Spring 2013 - Christ the King School


Spring 2013 - Christ the King School
Spring 2013
of C h r i s t
C at
Each year, the Christ the King School community comes
together for an evening of spectacular fellowship at its
annual Gala & Silent Auction. This year, the event was a
celebration of the school’s 75th Diamond Anniversary, and
more than 400 parents, alumni, grandparents and friends of
CHRIST the KING School
CKS gathered to commemorate this important milestone.
s i p . s a v o r . s p a r k l e . s h i n e .
Mason Murer Fine Art shimmered under the light cast by numerous crystal chandeliers as
guests sipped champagne and perused table after table of tempting auction items. The live
auction was full of amazing trips, concerts and events, but the highlight was an exquisite
rendering of the Cathedral of Christ the King, painted as a gift to the school for this Gala by
renowned artist Steve Penley. Needless to say, the bidding for the painting was spirited! As the
auction portion of the evening came to an end, the event came to life through the sounds of
Men Without Youth, headlined by our own CKS father Joe McCurdy.
“It was an amazing night of community and fun,” said Gala Chair Kim Sheppard, who
announced that the event netted more than $185,000 in proceeds for the school. “The evening
could not have happened without the unbelievable army of volunteers who selflessly gave of their
time and talent, especially Acquisitions Chair Diane Macaluso, Technology Chair Kristen
Felty and Décor Chair Donna Cash,” added Sheppard. It was certainly an evening to remember!
s i p. s avo r. s p a r k l e . s h i n e .
Celebrating 75 years of Excellence in Education, Faith and Service
Published by
Chr ist the King School
for parents, g randparents,
alumni and fr iends
e King
Cecilia Ann Barnes
Sarah Elizabeth Barnett*
Paris Nicole Chey*
Carolyn Virginia Crane*
Emily Diane Davignon*
Colin Roesch Forsyth
Matthew Eric Francis
Elizabeth Donley Fristoe*
Andres Francisco Garcia
Andrew Hendry Garcia
Christopher Collins Guilbert*
Natalie Grace Hamilton*
Thomas Liam Hardy
Ireland Olivia Hathaway*
Lilian Katherine Jackson
Hannah Laurie Jones
Hayden Ross Kiely
Julia Nicole Landes
Nico Jiacinto Luzum
Olivia Marie Macik
Harrison Robert Mack
Kyle Patrick McLaughlin
Sarah Kathleen Miller
Emily Ann Millican
Matthew Turner Mulloy
Clare Conway Naughton*
Kipkoech Ng’eny
Alexis McKay Orman*
Caroline McCall Orman*
Emma Frances Orzech*
Sierra Ward Orzech*
Alexandra Whitley Owens
Stephen William Pacholick
Emily Marie Pearson*
Robert Theodore Porter*
Elena Christine Possert*
Gretchen Nichole Roberts
Nicolas Roberto San Miguel*
Laine Elizabeth Scarritt
William Conrad Schuh
Emily Anne Sewell
Emma Maureen Stokes
Clare Cassidy Thanner*
Alaina Kathryn Van Nort
Samantha Payton Volk
Brady Robert Winski
Mallory Nicole Wood
Justyna Natalie Zabinski
*National Junior Honor Society member
CKS Class of 2013
Graduation day for the 8th grade began with
a Mothers’ Brunch, where more than 40 mothers (and
grandmothers) of the graduates gathered after carpool to
reminisce about their years together at CKS. Immediately
following, parents, grandparents and siblings joined students
and staff for the traditional “clap-out” send-off for the Class of
2013. The graduates then gathered for a catered luncheon and
watched a special video of their years at CKS. The 8th graders
received and signed yearbooks and were each presented with a
fabulous “memory bag” full of treasures that will be cherished
forever. The highlight of the day, however, was a moving
Graduation Mass that celebrated the CKS Class of 2013 and
wished them well as they begin the next chapter of their lives.
Do not follow where the path may lead.
Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail.
–Ralph Waldo Emerson
Photography by Paige MacLane & Susan Euart
8th Grade Gift to CKS
There is a tradition at CKS that the 8th grade celebrates their new alumni status by
making a gift back to the school. For the past several years, they have raised funds for this
effort by hosting the Hot Diggity Dog luncheon for the entire campus. This year’s proceeds
were used to commission a piece of art by Brother Mickey McGrath, an Oblate of St.
Francis de Sale, and an author and award-winning artist who has enjoyed the honor or
presenting one of his paintings to Pope Benedict XVI. Brother Mickey facilitated the CKS
faculty retreat for the past two years and has become a favorite of the school staff, so
Alumni Representatives Justyna Zabinski and Clare Naughton worked in secret with the
artist to have this special painting commissioned for Christ the King School. At the last
school mass on May 17, the girls presented the 8th grade class gift to a wonderfully surprised
faculty, staff and student body. What a wonderful gift from the CKS Class of 2013!
8th Grade Awards
General Excellence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Justyna Zabinski / Christopher Guilbert
Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clare Naughton / Andrew Garcia
Citizenship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cecilia Barnes / Brady Winski
Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emily Pearson
Christian Leadership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emily Davignon / Kippy Ng’eny
St. Pius X Timothy Angulo Scholarship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ireland Hathaway
St. Pius X Chi Rho Award. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarah Barnett
Nominees for the Archdiocesan Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paris Chey / Teddy Porter
Kelner Family Scholarship for Outstanding Citizen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nicolas San Miguel
Arts & Crafts
Chess Club
Girls on the Run
Extra-curricular Activities
Students at Christ the King School have never had more opportunities to stay after school and
enjoy fun and educational activities. Every day after school, the campus is a buzz with students
playing sports on the green space and in the gym; recording WCKS – the school’s TV show;
using their creativity for arts & crafts club; nuturing their musical talents in guitar or one of
the many choirs we have at Christ the King; expanding their academic skills in chess club or
math league; or growing as citizens in one of our many scout troops. All of these activities add
to the well-rounded child that the school’s mission calls on us to develop, while being fun and
creating an even greater sense of community at the school.
Math League
The Chess Club is in its second year at
Christ the King and met weekly through-
out the school year. Members played
against each other and their teacher/
coaches to improve their skills.
International Chess Master Coach Blanco
Coming in the fall:
encouraged club members to read age-
appropriate books to hone their skills, with
engaging titles like “How to Beat your Dad
Dance Club
at Chess,” by Murray Chandler!
Cheerleading returned to CKS after a few years’ hiatus.
Interest was so strong that two squads were formed,
one for 8th graders and one for 6th & 7th graders.
Under the direction of Anne Sewell and Heather Jones,
the girls cheered at basketball games and during
Catholic Schools Week festivities. Their enthusiasm
was infectious and created wonderful school spirit.
Girls on the Run® is a nonprofit organization with the
mission of educating and
preparing girls for a lifetime of self-respect and
healthy living. Christ the
King girls in grade 3
through 5 have been
participating in this
program since early 2012.
The program combines
On April 27th,
Christ the King’s GOTR
group participated in
their first 5K.
training for a 5K race with
lessons in self-esteem and
activities that enhance
social, physical and mental
W eddingof
“I, the letter
Take you, letter
To be my letter partner
To stand beside me in every word
In cursive or in manuscript
One syllable or five
final CTK holy cards HR.pdf
final CTK holy cards HR.pdf
2:33 PM
2:33 PM
Introibo ad altare Dei!
“I will go to the altar of God!”
To never let another letter stand between us
I promise, to lead you in each word
So that all of our words may be spelled correctly
For as long as the English language shall exist.”
A group of CKS 3rd and 4th grade students were awarded first prize
for their outstanding submission to this year’s Archdiocesan Martin
Luther King poster contest. The students created a collective collage
of Christ the King to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the
school and the MLK contest theme: We’ve Come this Far by Faith.
first Mass
August 15, 1936
Blessing of the Cornerstone
October 31, 1937
Dedication of the Cathedral
January 18, 1939
Artwork by Marietta de Castro, age 8
Christ the King Mass
Cards Contest Winners
In honor of our combined 75th Anniversary
celebration, Monsignor McNamee asked
children from the school and parish to
submit Mass Card designs that illustrated
what Christ the King means to them.
final CTK holy cards HR.pdf
2:33 PM
final CTK holy cards HR.pdf
first Mass
August 15, 1936
Blessing of the Cornerstone
October 31, 1937
Dedication of the Cathedral
January 18, 1939
Artwork by Ian Jezak, age 13
From almost a hundred entries, two Holy
Cards were chosen – one by CKS 3rd grader
Marietta de Castro, and one by 7th
grader and former CKS student Ian Jezak.
Congratulations to both Marietta and Ian!
2:33 PM
Spring Awards
Each year, students are recognized for a number of outstanding
qualities by being named as a recipient of one of the school’s
scholarship awards. Those who were honored this spring include:
(1) During Catholic Schools Week, Maggie
McCurdy was awarded the Katherine Johansen
Davis Scholarship for “using her talents and
gifts to make Christ the King School more
Christ-like.” w w w (2) Michael Marcinko
received the Cullum Owings Scholarship
during the Peacemakers Mass for being a
well-rounded student who displays a balance
of academic, athletic and social interests; is compassionate and shows kindness to all; and is
a leader who displays natural leadership in and outside of the classroom. w w w (3) The
Owen Stokes Scholarship is awarded each year to a Kindergarten boy who
shows a passion for reading, sports and arts-and-crafts, and is also kind,
well-mannered, good at sharing and always ready to do the right thing.
Congratulations to Patrick Davey for being selected as this year’s
recipient. w w w (4) Erin Sheeran was
awarded the Alumni Scholarship which
is given annually to a 7th grade legacy
student who lives his or her Catholic faith by
showing strength in citizenship, responsibility,
service to others, being a self-starter and going above-andbeyond what is asked. Recipients must also have a commitment
to family and be a good ambassador for the school. w w w
(5) Kelly Long received the Blessed Trinity Book Award for
exhibiting academic excellence. w w w (6)
The Tim Angulo Scholarship was awarded to
Mary Grace Whitlark for her involvement in
the community, showing respect for self and
others, demonstrating Christian behavior,
being an uplifting presence to others, and
displaying good sportsmanship. Each year’s
recipient must be a peacemaker, show
compassion toward others and must also be
trustworthy, loyal, helpful, courteous, kind,
cheerful, humble, reverent, neat, have an appropriate sense of
humor and be clean-cut in manner and dress. w w w (7)
Emma Buyarski and Finn McCurdy each received a PVA
Scholarship, presented each year by the Parent Volunteer
Association to a girl and a boy who exemplify citizenship,
school spirit, Christian ideals, and moral values.
Annual Fund Update
Development Committee:
For the first time in the school’s history, the Annual Fund has reached two formerly elusive
goals – 100% parent participation and exceeding the $400,000 threshold. In fact, this year’s
donations represent 111% of our financial goal for the year! Once again, the overwhelming
generosity of our school community is humbling. The money raised through the Annual
Fund is used to offset operating expenses for the school, which in turn lowers tuition for all
students. In addition, our 100% parent participation increases the school’s chances of being
awarded foundation grants which typically pay for campus improvements that would
otherwise be paid through higher tuition.
Goals Actual to Date
Parent Participation . . . . . . 100%
Cash & Pledges. . . . . . .
Total Dollars. . . . . . . . .
(as of 6/1/13)
Parent Participation. . . . . . . 100%
Endowment Update
Since this time last year, the Endowment Fund
has grown by nearly $600,000! This is due in
large part to our “75 to Thrive” Campaign,
which has more than doubled the number of
donors who invested in the Endowment Fund
this year. A special thanks to all of our alumni and past parents who made this fund a
priority as they recognized the school’s 75th Anniversary. As the Endowment Fund continues
to grow, the school will enjoy mounting benefits from the interest that the Fund generates.
Over time, this Fund will provide the school ever-increasing financial stability, helping it
prosper well into the future.
Market Value as of 06/01/13
Notes from the Desk of the Development Director:
It is with a heavy heart that I write my final Development
Director’s note. This month, I will say good-bye to the CKS
community in my current role, although I will never be far
from this school in spirit. Six and a half years ago, I took
on the challenge of growing the Development function at
CKS, and was bolstered continuously by the overwhelming
support and generosity of the parents, past parents, alumni,
grandparents and friends of this amazing school. My job was
made easy by the students I served, as an investment in them was an effortless ‘ask.’ They
truly represent the best this country has to offer and are the hope for the future. It was an
honor for me to serve this community, and I will miss it terribly, but I have no doubt it
will continue to thrive as it embarks on the next 75 years of its history.
Tom Hamby, Chair
Kelly Miles
Katherine D’Amaro
Julie Bowerman
Annual Fund Chairs:
Robyn & Mike Webb
Alice & John Horney, Grandparents
Elizabeth & John Bresnahan, Past Parents
Kelly Cambias Miles ’82, Alumni
Annual Fund
Grade Captains:
Katie & Dow Kirkpatrick
Sara & John Utsch
Dana & Butch Ross
Laura & Mike Kandilakis
Lisa & Joseph Blanco
Stacy & Dan Lewis
Karyn & Eric Froseth
Shannon & Kevin O’Donnell
5th Erin & Chris Gannon
Patti & John Muenchen
Lisa & Kelly McKenzie
Debbie & Mike McLaughlin
Endowment Council:
Katherine & Rich D’Amaro, Chairs
Lisa & Joseph Blanco
Elizabeth & John Bresnahan
Krista & Jim Cosgrove
Tammy & Jim Eckstein
Lori & Ed Fisher
Amber & Tom Hamby
Camille Naughton
Director of Development
Members of the CKS Class of 2009
will be attending the following
colleges and universities in the fall:
C at
of C h r i s t
e King
C h r is t the K ing
Scho o l
Development office
4 6 P e a c h t r e e Way NE
At l a n ta , G e o r g i a 3 0 3 0 5
404.233.0383 x403
www. c h r i s t k i n g . o r g
If you know of CKS Alumni who
have achieved great things, please
share their story with us. We
would like to hear about Alumni
achievements, service and
leadership in the community.
Have you seen the CKS Alumni
eNews? If you want to receive
more detailed information on all
alumni news and events, please
email dstark@christking.org. or
call 404-233-0383 x412.
CKS Class of 2009
On April 28th, Elizabeth Eidson,
Berlin Sewell and Maddie Neel
organized a party for their CKS
classmates. More than 40 members
of the CKS Class of 2009 gathered
to share memories of their time
together at Christ the King School,
and to talk about their next
adventure – college. Even though
it was a stormy afternoon, the
turnout was the best yet for our
high school alumni get-together.
Auburn University
Belmont University
Clemson University
DePaul University
George Washington University
Georgia College & State
Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia Southern University
Georgia State University
Louisiana State University
Loyola University, Chicago
Maryville College
Miami University
Mississippi State University
Pepperdine University
Point Loma Nazarene University
Princeton University
Rhodes College
Southern Methodist University
Texas Christian University
Tulane University
University of Alabama
University of Chicago
University of Georgia
University of Mississippi
University of Notre Dame
University of South Carolina
University of the South
Valdosta State University
Wake Forest University