Welcome to Worship - Coeur d`Alene Seventh
Welcome to Worship - Coeur d`Alene Seventh
Welcome to the Coeur d’Alene Seventh-‐day Adventist Church! ADVENTIST BIBLE CLASSES -‐ 9:30AM ADULTS Sanctuary South Side of Sanctuary Class Room LCJA School Building -‐ Library CHILDREN Beginners: 0-‐3, Ed. Wing, 1st on the right Kindergarten: 4-‐6, Ed. Wing, 1st on the left Primary: Grades 1-‐3, Education Wing, last on the right Juniors: Grades 4-‐6, Education Wing: straight to the end Earliteen: Grades 7-‐8, West hallway, left to the end Youth: Gr. 9-‐12, Youth Room, S of Sanctuary SEVENTH-DAY te CHURCH DIRECTORY CHURCH OFFICE HOURS 9am-‐3pm: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9am -‐1pm: Friday Address: 111 E Locust Ave, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814 Church Office ......................................................208.664.5473 churchoffice@cdasda.org Church Website .............................................cdaadventist.org Eric Brown, Pastor ...............................................208.277.5349 pastoreric626@gmail.com Tye Davis, Youth and Family Life Pastor ............509.240.0196 tyed@uccsda.org Community Service Center ................................208.664.5473 Open Tues/Wed from 9am-‐12pm -‐ Volunteers welcome! Lake City Junior Academy ..................................208.667.0877 Ron Jacaban, Principal ........................................208.449.1695 Upper Columbia Conference Office ...................509.838.2761 Adventist Book Center, Spokane ........................509.286.0161 We cannot embrace God's forgiveness if we are so busy clinging to past wounds and nursing old grudges. - T. D. Jakes Patti Schultz, Office Manager ............................208.699.2699 pattiakagigi@gmail.com YOUR FAITHFUL SUPPORT TO OUR Marvin Mitchell, Head Elder ................................208.635.5541 FUNDS OUR EXPENSES AND MANY OF OUR MINISTRIES. THANK YOU. Diane Wells, Church Clerk ....................................208.762.3119 Reuben Rodriguez, Treasurer ............................208.660.4920 LOCAL BUDGET Welcome to Worship COEUR D’ALENE te CHURCH • We are so glad you’ve chosen to come and worship here today! It is our prayer you will discover God’s Presence and that you will receive a blessing through the worship service today. • If you are new with us today, we hope we’ll get to meet you. If you’d like to receive our communication through newsletters and e-‐mail, please fill in a Connect Card found on each pew back -‐ place it in the offering or bring to the church office. • Visit cdaadventist.org for sermon video/audio, bulletins, news and coming events. Come LIKE us at facebook.com/cdaadventist • If you would like to know more about Jesus through Bible study or want to know more about this church family, please speak to one of our pastors, greeters, stop by the church office or mark a Connect Card found on the pew backs. We’ll be sure to be in contact with you. Please Come Again! Staying Connected Today’s Worship Service Prelude Lloyd Munson Welcome & Announcements Pastor Eric Brown Songs of Praise “Great is the Lord” Feature Pastor Tye Davis Offering Pastor Eric Brown Emphasis: Our Local Church Budget Kids’ View Bernice Wright HAPPY SABBATH! Welcome to worship at the CDA Seventh-‐day Adventist Church. We are so glad you chose to come here! We look forward to worshiping with you. May we leave today enriched for our time together in His Presence. WOULD YOU LIKE to receive our emails and communications? Pick up a Connect Card found in the pew rack to share your name, update your information, offer comments or share prayer requests. And why not take an Encouragement Card and send a note to someone today? You’ll put a smile on their face! SABBATH SCHOOL CLASSES FOR CHILDREN -‐ Parents, please stop by the lobby check-‐in window to check children in from Beginners -‐ Juniors THANK YOU to the Munsons along with Gospel Praise for leading our praise through music and sharing special music today. NEW CHURCH FAMILY PICTURE DIRECTORY -‐ It’s time to update our picture directory and we want everyone in it -‐ yes, YOU! Sign-‐ups for your picture taking time will begin next Sabbath. Sign up early to get your best time! Songs of Worship “Jesus is all the World to Me” “It’s Almost Time for the Lord to Come” “In a Little While We’re Going Home” “Sitting at the Feet of Jesus” “O, Lord, You’re Beautiful” Prayer Scott Gallagher Special Music Gospel Praise “At Calvary” Today’s Message Pastor Eric Brown “That’s Going to Leave a Mark” Postlude Lloyd Munson Tonight’s Sunset: 6:53pm Next Friday’s Sunset: 6:41pm September 19, 2015 Service time: 10:45am -‐12:15pm Today’s Worship Coordinator: Sally Meyerholtz YOUTH AND EARLITEEN -‐ are invited to Pastor Tye & Cambria’s home tonight at 6pm for personal pizzas, root beer floats and games! If you have a favorite pizza topping, bring it with you. 4528 Magrath Drive, Coeur d’Alene (use Google maps to find it) MINISTRY PLACEMENT -‐ 1st Reading: Head Elder: Greg Clark LCJA School Board Rep: Randy Opp LCJA School Board Rep: Jonathan Wold JOB OPENING AT UCA -‐ Upper Columbia Academy is look for an energetic, well-‐organized administrative assistant who would love to work with youth, staff and parents as well as constituents in a Christ-‐centered educational atmosphere. This is a front-‐line position that provides administrative support to the principal and staff along with answering all initial phone calls, assisting visitors and answering e-‐mail requests. Secretarial experience is preferred. The position is full-‐ time hourly with benefits. If interested, please email resume to employment@ucaa.org. For more information, please call John Winslow, principal, at (509) 245-‐3600. UCA hopes to fill the position within the next ten days. RECENT ATTENDERS AND NEW MEMBERS SPECIAL WELCOME -‐ You are invited to join us for a light supper and gathering in our Fellowship Center on Sabbath, September 26, at 5 pm. We want to give you a chance to get better acquainted with each other and with our elders and worship coordinator team. We'll serve you supper, mix and mingle, and give you a chance to give us a little feedback on what is blessing you about this church. We also want to hear your thoughts on how we can make our worship experience even more inspirational. Your fresh eyes can give us a new perspective. Following our meeting, please stay by for a special dramatic presentation of the classic Christian masterpiece, In His Steps, performed by dramatist Chuck Neighbors at 7 pm. YOUTH OUTDOOR MINISTRY -‐ plans a campout Oct 9-‐11. For more information and to RSVP, please contact Greg Clark at 659-‐6546 ATTENTION GOLFERS! Upper Columbia Academy’s FoundationONE is hosting its annual golf tournament on October 2, 11:00 a.m. at Qualchan Golf Course. The cause? Scholarships for UCA students! Great prizes for Hole-‐in-‐one, Closest to the Pin, Longest Drive, and Putting. Rally your 4-‐some and register by Sept 25. $100 fee covers 18 holes of golf with cart, gift bag and lunch. For more information, www.foundationoneuca.org/ events or 509-‐475-‐4660. CREATIVE. SENSIBLE. REWARDING -‐ Friends of Upper Columbia Academy are cordially invited to a free estate and planned giving seminar on October 2, 2015, 4:00 p.m. Brent Stanyer, an estate planning attorney, and Don Klinger, a certified specialist in planned giving, will help you: • plan a secure future for you and your family • discover sources of income for retirement • capital gains taxes • build a lasting legacy This seminar, sponsored by FoundationONE, will be held in the Power House at Upper Columbia Academy. For more information or to RSVP: 509-‐939-‐1716 or linda.klinger@foundationoneuca.org. UCA ALUMNI WEEKEND -‐ The latest issue of the Upper Columbia Academy (UCA) Alumni News is available online at www.ucaa.org. The newsletter includes your invitation to attend UCA Alumni Weekend scheduled for October 2 & 3. For more information, please call the a l u m n i o ffi c e a t ( 5 0 9 ) 2 4 5 -‐ 3 6 9 2 o r e m a i l : alumni@ucaa.org. Plan to reconnect with your classmates!
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