welcome realtors - Linville Land Harbor
welcome realtors - Linville Land Harbor
Fourth annual community wide free picnic at the Point - June 9th - 5:00 to 9:30 Another summer season kicks off with a familiar summer spectacular...... the fourth annual WELCOME BACK community wide picnic and bar-b-que. As in previous years, the event will be held at the Point on Saturday, June 9th from 5:00 to 9:30 PM. No reservations are necessary and it is absolutely FREE thanks to the generosity of Larry and Audrey Earp, owners of 0\UD·V Catering, Daphne Helms, Michael and Annette Hatley and everyone at /LQYLOOH$UHD0RXQWDLQ3URSHUWLHV. Continued page 15 May/June 2007 3UHVLGHQW·VUHSRUW . . . Jeff Troy New rules for Renters and Guests $VXVXDOWKHWLPHÁHZE\DQGZHDUHFHUWDLQO\EOHVVHGWREHEDFN in Land Harbor with our beautiful surroundings and wonderful friends and neighbors. Members of the Board and Staff were busy this winter and this letter is intended to give you a short synopsis of what has happened. First, the Good News...the new Waste Water Treatment Plant SDVVHG WKH 6WDWH LQVSHFWLRQ ZLWK Á\LQJ FRORUV 7KH &RPSDQ\ 3ROLFHDQGRXU&KLHI*DU\:LOOLVDUHIXOO\FHUWLÀHGDQGZLOOEH enforcing the speed limits. The new Water System is functioning well and the paving that was scheduled for this year is completed. Even the new Dog Park will be completed ahead of schedule. I, along with the rest of the Board, highly commend Mr. Simpson and all the staff for their efforts during the winter. Now, the not so good news...As most of you know, the State last June inspected our dam and determined it was in serious need of remedial action for the safe performance of the structures. They UHTXLUHGIRUWKZLWKDQHQJLQHHULQJÀUPWRVWXG\ZKDWQHHGVWREH done to rectify the deterioration of the concrete. In sum, the State and our engineers are preliminarily stating that the remedial action for the dam is the complete replacement of the concrete structures and gates. Patchwork is just too risky. The State met with our engineers and us on March 30, 2007, DQGUHTXHVWHGDFRQFHSWXDOGHVLJQE\6HSWHPEHUWKHÀQDO design by mid 2008 and with construction starting late Fall, 2008. I anticipate that by the end of the year, we will have a clearer understanding what we must do and the cost. Of course, we will keep you informed during this process and give everyone ample opportunities to ask any questions. Sincerely, Jeff Troy, President June 9th has been designated by the BOD as BOBBY HICKS DAY. Bobby will be recognized for his 30+ years that he worked at Land Harbor. Watch for more details. Linville Area Mountain Properties 2YHUQLJKWKRXVHJXHVWVDQGIDPLO\PHPEHUV Land Harbor now has new rules for renters, house guests and IDPLO\PHPEHUVUHJDUGLQJWKHVZLPPLQJSRROXVHÀVKLQJWHQQLV and golf. Golf policy has changed considerably. 2QSDJHRIWKLV+DUERU/LJKWV\RXZLOOÀQGDQHZIRUP HQWLWOHG5HQWDO+RXVHJXHVW2YHUQLJKWIRU*ROI)DPLO\0HPEHU $XWKRUL]DWLRQ7KLVQHZIRUPLVGHVLJQHGWROHWXVNQRZZKRLV UHQWLQJ\RXUKRXVHZKR\RXURYHUQLJKWKRXVHJXHVWVDUHRUWKH QDPHVRI\RXUIDPLO\PHPEHUVZKRZLOOEHXVLQJWKHIDFLOLWLHV RI/DQG+DUERU For a complete outline of changes, pleased continue on page 11. _________________________________ 6WDWHRI1&FKDQJHVODZIRUÀVKLQJLQ/DQG Harbor. In addition to Land Harbor permit, a state license is now required After May 30, 2007, all Linville Land Harbor POA residents and guests, 16 years or older, must have a Linville Land Harbor )LVKLQJ3HUPLWDVZHOODVDUHVLGHQWRUQRQUHVLGHQW1RUWK&DUROLQD ÀVKLQJOLFHQVHWRÀVKZLWKLQWKHSURSHUW\OLPLWVRI/DQG+DUERU 1RUWK&DUROLQD:LOGOLIH2IÀFHUVZLOOFKHFNRQWKHYDOLGLW\RID UHVLGHQW RU QRQUHVLGHQW 1RUWK &DUROLQD ÀVKLQJ OLFHQVH E\ DOVR UHTXHVWLQJWRVHH\RXUGULYHU·VOLFHQVH 3OHDVHFRQWLQXHRQSDJH What is going on with our dam? 3OHDVHUHDGWKH3UHVLGHQW·VFROXPQRQWKLVSDJH6SHFLDO%2' May 4th Emergency Meeting Minutes on Page 33, Minutes of the 5HJXODU%2'0HHWLQJ0D\RQSDJHDQG5LFN+DPPHOO·V story on page 14 WELCOME REALTORS BUTCH PHILLIPS & BRENDA BAILES CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 State license now required for ÀVKLQJLQ/DQG+DUERU /DQG +DUERU ÀVKHUPHQ ÀVKLQJ RQ &DPS &DUPHO SURSHUW\ PXVW REVHUYH /DQG +DUERU UXOHV WURXW OLPLW Á\ DQG Á\ URG RQO\$WURXWVWDPSLVQRWUHTXLUHGWRÀVKDW/DQG+DUERU )HHVIRU1RUWK&DUROLQDOLFHQVHDUHDVIROORZV Resident 1 day = $5 Resident annual = $15 Nonresident 1 day = $10 Nonresident 3 day = $15 Nonresident annual = $30 License may be purchased at $YHU\ 7UXH 9DOXH +DUGZDUH in Newland. EDITORS NOTE: +HUHLVDOLWWOHEDFNJURXQGWRWKHÀVKLQJOLFHQVHVWRU\ In the fall of 2005, the North Carolina Game Commission said that Land Harbor is a “commercial enterprise,” and they are considering UHYRNLQJRXUVSHFLDOÀVKLQJOLFHQVH$OO/DQG+DUERUSURSHUW\RZQHUV ZLWKD/DQG+DUERUÀVKLQJSHUPLWZRXOGDOVRKDYHWREX\DVWDWHOLFHQVH 7KH%2'ÀOHGDQDSSHDO In February 2006, after hours of meetings (over many days) between President Jeff Troy, Board members and legal experts, General Manager Mike Simpson, Frances Banner, Steve Hunt and our Board attorney WUDYHOHGWR/LQFROQWRQ1&IRUDFRXUWKHDULQJLand Harbor won the decisionDQGRXUÀVKLQJVWDWXVUHPDLQHGWKHVDPHDQGXQGHURXUFRQWURO ,W VKRXOG EH QRWHG WKDW DIWHU WKH FRXUW·V GHFLVLRQ WKH 6WDWH·V DWWRUQH\ bitter after the decision, YRZHGWRKDYHWKHODZFKDQJHGLQWKHVWDWH·V favor. They were successful. 3DJH 0D\-XQH On Campus by Rick Hammell I have to open the season with this; /HDYHLWWR%LOO&OLQWRQ5HFHQWO\+RRWHUV DQQRXQFHG LW RSHQHG LW·V ÀUVW UHVWDXUDQW in the Holy Land. After hearing this, Bill &OLQWRQVDLG´$VIDUDV,·PFRQFHUQHG +RRWHUVisWKH+RO\/DQGµ Be sure to stop by the 19th HOLE and meet LeeAnna Sparks and Tori Loudermelt. These young ladies are going to go out of their way this year to provide you with some tasty morsels Monday through Saturday. There will be specials but the prize has to go to their hamburgers. The breakfast snacks are SUHWW\JRRGWRR2IFRXUVHWKHUHLVFROG EHHU DQG VRIW GULQNV DQG GRQ·W IRUJHW there is a call box on the ninth tee so you can call ahead and have your order waiting for you. Another new convenience this year will be a refreshment cart on the course every Sunday and possibly more often. The cart will be offering a variety of snacks, cold soft drinks and beer. This neat service will be operated by YROXQWHHUV , SOD\HG P\ ÀUVW URXQG RQ Sunday, May 20 and guess who was the volunteer driving the snack cart .... Jim *DKULQJ1RVXUSULVH Land Harbor has experienced some backups of sewage into our homes because of grease build up in the sewer lines. Obviously this is distressing to those affected and also very expensive to repair and clean up. Grease builds up in the lines and comes from products we use for cooking; shortening, oils, butter, margarine, meat and food fats, sauces and dairy products. When washed down the sinks, grease sticks to the insides of the sewer pipes (both on your property and in the streets). Over time, it can totally block the entire pipe. What can you do to help and protect your property? 1. Never pour grease down the sink drain or into toilets. Instead put it in a collection container. 2. Scrape grease and food scraps into a can or the trash for disposal. 0D\-XQH 3. Put baskets/strainers in sink drains to catch food scraps and other solids and empty them into the trash. 4. Speak with your friends and neighbors about how to keep grease out of the sewers. While I am on the subject of protecting your homes I want to pass on concerns of some residents regarding the possibility of Radon in our homes. Of course there is a possibly of Radon everywhere. It is throughout our entire country and certainly is not isolated in our area or just in the Appalachians Region. While Radon is not acceptable and can be dangerous to your health, it is easily detected and corrected. A simple home test kit is available and will provide you with an answer if you have a concern. Our General Manager, Mike Simpson, has considered a presentation regarding Radon to all interested members if time permits this season. *ROIHUV GRQ·W IRUJHW WKHUH LV D call box on the ninth tee for placing an RUGHU DW WKH WK +ROH &DOO DKHDG DQG have your order waiting for you. Do not place the order UNTIL YOU GET A 92,&( 5(63216( DIWHU SUHVVLQJ WKH call button. Now....enjoy one of the best hamburgers on the mountain. Better take seriously the change in WKH6WDWHRI1RUWK&DUROLQD·VODZ that Land Harbor residents must have a state ÀVKLQJ OLFHQVH LQ DGGLWLRQ WR WKH /DQG Harbor permit. My guess is they will make DQHIIRUWWRLQVXUHWKDWZHFRPSO\. If ticketed it can be very costly; read IROORZLQJ LWHP IURP ODVW 0D\·V Harbor Lights: ´%RE(LGVRQZDVÀVKLQJWKHULYHULQWKH Camp Carmel property recently when KH ZDV FKHFNHG E\ 1& :DUGHQ .HOO\ 3LWWPDQDQGFLWHGIRUQRWKDYLQJDQ1& OLFHQVH)LQHLVVREHFDUHIXO,I \RX ÀVK LQ WKLV DUHD \RX 0867 KDYH D 1&ÀVKLQJOLFHQVHµ Only a true Southerner knows the difference EHWZHHQ D KLVVLH ÀW DQG D FRQQLSWLRQDQGWKDW\RXGRQ·W´+$9(µ WKHP\RX´3,7&+µWKHP And this memo from General Manager Mike Simpson: For our members convenience we now have a decorative household waste container at the cart path next to the POA. The purpose of this is for the convenience of members and guests. It is primarily aimed at those coming up for a weekend or a few days as a means of providing them a convenient way of dropping off their “household waste” as they depart. I hope our members and JXHVWVÀQGWKLVXVHIXOThis container is for household waste only. If you live in Laurel Hills, River Knoll, Harbor Heights or Grandview, you should check with your insurance agent to see if your homeowners coverage OLVW &URVVQRUH RU 1HZODQG DV \RXU ÀUH district. You are in the Newland coverage area and as such, your rate will be lower WKDQ &URVVQRUH 1HZODQG KDV D KLJKHU rating with insurance underwriters. Just a reminder we have computerized tee times available. You may make your tee time up to 7 days in advance starting at 6:30 am. You can also get consecutive tee times for two groups of 4 players (this was just approved by the Board on May 11). When you are asked for the number of players you will be given a option to select up to eight. To call for your tee WLPHFDOO$OVR&RXSRQVKHHWV will be available again this year at the Golf Shop. “The most terrifying words in the (QJOLVK ODQJXDJH DUH ,·P IURP WKH JRYHUQPHQW DQG ,·P KHUH WR KHOSµ Ronald Reagan IT IS A Wonderful World! FOR SALE - Room air conditioner on wheels. Very DWWUDFWLYH (IÀFLHQW 4XLHWO\ FRROV D [ URRP DQG PRUH 0RYH LW DURXQG living room in the day, bedroom at night. This could be a welcome addition this VXPPHU&RVWVHOOIRU 27 inch television with excellent picture, remote, custom metal stand and 9&5Call 733-4644 Pd Adv 3DJH Property Owners Association (POA) Board of Directors Jeff Troy Dennis Ellenwood &KXFN$EUDPV 5RVH&ROH Jimmy Goodwin Phin Horton Warren Kempf &KDUOLH6LPV Jim Watson President 9LFH3UHVLGHQW 7UHDVXUHU 6HFUHWDU\ Director Director Director Director Director Board e-mail: Jeff Troy: 1275TROY1126@comcast.net Jim Watson: tsemi@windstream.net 5RVH&ROHUKFROH#EHOOVRXWKQHW &KDUOLH6LPVFKDUOHVVLPV#EHOOVRXWKQHW Dennis Ellenwood: dennisingrid@bellsouth.net Jimmy Goodwin: imyja@bellsouth.net Phin Horton: phinhorton@bellsouth.net POA Management Staff Mike Simpson Frances Banner Pat Jackson Michael Roark Michael Hobbs Gary Willis Paul Waycaster Don Natel 3DJH *HQHUDO0JU %XVLQHVV0JU Recreation ,QIUDVWUXFWXUH Architectural Police Chief *ROI&RXUVH *ROI6KRS POA Contacts Administration 733-8300 5HFUHDWLRQ WK+ROH :RUN5HTXHVWV0DLQW 3RRO *ROI $UFKLWHFWXUDO&RQWURO 6HFXULW\ Harbor Lights Editor & Publisher Editorial Assistant Advertising Rick Hammell Joan Hammell Marilyn Clark Labeling, Distribution - Scott Carpenter, Pat Hutto, Billie Leeper and Lorraine Church. Harbor Lights is published by Land Harbor Property Owners Association (POA). Seven issues are published annually: April, May/June, July, August, September, October and a Fall/Winter issue. If you would like to submit an item for publication, you must email the article to Jori3715@cs.com The Publisher reserves the right to refuse any news or advertisement deemed inappropriate IRU WKLV SXEOLFDWLRQ RU LQ FRQÁLFW ZLWK /DQG Harbor rules and regulations. Linville Land Harbor and its printer, Table Rock Printers, or any of their representatives do not assume any responsibility for the content, warranties and representations made in advertisements within the Harbor Lights. All warranties and representations made are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding an adís contents should be addressed directly to the individual advertiser. ___________________________ Regular Board of Directors Meeting Friday, June 8, 9:00 AM Information Meeting Saturday, June 9, 10:00 AM 4LL[PUNZHYLPU[OL 9LJYLH[PVU)\PSKPUN Website www.linvillelandharbor.com 0D\-XQH ZLWK 1& &HUWLÀHG /DZ (QIRUFHPHQW 2IÀFHUV DQG sworn to enforce all North &DUROLQD ODZV $ VXUYH\ ZDV FRQGXFWHG RI WUDIÀF stops this winter indicated This has been a busy that well over 90% of winter at Land Harbor, violators are not Land DQG,GRQ·WH[SHFWWKHSDFH Harbor residents. We are to slow down as we enter committed to providing all the summer. Projects Land Harbor residents a are sprouting like spring safe environment. ÁRZHUV Development over the As always, the tasks winter of our website, at hand cover a broad has been completed. spectrum. The most Our website offers an noticeable projects are the outstanding array of freshly paved roads. These information for our paving projects were badly members, as well as potential needed, and present a nice members. In spite of the appearance to current GLIÀFXOW FRQGLWLRQV WKH homeowners, visitors, and water system improvement prospective buyers. project was completed in 2006. Buildings and grounds maintenance continues this I look forward to seeing year with fresh roofs on the DOORI\RXEDFNWKLVVHDVRQ *ROI +RXVH 6KXIÁHERDUG Please drop in and say hello &RXUWDQG7HQQLV3DYLOLRQ when you get back. Another new addition this past winter was the Sincerely, development of the Land +DUERU 'RJ 3DUN ,W·V D beautiful facility located at Overlook Park. )FMMP -BOE)BSCPS REPORT FROM OUR GENERAL MANAGER .JLF Our Police Department is currently fully staffed 0D\-XQH 3DJH Saturday Night Dance schedule for Summer Season Six nights of live entertainment Land Harbor’s new Police Department Left to Right are: Chief, Gary Willis, Asst. Chief, Regina Norman, Mack McGuire, Pamela James and Roy Ingram. Land Harbor now has a 6WDWH &HUWLÀHG 3ROLFH Department ZLWK DOO WKH SRZHUV RI 0XQLFLSDO &RXQW\ DQG 6WDWH 3ROLFH +HDGHG E\ &KLHI RI Police, Gary Willis DOO SHUVRQQHO XQGHUZHQW H[WHQVLYH SROLFH WUDLQLQJ DQG ZLOO EH UHTXLUHG WR have continuing education annually. We are now in a “select group” of North Carolina communities with such outstanding security protection. 3DJH • June 2nd/RQJWLPHIDYRULWHDenny Slawn • June l6th5HJXODU'DQFHBill Lund playing the music • July 7th$5HG:KLWHDQG%OXHHYHQLQJZLWK the DENNY SLAWN TRIO • July 21st$UHDOIDYRULWHLQ/DQG+DUERU Billy Drysdale • August 4thDenny Slawn returns for more great dance music and entertainment • August l8thBilly DrysdaleUHWXUQV 7KHPH$%ODFNDQG:KLWHWKHPH • September 1st5HJXODU'DQFH Music by Bill Lund • September 15th - FINAL DANCE OF THE SEASON'UHVV\$WWLUH7KH%HVWRIBilly Drysdale Admission for regular dances will be $3.00 per person. Admission for the special dances will be announced prior to each dance. Watch for more information in the Weekly Briefs and Flyers. 0D\-XQH Happenings in Land Harbor The Four Seasons Club $XJXVW 4th is the big Land Harbor Flea 0DUNHW +DYH \RX KXQWHG XS DOO WKH items you plan to donate to the Four 6HDVRQV VSDFH" &DOO 'RQ RU *ODG\V -RQHVWRKDYHWKHPSLFNHG up. And also call to let us know if you will be available to help with pricing items on August 2 and 3 or for helping with the sales for an hour or two on the 4th. For information or questions, call Don & Gladys Jones Water Walking:HOFRPHWRDQRWKHU season of water walking. This is a mild form of exercise for those with aching joints. I give detailed instructions and you can participate at your own pace. Sessions will be on Tuesdays and 7KXUVGD\V VWDUWLQJ DW R·FORFN IRU RQHKRXU7KHÀUVWVHVVLRQZLOOEHRQ email your announcement to: Jori3715@cs.com May, 31. Bathing suit is necessary. Eli Tornick 737 6969. &DOOHazel or Bob KeesDW or Joyce WatsonDW Caring Closet $ QHZ VHDVRQ LV Free Introduction To Square Dancing - Mountain Mixers Square Dance Club-Sunday, June 3, 6:00-7:30 PM Recreation Hall here, and we pray that everyone is healthy and enjoys their stay in Land Harbor this coming summer and fall. If a need should arise, be aware WKDWWKH&DULQJ&ORVHWLVKHUHWRVXSSO\ your medical or childcare needs. We have a broad range of items in our LQYHQWRU\FUXWFKHVFDQHVEHGVLGH potties, shower seats, raised potty seats, writing desk, and many more LWHPVDOO RI ZKLFK DUH DYDLODEOH WR you for as long as your need exists. In addition we have some child FDUHLWHPV&ULEVKLJKFKDLUFDUVHDW All items are available at no charge. Burt & Carol Summers, Land Harbor residents are instructors for this introduction dance and the remainder of the classes. No experience QHFHVVDU\ %XUW &DURO ZLOO WHDFK you calls to have you square dancing. &ODVVHV IRU EHJLQQHUV ZLOO VWDUW RQ Monday, June 4 from 3:00 to 5:00 pm and Thursday, June 7 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. For further information, call Nancy & Mark Marcum, RU Jim & Sandy Buckner RU JR WR www.mountainmixers.com Three companies under one roof for your convenience! 0D\-XQH 3DJH Happenings in Land Harbor DECORATIVE PAINTING CLASS in Acrylics: Room D, Wednesday 1:00 to 3:00. For the 2007 Season there will be an Orientation both on the last Wednesday of May and the 1st Wednesday of June. Orientation is very much needed if you plan to attend this class. We had a good season last year and a good many beginners made lots of progress. Information call Mary Jo Abrams 2658 DULCIMER CLASS Room D, Thursday, 3:00 PM. Reading music not required or QHHGHG:HVWDUWPHHWLQJHDUO\0D\HYHQ just a few of us. We grew to around 20 last season and had a great time learning new tunes. We welcome visitors to drop by and listen. Look for a Dulcimer on Ebay. Information call Mary Jo Abrams 2658 BROWN BAG DISCUSSION The group will meet in the Golf House at 11:45 AM on the following dates in 2007 (all Fridays): June 8; June 22, July 6, July 20, August 10. 3DJH email your announcement to: Jori3715@cs.com The reading and discussion for this summer ZLOO EH IURP RQH ERRN 7KH ,OOXPLQDWRU E\%UHQGD5LFNPDQ9DQWUHDVH. The book will be divided up as follows: 6(66,213URORJXHDQG&KDSWHUV 6(66,21&KDSWHUV 6(66,21&KDSWHUV 6(66,21&KDSWHUV 6(66,21&KDSWHUV Suggested discussion topics will be DYDLODEOHLQWKHOLEUDU\RU32$RIÀFHWZR weeks prior to each session. Participants should bring lunch and a drink. The sessions will be from 11:45 to 2 or 2:30 (approx.) Talkers as well as listeners are welcome. Sessions will be moderated by Ruth Unks, retired instructor from Florida Atlantic 8QLYHUVLW\LQ%RFD5DWRQ EUCHRE will begin June 3. Anyone looking to play please call me. We give lessons. Game starts at 7:30 every Sunday night. Wilma Offenbecher NEW Membership Rosters 3LFNXS\RXUFRS\DWWKH32$2IÀFH2U if you want it mailed, send a check for $3 for mailing costs. Each voting member is entitled to one free copy. Each member may purchase one additional copy for $3.00. SECTION D PARTY. We need helpers to organize and plan the party and help ZLWK VHW XS &DOO Wilma Offenbecher, General Services Building houses the Company Police, Library, Meeting Room, which is scheduled through the Rec. Dept., FAX and copy machine for use by owners. It is a place where you may listen to the BOD meeting tapes and review ÀQDQFLDO UHSRUWV The service is manned by volunteers. 0D\-XQH Happenings in Land Harbor Genealogy & Family History Meetings are on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday every month at 10 to 11 AM in room D1 of the Recreation Center. The meetings start May 22 and go to Oct 9. A free series of courses in tracing your family roots, and producing reports or books about your family. This series is open to all who are in the surrounding counties. We use computer programs such as Family Tree Maker and Personal Ancestry File as well a MS Word and WordPerfect to display methods of keeping your own records. We will also cover resources available at the Library and Historical Societies in Newland, and the resources DYDLODEOH DW %RRQH·V &RXQW\ /LEUDU\ Appalachian State University, and the /'6)DPLO\+LVWRU\&HQWHU The emphasis this year will be on how to publish your own research for family and for libraries where your relatives may be searching for family information. Quilting and More meets every Thursday at 9:30 am at the Golf House. This will be our 14th summer. We do all kinds of handwork. Some days we work 0D\-XQH email your announcement to: Jori3715@cs.com on our own projects. We are always happy to add a new person to our group and welcome new ideas for projects. Bring a lunch and spend a day with us. If you do not have a project just come & visit. Libby Burns Interested in forming a Land Harbor band? We are looking for folks who have previously played bass, reed and percussion instruments. You GRQRWKDYHWRKDYHDORWRIH[SHULHQFH the music will be easy. We already have a Band Director willing to help us get VWDUWHG&DOOStan Mattson Bridge For Fun -RLQ XV HYHU\ Thursday beginning May 17 from 9AM WRQRRQLQURRP$5HFUHDWLRQ%XLOGLQJ One time fee of $1.00 covers cost of supplies. Dottie Chris Terry Danza Western Line Dance $ QHZ season is coming up. We will be starting our Line Dance class on June 8, 2007. &ODVVHVZLOOEHRQ)ULGD\VLQWKHELJDLU conditioned hall, from 10:30 to 11:30 am SHUSHUVRQ/LQHGDQFLQJLVJUHDWIXQ JRRGH[HUFLVHIRUPLQGDQGERG\1R H[SHULHQFH QHFHVVDU\ &RPH RQH FRPH DOOBurt Summers Land Harbor Library will be opening for the summer season on Monday, June 4, 2007. We have a lot of the newest books and will be looking forward to seeing all our old friends and a lot of new ones. Anyone interested in volunteering to work one day a week in the library from 2 to 4 in the afternoon, please call Pat White &RPSXWHU DQG Fax service are also available in the library building which is located next to the Land Harbor Police. NEWCOMERS - WELCOME! We invite you to attend a breakfast in your KRQRU&RPHMRLQXVRQ-XO\WKDWLQ the Recreation Hall and meet your General Manager, say hello to your POA Board Members, and talk with many Activity Leaders. This is a great opportunity to get to know more about Land Harbor and to meet other newcomers. <RX·UHWKHJXHVWRIKRQRU, and all it takes is an RSVP to Hazel or Bob KeesDW 0705. 3DJH 3DJH 0D\-XQH CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Guests, Rentals Policy changed Swimming Pool,I\RXLQWHQGWRKDYH guests or renters during the 2007 Season using the swimming pool, you will need to pick up your guest (pool) pass at the 32$RIÀFH,I\RXZLOOQRWEHFRPLQJWR Land Harbor, you may write us and ask us to mail you the guest pass for your guests or renters. They will be unable to pick this up without the authorization form being completed by you. We recommend that the guest (pool) pass remain in your home so it will be available to guests and renters. Fishing or Tennis7KLVSROLF\GRHV not change the established procedure for JXHVWVRUUHQWHUVZKRÀVKRUSOD\WHQQLVRU SOD\JROI7REHLVVXHGDÀVKLQJSHUPLW guests or renters must be accompanied by a property owner or a letter received in the mail by the POA from the property owner. It is recommended that you use the authorization form. The same form can be used for your guests or renters who will be playing tennis. By use of the correct form we will be able to sell them the coupon sheet for the tennis. A guest does not have to be accompanied by a member in order to play. 0D\-XQH Golf policy has changed. Rose Cole (POA Board Secretary) had an article in the November, 2006 Harbor Lights which we are publishing again in this issue, as follows: A revised policy was approved by the Board at the October 6, 2006 Board Meeting. The form you need to complete for each person (couple) can be found on page 45 this issue and on our website: www.linvillelandharbor.com. 7KHQHZFKDQJHVDQGRUFODULÀFDWLRQV as follows: 1) One form is to be completed for each renter, overnight house guests or family member (couple). 2) Inclusive dates must be completed on each form, i.e., dates, arriving and departing and number of days and nights, etc. 3) Only property owners will have a pin number. The renter, overnight house guest, or family member will need to use WKH RZQHU·V SLQ QXPEHU ZLWK RQO\ RQH person using the pin number at the same time. 32$PHPEHUVZLOOQHHGWRSURYLGH WKHLUSLQQXPEHUWRWKHLUUHQWHURYHUQLJKW KRXVHJXHVWRUIDPLO\PHPEHU. To obtain your pin number contact Golf Shop at 733-8325. 4*ROÀQJDQQXDOPHPEHUVDUHH[SHFWHG to use their own carts or pay a rental fee to use a Golf shop cart. 5) Coupons are now non-transferable. There will be space on the new coupon for the person using the coupon to sign with only the POA member, renter, overnight house guest or family member being able to purchase. 6) Renters, overnight house guests and family members do not have to be accompanied by a POA golf member; however, other guests must be accompanied by a POA member to play golf. If your renter, overnight house guest or family member is not playing golf, it is not necessary to check the space on the form which is enclosed in a border. This portion only applies to the Golf. 1HZUXOHVDQGSURFHGXUHVDUHXVXDOO\ GLIÀFXOWWRDGKHUHWRKRZHYHUSOHDVHGRQ·W PDNHLWPRUHGLIÀFXOWIRU\RXUUHQWHUVRU JXHVWVWRXVHRXUIDFLOLWLHV Please, utilize the new form by completing it in its entirety, as applicable. Your cooperation will be appreciated. Frances Banner%XVLQHVV0DQDJHU 3DJH /DQG+DUERU)LVKLQJ&RPPLWWHH 2007 STOCKING SCHEDULE Rainbow Trout Jun Jul/Aug Sep Oct 2 16 15 29 13 500 500 0 500 500 500 Water too warm 727$/FRXQWLQJÀVKVWRFNHGLQ$SULODQG0D\ Stocking is always on Saturday, and starts at 10 am sharp at the ROG32$2IÀFH%XLOGLQJVLWH:HVWRFNRQHORFDWLRQRQWKH/DNH and four locations on the River. Everyone is invited to participate. We do not stock on the Saturdays there is a POA Information Meeting. Waste Water Treatment Plant in operation one full year and A-OK! Charlie Sims, Director Land Harbor Board of Directors The new WWTP has been in operation for a year. The plant has accomplished an outstanding performance record and has consistently exceeded the 6WDWHV·UHTXLUHPHQWV:HDUHUHPRYLQJRYHURIWKH pollutants. We have received an inspection for the State and WKH\DUHYHU\VDWLVÀHGZLWKWKHSODQW'DOODV%URZQRXU plant operator keeps the plant in excellent condition. 7KHÀQDOFRVWRIWKHSODQWZDV7KLVLV $995.82 over the budget. 7KH H[FHVVLYH ÁRZ GXULQJ UDLQ HYHQWV GXH WR problems in the collection system present a challenge in the operation of the plant. The WWTP should continue to serve Land Harbor for many years to come. 3DJH 0D\-XQH 0D\-XQH 3DJH PROGRESS IS BEING MADE WITH DAM PROBLEMS /DQG+DUERUKDVLQVWDOOHGDODNHOHYHOPRQLWRUWKDWUHFRUGV ODNHOHYHOVKRXUVDGD\DQGDGLDOHUWKDWFDOOVRXUSROLFH GHSDUWPHQW PDLQWHQDQFH DQG RXU *0 LI WKH ODNH ULVHV RU ORZHUV VL[ LQFKHV :H KDYH GHYHORSHG DQ Emergency Action Plan WR UHVSRQG RQFH WKLV RFFXUV WR PDLQWDLQ WKH ODNHOHYHODWDQDFFHSWDEOHOHYHOIRUWKHVWDWH By RICK HAMMELL 1RRQHH[SHFWHG/DQG+DUERU·V'DPSUREOHPVWR´JR away” but few realized the problems would continue to demand the time, money and energy that it has. Apparently there is not a day when something or someone does not present some matter connected with the dam. Land Harbor ÀUVW WKRXJKW ZH KDG VRPH WLPH WR FRUUHFW RXU SUREOHPV and we moved accordingly. Now we are increasingly aware that we may not have anywhere near the time we thought. Last winter we again drained the lake for more engineering and exploration. We employed a experienced DQG UHVSHFWHG FRQWUDFW HQJLQHHU -& %XPJDUQHU ZLWK Pinnacle Engineering, who came up with three possible DSSURDFKHVWRPDNLQJWKHGDPDFFHSWDEOHWR1RUWK&DUROLQD VWDWHRIÀFLDOV Mr. Bumgarner concluded that we had more than a few problems and the dam was indeed demanding our immediate DWWHQWLRQDQGUHSDLU:KLOHKHGLGVD\ZHFRXOGWU\WR´À[ what we have at a cost of $400,000 plus,” he indicated this might be an effort in futility. The concrete on the spillway and piers is in such poor condition that in removing enough of the existing bad concrete to replace it could create a total collapse. Even if we were successful, this solution might last only 10 to 20 years. We could replace everything and rebuild completely . Another alternative would be to build a Labyrinth Weir with a maintenance free slide gate. A Labyrinth Weir would require considerable space for ZDWHUÁRZDSSUR[LPDWHO\WRIHHW%XLOGLQJWKLV would require over 2000 cubic yards of concrete estimated DWDERXWÀYHKXQGUHGGROODUVSHUFXELF\DUG:HZRXOGKDYH to construct a sliding gate that would be would be four to six feet wide but this could be maintenance free. Whatever solution Land Harbor adopts, we must have a spill basin down stream from the dam to safely disperse the force of the water. The engineering report did say the earthen portion of our dam is satisfactory and the gates are in fair shape, considering their age, but the most fearsome danger is if the water in the lake rises more than one foot. If this were to happen, the 6WDWHRI1RUWK&DUROLQDIHDUVDSRWHQWLDOZDVKRXWRIKLJKZD\ 221 in Pineola and even a loss of life all the way down to Altamont. We are being reminded by the state that our lake is considered small but it is the drainage catch for a large area in excess of 25 square miles. A complete engineering report IURP3LQQDFOHLVRQRXUZHEVLWHwww.linvillelandharbor. com,QHDUO\0DUFKWKH+HDGRIWKH1RUWK&DUROLQD'DP Safety Division said the state “considers the Linville Land Harbor dam to be the number one concern in the state 3DJH relating to a potential catastrophic event.”7KHVWDWHRIÀFHU DOVR IHOW RXU HQJLQHHULQJ ÀUP KDV QRW PDLQWDLQHG HQRXJK FRPPXQLFDWLRQV ZLWK KLV RIÀFH :KHQ 0LNH 6LPSVRQ responded that we were looking at a time frame of perhaps 12 months with a start up date of fall, 2008 at the earliest 0LNHZDVLQIRUPHGWKDW´ZDVXQDFFHSWDEOHµDQG´RQFHZH submitted a plan” the state “would pull all Dam Safety Staff off other projects so they can expedite the approval process of our dam.” But with repeated meetings with the state and with the a presentation by Schnabel Engineering, on March 30, WKH VWDWH RIÀFLDOV PRGHUDWHG DQG H[SUHVVHG FRRSHUDWLRQ Schnabel offered a target date of September, 2007 to give the state a presentation of analysis and their recommendation. This was acceptable to the state. $IWHU WKH SUHVHQWDWLRQ LV PDGH LQ 6HSWHPEHU WKH UHDO VWXG\LQJ E\ VWDII ERDUG PHPEHUVDQGSURSHUW\RZQHUVEHJLQ. Meanwhile, during the fall and winter of 2007/2008, the staff and board will be doing due diligence with the goal of providing construction and funding options. 2QFH WKH GHFLVLRQ LV PDGH RI ZKDW WR GR 6FKQDEHO Engineering must submit construction plans to the state for approval. The target date is summer of 2008 (Mike Simpson feels it will be late summer or fall of 2008.) When WKHVWDWHUHFHLYHVWKHSODQVWKHUHDUHDPLQLPXPRIÀYHVWDWH and federal agencies that will review the plans. Land Harbor has installed a lake level monitor that records lake levels 24 hours a day and a dialer that calls our police department, maintenance and our GM if the lake rises or lowers six inches. We have developed an Emergency Action Plan to respond once this occurs to maintain the lake level at an acceptable level for the state. This, no doubt, has bought Land Harbor valuable time. In summary, Mike Simpson feels we have developed an excellent rapport with the state and EURXJKWWKHPLQDV part of our team. Mike feels very good that “Land Harbor, WKH6WDWHRI1RUWK&DUROLQDDQG6FKQDEHOFDQZRUNWRJHWKHU and the future will be positive and without surprises for anyone.” At the BOD meeting on May 11, the Board declared an Emergency condition exists in Land Harbor and approved a contract with Schnabel Engineering, not to exceed $125,000, to continue working on plan options. Schnabel Engineering will give property owners a slide presentation at the Saturday, June 9, Information Meeting at 10:00 AM in the Recreation Center. In addition to the untold number of hours Mike Simpson spends on the dam problems, our Board of Directors constantly receives and studies updates and we have a very DFWLYH'DP&RPPLWWHHFRQVLVWLQJRIDennis Ellenwood, Charlie Sims, Steve Hunt, Jim Gahring, Jim Watson and Mike Simpson. 0D\-XQH CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Community picnic June 9 The menu will consist of barbecue, beans, cole slaw, hush puppies (some of the best you have ever put in your mouth), banana pudding, short cake, iced tea and lemonade. Tents will be provided along with tables, chairs and paper goods. There will be musical entertainment and classic show cars. 7KLVLVWUXO\RQHRI/DQG+DUERU·VPDMRUKDSSHQLQJVRI the summer and indeed , the year. If you have attended before, you know this is an event not to be missed. Mark your calendar now for Saturday, June 9, 5:00 PM at the Point. 0D\-XQH 3DJH Grandfather Home for Children received 2006 Codman Award Grandfather Home for Children LV WKH UHFLSLHQW RI WKH (UQHVW$PRU\&RGPDQ$ZDUG. Only two behavioral health care centers in the United States received the honor. The award recognizes outstanding achievements in improving safety and quality of care. They were selected by a panel of national experts because of their expanded “continuum of care” program and its effective system for evaluating and improving its work. The continuum concept has enlarged their ministry beyond the residential treatment campus in Banner Elk, to community VLWHVLQÀYHRWKHUDUHDVLQ1RUWK&DUROLQDDQG7HQQHVVHH7KHLU new program included several stages of care, from emergency placement to group homes, therapeutic foster care, family foster care and permanent adoptions. It was developed to prevent the loss of progress often experienced by children as they leave their program and move to another. The “continuum care” concept has the children under one umbrella of care as they move forward to permanent family solution. 7KHLUVWDIIVWXGLHGWKHGDWDIRUÀYH\HDUVDQGDFKLHYHGWKHVH remarkable results. Between 1999 and 2005, their agency received the following: A 342% increase in the number of children they were able to serve. A 42% decrease in the average length of stay for children in their care. A 975% increase in the percentage of children served in their community and 100% of foster children had two or fewer placements. In 2005, Land Harbor joined with Avery and Watauga counties WRIRUPD*UDQGIDWKHU&OXEWRDVVLVWWKHFKLOGUHQDW*UDQGIDWKHU +RPH&KDUWHUPHPEHUVSOHGJHGDDQQXDOFRQWULEXWLRQWR be used for personal items such as shoes, dental work, eyeglasses. 7KHÀUVW\HDUWKH*UDQGIDWKHUVFOXEUDLVHGRYHUIRU WKHFKLOGUHQ·VQHHGV7KHWRWDOIRUDOOSDUWLFLSDWLQJFOXEVLQWKH KLJKFRXQWU\WKDW\HDUH[FHHGHG&RQWULEXWLRQVLQ were much higher. Original Land Harbor residents behind the formation of the *UDQGIDWKHUV&OXEDUHJohn and Sally Prince, Betty and Don Pollard, Carolyn and Tom Ott, Dee Humphrey, Dorothy S. Fox and Rose Cole. There will be another offering soon to renew memberships DQG MRLQ WKH *UDQGIDWKHU &OXE ,I \RX ZRXOG OLNH WR EHFRPH D member, send a $100 contribution to any of the Land Harbor members above or directly to *UDQGIDWKHU +RPH IRU &KLOGUHQ 32%R[%DQQHU(ON1&Attn: John Cox, Land +DUERU*UDQGIDWKHU·V&OXE 3DJH 0D\-XQH Quality with distinction SINCE 1986 102 Queen Street • Morganton, NC 28655 (828) 433-1377 Full Service Printer • Full Color Copying Proudly serving Land Harbor & Avery County for over 20 years Voted 2006 Best Printer in Burke 0D\-XQH 3DJH RECREATION DEPARTMENT 2007 DAILY SCHEDULE Beginning Dates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st & 3rd Tues of Month) 0HQ·V5DOO\ 0DK-RQJJ 6KRZ*URXS5HKHDUVDO 3LQRFKOH 7XHVGD\+DQG)RRW 6KXIÁ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·V'D\+ROH 3DJH -XQ -XQ -XQ -XQ -XQ -XQ -XQ -XQ -XQ 0D\ -XQ -XQ 0D\ 0D\ 0D\ 0D\ 0D\ 0D\ May 22 0D\ -XQ 0D\ 0D\ -XQ 0D\ 0D\ 0D\-XQH THURSDAY ANYTIME 7((7,0( % $ ( % $ 0 6 ' ( ' $ % ( T * (;(5&,6( %5,'*( &5$)76 '$1&( &$5'6 /,%5$5< 6+8))/(%2$5' 086,& *2/) *$0(6 %5,'*( *$0(6 6+2:*5283 TENNIS *2/) 6WUHWFKHUFLVH 0D\ )XQ%ULGJH 0D\ 4XLOWLQJDQG0RUH 0D\ 0WQ0L[HU%HJLQQHU6TXDUHQG&ODVV -XQ +DQG)RRW 0D\ /LEUDU\ 6KXIÁHERDUG)XQ*DPHV 'XOFLPHU-DP6HVVLRQ -XQ +ROH*ROI6RFLDO+RXU 7DEOH7HQQLV -XQ 7KXUVGD\(YH'XSOLFDWH%ULGJH 0D\ %HDFK%LQJR -XQ 6KRZ*URXS0HHWLQJ(2nd & 4th Thurs of Month) May 10 Open Tennis (Members & Guest) +ROH6FUDPEOH FRIDAY TEE TIME % ' $ ' $ % 6 0 7 ( $ & ' % G (;(5&,6( *$0(6 &+85&+ '$1&( %5,'*( 0,6&(//$1(286 6+8))/(%2$5' /,%5$5< 7(11,6 0,6&(//$1(286 %5,'*( &$5'6 086,& '$1&( GOLF <RJD -XQ 0DK-RQJJ -XQ %LEOH6WXG\ -XQ /LQH'DQFH&ODVV -XQ /DQG+DUERU/DGLHV'XSOLFDWH%ULGJH -XQ 6KRZ*URXS5HKHDUVDO -XQ 6KXIÁHERDUG)XQ*DPHV /LEUDU\ &RXSOHV3DUWQHUV5DOO\&RRNRXW 6LQJOHV3RW/XFN*DPHV(4th Friday of Month) Jun 22 %ULGJH3ULYDWH -XQ )ULGD\1LJKW&DUGV 0D\ .DUDRNH1LJKW -XQ 0WQ0L[HUV)ULGD\6TXDUH'DQFH 0D\ Open Golf (Members & Guest) SATURDAY TEE TIME ' 7 $ % G (;(5&,6( 7(11,6 %5,'*( '$1&( GOLF 6DWXUGD\6WUHWFK -XQ ,QGLYLGXDO5DOO\ 6DWXUGD\1LJKW&RXSOHV%ULGJH 0D\ 6DWXUGD\'DQFH3DUW\VWUG6DWXUGD\ -XQ Open Golf (Members & Guest) SUNDAY ANYTIME TEE TIME % 6 ' % % $ & $ T G &+85&+ 6+8))/(%2$5' 086,& '$1&( '$1&( 0,6&(//$1(286 &$5'6 &$5'6 TENNIS GOLF :RUVKLS6HUYLFH 6KXIÁHERDUG)XQ*DPHV :KLWH·V-DP6HVVLRQ 0WQ0L[HUV$GYDQFH'DQFH 0WQ0L[HUV6XQGD\6TXDUH'DQFH /DQG+DUERU59&OXEQG6XQRI0RQWK 6XQGD\&DUGV %LG(XFKUH Open Tennis (Members & Guest) Open Golf (Members & Guest) 0D\-XQH 0D\ -XQ 0D\ 0D\ 0D\ 0D\ 0D\ 3DJH RECREATION DEPARTMENT JUNE SPECIAL EVENTS SCHEDULE 4 6 8 8 9 9 9 13 13 15 15 20 22 27 Tennis Board Meeting $UFKLWHFWXUDO&RPPLWWHH +ROH0HQ·V*ROI/XQFK0HHWLQJ +ROH0HQ·V*ROI%UHDNIDVW 6KXIÁHERDUG0HHWLQJ Mountain Mixer Welcome Back Party POA Board Meeting Brown Bag Discussion Group POA Informational Meeting Tennis Annual Membership Meeting Land Harbor Free Picnic )LVKLQJ&RPPLWWHH 6DIHW\&RPPLWWHH Mold Seminar $GYLVRU\&RPPLWWHH Tennis Pot Luck Blood Drive Billiards Meeting &6HFWLRQ3DUW\ *ROI*ROI&RPPLWWHH0HHWLQJ +ROH/DGLHV*ROI7RXUQDPHQW *ROI+ROH/DGLHV%RDUG0HHWLQJ Health Fair Seminar 6KXIÁHERDUG6RFLDO Brown Bag Discussion Group '6HFWLRQ3DUW\ *ROI+ROH6FUDPEOH0HHWLQJ/XQFKHRQ *ROI+ROH/DGLHV%UHDNIDVW *ROI+ROH/DGLHV*HQHUDO0HHWLQJ Timber Pines Party $/281*(6 %0$,1+$// &($67:,1*086,&5220 ':(67:,1*5(&$11(; (*2/)+286( (7$%/(6,'((),5(3/$&( 2:00 PM 30 $0 $0 30 5:00 PM 9:00 AM 11:45 AM 10:00 AM 2:00 PM 5:00 PM 30 $0 10:00 AM 30 5:00 PM M 32$ ( ( 0 B B E B B P 0 0 B 0 B B M ( ( (* ( B % E % ( ( ( B 9:00 AM 30 30 11:45 AM 30 $0 30 **2/)&2856( 0*(1(5$/6(59,&(6%8,/',1* 332,17 32$%2$5'5220$732$2)),&( 66+8))/(%2$5'29(5/22. 77(11,629(5/22.3$5. Pool Schedule 2007 Pool Opens May 26, 2007 at 10:00 am 3RRO&ORVHV6HSWHPEHUDWSP 2SHQ6ZLP /DS6ZLP $TXDFLVH :DWHU:DONLQJ Adults with disabilities DQG&OHDQLQJ $GXOW6ZLP\HDUV RIDJHDQGROGHU 0RQGD\)ULGD\ 6DWXUGD\ 6XQGD\ 0RQGD\)ULGD\ 0RQGD\:HGQHVGD\)ULGD\VWFODVV 0RQGD\:HGQHVGD\)ULGD\QGFODVV 7XHVGD\DQG7KXUVGD\ SP SP SP DP DP SP DP 7XHVGD\DQG7KXUVGD\ DP 0RQGD\)ULGD\ SP +ROLGD\V0HPRULDO'D\-XO\WKDQG/DERU'D\DOORUJDQL]HGVZLPH[FHSW/DS6ZLPZLOOEHFDQFHOHGDQG2SHQ Swim will be offered, the day before the holiday, the day of the holiday and the day after the holiday. 3DJH 0D\-XQH RECREATION UPDATE POOL RULES Guest The guest of a member must use the guest pass that was issued when the property dues were paid. Each guest pass is good for 5 people. Guest will be required to sign in at the Lifeguard Station. Guest passes can only be picked up at the 32$2IÀFH0RQGD\WKURXJK)ULGD\DPWRSP Children A responsible parent must accompany children under the age of 12 or an adult (not a teenager), who must remain in the pool area while the child is in the pool or on the pool deck. Dropping off a child under the age of 12 and then going into one of the rooms for a meeting or class or leaving the recreation area is not permitted. THUNDER AND LIGHTNING NEW STANDARD FROM THE NATIONAL LIGHTNING SAFETY INSTITUTE 7KHVDIHW\RIRXUVZLPPHUVLVDOZD\VRXUÀUVWSULRULW\:KHQOLJKWQLQJLVÀUVWVHHQRUWKXQGHULVÀUVWKHDUGPHDQLQJ lightning is somewhere in the area), swimmers, sunbathers and picnickers will be asked to leave the pool, the pool deck and picnic area and seek shelter on the upper ramp. The National Lightning Safety Institute (NLSI) has changed the stan dard for staying out of the pool during bad weather from 20 minutes to 30 minutes, and Land Harbor lifeguards will be LQVWUXFWHGWRXVHWKLVJXLGHOLQH(YHU\WLPHOLJKWQLQJLVVHHQRUWKXQGHULVKHDUGDQRWKHUPLQXWHFRXQWGRZQLVVWDUWHG DJDLQXQWLOWKHSRROFDQEHVDIHO\UHHQWHUHG5HPHPEHUWKLVLVIRU\RXUVDIHW\3RRO Have a fun and safe 2007 season. Pat Jackson, Recreation Manager 0D\-XQH 3DJH CLASSIFIED ADS Call Marilyn Clark, 733-8300. Ads must be paid for in advance. 2QFHFODVVLÀHGVDUHVHWXSZHZLOOEHJODGWRUHPRYH\RXUDGEXWQRUHIXQG FOR SALE: Land Harbor Spruce Hollow. New 2Bd/2Ba, IXOO EDVHPHQW JROI FDUW JDUDJH 59 KRRNXS$& KHDW Spacious Great Room/Kitchen area. &DOO828-733-0733 or 828-421-3843 FOR RENT%HGURRP%DWKVIRU-XO\ per month. Nicely furnished, full basement with laundry room. Golf course view is GREAT. &DOO9LFWRU561-738-5340 FOR SALE1HZ%G%D&KDOHWGRXEOHORWLQ/DXUHO +LOOV%HDXWLIXOZRRGVWRQHH[WHULRUYLHZVIURPZUDS DURXQGGHFNVWKHVWRU\ZLQGRZZDOO6WRQHÀUHSODFH KDUGZRRGWLOHÁRRUVFXVWRPNLWFKHQDQGEDWKV-DFX]]L GRXEOHJDUDJHPXFKPRUH3KRWRVDWwww.mcneilcottages. com &DOO828-766-6284 FOR RENT: Riverfront RV site with full hookups and 12x24 cabin with full bath, sofa bed, microwave, fridge, TV, & phone. $600/month. &DOO813-787-4001 or 828-733-8195 LOT FOR SALE: Gentle sloping 1/3 acre corner building lot at Ridge Rd & Ivy w/easy access either VWUHHW:21·7/$67&DOORZQHUDW733-3701 HOUSE FOR SALE :HOO &RQVWUXFWHG %L/HYHO &HGDU:LQWHUJUHHQ/QEHGURRPVIXOOEDWKVIURQW EDFNSRUFKHVGHFNVVWUHHWSDYHGDFFHVV*ROIFDUW partially furnished. $238,500. Will rent through August. &DOO828-432-6596 or 706-338-6381 HOUSE For sale: 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath, laundry room ZVWDFN ZDVKHUGU\HU JDV ORJ ÀUHSODFH HOHFWULF KHDW SDUWLDOO\ IXUQLVKHG ODUJH IURQW UHDU SRUFKHV *ROI &DUW Shed, 21 Black Pine Rd. $113,900 call 336-731-0398 FOR SALE:”DOUBLE LOTS full of Rhododendron offer SULYDF\IRUPRWRUKRPHRUURRPWREXLOGD\HDUURXQGKRPH RIXSWRVTXDUHIHHWJURXQGÁRRUIRRWSULQW([FHOOHQW PRVWO\OHYHOEXLOGLQJVLWH1LFH/VKDSHGHFNDQGVWRUDJH EXLOGLQJUHDG\IRU\RXUPRWRUKRPH&RQYHQLHQWO\ORFDWHG on Key Ridge between golf course/tennis courts and club KRXVHSRRO “owner broker” FOR SALE 5HDG\ WR PRYH LQ \HDUDURXQG KRPH ZLWK JDUDJH 7HDEHUU\ /Q %HGURRPV ô %DWKV $VNLQJ&DOO828-733-8662 cell 352-397-6424 FOR SALE: This 2 bedroom, 2 bath home has one of the BEST golf course VIEWS in all of Land Harbor. Very nice ÁRRU SODQ IXOO EDVHPHQW QHZ URRI $VNLQJ &DOO828-733-1940 +20( )RU 5(17 -XQH ² 6HSW · &OHDQ 6SDFLRXV )XUQLVKHG %5 %DWK )XOO$SSOLDQFHV &DEOH (QF *DUDJH 2QO\ PR HOHFWULF SKRQH QRW LQFOXGHG *DOD[/RRS&DOO615 476 3254 Referrals –Interview FOR RENT: Totally remodeled, Newly furnished 2 BR 2 %DWKKRPH:UDSDURXQGGHFN(DV\DFFHVVSDUNLQJ$OO utilities included. Available May 1st. Only $1700. Monthly. 0RQWKV RU PRUH SHU PRQWK &DOO %DUEDUD 828-260-2599 Elwood FOR RENT: RV SITE WITH 50 AMP HOOK-UP nestled in the woods among tall trees, has large deck with shelter, picnic table, seating, and food preparation hut. &DOO'DQDW305-790-9587 FOR SALE: Frigidaire Window A/C :DWWV 9$PS)LWVZLQGRZRSHQLQJLQFKHV/HVVWKDQ 1 yr. old. Used for 1 week last year. $125.00 OBO Frigidaire Upright Freezer)URVW)UHH$SSUR['LPHQVLRQVµ+ µ : µ 'S$SSUR[ &X )W :KLWH LQ FRORU years old, used for 1 yr. last yr. $275.00 OBO. Panasonic Microwave :DWWV FXELF IW LQVLGH 6WDLQOHVV steel front. 1yr old. Used for few mths last yr. $50.00 OBO (Sandweg) 828-733-9570 FOR SALE*DV&RRN6WRYH²KDUGO\XVHGFUHDPFRORU $175.00 828 737 0242/733 6269 cell 803-627-2372 IN-HOUSE SALE: Household Goods, Large & Small: 6RPHIXUQLWXUHJROIFDUWDOVRDUWLWHPVIXWRQHWF&DOOIRU appointment Tues, Th, Fri, Sat. 733-0384 WANTED$OXPLQXP9+XOOÀVKLQJERDWIRUXVHLQ//+ ODNH&DOO'HEEL#512-626-0292 or email debbi@benchmarkpower.com WANTS TO BUY A CANOE- CALL 828-712-6563 THANK YOU to all our friends and neighbors in the Meadows for all your support and prayers. To Our &XVWRPHUVRI0RRVH&URVVLQJ\RXUFRPSDVVLRQZLOOQHYHU EHIRUJRWWHQ0D\*RG5LFKO\%OHVV(DFKRI<RX Pat Mull and Family FOR RENT: Land Harbor Meadows. New 1Bd/ 1 Ba. Fully Furnished Apt. on the river. Available weekly or monthly. &DOO828-733-0733 or 828-421-3843 3DJH 0D\-XQH At a special meeting of the Board of Directors last October, a consensus was reached by the Board to have Board Polls rather than special meetings during the winter months. 7KHÀUVW3ROOZDVWDNHQRQ2FWREHU 24 and rescinded the Impact Fee . RESULT OF POLL TO BOARD OF OCTOBER 24, 2006 RESCINDING OF IMPACT FEE November 1, 2006 The poll on the above matter which was circulated October 24, 2006 resulted in a majority of Board Members voting to rescind the Impact Fee which was approved by the Board at the September 5, 2006 Regular Meeting of the Board. The Board Members voted as follows: Approved: Chuck Abrams, Rose Cole, Dennis Ellenwood, Jimmy Goodwin, Phin Horton, Warren Kempf, Jeff Troy, Jim Watson. Disapproved: Charlie Sims. Vote for approval was 8 to 1. ____________________ RESULT OF POLL TO BOARD OF OCTOBER 31, 2006 WAIVING OF INITIATION FEE STEVEN D. ANDERSON FOR 92 WINTERGREEN LN November 13, 2006 The poll on the above matter which was circulated October 31, 2006 resulted in a majority of Board Members voting NOT to waive the Initiation Fee to Mr. Anderson as the property was transferred to him by his mother and was not inherited per Board Policy R & R-11 (Initiation Fee). Voting NOT to waive the fee was: Chuck Abrams, Rose Cole, Jimmy Goodwin, Phin Horton, Charlie Sims and Jeff Troy. Voting FOR waiving the fee was Dennis Ellenwood, 0D\-XQH Warren Kempf and Jim Watson. The request to waive the initiation fee was denied 6 to 3. ______________________ RESULT OF POLL TO BOARD OF NOVEMBER 1, 2006 TO CHANGE OF NAME OF REGISTERED AGENT November 13, 2006 The poll on the above matter which was circulated November 1, 2006 resulted in a unanimous vote of the Board Members to change the name of the Registered Agent of the Corporation from Kevin N. McCracken to Michael D. Simpson. ____________________ POLL TO BOARD MEMBERS DECEMBER 8, 2006 REGARDING $5,000 ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION TO EMPLOYEE CHRISTMAS FUND The poll on the above matter which was circulated December 8, 2006 by Dennis Ellenwood, VicePresident resulted in a unanimous vote of the Board Members to appropriate an additional $5,000.00 to the Employee Christmas Fund making the total $10,000.00 from the POA. The Board Members voted as follows: Approved: Chuck Abrams, Rose Cole, Dennis Ellenwood, Jimmy Goodwin, Phin Horton, Warren Kempf, Charlie Sims, Jeff Troy and Jim Watson. Comments from Board Members: 1)Chuck Abrams- I am voting to approve the additional $5,000 for the Employee Christmas Fund under protest. I do not want to make the employees pay the price for the Board not putting the proper funds in the 2006 Budget after adding $5,000 to the fund for 2005. In fact it is not in the 2007 Budget at this time. We need to revise the 2007 Budget before we get into the same position in 2007. Making this decision after most of the people have left for the winter looks underhanded. I will make a recommended change to our policy DWWKHÀUVWIXOO%RDUG0HHWLQJGXULQJ 2007. 2)Rose Cole-Well deserved! 3)Phin Horton-I am voting yes so the employees will receive the same amount as last year. I object to the concealing of the amounts donated last year and this year which is misleading to the Directors. 4)Warren Kempf-I am voting yes only because to do otherwise would hurt our valued employees. I am dead set opposed to this constant manipulation of the budget (this and the 2 golf employees, etc.) especially when it comes when 80% of the membership is absent. We can and must do better. _______________________ POLL TO BOARD MEMBERS REGARDING APPROVAL OF BUILDING PERMIT FOR DAVE 6+(5:22'·672:1+286( PROJECT February 15, 2007 The poll on the above matter which was circulated February 15, 2007 by Mike Simpson, General Manager resulted in a majority vote of the Board Members to issue the Building Permit for this project upon receipt of the engineered plans for a wooden retaining wall and all changes from the engineered plans RQÀOHWREHLQLWLDOHGGDWHGDQGZLWK an appropriate mailing address from Mr. Sherwood. Also, a Maintenance agreement shall be in place prior to WKHVDOHRIWKHÀUVWXQLW The Board Members voted as follows: Voting for approval: Abrams, Cole, Goodwin, Horton, Kempf, Sims, Troy and Watson. Voting against: Ellenwood 3DJH Presenting to the Board 9OULLlNDUSFEETABOVESEALEVELINTHERESORT VILLAGEOF,ITTLE3WITZERLANDATMILEMARKERONTHE "LUE 2IDGE 0ARKWAY *OIN US FOR LUNCH AND A LITERARY BREAK FROM THE MODERN WORLD IN THE LUXURY OF OUR READINGROOMSANDBROADOPENPORCHES/VER TITLES AVAILABLE6IEW PHOTOS OFTHEVILLAGE AND SHOPS ATWWWSWITZERLANDINNCOM /PENDAILYINSEASON#LOSED$ECEMBERn-AY 3DJH To provide Land Harbor Property Owners the opportunity to have items included on the Board Agenda, the following policy is established. As the General Manager acts as the investigative person for the Board, Property Owners in good standing having matters they desire to be FRQVLGHUHGE\WKH%RDUGDUHUHTXLUHGWRIXOÀOOWKHIROORZLQJ (a) Submit information in writing to the General Manager at least 10 days before a scheduled Regular Board Meeting. This requirement is to assure posting of the Agenda pursuant to the Bylaws and distribution to the Board Members. (b) All such requests to be signed by the originator. Items will be included on the Board Agenda after investigation and recommendation by the General Manager.Subject to the determination of the General Manager if the item needs to be on the Agenda, it will be presented by the General Manager and the originator may attend the Board Meeting at which time the matter is discussed. If the General Manager determines that an item should not be on the Agenda, the property owner may appeal to two POA Board members for inclusion on the Agenda. With approval of those two Board members, the property owner (originator) may address the Board meeting at which the matter is discussed. 0D\-XQH 0D\-XQH 3DJH 3DJH 0D\-XQH 0D\-XQH 3DJH SIMMS REALTY LINVILLE Offers for Sale *NEW LUXURY GOLF VIEW TOWNHOUSES* FEATURES: x x x x x x x x x x 3 Bedroom, 21/2 Bath Granite Counter Tops with Undermount Sink Deck with Golf Course View Beautiful Cultured Stone Fireplace New Construction 9 Ft. Ceilings with Crown Molding Premium Stainless Steel Appliances Garden Tub with Jets Open Floor Plan Bay Windows x x x x x x x x x x Dormer Windows Dual Shower Heads Golf Cart Garage & Storage Area Garage with Automatic Garage Door Opener Sound Proof Insulation Over Head 42” Kitchen Cabinets Recess Lighting Split Log Siding Hvac Heating & Air Conditioning in Each Unit Views of Mountain Peaks Starting Prices 1 & 7 (End Units) 2 – 6 (Inside Units) $340,000 $325,000 * Approximately 1900 square feet heated space *Pre construction discounts are available Prices and availability are subject to change. 3DJH *See Simms Realty For Floor Plans 0D\-XQH 33 Quail Lane – 4BR/4BA - Overlooks the 14th tee and fairway. Cent heat. 26’ ceiling in the living room w/ a loft library. Granite countertops & hickory wood floors. $449,000 #2087 42 Harbor Lane – 3BR/3.5BA – Fine Mountain Home! – Vaulted ceiling in living room and dining room with wood beams. Stone fireplace with gas logs. Sunroom. Lg recreation room w/ pool table, office nook, sewing nook & laundry room. Propane monitor heater on each floor. $342,900 208 Meadow Lp – 2BR/2BA – Like new mtn cabin on Linville River. Stone fp. Sleeping loft & bonus rm. Large porch & deck. Furn. $225,000 #2082 71 Plumtree Lane – 2BR/2BA - Great view of Grandfather Mtn. & Golf Course. Wood floors in living rm, dining rm &kitchen. Stone fp. Golf cart storage. Furnished. $209,900 #2096 98 Goldfinch Rd. – 2BR/2BA - Stone fireplace, sunroom, wood paneling, hardwood maple floors. Furnished. Too many features to mention. $199,500 #2105 129 Galax Loop – 2BR/2BA -. New paint and roof. Beautiful kitchen & den with fireplace. Covered porch and open deck. Central heat & air. $188,900 #2104 134 Galax Loop – 2BR/2BA – View of Grandfather Mtn. Open floor plan with stone fireplace. Wrap around porch. Handicap accessible. Corner lot and drive in basement. $180,000. #1154 #2109 45 Rhododendron Dr. 3BR/2.5BA ON GOLF COURSE . 2 porches. Dbl garage & good parking. Recent updates. Stone fp w/ gas logs in fmly rm. $295,000 #2054 5 Dew Drop Loop – 2BR/3BA Stone wood burning fireplace. High vaulted ceiling in great room w/ loft bedroom & bath. Hot tub on deck. Quest quarters w/kitchen. $259,000 #2108 0D\-XQH 44 Elderberry Loop – 2BR/2.5BA -2001 modular. Central heat & air. Well equipped kitchen. Ceiling fans in all rooms. Superior walls at basement level. Large corner lot. $235,000 #2083 452 Harbor Lake Road – 3BR/3BA – Nice cottage w/ seasonal view of Grandfather Mtn. Corner lot in homes only section. Lg deck & stone fp. $219,000 #2098 275 Ivy Road – 2BR/3BA Mtn home with seasonal views. Like new inside. Large decks & parking for lg RV. 2 Lots. $210,000 #2100 922 Lower Goose Hollow Rd. – 4BR/2BA - New roof. Lg wraparound deck on front & side, balcony from upper bedroom. Wooded, private $190,000 #1161 148 Snowshoe Loop – 2BR/2BA - Large great room with gas fireplace. Nice master suite with 2 closets. Vltd wood ceiling and floor. $189,900 #2037 10 Key Ridge – 3BR/2BA Close to river, level lot, circle drive. Porch, eat-in kitchen, vaulted ceiling, celestial windows. Central heat & air. Stone fp w/ gas logs. One level, year rnd living. *Broker Interest. $175,000 #2107 51 Pepperidge Ln. 2BR/2BA All on one level. Year round living on oversized lot. Lovely porch, central heat and air, eatin kitchen. Fireplace w/ gas logs. Mostly furnished per inventory. Broker interest. $159,900 #2106 3DJH 10 Black Pine Road 2BR/2BA - Yr rnd mtn cottage, 1 level living, lots of parking, corner lot, huge porch, full basement, eat-in kitchen, stone fp, w/gas logs furnished. $149,900 #2029 105 Elderberry Lp – 2BR/2BA - Level entry & level living. Eat –in kitchen. Newly remodeled & furn. Parking for small RV. Golf cart storage & close to golf house. $105,000 #1025 26 Tamarack Rd – 2BR/2.5BA - 2 street access, cart garage as well as single car garage w/workshop, covered porch and open deck, year round living, nicely furnished. $144,500 #2093 283 Teaberry Ln. – 1BR/1BA Park model w/ added living room, vaulted ceilings. 2 gas log fireplaces, den turns into 2nd bedroom. Large deck. Golf cart & laundry house. $69,900 #2095 1854 Goose Hollow Rd. – 1BR/1.5BA – Corner lot w/ 2 parking areas. Cvrd deck, metal roof, cedar siding. Corner gas log fp. Laundry rm. Open floor plan. Furn. $135,000 #2088 556 Windridge Road 1BR/1BA - Park model w/ added rooms & decks. Detached golf cart shed. Laundry room. Backs up to wooded area. Parking for RV. $59,900 #2060 288 Windridge Rd. – Lovely elevated RV site with winter views. Large covered deck with wood stove. Bunk house with 2 bunks and ½ bath. $39,900 #2067 75 Park Loop – 1BR/1BA GREAT FOR SUMMER GETAWAYS! 1 BR/1BA park model with large porch. Two street access, corner lot. $39,500 #2089 571 Windridge Road - WELL DEVELOPED RV SITE! Large deck. Good storage. Level lot with two street access. $38,000 #2110 222 Locust Road Wooded undeveloped lot in Laurel Hills Section. Short cart ride to golf course. Slopes down from the road. $10,000 #1192 LISTINGS OUTSIDE LAND HARBOR 1755 Linville Falls Hwy. 4BR/2.5BA Nice landscaping w/ waterfall! 1.46 acres. Main level living w/ hardwood flrs, vltd ceilings, stone fireplace. Covered deck, lg front yard. 2-car detached garage w/add workshop space. $375,000 #2055 26 Andrea Court – Sprue Pine – 2BR/1BA - Home w/ views and lots of potential. Unfinished basement & room enough in attic for future living space. Close to stores & restaurants! $99,500 #2102 SIMMS REALTY LINVILLE HAS A NEW OWNER! SIMMS REALTY WILL BE MADE BETTER TO SERVE YOU! Charles Simms will continue to assist you in all of your real estate needs at Simms Realty Linville. He thanks all of you for your friendship, buyers and sellers and is looking forward to doing business with you, family and friends. COME SEE ALL OF US AT SIMMS REALTY LINVILLE! 3DJH 0D\-XQH News from your Golf Shop +DYLQJ D SDUW\ %X\ \RXU EHHU IURP WKH WK +ROH :H RUGHU VXSSOLHV ZHHNO\ &RQWDFW WKH WK +ROH IRU PRUH information. We have a variety of sports apparel for men and women. Some of our jackets, shirts and caps have our Land Harbor logo and some are without. after 6:30 AM. To call for your tee time you may call 733-8326. &RXSRQVKHHWVZLOOEHDYDLODEOHDJDLQWKLV\HDUIRUWKRVH SHUVRQV ZKR GRQ·W KDYH WKH DQQXDO PHPEHUVKLS RU ZKR are having guests coming into town. This is a convenient, economical way to show your guest(s) you are so glad they are visiting you. In closing we are looking forward to a great season and ORRNLQJIRUZDUGWRVHHLQJHDFKRI\RXDW\RXU*ROI6KRS Don Natel, Golf Shop Manager. 7KLV\HDUIRUWKHÀUVWWLPHZHZLOOEHFDUU\LQJDVPDOO selection of WHQQLVFORWKHV. If popular, we will stock a larger selection. Visit, see what we have, and please.... offer your suggestions. :HZLOOEHKDYLQJZHHNO\VDOHVRQVSHFLÀFPHUFKDQGLVH Each week the sale items will change. So check us out HYHU\ ZHHN WR JHW WKH EHVW EDUJDLQV IRU \RXU GROODU :H will also be having special sales on holidays and during tournaments. Remember we can do special orders on clubs and other merchandise for you, just let us know. We have computerized tee times available. You may make your tee time up to 7 days in advance starting 0D\-XQH 3DJH Leaves and lawn trimmings must be in clear plastic bags Leaves and lawn trimmings must be put out for FROOHFWLRQLQFOHDUJDOORQPLQLPXPSODVWLFEDJV7KH purpose is to allow collection personnel to determine that only those permitted items are in the bags. Twigs and branches for collection may be piled near the street but not in ditches and gutters. Clear bags can be purchased at Avery Hardware in Newland. If you have a contractor doing yard work for you such as leaf removal, tree trimming, shrub trimming, etc., YOUR CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVAL OF ANY DEBRIS. LAND HARBOR HAS A NEW AMENITY DQGLW·VVWULFWO\IRUWKHGRJV Watch for the Grand Opening of our brand new Dog Park 3DJH 0D\-XQH Minutes Emergency Board of Directors Meeting May 4, 2007 Members Present: Rose Cole, Secretary; Chuck Abrams, Treasurer; Phin Horton, Warren Kempf, Charlie Sims, Jeff Troy, President via phone @ 3:10 p.m. and Jim Watson via phone @ 3:10 p.m. Members Absent: Dennis Ellenwood, Vice-President; and Jimmy Goodwin. Also Present: Mike Simpson, General Manager, Lynn Townsend, Recording Secretary, Scott Carpenter, Purchasing/Account Payable the Board Room. The motion was seconded and the meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m. VII. Adjournment Note: There were several Board Members who went with Mr. Simpson to meet with the representatives from the State and Schnabel and it was determined that provided we continue to monitor the lake and perform periodic measurements that we should not need to drain the lake, at this time. Due to this determination the meeting was never reconvened. Rose H. Cole, Secretary Lynn Townsend, Recording Secretary The tape of this meeting is available to the membership I. Call to Order Rose Cole, Secretary called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m. in the Board Room. II. Conditions of the Dam-Emergency Spillway Mike Simpson and Charlie Sims went to the dam on Wednesday May 2, 2007 and noticed there was more water coming out at the base of the OG Weir. This is the emergency spillway that was grouted in 2005. Mr. Simpson then contacted Robert Cannon with Schnabel and let him know that the water was coming out about 5 gallons per minute or less. Mr. Cannon stated that if the water was FRPLQJWKURXJKWKHFRQFUHWHLWZDVQ·WWRRPXFKRIDQLVVXH-LP Lee of Concrete Restoration & Repair, the contractor who originally grouted the emergency spillway called Mr. Simpson on Thursday May 3, 2007. Mr. Simpson let Mr. Lee know his concerns with the dam. Mr. Lee came and met with Mr. Sims and Mr. Simpson at the dam on Friday morning May 4, 2007. While observing the dam Mr. Simpson and Mr. Sims found additional leaks and noticed the water had tripled in multiple locations since Wednesday. Mr. Simpson then contacted Mr. Cannon the engineer that Land Harbor is proposing to contract with on Friday May 11, 2007 and VLQFH:HGQHVGD\WKHYROXPHRIWKHÁRZRIZDWHUXQGHUWKHDSURQ which is 8ft. tripled in velocity. Mr. Cannon instructed us to lower the water below the apron to see if the leaking would stop. If the water continues to leak Mr. Cannon instructed us to drain the lake FRPSOHWHO\0U&DQQRQWKHQQRWLÀHG1&'DP6DIHW\0U6LPSVRQ then stated that Mr. Cannon was coming on Sunday May 6, 2007 to visually look at the dam. Mr. Simpson met with David Vance from Avery County Emergency Management and they went and took a look at the dam. Mr. Vance then called Mr. Cannon and the NC Dam Safety. Mr. Cannon of Schnabel and Janet Boyer who is from NC Dam Safety are planning on coming up and taking a look at the dam on Sunday May 6, 2007. Mr. Sims stated there were a couple of options that could be used to repair the dam. There is a chemical which cost around $200,000 that could possibly stop the leak or there is expanding clay called bentonitte that will possibly seal the leaks. The bentonitte cost around $2,000. III. Recessed There being no further business Rose Cole moved to recess the meeting to the dam. IV. Reconvene Rose Cole reconvened the meeting at 3:00 p.m. Mr. Troy and Mr. Watson entered the meeting, via, conference call at 3:10 p.m. V. Condition of the Dam-Emergency Spillway Mike Simpson stated that while returning to the Meeting from the dam, Mr. Cannon called and stated that he and Mrs. Boyer would be here at 5:00 p.m. instead of Sunday May 6, 2007. Mr. Sims stated that the board needed to think about how much money they are willing to spend to keep water in the lake this summer and the summer of 2008. VI. Adjournment Due to the anticipated visit by Mr. Cannon and Mrs. Boyer at 5:00 p.m., Role Cole moved to adjourn the meeting until 7:30 p.m. in 0D\-XQH 3DJH 3DJH 0D\-XQH Volunteer Opportunity 7KH$YHU\%DQQHU(ON&KDPEHURI&RPPHUFHORFDWHG in the Shoppes of Tynecastle at the intersection of highways 184 and 105, is looking for a few good people, PDOHRUIHPDOHWRYROXQWHHULQWKH9LVLWRU·V&HQWHU,I you can volunteer three or more hours once a week, and want to do something rewarding and enjoyable, we need you. Responsibilities include answering the phone, taking messages, greeting visitors and helping WKHPÀQGZKDWWKH\QHHG&DOO3DP:DWVRQDW 8504 to let her know you are interested and want to help. - . / "#$ % ! &' #()$" ! *+!%, 0D\-XQH 3DJH 3DJH 0D\-XQH Garbage Pick Up Effective, Monday, May 7, garbage service will be on: Mondays: For A & D Section, Golf Ridge, Lakeview, Ridgeview, Pine Ridge, River Bend, and Golfview Townhouses. Tuesdays:&06HFWLRQ.H\5LGJH+LJKODQG+LOOV +LJK&UHVWDQG/LQYLOOH0HDGRZV Wednesdays: B Section, Laurel Hills, Grandview, Harbor Heights, Laurel Brook, Linville Estates and River Knoll. Garbage in underground containers must be in liners or garbage bags, not in grocery bags or loosely dumped LQWR WKH FRQWDLQHU ,I DQ XQGHU JURXQG FRQWDLQHU RU screened area is not used, you may place your garbage bags (not grocery bags) at the street on the morning of garbage pickup. You may place garbage cans at the street the morning of garbage pickup; however, garbage cans must be removed from the street and placed out of sight after the garbage is picked up. To avoid injury to the maintenance staff, do not place sharp objects (broken glass, syringes, etc.), or any heavy items (gravel, rocks, etc.) in your garbage bags or containers. Work Request for Maintenance Telephone work requests are handled by the Maintenance 'HSDUWPHQWLH-R/LSSV<RXVKRXOGFDOO to submit a work request. This number is in your 2006 Membership Roster. Members may also submit a work request ON LINE at www.linvillelandharbor.com . ,WtVHDV\MXVWORJLQVHOHFW´RQOLQHIRUPVµDQGWKHQ click “submit.” Speeding in Land Harbor? 5DGDUJXQPD\EHRQ\RXEHWWHUWKLQNWZLFH You might want to keep your eye on the speedometer and your foot light on the gas pedal....you may be on FDPHUD DQG LW LV QRW &DQGLG &DPHUD /DQG +DUERU &RPSDQ\ 3ROLFH KDV D UDGDU JXQ DQG authority to cite you with a State of North Carolina citation for speeding - which can be very, very costly. 7KH&RPSDQ\3ROLFH'HSDUWPHQWZLOOEHHQIRUFLQJ 1RUWK&DUROLQD*HQHUDO6WDWXWHVIRUWUDIÀFYLRODWLRQV and ALL Linville Land Harbor Policies with penalty fees where applicable. Brush and leaves will be picked up in the various sections on Thursdays and Fridays. Remember, it may take several weeks for the maintenance crew to get to your particular section. Please refer to the Membership Roster for Avery &RXQW\ SROLFLHV UHJDUGLQJ WKH XVH RI WKH &RXQW\ Materials Recovery Sites. Also, see the Land Harbor Garbage (Household) Removal Policy regarding what is considered household garbage, what can be taken to the recycling and materials recovery site at Linville and what can be taken to the Transfer Station on %UXVK\&UHHN5G,WLVDGYLVDEOHWRDOZD\VKDYH\RXU Land Harbor windshield sticker on your vehicle and \RXU FXUUHQW /DQG +DUERU PHPEHUVKLS LGHQWLÀFDWLRQ FDUGSULRUWRJRLQJWRWKH&RXQW\0DWHULDOV5HFRYHU\ 6LWH ORFDWHG QHDU WKH HQWUDQFH WR &DQQRQ 0HPRULDO +RVSLWDORUWKH7UDQVIHU6WDWLRQRQ%UXVK\&UHHN5G 0D\-XQH 3DJH Minutes Board of Directors Meeting, May 11, 2007 Members Present: Jeff Troy, President; Dennis Ellenwood, Vice-President; Chuck Abrams, Treasurer, Jimmy Goodwin, Jim Watson, Phin Horton, and Warren Kempf. Members Absent: Rose Cole, Secretary. Also Present: Mike Simpson, General Manager; Frances Banner, Business Manager and Lynn Townsend, Recording Secretary Jeff Troy called the meeting to order at 9:00 am in the Recreation Building. Mr. Troy advised that there would be an Emergency Workshop immediately following this meeting concerning the Sherwood Townhouse Project. Mr. Troy thanked the Board Members for the way the winter months had been handled without any Special Board Meetings. II. Approval of the Agenda Dennis Ellenwood requested adding under New Business, Item VIII. D. Consecutive Tee Times and under Executive Session, Item X. Litigation. Charlie Sims requested to remove Item VIII. A. Charitable Contributions. Chuck Abrams requested adding Item VI. F. RV Storage Policy.Jimmy Goodwin moved to approve and amend the agenda. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. III. Approval of Minutes A. Special Meeting - October 11, 2006. Jimmy Goodwin moved to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. IV. Reports and Presentations 1. Financial Report Mr. Simpson and Mr. Abrams have changes LQRXUPRQWKO\ ÀQDQFLDO UHSRUWLQJ WKDW ZLOO be incorporated for the June Meeting 2. Transfer from Fishing Reserve to Operating. Jimmy Goodwin moved to approve the $4,000 from Fishing Reserve to Operating (to rebuild the canoe racks). The motion was seconded and carriedunanimously. 3. Employee Christmas Fund. Mr. Abrams suggested that the funds for the Employee Christmas Fund be budgeted into the fringe EHQHÀWV SRUWLRQ RI WKH EXGJHW &KXFN Abrams moved to amend the budget and ÀJXUHXSKRZPXFKHDFKHPSOR\HHVKRXOG get whether being a percentage of their salary or a set amount. Two years ago the board approved a formula for distribution on the employee Christmas Fund be the same for each employee if they met the required number of months. Jimmy Goodwin moved to table the motion until the next Meeting until further study could be made as to whether it should be based on percent of salary or how the amount is determined. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. 4. License for ARC View. In 2001 Land Harbor bought an ARC View Mapping Program with the understanding that once the software was purchased it would have to be licensed every year. The license has never been renewed. Mr. Simpson wants 3DJH to amend the budget and move $1500.00 from contingency. There is an agreement that Land Harbor will pay $1500.00 and from this point forward pay $1000.00 per year to license the program. Jimmy Goodwin moved to accept the budget amendment. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. V. Manager’s Report Mr. Simpson updated everyone on what has taken place and will be taking place within Land Harbor over the next couple of months. Mr. Simpson stated that the website has all the information that anyone could need and want. If there is something that people would like to improve or add please feel free to let Mr. Simpson know and he will take care of the matter immediately, if feasible. He JDYH DQ H[DPSOH SHRSOH FRXOG ÀOO RXW D work request for maintenance and it will go directly to maintenance. Once the person sends in the request they will get a receipt that it was sent and a time stamp. He VWDWHG WKDW WKLV ZDV PXFK PRUH HIÀFLHQW than calling it in. The Financial Report for 2006 had a lot of unexpected expenses. Due to an outstanding job of budget management by the department supervisors Land Harbor still came out under budget in expenses. There is going to be some in-service training taking place. All department supervisors will be in a Management Training Class the week of June 26th and July 16th. These classes will emphasis how to manage people and deliver customer service. The old Security Jeep will be put into a carpool to be utilized by all departments on an “as need basis”. This should cut back on personal vehicle reimbursements. 7KH&RPSDQ\3ROLFHQRZKDV&HUWLÀHG 1& &RPSDQ\ 3ROLFH 2IÀFHUV :H DUH currently serving “two masters”, one for the State of NC for statutory and one for Land Harbor for policy duties. All the scheduled paving that was supposed to take place in 2007 got paved in the fall of 2006. There are still some small jobs of patching to be done throughout the year. The Hwy. 221 front entrance to Land Harbor is going to be landscaped. Keep DQH\HRXWIRUWKHEHDXWLÀFDWLRQWKDWZLOOEH taking place. The front entrance will look like it did in 2000 Land Harbor Calendar. Glenyce Mann and Mike Oliver have agreed to help with this endeavor. The Golf Shop and the 19th Hole is going to be working in unison to provide our members the best overall experience possible. The 19th Hole is going to be closed on Sundays but there will be a refreshment cart that a volunteer will ride around the golf course. The refreshment cart will also be available during the week when there is a volunteer available. VI. Policy & Procedures A. Vacation-Personnel-7 The current vacation policy states that an employee that has been with Land Harbor less than 2 years will acquire 5 days per year, 2 years but less than 10 years will acquire 10 days per year, 10 years but less than 20 years will acquire 15 days per year, and 20 years or more will acquire 20 days per year. The new policy states that employees that have been here 2 years or less will acquire 1/2 day per full month of employment, 2 years but less than 10 years will acquire 1 day per full month of employment, 10 years but less than 20 years will acquire 1 1/2 days per full month of employment, and 20 years or more will acquire 2 days per month, per full month of employment. Chuck Abrams moved to accept the new vacation policy and add to Section 3, under Conversion from Seasonal Employee to Regular Full-Time: Seasonal employees who are converted into year round employees will start earning vacation time from the date they started working “as a fulltime (year round) employee”. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. B. Holidays-Personnel-8 The current holiday policy gives Full Time Permanent Employees and Seasonal Employees (that work 40 hours during WKH ZHHN WKH KROLGD\ IDOOV 1HZ <HDU·V Day, Easter Monday, July 4th , Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and Harbor Day off each year. Part Time Employees working a minimum of 32 hours during the week in which, the holiday falls, receive July 4th, Labor Day and Harbor Day off. The proposed new policy states that Full Time year round employees get all the above days in addition to Martin Luther .LQJ·V -U·V %LUWKGD\ 0HPRULDO 'D\ 9HWHUDQ·V'D\&KULVWPDV(YHDQGWKH'D\ after Christmas. Seasonal employees will get these days provided they are normally scheduled to work 40 hours during the week the holiday falls and Part Time Employees would get Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day and Harbor Day, if working a minimum of 32 hours during the week the Holiday falls. Charlie Sims moved not to accept the Holiday Policy as presented. The motion was seconded and carried by a majority. Voting not to accept were: Jimmy Goodwin, Charlie Sims, Jim Watson, and Chuck Abrams. Voting to deny the motion, as presented were: Dennis Ellenwood, Phin Horton and Warren Kempf. Jimmy Goodwin moved to change Easter Monday to Good Friday and to add Memorial Day and Veterans Day to the Holiday Policy, effective immediately and to remove the Harbor Day Holiday effective January 1, 2008, as some employees may have already taken their Harbor Day. The motion was seconded and carried by a majority. Voting in Favor was: Chuck Abrams, Dennis Ellenwood, Jimmy Goodwin, Warren Kempf, Charlie Sims and Jim Watson. Voting. Against was: Phin Horton C. Sick Leave-Personnel-9 The current sick leave policy states that new full time employees (after 6 months of employment) accrues 7/12ths of a day per month and that Part Time and Seasonal Employees accrue one day for each 260 hours worked during the previous calendar year. The new policy states that all employees who work full time year-round or seasonal will accrue 1/2 day per month of employment. Charlie Sims moved to accept the new Sick Leave Policy. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. PLEASE CONTINUE ON PAGE 39 0D\-XQH continued from page 38 Minutes Board of Directors Meeting, May 11, 2007 D. Road Paving-R & R-6 Mr. Simpson introduced into discussion that the current policy on Road Paving states that the per foot charge to each participant shall be based on the material cost of two (2) inches of asphalt, eight (8) inches of compacted stone and tack. The new policy states the per foot charge to each participant shall be based on the actual material cost for the asphalt, compacted stone and tack. He explained that sometimes between the times that the HVWLPDWHV IRU WKH URDG SDYLQJ DUH ÀJXUHG and when the actual paving is done that WKH DPRXQWV FRXOG EH GHÀQLWHO\ GLIIHUHQW and that this would allow POA to charge the actual cost. Jimmy Goodwin moved to accept the revisions to the Road Paving Policy as presented by Mr. Simpson. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. E. Revised Fishing Rules & Regulations due to change in law. 7KHQHZ1RUWK&DUROLQD6WDWXWHRQÀVKLQJ has changed things for Land Harbor and that the Rules and Regulations for Fishing should state that after May 30, 2007, all Land Harbor residents and guests, 16 years or older, must have a Land Harbor Fishing Permit as well as a North Carolina ÀVKLQJOLFHQVH Jimmy Goodwin moved to approve the new Rules and Regulations to comply with the new law. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. F. RV Storage Fee The current RV Storage Fee form states that Motor Home/ Travel Trailers, Enclosed Utility Trailer, and Usable Boat with Trailer pay a fee of $100.00 per year. With Tow Dollys, Cargo Trailers/Open Utility Trailers, and members storing contracting equipment and supplies pay a fee of $200.00 per year. Mr. Abrams felt the $200.00 fee for a 2 wheel tow dolly was excessive. &KXFN$EUDPVPRYHGWRPRYH7RZ'ROO\·V to the $100.00 per year fee. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. VII. Old Business A. Dam 1. Contract Negotiation 2. Report on Dam 3. Emergency Spillway Mr. Mark Landis of Schnabel Engineering presented a power point to the Board of potential alternatives of replacement and/ or repairs of the Land Harbor Dam. The dam is going to have to be replaced and/or repaired as required by the State of North Carolinaís Department of Environmental and Natural Resources. Land Harbor has been presented with a contract with Schnabel Engineering to give an analysis of the dam and to come up with the best possible way to repair or replace the dam. Jim Watson moved to accept the contract with Schnabel for $119,000 and not to exceed $125,000 unless approved by 0D\-XQH Land Harbor, which would cover any sub-contractors. Getting the engineering work done for the State is considered an emergency with the money being transferred from the R & M-Dam line item to the Contract Services-Engineering for Dam and Bridges. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. Jim Watson gave a brief presentation on his approach to the replacement and/or repairs to the dam. VIII. New Business A. Charitable Contributions Removed from the agenda B. Sewer System Charlie Sims introduced into discussion that Land Harbor is having several problems ZLWKWKHVHZHUV\VWHPZLWKLQÀOWUDWLRQDQG sewer back-ups. A couple of years ago Land Harbor assigned two people to do LQÁRZ DQG LQÀOWUDWLRQ LQVSHFWLRQV RQ WKH sewer system but they have been so busy doing repairs that these employees have been unable to make an evaluation and that we really donít have the necessary equipment to do a proper evaluation. Charlie Sims moved to amend the budget and authorize up to $25,000 for a sewer system evaluation to transfer $25,000 from R & M-Dam in the Maintenance Budget to R & M -Sewer. The motion was seconded and carried by a majority. Voting in favor was: Chuck Abrams, Dennis Ellenwood, Jimmy Goodwin, Phin Horton, Charlie Sims, and Jim Watson. Voting Against: Warren Kempf. C. Change in time for Special Board Meeting-May 18th. Charlie Sims moved to change the time of Special Board Meetings from 4:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. due to expected Variance Requests from the Architectural Committee. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. D. Consecutive Tee Times Dennis Ellenwood introduced into discussion that we could get consecutive tee times without any additional charge from Comp-U-Serve and that the computerized tee time would tell you if the consecutive tee times you were requesting were available and if not, it would tell you when they were available. Dennis Ellenwood moved to make any changes necessary to allow people to get two consecutive tee times. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. IX. Property Owners’ Input and Concerns as per 47F-3-108 (b) Meetings A. Lee Becton - Neglected Properties Mr. Becton is concerned about some neglected properties throughout Land Harbor and in particular a house in Linville Meadows. He questioned what could be done with the property. Mr. Simpson stated that the proper people have been QRWLÀHGDERXWWKLVVLWXDWLRQ$WWKLVWLPHDOO that could be done was for POA to do work on the outside but as far as the inside the house, Land Harbor has no jurisdiction. B. Jack Weisglass- Senior Living Campus This has been delayed until the June Meeting. C. Linda Bristol 0UV%ULVWROLVFRQFHUQHGZLWKWKHÀQDQFLDO burden which Land Harbor will have with the replacement and/or repair of the dam. She is concerned that some of the Land Harbor owners would not be able to pay a one time assessment. Mr. Troy and Mr. Simpson stated that the cost of the repair RU UHSODFHPHQW RI WKH GDP KDVQ·W EHHQ determined and when it is determined, the YDULRXVDOWHUQDWLYHVVXFKDVÀQDQFLQJWKH project or paying by assessments will be thoroughly discussed with the residents. X. Executive Session-Personnel Matters & Litigation The Board moved into Executive Session at 11:30 a.m. XI. Adjournment Upon returning from Executive Session, Charlie Sims moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:10 p.m. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. Lynn Townsend, Recording Secretary The tape of this meeting is available to the membership ____________________________ Banner House Museum Opening June 30 The Banner House Museum in Banner Elk opens June 30 allowing YLVLWRUV WR H[SHULHQFH WK &HQWXU\ mountain life and culture. The museum, located in the historic Sam Banner home along the banks of the Elk River, will RIIHU VHOIJXLGHG WRXUV ZLWK LQWHUDFWLRQ DQGKDQGVRQGHPRQVWUDWLRQVE\WUDLQHG docents. In addition to home tours, walking WRXUV RI %DQQHU (ON·V KLVWRULF GLVWULFW will also be offered at 2:00 p.m. daily. Visitors to the museum can enjoy craft demonstrations, and can shop for unique gifts in the Museum Shop including SRWWHU\ ZRRGZRUNLQJ DQG FKLOGUHQ·V toys and books. Opening celebration is Saturday, June 30 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. with GHPRQVWUDWLRQV KDQGVRQ DFWLYLWLHV music and refreshments. Tickets to the Banner House Museum are Adults: &KLOGUHQXQGHU$GXOWWLFNHW price includes $1 off any Museum Shop purchase. Home tour is included with purchase of a walking tour ticket. The Banner House Museum is located at the corner of Hickory Nut Gap and Hwy. 184 in Banner Elk. 3DJH Welcome, new residents Steven Anderson (W Palm Bch, FL) :LQWHUJUHHQ/Q+LJKODQG+LOOV++ George & Linda Leukosf&KDSLQ6& 7XOLS/Q5LYHU.QROO5. Russell & Lanno Anderson (Gulf Shores, AL) $]DOHD/Q+LJKODQG+LOOV++ Mark & Sharyl Lewis (Pembroke Pines, FL) 7ULOOLXP5G6SUXFH+ROORZ$ Garnett & Janet Ball (Reedville, VA) 3LQH5LGJH/RRS3LQH5LGJH35 Mary K Mahoney (Knoxville, TN) 2DN/Q/DXUHO+LOOV/+ Julia Bane-Sanders 9DOOH\/Q6SUXFH+ROORZ$ Robert & Freddi McCouan&RUDO6SULQJV)/ :LQGULGJH5G+LJKODQG+LOOV++ Chris Bertolini *ROGHQ5RG/RRS/LQYLOOH0HDGRZV/0 Collis,III & Debra McGeachy (Atlantic Bch, FL) 3DUDGLVH5LGJH/Q/LQYLOOH(VWDWHV/( Patricia Boatman (Evansville, IN) 3DUN/RRS6SUXFH+ROORZ$ Fred & Dorothy McKaig (Port Orange, FL) 6XPPLW/Q0RXQWDLQ9LHZ% James & Janice Buck (Satsuma, FL) %HHFK/Q2DN+LOOV' Jim & Linda McKenzie /RQJYLHZ5G/DXUHO+LOOV/+ Dominic & Karen Caristo$SH[1& /DG\6OLSSHU/RRS/DNHYLHZ+LOOV0 Justin Mikel 7ULOOLXP5G6SUXFH+ROORZ$ 1RUPDQ/RUUDLQH&RIÀQ&RRSHU&LW\)/ :LQGULGJH5G+LJKODQG+LOOV++ Marion & Peggy Pavlosky (Sykesville, MD) :KLVSHULQJ3LQH/RRS2DN+LOOV' Eddie & Karen Darnell (Melbourne, FL) :LQGPLOO/Q*UDQGYLHZ*9 Jason Petty5DOHLJK1& 7HDEHUU\/Q2DN+LOOV' Larry & Nancy Enck (Ft Meyers, FL) *URXVH&LU.H\5LGJH.5 Dovie Ploudre 7ULOOLXP5G6SUXFH+ROORZ$ Rich & Kathy Fallon:LOPLQJWRQ1& /DXUHO+LOOV5G/DXUHO+LOOV/+ Donald & Marilyn Polen (Naples, FL) *DOD[/RRS/DXUHO+LOOV/+ Randall Forbes & Roselee Spencer1HZODQG1& 5LYHU5G/LQYLOOH0HDGRZV/0 Arthur & Mary Ellen Rossler (Juno Bch, FL) 5LYHU+ROORZ5G+LJKODQG+LOOV++ John & Anne Fox (Ft. Myers, FL) %XWWHUQXW/Q+LJKODQG+LOOV++ Eric Slipsager & April Probst1HZODQG1& (YHUJUHHQ/Q+LJKODQG+LOOV++ Steven Gaines (Boca Raton, FL) 7KRUQZRRG/RRS0RXQWDLQ9LHZ% Walter & Yvonne Salter +DUERU/DNH5G+DUERU/DNH+LOOV& Corey & Jennifer Garland 3LQH/RRS+LJKODQG+LOOV++ Stanislaw & Grace Sroka (St Augustine, FL) 'HZ'URS/RRS/DNHYLHZ+LOOV0 Ronald & Tamara Guilliams6WDQOH\1& +DUERU/DNH5G+DUERU/DNH+LOOV& Andy & Carmela Thompson9DOGHVH1& %DOVDP/Q/DNHYLHZ+LOOV0 Cheryl Hampton (Ellenton, FL) /DG\6OLSSHU/RRS/DNHYLHZ+LOOV0 Charles & Marilyn Tipton (Sarasota, FL) *ROGHQ5RG/RRS/LQYLOOH0HDGRZV/0 Miriam Hancock&KDUORWWH1& %ODFN3LQH5G6SUXFH+ROORZ$ John & Lisa Tutterow)D\HWWHYLOOH1& *ROGHQ5RG/RRS/LQYLOOH0HDGRZV/0 William Hornig (Rockledge, FL) /DXUHO/Q+LJKODQG+LOOV++ Kenneth Walter (Tredwell, NY) 7ULOOLXP5G6SUXFH+ROORZ$ Gary & Patricia Hughes:D\QHVYLOOH1& 5RFN\0HDGRZV5G0RXQWDLQ9LHZ% Gary Wettstein & Linda York (OGHUEHUU\/RRS2DN+LOOV' Robert & Juliane Hurst'HQYHU1& +DUERU/Q+DUERU/DNH+LOOV& Vincent & Suzanne Yeaton (The Villages, FL) +LOOFUHVW5G+LJK&UHVW+& 3DJH 0D\-XQH THE ROVERS are on the move! August 9th and 10th - Hendersonville, NC. 'EOHDFK6LQJOH&RYHUVEXVIURP/DQG+DUERU)ODW Rock Theater production of -RVHSK7KH$PD]LQJ7HFKQLFRORU DreamcoatGLQQHUEUHDNIDVWDQGRYHUQLJKWDW7KH&RRSHU&UHVW ,QQ WRXU &DUO 6DQGEHUJ +RPH JRDW IDUP DQG DPSKLWKHDWHU Bus will start loading at our main parking lot at the Recreation Building at 12:30 Thursday and leave at 1:15. Please park your cars near the lake. We should be back about 5:00 PM Friday. 1RWH6LQFHWKHVHFRPSDQLHVUHTXLUHDQRQUHIXQGDEOHGHSRVLW DWWLPHRIUHVHUYDWLRQWKLVWULSLVRSHQWRWKHJHQHUDOSXEOLFVR FDOODOO\RXUIULHQGVDQGVSUHDGWKHZRUG September 1st - 4th - Nashville, TN. 'EOHDFK6LQJOH,I\RXOLNH6RXWKHUQ*RVSHO 0XVLF*UDQG2OH2SU\DQGVKRSSLQJ\RXZRQ·WZDQWWRPLVVWKLV RQH,QFOXGHV%XVIURP/DQG+DUERUQLJKWVDQGEUHDNIDVWV at 7KH*D\ORUG2SU\ODQG+RWHO4 Gospel Music Concerts hosted by The Legacy Five, Grand Ole Opry, Tour of Nashville, VIP coupon & shopping at Opry Mills. This trip will be open to the public July 15th. Bus will start loading at 6:00, Sat, Sept 1st and leave at 7:00. No bags will be loaded without a luggage tag with your name and address. Remember; you are not signed up until your check is received. Make checks payable to Land Harbor Rovers and mail to Doris Francis/DQG+DUERU1HZODQG1&Doris Francis Shirley Hoover&RKRVWV 0D\-XQH 7 day cruise December 8-15 leaving Cape Canaveral, on Carnival Glory. GD\VJRLQJWR6W7KRPDV6W0DUWLQVDQG1DVVDX&RVWper person, double occupancy, $480. interior, $572 Oceanview, $710. Balcony. We need to know ASAP if you are interested. We only have a very short time to reserve the cabins. ,I\RXDUHLQWHUHVWHGHPDLODon Kramp at: dkramp@bellsouth. net RUWHOHSKRQH Four Seasons Club 1HZ2IÀFHUVIRU6HDVRQ3UHVLGHQWV Ellis & Jean Bennett, V. Pres: Charlie & Janet Sims, Treas: Lee & Linda Becton Please mark the following dates on your calendars: Aug. 4th, Flea Market. Don and Gladys Jones will chair the project this year. They need your help with pricing, set up the day of the sale, and work during the sale hours. We need used household items only. This is our 5th year and we need each of you to make it a success. All unsold items will be given to <HOORZ0RXQWDLQ(QW for their yard VDOH 3OHDVH &DOO Don or Gladys # IRU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ7KDQNV Aug. 18, Annual Picnic at the point. Hosts: New 2IÀFHUV 3DJH &KLOGUHQDQG<RXWK)LVKLQJ Tournament to be held again July 4 A children and youth tournament will be held again this year on Wednesday, July 4. The tournament will VWDUWDW$0&KLOGUHQDQGJUDQGFKLOGUHQRI/DQG Harbor residents and their guests under 16 years old may enter. We ask entrants to secure a free permit to the tournament in order to register. This permit may EH VHFXUHG IURP WKH 6HFXULW\ RU 32$ RIÀFH RU IURP ÀVKLQJ FRPPLWWHH PHPEHUV 3UL]HV ZLOO EH DZDUGHG to those who registered for the tournament. We also require an adult to be with each child for assistance and safety reasons. Prior to the tournament we will feed and chum areas WREHÀVKHG%DLWDOVRZLOOEHSURYLGHG2XULQWHQWLRQ LVWRSULPDULO\FDWFKWKHVXQÀVKFUDSSLHEDVVFDWÀVK and carp that live in our lake and are easy to catch from the shore. Most of these species are good to eat and fun to catch. The Fishing Committee. 3DJH 0D\-XQH Obituaries Walter Andresen, former owner 20 Twintree Ln, April 26th. He is survived by his wife, Theresa. He was a naval veteran of WWII. Archie Andrews, 93 Snowshoe Loop, January 19th. He is survived E\KLVZLIH5XWKRQHVRQRQHGDXJKWHUDQGÀYHJUDQGFKLOGUHQ Pat Barnes, former owner 139 Harbor Ln, March 16th. She is survived by her husband, Don. Mrs. Barnes was a Volunteer Receptionist. Mary Ruth Boner*URXVH&LUFOH2FWREHUWK6KHLVVXUYLYHG by her husband, Eldon and one daughter. Marion Brozon, 619 Highland Hills Rd, November 27th. She ZDVLQWKH$UP\1XUVH&RUSLQ)UDQFHLQ::,, John Casey, 162 Black Pine Rd, April 14th. He is survived by his wife, Peggy and one son. Mae Fanning, 216 Ivy Rd, November 10th. She was preceded in death by her husband, Jim. She is survived by one daughter, Linda Morrissey of 98 Spring Brook Rd in Land Harbor, one grandchild and three great grandchildren. Mrs. Fanning was very active in numerous recreational activities at Land Harbor. Marilyn Fellers, 209 Whispering Pine Loop, December 10th. She is survived by her husband Dilver, one son, one daughter and three grandchildren. Barbara Fisher, 22 Whispering Pine Loop, March 6th. She is VXUYLYHGE\KHUKXVEDQG/DUU\RQHVRQRQHGDXJKWHUDQGÀYH grandchildren. Mrs. Fisher was a Lifetime Master Gardner in *HRUJLD DQG 1& ZRUNLQJ WLUHOHVVO\ WR UHVFXH QDWLYH SODQWV DQG ÁRZHUV Fred Fox, 144 Laurel Brook Rd, April 1st. He is survived by KLV ZLIH 'RURWK\ RQH VRQ RQH GDXJKWHU WZR VWHSGDXJKWHUV HLJKW JUDQGFKLOGUHQ WKUHH VWHSJUDQGFKLOGUHQ DQG WKUHH JUHDW JUDQGFKLOGUHQ)UHGZDVDQDYLGÀVKHUPDQDQGZDVRQWKH)LVKLQJ &RPPLWWHHIRUDOPRVW\HDUV+HDOVRORYHGJROIDQGEDOOURRP dancing. Joseph Garlausky, January 1, 2006 and Helen Garlausky, May 5, 2006. Mr. and Mrs. Garlausky were the former owners of 215 Spring Brook Rd. Bob Kirby, former owner 182 Pine Loop, February 17th. He is survived by his wife, Norma, one son, one daughter, four JUDQGFKLOGUHQ DQG IRXU JUHDWJUDQGFKLOGUHQ %RE ZDV DQ DYLG golfer. Memorial donations may be made to Shriners Hospital for &KLOGUHQ5RFN\3RLQW'U7DPSD)/ Harry Main, 8 Powderhorn Ln, February 20th. He was preceded LQ GHDWK E\ KLV ZLIH 1DRPL +H LV VXUYLYHG E\ KLV VWHSVRQ 6WDQ 0F1DEE DQG ZLIH 7HVV WZR JUDQGFKLOGUHQ DQG VL[ JUHDW grandchildren. Mr. Main loved woodworking and basket making. 0HPRULDOVPD\EHPDGHWRWKH*LGHRQV32%R[3LQHROD1& RU +RVSLFH RI$YHU\ &RXQW\ 0LWFKHOO 6W 1HZODQG 1& Judy McDaniel, former owner of 322 Snowshoe Loop, November 26th. She is survived by her husband, Jim, one son, one daughter and three grandchildren. Judy loved to play golf and at one time ZDVD9ROXQWHHU5HFHSWLRQLVWIRUWKH32$2IÀFH Jackie Miles, 392 Locust Rd, November 9th. She is survived by her husband, Peyton, one son, two daughters, eight grandchildren, DQGIRXUJUHDWJUDQFKLOGUHQ-DFNLHDQG3H\WRQKDGEHHQPDUULHG for 62 years. Peyton Miles, 392 Locust Rd, March 16th. He was preceded in death by his wife, Jackie. He is survived by one son, two daughters, eight grandchildren and four great grandchildren. He was a former -XGJHRIWKH*HRUJLD6WDWH&RXUWDQGZDVDOVRD-XYHQLOH-XGJH +HZDVWKHIRUPHU&KDLUPDQRIWKH%\ODZV&RPPLWWHHDQGORYHG coming to the Mountains and Land Harbor. Patrick Mooney, 934 Goose Hollow Rd, March 11th. He is VXUYLYHG E\ KLV ZLIH 'DUOHQH ÀYH GDXJKWHUV VL[ JUDQGFKLOGUHQ DQGÀYHJUHDWJUDQGFKLOGUHQ 0U 0RRQH\ZDVDFWLYHLQ7HQQLV and Golf. Elizabeth Moore, 59 Holly Loop, April 11th. She is survived by her husband, Alan, and one sister. Mrs. Moore loved walking and WHQGLQJWRKHUÁRZHUEHGV6KHORYHGWKH0RXQWDLQV Bill Mundell, 853 Highland Hills Rd, March 3rd. He is survived by his wife, Ginny, three sons and six daughters, twenty one grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Judy Purcell, 1241 Land Harbor Parkway, March 12th. She is survived by her husband, Jim, one son, two daughters and one grandchild. Marcia Gove, 487 Locust Rd, November 22nd. She was preceded in death by her husband, Bud. She is survived by one son and one JUDQGFKLOG0DUFLDZDVYHU\DFWLYHLQWKH7HQQLV&OXE &KHVWHU6KRUW\5XVVXP, 59 Dogwood Ln, August 10th. He is survived by his wife, Judy, one son, one daughter and four grandchildren. Mr. Russum had been a property owner since 1979 DQGZDVPDUULHGWR-XG\IRUô\HDUV Cecil Harman, 428 Lakeview Rd, January 21st. He is survived by his wife, Helen, one son, one daughter, two grandchildren and RQHJUHDWJUDQGFKLOG&HFLOORYHGWKHJDPHRIJROI+HKDGEHHQ a property owner since 1969 when Land Harbor started. Helen is UHVLGLQJDW3RZHOO5G%/HQRLU1& Bill Steele, 16 Fawn Ln, November 23rd. He is survived by his wife, Jean, three sons and six grandchildren. Bill loved square GDQFLQJDQGSOD\LQJEULGJH+HYROXQWHHUHGDWWKH6HQLRU&HQWHU and delivered “Meals on Wheels”. Bobby Hiland, 35 Azalea Ln, March 10th. He is survived by his ZLIH&DURO\QWZRVRQVRQHGDXJKWHUDQGHLJKWJUDQGFKLOGUHQ (OL]DEHWK /LE 8QGHUZRRG, 91 Thornwood Loop, April 9th. Mrs. Underwood is survived by one son, one daughter and three grandchildren. She was a Volunteer Receptionist for the POA and KDGEHHQDSURSHUW\RZQHUVLQFHWKHHDUO\·V :LOOLDP)%LOO+XQWHU, 74 Key Field Loop, October 31st. He is survived by his wife, Ethel, one son and two grandchildren. Mr. Hunter was an active member of the American Legion for 58 years. John Kelly, former owner 162 Windridge Rd, November 19th. +HZDVSUHFHGHGLQGHDWKE\KLVZLIH&KDUORWWH0U.HOO\ZDV YHU\DFWLYHLQWKH7HQQLV&OXEDQG6KRZ*URXS 0D\-XQH Orville Underwood, former owner 213 Pine Valley Rd, December 1st. He was preceded in death by his wife, Dorothy. He is survived E\ RQH VRQ RQH GDXJKWHU ÀYH JUDQGFKLOGUHQ DQG HOHYHQ JUHDW grandchildren. Mr. Underwood was a former POA Board Member and President of the POA. He made numerous contributions to Land Harbor through the years with his engineering background. He contributed greatly to the computerization efforts of the POA. 3DJH Mark your calendars! Friday, July 13th Annual Golf Tournament Format: Texas Scramble with handicap Tee time 12:30. 3URFHHGVZLOOEHQHÀW9ROXQWHHU$YHU\&RXQW\ to help provide heat for people in need during these cold mountain winters. &DOO(OOLV%HQQHWWRU,ULVK*HUNHQ IRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ :HQHHGYROXQWHHUV Lions Club annual fund raising dinner Saturday, June 23 This annual affair is to raise money to help the blind, sight impaired and those with hearing problems. The dinner (chicken & dumplings) will be served at the Avery Middle School cafeteria on Saturday, June 23rd from 5:30PM to 7:30PM. Tickets are $8.00 for adults and $5.00 for children under 12 years of age. This delicious dinner consists of skinned chicken with dumplings, vegetables, cooked apples, cranberry sauce, biscuits and topped off with a variety of lucious desserts and coffee or WHD&DUU\RXWVDUHDYDLODEOH-HVVLH/HZLV will again entertain. Advanced tickets can be obtained from Don Martin RUStan Ferguson7LFNHWVZLOODOVR be sold at the door. The Lions club can use your old glasses, frames and used hearing aids. Brooms will be on sale for $10.00(large) and $8.00 (small). 3DJH The Land Harbor beaver population had a busy winter season as the above picture shows. This shot ZDV WDNHQ EHKLQG WKH 3ROLFH RIÀFH LQ $SULO 6WHYH Padgett and Kermit Trammell spotted the tree as they were preparing to assist in stocking the lake with trout. The beavers were close to bringing down this tree! &DQRHUDFNXSGDWH Several times this winter high winds blew many canoes off the racks, damaged the racks in the process. Land Harbor personnel put the canoes back on the racks, but not necessarily in the correct location. This is due to WKHUDFNGDPDJHDQGRUQRLGHQWLÀFDWLRQRQWKHFDQRH7KH canoe racks were scheduled to be replaced this year, and WKH)LVKLQJ&RPPLWWHHKDVUHFHLYHGELGVRQUHSODFLQJWKHP but they will temporarily repair the racks. Although owners were sent a letter last fall, there are still approximately 20 unmarked canoes. These will be removed from the racks and locked on the ground until the owners claim and properly identify them before returning them to their assigned place RQ WKH UDFN 1DPHV RQ FDQRHV VKRXOG IDFH WKH ÀHOG IRU LGHQWLÀFDWLRQ Owners are asked to tie bow and stern lines to the racks to prevent future happenings. Call Carl Lerche 737-9325 for more information. 0D\-XQH RENTAL 0 HOUSEGUEST (OVERNIGHT for GOLF) 0 FAMILY MEMBER AUTHORIZATION TO: LAND HARBOR POA (FAX #828-733-8303) FROM: SUBJECT: (NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER) RENTAL 8 HOUSEGUEST 8 FAMILY MEMBER (USE OF FACILITIES) DATE: Please be advised that the following person(s) (1 form for each couple) is either renting, is my houseguest, or a member of my family. (Definition of a Family Member: Spouse, father, mother, siblings, sons, daughters, in-laws, grandparents and grandchildren) and it is my desire that they have use of the facilities for golf, fishing, tennis, and swimming; furthermore, that they are authorized to pick up and sign for the Pool Pass for this property (if I have not already done so as the owner or the authorized representative). Please Check in the space provided, if renter, overnight houseguest or family member playing golf ( Special Understanding on golfing privileges for the above, pursuant to Policy (Board-11) ) The property owner must state inclusive dates and length of stay, giving the arriving and departing dates in addition to the length of stay in terms of days and nights. Example: January 1, 2007 to January 5, 2007; 5 days - 4 nights etc. Only one name (couple) may appear on each authorization form. Securing the letter, fax or call is the responsibility of the renter, overnight houseguest or family member, not the POA office staff. You must use the standard form, provided by the POA Office found on the website, www.linvillelandharbor.com. Renters, overnight houseguests or family members do not have to be accompanied by a POA golf member. Any damage to the golf course or course equipment resulting from the conduct of renters, overnight houseguests or family members will be the responsibility of the sponsoring member. If renters, overnight houseguests or family members abuse the rules of golf as set out in theGolf Information Handbook, all golf privileges will be revoked. Overnight houseguests and family members may not participate in organized play events. Special arrangements for large non-member groups (two foursomes or more) may be made by a member on a one-time basis through the Golf Shop with the approval of the Golf Shop Manager and the Golf Committee Chair. Renters, with a letter on file from the property owner or ownerCs agent from whom they are renting, may make tee times and play without a property owner in the foursome by paying daily green fees or by purchasing a coupon sheet. Renters may also purchase an annual membership. Only renters with an annual membership may participate in organized play. Renters will use the ownerCs pin number. ALL COUPONS MUST BE SIGNED BY THE USER. Only POA members, renters, overnight houseguests or family members may purchase a coupon sheet for use up until the Golf Shop closes at the end of the season. The coupons may not be used for organized play. COUPONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. Coupon players must tee off when the Golf Shop is open unless they have made prior arrangements with the Golf Shop. Only property owners will have a pin #. Owners must call the Golf Shop -733-8325 - to obtain a pin # if they do not have one. Only one person at a time may use the pin # Beither the owner, renter, overnight houseguest or family member. Golfing annual members are expected to use their own carts or pay a rental fee to use a Golf Shop cart. Name of Renter(s): Name of House Guest: Name of Family Member: or or Location of Property: Term of Rental or use as Houseguest or Family Member: From: Days and to Signature of Owner: Signature of Agent Handling Rental of Property: COPY: Police Golf Shop Nights or FOR POA OFFICE USE DATE RECD: ACCT#: PHONE #: ACCOUNT PAID IN FULL: 10/06/06 (RENTAL HOUSE GUEST OR FAMILY MEMBER AUTHORIZATION FORM) 0D\-XQH 3DJH $OOSHUVRQVUHTXLULQJDGLVDELOLW\ÁDJ PXVWREWDLQDQHZÁDJWKLV\HDU /DGLHV·ÁDJVZLOOEHSLQNDQGWKHPHQ·VEOXH,I you have a stick, the cost will be $4, without a stick $5. Each person must present a letter from their doctor indicating whether the disability is permanent or temporary. If permanent, the permit will not have to EHUHQHZHGHDFK\HDU3OHDVHREWDLQ\RXUÁDJLQWKH Golf Shop as soon as possible. Margaret McIlwain, 6HFUHWDU\*ROI&RPPLWWHH Free tennis lessons available in June at Land Harbor Tennis Club Beginners Tues., June 19 and 26 - 10 AM to noon. People wishing to get back into tennis, or have played a little - Thur., June 21 and 28 - 9:00 am to 11:00 am. Just head on down to the courts with a racquet and tennis shoes and join in the fun. Linville Land Harbor vs Beech Mountain interclub tennis match - Thursday, June 14th DWKRPHSP&DOO-XGLWK3HUVLQJRU 0DUW\0F0XUUD\ZLWKTXHVWLRQV&RPH down and support our tennis team in this interclub match. 3DJH 0D\-XQH 0D\-XQH 3DJH Linville Land Harbor Property Owners Assn. P.O. Box 160 Linville, NC 28646 3DJH PRSRT STD US Postage Paid Linville, NC Permit No. 6 0D\-XQH