President - Sara Jordan Publishing
President - Sara Jordan Publishing
Dear Valued Customer: Twenty-five years ago, I began creating educational songs out of concern for my students and my own two children. Needless to say, we’ve been delighted with the response to our educational audio series. Our audio kits and new resource books have helped make learning fun for hundreds of thousands of students the world over. Our websites continue to flourish! You’ll find free cartooning lessons, contests, terrific activities and free downloadable worksheets at and You can even listen to sample songs online and be electronically directed to the closest educational dealer in your area! Thank you, everyone, for your continued patronage. We owe our success to your support! Sara Jordan, President Join Our Community... We would like to invite you to join the online community of teachers, parents, friends and associates who receive our electronic newsletter. Every two weeks we faithfully write up teaching ideas, related links and lesson plans based on one, two or even three of our songs. These are all sent, free of charge, along with the free song downloads to recipients of our newsletter. Parents and teachers have told us that they find the information very valuable. To subscribe to our English newsletter, visit: To subscribe to our Spanish newsletter, visit: Contents What’s New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Bilingual English-Spanish . . . . . . . . . . 3 Spanish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Bilingual English-French . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 French . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 7 Mandarin (Chinese) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Sight Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Phonics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Early Learners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Language Arts / ESL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Character Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Seasons, Holidays, Diversity . . . . . . 11 Lullabies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Online Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2 new! Kindergarten Express Perfect for Early Learners! These upbeat, curriculum-based songs make learning fun. Ten original songs teach: the alphabet, counting, days of the week, months of the year, pets, colors, clothing, fruit, the seasons, opposites, and basic fractions. Musical accompaniment tracks make classroom performances a snap! The 48 page book includes reproducible lyrics for each song. JMP 144CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781553862543 Order toll free: 1-800-567-7733 Fax: 1-800-229-3855 BILINGUAL ENGLISH-SPANISH Bilingual Preschool: English-Spanish Bilingual songs and games include I Spy, Follow the Leader, Mind Your Manners, and a rhyming game teaching: names of animals, counting, directions, polite expressions, places in the community, and counting (cardinal and ordinal numbers). JMP-S31CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781553860747 Bilingual Beginners English-Spanish Twelve songs with accompanying activities teach: greetings, the alphabet, counting to 12, vowels, consonants, telling time, animals, food, parts of the body, family members and colors. Includes twelve karaoke tracks. JMP S39LK (resource book & CD) ISBN: 9781553861140 Bilingual Songs & Activities English-Spanish, vol. 1 Bilingual Songs & Activities English-Spanish, vol. 2 Bilingual Songs & Activities English-Spanish, vol. 3 Bilingual Songs & Activities English-Spanish, vol. 4 The alphabet, counting to 10, days of the week, months of the year, weather, seasons, colors, food, animals, body parts, clothing and family members. Counting to 30, counting by tens, shapes and sizes, emotions, places in the community, opposites and measuring devices. Greetings, gender, articles, plural forms of nouns, numbers, capitalization, adjectives, common phrases and more! Pronouns, gender exceptions, the verb ‘estar’, adverbs of frequency, question words, comparative and superlative adjectives, and much more! JMP S23LK (resource book & CD) ISBN: 9781553862376 JMP S24LK (resource book & CD) ISBN: 9781553862383 JMP S29LK (resource book & CD) ISBN: 9781553860372 JMP S30LK (resource book & CD) ISBN: 9781553860426 Order toll free: 1-800-567-7733 Fax: 1-800-229-3855 3 SPANISH IMMERSION Español para principiantes Canciones temáticas para aprender idiomas The alphabet, farm animals, counting, family members, parts of the body, days of the week, colors, fruit, opposites and shapes. Clothing, meals, modes of transportation, weather, parts of the body, pets, rooms in the house and prepositions. JMP S05CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781894262125 JMP S20CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781894262477 Spanish for Kids Beginning Lessons Spanish for Kids Thematic Lessons JMP B0S05 (reproducible resource book) ISBN: 9781553860433 JMP B0S20 (reproducible resource book) ISBN: 9781553860440 Fonética funky Gramática rítmica Conjugación en canción The alphabet, vowels, consonants, telling time, days of the week, months of the year, seasons and the environment. Basic grammar rules: nouns and pronouns (masculine, feminine, singular and plural), adjectives and sentence structures. Conjugation of high-frequency verbs in the present, preterit and future tenses including irregular verbs. JMP S32CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781553860808 JMP S09CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781894262163 JMP S17CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781895523980 MATH in SPANISH 4 new! RESOURCE/ACTIVITY BOOKS with CDs Suma cantando Resta cantando JMP S40LK (resource book & CD) ISBN: 9781553861287 JMP S42LK (resource book & CD) ISBN: 9781553862109 Multiplica cantando Divide cantando JMP S41LK (resource book & CD) ISBN: 9781553861331 JMP S43LK (resource book & CD) ISBN: 9781553862154 Order toll free: 1-800-567-7733 Fax: 1-800-229-3855 BILINGUAL ENGLISH-FRENCH Bilingual Preschool: English-French Bilingual Beginners English-French Bilingual Songs English-French, vol. 1 Bilingual songs and games including I Spy, Follow the Leader, Mind Your Manners, and a rhyming game teaching: names of animals, counting, directions, polite expressions, places in the community, and counting (cardinal and ordinal numbers). Greetings, the alphabet, counting to 12, vowels, consonants, telling time, animals, food, parts of the body, family members and colors. The alphabet, counting, days of the week, months of the year, weather, seasons, colors, food, animals, body parts, clothing and family. JMP F39LK (resource book & CD) ISBN: 9781553861201 JMP F23CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781894262750 Bilingual Kids, English-French, vol. 1 JMP-F31CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781553860778 JMP B0F23 (reproducible resource book) ISBN: 9781553860570 Bilingual Songs English-French, vol. 2 Bilingual Songs English-French, vol. 3 Bilingual Songs English-French, vol. 4 Counting to 30, counting by tens, shapes and sizes, emotions, places in the community, opposites and measuring devices. Greetings, gender, articles, plural forms of nouns, cardinal and ordinal numbers, descriptive adjectives, punctuation and common phrases. Pronouns, gender exceptions, the verb ‘être’, adverbs, adjectives, punctuation and question words. JMP F24CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781894262804 JMP F29CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781553860471 JMP F30CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781553860525 Bilingual Kids, English-French, vol. 2 Bilingual Kids, English-French, vol. 3 Bilingual Kids, English-French, vol. 4 JMP B0F24 (reproducible resource book) ISBN: 9781553860587 JMP B0F29 (reproducible resource book) ISBN: 9781553860488 JMP B0F30 (reproducible resource book) ISBN: 9781553860532 Order toll free: 1-800-567-7733 Fax: 1-800-229-3855 5 FRENCH IMMERSION Français pour débutants Chansons thématiques pour apprendre la langue The alphabet, farm animals, counting, family members, parts of the body, days of the week, colors, fruit, opposites and shapes. Clothing, meals, modes of transportation, weather, parts of the body, pets, rooms in the house and prepositions. JMP F05CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781894262064 JMP F20CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781894262392 French for Kids Beginning Lessons French for Kids Thematic Lessons JMP B0F05 ISBN: 9781553860556 JMP B0F20 ISBN: 9781553860563 Folies phoniques et plus Des airs de grammaire Conjuguons en chansons Le rap 3R, Multiplication The alphabet, vowels, consonants, telling time, days of the week, months of the year, seasons and the environment. Basic grammar rules: nouns and pronouns (masculine, feminine, singular and plural), adjectives and sentence structures. Conjugation of high-frequency verbs in the present, preterit and future tenses including irregular verbs. These upbeat songs boost reading and multiplication in French for Francophone adolescents. JMP F03CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781894262088 JMP F09CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781894262101 JMP F17CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781895523898 JMP F01CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781894262606 6 Order toll free: 1-800-567-7733 Fax: 1-800-229-3855 HOLIDAYS & SEASONS RESOURCE BOOKS Thematic French Lessons & Activities for Beginning Classes, vol. 1, Les saisons - Seasons Thematic French Lessons & Activities for Beginning Classes, vol. 2, Les fêtes - Holidays These time-saving, reproducible lessons and activities teach French using theme-based lessons: migration, hibernation, spring and maple syrup, fall and deciduous trees, equinoxes, solstices and more! 64 pages. Reproducible French lessons and activities for beginners based on Halloween, Thanksgiving, Ramadan, Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Valentine’s Day, Easter and more! 64 pages. JMP B01 JMP B02 ISBN: 9781894262828 MATH in FRENCH Additions chansons et activités ISBN: 9781894262835 new! Soustractions chansons et activités JMP F40LK (resource book & CD) ISBN: 9781553862260 JMP F42LK (resource book & CD) ISBN: 9781553862321 Multiplications chansons et activités Divisions chansons et activités JMP F41LK (resource book & CD) ISBN: 9781553862291 JMP F43LK (resource book & CD) ISBN: 9781553862352 BILINGUAL ENGLISH-MANDARIN Bilingual Songs & Activities English-Mandarin, vol. 1 Bilingual Songs & Activities English-Mandarin, vol. 2 The alphabet, counting, days of the week, months of the year, weather, seasons, colors, food, animals, body parts, clothing and family. Song lyrics are presented in both Simplified Chinese and Pinyin. The included CD has 12 songs with karaoke versions for classroom perfermances. Counting to 30, counting by tens, shapes and sizes, emotions, places in the community, opposites and measuring devices. Song lyrics are presented in both Simplified Chinese and Pinyin. The included CD has 12 songs with karaoke versions for classroom perfermances. JMP M23LK (resource book & CD) ISBN: 9781553862499 JMP M24LK (resource book & CD) ISBN: 9781553862512 Order toll free: 1-800-567-7733 Fax: 1-800-229-3855 7 Addition Unplugged Subtraction Unplugged Multiplication Unplugged Division Unplugged JMP 112LK (book & CD) ISBN: 9781553862161 JMP 113LK (book & CD) ISBN: 9781553862178 JMP 111LK (book & CD) ISBN: 9781553862185 JMP 114LK (book & CD) ISBN: 9781553862192 The “Unplugged Math” series was created by teachers and is a great alternative to heavier rock and rap programs. It uses an interactive approach. The multiplication and division kits are especially designed to feature and review skip counting in the chorus of every song. “We are so excited and proud of the Multiplication CDs that were purchased for all 2nd and 3rd grade students in our school! It is not unusual to walk down the hall and hear them humming the songs! Teachers are seeing a remarkable difference in Math classwork everyday! It is so exciting to see students having fun as they learn! Thanks for sharing your songs with us!” - Diane Bickerstaff Assistant Principal, Newnan, GA 8 The 3R Rap®, Multiplication Hip, sophisticated songs boost reading and multiplication at the same time. JMP101CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781894262903 Order toll free: 1-800-567-7733 Fax: 1-800-229-3855 This series is based on the list of 220 frequently used service words compiled by Edward William Dolch, Ph.D., and the related list of 95 high-frequency nouns. Each volume includes an audio CD and 64 page lyrics/resource book. Sing & Learn Sight Words, vol. 1 Sing & Learn Sight Words, vol. 2 Sing & Learn Sight Words, vol. 3 Sing & Learn Sight Words, vol. 4 Grade: PK-K Grade: 1 Grade: 2 Grade: 3 JMP 134LK (resource book & CD) ISBN: 9781553862390 JMP 135LK (resource book & CD) ISBN: 9781553862406 JMP 136LK (resource book & CD) ISBN: 9781553862413 JMP 137LK (resource book & CD) ISBN: 9781553862420 Blending the best in educational research and practice, Sara Jordan’s series, based on Synthetic Phonics, is a structured program providing students with the strategies needed to decode words through rhyming, blending and segmenting. Each volume includes an audio CD and 64 page lyrics/resource book. Sing & Learn Phonics, vol. 1 Sing & Learn Phonics, vol. 2 Sing & Learn Phonics, vol. 3 Sing & Learn Phonics, vol. 4 Grades: K-1 Grades: K-1 Grades:1-2 Grades: 1-2 JMP 125LK (resource book & CD) ISBN: 9781553862437 JMP 126LK (resource book & CD) ISBN: 9781553862444 JMP 127LK (resource book & CD) ISBN: 9781553862451 JMP 128LK (resource book & CD) ISBN: 9781553862468 Order toll free: 1-800-567-7733 Fax: 1-800-229-3855 9 PRESCHOOL & ESL Songs and Activities for Early Learners Thematic Songs for Learning Language The alphabet, farm animals, counting, family members, parts of the body, days of the week, colors, fruit, opposites and shapes. Common expressions, modes of transportation, clothing, mealtime, weather, parts of the body, pets, rooms in the house and prepositions. JMP105CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781894262415 LANGUAGE ARTS Reading Readiness Songs The alphabet, vowels, consonants, telling time, days of the week, months of the year, seasons and the environment. JMP120CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781894262347 Grammar Grooves Basic grammar rules: nouns, pronouns, adjectives, tenses, adverbs, sentance structure and punctuation. JMP109CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781894262194 JMP103CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781894262200 CHARACTER EDUCATION Character Building Songs Generosity, responsibility, respect, honesty, etiquette, tolerance, empathy, courage, perseverance and optimism. Separate arrangements allow each song to be sung in unison or as a round. JMP-138CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781553861041 10 Order toll free: 1-800-567-7733 Fax: 1-800-229-3855 Celebrate Holidays Fall and deciduous trees, migration and hibernation, how animals prepare for winter, spring and maple syrup, flowers and pollination, solstices and equinoxes and how seasons differ in different parts of the world. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Chanukah, Christmas, New Year’s celebrations, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, a patriotic song for our country’s birthday and more. JMP119CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781894262248 JMP118CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781894262033 Celebrate the Human Race Nutrition, basic anatomy, the food groups, dental hygiene, personal and fire safety and much more. JMP106CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781894262545 JMP116CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781894262408 HEALTH & SAFETY The lives and cultures of children whose homelands boast the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. The songs are written in styles representative of the various cultures. Healthy Habits for Early Learners CELEBRATE SERIES Celebrate Seasons LULLABIES Lullabies Around the World Lullabies Around the World Winner of both a Parents’ Choice Silver Award and a Directors’ Choice Award. Featuring a dozen singers, with each vocalist singing in his or her own native tongue. Includes Russian, Polish, Japanese, Mandarin, French, Spanish, Italian, Yiddish, African and American lullabies with their English translations. JMP115CD ISBN: 9781894262279 Lullabies for Beautiful Dreamers JMP110CD ISBN: 9781894262262 JMP115CDK (CD/book) ISBN: 9781894262422 Order toll free: 1-800-567-7733 Fax: 1-800-229-3855 11 The World’s Number 1 Interactive Language Learning Platform for Schools No Software to Install Tablet Friendly For a free preview, please visit: Sara Jordan Publishing M.P.O. Box 490 Niagara Falls, New York U.S.A. 14302-0490
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