post show report
post show report
PROMOTIONAL GARMENTS PROMOTIONAL GIFTS PERSONALISATION TECHNICS 7I8I9 FEBRUARY 2012 LYON (FRANCE) PRESS AND WEB PARTNERS p.5: GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION p.6: DISTRIBUTION BY BUSINESS ACTIVITY p.7: ANNUAL PURCHASE VOLUMES p.8: VISITORS INTEREST p.9: INVESTMENT FORECASTS IN PERSONALISATION SOLUTIONS p.10: WHAT VISITORS FOUND p.11: PREMIUM PROGRAMME p.12: WORKSHOPS, LIVE EVENTS, CONFERENCES AND ACTIVITIES p.13: MARKETING AND ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS p.14: THE NOVA LIVE PROJECT p.16: EXHIBITORS / WORD FROM THE ORGANISER p.17: EXHIBITOR LIST p.18: CTCO 2012 GALLERY p.20: THE 2013 PROJECT p.24: CONTACTS 2FPCO AIMFAP GPSF PRINT’INNOVATION «LIVE CREATIVE WORKSHOP» PARTNERS ALEXANDRE FREZAL NUMÉRIQUE BROTHER CYBERNECARD - MYRTLE BEACH GAMAX GILDAN GRAVOGRAPH KIMOOD MIMAKI PF CONCEPT ROLAND «MERCHANDISING» PARTNERS FOTOLIA IMBRETEX RAXYLINE SENATOR LOGISTICS SERVICE PROVIDERS AND PARTNERS D-FACTO TNT E-COMMERCE 360 INSTITUTIONAL PARTNER ONLYLYON WHO EXHIBITS? ■ Manufacturers and importers of promotional gifts, promotional garments and business gifts. ■ Providers of machines and consumables for personalisation. ■ And, since 2012, personalisation service providers gathered in the “Service providers Village” WHO VISITS? ■ Retailers/distributors of promotional gifts and garments, of which there are almost 300 Premium companies, comprising the largest buyers in the market. ■ Decorators of all products (gift and garment) AND NEW HORIZONS! 7,558 visitors, that is, a 13% increase compared to 2011 (equating to 6,011 unique visitors): professionals working in the promotional gift and garment domains as well those working in the personalisation field, have taken up the CTCO organisers’ invitation en masse. For the 2012 event, the organisers raised the bar even higher by providing the event the biggest hall at Lyon-Eurexpo, offering an exhibition area of 20,000m2. This gamble paid off as CTCO was able to host 285 exhibitors in total, i.e. 80 more than in 2011, representing over 600 brands. With 30% more exhibitors over a 20% larger exhibition area, CTCO visitors found themselves with more space in the exhibition hall compared to previous years. This more «spacious» exhibition, with its wide walkways, has therefore broken a new record for the 5th consecutive year. 3 p.4: VISITOR STATISTICS PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS 2012 BILAN PAGE p.3: NEW RECORDS AND NEW HORIZONS! NEW RECORDS CTCO CONTENTS C!MAG TOP! EPPI WA NACHRICHTEN SIGNAL’ETIQ EUROPEANTOOL EUROPEANSOURCING.COM BLOG OBJETS PUBLICITAIRES BEPUB THE ORGANISER The 656 Editions company was established in Lyon in 2001. Originally exclusively a publisher of professional magazines within the promotional products and personalisation techniques domain (with the MarquageTextile and Prom’Objet publications, followed by C!mag in 2010), 656 Editions took on organisation of trade exhibitions through the establishment of “Communiquez Textile !” in 2008. With the addition of “Communiquez Objet !”, this event - which today is known as “CTCO” - is the only European exhibition dedicated to promotional garments, gifts and personalisation and printing techniques for all products. At the same time, the company formed a partnership with European Sourcing in 2011 to create a new event type: the Premium Sourcing business meetings in Paris. - 7,558 This is the total number of visits in 2012. Once again, this year CTCO is forging ahead with a 13% increase in visitor numbers. It is to be noted that compared to 2010, this growth equates to 40.33%. A quarter of the visitors (25.74%) attended the exhibition on at least 2 days, equating to a total of 1,547 people. The visitors took time to really learn about the exhibition’s content. Their aim was not only to meet a number of suppliers, but they were also attracted by the richness of activities (technique workshops, market-related conferences, trade information, etc.). 221 33.0 3 8% TOTAL VISITORS CTCO 2011 CTCO 2012 6 0% 278 41.6 4 2% 307 42.6 6 5% 169 25.3 WEDNESDAY (DAY2) 7 3339 UNIQUE VISITORS: the number of different visitors (not including those who attended on different days) VISITS : the number of entries during the 3 exhibition days COMPANIES REPRESENTED: the number of different companies of which at least one member attended the exhibition 36.3 TUESDAY (DAY1) 300 UNIQUE VISITORS: + 11.01% 261 2 0% 186 25.8 91.07% 8.93% 4 4% THURSDAY (DAY3) FRANCE VISITS + 13% NOMBRE D’ENTREPRISES + 11.04% GRAND LYON 12,22% PROVENCE-CÔTE D’AZUR 8,95% LANGUEDOC-ROUSSILLON 4,60% AQUITAINE 3,44% AUVERGNE 3,23% PAYS DE LOIRE 3,16% NORD 2,65% BOURGOGNE 2,62% FRANCHE-COMTÉ 2,23% ALSACE 2,20% MIDI-PYRENEES 2,09% LORRAINE 1,98% CENTRE 1,96% CHAMPAGNE 1,52% BRETAGNE 1,51% HAUTE-NORMANDIE 1,30% BASSE-NORMANDIE VISITOR STATISTICS FRENCH SPEAKING VISITORS FOREIGN 1,19% POITOU-CHARENTES 1,19% PICARDIE 0,96% LIMOUSIN 0,93% 8.93% OF VISITORS ARE FOREIGN, AMONGST WHICH 67.37% ARE FRENCH SPEAKING, FROM SWITZERLAND, BELGIUM, LUXEMBURG AND NORTH AFRICA. The geographical distribution of French visitors remains the same as in 2011, with almost a quarter from the Parisian region and the rest distributed across France. DOM-TOM (FRENCH OVERSEAS ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS AND TERRITORIES) 0,49% CORSE 0,15% EP OR TP 8 9 14,61% 201 2R 755 RE I 1 RHÔNE-ALPES (BEYOND THE GRAND LYON REGION) UNTRIES DI ST CO N R G FRANCE/FO CTC O 20 12 REPORT PAGE 4 5 601 24,82% (PARIS METROPOLITAN REGION) ION UT IB 541 ILE DE FRANCE AG E FRANCE: BY REGION DISTRIBUTION OF VISITORS 668 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION C T CO 1 OUT OF 4 5 70.38% RETAILER & IMPORTER OF GIFTS AND GARMENTS 13.91% ADVERTISING AGENCY 9.70% RETAILER OF WORK WEAR 4.67% INCENTIVE / OPERATIONS MARKETING AGENCY 58.67% DETAIL OF BUSINESS ACTIVITIES: RETAILER OF PROMOTIONAL GIFTS AND GARMENTS 1.35% DISTRIBUTORS / RETAILERS A GE 6 Base figure 100 EP OR TP 37.94% RETAILER & IMPORTER OF GIFTS AND GARMENTS 12 R 20 TC O C 3.39% OTHER: GRAPHIC DESIGN / WEB 66.67% TRAINING 28.61% PRESS 4.72% Base figure 100 5.69% RETAILER OF WORK WEAR 2.88% TEXTILE SCREEN PRINTING 10.81% DIGITAL PRINTING 8.54% EMBROIDERY 9.02% 5.28% 70.78% 25% GIFT - 75% GARMENT 19.14% 13.17% 2.74% 50% GIFT - 50% GARMENT 200 - 500K€ 16.92% 7.60% 10.96% 500 K€ - 1M€ 10.89% 4.57% 1 - 2M€ 7.27% 2.19% 3 - 5M€ 5.75% 0.99% 6 - 10M€ 2.44% 0.25% 11 - 15M€ 1.59% N/A MORE THAN 15M€ 0.16% 0.45% 9.69% 7.35% 2.67% 1.89% 2.05% 1.72% ENGRAVING 0.42% 1.32% 25.54% CUTTING 0.47% 1.24% EMBROIDERY 19.37% SIGNS 1.33% 0.99% TRANSFER 7.04% SUBLIMATION 4.98% GRAPHIC / INDUSTRIAL SCREEN PRINTING 0.56% N/A SIGNAGE 4.53% DIGITAL MEDIA 0.12% 0.11% ENGRAVING 3.48% GRAPHIC DESIGN / WEB 1.53% 2.26% CUTTING 3.27% TRAINING 0.22% 0.97% SIGNS 2.61% PRESS 0.45% 0.16% 0.29% HIGHER VOLUMES PURCHASED BY RETAILERS 45.02% of retailers have annual purchase volumes higher than 200k€. Meanwhile, 17.21% of them have purchase volumes higher than 1M€ (compared to 14.70% in 2011). DISTRIBUTORS / RETAILERS 0% GIFT - 100% GARMENT 35.84% DIGITAL PRINTING Base figure 100 GIFT / GARMENT DISTRIBUTION: 100 - 200K€ 28.89% DIGITAL MEDIA VOLUMES OF PERSONALISATION PROFESSIONALS’ PURCHASES RELATING TO GARMENTS ONLY: LESS THAN 100K€ 0.79% TEXTILE SCREEN PRINTING OTHER VOLUMES OF RETAILERS’ GIFTS AND GARMENTS PURCHASED: 8.16% 3.38% PERSONALISATION SIGNAGE PROFESSIONALS 41.29% 52.94% INCENTIVE / OPERATIONS MARKETING AGENCY SUBLIMATION PERSONALISATION PROFESSIONALS: CTCO CTCO 2011 2012 ADVERTISING AGENCY TRANSFER *PROMOTIONAL GARMENTS AND GIFTS AG E RETAILER OF PROMOTIONAL GIFTS AND GARMENTS EP OR TP DISTRIBUTORS / RETAILERS: Professionals working in the personalisation field are acclaiming the latest technologies. This year, 37.53% of them are basing their business on digital printing, transfer and/or sublimation (25.54%, 7.04% and 4.98% respectively). 5.28% 21.66% 89.36% of retailers base their PERSONALISATION PROFESSIONALS 4.88% 58.30% 75% GIFT - 25% GARMENT business on promotional gifts and 89.36 % garments simultaneously, that is 35.36% 3% more than in 2011. 10.58% 100% GIFT - 0% GARMENT 5.36% 4.46% 32.34% 21.78% 54% GIFT / 46% GARMENT 89.36% of retailers purchase gifts and garments simultaneously. Amongst them, the gift proportion is slightly higher, with 54% compared to 46% for garments. For personalisation professionals, business is logically based more on garments (63%). 201 2R ACTIVITY NEW TECHNIQUES ARE MORE AND MORE APPEALING… ANNUAL PURCHASE VOLUME* C T CO DISTRIBUTION BY BUSINESS 7 INVESTMENT FORECASTS IN PERSONALISATION SOLUTIONS AG E NO 72.04% ALISATIO SON NP R PE R 37.74% ECO-FRIENDLY / SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GIFTS 21.04% DESIGNER LABELS AND PRESTIGE BRANDS 8 A GE EP OR TP 12 R 20 64.32% PERSONALISATION SOLUTIONS C TC O TOPICS OF KEY INTEREST TO PERSONALISATION PROFESSIONALS: 52.75% DIRECT-TO-GARMENT PRINTING 51.13% 2012 GARMENT INNOVATIONS TRADITIONAL TECHNIQUES VERY MUCH STILL PRESENT! Screen printing and embroidery techniques were those sought out by approximately one third of personalisation professionals, with 31.94% and 33.19% interest shown per technique respectively. 46.94% TRANSFER, PRINT&CUT, FLEX CUTTING 33.19% EMBROIDERY AND STITCHING SOFTWARE 31.94% SCREEN PRINTING: SPECIAL EFFECTS 25.38% GREEN ADVERTISING (ORGANIC COTTON, CLEAN INKS, ETC.) 22.88% BESPOKEN PRODUCTION OR ON DEMAND PRODUCTION 20.06% WORKWEAR A TASTE FOR NEW TECHNIQUES... 52.75% of personalisation professionals claimed to be interested in digital printing. Almost half of this group (46.94%) were attracted by new technologies such as transfer, sublimation and Print&Cut. N A LS NO 73.29% 18.78% LEGISLATION RELATING TO PROMOTIONAL GIFTS SIO 19.75% AWARDS AND GIFT MENUS O S FE YES 27.96% OR TP of retailers visited CTCO to learn about new personalisation solutions. ARE YOU PLANNING TO INVEST IN A PERSONALISATION SOLUTION IN 2012? DUCT DISTRIB UT O 201 2R EP 39.70% PERSONALISATION SOLUTIONS 39.70% PROM OT IO 44.60% PROMOTIONAL GARMENT COLLECTIONS AL O PR RS 73.48% 2012 GIFT INNOVATIONS N TOPICS OF KEY INTEREST TO PROMOTIONAL PRODUCT DISTRIBUTORS: CTCO VISITORS INTEREST YES 26.71% IF SO, IN WHICH TECHNIQUE(S)? SCREEN PRINTING DIGITAL TRANSFER SUBLIMATION EMBROIDERY DISTRIBUTORS/RETAILERS 30.52% 38.02% 32.50% 30.73% 22.08% PERSONALISATION PROFESSIONNALS 27.95% 55.20% 26.16% 24.79% 26.71% DIGITAL PRINTING MAKING INROADS... Continuing on the same trend as 2011, new personalisation techniques were still very appealing. In fact, one third of retailers plan to integrate digital, transfer or sublimation solutions in 2012. 9 PREMIUM PROGRAMME WHAT VISITORS FOUND IN SUMMARY: As is the case every year, visitors came to strengthen ties with their suppliers and meet new partners. Above all however, CTCO is an innovative event, ensuring visitors leave with new ideas and new projects for future development. PERSONALISATION PROFESSIONALS 58.70% 51.00% PROMOTIONAL GARMENT OR GIFT PRODUCTS AGE 10 595 73.00% 67.80% 75.40% 74.10% 42% 192 246 of personalisation professionals found new business development opportunities as well as new technologies to integrate. NUMBER OF PREMIUM COMPANIES + 36.98% VISITOR’S OPINION: VERY POSITIVE FEEDBACK! IN RESPONSE TO THE QUESTION HOW WOULD YOU DEFINE THE CTCO 2012 EXHIBITION? INNOVATIVE FRIENDLY SETTING INTERESTING ON A TECHNICAL LEVEL DISTRIBUTORS/ RETAILERS PERSONALISATION PROFESSIONALS 76.60% 79.20% CTCO 2012 92% 82.20% CTCO 2011 89.20% 81.30% CTCO 2010 AG E 1 34.90% 42.00% 263 770 LESS THAN 500K€ 12.17% 500K€ TO 1M€ 26.62% 1 TO 2M€ 28.90% 2 TO 5M€ 16.35% 5 TO 10M€ 12.17% 10 TO 15M€ 2.28% MORE THAN 15M€ 1.52% 36.98% This is the percentage increase in the number of Premium companies between 2010 and 2012. NUMBER OF PREMIUM VISITORS + 29.41% EP OR TP 2R 779 201 35.00% YOUR USUAL SUPPLIERS RT P 20 12 RE PO O CT C relates to a total of 1,144 visits over the 3 exhibition days. PREMIUM COMPANIES TURNOVER: 30/11/11 14:43:17 Badge-ctco-premium-exe.indd 1 17.50% OTHER SUPPLIERS WITHIN YOUR AREA OF EXPERTISE 73% of retailers met new suppliers during the 3 exhibition days. In 2012, it attracted 65% of the largest French players in the promotional market, that is, 260 companies. This figure CTCO 60.10% NEW BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES OR NEW TECHNOLOGIES TO BE INTEGRATED THREE QUARTERS Thanks to its offering, enriched year on year since inception and a strongly trusted name, the programme fully delivers on its role in developing the loyalty of key players in the market. 29.40% EQUIPMENT OR CONSUMABLES FOR THEIR BUSINESS ACTIVITY INNOVATIVE PROJECTS FOR THE FUTURE The programme’s main objective is to ensure that key players in the promotional gift and garment market attend CTCO. It allows for identification of a group of «top retailers», whom, as such, will benefit from an assistance service and VIP support. RETAILERS/DISTRIBUTORS 1 CTCO 2012 REPORT PAG LIVE LIVE LIVE LIVE LIVE LIVE LIVE CREATIVE W RKSHOP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Over 40 email campaigns were strategically delivered to databases of closely-targeted contacts. Each message was systematically adapted according to various criteria: business activity, nationality and visitor status (pre-registered or not). 2012 7I8I9 FÉVRIER LYON In 2012, CTCO created a life-size personalisation workshop. Set across a 300m2 area at the centre of the exhibition, the «Live Creative Workshop» showcased all the main personalisation solutions for gifts and garments based on key techniques such as digital on gifts, direct digital on t-shirts, screen printing, 3D sublimation, print & cut, laser engraving and more. It offered visitors the unique opportunity to learn about the latest innovations and new personalisation solutions. GREEN GOODIES 1 Future visitors start visiting it 6 months before the exhibition opens. They use it to source all the information they require for their visit: how to pre-register, the exhibitors’ list and contact details, practical information about Lyon, schedule of activities, news, etc. AG E 40 EMAIL CAMPAIGNS EP OR TP THE WEBSITE Conferences, round tables, trade-related and technical workshops have been enriching CTCO since its inception, and are attended by scores of visitors each year. The programme, updated each year to ensure it remains in line with the market’s current challenges, reached a new milestone in 2012 by offering a training day on embroidery and screen printing. It was conducted with great success the day before the exhibition. Perfectly complementing the workshops organised over the three exhibition days, this programme will be enhanced in 2013, and expanded to include other techniques. 2R CONTENT - A VALUABLE ASSET! THE LIVE CREATIVE WORKSHOP et 1 IMPRESSION NuMéRIquE SuR ObjEtS IMPRESSION NuMéRIquE DIRECtE SuR tEE-SHIRtS SéRIgRaPHIE - EFFEtS SPéCIauX SublIMatION 3D PRINt & Cut gRavuRE laSER RéalISatION DE baDgES Every year, the CTCO team prepares a multi-channel advertising plan with a single aim: that of closely targeting visitors in order to guarantee exhibitors high-quality contacts and an ever-increasing number of visitors each year. 201 E 12 Conferences, technical workshops, live demonstrations: the exhibition’s content - CTCO’s real «trademark» offers visitors each year the tools to explore many different topics relating to their business activity and daily challenges. MARKETING AND ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS TRAIN TICKETS -20% Textile promotionnel Objet publicitaire lisation Techniques de personna 650 This is the number of websites that link to 3,000 GIFTS were decorated and given away over the 3 exhibition days: t-shirts, bags, key-rings, cardholders, yo-yos, pens, badges and almost 1,500 iPhone skins! VISITS À VaLIdER 28,000 INVITATIONS 2,300 SNCF discount vouchers were sent individually to visitors who requested them. NEW Gagnez du temps : FLashEz* cE cOdE directement et préenregistrez-vous ! sur votre smartphone QR, un lecteur de code (Lecteur * Pour le lire, téléchargez Market. sur l’App Store ou Android Flashcode, Mobiletag) Les NOuvelles VAleursvisuelle de la communication were sent directly to exhibitors, aimed at their clients and new business prospects WEBSITE TRAFFIC TO WWW.SALON-CTCO.COM* The «Goodies d’Or» competition for the best advertising products of the year assumed the identity of «Green Goodies» in 2012. The display set up at the centre of the exhibition showcased all the latest «eco-friendly» gift and garment trends. Almost 300 visitors got caught up in the game to nominate and vote for their favourite products in each category. View the winning gifts at 7I8I9 FÉVRIER 2012 LYON CTCO WORKSHOPS, LIVE EVENTS, CONFERENCES AND ACTIVITIES 46,377 UNIQUE VISITORS 26,986 PAGES VIEWED 107,402 PAGES VIEWED/VISITOR 2.32 MAX VISITS ON 1 DAY 1,991 SITES LINKING TO CTCO 650 RATE OF NEW VISITORS 57.38% *covering the period October 2011 (opening of pre-registrations) to the end of the exhibition 2012 INNOVATION CTCO at your fingertips! CTCO innovated by launching its mobile app for the first time this year. A real work tool for before, during and after the exhibition, over 1,000 visitors downloaded and used the many different functionalities available (interactive plan with itinerary, schedule of activities, contact details of exhibitors, social networks, etc.). Still available for all smartphones! 3 C TC O 20 12 R EP OR TP A GE 14 MAG nale, Promozio le del Tessile alo Azienda La rivista io, del Reg Pubblicitar e dell’Oggetto onalizzazion iche di Pers e delle Tecn ÉCHANGEZ I APPRENEZ NEW 2012 DÉCOUVREZ I DÉVELOPPEZ Un nouvel espace, OR TP AG E 1 IN 2012, CTCO ALSO LAUNCHED THE NOVA PROJECT! NOVA is one of the CTCO exhibition’s projects aiming to showcase all technical solutions and applications by means of a live demonstration workshop, allowing visitors to source new business development opportunities in the visual communication domain. 10 “PARTNERS“ demonstrate production in a live setting, presenting the solutions and applications that their equipment has to offer. 5 PRINTING AND FINISHING TECHNIQUES: l romotionne prom dutextilep Lemagazine citaire ubli on del’objetp rsonnalisati niquesdepe etdestech Des conférences pour échanger… Des ateliers techniques pour apprendre… Des démonstrations live pour comprendre ! PROJECT 12 R EP Advertising and editorial publications in European trade-related titles with high value-add included: European Sourcing (France), WA Nachrichten (Germany), Eppi (EU), TVP Textilveredlung & Promotion (Germany), C!mag (France), TOP! (Italy) and Signal’Etiq (France). An issue of C!mag at the beginning of the year dedicated entirely to CTCO, with 8,000 copies printed. A 12-page «CTCO special» special edition with 10,000 copies printed. A CTCO special edition entitled Signal’Etiq (dedicated to visual communication) An editorial presence including on trade-related websites and in newsletters: the C!mag, TOP! and Signal’Etiq websites, database, Blog Objets Publicitaires (a promotional gifts blog), Eppi, BePUB newsletters, etc. THE CTCO 20 PRESS AND WEB PUBLICATIONS , dédié à la communication visuelle. TROUVEZ DES PRESTATAIRES textile sublimation, digital flat bed printing, latex ink printing, cutting and stitching. NEW 2012 Brodeurs, sérigraphes et autres marqueurs. Autres prestataires de services dédiés aux revendeurs. RENCONTREZ I SOURCEZ 150 fabricants/importateurs d’objets publicitaires 70 marques de textile promotionnel 80 distributeurs de matériel / consommables en techniques de personnalisation. Gli incontri d’affari dell’oGGetto pubblicitario, del tessile proMozionale e del reGalo aziendale. pag. 10 Marzo 2012 #7 - 15 euro - Janvier 2012 #8 - 15 euros - 3 DAYS to cover an exhibition area. DOZENS OF APPLICATIONS PRESENTED: visual communication, decoration, sign, signage, design... KEY PARTNERS - THEY TRUSTED US IN 2012: matériels et fournitures pour la sérigraphie screen printing equipment and supplies OTHER PARTNERS: ATC groupe, Trafik, GPSF, Signal’etiq, Megret machines, MacTac, Mautom, Serge Ferrari, Sunclear. 656 Editions has invited the Trafik design studio to take over its production area. Its designers have created a concept which allows for use of the machines available throughout the event to construct a dedicated, expandable set design. 5 CTC O 201 2 REPORT PAGE Guillaume Abou Event director NUMBER OF EXHIBITORS + 60.11% BRANDS REPRESENTED + 37.99 % Aquaform / Atlantis / BELLA / Biocoton / Boost Up / Camac / Chercheur d’Éponge / Coloriconseils / Continental Clothing Company / Cotton Made / Coverguard / Cybernecard / Fiorenzo Sport / Gildan / Hanes / Herock / ID Identity / Incaps Design / Ipeknur Tekstil / JHK / Joy Thai / Kariban & Kimood / Keya / Les Spécialistes / Link A&R / Maillet / Masita / Messiaen Textiles / Möve / Murat Tekstil / New Wave / Pen Duick / PF Concept / Picos / Premier Clothing / Promodoro / PVD - Coverguard / Roly / Russell Europe / Samarkand (Les Spécialistes) / SG Clothing / Shortcut / Socomage / SOL’S / Stormtech Europe LTD / Switcher / / Texet - James Harvest / TWT (TransWorld Traders) / Ultima Displays / Uniton France / Walomo (Les Spécialistes) / West Polska / Zintex PROMOTIONAL GIFTS: 3M France / A-solar / Abanicos Aparisi / ABC Plastic / Addex / Addi Select (Les Spécialistes) / ADE Publicité / Albon / AMP / Amsico / ANDA Western Europe / Arquez Internacional / Artificio / ATM Imprim’ / Audeis Design / B Plus (Les Spécialistes) / BADGE4U / Baladéo (Les Spécialistes) / Befre / Belmar (Les Spécialistes) / Bewear-Rubastyle / Boissier Cecab (Les Spécialistes) / Boracaÿ / Bottle Promotions / BrandCharger / Brunnen / BSC / Cadeaux Privé / Calendriers Alexandre / Calendriers Ephéméride / Calli Cartes / Carpe Diem / Carta Mundi / Chili Concept / Cifra / Clipper / Clipy / CMC-Mediagolf / Cocoon / Compagnie Française des Crayons / Contigo / / CSMELL / Cup Print / DAG Import / Delta / Deonet / E-commerce 360 / Easy Glove / Elasto Form / Embalajes Publicitarios / Eole / Erga / EticTecnic / Fleqs / France Cravates / GB Connection (Les Spécialistes) / Get Impressed / Giving Europe France / GMT (Les Spécialistes) / Goldstar Europe / Goya / Green Earth Products / HEPLA / Héron (Les Spécialistes) / Idapt / Idées Nature (Les Spécialistes) / Inspirion / Intraco / Ital / Joytex / Kalfany / Kelnet / Klio Eterna-KWB / Koziol / La Boule Obut (Les Spécialistes) / La Grive et l’Olivier / La Truffe Cendrée (Les Spécialistes) / Les Spécialistes / Lexon / Listawood / LM Accessoires / Lunas Events / Macma / Magic Cube / Rubik’s Cube / Magna Sweets / Maikii / Makito France / Marron Rouge / Memorias USB / Memory / MMS International / MPP Emballages (Les Spécialistes) / Muse / Newell Rubbermaid / Newpen / NOTEDECO / Nova / Octogone / Orotime / Pack / Pad’s World / Passot Innovation / Paul Stricker / PF Concept / Piel Urbana / Pilot / Pixika (Les Spécialistes) / Planet Partner / Plastoria / Prescott / Prodir / PSL / R&JP International / Raxyline / Reda / Ritter-Pen / Rodan / Ropre / Safe Pocket / Saint Louis Créations / Sanders Magneet Service / SAR / Secaneta / Sedesma / Senator / Senz / Sepatel / Sipec / SOL’S / Spranz / Stabilo / Stock and Go / Styb / / Sweet Concepts / Sweetware (Les Spécialistes) / Telefunken / Terracobag / The Peppermint Company / Toppoint / Troika / TS Laser 3D / UV Technic (Les Spécialistes) / Valles Import / Victorinox (Les Spécialistes) / Vinya / Wise Up / Xindao / Xoopar CTCO 2012 CTCO 2011 CTCO 2010 VISUAL COMMUNICATION AND PERSONALISATION: 2012 INNOVATION +60% This is the percentage increase in the number of exhibitors since the launch of the promotional gifts section at CTCO in 2010. THE SERVICE PROVIDER VILLAGE This year, CTCO launched the «service provider village», an area dedicated to service providers specialised in personalisation. Retail visitors were able to source new partners there, to ensure their needs were fully met. INTERNATIONAL PAVILIONS The Spanish Aimfap and Dutch pavilions enabled visitors to diversify their sourcing, establishing contact with suppliers of totally new items in France. CTCO aims not only to bring all the market leaders to retailers, but also to ensure that they have the opportunity to meet new suppliers from foreign countries, who bring something really different to the market. 123 Applications / 2B Broderie / Accès Broderie & co / Add on Textile / Alexandre Frézal Numérique / Ankersmit France / Ara NV / Ardeje / Arjowiggins / Arobase Numérique / Artdeco Impression / Arte Stampa / BGA Diffusion / Borney / Braumat / Brodelec / Brother / Bruneel / Buisine / CBL / Chemica / CN Industrie / Configurateur visuel / CPSS / d.gen (Multigraphic) / EFI / Embroidery Service / Encraje / Encres et Machines Dubuit / Euromedia HP / FGC Mobile / Flexa by 123 Applications / FMC / Frobert Materiel SAS / Gamax / Grafitroniks / Gravograph-Gravotech / GSF / Horizon Numeric / HP / KIIAN - VFP Ink Technology / Kokolo / La Cotonnière Lyonnaise / Laser Images / Macap / Madeira / Mautom / Megret et Fils / Melco Service France / Mimaki / Mimaki / Mister Transfer / Mistral Graphic / Monblason / Monti Antonio / Multigraphic – d.gen / Must Technologie / Newohm / O2i / Océ-France / Pact Europact / Point Sérigraphie & Numérique / Poitoo Adhésifs / Polyprint / Print Equipment / Promattex / Pub’Os / Riso France / Roland / Rousseaux / S.Technologie / SDAG Adhésifs / SEF France / Sefa / Seri Service / Serimark / Seripress Pub / Serma & DNT / Sico Inks / Sorim / Stitch Création – Atelier Sud / Tajima Europe / Tajiservi - Gemfix / TheMagicTouch by 123 Applications / Thermoflan / Tiflex / Trotec Laser / TTS (Texo Trade Services) / Unico Inks / V-Mach / Vynckier / Yes France INSTITUTIONAL EXHIBITORS AND PARTNERS: 2FPCO / Aimfap / BePUB / European Sourcing / European Tool / GPSF / Harvest Golf Cup / Signal’Etiq AG E1 7 285 PROMOTIONAL GARMENT: ORT P 219 16 178 603 (RED: NEW 2012 EXHIBITORS) RE P 437 517 “CTCO has been able to find a winning formula to attract the entire market, on a key date in the year. The exhibition has developed even further in 2012, in terms of both the number of exhibitors and visitors, and this is an indication that our strategy is working. What’s more, year on year with its “Print” dimension, CTCO has been opening up towards other techniques. In 2012, the NOVA project has enabled us to offer a cross-domain view of decorating, which encompasses all techniques, to respond to the ever more diverse needs of advertisers today. From now on, rather than denying the existence of the crossdomain relevance between the promotional sector and that of personalisation, on which our approach is based, it’s now time to develop and clarify CTCO’s positioning. The event that we are planning for 2013 will be even more closely targeted, exploring the business opportunities relative to each trade community”. EXHIBITOR LIST C T C O 20 1 2 EXHIBITORS A WORD FROM THE ORGANISER CTC O 201 2 REPORT PAGE 18 CTCO 20 12 R EP AG E OR TP 2012 GALLERY 1 9 CTCO C!PRINT WHERE? WHEN? 18,000 M2 6,000 M2 LYON EUREXPO (FRANCE) 5-7 FEBRUARY 2013 CONTACTS EXHIBITION DIRECTOR Guillaume Abou CTCO SALES AND MARKETING CONTACT Anne Sizaret +33 (0)4 78 28 65 04 YOUR FUTURE EVENTS: 5-7 FEBRUARY 2013 LYON EUREXPO (FRANCE) C!PRINT SALES AND MARKETING CONTACT Thomas Nollet +33 (0)4 78 30 41 73 PROJECT MANAGER Aurélie Lamandé +33 (0)4 78 30 44 54 WEBMARKETING AND COMMUNICATION Jean Laurenti +33 (0)4 78 30 35 05 VISITORS COORDINATION Marie de Clairbois +33 (0)4 78 30 44 55 EDITOR IN CHIEF Céline Collot +33 (0)4 78 30 35 06 PRESS RELATIONS Margot Abou +33 (0)4 78 30 35 08 ORGANISATION 656 Editions BP 1072 69202 Lyon cedex 01