Women of God - Coeur d`Alene - Coeur d`Alene Seventh
Women of God - Coeur d`Alene - Coeur d`Alene Seventh
Hello Kids! We Invite you to Kids’ Praise begins this morning in the Beginners Room (1st door on the right in the education wing) at 9:30am until 9:45am for fun songs of praise. If you arrive after 9:45am, please go to your regular classrooms for Bible class. Encouragement and Communication Cards On the back of the seat in front of you are blue Encouragement Cards and green Communication Cards. Pick up a blue card and write someone a note - put a smile on their face! Use the green card to let us know you are new here today - to share comments with our pastoral staff, ask questions, update your contact information. You may put the cards in the offering or bring to the office. Planning Your Giving Ahead Welcome to Coeur d’Alene Adventist Church! We are so glad you’ve chosen to come and worship here today! It is our prayer you will discover God’s Presence and that you will receive a blessing through the worship service today. If you are new with us today, we hope we’ll get to meet you. Please join us for our Fellowship Meal just across the parking lot following our service. If you’d like to receive our communication through newsletters and e-mail, please complete a Communication Card found in the pew rack in front of you and place it in the offering or bring to the church office. Visit cdaadventist.org for sermon video/audio, bulletins, news and coming events. Come LIKE us at facebook.com/cdaadventist If you would like to know more about Jesus through Bible study or want to know more about this church family, please speak to one of our pastors, greeters, stop by the church office or mark a Communication card. We’ll be sure to be in contact with you. Please Come Again! How to contact us !! Address: 111 E Locust Ave, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814 ! Church Office!.......................................................................208-664-5473 churchoffice@cdasda.org ! Church Website!...............................................................cdaadventist.org ! Eric Brown, Senior Pastor!....................................................208-277-5349 pastoreric626@gmail.com For those of you who appreciate being able to plan ahead regarding your church offerings, you can pick up the year’s offering schedule on the Information Table in the lobby. And, did you know that you may use our online giving site? Just visit us at cdaadventist.org - scroll down to Online Giving. ! Mike Larson, Spiritual Life & Outreach Pastor !...................208-771-3715 pastormikey@gmail.com ! Patti Schultz, Office Manager!..............................................208-699-2699 emailpattischultz@gmail.com ! Bill Meyerholtz, Head Elder!.................................................208-664-0454 wmeyerholtz@gmail.com ! Church Clerk: Diane Wells!...................................................208-762-3119 ! Reuben Rodriguez, Treasurer!.............................................208-664-4920 Our Giving to our Local Church budget Monthly Goal ..........................................................$14,000 Giving for May to date ...............................................$1,854 Your continued commitment to support our local budget is what gives us the ability to operate and fund our ministries. Combined budget also puts this bulletin in your hands, gives you your Sabbath School lesson guides for the whole family and pays the bills we have. Thank you for your generosity in regularly giving to this church’s local budget. ! Community Service Center!..................................................208-664-5473 Tues/Wed mornings 9am-12pm - open invitation for volunteers! ! Lake City Junior Academy !...................................................208-667-0877 ! Principal: Ron Jacaban!.......................................................208-449-1695 ! Upper Columbia Conference Office!.....................................509-838-2761 Sunset Times ~ Enter into His rest Today’s Sunset: 8:15pm Next Friday Sunset: 8:32pm Celebrating Our Women of God HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY COEUR D’ALENE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH ! Adventist Book Center, Spokane!.........................................509-286-0161 Our Mission Statement We are Christ’s hands bringing HOPE to our community. Healing - Opportunity - Peace - Encouragement May 11, 2013 ~ Worshiping in His Presence ~ 10:45AM—12:15PM WE PRAISE HIM! “All Creatures of Our God And King” WELCOME TO WORSHIP FAMILY LIFE AND MINISTRIES Bill Meyerholtz CELEBRATING OUR WOMEN OF GOD Robin Brown and Daniela Larson OFFERING EMPHASIS Today’s offering supports Disaster and Famine Relief CELEBRATING FAMILY AND MINISTRIES We are so glad you have chosen to come and worship here today! May God’s Presence touch you and bless you. A special invitation to our guests to join us just across the parking lot in our Fellowship Center after the worship service. Praying for Each Other • Please keep Jim & Mari Lou Meyer in your prayers. Jim is being treated for cancer and your prayers are encouraging. • Please keep Bill & Doddie Stookey in your prayers. • Can we be praying or praising for what concerns you? Let us know today. Please use a Communication Card. What Do You Want With Me God? We like boxes. It helps us keep things organized and straight. We like “either/or” kinds of ideas. But life (and God) has a funny way of messing with our boxes. We keep getting forced into all kinds of situations where things are simply not so clear cut as we would like especially where God is involved. If you’re looking for God’s will, get ready to deal with a lot of “both/and” opportunities. Connect and Go Deeper: You will find some copies the Week 5 study guides on the Lobby Table. The guide can also be found on our website at cdaadventist.org/sermons. KIDS’ VIEW Membership Transfer - 2nd Reading We are pleased to welcome to our church family Jason & Laurel Britton transferring from LifeSource Community Church. They join us with their small boys, Landon and Jaxon. SONGS OF WORSHIP Opportunity Spokane Valley Adventist School is looking for a part-time music teacher for the 2013-2014 school year. Candidates should have experience teaching choral music to children. If interested call, 509-926-0955 or send your resume to mrleesvas@comcast.net. ”The Way Mother’s Are” Kara Chrispens “This is My Father’s World” “Fairest Lord Jesus” “Emmanuel / O Lord, You’re Beautiful” PRAYER Steve Pipkin SPECIAL MUSIC Karen Hoatson “Melodie” TODAY’S MESSAGE What Do You Want With Me God? Week 5 -‐ Living with A Pair of Ducks Pastor Eric Brown Upper Columbia Conference Camp Meeting – June 19-22 Enjoy an old fashioned camp meeting at Upper Columbia Academy, June 19-22. Keynote speakers will be Jerry and Janet Page, David Asscherick, Dr. Leslie Pollard, Lee Venden and our new conference president, Paul Hoover. For additional program and schedule information, check out the camp meeting web site: www.uccsda.org/campmeeting. To register for camp meeting go online to http://www.uccsda.org/cm-registration-info. If you do not find the lodging, place your name on our waiting list or go to: www.uccsda.org/CM-Lodging-Information. To register by phone call Lidia at 509-838-2761. Room For You at the Lake We still have openings in all of our basic youth camps for ages 8-17 years. We have also extended our $20 early payment discount through to May 26. We have some new class activities and some new programs that we will be featuring this summer. Join us for a fun spiritually filled adventure this summer. You can register online at www.mivoden.com. Any questions please call 509.242.0506 or email denisek@uccsda.org. BiblesBehindBars - Getting Bibles to Prisoners Marion Hayden is collecting Bibles to be sent to prisoners. If you’ll bring your extra or unused new or used Bibles, Marion will mail them. Please bring them to the church to be collected. Thank you for supporting this important ministry! If You Like Cars The Northwest Christian Cruisers is having a meeting on Monday, May 6 at 6pm at the Spaghetti Factory. This is an invitation for anyone interested in cars or owning a special car to come and see what the club is all about. To find out more visit northwestchristiancruisers.com or call 509-720-1010. Sabbath Offering Note Bill Meyerholtz will tell you about today’s offering for Disaster and Famine Relief. Ten percent of this annual offering supports the disaster response efforts of Adventist Community Services in North America, Guam, Micronesia, and Bermuda while 90 percent supports Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International. If you want to support ADRA for 100%, you should indicate on your giving envelope “ADRA”, if in support of ACS for 100%, then indicate that. If both, just simply say “Disaster & Famine offering.” It will be divided as 10/90. Busy as a Bee Come work at Camp MiVoden May 19-23 at the SAGE, spring annual MiVoden work Bee. Please contact Roger Baltrush if you can go. 509-522-0440 or baltro@charter.net Messiah’s Mansion – Life-size Tabernacle The Messiah's Mansion traveling exhibit brings the Walla Walla area a chance to learn a little bit of ancient history through a living museum. Travel back over 3,000 years into the desert between Egypt and Palestine where over two million people banded together to build a tabernacle for their God. Messiah's Mansion will be at 212 SW 4th St, College Place, WA 99324. Free tours of the Messiah's Mansion exhibit will run from May 11-19 of 2013 from 1-7pm. North Idaho Camp Meeting The North Idaho Camp Meeting takes place June 5-8, 2013 in Bonners Ferry. The speakers include Dale Leaman, Alvaro Sauza, Dr. Mike Snyder and Steve Wohlberg. For more information about the North Idaho Camp Meeting go to: www.campmeeting.bfsda.org Room For You at the Lake We still have openings in all of our basic youth camps for ages 8-17 years. We have also extended our $20 early payment discount through to May 26. We have some new class activities and some new programs that we will be featuring this summer. Join us for a fun spiritually filled adventure this summer. You can register online at www.mivoden.com. Any questions please call 509.242.0506 or email denisek@uccsda.org.
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