annual - Lakeshore Humane Society
annual - Lakeshore Humane Society
Volume 17 — Issue 3 Wags ‘n Whiskers Nonprofit Organization US Postage Paid LAKESHORE HUMANE SOCIETY, INC. Manitowoc, WI 54220 Fricke Printing Service 1551 NORTH 8TH STREET MANITOWOC, WI 54220 September 2013 PHONE: 920-684-5401 FAX: 920-684-5702 E-MAIL: President’s Purr-spective Page 2 See us on Facebook! Fundraising Page 3 Inside this issue: Donations Pages 4&5 Memorials Order Form Page 5 Happy Tails Page 3 Adoptable Critters Public Outreach Memorials & Honorariums Page 11 2013 TOP DOG TROPHY WINNER Sweetie Page 9 Page 10 “Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms.” ~ George Elliot Calendar of Events 2013 September 7 September 7-8 September 21 September 22 October 15 October 19 November 29 Stuff-A-Van Event - Festival Foods - Manitowoc Petco Adoption Weekend Annual Walk for Kindness 9am registration, 10am walk Kwik Trip Moola Caps MUST be turned in for FINAL tally Annual Meeting & Election Aurora Medical Center 6:30pm 5000 Memorial Drive, TR (Michigan Room) Stuff-A-Van Event - Pick N Save - TR WOMT - Be My Guest 9:30am Wendy Smith, Owner ANNUAL MEETING Election Results, Volunteers Honored The Annual Meeting and Election of Board members for the Lakeshore Humane Society will be held on Tuesday, October 15, 2013 at Aurora Medical Center in the Michigan Room, 5000 Memorial Drive-Two Rivers. The business meeting and election will start at 6:30 p.m. Lakeshore Humane Society, Inc. 1551 North 8th Street Manitowoc, WI 54220 Phone: 920-684-5401 Fax: 920-684-5702 E-mail: Visit us on the Web See us on facebook Lakeshore Humane Society Hours of Operation Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. Closed Tuesday & Thursday Saturday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Closed Holidays Our biggest fundraiser is the annual Walk for Kindness, which is soon! This year's Walk will be held on Saturday, September 21, 2013. Your participation and support of this event will help us raise funds to cover the operating costs of the shelter which enables us to continue our mission of providing shelter and care for the lost and homeless companion animals of th Manitowoc County. This Walk is our 27 ! There are two ways to help: 1) Y o u c a n d o n a t e a p r i z e : This year we are aiming for 200 walkers and are seeking sponsors from the community to donate prizes for our walkers. In years past, we have sought “big ticket” items, but this year we are offering many smaller prizes (i.e. gift cards, gift baskets, etc.). Any monetary, in-kind, or other donations you are willing to donate for the event wo u l d b e m u c h a p p re c i ate d ! Sponsorships and Donations received by September 14, 2013 will have your name displayed on the LHS website, LHS Facebook page, and signs on the day of the walk. 2) You can participate in the Walk for Kindness: Registration fee is $25. You can pre-register at LHS anytime or the day of the walk (Sept 21) starting at 9 a.m. The two mile walk starts at 10 a.m. from the Lakeshore Humane Society at 1551 N. 8th St. in Manitowoc. Meet "Top Dog" winner Sweetheart (owner is Wendy Smith) as she leads the pack! Walkers will follow a route through Lincoln Park. Registration fee includes: A Walk Tshirt, water and snacks along the route, and a goodie bad for your dog. Registration/Pledge forms can be picked up at LHS if you need one. Contests: Biggest Dog, Smallest Dog, Dog & Owner Lookalike, Best Dog Trick, Cutest Costume, Oldest Dog (prizes will be awarded) & a 50/50 raffle. Food will be available after the walk. If you have questions, or would like to be a th sponsor/donor for our 27 Annual Walk for Kindness, please e-mail or call 920-684-5401. This is a rain or shine event! Wags & Whiskers Wags & Whiskers is the official newsletter of the Lakeshore Humane Society, Inc. Anyone interested in submitting articles or information for this publication may send the specifics to us via e-mail: Page 2 President’s Purr-spective by Keith Philippi Or via “snail mail” at: Lakeshore Humane Society Attention: Newsletter 1551 North 8th Street Manitowoc, WI 54220 Inclusion in our newsletter does not necessarily indicate endorsement or support by the Lakeshore Humane Society. Some articles may come from other humane organizations or individuals thereof. Articles may be edited due to space constraints, etc. Dear Friends of the LHS, I am pleased to inform you that LHS has been awarded a grant from The Belisle Fund of the St. Croix Valley Foundation along with a donation from Lakeside Foods and their employees to help with the construction costs of an outdoor dog exercise area. 2012 — 2013 Board of Directors President: Keith Philippi Vice President: Stephanie Greetan, DVM Treasurer: Mary Jo Haban Secretary: Dawn Burgard Directors Felicia Gauthier Joe Gunzel Ann Marie Luckow Kim Lazansky Philippi Kim Repinski Kitty Wendt Shelter Staff Jodi Field Sarah Franklin Mary Jo Becker Dori Chase JoAnne Kohlbeck Nicole Downing Casey Fayes Helen Brown Ray Daron Damien Kluczinske Hailey Rogala Gina Cotter Tammy Kluba Holly Luce Leshia Drewa This year-around 50' by 50' dog exercise area will play a critical role in preparing dogs for their forever home by providing off-lead… Dog to dog socializing “Meet and Greets” with potential adopters Behavioral assessments Training opportunities Exercise Currently LHS has two outdoor areas, 10' by 50' and one indoor area, 15' by 20' that provide space for these purposes. However, this space is not large enough for the 40 dogs and dozens of potential adopters to interact in an environment that allows the dogs to show their true behavior. The new dog exercise area will be attached to the existing east dog run with interior access for staff and volunteers and exterior access for potential adopters. LHS needs your help to complete the construction of this great new feature for the homeless dogs in Manitowoc County. Approximately 25 truckloads of fill and 450 landscape blocks will be needed to re-create an acceptable grade and build a retaining wall before the 6' high chain link fence can be installed. There are many ways you can help make a difference in a dog's future… If you are interested in volunteering labor for landscaping work on this project, please contact the shelter at 684-5401 or email and leave a message for Joe Gunzel (Project Leader). If you are interested in making a donation, visit the shelter or mail your check to… Dog Park Fund c/o Mary Jo Haban-Treasurer Lakeshore Humane Society th 1551 N 8 St • Manitowoc, WI 54220 I would like to extend a special thanks to everyone that has been helping with this project, especially Joe and Renee Gunzel; A.C.E. Building Services; The Belisle Fund of the St. Croix Valley Foundation; Lakeside Foods and their employees. If you have any questions or concerns about the content of this editorial, I would love to talk with you. Please call the shelter and leave a message for me. Keith Philippi, President, LHS Board of Directors Wags & Whiskers Page 11 ADOPTABLE CRITTERS Full figured celebrity feline looking to settle down into a nice home. I’ve had enough excitement to last a lifteime. Now all I want to do is spend my life with you. Love, Caramel Meet Lola, she has been at the shelter all summer waiting for a foster or forever family to love her and take her home. She is almost ready for her knee surgery and needs a loving and comfortable home to recuperate in. Lola is a sweet bulldog mix who can be a bit shy, but she loves her human friends. Meet Pearl, she is a beautiful girl full of stories. She was surrendered with her two housemates because their human was moving. Pearl is 7 years old, her adoption fee is the senior rate, $50. Stop in and visit this beauty with one green and one blue eye, she could be your next gem. Meet Rizzo, a happy and loyal girl who was reluctantly surrendered to LHS by her owners who couldn't find a new home for her. She loves to ride in any vehicle; she even used to ride in a semi! She is spayed, housebroken and current on shots. Stop in today if you could be Rizzo's new driving partner. This sweet girl is Maggie the Plott Hound. She was surrendered when her family moved. She is a sweet girl who has a beautiful brindle coat and a lovely hound howl. She is only 2 years old and is spayed and current on shots. If you are looking for a new best friend, Maggie is the one for you! Cherry is a beautiful petite dilute tortishell with amazing amber eyes. She is very friendly and gets along with other cats. She is spayed, litter-trained, and current on shots. Stop in today to meet this beautiful girl. Meet Jabba, he’s a young adult Shar Pei who was surrendered at the beginning of August because the other dog in the family didn’t like him. He is neutered, current on shots and housetrained. Stop in today to get some sloppy slobber love from Jabba. He could be your next best friend. Minnie is a small dainty loveable little girl who came in with a litter of kittens. Her babies have all been adopted and she is ready and waiting for her forever family to find her. She is spayed and current on shots. Stop in today and ask to see Minnie, she could be YOUR true love. Wags & Whiskers Page 10 Wags & Whiskers Page 3 FUNDRAISING LHS RUMMAGE SALE SUCCESS! Bringing in $1,696 In Honor of June Woellert Lorraine Hacker Peggy Gustafson Marietta Miller Irene Shimon Curtis & Kay Johnson Dolores Jung Lou Raether Beck Smith LouAnn & Shamayha Dan & Barb Kanera Arthur Schroeder Karen Mills Brian Gulseth Izze Rick & Mary Larson Irene Shimon Patrick Keesler Eileen Connally Bella Deb's Coworkers @ Ameriprise Diane Augustine Brigitte Dier Karin Gigure Peggy Gustafson LeeAnn Gauthier Carol Parker Robert Haverly Jeanette Pekarske Sabrina Nancy Censky Rufus Pumpkin & Patches Clark Woitkovich Janet Glaeser Arthur Schroeder Mary Ann Marek Gene Kusche Shelia Anderberg Dorothy Wolf Shirley Nadeau James & Beth Nadeau Janet Franzen Mary Lou Mahnke Mike & Kathryn Jagemann Joseph & Janet Bonin Doccia Emily Decker Betsy & Steve Maliborski Kwik Trip Milk Moola Program Ends Soon! The Milk Moola and Donuts to Dough program is ending for good! Please bring in all caps by September 22, 2013 so we can submit them for credit. Acceptable Submissions: Only caps with the official Milk Moola symbol, or bag tops with the official Milk Moola symbol qualify for redemption. Only the tan price ovals form the top of dozen and half-dozen boxes of Glazers donuts qualify for redemption. UPC bar codes from products, caps and bag tops without the Milk Moola symbol, photocopies, or forged or altered caps and/or bag tops will NOT be accepted for redemption. You can clip weight circles from bags of Purina brand dog and cat food, then send them in or drop them off and we earn Purina Points. Buy coffee, help LHS is that simple! Faithful Friends Pet Cremation Services For those who want the best for their beloved pets Division of Jens, Reinbold & Pfeffer Family Funeral Homes and Crematory 1122 S. 8th St., Manitowoc, WI 54220 Tel.: (920) 769-0500 Attention All Members!!! Please consider purchasing "rescue roast" via this website: h t t p : / / w w w. r a i s e m o n e y f o r p e t s . c o m / l a h u s o . h t m l It makes a great gift for animal lovers too! 100% of the proceeds will go directly to the Lakeshore Humane Society! There are three different types of coffee: Regular Roast ($6), Dark Roast ($7), and Toasted Almond ($7). Each 6oz bag comes with our logo on it! Single serve K-cups also available! It is your right and privilege to work on a committee. We are always in need of your involvement to serve on the following committees: • Building & Maintenance • Fundraising • Membership • • Nomination • Newsletter • Finance • Please e-mail secretary Dawn at if you are interested in serving on a committee. City Council President & LHS member Jill Hennessey for her great sportsmanship during the dunk tank event at Krazy Daze in July. She chose to donate her earnings to Lakeshore Humane Society. Stuff-a-Van A Fundraising Event to benefit the Lakeshore Humane Society “Thank you Manitowoc shoppers! MANITOWOC PIGGLY WIGGLY STUFF-A-VAN EVENT July 20th - After a week of oppressive heat and humidity, the th weather broke just in time for the July 20 Stuff-A-Van event at the Manitowoc (Fox's) Piggly Wiggly. Not only did we see beautiful weather and gorgeous temperatures, we were warmly welcomed by the community that shops at the Manitowoc Pig! We met so many wonderful people – some stopped and donated, others chatted about their own furry family members and many donated with purchased items from the store off of our wish list. Together we raised over $450 AND literally STUFFED the van with much needed items! This was our largest donation amount to date! A BIG Thank You to the volunteers, many who spent a large part of their Saturday helping hand out wish lists, run adoptables back and forth to the event, talk to customers or help load the van. We appreciate your time and energy and without you this event would not have been the success that it was. Thank you also to Eric and Peggy at Fox's Piggly Wiggly for allowing us to camp out in front of their store. And a BIG THANK YOU to the Manitowoc Community for your generous donations! We truly live in a wonderful community! ** Volunteers Needed! ** Manitowoc September 7 HAPPY TAILS Shawn submitted Lily loving her new home! list Shop from our l the of items and fil ed food van with need the and supplies for animals at the shelter. Two Rivers October 19 Wags & Whiskers Page 4 Wags & Whiskers CASH & IN-KIND DONATIONS Aaholm, Jan Adyson Alsvig, Mary Ellen Altergott, Ann Amann, Patti Americollect Ameriprise Financial Andersen, Kristi Anonymous Aurora Heathcare Baars, Al Bahnfleth, Barb Ballard, Nancy Barbeau, Sharon Barden, Grace Bauman, Dave Baumann, Jenny Behm, Brandon Beilke, Nicole Belanger, Shirley Bella Benedict, Ashley Blahnik Family Blashka, Angela Blashka, Paul & Louise BMO Harris Bank Bolen, Michael Branks, Joe Braun, Shelly & Ashley Brickner Parkside Auto Brilliant, Denise Brotski, Glenn Bruechert, Anne Brugman, Tom Buenzow, Joseph Bushman, Vicki Buth, Gary Caflisch, Bridget Candy Apple Tattoo Carbon, Fred Cavanaugh, Tammy Cavanaugh, Brian & Deb Cechal, Susan Chewning, Christine Cisler, Jeff & Mary Cisler, Julie Clark Middle School Junior Honor Society Cleveland State Bank Cole, Dan & Cathy Conrad, Jim Cooney, Rita Dagmar & Rossi Daley, Tim Darlene Davis, Margie Decker, Emily Deering, Dorothy DeLainCarol Dellemann, Dave Denmark School Program (Before & After) Deprez, Susan Dewane, Molly Dickey, Jennifer Dietrich, Bill Doberstein, Jim Dobbs, Robert Domrath, Don Doubek, Lou Dowdy, Curt Dryss, Glenda Dubinsky, Jody Eggers Industries Ellerman, Emily Erdmann, Lonnie Erickson, Andree & Neil Ethan Ewen, Ann & Tim Faith Church Fankhausen, Chuck Felde, Pam Festival Foods Fink, Sue Flentje, Elaine Foster, Hugh Franklin Elementary School Free Family Freeman, Julie Freis, Jon Frerichs, Lori Friedman, Julie Froshier, Helen Fuller, T. Gadzinski, Wendy Garside, Gary Gasparek, Louanne Gau, Jane Gauthier, Erin Giese, Tina Gigure, Karin Goron, Pat Greisch Family Griebling, James Griesbach, Bonnie Groll, Nancy Gross, Mary Gulseth Family Haban, Nancy Hacker, Cindy Hagen, Katherine Haile, Tania Halverson, Char Haman, Sheila Handl, Sharon Hansen, Verna Hanson, Chris Hanson, Florence Hauck, Janet Haucke, Jill Hayes, Terry Hennessey, Jill Hietpas, Glen Hoeltke, Traci & Bill Hoeppner, Mariann Hoffman, Sarina Hollen, Terri & Michael Holly/Luckow Wedding Guests Holschbach, Steve Hrnciar, Margie Hutchison, Cindy Hutterer, Dale Ingrid Isabella & Shelly Jacobs, Dawn Jacobson, Clarice Jacquart, Melissa Janda, Amy Jensen, Rosie Jordan Jordan O Kaderabek, Gary Kakatsch, Girls & Friends Kakatsch, Jason & Laura Kanogh, Amy Kanzenbach, Aaron Kappelman, Kirsten Karlin, Nancy Kaysun Corp Keber Family Kewaunee Power Station Khalil, Mia Kintgen, Zachary Kohl, David Kohls, Gary Kossik, Ron Krause, Chris Kraynek, Sophia & Maria Kreie, Kristy Kuecker, Kathy Kummer, Eileen Kunesh, Nancy Kunstmann, Wanda La Croix Enterprise Lambert, Ashley Langhout, Virginia Langman, Donna Lango, Judith Larsen, Debra Larson, Wanda Larson, Debra LaViolette, Cassandra Leiker, Kean Leonhard, Shannon & Andy Lesperance, Carla Lesperance, Lynn Lewis, Chuck Lietzau, Julie Linsmeier, Laura & Chris Lodl, Nicki & Corey Mack, Lindsey Mack, Jane Madison School K-Kids Maes, Tony Maes, Stephanie Maes, Samantha Maliborski, Betsy & Steve Mand, Kathy Manis, Kelly Manitowoc Eagles Club Manitowoc Aux Ladies Eagles Marks, Melissa Marsh, Cheryl Maser, Denise Maurices Family Mayerl, Mary McLan, Jordan Mehorczyk, Kelly Menards Meyer, Mary Meyer Family Meyer, Grace Miller, Missy & Stephanie Miller, Janet Miller, Rosie Miller, Katie Mills, Erin Montag, Sheryl Moore, Tim Muck, David Mueller, Stephanie Mueller, Jessica Munro, Donald Murray, Laura Musial, Massendra Nelson, Lily Neumann, Latasha Newby, Miranda Nick, Harry Nickels, Pat Niedermeyer, Mary Kay Ninmer, Sara Nonnemacher, Sharon Novak, Norbert Nozman, Kaden O'Connor, Jordan & Dennis Olson, Ronnie Orth, Jodie O'Shea, Laura Pahmeier, Dan Papez, Kristi Pech, Dave Pech, Archie Philippi, Keith & Kim Pitroski, Sue Page 9 PUBLIC OUTREACH Pitz, Olivia Planton, Patricia Popp, Mitchell Preston, Barb Protzman Family Radtke, Allyssa Rand, Justine & Rebecca Randerson, Shelly Raatz, Kendall Rettinger, Jerry Retzlaff, Shawntel Rezash, Johannah Ribar, Barb Rocklewitz, Lu Romdenne, Sue Roswsky, Lisa & Dave Rozoff, Peggy Rupp, Heather Rusch, Louie Rutherford, Kris Sadoff Iron & Metal Schanke, Mary Schaus, Brianna Schaus, Marjorie Schaus, Dakota Scheer, Sandy Schenian, Mariann Schettl, Patricia Scheuer, Dolly Schiesl, Linda Schisel, Kari Schleiner, Steve Schmitt, Sherry & Kevin Schmitt, Kevin Schmuhl, Patrick & Rachel Schmuhl, Rachel Schram, Ella & Kristina Schroeder, Keith Schroeder, Sharon Schwalbe, Kaye Schwoerer, Chad & Kylee Severson, Hannah Shallue, Hunter Sheehan, Nancy Sheehan, Alice Short, Mayra Sieracki, Mildred & Rita Smidel, Wendy Smith, Lisa Snook, Barbara Southside, Barber Shop Stanke Family Stebnitz, Barb Steff, Mark & Carol Stein, Chris Stevens, Samantha Stichert, Randy & Cynthia Strollin West continued on page 5... Farm Feline Program Did you know LHS has a Farm Feline Program? Did you know that you don't have to have a farm to enjoy the benefits of the program? Lakeshore Humane Society often gets in cats who are unsocialized to people and/or have a great dislike of being indoors. These kitties are labeled feral and are spay/neutered, given their shots, ear tipped and then we try to find a place where they can be themselves. Lakeshore Humane needs more caretakers for these cats. If you have a warm barn, a business, or a shop that could use some rodent control, we have the cats for you. There is no adoption fee for “Farm Felines”. All we ask is that the caretaker has a warm safe place for the cats to go and leaves out fresh food and water for them. A cat can't live on mice alone. Contact the shelter to sign up for your working cat(s). In 2013, you helped LHS raise $1336. LHS still needs your help…please bring your empty bagged aluminum cans to the shelter. Our goal for 2013 is $2000. “An educational event was held on Sunday July 28th called Pawsapalooza Trivia and Scavenger Hunt. About 30 people braved the looming rainclouds to attend the event--some came prepared with umbrellas. Around $200 worth of donations were collected as admission to the event. The Manitowoc Maritime Museum donated a raffle prize for the event--a family membership for one year to the Maritime Museum. Participants were given a card with instructions on the maze of question boards. When they were finished gathering all of the correct answers to the questions--their card revealed a hidden message as to the important things we do at the shelter. To view the photographs from the event please go to 1073741838.247842116099&type=3” Thank you Singles Night 9 critters adopted! Brian and Lisa taking Lucy home! A lucky kitty! Chloe was so excited to go home that she was dancing! Wags & Whiskers Page 8 Wags & Whiskers Page 5 CASH & IN-KIND DONATIONS ...continued from page 4 Strzyzewski, Roger Swigert, Leo Swoboda, Sally Tasch, Debbie Teresa Thao, See Thomas Family Thrivent Financial Tindell, Connie Tinkham, Dorothy Todl, Donna & Ritchie Toohey, Margaret Trainor, Jim & Barb Troullier, Dana Van, Shay VanderBloomen, Christine Vanvollenberg, Tyger Vareka Family Vega, Anyodely Vijayakumar, Lisa Vollendorf, Marjorie & Sharon Waak, Chris Waak, Ann Wachtman, Caroline Wagner, Brian & Susie Wagner, Debbie Walgreens Wallander, Pat Wartick, Carl Wegforth, Laurie Weier, Deanne Wiensch, Helen Wilhelm, Sandi Willie, Susan Willman, Pat Willmas, Rosalyn Wilson, Lance Wolf, Justin Yanda, Dawn Young, Nashira Zachek, Vince Zeeuw, Robin Zelinski, Chuck Zeller Family Zipperer, Scott Zipperer, Nancy Every effort is made to keep an accurate log of our memorial, in-kind and cash donations. Many times the handwriting or printing is hard for us to decipher. Typos or misspellings are completely unintentional. Thank You ATTENTION To continue to serve our mission statement, enhance our care for our shelter animals, meet our facility cleaning and maintenance needs, and continue to improve the quality of our customer service and your adoption experience, the LHS Board has approved new hours of operation effective September 1, 2013. If you have any questions, please ask at the customer service desk. Thank you! Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Holidays Current Hours 11am to 7pm 11am to 7pm Closed 11am to 7pm 11am to 7pm 10am to 6pm 10am to 3pm Closed Hours Effective 9/1/2013 1pm to 7pm Closed 1pm to 7pm Closed 1pm to 7pm 11am to 5pm 11am to 3pm Closed Volunteers will still have access to the facility with the presence of staff when we are closed to the public. Thank you so much Leon Soeldner, and the Southside Barbershop folks! Here is Jason Kakatsch accepting a donation of $500 from Leon, proceeds from a candy bar sale that they did to benefit the shelter! How awesome is that!? THANK YOU! MEMORIALS Wall of Love Sponsorships A ceramic tile with imprint will be placed on the reception area walls as remembrance or acknowledgement Picture or words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150 ______ Sponsors the animal until it is placed in a home Cat/Kitten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $47.50 ______ Dog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $67.50 ______ Small Dog/Puppy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75 ______ Lifetime Kennel Sponsorships Spay Neuter Low Income Fund *Lifetime Bronze Plaque will be displayed on one of the front dog kennels Dog Kennel Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2500 ______ Would you like to help stop the animal population explosion? Donate to reduce the overpopulation! Dog Spay/Neuter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50 ______ Cat Spay/Neuter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25 ______ Memory Lane Dog Park Staff will continue to schedule appointments for adoptions, meet and greets, animal surrenders, delivery of stray animals, etc. whenever possible. This group of kids put on a Lemonade/cookie/tattoo stand to benefit the shelter. They put a lot of time and work into this! In a matter of about 3 hours, they collected just over $300. They decided to use half to purchase 6 bags of cat food, 10 gallons of bleach and 9 litter pans. The other half, they donated to the Hope Fund, to help pay for Lola's surgery (see Lola on page 11). Here you can the van full of goodies! Thank you girls, so much, for championing the cause of our homeless animals! You did a great job!! ♥ We have beautiful paths for our dog walkers to enjoy! Tree Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500 ______ Bench Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1000 ______ Wags & Whiskers Page 6 Proposed changes to the LHS bylaws LHS Board voted at the regular August board meeting to propose two LHS bylaws changes. Members in attendance th at the upcoming October 15 meeting & election must approve them in order for them to become valid. One change was to have (quorum) the minimum number of LHS members in attendance in order to conduct membership meetings from 10% to 5%. The other change is to reduce the total number of board members that serve from the minimum of 10 to maximum of 12 currently, to a minimum of 8 to a maximum of 10 for the future. The current bylaws are on the shelter website for your convenience. If you have any questions please email to or leave a message at LHS, 684-5401. Please attend this meeting; the future of LHS depends on YOU! Wags & Whiskers Page 7 Wall of Love 4.25” square ceramic tile with your personalized choice of imprint will be placed on the reception area wall as a memorial or acknowledgement. Call or stop in the office to order your tile! Nomination news: Request for absentee ballots and intentions for running for the Board should be submitted to Bonnie Shimulunas chairperson of the nomination committee. The biographies for people running for the Board should be in by September 15. Email Phone 793-3028. You must be a member for 60 days in order to vote during the meeting. You must be a member for 120 days in order to serve on the Board. Absentee ballots will be sent out on September 16. Requests for the absentee ballot can be made now, but the ballot will not go out until September 16. The meeting & election for board members will be held at Aurora Medical Center in the Michigan Room, 5000 Memorial Drive Two Rivers on October 15th at 6:30 PM. Election coming up October 15 @ 6:30 If you would like to run for the Board, contact Bonnie at You may ask questions or just express your intent. Dear LHS Member: People around the world are touched by the work of nonprofit organizations. Many schools, foundations are nonprofit businesses; our air, water and lands are protected by the work of non-profit societies. People support these entities with gifts of time, energy, goods and money in an effort to provide and support public service. As a member of Lakeshore Humane Society, you are part of this group. The LHS is a public service charity instituted to relieve Manitowoc County of the burden to provide care and shelter for the lost, orphaned and abandoned companion animals in the County. The operation of the LHS is overseen by a board of directors whose decision-making is managed through committees. The sustainability of LHS lays in its members who put their professional skills and experience to work in these committees to help us make the world a better place to support the human and animal bond. Each committee takes a part of the overall workload. LHS is governed by a working board. Committees make full use of the time, expertise and commitment of its board members and society members to address issues and achieve goals. As a member of LHS, we are asking you to consider joining us and working on one (or more) of these committees. We have many issues demanding our attention and scarce resources to handle them According to our by-laws, the standing committees of LHS include: 1. Building & Maintenance -- recommends capital improvements and repairs to the LHS physical plant and grounds; oversees general maintenance and repairs as needed or scheduled. 2. Finance -- led by the board treasurer and responsible for overseeing the budget, financial controls, investments and grants; also works with outside auditors to maintain 3. 4. 5. 6. the accounting and financial reporting controls of the LHS; makes recommendations to the board concerning available use of capital. Fundraising -- main focus is to create a plan that will guide the organization to seeking out and secure funding from an array of outside sources. The committee must identify and communicate with potential donors to support the work of the organization and organize fund raising events. Membership -- creates and implements recruitment and retention programs to maintain and increase LHS memberships. Nomination -- works to cultivate, identify and suggest suitable candidates for board positions; presides of the annual election of board members that includes membership roll, vote count and recount requests. Personnel -- Guides the development, review and authorization of job descriptions, personnel policies and procedures, wages, and performance reviews for shelter employees; supervises the activities of the volunteer coordinator. The LHS board also has the power to create special and/or ad hoc committees at its discretion. Special committees as of this date include: 1. Newsletter -- purpose and goal is to inform the LHS membership of committee activities and report on affairs that impact the well-being of the LHS and its animals. 2. Public Relations & Public Outreach -- has the responsibility to enhance the image of the LHS with press releases, web and facebook content, and public education programs. If you are at all interested in being part of a committee to help manage the business side of LHS or a volunteer to work at event or on a shelter task, please contact LHS. Get Involved. Make A Difference.
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Wags `n Whiskers - Lakeshore Humane Society
Volume 20 — Issue 3
Lakeshore Humane Society, Inc
1551 North 8th Street
Manitowoc, WI 54220
Phone: 920-684–5401
Fax: 920-684-5702
E-mail: info@lakeshor ehumane.or g