2014 Commencement
2014 Commencement
RIO S A L AD O C OL LEGE 2 0 1 4 C O M M E N C E M E N T President’s Letter Dear Graduates: I extend warm congratulations to the Rio Salado College Class of 2014! Tonight we celebrate your achievement, perseverance, dedication and determination. And most importantly, we celebrate you! We recognize your hard work, commitment to education, and all the challenges you have overcome to pursue your dreams. As you receive your certificates, degrees, and recognitions of academic achievement, remember that graduation represents the culmination of one journey, and the beginning of a bright new chapter in your lives. Rio Salado College is proud to have served you on your educational journey. We wish you a wonderful future filled with academic, career and personal success. Congratulations on a job well done! Sincerely, Chris Bustamante, Ed.D. President Maricopa County Community College District GOVERNING BOARD Dana G. Saar, M.Ed. President Jo Jorgenson, Ph.D. Dean, Instruction and Community Development Randolph Lumm, M.S.W. Rick Kemp, M.Ed. Secretary Dean, Instruction and Partnerships Doyle W. Burke, M.Div., M.A. Sharon Koberna, Ph.D. Alfredo Gutierrez, Hon. Ph.D. Dean, Administrative and Employee Services Debra Pearson, A.A.S. Shannon McCarty, Ph.D. CHANCELLOR Rufus Glasper, Ph.D., C.P.A. RIO SALADO COLLEGE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS Chris Bustamante, Ed.D. President Kishia Brock, Ph.D. Vice President, Student Affairs Jennifer Freed, Ph.D. Interim Vice President, Academic Affairs Edward Kelty, M.Ed. Vice President, Information Services James Paluzzi, Ph.D. Vice President, Public Service, KJZZ/KBAQ and Sun Sounds Todd Simmons, M.Ed., C.P.A. Interim Dean, Instruction and Academic Affairs Dana Reid, M.Ed. Dean, Instructional Technology and Support Gayathri D. Bala, C.P.A., C.G.F.M. Associate Dean, Finance and Business Earnestine Harrison, M.Ed. Associate Dean, Instruction and Instructional Support Blair Liddicoat, M.Ed. Associate Dean, Adult Basic Education Dustin Maroney, M.S. Associate Dean, Institutional Research Ruby Miller, B.A. Associate Dean, Judicial Affairs Vice President, Administrative Services Michael Pattarozzi, M.Ed. Kevin P. Bilder, M.Ed. Julie Stiak, M.Ed. Interim Dean, Enrollment Management and Advancement Associate Dean, Community Development RIO SALADO COLLEGE RESIDENTIAL FACULTY Melanie Abts, Ed.D. Janine Adkins, Ph.D. Angela Ambrosia, Ph.D. Kirk Bowden, Ph.D. Patricia S. Case, Ph.D. Richard Cuprak, Jr., M.S. Hazel M. Davis, M.L.S. Karen Docherty, M.A. Angela Felix, Ph.D. Jennifer, Gresko, Ed.D. Holly Harper, M.Ed. John Jensen, M.A. Rosslyn Knight, M.Ed. Angela Kwan, M.A. Corey Pruitt, M.S. Robert Semmler, M.Ed., M.S. Jennifer K. Shantz, Ed.D. Kerrie Specker, M.A. Wanda Tucker, M.Div., M.A. Jeremy Tutty, Ed.D. Janelle Underhill, M.A. Rick Vaughn, Ph.D. Otis J. White, M.B.A. Associate Dean, Instruction and Community Development About Us Rio Salado College was established in 1978 by the Maricopa County Community College District to provide the next step in education for non-traditional students. The college, headquartered in Tempe, Arizona, is one of the largest online public community colleges in the nation serving more than 65,000 students annually. In addition to providing high-quality instruction for 100+ degree and certificate pathways, Rio Salado is dedicated to providing flexible, affordable access through; college bridge pathways, collaborative partnerships, early college initiatives and online learning. For more information visit riosalado.edu. 4 maricopa.edu 2014 Rio Salado College Commencement Snapshot ASSOCIATE DEGREES Bank Account Management: Customer Service 63 Basic Corrections 961 Broadband Telecommunications: Account Services 56 Field Operations 3 Technical Support Services 71 Chemical Dependency Level I 7 Chemical Dependency Level II 7 Child & Family Organizations Management and Administration 8 Clinical Dental Assisting 8 Computer Usage and Applications 302 Credit Counseling: Customer Service 4 Dental Assisting Technology 6 Detention Services 222 Digital Design 15 eLearning Design Specialist 3 Family Child Care Management 5 General Business 35 Hardware and Networking Basics 1 Human Services – Assistance: Public Assistance Eligibility 77 Human Services – Unemployment Insurance: Customer Service 1 Human Services – Specialist: Customer Service 4 Law Enforcement Technology 8 Law Enforcement Technology Academy 159 Military Leadership 6 Motor Vehicle: Customer Service 27 Networking: Design and System Support 29 Organizational Leadership 36 Paralegal77 Parent Education 3 Professional Addictions Counseling 1 Programming11 Public Administration 35 Quality Customer Service 7 Retail Management 4 Small Business Start-Up 3 Sustainable Food Systems 4 Utilities: Customer Service 40 Web Design: User Interface 26 Workforce Development & Community Re-Entry 8 Workforce Development: Automotive Technology Level I 28 Automotive Technology Level II 11 Carpentry Level I 31 Electrical Level I 86 Electrical Level II 29 Furniture Construction & Re-Finishing Level I 41 Graphic Arts Level I 86 Graphic Arts Level II 71 Horticulture 23 Landscape Technology 11 Associate in Arts 159 Associate in Arts in Elementary Education 11 Associate in Business – General Requirements 20 Associate in Business – Special Requirements 6 Associate in Science 14 Associate in General Studies 74 Associate in Applied Science: Accounting 21 Addictions and Substance Use Disorders 52 Airline Operations 2 Broadband Telecommunications 2 Chemical Dependency 4 Clinical Dental Assisting 3 Computer Technology 92 Corrections 5 Dental Hygiene 43 Early Childhood Administration & Management 7 Early Childhood Education 2 Early Learning and Development 23 eLearning Design Specialist 2 Emergency Response and Operations 9 Family Life Education 4 Fire Science 1 General Business 22 Law Enforcement Technology 28 Military Leadership 12 Organizational Management 27 Paralegal 55 Public Administration 19 Quality Customer Service 5 Retail Management 3 Sustainable Food Systems 3 Workforce Development & Community 5 Re-Entry TOTAL:735 ACADEMIC CERTIFICATES Child and Family Professional Development: Family Child Care 1 Pre-School 49 School Age 1 Creative Writing 5 Early Childhood Education 4 Language Studies 6 Spanish and Spanish Culture 3 Sustainability and Ecological Literacy 4 TOTAL:73 CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION Accounting34 Addictions and Substance Use Disorders Level I 76 Addictions and Substance Use Disorders Level II 64 Adolescent Development 3 Adult Development and Aging 3 Adult Learning and Coaching Development 4 Adult Learning and Development 4 Advanced Computer Usage and Applications 87 Advanced Corrections 8 Airline Operations: Initial Flight Attendant 761 Passenger Services 7 Reservations 1 Reservations & Ticketing Services 1 Automobile Insurance Claims: Customer Service 50 Automobile Insurance: Customer Service 393 Automobile Policy: Customer Service 83 TOTAL:4339 ACADEMIC HONORS Distinction192 High Distinction 134 Highest Distinction 54 Phi Theta Kappa 147 Honors Program 102 RECOGNITIONS OF ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT Post-Bacc Teacher Preparation Bachelor Degree Pathway 5 65 16 Rio Salado College 2014 Commencement Program Processional............................................................................................Please Stand Welcome and Congratulatory Remarks............................Dr. Chris Bustamante President Rio Salado College Congratulatory Remarks.......................................... Dr. Maria Harper-Marinick Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Maricopa Community College District Congratulatory Remarks......................................................................Doyle Burke Governing Board Member Maricopa Community College District Student Address....................................................................................Kaisi Balmer Musical Performance................................................................................ Jodi Light Student Address....................................................................Patrick Valenzuela, Jr. Graduates’ Confirmation and Recommendation.........................Kerrie Specker Faculty Senate President Awarding of Certificates, Associate Degrees...................Dr. Chris Bustamante and Recognitions of Academic Achievement Conferring of Credentials and Closing Remarks............Dr. Chris Bustamante Recessional..............................................................................................Please Stand 6 2014 Commencement Student Speaker Biographies KAISI BALMER For Kaisi Balmer, graduation means a celebration of self and spirit. She came to Rio Salado College four years ago, on the recommendation of a friend. At the time, Balmer was homeless, jobless, addicted to drugs, and disconnected from family and friends. Thanks to faith, determination and the assistance of an academic advisor, Balmer mapped out a plan to get back on track in pursuit of her true dream: becoming a doctor. Tonight Balmer is receiving an Associate in Arts degree, and reconnecting PATRICK VALENZUELA, JR. Patrick Valenzuela Jr. had three goals in life when he left high school 10 years ago: graduate college, join the U.S. Navy, and become a police officer. He put college on the back burner to join the Navy, and upon completion of his service, was hired as police officer in the city of Glendale. At 22, he had accomplished two of his three goals. Then life happened. Valenzuela got married, had three daughters, and even continued watching over his younger siblings when his father was deployed to Afghanistan. Valenzuela credits his children with helping him reach that third goal. “I wanted to be a role model for them and to prove that as long as you persevere, are patient, and put in the work, you can succeed,” he said. Tonight Valenzuela is earning an associate degree in law enforcement technology. He plans to pursue a bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary studies at Northern Arizona University. 7 with her family. She plans on continuing her studies this fall at Arizona State University to earn a degree in global health, and ultimately become a Missionary family practitioner. “When life happens, people may give up on their goals, dreams, purpose, and even themselves,” Balmer said. “Then along comes hope in the shape of a person, or opportunity. Take it. You have nothing to lose.” Phi Theta Kappa Founded in 1918, Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is the international honor society for 2-year colleges. PTK recognizes and encourages scholarship and education among students seeking associate degrees. PTK provides opportunities for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate to exchange ideas, and for the continued pursuit of academic excellence. To be selected for membership in PTK, students must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher, based on 12 or more credits of 100 level or higher courses. Both full and part-time students are eligible. Rio Salado’s PTK chapter, Alpha Theta Omicron, was chartered in 1982. In recent years, the chapter has received four Top 25 awards during international competition. The National Society of Leadership and Success The Rio Salado College chapter of the National Society of Leadership and Success was established in fall 2013. The organization helps people discover and achieve their goals through life-changing lectures from the nation’s top leadership presenters. Our chapter’s vision is for students to make progress towards their goals and build leadership skills. We help them accomplish this through education, staff support , and opportunities to grow and succeed. Academic Honors Graduates wearing colored honors cords are completing an associate degree with Distinction. To be eligible, Honors Program graduates must have completed at least 15 credits of specially designated honors work and have achieved a minimum 3.5 cumulative grade point average. Gold Cord - With Highest Distinction: 3.90 - 4.0 Red Cord - With High Distinction:3.70 - 3.89 White Cord - With Distinction:3.50 - 3.69 Graduates wearing the gold stole and tassel are members of Phi Theta Kappa. Dual Enrollment Students who take dual enrollment classes get a head start on college by earning college credits while still in high school. Rio Salado College has partnered with area high schools to offer dual enrollment courses since 1987. Since that time, students have successfully transferred Rio Salado credits to pursue their degrees at many colleges and universities nationwide. Rio Salado is the only college in Arizona to have a dual enrollment program accredited by the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment. 8 Candidates for Associate Degrees ASSOCIATE IN ARTS Kirk Adolph Briana Corinne Bustamante Jessica Ann Fishburn Andrew Jay Agne Maureen P. Algerio Leon Milton Canty III With Distinction Elizabeth Jewell Freeman Kayla Lynn Gallegos Kenya L. Gallegos Amanda Elizabeth Garcia Dual Enrollment Student With Distinction Stacey Elizabeth Carlson-Gray Christopher Kevin Carlton Rachel Ann Carricart With Distinction Honors Program Jonnie Nicole Allen With High Distinction Honors Program Honors Program Jennifer Marie Allgood Brett Wilson Carroll Iriss Hermelinda Alvarez-Almanza Ana Lilia Castillo Sheena Lace Anderson Giovanni Vincenzo Badini Jamy Andrea Castro With High Distinction Honors Program With Distinction With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student With High Distinction With Distinction Phillip Anthony Catone Angel Renee Cazares Reanna Machel Bahling With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Natasha Chipman Bailey Mikelle Ariel Bailey With Distinction With High Distinction With High Distinction Kaisi Ahn Balmer Angela Faye Ceballos Leslie Denise Cherry Jane Elizabeth Churley Miranda Maureen Clements Jessica Rose Baux Noelle Christina Bawek With High Distinction With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Meagan Bellamy Vincent Henry Benedict With Distinction Eugene D. Cody With High Distinction Marnie Lynn Corcoran With Highest Distinction Crista Lynn Cornett Jarod Patrick Bernat With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student Nayobe Marie Bivins Amanda Ellen Crow Michelle Andrea Eyre Bradley Loretta Jane Curley Ashley Ann Czarnecki Cherylyn Delacruz With High Distinction With Distinction With Distinction Honors Program Madeline Patricia Brandt With High Distinction Dual Enrollment Student Samantha Caelene Braswell With Highest Distinction Kristin Liana Bronson Phi Theta Kappa Heather Lee Brown With Distinction Lauren Elizabeth Brown Jennifer Angela Bucci With High Distinction Ana Beatriz Garza Valerie Lin George Adam Robert Ghiz With Highest Distinction Honors Program Eve Elizabeth Gomez Anahi Gonzalez Rivera Adam Carl Grula With Distinction Dual Enrollment Student Moriah Raashel Harris Steven Charles Heindell With Distinction Katrina Irene Hempelman With Highest Distinction Howon Choi With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa With Distinction With Distinction With Highest Distinction Carolina Delgadillo Faith Y. DeMent With Distinction Dual Enrollment Student Meryll Light Emerson Jennifer Marie Escarcega Shawna Marie Farago With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Robin Annette Fields Tiffany L. Hill Catherine Ann Hogan Holmberg Josh Randall Horton Ashlee Renee Hundelt Traci Marie Hutter With Distinction Jake Henry Johnson Dual Enrollment Student Sean Charles Johnson With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Andrea Kristine Kasney Patrick Theodore Keil With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Stephanie Dawn King Thomas Alvin Klafke With High Distinction Abby Michelle Krause Cyrus Bele Kubicek Shandra Lenae Lampright Brynna Lauryn Lappin Dual Enrollment Student Shelly Anne Lauletta With Highest Distinction Grayson T. Lee-Kin Dual Enrollment Student Brandy Nicole Leksell Jennifer Lee Lerpold Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 6. 9 Candidates for Associate Degrees Matthew Paul Lissy Michael Henry Lopez With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Carrie Lynn Perkins With Distinction Chianne Kamaria Petersen With High Distinction Jennifer Lynn Lundmark With Distinction Rachel Marie Mainvielle Angela Shennae Marin Carmen Regina Marley With High Distinction Jeannette Martinez Joseph Elio Martucci With High Distinction Heather Jo Mathias With Distinction Raymond Warren Mathis With Distinction Shane Charles Mazurek Caitlin Michel McDonnell With Distinction Patricia Rae Williams Mears With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Corina Menjares Ephraim Mahonri Moriancumer Miles With Highest Distinction Sara Ann Miller With High Distinction Brandi Marie Montoya Kasey Raylynn Narum With Distinction Ahren Elaine Newton With Distinction Ashlen Cole Nichols Dual Enrollment Student Brooke Lee Isabell Nichols With High Distinction Scott Engle Norman III Bridget Shea Ott With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student Karen Lynn Ott Megan Katherine Padberg Danielle Catherine Papala With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student Rochel H. Phairow Christina Nichole Phelps With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Thomas James Pierce Amber Jo Radosevich Rebecca Ann Ratay Ashleigh Nikole Ratkovich Aaron K. Richards Kathleen Shannon Ring Maritza Marilu Rosas National Society of Leadership and Success Tiffany Ann Rullan With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Courtney Christine Russell With High Distinction Devin Moore Sanders With Distinction Natasha N. Saragosa Geri Sauriol Natalie R. Sternfield With High Distinction Honors Program Sean Michael Sussman Dawn M. Sylvester With High Distinction Kaila Templeton With Distinction Danielle Kristene Tewalt Sheelagh M. Thomas-Groce With High Distinction Kamilla Catherine Todd Tonya G. Tovey With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Terrance M. Toyser Dual Enrollment Student Chromel Tesang Trinidad With Distinction Johanna Beth Tucker Tai O’Neil Turner With Highest Distinction Erin Kathleen Tyree Lindsey Sue Verret Danielle Dawn Wacasey With High Distinction With Distinction Honors Program Delcee Rae Schaffner Stephanie Nicole Scott With High Distinction Honors Program With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Brandon David Shipley With Distinction Melissa Janet Simms Katrina Jane Simonsen With Distinction Honors Program Terry Jenae Simpson With Distinction Lisa Nickole Smebakken Marty Smith Sara Buck Smith With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student Marc Matthew Snyder With Highest Distinction Kelly Renee Spinner Jennifer Lee Stam With High Distinction Amanda K. Waite Andrea Waldera Amber Dawn Wansten With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Leigh Daniel Jerome Washington Heather Michelle Watson With Distinction Nicholas Mearl Wengerd Brad Alan Werner Michael Justin Willcox With Highest Distinction ASSOCIATE IN ARTS – ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Emilyh Suzanne Barker With Distinction Heather Lee Brown With Distinction Krystle Lynn Coe Angela Marie Davis Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 6. 10 Candidates for Associate Degrees Anahi Gonzalez Rivera Melissa DeCelles Howell With Distinction Tanya Elaine Melluse Tiffany Jannette Nava Juliette Aletheia-Seh Stafford Jennifer Leona Weddell Devon Noel Yourgulez With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa ASSOCIATE IN BUSINESS – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Johnny E. Armenta, Jr. With Distinction Honors Program Barbara J. Atkinson With Distinction Kathryn T. Buell Stacey Elizabeth Carlson-Gray Marie Carter With Distinction Honors Program ASSOCIATE IN BUSINESS – SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Steven Douglas Beverly Samantha Rae Bircher Phi Theta Kappa Marietta Marie Braden Madeline Patricia Brandt With High Distinction Paul Marcelino Lopez Richard Larry Martinez Honors Program Robert David Philip, Jr. Thomas L. Sagadin Amanda L. Shields With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa ASSOCIATE IN SCIENCE Darren Thomas Anglin Grecia G. Cortes Krystal Anne Cruz Adam Carl Grula With Distinction Dual Enrollment Student Sarah Katlyn Harvey Ashlee Renee Hundelt Jake Henry Johnson Sima Gheyasi Nicholle Lynn Grant Dual Enrollment Student With Distinction Honors Program Kelci Jean Koziol Andrew Benjamin Harrison With Distinction Amber Nichole Higgins With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student With Distinction With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Carrie Lynn Perkins Tawnie Lynn Hobson Lisa Marie Kaholo With Distinction Thomas John Pfeiffer, Jr. With Distinction James Joseph McInerney III Tiffany Amber Rivas Cheryl Jeanne Staudt Gabriel Oscar Suarez With High Distinction Brandon Matthew Thomas Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Ulbert Viama Maning Tugung III With High Distinction Eric A. Verska With Distinction Suzanne J. Walter With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Michael Justin Willcox With Highest Distinction Bridget Shea Ott With Distinction Brittany Ann Switzer With Distinction Joseph Wasneski Michael Justin Willcox With Highest Distinction ASSOCIATE IN GENERAL STUDIES Rocio Alvarez With Distinction Darren T. Anglin Montana Sierra Barnes With Distinction Laura Ann Benedict With High Distinction With Distinction Terri Lynn Bivins With Distinction With High Distinction Dual Enrollment Student Coney Rogers Brown Lauren Ashley Brown Nichol Renae Brown With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Lise Brush With Distinction Timothy Lee Caudle Lauren Marie Cerny Candice Rose Chapman Angela J. Chavaria Krystle Lynne Chavez With Distinction Nathan Lee Claspell Michael Jonathan Cochran With High Distinction Elise Ana Contreras Anne Catherine Cox Brittany Nicole Cruz Catherine Dilling Janette Lee Duran With Distinction Honors Program Kelly Kay Etchason With Distinction Jennifer Vanessa Fierro Arlem Garcia, Jr. Russell M. Genet, Jr. Twylla Kayleen Gibbens With Distinction Sophia Coretta Graves Kirk Brian Gylenskog With High Distinction Marci Ann Hadley-Mairel With High Distinction Rebeca Haugse With Distinction Cresundia Denise Buckner Hines With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 6. 11 Candidates for Associate Degrees Adam Hiracheta Vera Lucia Hochhalter With High Distintion Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Jessica Nicole Hogan With Distinction Travis Lee Holmesley With High Distinction Christopher Andrew Johnson Rikki Rena Johnson Phi Theta Kappa Tuan Thanh Le Steven James Leslie Nicole Shawntae Lewis Briell Rose Louck Samantha Elizabeth Stock Solon Strickland III With High Distinction Brian Tyler Terri Ann Wagner Barbara Leigh Watson Neal Earl Williams Marie L. Wylie With High Distinction ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – ACCOUNTING Michelle Kane Burke Nicholas Diomede With High Distinction Joseph Elio Martucci Todd Randalle Duthie Sandy Jacqueline Estrada Danielle Golka Arianna Carolee Hetherington Jennifer Rae Kochman Lacovinay Teala McBeth Rishel Langdon With Distinction Amy M. Lowery Richard Larry Martinez Honors Program With High Distinction With Distinction Honors Program Ephraim Mahonri Moriancumer Miles With Highest Distinction Shelice Allen Millett With Distinction Catherine D. Monahan Ashley Jo Monnot Tiffany Jannette Nava Douglas Ryan Neal Marcela Noble Kirsten Amber Nodzon Henry Lozano Peralta Freddy Perez Cambra Poole Johanna Lauren Randle With Highest Distinction With Distinction With Highest Distinction Joanne Manzo With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Sandria Martinez-Joya Heather Jo Mathias With Distinction Jennifer S. Neale With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Katrina Beth Pappas Velma Jean Peay Jennifer Joan Pinegar Daviena A. Schauer With Highest Distinction Stefani Snow Sherer-Ballew Daniela K. Stoddert Darren Jon Sygrove Scott Rhoda With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Amy Elizabeth Richard Joshua Craig Richardson Finis Markton Ross, Jr. With Distinction Honors Program With High Distinction With Highest Distinction Ariana Nichelle Shannon Jacinda Marie Sprout ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – ADDICTIONS AND SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS Jessica Margaret Acton Amanda Lynn Anaya Cherise Danielle Black Barbara Susan Bontempi With High Distinction Honors Program Amy Elizabeth Buck With Distinction Lizette Amanda Bula Elisabeth Ames Canady With High Distinction Honors Program Jaron Troy Cantrell With Distinction Kelli Marie Carpenter With Distinction Jane Elizabeth Churley Dale Patrick Cournoyer Robert Joseph Dixon Amy Jo Evans Honors Program Elizabeth Farnell With Distinction Theresa Ann Farrell With High Distinction Honors Program Shawn Joshua Flaten With High Distinction Jordan Nicholle Fleuquin With Distinction Honors Program Kerrie Lynn Fincher Honors Program Sandra Elizabeth Funk Phi Theta Kappa Billi Jo Gadomski Katie Lynn George Bryan W. Heins With High Distincion Tita Budhya Taylor Lindsey Ann Teller Nathan Michael Hibbeler Kerrie Mae Hunziker Gerald Lawrence Wands With High Distinction Kendra L. Inman With Highest Distinction Honors Program With Distinction Bonnie Lee Huffman Ivy Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 6. 12 Candidates for Associate Degrees Devon Max Johnson With High Distinction Candida Torzala Kirkpatrick With Distinction Shawn Elizabeth Lamb Leslie Lashea Lopez Diane Marie Love Wendy Lundin With Highest Distinction ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY Terra Lynn Kastner Alexander George Kiss Phi Theta Kappa Brittany Lynn Major With High Distincion Leslie Marie Markson Monique Matney Sylvia M. Medina Angelique Marie Michel With Highest Distinction Rebecca Ann Ratay With Distinction Patrick Kelly Varney With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – CLINICAL DENTAL ASSISTING Alexis Jones Amanda Victoria Laford Jondaee Juleen. Montoya Mary Jane Noble With Highest Distinction Jaymie Lynn Petrucz With Distinction Ricardo R. Rodriguez With Distinction Kacie Christina Schleier ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY Wendy S. Anderson With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Michele Rose Schreiber With Distinction Shamegan Jecole Smith With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Eric Stephen Spaulding Barabara Jean Steinbrink Celeste Juni Strong Susanna Renee Terrell Honors Program Agatha U. Thompson Hill Misty Autumn Trester Meghan Joy Walls Jennifer Lee Whitney-Flores With Distinction Louise Kathleen Wilson Eric Scott Andrew Vicki L. Baker Marc Ball With Distinction David Anthony Baril Anna Patricia Beltran Anita L. Bigelow With Distinction Fantashia Lynn Blackwell Phi Theta Kappa National Society of Collegiate Scholars Kevin Clay Woody With Highest Distinction ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE AIRLINE OPERATIONS Howard Warren Hall Amanda Natasha Mullins Lorrieanne Carnes With High Distinction Arthur Grageda Cazares With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Tracy Diane Christenson With Highest Distinction Donald Lyndon Classen With Distinction Melissa Ruth Clatone With High Distinction Shane Eric Clemens With Distinction Eugene D. Cody With High Distinction Kaareem Lamont Collins With Distinction Scott Kenneth Cooley With Distinction Richard James Craig Teena Renee D’Archangelo Maureen Monica De La Rosa Michel Alain Demers With High Distinction Amos John Dodson Brian Matthew Dorr With Distinction Robert Aaron Downs Phi Theta Kappa Deborah Louise Duenas Christina Elizabeth Duffy With Distinction Gregory Navoy Dunbar Charity Marsai Fults With High Distinction Timothy Jack Garland With Distinction Amanda Rios Gutirerrez With Distinction Johnathan Lloyd Hancock With Distinction Leann Hanich Morgan Ronald Bleck With High Distinction Charles Anthony Brown With Distinction With Distinction ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – BROADBAND TELECOMMUNICATIONS Cyrus Bele Kubicek Andrew Anthony Verbis With Highest Distinction William James Boutwell With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Michael Glenn Butler Ignacio Pedro Cabezudo With High Distinction Bonnie Lynn Hertneck With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Dennard James Higgins With Distinction Kristi Lee Houston With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa With Distinction Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 6. 13 Candidates for Associate Degrees Adam Musashi Hrisho Alvie Oscar Sanders Edvard Dragoslav Ilaski Kimberly Irene Sanders With Distinction With Distinction Alejandro Javier Jaramillo With High Distinction Nicholas Dean Kastanis Andrea Leigh Joy John Joseph LaComb II With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa With Highest Distinction With High Distinction Nicole Antoinette Sargent With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Thomas James Scheuneman With Highest Distinction Matthew David Schroeder With High Distinction Tessa Arianna Lit Roechelle Lea Shriver Adrian Michael Luth Chickie Ann Sirakis Anthony James Marotti Joshua Timothy Small With High Distinction With Distinction With Distinction With Distinction Steven Lee Matthiesen Susan McCabe With Distinction James William McCummnings Brian Charles Miller With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Alejandro Manuel Negrete With Distinction Jovan Joseph Occhiline With Highest Distinction John D. Palmer With High Distinction Amiee Lavon Paprocki With High Distinction Tyler Newell Parks With Distinction With Highest Distinction With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program With Highest Distinction Breanna Marie Read Nicole Michelle Robinson Amber Aileen Rock With Distinction Zoe Xenia Celis del Rosario With Distinction Samantha Tilly Jeanne Renner-Sponsler Keith D. Richardson Sadye Marie Riddell Jay Annette Ritchie With High Distinction With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Benjamin Taylor Phillips With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Laura Pyle ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – DENTAL HYGIENE Breanna Nicole Adamson With High Distinction Clifton Wayne Smith Amanda Marie Bailey Shalisa K. Baldwin Aaron B. Sneddon Andrea Blake Allred With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa With Distinction Alexander Paul Spletter Susan F. Steinmetz Wilbert I. Stephens With Distinction Kelly Denee Tallent With Highest Distinction Javier Tarazona With Distinction Erik Valenzuela Andrew Anthony Verbis With High Distinction Leonard Pinnix Joseph Girard Pino ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – CORRECTIONS Tamer O. Abdelaziz Barbara D’Elia O’Connell John Richard Overton Michelle L. Vestal Robert William Walcott With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Courtney Eileen Warner With High Distinction David Anthony Whedbee With High Distinction Joseph Patrick Whyte Robert Paul Wilson With Distinction Shawn Robert Wilson Raina Jewel Wuollet Donald Cassidy Salamone With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa With Distinction Shawnie Cahuya With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Kimberly Jean Carrasco With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Jose Alfredo Carrillo Lauren Castillo Misty Leigh Chandler Maryke Crawford Nicholas Burnett Diaz Vesna Djordjic Courtney Danielle Dymond With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Jonna Edwards Kimberly Fannon Deanna Hatch Amanda Jacka Rachel Judd Elizabeth Mangola Arianna Rose Marsden Brandi Merrill Jennifer Modzelewski Kate Moravitz Lindsey Morris Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 6. 14 Candidates for Associate Degrees Sage Ashley Oexman ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Marissa Gerace Bandin Virginia Lee Contreras With Distinction Honors Program Callista Olivares Margarita Ordaz Bianca Nichole Ortega With Distinction With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – EARLY LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT Ashley Sarah Ashlin Amber Lee Parris With Distinction Andrea A. Pretzer With Distinction Maritza Quintana With Distinction With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Marissa Gerace Bandin Robyn Leilani Begay Mercedes Regalado Alyssa Marie Rosselli Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program With Distinction Clayton M. Ryan Pilar Calderon Tatyana Ryan Jenny San Martin Jessica Doreen Sapien Jennifer Schwyn Jacqueline Sherwood Jose Silerio Marielle Silva-Alvarez Carrie Stradling Carissa Michelle Strong Sonja Ann Clever With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Yolanda Fabian Jeanne Christine Hernandez Adonica Jeannine Johnson With Distinction Debra Dettle King With High Distinction With Distinction ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE EARLY CHILDHOOD ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT Lorena M. Belcher With Distinction Ashley Marie Lacy Antonina Evelyn Laubli Lisa Marie Lawrence With Distinction Michelle Renee Lootens With Highest Distinction Melissa Marie Makela Rhonda K. Males With High Distinction Angela M. McClanahan With Distinction Danielle R. Brainard With Highest Distinction Pauline Chanel Davis-Moore With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Caryn Elizabeth McNally Amy F. Obuch-Thiry With High Distinction Mercy M. Pena-Alevizos Tracy G. Hill With Distinction With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Johanna Alejandra Perez Hierro Autumn Christine Staszak Samantha Keisha Suell Onyi Ibeji With High Distinction With Distinction Honors Program Kelli Marie McCalley With Distinction With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Kristin Mary Witt ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – E-LEARNING DESIGN SPECIALIST Darbin Shreese McCoy With High Distinction April Lynn Nowlin ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND OPERATIONS Anthony Steven Arenz With Distinction With Distinction With Distinction Britta Kristine Taylor Benedict Barrios With High Distinction Caleb Timothy Brainard James Christopher Deutsch With Distinction Greg Laswell With High Distinction Jason M. Martin With Highest Distinction Chris Ryan Otterberg Casey Wade Russell Michael Joseph Vitale With High Distinction ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION Becky Capps With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Jennifer Marie Dean With Distinction Angela Diaz With High Distinction Trina Sue Mullenax ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – FIRE SCIENCE Bryan James Collom With High Distinction Lauri Adrienne Rodriguez With Distinction Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 6. 15 Candidates for Associate Degrees ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – GENERAL BUSINESS Enas S. Abdellhalim With Distinction Kelly Marie Antrim Honors Program Julie Graziana Behrens With Highest Distinction Christina Marie Bustos With High Distinction Steven Chavira Brian Russell Eckenboy Cornathan Eckwood With High Distinction Justin Ferrari With Highest Distinction Antonio Bianchi Alfonso Demestrio Galindo Michelle Kane Burke Sandy Jacqueline Estrada Lorrie Jean Evans Guillermo Garcia Dexter Howard Henley, Sr. Zachary C. Hines With Distinction With Distinction With Distinction Evan Thomas Fenner Laura Katherine Finley Kimberley L. Grandberry Brian Hutter Jena Lea Johnson With High Distinction Richard Larry Martinez With Distinction Honors Program Andria Napora Orr John Joseph Ouellette With Distinction Christina Jean Planalp Susan D. Ponce George Benjamin Redfern With Distinction Erin Elizabeth Silva With Distinction Stacey Lynn Smith With Distinction Adam Lee Jarboe Marcus Daniel King With Distinction Justin Louis Leach With Distinction Travis L. Meadows With High Distinction Wesley James Parrell Linnea E. Reinbacher With Distinction Richard Rodriguez With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Lee Mitchell Rowland With Distinction Santino Anthony Scelzo Rustin Rial Standage With Distinction Lisa L. Sullivan Christian E. Tello Fernando Abel Torres With High Distinction ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – LAW ENFORCEMENT TECHNOLOGY Michael Martin Ander With High Distinction Tina Denise Balsewica With Highest Distinction Craig E. Baum Leo Rosario Buffa With Distinction Patrick Gabriel Valenzuela, Jr. With Distinction Michael Christopher Veal With Highest Distinction Ryan Joseph Vesey With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Joshua Michael Wilhelm With Distinction Nathan Charles Williams ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – MILITARY LEADERSHIP Kristin Liana Bronson Phi Theta Kappa Dennis Scott Koehrer Richard Louis Langston Francisco Javier Ledesma Lewis E. Luster Derek Geoffrey Mann With High Distinction Shane Thomas McGowen With High Distinction Michael J. Perez Steven Lance Pew With High Distinction Willie Earl Redmond Eric John Romain Deziree Kapryie Wagner ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT Ellen Marie Berts Honors Program Diane DaSilva Jennifer Therese Dombrowski With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Trina Renee Freeman John Douglas Freuden With Highest Distinction Ariel Tristan Harter With High Distinction Erin Leigh Hausman Cresundia Denise Buckker Hines With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Jennifer Anne Hobbs Melissa Ann Jagelski With High Distinction Leonard Jerry Juarez Sophy Min Leonard With Distinction Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 6. 16 Candidates for Associate Degrees Grace Angel Elmer Jackie Sue Martindale With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Richard Larry Martinez With Distinction Honors Program Shane Thomas McGowen With Distinction Francisco R. Oliva Richard Pittman With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Jessica Lynn Farley With Distinction Christine Elizabeth Hagg With Distinction Sara Cathryn Harding With High Distinction With Distinction Matthew Bryan Player Claudia Elizabeth Ramos With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Rene A. Serna Kelli Julia Simonson Deborah Lynn Stavropierrakos With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Simone Louise Strocks Jeffery Michael Taney Carissa Rene Tinsley Amber M. Walter Ross McKinley Williams ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – PARALEGAL Keonna Maleja Alexander With Distinction Rose Mary Anderson Shelby Lynn Elizabeth Calhoun With Distinction Cristopher Camacho Rachelle Lynn Ciulla Crista Lynn Cornett With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Bernice Marie Cota-Gann Alicia LaChe Craig Chonta Michelle Craig With High Distinction Suzette M. Dale With High Distinction Tanya Michele Day Torrie Dawn Tate Dominy With High Distinction Shauna Marie Farago Jaime Sommer Hawk-Smith Joshua Mumford Hinton Nicole Marie Horn Jennifer Marie Hughes John C. Hughes With Distinction Joseph Leo Hugill III With High Distinction Sheila Jackson With Highest Distinction Sarah Marie Janusch With High Distinction Honors Program Catherine Michele Molina Perez Paulette M. Phillips With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Kara Powell-McDonald Deidre Marie Pullin Phi Theta Kappa Brianne Lynnett Roberts Jami Renee Rollins With Distinction Andrea Clara Schillerstrom Lisa Mae Shaffer With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Ana Starcevic With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Rebecca Lea Stinson With High Distinction Honors Program Rachel Ann Stryker With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Jacklyn Lourdes Tijerino Theia M. Jeko-Ross Monica Jean Kravhuk Ashley Morgan Leach Roxana Maddox Brandie Lynn McMinn With Distinction Bernadette Yvette Mendoza Noell Kristine Mercer Jennifer L. Meyer Dung T. Midkiff Mary E. Mitchell Amber Anaya Phi Theta Kappa With High Distinction With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program William Dennis Ulrich Pamela L. Zeeb With Distinction ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION With Distinction Christopher P. Boesch Phi Theta Kappa Veronica Molina Carreon Kelly Lynn Grennan Christopher Wayne Mohon Cresundia Denise Buckner Hines Jamie Lynn Mueller Christine R. Howard Nicole Marie Napoli Tawni Amanda Nesheim Brittany Anne Nickelson Debie Joyce O’Mara Jackie Sue Martindale With High Distinction Honors Program With High Distinction With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program With High Distinction With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Bruce Edwin McGreevy With Highest Distinction Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 6. 17 Candidates for Associate Degrees Latisha Antoinette Mitchell-Donald Chris Perry With Highest Distinction Amber Lynn Myhrman Valicity Nicole Piper Benjamin Ross Pollak With Distinction Donald James Randall Rachel Suzanne Rediger With High Distinction Mark Alan Roye With Highest Distinction Gabriel Sanchez, Jr. With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Wendy Smith-Reeve ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – QUALITY CUSTOMER SERVICE ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS Jennifer Therese Dombrowski Dana Lynn Coe With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Cresundia Denise Buckner Hines With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Richard Larry Martinez With Distinction Honors Program Craig Alan Rogers ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – RETAIL MANAGEMENT Cynthia J. Yanez With Distinction Joseph Michael Griggs With Distinction Kenneth Douglas Leonard Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Rebecca Diane Nelson With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY RE-ENTRY Carrie Ann Gelzleichter Chivon Shabrey Mosley Michael William Murdock Vonnie Rae Osborn Stacy Lee Rupp Kimberly Irene Sanders With High Distinction With High Distinction With Distinction With Highest Distinction With Highest Distinction Erik T. Tunder With Highest Distinction Nicole Roxanne Waskom With High Distinction Candidates for Academic Certificates CHILD AND FAMILY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (FAMILY CHILD CARE) Angela McClanahan CHILD AND FAMILY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PRE-SCHOOL) Jane Javier Abalos Yesenia A. Arellanes Robyn Leilani Begay Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Heather May Bessent Fredie Jo Boudrie Rena Imogene Brown Rosanne Brown Rosa Cabezas Julie EM Capistran Valynn Carter Fernanda L. Castro Richell Leann Conway Debbie Lynn Crismon Lisa Renee Daniels Alexis Doll Yolanda Fabian Bree Ann Geiler Stephanie Nicole Griego Eudeva Herrera Tracy Lee Higgins Deanna Sue Hurst Zenaida Anabel Ibarra Adonica Jeannine Johnson Mandee J. Kearney Ashley Marie Lacy Antonina Evelyn Laubli Lisa Marie Lawrence Tanya Leonard Izzie Louise Long Melissa Marie Makela Maria G. Mariscales Krystal Marie Menck Susan Kay Miller Gloria Molina Maeghan Elizabeth Murley Margaret Toni Norden Nicole Marie Pevehouse Carmen Quiles Laura Marie Richardson Marcy Lynn Sherrill Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 6. 18 Candidates for Academic Certificates Rebecca Ann Silvers Dina F. Stokich Britta Kristine Taylor CREATIVE WRITING Linda Johnson Phi Theta Kappa Phi Theta Kappa Cholla Turley-Johnson Gabriela Ramona Waterman Phi Theta Kappa Jacqueline Katrice Winfield Micayla Brittany Winkler Destiny Delessence York CHILD AND FAMILY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (SCHOOL AGE) Jennifer Rud Linda Marie Zall Alexis Jordan Lewis Mallory Wipperman Moore Brandon David Shipley Sharon S. Wilhoite EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Ashley Sarah Ashlin Marissa Bandin Adonica Jeannine Johnson Sherri Lynn Norris LANGUAGE STUDIES Satoni Noelle Alvillar Davey A. Cagle Tammy L. DeLozier Michael Jon Felix Oliver Ethan Goal Carol Ann Lightbourne SPANISH AND SPANISH CULTURE Cody Troy Brown Michael Jon Felix Ana Marie Frias SUSTAINABILITY AND ECOLOGICAL LITERACY Elizabeth Jewell Freeman Deanne Marie Fritschy Andrea Lyn Lipan Terri Ann Wagner Candidates for Certificate of Completion ACCOUNTING Johnny E. Armenta, Jr. Honors Program Jennifer Lynn Bailey April H. Barnhart Michelle Kane Burke James L. Capretto Nicholas Diomede Todd Randall Duthie Sandy Jacqueline Estrada Sharon J. Gore Arianna Carolee Hetherington Coleen Killingsworth Jennifer Rae Kochman Rishel Langdon Michelle Lee Joanne Manzo Phi Theta Kappa Sandria Martinez-Joya Heather Jo Mathias Jennifer S. Neale Phi Theta Kappa Katrina Beth Pappas Jennifer Joan Pinegar Viki Rossman Jessie Rae Sands Daviena A. Schauer Stefani Snow Sherer-Ballew Margaret Alice Spears Daniela K. Stoddert Jamey Sue Strunk Lynna Swann Darren Jon Sygrove Tita Budhya Taylor Lindsey Ann Teller Honors Program JoAnn Murua VanSickle Gerald Lawrence Wands Danielle Aneda Watts ADDICTIONS AND SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS LEVEL I Jessica Margaret Acton Judis Ray Andrews, Jr. Robin Nannette Baldwin Cheryl B. Baxter Matthew Wayne Bean Cherise Danielle Black Ashley Meagan Brittain Honors Program Amy Elizabeth Buck Lizette Amanda Bula Jaron Troy Cantrell Sandra Cahleen Carothers Carrie Lee Clayton Phi Theta Kappa Fred B. Cleere Tyra Cleveland Dale Patrick Courmoyer William Paul David Michael Nelson DePaul Francisco M. Diaz Robert Joseph Dixon Darla DeeAnn Drainer Breanna Grace Duran Holly Echo Amy Jo Evans Honors Program Elizabeth Farnell Dennis James Feist Kerrie Lynn Fincher Honors Program Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 6. 19 Candidates for Certificate of Completion Shawn Joshua Flaten Sandra Elizabeth Funk Phi Theta Kappa Billi Jo Gadomski Katie Lynn George Brenda Elizabeth Griffith Tiffany Ann Guidos Shannon Lee Hamm-Khoury Bryan W. Heins Ronald E. Highsmith Rebecca L. Hill Kerrie Mae Hunziker Honors Program Albert Venegas Hurtado Ketrina Rene Irving Devon Max Johnson Tammie Lynn Jones Kelly Ann Kenney Candida Torzala Kirkpatrick Susan Little Leslie Lashea Lopez Melissa Lopez-Spencer Joseph Lucia Wendy Lundin Phi Theta Kappa Brittany Lynn Major Leslie Marie Markson Danielle Elaine Marshall Monique Matney Johnny L. McClendon, Jr. Ryan Alene McGowan Jeanie Michelle McQuistion Matthew Janes Montel Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Mary Jane Noble Carissa Lynn Noriega Catherine Lynn Ochoa Phi Theta Kappa Jade Ohlsson Darianne Nicole Pearson Jayme Lynn Petrucz Detty Leeann Rodriguez Honors Program Rene Raul Roger, Jr. Amanda Renae Russell Joseph E. Safreed Michele Rose Schreiber Cynthia Marie Steadman Barbara Jean Steinbrink Cathryn Paige Sullivan Agatha U. Thompson Hill Meghan Joy Walls Jennifer Lee Whitney-Flores Audrey Maria Williams Louise Kathleen Wilson Kevin Clay Woody ADDICTIONS AND SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS LEVEL II Jessica Margaret Acton Amanda Lynn Anaya Dayna Marie Barney Cherise Danielle Black Barbara Susan Bontempi Amy Elizabeth Buck Lizette Amanda Bula Elisabeth Ames Canady Honors Program Jaron Troy Cantrell Sandra Cahleen Carothers Kelli Marie Carpenter Jane Elizabeth Churley Carrie Lee Clayton Phi Theta Kappa Dale Patrick Cournoyer William Paul David Robert Joseph Dixon Holly Echo Jeffrey Estrada-Browne Amy Jo Evans Honors Program Elizabeth Farnell Theresa Ann Farrell Honors Program Kerrie Lynn Fincher Honors Program Sharon Joshua Flaten Clinton Frost Sandra Elizabeth Funk Honors Program Billi Jo Gadomski Rendi Lynn Garcia Katie Lynn George Brenda Elizabeth Griffith Bryan W. Heins Kerrie Mae Hunziker Honors Program Bonnie Lee Huffman Ivy Devon Max Johnson Tammie Lynn Jones Candida Torzala Kirkpatrick Abby Courtney Lanesky Bonnie Lee Leslie Lashea Lopez Diane Marie Love Wendy Lundin Phi Theta Kappa Brittany Lynn Major Leslie Marie Markson Monique Matney Angelique Marie Michel Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Matthew James Montel Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Mary Jane Noble Jade Ohlsson Amanda Renae Russell Elaine P. Sandoval Michele Rose Schreiber Kacie Christina Schleier Shamegan Jecole Smith Phi Theta Kappa Eric Stephen Spaulding Barbara Jean Steinbrink Celeste Juni Strong Agatha U. Thompson Hill Misty Autumn Trester Rebecca Jo Vierra Meghan Joy Walls Lori Ann Whalen Jennifer Lee Whitney-Flores Audrey Maria Williams Louise Kathleen Wilson Kevin Clay Woody ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT Angela Diaz Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 6. 20 Candidates for Certificate of Completion Vera Lucia Hochhalter Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Trina Sue Mullenax ADULT DEVELOPMENT AND AGING Becky Capps Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Laura A. Moore Jennifer Noelle Stasi ADULT LEARNING AND COACHING DEVELOPMENT Kathleen Bopp Lancia Houvener Robyn Monet Sheppard Delia Tapson ADULT LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT Jazma Nichole Crawford-Hudson Guadalupe Djahedi Esperanza Marie Eves Alicia Jackson ADVANCED COMPUTER USAGE AND APPLICATIONS Melissa Marie Arrington Cindy Ann Alexon Desaree D. Austin Vicki L. Baker Sandra Marie Balcom Elnora Baratta Tisha Marie Bayoneta Fantashia Lynn Blackwell Phi Theta Kappa National Society of Collegiate Scholars Lisa Marie Brandon Kristin Marie Burns Ignacio Pedro Cabezudo Josephine Louise Christner Donald Lyndon Classen Melissa Ruth Clatone Deborah Ann Corrington Patricia Louise Cotton Myra L. Crum Donald Andrew Denmon Dominica Nicole Dryer Christina Elizabeth Duffy Angelique Ann Elliott Amity F. Esbrook Denise Nicole Estrella Jillian Meta Frodsham Charity Marsai Fults Timothy Jack Garland Misty Gentili Alverta Marie Gorman Annamarie Bell Goss Coral D. Griswold Karen Lee Gugel Amanda Rios Gutierrez Katherine Anna Hatten Tiffany Lee Hecker Amanda Jo Henrich Stephanie Lynn Holford Natalie Marie Jaramillo Victoria Sophia Jimenez Patsy L. Johns Kendall Shamar Johnson Danyelle Allyce Kohnke Adi Kurti Phi Theta Kappa Tessa Arianna Lit Lucy Cosette Longo Laura A. Lopez Jillian Racquel Luzania Theresa Belle Mahler Elizabeth A. McClain Mercedes Marie McCracken Sara Alice Mendivil Erin Elizabeth Mendoza Jovan Joseph Occhiline June Marie Paquette Renesha Diane Pelt Diana S. Perez Samantha Tilly Jeanne Renner-Sponsler Joy Annette Ritchie Jeannette Marie Robbins Consuela Nicole Roberson Mary Ruth Robinson Amber Aileen Rock Frank Anthony Rojas Zoe Xenia Celis del Rosario Stacy Lee Rupp Monica A. Saldivar Karen Jane Sanchez Alvie Oscar Sanders Kimberly Irene Sanders Shelby D. Saunders Roechelle Lea Shriver Nicole Lea Smith Summer Joy Solorio Jeremy Andrew Sotomayor Matthew Robert Strickland Connie Marie Taylor Ann M. Thieleman Tina Thompson Lisa W. Troutman Jeremy Ian Tutty Michelle L. Vestal Elizabeth J. Walker Dawn Michele Wear Dianna Lynn Warner David Anthony Whedbee ADVANCED CORRECTIONS Tamer O. Abdelaziz Matthew Adam Bailey Jason Michael Bremer Donald Gray Barbara D’Elia O’Connell John Richard Overton Phi Theta Kappa Benjamin Taylor Phillips Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Laura Pyle AUTOMOBILE POLICY: CUSTOMER SERVICE Ashleigh Nikole Ratkovich BASIC CORRECTIONS Rodolfo J. Estrada R. K. Israel Emmanuel E. Omerhi Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 6. 21 Candidates for Certificate of Completion CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY LEVEL I Clinton Frost Nathan Michael Hibbeler Tanja R. Jackson Sylvia M. Medina Rebecca Ann Ratay Shamegan Jecole Smith Phi Theta Kappa John William Worstell CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY LEVEL II Donald A. Ellis Nathan Michael Hibbeler Shawn Elizabeth Lamb Sylvia M. Medina Kendra L. Inman Rebecca Ann Ratay John William Worstell CHILD AND FAMILY ORGANIZATIONS MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Rebecca Katherine Black Danielle R. Brainard Pauline Chanel Davis-Moore Phi Theta Kappa Sandra A. Hannar Onyi Ibeji Tanni Lynn Krischer Kelli Marie McCalley Lauri Adrienne Rodriguez CLINICAL DENTAL ASSISTING Cassandra Jacobo Alexis Erin Jones Amanda Victoria Laford Megan Marie McCormick Jondaee Juleen. Montoya Shelly Kathline Watters Brittney Joyce Vigil COMPUTER USAGE AND APPLICATIONS Barbie Jean AlarconAva Emilia Alcon Trevor Cole Amstutz Karyn Deann Anderson Sheron L. Attakai Barbara Louise Aultman Anastacia Michelle Baker Chelsea Rene Barnett Michael L. Bauer Cynthia J. Begay Yolanda Lynn Begay Brittany Anne Beinhauer TaSondra M. Bentley Ann M. Berkemeier Anita L. Bigelow Mika K. Blank Morgan Ronald Bleck Selina Marie Bollin April Dawn Borck Timothy A. Borschel William James Botwell Phi Theta Kappa Tiffany Katrina Bradley Tammy L. Brock Susan Day Brooks Tanya Melissa Brower Stormie Jean Brown Heidi Marie Bultsma Heather Lynn Bundesen Latroyia Patrice Burton Danielle Rose Buonagurio Michael Glenn Butler Stacy Ann Butora Tiffany Ann Carlson Lorrieanne Carnes Christopher Michael Carreon Heather Kateri Cathey-Richter Kelly Marie Cato Arthur Grageda Cazares Phi Theta Kappa Barbara Nicole Celaya Valerie Theresa Chase Darlene Rita Clark Donald Lyndon Classen Melissa Ruth Clatone Shane Eric Clemens Anita Louise Cleveland Kelly S. Cockerel Eugene D. Cody Kareem Lamont Collins Misty Lynnae Cook Scott Kenneth Cooley Victoria D. Cooper Jarred D. Corum Jessica Anne Craft Richard J. Craig Tayllor Nicole Creeley Amber Nicole Cretens Chrisse Croom Vanessa V. Cruz Melissa A. Dalton Christine Monique David Angel Marie Davila Maureen Monica De La Rosa Michel Alain Demers Charles Elliott Devine Amos John Dodson Cheryl Ann Dodson Kayla Ann Doran Carla Jane Edwards Scarlett Elizabeth Anne Edwards Tana Nichole Elliott Jose Lopez Enriquez National Society of Leadership and Success Taleah VonRose Epperson-Slater Teresa Lynn Fair Mandy Dee Flack Jocelyn R. Forsyth Sierra R. Freeman Colleen Marie Fugate Lisa Anne Gallardo Tamaria Darlene Gammage Eric Gatlin Jerel Gene Amanda Gilroy Tiffany Angeline Gleason Evelyn Chavez Gonzales Charles Allen Goulding Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 6. 22 Candidates for Certificate of Completion Douglas Lee Grant Jan Marie Gray Amanda Rios Gutierrez Tasha Lorraine Gyger Kayla Marie Hagestad Summer Lynn Hall Johnathan Lloyd Hancock Thomas Clark Hanks Kelly Ann Harkins Julianne K. Harmon Serena J. Harnack Rachelle Marie Harris Cheryl Lynn Hatley Janet E. Henry Christine Marie Hernandez Rosalia Hernandez Susan Irene Hernandez Bonnie Lynn Hertneck Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Shelia Yevette Hill Crystal Hollie Jodie Marie Hood Tasheena Hoskie Melissa Marie Hougen Salma Hourieh Kristi Lee Houston Phi Theta Kappa Susan Marie Howard Roxane Marie Howser Jennifer Nichole Hoxter Adam Musashi Hrisho Portia Nichole Hubbard Daniel J. Hubbell Wendy Lynn Hugabone Latrice Hurst Trina Marie Hurt Edvard Dragoslav Ilaski Monika F. Iordanoff Adam Roth Ishmael Marthat Isela Jaime Victoria Sophia Jimenez Meika Marie Johnson Alicia Mae Jones Laysha Lapree Jones Sherry Lynn Jones Brandi Rae Jordan Raeann Christine Kaiser Brooke Kappus Katy Ann Karr Nicholas Dean Kastanis Leah Lissett Kin Cheryl Lynn Kistner Jimmy Bryan Kitagawa Adrienne Allanna Kitcheyan Christine R. Knight Lillian F. Kollmeyer Regina Marie LaBonte Tia Susanne Laferriere Amber Ann Landin Erin Brianne Lansberry Gayle Ellen Larassa Glorya E. Lee Maria Angelina Leon Jordan Elizabeth Lewis Laura Kay Livingston LaVonna Lopez Michelle Babette Lopez Zelda Sunna Lopez Carol Lynn Lorenzo Adrian Michael Luth Latisha Asenith Lux Edmund Galindo Macias Quintina Marie Maldonado Sonja Manygoats Mayra Mares Anthony James Marotti Debra Raquel Martin-Ellison Todd E. Maslyn Steven Lee Mattheisen Annette LaShawn Mathis Christine Frances Mayer Karen A. McAlpine Tracey Ann McGava Steve Leon McLeroy Michael W. McMorris Kendal Lynn McNeil-Bowland Krishna Nikkisha Melton Alexis Brooke Mendez Sara Alice Mendivil Maralee Theresita Mendoza Erin Elizabeth Mendoza Kelli Renee Metcalf Michell Nichole Middleton Brian Charles Miller Phi Theta Kappa Sarah Leah Molitor Rain Moorman Asha Moran Erlinda Moreno Christina Marie Morgan Candace Joy Morris Stephanie Moyle Amanda Corinne Murphy Tabatha June Mutchner Kasey R. Narum Shanaeya Renee Nash Alejandro Manuel Negrete Curtis Trevor Nelson MaryJane Nichols Natasha Ann Noriega Sarah Meghan Norman Joy Pauline O’Hearn Randi Allison Oliver Iris Jessica Ortiz Pavielle Beautiful Pacheco M. Peggy Packard Leslie Marie Paquette Danielle Marjorie Pascu Hermelinda Perez Leonard Pinnix Joseph Girard Pino Nicole Kathleen Polson Heather Elizabeth Polzin Amber Danielle Ponthieux Elizabeth Danielle Porras Stephanie Rose Ramirez Cynthia Renee Randolph Breanna Marie Read Tiana Reed Samantha Tilly Jeanne Renner-Sponsler Lidia E. Reyes-Orduno Maeghan Nikole Rice Joshua Craig Richarson Keith D. Richardson Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 6. 23 Candidates for Certificate of Completion Sadye Marie Riddell Angela Shante Riddle Kerry Elaine Adele Ridgeway Joy Annette Ritchie Tania Ritko Phi Theta Kappa Linda Kay Rivard Daniela Marie Rivera Consuela Nicole Roberson Jessica Lorraine Robinson Mary Ruth Robinson Nicole Michelle Robinson Rachel Danea Robison Colby Rooney Catherine L. Rudder Elizabeth Ann Ruiz Shelby D. Saunders Jessica Ellen Sawyer Thomas James Scheuneman Iris Tula Schultz Rachel Beth Schwartz Brandee Marice Scott Jackie Scott Keri Ann Scott Lindsey Jane Shaw Tana Marie Shears Angela Joy Shilling Roechelle Lea Shriver Kristi L. Shuler Stephen Michael Shumway Kayla Rochelle Silvers Laurie LeeCina Simmons Linda Ann Siplivy Chickie Ann Sirakis Joshua Timothy Small Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Clifton Wayne Smith Nicole Lea Smith Pauline Smith Jeremy Andrew Sotomayor Jennifer Jon Spencer Susan F. Steinmetz Jan Marie Stevenson Bambi Lynn Stokley Joy Marlene Stott Keith William Strozewski Phi Theta Kappa Wendy Sue Sullivan Laetitia Nadege Swenson Kelly Denee Tallent Denice Tally Amanda Nicole Tarbescu Blaine Rutherford Taylor Trivia Niche Thompson Rita Jesus Torres Christina L. Trickel Tiffany L. Turner Jeremy Ian Tutty Kimberly Plum Udomrat Cynthia Valdez Roxanne Valdez Erik Valenzuela Lisa Marie Valenzuela Raquel M. Valenzuela Juliana Victoria Vegh Michelle L. Vestal Robert M. Vincent Stacey Nicole Wagstaff Robert William Walcott Phi Theta Kappa Elizabeth J. Walker Vanessa Marie Wallace Lacy L. Wallner Dawn M. Walter Jessica Mae Wayas Kristel Little Weese David Anthony Whedbee Jenny Lauren White Loretta Jean White Michelle Marie White Amber D. Whittle Joseph Patrick Whyte Lynda Wilkinson Scott Alan Williams Jennifer R. Wilson Melissa Sue Wilson Robert Paul Wilson, Jr. Ryan Joseph Winhold Raina Jewel Wuollet Antoni Christopher Young Tanja Natascha Zeppieri DENTAL ASSISTING TECHNOLOGY Andrea Byrer Christina Cabrera Ciara Garcia Morgan Hall Shelby Meszaros Julia Sokolovich DETENTION SERVICES Juan Gabriel Ortega Emilio L. Ybarra, Jr. DIGITAL DESIGN William Ralph Bergeman Ann M. Berkemeier Charles Anthony Brown Kristi Lee Houston Phi Theta Kappa Sherry Lynn Jones Nicholas Dean Kastanis Curtis Trevor Nelson Joseph Girard Pino Breanna Marie Read Tania Ritko Phi Theta Kappa Julie Ann Robicheaux Jody Ross Erin Michelle Smith Kelly Denee Tallent Raina Jewel Wuollet E-LEARNING DESIGN SPECIALIST Arnaldo F. Maldonado April Lynn Nowlin Dr. Paula M. Vaughn FAMILY CHILD CARE MANAGEMENT Pilar Calderon Rhonda K. Males Angela M. McClanahan Shawna L. Mohr Moloria Ann Newman Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 6. 24 Candidates for Certificate of Completion GENERAL BUSINESS Enas S. Abdelhalim Kelly Marie Antrim Honors Program Johnny E. Armenta, Jr. Honors Program Jennifer Lynn Bailey James M. Barber Julie Graziana Behrens Milton Benavides Antonio Bianchi Michelle Kane Burke Katie L. Buzis James L. Capretto Sandy Jacqueline Estrada Lorrie Jean Evans Laura Katherine Finley Danielle Golka Kimberley L. Grandberry Pualani LaVerne Hockenhull Brian Hutter Latasha Shontell Jackson Jena Lea Johnson Sondra Lyn Kelly Sabrina Nicole Lipscomb Richard Larry Martinez LAW ENFORCEMENT TECHNOLOGY Christina Marie Bustos Michael Dean Cronin Cornathan Eckwood Zachary C. Hines Darrington Kevin Jay Linnea E. Reinbacher Michael Christopher Veal Ryan Joseph Vesey Artis L. Miller Angela Marie Monroy Andria Napora Orr John Joseph Ouellette Christina Jean Planalp Susan D. Ponce George Benjamin Redfern Lee A. Rodriguez Jodee Rae Salazar Erin Elizabeth Silva Lynna Swann Christian E. Tello Shane Eric Clemens Kareem Lamont Collins Scott Kenneth Cooley Johnathan Lloyd Hancock Leann Hanich Bonnie Lynn Hertneck HARDWARE AND NETWORKING BASICS Liza Anne Denofre Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Phi Theta Kappa MILITARY LEADERSHIP Dennis Scott Koehrer Bandaic Peter Kwek Shane Thomas McGowan Eric John Romain Bill Raphael Williamson NETWORKING: DESIGN AND SYSTEM SUPPORT Wendy S. Anderson Marc Ball Jose O. Beyley Anita L. Bigelow Arthur Grageda Cazares Phi Theta Kappa Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Dennard James Higgins Adam Musashi Hrisho Adrian Michael Luth Anthony James Marotti Susan McCabe Brian Charles Miller John D. Palmer Tyler Newel Parks Leonard Pinnix Victor Archiebaldo Rios Roechelle Lea Shriver Gary Lee Sidora Chickie Ann Sirakis Joshua Timothy Small Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Aaron B. Sneddon Erik Valenzuela Robert M. Vincent Richard Wilson Walker Robert Paul Wilson, Jr. ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP Ellen Marie Berts Honors Program Lewis W. Bey Antonio Bianchi John R. Bogert Joey H. Caraballo Frank Churruca Diane DaSilva Jennifer Therese Dombrowski Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program John Douglas Freuden Kirk Brian Gylenskog Howard Warren Hall Ariel Tristan Harter Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Erin Leigh Hausmann Cresundia Denise Buckner Hines Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Jennifer Anne Hobbs Pualani LaVerne Hockenhull Nicholas Gabriel Hudak National Society of Leadership and Sucess Melissa Ann Jagelski Sophy Min Leonard Sabrina Nicole Lipscomb Jackie Sue Martindale Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Richard Larry Martinez Honors Program Shane Thomas McGowen Julie Rael Newman Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 6. 25 Candidates for Certificate of Completion Frankie James Nez Richard Pittmann Matthew Bryan Player Claudia Elizabeth Ramos Phi Theta Kappa Lee A. Rodriguez Rene A. Serna Deborah Lynn Stavropierrakos Phi Theta Kappa Lisa Ann Steward Kirstin Thomas Gregory Paul Wagner Amber Dawn Wansten Ross McKinley Williams PARALEGAL Keonna Maleia Alexander Rose Mary Anderson Danielle Catherine-Nicole Balliet Wendy Kay Bennett Lise Brush Shelby Lynn Elizabeth Calhoun Cristopher Camacho Renatta Marie Cannon Tina A. Carpenter Royal Joel Chambers, Jr. Rachelle Lynn Ciulla Crista Lynn Cornett Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Bernice Marie Cota-Gann Alicia LaChe Craig Chonta Michelle Craig Tanya Michele Day Gregoria M. Dean Torrie Dawn Tate Dominy Grace Angel Elmer Jaime Sommer Hawk-Smith Joshua Mumford Hinton Nicole Marie Horn Jennifer Marie Hughes John C. Hughes Letetia F. Hughes Joseph Leo Hugill III Sheila Jackson Sarah Marie Janusch Honors Program Lindsey Leigh Johnson Rosanne Renea Kindrick Monica Jean Kravchuk Jacci Patrick Lastra Ashley Morgan Leach Lacy Lari Littlefield Roxana Maddox Brandie Lynn McMinn Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Bernadette Yvette Mendoza Noell Kristine Mercer Jennifer L. Meyer Dung T. Midkiff Mary E. Mitchell Phi Theta Kappa Christopher Wayne Mohon Honors Program Kevin Harvey Mosley Jamie Lynn Mueller Amanda Josephine Murphy Nicole Marie Napoli Brianna LoRene Neal Tawni Amanda Nesheim Brittany Anne Nickelson Debie Joyce O’Mara Phi Theta Kappa Shauna Marie Farago Catherine Michele Molina Perez Paulette M. Phillips Jessica Lynn Farley John William Field Kara Powell-McDonald Deidre Marie Pullin Christine Elizabeth Hagg Sara Cathryn Harding Nicole Courtney Harmon Nahid Rad Brianne Lynnett Roberts Jami Renee Rollins Christina Marie Ryan Phi Theta Kappa Phi Theta Kappa Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Phi Theta Kappa Phi Theta Kappa Andrea Clara Schillerstrom Lisa Mae Shaffer Phi Theta Kappa Ana Starcevic Phi Theta Kappa Rebecca Lea Stinson Honors Program Rachel Ann Stryker Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Jacklyn Lourdes Tijerino Jennifer L. Torska Candice Rae Tully William Dennis Ulrich Kathy I Van Gordon Elaine Elrige Wong Pamela L. Zeeb PARENT EDUCATION Anastacia E. Chapman Jennifer Marie Dean Reshira Eronda Jones PROFESSIONAL ADDICTIONS COUNSELING Shana Beth Helmholdt PROGRAMMING Morgan Ronald Bleck William James Boutwell Phi Theta Kappa Eugene D. Cody Maureen Monica De La Rosa Jose Lopez Enriquez National Society of Leadership and Success Charles Allen Goulding Johnathan Lloyd Hancock Daniel J. Hubbell David Charles Quandt Phi Theta Kappa Thomas James Scheuneman Blaine Rutheford Taylor Joseph Patrick Whyte PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Amber Anaya Louis Bryan Anaya Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 6. 26 Candidates for Certificate of Completion Alexandria Samantha Rae Anderson Christopher P. Boesch Cresundia Denise Buckner Hines Jennifer L. Carey Anna C. Cox Shannon Shantell Franklin Francisco Lydia Galvan Kelly Lynn Grennan Michael Hill Cresundia Denise Buckner Hines Honors Program Phi Theta Kappa Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Gabrielle Lei Kalani Marybeth Leyva Jackie Sue Martindale Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Susan R. Matos Bruce Edwin McGreevy Michael Paul Medlock Irene H. Mendez Latisha Antoinette Mitchell-Donald Rebecca R. Molus Christina Marie Morrissette Amber Lynn Myhrman Mary Jane Nichols Chris Perry Valicity Nicole Piper Benjamin Ross Pollak Donald James Randall Maria P. Rivera Mark Alan Roye Gabriel Sanchez, Jr. Arthur Dean Swander, Jr. Elizabeth Hanh Tang Latasha Whitaker Joshua Emerson Wilkins Cynthia J. Yanez QUALITY CUSTOMER SERVICE Jennifer Therese Dombrowski Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Karen Ann Eades Dawn R. Higgins Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Richard Larry Martinez Amanda Natasha Mullins Craig Alan Rogers RETAIL MANAGEMENT Carrie Ann Gelzleichter Michael William Murdock Steven T. Newell Vonnie Rae Osborn SMALL BUSINESS START-UP Courtney Grates William Jasper Newton Theresa Priscilla Shinn SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS Dana Lynn Coe Scarlett Elizabeth Anne Edwards Joseph Michael Griggs Kenneth Douglas Leonard Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Rebecca Diane Nelson Phi Theta Kappa WEB DESIGN: USER INTERFACE Nobistor Lopez Bengson William Ralph Bergeman Ann M. Berkmeier Timothy A. Borschel Lorrieanne Carnes Tracy Diane Christenson Teena Renee D’Archangelo Michel Alain Demers Amos John Dodson Robert Aaron Downs Phi Theta Kappa Deborah Louise Duenas Edvard Dragoslav Ilaski Giovanni Johnson Steven Lee Matthiesen Alejandro Manuel Negrete Amiee Lavon Paprocki Leonard Pinnix Breanna Marie Read Sadye Marie Riddell Nicole Michelle Robinson Elizabeth Ann Ruiz Odessa M. Russell Susan F. Steinmetz Clifton Wayne Smith Alexander Paul Spletter Amber D. Whittle WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY RE-ENTRY Melissa Marie Arrington Kristin Lynnette Biondi Russell J. Finley Alma Trinidad Huizar Tammy Ann Price Stacy Lee Rupp Kimberly Irene Sanders Nicole Roxanne Waskom WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: AUTOMOBILE TECHNOLOGY LEVEL I Jennifer Ann Anglada Amber Marie Blum Leslie Ann Brock Samuel Bugarin Ramiro Cabrera Ashley Renee Espino Saundra Armida Feather Michelle Amber Nicole Grote Vanessa Ann Guhlstorf Amber Hale Amy Leigh Hayward Darwin Hurt Jennifer Ashley King Ruben Moreno Shelley Kay Mott JoVanna Marissa Noriega Sandra Marie Norvelle-Jones Alton R. Ortiz Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 6. 27 Candidates for Certificate of Completion Peter A. Rolwes Darci Nicole Smith Shannon Smith Megan Lacey Snelling Brian S. Thoreson Michelle Trujillo Roxanne Valdez Erica L. White Jess C. Wood Gabriel I. Zayas WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: AUTOMOBILE TECHNOLOGY LEVEL II Jennifer Ann Anglada Cassandra Marie Burkhart Ramiro Cabrera Ashley Renee Espino Michelle Amber Nicole Grote Briell Rose Louck Kimberly Ann McCormack Kasey R. Narum Alton Ortiz Britney J. Perdue Erica White WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: CARPENTRY LEVEL I Daniel S. Bradley Michael T. Burton Christopher W. Buxton John W. Capes Jonathan D. Chavez Rodney F. Clements Russell J. Finley Lawrence Eric Harper, Jr. Joseph A. Herrera James P. Kingsley John J. Lewis Joseph M. Malo Leroy F. Mares Alexander Mariscal John Martin Luis Mendez Geoff P. Miller Clayton A. Morton Michael Mark Ornelas Angelo Orozco Christian R. Ortega Wayne A. Osback Andrew Christopher Perez Joe G. Pitones Kevin Quillin Ricardo Sanchez Michael G. Schottenbauer James Christopher Smith Oscar Tineo Edward Ware Michael Williams WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: ELECTRICAL LEVEL I Michael D. Anaya Jessica L. Bardi Cindy Alexon Jared S. Barehand Scott T. Barnes Michael A. Blydenburgh Eamonn J. Boyle John W. Capes Christi Carter Armando T. Celaya Tamra Leah Chastain Jonathan Chavez Jesse I. Collier Rebecca Colmenares Moses A. Correa Michael W. Crooks Aminah Daniels Skip B. David Edward L. Delacruz Hector Delagarza Kelly Donahue James R. Doskocil Peter Matthew Downing Anthony M. Duci Brenda Duckworth Courtney Elliget Leonardo Enciso Victor Estrada Nicholas W. Fields Richard D. Garcia Ronald E. Gehrt Kenneth D. Gifford Shawn Gilchrist Roshawnie L. Goffney Atanacio Ramon Gutierrez Judith Marie Guerra Jason L. Hale Crystal Hollie Susan Howard Jack R. Hudson Merril James Jeremiah B. Jaramillo Jason Daniel Jeffs Lance S. Johnson Laurand Johnson Kate Kakela Kyle Kelloway Regina Marie LaBonte Kenneth Paul LaNeve-Florez Anthony Maldonado Erica Adrian Martinez Romeo Martinez-Garcia Eve Medina Geoff P. Miller William Vance Miner Cody Moore Clayton A. Morton Charles A. Nadeau Kasey R. Narum Dena Rae Nuvamsa Nikki Osterburg Johnny F. Pacheco Jared Christopher Payne Artemio Perez, Jr. Hermelinda Perez Rosa Angela Perez Racquel Redman Paul M. Rivas Christopher B. Rowen Laurie LeeCina Simmons Tamara Smith Rocky Snyder Manuel B. Stevens Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 6. 28 John A. Sweet Dino D. Trevino Jeffrey G. Turner David Varela Shaun R. Victorian Stephen L. Waite Maria A. Wetzel David White William E. Wilkerson Kimberly Williams Michael E. Williams Seth C. Williams Clayton Willis WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: ELECTRICAL LEVEL II Yvonne M. Baker Jessica L. Bardi Scott T. Barnes Selina M. Bollin Eamonn J. Boyle Jonathan D. Chavez Jesse I. Collier Moses Correa Hector DelaGarza Renee M. Denne Kelly Donahue Peter M. Downing Brenda Duckworth Charles W. Eaden Craig A. Eastman Sean Englbrecht Victor Estrada Jack R. Hudson Regina Marie LaBonte Kasey R. Narum Dena Rae Nuvamsa Hector Antonio Olivas, Jr. Wayne A. Osback Andrew Christopher Perez Rosa Angela Perez Tabatha Lynn Richards Johnny S. Shahan Laurie Simmons John A. Sweet WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: FURNITURE CONSTRUCTION AND RE-FINISHING LEVEL I Jonathan Antonucci Robert A. Bennett Damian Stuart Blackburn Tony M. Carpino Charlie S. Catledge Israel Duckworth Luis A. Duran David J. Evans Enrique Adrian Flores Victor J. Galvan Terrance L. Gary Michael R. Guinn Justin T. Hartley Cortny Knytych Corey Lewis Andre T. Lightsey-Copeland Brian W. Manuel Quincy S. Mays Theodore Nash Vincente Olivares Jose A. Ortega, Jr. John R. Poland Sheldon Pruitt Villanueva E. Ramirez Garland Houston Reyes Ramon A. Reyes Curt A. Ricci Sonny Lewis Rico Ignacio M. Robles Michael A. Rosas Robert I. Sandoval Dennis M. Shroyer Carlos J. Sigala Stacy Ray South Eric M. Templin Richard Torres Joshua Trujillo Frank M. Valdez Juan F. Valdez Anthony James Vasquez Michael Joseph Vaughan WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: GRAPHIC ARTS LEVEL I Morgan Leigh Adams Consuelo Annette Almendarez Cassandra Leigh Aloia Mayra Isabel Barraza Angela Rose Bejarano Keshia Latrice Brame Veronica Marie Bravo Mindy Bruno Natika Anita Carpenter Henrietta Carreon Christina R. Carrillo Elizabeth A. Cherry Jennifer Ann Cowens Amber Nicole Cretens MaryAnne K. Daigle Angela Marie Danzo Sherri Lynn Dashney Loreia G. DeAndrade Theresa Marie Fishman Sydia Denise Flores Nicole Marie Gibbs Alicia Lean Gilstrap Janie Marie Goree Cindy Sharralle Goss Marilee Elsa Green-Lee Cipriana A. Guevara Vanessa Guhlstorf Summer Lynn Hall Kristi Beth Hans Robin Renee Harding Portia Nichole Hubbard Mishaela Isaac-Ayala Marie Anne Jackson Tawana B. Jackson Megan S. Jacobson Rachel Denise Jones Vanessa Marie Karten Gia L. Kesler Cherie Annette Krupinski Sonia M. Limones Becky Maize Nichole Caroline Martin Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 6. 29 Candidates for Certificate of Completion Andrea Martinez Patricia Marie Martinez Erin Elizabeth Mendoza Jennifer L. Miller Lindsey Ann Miller Roshelle Anne Neal Shantelle Amber Pease Brandy Jo Pement Stefanie R. Pena Irene M. Perez Kimberly Colleen Perez Alysia A. Ramos Herlinda Reynaga Shannon Marie Rhoades Laura Rios Sabrina Marie Rollins Heaven Lee Romero Annette Romo Mirna Rubio Audra Michelle Runge Anna Marie Salazar Krystal Rochelle Sautner April Lynn Schwartz Jennifer Lyn Seifert Maria Victoria Selman Terra Eliana Stevens Regina Kay Stocklin Sarah Nicole Story Jamie Denise Suarez Dorothy E. Terrell Shawnette Renee Thacker Ashley Marie Thomas Kimberly Thomas Emanuela Trufin Suzanne Verdin Amanda Kirsten Walsh Danielle L. Walton Dianna Lynn Warner Lois Renee Washam Melissa Paulette Wiley Brittany Jenea Williams Amy L. Winter Candice May Wonnell Jessica A. Zambrano WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: GRAPHIC ARTS LEVEL II Bianca Adrianna Arce Beighley Lynn Boone Veronica Marie Bravo Elizabeth Helen Brock Michaele T. Brown Mindy E. Bruno Natika Anita Carpenter Gina Castorina Dottie Lou Champlin Josephine Louise Christner Rhiannon Michelle Clark Stephanie Renae Corona Jennifer A. Cowens Jessica Ann Coz Amber Nicole Cretens Ivy Marie Curry MaryAnne Katherine Daigle Melinda Ann Elem Tasha R. Finley Mirna Gandara L. Holly Garnes Kristy Marie Gonzales Diana Gonzalez-Baird Janie Marie Goree Cindy Sharralie Goss Cynthia J. Gray Vanessa Guhlstorf Melissa Jane Hale Summer L. Hall Kristi Beth Hans Robin Renee Harding Amber Joyce Hennessee Michele E. Herrera Robin Michelle Hudson Tawana B. Jackson Kimberly Jean Josserand Gia L. Kesler Cherie Annette Krupinski Michelle Marie Lacy Morgan Chantel Lege Jamie L. Lloyd Patricia Marie Martinez Eve Yadira Medina Erin Elizabeth Mendoza Jennifer Lea Miller Lindsey Ann Miller Nellace Morris Shantelle Amber Pease Brandy Jo Pement Jeri Deanne Perez Kimberly Colleen Perez Levett Michelle Pugh Audra Michelle Runge Krystal Rochelle Sautner April Lynn Schwartz Amber Marie Shaw Brandy Laurette Shirlaw Diana Jadira Silva-Castaneda Regina Kay Stocklin Tiffany Lachelle Sutton Dorothy E. Terrell Jayne Dawn Thomas Shacola Shabray Trammel Cynthia Joyce Tureman Shakena Lavonne Vance Gaylene J. Wathogoma Melissa Paulette Wiley Amy Lynn Winter Candice May Wonnell Yolanda Young Jessica A. Zambrano WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: HORTICULTURE David Aguirre Damurius M. Blood Jessica Laura Bruner Grant Le-Grey Casillas Stephen Jerome Coe Andrea Hernandez Marnie Lenore Jameson Richard Don Johnson Robert Daniel Lopez Jose R. Maldonado Brenna M. Nichols Jayson Lee Mollet Michael Lee Norman Isaac O’Rourke Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 6. 30 Candidates for Certificate of Completion Ariel Annae Payne Kenneth F. Salad Cody Lawrence Scott Melissa Grace Snyder Mia E. Speed Jerri L. Thomas April L. Tucker-Hixson Anita-Ruth Waid Freddy P. Zendejas WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: LANDSCAPE TECHNOLOGY Jeff A. Bradshaw Desiree Monique Carpena Eric Wayne Clemens Myra Lynn Crum Kathryn Diana Dominica Brittany Loren Hart Jenelle Butler Lee Tambra C. Lovell Andres G. Rodriguez Kristine Tietjens Kathryn Marie Tomassoni Recognition of Academic Achievement Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Preparation Programs Aimee Davis Brooke Donnelly Farzana Fatima Wendelin Flesner Jennifer Grimley Candace Gross Wendy Haase Carolyn Hahn Sarah Haley Andrea Hall Janet Hartkopf Amalia Hester Jennifer Hilderbrand Diane Hvasta Dawn Litwin Kimberly A. Livingston EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Maryann Gramlich Kelli Horyza Stephanie Kaylor Cari Martinez Teresa Rodriguez Katilyn Rutt Jennifer Torp ART EDUCATION Nicholas Fuqua Michael Hall Sarah Henrich Tracy Morris Kevin Michael Seager Holly Silcox Jason Smith Phi Theta Kappa ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Natalee Anderson Kimberly Belford Holly Benson Cynthia Bickley Melanie Sara Biro Charles Brokschmidt Elissa Campbell Vaishali Carpenter Sherry Chapman-Dixon Katherine Clarkson Egan McAlear Amanda Muhs Taylor Nageotte Annemarie Navarro Loretta Neumann Kelly Petross Keri Rose Jennifer Salazar Ryan Sherman Jennifer Sirois Marcie Stuckey Taffeta Wood Hibat Yordi SECONDARY EDUCATION Stephanie Adams Blake Berry Katherine Brodt Patti Brown Derek Campbell Damon Chavez Roxanne Chavez Kaylee Christiansen Brittany Collins Mark Drake Sean Ellis Christian Fadel Tracy Farr Jesse Feld Landy Headley Seung Hong Alana Hunt Pallas Kennedy Hua Jung Lee Qi Liu Maxine Marshall Nicole Marshall Raquel Martin Nicholas Matarangas Timothy Edward McLaughlin Daniel Mills Caroline Mionis Amy Nelson Jonathan Naylor Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 6. 31 Recognition of Academic Achievement Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Preparation Programs Tori Oesterreich Paige Oliver Robert Ozdoba Matthew Peters Karen Pigott Sara Price Paul Reed Elizabeth Skousen Bradley Stabler Jeffrey West Cary Winter Douglas Woolsey Rachel Zdrojkowski SPECIAL EDUCATION Ashley Alaniva Thomas Bernacik Megan Bickert Jessica Couleur Linda Cousins Jill DeBartolo Susan Fisher Erin Henley Kathy Humphrey Kristine Krogstad Karen Lacy George Livingstone Roberto Matiella Emily McClennen Peter Pagnotta Melissa Palmer Jennifer Pliske Holly Schramm Ying Shao Herbert Smith Carol Teixeira Robin Trimble Ann Twarogal Recognition of Academic Achievement Teacher In Residence Programs ART EDUCATION Sally Eveleth Katherine Giroux Victoria Reina Holly Schurr Samuel Swail EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Megan Trezise ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Taryn Ball Jennifer Banach Robert Bethea Chloe Chen Samantha Cralli Lesley (McKenna) Eisenhour Rachel Jangula Tammy Kohli Monica Martinez Cynthia Matthews Christine McClaine Robert Meldau Margaret Opatz Shanna Roeske Douglas Samuel Marc Schumann Kristy Sprinkle-Wells Julie Sullivan Maxwell Tenney Leah Thomas Margaret Truesdale Angelica Vega Kathleen Warren Mika-Anne Whitley Juliann Witt Mel Zahnd Jacob Zizis Jennifer Zolikoff SECONDARY EDUCATION Joshua Arthur Allison Baugues Samantha Bellach Matthew Brandon Nathan Bricker Nathaniel Burt Ramon Carranza Moises Centeno Michael Corral Melissa Daniels Matthew Dustan Zachary Fergason Asti Gallina Diana Gutierrez Jasmine Hope Jessica Horton Miranda Howland Christopher Hughes Darla Jasmine William Kern Kendall Lister Katie Lorenzen Courtney Meiers Ashley Mitchell Logan Mullenaux Karen Napoli Shyvirah O’Neal Aislinn O’Neill Rachele Oram Sarah Ortiz Andrea Patten Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 6. 32 Recognition of Academic Achievement Teacher In Residence Programs DiDi Ann Bourbon Suzanna Cano Patrice Cole Siobhan Demers Paige Engelson Tanya Gantt Jacob Gomez Shawna Guyn Halgren Halgren Cassandra Harrier Stephanie Hill Melissa Johnson Leah Jones Gregory Laguna Mary LeCompte Michele Lewellen Mary Lewis Richard Long Laura Lundy Luz (Lucy) Magana Melody Marlow Raydia Martin Maria Rene Pour Tyrone Rackely Matthew Rethorn Jacob Richardson Jonathan Rochelle Elizabeth Roesch Sarah Rubenstein Kirk Rundle Linda Russell Marley Schneier Jeremy Soria Steve Speer Jennifer Tang Samantha Teskey Joshua Topp Jim Trischan Brittany Weser Rebecca Yuan SPECIAL EDUCATION Velia Aguirre Ann Black Sawyer Merrill Brent Miller Hailee Nanchy Veronica Neal Brendan Ore Darcella Perry Amanda Ritz Nicole Roetter John Romain Michael Saldutti Scott Scheese Barbara Schollmeyer Rachel Sinclair Brittany Slont Kristina Strmic Bronwyn Thomas Christopher Turner Courtney Turpen Alan Venesky Peggy Vogel Elizabeth Wheeler-Tang William Wiggins Andrea Woodahl Recognition of Academic Achievement Bachelor Degree Partnership Programs ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Becky Lee Bird Phi Theta Kappa Holly Combs Amanda Herrera Carol Hitchcock Tammra Hudspeth Morgan Johnson Gloria Kirkham Lisa Moore Kimberly Pillow Aubree Schwab Sara Tandecki Emily Teresa Tussey SECONDARY EDUCATION William Mccord Lejuna Ratcliff Megan Root SPECIAL EDUCATION Lisa Cordova-Garza Due to printing deadlines, the names listed in this program do not constitute an official and complete graduation list. Graduation GPAs are calculated several weeks prior to the end of the spring semester in order to meet printing deadlines. For this reason, the level of distinction indicated on the program may differ from any actual distinction designation received at the time degree requirements and all final grades have been posted. Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 6. 33 Online Learning As a pioneer in distance learning, Rio Salado College has been providing online learning and services since 1996. Since then, Rio Salado has served more than 250,000 online students. Online classes, certificates and degrees make it possible for students to fit college into their busy lives. See www.riosalado.edu/programs for a complete list of educational opportunities. ONLINE CERTIFICATE AND DEGREE PATHWAYS AVAILABLE AT RIO SALADO COLLEGE BUSINESS Family Engagement Specialist SUSTAINABILITY Accounting Family Life Education Sustainable Food Systems Early Childhood Administration and Management Infant and Toddler Development TECHNOLOGY General Business Parent Education Organizational Management Teacher Endorsements Advanced Computer Usage and Applications Public Administration Teacher Education Quality Customer Service Teacher-in-Residence Programs Retail Management Small Business Start-Up HEALTHCARE EDUCATION Addictions and Substance Use Disorders Adolescent Development Dental Assisting Adult Development and Aging Bachelor’s Degree Pathway Career and Technical Education Child and Family Organizations Management and Administration Dental Hygiene (In-person and limited start dates) Dental Office Management Professional Addictions Counseling Computer Usage and Applications Digital Design eLearning Design Networking: Design and System Support Programming Web Design: User Interface ACADEMIC CERTIFICATES Child and Family Professional Development Creative Writing SERVICE & LEADERSHIP K-12 eLearning Design Early Childhood Law Enforcement Technology Early Childhood Administration and Management Military Leadership Language/ Literacy Culture of the USA Early Learning and Development Organizational Management Paralegal Public Administration Family Child Care Management 34 Language Studies Spanish and Spanish Cu lture Our Community Rio Salado College was established in 1978 and continues to expand its offerings through community-based partnerships, collaborations and locations throughout Maricopa County. The college is known for providing an affordable and convenient way to obtain an education and helping our local, national and international students achieve their goals. • • • • College Bridge Pathways Corporate and Government Partnerships Early College Initiatives Public Service including; KJZZ, KBAQ and Sun Sounds of Arizona radio stations www.riosalado.edu/about Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Appreciation Rio Salado College administrators join the residential faculty in recognizing the contributions of the adjunct faculty members and their dedication to teaching. “Rio’s adjunct faculty fill a critical role in student success and uphold high academic standards demonstrated through their value-added approach to their teaching disciplines,” said Chris Bustamante, Rio Salado College president. www.riosalado.edu/outstanding Graduation Pledge of Social and Environmental Responsibility Rio Salado College is committed to the principles of sustainability. We have incorporated sustainability as a core value and have adopted several programs and practices that embrace the socio-cultural, environmental and economic facets of sustainability. As you graduate today and embark on the future, we encourage you to consider sustainability as a core value of your personal lives and future careers. “ I pledge to explore and take into account the social and environmental consequences of any job I consider and will try to improve these aspects of any organizations for which I work. www.riosalado.edu/sustainability 35 ” Autographs 36 Autographs 37 Autographs 38 w w w. r i o s a l a d o . e d u / g r a d u a t i o n
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