2015 Commencement
2015 Commencement
RIO S AL AD O C OL LEGE 2 0 1 5 C O M M E N C E M E N T President’s Letter Dear Graduates: Tonight we celebrate your achievement, perseverance, dedication and determination, but most importantly we celebrate you! We recognize your hard work, commitment to education and all the challenges you have overcome to pursue your dreams. As you receive your degrees, certificates and recognitions of academic achievement, remember that graduation represents the culmination of one journey, and the beginning of a bright new chapter in your lives. Rio Salado College is proud to have served you. We wish you a wonderful future filled with academic, career and personal success. Congratulations on a job well done! Sincerely, Chris Bustamante, Ed.D. President Maricopa County Community College District GOVERNING BOARD Tracy Livingston, M.Ed. President Johanna Haver, M.A. Secretary Doyle W. Burke, M.Div., M.A. Alfredo Gutierrez, Ph.D. John Heep Jean McGrath, B.A. Dana Saar, M.Ed. CHANCELLOR Rufus Glasper, Ph.D., C.P.A. RIO SALADO COLLEGE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS Chris Bustamante, Ed.D. President Kevin P. Bilder, M.Ed. Dean, Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Rachelle Clark, M.Ed. Dean, Enrollment Services and Student Affairs Jo Jorgenson, Ph.D. Dean, Instruction and Community Development Rick Kemp, M.Ed. Dean, Instruction and Partnerships Sharon Koberna, Ph.D. Dean, Administrative and Employee Services Shannon McCarty, Ph.D. Dean, Instruction and Academic Affairs Michael Medlock, M.Ed. Interim Dean, Instructional Technology and Support Jennifer McGrath, Ph.D. –––––––––––––––––––––––– David O’Shea, B.S. Lanna Dueck, M.Ed. Vice President, Academic Affairs Acting Chief Information Officer (CIO), Information Servicess Associate Dean, Institutional Integrity James Paluzzi, Ph.D. Associate Dean, Instruction and Instructional Support Vice President, Public Service, KJZZ/KBAQ and Sun Sounds Dana Reid, M.Ed. Interim Vice President, Student Affairs Todd Simmons, M.Ed., C.P.A. Vice President, Administrative Services –––––––––––––––––––––––– Earnestine Harrison, M.Ed. Barbara Khalsa Associate Dean, Instruction and Community Development Blair Liddicoat, M.Ed. Associate Dean, Adult Basic Education Dustin Maroney, M.S. Associate Dean, Institutional Research 4 Ruby Miller, B.A. Associate Dean, Judicial Affairs Michael Pattarozzi, M.Ed. Associate Dean, Community Development RIO SALADO COLLEGE RESIDENTIAL FACULTY Diana Abel, Ed.D. Melanie Abts, Ed.D. Janine Adkins, Ph.D. Angela Ambrosia, Ph.D. Kirk Bowden, Ph.D. Patricia S. Case, Ph.D. Richard Cuprak, Jr., M.S. Hazel M. Davis, M.L.S. Karen Docherty, M.A. Angela Felix, Ph.D. Jennifer, Gresko, Ed.D. Holly Harper, M.Ed. John Jensen, M.A. Rosslyn Knight, M.Ed. Angela Kwan, M.A. Corey Pruitt, M.S. Robert Semmler, M.Ed., M.S. Jennifer K. Shantz, Ed.D. Kerrie Specker, M.A. Wanda Tucker, M.Div., M.A. Jeremy Tutty, Ed.D. Janelle Underhill, M.A. Rick Vaughn, Ph.D. 2015 Rio Salado College Commencement Snapshot Summary DEGREES, CERTIFICATES AND RECOGNITION OF ACHIEVEMENT: Associate Degrees Academic Certificates Certificates of Completion Post-Bacc Teacher Certifications Teacher In-Residence Ed. Bachelor Partnership Degrees 753 89 4,902 90 123 8 TOTAL: 5,965 ACADEMIC HONORS: Distinction High Distinction Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program National Society of Leadership and Success 163 155 75 131 79 28 SPECIAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Dual Enrollment - 34 Associate Degree Graduates About Us Rio Salado College is one of ten Maricopa Community Colleges and one of the largest online public community colleges in the nation, serving nearly 59,000 students annually with more than 30,000 online. Founded in 1978, Rio Salado offers 600+online classes, 100+ degree and certificate programs and general education courses. The college also provides support for dual enrollment, military and incarcerated students and serves as one of the largest providers of adult basic education in Arizona. For more information visit riosalado.edu. 5 maricopa.edu 2015 Rio Salado College Commencement Snapshot ASSOCIATE DEGREES Associate in Arts 200 Associate in Arts in Elementary Education 11 Associate in Business – Genera l Requirements 29 Associate in Business – Special Requirements 1 Associate in Science 14 Associate in General Studies 63 Associate in Applied Science: Accounting 34 Addictions and Substance Use Disorders 61 Airline Operations 1 Broadband Telecommunications 1 Chemical Dependency 7 Clinical Dental Assisting 2 Computer Technology 92 Corrections 5 Dental Hygiene 19 Dental Office Management 3 Detention Services 3 Early Childhood Administration and Management 8 Early Learning and Development 16 Family Life Education 9 General Business 17 Law Enforcement Technology 23 Military Leadership 7 Organizational Management 44 Paralegal 59 Public Administration 20 Quality Customer Service 1 Retail Management 1 Work Development and Community Re-Entry 2 TOTAL:753 ACADEMIC CERTIFICATES Child and Family Professional Development Creative Writing K-12 eLearning Design Language Studies Spanish and Spanish Culture Sustainability and Ecological Literacy 75 3 1 5 4 1 TOTAL:89 CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION Accounting34 Addictions and Substance Use Disorders Level I 89 Addictions and Substance Use Disorders Level II 77 Adolescent Development 6 Adult Development and Aging 2 Advanced Computer Usage and Applications 160 Advanced Corrections 6 Airline Operations: Passenger Services 7 Reservations 111 Reservations and Ticketing Services 38 Initial Flight Attendant 376 Automobile Insurance Claims: Customer Service 66 Automobile Insurance: Customer Service 333 Automobile Policy: Customer 61 Bank Account Management: Customer Service 48 Basic Corrections 1,100 Broadband Telecommunications: Account Services 209 Broadband Telecommunications: Field Operations 7 Broadband Telecommunications: Technical Support Services 25 Child and Family Organizations Management and Administration21 6 Clinical Dental Assisting 13 Computer Usage and Applications 361 Detention Services 120 Digital Design 8 Early Childhood Education 1 eLearning Design Specialist 5 Family Child Care Management 2 General Business 36 Hardware and Networking Basics 11 Human Services Assistance: Public Assistance Eligibility 31 Human Services Specialist: Customer Service 32 Infant and Toddler Development 3 Information Technology Entrepreneurship 4 Juvenile Corrections 66 Law Enforcement Technology 18 Law Enforcement Technology Academy 320 Motor Vehicle: Customer Service 18 Networking: Design and System Support 30 Organizational Leadership 56 Paralegal70 Parent Education 6 Professional Addictions Counseling 4 Programming9 Public Administration 19 Quality Customer Service 6 Retail Management 1 Retail Pharmacy: Customer Service 122 Small Business Start-Up 61 Sustainable Food Systems 6 Technology Troubleshooting and A+ Preparation 2 Utilities: Customer Service 271 Water Services: Customer Service 15 Web Design: User Interface 24 Workforce Development and Community Re-Entry 24 Workforce Development: Automotive Technology Level I 37 Automotive Technology Level II 10 Carpentry Level I 58 Carpentry Level II 13 Electrical Level I 63 Electrical Level II 19 Furniture Construction and Re-Finishing Level I 24 Furniture Construction and Re-Finishing Level II 1 Graphic Arts Level I 87 Graphic Arts Level II 35 Horticulture 3 Landscape Technology 1 Landscape Technology 11 TOTAL:4,902 ACADEMIC HONORS Distinction163 High Distinction 155 Highest Distinction 75 Phi Theta Kappa 131 Honors Program 79 National Society of Leadership and Success 28 RECOGNITION OF ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT Post-Bacc Teacher Preparation214 Bachelor Degree Oathway8 Rio Salado College 2015 Commencement Program Processional............................................................................................Please Stand Honor Guard................................................... Luke Air Force Base Honor Guard 56th Fighter Wing National Anthem....................................................................................... Jodi Light Singer and Songwriter Written by Francis Scott Key and John Stafford Smith Pledge of Allegiance..................................................................................Bill Shedd Associate General Manager Of Operations, KJZZ Rio Salado College Welcome & Congratulatory Remarks...............................Dr. Chris Bustamante President, Rio Salado College Congratulatory Remarks.......................................... Dr. Maria Harper-Marinick Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, Maricopa Community College District Tracy Livingston Governing Board President, Maricopa Community College District Student Speaker..........................................................................................John Field Regional President, Phi Theta Kappa Musical Performance “This is My Now”............................................... Jodi Light Written by Scott Krippayne and Jeff Peabody Graduates’ Confirmation and Recommendation.................Dr. Jennifer Shantz Faculty Senate President, Rio Salado College Awarding of Certificates, Associate Degrees...................Dr. Chris Bustamante and Recognitions of Academic Achievement Conferring of Credentials and Closing Remarks............Dr. Chris Bustamante Recessional..............................................................................................Please Stand 7 2015 Commencement Student Speaker and Marshall JOHN FIELD 2015 Student Speaker John is a natural born listener, teacher, advocate, and leader. As a father of four, he has a passion for helping others. He is also an academic scholar with an excellent GPA. Since May of 2013, he has served as student President of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), the international honor society of two-year colleges. During the 2013-14 school year, John participated in the Student Public Policy Forum (SPPF) through the Maricopa Community Colleges. SPPF is an academic program that provides an overview of local, state, and national public policy making, and citizen influence and involvement. In March 2014, he was elected Arizona Regional President for Phi Theta Kappa. The Arizona regional team for PTK has been working together for the last six months to research domestic violence, teen dating violence, bullying, and violence in the home. As AZ PTK president, John is collaborating with other college chapters in Arizona to provide support with group research projects, encourage leadership development and respond to student concerns and needs. The team is examining causes of and solutions to reduce violence—and ways to improve victim’s lives. John and his team have met with police, city council members, family advocacy centers, prosecutors, and government officials. John received a Civic Leadership Medallion award in May 2014 from the Maricopa County Community College District Chancellor Dr. Rufus Glasper, for demonstrating outstanding achievements in educational advancement, civic engagement and community outreach. He was selected as Rio Salado’s top student for the AllArizona Academic team. John made the AllArizona First team and the national Coca-Cola Community College Academic Team. His positive energy and insightful outlook along with his life experiences and academic record makes John an academic model and leader for others to emulate. “I never would have thought that I liked community service, public policy, public service, and advocating for those who cannot represent themselves,” said John. “These are gifts that I will treasure forever, and will hopefully make a difference in the lives of those around me.” LORI BEASLEY 2015 Student Marshal Alpha Theta Omicron Chapter Co-president Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society 8 Academic Honors Graduates wearing colored Honors cords are completing an Associate Degree with Distinction. To be eligible, Honors Program graduates must have completed at least 15 credits of specially designated Honors work and have achieved a minimum 3.5 cumulative grade point average. Honors Cords Colors Gold Cord - With Highest Distinction: 3.90 - 4.00 Red Cord - With High Distinction:3.70 - 3.89 White Cord - With Distinction:3.50 - 3.69 Graduates wearing the gold stole and tassel are members of Phi Theta Kappa. Phi Theta Kappa Founded in 1918, Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is the international honor society of 2-year colleges and colleges that offer associate degree programs. PTK recognizes and encourages scholarship and education among associate degree students. To achieve this purpose, Phi Theta Kappa provides opportunities for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate to exchange ideas, and for the continued pursuit of academic excellence. To be selected for membership in PTK, students must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher, based on 12 or more credits of 100 level or higher courses. Both full and part-time students are eligible. Rio Salado’s PTK chapter, Alpha Theta Omicron, was chartered in 1982. In 2005, the chapter placed third out of 1,200 chapters around the world for the Most Distinguished Chapter award. In recent years, the chapter has received four Top 25 awards during international competition. The National Society of Leadership and Success The Rio Salado College chapter of the National Society of Leadership and Success was established in fall 2013. The organization helps people discover and achieve their goals through life-changing lectures from the nation’s top leadership presenters. The chapter is a community where like-minded, success-oriented individuals come together to help one another succeed. Our chapter’s vision is for students to make progress towards their goals and build leadership skills. We help them accomplish this through education, a support team of staff and students, and opportunities to grow and succeed. 9 Candidates for Associate Degrees ASSOCIATE IN ARTS Mandi Lynn Abaroa Shugri Abdulahi Abdulle Dual Enrollment Student Adrianna Abril With Distinction Karlie Diane Allen Suzanne Marie Allen With High Distinction Honors Program Anna Rebecca Aloma With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student Melissa Marie Arrington With High Distinction Jessica Charmaine Austin With High Distinction John Drake Austin III Areen Badwal With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student Daniel Lee Baker With High Distinction An’Dreana Barnes Nathan Beck With High Distinction Kyle Joseph Bellemare Tianna A. Bengtson With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student Antonio Bianchi Elizabeth Mary Bierwagen With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student Cassandra Bix Chase Boeke With Distinction Dual Enrollment Student Patricia A. Boucher With Distinction Honors Program With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student Noah Ellis Ciara Enoch Tierney Catharine Farago Caroline Elizabeth Burger Timothy Brian Callahan Michael Fernau Maria Abigail Brunacini With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Janice Cameron With Distinction Jessica Margarita Canales Katie Lee Canevit Dual Enrollment Student With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student Amy Nicole Brooks Autumn Broome Rosemary Brown Stevie Brown With Highest Distinction Military Service Member John William Field With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Christina Figueroa With High Distinction Angelique Lina Cappo Jacob Emanuel Finklea Jennifer K. Carver Ellyn Margaret Case Mark W. Fischer With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Military Service Member With Highest Distinction Louis Flake With Distinction Meggan Kathleen Casten Samantha Centeno Kylie Ceraolo Cynthia Jill Chambers Amy Nicole Charles Joshua Fortner Deborah M. Frascone Kane Richard Clark Erica Ann Gentry With Highest Distinction With Highest Distinction Catherine Ann Cloudman With High Distinction Amanda Grace D’Amours Lucia Dean With Distinction Belinda Gayl Deboer Ernest John deCiutiis With High Distinction With Distinction Megan Fried With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student With Highest Distinction Jonathan Michael Goelz Stacie Goetz With Distinction Alexander Dimitri Gomez Jeanette C. Grismer With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Kyra Leigh Ann de la Torre Andreas Patrick Grossen Michael Mac Deng Heather Dexter Alicia B. Gutierrez With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student With Distinction Kate Erin Boyle With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Steven Edward Dykstra With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student Leonard Earl Early, Jr. With Distinction Michael Kelly Elack With Highest Distinction With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student With Distinction Angelica Tamara Gutierrez Dual Enrollment Student Jacob Hall With High Distinction Benjamin D. Hamilton With Distinction Pamela N. Hardy Jimmy Leo Harris With High Distinction Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7. 10 Candidates for Associate Degrees Ashleigh Harwin Josiah Hatcher Katrina Marie Knapp Tiffany Mills Samra Hausey Eric Kooinga With Distinction Dual Enrollment Student Elizabeth Lynn Mix Dual Enrollment Student With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Trecia M. Koozer With Highest Distinction Jennifer Hazelwood Slade Hermann Gregory J. Kouma With Highest Distinction Dual Enrollment Student Amy F. Kubasak Madison Renee Kumnick Veronica Hernandez Morgin Hill Robin Moran Hillyard Stacee Ann Himes With High Distinction Dual Enrollment Student Katie Anne Kusch Richard C. Lang Shereen Lashua Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Brittany Ann Hintze With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program With Highest Distinction Erin Nicole Hintze With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student Danielle LeAnn Lauver With Distinction Christopher Hobbs Xavier Fitzgerald Hollingsworth Austin Bradford Hornbaker With Distinction Dual Enrollment Student With Highest Distinction With Distinction Chiikajah-Maria D. Johnson Military Service Member With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student Julieta Selene Moreno Espinoza With Distinction Brianna Lynn Rachelle Morlock With Distinction Julianne Moyer With High Distinction Sarah Faye Neuer With High Distinction Joshua David Noble With High Distinction Dual Enrollment Student Michael Damian O’Gara With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Evonne Desiree Ossorio With High Distinction Michael R. Pacheco With Distinction Sharon Pishotta Michelle Marie Poling Stephanie Marie Popiel With High Distinction Dual Enrollment Student Amber McDaniel David Burton McKernan With Highest Distinction With Distinction National Society of Leadership and Success Rex Corbin Moore Mary Caitlin Alice Martin With High Distinction With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student With High Distinction With Distinction Military Veteran Steven D. Mayes, Jr. Shawntel Jones Steven Michael Johnson Samuel Edward Juetten Patricia L. Moore Terreance Malone Military Veteran With High Distinction With Highest Distinction Justin Alexander Lonsway Amanda Malinak Sasha Jane Jackson Jerica Jimenez Rosa Linda Kennedy Brendon Paul Kenney Jeannette Ann Kille With Distinction With Distinction With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa With High Distinction Kirsten Amber Nodzon Kyra Marie Nalani Ochsner Leonard Paul Lowery III Seth Lowry Bethany Danielle Maddux Sara Autumn Hudson Allison Kaye Inge Audrey B. Iredale Shelley Keller Carolyn Leahy Terri Ann Leeds With Distinction With Distinction Nicole Potter Terrell Potts With High Distinction Sugeily Raquel Poureetezadi With Distinction Ashley McLevain Debra C. McVey Cherith Marie Pruitt Armando Ramirez Kevin Tyler Mead Joseph Sven Randal Brittany Rachelle Rashak Kristin Read Tessa Elizabeth Reinhart With Distinction With Distinction With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student Regina Alicia Miller With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7. 11 Candidates for Associate Degrees Danny Rhodes Tristan Jeannette Richards With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student Avila Linda Toro Jordan Ann Troutt Andrea Vazquez Teresa Anastasia Velasco Deja Robinson Jasmine Paige Robinson With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student Jessica Lorraine Robinson With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student With High Distinction Kathryn H. Robinson Alexander Rodriguez With Distinction Lauri Adrienne Rodriguez With Distinction Rebecca Rolfe With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Ethmundo Ramon Rosales Karen Renee Rosato With High Distinction Paige Nicole Rosenberg Krista Lee Rowley With High Distinction Candace Samante Rachel Michelle Sampson With Highest Distinction Timothy J. Sargent With Distinction Michael Wallace Saunders Kate Schondelmeyer Diana L. Scott With High Distinction Diana L. Sherwood-Shaw Tammy Lee Sippola With Distinction Emiliia Sloan With High Distinciton Morgan Jolene Snopko With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student Jennifer Christine Sotelo Cathryn Sullivan With Distinction Daniela Szakacs Angel Thompson Monica Therese deJesus Tibajia With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student Robert Walbaum Britney Leigh Walker Julie J. Weiss With Distinction National Society of Leadership and Success Candace Lee Wells Jason Joseph Welsh Paula Whisler With Distinction James Williams With Highest Distinction Amy Winters Emilie Pauline Wright With High Distinction Kayleigh Wright Cassandra Marie Yado With High Distinction Antoine Lamar Gardner Young With Distinction Honors Program Megan Negin Yousefelahi With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student Lucia C. Zook ASSOCIATE IN ARTS – ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Angela Star Abdulrahim Christina Bergstrom Ethan Burson With Distinction Tanya Marie Duenas Ashley Lynn Enghauser Ashley Golba Mary Anne Joy With Distinction Anneliese Rose Newmann Honors Program Jennifer Lynn Ragan With High Distinction Kristen Elizabeth Rodriguez With Distinction Millie Silva With Distinction Shannon Keigh Yturraspe ASSOCIATE IN BUSINESS – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Dana Aganovic With High Distinction Roberta Albinda With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Nicole Aldaz With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program National Society of Leadership and Success Stephen Marek Brown With High Distinction Phillip T. Bryson, Jr. Brian C. Dunfrund With Distinction David Austin Gifford With High Distinction Joshua Daniel Hampton Sterling Tanner Hastings Brenden Blake Headey Alexandra Monique Herrera Bao Ngoc Ho Christine Angela Hoelscher Lyle Eric Johnson With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Joshua Kartchner Christopher Keough With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa James Lester With Distinction Christina Marie Moore With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Monica Lynn Neri With Distinction Eduardo Ochoa Mike Stephen Pisarcik With High Distinction Erick Rodas With Distinction Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7. 12 Candidates for Associate Degrees Joshua Alan Roppelt Tara J. Srofe Daniel Dean Standal ASSOCIATE IN GENERAL STUDIES Kimberly A. Abeyta Jenna M. Wilk Carmella Williams Lorenzo N. Wright Michael Zeeb Amie Elizabeth Anderson Melissa Marie Arrington With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa With High Distinction John Drake Austin III Stephanie Hope Austin ASSOCIATE IN BUSINESS – SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Keith Marshal Stroher With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa ASSOCIATE IN SCIENCE Kyra Leigh Ann de la Torre With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student Daniel Lee Baker With Distinction Roxanne A. Best Chriss L. Brooks Justin Brooks With Distinction Dual Enrollment Student Jessica Lasala Ryan Holton Male Kristina R. Carmona Brandon Chi Florence Marie Clark Jeremy Nii-Quansah Codjoe Tina Marie DeMarco Heather Lee Dickson Nicole A. Martinez With High Distinction With High Distinction Belinda Carline Dryden Michael Kelly Elack Justin McCullough With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa With Highest Distinction Anthony James Engelstad Mark William Fischer Sepehr Rostamzadeh With Highest Distinction Dual Enrollment Student Rebecca Schram Alexander Spinner Greg Kenneth Tandecki With Distincion Bjoern Ulfson With Highest Distinction Nick Wolff With Distinction Megan Negin Yousefelahi Matthew Lundell Patrick Magee Safia Meharam Amber McDaniel Matthew R. Molitor Alaina Montero Julianne Moyer Maribel Ruan Origel Marie I. Bryant With Distinction With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa With Highest Distinction With Highest Distinction With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Austin Bradford Hornbaker Amanda Lewis Justin Alexander Lonsway Michelle Elizabeth Neal With Distinction Tiffany Ann Campbell With Highest Distinction With Distinction With High Distinction With High Distinction Robert Ernest Doetsch Patrick David Francis With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Dual Enrollment Student With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Jeffrey J. Latona Danielle LeAnn Lauver With Highest Distinction Tabitha Elizabeth Flatt Joshua Fortner Cilicia T. Gooden Brandon Haraway Amber Renee Herbert Paula Diane Hollins Debra Jackett Barbara Jean Johnson Timothy Louis Keesecker, Jr. Katelyn Elizabeth Keller Holly Helen Kovarik Kathleen Lacey Labonte With Distinction Travis A. Orr Liam Robert Radigan Daisy Renteria Karen Renee Rosato With High Distinction Trenton William Ruehl Lisa Anne Sanford Kahla Schaede Taquitta Seats-Tate Felicia Renee Seltz A. Thomas Shade, Jr With High Distinction Aimee Lian Skornik With High Distinction Steven Nicholas Smith With Distinction Sehrish Sohel With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Daniel L. Starkey Will A. Tamayo Angela TJ Tyson Ashley Uduluth Anna Marie S. Villanueva Antoine Lamar Gardner Young With Distinction Honors Program With High Distinction Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7. 13 Candidates for Associate Degrees ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – ACCOUNTING Nicole Aldaz With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program National Society of Leadership and Success Jessica Brooks With Distinction Honors Program Anthony Joseph Cartner Danielle Ellen Davidoff Lizeth Dossantos Adam Fish Michael H. Garcia With Distinction Honors Program Heather Goldberg Thomas Hare ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – ADDICTIONS AND SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS Carrie Ann Amy Lisa Gail Avelar Joseph Biggers With Highest Distinction Michael Ray Calvert Lisa LeeAnn Bressan-Kramer With Distinction Ashley Meagan Brittain With Highest Distinction Honors Program Carol Carrillo Kathleen M. Dardis Lori De La Cruz National Society of Leadership and Success Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Military Veteran MaLinda Jean DiTonno With High Distinction Brittney Kristina Heyns Molly R. Johnson With High Distinction Jacqueline Kennedy With Distinction Cynthia M. Kint Joanna Landreth Rosanna Dudley David Thomas Eagen With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Yvonne L. Fox Sandy Garayzar With Distinction With Highest Distinction Jose Martinez Tandra Deshae McTighe With High Distinction Jennifer Karen Murray With High Distinction Chrysta Rathburn With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Pamela Rae Reynolds Isaac Javier Rosas Carisa Steinbach Magali Uriostegui With Distinction Rendi Garcia Charles C. Gibson With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa National Society of Leadership and Success With Distinction Gregory Allan Johnson With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Tammie Lynn Jones Honors Program Tyler James Kruger With High Distinction Pablo A. Kusak With Distinction Christina W. Little Megan MacKay With Highest Distinction Honors Program Alexa L. Martin With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Jeanie McQuistion Joseph Mercado Valorie Annette Moreland With Distinction Tammy Kay Mossbrucker Sarah Michelle Perez Sharon Denise Pishotta Rebecca Aubrey Reeder With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Ira Leona Robins Kristen Rose With Distinction Darrell Richard Rutherford Katherine Elizabeth Ryder With High Distinction Sarah Gray Bonnie Rachel Sandifer Brenda Griffith Fairrin Monique Grimes Edward Hall Elaine Pelfrey Sandoval Jeffrey Schwertfager With High Distinction With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Lynda Hall-Smith With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Danielle Aneda Watts Julie J. Hill Ronald Anthony Zecca Keri Ann Hillman Patricia Annette Howard With Distinction Honors Program Debora Johnson With Distinction Honors Program With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program With Distinction Honors Program With Distinction Honors Program Mitchell A. Simmons With High Distinction Veronica Simpson Mark Patrick Smith With Distinction Mark Douglas Sneddon With High Distinction Nancy Sorg With Highest Distinction Honors Program Leanne M. Stewart Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7. 14 Candidates for Associate Degrees Cynthia Lynn Traverso With Highest Distinction Tracy R. Traylor Tina Marie Van Honors Program Heather Michelle Van Der Noord Kristen Nichole Warner With Distinction Lee Ann Weiler Corey B. Williams With Distinction Gregory James Baisley Jason Paul Bates With High Distinction Honors Program ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – BROADBAND TELECOMMUNICATIONS Larry Vasquez, Jr. ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY Todd Frederick App With High Distinction Timothy Garth Brown With Distincion With High Distinction Military Service Member With Highest Distinction James Douglas Bolen Mark W. Bowman Felisa Gilley Gary Miles Braden With Distinction Military Service Member With High Distinction Jason Briesacher With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Katie Lynn Brun With Distinction Timothy James Case With High Distinction Susan Maria Castillo National Society of Leadership and Success Christopher Ryan Celaya Daniel Crofton Richard Daniel Cronin Judith Lynn Davis With Highest Distinction ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – CLINICAL DENTAL ASSISTING Linda Khav Humaira Hassan Patwary With High Distinction Keith A. Greeley With High Distinction With High Distinction Diana Rene Smith Joann Leona Ferguson Patrick Frost Michael Black Don Mark Davis Phi Theta Kappa With Distinction Charles Allen Goulding With Distinction MaryAnn Scardina Aaron Frable Timothy Martin Bergholtz Annika H. Davis With Distinction With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Michael Garner With Highest Distinction Donald Ellis Erika S. Kaplan Vicki L. Rainey Nicole M. Fennell Nobistor Lopez Bengson With High Distinction ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – AIRLINE OPERATIONS Valerie Dee Downing With Distinction Gabriel Galarza Colon With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Nikolas John Williams Shelby Woody Darinka Wuertz Michael D. Evans Josh Baxter With Distinction With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program With Distinction ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY Carmen Louisa Aruajo Tony Arista Christopher M. Donohue Jose Enriquez Honors Program National Society of Leadership and Success Military Veteran Nathan Errington With High Distinction Military Veteran With Highest Distinction With High Distinction With High Distinction Kelly E. P. Gilbreath Eric Hardy Rashid Hashemi With High Distinction Sierra M. Hedstrom With High Distinction Norris P. Hibbitt, Jr. With Highest Distinction Jeremy Phillip Hoffman With High Distinction Candy Laura Howell With Highest Distinction Nicholas Hower With Highest Distinction Dustin R. Hunter With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Edvard Dragoslav Ilaski With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Adam Roth Ishmael With Distinction Honors Program Susan Jennings With High Distinction Andrea Jimenez With High Distinction Jamie Edward Kuusisto Tyler Joseph Lacey With Highest Distinction Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7. 15 Candidates for Associate Degrees Joseph W. Lasky With Highest Distinction Lucy Cosette Longo With High Distinction John Joseph McBride, Jr. Ryan James McCarthy With Distinction James McCulley, Jr. With Distinction Joshua McDonald With High Distinction Debra Micheals Michael M. Mooney With High Distinction Jessica Marie Morales With Distinction Lori Deann Mueller With High Distinction Cecilio Nerez With High Distinction Sean James Nichol Jacob Adam Trevizo With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Zachariah Quinn Vallier With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Ellen Wagner With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Patrick Allan Wilder With High Distinction ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – CORRECTIONS Ulysses S. Anaya Daniel Carlyle Bradshaw With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Christian Celaya Stanislav Grinewski With High Distinction With Distinction Dante R. Herron Corey Petersen Melvin Polite III With Distinction John Porter With High Distinction Carlyn J. Rankin With Distinction Daniel Clinton Rathburn With Distinction Shane Reynolds Robert John Robinson, Jr. With Distinction Francisco Javier Robles Robert H. Scaggs, Jr. ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE DENTAL HYGIENE Lauren C. Barney Maryke Elize Carwford Vesna Djordjic With Distinction Kimberly Fannon With Distinction Brandi Arin Faul With Distinction Jenny Andrea San Martin Jennifer Dawn Schwyn Jose P. Silerio Marielle Silva Carrie K. Stradling With Distinction ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE - DENTAL OFFICE MANAGEMENT Angela Padilla Honors Program Leah Pino Shelly Kathline Watters With Distinction ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – DETENTION SERVICES John Fortner Natalie Marie McKenzie With Distinction George A. Rios ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE EARLY CHILDHOOD ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT Kathryn Rose Connors Rosemary Lynne Evans With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Deanna Hatch Amanda Rae Jacka Pamela Sharon Frago Grace Joy Jeremy Sotomayor Christina Elaine Stelene Elizabeth Ann Mangola Kate Virginia MoravitzBoswell Martha Rios Martinez Sybil Peters Robert D. Stelene Lindsey Brynn Morris Callistra Lee Olivares With Distinction With Distinction Derek Sloan Phi Theta Kappa With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa With Distinction With Distinction Margarita Ordaz Chad Supanich With Distinction Bryan Anthony Tatum With Highest Distinction Sean Patrick Toohey With Highest Distinction National Society of Leadership and Success Mercedes Regalado Patino Tatyana Ryan With High Distinction With High Distinction Norma Ruiz Elyse Christina-Ann White ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – EARLY LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT Nasra Aden With Distinction With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7. 16 Candidates for Associate Degrees Victoria Kay Allender Mark Christopher Breedlove Reynaldo Ernesto Angulo Melissa Estrada With Highest Distinction With High Distinction With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa With Distinction Brittany Kay Ewing Zachary Ryan Herda Weston Housner Grant Scot Hulvey, Jr. Rebecca Kay Beamish With Distinction Valynn Carter With Highest Distinction With High Distinction Taylor Rose Giles Chelsea Hays Nicholas Charles Kinsey Steven Nicholas Kormendy Dan Krajewski With Highest Distinction Danelle Dawn Lee Trina Marie Lopez With Highest Distinction Piotr Krzemien Vanessa Ann Alice Penrose Lindsay Rials With Distinction Joy Jean Parrett With High Distinction With Distinction Sara Hope Peterson Daniel Joseph Heltemes With Highest Distinction Orhan Jakupi With Distinction Domenic H. Jaworski Christopher Jones With Distinction Cory Michael Knight Erik Geovanny Licona Matthew Lauren Mansfield With High Distinction Edward Jose McDonald III Brandon C. Merkley With Distinction Nikisha Owens Tyler Newel Parks With High Distinction Christian Tello Spencer J. Pitts Sybil Peters Jeff Vail Nicholas Plumb Ryan Samuel Rasmussen Linda Carol Rapps Juana Aurelia Santos Urbina Lissa Vail With High Distinction Elizabeth Renee Penogean With Distinction With High Distinction With Distinction Rebecca Silvers Maria Christine Sondgeroth ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION Tara S. Brauch With High Distinction Nancy Collier Nicole Marie Dominguez Deja Rae Freeman With Distinction National Society of Leadership and Success Phi Theta Kappa National Society of Leadership and Success With Distinction National Society of Leadership and Success Steven Vallo With Distinction Hampton Donald Wolfe Tangie Sims Jennifer Noelle Stasi Katie Wilsman Eric Michael Rosky With Distinction Brett A. Sauer With High Distinction Arthur James Schmeiser With High Distinction Eric James Toonstra John Reed Bell With Distinction Jerry Dwayne Broadwater With Distinction Joel T. Campa Leonard James Collins With High Distinction With High Distinction Jarrod Frank Dacquisto ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE GENERAL BUSINESS Miranda Anderson With Distinction ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE LAW ENFORCEMENT TECHNOLOGY Christopher Beckett With High Distinction With Distinction Honors Program Javier Rosado Patrick John Storey With High Distinction With Distinction With High Distinction With High Distinction With High Distinction Sunshine LaFoy Jyevonne Shanta Saffold With High Distinction With Distinction Daniel Erickson Joshua Fortner Jaecob Hanser With High Distinction With Highest Distinction Sean Robert Tyler Richard C. Van Galder, Jr. With High Distinction Chad J. Wallace Peter L. Walters Andres T. White ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE MILITARY LEADERSHIP Karla Veronica Contreras Military Veteran With Highest Distinction Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7. 17 Candidates for Associate Degrees Jacob Emanuel Finklea Judy Ann Gibson Jeremy Garnice Andria Goodwin Bryan Haberaecker Corey Hane With High Distinction Military Service Member With Highest Distinction Military Veteran With Distinction Military Service Member Billy Templeton With Distinction Military Veteran Andrew Anthony Verbis With High Distinction Military Service Member David Lorne Worthy With Distinction Military Service Member ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT Derek Bean Kristin Ann Bensen With Distinction Eugene Bourn III Anthony L. Carter Military Veteran Victoria K. Carter With Distinction Candice Melissa Clark Miguel A. Cordoba With Distinction Lori De La Cruz National Society of Leadership and Success Heather Dexter With Distinction Kelli Ilean Dickeson With Highest Distinction Chelsea Erickson David Clark Estabrook With Highest Distinction Devi Forsythe-Scannell With Distinction National Society of Leadership and Success Jeremy Garnice With High Distinction Military Veteran Amy Melissa Gentry With High Distinction With Highest Distinction Honors Program National Society of Leadership and Success With High Distinction Pualani L. Hockenhull With Distinction National Society of Leadership and Success Megan C. Howard With Distinction Honors Program Julie Johnson Daniel Michael Jordan With High Distinction Kyle Lynn Kartchner With High Distinction Joseph Jarrell Kaulaity Phi Theta Kappa Shelley Keller Steven Vallo With Distinction Joshua Velez With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program National Society of Leadership and Success Andrew Anthony Verbis With High Distinction Military Service Member Christina Michelle Wilson With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa National Society of Leadership and Success Megan Young With Distinction ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE - PARALEGAL Matthew Anderson With Distinction With Distinction National Society of Leadership and Success Heather Nicole Aubuchon Danielle M. Bain Jason G. Kelley Julia Bal With Highest Distinction Honors Program Rhiannon Lay Laurence S. Magona Kevin McQuade, Jr. Jermaine J. Moore With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa National Society of Leadership and Success Military Veteran Steven T. Newell Damika Newman Robert A. Podlesiecki With Distinction Ashleigh Ratkovich Thomas Robert St. George Keith A. Thiry With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Johnny C. Tse Jeff Vail Phi Theta Kappa National Society of Leadership and Success With High Distinction Military Veteran Stacey Barker With Distinction Honors Program National Society of Leadership and Success LaDonna Bennett With High Distinction Crystalann L. Carle Lairi Annette Carson Julie Cherry Marquise Trevette Cotton Shalana Dann With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Bridget Janice Diem With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Candace Lynn Eastman With Distinction Mary Ann-Phyllis Elie With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7. 18 Candidates for Certificate of Completion Britanie C. Ertle John William Field Brianna Lorene Neal Deborah Sue Newman Miguel Angel Nieves With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program With Distinction Jessica Flores Marisol Garcia National Society of Leadership and Success Annette Gaytan With Distinction With Distinction Charles Powers IV Alisha Marie Puckett With Distinction Melinda Gill Anahi Olguin Brandee M. Padilla Brittany Phipps With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa National Society of Leadership and Success Jeannette Gomez Danielle Nicole Haefner With Distinction Honors Program Sarah Quintero Ta Quanda Monique Randolph Rebecca Jayne Riehl With High Distinction Karla Estefanny Rodriguez Marie Santoro With Distinction Marie Armelle Ehrler With High Distinction Judy Ann Gibson With Highest Distinction Honors Program Natalie Lynn Jacobs Laurence S. Magona Natasha Olivia Montgomery Heidi Orozco Bianca Perdomo Maria P. Rivera Ryan Douglas Russell With High Distinction Jazelle Simpson Virginia Sturgill With High Distinction Arthur Dean Swander, Jr. With Highest Distinction Honors Program Ashley Hall Joshua Mumford Hinton Jennifer Leigh Pauly Victoria Marie Hurst Wendy Kay Irish Triginal Deon Jackson, Sr. Jennie Johnson Corey Smith Jennifer Smith Patricia A. Smith Rebecca Anne Unquera Eleanor Ramirez Wasson Chantie Cherie Wingo Floyd Gilbert Sodia ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – QUALITY CUSTOMER SERVICE Constance Untalan With High Distinction With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa With Distinction Honors Program Kristin Dawn Threewit With Distinction Honors Program Shelby Karcher With Distinction Beverly Layton Diane Tremble Hannah Ellice Maskulka Candice Tully Jeffrey Alan Welch With Distinction With Distinction With High Distinction With High Distinction Jacqulyn Mauldin With Highest Distinction Phi Theta Kappa National Society of Leadership and Success Tonia Melius With Distinction Honors Program ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Louis Bryan Anaya Lori J. Beasley With High Distinction Honors Program Cynthia L. Messner With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Danielle Miller Jeffrey Allan Miller With High Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Tawsha Monae MincheskiCraft With Distinction Jennifer Whaley With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa National Society of Leadership and Success Johnny C.Tse With Distinction ASSOCIATE IN APPLIES SCIENCE – RETAIL MANAGEMENT Jamie Elaine Wright With Distinction Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE – WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY RE-ENTRY Melissa Marie Arrington With High Distinction Bryan A. Buckingham Tracy Ann Caneira With High Distinction Monica Yevette Coleman Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7 19 Candidates for Academic Certificates CHILD AND FAMILY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PRESCHOOL) Nasra Aden Victoria Allender Ada Alina Araluce Jandy N. Baca Elizabeth Barnes Pilar Calderon Maria Elena Castorena Gamez Elequen M. Chavez Virginia Chavez LaShauna Annette Counts Akansha David Jenna Marie Drake Rosa Elena Dreher Brenda G. Estrada Ramos Lacrisha Etsitty Xeomara Fiero Valerie D. Forney Nicole Friedrich Dianna Gaber Sandra Joyce Gaines Leticia Gaxiola Carolina Mariana GarciaDe La O Taylor Giles Laura Ann Gillespie Renee Ana Green Chelsea K. Hays Melissa F. Holden Kimberly A. Huckaby Malinda Kay Hudson Kimberly Ann Jayjohn Kathy Lee Jenkins Robin Johnson Violet Kay Tiffany Kahn Adrienne Kennedy Destiny Lynn King Justice King Tammie Kiovuniemi-Berg Brandi Kowalczyk Katia Lawson Danielle Dawn Lee Osiris Lopez Trina Marie Lopez Jenna Marie Miller Briana Gissel Moreno Jacqueline Ann Munt Genesis D. Murello Michelle Murphy Stephanie Blythe Ortega Dawn M. Parker Joy J. Parrett Olga Perez Bibiana Puente David Christopher Ratliff Breanna Nora Reader Tiffany Rivera Elizabeth Sanchez Juana Aurelia Santos Urbina Athena Vega Serrano Margaret Sawadzki Cassidy Rae Schmitt Tabitha Mae Schoenstein Ashley Taylor Scott Suha Shaba Cynthia Joy Sheesley Leslie Annette Smith Maria Christine Sondgeroth Jessica Soto Christina L. Turchin Juana Urbina Vanessa Vega Alexandra Waldschmidt Cassandra Welch Christine JoAnn Williams Sherlin Williams Arianna Stefanee Zaroff CREATIVE WRITING Julie Bruce Cheryl Comstock Mark Williams K-12 E-LEARNING DESIGN Kelly Romirowsky LANGUAGE STUDIES Cecily Abbadessa Ellyn Margaret Case Phi Theta Kappa Samantha Centeno Jessica Iniguez Todd Morrison SPANISH AND SPANISH CULTURE Cecily Abbadessa Reinaldo P. Alexis Lizette D. Johnson John Eric Kronenberger SUSTAINABILITY AND ECOLOGICAL LITERACY Felicia Coughlin Candidates for Certificate of Completion ACCOUNTING Nicole Aldaz Jessica Brooks Honors Program Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program National Society of Leadership and Success Amanda Grace Brown Tikki Carmichael Linda M. Chacon Danielle E. Davidoff Lizeth Dossantos Adam Fish Rashida R. Grayson Nichole Marie Groeling Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7 20 Candidates for Certificate of Completion Thomas Hare Britney Kristina Heyns Elvira Hidalgo Jannell Hodge Molly R. Johnson Jacqueline Kennedy Cynthia M. Kint Joanna Landreth Bradley Gordon Le Vasseur Jose Martinez Steven Adams Maus Tandra Deshae McTighe Elizabeth J. Moyer Jennifer Karen Murray Malathi Nelabhotla Kenisha Valerie Nelson Jon Michael Nolan Phyllis Padgett-Espiritu Christa Rathburn Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Sanova S. Dear Lori De La Cruz National Society of Leadership and Success Kimberly M. De Leon Patrick Anthony Dinsmoor MaLinda Jean DiTonno Rosanna Dudley Jull Mary Ehresman Sandy Garayzar Charles C. Gibson Phi Theta Kappa National Society of Leadership and Success Sarah Gray Fairrin Monique Grimes Edward Haire, Jr. Edward Hall Lynda Hall-Smith Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Pamela Rae Reynolds Jodee Rae Salazar Carisa Steinbach Kristine Janine Stoddard Magali Uriostegui Ronald Anthony Zecca Keri Ann Hillman Jason Paul Holter Patricia Annette Howard ADDICTIONS AND SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS LEVEL I Da-Shonte Abdul-Wakil Barry F. Aneda Lisa Gail Avelar Robert John Ayers Joseph Biggers Marie Elizabeth Blas David R. Bock Jennifer Anne Brewer Ashley Meagan Brittain Debra Jackett Debora Johnson Gregory Allan Johnson Lisa LeeAnn Bressan-Kramer Carol Carrillo Lisa J. Coleman Sandra Leigh D’Alessandro Kathleen Dardis Honors Program Kathryn Marie Sandoval Julie J. Hill Honors Program Honors Program Terrance Mitchell Valorie Annette Moreland Tammy Kay Mossbrucker Joan O’Connor Robert A. Pasmino Sharon Denise Pishotta Scott William Quayle Jonathan M. Radke Rebecca Aubrey Reeder Ira Leona Robins Kristen Rose Joseph J. Ross Trenton David Ryan Darrell Richard Rutherford Katherine Elizabeth Ryder Jason D. Sanders Bonnie Rachel Sandifer Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Tasha Maureen Howard Richard William Jackson Honors Program Phi Theta Kappa Kelly Kirlin Tyler James Kruger Pablo A. Kusak Christopher Aaron Linton Christina W. Little Daniel Jay Machir Megan MacKay Alexa L. Martin William H. McAdams Kelly Richardson McBee Stacie Marie McCarrick Steven A. McConnell Connie McNally Kelli Miranda Melton John C. Schnaitman Jeffrey Dennis Schwertfager Elizabeth Scheller Veronica Simpson Mark Patrick Smith Nancy Sorg Honors Program Jessica Anne Stanton Leanne M. Stewart Jackqueline Taylor Matthew Hawes Taylor Tracy R. Traylor Tina Marie Van Honors Program Heather Michelle Van Der Noord Kristen Nichole Warner Debra Weber Corey B. Williams Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Nikolas John Williams Cheryl Ann Wood Shelby L. Woody Darinka Wuertz Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7. 21 Candidates for Certificate of Completion ADDICTIONS AND SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS LEVEL II Carrie Ann Amy Denise Marie Archer Lisa Gail Avelar Robert John Ayers Ashley Meagan Brittain Honors Program Lisa LeeAnn Bressan-Kramer Joseph Biggers Michael Ray Calvert Carol Carrillo Lisa J. Coleman Sandra Leigh D’Alessandro Kathleen Dardis Lori De La Cruz National Society of Leadership and Success Kimberly M. De Leon MaLinda Jean DiTonno Darla Drainer Rosanna Dudley Yvonne Louise Fox Sandy Garayzar Charles C. Gibson Phi Theta Kappa National Society of Leadership and Success Sarah Gra Fairrin Monique Grimes Edward Joseph Hall Phi Theta Kappa Lynda Hall-Smith Julie J. Hill Keri Ann Hillman Jason Paul Holter Patricia Annette Howard Vanessa Justine Jimenez Debora Johnson Gregory Allan Johnson Phi Theta Kappa Sandra Lee Joseph Phi Theta Kappa Kelly Ann Kenney Kelly Kirlin Tyle James Kruger Pablo A. Kusak Christina W. Little Joseph Lucia Phi Theta Kappa Daniel Jay Machir Megan MacKay Alexa L. Martin Stacie Marie McCarrick Jeanie McQuistion Joseph Mercado Terrance Mitchell Valorie Annette Moreland Tammy Kay Mossbrucker Robert A. Pasmino Sarah Michelle Perez Sharon Denise Pishotta Rebecca Aubrey Reeder Adriana Reyes Christina A. Rhoades Ira Leona Robins Kristen Rose Darrell Richard Rutherford Katherine Elizabeth Ryder Bonnie Rachel Sandifer Honors Program Jeffrey Schwertfager Mitchell A. Simmons Honors Program Veronica Simpson Mark Patrick Smith Mark Douglas Sneddon Nancy Sorg Honors Program Leanne M. Stewart Cynthia Lynn Traveso Tracy R. Traylor Tina Marie Van Honors Program Heather Michelle Van Der Noord Geghan Joy Walls Kristen Nichole Warner Debra Weber Lee Ann Weiler Corey B. Williams Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Nikolas John Williams Cheryl Ann Wood Shelby L. Woody Darinka Wuertz ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT Nicole Marie Dominguez Lisa Dianne Gaylord Sunshine LaFoy Kapiolani McLain Jyevonne Shanta Saffold Olivia Torres ADULT DEVELOPMENT AND AGING Tara Sunshine Brauch Katie Wilsman ADVANCED COMPUTER USAGE AND APPLICATIONS Ava Emilia Alcon Consuelo Annette Almendarez Karyn Deann Anderson Tammy Renea Andrews Sarah Lorraine Armstrong Gregory James Baisley Mayra Isabel Barraza Sheri Lynn Basham Sheralee M. Beausoleil Josie Mary Bennett Mika Kehualani Blank Kendal Lynn Bowland Melissa L. Bracamonte Kurt B. Braddock Alicia Marie Bribiescas Jason Briesacher Phi Theta Kappa Tonya Melissa Brower Rose L. Brown Stormee Jean Brown Dawn Renee Brown-Martinez Jessica Laura Bruner Cassandra Marie Burkhart Latroyia Patrice Burton Sarah Viola Carvajal Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7. 22 Candidates for Certificate of Completion Susan Maria Castillo National Society of Leadership and Success Heather Kateri Cathey-Richter Kely Marie Cato Catherine Ann Cloudman Kelly S. Cockerel Jessica Ann Craft Billi Jo Crowley Christina Lynn CheriCrowley-Tulao MaryAnne K. Daigle Pamela Jean DenBesten Patraicia Louise Dunn Michelle Lee Escalante Christina Marie Fay Joan Leona Ferguson Evonne Flores Eve Michele Ford Cary Dell Franco Julia Marie Franzen Patrick Frost Colleen Marie Fugate Jennifer L. Garcia Cynthia J. Gray Tiffany Renea Grayson Marliee Elsa Green-Lee Angela Elena Guerrero Tasha Lorraine Gyger Kayla M. Hagestad Jodi LaWayne Hall Sierra M. Hedstrom Andrea Francisca Hernandez Christine Marie Hernandez Karina Hernandez-Benitez Sheila Yevette Hill Karleen Hillery-Spruiell Alma Trinidad Huizar Lourdes Espinoza Humer Monika Faye Iordanoff Corina Ann Jackson Whitney Brielle Jackson Susan Jennings Alicia Mae Jones Jessica Juern Brooke Marie Kappus Katy Ann Karr Lori Anne Kasallis Judith Lynn Katsaris Leah Lissett Kin Catrina Diane King Jillian Ashley-Rae King Christine Rene Knight Anna E. Knutson Erika Darlene Kurtenbach Glorya E. Lee Kiona Carrie Lee Lorenza Francisca Licano Shannon Marie Liljenquist Falisha Nichole LondonDecatur Lavonna AmmaMaria Lopez Lori Ann Lopez Zelda Sunna Lopez Sara Jean Lujan Latisha Asenith Lux Eva Robles Macias Francine Y. Madrid Mayra Mares Cecilia Yvonne Martinez Henrietta Yvonne Martinez Lisa Marie Martinez Christine Frances Mayer John Joseph McBride, Jr. Ryan James McCarthy LaTrona La Dow McClain Joshua McDonald Nichole Allison Medina Debra Micheals Michell Nichole Middleton Virginia Paula Mireles Tanya Elizabeth Montoya Jessica Marie Morales Anna Marie Moreno Erlinda Moreno Wendy Lynn Murabito Tabatha June Mutchner Kasey R. Narum Adrian Monique Neal Cecilio Neriz Dena Rae Nuvamsa Pavielle Beautiful Pacheco Ariel Annae Payne Marlene Nichole Pazzi Darlene Jessica Perez Kristina Kaye Phalen Sandra Pinedo Heather Elizabeth Polzin Amber Danielle Ponthieux Amy Frayne Porter Virginia Reyes Quezada Candy Ramirez Tracie Nicole Rasmussen Racquel Redman Christine Nicole Riddle Laura Rios Nayaja Oleana Robertson Glenda L. Rumsey Tricia Anne Saldivar Teresa Maricela Salinas Jessica Ellen Sawyer Cynthia Anne Seibert Laurie Lee Cina Simmons Linda Siplivy Nancy Marie Soto Cynthia Marie Steadman Christine Elaine Stelene Robert D. Stelene Bambi Lynn Stokley Joy Marlene Stott Susan Marie Sullivan Sarah Elizabeth Tatum Jessica Michelle Taylor Cynthia Michele Teel Tammera Thompson Trivia Ni’che Thompson Michelel Thornton Monica Valadez Cynthia Valdez Victoria Anne Van Haastert Tina M. Wackler Jessica Mae Wayas Maria A. Wetzel Kristel Weese Jenny Lauren White Jennifer R. Wilson Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7. 23 Candidates for Certificate of Completion Yvette Marie Wilson Heather Pilar Wingfield Trista Patrice Wood Michelle Ann Woodward ADVANCED CORRECTIONS Ulysses S. Anaya Daniel Carlyle Bradshaw Aaron Bryant Casterline Christian Celaya Stanislav Grinewski Dante R. Herron AIRLINE OPERATIONS: RESERVATIONS Cynthia Aguilar Luis Gonzalez Tanya Webb-Fergerson Maritza White Dwain Carl Wooley AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CLAIMS: CUSTOMER SERVICE Tyrone Gilbert AUTOMOBILE POLICY: CUSTOMER SERVICE Liliana Howe Ardi Deymon LamarPrice Moore BASIC CORRECTIONS Dante R. Herron CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY LEVEL I Laurie Lee Kelly Vicki L. Rainey Sarah Michelle Perez Cynthia Lynn Traverso CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY LEVEL II Vicki L. Rainey CHILD AND FAMILY ORGANIZATIONS MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Alisa Leslie Bacon Nicole Cericola Nancy Collier Kathryn Rose Conners Kacie Crenshaw Amely Florish-Lopez Pamela Sharon Frago Deja Rae Freeman Gloria Gentry Lorraine M. Jackson Khemika Kemawong Lisa Martinez Martha Rios Martinez Melani Pacheco Sandi Parker Chekesha Polite Heather Preston Ashley Danielle Richards Norma Ruiz Lori M. Silva Tangie Sims CLINICAL DENTAL ASSISTING Sachi Chavi Begay Kristi Karine Breslin Ashlynn Brooke Demeyer Crystal Marie Hull Linda Khav Jennifer Nicole Miller Leah Lynn Pino Angela Skrobel Jennifer Lynn Steere COMPUTER USAGE AND APPLICATIONS Jason Aguilar Steven Alkire Reggie Anders, Jr. Jeremy Ankeny Melvina Kaye Antonio Tony Arista Morgan Brettany Ashford Laura Yvonne Babb Briana E. Bailey Nakli Marie Bailey Gregory James Baisley Keith Hollis Baldwin, Jr. Lysasia Fanci Bartell Melissa A. Bartels Jason Paul Bates Honors Program Joshua Dylan Baxter Karen J. Bell Stephanie Irene Bellomy Christy Viola Beltran Jennifer Benally Michael Black Jessica Nicole Blalock Venicia Monique Bohn James Bolen Holly D. Boston Kathleen LeShawn Botone Justin Bovard Ker B. Braddock Gary Miles Braden Alicia Brambila Donyetta Oeisha Braxton Jason Briesacher Phi Theta Kappa Courtney Leanne Bright Daria Patrice Marie Brill Michael Brossmann Sylvia Brossmann Brianna Evan Brown Michelle Renee Brown Theresa M. Brown Tracy Irene Brown Carole Lynne Browning Katie Lynn Brun Bobbie Sheri Michele Brunton Yvonne Luna Bueno Kenyon James Bunker Moneytha Diane Burns Michele Bunsick Christina R. Carrillo Amber Helen Carter Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7. 24 Candidates for Certificate of Completion Sarah Viola Carvajal Susan Maria Castillo Christopher Ryan Celaya Darren Charney Samara Chavez Deborah Kaye Clark Kelli Clark Anna Elizabeth Coleman Michelle Dawn Coleman Michael Shane Collier Adriana Tanika Rebecca Collins Dawn Marie Colt Raquel Nicole Coronado Daniel Crofton Richard Daniel Cronin Derek Matthew Curtis Mary Anne K. Daigle Colleen Marie Damon Annika H. Davis Danielle E. Davis Don Mark Davis Jason A. Davis Jestin E. Davis Judith Davis Joshua Lee Day Bridgette Nichole Dean James Michael Deems Kimberly Ann Dennis Raquel Lanae Deon Melissa Marie Dineyazhe Jennifer Dominguez Nadia Rose Drought Kristine Leigh Dunckhorst Patricia Louise Dunn Leslie Verline Dygert Bianca Renee Egurrola Nathan Errington Military Veteran Michelle Lee Escalante Alyssa Kristine Espinoza Krizsa Estrada Michael Duyane Evans Rebecca Lynn Evans Christina Marie Fay Juann Leona Ferguson Carole Anne Figueroa Bianca Christine Fimbres Jessica Marie Flanakin Laura C. Flanders Sandra Lynn Flatten Mary Anntoinette Flores Renata Flores Tracey Lynn Foote Erin Elizabeth Ford Cary Dell Franco Patrick Frost Christi Jewel Fuell Katelyn Desirae Fuller Alexandria Renee Gachet Jennifer Estela Galvez Danya D. Gamez Leah Gamez Amanda Elizabeth Garcia Claudia Monique Garcia Jeannette Ivon Garcia Jesus Garcia Michael Garner Christina Michelle Gates Felisa Gilley Donald Raone Givens, Jr. Irene Petrina Gonzales Reina Irene Gonzales Christina Marie Gonzalez Guanina M. Gonzalez Robert J. Goodwill Brittany Nicole Gosh Jessenda Marie Goyer Tiffany Renee Grayson Richard Andrew Gissel Cynthia J. Gray Riann Nichole Gunderson Ashley Nicole Hall Brig Hall Terra Ann Hamm Kristi Beth Hans Eric Hardy Michael G. Harrington II Phi Theta Kappa Lisa Marie Harvey Rashid Hashemi Stacy Hawkins Susan Hawkins Rebecca Rose Hayes Jenay Dorgene Hensley Norris P. Hibbit, Jr Donald Hicks-Whaley Andrew Hileman Christine Angela Hoelscher Ashley L. Holt Catherine Ann Hood Andrew Linden Hubbell Kimberly K. Huber Rachel Lorna Hummel Helen “Melissa” Hurley Daniel Olaf Hurn Gina Roseann Huskey Leanna Rae Hyeoma Victoria A. Jauregui Susan Jennings Andrea Jimenez Dolores Faye Johnson Gina Johnson John L. Johnson Kimberly A. Johnson Michael E. Johnson Rosalie Amanda Johnson Tiffiney Alvira Johnson Valerie Carleen Johnson Maria Jones Richard Allen Jones Michelle Y. Juan Jessica Juern Cacey Ann Kaufman Angelina Renae Key Jillian Ashley King Steven E. Klinger, Jr. Michelle D. Knight Amanda Nicole Knittel Sheena Marie Knox Jason A. Konell Jamie Danielle-Michelle Kowalski Erika Darlene Kurtenbach Jamie Edward Kuusisto Tyler Joseph Lacey Mabel Azucena Laprada Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7. 25 Candidates for Certificate of Completion Krystal Lascurain Yvette I. LaValley Katie Anne Lecy Kiona Carrie Lee Michelle Renee Leyba Hill Lorenza F. Licano Theresa M. Limon Jeff P. Lindsay Cody Wane Loe Jennifer Lopez Sarah Ann Lopez Cheryl Lynn Lucus Jan Karen Lynch Deborah Karen Lyons White Jessica Marone Christine Maree Martin Doreen Evelyn Martinez Sara A. Martinez Leslie Rae Masters Jennifer Lee Matsumoto John Joseph McBride, Jr. Beth Anne McCullough Myranda McDaniel Joshua McDonald Natasha R. McMurrian Kelley Ceil McNaughton Kristy Rochelle McQueen Jennifer Dawn Medina Nichole Allison Medina Angelica Maria Mendez Carol-Ann Reyes Mendez Isabel G. Mendez Luana Mendez Debra Micheals Tanya Mijares Jennifer Lea Miller Lindsey Ann Miller Robert Miller Jason Montgomery Tanya Elizabeth Montoya Michael M. Mooney Victoria L. Mora Cecilia Jovana Moran Isabel Marie Moreno Sonya Sanchez Moreno Jeffrey Morissette Lori Deann Mueller Shawna Rae Miller Kim Marie Musser Christina L. Myers Cynthia Myers Malathi Nelabhotla Cecilio Neriz Sean James Nichol Anthony Nicholson Belinda Shantel Nixon Jon Michael Nolan Lourdes Lugo Nunez Joylyn Anamaria Olson Cynthia J. O’Quinn Giuliana H. Ormeno Eduardo Ortiz Kimberly Marie Padilla Amber Lynn Papesh Douglas E. Parker, Jr. Kerry Lynne Parrack Marlene Nichole Pazzi Brittney Jean Perdue Margaret Ines Perez Brittany Kristine Petermore Corey Petersen Kristina Kaye Phalen Debbie Phillips Vance E. Pierce Halona Pineda Sofia Margarett Ponce Ashley Anne Ponthieux John Berchman Porter Julia Anne Porter Juanita Marie Portillo Heather Sue Proctor David Rang Carlyn J. Rankin Daniel Clinton Rathburn Ben Redus Dana Marie Reeves Jennifer Anne Reitan Shane Reynolds Cindy Rico Bobbi Jo Rios Natalie Rivera Rachelle Rivera Sierra Ann Robb Kathy Marie Roberts Shonte Elizabeth Robertson Bonnie R. Rodriguez Monique Nicole Rodriguez Sabrina Marie Rosas Amanda Jo Rossier Azhia Mashel Rowland Patrina Lynn Roy Maribel Rubio Nicole Jacqueline Ruiz Rosa Russell Natasha Celeste Salisbury Jacob Samia Angelina Carlotta Sanchez Clarissa Andrea Sanchez Daisy Sanchez Susan Ruth Santa Cruz Deborah Marie Santorella Robert H. Scaggs, Jr. Kirsten May Schmid Ashley E. Sears Alvin Sedig Philip Benjamin Sepulveda Amber Marie Shaw Jennifer Yvonne Shelton Amanda Lea Ashley Shepherd Brandy Laurette Shirlaw Vanessa Anne Silva Marizol Angela Singleton Derek Sloan Phi Theta Kappa Summer Lyn Slonaker Linda Smith Tina Marie Smith Christine D. Smucker-Johnson Modesta Vega Solano Skylar James Spainhower Beatrice Janeine Steen Karen Stiles Alexandra Jade Stitzer Keith Marshal Stroher Phi Theta Kappa Trudi Lyn Stracner Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7. 26 Candidates for Certificate of Completion Chad Supanich Ronnie Swanger Raelene Loy Tarango Bryan Anthony Tatum Tiffany Marie Tavis Stephanie Elaine Teixeira Billy Templeton Military Veteran Christina Monique Teran Shannon Christine Thomas Terry Tomioka Sean Patrick Toohey Jesse Torres Tonya Ann Totten Gabrielle Y. Trevino Natasha Tierra Tsonetokoy Dwane Turner Teri Leigh Valdez Carmela Crystal Valenzuela Katrina Nicole Valenzuela Lori Marie Vann Samantha L. Villanova Zacharia Quinn Vallier Phi Theta Kappa Brittany Wanda Velasquez Adirley Paul Van Zee Tricia Lyn Varela David E. Vergara Belen Vizcarra Ellen Wagner Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Gaylene Wathogoma Sunshine Nicole Webber Corrine Ann Welling Patrick Allan Wilder Curtis Alan Williams Kimberly Lynn Williams Terrence Williams Kayla Michelle Wilson Vanessa Lynn Wilson Brittany Shae Wood Brooke D. Wood Tanisha Pleshette Wright Nyle Robert Yazzie Lisa Michelle Young Yolanda Young Jamie Lyn Yovino Laura Rosemary Zemaiduk DIGITAL DESIGN Carmen Louisa Araujo Karen J. Bell Annika H. Davis Judith Lynn Davis Richard Andrew Gissel Sherry Lynn Jones Melvin Polite III Ellen Wagner Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Kristen Laurie O’Neal E-LEARNING DESIGN SPECIALIST Shawn Renee Braddock Frances G. McCoy Aaron Jacob Roth Bryce D. Wolcott Alisha Marie Puckett FAMILY CHILD CARE MANAGEMENT Vanessa Koechlin Nancy Rivera GENERAL BUSINESS Melissa Acevedo Miranda Anderson David Arteaga Jacob Blodgett JoshuaBlodgett Mark Christopher Breedlove Linda M. Chacon Melissa Estrada Brittany Kay Ewing Jasmine Fancher Joaquin Frausto Michael H. Garcia Zachary Ryan Herda Weston Housner Grant Scot Hulvey, Jr. Nicholas Charles Kinsey Steven Nicholas Kormendy Dan Krajewski Piotr Krzemien Rishel Langdon Tiffany Myers Jon Michael Nolan Henry P. Owens Vanessa Ann Alice Penrose Lucas Planque Lindsay Rials Amy Sarnat Daviena Allene Schauer Steven Mark Sena Christian Tello National Society of Leadership and Success Jeff Vail Phi Theta Kappa National Society of Leadership and Success Lissa Vail National Society of Leadership and Success Steven Vallo Nichelle D. Weilandt Jennifer Wilmoth Hampton Donald Wolfe Antoine Lamar Gardner Young Honors Program HARDWARE AND NETWORKING BASICS Trevor Amstutz Arthur Cazares Melinda Henderson Amber M. Hodges Jason Konell Honors Program Adam Musashi Hrisho Jeffery Mayne Debra Micheals Philip Benjamin Sepulveda Erik Valenzuela Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7. 27 Candidates for Certificate of Completion INFANT AND TODDLER DEVELOPMENT Victoria Kay Allender Reynaldo Ernesto Angulo Daniel Crofton Nicole M. Fennel Aaron Frable Gabriel Galarza Colon Rosemary Lynne Evans Kelly E. P. Gilbreath Rashid Hashemi Jeremy Phillip Hoffman Candy Laura Howell Nicholas Hower Kimberly K. Huber Helen “Melissa” Hurley Adam Roth Ishmael Jimmy Bryan Kitagawa Phi Theta Kappa Phi Theta Kappa INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY ENTREPRENEURSHIP Sheryl D. Carothers Maria T. Coesens Clara O. Contreras Ochoa Barbara D. Todd JUVENILE CORRECTIONS Benjamin Dean Rosnagle Tawana Yulonda Spikes LAW ENFORCEMENT TECHNOLOGY Adam Clay Bunch Daniel Joseph Heltemes Cory Michael Knight Stephanie A. Martinez Javier Rosado Patrick John Storey LAW ENFORCEMENT TECHNOLOGY ACADEMY Juan J. Flowers Tyler Newel Parks MILITARY LEADERSHIP Jacob Emanuel Finklea Phi Theta Kappa Military Service Member Jeremy Garnice Military Service Member Phi Theta Kappa Joseph W. Lasky Michael William McMorris James Mitchell Michael M. Mooney David Rang Daniel Clinton Rathburn Robert John Robinson, Jr. Derek Sloan Phi Theta Kappa Chad Supanich Bryan Antony Tatum Jacob Adam Trevizo Patrick Allan Wilder ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP Derek Bean Kristin Ann Bensen Lourdes M. Best Phi Theta Kappa Eugene Bourn III Debra L. Brown Anthony L. Carter Military Veteran Military Veteran NETWORKING: DESIGN AND SYSTEM SUPPORT Trevor C. Amstutz Michael Black James Bolen Mark W. Bowman Christopher Ryan Celaya National Society of Leadership and Success Victoria K. Carter James Justin Chapp Miguel A. Cordoba Lori De La Cruz Heather Dexter Kelli Ilean Dickeson Chelsea Erickson David Clark Estabrook Diane Fernandez Devi Forsythe-Scannell National Society of Leadership and Success Teresia Fuller-Cross Jeremy Garnice Military Veteran Tanya L. Gaston Amy Melissa Gentry Judy Ann Gibson Honors Program Deidra Diane Gooden Andria Goodwin National Society of Leadership and Success Pete Guerrero Corey Hane Robin Moran Hillyard Megan C. Howard Honors Program Daniel Michael Jordan Julie Johnson Kyle Lynn Kartchner Shelley Keller National Society of Leadership and Success Jason G. Kelley Rhiannon Lay Ruben F. Martinez Christine McLaurin Jermaine J. Moore Phi Theta Kappa National Society of Leadership and Success Military Veteran Suzanne C. Murry Steven T. Newell Damika Newman Wesley Oliver Robert A. Podlesiecki Thomas Robert St. George Jodee Rae Salazar Steven Mark Sena Diana L. Sherwood-Shaw Tanja Tanner Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7. 28 Candidates for Certificate of Completion Keith A. Thiry Marisol Garcia David Mark Thorpe II Johnny C. Tse Jeff Vail Annette Gaytan Melinda Gill Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program National Society of Leadership and Success Phi Theta Kappa National Society of Leadership and Success Steven Vallo Joshua Velez Phi Theta Kappa Andrew Anthony Verbis Military Service Member Kenneth Robert Wharton Vanessa Renee Williams Megan Young PARALEGAL Matthew Anderson Heather Nicole Aubuchon Julia Bal Military Veteran Stacey Barker Honors Program National Society of Leadership and Success LaDonna Bennett Sarah C. Carino Crystalann L. Carle Lancy Carr Lairi Annette Carson Julie Cherry Marquise Trevette Cotton Janelle De Lano Bridget Janice Diem Phi Theta Kappa Candace Lynn Eastman Mary Ann-Phyllis Elie Britanie C. Ertle John William Field Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Jessica Flores Jeannette Gomez Ilean Gray Danielle Nicole Haefner Honors Program Honors Program National Society of Leadership and Success Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Phi Theta Kappa National Society of Leadership and Success Ashley Hall Nicole Harmon Joshua Mumford Hinton Stephanie L. Hunter Victoria Marie Hurst Dayoung Hwang Triginal Deon Jackson, Sr. Jennie Johnson Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program Shelby Karcher Beverly Layton Carolyn Leahy Andrea Nicole Lewis Kristy L. Marcham Hannah Ellice Maskulka Jacqulyn Mauldin Phi Theta Kappa National Society of Leadership and Success Tonia Melius Honors Program Eloy Mesa, Jr. Cynthia L. Messner Phi Theta Kappa Danielle Miller Jeffrey Allan Miller Phi Theta Kappa Tawsha MonaeMinsheski Craft Mary Grace Mitchell Johnathon Nelson Deborah Sue Newman Miguel Angel Nieves Brandee M. Padilla Brittany Phipps Charles Powers IV Sarah Quintero Ta Quanda Monique Randolph Rebecca Jayne Riehl Amber Robishaw Phi Theta Kappa Karla Estefanny Rodriguez Anne Rowell Marie Santoro Jennifer Leigh Pauly Phi Theta Kappa Corey Smith Jennifer Smith Patricia A. Smith Floyd Gilbert Sodia Honors Program Linda J. Strazzara Kristin Dawn Threewit Honors Program Diane Tremble Jeffrey Alan Welch Jennifer Whaley Honors Program Megan Mary Wolstencroft PARENT EDUCATION Brittney Marie Gordon Glenn Edward Hinterberg Phi Theta Kappa Reushel Stephanie Martinez Gerry Anne O’Connell Jessica Breanne Tillerman Shari Marie Yares PROFESSIONAL ADDICTIONS COUNSELING Edle Cristina Aasland Shane R. Bowman Edward Hall Christopher K. Johannes PROGRAMMING Gary Miles Braden Samuel Chapin Michael Garner Deanna L. Hawkins Jamie Edward Kuusisto Tyler Joseph Lacey Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7. 29 Candidates for Certificate of Completion Shane Reynolds Trent Carter Shipley Zachariah Quinn Vallier PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Dawn Jennifer Armeli-Kelley Natalie Avila Lori J. Beasley Phi Theta Kappa National Society of Leadership and Success Tracy Ann Caneira Monica Yevette Coleman Marie Armelle Ehrler Jacob Hall Natalie Lynn Jacobs Andrea Joan Martinez Natasha Olivia Montgomery Heidi Orozco Bianca Perdomo Deidre Marie Pullin Phi Theta Kappa Catherine Lynn Rudder Ryan Douglas Russell Jazelle Simpson Jamie Stacy Eleanor Ramirez Wasson Chantie Cherie Wingo PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: LEGAL SERVICES Marcia LuAnne Emerson QUALITY CUSTOMER SERVICE Katelyn Brazones Lily Beth M. Brazones Teresia Fuller-Cross Honors Program Pualani L. Hockenhull National Society of Leadership and Success Steven Mark Sena Constance Untalan RETAIL MANAGEMENT Jamie Elaine Wright Phi Theta Kappa Honors Program SMALL BUSINESS START-UP Oscar Amaro Barry Ammons, Jr. Travis Lance Anderson Anthony Archuleta Mark A. Aurigemma Bobby Lee Banta Troy Bertling John M. Bourque Merle Campbell Jesse Castillo James Michelle Chapman Jonathan Chavez Fredericka A. Clarke Donald Condon Richard Coons Robert Lewis Crosslin, Jr. Michael Ray deLeon David Doogan Said Fuentes Espinoza Tony Flores Rude Fuentez Arturo Garcia John P. Garza Michael Gomez Jordan Demarcus Griggs William Gurley Raymond J. Hayes Michael J. Henline Carlos Rene Hernandez Christopher L. Jones Matthew C. Laughery Chase Steven Lopez Eric John Losee Sebastian Lynn Brian Manuel Spencer Manuel James Eric Martin Uray Maynor John M. McCarthy Daniel Medina Christopher Merrifield Michael S. Morris Christopher L. Muckerman Joshua C. Pachecano Joseph Parra Orlando James Patricio Kelley Peters Jesse R. Preisel Robert S. Robinson Andrew Johannes Rodriguez Michael Gregory Rogers Juan Alexander Saucido Shawn E. Self Darrel Sheets Daniel Shipley Leon Timberlake Brian Tuttle Tatum Uraad Jesus Valenzuela Roland U. Willingham Shawn Wilson SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS Mary Fleming-Andrews Brenda Lynn Locklear Tammie Lynn Mallette Garrett Russell Miller Brian J. Preston Wade Frank Samek TECHNOLOGY TROUBLESHOOTING AND A+ PREPARATION Douglas E. Parker, Jr. Kevin Yamil Veloz Military Service Member UTILITIES: CUSTOMER SERVICE Rosie L. Dozier Felicia Morales WEB DESIGN: USER INTERFACE Jason Aguilar Jason Paul Bates Joshua Dylan Baxter Karen J. Bell Katie Lynn Brun Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7. 30 Candidates for Certificate of Completion Richard Daniel Cronin Annika Davis Judith Lynn Davis Joshua Lee Day Nathan Errington Patrick J. Wilson Heather Pilar Wingfield Michael J. Zaso Military Veteran Michael Duyane Evans Felisa Gillery Richard Andres Gissel Eric Hardy Edvard Dragoslav Ilaski Andrea Jimenez Robert Miller Lori Deann Mueller Sean James Nichol Ernesto Ortiz John Berchman Porter Carlyn J. Rankin Robert H. Scaggs, Jr. Sean Patrick Toohey WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY RE-ENTRY Kimberly Anne Arnold Melissa Ann Baker Bryan A. Buckingham Valerie Theresa Chase Judy A. Dieter Tasha Rene Finley Tony Flores Mandy Ann Gloria Heather Michelle Kane Clayton Andrew Morton Bryan Neal O’Dea Nikki Lynn Osterberg Andrew Christopher Perez Darlene Jessica Perez Socorro C. Romero Jessica Ellen Sawyer Tamera Thompson Abel Torres Tyrone B. Wade Stacey Nicole Wagstaff Donald I. White WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY LEVEL I Latisha Gloria Aguilar Richard R. Alvarez Kaylin Dean Capaci Sarah Jean Christianson Justin Dwyer Dan N. Feasel Damon Troy Gamboa Shanah Magdlene Garcia Sonya Frances Garcia Judith Marie Guerra Erik Guzman Tiffany Howard Clarissa Marie Joe Rebecca Michelle Johnson Alicia Mae Jones Lori Laird Glorya E. Lee Samuel B. Lujan Charlie Malzahn Rick Patrick Mandraes Albert Marquez James P. Maxey Nichole Monreal Jose G. Pitones Eden Ramirez Sandy Reed Dalton Allen Renwick Lindsey Cherelle Sleeseman Cindy Teel Jacqueline Marie Turlukis Estevan M. Valerio Jason S. Vasquez Cholla Weber Daniel R. Williams Seth Colin Williams Gerahme M. Wilson Timothy R. Winter WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY LEVEL II Leslie Ann Brock Kaylin Dean Capaci Shanah Magdalene Garcia Vanessa Guhlstorf Amberlynn Hale Darwin E. Hurt Glorya E. Lee Shelley Kay Mott Sandy N. Reed Darci Nicole Smith WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: CARPENTRY LEVEL I Michael Roy Ashenfelter Daniel R. Averett Shannon Duane Bredeson Frank D. Bustamante Travis D. Carr Donnie L. Carroll Jesse I. Collier Shannon M. Correll Robert B. Davis Fidel J. Diaz Charles W. Eaden Jesse P. Escalera Luke A. Ferguson Jaime Flores Randy S. Gross Cory A. Harner Jose A. Hernandez Ricardo Herrera Laurand Johnson James K. Krugel Kenneth Paul LaNeve-Florez Joshua L. Larson Anthony J. Lavelle Robert Lee Corey M. Madsen Richard Martinez David A. McKenzie Anthony McMickle Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7. 31 Candidates for Certificate of Completion Michael Roger Melton Yonas I. Meskel Wilton Bryan Mosby Eric J. Natzel Rudy Navarro William B. Nelson Honorio Valentine Nieto Candelario Noriega Daniel A. Novasad Richie W. Palmer Frank Ryan Pashia Gerald T. Pearson Delbert L. Peck Ramon N. Quijada Mario Redondo Breen Adam Reiss Michael R. Reyna Jeremiah D. Richardson Andrew Johannes Rodriguez Frank Samaniego David P. Sellers John Sells Darrell L. Sheets Shawn Michael Shepherd Nathan Taylor Sean M. VanDyke Tim Wallace Alex J. Weisbeck James White Justin W. Whittier WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: CARPENTRY LEVEL II Jonathan D. Chavez Rodney F. Clements Jesse Ian Collier Randy S. Gross Jack R. Hudson, Jr. Laurand Edward Johnson Clayton A. Morton Delbert L. Peck Kelly W. Peters Jeremiah Daniel Richardson Krystal S. Romero Shawn M. Shepherd Michael E. Williams WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: ELECTRICAL LEVEL I Octovio Aguirre Brian E. Anderson Antonio R. Aragon Miguel Arrieta Robert D. Ayers Justin S. Bankowski Shannon Duane Bredeson Frank D. Bustamante Jesus Matthew Camacho Merle D. Campbell Donnie L. Carroll Eddie Celaya Manuel Corella Fabian P. Cordova Rafael Diaz Gregory D. Dobbs, Jr. Rafael Dominguez Jesse Paul Escalera Said F. Espinoza Kenneth R. Evans Gregory Frankson Jose L. Gamez Michael Gomez Johnny T. Goswick Randy S. Gross Steven Patrick Harris Raymond Ward Harry, Jr. Jacob Holmquest Michael L. Hotchkiss Elizabeth Jacquez James Wiccan Knight Henry Martinez Joe R. Martinez Richard Martinez Levi A. McCormick Jerry P. Morgan Wilton Bryan Mosby Honorio Nieto Andrew D. Norzagaray Richard Pacheco Danitza Esmeralda Palomares Delbert Lee Peck Daniel Perez Eric Perez Marty Quinonez Adrian J. Ramirez Ronnie M. Resendez Jeremiah Daniel Richardson Krystal Romero Noah J. Ruiz Horaclio Salcido Noel F. Saldana Joseph D. Schrody Shawn Michael Shepherd Daniel O. Shipley Christina Evelyn Smith James C. Smith Arturo Deollas Soto Timothy Shawn Sterling Ryan D. Turiace Edward Maurice Ware Justin A. White WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: ELECTRICAL LEVEL II Antonio R. Aragon Shannon D. Bredeson Keith Clinton Rafael Diaz Said F. Espinoza Gregory Frankson Jose Luis Gamez Laurand Edward Johnson Romeo Martinez-Garcia Geoff D. Miller Wilton Mosby Nikki Lynn Osterberg Delbert L. Peck Racquel Redman Jeremiah Daniel Richardson Noah Ruiz Shawn Michael Shepherd William E. Wilkerson Michael Eric Williams Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7. 32 Candidates for Certificate of Completion WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: FURNITURE CONSTRUCTION AND RE-FINISHING LEVEL I Anthony Abalos Quinten Abeyta Omar K. Ayala Mark W. Cain Wesley Dixon Jeremy A. Easterling Ruben G. Garcia John A. Gill Marcus L. Grampton Kenneth Ray Grider Joseph M. Guy Richard C. Manning Marcello R. Manuel Lequiza D. McCollum Sidney Medina Jorge A. Pedraza Luis J. Perea Nathan Allen Schupe Willie C. Scott Brian B. Smith James A. Stanford Larry W. Taylor Henry N. Tucker Michael E. Whitmer WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: FURNITURE CONSTRUCTION AND RE-FINISHING LEVEL II Daniel Brackney WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: GRAPHIC ARTS LEVEL I Barbara Louise Aultman Annette Kay Austin Anastasia Michelle Baker Samantha Rae Baldomero Staci Lynn Barbosa Tina S. Behymer Natasha Elizabeth Bentley Julie Ann Blennis Ashli Marie Camacho Tammie Marie Carrillo Vanessa Castro-Espinoza Tyona Rae Chavez Stephanie Leigh Cline Cassie Michelle Conner Brittney Loreen Cornell Racquel Nicole Coronado Natasha Monique Crosby Mary Theresa Darter Jante Mariz Drake Nichole Rayleen Dunton Kimberly Joyce Endischee Susana Espriu Summer Dawn Freeman Amanda Jo Friederich Angela Christine Garcia Daniella Pasqua Garcia Shantise Denise Gibbons Vernette Adair Goats Maria Godinez Dina Marie Gonzales Jacquelena Ellen Hansen Sammi Hemphill Amanda Jo Henrich Clarivel Herrera Alma Hunt Melinda Lee Hunt Leilani Michelle Ishikawa Jessica C. Jansen Kathy Jean Krystal Ann Keeton Christine Renee Knight Samantha Denise Kovach Lena Laibe Amy Lightner Theresa Mahler Geneva Marie Manigault Carmela D. Marbury Kitty Jean Martin Donna Lynn McCabe Jodi Lynn McCloe Heather Ann McReynolds Tomasse Mikisha Miller Malinda Marie Moore Sherri Kay Morelli Vanessa Shea Morris Chivon Shabrey Mosley Jessica Rene Mueller Lisa Ann Murphy Shanna Lee Parent Veronica Percy Sasha Simone Perez Renee Jean Phillips Crystal Lynn Reeves Christine Nicole Riddle Danielle Sara Robin Julia Dolores Romero Colby Rooney Melinda Corrine Saavedra Anna Maria Sahuaqui Cierra Michelle Sinclair Jessica Solaiza Evelyn Nicole Tapia Jennifer Arin Thorne Alexis Nichole Vachris Viviana Valencia Crystal Marie Valenzuela Tonya Marie Vasquez Felicia J. Waldron Lacey Marie Windust Elaine Renee Wisby Amanda Marie Wallace Jessica Mae Wayas Michelle Woodward Kelly Jo Zimmer WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: GRAPHIC ARTS LEVEL II Cassandra Leigh Aloia Angela Rose Bejarano Keshis Latrice Brame Ashli Marie Camacho Vanessa Castro-Espinoza Elizabeth A. Cherry Raquel Nicole Coronado Angela Marie Danzo Mary Theresa Darter Sherri L. Dashney Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7. 33 Candidates for Certificate of Completion Desiree Annette DeMore Summer Dawn Freeman Amanda Jo Friederich Nicole Marie Gibbs Alicia Leah Gilstrap Dina Marie Gonzales Marilee Elsa Green-Lee Brittany Loren Hart Sammi Hemphill Amanda Jo Henrich Alma Hunt Megan S. Jacobson Vanessa Marie Karten Krystal Ann Keeton Sonia M. Limones Bechy Maize Andrea Martinez Stephanie R. Pena Sasha Simone Perez Alysia A. Ramos Tara Kathleen Raquet Shannon Marie Rhoades Colby Rooney Cynthia Anne Seibert Jennifer Lyn Seifert Maria Victoria Selman Sarah Nicole Story Jamie Suarez Ashley Marie Thomas Emanuela Trufin Suzanna Verdun Felicia J. Waldron Amanda Marie Wallace Elaine Renee Wisby Michelle Ann Woodward WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: HORTICULTURE Stott E. Gorman Josh Marshall Pete D. Martinez WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: LANDSCAPE TECHNOLOGY Charity Marie Hill Recognition of Academic Achievement Post-Baccalaureate Certification Programs EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Jennifer Arnold Tara Breier Diana Flanery Adriana Loera Jodi Wert ART EDUCATION Isidro Alvarez Mary Collins Catherine Fletcher Jessica Flynn Chela Mischke Heather Rodocker Justin Somaduroff ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Daniel Beckham Megan Boggs Pamela Dias-McKeever Lori Faith Farzana Fatima Stephanie Fritz Brelice Glenn Rebecca Glenn Christopher Hall Holly Joyner Tracee Klink Monique Mason Mary Jean McRee Kristi Moran Robert Neeley Shelley Nelson Janeen Powers Regina Rahberger Aubrey Robertson Dennis Sanders Leslie Smith SECONDARY EDUCATION Bridget Bambling Danny Brady Lindsey Buckle Howard Bunch Ron Cadle Jenna Cangialosi Anna Carroll Donald Chilton Sara Christensen Lanell Clark Megan Cory Janette Cullimore Tiffany Dietz Jessica Edwards Natasha Eibert Matthew Ford Nicole Gaffaney Catrina Garcia Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7. 34 Candidates for Certificate of Completion Christina Gonzalez Rona Guggemos Charity Harrington Steven Harris May Hoshide Timothy Jehl Constandinos Karras David Kaye Sohia Lujan Vanessa Mayberry Christopher McNamara James Mitchell Robert Moore Kristin O’Shaughnessy Jessica Olesen Robert Ozdoba Laura Packard Heather Paff Kaylee Peelen Paloma Perry-Vega John Michael Rodriguez Brittany Stanchik Erika Stender Alexandria Tippings Catherine Westersund Allison Wimmer Sixiang Xie SPECIAL EDUCATION Abbey Bond Elizabeth Duhon Kelly Finnigan Aileen Fullerton Brittany Giannonatti Laura Hessler Michael Johnson Beverly Jorgensen Beth Lehman Linda Morrison Jane Oura Samantha St Vincent Beryl Young Recognition of Academic Achievement Post-Baccalaureate Certification Programs ART EDUCATION Bethaney Cross Lindsey Lewandowski Jacob Pemberton Michaela Rademacher Lori Richardson Julie Whelihan EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Lorena Munoz ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Katie Atmonavage Rebecca Bevan Adam Boggs Scott Brown Jessica Camacho Elizabeth Cassidy Carolyn Christy Rachael Dierman Mary Ashley Federer Allison Gilmour Jennifer Gooding Stacy Gowing Cynthia Holmberg JoLea Kendall Amy Kinnard Bryan Low Elizabeth May Mark Millaud Melissa Newton Kelly Paris Kennda Perrigoue Ashley Phillips Scott Redfern Wynne Rosenbleeth Richard Schaefer Brianna Spadafora Lynette Speroni Katherine Stevens Catherine Willis SECONDARY EDUCATION Janet Anderson Calvin Behlow Karen Campbell Joshua Catron Mark Colbert Sarah Dickey Monica Edwards Katherine Elder Ubaldo Escalante Kristina Foulias Steven Gould Joshua Grise Brandon Guzman Rebecca Halonen Lyle Hamblin Summer Hannah Amy Harward Sarah Hogan Anjanette Idom Toshia Jackson Tamara Kashiwada Bradley Lasater Steven Light Sunny Liu Jennifer Loffer Kathleen Loker Joshua Mays Anna Melillo Sean Merklin Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7. 35 Andrina Moses Furqan Muhammad Ahmad Naboulsi Abbye Neel Margaret Novak Laurie Oakes Delsey Olds Michelle Perry Laura Phillips Mary Plante Alexis Ramos David Rodriguez Linda Russell Sandra Saco Thomas Santilli Sooky Sayer-Kuhn Mark Smith Yang Song Sean Tessmer Katrina Turner Alba Vega Laura Ventoza Melanie Weinstein Carrie Wilhelme Maggie Wooten Julia Zandler SPECIAL EDUCATION Teri Acton Robin Anderson Ryan Atkinson Kiah Brown Monica Bush Rikki Lynn Castro Kelly Chambers Jason Cowles Kayla Daley Kelly Downey Kim Doyle Danielle Enos Kimberley Farrell Suzanne Gregory Chelsea Hain Stephen Hartman Heather Hattabaugh-Russell Kenneth Lewis Laura Lomayesva Luz (Lucy) Magana Claudine Matanyi Nicholas Michieli Lauren Miller Sherri Mullins Nancy Munoz Channin Pelletier Phillip Poisson Colleen Qualls Hannah Rex Steven Schafer Kristin Stevens Angela Tarter Amber Winchester Regnition of Academic Achievement Bachelor Degree Partnership Program ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Michele Brewer Heather Crandell Melissa Worsham SECONDARY EDUCATION Kayla Brock Molly Colgan SPECIAL EDUCATION Kimberly Lagana Donna Makowski Melissa Wojtak Due to printing deadlines, the names listed in this program do not constitute an official and complete graduation list. Graduation GPAs are calculated several weeks prior to the end of the spring semester in order to meet printing deadlines. For this reason, the level of distinction indicated on the program may differ from any actual distinction designation received at the time degree requirements and all final grades have been posted. Description of Phi Theta Kappa and Academic Honors on page 7. 36 Online Learning As a pioneer in distance learning, Rio Salado College has been providing online learning and services since 1996. Since then, Rio Salado has served more than 250,000 online students. Online classes, certificates and degrees make it possible for students to fit college into their busy lives. See www.riosalado.edu/programs for a complete list of educational opportunities. ONLINE CERTIFICATE AND DEGREE PATHWAYS AVAILABLE AT RIO SALADO COLLEGE BUSINESS Family Engagement Specialist Accounting Family Life Education Early Childhood Administration and Management Infant and Toddler Development General Business Parent Education Organizational Management Teacher Endorsements Public Administration Teacher Education Quality Customer Service Teacher-in-Residence Programs Retail Management Small Business Start-Up HEALTHCARE eLearning Design EDUCATION Addictions and Substance Use Disorders Networking: Design and System Support Adolescent Development Dental Assisting Programming Adult Development and Aging Dental Hygiene (In-person and limited start dates) Web Design: User Interface Bachelor’s Degree Pathway Career and Technical Education Child and Family Organizations Management and Administration Computer Usage and Applications Digital Design ACADEMIC CERTIFICATES Professional Addictions Counseling Child and Family Professional Development SERVICE & LEADERSHIP Law Enforcement Technology Early Childhood Administration and Management Military Leadership Family Child Care Management TECHNOLOGY Advanced Computer Usage and Applications Dental Office Management Early Childhood Early Learning and Development SUSTAINABILITY Sustainable Food Systems Organizational Management Paralegal Creative Writing K-12 eLearning Design Language/ Literacy Culture of the USA Language Studies Spanish and Spanish Culture Public Administration Dual Enrollment Students who take dual enrollment classes get a head start on college by earning college credits while still in high school. Rio Salado College has partnered with area high schools to offer dual enrollment courses since 1987. Since that time, students have successfully transferred Rio Salado credits to pursue their degrees at many colleges and universities nationwide. Rio Salado is the only college in Arizona to have a dual enrollment program accredited by the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment. 37 Our Community Rio Salado College was established in 1978 and continues to expand its offerings through community-based partnerships, collaborations and locations throughout Maricopa County. The college is known for providing an affordable and convenient way to obtain an education and helping our local, national and international students achieve their goals. • • • • College Bridge Pathways Corporate and Government Partnerships Early College Initiatives Public Service including: KJZZ, KBAQ and Sun Sounds of Arizona www.riosalado.edu/about Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Appreciation Rio Salado College administrators join the residential faculty in recognizing the contributions of the adjunct faculty members and their dedication to teaching. “Rio’s adjunct faculty fill a critical role in student success and uphold high academic standards demonstrated through their value-added approach to their teaching disciplines,” said Chris Bustamante, Rio Salado College president. www.riosalado.edu/outstanding Graduation Pledge of Social and Environmental Responsibility Rio Salado College is committed to the principles of sustainability. We have incorporated sustainability as a core value and have adopted several programs and practices that embrace the socio-cultural, environmental and economic facets of sustainability. As you graduate today and embark on the future, we encourage you to consider sustainability as a core value of your personal lives and future careers. “ I pledge to explore and take into account the social and environmental consequences of any job I consider and will try to improve these aspects of any organizations for which I work. www.riosalado.edu/sustainability 38 ” w w w. r i o s a l a d o . e d u / g r a d u a t i o n
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