The Valley Buckeye Summer 2013


The Valley Buckeye Summer 2013
The Valley Buckeye
Summer 2013
Based on the classic novel of French playwright
and poet Victor Hugo, Les Miserables is
celebrating its 25th anniversary this year and our
club got tickets to see it!
Theater-goers dined at deVere’s Irish Pub before
heading over to the show on June 6th. Our group
of local Buckeyes attended the production of Les
Miserables at the Sacramento Community
Theater. Aside from the well-loved story of Jean
Valjean, Eponine, Fantine, Cosette, and Javert,
Les Miserables also boasts of an extraordinary
musical score that includes songs like “Do You
Hear the People Sing”, “I Dreamed a Dream”, and
“On My Own”. It was truly amazing and an
experience each one of us will remember for
years to come. Thank you to everyone who
2013 Scholarship
President Obama @
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Buckeyes on LinkedIn
and Facebook!
Stay up to date on club
activities and upcoming events
by checking out our club
You are receiving this email because you signed up online, by mail, or at an event to receive email
messages from OSUACSV.
Annual B1G
Recipient 2013:
We are happy to
congratulate the following
recipient of the 2013
Sacramento Valley Alumni
Club Scholarship Award.
$1000 Award Recipient:
Kelly Maringer
Kelly worked very hard to
qualify for our award and
has enrolled as
a freshman at
The Ohio State University
this fall.
Please join us in wishing her good
luck and give her a friendly send
off at our Football Kick-off and
Student Send-off Party in August.
More details will follow about the
annual party.
On Sunday, June 2, 2013
at William Pond Park in
Carmichael, many of the
conference gathered for an
amazing picnic. Illinois Club
organized the event with
clubs making sure the grills
were fired up and ready to
go. Everyone brought a side
dish or dessert to share.
There were plenty of food
and delicious treats made
recipes to enjoy.
If so, buy from the store
that gives a hefty sum
back to our club.
College Traditions
has a program where the
Sacramento Valley club
receives 15% of your
total bill just for shopping
with them.
The Corn Hole Tournament
was the entertainment for
the afternoon. Teams were
represented. A member of
Michigan’s club directed the
competition. Ohio State had a
few teams in the event and
had a wonderful time. next
year Sac Valley Bucks need
to have more skilled players
and teams to participate. It
was fun for all! GO BUCKS!!
As part of its growth and
re-branding, the B1G
conference is asking that
all affiliate groups refer to
the league as “B1G” in all
official communications,
rather than using Big Ten.
Hey, area Buckeyes!
Are you planning to buy
Buckeye clothes, music,
or a big inflatable Brutus
this year?
So, if you are thinking
about buying something,
ANYTHING, that is
Buckeye related, check
with College Traditions
and you’ll be giving back
to the club.
All you have to do is give
them our club code:
You can order by phone
or on the ‘net.
We will receive a portion
of your purchase to use
for our scholarship fund!
Your alumni club and
future OSU student
scholarship recipients
The Valley Buckeye :: Summer 2013
The Valley
Congrats to Ohio State’s newest 10,143
Buckeye alumni!
year and a half. President Obama told graduates
Founded in 1870, The Ohio State University is a
the following: “I’ll ask for two things from the
world-class public research university and the
Class of 2013: to participate and to preserve.
leading comprehensive teaching and research
Your democracy does not function without your
institution in the state of Ohio. With more than 63,000
active participation.”
students (including 56,000 in Columbus), the Wexner
Medical Center, 14 colleges, 80 centers, and 175
majors, the university offers its students tremendous
breadth and depth of opportunity in the liberal arts,
the sciences, and the professions.
By the numbers: The class of 2013 is the secondlargest graduating class in Ohio State’s history.
Among the grads were 130 veterans, the first class of
Post-911 GI Bill recipients to graduate after the
program was implemented in 2009; 50 ROTC cadets
and 117 student athletes.
Iconic photographer Annie Leibowitz at
With honors:
The university honored seven at commencement
this year. Honorary doctorates were presented to
President Obama; Annie Leibovitz, one of the
most influential photographers of our time;
Words of Wisdom from President Barack Obama:
Thomas D. Pollard, a professor of cell biology and
Obama’s speech marked the third time a sitting
molecular biophysics and biochemistry at Yale
president has given Ohio State’s commencement
address – and his fifth visit to campus in the past
University; among others.
- newsroom
The Valley Buckeye :: Summer 2013
We are looking for YOU!
Do you like to plan events, give suggestions, help future alumni, and participate
in Sacramento activities?
Be a Buckeye Board Member!
We currently have positions available and could use your help and
suggestions. We’ll be electing new board members this fall – don’t delay!
Please contact a current board member or email us at
Come join us to be the best damn fans in the land!
Mail to: Ed Adams Jr., Treasurer
929 Susan Way, Novato, CA 94947
or join online at
Membership Benefits
• Opportunity to purchase tickets to select OSU home football games and possible bowl games
• Subscription to our newsletter, The Valley Buckeye.
• Group ticket purchases for local events (Kings and River Cats games, theater night)
• Expand personal and professional contacts
• Participate in club sponsored events (banquets, Holiday receptions, workshops)
• Support local OSU students through our scholarship fund
Alumni club membership dues are $25 per year for single or families
Membership runs January 1 through December 31
* Full Name : _______________________________________________________
* Street Address: ____________________________________________________
* City: _________________________________
* State: _________
* Zip:___________
* Phone #: ___________________________
Email: ________________________________________
Many of our event announcements and updates are sent via email – we do not sell email to anyone.
*OSU Alumni
Yes / No
(attended at least 1 quarter)
*OSUAA Member: Yes / No
join OSUAA at
Major/Degree(s): _______________________________________
Year graduated: ___________
Occupation ____________________________________________
Degree(s): _____________________________
Are you interested in serving on the board or a committee? Yes / No
Membership Dues: _______$25_____
Make checks payable to :
OSU Alumni Club of the Sacramento Valley
Total Amount enclosed: ________________
Alumni: An annual donation of $75 or more to the OSU SacValley Scholarship fund can make you a Sustaining member with OSUAA and make you eligible for game tickets when available. Donate at: 4
The Valley Buckeye :: Summer 2013