8-14 February 2015 - HumanitarianResponse


8-14 February 2015 - HumanitarianResponse
IOM Sierra Leone
Ebola Response
SITUATION REPORT | Issue 11 | 8-14 February 2015
© IOM 2015
IOM’s lead trainers taking foreign medical workers wearing full Personal Protective Equipment
through simulated patient care modules at the National Training Academy’s mock Ebola Treatment Unit on 12 February
 Following a steep decline from December to late
January, weekly case incidence now seems to have
stabilized. A total of 76 cases were reported in the
week to 8 February, a decrease from the 80 confirmed cases reported in the week to 1 February,
but higher than the 65 confirmed cases reported in
the week to 25 January.
The west of the country remains the area of most
intense transmission. The capital, Freetown, reported 19 new confirmed cases, compared with 22
the previous week. The neighbouring district of
Port Loko saw a continuation of its recent resurgence of cases, with 28 new confirmed cases
which leads the country.
The district of Kambia reported 11 new confirmed
cases. Kambia borders the prefecture of Forecariah which leads Guinea with 26 new cases.
Transmission remains widespread throughout the
country. A total of 7 out of 14 districts reported at
least one new confirmed case in the week to 8
February. In the south, Bo, Bonthe, Kailahun, and
Pujehun have not reported a case for more than
21 days.
The district of Aberdeen within the capital city of
Freetown was placed under quarantine on February 13 after a rise in suspected Ebola cases.
 The National Ebola Training Academy has trained a total of 3326
health care workers as of 14 February. This past week a 3+2 day
Infection Prevention & Control (IPC) simulated patient training took
place for medical workers and the third meeting of the Board of
Governors was held. In the week ahead mobile training will continue
in Bombali district for decontamination workers.
 167 emergency interim care kits have been distributed in the
Western Area under IOM’s Emergency Care Kit project in Kontolloh
and John Thorpe. A recent rise in cases has seen the area placed
under quarantine.
 IOM in partnership with World Hope International (WHI), has
initiated pre-engagement meetings in Bombali district to identify
safe, culturally-sensitive burial practices. Meetings bringing together
over 200 persons were held with traditional leaders in the chiefdoms
of Gbendebu Ngowahun and Magbainba Ndowahun.
 IOM’s Border Management team will conduct an inter-agency border
assessment across Sierra Leone’s seven border districts by the end of
February. The proposed assessment team will include US CDC, the
Mano River Union, the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, the
National Ebola Response Center, UNMEER, UN Office of Drugs and
Crime, UN WOMEN, Sierra Leone Office of National Security (ONS)
and the Sierra Leone Border Police.
IOM Sierra Leone Ebola Response Situation Report | Issue 11 | 8-14 February 2015
National Ebola Training Academy & Mobile
Operational Highlights
 1x 3+2 day Clinical Infection Prevention & Control
(IPC) simulated patient training was held for medical workers from the Kingtom Police Training
School, UNMEER medical evacuation team, Princess Christian Maternity Hospital, the Ministry of
Health and Sanitation, and Partners in Health.
 2 upgraded courses of 3 day basic IPC with re-
vised slides from WHO were held for Action Contre la Faim, the British military, Connaught Hospital, Ola During Hospital, and the 34th Military
 A meeting with WHO will be held to finalise the
© IOM 2015
© IOM 2015
Mr Fonte Kargbo and Mr Gibril Kamara, Ebola survivors
who work as patient experts at the Training Academy.
decontamination SOP followed by the extension
of district level mobile training to Bombali district for the training of a decontamination team.
Overall training evaluation by clinical care trainees from 1-31 January
Frequency, n (%)
Neutral Disagree
1. The training met my expectations
2. I will be able to apply knowledge learned
3. The training objectives for each topic were
identified and followed
103 (81.7)
112 (88.9)
104 (82.5)
21 (16.7)
12 (9.5)
20 (15.9)
2 (1.6)
2 (1.6)
2 (1.6)
4. The content was organized and easy to follow
99 (79.2)
24 (19.2
1 (1.6)
5. The materials distributed were pertinent
and useful
99 (79.2)
22 (17.6)
2 (1.6)
2 (1.6)
6. The quality of instruction was good
103 (82.4)
20 (16.0)
2 (1.6)
7. Class participation and interaction were encouraged
107 (84.9)
17 (13.5
2 (1.6)
8. Adequate time was provided for questions
and discussion
84 (66.7)
39 (30.9)
1 (0.8)
2 (1.6)
9. The training venue and facility service
86 (68.8)
32 (25.6)
4 (3.2)
1 (0.8)
2 (1.6)
Cumulative Training Academy operational data for 01 December 2014– 14 February 2015
(weekly number in brackets)
Course Name
Number of
Total number of
Total number of
courses run
National students
International Students
3 day Ebola clinician IPC 9 (1)
164 (43)
287 (10)
2 day simulated
1 day Ebola clinical IPC
2 day simulated
1 day clinical
3 day basic IPC/PPE
Mobile Training I day
30 (2)
4 (1)
2532 (247)
17 (6)
49 (4)
2922 (290)
404 (16)
IOM Sierra Leone Ebola Response Situation Report | Issue 11 | 8-14 February 2015
Distribution of Emergency Interim Care Kits
Social Mobilization in Bombali district
IOM's implementation partner, Oxfam, continues interim home care kit distribution through their communitybased active case finding activities in the Western Area
in seven wards. 167 emergency interim care kits have
been distributed in the Western Area by Oxfam’s teams
in the John Thorpe and Kontolloh communities. Active
case finding continues in these wards and extended to
four additional hotspots in Congo Town, Thunder Hill,
Robis and Mayenkineh due to increases in reported cases in these communities. Support of referrals continues.
In Kontolloh, 8 probable EVD cases were referred to the
local CCC. After all 8 had negative test results, all were
referred to the local peripheral health unit (PHU) for
follow up care. This week saw 16 probable cases identified, with all referred to care. As of Friday, February 13
the Freetown city ward of Aberdeen of which many of
these communities are a part has been placed under
quarantine due to a rise in suspected Ebola cases.
IOM, in partnership with World Hope International
(WHI), has initiated pre-engagement meetings in Bombali district to kick off efforts towards identifying safe,
culturally-relevant burial practices. Pre-engagement
meetings were held with traditional leaders in two
chiefdoms, Gbendebu Ngowahun and Magbainba
Ndowahun. Societal heads, comprising of Sowehs,
Gbagbani, Poroh and traditional healers (herbalists),
were in attendance together with their Paramount
Chiefs and Section Chiefs. The gathering brought together over 200 persons. Sensitization and EVD messaging were delivered, along with a discussion on the current impact of EVD, and issues contributing to infection
rates, including the late reporting of sick persons and
unsafe burials. The leader of the traditional healers said
that they are ‘”eady and willing to work with stakeholders to end the EVD” and that “the community had tried
to limit unsafe practices while emphasizing livelihood
support”. Follow on meetings are planned by the Social
Mobilization Pillar in Bombali district.
Health & Humanitarian
The President of the Republic of Guinea
and Chairman of the Mano River Union
(MRU), Professor Alpha Conde was welcomed to Sierra Leone on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 for a one-day Solidarity Visit
with President Ernest Bai Koroma.
The Guinean president disclosed that the
Mano River Union Secretariat organized a
two-day technical and ministerial meeting
for Friday and Saturday, February 13-14,
2015 in Conakry, Guinea which will focus
on harmonizing the MRU’s approach to
Engaging with traditional leaders in Gbedembu Ngowahun chiefdom
“recovery” from the Ebola virus disease.
© IOM 2015
A further MRU Summit, which brings together the Heads of State and Government
of the four countries, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Cotê d’Ivoire As with all arriving and departing passengers, the Presiand host, Guinea, will also take place in Conakry, on
dent of Guinea was processed through Lungi Airport’s
Sunday, February 15, 2015.
health screening system.
© IOM 2015
© IOM 2015
The President of Guinea, Prof. Alpha Conde, and the President of Sierra Leone, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma, pass
through IOM’s health screening procedure at Lungi Airport on Tuesday, February 10, 2015.
IOM Sierra Leone Ebola Response Situation Report | Issue 11 | 8-14 February 2015
HHBM continued…
Inter-agency Border Assessment Mission
Guided by Sierra Leone’s Border Security Management
Strategy, the HHBM team will conduct an inter-agency
border assessment by the end of February. The proposed assessment team is intended to involve key
stakeholders such as US CDC, the Mano River Union,
the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, the National
Ebola Response Center, UNMEER, UN Office of Drugs
and Crime, UN WOMEN, Sierra Leone Office of National Security (ONS) the Sierra Leone Border Police and
The assessment will review the current state of key
permanently manned land border crossing points
(Class A) in Kambia, Bombali, Pujehun, and Kailahun
districts. Additionally, the assessment will extend from
these main ports of entry to examine the state of surrounding, partially manned (Class B) border crossing
points while engaging with local leaders. Leveraging its
institutional border management expertise, IOM will
activate its land border assessment tool in order to
comprehensively examine land border components
such as health safety, security, economic factors and
potential gender-based interventions.
Class A border crossing points in blue; to be reviewed or built by government in green.
FNA Lungi
Queen Elizabeth Quay
Mano River Bridge
© IOM 2015
News Headlines (click links for story/video):
Ebola quarantine in Sierra Leone capital, Voice of America, 14 February
Sierra Leone has quarantined a neighborhood in the capital, Freetown, following the emergence of several
new cases of Ebola. The coastal district of Aberdeen, home to slums and upscale hotels, was shut down on Friday.
Mano River Union to host extraordinary summit to end Ebola, Patriotic Vanguard, 11 February
Sierra Leone to prosecute fraudulent Ebola ‘ghost workers’, Reuters, 11 February
Ebola-hit Sierra Leone announces disease control agency, AFP, 11 February
Sierra Leone president to attend EU Ebola conference, Sierra Leone Times, 10 February
Shifting focus in Ebola countries, Voice of America, 10 February
Direct Relief, an organization providing medical assistance to Ebola-affected countries is expanding its operations to include other health needs as fewer new Ebola cases are reported.
IOM Sierra Leone’s initiatives are supported by:
For more information on IOM’s Sierra Leone activities please contact:
IOM Department of Operations and Emergencies | ebolaresponse@iom.int |
IOM Sierra Leone Response | jbaker@iom.int | Public Information/Project Development | nbishop@iom.int
Please find IOM Sierra Leone on Facebook at www.facebook.com/iomsierraleone

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