2014 Membership Information
2014 Membership Information
2014 Membership Information 1 Hopyard Road, East Haddam, CT 06432 (860) 434-6644 • (800) 943-1903 • (860)434-0183 golfthefox.com Established 2001 Golf Shop Hole #4 - Par 3 Hole #7 - Par 4 Driving Range Hole #8 - Par 3 Golf Course Architect Roger Rulewich 5RJHU5XOHZLFKWKHFKLHIJROIFRXUVHDUFKLWHFWDQGSULQFLSDORIWKH5RJHU5XOHZLFK*URXSKDVRYHUIRXUGHFDGHV RIH[SHULHQFHGHVLJQLQJDQGXSJUDGLQJFRXUVHVDURXQGWKHZRUOG7KHVHGHVLJQVDUHFUDIWHGWKHROGIDVKLRQHG ZD\E\KDQGDQGRQVLWH7KLVKLJKO\SHUVRQDODQGFUHDWLYHDSSURDFKUHVXOWVLQFRXUVHVWKDWEDODQFHDHVWKHWLFV DQGSOD\DELOLW\VKRWYDOXHVDQGÁH[LELOLW\EHDXW\DQGFKDOOHQJH5RJHU·VLQWLPDWHLQYROYHPHQWLQHDFKSURMHFW DORQJ ZLWK WKH FROOHFWLYH H[SHULHQFH DQG VNLOO RI7KH *URXS HQVXUHV D VPRRWK DQG FRRUGLQDWHG SODQQLQJ DQG FRQVWUXFWLRQSURFHVV $IHZ\HDUVDIWHUJUDGXDWLQJIURP<DOH8QLYHUVLW\LQZLWKDGHJUHHLQFLYLOHQJLQHHULQJ5RJHUVWDUWHGKLV DSSUHQWLFHVKLSZLWK5REHUW7UHQW-RQHV6U:KHQKLVRIÀFHZDVFORVHGLQWKHH[SHULHQFHRI\HDUVHQDEOHG KLPWRIRUPWKH5RJHU5XOHZLFK*URXSDQGFRQWLQXHKLVGHVLJQZRUN$VWKHSULQFLSDODUFKLWHFWRQPDQ\RIWKH FRXUVHVFUHGLWHGWR-RQHV5RJHUZDVQRZUHVSRQVLEOHIRUWKHPDQ\SURMHFWVXQGHUKLVRZQQDPH7KHVHGHVLJQV KDYHEHHQUHFRJQL]HGE\WKHSUHVVDSSUHFLDWHGE\WKHLUFOLHQWVDQGPRVWLPSRUWDQWO\HQMR\HGE\JROIHUV 7KURXJKRXW5RJHU·VFDUHHUKHKDVSURYLGHGWKHGHVLJQUHGHVLJQDQGÀHOGGLUHFWLRQIRUPRUHWKDQFRXUVHV WKURXJKRXW$PHULFDDQGDEURDG$Q\OLVWZRXOGKDYHWRVWDUWZLWKWKHODUJHVWVLQJOHFROOHFWLRQRIQHZFRXUVHVHYHU EXLOW7KH5REHUW7UHQW-RQHV*ROI7UDLOLQ$ODEDPDFRPSULVHVFRXUVHVDWGLIIHUHQWORFDWLRQVDURXQGWKH 6WDWH2WKHUSURMHFWVDUH6DUDWRJD1DWLRQDO*ROI&OXELQ1HZ<RUNDQG*UDQGH'XQHV*ROI&OXELQ0\UWOH%HDFK 6RXWK&DUROLQD(DFKKDVEHHQKRQRUHGDV´EHVWQHZSXEOLFµFRXUVHE\*2/)',*(67DQG*2/)PDJD]LQHV,Q DGGLWLRQ)R[+RS\DUGLQ&RQQHFWLFXW&UXPSLQ)R[LQ0DVVDFKXVHWWVDQG%DOO\RZHQLQ1HZ-HUVH\VWDQGDWRS *2/):((.·VOLVWLQJRIEHVWE\6WDWH6XFKDFFRODGHVDUHDFFHSWHGDVDUHÁHFWLRQRI5RJHU·VFRPPLWPHQWWR H[FHOOHQFHRQHYHU\SURMHFWXQGHUWDNHQZKHWKHUSXEOLFSULYDWHRUUHVRUW2YHUVHDVZRUNLQFOXGHV$GDUH0DQRU LQ,UHODQG*UDQGHH1DVX6KLUDNDZD*&LQ-DSDQ3OD\D*UDQGHLQWKH'RPLQLFDQ5HSXEOLFDQG7XFNHU·V3RLQW LQ%HUPXGD 5RJHUZDVDFFHSWHGLQWRWKH$PHULFDQ6RFLHW\RI*ROI&RXUVH$UFKLWHFWV$6*&$LQDQGKDVEHHQDFWLYH ZLWK SURPRWLQJ WKH VWDQGDUGV DQG LQIRUPDWLRQ RIIHUHG E\ WKDW VHOHFW JURXS +H VHUYHG DV 3UHVLGHQW LQ ² DQGFRQWLQXHVDVDQDFWLYHPHPEHU5RJHUUHVLGHVZLWKKLVZLIHFORVHE\KLVKHDGTXDUWHUVLQ%HUQDUGVWRQ 0DVVDFKXVHWWV To see more of Roger’s work visit: www.rrulewich.com )2;+23<$5'*2/)&/8% - Fact Sheet golfthefox.com Director of Golf: Ron Beck, PGA Director of Golf Maintenance: Richard Marcks, CGCS 70.9 127 73.9 139 2014 Membership Information What is Fox Hopyard Golf Club ? The Club is a privately owned golf club located in East Haddam, CT at the junction of Routes 156 & 82. The Club will offer its members and their guests the privileges to use the golf, dining and social facilities at Fox Hopyard Golf Club. Our continuing objective is to provide an enjoyable and challenging golf experience and to promote the values of the game of golf. What types of Golf Memberships are available ? Regular golf Members, Single and Family, Junior, Junior Family, Intermediate, Intermediate Family, Legacy Membership, Business and Corporate Golf Memberships are being offered. REGULAR SINGLE & FAMILY GOLF MEMBERs may book advance tee times and do not pay greens fees. Golf cart fees, range fees and locker fees are optional and are not included with the membership. The Member may have guests use the club’s facilities by paying the applicable guest fee. A full golf family membership shall include the member’s spouse and their unmarried children under the age of 23 who live at home or attend school on a full time basis. JUNIOR GOLF MEMBERSHIP IS FOR AGES 21-27. Members in this category would enjoy all of the benefits of regular membership excluding participation in the men’s and women’s club championship. Upon graduating to intermediate membership, dues increase to prevailing intermediate rate and balance of refundable certificate to intermediate level is due. INTERMEDIATE GOLF MEMBERSHIP IS FOR AGES 28-34. Members in this category would enjoy all of the benefits of regular membership. Upon graduation to regular membership, dues increase to prevailing regular member rate and balance of refundable certificate to regular level is due. JUNIOR AND INTERMEDIATE (SINGLE OR FAMILY) Age requirement is determined by January 1st of the calendar year when joining. Family membership is determined by the age of the elder spouse. LEGACY MEMBERSHIP This classification of membership is for children of current members under the age of 35. There is no initiation for Legacy Members. Legacy Members fall into either the junior or intermediate membership classification and pay the corresponding certificate and dues. BUSINESS MEMBERSHIP Business Membership offers the opportunity for up to 4 memberships with one Business Membership initiation fee. The memberships have to all be employees of the same company. Each member under this business membership would then pay the appropriate refundable certificates and corresponding dues. A CORPORATE GOLF MEMBERSHIP includes a full golf family membership that is transferable by payment of 50% of the family initiation fee. A corporate member may book in advance two unaccompanied foursomes daily at our guest fee rate. Will Members enjoy reciprocal playing privileges at Crumpin-Fox Club ? All members are welcome to play up at Crumpin-Fox Club in Bernardston, Massachusetts at a reciprocal rate of $25.00. Corporate members are also entitled to introduce unaccompanied foursomes at the guest fee rate. Fox Hopyard Golf Club Established 2001 1 Hopyard Road, East Haddam, Connecticut 06423 (860) 434-6644 • Toll Free (800) 943-1903 • Fax (860) 434-0183 • golfthefox.com 2014 Membership Information What are the fees associated with membership ? These are three elements of membership fees priced at the appropriate membership rate: Non-Equity** Annual Dues Refundable Certificate Initiation Fee** Billed Quarterly **Payable upon acceptance for membership Single $2,780 $5,000 $5,000 Family $4,165 $5,000 $5,000 Junior $1,100 $2,500 $1,500 Junior Family $1,985 $2,500 $1,500 Intermediate $1,655 $5,000 $2,500 Intermediate Family $2,755 $5,000 $2,500 Corporate $4,860 $10,000 $10,000 Business* $10,000 *Each individual Business Member pays the appropriate dues and refundable certificate for their membership category. Will walking be allowed on the golf course ? Absolutely! Golfers are not required to use a golf cart. Will Members be responsible for operating deficits or capital improvements ? No. Members have no equity or right to profits nor are they liable for operating deficits, capital improvements or assessments. Will the public be allowed to use the club’s facilities ? The Club may book visitor tee times and our clubhouse restaurant will be open to the public to the extent that the golf course and its facilities can be enjoyed by all. This will allow us to staff and maintain the Club to it’s optimal level. However, as at our other golf courses, our members will be our first priority. If I resign my membership, how long do I have to wait until I get my certificate money back ? Upon resignation from the Club, the former member shall receive his or her refundable money back when a replacement member is accepted for membership or within one year which ever occurs first. Feel free to phone us at: (860) 434-6644 or toll free at : (800) 943-1903 or e-mail us at foxhopyard@golfthefox.com with any questions you may have. Fox Hopyard Golf Club Established 2001 1 Hopyard Road, East Haddam, Connecticut 06423 (860) 434-6644 • Toll Free (800) 943-1903 • Fax (860) 434-0183 • golfthefox.com 2014 Membership Application PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: ________________________________ Date of Birth: __________________________ Address:_______________________________ Apt. or Suite:___________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________ State & Zip:_________________________ Home Phone: _______________________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________ BUSINESS INFORMATION Email is important to us. Our company has “Gone Green” and we send all of our upcoming information to our members via email and posting on our website. Please include your email address. Employer: ________________________________________________________________________ Business Address:___________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________ State & Zip:_________________________ Business Phone:______________________________ Position/Title: _______________________ FAMILY INFORMATION Spouse’s Name:_________________________ Date of Birth: __________________________ Names of Children Under 23: E mail Address:_________________________ Name: ________________________________ Name:________________________________ Date of Birth:___________________________ Date of Birth: __________________________ Sex:__________________________________ Sex:__________________________________ Name: ________________________________ Name:________________________________ Date of Birth:___________________________ Date of Birth: __________________________ Sex:__________________________________ Sex:__________________________________ I am applying for a___________________Membership. I authorize the club to obtain such information as the club deems necessary to extend credit to me under a membership account at the Fox Hopyard Golf Club. Applicant and corporate designee (if applicable) agrees to conform, abide and be bound by the membership fees, rules and regulations of the club as they may be amended from time to time. Applicant’s Signature:_________________________ Date:______________________________ Accepted by Club:____________________________ Date: ______________________________ 1 Hopyard Road • East Haddam, CT 06423 (860) 434-6644 • Toll Free:(800) 943- 1903• Fax: (860) 434- 0183 • golfthefox.com