Annual Report 2012 - Restless Development
Annual Report 2012 - Restless Development
d orl w e half ther 25 is und lot a s ’ that y g ener ve i t i s po of 012 AN T2 R O P E R NUAL We are s s tle s e R ent m elop v De under orld is ew Half th illion ’s 3.5 b That 25. people. ies, ountr c t s 60 poore s ’ d orl e of the g In the w enta ge perc . era v a e 5 is 60% th 2 er d ion un populat . come in e w here That’s w ht the rig h t i w , ble eve that are capa We beli young people world’s , e c an guid e the to solv g n i of help blems. pro t s e g big 2 3 m ro f LEtter air & h c e Th f e i Ch e v i ut c e Ex s Content key Goal 1 civic icipation part ment s develop s tle s re 2 We are ecutive s hief Ex C & ir a Content 4 e ch from th 5 Letter we are 6 Where alues 8 OUr v we do 10 What we do it Heard 12 How ment oices un v H T le develop ing You b k a ina m ta 4 1 sus ering un 22 deliv dership ired Lea p s in 28 un ces Resour 32 Our s people 34 Our s & Supporter partner 36 Our ks ial than c 38 Spe s ent finance evelopm 40 Our tless d s re are 42 We goal 2ihoods and livel yment emplo uctive d goal 3 and repro s ual t x h e s & rig health shipS partner With half of the world under 25 and continued population growth, the global population is young and getting younger. 87% of these young people live in the developing world, giving them a more critical role to play in development than ever. leading partners such as the UK Government, the Mo Ibrahim Foundation and KPMG. At the same time, we reached 304,857 young people across Africa and South Asia, trained 131 civil society organisations, and engaged 145 local and 49 national government departments. As the world turns to creating its next set of development goals to succeed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which are expiring in 2015, there is a healthy debate as to what the future of development should be (turn to pages 16 and 28 to find out more about the post-2015 development framework). Young people are not just the majority of the developing world; they are the demographic most affected by many challenges including unemployment and conflict. They are also our future workers, mothers, fathers and leaders. Our credibility comes from those youth-led development programmes. In this context, it has been an inspiration to see Restless Development mobilise young people to contribute to the post-2015 development framework: leading discussions with the UN’s High Level Panel, with national governments and in communities where we work. Two years ago, we stated in our 5-year Business Plan that youth development was approaching a tipping point. As that moment arrives, it is vital that young people are involved in helping to lead the solutions guiding the future of development. With young people leading our work and playing an active part in the post-2015 discussion, we are confident that 2013 will be a seminal year for development, for Restless Development and for young people globally. Martin Hayman Chair Nik Hartley Chief Executive Last year, we extended our strategic relationships with 4 5 s i s i Th are e w ere Wh IN THE USA We have a Country Representative leading our global advocacy and fundraising efforts. WHERE WE WORK We work in places where there are large numbers of youth who most need opportunities and support - those trapped in poverty and who show real potential for getting involved in development. The examples given are only a small snapshot of our work. 6 IN THE UK Our team there have trained representatives from 77 youth-led organisations across 42 countries that are working to combat HIV/AIDS, resulting in a rise from 33% to 60% of participants introducing strategic planning to their youth-led organisations. IN SIERRA LEONE Targeting over 72,000 young people through our programmes, we have recorded a 20% increase in the number of young people using a condom at last sex. IN SOUTH AFRICA We have conducted 958 sexual reproductive health sessions in schools and with out-of-school youth to reduce risky sexual behaviour and, in one year, there has been an increase from 39.2% to 52% in consistent condom use. IN NEPAL We recorded a 51% increase in young people able to refute three local myths related to HIV transmission - among the 2,588 young people we worked with in target communities. Targeting over 26,850 young people in our programmes, we recorded a 25% increase in young people we work with, engaging in marketdriven enterprises. IN UGANDA IN TANZANIA We recorded an increase in young people’s income from under TSHs 100,000 to between TSHs 100,000 to 400,000 per month. IN ZIMBABWE We recorded a 15% increase - from 65% to 80% - in the number of young people exhibiting nondiscriminatory attitudes towards people living with HIV/AIDS. IN INDIA We worked with 5,000 pupils across 23 target schools, increasing awareness of the factors that lead to unwanted pregnancies amongst girls from 29.8 % to 80%. IN ZAMBIA We have recorded that among a target group of 120,454 young people, condom use is up by 45%, and teenage pregnancy down by 50%. 7 OUR S E U VAL HEART E SERVE W O WH WE ARE BRAVE untable WE ARunEg professionals accaore at the le o We are y ople. Young peop assion and e rp p u g O n . u o o d to y ing we , innovate th y r e v it e in iative e k ta core of e W rive us. energy d ings. th w e n and try Head ONAL SSI E F O R 100% P WE ARE YOUNG T A H T E V our WE PRO CAN measure E erty. We re L v a o c P p f e O o W t x y. PE the conte efficientl lly k in na ces We wor rofessio r resour We act p d use ou . n lt a u s s lt e u r s re k. right our wor tting the about ge seek to improve s y and alwa 8 Voice RS E LEADE T A R E N WE GE ROUD TOER P E R A WE HE BANN T Y R R A C TH -LED FOR YOUPMENT ryone’s DEVEhaLveOa leadership rolebr.inEvgeall voices We all and we rtunity valuable the oppo opinion is We give people ders a le g n ble. generati , il to the ta our fa o to proud f ed and to succe erience. We are nviction. exp ith co through story w d tell our work an Hands ER TOGETH T I N I E N WE AR LEAR D N A ith w , N s r E e WE LIST with our partn e W d onnecte those we serve. We are c d with rules n r a u r O e . th m a each o e s as a te ll. We ar solution ually to a and q develop e ls o ly p to p ies a e, our and polic ith our expertis sw generou . e m our ti 9 IS THIS o d E W at Wh Our goals are Our mission Our vision IS TO PLACE YOUNG PEOPLE AT THE FOREFRONT OF CHANGE AND DEVELOPMENT. IS YOUNG PEOPLE TAKING A LEADERSHIP ROLE IN ADDRESSING THE MOST URGENT ISSUES FACING THE WORLD, SUPPORTED FULLY BY THEIR GOVERNMENTS, COMMUNITIES, BUSINESSES AND CIVIL SOCIETY. 01 Civic Participation Young people and the youth sector are significant contributors to development processes, resulting in government policy and practice that is both beneficial and accountable to young people. 02 Livelihoods And Employment Young people are taking up productive livelihoods and employment opportunities that contribute to their household income and the economies of their communities. 03 Sexual and Reproductive Health & rights Young people are engaging in safe sexual and reproductive practices that lead to healthy lives. 10 11 IS THIS t i o d e w w Ho fiv use e W e integrated approaches Shaping policy and practice We ensure that young people have a voice and a key role in development efforts by working with governments and policy-makers. 12 A generation of leadership We deliver grassroots programmes that directly prevent HIV/AIDS and improve the livelihoods opportunities of the most excluded and marginalised young people in targeted countries. We’re creating a network of young leaders including our former volunteers and all those who have been involved in youth development through us and our partners. SO CI ET Y Direct delivery Building a strong youth sector Sharing and learning We build the capacity of organisations that work with and for young people in order to improve their ability to engage in development in an impactful, accountable manner. We develop research and guidance for sharing our experience and broader youth-led development best practices for use by practitioners and policy-makers. 13 G N KI MA S E IC O V H T U YO ARD E H N U KADIATU’S STORY (21) 14 Teenage pregnancy rates in Sierra Leone are high. An estimated 34% of women aged 15-19 have either already had a baby or are pregnant.1 When girls become pregnant at this age, their education is interrupted. This leads to reduced earning potential, poor marital outcomes and reduced health outcomes for surviving children. left when I was six months pregnant. I suffered a lot to raise the baby with no support. Selling wood, potato and cassava leaves were the main sources of income. There was no way I could continue with school. Later I met another guy. He got me pregnant and ran away to Liberia. I had my second child at the age of 18. “I stopped going to school in class six. My mother forced me to be initiated into the Bondo Society [undergoing female genital cutting]. I tried to tell her that I wanted to go to school instead of being initiated. After, I was forced into marriage at the age of 12. I became pregnant the same year and the man “I would like leaders to focus on free education for girls at all levels and raising awareness about the dangers of early marriage and teenage pregnancy.” LOTUKOI’S STORY (26) the hardest to reach areas, where services are minimal and teenage pregnancy is high. Our work helps young people like Kadiatu to access confidential family planning services. Where we work, teenage pregnancy has decreased by 46.7 % from an initial 1,015 cases.2 As a result of our on-the-ground expertise, we were invited by the UK Government to deliver a youth workshop at the London Family Planning Summit 2012, which you can read about later in the report. 1 Restless Development works across Sierra Leone, targeting some of 2 External Evaluation Report of Sierra Leone’s Youth Reproductive Health Programme (2007 – 2012) Lotokoi is from Karamoja in Northern Uganda, one of the poorest regions in the world. He says: “I dropped out from school due to lack of school fees. When Restless Development volunteers started working in my parish, they mobilised young people into a group I joined. I started learning about issues of sexual health, how to make a living and how to achieve peace. I gained knowledge in supporting my family and the community. Through the sessions with young peers who came to live and work with us I learnt about vegetable gardening. I then established a commercial vegetable garden. Part of the savings from the sale of vegetables is used to buy more seeds for replanting and expansion. The biggest challenge was getting start-up capital to run my business. Pests have been disturbing a lot by destroying my crops like cabbages, tomatoes, spinach. Also thieves uproot my vegetables at night.” We asked what issues Lotukoi wants world leaders to focus on in order to help young people like him sustain a livelihood… “Encouraging access to finance and business development services to develop young farmers like me. The leaders should also focus on skills related to the jobs that we do in the community.” To support and empower young people like Lotukoi, we are currently working to contribute to improved lives of young people in Uganda. As a result of our work we found a 23% increase in the adoption of innovative livelihood approaches among young people we work with, 49% of them in Karamoja.1 Across our programmes globally, around 48,170 young people accessed business or employment schemes and training in the last year. 1 External Evaluation, Youth Empowerment Programme, Uganda ( 2009-2012) 15 THE WORLD WE WANT In 2012, Restless Development began the process of leading a youth-led conversation on what is to follow the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs - the eight international development goals that were officially established following the Millennium Summit of the United Nations in 2000). All 193 United Nations member states agreed to achieve these goals by the year 2015. In May 2012, we launched an online Youth Voices survey in 45 different countries. We found that the majority of young people wanted to find out the ways in which they could engage in the post2015 debate. Restless Development led a coalition of 14 youth organisations, on behalf of the Youth Working Group (a group set up to bring British non-governmental organisations [NGOs] together to advise the UK Government on policy 16 and practice), to coordinate a series of in-depth youth consultations in 12 countries. 346 young people from diverse backgrounds discussed the local and global issues of importance to them and articulated their solutions and visions for a post-2015 world. InFluencing national policy We will also be supporting young people on the ground to influence the post-2015 discussion in their own communities. “I am a product of the MDG generation. The MDGs have been a part of my ‘coming of age;’ I We, and partners such as UNICEF, are therefore strongly believe that currently running further consultations my generation need a seat at the in countries across the globe using the discussion table if the post-MDG toolkit we developed. There is also an agenda is to be sustainable.” online survey to enable young people outside these workshops to have their - Online respondent to Youth Voices on say on the world they want at MDGs survey See the survey results in the ‘Youth We will ensure that the priorities Voices on a Post-2015 World’ report identified by these youth consultations at are channelled into – and can influence resources. - the UN global process to create the next set of international development goals. Restless Development in Tanzania is working with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) to engage youth in the development of the country’s new constitution by contributing to an 18 month review process that the Government is currently undertaking. The constitution is the foundation on which all other laws and policies are based and as young people comprise the largest demographic in Tanzania, it is vital that they engage with its review. Zambian Governance Foundation, young advocates trained by Restless Development have been helping to sensitise communities on specific national policies such as the National Youth Policy and HIV/AIDS Policy. This is encouraging young people to advocate for improved health service provision for young people, especially around sexual health and HIV/AIDS. Combined with global level activities including the post-2015 consultation process and the London Family In other countries, Restless Planning Summit 2012 (see page 29), Development has helped facilitate youth young people are increasingly able to engagement in similar government participate in decision-making and policy review and drafting processes. governance from the grassroots to the We have also helped increase the highest global levels. engagement of young people in grassroots decision-making and local governance. For example, in Zambia, with support from the 17 STUDENT STOP AIDS TOUR Restless Development runs the Student Stop Aids Campaign as a member of the UK Consortium on AIDS and International Development. 18 At the end of last year we visited 18 universities from Dundee down to Sussex as part of a tour, where our two speakers - Mo from the Gambia and Lea from the UK - both living with HIV spoke to 815 people about why HIV treatment is so important. The tour visited the House of Commons and the Department for International Development. We promoted the new evidence surrounding treatment as prevention and the role the investment framework could play in seeing the reversal and ultimate ending of the pandemic. As part of the Medicines Patent Pool campaign, focussing on increasing access to affordable and appropriate medicines for people living with HIV/AIDS in developing countries, we also carried out pool party campaign TIKAMBE! LET’S TALK stunts and collected actions cards pressuring companies such as Johnson & Johnson to join negotiations with the Patent Pool. Since then, we have supported more campaign actions which you can follow on Young people in Zambia face limited access to information and services, especially if they live in rural communities. Young people make up 68% of the national population1 yet they are excluded from critical discussions about issues that affect them. According to the Government’s 2009 Governance Survey, the vast majority of Zambians listen to the radio as their primary means of receiving information. To create an entry point for young people to engage with important public policy, Restless Development, with support from Irish Aid, has been running the TIKAMBE Policy Awareness radio show on Radio Phoenix. The shows have focused on key policy issues: education, re-entry into education and combatting gender based violence and HIV/AIDS. 10 million,2 the TIKAMBE radio shows have significantly increased public awareness of policies and discussion among young people. 1 2 State of the Nation Report on Young People in Zambia (February 2012) With a listening audience of approximately 75% of the population of 19 VOICES FOR DEVELOPMENT AFRICAN YOUTH as INfluencers In three generations, 41% of the world’s youth will be African,1 but African youth today feel their concerns are not heard. That’s why Restless Development brought over 20 young Africans from across the continent to the 2012 Ibrahim Forum. The Forum was the first of its kind and focused on youth and governance in Africa. It was combined with the launch of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation report ‘African Youth: fulfilling the potential,’ which brought leaders such as Archbishop Desmond Tutu to the forum panel. 20 Models of economic growth were challenged, trends in violence against Picture: Mo Ibrahim Foundation women, and causes of migration discussed - not by the experts in the room but by youth and youth organisations. From our time and experience at the Forum, we developed: • New tools to help us provide better support for a diverse range of young people at future high-level panels. • A much greater understanding of policy in Africa regarding livelihoods and education to inform our future advocacy work in this area. • Working with others on a ‘big idea’ for a post-2015 framework that will follow the MDGs, empowering young people to hold development agencies and governments to account for progress against targets. We are continuing our partnership with the Mo Ibrahim Foundation in 2013 to explore the role that African youth can and must play in good governance within and beyond the borders of their home country. 1 Public opinion in the UK about development and aid spending is often misled and negative.1 We believe we can change these perceptions. An exciting new partnership with VSO will see Restless Development launch Voices for Development, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This ground breaking programme will transform the way young people contribute to international development debates and campaigns in the UK. will bring a new perspective from the communities of the world where they have been working and will share with the UK public development stories showing the positive power of aid and development to end exclusion and extreme poverty. You can read about two such volunteers, Usaama and Jack, later in the report. If you are part of our alumni yourself, get back in touch at 1 publications-opinion-files/7708.pdf Selected from among our international volunteer alumni, the participants 21 G N I R E IV EL E L B A N I A T S U S N T U N E M P O L E V DE D 22 who g people oun y gave to s amazing.” e group h t it wa at h ge, and ope t h an e h h c t “I saw g about to brin wanted 22 a, - Usaam A DIFFERENT Path TO YOUTH EMPLOYMent YOUNG AGENTS OF CHANGE Youth unemployment is at 60% in Sierra that they gained motivation and Leone.1 And yet growth is at 21.3%.2 confidence, and that they had overall greater access to career Supported by UNDP we launched opportunities. A considerable success a graduate internship programme of the programme is that six of the with the National Youth Commission employing institutions have committed (NAYCOM) in Sierra Leone. We placed to employing or retaining 32 of the 142 interns in 18 private, public and graduates. The programme will now be non-governmental institutions. expanded and scaled up. micro business or planning to do so. During 2012, 182 young microentrepreneurs benefited from the advanced business management training offered by the centre and a further 90 are expected to do so in 2013. This is in addition to many hundreds of others able to access the other services provided by the centre. 2012 saw the conclusion of the International Citizen Service (ICS) pilot programme and the start of a new three-and-a-half year programme in partnership with VSO and others, funded by the UK Government. These placements provide valuable job experience for young graduates while also enhancing the opportunity for employers to recruit high-calibre, talented graduates. 90% of interns reported that the experience had matched their desired career path. Almost all interns reported that the internships enabled them to learn skills that improved their employability, 1 Running parallel to the internship scheme, Restless Development also established a Business Development Service centre in partnership with UNDP and NAYCOM in a district just outside Freetown, the capital city of Sierra Leone. The centre provides training, advice, mentoring and microloan services to young people in the area already operating their own PDF/Sierra%20Leone%20Full%20PDF%20Country%20Note.pdf 2 rate.html As part of the pilot, 226 volunteers from the UK each spent 12 weeks in our Country Programmes, supporting the delivery of our development programmes on the ground. Joining up with our long term national volunteers based in country, they supported the delivery of a wide range of livelihoods and sexual and reproductive health programmes to young people. Usaama Kaweesa, 22, from London was one of them. He spent three months volunteering in South Africa on our ICS programme. Usaama has a keen interest in politics and wanted to learn more about how he can make an impact in international development. Whilst in South Africa, he worked closely with Lazola, the head of the local youth organisation Youth Agency for Development. Together they led peer education sessions in two of our global goal areas: livelihoods & employment and sexual and reproductive health & rights. Together, Usaama and Lazola set up a Youth Committee to engage young people around key issues in the community such as alcoholism, high crime rates and a lack of resources so they could take positive action to tackle them. 23 ADVOCATING FOR HOUSING RIGHTS Hatcliffe is one of the poorest suburbs of Zimbabwe’s capital city, Harare. Poverty leaves residents with few choices but to settle in un-planned communities. Living in slum conditions with no running water or proper sewage disposal exposes the community to serious illnesses such as cholera. This risk is further exacerbated by the fact that there is only one health facility in the community. Eager to make a difference, Hatcliffe’s young people attended a series of advocacy trainings led by Restless 24 Development. Armed with new skills and confidence, these young people campaigned for better housing. In total, 180 passionate, determined young people from three areas marched in Harare with posters and demanded their right to proper housing and sanitation. Using print, broadcasting and social media, young people raised awareness of housing rights among other young people, youth organisations and civil society organisations. As a result, the city council committed SMALL CHANGE – BIG DIFFERENCE to engaging young people in housing cooperative projects and offered space for livelihood projects. Electricity installation projects are also underway which will greatly improve living conditions for Hatcliffe residents. In Nepal, every year 13,000 children under five years old die of diarrheal diseases,1 partly attributed to poor hygiene and sanitation. 43% of the Nepalese population2 are now using improved sanitation facilities (for example, one that hygienically separates human excreta from human contact such as a flush toilet) and the aim is to increase this to 53% by 2015. Yet, there is limited understanding and commitment to practical solutions that can improve public health and very few waste management structures in place at community levels. In response, Restless Development led a series of interventions through wellestablished youth clubs. For example, we facilitated a discussion to identify how poor sanitation could be reduced through the use of public dustbins. The club held an awareness raising event to demonstrate the importance of managing waste and its disposal and how to use dustbins in a correct and sustainable way. The event was a success and the youth club installed dustbins in the village, with one bin for every ten houses. The young people developed a short term solution that in the long run has facilitated a positive shift in community attitudes towards keeping the village clean and creating a healthy living environment. “We want our community to be a good example for others and therefore we will conduct a litter picking campaign every 15 days.” - Pampha Sapkota, Youth Club President, Nawalparasi, Nepal 1 2 Nepal MDG Progress Report (2010) 25 FROM SWINDON, UK, VIA VELLORE, INDIA, TO MEDICAL SCHOOL Jack Rayner, 19, from Swindon, UK, was an International Citizen Service (ICS) volunteer who completed a placement in India. Jack left college after his first year and was working in a call centre selling insurance to people, which he described as ‘soul destroying.’ “I was in a dead end job and wanted to try some volunteering and give something back. The scope and mission of Restless Development and the way they target young people was the perfect link up for me. By working with national volunteers we managed 26 to reach around 17,000 young people with our work which was really impressive. This involved going into schools delivering sessions to children and building relationships with key staff to pave the way for long-term development. My whole experience gave me a new perspective and motivation for work. I returned to college to take on science AS levels because of what I saw in India. I realised I had a passion and potential in medicine and so that is what I am pursuing. ICS was the game changer for me.” In a press release, Britain’s Prime Minister, David Cameron, said: “The [International Citizen] Service will create thousands of international development champions, bringing together young people from all walks of life. We all know the passion, dedication and skills that young people have to offer. It is this that will be the real driving force to bring about change, and to really help tackle poverty locally.1” 1 Press release from the UK Government: government/news/international-citizen-service-young-peoplefight-poverty 27 D E R I P S N I N U p i h S R E D LEA UN HIGH LEVEL PANEL MEETINGS FAMILY PLANNING SUMMIT In 2012, in addition to engaging young people across the world in what they want a post-2015 framework to look like, Restless Development was asked to bring young experts in youth-led development to meet with the UN High Level Panel (HLP) on the creation of a post-2015 development framework. The panel has been appointed by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to consult with different stakeholders and make recommendations on what the next set of development goals should look like. In July 2012 the UK Government and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation hosted the London Family Planning Summit. The aim of the summit was to mobilise global policy and service delivery commitments to support the rights of an additional 120 million women and girls in the world’s poorest countries to use contraceptive information, services and supplies by 2020. It was an opportunity for young people to share their perspectives on the theme of ‘household poverty’ and offer practical input to the post-2015 conversation. Equally, it allowed panellists to directly interact with young people and gain insight into their perspectives provoking the response 28 Picture: Carl Court/AP from HLP representative Michael Anderson (Director General for Policy and Global Issues at the UK Department for International Development and the UK Prime Minister’s Special Envoy for UN Development Goals) that “young people aren’t actually the problem, but the solution.” As 2013 progresses, Restless Development is now inspiring a vital inter-generational dialogue between global leaders and young people. We hope this will result in a new development framework that is both innovative and responsive to the needs of vulnerable young people everywhere. The dialogue is giving This was the first step in what has many young people the opportunity become an unprecedented engagement to put forward their ideas on how with youth in high-level policy-making. development can be done differently. The innovation and insight profiled in these meetings led to a call from “Young people want to bear the panellists that young people must burden of development, they want to continue to bring their ideas and be involved and therefore we need expertise to the post-2015 discussions to work out the most productive and going forward. Restless Development effective way of facilitating this.” took up this challenge and coordinated a series of national and global youth - HLP representative, John Podesta consultations and a dedicated website: (Founder and Chair of the Center for American Progress, White House Chief of Staff under President Bill Clinton) As part of a working group with the Nike Foundation, Save the Children and IPPF, Restless Development hosted a lunchtime session with the youth delegates to highlight the importance of youth involvement in the planning and delivery of family planning services. The event led to an extended meeting with UK Prime Minister David Cameron, the then International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell and Melinda Gates. The summit secured $2.6 billion in pledges by 2020 to support 120 million women and girls. 29 CREATING AN EVER STRONGER YOUTH SECTOR Since 2009, Restless Development has been working in partnership with the MTV Staying Alive Foundation (SAF) to deliver a training and capacity building programme for SAF’s grantee organisations, all of which are innovative and creative youthled organisations working on HIV awareness and prevention. For the first time, to respond to a consistently-raised need, Restless Development designed and delivered a 4-day Leadership and People 30 Management Training Workshop in 2012, in Kenya. levels higher in terms of knowledge/ skills than prior to the workshop. The aim was to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to increase their organisations’ effectiveness, responsiveness, and accountability in managing and developing their staff and volunteers. Participant feedback was positive: 100% of participants reported that their expectations had been met. In each training area, on average participants rated themselves between one and two “Excellent [training] – our organisation is growing and to ensure we become sustainable we really need to recruit, induct, train and motivate staff and have good plans in place on management change.” “The Leadership and People Management training that Restless Development Provided was excellent and exactly what the young people we support need to become strong leaders and lead their organisations in a responsible and sustainable way. We look forward to rolling out the workshop to our other grantees over the coming years.” - Sara Piot, Deputy Executive Director at MTV Staying Alive Foundation - Training Participant, Kenya, 2012 31 Our s e c esour R www.restlessde below are a sample of the resources we’ve produced, visit Our website to download And See all the resources available. KNOW YOUR POLICY Young people in Zambia, like many other young people in developing countries across the world, are faced with multiple challenges including HIV, forced/ unwanted teenage pregnancies, limited education opportunities and lack of livelihood options. We developed this toolkit to present a gateway for young Zambians to educate themselves on youth policy so that they can engage in finding and creating solutions to the challenges they face. 32 .org/resources velopment UNDERSTANDING THE BARRIERS TO YOUNG PEOPLE’S ACCESS TO SEXUAL REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES We conducted a study to identify and explore the multiple barriers preventing young people from accessing sexual health, family planning and sexually transmitted infections services in Sierra Leone. The barriers relate as much to the knowledge and behaviour of young people, communities and service providers as to the structural factors such as infrastructure, service coverage and poverty. PROMOTING EQUITY IN EDUCATION This publication showcases good practice interventions for civil society to contribute to achieving equity in education in Zambia. It provides an understanding of existing gaps with key recommendations and a call to action for government and legislators in driving forward equity in education. YOUTH MANIFESTO This research was produced in the run up to the milestone 2012 elections in Sierra Leone. It captures the views, hopes and fears of young Sierra Leoneans with regards to the elections, wider political processes and the future development of the country. It’s an excellent example of how young people can overcome the stereotypes and pigeonholing they have historically suffered and instead take a leading role in contributing to the consolidation of democracy. YOUTHPOLICY.ORG/ DEVELOPMENT Restless Development received support from the Open Society Foundations to curate a thematic web page on youth-led development at The webpage, which Restless Development has managed since May 2012, brings together evidence-based resources, good practice, toolkits and evaluations from youth-led programmes, articles, blog posts, creative media, case studies and research pieces produced by youth-led and youthfocused development agencies and young people in the global North and South. These resources have been accessed by young people around the world. GIVING YOUTH ENTREPRENEURSHIP A KICKSTART This framework was produced by reviewing a broad range of sector evidence and experience in order to produce a user-friendly youth-entrepreneurship framework. The framework and toolkit are intended to guide the following key audiences: policy-makers and donors, programme decision-makers and implementers, and evaluation specialists. 33 OUR E L P PEO We are ser who we tion all selec tless m s a s t s r Re esen ple repr als working fo o e p f o n up io This gro of the profess e m of so ment. Develop ve NICOLE NG, 23 When did you join Restless Development? July 2011 as Trusts and Foundations Coordinator What is your role at Restless Development? Philanthropy Manager, International I have come to realise over my time with Restless Development that I have become a direct product of their work. As a fresh graduate 20 months ago, I had all the passion to put things right but lacked the skills and experience. Now, 20 months on, I feel that I truly lead my area of work for Restless Development in my own way. And, the best thing is: I know that there is a whole Restless Development network of young people all over the world who feel exactly the same way. When did you join Restless Development? In July 2012 What is your role at Restless Development? Senior Manager, Zambia MOHAMED A JALLOH, 34 FRANK HARLE, 30 When did you join Restless Development? ? In 2005 as a volunteer When did you join Restless Development? In 2002 as a volunteer What is your role at Restless Development? Programme Manager, Sierra Leone 34 IFEOMA ANENE, 35 I was given the opportunity to volunteer and be exposed to the development issues facing young people while working with them to address those issues. I am proud to be part of the solution; an opportunity that has made me a development role model that has been inspiring young people to positive action. What is your role at Restless Development? Country Director, South Africa Working with Restless Development provides the opportunity to see in practical terms what young people can do as drivers of change in their communities and countries. Being part of this youth-led and youth-centred development process is priceless. I love the fact that Restless Development not only says it believes in putting young people in leadership positions to bring about the changes for young people across the world, but it actually does it. Starting out as a volunteer in Tanzania back in 2002, I was later given an opportunity to manage the UK programmes, and from 2010 lead our programmes team in Tanzania as the Senior Manager. It has been such an honour and privilege to work for such an inspiring development agency and I know that the future will bring more opportunities and growth. 35 OUR D N sA Partner S R E T R O P P U S Action Aid Afesis Corplan Australian Embassy/High Commission Australian Volunteers International The British High Commission in Freetown, Sierra Leone CAFOD Cecily’s Fund The Canadian International Development Agency Copperbelt Health Education Programme Cooperazione Internazionale (COOPI) Comic Relief Commonwealth Youth Programme in Zambia dance4life Dulverton Trust Eastern Cape Communications Forum, South Africa Eastern Cape NGO Coalition, South Africa Egmont Trust Embassy of Sweden in Tanzania European Union Forward Foundation Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Global Fund HIVOS Irish Aid KPMG Ministry of Health & Sanitation in Sierra Leone Ministry of Youth and Sports in Sierra Leone Motorola Foundation National AIDS Commission Sierra Leone National Youth Commission in Sierra Leone National Youth Development Agency in South Africa Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund 36 Nepal Ministry of Youth and Sports New Zealand Aid Programme Open Society Foundations Radio Phoenix Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development Robert Christie Foundation Samworth Foundation Sigrid Rausing Trust Simavi Stars Foundation Stop AIDS Campaign Standard Chartered Bank MTV Staying Alive Foundation Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency Tesco The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation The Sperry Fund UK Consortium on AIDS and International Development UK Government UNDP UNFPA UNICEF US Embassy, Freetown, Sierra Leone Women Without Roofs Yeatman Foundation Zambian Governance Foundation ZANACO ZING Many thanks also to all our regular and individual donors who have continued to support us. Without this valued support, much of our work would not be possible. 37 s k an h t al i c Spe 38 Baroness jenkin Youth participants We’d like to say a special thank you to our Patron, Baroness Jenkin of Kennington, a super supporter of Restless Development. Anne has co-chaired the Ultimate News Quiz for seven years – which has raised over £200,000 of vital funding for Restless Development as well as championing the Live Below the Line campaign for us and raising more than anyone else in the world! Thank you for everything you do – without support like yours our work simply wouldn’t be possible and it is truly appreciated. We’d like to thank those youth who worked together from across the globe to bring a unified voice, diverse ideas and real expertise to processes such as the Ibrahim Forum in Senegal and the UN High Level Panel meetings in London, as well as those planned through 2013 in Monrovia and Bali. You were fantastic representatives of young people around the world advocating for including young people in a post-2015 development framework (see names opposite). Andrew Leon Hannah Benjamin Mwape Carolina Rainintha Siahaan Daniela Ramirez David Lawrence Edith Chukwu Esther Eshiet Hannah Kentish Hannah Wanja Maina Harry Phinda Jack Rayner Jessica Carmichael Jessie Waldman Katie Washington Manjunath Kannal Messeh Kamara Michelle Alvarez Mirna Inez Fernandez Mohamed Husni Pippa Gardner Prabin Rokaya Ravi Theja Muthu Tabitha Ha Willice Onyango Jamshid Abdulmalikovich Kayumov Norhidayah nadila Maulad Daud Anzaira Roxas Thinh Nguyen Kath Khangpiboon Rusiate Naulunimagiti Thu Yain Pyeaung Joel Mark Barredo Seamrong Seng Franklin Paul Anand Gnanamuthu Bong Doo Jung Amar Thakur Manojkumar Pakala Yumeng Wu Jargaldavaa Lkhagvasuren Muhammad Haniff Abdullah Tara Martin Purna Darnal Nga Dinh Jeross Aguilar Nausheen Khan Qingling Kong Shraddha Rawat Shubha Kayastha Mirna Fernandez Luciano de Frontelle de Paula Filho Ricardo Baruch Maryam Ranjbar Khadijetou wouro BA Mustafa Alsufi Sarah Gold Usman Mushtaq Sarah Witts Tim Strawson Michael Kalmus Eliasz Margo Bakker Kidus Mehalu Jackline Kemigisha Barkha Mossae Aissa Laouan Wandarama Nikita Sadomba Alesi Jacquelyne Juliana Adhiambo Rachel Arinii Judhistari Muhammad Iman Usman Angga Dwi Martha Rinaldi Ridhwan Dyas Alifiadisty Winata Jessica Angkasa Gigih Rezki Septianto Muhammad Rizqan Adhima Jiwo Damar Anarkie Feri Sahputra Muhammad Shidiq Ida Ayu Narayani Glorio Sanen Dian Aditya Ning Lestari Mukhamat Iqbal Rahardhika Arista Utama Riza aryani Yosea Kurnianto Nordianto Nordianto Indra Wahid Melati Suci Febrina Hutagalung Irwa Juana Riansyah Niwa Dwitama Erma Rokhayati Oldri Mukuan Dimas Muharam Ara Koswara Nugraha Rainintha Siahaan Jazelyne Setiawan Joko Sukamto Novriest Umbu Walangara Nau Dina Chaerani Didik Sugiartono Gracia Paramitha Meta Unwawiola Adam Abraham Angel Mwaipopo Joel Bamwise Yeabsira Bogale Imane Benjelloun Mthulisi Moyo Christabel Namoonga Machila Aviwe Mboyiya Lily Mensah Kaddijatou Manneh James Ochan Amos Langoya Prince Wilondja Fedi Bahri Yves Ghislain Tchouante Ibrahima Zoneziwoh Mbondgulo Houssem Aloui 39 OUR s e c Finan INCOMING RESOURCES INCOMING RESOURCES FROM GENERATED FUNDS Voluntary income Grants and donations Donations in kind ACTIVITIES FOR GENERATING FUNDS Project recoveries INCOMING RESOURCES FROM CHARITABLE ACTIVITIES Volunteers’ contributions, including schools Total Incoming Resources 2012 2012 2012 2011 RICTED RESTRICTED uNDs uNDs UNREST Total F Total F s D s N D u F FuN 2012 Fixed assets 2,818,726 149,691 4,962,123 - 7,780,849 149,691 6,383,762 156,850 229,406 - 229,406 140,357 84,527 - 84,527 10,214 3,282,350 4,962,123 8,244,473 Current assets Stock Debtors Bank and cash 151 371,568 1,641,555 Net incoming resources 132 220,941 1,760,423 (232,035) (614,257) NET ASSETS 1,980,862 1,585,947 1,013,240 833,713 967,622 752,234 1,980,862 1,585,947 6,691,183 62,874 - 62,874 12,300 2,992,535 4,782,596 7,775,131 5,964,438 11,553 - 11,553 8,909 3,066,962 4,782,596 7,849,558 5,985,647 215,388 179,527 394,915 705,536 Reconciliation of funds 40 218,708 Creditors Amounts falling due within one year Represented by funds TOTAL Total Resources Expended 2011 2,200,204 Unrestricted Governance costs 2011 -2,212,897 Restricted Charitable activities 2012 199,623 Total assets RESOURCES EXPENDED Costs of generating funds Fundraising costs of grants and donations Assets Fund balance brought forward 752,234 833,713 1,585,947 880,411 Total funds carried forward 967,622 1,013,240 1,980,862 1,585,947 The financial information given here is a summary extracted from the audited financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2012 as approved by the trustees on 4 April 2013. The auditor’s report was unqualified. A copy of the financial statements has been submitted to the Charity Commission and Companies House. The summarised financial information on these pages may not contain sufficient detail to allow for a full understanding of the charity’s financial affairs. For further information, the full financial statements, the auditor’s report on those financial statements and the Trustee’s report should be consulted. Copies of these can be obtained from the charity’s head office at 7 Tufton Street, London, SW1P 3QB, UK or at www.restlessdevelopment. org/resources. Registered auditor: haysmacintyre. All figures are given in Pound Sterling (£). 41 E R A WE s s tle s e R ent m elop v De PATRONS EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT Baroness Jenkin of Kennington Hadeel Ibrahim Jamie Drummond Lord Dholakia OBE Michael Brearley OBE Sir David Reid Professor Sir Kenneth Stuart CHIEF EXECUTIVE Nik Hartley TRUSTEES CHAIRMAN Martin Hayman Amisha Patel Barbra Mazur Bob Grose Barry Hamilton Carol Monoyios Jennifer Duvalier Jim Sewell Juliano Fiori Lucy Johnson Paul Owers Saffi Jones Sarah Greenall Tom Kabuga 42 Operations Director Perry Maddox INVESTMENT AND PARTNERSHIPS DIRECTOR Jessica Harris FINANCE DIRECTOR Karl Askew PEOPLE AND PERFORMANCE DIRECTOR Catherine Stevens GLOBAL PROGRAMMES DIRECTOR Charlotte Timson PROGRAMME QUALITY DIRECTOR Ed Francis FOUNDER James Cogan OBE 43 s s tle s e R ent m elop v De Find Us ment s Develop Restles Street 7 Tufton London QB, UK 70 SW1P 3 7976 80 +44 20 : 8 Phone 0 3 00 4 20 723 fax: +4 info@re .org elopment velopm e stlessd ssdev /restle v ssde @restle v e stlessd elopment s Dev Restles tered is regis 1127488 Number Charity 6741123 Number y pan Com y/re /compan ment ssdevelop /restle ent evelopm d stless-