Fall 2011 - Clevelandbobcats.com


Fall 2011 - Clevelandbobcats.com
Ohio University Women‘s Club
Fall 2011
Letter from the President
As fall starts to come to Northeast Ohio and Cleveland, it
reminds me of students going to back to OU, moving into
dorms, starting classes, studying hard, and attending
football games. Fall definitely does not slow us down as
members as the OU Women‘s Club either! From having
walked as a team in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure
(see photos on page 5) to planning an upcoming Halloween
party, our members never stop.
Upcoming Events
10/11 ...... Potluck/Book Club
10/14-16 ......... Homecoming
10/22 .............. Bobcat Bash
10/24 ......... Halloween Party
11/5 ................. Fall Auction
11/12 ...... Night at the Races
11/22 ..... Game Watch Party
12/4 ......... Christmas Potluck
Now is when we start to gear up for one of the best events of the year . . .
the Annual Fall Brunch and Auction on Saturday, November 5! If you have
never attended this event before, boy have you been missing out! It‘s a funfilled morning of friends, food, and bidding on FUN merchandise. This is also a
major FUNdraiser for our scholarship funds, so not only do we bid and win
wonderful items, but the money raised goes straight into our scholarship funds.
You can‘t beat that! Check out page 2 for more details.
Go Bobcats!
In This Issue
Fall Brunch & Auction ........ 2
Scholarship Update ............ 3
Notes of Thanks ............ 3, 8
Spring Luncheon ................ 4
Gail‘s Gang ........................ 5
OUWC Leadership .............. 6
OUWC Membership ............ 6
Upcoming Events ............... 7
OU Online ......................... 8
Luncheon Registration ...... 10
Kelly M. Baylog
I am so proud to announce that the OU Women‘s Club
of Greater Cleveland won the OU Alumni Association‘s
2010-2011 Philanthropic Award, specifically for our
Annual Fall Brunch and Auction! This was awarded to
us at the annual Alumni Leaders Conference in
Athens. We received a $50 gift card to the Bobcat
Store (Hello, new items for this year's auction!) and
a new OUWC banner. Thank you to everyone who
makes the auction and our club so successful!
OUWC — FALL 2011
Fall Brunch and Holiday Luncheon
Hi Lady Bobcats,
Fall Brunch and
Holiday Luncheon
 Saturday, November 5,
10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m.
 Sleepy Hollow Golf
Course in Brecksville
 $30 per person;
includes brunch
 RSVP by 10/29
 A registration form is
enclosed with this
newsletter. Send your
completed form with
payment to Aubrey
The time has come again to get the annual auction plans in full swing. Our
last auction profits earned us an award and we should all be proud of our
We do have an exciting change in venue. Our brunch/auction will be held at
the Sleepy Hollow Golf Course in Brecksville, which is not far from the I-77/
Rt. 82 exit — very easy to navigate. Put Saturday, November 5, at 10 a.m.
on your calendar and make reservations for yourself and your friends.
To make this year's event a big
success, we will need your help as
usual to donate items to be auctioned.
In the past we have had a wonderful
variety of hand-crafted and creative
items that have delighted our bidders,
and this year looks to be no exception.
All the profits go toward our
scholarship fund, which has been
well-funded thanks to your efforts.
We eagerly await the collection of unique items that are donated from this
talented group. Don‘t forget that we are also looking for OU items for the silent
auction. (These could be older objects in good shape, one -of-a-kind pieces with
an OU connection, etc.) If your items are ready in advance, please contact one
of the following collection gals before Wednesday, October 26, to make
arrangements for delivery. Items will also be gladly accepted the morning of
the auction. If possible, please attach a note with any pertinent information
about the item(s) you are donating. Include your name if you wish.
Thank you, and happy bidding!
— Gail Jordan
Collectors for Each Section
Kelly Baylog
Gail Jordan
Dee Wirkiowski
Deanna Etling
Sheila McHale
Notes from OUWC Scholarship Winners
Ohio University Women's Club,
Thank you so much for the scholarship. Your generous
gift will help me so much. I can't wait to be a part of the
Bobcat Family!
Mallory Balmert
To all the ladies of the OU Women's Club,
I had such a wonderful time meeting you!
While I didn't get the chance to chat with
everyone, those ladies who I did get to talk to
were amazingly kind and interesting. I look
forward to the time when I will have had the
chance to get to know all of the club's
members. Hearing the stories about OU and
discussing different aspects of the life as a
student there made me all the more anxious
to pack up my bags and head on down to
Athens. I want to thank you all once again for
the very generous scholarship. I assure you
that I will try my very best to meet, and
exceed, the expectations of the club in the
years to come. I can't wait to see everyone
again! GO BOBCATS!
With best wishes,
Emily Weaver
The Ohio University Women‘s Club will
again be awarding a scholarship to Greater
Cleveland-area women who will be
attending Ohio University as freshmen in
the fall of 2012. These awards are based
on certain academic criteria, along with an
essay. The scholarship may range in value
of up to full tuition for the freshman year.
Since 1951, more than 102 such
scholarships have been awarded!
Just imagine the impact that being
awarded the OUWC Scholarship will have
on a Cleveland-area woman! We can make
this happen with your enthusiastic
participation in our fundraising events!
The deadline to apply has been set for
February 18, 2012. Scholarship applications
can be picked up from local area high
school guidance counselors this fall,
printed from our Web site at
www.ouwomen.org, or requested from the
OUWC Student Relations Chairperson,
Karen Shallcross, by calling 216-524-0863
or e-mailing kshallx@prodigy.net.
OUWC — FALL 2011
Spring Luncheon Enjoyed by All
OUWC members gathered at Stancato‘s Restaurant in Parma
on April 30 to meet the new scholarship recipients, induct the
new slate of officers, and hear Dee Wirkiowski speak about
the club‘s history, key members, and notable events.
Scrapbooks and
other memorabilia
were on display.
Special guests included
Graham Stewart, executive
director of the OU Alumni
Association, and Rufus.
Gail‘s Gang Walks for the Cure
Gail’s Gang was represented by at least 20 walkers
in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in downtown
Cleveland on Saturday, September 10. Karen
Shallcross organized the team to support OUWC‘s own
Gail Jordan as well as to celebrate the lives of friends,
family, and co-workers who are battling cancer. The
team was mentioned in the opening ceremony as one
that had raised a lot of money; according to the most
recent online tally, 84 donors contributed $3,626.88.
This includes $120 donated by Julie Love from the
Silpada Jewelry fundraiser on August 22.
Walkers from the OUWC included Amy Hollis, Gail Jordan, Connie
Lawson-Davis, and Karen Shallcross. Karen noted that the rain was
a challenge but that everyone still had fun. She writes, ―Thank you
all again for your support of Gail and all the other special women in
your lives who have been touched by cancers of all kinds.‖
OUWC — FALL 2011
OUWC Leadership
Congratulations to OUWC President Kelly Baylog for being nominated to the OU
Alumni Association‘s Leaders Advisory Council for a three-year term. The council
is made up of five chapter and five society leaders; its purpose is to give the
Alumni Association feedback on current operations and potential changes.
Thanks to Sarah Crow for volunteering to serve on Ways and Means. Sarah
signed up for the OUWC at the OU Alumni Association‘s 2011 Graduation Fair in
May, and she won the drawing for a free OUWC membership.
A little more information about our new member:
Sarah graduated in March with a B.S. in Hearing, Speech,
and Language Science with minors in Music and Linguistics.
Sarah currently attends graduate school at the Northeast
Ohio Au.D. Consortium, a joint clinical doctorate program
of Kent State University, the University of Akron, and the
Cleveland Clinic. She is a graduate assistant at Kent State
and would like to work with pediatrics in a hospital or
private clinic setting when she graduates in 2015. At OU,
she played alto saxophone in the Marching 110 and served as the student
representative on the Ohio University Marching Band Society of Alumni and
Friends Board. She also worked at Alden Library and at the Athens Community
Center and was involved with NSSLHA, the National Student Speech -Language
Hearing Association. She is a member of Kappa Kappa Psi, the national honorary
band fraternity, and Omicron Delta Kappa, the national leadership honor society.
Sarah writes, ―I am very excited to be a part of the Alumni Association and the
OUWC. I feel comfort knowing that there are fellow Bobcats virtually anywhere I
go, and complete strangers can instantly be united through the shared passion
for OU that each and every Bobcat has!‖
OUWC Membership
The membership booklets for 2011–12 have been mailed. The booklet provides
contact information for each member, lists the officers and section chairs, and
outlines the general programs and section events planned for 2011–12.
If you did not receive your booklet, please contact me: 440-503-3682;
mtday26@aol.com. Thank you!
— Marcia Day
Membership Secretary
Homecoming 2012: October 14-16
Return to Athens for a full weekend of activities! On Friday night, you can
attend a pep rally, relax in a beer garden, or take a spooky hayride in the
Ridges. The Alumni Awards Gala is also on Friday evening, and outstanding
alumni and friends of Ohio University will be honored.
On Saturday, grab some free coffee at the Front Room and head to
Konneker Alumni Center for an open house celebration of the thirtieth
anniversary of the alumni association. As always, the alumni band will be
the highlight of the Homecoming parade and halftime show. Mingle with
fellow alumni at the Bobcat Bash before the ‗Cats take on Ball State at
Peden Stadium. After the game, check out the volleyball match at the Convo
or head to Galbreath Chapel for the ―OH, I dO‖ vow renewal ceremony. For
a complete schedule of events, visit www.ohioalumni.org/homecoming.
Upcoming OU Alumni Events
10-11 Potluck/Book Club
The Northeast Section is having its fall
meeting at Marilyn Wright‘s home. A
potluck luncheon at noon will be followed
by a discussion of the novel The Help by
Kathryn Stockett. For more information,
call Marilyn at 440-285-1709.
10-22 Bobcat Bash
Join fellow alumni for a pre-game party
when the Bobcats come to Akron to face
the Zips. The Alumni Association will have
a tent near the Student Recreation Center
with food and beverages from 1:30 to 3:30
p.m. The cost is $15 per person; football
tickets need to be purchased separately.
For more information, visit
www.ohioalumni.org/bobcat-bash or
call Erica Lipscomb at 740-593-4304.
10-24 Halloween Party
The Southwest Section is having a
Halloween party and everyone is invited!
Contact Karen Shallcross for more
information: 216-524-0863.
11-12 A Night at the Races
The Akron Association of Ohio University
Women‘s annual fundraiser for OU
scholarships starts at 6 p.m. at the Silver
Lake Country Club in Silver Lake. The cost is
$35 per person (includes dinner) and horse
sponsorships are $20. For more information,
visit www.ohioalumni.org/akron-women or
call Barb Gazella at 330-686-9029.
11-22 OHIO vs. Miami Game Watch Party
The Greater Cleveland alumni chapter is
hosting Muck Fiami football game watch
parties at several locations, including the
Harry Buffalo in Lakewood. For details, visit
www.clevelandbobcats.com or
call Amy Hollis at 440-220-2837.
12 -4
Christmas Potluck
The Northeast Section is having a potluck
and 50/50 raffle. For more information,
contact hostess Marsha Geisheimer at 440286-8121.
OUWC — FALL 2011
A Note of Thanks
I would like to thank everyone who sent cards and messages when I lost Bill on
May 8. Each one was greatly appreciated and brought back special memories
involving the OU Women's Club. I joined the Women's Club in 1966 when my
children were 2 and 4 years old. Bill was always supportive in OU activities even
though he had not attended Ohio U. I was so grateful for all the babysitting he
did when I was off to the monthly meeting of the Northeast Section. Over the
years we made many good friends through OU and he enjoyed the friendships
and potlucks. The two years I served as president I knew I could count on him
to be with me whenever the occasion required it.
Catherine and Bill Fischer
celebrating the birthdays
of their children and
grandchildren at Mohican
State Lodge Resort.
This was to have been our Golden Wedding Anniversary, so it has been a sad
year for me, but I do look forward to attending more luncheons. The last few
years were difficult because of his poor health, but I choose to think he is well
and whole now. Hope to see some of "the Old Timers" as well as newcomers in
the future.
Again — Thank you all. The OU Women's Club has been and will continue to be
an important part of my life.
— Catherine Fischer
Explore OU‘s Campus and History
If you haven‘t been back to campus
in a while, check out all the
improvements and updates
with the online walking tour at
Brush up on your OU history with
the timelines featured on the
Alumni Association‘s Web site: