Wags `n Whiskers - Lakeshore Humane Society


Wags `n Whiskers - Lakeshore Humane Society
Volume 20 — Issue 3
Lakeshore Humane Society, Inc
1551 North 8th Street
Manitowoc, WI 54220
Phone: 920-684–5401
Fax: 920-684-5702
E-mail: info@lakeshor ehumane.or g
Wags ‘n Whiskers
Nonprofit Organization
US Postage Paid
Manitowoc, Wi 54220
Fricke Printing
Find us on Facebook!
“Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no
questions, they pass no criticisms.” - George Elliot
Calendar of Events
September 2015
Inside this issue:
Happy Tails
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
DNA Testing
Page 6
Adoptable Critters
Page 7
Ant Hill Mob
Walk for Kindness
Page 8
Nomination News
Page 9
Memorials and
Page 10
Community Support
Page 11
September 9
Mission Microchip
October 3
Stuff-A-Van at Piggly
Wiggly Manitowoc
October 17
Mission Microchip
October 31
Pet Costume Contest
November 1
Thanksgiving for the
November 25
Manitowoc Holiday
November 28
Two Rivers Holiday
November 30
Giving Tree
L a ke sho r e H u ma ne
So c i e t y , Inc
The Annual Meeting and Election of Board members for
the Lakeshore Humane Society will be held on Tuesday
October 20th, 2015 at Aurora Medical Center, 5000
Memorial Drive Two Rivers in the Michigan Room. The
business meeting and election will start at 6:30 PM. You
must be a member for 60 days in order to vote during the
meeting. You must be a member for 120 days in order to serve
on the Board.
1 5 51 Nort h 8t h Str eet
Man it owoc, WI 5 42 20
Ph on e: 92 0-6 8 4-5 4 01
Fa x : 92 0-6 8 4-5 7 02
E ma il:
i nf o@l a ke sh oreh u ma ne. org
Vi si t u s o n t he W e b
www. la kesh ore hu mane. org
Fi nd u s o n Fa c e bo o k
La ke sh or e Hu ma ne Socie ty
H o ur s o f O pe r a t i o n
Mon da y, We dn esda y, Fr ida y
1 p. m. t o 7 p. m.
Cl o se d T ue sda y & T hur sda y
Sat ur da y 1 1 a. m. t o 5 p. m.
Su nd a y 1 1 a. m. t o 3 p. m.
C l ose d Holid a ys
Did You Know?
Kitten season used to be considered
a once a year springtime event. This is
not truly the case. There are actually
two kitten seasons, at least. According
to VCA Animal Hospitals, estrus in
female cats in the northern hemisphere
is between January until late fall. An
unsprayed female can go into heat and
begin reproducing as young as 5 to 6
months of age and can come into heat
every 2 to 3 weeks until bred during
that time. One source calculates a
female has 1-8 kittens per litter and 2
to 3 litters per year. During her
reproductive life, she can have an
average of more than 100 kittens. A
pair of unaltered cats can produce
420,000 kittens in as little as 7 years.
There are those who will argue for
different formulas that come up with
different numbers, but let’s be honest,
in a world full of shelters overflowing
with cats, one unwanted litter is too
many. Spaying and neutering is
essential and The Lakeshore Humane
Society has programs to help.
The first is the Spay/Neuter
Assistance or SNAP program. The
humane society has teamed up with
several local veterinary clinics to help
low-income pet parents who cannot
afford to full cost of getting their pets
spayed or neutered. Guidelines for the
program are found on the website,
The second way in which Lakeshore
Humane Society is reducing unwanted
litters is the Farm Feline program.
This program concentrates on
recruiting farms and businesses looking
for working cats to take unsocialized
cats from the shelter that are not
suitable for a home. These cats are
either feral strays or surrenders. The
adopter agrees to provide food, water,
shelter and care. The cat they adopt is
spayed or neutered, rabies vaccinated
and ear-tipped. The adoption fee is
There is no cost for the Farm Feline
program. As a non-profit organization
committed to reducing the unwanted
feline population, donations are
appreciated. If you are interested in
more information on this program,
please go to http://
To help with either of these
programs, please consider donating.
Election coming up October 20 @ 6:30 PM
If you would like to run for the Board contact
Bonnie at bshimulunas@lakefield.net
You may ask question or just express your intent.
Wags ‘n Whiskers
Page 2
Wa gs & W hi sk er s i s th e off ici al
n ewsl et t er f or t h e L ak esh or e
Hu ma n e S oc i et y, Inc. An yo n e
int er es t ed i n su b mit ti n g ar ti cl es or
inf or ma ti on f or th is p ub lic a ti on
ma y s en d us t h e s p ec if ic s t o us via
e- mai l:
dir ec t or @la k esh or eh u man e. or g
Or vi a “ s nai l ma il ” at:
La k es h or e H u ma n e S oci et y
Att en ti on : N ews l ett er
15 51 N ort h 8t h St r eet
Ma ni t ow oc, W I 5 42 2 0
Inc lu si on i n our n ew sl et t er d oes n ot
n ec es sa ril y in di ca t e en d ors e men t or
su pp ort b y th e Lak es h or e H u man e
S oci et y. S ome a rti cl es ma y c ome
I adopted a cat from you about 3
years ago - a handsome male
tuxedo. You
were calling him Ranger - I
renamed him to Sheldon (yes,
the Big Bang Theory
Sheldon). One of your workers noticed that I was looking for a black
and white male and told me I could have her boyfriend, only if I took good
care of him. She was a very smart girl. So were you - you waived the waiting
period and even loaned me a carrier, since I wasn't planning on adopting that
day. (I live in Oshkosh). You had my number. I have now had the pleasure of
this guy's company for those 3 years. He is the best cat ever - loving,
affectionate, smart, annoying at times - everything a cat should be. He recently
ind i vid ua ls th er eof . A rti cl es ma y b e
had his annual exam and is a very healthy boy.
edi t ed du e t o sp ac e c onst ra i nts , etc .
Thank you again!
President: K eit h P h ilip p i
Vice President: M elissa J a cq u a r t
Treasurer: M a r y J o H a b a n
Secretary: Da wn Bu r ga r d
Sincerely, Jennifer Ziemer
Happy Tails: Fidget
Happy Tails: Gracie Mae
Katherine “Kitty” Wendt
Kim Lazansky Philippi
Anthony Maes
Janice Ericson
Shelter Staff
Tina, Manager
Page 7
Dear Lakeshore Humane Society,
fr om ot h er hu ma n e or ga ni za ti ons or
Board of Directors
Wags ‘n Whiskers
Mission Statement
The mission of the corporation is to ensure the humane and compassionate
treatment of all animals entrusted to its care, reunite lost animals with their owners,
provide for all adoptable animals to be placed in responsible, permanent homes,
euthanize animals when necessary and extend humane education to the public.
Say hello to Sheena! She is
a 2 year old female. Sheena
is super friendly and goes
crazy for attention. She has
lived with other cats so she
would be fine with having
another playmate around. If
you are interested come in
and meet with Ms. Sheena.
Hi I am Boone, I am a 4 year
old handsome boy who loves
people! I love cats, dogs, and
kids. I can be a little shy at first
but once I warm up I am a very
playful active man. I just want
to be around people and take
long naps after playing lots of
fun games. Come and meet me!
Meet Harley! Harley is just about 1
year old, and is super smart. She
can be selective with who she likes
due to her having a fear of men.
Otherwise she does well with kids
and other dogs. She is highly
trainable and is more than willing to
do anything to please you. Harley
would be a great companion for
any home where she can be
active .
Meet Kinzie! He is an adult
male who is overly affectionate.
He will overload you with head
butts and lots of purrs! He
currently plays in our colony
rooms with other cats so would
do well with others. Kinzie just
wants someone to cuddle with
and love up on him all day long.
Hi I am Precious, doesn’t my
name just say it all? I am an adult
female and I am a super sweet girl
who loves to lounge around all
day and soak up the sun. I do well
with other animals as long as they
aren’t fighting me for my spot in
the window sill! I would be a
great lap cat for any household.
Come visit with me.
Hello I am the lovely Black. I am
6 and a half years old, I don’t
have too much energy but I still
love attention and going on a
walk everyday! I would do well
with children, because I love
being loved up on all the time. I
would also do well with dogs my
size, but not any smaller or any
Meet Molly! She is a 12 year old
chow husky mix. She loves to be
the queen of the household and
would absolutely love being spoiled
all day long. She would do best
being the only animal and would do
best with older children since she is
older too. Molly still has quite the
energy and could go on as many
walks as you will let her.
Meet Keke, an adult female who
is very social. She will be the first
one at the door whenever you get
home! She loves people, animals,
anything to give her some
attention. Keke would be perfect
in a household with a lot of
people since she is such a social
L H S an imals ar e u p to d ate o n v acci n atio n s, micro ch ip p ed an d altered b e f o re ad o p tion .
Wags ‘n Whiskers
Page 6
Wags ‘n Whiskers
Page 11
The first annual
Putting for Pets golf
outing was held on
June 26th, 2015 at
the Golf Course at
Branch River. Over
50 golfers and
volunteers joined in
the fun to support
the homeless companion animals at the Lakeshore
Humane Society. Pictured above is the lowest scoring
team: David Badura, Kimberly Calaway, Shanna
Graykowski and Matt Gloshen.
•Usually happy-go-lucky, calm, or easy going dogs,
though some may be energetic.
•Usually friendly and are generally good family dogs.
•Labrador Retrievers enjoy dog sports such as agility,
hunting, tracking, rally and competitive obedience,
retrieving and swimming.
•Happy, sweet natured, intelligent, and energetic dogs
•Brittany’s have a sensitive nature and respond well
to motivational tools such as treats or favorite toys in
a reward-based approach to training.
•Enjoy dog sports such as agility, competitive
obedience hunting, field trails and tracking events that
make use of the Brittany’s keen sense of smell.
•Intelligent, active, strong, and usually friendly dogs
•Enjoy dog sports such as flyball, agility, weight,
pull, tracking, and both rally and competitive
•Respond well to a reward-based approach to
training to reduce any stubbornness and to teach
dropping of retrieved items.
On March 16th, the Lakeshore Humane Society launched a crowdfunding campaign for a
special project. The project was to attain funding in order to DNA test some of the harder to
place mixed breed dogs that enter our shelter. Through the loveanimals.org crowdfunding
site, interested people could donate to fund the project. On April 28th our project was fully
funded. Thank you to everyone that donated! We ordered 12 Wisdom Panel DNA kits and
tested six dogs. What we learned is that visual identification of the dog breeds that walk
through our doors is really just a guess. Since our shelter software requires that we classify
our dogs by breeds, we rely on what we think the dog breed may be. For example, we had
Charlie (DNA test results pictured) classified as a (predominantly) Doberman Pinscher/Lab
mix. As you can see, his results were negative for Doberman. Charlie has since found his
forever home! We are hoping to use DNA testing as a tool to get dogs adopted in the
future. For more information on DNA testing please visit www.WisdomPanel.com
Thank you so much to
Morgan for collecting
donations for us during her
birthday party! It is greatly
appreciated and we know
the animals will love
everything that was
Congratulations to Rocky for
becoming a certified therapy
dog and taking such good
care of his human! Rocky
was recently certified through
an organization in Madison
and is currently in
socialization classes to work
on his manners around other
dogs--and he is doing
spectacularly! Rocky and his
person paid a visit to all his
old shelter friends and flashed
his impressive new vest and
ID card. Way to go Rocky!
You make us all proud!
Engaging communities to build the future
The Belisle Fund of the St. Croix Valley
Foundation kindly awarded LHS with a $2,000
grant to be used for purchasing and maintaining a
new Xerox color printer. The funding provided
will allow the shelter to create and print
publications and materials to promote LHS
programs and fundraising and put our adoptable
companion animals in the spotlight.
Wags ‘n Whiskers
Page 10
Page 5
Wags ‘n Whiskers
Dear Supporters of LHS,
Dear Friends of LHS,
In Memory of:
Why we love and the way we express out love is
very personal and sometimes difficult to identify.
The Wall of Love makes it easy to show or
celebrate an important milestone,
accomplishment, birth, friendship, a lifesaving
event or remembrance. An imprinted ceramic
tiles is a wonderful and easy way to share your
gratitude and appreciation for your companion.
Angel Ritmiller
Baker Cheese
Liz Sterrenburg
Beggs-Wagner, Judith
Jeri Binns
Carlson, Connie
Theresa King
Conn, Latonia
Alyce Zietlow
Costantini, Mary & Bob
Jeri Binns
Cortese, Lusia
Ester Rieck
Drill, Thomas
Liz Sterrenburg
Fricke, Paula
The Wall of Love is located in the lobby of the
shelter. Limited space is available. Tiles are
$150. If you’re interested in a tile, contact the
Lakeshore Humane Society via email:
manager@lakeshorehumane.org or call 920684-5401.
Liz Sterrenburg
Gallagher, Sarah
Georgine Glaeser
Glaeser, Margaret
Gregurich, Carla
Jeri Binns
Griebling, Joanne and
Jeri Binns
Griffin, Monte
Sandy Thomas
Guech, Donna
Ester Rieck
Jacobs, Rosanne and
Liz Sterrenburg
Kliment, Vickie
Georgine Glaeser
Krueger, Darlene and
Milan Fischer
Kusche, Sue
Gene Kusche
Kusche, Sue
Jeri Binns
Lee, Lisa
Ginger, Dolly & Freddie Gigure, Karin
Ester Rieck
McCulley, Dorothy
Shilo Burns
Liz Sterrenburg
Meier, Ruth Ann
Mary & Dick Halsey’s
45th Anniversary
Harrington, Jane
Sheldon Hynek
Schleuches, Nancy
Jeri Binns
Tabor, Marie and Peter
Larson, Richard
Doreen Tadych
Tadych, Chester and
Jeri Binns
Webb, Kami
In Honor of...
In Honor of:
Elizabeth Sterrnburg
Beitzel, Lynn and
Mary & Dick Halsey
45th Anniversary
Bender, Carol
Phyllis’s retirement
Cashman, John
Suzanne & Avery Randall Liska, Keith
Mike & Margaret Lenth
40th Anniversary
Palmer, Stanley
Chloe Webber
Webber, Ron
You may remember these six beautiful 1 year old
dogs (Iris, Ate’, Cressida, Hera, Lyra and Selene)
who now are available for adoption to become part
of loving families. They have been in the shelter’s
care for over a year as “evidence” in the August 6,
2014 Schleswig Animal Neglect Case.
These young dogs have spent a crucial time of
their development growing up in the shelter
requiring special food, lots of toys and
socialization. They have missed out on a home
environment and have had little human interaction
other than shelter employees and a few
volunteers. They require patient people who can
gain their trust and build a strong bond. Now, they
each need the most important gift, a permanent
stable loving home.
On August 17, 2015, one co-defendant
accepted a plea deal of which surrendering the six
puppies was a condition. The fate of the
remaining two adults dogs (Ooshie and Gert) will
be determined by a Manitowoc County Judge
during the next court hearing on September 17.
These eight dogs are the final animals to find
permanent homes of the 44 animals (17 dogs, 6
puppies, 18 cats and 3 kittens) that were taken
from a hoarder’s residence in the Town of
Schleswig on August 6, 2014.
On May 4, 2015, the first co-defendant pled no
contest to intentionally mistreating animals. On
June 2, 2015, she was sentenced to 1 year
probation, restitution, 100 hours of community
service and a psychological evaluation.
Many of these cats and dogs went to families
who already had pets making their transition into
their new lives much easier. The shelter has
received letters and pictures from some of the new
families assuring us that all is well and they are
happy in their new homes. Some of the dogs even
stopped in for a visit!
Thank you for being dedicated to the Lakeshore
Humane Society mission and I welcome you to
stop by the shelter and visit with the animals.
If you have any questions or concerns about
LHS, please call the shelter and leave a message
for me or email director@lakeshorehumane.org
Keith Philippi,
President, LHS Board of Directors
In order from left to right. Até, Cressida, Gert, Hera, Iris, Lyra, Ooshie, and Selene.
Wags ‘n Whiskers
Page 8
Each year the Ant Hill Mob spends countless hours organizing
its Annual Northeastern Wisconsin Charity Motorcycle Show
and Dance, the proceeds of which are generously donated to
local nonprofit organizations. The Lakeshore Humane Society
was extremely lucky to have been chosen as one of this year’s
recipients and received $16,000 to help care for the lost and
homeless animals of Manitowoc County!
Wags ‘n Whiskers
Page 3
Purina pet food users: Please
give the weight circles from
your cat and dog food bags
to LHS. We send them in for
The Ant Hill Mob supports many charities with
2015 marking a very special milestone, as the
group’s efforts have raised a total of over
$1,000,000 for local charities. Thank you Ant
Hill Mob for not just supporting the Lakeshore
Humane Society, but for everything you do for
the community!
Are you a Thrivent Financial Member?
Lead a Thrivent Action Team to benefit the
Lakeshore Humane Society!
Thrivent Action Teams provide a way for
Thrivent Financial members to take action and
support causes and organizations they care
about in their community, like the Lakeshore
Humane Society. Each Thrivent benefit
member age 16 and older is able to apply for
two Thrivent Action Teams a year, where
Thrivent will provide $250 in seed money and
other resources to help members take action
by leading a volunteer team in a one-time
fundraiser, service activity or educational
event to support a cause they care about.
Visit thrivent.com/actionteam or contact your
local Thrivent Financial representative to
learn more.
Top Dog contest
winner: Thor.
The 29th Annual Walk for Kindness was led by this year’s Top Dog contest winner, Thor, on September 5th. The
Lakeshore Humane Society’s largest fundraising event drew over 50 walkers and their four-legged friends,
including several canine shelter residents, for a 2 mile walk to raise funds which go directly towards the care of
over 1,500 lost and homeless animals in Manitowoc County. More than $10,000 was raised during this year’s
event through the support of community sponsors and the generous pledges collected by walk participants.
Thank you to all the participants, sponsors and volunteers who make this event possible each year!
On behalf of Lakeshore Humane Society staff,
volunteers, and animals, we would like to thank
the Manitowoc Animal Hospital, Memorial Drive
Veterinary Clinic, Port Cities Animal Hospital,
Two Rivers Veterinary Hospital, Faithful Friends
Cremation Services for devotedly caring for our
animals and supporting our spay/neuter
programs. We couldn’t do it without you!
Ple a se h e lp th e Lake shore Humane
S o c ie t y st o c k t h e i r c u p b o a r d s f o r
th e a n ima ls a t Manito w oc Pigg l y
Wi g g ly Sa t ur d a y O c t o be r 3 r d .
Big Dog Event Sponsor
Thank you for ma kin g t h e 1st An n u al P u t t ing for P et s
golf outing a huge success. The proceeds ($3500) from this
event to provide the needed care to save 7 dogs’ or 12 cats’
lives. We are thrilled you have chosen to help the lost and
abandoned animals of Manitowoc County. Thank you!
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped make our annual rummage
sale a success! We raised $2,680.81. We couldn't have done it without you.
Wags ‘n Whiskers
Page 4
Wags ‘n Whiskers
Amundson, Rod
Aumann, Larry
Avery, Randall
Barta, Jessica
Basten-Sturm, Kathleen
Bey, Sheryl
Beyer, Sandy
Bitter, Frederick
Blaha, Sue
Blankinship, Robert
Blue Cross of North Carolina
Bowens, N.
Brandt, Beverly
Brefczynski, Gerald
Bruss, Marlene
Carlo, Karen
Carstens, Barbara
Christel, Charles
Coenen, Lori
Cole, Catherine
Coller, Nancy
Connelly, Barbara
Corsi, Shannon
D., Savannah
Daetz, Brian
Dahm, William
Davis, Nancy
Dean, Mary
Deering, Dorothy
Denoble, June
Denor, Bonnie
Dezeeuw, Robin
Doubek, James
Dymerski, Maria
Emme, Mary Lou
Emmerson, Susan
Eslien, John
Evenson, Barb
Fischer, Nicole
Foster, Hugh
Frank, Judith
Franklin Elementary 6th Grade
Fricke, Bob
Gehler, Mary
Glaeser, Margaret
Glise, Pam
Graykowski, Shanna
Guelker, Jay
Haese, Cindy
Hanf, Charles
Hanshew, Jerry
Hanson, Christine
Hazlewood, Carla
Helein, Erica
Hendricks, Nancy
Hendricks, Peter
Hendrickson, Sandra
Hogue, Linda
Holschbach, Julie
Howard, Barbara
Investors Community Bank
Jacquart, Melissa
Jacquart, Shellie
Jilek, Kenneth
Johnson, Amy
Kammerzelt, Shelly
Kanneman, Lois
Karbon, Mary Beth
Kaufmann, Dawn
Keane, Kathleen
Klein, Karen
Kohl, David
Kohls, Gary
Kolar, Gail
Kuehnl, Wendy
Kwik Trip
Lakeshore Cap
Langley, Laurie
Langman, Donna
Leiker, Kean
Leist, Terry
Lemke, John
Lemrull, Rita
Lincoln High School
Luckow, Keith
Matte, Pat
McGowen, Lonnie
Page 9
Michulsky, Mike
Mishicot School District
Moore, David
Mueller, Roni
Nash Law Offices
Ollendorf, Angela
Olson, Cris
Papez, Patricia
Parker, Carol
Pech, Archie
Pegel, Vicki
Petrashek, Wayne
Petska, Harvey
Phillipi, Kim
Plautz, Daniel
Preston, Joy
Pribek, Janet
Rank, Sue
Redhair, Fiona
Rozmarynoski, Korinne
Saint Peter the Fisherman
Schaus, Marjorie
Schmidt, John
Schmitz, Aggie
Schmitz, Hunter
Schmitz, Rikki
Schneider, Stephanie
Schueler, Elaine
Schulz, Julianna
Schwarzenbart, Susan
Sines, Kevin
Smith, LouAnn
St. Croix Valley Foundation
Starbuck, T-Ray
Strollin West
Stuewe, Merle
Sukowaty, Joyce
Tector, Kathryn
Thorn, Melanie
Continued on page 9.
Every effort is made to keep an accurate log of
our memorial, honorarium and cash donations.
Many times the handwriting or printing is hard
for us to decipher. Typos or misspellings are
Continued from page 4.
Uecker-Case, Susan
Van, Sheye
VanDehei, Lee
Vanderbloomen, Brynn & Alexis
Volkort, Cheri
Waalkens, Laura
Wachowski, Carol
Wartick, Carl
Wendt, Katherine
Wilhelm, Sandra
Willman, Pat
Woodrow Wilson Junior High
York, Cindy
Nomination news:
New & Renewed Members 5-16-15
thru 8-31-15
Bartz Merelyn
Kuether Bret
Bean Audrey
Bernhart Joe & Kathy
Lewis Charles & Sue
Bleser Helen
Lorrigan Rita
Bornemann Marlene
Maier Reiny & Janis
Burgard Dawn
Metzger Steven
Nickels Justin
Christine &
Coenen Julie & Todd
Cole Harry
Czechanski Christine
Request for absentee ballots and intentions for running for
the Board should be submitted to Bonnie Shimulunas
chairperson of the nomination committee by September
30th. Email bshimulunas@lakefield.net. Phone 793-3028.
Daum Catherine
You must be a member for 60 days in order to vote
during the meeting. You must be a member for 120
days in order to serve on the Board.
Drumm Marilyn
Positions available include: President, Treasurer and 3
Franz Myvanwy
The meeting & election for board members will be held at
the Aurora Medical Center, Michigan Room, 5000
Memorial Drive in Two Rivers on Tuesday October
20th at 6:30 PM.
Gau Jane
Dellemann Julie
Dempsky Mary
Denk Lori
Edwards Carol
Engelbrecht Ellie
Frerichs Nancy
Graykowski Shirley
HabanMary Jo
Harrington Jane
Hazlewood Fred & Carla
For more information about the deal
of the month, please visit the shelter.
Hoeft Lois
Hoeltke Traci & Bill
We would like to thank Manitowoc Petco, Colonial Pet
Shoppe, and Memorial Drive Veterinary Clinic for
generously donating space to display some of our cats in
hopes that they may find their forever homes.
Terri & Michael
Hrnciar Margie
Jimenez Jim & Bonnie
Pekulik Marianne
Pitroski Susan
Price Bonnie
Radandt Joanne & Gordon
Rank Sue
Schmidt George
Schroeter Jenny
Shimulunas Bonnie
Sitkawitz Barbara
Springer Willard & Elaine
Steckmesser Jim
Cindy & Cedric
Thompson Renee
Russell & Mary
Trainor Barb
Wichlacz Ruth & James
Willman Lane & Pat
Winkel Rose & Alfred
Wise Kathleen