
Europese commissie ziet bijdragen aan dit soort investeringen als een bijdrage aan infrastructurele
voorzieningen en niet als exploitatiesteun, Dit volgt uit de richtsnoeren 2005.
In bijgevoegde bijlage 1 wordt uiteengezet welke middelen dat zijn, bij welk besluit ze zijn toegekend, met
welke doelen en welke randvoorwaarden er ten aanzien van de inzet gelden. Er is per bestuursorgaan een
overzicht gegeven.
Naar verwachting gaat ADT 9 april 2011 op de EU aanbestedingagenda publiceren.
31 maart 2011
1e kwartaal 2011
Aanbesteding Luchthaven
Op 9 februari 2011 heeft Provinciale Staten van Overijssel de kadernota “Aanbesteding Luchthaven Twente”
vastgesteld, gevolgd door de gemeenteraad van Enschede op 14 februari 2011. Het Dagelijks Bestuur van
ADT heeft naar aanleiding hiervan op 15 maart 2011 met onderstaande aanbestedingsdocumenten
EOI – advertentie (bijlage 2.1)
Informatie Memorandum (bijlage 2.2)
Request voor Qualification (bijlage 2.3)
Afgesproken is dat er nog ambtelijk ondergeschikte verbeteringen zullen moeten plaatsvinden. Deze zijn
grotendeels in verwerkt en zijn als bijlage bij deze kwartaalrapportage gevoegd.
Een Nederlandstalige vertaling wordt – nadat deze beschikbaar komt – nagezonden.
De aanbesteding van de ontwikkeling en exploitatie van de luchthaven met bijbehorend bedrijventerrein
zal in het tweede kwartaal van dit jaar starten met de publicatie op de aanbestedingskalender. De
aanbesteding zal in de zomer van 2012 resulteren in een voorlopige gunning. Nadat het
luchthavenbesluit onherroepelijk is geworden zal de ontwikkeling en het beheer van dit deelgebied aan
de exploitant worden overgedragen. Dit zal in de tweede helft van 2013 plaatsvinden. In 2014 zal de
burgerluchthaven operationeel zijn.
budget (a)
Milieu / saneren / explosieven
Wegen / openbare ruimte / natuur
Fondsen en verrekeningen
Beheerkosten openbare ruimte
Investeringen grondexploitaties
Totaal lasten
Restant budget
(d) = (a)-(b)-(c)
31 maart 2011
1e kwartaal 2011
budget (a)
Restant budget
(d) = (a)-(b)-(c)
Economie en Leisure
Bestaand Vastgoed
Natuur / agrarisch gebruik
subsidies en overige opbrengsten
Totaal baten
Saldo baten en lasten
Op peildatum 22 maart 2011 is voor in totaal € 1,32 mln. aan kosten gerealiseerd en € 7,29 mln. aan
opbrengsten. Het saldo van baten en lasten is op peildatum 22 maart 2011 € 5,97 mln. positief.
Voor 2011 is per saldo nog ca € 11,02 mln. aan lasten geraamd die nog niet verplicht of gerealiseerd zijn. Aan
baten dient in 2011 nog € 2,54 gerealiseerd te worden. Per saldo is dit € 8,48 mln.
Toelichting kosten:
De € 655.000 aan kosten verwerving hebben betrekking op de afkoop EAT;
De € 465.000 aan plankosten hebben o.a. betrekking op de kosten van de basisorganisatie,
huisvesting, aanbestedingsteam, communicatiekosten, kosten luchthavenmeester, advies en
onderzoek duurzaamheid en algemeen advies en onderzoekkosten. De kosten vanuit de gemeente
Enschede (inhuur projectmanagers en inzet PMBE) zijn nog niet in rekening gebracht bij ADT en dus
(nog) niet opgenomen;
De € 180.000 aan Beheerkosten is het saldo van de kosten voor beheer van openbare ruimte en
bestaand vastgoed verminderd met de gerealiseerde huurinkomsten van januari en februari.
Toelichting opbrengsten:
Door verkoop van bestaand vastgoed (Overmaat) is € 285.000 aan opbrengst gerealiseerd;
Van het ministerie van financiën en het ministerie van defensie is in totaal € 7.000.000 aan afkoop
saneringsbijdrage ontvangen. E.e.a. conform de bestuursovereenkomst.
31 maart 2011
1e kwartaal 2011
De kaders voor de gebiedsontwikkeling liggen vast in de provinciale ruimtelijke visie Gebiedsontwikkeling
Luchthaven Twente en omgeving en de gemeentelijke structuurvisie. De kwalitatieve aspecten van de
gebiedsontwikkeling hebben binnen ADT blijvend een hoge prioriteit.
Met betrekking tot de aanbesteding van de luchthavenexploitatie wordt deze kwaliteit o.a. geborgd door het
formeren van een tenderboard.
Door ADT is in het 1 kwartaal de “klankbordgroep inrichting EHS” in het leven geroepen. Dit met het doel om
tot een optimaal eindresultaat te komen. De rol van de klankbordgroep is om gedurende het proces van
initiatief to realisatie van het deelproject EHS mee te denken, suggesties te doen en aandachtspunten mee te
geven die bij zullen dragen aan dat optimale resultaat.
Voor het beheer van de openbare ruimte onderzoekt ADT momenteel de mogelijkheden om op termijn te
voldoen aan de minimale kwaliteitseisen uit het gemeentelijk “toetsingskader openbare ruimte (TOR)”. Dit
opdat de openbare ruimte na realisatie van het project overdraagbaar is naar de gemeentelijke organisatie.
Met de nutsbedrijven vindt reeds overleg plaatst over de overdracht van de ondergrondse infrastructuur.
De kwaliteit van de overige (deel)projecten wordt o.a. geborgd door continue toetsing aan de eerder
genoemde kaders, inclusief aanvullend onderzoek en uitwerking in programma’s van eisen en
stedenbouwkundige plannen.
Binnen ADT wordt hard gewerkt aan het uniformeren van procedures met betrekking tot het managen van
informatie. Sinds de oprichting van ADT wordt hiervoor nauw samengewerkt met de afdeling Informatie
Service Centrum van de gemeente Enschede.
Onderstaande activiteiten worden hierbij in samenwerking uitgevoerd:
Coördinatie informatievoorziening;
Uitvoeren en coördineren GIS werkzaamheden;
Kaartvervaardiging (en versiebeheer);
Vastgoed informatiebeheer;
Archivering van digitale documenten op gemeentelijk netwerk;
Postregistratie en afhandeling.
In verband met een effectieve uitvoering van bovenstaande activiteiten is een aansluiting van ADT op het
gemeentelijk netwerk van groot belang. Vanwege onduidelijkheden met betrekking tot de (ORACLE)licenties is
de aansluiting (nog) niet gerealiseerd in het 1e kwartaal. De gemeente Enschede heeft hier eind maart overleg
over met Oracle. Verwachting is dat de aansluiting in het 2e kwartaal van 2011 gerealiseerd wordt.
31 maart 2011
1e kwartaal 2011
De ADT organisatie is zodanig ingericht dat de geformuleerde doelstellingen effectief kunnen worden
gerealiseerd. Naast de vaste staf (directie, secretariaat, financiën & control, communicatie, planning en
juridische ondersteuning) zijn per deelproject projectteams geformeerd. Het management team (directie en
projectmanagers) draagt hierbij de integrale verantwoordelijkheid voor het realiseren en beheersen van de
projectresultaten en de onderlinge afstemming tussen de verschillende deelprojecten.
Binnen de ADT organisatie zijn een tweetal projectteams die aparte aandacht krijgen binnen deze rapportage.
Ten eerste het aanbestedingsteam verantwoordelijk voor het aanbestedingsproces van de
luchthavenexploitatie. Dit team bestaat uit een zestal (parttime) functionarissen, aangevuld met specialistische
kennis en ervaring van overige ADT functionarissen.
Ten tweede het beheerteam, integraal verantwoordelijk voor het beheren van de openbare ruimte en het
bestaand vastgoed. Ook dit team bestaat uit een zestal (parttime) functionarissen aangevuld met
specialistische kennis en ervaring van overige ADT functionarissen.
De eerste maanden van 2011 is veel aandacht besteed aan zowel de interne als externe
(project)communicatie. Naast uitvoering van diverse communicatieactiviteiten zoals het verzorgen van
technische briefings en presentaties, informatie bijeenkomsten voor huurders en omwonenden is ook gewerkt
aan een structureel communicatiebeleid.
Onderstaande punten hebben hierbij in het 1e kwartaal van 2011 de meeste aandacht gekregen:
Communicatieplan rondom aanbesteding
Doorontwikkeling website en social media strategie (1e fase)
Plan interne communicatie
Bovengenoemde communicatiestrategie krijgt ook in de resterende maanden van 2011 een vervolg.
Planning voortgangsrapportages ADT:
Ten behoeve van de voortgangscommunicatie zijn onderstaande rapportagemomenten gepland:
Dagelijks Bestuur ADT 21 juli 2011 - 2e kwartaal rapportage ADT;
Dagelijks Bestuur ADT 6 oktober 2011 - 3e kwartaal rapportage ADT.
Begroting 2011:
Op basis van de realisatiecijfers van het 1e kwartaal kan de voorzichtige conclusie getrokken worden dat deze
niet uit de pas loopt met de begroting. Een risico blijft wel het feit dat medio 2011 er nog strategische
heroverwegingen uitgewerkt worden, die invloed zullen hebben op zowel de begroting als realisatiecijfers voor
2011. Specifiek het onderdeel plankosten blijft hierbij een zorgenkind, aangezien voor de gebiedsontwikkeling
van de deelprojecten Zuidkamp, Prins Bernard Park, Oostkamp, Middengebied (Paardenwoningen) en
Ooststrip slechts plankosten voor de eerste zes maanden van 2011 zijn geraamd.
31 maart 2011
1e kwartaal 2011
De effecten vanuit de woningbouwprioritering van de gemeente Enschede verhogen hierbij het risico op
hogere plankosten dan wel het niet volledig realiseren van de doelstellingen.
De grondexploitatie van ADT staat onder druk doordat in de afgelopen periode risico’s concreter zijn
geworden. Het gaat hierbij met name om de plankosten, die voor de hele gebiedsontwikkeling ontoereikend
lijken gegeven de historische plankosten over de vorige VTM fase, en de risico’s van de uitgifte van de
luchthaven in erfpacht. Totaal is er in 2010 € 12,5 mln. aan risicovoorziening getroffen door de
aandeelhouders ADT.
De omstandigheden op de vastgoedmarkt zijn ten opzichte van de start van de VTM fase wezenlijk veranderd.
De vastgoedmarkt bevindt zich momenteel in zwaar weer, vanwege een beperkte woningmarkt afzet en een
oplopende leegstand binnen de kantoren- en bedrijvensector. Het feit dat de leen- en
financieringsvoorwaarden voor particulieren en bedrijven aanmerkelijk ongunstiger zijn geworden, versterkt dit
Bij de eerstvolgende actualisatie ronde van de grondexploitatie, wordt ook de risicoparagraaf geactualiseerd.
Hierbij wordt rekening gehouden met de uitkomsten van de strategische heroriëntaties van de
gebiedsontwikkeling en de voortgang van de aanbesteding van de luchthaven.
Bijlage 1: Investeringsbijdrage ADT
31 maart 2011
1e kwartaal 2011
Herkomst: Bestuursovereenkomst
In de door de Staat, de Provincie en de Gemeente getekende bestuursovereenkomst staat dat
de Staat bereid is om drie miljoen euro, waarin begrepen het bedrag van één miljoen
tweehonderdduizend euro zoals eerder geïnvesteerd in o.a. de start- en landingsbaan en het
wagenpark, ten behoeve van de luchthaveninfrastructuur te investeren. Die eerdere
investering is door de Staat gedaan in de periode dat de Staat eigenaar was en met als doel
een succesvolle aanbesteding in de zogenaamde interim-periode (van 2008 tot de afronding
van de definitieve aanbesteding).
Op 30 maart 2011 is onder meer over deze besteding met het ministerie van I&M gesproken.
In de bestuursovereenkomst is als voorwaarde opgenomen dat er sprake moet zijn van een
snelle en succesvolle aanbesteding. Aan het ministerie is gemeld dat wij hieronder verstaan
dat uit de RFQ voldoende gekwalificeerde interesse blijkt.
Bedrag: € 1.800.000
Het saldo van € 3.000.000 minus € 1.200.000.
Bedoeld voor: luchthaveninfrastructuur
Reeds eerder is uit het beschikbare bedrag geïnvesteerd in de start- en landingsbaan en het
wagenpark. Daarmee is een nadere uitleg gegeven aan het begrip luchthaveninfrastructuur.
Randvoorwaarde: aanbestedingsregels en staatssteunregels
In de bestuursovereenkomst staat vermeld dat bezien moet worden of en hoe de afspraken
gefinancierd en gerealiseerd kunnen worden met inachtneming van
wet- en regelgeving, met name op het gebied van de Europese aanbestedingsregels en regels
op het gebied van staatssteun.
Dit aspect is door ADT onderzocht. Conclusie van dat onderzoek is dat ADT de ontwikkeling en
exploitatie van de luchthaven als een ‘concessie voor een dienst’ moet aanbesteden. Voorts is
de bijdrage getoetst aan de kaders die Europa stelt aan staatssteun. De voorgestelde allocatie
van de middelen blijft binnen die kaders. Conclusie is ook dat een staatssteunmelding moet
worden gedaan. De voorbereiding van die melding is in volle gang.
Beoogde inzet: luchthaveninfrastructuur
Dit bedrag zal worden geïnvesteerd in specifieke luchthaveninfrastructuur als navigatie en
Over de besteding moet nog wel overleg plaats vinden met het ministerie van I&M.
Eigendom: op termijn terug naar ADT
Voor de duur van de concessieperiode wordt een recht van erfpacht gevestigd en aan de
exploitant overgedragen. Het bloot eigendom blijft bij ADT.
Het recht van erfpacht eindigt na afloop van de concessieperiode. De volledige eigendom van
de gronden en alle daarop opgerichte opstallen vallen daardoor van rechtswege terug aan
ADT. De tegenprestatie van de exploitant wordt gevormd door de aanbieding die de winnende
exploitant in de aanbesteding doet. De aanbiedingen in de aanbesteding worden, zoals bepaald
in de Kadernota, getoetst op de criteria “Werkgelegenheid”(40% van de ranking van de
bieders), “Duurzaamheid” (40% van de ranking van de bieders) en “Bieding terzake de
concessievergoeding aan ADT” (20% van de ranking van de bieders).
Bijlage 1: Investeringsbijdrage ADT
31 maart 2011
1e kwartaal 2011
Herkomst: Statenvoorstel ruimtelijke visie gebiedsontwikkeling Luchthaven Twente
In het statenvoorstel van 20 april 2010 is een besluit genomen om ten behoeve van de
uitvoering van de tender effecten op de tender door de lagere parkeeropbrengsten door leisure
op Twentse schaal en de versnelde realisatie EHS te compenseren met een bedrag van €
11.600.000. Dit is onder te verdelen in € 1.600.000 als compensatie voor de lagere
parkeeropbrengsten en € 10.000.000 als compensatie voor de gevolgen van de versnelde
realisatie EHS. Door de versnelde realisatie EHS kan de luchthavenexploitant bij de start van
de burgerluchthaven niet meer gebruik maken van de aanwezige gebouwen en infrastructuur
van Enschede Twente Airport in het zuidelijk deel van de huidige luchthaven, zoals eerder
voorzien. De financiële compensatie van de provincie maakt het mogelijke een deel van deze
infrastructuur aan de noordzijde te financieren.
Bedrag: € 13.000.000
In het statenvoorstel is gerekend met € 11.600.000 netto contant per 01-01-2009. Netto
contant per 01-01-2011 is dat € 13.000.000. De toegezegde € 1.600.000 voor compensatie
lagere parkeeropbrengsten is niet bedoeld voor investeringen in infrastructuur aan de
Noordzijde (motie Bouma c.s.), zodat er een bedrag van
€ 11.400.000 resteert ten behoeve van de luchthaven.
Bedoeld voor: het opnieuw realiseren van gebouwen en infrastructuur ten behoeve van de
realisatie EHS in de gebiedsontwikkeling luchthavenontwikkeling Twente e.o..
Dit bedrag is bedoeld voor compensatie omdat door de versnelde aanleg van EHS veel eerder
dan voorzien investeringen in de airport en airside moeten worden gedaan door de exploitant.
Expliciet worden in het statenvoorstel de volgende items genoemd: platformen, terminal,
verkeerstoren, parkeerterreinen, serviceweg.
Randvoorwaarde: aanbestedingsregels en staatssteunregels.
o In de bestuursovereenkomst staat vermeld dat bezien moet worden of en hoe de
afspraken gefinancierd en gerealiseerd kunnen worden met inachtneming van wet- en
regelgeving, met name op het gebied van de Europese aanbestedingsregels en regels op
het gebied van staatssteun.
Dit aspect is door ADT onderzocht. Zie voor conclusies van dat onderzoek hetgeen hiervoor
reeds is gesteld.
o Motie Welten - Wijnen: Geen provinciale financiële bijdrage aan de exploitatie.
In genoemd statenvoorstel wordt al geconcludeerd dat de financiële bijdrage geen bijdrage
aan de exploitatie is en derhalve niet strijdig is met de aangenomen motie Welten –
Beoogde inzet: luchthaveninfrastructuur
Dit bedrag zal worden geïnvesteerd in specifieke luchthaveninfrastructuur als start- en
landingsbaan, platform en opstelplaatsen vliegtuigen (aprons), taxibanen, dienstwegen,
voorrijweg (curb), hekwerk, brandweerkazerne, ATC toren en utilities (ondergrondse
Er wordt daarmee in overeenstemming met het statenvoorstel geïnvesteerd.
Eigendom: op termijn terug naar ADT
Voor de duur van de concessieperiode wordt een recht van erfpacht gevestigd en aan de
exploitant overgedragen. Het bloot eigendom blijft bij ADT.
Het recht van erfpacht eindigt na afloop van de concessieperiode. De volledige eigendom van
de gronden en alle daarop opgerichte opstallen vallen daardoor van rechtswege terug aan
ADT. De tegenprestatie van de exploitant wordt gevormd door de aanbieding die de winnende
exploitant in de aanbesteding doet. De aanbiedingen in de aanbesteding worden, zoals bepaald
in de Kadernota, getoetst op de criteria “Werkgelegenheid”(40% van de ranking van de
bieders), “Duurzaamheid” (40% van de ranking van de bieders) en “Bieding terzake de
concessievergoeding aan ADT” (20% van de ranking van de bieders).
Bijlage 1: Investeringsbijdrage ADT
31 maart 2011
1e kwartaal 2011
Herkomst: Bestuursovereenkomst
In de door de Staat, de Provincie en de Gemeente getekende bestuursovereenkomst staat dat
de Gemeente bereid is om drie miljoen euro ten behoeve van de luchthaveninfrastructuur te
Bedrag: € 3.000.000
In de bestuursovereenkomst staat het bedrag van € 3.000.000 vermeld.
Bedoeld voor: luchthaveninfrastructuur
De Staat en de Gemeente hebben beide € 3.000.000 beschikbaar gesteld voor investeringen in
de luchthaveninfrastructuur.
Randvoorwaarde: aanbestedingsregels en staatssteunregels.
o In de bestuursovereenkomst staat vermeld dat bezien moet worden of en hoe de
afspraken gefinancierd en gerealiseerd kunnen worden met inachtneming van
wet- en regelgeving, met name op het gebied van de Europese aanbestedingsregels en
regels op het gebied van staatssteun.
Dit aspect is door ADT onderzocht. Zie voor conclusies van dat onderzoek hetgeen hiervoor
onder het kopje ‘Rijk’ reeds is gesteld.
o Uitgangspunt gemeenteraad: Geen gemeentelijke financiële bijdrage aan de exploitatie. In
de brief aan de gemeenteraad van 30 juni 2009 is reeds gemeld dat er publieke
investeringen nodig zijn in de infrastructuur voor de opstart van de luchthaven. Het gaat
om investeringen zoals ontsluiting van, naar en op de luchthaven, parkeervoorzieningen
en investeringen in platform, taxibaan en verkeerstoren, en dergelijke. Dit zijn aldus
investeringen in infrastructuur en niet in de exploitatie van de luchthaven door de
exploitant. Deze investeringen zijn nodig om de exploitatie door de exploitant op
marktconforme condities te faciliteren.
Beoogde inzet: luchthaveninfrastructuur
Dit bedrag zal worden geïnvesteerd in de infrastructuur voor de opstart van de luchthaven. Het
gaat om investeringen zoals ontsluiting van, naar en op de luchthaven en investeringen in
platform, taxibaan en verkeerstoren en dergelijke. Dit is conform in juni 2009 aan de
gemeenteraad is medegedeeld.
Er wordt daarmee in overeenstemming met de raadsbrief geïnvesteerd.
Eigendom: op termijn terug naar ADT
Voor de duur van de concessieperiode wordt een recht van erfpacht gevestigd en aan de exploitant
overgedragen. Het bloot eigendom blijft bij ADT.
Het recht van erfpacht eindigt na afloop van de concessieperiode. De volledige eigendom van de
gronden en alle daarop opgerichte opstallen vallen daardoor van rechtswege terug aan ADT. De
tegenprestatie van de exploitant wordt gevormd door de aanbieding die de winnende exploitant in
de aanbesteding doet. De aanbiedingen in de aanbesteding worden, zoals bepaald in de
Kadernota, getoetst op de criteria “Werkgelegenheid”(40% van de ranking van de bieders),
“Duurzaamheid” (40% van de ranking van de bieders) en “Bieding terzake de concessievergoeding
aan ADT” (20% van de ranking van de bieders).
Bijlage 2: Aanbesteding Luchthaven
31 maart 2011
1e kwartaal 2011
Twente Airport
Catchment Area 2Hr (+ 23.0 Million)
Catchment Area 1Hr (+ 3.3 Million)
Runway (2400 m -2700 m)
Basic Infrastructure
No Staff
By adopting a regional development strategy and jointly acquiring the former military base, the city of Enschede
(the Municipality) and of the Province of Overijssel (the States) paved the way for Area Development Twente
(ADT) to tender the redevelopment of the airport. ADT, representing the Municipality and the States, is acting as
the granting and oversight authority of the airport concession (Grantor) with the following mission:
“Transform the former airbase
into a flywheel for an economically stronger
and more sustainable Twente”
This Information Memorandum summarizes key considerations, provides market characteristics, provides
information regarding the organization, the spatial development plan, history of the airport, the market, the region
and catchment area and summarizes the procurement process and timeline.
Legal notice
Executive Summary
Key Considerations
Three reasons to invest in Twente Airport
A. Location
B. International Business Environment
C. Limited Investments
Parallel projects Area Development Twente
Procurement Process
Annex Catchment Area
1a. Legal Notice
This Information Memorandum is issued by Area
Development Twente (ADT) is for information
purposes only and is being provided solely for use
by interested parties to assist them to register as a
Respondent for the project described herein.
Neither ADT, nor any of their respective agents,
representatives, advisors or consultants make, will
make, or will be deemed to have made, any
representation or warranty, express or implied, as to
the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the
information contained herein or any information
otherwise provided, whether orally or in writing,
other than such representations or warranties
expressly stated in duly approved and promulgated
tender documents or in a definitive contractual
agreement executed between ADT and a selected
Neither the receipt of this Memorandum, nor any
information contained herein or supplied herewith or
subsequently communicated to any Person,
whether orally or in writing, in connection with a
proposed project involving ADT or their
representatives, advisors, consultants or
subcontractors, shall constitute, or be interpreted as
constituting, the giving of financial, legal, technical
or other advice.
None of the information set forth herein constitutes
a formal tender or invitation to participate in a
Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Transfer Contract for
the operation and development of Twente Airport,
nor does this Memorandum oblige ADT or any other
related entity to start or proceed with the project of
reference or the tender.
ADT, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to
modify any of the rules or procedures relating to this
Memorandum and any related tender, including the
right to either not start with the tender procedure or
to terminate the tender procedure at any time. ADT,
as well as any agent, representative, advisor or
consultant, shall not be held liable or responsible to
any entity or person for any cost or expense
incurred in responding to this call to register as a
Respondent or in any investigation, negotiation or
transaction associated therewith.
Neither this Memorandum, nor any other written or
oral information made available to any entity or their
respective representatives or any person, agent or
advisor of said entity will form the basis of any
contact. A proposal regarding the project or any part
thereof will give rise to contractual obligations only if
and to the extent provided for by a definitive
contractual agreement executed by ADT and a
selected bidder and awarded in accordance with the
relevant legislation.
1b. Legal Notice
All interested parties are strongly advised to seek
their own independent financial, legal, tax, technical
and other advice. Recipients of these materials
should inform themselves about and observe any
applicable legal requirements in the Netherlands
and their own jurisdictions.
In providing materials in connection with the
proposed transactions, neither ADT, nor any other
Government entity undertakes any obligation to
correct, amend or update such materials.
Currently the airport has a military designation. To
operate as a commercial civil airport a civil
designation is required. This designation process
takes place in parallel with the tendering procedure.
Infrastructure must be build by the selected bidder
and will be (partially) funded by ADT. ADT shall
ensure that these financial contributions are
compatible with European State Aid regulations. A
decision from the EU Commission regarding the
compatibility with EU State Aid regulations will be a
condition precedent before the effectiveness of the
concession contract.
The contract duration as foreseen is 49 years. A
decision from the EU Commission will be a
condition precedent before the effectiveness of the
concession contract.
At the time of publication of this Memorandum, ADT
is not in a position to guaranty a positive decision of
the EU Commission with regard to the
contemplated financial contributions or the duration
of the concession contract. The decision of the EU
Commission may cause ADT, in its absolute and
sole discretion, to adjourn, amend or terminate the
tender procedure.
ADT nor the Municipality of Enschede nor the
Province of Overijssel are bound to enter into a
contract with any party and are free to adjourn or
end the tender at any time and can never be held
liable for any damages.
2. Executive Summary
The Airport Twente, located in the Netherlands on
the border with Germany, was founded on the
initiative of local entrepreneurs and the
municipalities in 1921. During the war the airfield
was transformed into a “Fliegerhorst” and thereafter
used as an Air Force base.
Today the civil use of this former base is high on the
national and regional political agenda. The defined
objective of the region is to strengthen the economy
through the development of a “compact, green,
sustainable airport” as a cornerstone to the
Innovation Triangle Twente.
The Dutch Government has placed certain limits on
the number of aircraft movements which will be
permitted at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. The
Government has identified Eindhoven Airport and
Lelystad Airport as airports that may grow to the
extend they provide relief capacity for the Schiphol
Hub. This in turn requires a relocation of the military
use of Eindhoven Airport. In this context the Twente
Airport is one of the option ts he Ministry of Defense
is considering and may result in occasional militairy
use of the airport facillities
The Twente Airport catchment area of the airport is
23 million inhabitants within a two hour driving
distance and 3.3 million inhabitants in one hour
driving distance.
A base development scenario projects 1.2 million
passengers and 30.000 tons Freight (by truck and
by air) by 2034; in a higher development scenario
the number of passengers increases to 2.4 million .
The growth is driven by a combination of long haul
air charter s and European low cost operations.
Airfreight transport is stimulated by the
development of an “air-trucking” centre focusing on
European distribution of Airfreight with some
“value-added” logistics services.
Aviation related industry is already present in the
region. The airport offers opportunities for platformrelated aeronautical industry and activity clusters
that could include (parts) production, aircraft
maintenance industry (MRO) and/or R&D and
training facilities.
Commercial market opportunities exist regarding
the development of a hotel/conference and retail
cluster close to the passenger terminal. This centre
could potentially including some office space for
aviation related business.
Illustration.1: Location of the former Air force base
3. Key Considerations
The Twente Region
Is the Hub for Europe: Twente links the
Amsterdam/Rotterdam area with the German Ruhr
area and the Bremen/Hamburg/Hannover Area. The
region has excellent infrastructure connections to
Is a Logistics centre: Twente is strategically located
due to proximity of major population centers;
Tourism inbound and outbound: Twente Region is
home to OAD and TUI Netherlands. TUI
Netherlands is market leader in Dutch travel
Air- and Space craft technology is already an
important sector in Twente and the development of
the airport is expected to further strengthen the
aerospace technology sector;
Twente has a highly educated, well-motivated and
multilingual workforce, whose productivity exceeds
that in most other European countries;
The University of Twente is one of the prominent
universities in the Netherlands.
A number international renown companies reside in
Twente: Grolsch, TenCate, Vredenstijn, Stork,
The region has a relative large ethnic population.
A network of leading health and technology
research organizations is vested in Twente;
The region is a hot spot for innovation in agri-food
and nutrition;
East Netherlands is highly focused on micro &
nanotechnology, high-tech systems and materials,
clean tech and information technology services.
The Twente Airport
The contract duration is 49 years (a confirmation of
the EU Commission with regard to the duration of
the concession contract is pending);
A relative limited start-up investment is required:
airport essentials such as the site, access road,
utilities, runway and runway lighting, rentable
buildings and some airport equipment are already
available or will be made available by the Area
Development Twente (ADT). Infrastructure that
must be build by the selected bidder will be
(partially) funded by ADT. ADT shall ensure that its
financial contribution is compatible with European
State Aid regulations, a confirmation of the EU
Commission with regard to this contribution is
The airport operator will have to invest in a new
terminal and related facilities;
The Airport Operator may implement his own
business plan within defined planning constraints;
Flexibility: there is no staff that will be transferred to
the Airport Operator.
Concession award criteria are geared to those aspects
most valued by the stakeholders, defined as follows:
Employment criteria (40% of the total score);
Sustainability criteria (40% of the total score); and
Concession Fee (20% of the total score).
4. History
In 1921 Twente businessmen took the initiative to
create a field for recreational aviation. Ten years
later it became a commercial airport with daily air
service to Amsterdam. In 1940, the Germans
enlarged the airport to create a “Fliegerhorst”: the
area was dramatically enlarged from 64 hectares to
1800 hectares At the end of the war (1940-1945)
bombing raids destroyed large parts of this airbase.
After the war, the Dutch Ministry of Defense
became the airport owner and its size was reduced
to ca. 500 hectares. In 2003 it is decided to close
the Airport. The last military aircraft departed from
the Twenthe airbase in 2007. The airport is
currently closed for all military and commercial
flights. A limited number of private aircrafts and the
local gliding club are using the airport.
5. Three reasons to invest
in Twente Airport
International Business
Limited Investments
A. Location
The Netherlands: The Gateway to Europe
Europe is the world’s largest exporter of goods and
For over a hundred non-EU countries, Europe is the
biggest export market;
The Netherlands is very close to Germany, France
and the UK;
The country’s history and economy are dominated
by trade;
A key EU member, the Netherlands provides easy
access to Europe.
Twente: a perfect hub to the EU
Twente: a perfect hub to the EU
Twente links up two vibrant economies: the greater
Amsterdam/Rotterdam area and the German Ruhr
The region uses superb infrastructure for
connections to Europe and the world.
≈ 170 Million
within 300 Miles
≈ 244 Million
within 600 Miles
The Triangle
Twente Airport is situated in the triangle between
the towns of Enschede, Hengelo and Oldenzaal.
The airfield is located close to two motorways and a
North of the airport lies the A1 motorway
(Amsterdam- Berlin) and;
running parallel to the motorway is the Amsterdam
– Berlin railway and;
The motorway A35 south of Enschede is linking
Amsterdam to the industrial “Ruhrgebied” in
The Passenger Market
Recent market analysis and feedback from industry
partners demonstrates market demand for air
services at Twente Airport. Realizing this requires
marketing and an investment to put Twente Airport
on the map.
Air services are expected to be a combination of
low cost carrier operations and charter flights;
where charter operators have increasingly looked to
serve destinations further afield to avoid directly
competing with low cost carriers.
The runway length of Twente is a distinct
advantage. Runway extensions programs at
Groningen airport and Munster-Osnabruck once
implemented, may erode this competitive early
mover advantage.
Potential carriers will be looking for a flexible
operating environment which can accommodate
their requirements and one that is priced
A recent forecast shows passenger traffic growing
in a low scenario to ca, 700,000 passengers by
2024 and in a high scenario an accelerated growth
to 1,800,000 passengers by 2024.
llustration 2) ASM Passenger forecast Twente Airport
The View from the Industry
Tour Operators and Airlines have indicated that
there is potential for charter flights from Twente
Airport, most likely in conjunction with another
regional airport.
Low cost carriers may be interested in operating to
Twente Airport given the provision of appropriate
infrastructure, charges and support package.
There is potential at Twente Airport to operate
services aimed at meeting the needs of a large
diaspora community.
Catchment Area
Twente Airport has a catchment area of between
2.1 million and 4.6 million people depending on how
it is measured.
Assuming that the closest airport is used, based on
drive time and distance, then Twente Airport would
have a unique catchment between 2.1 and 2.4
million people.
This size of catchment area is sufficient to attract
commercial air services.
Economically, the population on the German side of
the border have a higher standard of living and a
greater disposable income than the Dutch, but
across the Netherlands, the standard of living is
fairly homogenous.
Population density in the Twente region is also
comparable to the Dutch average.
Similarly, the Twente region compares well with
other parts of the Netherlands in terms of ethnic
populations which will generate air traffic to their
country of origin; in particular the region has a
higher than average proportion of Turkish Diaspora
compared to other Dutch regional airports.
Across the German regions which are neighbours to
Twente, the Turkish Diaspora easily make up the
largest immigrant community and therefore
represent a potential target market for new air
services. There are also significant North African
minorities in the region.
Ticket Taxes
Industry partners indicate that it is too soon to say
what the impact of the recent German ticket taxes
will be on traffic.
There is an expectation that ticket taxes will be
harmonized across the EU at some point in the not
too distant future to avoid competitive
advantage/disadvantage between carriers operating
in different countries from taxes.
Airport Competition
Twente Airport has a relatively large number of
competitor airports; these include Amsterdam,
Eindhoven, Groningen, Rotterdam, Maastricht and
Lelystad in the Netherlands, and
Münster/Osnabruck, Weeze, Dortmund, Bremen,
Koln and Hamburg in Germany.
Eindhoven Airport has become progressively
dominated by Ryanair and traffic volumes have
been rising rapidly. Although services to Spain and
Italy make up the majority of traffic, there is also
considerable traffic from Eindhoven to the UK and
other north European countries.
Traffic at Groningen Airport is relatively low but
stable. The airport is dominated by charter traffic
but the planned runway extension could attract new
Münster Airport traffic appears to be in decline from
a peak of 1.5 million but continues to be served by a
number of scheduled operators.
B. International Business Environment
The region is driving innovation in three areas: Food,
Health and Technology:
Food Valley: Europe’s agri-food and nutrition centre
East Netherlands is home to Food Valley
(www.foodvalley.nl), a European hot spot for
innovation in the area of agri-food and nutrition.
Food Valley hosts one of the largest food-related
R&D communities in the world. With Wageningen
University and Research center (www.wur.nl) at its
center, the region accommodates more than 1,440
agri-food related companies, 70 research
companies and more than 20 research institutes
Access to multinationals like Monsanto, Abbott Labs,
H.J. Heinz, Kikkoman, Sime Darby, Mead Johnson,
Nippon Suisan, Cargill, Silliker, Arla Foods etc.
Health Valley: East Netherlands is
(www.health-valley.nl), a network of leading health and
technology research organizations.
Molecular Medicine. The Enschede MIRA Institute
for Biomedical Technology and Technical Medicine
is well known for its work on regenerative medicine
and drug delivery systems.
Diagnostics and Imaging. The Valley houses a
Medical Imaging Open Innovation Center set up by
Twente University and Siemens, amongst others.
Nanotechnology for Point of Care. The
Enschede-based MESA+ institute is one of the
world’s largest nanotechnology research centers.
Rehabilitation and Robotics. The Roessingh
Rehabilitation Clinic and Research Institute, Sint
Maartens hospital and the MIRA Institute are major
contributors to rehabilitation technology. The LEO
Robotics Center is developing robotics for care and
Technical Medicine. Twente University has
created a dedicated engineering & medicine
curriculum, producing graduates who are uniquely
qualified to bring innovative medical technologies
into the clinic.
Aerospace. Air- and Space craft technology has
been an important sector for East Netherlands, in
particular the Twente area. The new Twente Airport
is expected to further boost the existing Aerospace
technology related companies in the area. The
region is home to the ThermoPlastic composite
Research Centre (TPRC), an open innovation R&D
center in which Boeing, Stork Fokker, TenCate and
Twente University participate. Other global players
(such as AKZO, DSM, Teijin Aramid) take part in
the Twente University IMPACT materials research
Other examples are:
Aeronamic, developing and producing air
management and turbine start systems for
NIJL Aircraft docking who construct Aircraft
Docking Maintenance Stairs and Aircraft
Docks, systems which get maintenance time
down for all types of aircrafts.
The East Netherlands is focused on key areas such
as micro & nanotechnology, high-tech systems and
materials, clean tech and information technology
High-tech Systems. Focus areas include robotics
(e.g. medical applications), aerospace and
automotive (with operations from market leaders
Thales and Scania). A ‘Business Cluster
Semiconductors’ supports companies from
development to the application of advanced IC’s,
MEMS, sensors and wireless systems.
Micro & nanotechnology. MESA+, set up by
Twente University, is the world’s 5th research
institute for micro and nanotechnology. It has
produced more than 40 spin-off companies in the
food, health and technology sectors.
Information technology. The Center for
Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT), also
set up by Twente University, is among Europe’s
largest academic IT research institutes.
Clean tech. The region has research centers
supported by leading universities such as Alterra
and WIMEK (Wageningen University) and IMPACT
(Twente University). Other players include
test/certification authority KEMA, Helianthos,
Vestas, Eaton Holec
Logistics in Twente
Logistics is an important economic activity in the
eastern part of the Netherlands. This is partially due
to the strategic location of this part of the country,
and partially due to the proximity of major
population centers. A new freight rail link, the
Betuwe line, the development of intermodal
transshipment facilities, and the development of
inland water transport have given this region an
ever increasingly important role, both within the
Netherlands as well as across Europe. E.g. the
Combi Terminal Twente (CTT) at the Hengelo
harbour. With plenty of high-quality development
space available and a full range of logistic services
on hand, the region is an ideal location for more
than just storage and transfer depots. Many
companies are coming to see Twente as the perfect
base for their logistic activities.
Timberland is a global leader in the design,
engineering and marketing of premium-quality
footwear, apparel and accessories for consumers
who value the outdoors and their time in it. The
Company’s products can be found in leading
department and specialty stores as well as
Timberland retail stores throughout North America,
Europe, Asia, Latin America, South Africa and the
Middle East.
The Enschede distribution center is the hub for all of
Timberland’s European shipments, with some 10
million pieces of product passing through each year.
Logistic and distributing companies in Twente:
Beijer Transport & Logistics
Bolk Transport
Donna Karan
HST Groep
Müller Fresh Food Logistics
Rhenus Logistics
Road Air Transport
Schiphol Express
TNT Fashion Group
City location
By car from Enschede Airport Twente to
143 km
176 km
Niederrhein Weeze
173 km
Rotterdam Airport
195 km
Schiphol Airport
167 km
83 km
Travel Industry
The Oad Groep has grown into one of the Netherlands' leading travel organizations. Over the years, the company
has not only built up the largest private coach fleet in the Netherlands, but also has extended activities into many
other areas, including air, coach, train, car and cruise travel. Oad is the largest fully Dutch owned tour operator.
The company is independent, is not linked to other tour operators and is owned 100% by the family Ter Haar . The
Family resides in the region.
Facts & figures
Turnover (2009) € 972,000,000
Number of passengers (2009) 746,000
Number of employees 2,000
Fleet 180 tourist coaches
Oad owns a number of specialist tour operators, namely:
• Bex Reizen (direct seller, coach, airline/coach)
• SRC-Cultuurvakanties (coach, airline/coach)
• Oad Incoming (incoming tourism)
• Hotelplan (all-round touroperator)
In addition, under the Oad flag, a chain of fully-owned Globe travel agencies has been established, approx. 220
branches spread throughout the Netherlands (excluding 8 IATA licensees).
Headoffice in: Holten (ca. 30 minutes form Airport Twente)
TUI Nederland
TUI Netherlands is the market leader in the Dutch travel industry. TUI Netherlands has a proactive policy on
sustainable tourism and corporate social responsibility. The policy is called ‘Buy green, Sell green, Share green &
Be green’ and it focuses on holidays with respect for people and nature. TUI Nederland is part of the largest
European travel organisation TUI Travel PLC. TUI Nederland has its own airline: Arke Fly (sponsor of Champion
League playing Twente Football Club)
Facts & Figures
Turnover € 1,4 billion
Number of holidays 1,3 million
Number of employees 2,300
Number of Aircrafts10 (including2 leased aircrafts)
Fly green
Fly green is the sustainability policy for TUI Netherlands airline ArkeFly. By paying attention to the fleet and flightrelated products and services, and during the preparations, take-off, flight and arrival the airline lowers its fuel
consumption and costs, which is also good for the environment. In 2010 the performance of ArkeFly measured
using CO2/RPK (carbon dioxide emissions per revenue passenger kilometre) improved by 5.3 percent to 80 grams.
These reductions are attributable to reducing weight and adapting flight procedures.
The travel group TUI Netherlands comprises over two hundred travel agencies, with about 140 stores and Arke
sixty franchised travel agencies under the name Holland International Travel Agency. At TUI Netherlands employs
approximately 2,300 employees across five locations and the Ark stores across the country. The offices of TUI
Netherlands are Rijswijk and Enschede, KRAS.NL Ammerzoden and has two offices in Alkmaar and ArkeFly
located at Schiphol-Rijk.
The Netherlands boasts a highly educated, wellmotivated and multilingual workforce, whose
productivity exceeds that of most other European
countries. Furthermore, the Dutch workforce
consistently gets high marks from the international
business community for its high percentage of
advanced educational degrees and familiarity with
foreign working styles and business environments.
Twente offers divers education and training
Technical University of Twente, Enschede
Many Universities of Professional Education
and many Secondary Schools
There are many educational programs in EastNetherlands which can be linked to the field of
On every level educational programs are available
that can be linked to the field of mobility. On Master
and Bachelor level education programs are Applied
Physics, Embedded Systems, Mechanical
Engineering, Chemistry, NanoTechnology, Control
Systems Engineering and Automotive Engineering.
In addition there are many education programs on
lower and higher vocational level a.o. mechanical
engineering, electrical engineering, car mechanic,
engine technology and aviation technology /
airplane maintenance Part-66, Part cat. B1 level or
Avionica (cat. A1, as from 2009/2010).
Lufthansa Technical Training, Enschede
Kenteq, Hengelo
Deltion College, Zwolle
HAN University, Arnhem-Nijmegen
Multilingual available
Like the Netherlands overall, Twente prides itself in
having a long tradition of people working together.
Its workforce is well educated, flexible, multilingual,
service-oriented, open-minded and entrepreneurial.
Wages and real estate prices in the region are
however below the national average.
The Economist ranked The Netherlands 3rd globally
for attracting and promoting talent;
A Twente network of human resource agents works
closely with companies;
The region has established channels for recruiting
personnel with specific language skills;
9 out of 10 adults in The Netherlands speak English;
65% speak German, 25% French;
Twente’s location adds opportunities to attract
native German speakers.
9 out of 10 adults speak English
The city of Enschede
Input gemeente volgt in overleg met ambtenaren...
Development Agency East Netherlands
Oost NV
Oost NV is an agency of the Netherlands Ministry of
Economic Affairs and the Provinces of Gelderland and
Overijssel. Oost NV works to strengthen and
stimulate the economy of East Netherlands. Oost NV
improves the region’s business climate by attracting and
support (foreign) companies, setting up innovation
projects, building clusters and implementing subsidy
schemes. Oost NV also develops science parks,
business incubators and industry parks. What’s more,
Oost NV has funds available to invest in innovative
Oost NV can assist you with:
answering questions on finances (taxes, venture
capital), infrastructure, labor, subsidies, education,
social climate and so forth;
assisting you with getting access to (EU) subsidy
helping you find the best sites or joint-venture
introducing you to regional business networks;
all of that completely free of charge.
Development Agency East Netherlands (Oost NV)
Enschede Office
Hengelosestraat 585
P.O. Box 5518
7500 GM Enschede
The Netherlands
Phone + 31 53 851 68 51
LinkedIn-group Oost NV
All services are free of charge
C. Limited Investments
The Site
The airport area is a defined area around the runway
that will be zoned as the ‘airport area’.
Developments are to be concentrated North of the
ADT is providing a new access road and utilities.
The development strategy allows for the usable
portion of the runway to increase from 2400 meter to
2700 meter.
Illustration 3: Development Plan*
*source Regional Development Strategies of the Twente Airport and surroundings, 2009
Land to the south of the runway is being part of the
national ecological structure (ecologische
hoofdstructuur / EHS).
Natural water flows will be restored and the area will
be made accessible to the general public for
recreational purposes.
From the north-west of the runway, following on
from Weerseloseweg (road N737), ADT will provide
a new airport access road and arrange for the basic
sewage and utility facilities to the airfield,
Airport Development
ADT will be responsible for a new access road, portions of an airside fence (under consideration) and providing
the main sewage and utilities to the site.
ADT will contribute a defined financial amount to certain infrastructure investments needed due to the relocation of
facilities in the area that is becoming part of the national ecological structure. These infrastructure investments
include: ARFF station, a new control tower and air navigation equipment and other airside related investments.
(As stated before: ADT shall ensure that these financial contributions are compatible with European State Aid
regulations. A decision regarding compatibility with EU State Aid regulations is pending. This process will take
place in parallel with the tendering procurement procedure. At the time of publication of this Memorandum, ADT is
not in a position to guaranty on a positive decision of the EU Commission with regard to the contemplated financial
The Airport Operator will have to invest in a new terminal building, car parking facility and other commercial
ADT will be responsible for the removal of contaminated soil.
ADT will be acquiring land needed to secure the airport development as defined in the site footprint.
ADT is tendering the development of a Leisure Area (see blue square below) in parallel with the Airport
Concession Tender .
Currently the airport has a military designation that is set to expire in 2014. To operate as a commercial civil airport
a civil designation is required. ADT will be responsible to acquire this designation and the process is taking place
in parallel with this tendering procedure.
Airport cluster
General Aviation
Parking cluster
Airport related business
8 ha.
4 ha.
17 ha.
25 ha.
Airport Development
Illustration 4. Airport clusters
For more detailed information on the acreage of the different clusters on the airport see Annex 2.
North of the runway, there are several clusters of buildings fit for use, built between 1940 and 2000, in
total approximately 11,700 m2 of gross floor space (hangar 7, 8, 9 and a shelter are preserved).
Illustration 5. Buildings fit for use
source ADT
Initial Development
Illustration 6. Possible first phase development: terminal building (600.000 pax), apron, car park, ARFF
and Control tower. The blue area is the leisure development area
source ADT
Future Development
Illustration 7. Increased useable portion of the runway, new car parking and enlarged apron. (1.200.000 pax)
source ADT
Airport Movable Equipment
ADT will make available for use to the Airport Operator a
limited number of movable assets such as:
Crash tender
Several trucks
Ground Service Equipment
Some office furniture
Military structures and Leisure Area
A small enclave north of the runway (transmitter
location) will be retained by the Ministry of Defense
(MoD). MoD will also continue to use a total of 19
hectares for CIMIC purposes (Civil Military
Cooperation) and a radar installation outside the
new airport premises.
From the A1 motorway there is a pipeline along
Vliegveldweg that has been preserved for future
use. A number of pipelines run through the area
that is subject to the Municipalities (Preferential
Rights) Act, including three pipelines to the airbase.
A decision to use the airport as an air force relief
airport (occasional use) is still pending. Any use by
the military will be subject to an agreement between
the Ministry of Defense and the airport operator.
The development of the leisure area, adjacent to
the airport business park, (blue square) will be
procured through a separate tender process.
Investors in the airport are encouraged but not
obliged to bid for the leisure development.
8 source ADT
Spatial limitations
In accordance with the Regulations for Civilian and
Military Airports Act (RBML), noise contours and
safety areas for an airport are defined in an “Airport
Designation Decision” to be taken by the Minister of
Infrastructure and Environment. The restrictions will
be set out in a final Airport Designation, following
the submission and public review of the relevant
application and zoning plan and an environmental
impact report. The muniicipality and the States have
determined that the noise contour may not exceed
8 Km2.
On the airbase there are active Military radar and
radio systems (transmitter installations) that impose
restrictions on the height of building in the vicinity of
these installations. Within a radius of 600 meters of
the radio systems and within a radius of 500 meters
of the radar system there is a maximum permissible
building height of 22 meters. The radar imposes
building restrictions in a radius of 15 NM (15
nautical miles is approximately 27.8 km); the
maximum permissible height of buildings in this
area is 45 meters relative to ground level at the
position of the radar. The maximum height of
buildings will be determined by the Ministry of
Archaeology / Soil contamination and ammunitions
On the archeology map of the municipality of
Enschede, the planning area is registered as an
area with low archaeological value. There is some
potential for finding some remains from the
hunters/collectors period in fossil brook branches,
most of them being located in the EHS area
(outside the airport area).
There are a number of serious soil contaminations
that must be remediated. These areas have been
identified and are located in concentrated areas
north of the runway. Additionally scattered
contamination may necessitate remediation
depending on the use of the land. There is a great
likelihood of munitions dumps on the western side
and around the runway. ADT is taking the
responsibility for decontamination and removal of
ammunition and will deliver land to the airport
operator ready for development.
Noise Contours / Operating hours
Regular operating hours of the airport are limited
from 06:00 to 23:00 hrs. A strategy on how to
promote ‘Sunday rest’ will be demanded from the
Noise restrictions apply to a not to exceed noise
contour as been set at 8 km2. A strategy on how to
reduce noise levels and communicate with the local
community will be demanded from the operator.
Environment / Sustainability
Sustainability is an increasingly important issue for
airports. Therefore the airport operator must
embrace sustainability as a core component of its
strategy to develop the most “green” airport of
Europe. The airport shall be designed and operated
as sustainable and environmental friendly as
possible. Sustainability will be an important aspect
in the proposal evaluation process.
"Innovation" is pushing the envelope to build and
operate the airport as a business and as
sustainable as possible, the ambition is that the
operator attracts clean-tech businesses with
innovative concepts. The regional strategy is to
create interaction between the airport, education
institutes like University of Twente and Saxion
Hogeschool and new business and stimulate the
development of knowledge through the combination
of sustainability and innovation in the field of
airports and aviation.
The ambition is to develop this airport in the most
‘green’ airport of Europe, this is only possible
through the application of innovative technologies,
materials and knowledge. The airport operator must
appreciate the challenge to use clean and quiet
technology and build on local business
(design/construction/construction materials) and
scientific knowledge already available in the region.
To the south side of the airfield the landscape will
be enhanced through the restoration of natural
water flow (brooks) and enhance the overall
environmental quality of the area by connecting and
integrating two areas that are part of the National
Ecological Structure (Ecologische HoofdStructuur,
Sustainability themes to be taken into account:
The Operator is encouraged to conserve energy, to
maximize the use of renewable energies, and to the
extent commercially affordable, generated energy from
its own sources. The challenge being to become over
time, an energy producer instead of an energy consumer
CO2 Emission reduction:
The Operator is encouraged to embrace a strategy to
reduce and minimize total CO2 emissions embracing the
ACI Airport Carbon Accreditation program with the
objective to become CO2 neutral.
The Operator is encouraged to develop means to
enhance the biodiversity at the airport. Contributing to
biodiversity (example: plants, insects, amphibians and
non-swarming birds) must be an objective of an
environmental responsible operator. Given the diversity
in its terrain (open spaces, building structures and park
like setting), an airport operator can add value through
enhancing biodiversity without compromising aviation
Water and soil quality:
The Operator is encouraged to explore possibilities to
ensure that the drainage system capturing runoff water is
treating water and injected water in the ground to combat
the lowering of the water table in the area and to develop
strategies to minimize its water foot print by utilizing grey
water. Intensive cultivation of corn exasperates top soil
erosion. The operator is encouraged to develop
strategies to enable the airport to make a positive
contribute to the enhancement of soil quality by
encouraging composting on the airport.
"Sustainable innovation" is not only the ambition to
build and operate the airport and business as
sustainable as possible, but it is also the ambition to
attract clean-tech businesses with innovative
knowledge. Structural interaction between the
airport, the new businesses and education institutes
like University of Twente and Saxion Hogeschool
can stimulate the knowledge development of
sustainability, innovation and aviation.
6. Parallel Projects Area Development
The development of Twente Airport is one of the projects
undertaken by Area Development Twente (ADT). In
addition to the construction of a new airport entrance and
bringing utilities to the airport site, ADT is undertaking the
restoration of the natural flow of brooks in the south part
of the former military airport, linking ecological zones to
the East and West of the Twente Airport, completing the
“green belt” around the airport and ADT is tendering
several other redevelopment projects on property of the
former military base. A number of relevant projects are
tendered in parallel to the airport project these include
the development of a Leisure Area in the northern part of
the Airport; the development of an event park in
Oostkamp and development of residential area’s in
The development of ‘Infrastructure’ undertaken by ADT
can be divided into three projects (See illustration 9):
1. Airport access: ADT is undertaking the construction
of a new access road to the site and to build the main
road through the northern area of the airport and
bring to the site: sewage, utilities and
2. Adjustments provincial road N737 (Vliegveldstraat):
The Province and the Municipality are undertaking to
make improvements to the N737 these include a new
exit towards the airport, a railway overpass, and
dedicated bicycle paths. A direct connection with A1
is in the early planning stages and will not be realized
prior to 2020.
3. Improvements of local infrastructure South: in
preparation of further developments, ADT is making
accessible to the general public Zuidkamp and
Oostkamp areas.
Event Area
Illustration 9. Parallel Projects
source ADT
Oostkamp (See illustration 9) covers an area of some 24
hectares. This area houses a few large hangars and the
‘munitions street’, i.e. a series of munitions bunkers. The
Regional Development plan envisioned to develop an
event center, or other leisure developments including an
equestrian center.
Development (allocation of land) of this area is foreseen
for the period 2011 to 2014.
Munition Bunkers
Hangar 11
Zuidkamp (Illustration 9) covers more than 43 hectares.
The area will be redeveloped into a green and high end
residential area. The existing green and road structure
will largely be integrated into the new development and
existing property will be preserved as much as possible.
The Zuidkamp plan component will be developed in
phases, and lots will be sold every year over a lengthy
period (2012 through 2023). Investments will follow the
same pace. The plan is to build 154 homes.
The main leisure area (Illustration 9) 10.84 ha and 2.33
ha for parking, is situated in the northern part of the
Airport. Similar to the airport development the
development opportunity will be tendered as a long-term
The objective for ADT is to develop a leisure park which
attracts at between 0.5 and 1 Million visitors a year.
The development of the leisure park should reflect the
identity of the region and developed on ‘Twentse Schaal’
which means that the development must blend into the
landscape of Twente.
The development of the leisure area can complement
other developments at the airport, in Oostkamp and
possibly Zuidkamp. A developer bidding on all three
activities may be able to generate synergies that would
otherwise be more difficult to achieve. To make this
possible, ADT has decided to tender the development of
the Leisure area, potentially in combination with certain
sections of Oostkamp in parallel to the airport. Interested
parties are kindly invited to express their interest if they
intend to participate in both tenders.
7. Procurement Process
Expression of Interest
The procurement process will be kicked-off with an
advertisement in local and international media,
calling for interested parties to register their initial
interest with ADT.
Request for Qualification (RFQ)
In essence the future operator must demonstrate to
have a good standing with its national authorities
and have sufficient expertise and resources to
assure successfully operate the airport.
The purpose of the RFQ process is to select those
parties that meet minimum selection criteria set by
ADT to provide comfort that these parties are able
and willing to successfully develop Twente Airport.
Such pass/fail qualification requirements may
include, among others:
experience in operating an airport;
experience in development of business parks;
experience in attracting air traffic;
proven solvability;
proven ‘good standing’: integrity and
Request for Proposal (RFP)
Qualified bidders will be allowed to proceed to the
Request for Proposal phase and given the
opportunity by ADT to ask questions, provide
comments, and make suggestion to ADT for
improvement on a draft Request for Proposal (RFP)
and a draft contract. The objective of this phase is
to clarify and strengthen the conditions in the RFP
and concession contract. The scope of the project
can be investigated by the participants and ADT
can gain new insights and explore alternative
solutions. Negotiation between ADT and bidders is
excluded. This process is expected to start in
September and completed in the fourth quarter of
2011 with ADT providing the final bid documents
(RFP and concession agreement) to the
municipality and the states for their endorsement.
Thereafter the final RFP and the final concession
contract will be sent to the qualified bidders with the
request to submit a proposal (offer).
The winning party will be chosen based on the
combined highest score of all evaluation criteria.
The weight of the individual criteria still has to be
determined. The criteria will be based on:
Employment (40% weighing factor);
Sustainability (40% weighing factor);
Concession Fee (20% weighing factor).
To stimulate employment in the region, the
development of the airport and the business is
important. The theme ‘employment’ can be
subdivided in:
employment in the short term and long term;
employment generated a the high and the low end
of the labor market.
In the award phase the main theme ‘sustainability’
can be subdivided in:
Soil and Biodiversity
Clean Air
Concession Fee
In exchange for the Twente Airport use rights set forth in the oncession contract, qualified respondents will be
required to submit a proposal for lease payments (‘erfpachtcanon’) to ADT in the form defined in the RFP.
Award, contract close and effective date
The highest-scoring participant will be awarded the status of preferred bidder and be required to incorporate a
special purpose company for the purpose of operating the airport and sign the concession agreement.
The preferred bidder will have a fixed amount of time to raise financing and complete the conditions to closing
defined in the concession agreement. This process requires approximately six months.
After the effective date, the airport operator can proceed with building the required infrastructure and apply for the
necessary certificates and licenses. It is expected that it may take a period of 24 month between effective date and
the first commercial flights to land at Twente Airport.
Planning (indicative)
Reporting to the market with an advertisement /
Information Memorandum
Q1 2011
Request for Qualification (RFQ)
Q2 – Q3 2011
Dialogue Phase
Q3 – Q4 2011
Request for Proposal (RFP)
Q2 – Q3 2012
Award phase
Q3 2012
Contract Close
Q4 2012
Financial close
Q1 – Q2 2013
8. Registration
Interested parties are hereby requested to register as
Non-Binding Registration:
A request to be registered as an interested party is not
a legal pre-requisite for participation any future
procedure relating to this Tender. The registration
information will not serve as the basis for qualification
but will simply be used to register parties having
expressed an interest in the Tender.
In order to be registered as “Respondent” and receive
the RFQ, a registered party has to pay a registry fee of
€ 1000,- to ADT.
All Respondents will receive all future tender
notifications relating to this tender procedure.
An interested party requesting to be registered should identify
a representative and submit his email address and telephone
number by email to the ADT Procurement Office at the
following address:
Parties who have expressed their interest, are invited to enlist.
All parties who have enlisted at ADT and who have paid a
nominal registration fee of € 1000,- to ADT, will be registered
by ADT as a ‘Respondent’ and receive the Request for
Qualifications documents.
Respondents will be invited by ADT to submit their credentials
in order to be prequalified to participate in the tender.
Respondents will receive future tender notifications relating to
this Project.
Parties may enlist as a Respondent either directly or as part of
a consortium.
Parties registered by ADT as Respondent before the 2nd of
May 2011, will be invited to a (non mandatory) bidders
conference on the 3rd of May 2011 (to be held in the
Submit Request for Qualification documents by Respondents:
Respondents should submit their credentials by June
15th, 2011, 5:00 PM (GMT+2) in accordance with the
requirements set forth in the RFQ.
More background information on websites:
Projectbureau ADT
Zuidkamp, Gebouw Z31
7524 PJ Enschede
Telefoon: +3153 480 00 90
9. Abbreviations
Area Development Twente
Air Rescue and Fire Fighting
Air Traffic Control
Air Traffic Movements
Combi Terminal Twente
Design Build Finance Operate Transfer
Ecologische Hoofdstructuur = national ecological structure
Greenwich Mean Time
Information Memorandum
Life Cycle Cost
Ministry of Defence
Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul
Research & Development
Request for Proposal
Request for Qualification
Annex Catchment Area
The catchment area of the airport is 23 million
inhabitants within a two hours driving distance and
3.3 million in one hour driving distance.
We have established the number of residents and
jobs accessible by car at travel distances of 60, 90
and 120 minutes from the airports for 2008 and
The size of the population and number of jobs
accessible from the airports are shown in tables 1.1
to 1.6. The totals from 2008 and 2020 and the
growth (%) between 2008 and 2020 are shown in
table 1.7.
Area Development Twente (ADT)
Provincie Overijssel
Gemeente Enschede
Twente Airport
Concession Contract
Request for expression of interest
Area Development Twente (ADT) hereby invites parties, especially experienced airport operators,
developers and investors, to submit their interest for the purpose of being prequalified to
participate in a competitive tender for the development and operation of Twente Airport (the
“Project”). ADT is a Public Corporation (Gemeenschappelijke Regeling), established and owned
by the Municipality of Enschede and the Province of Overijssel.
As currently envisioned, the project will be in the form of a 49-year Design-Build-FinanceOperate-Transfer (DBFOT) contract (which includes a concession fee payment to ADT for the
use rights) encompassing the following:
(i) Management, operation and maintenance of Twente Airport; and
(ii) The design, construction, equipment, and financing of infrastructure improvements,
including a new terminal building and related structures; and
(iii) The development of an aviation related business park.
Twente Airport (a former military airbase) will be transformed into a compact civil airport located
in a green environment. Sustainability and contribution to the local economy are important
considerations. An experienced operator will be able to develop Twente Airport into a profitable
business based on: passenger transport, freight transport, platform and other airport/aviation
related business.
Parties are invited to submit their expression of interest. An interested party requesting to be
registered should identify a representative and submit email address and telephone number by email to the ADT Procurement Office at the following address:
The e-mail should include the phrase “Expression of interest tender Airport Twente” in the email
subject line.
Parties who submitted their expression of interest, shall receive an Information Memorandum and
are invited to register with ADT. All parties who have registered with ADT and who have paid a
nominal registration fee of € 1000,- to ADT, will be registered by ADT as a ‘Respondent’ and
receive the Request for Qualifications documents. Respondents will be invited by ADT to submit
their credentials in order to be prequalified to participate in the tender. Respondents will receive
future tender notifications relating to this Project. Parties may register as a Respondent either as
a single company or as a consortium.
Parties registered by ADT as Respondent before the 2nd of May 2011, will be invited to a (non
mandatory) bidders conference on the 3rd of May 2011 (to be held in the Netherlands). Only
registered Respondents can attend to this conference.
Parties registered by ADT as Respondent should submit their credentials by 5 p.m. (GMT+2) on
the 15th of June 2011 in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Request for
Qualifications documents. The Respondents that are qualified in accordance with the minimum
requirements set forth in the Request for Qualifications documents, will subsequently be invited to
submit proposals for the Project.