INFORMATIONAL COUNTERS (I) Information Counters Tray #1 Turn Counters PF Counters C13.31 T-H Heroes G1.421 N WALL ADVAN H-to-H MELEE (Red CC#) (1)-0-6 LABOR ENCIRCLED -1 Smoke +2 N M C level 2 Walking Wounded 3MF,, 2IPC CC: +1/-1 BLAZE CC FLAME (B 25) Dispersed +2 level 2 +2 NO: Disruption Cowering PAATC BERSERK 8 MF X-X-10 Walking Wounded 3MF, 2IPC CC: +1/-1 HERO -1 DRM 1 2 R1 X6 R1 R1 X6 X6 Intensive Fire R1 X6 R1 +2 TH B#: -2 X6 R1 X6 FIRE LANE B B MOTION X6 NO SMOKE NO AP +2 TH Half FP TH: 2x dr Crest MOTION +2 TH Half FP TH: 2x dr REVERSE MOTION +2 TH 1/2 FP TH: 2x dr BOG DR>12 MIRED +1 bog dr Roadblock Area Fire Residual FP (A8.2) Remove at end of MPh Dispersed N M C +1 R1 X-X-9 HERO -1 DRM 3 MF 1-3-8X FIRE LANE FLAME < 3: Clear < 7: Clear +1 WP Smoke (A24) Remove at end of MPh Smoke +3 level 2 N M C WP Firelanes (A9.22) NO APCR Remove at end of MPh MA FIRED THIS TURN TCA TCA BU CE Dug - in SHOCK BU 1-2: OK 3-6: flip UK BU 1-3: 1 3: OK 4-6: Elim BU No Repair/ Fire/Move BU No Repair/ Fire/Move STUN stun +1 TH/MC/TC IFT/CC/OVR Foxhole 5 3S RECALL +1 TH/MC/TC IFT/CC/OVR Trench OVR, OBA: +4 Other: +2 OVR, OBA: +4 Other: +2 B 5 No Contact 6 Battery B 1 1 AR 2 4 Shellhole +1 TEM 3 Mph/RtPh dr=MF CC: +1/-1 1 or 2 MF B 6 BARRAGE 2 FFE:1 5 Prep Fire Bounding Fire FIRST FIRE Adv Fire Oppt Fire FINAL FIRE DM A8.4 First Fire (MPH) PP A3.2, PIN DISRUPT +4 A 8.1 Final Fire DFPh BF C5.13 C5.3 D3.3 Half FP No Move No Adv No: Nml Rout Self Rally Rally: DFPh MPh Remove at end of DFPh Remove at end of AFPh A10.62 A19.12 TI No: Adv Move, Fire CC:+1/-1 A7.305 & A7.8 0 -1 +1 0 4 3 RAIN LIGHT DUST +2 +1 DLV DRM = dr (FRD) 2 A4.8 > 10 = Heavy < 3+ 3 Stops St Remove at end of RPh Environmental Conditions Remove at end of CCPh INFORMATIONAL COUNTERS (II) Information Counters Tray #2 Animal-Pack En Portee Skis 1PP 2 MF on CC:+2/ -2 Climb 0 -2 CX Climb 1 -2 CX Climb -1 -2 CX WALL ADVAN No TEM Climb 3 -2 CX Climb 2 -2 CX HUMAN WAVE One Climb 4 -2 CX HD BU: +1 CT: +2 HD BU: +1 CT: +2 HD CA ML: +1 Lax Minefield TB PATH Veh Crest HD (rear) M9 -1 3PP M9 BU TRACK ROAD 12 24 14PP cs 7 +1 Hindrance Rocket 80+ 6 100 8 ML 1939 8 ML Gliders 1 1944 1 12 Allied Airplanes T6 15PP 8 ML 100 1939 1 6 Initiative Crdry 1 +2 *Sanger Elim: Final KIA; still-Mobile full-tracked AFV OVR Sangar 1S or Gun OBA +3* Other +1* 1+3+5 2+3+5 3+3+5 3+4+6 3+5+7 Nml TEM +1 Nml TEM +1 Fortified Building Location Fortified Building Location 1 8 ML 150 6 Initiative ATTACK 1944 1 12 Japanese Airplanes A-T Ditch Burnt Out AA AA ROF -1 when placed / removed Rubble ROF -1 when placed / removed Rubble 3 MF 3 MF Wreck 2+5+7 1+5+7 Minefield 6 Fortified Building Location 6 LOS: wdr FB FB 1944 1939 100 12 German Airplanes 2+4+6 1+2+2 Ice Sangar 1S or Gun OBA +3* Other +1* Minefield AT Mines Nml TEM +1 Nml TEM +1 Fortified Building Location Initiative 0ROF IR cs3 1 LOS: 1/2 wdr FB 8 ML 8 ML 1 150 6 hex multiple MMC/AFV:< 2dr Horses / Wagons g FB FB FB GL 0 TEM 19PP MOTION Level 1 High Dune Level 1/2-1 VEH DUST 2 AP Minefields IDLE 8 3 -1 3PP Ldr: < 4dr Motorcycles y GL +1 TEM 0TEM/LOS +1 LOS Bridges/Fords Hillock Summit +2 VEH DUST Flame NA Minefield Minefield Dummy Minefield Initiative ATTACK FF -1 CA IDLE 24 Veh Crest HD Minefield CE BU: +1 CT: +2 HD BU: +1 CT: +2 HUMAN WAVE ML: +1 8MF Pin, HOB NA Lane HUMAN WAVE Collaspsed MELEE ML: +1 8MF Pin, HOB NA Ice 1S Culvert LOS to ADJACENT Loc. only No Hinderance 29PP Barricade Sewer ? 6:lost Gutted Breach level 2 level 2 AT Minefields 2+5+7 Cellar ROOF Fortified No TEM Level X 1/2 Pillbox Cellar 1/2 X wdr 1 1/2 X wdr Drift Dummy Minefields 7 ML No Move E1.21 Assault Boats Fortified INFORMATIONAL COUNTERS (III) Information Counters Tray #3 dr2 non-OG +1 MP RAMP DOWN Wire & Tetrahedron MC ( ) PANJIS +1TH/IFT: +1/-1CC MC ( ) PANJIS +1TH/IFT: +1/-1CC dr > 12 AGROUND Beached 1+4+6 3+4 Foxhole 5 3S OVR, OBA: +4 Other: +2 Palm Debris LOS Hindrance +1 TEM/MF Burnt Out BANK OG Haz Move. Foxhole 5 Wreck 2S OVR, OBA: +4 Other: +2 Inf/Horse/ Cycle only Area Fire CC: +1/-1 Foxhole 5 1S OVR, OBA: +4 Other: +2 Caves Out of Gas 36 Abandoned Abandoned 1/2 +4+6 X12 FAST AGROUND Beached & Immobilized Ammo All PP x12 No AAMG Scrounged dr 1-3 Out of Abandoned DP 4 stun DP 10 Towing MP -1Bog DRM Fascine Fascine CE(+1) BANZAI ML: +1 8MF Pin, Hob NA LAX Ambush +1 drm DIRECTION DIRECTION HW HW ? ? Suspect Suspect Suspect ? ENEMY Allied VPO RE# Possible Game End MOVE In CMD ENEMY AC# 2 One +3 BLAZE Way Collapsed PTC ( ):8 Collapsed Debris Orchard Location Location BLOCK A DRIFT ALL MF/MP 1/2 level BLOCK A Bog: +2 Orchard / Crag Location Location Location Location Location Control Location Light / Dense Jungle Interdicted / Destroyed Pier Location Location Control GERMANY – SS Infantry and Support Weapons Elite German SS Infantry HoB DRM: 0 (EX Elite) ATMM Inherent 1944+ (C13.7) may Massacre (A20.4); Squad Assault Fire 1944+ (A25.11) PF Inherent 10/43+ (7-9/43 by SSR; C13.3) Disrupt/RtPh-Surrender NA vs Russians (A15.5); Smoke Grenades: Smoke Support Weapons 62-5-8 83-3-8 Infantry Engineers ELR > 2 broken HS BH > Fanatic ELR > 2 broken HS ? Infantry 52-4-8 BH > Fanatic Engineers Infantry 42-6-8 ELR > 4-4-7 BH > Fanatic Infantry 3-4-8 ELR > Disrupts ELR > 4-4-7 BH > Fanatic Infantry 3-3-8 ELR > Disrupts BH > Fanatic 2-4-8 Infantry 4-4-7 Crew 2-2-8 1-2-7 2-3-7 Crew Infantry Leaders 10-3 / 9-1 Leaders 8-1 / 7-0 ELR > 4-3-6 non SS BH > 2-4-8 Infantry Infantry 62-5-8 ELR > 2 broken HS 52-4-8 BH > Fanatic ELR > 4-4-7 Infantry BH > Fanatic Infantry 2-3-8 42-6-8 ELR > 4-4-7 MMG MTR DC / Goliath Heroes / Arm. Ldr. 4-4-7 ELR > 4-3-6 BH > 4-6-8 Infantry 2-4-8 dm SW Phone Radio Infantry BH > Fanatic Infantry 3-4-8 Comm. CX Concealment Counters ELR > 4-3-6 non SS BH > 4-6-8 Infantry 2-3-8 BH > Fanatic Engineers 83-3-8 ELR > 2 broken HS BH > Fanatic Engineers 3-3-8 Elite Elite Elite Elite Elite Elite 1st Line 1st Line Elite Elite Elite 1st Line Elite Elite 1st Line Elite Elite 2nd Line Infantry 2nd Line 2-3-7 LMG Conscript PSK 12-4 X10 MMG HMG 3-8 m SW MTR 50* HMG 7-16 5-12 HMG ? MMG GERMANY – SS Armor and Ordnance Turret German SS Ordnance TH# Color: Black OBA Access: 8B / 3R Ordnance HEAT available May 1942+ Pre-April 1942 Extreme Winter B#/X# -2 Pre-October 1941 North Africa use Red MP Armor JgPZ VI StuPz IV 128L 150* PzA III/IV 105 88LL PzA II JgdPz V JgdPz VIB StuH 42 (L) JgdPz III/IV StuH 42 88L Pz VIE Pz VIE (L) 75LL PzKpfw VD 75LL JpPz IV/70 PzKpfw VG PzJg Tiger 75L PzKpfw IVF2 PzKpfw IVH PzKpfw IVJ 75L Close Top JgPz 38(t) JgdPz IV, IV(L) StuG IIIG 75L Open Top Marder I (f) Marder II Marder III (t) H 75* Pz IIIN PzKpfw IV A, C, D, E, F1 75* StuG IIIB Flak LKW Sdkfz 8/2 SPW 251/10 20L 37L PSW 231(6R) SPW 250/9 81* CMG SPW 251/2 SPW 250/7 20L AAMG - CMG - Psk AAMG - CMG PSW 222 SPW 250/1 PSW 222(L) Sdkfz 7/1 PSW 231 (8R) SPW 250/sMG SPW 251/1 PSW 232 PSW 234/1 Sdkfz 10/4 Transport 50L 75* - 75L 50 Pz IIIG Pz IIIH 50L SPW 251/9, /22 Pz IB Pz IIF PZ IIL FlakPz IV/20 SPW 251/22 PSW 234/3, /4 PSW 234/2 PSW 233 SPW 250/8 FlaKPz 38(t) 20L SPW 250/10 ? HD Concealment INF FLAME 75* IeIG 18 PSW 221 Kfz 1, Kfz 4, Kfz 13 SPW 251/16 PSW L2H43 150* sIG 33 Pz II(F) Daimler DZVR Pz III(F) B IV Pzjgr SPW 251/sMG MTR JgPz 38(t)FI AA ART AT Kfz 1, Kfz 1/20 37L Pak 35/36 SdKz 2 Hull Down Counters Pz IIIJ Pz IIIL Marder III (t) M StuG IIIG(L) 47L Pz IIA Pz 38(t) E PzJg I Pz IIID Pz IIIF FlaKPz IV/37 37L Flak LKW (HT) (TK) (AC) (HT) (HT)(TK) (HT) (TK) (HT) (AC) Non-Turret Non-Turret Turret Non-Turret 50 (AC) SdKz 11 75L Pak 40, 76L Pak 36 120* Grw 42 50L Pak 38, 75 Pak 97/38 105* NbW 35 40LL Pak 41 81* Grw 34 SdKz 7 20L FlaK 33 75 leFk 16nA 105 leFH18 20L FlaK 38 105L S k18 88LL Pak43/41 Opal Blitz Buessing-NAG 20L FlaKvrig 38 37L FlaK 36 150 sFH 18 88LL Pak43 , 128LK 81/1 88L FlaK 18 170L K18 GERMANY – Infantry and Support Weapons E Elite German Infantry HoB DRM: 0 (EX Elite) Assault Engineers, Sappers, Commandos are Elite (H1.22 - .24) Smoke Grenades: Smoke Engineers Assault Eng. Assault Eng. ELR > 2 broken HS E 1 Infantry ELR > 4-4-7 E Infantry Infantry 4-4-7 2-3-7 ELR > 4-3-6 BH > 4-6-7 MMG ELR > 4-6-7 7-16 Infantry 1 Infantry 2 4 -6-7 ELR > 4-4-7 BH > 4-6-8/5-4-8 BH > Fanatic E ELR > 2-4-7 1 2 Infantry BH > 2-4-8 Infantry 2 ELR > 2-3-7 2-4-7 BH > Fanatic C Infantry 4-4-7 ELR > 4-3-6 BH > 4-6-7 Infantry 2-3-7 ELR > 2-3-6 BH > 2-4-7 C C LMG - Crew Ldr - Heroes 4-3-6 Infantry 4-3-6 ELR > Disrupted BH > 4-4-7 Infantry 2-3-6 ELR > Disrupted BH > 2-3-7 Crew 3-8 2-3-6 2-2-8 1-2-7 ELR > Disrupted BH > 4-4-7 Hero / AFV Ldr. HMG 5-12 Infantry 42-6-8 BH > Fanatic E Engineers 2-4-8 ELR > 2-3-7 BH > Fanatic 2 Infantry 42-6-7 2-4-7 ELR > 4-4-7 BH > 4-6-8/5-4-8 BH > Fanatic LMG 3-8 Pre-April 1942 see Extreme Winter rules (E3.741- .744) Infantry 52-4-8 BH > Fanatic E 2-3-8 3-3-8 BH > Fanatic ELR > 4-6-7 42-6-8 2-4-8 Special ammo depletion increased by 1 for Elite units (C8.2, An92, An95W,An96) Pre-1943 MMC Lax at night (A11.18, E1.62) PF Inherent 10/43+ (7-9/43 by SSR; C13.3) ATMM Inherent 1944+ (C13.7) E 83-3-8 85-3-8 ELR > 2 broken HS BH > Fanatic E 3-3-8 BH > Fanatic E Elite 1st Line 2nd Line Elite Elite Elite Elite Conscript Elite Elite Elite 1st Line 1st Line 2nd Line 2nd Line Conscript Conscript Leaders Leaders 6+1 / 8-1 1-4-9 Crew 1-2-7 9-0 / 10-3 2-8 (f) 10-2 to 8-1 ? DC / Goliath / FT CX Concealment Mtr 50mm/81mm Phone DM SWs Comm. Counters LATW MTR 50* PSK MMG/HMG PF Radio ATR GERMANY – Armor and Ordnance Turreted German Ordnance TH# Color: Black OBA Access: 8B / 3R Ordnance Armor 380-150 Strumtiger sIG IB, sIG II StuPz IV, StuIG 33B PzJg Tiger PzA III/IV, PzA LrS 75L PzKpfw IVF2 PzKpfw IVH PzKpfw IVJ 37L Pz 38(t) A, E Pz IIID Pz IIIF FlaKPz IV/37 37 FlaKPz IV 37L Flak LKW Sdkfz 8/2 SPW 251/10 SPW 250/10 ? HD Concealment Hull Down Counters HEAT available May 1942+ Pre-April 1942 Extreme Winter B#/X# -2 Pre-October 1941 North Africa use Red MP 128L JgPZ VI Pz Sfl V 75L Marder JgPz 38(t) JgdPz IV, IV (L) StuG 75, StuG IIIG GSW 39H (f) PAK 37 - 37* FT-17 730m(t) PzKpfw 35 (t) Pz 35R (f) 38H 735 (f) (HT) (TK) (HT) (TK) Non-Turreted Turreted 20L Flak LKW PSW 231(6R) SPW 251/21 SPW 250/9 Sdkfz 7/1, 10/4 Transport Kfz 1, Kfz 1/20 SdKz 2 SdKz 7 , SdKz 11 RSO Tractor Opal Blitz Buessing-NAG (AC) 105 PzA II GSW-39H(f) StuH 42 StuG 105/25(i) 75* Neubaufahrzeug Pz IIIN PzKpfw IV A, C, D, E, F1 Pz P26/40 (i) 20L Pz IIA, Pz IIF PZ IIL FlakPz IV/20 FlakPz 38(t) Aufkl 38 (t) 20L PSW 222, 222(L) PSW 231 (8R) PSW 232 PSW 234/1 PSW P178 (f) MTR 81* Grw 34 105* NbW 35 120* Grw 42 Non-Turreted Half-Track 88LL JgdPz V JgdPz III/IV JgdPz VI JgdPz VI (P) PzJg Tiger, Pz VIB 75* StuG III B StuG 75/18 (i) StuG 75/34 (i) BMG - CMG FT-17 730m(f) Pz IB Pz IIIL OP Pz IIIJ OP AAMG - CMG SPW 250/1 SPW 250/sMG SPW 251/1 SPW 251/sMG Half-Track (HT)(TK) 88L Pz VIE Pz VIE (L) 50L Pz IIIJ Pz IIIL 81* SPW 251/2 SPW 250/7 mSPW S307(f) MG PSW 221 Kfz 1 Kfz 4 Kfz 13 AT 28LL SpzB41, 37L Pak35/36 40LL Pak 41 50L Pak38, 75 Pak97/38 75L pak40, 76L Pak36 R88, 88LLPak43/41 88LLPak43 128LK 81/1 Lehr 50 Pz IIIG Pz IIIH 75L - 75* SPW 251/9, /22 PSW 234/3, /4 PSW 233 SPW 250/8 SPW S307(f) Flame SPW 251/16 Pz II(F), Pz III(F) JgPz 38(t)FI FI Wg b-2 (f) Fkl B IV ART 75 leFk 16nA 105 leFH18 105L S k18 150L K18 170L K18 (HT) (AC) 75LL Pz VD Pz VG JpPz IV/70 PZ IV/70A 47-47L PzJg I PzJg 35R(f) Pz M15/42(i) Pz 35-S 739(f) Pz B-2 740 (f) 50L PSW 234/2 (AC) INF / RCL 75* IeIG 18 150* sIG 33 75* LG 40 105* LG42 AA 20L FlaK 33, 38, vrig38 37L FlaK 36, 43 88L FlaK 18 105L FlaK 39 128L FlaK 40 (Static) JAPAN – Infantry, Support Weapons, Armor and Ordnance E Elite Japan Infantry Support Weapons Ordnance Armor Assault Eng. 42-4-8 32-4-8 ELR >4-4-7 Ordnance TH# Color: Black -2 Concealment drm & enemy +2 Search drm (G1.63) OBA Access: 5B/2R E & 1 Stealthy, C & Banzai Lax (G1.6) May Massacre; Escape NA; -1 Interrog DRM (G1.1621) Encircled lower ML (G1.62); Leader Creation (G1.62) NA: PAATC; Escape; Rt Ph Surrender; Disruption (G1.2); Ldr: Replace NA; Cas MC=elim; ML/rally/berserk as "Commissar" (G1.41) Infantry Infantry Infantry E 1 nfantry 2 C 3-3-6 3-4-7 2-3-7 2-2-6 Elite BH > Fanatic E Elite Assault Eng. 2-3-8 ELR >2-3-7 42-4-8 32-4-8 ELR >4-4-7 BH > Fanatic E Elite BH > Fanatic Infantry 2-3-8 ELR >2-3-7 BH > Fanatic HMG 8-14 .50 cal 6-14 Ist Line 1 41-4-7 31-4-7 ELR>3-4-7 BH > 4-4-8 Infantry 2-3-7 ELR>1-3-7 BH > 2-3-8 2 LMG 2-6 MMG 4-11 DM SWs HMG.50/ INF MMG/HMG MRT 50/70 MRT 50/81 MRT 50/90 ? HD / ? CX 2nd Line 2nd Line Comm. Radio Phone ELR>3-3-6 BH > 4-4-7 Infantry 1-3-7 ELR>1-2-6 BH > 2-3-7 Conscript C Conscript Ist Line Support Weapons 20L, ATR 37*, INF 50* MTR 150* - 75 Type 1 HO-NI Type 4 HO-RO 57 - 57* Type 89 CHI-RO Type 97 CHI-HA ELR>Broken Halfsquad SMC PTC/Pin/Break NA (G1.1;G1.3) LLMC = LLTC if broken T-H Heros (G1.421) & ATMM (G1.4231) Hand-to-Hand CC & Hari-Kiri (G1..64-.641) Banzai Charge (G1.5) ATR/MMG/HMG B# penalty (G1.611) Crew Leaders 2-2-8 10-2 1-2-8 10-1 10-0 BH > 3-4-7 Infantry 1-2-6 Crew 1-2-7 INF- MTR 70 * Type 92 75* Year-41 Type 70* Year-11 Type 81* Type 97 90* Type 97 150* Type 97 Leaders 9-1 9-0 BH > 1-3-7 37L - 37 Type 95 HA-GO Type 97B TE-KE Type 2 KA-MI 47L Type 1 CHI-HE Type 97B CHI-HA Heroes 7/ Armor Ldr. Hero 1-4-9/1-3-8 TH Hero (1)-0-9/(1)-0-8 AFV Ldr 10-2 to 8-1 Support Weapons DC, 30-1 FT, 24-1 OBA Access: 5B/2R Transport Type 92 I-KE Type 95 Type 1 HO-KI Type 98 SHI-KE Type 94 Type 97 AT 37L Type 94 47L Type 1 (TK) (TR) ART 75* Yeat-38 Type 75 Type90, 105 Type 91 105L Type 92 120* Year-38 Type 150* Year 4, 150 Type 96 140L Yr-3, 200L 8in Gun Leaders 8-0 8+1 CMG - MG Type 91, Type 92 Type 92A, Type 92B Type 94 Type 95 SO-KI Type 97 TE-KE AA 12.7 Type 93 Twin 20L Type 98 25LL Yype 96s 75 Type 88 76L Type 10 120L Year 10 Type HUNGARY – Infantry, Support Weapons, Armor and Ordnance E Hungary Infantry Support Weapons Armor Infantry 41-4-7 Elite ELR >3-4-7 1 1st Line Infantry 2-4-7 1 Infantry Ordnance TH# Color: Black or Red dependent on country of origin OBA Access: 6B/3R Non-crew Hungarins MMC PF after 3/44 Surrender on HoB Final DR >= 10 (A15.4) C 1 10-3, 10-2 Infantry 3-3-6 3-4-7 Infantry 6-12 2-2-7 HMG Crews B11 1 & C: 1PAATC (A25.81) Escape NA (A20.55) MMG 4-10 MMG B11 Infantry 1-2-6 Crews 1-2-6 ATRs 1PP 1-12 Lt Mortar LMGs 2-7 Comm. Field Phones 50mm (r) (2-20) Radios 50mm (2-13) ELR > Disrupts BH >1-3-7 Leaders Leaders 9-2, 9-1 2-6 (f) 2-5 (i) ELR > Disrupts 3-8 (g) BH > 3-4-7 C 1-3-7 ELR > 1-2-6 BH > 2-4-7 BH > Fanatic Leaders ELR > 3-3-6 BH 4-4-7 BH > Fanatic E ELR >1-3-7 1st Line Elite Conscripts Conscripts OBA Access: 6B/3R H-39 (f) 40M Nimrod R-35 (f) 40M Turan I LT vz 38(t)E S35 (f) 38M Toldi IIA Pz IIIL (g) 47-40L-40 50L 6+1 7-0 8-1, 8-0 Leaders Leaders Heroes 1-4-9 Wounds to 1-3-8 DM SWs DM Mortars DM MMGs DM HMGs 105-88L 75LL-75L-75* Zrinyi II Pz V G, PZ IVH Pz VIE (L) (g) Pz IVF, StuG III JgdPz 38 Marder II Turan II Tractors Trucks MAVAG 40L, M35 47 PaK 38 (g) 50L Medium Tractor 120* PM obr. 38 PUV vz. 37 (t) 37L 81* M27/31 AT MTR Komsomolet Light Truck Light Tractor Medium Truck Heavy Truck 37*-37L LT vz 38(t)A PaK 40 (g) 75L Heavy Tractor 20L 38M Toldi I 39M Csaba MG Armed L3/35 (i) Pzkpfw IB (g) 40M Csaba AA ART M15 75*, M05/80 76, 20L Oerlikon FF 80L Bofors M29/38 LeFH 105, M40 105 40L Bofors M14/19 100* M14 150* CHINA – Infantry, Support Weapons, Armor and Ordnance E Nationalist China Infantry & Support Weapons Ordnance & Armor Ordnance TH# Color: Red 1 & C 1PAATC (G18.2); Human Wave (G18.5) OBA Access: 5B/2R - 6B/2R* - 5B/3R** Infantry Infantry Infantry ELR >1-2-7 E ELR >3-3-7 1 Infantry Infantry 3-3-7 BH > Fanatic E ELR > 3-3-6 Infantry C 10-3, 10-2 3-3-6 C ELR > 1-2-6 Leaders Infantry 8-1, 8-0 10-2, 9-2 1-2-6 AFV Leader Infantry 7-0, 6+1 BH > 3-3-7 1-2-7 ELR >1-2-7 BH > Fanatic Heroes LATW ART, 1-12 BAZ 43 8-4 Wounds to 1-3-8 SW DCs Crew 2-2-7 9-1, 8-1 Flame Thrower ELR > Disrupted 1-2-6 BH > 1-2-7 BH > 2-2-7 LMG 2-7 MMG 4-10 8-16 1-4-9 9-2, 9-1 ELR >Disrupted BH > 4-4-7 1 2-2-7 BH > Fanatic HMG ? CX Concealment Dare-Death Squads [EXC: 5-3-7] (G18.6) Deploying NA; Lax at night; +1 Leader Creation DRM; * If Majority Squad Type is 5-3-7 (G18.42; G18.8) ** If Majority Squad Type is 3-3-7 or 3-3-6 (G18.42) 52-3-7 1 4 -4-7 ELR >3-3-7 BH > Fanatic E 2-3-7 Elite Elite 1st Line Elite Elite 1st Line Conscripts Conscripts Counters 6-12 Carrier A BA-20 PzKpfw IA(g) ATR/BMG CMG 60mm DM HMGs 50mm (r) (j) (g) DM MMGs LT MORTARS 40mm 45mm DM SWs DM Mortars Comm. Radios Field Phones B11 75-47* 37LL-20L 45L M4A4(a) T-26TU M33 AAMG/BMG M3A3 (a) BA-6 Vickers Mk E M3A1 PSW 222 (g) L3/35(i) Stuart Recce PSW 221(g) Carriers VCL M1931 ? HD TRUCKS ? MTR Jeep (A) 2 1/2 TON (a) HULL DOWN Henschel (g) Carrier B Carrier C Armed Jeeps/Trucks DC FT Carrier MK VI AA 37LL M3A1 81* M1 82* BM obr 37 37*, 75*, 75, 76* 37L Pak 35/36 76* 3in ART AT 20L - Flak 38, 20/65 37L Flak 38 84*, 105*, 105 122*, 122, 150* 40L, 75L Bofors 107 M2 88L Flak 18 BRITAIN – Infantry and Support Weapons Britain (Includes all Commonwealth & Free French) Infantry and Support Weapons E Airborne ABTF E 62-4-8 ELR > 2 broken HS Airborne ABTF ELR > 2 broken HS E Gurkha: -1 CC DRM; No Disrupt/RtPh Surrender; Commando unless G (A25.43); Stealthy (A11.17) Smoke/44+: SMOKE HOB DRM: -1 ANZAC Stealthy unless G (A25.44) Ordnance TH# Color: Black OBA Access: 8B/2R 1 42-5-7 42-5-8 Infantry Infantry 2 Airborne 2 Infantry 1 Infantry BH > 4-5-8 BH > Fanatic Airborne Ox Bucks ELR > 4-5-7 ELR > 4-4-7 E & 1: No Cowering (A25.45) ELR > 4-3-6 BH > 4-5-7 G 2-2-8 4-3-6 Crew Infantry ELR > Disrupt BH > 4-4-7 Note: ABTF BH > 4-5-8 E 3-3-8 BH > Fanatic 2-4-7 2-4-8 ELR > 2-4-7 ELR > 2-3-7 BH > 2-4-8 ELR > 2-2-6 G Infantry 2-3-7 BH > Fanatic E BH > 2-4-7 1-2-7 2-2-6 Crew Infantry ELR > Disrupt BH > 2-3-7 Note: ABTF BH > 2-4-8 E 62-4-8 3-3-8 ELR > 2 broken HS Airborne PB Leaders Hero / AFV Ldr. 42-5-8 Elite Elite Infantry 4-4-7 BH > Fanatic BH > Fanatic E 3-3-8 ELR > Disrupt Airborne 62-4-8 BH > Fanatic E Elite Elite Infantry 2nd Line Elite Elite 1st Line Infantry 1st Line 2nd Line Green Green 10-2 Leaders 10-3 60mm/81mm(f) 60mm/50cal(a) MMG/HMG (a) 51mm/76mm MMG/HMG DM HMGS/MTRs DM MGs 6+1 8-0 7-0 8-1 Leaders Leaders 9-2 9-2, 9-1 8-1 BH > Fanatic 10-2 9-1 BH > Fanatic E Airborne Ox Bucks E 3-3-8 Elite BH > Fanatic Airborne PB MMGs HMGs 2-4-8 Elite 8-16 .50 CAL LMGs 4-12 6-14 2-7 4-10 (a) 6-12 (a) BH > Fanatic 2-6 (f) 4-11 (f) MMG/HMG (f) 6-12 (f) ? CX DC FT LATW Concealment ATR Counters 51mm Radios Lt Mortar Comm. 51mm Airborne Piat BAZ 44 (a) 60mm (f) OBA Access: 8B/2R 60mm (a) Field Phones BRITAIN – Armor and Ordnance Britain Ordnance Armour 200-105 AVRB Priest (a) Sherman 1B (a) 75 Valentine XI Churchill VI, VII Cromwell IV, VII AEC III 37LL Stuart I (a) Stuart III (a) Stuart V (a) Locust 51-47 Marm-Herr IIIv Carrier 2in MTR ? HD Concealment Counters Hull Down ANZAC Stealthy unless G (A25.44) OBA Access: 8B/2R E & 1: No Cowering (A25.45) Ordnance TH# Color: Black Smoke/44+: SMOKE HOB DRM: -1 95* - 94* Cromwell VI, VIII Churchill V,VIII Centaur IV A9 CS, A13 MKII CS A13 MK 1A CS 75 Sherman III DD Sherman Crab (a) Sherman Dozer (a) 37* - 15 H39 (f) MK VIC 40L 2 pdr Portee Dalmler AC Morris C9/B AEC I Gurkha: -1 CC DRM; No Disrupt/RtPh Surrender; Commando unless G (A25.43); Stealthy (A11.17) 77L 76LL 88 76L 76 Bishop Comet Challenger Sherman IIA (a) Matilda II CS Sexton Achilles Wolverine (a) Crusader I CS Centaur Archer Crusader II CS Tetrach CS Sherman IIC (a) Sherman VC (a) 57L 40L 75 B75 / 37LL 40L & B76 / 40L Valentine VIII Lee Sherman II (a) Crusader I, II Matilda II Churchill I A10 MK 1A Sherman III (a) Grant Crusader III A13 MK I, MK II Sherman V (a) Crusader IV Valentine II, V A9 / AEC I A10 MK 1A Tetrach A9 CMG 57L Flame Tanks Bridgelayers AC 76* - 75 Wasp CH Bridgelayer M3 GMC (a) Matilda I Deacon Badger (a) VAL Bridgelayer Staghound III (a) MK Vib AEC II Ram, Cromwell OP Ac de 75 Conus (b) Crocodile IP Carrier 3in MTR Sherman III, V OP (a) MK VI AA 37* 37LL 25L 20L 15 12.7 ATR APCs HALF TRACKS Staghound II (a) White SC (a) Stuart Recce Humber III AC, IIAC Humber III LRC M5 (a), M5A (a) RAM Kangaroo (a) Humber IV AC Crusader AA Marm-Herr MEs Staghound AA (a) Roll Royce, Otter LRC M9 (a), M9A (a) Priest Kangaroo AM Dodge Carriers, IP, MMGA, B M17 MGMC (a) Armed Jeeps Carrier AC(b) Marm-Herr IIv Morris CS9 AA ART Amp APC AT MTR Machine Gun Armed MTR: 3in, 4.2in, 81 AA: 12.7, 20L, 40L, 76*, 94* Lynx, Otter LRC, DUKW AT: Hotchkiss 25LL ART: 75*, 75, 84*, 88*, 88 Carriers, A, B, C, 3in Terrapin 88, 94*, 114, 114*, 140 2 pdr, SA37 APX(f) IP Carriers, Mk IIA, ADV Buffalo 6 pdr, 17 pdr 152*, 183*, 183 Humber AA, III LRC, SC Dalmer SC, Marm-Herr MFF 17/25 pdr Trucks Carriers Loyd Carrier, Quad FAT 15-cwt, 30-cwt 3/4 Ton, 1 1/2 Tons 2 1/2 tons, 3 Tons 7 1/2 Tons, Jeeps USA – Armor and Ordnance Ordnance TH# Color: Pre-44 Red: 44+ Black * Plentiful ammo included (A25.33): deduct one Black for Normal ammo Ordnance OBA Access: 10B*/3R USA Armor M10, M18 GMC M12 M4A3(76)W M4A3E2(L) M36B1 GMC M4A3(105) M36 GMC M4(105) M4A1(76)W M26 M7 HMC 76L 90L 155-105 M6 HMC LVT (A)4 75* 75* 75 M4, M4A1 M4A2, M4A2(L) M4A3, M4A3(75)W B75/37LL 37LL M2A4 M3 LT, M3A1 LT M3A3 B1-bis(f) 75 M4 DD M4 Tankdozer Sherman Crab 75 M24 TIE3 M4A3E2 47 S35 (f) M3 MT Grants 37LL Amp APC Amp APC Shermans Shermans Chaffee 37 LVT (A)1 H39(L)(f) R35(L)(f) M5A1 105 AAMG M4 MC M4A1 MC M21 MC LVT2 LVT (A) 2 LVT 4 T30 HMC M3 GMC Ac de 75 (f) 12.7 - AAMG AAMG LVT2 (m) Amp APC M16 MGMC Halftrack Amp APC 75*-75 *81 T19 HMC Halftrack Halftrack Halftrack M3 (MMG)(HMG) M5(MMG)(HMG) M8 Ac de 40 CA (a) 37LL-37L 40L AAMG M20 M15A1 MGMC Truck Halftrack M3 M2, M9 AAMG 4FP AAMG 6FP Halftrack M5A1 M3A1 20mp T6 T8 Amp Truck AAMG DUKW Flame Tanks M3A1 Satan M4 hst M5 POA-CWS-H1 Jeep 2FP Jeep 4FP M3A1 28mp ? HD 114,M1, 155* M1918 155* T25 76L, M5 1 1/2, 2 1/2 Ton 105, M2A1, M3 107 M2 57L, M1 M4 hst, 3/4 Ton 75*M1A1, 75 M1897 81* M1 37LL, M3A1 Jeep, Jeep GPA ART Mortar AT Trucks Concealment Counters Hull Down 7 1/2 Ton AA 12.7, M51 37L M1A2, 40L M1 76L, M3 90L, M2 155, M1, M1A1, 203 USA – Infantry and Support Weapons E Elite USA Used vs Japanese in Phil. Is., 2/41-5/42 (G17.2) Early (P.A.) Ordnance TH# Color: Pre-44 Red: 44+ Black * Plentiful ammo included (A25.33): Includes USMC and Phillipine Army Infantry Paratroopers Paratroopers BH > Fanatic Marines Mar. Assault Eng. ELR>6-6-6 1 Infantry Infantry 63-6-6 BH > Fanatic E ELR > 3-4-6 ELR > 5-4-6 2 BH > 6-6-7 1 BH > Fanatic Infantry ELR > 2-3-6 Para Marines Infantry ELR >2-2-6 G Infantry ELR > Disrupted Marines U.S.M.C. P Infantry ELR > Disrupted ELR > 3-3-6 Crews 2-2-8 2-2-7 1-2-6 BH > Fanatic P Leaders Infantry 10-3 / 9-1 3-3-6 / 1-2-6 BH > 2-3-6 M ELR > Disrupted BH > 4-4-7 Marines Leaders SMC / Arm. Ldr. 42-5-8 / 2-4-8 Heroes ELR > 2 broken HS 8-1 8-0 Wounds to 1-3-8 Pathfinders BH > Fanatic ELR 5 Wounds to 0-0-8 SW DM SWs 4-10 Infantry 41-4-7 / 2-3-7 BH > 5-4-6 G 2-2-6 BH > 3-4-6 M ELR > 2 broken HS BH > Fanatic ELR 5 MMG HMG 6-12 DM HMG/MMG Leaders LMG 2-6 7-0 6+1 RCL INF 37* DM .50/81* ELR 5 CX 30-1 24-1 DC Flame Throwers Concealment Counters Disruption is NA (G17.1) 7-6-8 Self-Deploy (G17.11) Vehicle [EXC: LC] crew: Army 1-2-6 (G17.13) Infantry 52-3-6 52-4-6 ELR > 5-3-6 BH > 6-6-6 2 2-3-6 BH > 3-4-7 Marines M 52-5-8 / 2-3-8 ELR > 2 broken HS BH > Fanatic ELR 5 M 2 5 -5-8 / 2-3-8 DM MTR/LMTR .50cal 8-16 ELR > 2 broken HS DM HMG/INF BH > Fanatic ELR 5 ? 3-4-6 3-4-7 ELR 5 M 63-6-8 / 3-4-8 7-6-8 3-4-8 BH > Fanatic ELR 5 M OBA Access: 10B*/3R deduct one Black for Normal ammo Infantry and Support Weapons E 63-6-7 73-4-7 ELR > 2 broken HS BH > Fanatic ELR 5 E 3-3-7 Elite Elite 7-6-8 3-4-8 BH > Fanatic Elite Elite 1st Line Elite Elite Elite Elite Elite 1st Line 2nd Line Green Philippine 2nd Line Green Philippine Crew X10 Mortars SWs Radio X12 Bazooka 60* M2 Field Phone BAZ 43, 8-4 X10 60* M19 BAZ 44, 8-4 X11 BAZ 45, 8-5 X11 OBA Access: 10B*/3R ALLIED MINORS – Infantry, Support Weapons, Armor and Ordnance E Allied Minor ELR >4-5-7 BH > Fanatic E Ordnance TH# Color: Red OBA Access: 6B/3R Infantry & Support Weapons Ordnance & Armor Infantry 1 41-5-8 Elite Elite Infantry 2-4-8 ELR >2-3-7 BH > Fanatic 1st Line 1 1st Line HMG 8-14 6-12 Infantry 4-5-7 ELR > 4-3-7 G Green BH > 4-5-8 Infantry 2-3-7 ELR > 2-3-7 BH > 2-4-8 1 & G: 1PAATC (A25.91) + 1 Broken Morale vs Italians (A25.9) Infantry 4-3-7 Infantry 2-2-7 37* FT-17C (f) R35(f) H35 (f) wz.34 II WZ.29 Ursus Crew 2-2-8 Leaders 10-3, 10-2 9-2, 9-1 8-1, 8-0 7-0, 6+1 Heroes 1-4-9 Wounds to 1-3-8 Arm Leaders 10-2, 9-2 9-1, 8-1 Comm. Radios Field Phones OBA Access: 6B/3R BMG TKS L3/35 (i) 20L TKS(L) L6/40 (i) NIMBUS Support Weapons 46* MTR 50* MTR LMG 2-6 Transport Jeep (a), C2P VCL Ulility B(b) C4P, C-K P19(f) Light Truck Medium Truck Heavy Truck Horses Crew 1-2-7 ELR > Disrupted BH > 2-3-7 MMG 4-11 37L - 37 7TPjw M36 M38 M39 L5/30 9(i) T32 ? Concealment Counters ELR > Disrupted BH > 4-5-7 G Green MTR 76* M76 A 81* Brandt Med DM SWs MMG/HMG DH MTR 46/81 CMG wz.34 I, Ft-17M (f) 7TPdw, CTLS-4(a) Peugeot 1918 Vickers Edw(b) Marn-Hern III (b) VCL M1936(B) AT 20L M-35 37L PaK 35/36 37L Bofors AT 47 FRC M32 47 Bohler M35 75* PF 621L SPAA Dion-Bounton (f) 12.7 - AAMG Taczanka T-15(b) 302T M3A1(a) Jeep(a) ART 75* 19S, Bofors M34 75 wz97, wz 02/06, c75 TR 80 M28/M33, 85 85/24M 100* wz 14/19, M14/19 105 Ob105GP, L13S, 120 C120 M31 155* 17 S ? CX Concealment Counters Support Weapons DC 30-1 FT 24-1 20L 18-1100 ATR 1-12 WZ35 47* - 47 T-13II(b) T-13III(b) ACG1(f) M13/14(i) Vickers Ejw(b) VCL Mk VIc47(b) AT Truck SPAA Scout Car AA 12.7 13.2 CAJ 20L Oerlikon 37L 3.7cm Borfors 40L Borfors 75L M27 FRC 75L wz. 97/25 AXIS MINORS – Infantry, Support Weapons, Armor and Ordnance E Elite Axis Minors Romania, Slovakia Bulgaria, Croatia Infantry Support Weapons Armor 1 51-3-7 41-4-7 Infantry Infantry ELR >3-4-7 1st Line BH > Fanatic E Infantry 2-4-7 ELR >1-3-7 BH > Fanatic Leaders 10-3, 10-2 ELR > 3-3-6 Ordnance TH# Color: Black or Red dependent on country of origin Infantry 2-2-7 ELR > 1-2-6 Infantry 3-4-7 ELR > 3-3-6 BH > 4-4-7 1 BH > Fanatic 1 9-2, 9-1 Escape NA (A20.55) OBA Access: 6B/3R Non-crew Romainians MMC PF after 3/44 Surrender on HoB Final DR >= 10 (A15.4) 1 & C: 1PAATC (A25.81) EXC (1st Line Romanian beginning 7/43 Romanians ATMM after 7/43 1 BH > Fanatic 1 1st Line Elite 1st Line 1st Line Infantry 1-3-7 ELR > 1-2-6 BH > 2-2-7 Heroes 1-4-9 C Conscripts C Conscripts Armor Leaders 10-2, 9-2 9-1, 8-1 Wounds to 1-3-8 Infantry 3-3-6 Crews 2-2-7 LMGs 2-7 ELR > Disrupts DM SWs DM Mortars DM HMGs 2-5 (i) DM MMGs 2-6 (f) 3-8 (g) BH > 3-4-7 Infantry 1-2-6 Crews 1-2-6 50mm (r) (3-20) 4-10 MMG Lt Mortar 50mm (2-13) MMGs/HMGs 6-12 HMG 60mm (f) (3-42) BH > 1-3-7 50mm (2-11) ELR > Disrupts Field Phones 20L, 5PP 1-12 12.7, 20L, 25LL, Radios AA Guns Comm. ATRs 1PP 1-12 SW DCs Flame Thrower 8-1, 8-0 7-0, 6+1 76LL-75L Tacam T-60/R-2 OBA Access: 6B/3R 47-47*-45L SMV L40, S35 75*-50L Pz IV D/F (g) Pz IVH (g) Vickers 6-ton Pz IIIN (g) SPW 251/9 (g) JgdPz 38 (g) BA-6 Pz IIIL (g) StuG IIIG (g) Marder III (g) ? HD / ? CX R-35/45 TKS (L), Pz IIA LT vz 34/35 LT vz 38A/E 20L 37L-37-37* MG Armed R-1, TKs, L3/35, tz33 AB 41, L6/40 (i) R-35, H39 PSW 222 (g) PSW 222L (g) FT-17C wz 34-II AA Guns 37L, 40L, 47L, 88L, 90L SPW251/1, 250/1,wz34-1 75L, 76L, 83L, BA20, FT17M, UE2 Ltvz 40, PSW 223 Pzkpfw 1B, Oa vz 30 AT Guns 150L, 152, 155* 70*, 75* LHT/MED/HVY TRK 107, 122*, 150* 50L, 75L, 75L, 76LL Inf 37*, 47, 65* RSO, Komsomolet 20L, 37L, 45L, 47 Mortars, Inf Guns MTR, 81*, 120* Trucks, Tractors Kfz 1, SdKfs 2 Art 75-80 75*, 75, 76*, 76, 76L, 80* Art 100-155 100*,114*, 105, 105L LHT/MED/HVY TRK USSR – Infantry and Support Weapons E Elite USSR Infantry Ordnance Ordnance TH# Color: Red Deploying NA (A25.2) OBA Access: 5B / 2R Infantry Infantry BH > Fanatic E Infantry ELR > Disrupted E Infantry Entrench -1 DRM (A25.21) Riders 1942+ (D6.2) MMG E Infantry 4-5-8 ELR > 4-4-7 Infantry 2-4-8 ELR > 2-3-7 1 Infantry 4-4-7 Infantry 2-3-7 ELR > 2-2-6 1 Neither E nor G/G (A25.24) Infantry 5-2-7 ELR > 4-2-6 C BH > 6-2-8 1 Infantry 2-2-7 ELR > 2-2-6 Infantry 4-2-6 ELR > Disrupted BH > 5-2-7 C BH > 3-2-8 BH > 2-4-8 Partisan Ldrs. 10-3 / 10-2 Leaders 8-1 Infantry 2-2-6 ELR > Disrupted BH > 2-2-7 Hero 7 / AFV Ldr. Commissars 10-0 9-2 / 9-1 8-0 7-0 1-4-9 9-0 8-1 / 8-0 6+1 HMG ELR > 4-2-6 BH > 4-5-8 1 BH > Fanatic Leaders 10-3 2-2-8 10-2 1-2-7 9-2 1-2-7 ELR > 2 broken HS 9-1 BH > Fanatic LMG Partisan Stealthy (A11.17); may Massacre (A20.4) Disrupt & RtPh-Surrender NA (A25.24) E 6-2-8 ELR > 5-2-7 Infantry 3-2-8 ELR > 2-2-6 BH > Fanatic BH > Fanatic Crews Infantry 3-3-7 BH > Fanatic BH > Fanatic E 3-2-8 BH > Fanatic P ELR > 2 broken HS BH > Fanatic Infantry 3-2-8 ELR > 5-2-7 2nd Line Elite Partisan Smoke Grenades: NA May Massacre (A20.4) HoB DRM: +2 Commisars (NA 11/42+), Human Wave (A25.23) 6-2-8 6-2-8 ELR > 5-2-7 2nd Line Elite Elite Elite 1st Line 1st Line Elite 1st Line 1st Line Conscripts Conscripts 10-2 to 8-1 8+1 7-0 / 6+1 MTR HMG .50cal (r)(a) DM SWs Comm. 50* Phone HMG .50cal (r)(a) HMG 6-12 Radio ? CX Other SW Concealment Flamethrower Mol-P DC / ATR USSR – Armor and Ordnance USSR Ordnance TH# Color: Red OBA Access: 5B / 2R Infantry Ordnance IS-3 SU - 152 122L IS-2, IS-2m KV2 152 - 152* 122 SU-122 100L SU-100 85L T-34/85 85L KV-85 SU-85 ISU-122 76L T-34 M41 T-34 M43 ISU - 152 T-37 T-60 M42 MMG BA-20, BA-54B 20LL-20L T-60 M40 SU-76(g) KV-1S SU-76M KV-1 M43 T-43 KV-1 M41 76L 76L T-28E M40 KV-1E 76* T-28 M34 T-34 M40 76 KV-1 M39 Lend-Lease 76L M4 76(a) T-35 45L T-26 M33 T-26S M37 T-50 Lend Lease 40L Valentine V(b) Lend Lease 75L-75 Sherman III(a) T-70 BT-7A 45L BT-5 M34 BT-7 M37 37L ZSU-37 BT-2A BA-6 Lend Lease 37LL-37 Stuart III(a) Flame Tanks OT-34 OT-133 T-40 KV-8 IAG-6, ZIS-5, GAZ-MM ZIS-42-AA GAZ-67B, Jeep GPA SU-12 M3A1(a), M3A1SC(a) BA-6 Armed Trucks Half Tracks / Scout SU-57(a) M17 MGMC (a) ? HD Concealment 100L 122, 122L 152, 203 45LL, 57LL 76LL 85L, 107, 122* 37L, 45L 76*,76,76L AT ART AA Trucks/Jeeps Komsomolet IAG-10-AA 11/2, 21/2, 71/2 GAZ-4M-AA INF MTR 37*, 76* 25LL,37L 82*, 107* 76LL, 85L 120*, 160* ITALY – Infantry, Support Weapons, Armor and Ordnance E Elite Italy Infantry and Support Weapons Ordnance and Armor 3-4-7 41-4-7 Infantry Infantry ELR > 3-4-6 1 BH > Fanatic E Infantry ELR > 3-3-6 Infantry Ordnance TH# Color: Red 1 & C: Surrender on HoB Final DR >= 10 (A15.4); OBA Access: 7B/3R C Infantry C Infantry 1-3-6 ? HD 105-90L M43 105/25 Autocanon 90/53 Counters Autocanon 75/27 Hull Down 65* Autocanon 65/17 (A25.63); Lax (A25.64); 1 PAATC (A25.65) Crews Infantry 3-3-6 2-2-7 1-2-6 Leaders 10-3, 10-2 LMG LMG 2-5 9-2, 9-1 8-1, 8-0 ELR > Disrupted 7-0, 6+1 10-2, 9-2 1-2-6 AFV LDRS/Heroes Infantry ELR > Disrupted LATW 20L 1-12 1-12 MMG HMG MMG 4-10 dm MMG,HMG 1-4-9 HMG 6-12 9-1, 8-1 Flame Thrower Field Phones 45* DCs Radios LT Mortars SW Comm. Wounds to 1-3-8 BH > 1-3-6 ? HD / ? CX DM 45mm/81mm OBA Access: 7B/3R 37- B37 47-47L M11/39 M13/40 M14/41 MR/35(f) L5/21, L3 LF BF32 AB 41 MG/BMG/CNG FLAME TANKS 20L L6/40, L3 cc Fiat 611B M15/42 L40 47/32 AS 42 aa Autocanon 20/65 L5/30 AT INF gun/ Mtrs Trucks 65* 65/17 70* 70/15 Fiat 508 MC TM40, TL 37, TP32 Escape NA (A20.55) Deploying NA (A25.61); +1 CC Capture DRM NA Smoke HOB DRM: +3 1 ELR > 3-3-6 3-4-6 1 ELR > 1-2-6 1-3-7 ELR > 1-2-6 BH > 2-4-7 BH > 2-4-7 75*-75 M40 75/18 Vehicle Concealment M41M 90/53 M41 75/18 M42 75/18, 75/32 BH > 3-4-6 BH > 4-4-7 BH > 4-4-7 1 2-4-7 ELR > 1-3-6 BH > Fanatic 1st Line Elite 1st Line 1st Line Conscript Conscript 1st Line 37L 37/45 47 47/32 L3 aa L3/35 MG/BMG/CNG AB 40, Lince Lancia 1ZM Autopret S37 Fiat 611A 75*, 75/13, 75/27, 75/18 20L 20/55 ART AA AS 42 Fiat 508 Furgone Autocarratta 100/17, 149/13, 149/35 149/40/ 150L K18 90L 90/53 Autocarre, L, P, M Armed Trucks 75, 75/32, ieFK ,105/28 75L 75/48 75L 75/39 81* 81/14 Autocarratta Tracked Wheeled FRANCE – Infantry, Support Weapons, Armor and Ordnance E France Includes Vichy (A25.5) Infantry Ordnance Armor 1 Infantry 1 4 -5-8 Elite ELR >4-5-7 1st Line BH > Fanatic E Infantry Infantry Ordnance TH# Color: Black AFV: Red OBA Access: 6B/2R G 4-5-7 ELR > 4-3-7 BH > 4-5-8 1 Infantry ELR > 2-2-7 ? CX 1-2-7 4-3-7 Crews Infantry Leaders 10-3, 10-2 9-2, 9-1 Heroes 1-4-9 Wounds to 1-3-8 LMG 2-6 2-2-7 SW LT Mortars LMG MMG HMG Infantry 2-2-8 ELR > Disrupted Passanger" HMG 6-12 B1-bis Ac de 75 13/34 B75* 47 75 - 75* dm MTR 60/81 dm INF Armor Leaders 10-2, 9-2 Other SW DC Radio Field Phone OBA Access: 6B/2R 47L Laffy W15T Ac de 75 97 "non-emplaced 9-1, 8-1 7-0, 6+1 INF 37* MMG 4-11 ELR > Disrupted dm MMG,HMG BH > 2-4-8 BH > Fanatic Info Counters "Trailer Concealment Counters 8-1, 8-0 ATR 1-12 60*mm BH > 4-5-7 G 2-3-7 2-4-8 ELR >2-3-7 1st Line Elite Green Green 47 D2 (L) S 35 47* D1 D2 FT-17 75BS gun" 40L 37 Valentine V(b) R 35 (L) H 39 (L) R 40 AMC 29 FT-17C AM Dodge (a) AMD 50 AM H 35, H 39 FCM 36, R35 37* HT, Trucks 37* AMD 50 vcTOE ? HD Trucks AMR 33, 35, FT17 Lorraine 37L Cam de 13.2, 20 MG Armed Peugot 202 12.7-20L-25LL AMD 80, ARM 35 Cam de 25 CA AMD 35 Inf Gun, Mortar Trucks Vehicle Concealment CAM de Mltr CA AT Guns AA CAJ mie 30 12.7 CAJ mie 39 20L CAJ mie 38 25LL CA mie 32 75L ART 105mle, 36s 75 ZC mle 97/35 75 105mle, 35c, 13s, 28 SA37 APX 47L mle 27/31 81* 75mle28, 75mle 1897 SA-L mle 34 25LL 65M mle 06 65* Counters 155C ml3 17S, GPF
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